Teachers Pack Intermediate

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P. Tite J.

FLASH on English is a motivating, easy-to-use, four-level course
which takes teenage learners from Elementary through to Upper
Intermediate level.
The comprehensive syllabus provides thorough grammar,
vocabulary and skills work, builds students’ language awareness

Flash on English
and encourages fluency and self-confidence. The combination of
printed, digital and online material enhances the learning
experience and helps teachers respond to students’ needs.
Clearly-structured units
Double linguistic input in each unit
Focus on authentic real-world language
Clearly structured grammar presentations
Extensive recycling and review of language
Exploitation of different learning styles and mixed-ability
Culture, CLIL and Literature lessons in every unit
Graded and practical study-skills guide
Grammar reinforcement with extensive explanations and
practice in the Workbook


For the Teacher
Step-by-step teaching notes, tips and background notes on
cultural issues
Wide offer of photocopiable testing materials
Editable tests in the Multi-ROM Test Maker

An interactive, IWB-compatible version of the Coursebook
containing all recordings, links, reference materials and extras

Course components
Student’s Book
Workbook with Audio CD
Teacher’s Resource Pack
Class Audio CDs
Multi-ROM Test Maker
Teacher’s FLIP BOOK
Flash on English Online Resources

Common European Framework

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
Flash on English Teacher’s Pack Intermediate

Editorial coordination: Simona Franzoni

Editorial department: Sabina Cedraro, Serena Polverino,
Giorgia D’Angelo, Linda Pergolini
Art Director: Marco Mercatali
Page design: Airone Comunicazione: Sergio Elisei
Production Manager: Francesco Capitano
Page layout: Airone Comunicazione: Diletta Brutti

Cover design: Paola Lorenzetti
Photo: Shutterstock

© 2013 ELI S.r.l

P.O. Box 6
62019 Recanati
Tel. +39 071 750701
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Luke Prodromou is the author of the Teaching techniques for

mixed-ability classes pages.

The Publisher would like to thank Martha Huber for her precious
contribution to this project.

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ISBN 978-88-536-1554-1
Teacher’s Pack Intermediate – Contents

Student’s Book Intermediate – Contents p. 4

Introduction p. 8

Teacher’s Guide
Unit 1 p. 17
Unit 2 p. 26
Unit 3 p. 34
Unit 4 p. 43
Unit 5 p. 53
Unit 6 p. 61
Unit 7 p. 69
Unit 8 p. 77
Unit 9 p. 86
Unit 10 p. 95
Flash on CLIL p. 104

Teaching Techniques for Mixed-Ability Classes p. 105

Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts p. 111

Tests & Resources

Unit Tests (A and B) and Skills Tests p. 124
Revision p. 179
Extension p. 199
Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts p. 219

FLASH on English
FLASH on English is an English course for Secondary Schools, specifically aimed at students in the 14 to 18 age
range. It takes students from Elementary (A1) to Upper Intermediate (B2) level.

The fundamental language objective is for them to learn English in a non-jargon form, as it is spoken today on a daily
basis. Added to this, the aims are to help them acquire a greater sense of the historical, geographical, scientific and
environmental background of the anglophone world, to offer an intensive exploration of the rich literary expression in
Anglo-American culture and to provide a stimulating introduction to cross-curricular topics in the Culture, CLIL and
Literature sections.

FLASH on English offers an extremely coherent learning pathway subdivided into units.
Each unit begins with two waves of content presentation on four pages. First, a descriptive or informative text
introduces the new structures and the new vocabulary along with relative practice exercises. This is followed by a
dialogue between the characters of a story which expands on the structure and lexis, develops the communicative
functions and provides further opportunity for practice.
There follows a vocabulary workshop or a listening workshop page in the Elementary, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate
levels, and a Use of English practice page in the Upper Intermediate level. A grammar focus page presents new
structures and offers practical activities.
The last two pages of each unit are skills pages that focus on reading, listening, speaking and writing through excerpts
taken from novels, comedies, poems, history chapters, discussions about the environment, and so on.

For the student
Student’s Book
Workbook with Audio CD

For the teacher

Teacher’s Pack (Teacher’s Guide with Tests & Resources, 2 Class CDs, Multi-ROM Test Maker)
Teacher’s FLIP BOOK

Each Teacher’s Pack includes:

• Teacher’s guide with:
– the course description and methodology
– teaching notes for each unit with answer keys and transcripts
– culture notes and extra activities
– activities/suggestions for classes with mixed abilities
– workbook answer keys and transcripts

• Tests & Resources with units tests, skills test, extension and revision tests

• 2 Class CDs with all of the audio recordings and pronunciation exercises
• Multi-ROM Test Maker: the audio recording of the skills test and all the tests in Word format, in case the teacher
needs to modify them to meet their class necessities
• FLIP BOOK: contains the digital, interactive version of the Student’s Book, all of the audio material and the PDFs
of the Workbook

Supplementary material available on www.elionline.com

Course Description
The target language (vocabulary and grammar structures) is presented through two different types of presentation
• A descriptive or informative text (article, blog, email, questionnaire…) on topics of interest to students in this age
• A dialogue (with photos) that describes a typical situation faced by native speakers of English

The second part of the presentation section focuses attention on the grammar and lexical aspects that emerge in either
the written text or, in a spontaneous form, in the dialogue.

Presentation 1
Warm up
The objective of the warm up phase is to introduce the topic of the presentation text. This can occur both by teaching
the new lexis in the text and by encouraging the students to contribute in a personal way to the topic, putting into
practice the knowledge they have already acquired.
Students will explore the lexical area of the new vocabulary words they encounter in the texts and will also draw on
previous lexical knowledge.
All of this takes place through exercises matching words to pictures or through questions on the topic to encourage
students’ personal responses and to check their passive knowledge of the language.
This brief introduction should last no more than 5 minutes.
The reading of the text allows students to check and expand on their knowledge expressed in the warm-up phase.

In order to familiarise students with the various registers of the English language, a variety of texts are proposed, from
descriptive to informative, taken from different sources such as magazine and newspaper articles, emails, messages
and posts, advertisements, brochures, blogs, websites, questionnaires, interviews and quizzes.
Each type of text has a dual function. On the one hand, it prepares the student to understand the various written forms
(journalistic, advertising, bureaucratic, scientific…) and the different registers (formal, informal, objective, personal) in
English; on the other hand, it serves as a vehicle for presenting the grammar and lexis for that unit.

First stage: this usually involves skimming the text for gist or scanning it for specific information, which could be tied
into the warm up, relative to either lexis or general topic.
The goal is to encourage the students to read a text quickly in order to grasp the overall sense or to pick out specific

Second stage: this checks comprehension of the details of the text. Students complete a variety of exercises such as
True or False, matching or answering Wh- questions (requiring answers that provide information).

Presentation 2
The second presentation text introduces the story of four teenagers who are attending a summer course at the fictional
London Arts Centre (LAC) in London. These are usually dialogues (rarely other texts) and photographs.
Of the four characters, three (Antonio, Michael and Robyn) are doing a course on Film Studies and one (Anna) who arrives
later, is doing a drama course. The story begins, evolves and concludes in the first three volumes of FLASH on English.

Anna lives in London with her parents who own a Bed & Breakfast. Her dream is to take a course in acting and dance
at the London Arts Centre.
Robyn comes from Scotland and has rented a room in a house in London so she can attend the LAC course.

Antonio comes from Liverpool. He has moved to London to attend the LAC course and has rented a room in the same
house where Robyn lives.
Michael is from Manchester but lives with his aunt and uncle in London. He has a great sense of humour and is
always ready to joke and make fun of people.
Mr and Mrs Harrison are Anna’s parents and the owners of the B&B. The father is strict and is constantly reprimanding
Anna because she goes out often, comes home late and doesn’t do enough work at the hotel. Anna has to really
struggle to win permission to attend LAC. The mother instead, is a little more understanding of her daughter.

The centre for the arts offers a natural context in which to introduce topics in the cultural and literary fields that are
often picked up again in the skills pages.

Listen and read

The story is first approached through a Listen-and-read exercise in which the students are asked to either answer a
global comprehension question (by skimming) or to provide specific information (by scanning), based on the dialogue
or the pictures.
The students listen to the dialogue as they follow the text in the book. In a mixed-ability class, those students who feel
more confident can close the book and simply listen (see the Teaching Techniques for mixed-ability classes sections in the
Teacher’s Books).

Following the Listen-and-read exercise, there is a detailed comprehension exercise similar to that in the first presentation text.

Features common to both presentations

Flash Forward
This section offers fast-finishers the opportunity to react to the text in a personal way. This usually involves a written
activity, for example, answering questions, writing a brief description, expressing a personal opinion. This can be
assigned to those students who have already completed the other exercises to keep them occupied while the rest of
the class finishes the previous task or it can be given to the whole class.

This section highlights the grammar elements of the presentation text. The examples are taken from the text and the
grammar item is emphasised in bold. If necessary, a brief explanation may follow. Then, the students are asked to look
for more examples of this particular grammar feature in the text.
The morphology, structure and uses of the grammar point are further developed on the Flash on Grammar page and
in the Workbook.

Grammar exercise
The follow-up exercise checks the student’s grasp of the form and meaning of the grammar point presented. The
exercise usually consists of 6 or 7 sentences.

Words taken from the presentation text or dialogue are the basis for presenting new vocabulary in lexical groups.
These groups could be based on a lexical area connected to the unit theme (for instance, travel, transport, food, etc.),
to parts of speech (adjectives, nouns, verbs, adverbs, etc.), on a semantic relationship (synonyms, antonyms) or on
collocations, i.e. typical combinations of two or more words (e.g. verb + noun: to take a taxi, to catch a cold).
The students are asked to do exercises that deal with a particular lexical area, for example, matching words and
pictures, words and definitions, or classifying words into groups or diagrams, tables or mind maps.
In order to activate the lexis that has been learned, an exercise is provided in which students personalise the lexical
area; for example, in the area of Transport students might be asked to talk about which means of transport they use
to come to school.

This section offers the student a chance to use the grammar and the lexis that has been highlighted in the lesson to
express a range of communicative functions.

Functions are performed in written and oral activities; there is often a ‘write, then say’ sequence which gives the
student a solid base on which to build the difficult art of oral expression in a foreign language.
In the oral activities the student expresses opinions, solves problems, interacts with a partner in order to establish effective
verbal communication. Linguistic segments to be used and examples of how to use them are a useful and necessary guide.

Say it!
In each Presentation the student is provided with an opportunity to use the language just learned (vocabulary,
grammar, functions) in oral expression.
Since the development of production skills requires a big effort, a variety of helpful means are provided to the student;
the oral activity may be based on oral models just presented (e.g. in Unit 2 the students describe Robyn’s room after
having read the description of Michael’s room in the dialogue) or it may follow a written exercise (e.g. in Unit 1 the
students write about objects they’ve got before they talk about them with a partner).

Write it!
In each Presentation the student is guided through the writing of short texts based on the structures, functions and
vocabulary learned in the presentation text.
A fuller development of written composition, both guided and free-form, is carried out on the last double-page spread
in the unit, in a wider context of cultural and extra-curricular discussions.

This section highlights some of the problems encountered and most common errors made by people learning English.

Vocabulary Workshop/Listen’n’speak/Use of English

The Vocabulary Workshop page offers numerous exercises on the lexical area already explored in the first part of the
unit. It also includes a Study Skills section with practical tips on learning/studying techniques to help students improve
their performance in class and at home; a Pronunciation section and/or a Spoken English section.
The Listen’n’speak page stimulates further development of listening and speaking skills, of the techniques associated
with them (skimming, scanning, listening for gist, etc.) and of communication strategies. In order to see a parallel
development of the two skills, the contents of the listening activity (oral comprehension) prepares for and facilitates
the speaking activity (oral production). In addition, the audio text contains examples of words and phrases that will
be the object of the pronunciation activity that follows.
The Use of English page of the Upper Intermediate level focuses on usage and helps learners familiarise with the third
paper of the Cambridge English: First (FCE) examination.

The goal of this activity is to help students to not only pronounce English in a way that is fluid and natural-sounding,
but also to understand spoken English from native as well as world speakers of English.
English sounds are practised, both singly and in the context of a sentence or general discourse, with particular
emphasis on intonation and stress. The examples are taken from the language material presented in the unit.

Spoken English
This section is aimed at helping students to express themselves in English more fluidly and naturally, but especially to
teach them active listening. This means they will learn to develop their ability to listen and to interact in a conversation
with the appropriate reactions and/or responses (listenership).
Practice with spoken English is had through short dialogue exchanges.
By the end of the third volume, the students will have had practice using the following types of communicative
utterances, phraseology and grammatical forms.
• Using phrases or typical expressions rather than complete sentences
• Frequently using conjunctions and, but, or and because
• Using ellipsis: (Do you) like ice cream? Fancy a walk?
• Using phrases or questions to keep a conversation going: What about you? And you? By the way…
• Using words to pause or gain time: you know, I know, I see, you see, so, well, kind of, sort of, a bit, really, actually…
• Using two consecutive questions: Do you like London? Is it your favourite city?
• Using fillers: er…, um…

• Reacting with a comment using which as a linker: A: London’s huge… B: which makes it really interesting!
• Confirming by rephrasing what the other person has said
• Repeating of part of what others in the conversation have said
• Reacting to show interest: Really? Amazing!
• Interrupting the person who is speaking
• Taking short conversation turns between two people (adjacent couple mechanism)
• Using idiomatic expressions, locutions and ‘fixed collocations’
• Using informal lexis

Flash on Grammar
This section summarises the grammar learned in the unit, offering explanations and additional practice exercises.
These include specific ones to address each single grammar item, followed by other exercises which cover all of the
grammar points in the unit.
The exercise format is either separate sentences or a short text.

Flash on Skills
The last two pages in each unit present material that is tied to Culture, CLIL and Literature. The topics were chosen
in relation to the theme for each unit.
The texts recycle the grammar and the vocabulary from the unit. They also present a limited number of new words, just for
passive knowledge. In fact, the new words are not included in the oral exercises or in the listening comprehension questions.
On these pages, emphasis is placed on developing the four skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing). A study skills
section is included with practical tips on learning/studying techniques to help students improve their performance in
class and at home.
The Culture pages deal primarily with the United Kingdom in the lower levels, whereas in the higher levels socio-
cultural topics pertaining to world are covered.
The CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) pages propose work on other subjects, both school- and work-
related, presented in English. The students learn to absorb and deal with information from the real world, discussing
it in English, at a level that matches the unit they are currently studying.
The Literature pages present a few literary texts (prose, poetry or theatre) as vehicles to allow students to practise
and expand on the language learned in the unit and also to acquire cultural notions through the English language.

Every two units there is a double page of exercises to review the language objectives. The exercises cover the material
from the previous two units, subdivided into three sections, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Functions, for a total score of
100 points. The teacher can use this revision to check what has been assimilated by the students, to identify any gaps
or weak points, to recover and consolidate before moving on to the next two units.

Course Methodology
The FLASH on English course adopts an eclectic teaching methodology which combines well-known, tried and true
traditional techniques with a balanced use of the most recent developments in language learning that are based on
new discoveries in the field of foreign language acquisition. The course is solidly based on grammar and lexis but
complements this with an emphasis on receptive skills in the four areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The
course is designed around the conviction that students in this phase of their language study need a great deal of help in
learning to speak and write (language production) and need constant training to hone their listening and reading skills
(language comprehension).

In the methodological approach adopted in the FLASH on English course the texts used in the presentation pages are
essential for contextualising the language and for fostering student interest in the topic.
Moreover, the course is built on the fundamental principle that language serves as the bridge to content and therefore,
it encourages students to learn new things about the world around them through the medium of the language; this is

especially true in the last lesson of each unit, in the Culture, CLIL and Literature pages.
A cohesive development of language and content not only makes it easy to assimilate and retain what is being learned,
but allows for an easy sequence of exercises, lessons and units characterised by a seamless continuity.

Approach to grammar
The approach to grammar is inductive and follows either of two paths: go from the example to the rule and practice
or go from the structures to the rule and practice. In each unit the grammar in question appears in the presentation
text before it is formally introduced.
The students can observe the grammar in context so as to have an idea of the forms, the meaning and the use of
grammatical elements and structures. Then, they look at the grammar box which provides examples taken from the
text and highlights the morphology. At this point the students are asked to go back to the text to find other examples
and to underline them. This search activates their awareness of the grammar seen in context.
When the students have found more examples, the teacher asks questions to focus attention on the form, meaning
and use of the structure, for example: What tense is this? What period of time does it refer to, past, present or
future? Why is the speaker or writer using this form? Is he or she telling a story/talking about everyday activities?
This encourages students to extrapolate the rule by themselves and thus, remember it more easily. It also prepares
them to be more focused when they do the grammar exercise that follows.
The exercises are a controlled manipulation of the forms, presented in such a way as to also illustrate the meaning.
The students then have the opportunity to use the grammar in short exchanges in the Functions section.

The Flash on Grammar page instead, uses a deductive approach; that is, students first observe the forms, the
meaning and the use of the grammar to then move on to practise it in sentences and in texts.

The grammar is presented through a deductive approach and delved into more deeply in the Workbook. Each Workbook
unit starts with two pages that serve as a grammar reference to be used at home or when a comprehensive view of
the grammar point is needed during the classroom lesson.
The pages contain a thorough analysis of the grammatical elements in question, with verb tables, morphology,
structure and explanations on usage, all with examples taken from the Student’s Book.
The two explanatory pages are followed by two pages of exercises in the most common formats (gap fill, multiple
choice, sentence formation with word prompts, matching sentence halves or matching answers and questions).

Approach to lexis
In both the Elementary and Pre-Intermediate levels much emphasis is placed on learning the lexis because it is the
most important aspect of the language, essential for communication. In fact, a certain level of communication is possible
even without knowing the grammar, but with no knowledge of the words, communication is impossible. Teaching lexis
is the objective that pervades each unit, particularly in the Elementary level where building a strong lexical base is
To do this, the FLASH on English approach to teaching lexis is to gradually build up the student’s knowledge of how
things are called, whether they are objects or ideas, feelings, and so on. Words are organised into semantic-lexical
groups to facilitate the memorisation and recall process. The groups are presented through diagrams, images, tables
and mind maps. For example, the students are asked to match words and pictures, to complete a lexical group or to
choose the most appropriate word for a given situation. Sometimes the combination of words is tied to usage (e.g.
collocation) and sometimes attention is focused on the grammatical form of the word or on derivatives (e.g. from verb
to noun, from an adjective to its opposite).
Just as with grammar, studying lexis also starts with the form and meaning and then looks at how the words are used
in context.
The lesson often begins with a warm-up exercise that introduces the lexical theme, for example matching words to
pictures. Then, examples of the vocabulary being highlighted are used in the presentation texts on the first and third
pages of the unit, allowing students to deduce the meaning from the context. A specific exercise follows which re-
proposes the words from the text and adds others to build a lexical group (of anywhere from 8 to 20 elements). At
this point the students are able to tackle a personalised exercise using the lexis they have learned or do another type
of exercise in which the vocabulary is used in context and in a meaningful way.
The study of the lexis is expanded on the Vocabulary Workshop page and reinforced in the Workbook where the
students will find a glossary containing the lexical groups from the unit, placed after the grammar reference, along
with a series of lexis-building exercises in the most common formats.

As the course progresses, teachers will notice that the language from one unit is recycled in the units that follow so
as to reinforce the learning process. This helps the students’ long term memory and offers the opportunity to explore
other contexts in which the same lexis is used.

In the higher levels FLASH on English continues to expand the student’s lexical knowledge by concentrating on fixed
phrases and idiomatic expressions (see Spoken English and Language development sections).

In each unit there are sections which highlight specific communicative functions. The students are thus given the
chance to communicate in English, using a wide range of functions.
Examples of these functions are to be found in the mini-dialogue format; the students then use them as models to
guide their own production at the functional communication level.

Approach to listening
The four skills can be classified into oral comprehension (listening), written comprehension (reading), oral production
(speaking) and written production (writing).
In order to develop the listening skill, the course offers ample and varied opportunities for listening practice. New
words are listened to for memory and for correct pronunciation. The dialogues of the story are heard and read,
but according to the students’ listening ability, they may be only listened to without the script. It is recommended,
however, that the comprehension exercise be done with the book open to the dialogue, so students can refer to it.
In the Intermediate level of the course, on the Listen’n’speak pages, the two skills are coordinated in that the speaking
activity can be used as an introduction to the listening activity and vice versa, it can follow and expand on the content.
All of the sub-skills are also developed to promote effective listening (pre-listening, listening for gist, listening for
specific details, deep listening to grasp all of the meanings and levels of communication). In other words, the listening
activity begins with an exercise to familiarise the students with the topic before they hear about it, then the actual
listening begins to catch the overall sense first, and then, the details. Finally, students are encouraged to then express
their personal reactions to or their opinions on what they have heard.

Approach to speaking
The skills that require production from the students (speaking and writing) require more effort compared to those that call
for comprehension (reading and listening). One of the fundamental guiding principles of FLASH on English is to provide
students a detailed guide and all of the necessary support material for the speaking activities. Therefore, speaking activities
are closely linked to other activities (lexis- and grammar-related, listening), but above all, students are encouraged to think
about the topic and jot down a few notes, before they begin to talk about it. This preparatory step will be especially useful
when they must begin to speak. This approach can be summarised in the formula, think, write and speak.
A variety of oral activities are undertaken: brief monologues or speeches made to the class, work in pairs in which
students talk to a partner and they share opinions, express agreement or disagreement, ask for and give information,
offer suggestions to solve a problem and so forth. The speaking activities sometimes involve written (words, questions)
or visual prompts (pictures) or a questionnaire to be answered.

Spoken English/Language Development

This section offers two types of language, one consists of words or expressions that are commonly used in daily spoken
English and the other consists of useful interactive strategies. The information on the language and structure of discourse
helps the student to improve his/her capacity to not only speak English more naturally, but also to listen more carefully.

Approach to reading
For an effective development of reading skills, activities must be broken down into three different moments – before
reading, while reading, after reading.
Before reading: during the preparatory step (pre-reading or warm-up) the students are asked to draw on previous
knowledge of the topic or recall some language requirements. In some cases it may be necessary to provide new
information, but wherever possible, it is recommended that teachers try to use what the students already know.
It is good practice in teaching to build new knowledge on the basis of prior knowledge; this will give students

confidence, bolsters their self-esteem and makes it easier to approach the reading text.
While reading: the students are asked to read the text a first time to check their answers to the warm-up questions or
to grasp the gist. This first step of the while reading phase should not be presented as something difficult, because
it is simply the first contact with the text. The second step of while reading instead, requires a more detailed reading
and an exercise on more thorough comprehension.
After reading: in the after reading phase, the students do the Flash Forward activity in which they can react to the
text. This final phase requires as much personal input as possible, so as to help students commit to memory both the
language and the content.
While it is not necessary to insist that the students understand every word of the new text, the material is presented
in such a way that by the end of the three reading phases the class should have understood almost everything.

Approach to writing
Writing is a useful preparatory activity for speaking and also serves to consolidate the language that has been learned,
but it is also a skill in and of itself.
In every unit of FLASH on English there are brief writing exercises to do, leading up to the speaking activities or
following them as a conclusion. The main work on this skill is done in the Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate levels in
the Skills sections where the students will find a variety of texts that serve as models for composition.
In the Intermediate and Upper Intermediate levels students are taught to write a narrative, a summary, a book or film
review; how to use linkers; how to put together two sentences; how to subdivide a text into paragraphs; how to write
about problems and give advice or solutions; how to describe people and interpersonal relationships; talk about one’s
favourite sport; how to organise a speech, a website, a biography or a magazine article.

Approach to pronunciation
In FLASH on English three main areas of English pronunciation are explored:
• Individual sounds (vowels, consonants)
• Stress (on the word, in the sentence)
• Pronunciation within a discourse (e.g. importance of weak forms)

The object is not to learn to speak like a native speaker of English, which is practically impossible (and probably not
necessary), but to help students speak in the most natural and comprehensible way possible. There is nothing wrong
with the listener being aware that the speaker is Italian, French or of any other nationality. The students who use the
FLASH on English course are at a point in their development when they can imitate a good accent and achieve a
good pronunciation. This is much more difficult later, after the age of adolescence when the way people articulate and
language models used become fixed. At this stage, instead, student can be made aware of the importance of proper
pronunciation and the basis is laid down for optimal pronunciation in the future.
The course contextualises the pronunciation exercises and because they are based on the listening texts which the
students have heard, the phonological elements are taken from the material already presented.

The FLASH on English course recycles grammar and vocabulary in various ways:
• In graded material: the new texts are based on pre-existing knowledge of both grammar and lexis; new structures are
avoided if they are not in that unit’s grammar point; old and well-known language forms are incorporated throughout
the book to create a sense of continuity and uninterrupted flow;
• In the Skills pages: the final double-page spread in each unit recycles as much language as possible from the unit;
• In the Flashback activities: after every two units the students can check what they have retained from the grammar,
lexis and functions learned up to that point by doing check and review exercises;
• In the Workbook.

Mixed-ability classes
Nearly all classes can be defined this way because students come from different linguistic experiences, they are
motivated differently, have different interests, learn at different speeds and have different types of intelligence
(kinesthetic, linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, naturalistic, spatial-artistic, interpersonal).
Therefore, it is useful to understand the problems facing a teacher and helpful to know how they can be solved by

adopting appropriate strategies and techniques. For effective teaching that can reach all students, even the weakest
ones, it is recommended that you:
• Make frequent use of visual materials that will attract students of all levels and of all types of intelligence;
• Be prepared for all situations, for example, have an extra exercise ready to give to those who finish sooner, such as
the Flash Forward exercises proposed in FLASH on English;
• Not assign a whole activity to all of the students, but assign different parts so as to graduate the activity according
to ability;
• Assign open-ended exercises, for example, write a letter, finish the story, describe a picture, so each student can do
the task according to his/her level seeing as there is no one right answer to this type of exercise;
• Personalise the exercises to adapt them to the students’ interests;
• Do role-play and drama activities, lexis or grammar contests;
• Divide the class into groups or pairs with strong and weak students to work together or make groups of the same
level and then assign tasks of varying difficulty.

Specific suggestions for the FLASH on English course are to be found on page 105 of this guide.

Tests & Resources

The Tests & Resources volume of FLASH on English course contains the following materials:
• 10 Unit Tests (one for each unit, in versions A and B)
• 5 Skills Tests (one for every two units)
• 10 double-sided Revision sheets
• 16 double-sided Extension sheets

Unit Tests (A and B)

The series of tests, in versions A and B, provide a written test of the grammatical and lexical elements presented in
each unit of the Student’s Book, as well as the language functions and the lexis presented in the relative Vocabulary
Builder sections of the Workbook.
In the A and B versions of the tests, the grammar structures, the lexis and the functions being tested are equivalent,
but there may be some slight differences in vocabulary, single items or information asked. In both versions, the
exercises are of a controlled structure such that the students are required to manipulate single linguistic components
or compose short sentences.

Skills Tests
Each Skills Tests section checks students’ abilities, using the topics and language material presented in the previous
two units.
The Reading and Listening sheets consist in two activities each, for a total of 30 points for each sheet. The texts use
authentic language used in real contexts and the comprehension activities usually require short but precise answers.
Students’ writing skills are enhanced in the activities offered on the Writing sheets (20 points each) that cover the
topics and structures presented in the units.
The Speaking sheets present three different activities, a semi-structured dialogue that gives students an opportunity
to practise their oral production in a controlled situation, and two questions to which students must give a longer and
more complex answer, using the lexis and structures from the relative units.

Revision and Extension worksheets

Each Revision worksheet offers recovery and consolidation exercises for the grammar and lexis from each unit. In
order to achieve greater consolidation, the activities are organised in a controlled structure and offer a high degree of
support to the student. These worksheets are especially useful for students that need extra reinforcement or that need
to catch up.

The Extension sheets are for students who have already assimilated the contents of the unit and who are now ready for
consolidation and enhancement of the competences acquired. The activities presented on these pages are primarily
summative in nature and they present a series of authentic texts of different kinds (article, email, brochure, blog, quiz,
etc.) and dialogues. Students will need a greater degree of autonomy and the ability to orient themselves in less guided
contexts that offer greater linguistic variety.

1 Fair Play
Play the recording while the students follow in their
Topic: sport. book.
Grammar: Present perfect continuous; purpose Have the students write the names of the sports from
and reason. exercise 1 in the blanks in the texts.
Vocabulary: sports equipment; sporting locations;
football phrases. Transcript [Track 1.02] vedi Student’s Book p. 8
Functions: talking about sport; expressing
purpose. Answers
Reading: read interviews with some athletes; Interview 1: skiing
read comments on a televised football game; read Interview 2: water polo
an article about the Olympic Games. Interview 3: motor racing
Interview 4: basketball
Listening: listen to an interview about a charitable
organisation that has to do with football; listen to
the description of an organisation that promotes 3 1.02 p. 8
the Olympics. Have the class read the sentences a-f and assign the
Speaking: ask and answer questions about a task.
sport; ask and answer personal questions; make Ask different students to say which words helped
a short speech about a charity and about an them to identify the correct place for each sentence.
international sporting event.
Writing: a brief biography of an athlete; describe Answers
an international sporting event.
1d 2f 3a 4c 5e 6b
Pronunciation/Spoken English: /T/ vs /f/; so.
Study Skills: extensive reading on an interesting
topic to grasp the main ideas.
Assign the activity to any students who quickly finish
exercise 3 or do it with the whole class.

Vocabulary: Sports equipment

It’s a sporting life! pp. 8-9
4 1.03 p. 9
1 p. 8
Now have the students match the pictures to the
Read and translate the title of the lesson.
Assign the matching task. Tell the students that
Play the recording to check their answers.
the four sports illustrated will be the object of the
interviews in exercise 2. Play it again for repetition.

Answers Transcript and answers [Track 1.03]

1B 2C 3D 4A 01 J – surfboard
02 A – racket
03 D – whistle
04 F – basket
Presentation text 05 E – skis
2 1.02 p. 8 06 G – net
Tell the students they will now read and listen to 07 C – rugby ball
interviews with some athletes and a sports manager. 08 B – boxing gloves
They are to identify the sport being discussed in each 09 H – golf ball
interview. 10 I – golf club

1 Vocabulary: Sporting locations 2
5 1.04 p. 9 Interviewer Have you been playing water polo
Have the students form compound nouns with a Sportsman We’ve been playing for ten years.
word for each box. Interviewer You’ve won the Cup many times: how
Play the recording to check their answers. did you do that?
Play it again for repetition. Sportsman We get the most balls into the net!
And we’ve been practising water polo
for years, you know, we train in a pool
Transcript and answers [Track 1.04] every day. We’re good swimmers! It’s
golf course been an Olympic sport for over 100
racing car circuit years. It started in England in 1900.
football pitch 3
basketball court Interviewer Why is motor racing so popular in
boxing ring France?
ice-skating rink Sportsman Well, we’ve been organising motor
sports stadium racing competitions since 1894. It
ski slope has been getting more popular but
competition has also been getting
GRAMMAR Interviewer Has the sport been getting faster?
Sportsman Yes, speeds now reach over 300
Present perfect continuous km an hour at some circuits. This
Have the class read and translate the examples. makes it more dangerous.
Explain that often the Present perfect simple and 4
continuous can be used interchangeably. However, Interviewer How long have you been managing
the Present perfect continuous is generally used to basketball teams?
place emphasis on the action itself (I have been Trainer Well, I retired as a player ten years
studying really hard lately), whereas the Present ago and I’ve been training teams
perfect simple highlights the result (I’ve passed all since then…
of my exams). The Present perfect continuous is Interviewer What do you look for in a good
used especially if the action is very recent and the basketball player?
results are still visible (You are soaking wet! Have Trainer Well, height is important; basketball
you been walking in the rain?). players have been getting taller and
Now go to p. 13 and go through the rules and taller.
additional examples. Interviewer And faster?
Trainer Yes, of course, speed on the court is
Assign the task. important: players have been getting
faster and they are better at getting
Answers the ball in the basket – scores have
been getting higher and higher…
Interviewer How long have you been skiing?
Sportsman I’ve been skiing ever since I was 12.
6 p. 9
My mum and dad taught me. Have the students do the written task individually or
Interviewer Do you also enjoy watching skiing in pairs.
competitions? If you think it would be useful, have them do some
Sportsman Yeah, I’ve just been watching the research on the origins of the game of tennis in the
final on TV, but I prefer to do it, you 15th century and/or on the origins of football.
know, to get on the slopes and feel
the wind in my face. Answers
Interviewer When did people in Norway begin the 2 have been playing football
sport? 3 have been skiing
Sportsman Well, people in Norway have been 4 have been playing tennis
skiing for centuries, because of the 5 have been playing tennis/learning
snow. 6 have been watching

7 p. 9 Have someone read and translate the title He’s given
away a penalty!
Assign the task.
Play the recording while the students follow in their
Correct it by calling on a few students to read their books.
questions. Point out how the question spontaneously
follows the statement that precedes it. Tell the students to skim the text quickly, as they
listen, so they can answer the questions.

2 Have you been waiting a long time? Transcript [Track 1.05] see Student’s Book p. 10
3 How long have you been working?
4 How long have you been having classes? Answer
5 Have you been going out for a long time? The referee is an idiot, according to Antonio,
6 Have you been eating chocolate? because he’s given away a penalty.

Say it! 2 p. 10
Have four students read the parts for Michael, Robyn,
8 p. 9 Anna and Antonio in the dialogue. Comment on
Make sure that everyone understands the task words and expressions that might be more difficult,
assignment. Have the students copy the table on like offside, what’s the point?, take the throw-in.
their notebook and fill it in with information on at
Assign the true/false task.
least three sports (a, b, c). If they don’t do any sport,
then they can refer to a sport they have seen played
or that they’ve seen televised. Answers
It is important that the students don’t write in the name 1 T
of the sport in the table in order to do exercise 9. 2 T
3 T
4 F She has googled words about football.
9 p. 9 5 F He gives away a penalty.
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for Trinity 6 T
Grade 4 (hobbies/sports).
Have the students work in pairs and encourage them 3 p. 10
to follow the sample dialogue to guess their partner’s
Have the students practise making questions then
assign the task in pairs.
Monitor the activity to ensure that the students can
formulate at least one question and answer in the
Present perfect continuous form.
1 How many goals have United scored?

He’s given away a penalty! 2 Who is United’s best player?

pp. 10-11 3 Who has been having a bad game?
4 Why did Robyn learn the offside rules?
Presentation dialogue So that she could understand the game.
1 1.05 p. 10 5 Who has been trying to score?
Have the students look at the photo and elicit Robinson.
responses to some questions, like: 6 Who did the referee send off?
– Who are the characters? (Michael, Anna, Robyn
and Antonio.)
– Where are they? (In a sitting room.) FLASH FORWARD
– What are they doing? (They’re watching TV and
Assign the task to students who have already finished
having crisps and some juice.)
exercises 2 and 3, or assign it to the whole class for
– What do you think they are watching? (A football

1 Vocabulary: Football phrases Antonio So he can score. He’s United’s best player.
4 p. 11 (…)
Michael Wow, I’m impressed! How do you know
Make sure the students have understood the sports
expressions in the dialogue, then have them complete
Robyn I’ve been reading the rules so I can
the table.
understand the game…
Michael Really?
Answers Robyn No, I just googled ‘offside…’
Verbs: score, pass, lose, take, get, give away, send Anna But what’s the point?
off, lose, check Antonio It’s to make it more difficult to score… a
Nouns: player, game, ball, rules, team, pitch, goal, corner… no, it’s out…
offside, corner, throw-in, foul, penalty, referee, (…)
match, video, decision Anna Why don’t they use video to check the
referee’s decisions?
5 p. 11
7 p. 11
Make sure the students understand the sentences.
Assign the task individually or in pairs.
Either assign the oral task to be done in pairs, then
have the students report back to the class or, as an
alternative, have them do this exercise as a written Possible answers
task. 2 To make it more difficult for the opposing team
to score a goal.
3 So she could understand the game.
6 1.06 p. 11
4 To pass the ball to Robinson.
The exercise consists in formulating sports 5 To check the referee’s decisions.
expressions using a verb + a noun. If necessary,
translate expressions like take a corner, make a
tackle or hit the post/bar. FUNCTIONS
Assign the task individually or in pairs.
Play the recording to check the answers.
Expressing purpose
Have different students read the examples and
Transcript and answers [Track 1.06] extrapolate the conjunctions used in English to
express purpose.
1 e – take a corner
2 f – lose the match Move on to exercises 8 and 9 to practise this
3 g – make a tackle function.
4 a – score a goal
d – hit the post/hit the bar
b – commit a foul
Say it!
7 c – pass the ball 8 p. 11
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
Trinity Grade 6 (expressing intention and purpose).
Now assign the task in pairs, so the students can
Purpose and reason practise using the Present perfect continuous and the
Have the class read and translate the examples. infinitive of purpose.
Go to p. 13 and read through the rules and
additional examples. 9 p. 11
Assign the task. Now have the students practise using the infinitive of
purpose as they work in pairs.
Anna It hasn’t been a very good game… Possible answers
Robyn Nobody’s scored… – Why do people go to school?
Anna Why are they passing the ball to Robinson They go to school to learn to read, write and do
all the time? sum.

– Why do people go out with friends? Listening
They go out with friends to relax and enjoy 2 1.07 p. 12
– Why do people have cars? Explain to the class that they are now going to hear
So they can travel faster without relying on public an interview that Michael conducted with a charity
transport. that promotes the game of football.
– Why do people sleep? To prepare for the listening activity, have the students
To renew their bodies and energies. read the sentences in exercise 1 again.
– Why do people read books? Play the recording twice: once for general gist and
To learn, to relax and to pass the time. once for the task assignment.
– Why do people shake hands?
To greet others or to seal a contract.
– Why do people use mobile phones? Transcript [Track 1.07]
To be in touch with other people from wherever Michael What is streetfootballworld and
they go. what does it do?
– Why do people play video games? Spokesperson Well, we created streetfootballworld
To enjoy themselves and to challenge their in 2002, because we believe that
technological abilities. football can change the world.
– Why do people get married? Michael How big is the organisation?
Because they love each other and they want to Spokesperson We’ve now got more than 80
have children. members all over the world.
– Why do people learn English? Michael So what do you do exactly?
To be able to understand most people in the Spokesperson Well, football is a beautiful game,
world. but we believe it is more than just
– Why do people go on a diet? a game. We can use football to
To lose weight and to get healthier. change the world; for example,
to protect the rights of children or
Write it! to improve opportunities for kids all
around the world…
10 p. 11 Michael But how does football help?
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the Spokesperson Well, football brings kids together
Trinity ISE I Factual writing. to play but it’s also an opportunity
Have the students write a short paragraph. Now have for kids to talk about their problems
them swap papers with a classmate to correct it. so they can understand them and
find solutions.
The more advanced students can then read their
Michael So kids play football and learn other
work to the class.
things at the same time?
Spokesperson Yes, that’s right.
Michael And you’ve been doing this since
Listen’n’speak 2002?

Street football p. 12
Spokesperson Correct. In 2006 we celebrated the
streetfootballworld festival 06 in
Berlin, Germany.
Michael Streetfootballworld festival 06??
1 p. 12 Spokesperson Yes! Let me give you an example
Have the class read the sentences and make sure of what we’ve been doing. In 2006,
everyone understands them. Allow a few minutes for during the football World Cup in
the students to collect their thoughts. Germany 24 teams of young people
Now have them work in pairs to express their opinions from all over the world took part in
and justify them. a festival of education, culture –
Call on a few pairs to report back to the class. and football. The boys and girls
were all participants of organisations
using football to solve problems…
Michael Were all these kids football players?
Spokesperson They played football – but we

1 didn’t choose them because they are both known as ‘fricatives’ but that the position
were the best football players… all of the teeth and tongue is what distinguishes them.
the kids want to solve social Have the students practise pronouncing the /T/ sound
problems. And… er… at the with the tip of their tongue against their teeth and the
festival, there was a competition /f/ sound with their upper incisors ‘biting’ down on
with mixed teams of boys and girls their lower lip.
– and no referees! The players Play the recording several times and have the class
solved problems through dialogue repeat the words in the box.
between the players.
Michael No referees! It sounds great, really
cool… Transcript [Track 1.08] see Student’s Book p. 12

5 1.09 p. 12
The speaker mentions 1, 2, 3.
Check that everyone understands the meaning of the
words in the box.
3 1.07 p. 12
Play the recording and have the students put the
This can be used as a preparatory exercise of the PET words in the correct column.
Listening Part 2.
Have the students read the questions and multiple-
choice answers. Transcript [Track 1.09] see Student’s Book p. 12

Play the recording again for the task assignment.

6 1.10 p. 12
Answers Play the recording to check the students’ answers
1b 2c 3a 4c 5b and for repetition.

Extra Transcript and answers [Track 1.10]

More advanced students could do a kind of dictation- /I/ thin, thought, mouth, theft, thick, south,
translation. Play the recording once more. Then have throw, athlete
them close their books and dictate a summary of the text /f/ fin, fought, fill, theft
in the native language while they write the equivalent in
English. You can either write the summary beforehand
or assign it as a group activity before you proceed with Spoken English: so
the dictation and translation. Have the class read the explanations and translate
Then play the recording again and compare with the examples.
the students’ English version of the summary. For
We created this organisation, because we believe 7 p. 12
that football can change the world. We can use Assign this task in pairs, asking the students to try
football to protect the rights of children, to give them out the dialogue and find places where they could
an opportunity to talk about their problems and find insert so to make it sound more natural.
solutions. For example, in 2006, during the football
World Cup in Germany, 24 teams of young people
took part in a festival of education, culture, and 8 1.11 p. 12
football and solved their social problems through Play the recording to check their answers and have
dialogue. the students repeat, if necessary.
Have the students work in pairs to practise the
dialogue and remind them to swap roles.
Pronunciation: /I/ vs /f/
4 1.08 p. 12 Transcript and answers [Track 1.11]
Explain that these two sounds are often difficult to A It was a great game today.
pronounce and often confused. Point out that they B So, do you think we’re going to win the cup?

A We may do. It depends.
Workbook p. 5
B Well, do you fancy going out for coffee?
A Yeah, let’s go to that new place in town. 3 p. 13
B OK, it’s not very expensive. Friends went and
they really liked it.
A So, are you ready? 1 because 4 in order to
2 so 5 to
3 to

Flash on Grammar p. 13 4 p. 13
Present perfect continuous
1 been 16 taking
Have the class read the usage rules and translate 2 to 17 spending
the examples; remind them that we use the Present 3 in 18 that
perfect continuous when an action has just finished 4 have 19 to
and we can see the results: It’s been raining, look at 5 long 10 been
the road!

Workbook p. 4
5 1.12 p. 13

Transcript [Track 1.12]

Interviewer Tony, when did you get your first
Have the class read the explanations and the skateboard?
examples. Point out that the Present perfect Tony I was 4 years old.
continuous underlines the duration and importance Interviewer So you’ve been skateboarding for 16
of the action. years!
Tony Yeah, my mum and dad bought me
1 p. 13 the skateboard to get me out of the
Answers Interviewer And did it work?
1 have been learning Tony Well, they did it in order to keep me
2 have been waiting quiet but I have been skateboarding
3 hasn’t been going out ever since.
4 you been waiting Interviewer How long have you been
5 have you been doing skateboarding professionally?
6 have you been sitting Tony Since I was 14 years old.
7 have been surfing Interviewer And you’ve been taking part in
8 haven’t been feeling competitions all that time?
Tony Yes, but I’ve been spending more
2 p. 13 time at home in the last few
Answers Interviewer Why, so that you can get on with
2 have finished school?
3 have been trying, have won Tony No, not really, you see, I want to stay
4 have been playing home to spend more time on the
5 has existed business.
6 has won Interviewer The business?
7 have been playing, haven’t scored Tony Yeah, you see, I’ve been running my
8 has been snowing own skateboarding company, with
my mum and dad.

Purpose and reason

Have the students read the rules and translate the

Flash on Skills / Culture Transcript [Track 1.13]

The Olympic Games What is International Inspiration?

pp. 14-15
International Inspiration uses the power of sport to
improve the lives of millions of children and young
people in schools and communities across the
world, particularly in developing countries, through
Before you read the power of physical education, sport and play.
1 p. 14 The programme aims to ‘reach young people
all around the world and connect them to the
In this lesson the students will acquire some
inspirational power of the Games so they are
information about the Olympics and about a charity.
inspired to choose sport.’
Have the class do the reading preparation exercise to Where is it taking place?
check their knowledge of the topic. International Inspiration is already changing the lives
of young people in twelve countries – Azerbaijan,
Answers Brazil, Bangladesh, Jordan, India, Mozambique,
Nigeria, Palau, Trinidad & Tobago and Zambia, and
1b 2b 3a 4b 5b
work is now beginning in South Africa, Malaysia,
6b 7a 8a 9b 10 b
Turkey and Indonesia. The aspiration is to reach
12 million children in 20 countries by the London
2012 Games.
Reading The UK is also involved in the International
2 p. 14 Inspiration programme, with over 160 schools in
the UK linked with schools in the participating
Have the students skim the text to check their
countries so far. The aim is for 300 schools in the
answers to the quiz.
UK to link with 300 schools across the 20 countries
by 2012.
3 p. 15 International Inspiration ambassadors
Some of the UK’s top sport stars are representing
Have different students read out loud and check for
International Inspiration as ambassadors, helping
to spread the message about the impact of the
Assign the task, having the students answer either programme on millions of young people worldwide.
orally or in writing. There are currently five International Inspiration
ambassadors – David Beckham, Sir Chris Hoy,
Tanni Grey-Thompson, Denise Lewis and Colin
1 A Greek soldier from Marathon in order to tell
the Greeks that they had won the war against Answers
1a 2b 3b 4a 5b 6c 7a
2 There were no Olympics because of World War II.
3 Saudia Arabia has been competing since 1972.
4 The USA missed the 1980 games.
5 The UK hosted the Olympic Games in 1908, Speaking
1948 and 2012. 5 p. 15
Help the students to collect their ideas by providing
some examples, following the prompts given.
Assign the task in pairs and give them time to
4 1.13 p. 15 prepare a short speech that they can then present to
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the the class.
PET Listening Part 2.
Tell the class they are going to hear about a charity Study Skills – Extensive reading
that promotes the Olympics.
Go through the explanation with the class and help
Play the recording at least twice, once for gist and them to understand the concept of extensive reading.
once for the task assignment.
Read the tips and point out that they can also be

applied to research on topics related to other school The topic will be used for a written composition in
subjects. exercise 7.
Tell the students they will be able to use this technique
in exercise 6.
6 p. 15 7 p. 15
Have the students do some research on the Internet This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
about an international sporting event; tell them to Trinity ISE I Factual writing.
take notes by following the outline given. Assign the writing task; tell the students to follow the
Suggest that the students prepare a short speech and outline given in exercise 6 and their notes from their
then practise it with a partner. Then call on a few reading to write their composition.
students to present it to the class.

2 A Better World
but the statistics are proportional to a sample of 100
Topic: current world problems. people.
Grammar: Second conditional; too/enough. Play the recording while the students follow in their
Vocabulary: global problems; word building.
Ask them to answer the question.
Functions: talking about global problems;
expressing ideas.
Reading: read statistics on current world Transcript [Track 1.14] see Student’s Book p. 16
problems; read the solutions proposed by some
students; read and understand a text about the Answers
Great Depression.
pollution, hunger
Listening: listen to an interview with a rock star
who offers strategies for solving global issues;
3 1.14 p. 16
listen to three Americans talking about their life
during the Depression era. Have the class read the text again for details this
time and comment on the more difficult words like
Speaking: propose solutions to some of the
health system, wealth, grateful. Have them translate
world’s problems; discuss them with a partner;
it for a more detailed comprehension.
make a short speech about the Great Depression.
If necessary, play the recording again and have the
Writing: write a short article on world problems
class repeat the geographical names, numbers and new
and possible solutions; prepare a political
words like wealth, disease, malnutrition, illiterate.
Pronunciation / Spoken English: Second Answers
conditional – stress and intonation; giving
1 South 4 own
2 men 5 illiterate
Study Skills: tips for speaking, both to sustain a 3 cities 6 internet
conversation and to make a speech.
The world we live in pp. 16-17 Assign the written activity and ask the students to
answer then read and/or discuss their answers with
1 p. 16 the class.
Have the students read and translate the title of the
Ask the students to look at the illustrations and have
them match the words to the pictures, showing that Second conditional
they have understood the meaning of the problems
Remind the class that conditional sentences are
being showcased.
made up of two parts: an if clause that states
the hypothesis and a main clause that states the
Answers consequence.
1B 2A 3D 4C In Second conditional sentences we use the Past
simple in the if clause and would + base form of
Presentation text the verb in the main clause.
2 1.14 p. 16 Read and translate the examples, then go to p.
21 and go through the additional examples and
Tell the class that they will now listen to some
statistics relative to the current situation of life on this
planet which is referred to here as a ‘global village’. Have the class do the task.
At present world population stands at nearly 7 billion,

Answers Transcript and answers [Track 1.15]
If the world were a village… Environment: climate change
The last century was a century of war, disease, Education: bullying, illiteracy
natural disasters, poverty and pollution. What can Social problems: loneliness, racism, unemployment
we do to make this century better? Would you Health: disease, drugs
manage if you had fewer possessions? Would you Political problems: terrorism, human rights
be happy if you didn’t have a roof over your head? Crime: robbery
Let’s think about our global village. Today, if the
earth were a village with only 100 people in it, the
village would look something like this: Say it!
(…) 7 p. 17
Start a class discussion about problems that the
FLASHPOINT students are currently aware of in their own country
and encourage them to cite some examples. Assign a
The form were for all grammatical persons is the
research activity on the Internet, or in a public library,
only past subjunctive that remains in modern
for the next lesson.
English. It is used after if (I wouldn’t do that if
I were you) and after wish (I wish he were my
teacher). The present subjunctive which has the 8 p. 17
same form as the base form of the verb, is only
Have the students read the phrases in the box and tell
ever used in fixed expressions such as: God save
them they are to use these ideas to have a discussion
the Queen, God bless you, long live the Queen,
about possible solutions to some of the problems
Heaven forbid, so be it, come what may… and
already brought up previously.
only a few others.
To help them warm up for the exercise, you might
have the students practise saying a few sentences or
4 p. 17 you may want to write them on the board.
Assign the task individually or in pairs.
Assign the task in pairs. Monitor the activity to make
sure they are using the second conditional.
12 were Possible answers
13 ’d be If we created jobs, there would be less unemployment.
14 had, ’d stop If we built new hospitals, people would receive
15 had, ’d surf better treatment when they are ill.
16 wasn’t/weren’t, wouldn’t eat If we made electric cars cheaper, we would help
17 would, do, had reducing climate change.
18 Would, have, had If we had more police officers, there would be less
19 ’d play, were crime on our streets and fewer robberies.
10 wouldn’t live, married If there were more doctors, more patients would
receive treatment.
If we had stricter laws, there would be less crime,
Vocabulary: Global problems bullying and terrorism.
If we punished drug traffickers, there would be
5 p. 17 fewer drug addicts.
Help the class to understand the meaning of the
words so they can then classify them correctly. Tell
them they will hear the correct answers in exercise 6. Write it!
9 p. 17
6 1.15 p. 17 This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
Trinity ISE I Factual writing (article).
Play the recording so the students can check their
answers to exercise 5. Assign the composition as a written homework task.
Remind the students to use the vocabulary learnt in
Play it again for repetition.
exercises 5 and 8 and encourage them to do further
research on the Internet.

If I ruled the world pp. 18-19 Answers
Anna We don’t do enough to help students.
Presentation texts Antonio (…) That’s not enough to live on. They are
too poor to buy food and clothes for their
1 1.16 p. 18 children. I would also reduce the birth-
Have the students look at the photo and elicit rate. We have too many people to feed.
responses to the question: (…) there are not enough jobs for school
– What do you see in the photos? (A boy being leavers.
treated for a wound, lots of children at school, Michael (…) Medicines now are too expensive for a
sitting on chairs but with no desks, books or lot of people (…)
writing material, a slum with very crowded living
Have someone read and translate the title If I ruled
the world. Point out the position of enough in the sentences:
before the noun but after the adjective. Compare
Play the recording while the students follow in their
with the native language.
Have the students quickly skim the three answers
given by Anna, Antonio and Michael in the interview 3 p. 19
conducted by Robyn. Have the students work individually or in pairs to do
the task.

Transcript [Track 1.16] see Student’s Book p. 18

2 I was too tired to get up.
2 p. 18 3 Chinese is too difficult to learn.
Have three students read the parts for Anna, Michael 4 I didn’t have enough time to do the shopping.
and Antonio in the dialogue. Comment on words and 5 Our team wasn’t good enough to beat Manchester
expressions that might be more difficult, like beggar, United.
birth-rate, school leavers, afford, health system, 6 You aren’t talented enough to be a star.
education system.
Assign the gap fill task.
Vocabulary: Word building
Answers 4 p. 19
1 people (also: poor countries) Make sure that everyone understands the words,
2 food (also: clothes, jobs) then have them go back to the texts on p. 16 and p.
3 houses 18 for reference.
4 beggars
Now have the students complete the table. Tell
5 Medicines
them they will hear the answers in the recording for
6 tax
exercise 5.

FLASH FORWARD 5 1.17 p. 19

Play the recording to check the answers to exercise 4.
Assign the task to students who have already
finished exercise 2, or assign it to the whole class for Transcript and answers [Track 1.17]
nature – natural
pollution pollute polluted
peace – peaceful
too/enough health – healthy
politics politicise political
Have the class read the examples, then go to p. 21
influence influence influential
and go through the rules and additional examples.
unemployment – unemployed
Now assign the task. homelessness – homeless

creation create created Listen’n’speak
We are the world p. 20
6 p. 19 1 p. 20
Read through the task assignment questions and the
Point out to the students that the phrases in this
examples. Give the students a few minutes to gather
exercise are definitions for the words in exercise 4.
their ideas, then have them work first in pairs to talk
Have them match a noun to each definition.
about different types of protests.
Let them work individually or in pairs.
Alternatively, you can open up the discussion to
the whole class, noting down their ideas on the
Answers board, with these expressions regarding how people
1 pollution protest: with a march, with a concert, by presenting
2 unemployment a petition to the government, by marching on
3 peace government buildings with placards, by going on
4 homelessness strike and doing a sit-in or by setting up camp in
5 health controversial areas (universities, nuclear plants,
6 education factories, in front of parliament buildings, across
7 politics from the White House).
8 system

2 1.18 p. 20
FUNCTIONS Explain that the class will now listen to a rock star
GRAMMAR being interviewed about his ideas for strategies to
Expressing ideas solve global problems.
Have the class read the introductory phrases that Play the recording twice so the class can grasp the
can be used to express ideas for the future or for gist and then answer the question.
unlikely hypotheses.

Transcript [Track 1.18]

Say it! Interviewer For many years, you have used your
celebrity to fight poverty. You’ve
7 p. 19 organised a lot of concerts – why do
Read through the dialogue orally with the class, then you do it?
have the students choose one or two of the world Polo Well, when I was a kid in Ireland,
problems mentioned in exercise 6 and have them my family was very poor and I always
work with a partner to practise asking and answering wanted to do something about it. I
questions using the Second conditional. wanted to become a rock musician to
help the poor, yes, to make money,
but also to use my influence to help
Write it! other people.
8 p. 19 Interviewer If you weren’t in a rock band, what
would you like to be?
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
Polo If I gave up singing, I’d be a
Trinity ISE I Factual writing (article).
Assign the task for homework. Tell the students Interviewer Why?
they are to write five paragraphs on five problems Polo … so I could change things, like I’d
and possible solutions; encourage them to follow the fight for justice for the poor nations.
examples given. Interviewer So if you were Prime Minister, what
At the next lesson, have the students correct each would you do?
other’s compositions. Polo Well, I’d spend less on weapons, for
a start; if we spent less on weapons,
there’d be more money for poor
countries… I’d also buy things from
poor countries at good prices…

2 Now play the recording so they can complete the
Interviewer And concerts. Why concerts? How
do they help?
Polo Well, for one thing, concerts are
a good way to reach a lot of people Answers
quickly; you can tell thousands of 1b 2b 3c 4a 5a 6b
people about a problem like poverty;
if people knew what it was like to be
poor, they would help… and another Pronunciation: Second conditional –
thing: songs are a great way to get a stress and intonation
message across, aren’t they?
Interviewer But do young people have any real 4 1.19 p. 20
power to change things? Ask a student to read the explanation. Point out
Polo Good question. If kids knew what the rising intonation in the if clause and the falling
power they had, they could change intonation in the main clause, even when it is a
the world. Of course, politicians have question.
got the power, but if politicians knew
Have the class translate the sentences, then play the
that people are angry they would do
recording so they can repeat the sentences with the
somethink about it, I think they’re just
correct stress and intonation.
worried about losing power.
Interviewer Is going to concerts the only thing
young people can do to fight poverty? Transcript [Track 1.19] see Student’s Book p. 20
What more can they do?
Polo Well, let’s take petitions. We’ve got
a petition about world poverty on the 5 1.20 p. 20
Internet right now. If we got a Make sure the students understand the sentences.
million signatures, that would be
Assign the task.
great, wonderful, fantastic… It would
persuade governments… They’d sit Play the recording to correct it.
up and listen.
Interviewer I see. Transcript [Track 1.20] see Student’s Book p. 20
Polo Another thing. Kids could organise a
Hunger Day to fight poverty, like kids
in Canada – there are 100,000
Spoken English: Giving examples
teenagers going hungry for 30 hours Ask different students to read the examples of how to
to raise money to fight hunger and give an example when speaking or writing.
poverty. These teenagers raise money
by going without food for 30 hours. If 6 p. 20
you didn’t eat for 30 hours, you would
know what it feels like to be poor! Have the students work in pairs to read the dialogue
Interviewer Do you have a message for our and add expressions to make it sound more natural.
listeners? Now have them practise the dialogue with their
Polo Yes, you teens can make a difference. partner and then have them recite it for the class.
Stand up and fight. If we made our
leaders promise to reduce world Possible answer
poverty and if we…
A There are so many problems in the world. For
example, there’s poverty.
B But what can we do to help? We can’t do
They could go to special concerts, sign a petition on anything.
the Internet, organise a Hunger Day. A Yes, we can. For a start, we can create
more jobs.
3 1.18 p. 20 B But there are millions unemployed. There’s
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the nothing we can do.
PET Listening Part 2. A Yes, there is! For one thing, if we built more
roads, there would be more jobs.
Have the students read through the questions and

Flash on Grammar p. 21 Workbook p. 13

4 p. 21
Second conditional
Read the explanation and the examples. Remind the
2 enough
students that with the verb to be in the if clause we
3 too
use were for all persons in formal written English, but
4 enough
was and were in spoken English.
5 too
6 too
Workbook p. 12 7 enough

1 p. 21 5 p. 21
Answers Answers
1 had, would do 11 were
2 weren’t, would go 12 would
3 wouldn’t lose, put 13 would
4 found, would take 14 would
5 would invite, liked 15 had
6 would go, were 16 too
17 enough
2 p. 21 18 too
19 if
Answers 10 would
2 School would be more fun if we had fewer 11 broke
lessons. And if we did more sports. 12 would
3 You’ll be late for school if you don’t get up now.
It’s already eight o’clock.
4 If you leave me, I’ll be very unhappy. Promise Flash on Skills / CLIL
you’ll love me forever.
5 I’d go bungee jumping if it wasn’t so dangerous.
What was the Great
It frightens me. Depression? pp. 22-23
6 If I were more musical, I’d play the piano. But
History, Economics: the crash of the
I can’t even sing.
stock market and the 1929 crisis
7 If you kick the ball, you’ll break a window.
Why don’t you play outside?
Before you listen
3 p. 21 1 p. 22
Possible answers Tell the class that in this lesson they will learn about
the economic crisis that affected not only the USA
If I had a plane, I would fly to the South Pole. but the whole industrialised world, following the New
If I had a lot of free time, I would visit all the York stock market crash in 1929.
countries in the world.
If I had the power, I would heal all the sick people. Do the preparatory exercise with the whole class.
If I lived on my own, I would enjoy doing what I
like. Answers
If I were rich, I would help the poor. 1A 2C 3B 4D
If I were a genius, I would find a cure for cancer.

too/enough Listening
Have the students read the rules and find examples 2 1.21 p. 22
throughout the unit. Tell the students they are about to hear three people
talking about their experience of living in poverty
during the Depression.

2 Play the recording at least twice – for overall gist and 8 Since when hasn’t he eaten? (He hasn’t eaten since
for the task. yesterday.)
9 What is he hoping for? (He’s hoping for someone to
give him the money for some food and a coffee.)
Transcript [Track 1.21]
1 Reading
Why am I standing here? Well, I am not asking for 3 p. 22
charity; I don’t want something for nothing. All I want
Have the class skim the text for gist and then elicit
is a job. If somebody offered me a job, any job, I’d
answers to the question.
take it. I’ve been unemployed for two years and I have
a young wife waiting for me at home. If I don’t, we
won’t have enough food to eat. Protesting like this on 4 p. 23
the street is all I can do now; I hope somebody can This exercise serves as preparation for the PET
help. Reading Part 3.
Have different students read parts of the text out loud
and check for comprehension.
I lost my job at the garage; I used to repair cars, now
I have nothing to do; I just stay at home all day while Assign the true/false task and have the students
my wife goes out to work; it’s very depressing but she correct the false statements.
doesn’t make enough money to feed us all, we’ve got
two kids, and they’re hungry. I stay home, sit around Answers
and look after them, but if I found a job, we’d leave 01 T
them with mum and dad. 02 T
03 F One in four workers was unemployed.
3 04 F Most women did not work.
I work in a soup kitchen – we get hundreds of 05 T
hungry people every day; they wait for ages to get 06 F Teenagers travelleded from place to place.
free food. They can’t afford to pay for the food, they 07 F It was Franklin D. Roosevelt.
don’t have enough money; if we didn’t feed them, 08 F European countries had a great depression
they’d starve. But we can’t manage, there are too in the 1930s.
many hungry people and we can only give them 09 F It ended with the Second World War.
some soup and a little bread. It’s sad seeing all 10 T
these hungry people waiting for free food… sad.
5 p. 23
As an additional reading comprehension activity,
Speaker 1 C have the students translate the words in bold in the
Speaker 2 A text into their native language. If necessary, write
Speaker 3 B them on the board and have the students copy them
in their notebook.
As an additional listening comprehension exercise, ask Answers
the following questions:
Personal answers
1 Can speaker 1 and his friend find work? Why/Why
not? (No, they can’t, because there are no jobs at all.)
2 What have they decided to do? (They’ve decided to
Study Skills – Tips for speaking
go west.) Go through the suggestions with the class.
3 How are they going to travel? (They’re going to walk.) Tell the students they will apply these techniques in
4 What is speaker 2 afraid of? (She is afraid of losing exercise 6.
their home.)
5 Why are her children crying? (Because they miss
their father and they are hungry.)
6 Why don’t they want to go to school? (Because they
haven’t got nice clothes to wear.)
7 How long has speaker 3 been waiting? (Since the

Speaking 5 p. 24
6 p. 23 1 will have 5 were
Have the students prepare an outline for a speech, 2 will drive 6 will visit
by answering the questions with the information they 3 had 7 won
have gleaned from the text. 4 finish
Now have them work in pairs to prepare a short
speech on the 1929 crisis.
6 p. 24
1 too 4 enough
Finally, call on several students to make their speech
2 enough 5 too
in front of the class.
3 too 6 enough

Writing 7 p. 25
7 p. 23 1 Have, have been
Have the students follow the example given to write 2 How long, living
their own election manifesto. Allow them to work 3 Have you, been
individually, in pairs or small groups. Remind them to 4 How long, for
refer back to the list of world problems and solutions 5 you been, started feeling
from exercises 5 and 8 on p. 17 and the texts from
p. 18. 8 p. 25
When the students have finished the task, their 1 to 5 be
manifestos could be hung up and voted on, perhaps 2 have 6 so
even assigning prizes for the ‘most politically valid’ or 3 that 7 enough
the ‘most effective communication style’, etc. 4 of 8 too

Flashback 1-2 pp. 24-25
9 p. 25
Grammar 1a 2c 3c 4b 5a 6c
1 p. 24
1 have never been 6 has been raining 10 p. 25
2 have been writing 7 have been watching
1 S 6 E 11 L
3 has fallen 8 has existed
2 E 7 L 12 E
4 have lost 9 have been learning
3 L 8 S 13 L
5 have been working
4 S 9 L 14 L
5 S 10 S 15 L
2 p. 24
1 because 4 so that 11 p. 25
2 to 5 because
1 disasters 6 hunger
3 in order to
2 pollution 7 loneliness
3 homelessness 8 illiteracy
3 p. 24 4 poverty 9 climate change
1c 2d 3e 4f 5a 5 unemployment

4 p. 24 Functions
1 were/was, would play 12 p. 25
2 would go, were
1 the music was too loud
3 would be, practised
2 the sound was terrible
4 would have, hadn’t wasted
3 they weren’t good enough
5 lived, would get
4 His voice was too loud
6 would move, didn’t have / wouldn’t move, had
5 the microphone was too close to his mouth
7 would make, went
6 It was too long and boring

3 Popular Legends
Background information
Topic: legends and scary stories. Photo A: Boris Karloff, who played the role of the
Grammar: used to for past actions and states; monster, Frankenstein (1931).
would vs used to. Photo B: Robert Pattinson, who played the role of
Vocabulary: childhood; negative feelings. Edward Cullen in Twilight (2008).
Functions: talking about states in the past; Photo C: Bella Lugosi and Helen Chandler, who
describing fears. played the roles of Count Dracula and Mina
Reading: read a text comparing past and present in Dracula (1931).
beliefs regarding vampires; read a conversation
between four young people who are discussing Presentation text
their fears; read a plot summary of a horror novel.
2 1.22 p. 26
Listening: listen to two stories about mysterious
events; listen to the description of a scene from Ask the class if they have seen vampire or horror films
the story of Dracula. or read this type of literature. Explain that they are
about to listen to a description of past and present
Speaking: talk about childhood fears; describe beliefs regarding vampires and how modern cinema
negative feelings in certain situations; recount the presents them.
first part of the story of Dracula.
Play the recording while the students follow in their
Writing: write about own childhood fears; book, skimming the text for gist.
describe a scary event from childhood; a first-
person account by one of the characters in the
book Dracula. Transcript [Track 1.22] see Student’s Book p. 26
Pronunciation/Spoken English: used to vs
use; hyperbole. 3 p. 26
Study Skills: tips for listening. Have the class read the text again and translate it, for
detailed comprehension. Help them with some of the
more difficult words, like attacker, bite, grave, evil,
Assign the task, either orally or in writing.
Vampires: then and now
pp. 26-27
1 They thought he bit his victims.
1 p. 26 2 In the past vampire were poor, ugly people.
Read and translate the title of the lesson. 3 They are handsome aristocratic men or beautiful
Read the adjectives in the box to provide a model for 4 In films people become vampires if they are
pronunciation and to check for comprehension. bitten by another vampire.
Assign the task in pairs. 5 Bram Stoker was the author of the first novel
Have some students tell the class which adjectives about Dracula.
they chose and why. 6 Stephenie Meyer is the author of the Twilight

Possible answers
A The man is terrifying and evil. FLASH FORWARD
B The boy is handsome and sad. Have a class discussion on the books and films
C The woman is beautiful and romantic. The man mentioned. Ask a few students to summarise parts
is ugly and evil. of the story, orally.

Assign the written activity to be done in class or as
(…) Then: People used to believe that you became
a vampire when an animal jumped over your grave.
(…) Then: People used to think that vampires could
Possible answers appear during the day or night.
Dracula (…) Then: You only used to read about vampires in
The story is set in Transylvania, a mountainous novels: the first was Bram Stoker’s Dracula. (1897)
region in Romania, in the XIX century. On a visit (…) Then: In literature, vampires didn’t use to be
to Transylvania to discuss Count Dracula’s desire romantic heroes, they were evil.
to buy a property in London, a young solicitor, (…) Then: A vampire used to be a terrifying
Jonathan Harker, sees many strange things monster.
happening in his client’s castle. Dracula moves to (…) Then: Vampire stories used to be adult stories
London and starts attacking young girls, but Doctor and aimed at an adult market.
Van Helsing identifies him as a vampire and with
the help of Jonathan, Jonathan’s wife Mina and FLASHPOINT
a group of friends hunts him with a view to kill
him. Although Mina is contaminated by Dracula’s Teach the students how to use the interrogative
bite, the friends pursue the man all the way to form Did I use to…? and the negative form I didn’t
Transylvania where they manage to kill him, thus use to… Point out that it is the Past simple of the
liberating Mina from her fate. verb to use.

4 p. 27
The story is set in the state of Washington in the Assign the task individually or in pairs.
USA, in the XXI century. Bella Swan meets Edward
Cullen in high school. After Edward saves her from Answers
being run over in the school car park, Bella finds 2 didn’t use to
out that he has strange powers and is one of a 3 didn’t use to / used to
group of vampires who drink animal blood. Edward 4 used to
saves her life again when she is bitten by a vampire 5 didn’t use to
who feeds on human blood. The two young people 6 didn’t use to
fall in love but Edward dissuades her from marrying
him and becoming a vampire like himself. 5 p. 27
Assign the task individually or in pairs.

used to for past actions and states 2 Did people use to watch TV?
3 Did young people use to believe in vampires?
Explain that we use the format used to + base 4 Did people use to read about vampires in novels
form of main verb to talk about past habits. like Dracula?
Now go to p. 31 and go through the rules and 5 Did children use to play computer games?
additional examples. 6 Did people use to go to the cinema?
Assign the task. Ask the students what all the
examples have in common (they all refer to the Say it!
past, then vs now). 6 p. 27
Have the students say the name of each object and
then make up a sentence for each one, using used to.
Have them read the example and use it as a model.
Did you use to like ghost stories when you were
The oral task can be done collectively or in pairs.
young? What about vampire stories? What did
people use to believe about vampires? What do
people think today? Let’s look at how vampires Possible answers
have changed over the centuries… My father used to watch videos on a video recorder.
Then: People used to really believe in vampires. Now I watch DVDs on my DVD player.
(…) Then: In folklore, vampires didn’t use to be My mother used to save her computer work on
rich and handsome: they were poor, ugly people.

3 – Who can you see in the photo? (Michael, Anna,
floppy disks. Now I store my computer data on a
Robyn and Antonio.)
USB flash drive.
– Where are they? (They’re sitting on a sofa.)
My father used to have a camera with a film inside.
– Is the room dark? (Yes, it is.)
Now I take photos with my digital camera.
– What do you think is happening? (Maybe there
has been a power outage.)

Vocabulary: Childhood Have someone read and translate the title We used
to tell ghost stories…
7 p. 27 Play the recording while the students follow in their
Read through the task assignment and the phrases books.
in the box; check for comprehension and assign the
Tell the students to skim the text quickly, as they
listen, so they can answer the question.
Correct it by calling on a few students to read their
answers and invite comments from the class.
Transcript [Track 1.23] see Student’s Book p. 28
GRAMMAR about states in the past Robyn and Anna are afraid of Night of the Vampires.
Read and translate the examples. Explain how we
use I used to be to talk about states in the past and to
underline the fact that what was true then no longer Background information
is now. Point out that it is more emphatic than simply Night of the Vampires is a common title for recent horror
saying I was terrified…, I was nervous… novels, films, computer games and television series.
Move on to exercises 8 and 9 to practise this function.
2 p. 28
Have four students read the parts for Michael, Robyn,
Say it! Anna and Antonio in the dialogue. Comment on
words and expressions that might be more difficult,
8 p. 27 like power cut, go out, give me the creeps, crawl.
Read the examples to serve as a model. Now have
Assign the task.
the students take turns making up sentences about
their own childhood, using the vocabulary from
exercise 7. Answers

Suggest that they take notes about what their 1 Robyn

classmates say to help them with the next activity. 2 Robyn
3 Anna, Antonio
4 Michael
Write it!
9 p. 27 3 p. 28
This could be assigned as a written homework Have the students do the task using the prompts
exercise. Remind the students to refer to exercises 7 given.
and 8.
2 Who used to be afraid of the dark?
We used to tell ghost 3 Who likes ghost stories?

stories… pp. 28-29

4 Who used to go to camp?
5 What did they do at camp?
6 What did Robyn’s dad use to do?
Presentation dialogue
1 1.23 p. 28 4 p. 28
Have the students work in pairs to ask and answer
Have the students look at the photo and elicit
the questions from exercise 3.
responses to some questions, like:

Answers 6 I used to have a bicycle. I would ride it all around
1 Because there was a power cut. the city.
2 Robyn.
3 Anna and Antonio.
4 Anna. Vocabulary: Negative feelings
5 They would sit around a campfire and take turns
6 1.24 p. 29
to tell a story.
6 He used to tell Robyn ghost stories at bedtime. Make sure the students understand the words in the
box, then have them do the matching task.
Play the recording to check the answers.
Transcript and answers [Track 1.24]
Have the students make a list of things they are afraid
of, either as an in-class activity or for homework. 1 confused
2 worried
3 scared
4 sad

would vs used to FUNCTIONS

Have the class go to p. 31 and read through the
rules and additional examples. Describing

Assign the task. Have the class read and translate all the examples
of negative feelings.
Point out that the adjectives that refer to people’s
Answers feelings often end in -ed and are almost always
Robyn Horrible. I used to be really afraid of the the past participle of a verb, whereas the adjective
dark… I would stay awake for hours. that refer to things that cause the feeling in a
(…) person often end in -ing and are almost always
Anna We used to tell ghost stories at camp; we the present participle or gerund of a verb.
would sit around the campfire and we’d
take turns to tell a story. I wasn’t really
scared. 7 p. 29
Robyn My dad used to tell me ghost stories, Check that everyone understands the phrases
terrifying; I would lie awake in bed, afraid listed, than have the students practise formulating
to switch the light off… sentences using the vocabulary from exercise 7 to
describe their fears.
Assign the task to be done orally in pairs or have the
students write short sentences.
Point out that when we use would, it is followed by
the base form of the verb, as are all modal verbs. Possible answers
They often feel nervous about flying in an aeroplane
5 p. 29 for the first time.
Assign the task individually or in pairs. They feel terrified when seeing a snake.
Some people are scared of going to the dentist.
Answers Students are anxious when they are having an
important exam.
2 My grandfather used to be a police officer. He
People may feel scared when walking home in the
would often work at night.
3 Our grandmother used to be a great storyteller.
Most people feel worried about having no money.
She would tell us amazing stories.
Most people feel sad if they have no friends.
4 My grandfather was very kind. He would buy us
A lot of people are worried about speaking in public.
sweets and mum and dad would complain.
People often feel nervous about meeting strangers.
5 I used to be very shy. I would go to parties and
not speak to anyone.

3 Say it! talking about strange things that happened years
ago. Have them match a title, from the four given, to
8 p. 29 each of the stories.
Assign the task in pairs, so the students can describe Play the recording twice, once for gist and once for
their negative feelings in the situations listed in the task assignment.
exercise 7. Then have them compare their reactions.

Transcript [Track 1.26]

Write it!
9 p. 29 Woman When I was younger, I used to go and stay
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the with my grandmother. I didn’t use to
Trinity ISE I Creative/descriptive writing (description). like going, in fact, I used to feel quite
terrified. In my bedroom, I used to
Go through the questions with the class and elicit
see strange things and I often felt someone
responses. Tell the students to use this as an outline
was watching me. Sometimes, I used to
to guide them in writing a composition to be assigned
sleep on the floor under the bed so no
for homework.
one could see me. Anyway, one night I was
lying in bed when I felt the bed shaking.
Possible answer I thought it was an earthquake. Then
When I was a child, I was afraid of walking along a I heard a knocking on the wall. My
long corridor in the night. It was dark and cold, and grandmother was sleeping next door. I got
it was a long way from my room. I used to run all up and went to her bedroom. I knocked
the way to the bathroom that was at the other end. on the door. There was no answer. I
I never told anybody about my fears. Now I laugh opened the door. The room was empty. I
when somebody is afraid of the dark. went into the kitchen, there was no one
there, in the living room the TV was on
but the room was empty. I was alone in

Listen’n’speak the house… I went back up to my

bedroom, locked the door and tried to
Spooky p. 30 sleep. I woke up in the middle of the
night. I heard a voice. It was coming
1 p. 30 from outside my bedroom. It was saying
Have the students work with a partner to answer the my name. I covered my head with the
questions. blankets and in the end…
Call on a few pairs to report back to the class.
Man This story happened to the uncle of a
friend of mine years ago. He was driving
2 1.25 p. 30 along a quiet country road when he
Have the class read the eight phrases and tell them stopped to pick up a guy, you know, a
they will now hear these sounds in the recording. hitchhiker. The stranger was about 20
They are to number them in the order they are heard. years old. He looked like a university
student. Anyway, he got into the car. He
Play the recording twice for the task assignment.
sat in the back seat. He said ‘I live in
Banbury Rd, Oxford’ and then he was
Transcript and answers [Track 1.25]
silent. He said nothing. My uncle drove
1 [going down the stairs] him to the house in Oxford and opened
2 [knocking] the door for him to get out. But he
3 [sleeping] wasn’t there. The back seat was empty.
4 [a car door closing] He just disappeared. Unbelievable!
5 [someone opening a door]
6 [driving a car] Answers
7 [a mobile ringing]
Story 1: Home alone
8 [a doorbell ringing]
Story 2: The ghost

3 1.26 p. 30
Tell the students they will now listen to two people

4 1.26 p. 30 7 1.28 p. 30
Have the class look at the pictures and match them Check that the students understand the sentences.
to the stories they heard. Again, point out how the pronunciation of used
Play the recording again. changes in the different contexts.
Assign the task.
Answers Play the recording to check the answers.
A1 B2 C2 D1
Transcript [Track 1.28] see Student’s Book p. 30
5 p. 30
Assign the task in pairs. Answers
Remind the students to tell their story in the first 1 /s/ 2 /z/ 3 /s/ 4 /s/ 5 /s/ 6 /s/
person, using the phrases from the box and making
up their own ending. If necessary, play the recording
again. Spoken English: Hyperbole
Alternatively, this task could be assigned as written
Have the class read and memorise the expressions
used to intensify the description of negative feelings.

Possible answer
8 p. 30
When I was younger, I used to go and stay with my
Have the students work in pairs to practise using
grandmother. One night I was lying in bed when I
hyperbole to tell a story, then have a few demonstrate
felt the bed shaking. Then I heard a knocking on the
the task in front of the class.
wall. My grandmother was sleeping next door, but
when I went there, the room was empty. I went into
the living room but this room was empty too. I was
alone in the house. I went back up to my bedroom, Flash on Grammar p. 31
locked the door and tried to sleep. I woke up in the
middle of the night. I heard a voice. It was coming
from outside my bedroom. It was saying my name. used to
I covered my head with the blankets and in the end
Have the class read the usage rules and translate the
I fell asleep. In the morning my grandmother was
in the kitchen making breakfast. She told me that
in the night she had gone to one of the neighbours Write the different formats on the board for the
whose baby was ill. When she got back, she called affirmative, negative and interrogative forms:
me to check I was alright, but she decided I was – affirmative: subject + used to + base form of the
asleep because I didn’t answer! verb
– negative: subject + didn’t use to + base form of
the verb
– interrogative: did + subject + use to + base form
Pronunciation: used to vs use of the verb
6 1.27 p. 30
Point how the pronunciation of used/use in I used
Go through the explanation and point out the to play tennis every day and in I didn’t use to play
difference in the s sound. tennis doesn’t change (the d is not heard).
Also point out how the Past simple/Past participle of
the verb to use is pronounced: in used the d is heard Workbook p. 20
(He sells used cars). Compare to used to where the
d is not heard (She used to smoke).
1 p. 31
Translate the sentences and play the recording so the Answers
students can repeat with the correct pronunciation. 2 didn’t use to
3 used to
4 didn’t use to
Transcript [Track 1.27] see Student’s Book p. 30 5 used to

3 6 p. 31
6 used to
7 used to Answers
8 didn’t use to
1 used to/would
2 used to/would
2 p. 31 3 used to
Answers 4 used to
5 used to
2 I used to like ice cream. 6 didn’t use to
3 I used to be one of the tallest kids in the class.
4 I didn’t use to/I never used to like swimming 7 p. 31
when I was young.
5 They used to be good friends. Answers
6 We didn’t use to have computers. Julia used to have a lot of dolls, but now she never
7 The teacher used to explain things very well. plays with dolls.
They used to/would go on a lot of trips with the
3 p. 31 school, but now they only have one trip a year.
Answers Julia used to/would work very hard at school, but
now she is lazy at school.
2 Did you use to go to the seaside in the summer?
3 Did you use to live near the sea?
4 Did you use to play football?
5 Did your sister/brother use to shout at you?
6 Did your parents use to take you to school? Flash on Skills / Literature
you use to go to bed late?
your grandmother use to tell you stories?
Dracula by Bram Stoker
pp. 32-33
4 p. 31
Possible answers Before you read
2 Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 1 p. 32
3 Yes, we did./No, we didn’t. In this lesson the students will delve more deeply into
4 Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. the novel Dracula which has already been discussed
5 Yes, she/he did./No, she/he didn’t. in the FLASH FORWARD exercise on the first page of
6 Yes, they did./No, they didn’t. this unit.
7 Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.
Have the class do the reading preparation exercise.
8 Yes, she did./No, she didn’t.
Explain that the pictures are not in the correct order
in the story, but that the students will be able to
number them correctly once they read the plot in
would vs used to exercise 2.
Have the students read the rules and write the
formats on the board: Answers
– affirmative: subject + would + base form of the A Jonathan and Mina’s wedding day
verb B In the hands of the vampire
– negative: subject + wouldn’t + base form of the C Lucy becomes a vampire
verb D Jonathan runs away from the castle
– interrogative: would + subject + base form of the E Arriving at a mysterious castle

Workbook p. 21

5 p. 31
1 a, b 2c 3c

Reading person) that relates to the scene in which we discover
that Mina has been bitten by Dracula.
2 p. 32
Play the recording at least twice, once for gist and
Have the students skim the text to grasp the overall once for the task assignment.
meaning and to place the pictures in the correct
chronological order.
Transcript [Track 1.29]

Answers Jonathan was asleep; he was breathing heavily.

Mina was on her knees. Dracula was standing next
1E 2D 3C 4A 5B to her. When we came into the room, Dracula turned
to us – blood was coming out of his mouth. At first,
he laughed a terrible laugh and then he became
3 p. 32 silent. Suddenly, he pushed Mina away and tried
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the to attack us; seconds later, he was coming closer
PET Reading Part 3. towards us; we immediately held up our crosses;
Have different students read a part of the text out suddenly, he stopped, afraid.
loud and check for comprehension. We moved towards him. We were getting closer
and closer to him, when suddenly he disappeared.
Assign the true/false task, having the students correct Then, seconds later, there was a scream. Jonathan
the false statements. woke up and he saw Mina. He couldn’t believe
his eyes. Blood was coming out of her mouth. I
Answers immediately ran to my office. My books and papers
1 T were all over the floor and my diary was burning on
2 F He wanted to buy a house in London. the fire. In the deep red sky of early morning, I saw
3 F He used to be a great man. a bat; it was flying away towards the west.
4 T Later that day, Van Helsing told us his plan. As he
5 F Lucy is the first victim. spoke, I was looking carefully at Mina; her beautiful
6 F Jonathan arrives in London after Dracula. white teeth looked the same as always. ‘During the
7 T day, the vampire is human like you and me’, said
8 T Van Helsing. ‘He cannot disappear. In order to go
through a door, he has to open it, like you and me’.
Then he looked at Mina. ‘Mina. You mustn’t be
afraid – during the day, you are not in danger. But if
Study Skills – Tips for listening we don’t come back before dark, you must put this
Go through the various suggestions with the class garlic around your neck…’
and make sure they understand them.
Tell the students they will be able to use these
suggestions in exercises 4 and 5. 1 Blood was coming out of Dracula’s mouth.
2 Seeing the crosses in the hands of the people.
3 He saw his wife with blood coming out of her
Listening mouth.
4 p. 33 4 A bat flying away towards the west.
5 To detect signs of her becoming a vampire.
Have the class look at the picture and ask them to
6 The vampire is dangerous only at night.
describe it. Explain that the man is Dr Seward, a
character in the story and one of the friends who will
try to destroy Dracula and save his victims.
To further develop students’ listening skills, a scene
Elicit guesses from the students as to the scene,
reconstruction activity could be proposed, for example,
having them read the questions which they will be
the bedroom scene with Jonathan and Mina, from the
able to answer after the listening activity in exercise
point ‘Jonathan was asleep…’ up to ‘Blood was coming
out of her mouth’ (117 words). Proceed this way:
– dictate a few key words, e.g. asleep, knees, standing,
5 1.29 p. 33 turned, blood, laugh, silent, pushed, attack, closer,
crosses, afraid, disappeared, scream, blood and
Tell the class they are about to hear an excerpt from
have the students write each word at the beginning
Dr Seward’s diary (in which he speaks in the first
of a new line in their notebook;

3 – play the recording; 8 p. 33
– after they have listened, have the students write
complete sentences for each word given; This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
– play the recording again, to give them time to check Trinity ISE I Creative/descriptive writing (story).
their work. This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
PET Writing Part 3.
Writing Have the students use the prompts in the box, in the
order in which they are given, to write the story of
6 p. 33 how Jonathan first met Dracula at the beginning of
Have the students read the text with the gaps and, if the story.
they remember what they have just listened to, they
will see that this is the first paragraph.
Possible answer
Assign the completion task.
It was a cold dark night. I was riding my horse up a
mountain. At the top there was an old castle. There
Answers were wolves howling in the forest and at first my
2 At first horse was frightened. Then it started to snow and
3 then the wind was blowing. Suddenly I heard someone
4 Suddenly screaming and the moon disappeared behind the
5 Seconds later clouds. When I arrived at the castle, I waited
6 immediately outside the door and heard footsteps approaching.
7 suddenly Then I heard the key turning and seconds later the
door opened. A tall man was at the door. He was
7 1.30 p. 33 wearing black clothes and had a very white face.
‘Good evening. I am Dracula. Come in. I have been
Play the recording so the students can check their
waiting for you…’ (116 words)
answers to the previous exercise.

Transcript [Track 1.30]

When we came into the room, Dracula turned to
us – blood was coming out of his mouth. At first, he 9 p. 33
laughed a terrible laugh and then he became silent. Divide the class into pairs and give them a few
Suddenly, he pushed Mina away and tried to attack minutes to prepare their story.
us. Seconds later, he was coming closer towards Call on several pairs to tell their story to the class.
us; we immediately held up our crosses; suddenly,
he stopped, afraid.

The Media

Presentation text
Topic: electronic means of communication.
Grammar: the passive (1); question tags.
2 1.31 p. 34
Tell the class to keep in mind the definitions in
Vocabulary: electronic media; computers.
exercise 1 so they can fill the gaps in the text. The
Functions: describing simple processes; more advanced students could try to do this before
expressing surprise and disbelief. they listen to the recording.
Reading: read an article about blogs; read a Play the recording while the students follow in their
dialogue in which Anna explains how to upload a book.
video on Internet; read and answer a questionnaire
Have them fill the gaps with the words from exercise 1.
about techno mania; read an article about the
dangers of the Internet.
Listening: listen to two interviews regarding Transcript [Track 1.31] see Student’s Book p. 34
privacy on the Internet; listen to an interview with
an expert on sites where you can upload video Answers
1 network
Speaking: propose a riddle about an invention; 2 blogger
describe an incredible situation to elicit surprise 3 media
in the listener; talk with a partner about safe 4 posts
behaviour on the Internet. 5 visitors
Writing: write about an important invention; write 6 blogosphere
a manual/glossary for technophobes; describe a
website, a blog or a technological gadget; write 3 p. 34
a fact sheet about someone who has made an
Have the class read the text again and translate it
important contribution to the world of the Internet.
for detailed understanding this time; help them with
Pronunciation/Spoken English: intonation in difficult words like allow, source.
question tags.
Assign the task.
Study Skills: using study cards to revise grammar
Check the answers and discuss them with the class.
and vocabulary.

1 website 4 bloggers
2 post 5 members
3 Jorn Barger 6 opinions

Welcome to the blogosphere FLASH FORWARD

pp. 34-35 Assign this activity to students who quickly finish
1 p. 34 exercise 3, telling them to jot down notes to the
Have the students read and translate the title of the
lesson. Now have them write a short composition as a
homework assignment.
Read the words to provide a pronunciation
model, then assign the task to verify the students’
comprehension of the terms. Vocabulary: Electronic media
4 1.32 p. 35
Read and translate the words to make sure everyone
1f 2b 3e 4d 5c 6a understands them.

4 Play the recording and have the students repeat
one person and can include texts, news, comments,
them. Check their pronunciation.
online diaries, graphics, photos, music, podcasts
Assign the task then call on several students to come and video clips. A blog is part of a network: it is
to the board and fill in the categories with the correct usually linked to other blogs, web pages and media.
words. Readers are allowed to write replies (‘posts’). So,
blogs are interactive.
Transcript [Track 1.32] see Student’s Book p. 35
‘Blog’ is made up of two words: ‘web’ and ‘log’. A
‘log’ is a kind of diary. One of the first weblogs was
Answers invented by Jorn Barger in 1997. The word ‘blog’
computer: graphics, video clip, website, network, was first used by Peter Merholz, in 1999. A blogger
blogroll, post, data, online, podcast, webpage is the writer of a blog. The word ‘blog’ is used as a
TV: aerial, remote control, presenter, station, series, noun and a verb: to blog.
commercials (…)
both: broadcast, interactive, channel, viewer, Blogs are now accepted as an important source of
programme, switch on/off, audience, digital news and opinion. Blogging is used by politicians
and the public to express opinions on all kinds of
GRAMMAR issues. The influence of bloggers on the media (the
press, TV) is now recognised by governments.
The passive (…)
Some personal blogs are read by very few people,
Explain that in English, the passive is formed with but some get thousands of replies or posts every
the auxiliary verb to be + the past participle of day. Blogs for clubs are called ‘group blogs’; they
the main verb. Point out that in passive sentences are used to inform members about club activities.
the agent is often not known or is not important (A (…)
lot of rice is grown in China). When the agent is In a recent survey, it was found that the most
known, we use by (That masterpiece was painted popular blog on the Internet was that of Chinese
by Picasso). actress Xu Jinglei. It was reported that this blog has
Write the following sentences on the board: received more than 50 million visitors.
Jorn Barger invented the weblog. (…)
The blogosphere is criticised by some people
because, they say, it is just full of people’s opinions,
The weblog was invented by Jorn Barger. with not enough facts.
and use the arrows to show how the sentence is
transformed from the active to the passive form. 5 p. 35
Point out how the object in the active sentence Do the exercise with the whole class to be sure
becomes the subject in the passive sentence and everyone understands the difference between the
the subject in the active sentence becomes the active and the passive sentences.
agent in the passive sentence in the format:
subject + active verb + object ➝
subject + passive verb + by + agent Answers

Explain that when the agent is not known or is very 2P 3P 4P 5A 6A 7P

generic, we can use the passive (Some students
were given a prize) or the active, using They as the
subject (They gave some students a prize).
Go to p. 39 and go through the explanations and Point out the rule regarding transitive verbs. Go
additional examples. through the examples. If you think it would be
Have the class do the task. useful, compare with the native language.

6 p. 35
Answers Assign the task individually or in pairs.

A blog is a kind of website – it is usually written by

Have someone read and translate the title A digital
native and explain the humorous use of the word
2 are read native.
3 aren’t only written, are also published
Play the recording while the students follow in their
4 was created
5 were used
6 were written, are written Have the class answer the question.

Transcript [Track 1.33] see Student’s Book p. 36

7 p. 35
Tell the class this is a riddle. Have different students
read through the sentences in the box and guess the
answer. Anna is a digital native.

Answer 2 p. 36
mobile phone Have two students read the parts for Anna and Henry
in the dialogue. Comment on words and expressions
that might be more difficult, like nuisance and any
Say it! others the students have trouble with. Point out the
8 p. 35 computer- and Internet-related vocabulary such as
Have the students read the sentences in the box upload, log on, log in, click.
again, paying attention to the passive structure. Now Assign the task.
have them read the questions for this activity and tell
them to write sentences. Check that they have used Answers
the verbs correctly in the passive.
The order is: 8, 2, 1, 3, 7, 6, 5, 4
1 log on
9 p. 35 2 create a user account
3 click on ‘upload video’ icon
Assign the task in pairs. Monitor the activity to make
4 give the file a name
sure they are using the passive correctly.
5 give the file a description
If you have time, call on some students to perform 6 click on ‘continue’
the task in front of the class. 7 add key words
8 click on ‘continue uploading’
Write it! 3 p. 36
10 p. 35 Have the students work individually to do the task.
Read through the task assignment. Tell the class
to choose a different invention from the one they Answers
described in the previous activity.
1 Why is Anna going out?
Assign the composition as a written homework task. 2 What is Henry trying to do?
3 Does Henry have a user account?
4 What is the name of Henry’s video?

A digital native pp. 36-37 5 Why is Anna good at computers?

4 p. 36
Presentation dialogue Now have the students work in pairs to answer the
comprehension questions related to the dialogue.
1 1.33 p. 36
Have the students look at the photo and elicit Answers
responses to the questions:
1 Because it’s a lovely day.
– Who do you see in the photo? (Anna and her dad.) 2 He’s trying to upload a film clip about the hotel.
– Where are they? (In Anna’s house.) 3 No, he doesn’t.
– What is there on the table? (A laptop.) 4 Palace Hotel, Victoria.
– Are Anna and her dad rowing? (No, they are 5 Because she is a ‘digital native’.

4 7 p. 37
Assign the task individually or in pairs.
Assign the task in class or for homework.

Possible answer Nouns: icon, file, webcam, keyboard, monitor,
1 Go to a photo website and load the whole page. mouse, printer, cursor, speaker, pen drive, browser,
2 Point the mouse on the picture you want and spam
click on the picture so that a menu appears. Verbs: visit, click on, log on, burn CD/DVD, upload,
3 Choose ‘Save picture as’ and type in the name download
you would like to give the picture.
4 Click so that a menu appears ‘Save as type’ and
choose a format to save the picture as. Write it!
5 Click once on the folder you want to save it in.
6 Click the button to the right of the ‘File name’ 8 p. 37
box. Depending on your browser, it’s either called Assign the task for homework. Tell the students they
‘Save’ or ‘Open’. can consult one of these dictionaries to do their
Alternatively, some photos have a ‘Download’ link research:
and you simply click on it to save the picture to www.oxfordadvancedlearnersdictionary.com/dictionary
your hard disk. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/

Vocabulary: Computers
Possible answers
5 1.34 p. 37
icon: the small image of a file or folder on your
Make sure the students understand the words in the computer screen
box, then assign the matching task. file: a document stored in your computer
Play the recording to check the answers. webcam: a video camera that is connected to a
keyboard: the set of keys for operating a computer
Transcript and answers [Track 1.34]
monitor: the screen of the computer
11 pen drive mouse: a gadget that controls the movements of
12 monitor the cursor on the computer screen
13 speaker printer: a machine connected to a computer for
14 webcam printing text on paper
15 keyboard cursor: a small mark on a computer screen that
16 printer can be moved and that shows the position on the
17 mouse screen where, for example, text will be added
18 icon speaker: the part of a computer that the sound
19 file comes out of
10 cursor pen drive, or flash drive or USB drive: a small
memory device that can be used to store data from
6 p. 37 a computer and to move it from one computer to
Assign the task individually or in pairs. another
click on: when you press down on the screen with
your mouse
Answers spam: emails you don’t want or haven’t asked for
1 click on browser: an application needed to surf the Internet
2 spam visit: go to a website
3 browser download: move information or programs from a
4 visit computer network to a small computer
5 download burn CD/DVD: record music, images or other
6 burn CD/DVD information using special computer equipment
7 log on log on: enter your name/password to access a

upload: move information or programs from a small Listen’n’speak
computer to a computer network so that others can
see or use it
The media and privacy p. 38
1 p. 38
GRAMMAR Have the class read and translate the paragraph on
Question tags privacy.

Have the class read the examples, then go to p. 39 Let the students work in pairs to answer the questions.
and go through the rules and additional examples. If you think it would be useful and time allows, ask
several pairs to present their opinions to the class.
Now assign the task.

2 1.35 p. 38
Answers Explain that the class will now listen to two interviews
Henry I’m just trying to upload this film clip about about the problem of privacy, the first one with a girl
the hotel, it’s not very easy, is it? and the second one with a boy.
(…) Play the recording once so the class can grasp the
Anna OK, let’s have a look. You’ve logged on to gist and then answer the question.
the site, haven’t you?
Henry Yes, I’ve done that.
Anna Right. And you’ve created a new user Transcript [Track 1.35]
account, haven’t you? 1
Henry No. I don’t have to do that, do I? What a Speaker Do you think the media should report on
nuisance! people’s private lives?
(…) Girl Definitely not. Too much gossip is
Anna Well, Dad. We’re digital natives, aren’t we? published at the moment, isn’t it?
Speaker You think it’s wrong?
Girl Well, famous people are watched day and
9 p. 37 night, and everything they do is recorded.
Assign the task individually or in pairs. It’s not fair. And it’s boring.
Speaker But famous people are used to it, aren’t
Answers they?
Girl No, I don’t think they are. Some famous
2 is he
people went on holiday to a Caribbean
3 doesn’t she
island – they wanted to be alone; but
4 does he
they were found by reporters and their
5 have I
holiday was spoilt. Photos were taken
6 haven’t we
when they were alone; it’s not right, is it?
6 was she
Speaker What about electronic media and social
networking sites?
FUNCTIONS Girl I think these sites should respect people’s
privacy; they should not make personal
Expressing surprise and disbelief information accessible to anybody…
Speaker Do you use social networking sites?
Have the class read and translate the examples. Girl No, certainly not. I don’t want everybody
to know things about me. I don’t think the
friends on these sites are really friends.
Say it! You can’t have a thousand friends, can
10 p. 37 you?
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for 2
the Trinity Grade 7 (indicate interest and show Speaker Do you think the media should report on
awareness). people’s private lives?
Boy Yes, I do.
Read through the task assignment and the examples Speaker Why?
and make sure everyone understands. Boy I like reading about people’s private lives.

4 What’s wrong with it? It’s part of the news.
reporters and photos were taken when they wanted
to be alone.)
It’s all interesting information.
5 Why doesn’t speaker 1 use social networking sites?
Speaker But people have the right to privacy, don’t
(Because she doesn’t want everybody to know things
about her and she doesn’t think the ‘friends’ can be
Boy Well, not always. Especially when they are
real friends.)
rich and famous or powerful. You know,
6 Does speaker 2 think that people have the right to
they get a lot of money, they are supposed
privacy? (No, not when they are rich and famous or
to give an example, you know, to be
honest. So when they lie and cheat, we
7 What example are these people supposed to give?
should know.
(They are supposed to give an example of honesty.)
Speaker What about electronic media and social
8 What does speaker 2 like to share with strangers
networking sites? Should they give
on social networking sites? (Personal information
personal information to others, to
and photos.)
9 What advice does he give to people who don’t want
Boy It’s OK. I don’t mind sharing information
to share information? (They shouldn’t use those sites.)
about me and photos and stuff…
10 Has he ever been in danger using those sites? (No,
Speaker But what if somebody doesn’t want
he’s never had any problems.)
strangers to know about them? Personal
details are private.
Boy Well, if you don’t want people to know 4 p. 38
about you, YOU shouldn’t use those sites, Explain the meaning of the word buff (‘an enthusiast’)
should you? in the task assignment and these words in the Key:
Speaker Do you agree there are dangers in the use hooked on (‘to be very keen on’) and addicted to (‘to
of social networking sites? not be able to do without’).
Boy Yeah, possibly, but it’s just a bit of fun, I’ve
Have the students complete the questionnaire
never had any problems. It’s a laugh, isn’t it?
individually then have them talk to a partner and
finally, report back to the class. For example: I find
computers useful, but I’m not addicted to them.
Speaker 1 would agree with the statement above. Martha is, she is a true computer buff. She spends
more than six hours a week surfing the Net.
3 1.35 p. 38
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the Pronunciation: Question tags
PET Listening Part 2.
5 1.36 p. 38
Have the students read through the questions and
answers in preparation for the listening activity. Explain that we can use two different intonations in
question tags, depending on whether we are simply
Now play the recording again so they can do the asking for confirmation of what has been said or we
task. are checking our information. Have the class read the
Answers Ask the students to translate the sentences.
1b 2b 3b 4c 5a Now play the recording and have the class repeat
with the correct intonation.
As an additional comprehension exercise to reinforce Transcript [Track 1.36] see Student’s Book p. 38
listening skills, ask the following questions:
1 Why does speaker 1 say the media shouldn’t report
on people’s private lives? (Because too much
gossip is published at the moment.) Spoken English
2 What happens to famous people? (They are watched 6 p. 38
day and night and everything they do is recorded.) Have the students work in pairs to formulate
3 Where did some famous people go on holiday? (On questions in two ways, following the examples given.
a Caribbean Island.)
4 How was their holiday spoilt? (They were found by Monitor the exchanges, making sure they swap roles.

A Who was the telephone invented by?
Possible answers
2 You’ve got a laptop, haven’t you? B The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell
3 You live in Princes Street, don’t you? and Antonio Meucci.
4 You’ve got email, haven’t you? A Who was the pen invented by?
5 visitLondon.com is your favourite website, isn’t it? B The pen was invented by Lazlo Biro.
6 You’re a computer buff, aren’t you? A Who was cinematography invented by?
B Cinematography was invented by the
Lumière Brothers.

Flash on Grammar p. 39 Question tags

Have the students read the rules and the examples.

The passive Explain that even in sentences with a modal verb,

the question tag is formed with the modal verb. A
Read the explanation and translate the examples. good rule of thumb is that if the sentence contains an
Remind the students of the rules for the passive auxiliary verb to have or to be or a modal verb, those
already seen in this unit. will also appear in the question tag. If the sentence
contains an ordinary verb like to work, sleep, eat,
Workbook p. 28 etc., then the question tag will be formed with do/
does or did.
1 p. 39
Workbook p. 29
2 The World Wide Web was invented by Tim
Berners-Lee in 1989. 4 p. 39
3 Dracula was written by Bram Stoker.
4 All the songs in that CD are sung by Bono Vox. Answers
5 Chips can be eaten with vinegar in Britain. 2 can’t you
6 Cheese is made from milk. 3 have you
4 do you
2 p. 39 5 don’t they
Answers 6 do they
7 shouldn’t we
2 When was the telephone invented?
The telephone was invented in 1876. 5 p. 39
3 When was America discovered?
America was discovered in 1492. Answers
4 When was Magna Carta written? 2 Yes, I can./No, I can’t.
Magna Carta was written in 1215. 3 Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.
5 When was basketball started? 4 Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
Basketball was started in 1891. 5 Yes, they do./No, they don’t.
6 When was TV invented? 6 Yes, they do./No, they don’t.
TV was invented in 1926. 7 Yes, we should./No, we shouldn’t.
7 When was the first film shown?
The first film was shown in 1895. 6 p. 39
8 When were playing cards first used?
They were first used about 1,000 years ago. Answers
2 were
3 p. 39 3 was
4 by
5 you
A Who was the lightbulb invented by? 6 was
B The lightbulb was invented by Thomas Edison. 7 didn’t
A Who was basketball invented by?
B Basketball was invented by James Naismith.

Flash on Skills / Culture Study Skills – Using study cards
Smart Surfing – How can I be Go through the suggestions with the class.

safer on the Net? pp. 40-41 Now ask the students to think of other types of study
cards they could prepare, such as for phrasal verbs
or idiomatic expressions.
Before you read
1 p. 40 6 p. 41
Tell the class that in this lesson they will learn Have the students prepare some study cards for a
some safety measures they can take to protect their particular grammar point or lexical family that they
personal information when they surf the Net. have difficulty remembering.

Assign the oral activity in pairs. Write down the

information the students give so as to draw a Listening
‘technology profile’ of the class.
7 1.37 p. 41
This exercise serves as preparation for the PET
Reading Listening Part 3.
2 p. 40 Tell the class they are about to hear an interview
Have the class skim the text quickly to get an with an expert who describes a particular site. Have
overview of the dangers of the Internet. them read the incomplete text in preparation for the
listening activity.
Play the recording at least twice, so the students can
3 p. 41 fill the gaps and answer the questions.
This exercise serves as preparation for the PET
Reading Part 3. Transcript [Track 1.37]
Have different students read parts of the text out loud Interviewer Why was the website created?
and check for comprehension. Expert Well, there was no way people could
Assign the true/false task and have the students send video clips and this site allows
correct the false statements. you to send short videos easily and
Answers Interviewer When was the site created?
Expert It was created in 2005.
1 F At first the Internet was used by scientists. Interviewer 2005, that’s quite new...
2 T Expert Right, information technology is
3 F Don’t give your password to anyone. changing all the time and very quickly.
4 T Interviewer And it’s become very popular, hasn’t it?
5 F You can report serious problems to a parent Expert Incredibly popular. Today, it is used by
or an adult. millions of people all over the world.
6 F Don’t reply to messages from strangers. Interviewer That’s a lot of people…
Expert Yes, 100 million films are viewed
every day. It is one of the most visited
Speaking websites in the world.
4 p. 41 Interviewer And who uses it? Teenagers?
Expert It’s used by people of all ages. If
Have the class read the text again and have them you’re a music lover, you can find the
underline or make a note of the dangers. video clip of your favourite singer in
5 p. 41 Interviewer But it is often criticised because of
some violent videos, isn’t it?
Have the students work in pairs to talk about their Expert Yeah, you have to be careful when you
behaviour while on the Net; have them discuss choose a video clip.
which points they think give the best advice for safer Interviewer And is there more advice you can give
surfing. users of the site?

Expert Well, you should think carefully before Education: degree in Fine Arts from Indiana
you upload a video clip. Do you really University of Pennsylvania
want people to see it? If you don’t Career: worked for PayPal, founded YouTube
want everybody to see it, don’t upload it! Invention: YouTube, founded in 2004
Interviewer Thank you. Company: YouTube
Expert Thank you. Steve Chen
Life: born in 1978 in Taipei, Taiwan
Answers Education: degree in maths and science from the
Name of site: YouTube University of Illinois
1 videos Career: worked for PayPal, for Facebook, founded
2 films YouTube
3 video clip Invention: YouTube, founded in 2004
4 upload Company: YouTube

Writing Flashback 3-4 pp. 42-43

8 p. 41
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
Trinity ISE I Factual writing (article). 1 p. 42
Tell the class to use the text in exercise 7 as a model 1 used to
and the questions in this exercise to help them write 2 didn’t use to
a composition of approximately 100 words. The 3 used to
Trinity ISE I requires a text of 100-130 words. 4 used to
5 didn’t use to

9 p. 41 2 p. 42
Assign the research activity, telling the students to
use any computer they can have access to. Tell them 11 did
they can use Wikipedia or specific sites for each 12 did
person. 13 used
14 When did
Tell the students to write their compositions at home
15 to go
and then bring them to the next lesson to discuss
16 Who did
with the class.
17 used to
18 did you use
Possible answers 19 Did you use
Jimmy Wales 10 we did
Life: born in 1966 in Alabama, USA
Education: degree in finance 3 p. 42
Career: research director of a ‘futures and options’
1 didn’t use to
firm, founder of a website for adults only, then of
2 would/used to
Nupedia, followed by Wikipedia
3 would/used to
Invention: Wikipedia, founded in 2001
4 used to
Company: Wikimedia Foundation
5 used to/would
Mark Zuckerberg
6 used to
Life: born in 1984 in New York State, USA
Education: classical studies, science, languages in
4 p. 42
high school; psychology and computer studies at
Harvard 1 The poor are given money.
Career: software developer and Internet entrepreneur 2 The bags are checked at the airport.
Invention: Facebook, founded in 2004 3 Sugar is added to the milk.
Company: Facebook 4 Latin is taught at some school.
Chad Hurley 5 Food is stolen from the supermarket.
Life: born in 1977 in Pennsylvania, USA 6 Millions of messages are sent every day.

4 5 p. 42 Vocabulary
1 When was penicillin discovered? 8 p. 43
Penicillin was discovered in 1928.
1 dark
2 Who was the radio invented by?
2 fairy tales
The radio was invented by Marconi
3 spider
3 Which country were most medals won by?
4 alone
Most medals were won by the USA.
5 strangers
4 When was the first man sent to the moon?
6 bedtime
The first man was sent to the moon in 1969.
5 Who was the mobile phone invented by?
8 toys
The mobile phone was invented by Martin Cooper.
9 ghost
6 When was the first Italian pizza made?
The first Italian pizza was made in the 19th
9 p. 43
7 Where were the first Olympics held? 1 scary
The first Olympics were held in Athens. 2 depressing
8 Who was John Lennon killed by? 3 creepy
John Lennon was killed by Mark Chapman. 4 upsetting
5 sad
6 p. 42 6 confused
1 aren’t you 7 worried
2 have you 8 miserable
3 can they
4 should they 10 p. 43
5 has she 1a 2c 3a 4b 5b 6a 7b 8b
6 are we
7 is he 11 p. 43
8 do you
1 log on
7 p. 43 2 user account
3 upload
1 taught 4 click
2 wasn’t it 5 download
3 terrified 6 digital
4 would 7 spam
5 used to 8 keyboard

Impressionism to Expressionism. He spent many
periods of his life in psychiatric hospitals.
Topic: the visual arts.
Andy Warhol (1928-1987), American painter, sculptor,
Grammar: relative pronouns; relative clauses. film producer, was the main exponent of Pop Art.
Vocabulary: art and styles; parts of a picture. Claude Monet (1840-1926), French painter, was one
of the foremost Impressionist painters.
Functions: describing a picture.
Giorgio De Chirico (1888-1978), Italian painter, was
Reading: read the description of four paintings; the founder of Metaphysical painting.
read comments on four photographs; read and
complete the description of a photo; read an
article about the Italian Renaissance.
Presentation text
Listening: listen to the story of a famous Mexican 2 1.38 p. 44
artist and a description of one of her paintings. Have the class skim through the four descriptions to
Speaking: ask questions about a classmate’s match them to the correct artist.
tastes and interests in art; describe a photograph Play the recording to check their answers.
of a landscape; answer interview questions in the
role of a famous artist; describe your favourite
Transcript [Track 1.38] see Student’s Book p. 44
Writing: describe four works of art; describe a
photograph of a landscape; write a paragraph
about Michelangelo’s life. 1 Andy Warhol
2 Vincent van Gogh
Pronunciation/Spoken English: w sound; which.
3 Giorgio De Chirico
Study Skills: combining sentences. 4 Claude Monet

3 p. 44
Have the class read the text again and translate it, for
detailed comprehension. Help them with some of the
more difficult or technical terms, like screen-printing,
colour palette, masterpiece, in the background.
Every picture tells a story Assign the true/false task and have the class correct

pp. 44-45 the false statements.

1 p. 44 Answers
Read and translate the title of the lesson. 1T
Ask the students if they recognise the artworks shown 2 F It shows the view outside his hospital.
and/or the names of the artists. 3 F The painter was in a melancholy state of mind.
Assign the matching task. 4 F It is an example of Metaphysical painting.
Tell the class they will hear a description of the 6T
paintings in exercise 2.

1C 2A 3D 4B
Assign the written activity to students who quickly
Background information finish exercise 3.

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), Dutch painter

of international fame, marked the passage from

Possible answers where he spent the last years of his life. Many of these
Giorgio De Chirico seems to be in a dream or a works were painted in the days when the painter had
nightmare, he observes reality with the eyes of the trouble with his eyesight. The bright, happy colours
subconscious mind. and the light on the water reflect his feelings for Alice
Vincent van Gogh must have a mind in turmoil as Hoschedé, who was his wife at the time.
the whirling shapes show.
Andy Warhol is fascinated by celebrities. 4 p. 45
Assign the task individually or in pairs.
Relative pronouns
2 which
Have the class read and translate the examples. 3 who
Explain that who and whose refer to people, which 4 who
to things and the relative adverbs where and when 5 whose
refer to places and time, respectively. Now go to 6 which
p. 49 and go through the rules and additional
Assign the task. Vocabulary: Art and styles
5 p. 45
Have the class look at the pictures then have them
In the 1960s, this artist, whose name is synonymous work in pairs to discuss them. Allow 5-6 minutes’
with Pop Art, began to make portraits of celebrities time.
such as Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe, which are
Check the answers by calling on different students.
incredibly beautiful. He painted and screenprinted
If necessary, provide the information on the different
several versions of the same celebrities, using a
types of paintings.
different colour palette each time. The artist was
interested in fame and people who were famous.
It was this artist who said ‘in the future everyone Answers
will be famous for 15 minutes’. He also worked in I think A is a landscape painting.
publishing, film, music and later on in television. I think C are drawings.
I think D is a still life painting.
The painting shows the view at night outside
the hospital where the painter was staying. The Background information
landscape outside his window is like the painter’s
A Landscape. Landscape with Waterfall and
melancholy state of mind. In the middle of the
Aqueduct, oil painting by Robert Hubert (ca. 1750-
picture, we can see the village. In the background,
1808), landscape artist of the French Rococo period.
we can see the hills. There is a cypress tree on the
left, which was added later. The painting, which B Portrait. A Blond Woman (Portrait of Germaine
was painted in 1925, is one of his masterpieces. Survage) (1918), oil painting by Amedeo Modigliani;
it is housed in the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Nancy,
This is one of the Italian artist’s most famous works France.
and an example of Metaphysical art. In the middle C Drawings and sketches. Study of Russians by
of the picture, there is a sculpture of a Greek head, Prosper Mérimée (1823-1870).
which is on a small wall; on the right, there is a D Still life. Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers (1888), one
surgeon’s glove, next to some ancient arches. On the of the paintings from The Sunflowers series by Van
bottom left, there is a green ball. In the background, Gogh.
we can see a train, which is an image we often find
in the landscapes of this period. We can interpret
the painting as representing the contrast between 6 1.39 p. 45
the classical past and the industrial present. Assign the task of matching the words in the box to
the correct definition.
The artist, whose work is typical of Impressionism,
painted hundreds of scenes of his garden in Normandy, Play the recording so the students can correct their

Transcript and answers [Track 1.39]
2 1.40 p. 46
1 A drawing is a picture which someone makes Have someone read and translate the title A picture
with a pen or pencil. is worth a thousand words. Ask different students if
2 A still life is a painting which shows objects, they agree with this statement and why or why not.
not people.
3 A gallery is a place where people go to see paintings. Play the recording while the students follow in their
4 A landscape is a painting which shows an area books.
of land. Assign the matching task.
5 A sketch is a drawing which is done quickly and
without many details.
Transcript [Track 1.40] see Student’s Book p. 46
6 A sculpture is a work of art which is made in
three dimensions.
7 A sculptor is someone who makes sculptures. Answers
8 A portrait is a picture of a person. 1C 2A 3B 4D

7 p. 45 3 p. 46
Assign the task, having the students put the words Have the class read again and translate the four
they’ve learnt on this page in the right category to descriptions. Comment on the more difficult words
facilitate memorisation. like foreground, background, passers-by.
Have the students do the task required.
People: sculptor, artist, model
Kind of painting: portrait, landscape, drawing,
sketch, still life, oil painting, watercolour 1c 2e 3d 4b 5f 6a
Objects: gallery, sculpture, palette, paint, brush, canvas
Style of painting: modern, Pop, Impressionism, FLASH FORWARD
Surrealism, traditional, Cubism
Have the students describe a photo of their choice,
following the model provided in exercise 2. This can
Write it! be done in class or at home.
8 p. 45
Assign the composition as written homework. GRAMMAR
Suggest that the students refer to description no. 2
on the previous page and use it as a model to help
Relative clauses
them write their description. Explain that a relative clause is a subordinate
clause that completes the sense of the main
Say it! clause by expanding on the information relative
to the noun it is linked to by means of a relative
9 p. 45 pronoun (who, which, that, whose) or a relative
Have the students work in pairs to ask and answer adverb (where, when).
questions about their tastes in art. It is called a defining relative clause when
The more advanced students can then report back to the information it provides is essential to
the class on their partner’s tastes. understanding the sentence and in this case the
main and subordinate clauses are never separated

A picture is worth a
by a comma. It is called a non-defining relative
clause when the information it provides is simply
thousand words pp. 46-47 extra and is not essential and in this case the two
clauses are separated by a comma. Non-defining
Presentation texts clauses are somewhat formal and are more
common in written than in spoken English.
1 p. 46
Have the class go to p. 49 and read through the
Tell the students this whole unit is dedicated to the
rules and additional examples.
visual arts.
Assign the task.
Assign the oral activity in pairs. The more advanced
students can then present their opinions to the class.

5 Vocabulary: Parts of a picture
5 1.41 p. 47
Michael: ‘It’s Diego Maradona, who (non-defining)
is the greatest football player of all time. It was Make sure the students understand the words so they
taken in 1982 during the World Cup, which (non- can do the matching task.
defining) was held in Spain. In the foreground, we Play the recording to check the answers.
see Maradona with the ball, in the middle, there
are six Belgian players who (defining) are trying to
Transcript and answers [Track 1.41]
stop him. Brilliant!’
11 the top left hand corner
Anna: ‘My favourite photo was taken by the 12 the background
astronauts who (defining) were on the Apollo 13 the top right hand corner
17 spaceship in 1972. It shows the Earth, our 14 on the left hand side
beautiful blue planet, from space. When I look at 15 the middle
it, it makes me feel small and a bit sad – the earth 16 the foreground
looks so lonely, with all that infinite space in the 17 on the right hand side
background.’ 18 the bottom left hand corner
19 the bottom
Robyn: ‘My favourite photo, which (non-defining) 10 the bottom right hand corner
shows a young couple kissing, was taken in New
York just after the Second World War had finished. FUNCTIONS
In the foreground, we can see the young couple
kissing and in the background we can see passers-
Describing a picture
by looking at them. A great kiss!’
Have the class read and translate the phrases
Antonio: ‘My sister Claudia, whose (non-defining) they can use to describe a photo or a painting. Tell
hobby is photography, took this photo of her them they will have an opportunity to use these
boyfriend at the beach. We can see the beach in expressions in exercise 6.
the foreground, the blue sea in the middle and
the sky in the background. It’s got real harmony.
Marco’s flying in the air like a bird! The photo, 6 p. 47
which (non-defining) is one of Claudia’s best, is Assign the task individually or in pairs.
called ‘Happiness’.
4 p. 47 11 like
Explain that the relative pronoun that can refer to 12 see
either people or things. It is only used in defining 13 might
relative clauses. 14 background
15 which
Have the students work individually or in pairs.
16 must
Remind them to put a comma in the non-defining
17 foreground
18 who
19 middle
Answers 10 must
1 The reporter that took this picture was very
lucky. D
2 The landscape, which is very dramatic, was Say it!
painted by Turner. ND
3 The woman who is wearing a white blouse looks
7 p. 47
sad. D Explain that this is a photo of Oakley Court in
4 The artists that I studied this year are very Windsor, near London. It was built in 1859, in
interesting. D Victorian-Gothic style, on the banks of the River
5 The National Gallery, which is my favourite Thames. During World War II it was the headquarters
museum, was founded in 1824. ND of the French Resistance. Today, it is a luxury country

Assign the task.
4 1.42 p. 48
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
Write it! PET Listening Part 2.
8 p. 47 Have the class read through all the questions and
Assign the task and tell the students to use the multiple-choice answers.
expressions in the Functions box and follow the Play the recording twice so the students can complete
model in exercise 6. the task.

Possible answer
Transcript [Track 1.42]
This photo might represent any English stately
home. In the background, I can see a bright sky Frida Kahlo was born in 1907, in Coyoacán, which
with a few clouds – it must be autumn or spring. In at the time was a small village outside Mexico City.
the background, there is a mansion with a tall tower She was married to Diego Rivera, who is one of
where the UK flag is floating. It is a cloudy day. In the greatest Mexican painters. In 1925, Kahlo was
the middle of the photo there are some beautiful riding in a bus when it crashed with a car; as a
trees and a very green lawn, it must be a park. In result, she was seriously injured and had to use a
the foreground, there is a river. By the riverside, I wheelchair.
can see a couple sitting on a bench. At the time of the accident, she was studying
medicine, but she gave it up. After the accident,
she became a painter, because she had lots of free
Listen’n’speak time, and she had nothing to do when she was

A mysterious picture p. 48
lying in bed.
Soon, painting became her passion. She painted
with ‘pain and passion’, using bright colours. Many
1 p. 48 of her great works are self-portraits. Many of her
Have the students look at the picture and elicit masterpieces were painted in bed.
comments and answers to the questions. She painted the picture of Dr Farill when she was
Tell the class they will hear a detailed description in 44 years old. ‘Doctor Farill saved me’, she said. ‘He
the listening activity in exercise 4, but that they are made me feel the joy of living again’.
first to use their imagination in exercise 2. Frida was very grateful to the doctor and she
painted pictures, which she gave him, as a way of
saying ‘thank you’.
Background information
This self-portrait is one of Frida’s masterpieces. It
Frida Kahlo (1907-1954). Autoretrato con el Dr. Farill shows her in her house in Coyoacán sitting in a
(Self-portrait with Dr Farill), 1951. wheelchair, next to the portrait of Dr Farill.
She was a Mexican artist who was in a serious accident In the picture, she is small, Dr Farill is big. This
at the age of 17 which left her immobilised and bed- shows her admiration for him.
ridden for many years. During this time she spent her In this portrait Kahlo is sitting in her wheelchair
time painting. Her style cannot be traced to a single holding her brushes and palette next to the portrait
art movement, but it contains a number of aspects of of Dr Farill. It expresses her feelings for the man
Surrealism. who gave her hope. The palette is like a heart, it
expresses her passion. Frida Kahlo died on July 13,
2 p. 48 1954, in the house where she was born.

Have the class answer the questions, using their

1c 2c 3a 4a 5b 6b
Have them take notes in anticipation of the next

Pronunciation: w sound
3 p. 48
Have the students work in pairs to answer their
5 1.43 p. 48
partner’s questions, using their notes from the Have the students translate the words and then play
previous exercise. Then have them swap roles. the recording so they can repeat with the correct

5 Transcript [Track 1.43] see Student’s Book p. 48 A At the time of the accident, she was studying
B … which she had to give up.
6 1.44 p. 48
A She painted the doctor much bigger than
Translate the words and have the students repeat her...
them. B … which shows her admiration for him.
Play the recording and check that the students are
repeating with the correct pronunciation.
Flash on Grammar p. 49
Transcript [Track 1.44] see Student’s Book p. 48

Relative clauses
7 1.45 p. 48 Have the class read the usage rules and translate
Tell the students that this tongue twister is the examples. Provide additional explanations and
nonsensical, but you can have them translate it for examples, if needed.
fun. Play the recording and have the class try to Point out that the relative pronoun can be omitted
repeat it correctly, so they can practise the w sound. only when it is the object of a defining relative clause.
Explain that the pronoun which can be used to refer
Transcript [Track 1.45] see Student’s Book p. 48 to the entire previous phrase rather than a single
word; they will see it used this way in exercise 6, no.
4 (which means the studio is in the countryside).
Remind the class that women is the plural of woman Workbook p. 36
and point out the difference in pronunciation of the
vowel o in the first syllable. 1 p. 49
Spoken English: which 1 who/that
2 when
Explain that we sometimes comment on something
3 where
someone says by adding a conclusion to a statement
4 whose
started by one interlocutor and we can use which to
5 which/that
link the two phrases.
6 which/that
Ask a pair of students to read the examples in such
a way as to produce the effect of a smoothly flowing 2 p. 49
1 who/that
8 p. 48 2 where
Make sure the students understand the meaning of 3 which
the phrases in both boxes. Point out that they all 4 whose
refer to the story of Frida Kahlo which they heard in 5 which/that
exercise 4. 6 which/that
Have the class work in pairs to practise the technique
they have just learnt. 3 p. 49
The relative pronoun can be left out in sentences
A She gave him a present… 5 and 6.
B … which was very generous.
A Frida was born in Coyoacán… 4 p. 49
B … which is in Mexico.
A She had to stay in bed…
B … which made life difficult. 1D 2D 3 ND 4 ND

5 p. 49 students look at the pictures carefully, then assign
the matching task.
2 Van Gogh lived in The Hague, which is in Holland. Answers
3 Van Gogh had a younger brother whose name 1A 2C 3B 4D
was Theo. All four works of art show an extensive use of
4 Leonardo painted the ‘Mona Lisa’, which is in perspective. Three belong to the period called the
the Louvre Museum in Paris. Renaissance, whilst the fresco by Giotto anticipates
5 I bought the painting that is now on my wall the Renaissance by about 200 years.
6 The man who lives next door is a painter.
Background information
6 p. 49 The Raising of Lazarus by Giotto is one of the frescoes
that adorn the Cappella degli Scrovegni in Padua
Answers (1303-1305).
1 who The Doni Tondo (1506-1508) by Michelangelo hangs
2 who in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.
3 background The Lady with a Unicorn (1505-1506) by Raphael
4 which hangs in the Galleria Borghese in Rome.
5 who The Uffizi Gallery was designed by architect Giorgio
6 foreground Vasari and building began in 1560; the original intent
7 which was to house the offices of the magistrates who were in
8 whose charge of city administration at the time of the Medici
9 which family.

7 1.46 p. 49 Reading
Transcript [Track 1.46] 2 p. 50
In this cartoon, the man, who is a painter and Have the students skim the text in order to check
who is supposed to be Leonardo da Vinci, is their answers to exercise 1.
painting a woman who looks like Mona Lisa. In the
background, we can see the sky and some trees,
3 p. 50
which means the studio is in the countryside. In
front of the window, we can see a woman, who Have different students read a part of the text out
looks very unhappy. In the foreground, we can see loud and check for comprehension.
the painter’s materials, which are on a little table. Assign the task.
Leonardo, whose painting is an advertisement for
toothpaste, is an old man. The toothpaste, which is
Italian, is called Gleamo. Answers
1 Because we can see the Uffizi Gallery built on
his design and because we have his important
Flash on Skills / CLIL book Lives of the Most Eminent Painters,
Sculptors, and Architects.
The Italian Renaissance: 2 It was Michelangelo.
Vasari’s Lives pp. 50-51 3 He studied the works of Raphael and other great
Italian painters of the Renaissance.
4 We find a mixture of fact and gossip.
History of Art: a famous art historian 5 He writes that Giotto painted a fly on a painting
by his teacher, Cimabue, who tried to brush it
Before you read away, because it was so realistic.
1 p. 50
In this lesson the students will explore Italian Study Skills – Tips for listening
Renaissance art.
Go through the various suggestions with the class
In preparation for the reading exercise, have the and make sure they understand them.

5 Tell the students they will be able to use these Study Skills – Combining sentences
suggestions in exercises 4 and 5.
Go through the suggestions with the class.
Assign the task and allow enough time for them to go
Listening through all of the texts on these two pages.
4 1.47 p. 51
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the Writing
PET Reading Part 3. 6 p. 51
In preparation for the listening activity, have the class Tell the students they should now apply the
read and translate the incomplete text. Explain that techniques they learnt in the Study skills section to
whole relative clauses will fill the gaps. do this exercise.
Play the recording at least twice for completion of the
task. Possible answers
2 He was looking for new talented artists.
Transcript [Track 1.47] 3 Ghirlandaio recommended Michelangelo who
was only 15.
Michelangelo was born in 1475. He was not a very
4 Because he was very pleased with Michelangelo,
healthy boy; he was thin and often ill. His parents
Lorenzo gave him a room in the palace.
were poor, so, when he was 12 years old, they sent
5 Michelangelo, who was now a famous
him to work. But Michelangelo, who wanted to
professional artist, was paid good money.
be an artist, spent his time drawing, secretly. He
was punished for this, because his parents thought
that drawing was something that gave their family
7 p. 51
a bad reputation. However, after some time, they Assign the task, making sure the students understand
saw that the boy was only interested in painting, so they are to use the information in exercise 6 and
they decided to help him. follow the model in exercise 4.
When Michelangelo was 14 years old, he began to
study with the painter Domenico Ghirlandaio. He Possible answer
was clever, hard-working student. Domenico was Lorenzo de’ Medici, the Magnificent, who loved
amazed by Michelangelo, who was the best pupil in painting and sculpture, was looking for talented
the class. He even corrected his teacher’s mistakes! artists to work for him. Ghirlandaio recommended
‘He knows more than I do’, said Domenico. Michelangelo who was only 15. Michelangelo was
Michelangelo studied for long hours and made a talented artist and Lorenzo, who was very pleased
brilliant copies of famous paintings, which people with him, gave him a room in the palace and paid
thought were originals! him good money.

8 p. 51
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
1 who wanted to be an artist
Trinity ISE I Factual writing (report).
2 that gave their family a bad reputation
3 who was his best pupil Explain to the students that they are to research a
4 which people thought were originals famous artist and write a composition of about 100
words, describing the artist’s childhood and teenage
5 1.47 p. 51
Assign the whole task as homework or have the
Have the students read and listen to the text again,
class do the research at home and then write the
so they can answer the questions.
composition in class.

1 He was 12 years old.
2 They thought it gave their family a bad reputation. 9 p. 51
3 He was 14 years old. During the next lesson, have the students work in
4 It was Domenico Ghirlandaio. pairs to tell each other about the artist they chose to
5 He thought that Michelangelo was his best pupil. write about.

The Food of Love

Topic: music.
1 seventeen 5 before
Grammar: Past perfect; reflexive and reciprocal 2 mean 6 held
pronouns. 3 there 7 danced
Vocabulary: music; musical instruments. 4 looked 8 each other
Functions: talking about past events.
Background information
Reading: read the story of The Beatles’ first song;
read a conversation between four teenagers talking The Beatles were a very famous band in the decade
about their tastes in music; read a modern novel. 1960-1970. From Liverpool, the members of the group
were John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison
Listening: listen to the history of Rock’n’Roll;
and Ringo Starr. Together they began to play pop/rock
listen to a radio programme about a modern
music which evolved into new and experimental musical
styles, thanks to oriental and classical influences. It is
Speaking: talk about your favourite song and said that their innovations in music are comparable to
personal tastes in music; say why you would those brought about by J.S. Bach in his time.
choose certain songs for a CD to give to a friend or
to a family member.
Writing: write about your favourite song and
Presentation text
personal tastes in music; write a dedication text 2 2.02 p. 52
to include in a compilation CD to give to a friend. Play the recording while the students follow in their
Pronunciation/Spoken English: had/hadn’t; book.
active listening. Have them answer the question.
Study Skills: connecting ideas using appropriate
Transcript [Track 2.02] see Student’s Book p. 52

The songs mentioned are: ‘I Saw Her Standing
My first song… pp. 52-53 There’, ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’, ‘Love Me Do’.

1 p. 52 3 p. 52
Have the students read and translate the title of the
Have the class read the text again and translate it for
unit The Food of Love and explain that this is the
detailed understanding this time and help them with
‘definition’ of music that Shakespeare gave in the
difficult words like track, released, figure out. Focus
comedy Twelfth Night: ‘If music be the food of love,
on the sentence: I had a bad line in the first verse;
play on’.
translate and explain the difference between line and
Have the students read and translate the title of the verse.
lesson My first song… and explain that it refers to the
Assign the true/false task. Have different students
interview with Paul McCartney which they will read
correct the false statements.
in this lesson.
Ask the students, Who are the people in the Answers
photo? (They are The Beatles: John Lennon, Paul 1 F We know his first song was ‘Love Me Do’.
McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr). 2 F The Beatles’ first album was Please Please Me.
If necessary, pre-teach the word lyrics (the words in 3T
a song) and assign the task. 4T
Tell the students that they can listen to the song and
6 F They rewrote the second line of the first verse.
watch the video on YouTube.

6 FLASH FORWARD Vocabulary: Music
Assign this activity to students who quickly finish 5 2.03 p. 53
exercise 3. Read and translate the words and expressions.
Play the recording and have the class repeat.
Assign the classification task.
1 We all live in a yellow submarine.
2 Can’t buy me love.
Transcript [Track 2.03] see Student’s Book p. 53
3 All you need is love.
GRAMMAR Things: song, track, album, single, hit, lyrics,
rhyme, line, verse, tune, melody, the charts, voice
Past perfect People: singer, composer, guitarist, drummer, rock
Have the class read and translate the examples.
Actions: play, compose
Write the following structures on the board:
Expressions: write a song, release a new CD, record
– affirmative form: subject + had + past participle;
an album
– negative form: subject + hadn’t + past participle;
– interrogative form: Had + subject + past
6 p. 53
Assign the task individually. Have the students jot
Now go to p. 57 and go through the rules and
down notes of their answers to the questions.
additional examples.
Assign the task.
Say it!
7 p. 53
Answers This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
Trinity Grade 5 (music) and Grade 8 (Past perfect).
(…) But the band had already had their first hit
with ‘Love Me Do’, in 1962. Paul had written it Remind the students that they can use their notes
a few years before, in 1958, while he was still for this activity, but that they are not to simply read
at school. In this interview, Paul McCartney talks them.
about his early days as a composer. Now assign the task in pairs and monitor the
Had you written any songs before ‘I Saw Her exchanges.
Standing There’ ?
‘It was one of our early ones. Actually, I’d started
it before I wrote it with John… it was my song Write it!
originally, and I played it to John. When we first 8 p. 53
met, I’d said, ‘Yeah, I write songs’, and he said,
‘Yeah, I do too’. We hadn’t really written much, but This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
at least we had written something. (...) Trinity ISE I Creative/descriptive writing (description).
Assign the composition for homework. Remind the
class that for the Trinity ISE I Writing Portfolio they
4 p. 53 must write 110-130 words.
Assign the task individually or in pairs.

2 had never seen
Are you enjoying yourself?
3 had already formed pp. 54-55
4 had learnt
5 had sold
Presentation dialogue
6 had been
7 had failed 1 2.04 p. 54
Have the students look at the photo and elicit
responses to the questions:

– Who do you see in the photo? (Anna, Michael, Robyn
Possible answers
and Antonio.)
– Where are they? (In a cafeteria.) 1 Antonio has been playing the guitar since he
– What is there on the table? (Three milkshakes, a was 12.
bottle of ketchup, some salad dressing maybe, salt 2 The guitar is easier to learn.
and pepper shakers.) 3 Because the rhythm is great and the lyrics are
– What is Antonio doing? (He’s playing the guitar.) clever.
4 No, she doesn’t.
Have someone read and translate the title Are
5 Anna likes all kinds of music and can’t work
you enjoying yourself? and point out the reflexive
without it.
pronoun. Write all of the reflexive pronouns on the
board, in preparation for exercise 2.
Play the recording while the students follow in their
books. Assign the written task in class or for homework.

Have the class answer the question.

Vocabulary: Musical instruments
Transcript [Track 2.04] see Student’s Book p. 54 5 2.05 p. 54
Make sure the students understand the words in the
Answer box, then assign the matching task.
Robyn listens to music when she wants to cheer Play the recording to check the answers.
herself up or when she’s doing something boring,
Play it again for repetition.
like housework.

Transcript and answers [Track 2.05]

2 p. 54 11 saxophone
Have four students read the parts for Anna, Michael, 12 acoustic guitar
Robyn and Antonio in the dialogue. 13 flute
14 cello
Assign the task.
15 cymbals
16 tambourine
Possible answers 17 piano
1 Antonio plays only the acoustic guitar. 18 trumpet
2 Antonio taught himself to play the guitar. 19 electric guitar
3 Keyboard instruments are difficult, you have to 10 keyboard
practise a lot. 11 clarinet
4 Michael likes the rhythm in rap songs and he 12 banjo
thinks the lyrics are clever. 13 drums
5 People sing folk songs in Scottish and Irish pubs. 14 violin
6 Anna can’t work without music.
6 2.06 p. 54
3 p. 54 Tell the students to listen carefully to the recording so
Have the students work individually to do the task. they can identify the musical instrument.
Play the recording once or twice.
Possible answers
2 Which is easier to learn, the piano or the guitar?
Transcript and answers [Track 2.06]
3 Why does Michael like rap?
4 Does Robyn like rap? 1 [electric guitar]
5 What does Anna think of music? 2 [flute]
3 [drums]
4 p. 54
Now have the students work in pairs to ask and
answer the comprehension questions from the
previous exercise.

8 p. 55
Reflexive pronouns
Allow 3-4 minutes’ time for the class to do the test.
Draw a table on the board, with four columns. In
Assign the task in pairs.
the first, write subject pronouns, in the second,
object pronouns, in the third, possessive adjectives
and in the fourth, reflexive pronouns. Write it!
Point out how first and second person reflexive 9 p. 55
pronouns are formed with the possessive
adjectives my, your, our + the noun self/selves This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
and the third person reflexive pronouns are formed Trinity ISE I Creative/descriptive writing (description).
with the object pronouns him, her, it, them + the This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
noun self/selves. PET Writing Part 2.
Have the class turn to p. 57 and go through the Assign the task. If the students are preparing for the
rules and additional examples. Trinity, remind them to write a longer description of
Now assign the task. 110-130 words; if instead, they are preparing for the
PET, the email should be 35-45 words long.

Robyn Are you enjoying yourself?
Antonio Yeah, compared to the piano – I taught Music, please! p. 56
myself but you can’t teach yourself the
piano. 1 p. 56
(…) Make sure the class understands the words in the
Anna Yeah, in England we’ve forgotten how to box, translating them if necessary.
enjoy ourselves, like they do in Scotland.
Let the students work in pairs to do the task.
Robyn I listen to music when I want to cheer
myself up, you know, or when I’m doing Answers
something boring, like housework. Types of music: folk, spiritual, bossa nova, jazz,
samba, country (and western), rap
FLASHPOINT Adjectives to describe music: cool, exciting,
Remind the students that reflexive pronouns in Musicians: tenor, guitarist, saxophonist
English can take on several meanings, i.e. that the Collections of music: best of, compilation
action falls back on the subject, that the subject Instruments: violin, drums, guitar
personally carries out an action or that the subject
carries out an action on his/her own with the help 2 2.07 p. 56
of no one else.
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
Also point out the reciprocal pronoun each other, PET Listening Part 2.
e.g. They love each other.
Explain that the class will now listen to a radio
programme about rock’n’roll.
7 p. 55 Have the students read the questions and multiple-
Assign the task individually or in pairs. choice answers.
Play the recording twice for completion of the task.
2 each other 5 yourself Transcript [Track 2.07]
3 each other 6 herself Rock ’n’ roll was born in the 1950s. When people first
4 myself 7 himself heard the sound of rock ’n’ roll, with its fast rhythms,
played on electric guitars, it was like a musical

revolution. People hadn’t heard music like it before. Pronunciation: had/hadn’t
It sounded completely different from the music which
3 2.08 p. 56
had come before, though it was influenced by blues,
jazz and country music. Have the students translate the sentences which
Many people think of Elvis Presley as the King of rock summarise the audio text on rock’n’roll. Point out
’n’ roll but other singers had sung rock ’n’ roll songs that the verbs are in the Past perfect tense, formed
before Elvis. In 1955, Bill Haley had released ‘Rock with the auxiliary had/hadn’t and the past participle
Around the Clock’, probably the first big rock ’n’ roll of the main verb.
number. The song with the lyrics: ‘One o’clock, two Now play the recording several times and have the
o’clock, three o’clock rock!’ was like an explosion. class repeat with the correct pronunciation.
Before then, in the 1940s, Frank Sinatra and Dean
Martin sang slow love songs, accompanied by large
orchestras. Transcript [Track 2.08] see Student’s Book p. 56
Other popular kinds of music were jazz, in which
the saxophone, the trumpet, the clarinet, the guitar, 4 2.09 p. 56
the drums and the piano were characteristic. Jazz Now that the students have practised listening to and
had grown from blues in the 1920s. The blues repeating the pronunciation of had/hadn’t in exercise
later became popular in Chicago with the guitar as 3, they will pick out these sounds in other sentences.
the most popular instrument and it later became
rhythm and blues. Play the recording for the task.
Rock ’n’ roll was born in the USA from the blues
tradition. Transcript [Track 2.09]
It had a strong dance beat and was usually played 1 I’d learnt to dress myself.
on electric guitars, electric bass and drums. It was 2 I’d learnt the piano.
popular with teenagers. 3 I hadn’t learnt to drive a car.
In the 1960s it was continued by rock bands like 4 I’d seen a football match.
the Beatles and the Rolling Stones and guitarists 5 I hadn’t played the guitar.
like Jimi Hendrix. 6 I hadn’t been to a rock concert.
7 I’d met my best friend.
Answers 8 I hadn’t sung an Italian song.
1c 2c 3c
Extra 1P 2P 3N 4P 5N 6N 7P 8N
As an additional listening comprehension activity, have
the class answer the following questions:
1 In which decade did rock ’n’ roll develop? (In the Spoken English: Active listening
Read the explanation and underline the importance
2 What was the title given to Elvis Presley? (King of
of using short exclamations or comments during the
rock ’n’ roll.)
course of a conversation to show the speaker that
3 What was Bill Haley’s famous song? (‘Rock Around
you are interested in and listening to what he/she is
the Clock’.)
4 When was it released? (In 1955.)
5 What did Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin sing?
(They sang slow love songs, accompanied by large 5 2.10 p. 56
In preparation for the listening activity, have the class
6 When did they sing this type of songs? (In the
read the incomplete dialogue and elicit appropriate
comments that could be interjected.
7 Which wind instruments were used in jazz? (The
saxophone, the trumpet and the clarinet.) Now play the recording so the class can do the task.
8 What type of music did jazz originate from? (The When finished, ask them if they have guessed who
blues.) the singer is (Bruce Springsteen) and if they know the
9 What was the most popular instrument in the blues? songs mentioned.
(The guitar.)
10 What were the instruments in rock ’n’ roll?
(Electric guitars, electric bass and drums.)

6 2 p. 57
Transcript and answers [Track 2.10]
A My favourite singer is American. Possible answers
B Really? Last Friday I had had breakfast. I hadn’t done the
A He’s a rock singer. His most famous song is shopping. I hadn’t had a lesson. I had spoken to
‘Born in the USA’. friends. I had brushed my teeth. I hadn’t caught the
B Yeah. bus. I had sent a text message. I had phoned my
A ... but my favourite song by him is ‘I’m on fire’. best friend. I hadn’t seen my grandparents. I had
B Aha... bought some food. I had listened to music. I hadn’t
A He plays the guitar and he is very famous. gone to bed. I had got dressed.
B Mm.
A I’ve never seen him in concert but I’ve seen him 3 p. 57
on TV lots of times. I’ve got 20 of his CDs.
B Really? Answers
Personal answers
6 p. 56
Have the students work in pairs for exercises 6 and
7 and allow 7-8 minutes for the activity. Explain that Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns
they are to formulate their discourse as though it
were a riddle, following the example of exercise 5. Remind the students, if necessary, of the construction
of reflexive pronouns and how they are used.
Monitor the exchanges, making sure they swap roles.
Have the students read and translate the examples in
the third column of the table, especially those with
7 p. 56 reciprocal pronouns.
Have the students try to guess their partner’s
favourite singer, musician or band. Tell them they can
Workbook pp. 44-45
ask questions until they guess correctly.
4 p. 57

Flash on Grammar p. 57
1 taught herself/is teaching herself/is going to teach
2 talks to herself
3 have loved each other
Past perfect 4 behaves himself
Revise the structures of the affirmative, negative and 5 didn’t enjoy myself
interrogative forms of the Past perfect. 6 help each other
Read the explanation and translate the examples.
Point out that in English, the Past perfect is the most 5 p. 57
remote of the past tenses. If you think it would be Answers
useful, compare it to the comparable tense(s) in the
native language. 1 had bought
2 hadn’t tried
3 had told
Workbook p. 44 4 myself
5 yourself
1 p. 57 6 myself
7 hadn’t learnt
2 had left
3 had met
4 had never been
5 hadn’t spoken
6 had started
7 had worked

Flash on Skills / Literature Reading
High Fidelity pp. 58-59 3 p. 58
Have the students skim the text and answer the
Before you listen question.

1 p. 58
Tell the class that in this lesson they will read the plot
of a famous novel by Nick Hornby. It tells the story of Rob makes mix tapes at times of emotional stress
a boy who owns a music shop in London and about because making lists of things helps him to express
how he develops an awareness of himself and his his emotions and feelings.
problems in his relationships.
4 p. 58
As a preparatory exercise, have each student make
a list of songs they would want to include in a This exercise serves as preparation for the PET
compilation CD. Reading Part 4.

Allow 5-6 minutes’ time, then ask several students Ask several students to read parts of the text out loud
which songs they chose and why. and check their comprehension.
Assign the task.

2 2.11 p. 58
1b 2a 3c 4b 5a
This exercise serves as preparation for the PET
Listening Part 3. 5 p. 59
Have the class read and translate the incomplete Have the students work in pairs to talk about the
text to prepare for the listening activity. Explain that character in the novel.
whole relative clauses will be used to fill the gaps.
Play the recording at least twice for completion of the
6 p. 59
Transcript [Track 2.11] Have the students prepare a similar list to the one
Today, we look at the work of Nick Hornby, one of they did for exercise 1, but tell them to imagine that
the most popular young novelists of his generation. it is for a friend or a family member.
Nick Hornby was born in 1957 in Maidenhead,
England. As a boy, Nick was a passionate reader. He
Study Skills – Connecting ideas
studied English Literature at Cambridge University
and there he began to write plays. In the 90’s Nick Go through the suggestions with the class.
Hornby began writing full-time; before that he had
been a teacher of English and had written articles
about his great passions, music and sport. In
7 p. 59
football, he is an Arsenal supporter. Read through the example and assign the task. Tell
His first novel High Fidelity was published in the students to use the information they wrote down
1995. He wrote About a Boy in 1998. It was a in exercise 6 and remind them to use some of the
number 1 bestseller in England. Nick, welcome to linkers from the Study Skills section.
the programme…

1 1957
8 p. 59
2 Cambridge This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
3 English Literature Trinity Grade 5 (music).
4 teacher of English, writer of articles Call on different students to tell the class what they
5 music and sport have written in exercises 6 and 7.
6 About a Boy

Flashback 5-6 pp. 60-61 7 p. 61
1 herself
Grammar 2 ourselves
1 p. 60 3 seen
4 hadn’t
1 when 5 who
2 where 6 which
3 whose 7 Had
4 which 8 which
5 which/that 9 hadn’t
6 who
7 when
2 p. 60
8 p. 61
1 who was born in Spain
2 whose name was Gala 1a 2b 3b 4a 5b 6c
3 which was designed by Basil Spence
4 who wrote 37 plays 9 p. 61
5 which is in Athens 1 single
6 which I took in London 2 composer
7 whose dad is a reporter 3 record
4 lyrics
3 p. 60 5 drummer
1 û 6 melody
2 Picasso, whose name is synonymous with 7 voice
genius, began his career in Malaga, Spain. 8 play
3 û 9 line
4 Van Gogh, who was Dutch, spent a lot of time in
France. 10 p. 61
5 û 11 acoustic guitar
6 The Museum in Bilbao, which was designed by 12 trumpet
Frank Gehry, is fantastic. 13 banjo
7 û 14 violin
15 cello
4 p. 60 16 electric guitar
1 No 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 No 5 No 17 tambourine
18 drums
5 p. 60 19 saxophone
10 clarinet
1 had never flown 11 cymbals
2 had snowed 12 keyboard
3 had gone
4 had failed
5 had not invited Functions
6 had taken off 11 p. 61
7 had gone out
1 the
6 p. 61 2 of
3 behind
1 herself 4 On
2 himself 5 must
3 each 6 like
4 yourself 7 can
5 yourselves 8 kind
6 yourself 9 There

Too Much TV
Have the class listen to the recording as they follow
Topic: types of television programmes. in their book.
Grammar: reported speech; verb + infinitive / verb Have them answer the question.
+ -ing.
Vocabulary: hobbies and leisure; TV programmes. Transcript [Track 2.12] see Student’s Book p. 62

Functions: reporting what people say. Answer

Reading: read an article about the disadvantages Johnny watches TV.
of having a TV in the bedroom; read a dialogue
between three teenagers who are discussing TV
programmes; read an article about the most popular 3 p. 62
TV programmes in the world. Have the class skim the text to find out who wrote it.
Listening: listen to six mini-dialogues about Ask the students to say which clues helped them to
teenagers’ TV preferences; listen to an interview identify the author (the writer says: I’d talk about it
about the most popular shows broadcast via satellite. with his dad; we agreed to buy a DVD player; we
Speaking: talk about your and your partner’s bought him a new TV, too).
free-time activities; talk about your own country’s
TV programmes; talk about how your life would be
different if TV didn’t exist. Johnny’s mother
Writing: describe how your classmates spend their
free time; describe some TV programmes in your own
4 p. 62
country; write about how your life would change if TV For detailed comprehension, have the class read the
didn’t exist. text again and translate it. Help them with words like
find out, arts and crafts.
Pronunciation/Spoken English: voiced and
unvoiced consonants; reported speech. Assign the task.
Study Skills: tips for reading (1) to catch the overall
gist of a text. Answers
1 To watch films.
TV in the bedroom: good 2
In his bedroom.
68% of teenagers have a TV in their bedroom.
or bad? pp. 62-63 4 About three hours a day.
5 It is a bad idea.
1 p. 62
6 He should do something physical or creative.
Read and translate the title of the lesson.
Have the students look at the photos and do the
matching task. Then ask:
– What have they got in common? (They are all Assign the written activity to students who quickly
free-time activities.) finish exercise 4.

1D 2A 3B 4E 5C 6F Reported speech
Have the class read and translate the examples.
Presentation text Now go to p. 67 and go through the rules
2 2.12 p. 62 for transforming direct discourse into indirect
discourse or reported speech. Point out how the
Explain that the text describes how young people use verb tense changes and that will becomes would.
television and discusses the disadvantages of having
a TV in the bedroom. Assign the task.

7 Answers Vocabulary: Hobbies and leisure
Johnny is 14. He spends a lot of time watching TV. 7 2.13 p. 63
For his birthday, he said he wanted a DVD player Have the students read and translate the words and
to watch films. I said it was a bit expensive, but I’d expressions.
talk about it with his dad. His dad said he wasn’t
Assign the classification task.
sure. But we agreed to buy a DVD player, so we
could watch films together. Play the recording so the students can check their
But then Johnny said he wanted a TV in his work and repeat.
bedroom. I told him this would interfere with his
homework but, in the end, we bought him a new Transcript and answers [Track 2.13]
TV, too.
Things we play: cards, chess, video games,
Did we do the right thing? To find out, I called Dr
bowling, the guitar, the piano
Chris Ricks, who is a media researcher; she has
Things we collect: stamps, CDs, posters, coins,
written a report about TV and teenagers. She
picture cards (of famous people)
told me that 68% of teenagers have a TV in their
Things we watch or listen to: sports, concerts,
plays (at the theatre), the opera, a musical, a DVD
(…) She said that these kids do fewer creative
Creative activities: painting, writing poetry, acting,
activities like art and crafts (music, painting) and
taking photos, sewing, reading
they walk less.
Keep fit activities: going to the gym, walking,
(…) I asked the researcher what advice she would
dancing, swimming, doing exercise
give parents (…)
Friends and relatives: having a meal with the
family, going for coffee, hanging out with friends,
5 p. 63 spending time with my family, visiting relatives
Assign the task individually or in pairs.
Say it!
Answers 8 p. 63
1 Mum Have the students read the questions about free-time
2 Dr Ricks activities then assign the task in pairs. Remind the
3 Dr Ricks students to take notes because they will need them
4 Mum for the next activity.
5 Dad

9 p. 63
Have the students report back to the class with the
Remind the class that tell is always followed information they obtained from their partner.
by the person being spoken to (pronoun, proper Remind them not to read their notes, but only refer to
name, etc.), whereas say is not. them in case they forget something.
He told me he was going to the gym.
Try to give as many students as possible a turn at
He said he was going to the gym.
Have everyone take notes on what is said, for a class
6 p. 63 report in exercise 10.

Assign the task individually or in pairs.

Write it!
Answers 10 p. 63
2 We told him we would buy him a TV. Now tell the students to use their notes from exercise
3 She said kids watch TV for three hours a day. 9 to write a report about the class, describing their
4 She said these kids do fewer creative activites. classmates’ free-time activities.
5 She said TV in the kids’ room is a bad idea.
Plan this as a classroom activity or assign it for
6 She told me they also drink more fizzy drinks
and eat more fast food.
7 Johnny told us he wanted a TV in the bedroom.

TV or not TV? pp. 64-65 FLASH FORWARD
Have students who quickly finish exercise 3 write a
Presentation dialogue short paragraph on some of the TV programmes in
1 2.14 p. 64 their country.
Have the students look at the photo and elicit
responses to some questions like:
– Who are the people in the photo? (Anna, Robyn Verb + infinitive/Verb + -ing
and Michael.)
Have the students read and translate the examples.
– Where are they? (They’re sitting on a wall outside
Anna’s B&B.) Have the class go to p. 67 for additional examples.
– What do you think they are doing? (They’re Assign the task.
probably talking about watching TV.)
Point out that the title is a take-off on the famous
line by Shakespeare’s Hamlet ‘to be or not to be’. Answers
Ask if anyone knows what the next line is (‘that is the Anna Have you really stopped watching TV?
question’) and point out how it would be appropriate Robyn Well, I don’t mind watching with friends.
in this case, too. Michael Wow, life without TV, don’t you miss it?
Play the recording while the students follow in their Robyn No, I prefer chatting with friends.
books. Anna Don’t you miss any programmes?
Robyn Well yeah, I miss watching documentaries
Ask them to answer the question.
and cartoons!
Michael What about soap operas, weren’t you
Transcript [Track 2.14] see Student’s Book p. 64
hooked on any?
Robyn Yeah, I was then, but now I can’t stand
them – and all those stupid reality shows.
Michael wants to stay in. Michael Yeah, I agree, but I couldn’t give up
watching sports programmes at the
2 p. 64 weekend…
Have three students read the roles of Anna, Robyn Robyn Yeah, but I wanted to do more things and
and Michael in the dialogue. without TV you have more free time.
Michael Like what?
Assign the matching task.
Robyn Well, I’ve started cooking, so my diet is
Anna Right, OK.
1d 2f 3a 4b 5c 6e Robyn And I’m going to take up painting, you
know, be more creative.
3 p. 64 Anna They say you get more exercise.
Have the students do the first part of the task. Robyn Yeah, that’s right, I walk more. I’ve
managed to get quite fit.
Now have them complete the task in pairs to show
Michael What about films, you know, feature
that they have understood the dialogue.
Robyn Well, we get the latest blockbuster from
Answers the DVD shop, and order a pizza.
1 Who has stopped watching TV? Robyn. Michael Sounds great. Do you fancy staying in
2 What kind of programmes does Robyn like? tonight?
Documentaries and cartoons.
3 Which is Michael’s favourite type of programme? FLASHPOINT
Sports programmes.
4 What does Robyn think of reality shows? They Have the class read the information and translate
are stupid. the examples to be sure they understand the
5 How has Robyn’s diet changed? It is healthier difference in meaning between stop + infinitive
(because she started cooking her own meals). (interrupt what you are doing to do something else
Or: Why has Robyn’s diet changed? Because she and then resume) and stop + -ing (quit doing or
has started cooking. give up something).

7 4 p. 65 Say it!
Assign the task individually or in pairs. 9 p. 65
Assign the task in pairs.
2 listening
Write it!
3 to learn/learning
4 playing 10 p. 65
5 seeing Assign the written task, based on exercise 8, for
6 to go homework.
7 eating/to eat

5 p. 65
Have the students do the oral activity in pairs. Listen’n’speak
Leisure and pleasure p. 66
Vocabulary: TV programmes 1 p. 66
6 2.15 p. 65
Have the students work in pairs to answer the
Make sure everyone understands the words in the questions orally.
Play the recording and have the class repeat. 2 2.16 p. 66
Assign the speaking task in pairs. This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
PET Listening Part 2.
Transcript [Track 2.15] see Student’s Book p. 65 Tell the class that they will now listen to six short
dialogues about TV preferences. Warn them to pay
7 p. 65 close attention.

Have the students read through the brief descriptions Have the class read the multiple-choice answers.
in the TV programme schedule. Play the recording. The exercise is quite challenging
Now have them write the type of programme in the as each dialogue contains some distractors, i.e.
blank spaces. wrong answers presented as possibilities. It is
recommended that you play each dialogue twice, so
the students can correctly identify the pastime the
Answers two speakers have in common.
1 film/drama series/soap opera
2 reality TV show Transcript [Track 2.16]
3 the news/current affairs 1
4 talent show Boy I don’t really like going to museums, they’re
5 documentary boring.
6 sitcom Girl No, neither do I. I don’t mind art galleries,
they’re not so bad...
8 p. 65 Boy Not bad, but I prefer going out and kicking a
Tell the students they are to think of some national ball around.
TV programmes and suggest that they jot down brief Girl I actually like watching football but I’ve never
answers to the questions. Remind them not to say played.
the name of the programme as their partner will have Boy What, you don’t really like football, do you?
to try to guess it in the next exercise. Girl Why, what’s wrong with that? A lot of girls like
Explain that their answers to the questions will football.
then be the basis from which they will write a short
composition at the end of the lesson. 2
Girl Do you want to play chess?
Boy No, thanks, you always beat me… anyway,
it’s boring.

Girl What shall we do then? I fancy going out. 4 p. 66
Boy No, let’s get a DVD or watch a film on TV or Have one student in each group report back to the
something. class on the results of the survey.
Girl Yeah, great, I’ll phone for some pizzas.
Boy Not for me thanks.
Pronunciation: Voiced and unvoiced
3 consonants
Boy Oh, do you mind switching that music off,
I’m trying to work. 5 2.17 p. 66
Girl But I can’t work without music; I listen to Check that the students understand the words in the
music all the time! box.
Boy Yeah, me too, but I can’t stand it when it’s Play the recording several times until the students
too loud… Can’t you go to your bedroom? can repeat with the correct pronunciation.
Girl Why should I?
Boy I’ve got some difficult maths homework. Explain that voiced consonants make the vocal chords
Girl It’s alright, I’ll get my MP3. vibrate. Have the students practise pronouncing
single consonants, one voiced and one unvoiced,
4 two at a time so they can perceive the difference in
Boy I used to watch cartoons a lot when I was pronunciation: b-p, d-t, g-c, v-f, s in measure (/Z/).
younger. Have them place their hand lightly on their throat to
Girl Oh, I still like some of them, I think The feel the vibration.
Simpsons are really clever.
Boy I don’t find them funny; I prefer comedy
series, you know about real life. Transcript [Track 2.17] see Student’s Book p. 66
Girl Yeah, me too! All in the Family’s really good.
Boy Yeah, it’s got some really good actors in it. 6 2.18 p. 66
Girl But it’s only on once a week…
Have the students repeat the words out loud, then
5 have them do the task.
Girl Have you finished surfing the Net? Play the recording so they can check their answers.
Boy Yeah, I’m just logging off.
Girl I think computers are really bad for, you
know, friendships. Transcript and answers [Track 2.18]
Boy I really enjoy being online, I’ve got a blog, voiced: gigabyte, beat, John, DVD, girl, loud, blow,
you know. card, wrong, logging
Girl Really? Don’t you think hanging out with unvoiced: kick, pizza, watch, phone, curl, time,
friends in real life is more important? play, cartoon, sock
Boy Yeah, I do, of course; but the Net is still great…
Girl I’m going for a jog, are you coming? Spoken English: Reported speech
Boy No, thanks. Anyway, I’ve been cycling in the
park. Ask a pair of students to read the explanation and the
Girl Already? Do you go every day? examples.
Boy Yeah, usually; you’ve got to keep fit!
Girl I agree; how long do you walk for?
7 p. 66
Boy About an hour…
Assign the task. Remind the students that in some
Answers sentences the verb tense will remain the same and in
others it can be either present or past.
1c 2c 3b 4b 5a 6a
Go over the activity together, discussing reasons for
the choice of verb tense.
3 p. 66
Divide the class into small groups to do the survey.
Have each group draw up a table which they will
complete as they take turns interviewing one another
in the group.

7 Flash on Grammar p. 67
1 The teacher said water boils at 100 degrees
Celsius. Reported speech
2 Galileo said the earth is not/was not flat.
3 Isabella said she feels a bit tired today/she felt Have the class read the usage rules and translate the
a bit tired that day. (depending of when we are examples.
speaking) In order to do the exercises on this page, have the
4 Bob said he was going to be a doctor when he class read and study the table on p. 111 or on p. 52
finished school/he’s going to be a doctor when of the Workbook where they will find tables with the
he finishes school. changes to the verb tense in reported speech.
5 The astronaut said that was one small step for a
man, one giant leap for mankind. (only past
tense because the action belongs to the past) Workbook p. 52
6 The professor said human beings are more 1 p. 67
intelligent than animals.
8 p. 66 2 She said she had seen John the night before.
Have the class read and translate the quotes. Discuss 3 He told Sarah that he hated/he hates reality
the meaning. shows.
4 He said he had been very busy that day.
Background information 5 She said she had never been to a Carnival before.
6 He told his dad that he would send him a
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), often referred to as message the following day.
Dr Johnson, is the author of the famous A Dictionary
of the English Language (1755) which greatly 2 p. 67
influenced modern English language and literature. It
was considered the best English dictionary until the Answers
publication, 150 years later, of the Oxford English 2 ‘I don’t watch TV’, she said.
Dictionary. The quote expresses Johnson’s enthusiasm 3 ‘We like watching soap operas’, they told me.
of the cultural and intellectual wealth of the city. It is 4 ‘I can give up watching TV’, she said.
taken from his biography written by James Boswell in 5 ‘I stayed in and watched a DVD last night’, I told
1791 Life of Samuel Johnson: ‘Why, Sir, you find no my mum.
man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. 6 ‘I have done/did my homework’, said the pupil.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of
life; for there is in London all that life can afford.’
Socrates (ca. 469-399 BC): this quote is taken
Verb + to infinitive/Verb + -ing
from Plato’s Apology of Socrates. Before those who Have the class read and translate the verbs. Tell
proclaimed his knowledge, Socrates admitted his lack them they will find many examples of these verbs
of knowledge: it was here that he showed his wisdom in the Workbook, especially for those verbs that can
by acknowledging that no man possesses the absolute take both structures, but with a change in meaning.

Workbook p. 53
9 p. 66
Have the students think of a famous quote that they FLASHPOINT
Draw attention to the fact that in structures where
Write them all on the board, including the author of
there is a preposition (in these examples to and
before), the verb that follows is in the -ing form.

10 p. 66 3 p. 67
Have the students read the quotes written on the
board and then transform them into reported speech. Answers
If the author is unknown, they can say Somebody 2 making
said that… 3 learning/to learn

4 flying Flash on Skills / Culture
to help
TV around the world
7 going pp. 68-69
8 lending

Before you listen

4 p. 67
1 p. 68
In this lesson the students will be given an overview of
1 singing the most popular TV programmes around the world.
2 going
In preparation for the reading exercise, have the
3 being
students look at the pictures carefully and say what
4 stand
type of programmes they are.
5 said
6 didn’t
7 to encourage Answers
8 I’d be A the news
9 to go B sports programme
10 would C music programme
11 paying D comedy show
E soap opera
5 2.19 p. 67

Transcript [Track 2.19] Listening

A When did you start singing?
B I began singing when I was seven years old, in
2 2.20 p. 68
the school concerts. In preparation for the listening activity, ask the
A So did you like going to school? students to guess which TV programmes are the
B Well, I enjoyed being with my friends but I most popular worldwide.
couldn’t stand the school. Play the recording.
A Why?
Have the students answer the question.
B Because my teachers said I’d never do
anything good in my life.
A Why did they say that? Transcript [Track 2.20]
B Because they said I didn’t work hard enough. Interviewer How has satellite TV changed the
A What about your parents, did they support world in which we live and the way we
you? see other countries?
B Yes, they always tried to encourage me; my Expert Well, there are some programmes that
mum always said I’d be a great singer one the whole world watches and we all
day… become very close; I call these the
A And your dad? global village programmes.
B He always wanted me to go to music school Interviewer Which are the most popular global
and said he would pay for the course… and he programmes?
did. Expert Well, sport is the best example. Take
A In New York? He didn’t mind paying all that the Olympic Games; they are watched
money? by billions of people all over the world,
B Oh, no, mum and dad always believed in from China to Australia, in Asia and
me… Africa, on every continent; watching
the Olympics is something we do
together at the same time.
Interviewer And the World Cup?
Expert Yes, of course, the football World
Cup is also watched in nearly every
country in the world. And the English

7 Premier League is watched by millions Answers
on satellite TV. Satellite TV has made
1a 2a
the world much smaller.
Interviewer And music?
Expert Yes, it’s not only sport. Music is an
4 p. 69
international language. In Europe, the Ask different students to read parts of the text out
Eurovision Song Contest brings a lot loud and check their comprehension.
of countries together; it is not the Assign the multiple-choice task.
best music in the world but it is very
popular. Another example: in 1973
an Elvis Presley concert was watched Answers
by about a billion people; and so of 1b 2a 3b 4b 5a 6c
course was the funeral of Michael
Jackson, billions watched that on
satellite TV.
5 p. 69
Answer Do the oral activity with the whole class and make
Sports and music programmes. sure the students are using the Second conditional
correctly by beginning each sentence with If there
Extra were/was no TV…
For additional listening comprehension practice, ask
the students the following questions: 6 p. 69
1 What type of TV allows the whole world to watch
programmes? (Satellite TV.) Assign this task in pairs.
2 Which are the most popular programmes watched Monitor the exchanges to be sure they are still using
by the whole world? (Sports programmes.) the Second conditional the same way as in the
3 Which sports programme is watched by billions of previous exercise.
people all over the world? (The Olympic Games.) Suggest that they take notes to help them do both
4 What are other popular sports programmes? (The the Writing and the Speaking tasks.
Football World Cup and the English Premier League.)
5 Which other programmes are watched by the whole
world? (Music programmes.) 7 p. 69
6 What music programme brings a lot of countries Call on different students to report back to the class
together? (The Eurovision Song Contest.) on what they discussed with their partner.
7 Which two events were watched by billions of
people? (An Elvis Presely concert in 1973 and the
funeral of Michael Jackson.) Writing
8 p. 69
Study Skills – Tips for reading (1) Assign the task either in class or for homework.
Go through the various suggestions for grasping the Remind the students to use their notes from exercise
general gist of a text. 6.
Tell the students they will be able to apply these
strategies in exercise 3.

3 p. 68
Have the students read the text rapidly and choose
the correct answers for the two questions.

We’ve Got Rights!
Topic: organising a campaign; genes and genetic
traits. 1 shy
2 optimistic
Grammar: reported questions; causatives.
3 serious
Vocabulary: personality adjectives; jobs. 4 likes having fun
Functions: describing personal qualities; 6 generous and kind
suggesting someone does something.
Reading: an interview with the organiser of 2 p. 70
a campaign to save a youth centre; a dialogue Have the class read the text again and translate it for
between two teenagers and a parent, about taking detailed understanding this time. Focus again on the
part in a protest; a text about genetics. adjectives that describe personality. To expand the
Listening: a girl talking about her best friend; an students’ lexis, ask them to find the antonyms and/
interview with a genius; a talk about human genes. or synonyms (shy = timid; introvert ≠ gregarious,
outgoing, extrovert; optimistic = positive ≠
Speaking: a talk about how to refurbish a room;
pessimistic, negative; serious = rational, sensible
a discussion about intelligence, genotypes and
≠ flighty, fun-loving, a bit of a clown; generous =
giving, altruistic ≠ selfish, mean, egotistical; kind
Writing: a self-description of personality; write = nice, thoughtful, sensitive ≠ unkind, thoughtless,
suggestions for improvements to a school, a room insensitive, cold).
or one’s personal aspect; biographical text about a
Assign the true/false task. Have different students
correct the false statements.
Pronunciation/Spoken English: compound
words; impersonal you/one.
Study Skills: tips for reading (2).
1 F She is probably good at talking to people
since she started a campaign.
2 F The local council wants to build a new
3 T
No ordinary teenager 4 F She wants the council to build the cinema

pp. 70-71
5 F
somewhere else.
A lot of parents have signed the petition.
6 T
Presentation text
3 p. 70
1 2.21 p. 70
Assign the task which will serve as preparation for
Have the students read and translate the title of the the next activity.
unit No ordinary teenager.
Explain that the text is an interview with a girl who Answers
organised a petition to save a youth club in her area.
1 How old is Helen?
Have the students skim the text to find the adjectives 2 What is she like?
and/or expressions that describe Helen’s personality. 3 What does she like doing?
Play the recording while the students follow in their 4 What does her mum do?
Have them answer the question.
4 p. 70
Assign the task in pairs.
Transcript [Track 2.21] see Student’s Book p. 70

8 5 p. 71
1 She’s sixteen. This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
2 She’s optimistic and serious, but likes having PET Writing Part 1.
fun. She’s very kind and generous, has got lots Assign the task individually or in pairs.
of courage, but is not irresponsible, she’s
sensible. She is not really ambitious. Answers
3 She likes watching football and travelling.
2 the campaign had
4 Her mum is a teacher.
3 if we thought
4 if I was
FLASH FORWARD 5 I liked doing
Assign this activity to students who quickly finish
exercise 4. Vocabulary: Personality adjectives
6 2.22 p. 71
Possible answer Have the students read and translate the adjectives.
To Ashtown Council: Explain that four of them are not used in the exercise.
We, the children and parents of Ashtown, wish to Assign the task.
protest against plans to build a new cinema where
Play the recording to check the answers and have the
today there is a youth club. There aren’t many
class repeat.
places where young people can get together, so it
isn’t fair to take their club away. As a complementary activity, have the class write
We believe that young people and education are definitions for the four remaining adjectives (soft-
more important than entertainment, so we think spoken, strong, serious, generous). Tell them they
you should keep the club and build the cinema may consult a monolingual dictionary.
somewhere else.
Transcript and answers [Track 2.22]
GRAMMAR 1 kind
2 shy
Reported questions 3 ambitious
Have the class read and translate the examples. 4 sensible
Now go to p. 75 and go through the rules for 5 determined
transforming direct questions into reported 6 irresponsible
questions. Point out that the subject always 7 sensitive
precedes the verb in reported questions and focus 8 optimistic
on the use of if or whether.
Assign the task.
Remind the students of the correct word order in
Answers English: the adjective always precedes the noun
even when a modifier (very, really, quite) is used.
(…) We asked Helen why she had started the
(…) We asked her what the aims of the campaign 7 2.23 p. 71
Explain to the students that they will now hear a
(…) We asked her whether she was a typical
description of Helen’s friend, Matt.
(…) We asked her if the campaign had a lot of Play the recording and ask which photo matches the
support. description of Matt.
(…) We asked her mum, a teacher, what she Explain the meaning of the word techie (someone
thought of her daughter’s campaign… who is enthusiastic about and good at using
(…) We finished the interview by asking Helen technology).
whether she was ambitious…

2 p. 72
Transcript [Track 2.23]
Helen Matt is great; really cool. What do I Have three students read the parts for Anna, Antonio
like about him? Well, like me, he is a and Henry in the dialogue. Make sure everyone
very keen ecologist; he cares a lot about the understands; help with the more difficult words as
environment; he loves the open air, the needed.
countryside; we both love music – I play the Assign the completion task.
guitar, but he is learning to play the piano.
He isn’t a great techie, but he does use the Answers
Internet a lot in campaigning for the
1 placard
environment; he uses Facebook and Twitter
2 car park
to get people to demonstrate and he is
3 glasses
always on his mobile organising campaigns.
4 tap
And he’s good-looking: he’s got short black
5 hair
hair, he doesn’t wear glasses – and his
6 police
favourite colour is brown. Which I love, too!


Matt is the boy in picture C. If students quickly finish exercise 2, have them write
a short paragraph following the model given.
Write it!
8 p. 71 GRAMMAR
Read through the task assignment and tell the class Causatives
they are to use the adjectives from exercise 6 for the
written description. Have the class read and translate the examples.

Assign the task in class or for homework. Go to p. 75 for additional examples of have/get
something done.

Protest? What protest? Assign the task.

pp. 72-73
Presentation dialogue Anna Dad, they’re having a new car park built
1 2.24 p. 72 on the same site.
Have the students look at the photo and elicit Henry I’ve got to get the car repaired.
responses to the questions: Anna Dad...
– Who do you see in the photo? (Anna, Antonio and Henry Then I’m going to the optician to get some
Anna’s dad.) new glasses made.
– Where are they? (In the hall, in Anna’s house.) Antonio Mr Harrison, can I…
– What do you think they are doing? (Antonio is Henry And I’ve got to get that leaking tap fixed
carrying a placard and Anna and her Dad are in the kitchen.
having a discussion.) Anna But Dad!
Have someone read and translate the title Protest? Henry Somebody has to be here when the
What protest? and ask the students what kind of plumber comes round…
protest they think it is, judging from the placard. Anna But didn’t we get it repaired last week?
Play the recording while the students follow in their Henry Well, it’s leaking again.
books. Anna Where’s Mum?
Henry At the hairdresser’s. She’s gone to have
Have the class answer the question. her hair done again. Then she’s got an
appointment with the dentist.
Transcript [Track 2.24] see Student’s Book p. 72 Anna Oh, Dad, all our friends are going to be
Answer Henry Anyway, you shouldn’t be going on these
She’s at the hairdresser’s because she is having her protests; you’ll get yourself arrested!
hair done. Anna Oh, Dad, it’s not fair!
Antonio Mr Harrison…

8 Say it!
Read through and translate the examples, drawing 6 p. 73
attention to the difference in meaning. Tell the students to look carefully at the picture and
then make a list of what they think Michael should
3 p. 73 have/get done. Remind them to use the name of
the professional for each job that needs to be done
Have the students work individually or in pairs. (builder, plumber, etc.).

Answers Possible answer

2 having it taken out I think he should have the wall and the window
3 have it painted repaired by a builder. He should get the kitchen
4 got stolen sink unplugged by a plumber. Then he should have
5 have it cut the table cleared and all the dirty dishes washed.
6 having my hair dyed He should have the dog taken for a walk while he
sweeps the floor. Then he should have a great meal
Vocabulary: Jobs delivered by a good restaurant. Can Michael do
4 2.25 p. 73 anything for himself?

Have the students do the matching task. 7 p. 73

Play the recording to check their answers and have Have two students read the sample dialogue. Now
them repeat the job words. assign the task in pairs.
Monitor the exchanges and make sure the students
Transcript and answers [Track 2.25] swap roles.
1 car mechanic
2 optician
3 carpenter
Write it!
4 tailor 8 p. 73
5 gardener Explain the written task to be done for homework.
6 dentist Explain that the students are speaking hypothetically
7 electrician and therefore, they are to use the conditional would
8 builder with have/get something done.

5 p. 73 Discuss the students’ ideas at the next lesson.

Read through the sentences and check for

comprehension, then assign the task.

Young genius p. 74
2 optician
3 carpenter 1 p. 74
4 a car mechanic
Have the students work in pairs to do the task.
5 builder
6 dentist
FUNCTIONS Personal answers
GRAMMARsomeone does something
2 2.26 p. 74
Have the class read and translate the examples.
Explain that the class will now listen to an interview
Point out that when making suggestions or expressing with a girl who is a young genius and has just earned
opinions in the negative form, the negation is in a PhD degree from Oxford.
the main clause, not in the one with the advice: I
Play the recording so the students can answer the
don’t think you should have your car fixed by that
questions in exercise 1 with reference to the British
mechanic. Not: I think you shouldn’t…
education system.

Transcript [Track 2.26] 3 2.26 p. 74
Interviewer Well, Ruth, congratulations, you’ve This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
just completed your PhD. PET Listening Part 2.
Ruth Yes.
Have the students read the sentences and multiple-
Interviewer And you’re only 17…
choice answers, then play the recording again.
Ruth Yes, I was 17 in August…
Interviewer Ruth, you’ve been incredibly Assign the task.
successful… You graduated from
Oxford University with a first-class Answers
degree – how old were you then?
1a 2c 3b 4c 5c
Ruth I was 13.
Interviewer Not 17 or 18 like most kids? You must
feel very proud…
Ruth Well, it’s nothing special; my parents
helped me a lot. As an additional listening comprehension activity, have
Interviewer You’re very modest. You were the the class answer the following questions:
youngest person to complete an Oxford 1 In what was Ruth successful? (In her university
degree and you did it in two years, studies.)
right? 2 What’s so special about her? (She got her first-class
Ruth Yes… degree at age 13 and her PhD at age 17.)
Interviewer … most people do it in three years. 3 Is she boasting about her success? (No, she is very
Ruth That’s right. Three years. modest.)
Interviewer What were you like at school? 4 Why didn’t she go to school? (Because her dad
Ruth I didn’t go to school; my dad taught her.)
taught me. 5 Who went to classes with her at Oxford? (Her dad.)
Interviewer Really? 6 What is she going to do next? (She’s going to stay
Ruth … and he was with me at Oxford; he in Oxford and do research in maths.)
came to classes with me… he did the 7 How much did she win as a prize? (100 pounds.)
course too! 8 Is she spending it on a holiday? (No, she’s going to
Interviewer Were you surprised by the result? buy a maths book.)
Ruth No, I knew I would do well. I wasn’t
really worried. 4 p. 74
Interviewer What are your plans?
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
Ruth I am going to stay in Oxford and do
PET Speaking Part 3.
Interviewer What are you going to research? Have the students do the task in pairs, as though it
Ruth Maths. were a PET exam.
Interviewer Of course! You also won some prize Give each student a photo and have them take turns
money… how are you going to spend describing it to their partner.
it? A nice holiday?
Ruth Well, it was only 100 pounds…
Possible answers
Interviewer I see…
Ruth I want to buy a maths book for my Photo A
research. 1 It was probably taken in a park, on a green lawn.
2 They are looking at folders, perhaps containing
holiday photographs or exam results.
Answers 3 They are all smiling, so they must be thinking
about something good, perhaps a holiday, or
English students usually go to university at 17 or 18. they enjoy studying together outdoors.
A university degree in England usually takes three 4 They feel happy and relaxed.
years. 5 Perhaps they were on an excursion together.

Photo B
1 It was taken in a classroom or in a library.
2 They are doing an exercise, perhaps they are

taking a text or they’re studying hard for an One shouldn’t waste time, one should start to write
exam. straight away.
3 They are thinking about the answers. You should answer the difficult questions first.
4 Some of them look puzzled and concentrated, You should check the spelling before you leave the
others look more confident. room.
5 They probably revised for the test.

Pronunciation: Compound words Flash on Grammar p. 75

5 2.27 p. 74
In preparation for the listening activity, have the class Reported questions
read the explanations and examples in the box. Read the explanations and translate the examples.
Before you play the recording make sure the students Remind the students that in reported questions,
understand all of the vocabulary in the table. the subject and verb are not inverted as in direct
questions; in reported questions the word order is
Play the recording and have the class repeat the
the same as in statements.
words with the correct pronunciation.

Transcript [Track 2.27] see Student’s Book p. 74 Workbook p. 60

1 p. 75
6 2.28 p. 74
Have the students do the first part of the task, then
have them listen to the recording so they can check 2 when the bus was leaving
that they have underlined the correct syllable. 3 if we had heard the news about Paul and Julia
4 why he had missed school the day before
Play it again for repetition.
5 could bring a friend to the party
6 if she was going to study medicine
Transcript [Track 2.28] see Student’s Book p. 74 7 had invented the light bulb

2 p. 75
Spoken English: Impersonal you/one Answers
Explain that in English it is possible to use either you 1 asked
or one as an impersonal pronoun. Go through the 2 why
explanation and the examples. Point out that you is 3 replied
used in the 2nd person singular and one is used in 4 added
the 3rd person singular. Translate them and provide 5 would
additional examples, if necessary. 6 if

7 p. 74 3 p. 75
Do this activity with the whole class. Write the Answers
reformulated tips on the board. 1 What are the most important changes?
2 Why are you making them?
Possible answers 3 When will the gym be ready?
4 Will you ask pupils for their opinion about the
Before you take an exam you should look at past
colour of the classrooms?
One should not spend the night revising; you should
get a good rest. Causatives
You should arrive early. Have the students read the rules and translate the
You can take your lucky pen or pencil. examples.
You don’t have to wear your best clothes.
Explain that these causative structures can be used
You should be relaxed and confident.
in two ways:

– when we have someone else do something for us:
I had my hair cut.
– when someone did something without our permission: 1 I can see 16 faces.
I had my bag stolen! 2 I can see 13 triangles: 6 red ones, 3 white
ones, red and white ones and finally the large
Workbook p. 60 triangle itself.
3 grey
4 p. 75
Possible answers
If someone wants to have their heart checked, they
go to a doctor. 2 2.29 p. 76
If someone wants to have their eyes tested, they go This exercise serves as preparation for the PET
to an optician. Listening Part 3.
If someone wants to have a new house built, they
To prepare for the listening activity, initiate a class
employ a builder.
discussion about genius. Ask the class if they think it
If someone wants to have a new house designed,
is hereditary, part of our genetic makeup or the fruit
they employ an architect.
of study and our environment. Ask for examples of
If someone wants to have a leak repaired, they call
the great geniuses of all time.
a plumber.
If someone wants to have their hair cut or dyed, Play the recording while the students follow along.
they go to a hairdresser. Assign the completion task.
If someone wants to have their car fixed, they go to
a car mechanic.
Transcript [Track 2.29]
If someone wants to have new clothes made, they
go to a tailor. Genes: what are they?
If someone wants to have a new light installed, We often hear about someone in school who is
they call an electrician. very clever or even a ‘genius’. History is also full
If someone wants to have a cupboard made, they of people, men and women, who today we say are
call a carpenter. geniuses. But exactly what is a genius? Are they
made or are they born? If, for example, you’re good
5 p. 75 at football, maths or chess, the reason may be in
your genes.
Answers Genes are the things that give you your physical
2 had, pierced characteristics and lots of other things about you,
3 having, built perhaps intelligence, too. Genes, which come from
4 has, done your family, now and in the future, carry information
5 had, repaired that helps make you who you are: curly or straight
6 have, sent hair, long or short legs, how you smile or laugh. In
7 have, delivered this article, we look at some of the latest research
8 had, tattooed into genius...

Flash on Skills / CLIL 1 may
Genes and genius 2
pp. 76-77 4 long

Science: The study of genetics Study Skills – Tips for reading (2)
Before you listen Go through the suggestions with the class.

1 p. 76 Tell them they will have an opportunity to apply these

techniques in exercise 3.
Tell the class that in this lesson they will explore the
genetic map of genius.
Allow 3 minutes’ time for the students to do the test.

8 Reading and American universities and numerous awards:
3 p. 77 Nobel Prize for Physics (1921), Copley Medal
(1925), Max Planck Medal (1929), Franklin Medal
This exercise serves as preparation for the PET
(1935). (107 words)
Reading Part 4.
Have the students read the text for details and answer Maria Goeppert-Mayer (1906-1972) a German-
the multiple-choice questions. born American physicist, studied and taught Physics
at the University of Göttingen. In 1930 she married
Answers an American assistant-professor of Physics and
went to the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore,
1c 2a 3c 4b
then to Columbia in 1939. In 1946 she worked
at Chicago University and in the Argonne National
4 p. 77 Laboratory where she developed a mathematical
Ask several students to say which word they would model for the structure of nuclear shells.
use to replace the nonsense word toodlepop, so that Among her awards: Nobel Prize for Physics (1963),
the text makes sense. membership of the National Academy of Sciences,
corresponding member of the Akademie der
Wissenschaften in Heidelberg. She has received
honorary degrees of Doctor of Science from Russel
environment Sage College, Mount Holyoke College and Smith
College. (104 words)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, (1756-1791), Austrian
5 p. 77 composer and pianist, one of the greatest geniuses
Have the students work in pairs to discuss their of classical music. His father, who was also a
ideas. musician, recognised his precocious talent and took
Now have them work in small groups to compare him to perform around the European courts when
their views, or open up the discussion to the whole he was still a child (1762-1773). After some years
class. at the Salzburg court (1773-1777), Mozart worked
mainly in Vienna. In 1782 he married Constanze
Weber, and they had six children. Amongst his
Writing masterpieces: The Marriage of Figaro (1786), Don
6 p. 77 Giovanni (1787), Così fan tutte (1790), The Magic
Flute (1791), the unfinished Requiem and a large
This exercise serves as preparation for the PET production of symphonies, concerts, sonatas for
Writing Part 3. piano, violin and harpsichord. (102 words).
Have the students do some research on the Internet
or in the library to gather information about the three
people shown in the photos.
Assign the writing task to be done at home.
Flashback 7-8 pp. 78-79
Possible answers
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), a German physicist,
lived and studied in Germany and Switzerland, and 1 p. 78
taught Physics in Zurich, Prague and Berlin. He 1 had watched
emigrated to America in 1933 and taught Physics 2 he didn’t like going to
at Princeton, New Jersey. He became an American 3 had been
citizen in 1940. He published: General Theory of 4 had never eaten Chinese food
Relativity (1916), Investigations on the Theory of 5 would meet me
the Brownian Movement (1926), The Evolution 6 were leaving the following
of Physics (1938) and non-scientific works such 7 had seen Steven five minutes before
as About Zionism (1930), Why War? (1933), My 8 felt tired that day
Philosophy (1934), Out of My Later Years (1950). 9 he could help me
He received honorary degrees from many European

2 p. 78 Vocabulary
1 don’t like 7 p. 79
2 like
1c 2a 3c 4b 5c
3 can help you
6b 7c 8b 9c
4 went swimming last
5 have just been to the
8 p. 79
6 always have a
7 don’t want to come 1 documentary
8 are hungry and we want to 2 the weather forecast
9 am going to be 3 sitcom
4 current affairs
3 p. 78 5 soap opera
6 game show
1 taking
7 chat show
2 to go
8 sports programme
3 to buy
9 commercial/advertisement
4 getting
5 seeing
9 p. 79
6 receiving
7 to lend 1 confident
8 being 2 talkative
3 calm
4 p. 78 4 serious
5 proud
1 the plane would take off
6 ambitious
2 we had bought some new clothes
7 modest
3 why he was late for school
4 could help him with the shopping
10 p. 79
5 they were leaving for Paris that morning
6 how long I had lived there 1 dentist
7 where I was from 2 plumber
3 optician
5 p. 78 4 gardener
5 electrician
1 have a tooth out
6 carpenter
2 have her blood pressure taken
7 builder
3 have a new house built
8 tailor
4 have this leak fixed
5 have new clothes made
6 have your shoes polished
7 have your jacket cleaned

6 p. 79
1 dyed
2 if
3 going
4 had
5 why
6 she
7 wanted
8 was
9 told

9 Our Future

Presentation text
Topic: the future and safeguarding the environment.
2 2.30 p. 80
Grammar: the passive (2); comparative adverbs.
Read and translate the title of the lesson.
Vocabulary: the environment; saving the
Explain that they will now read a page of FAQs
(Frequently Asked Questions) about the environment.
Functions: describing simple processes; giving
Have the class listen to the recording as they follow
in their book.
Reading: read the FAQs on a website about
Have them skim the text to be sure they have correctly
the environment; read a dialogue between four
classified the words in exercise 1.
teenagers who are talking about what they can do
to improve the environment; read about the origins Discuss the answers with the class.
of the concrete poem; read three concrete poems.
Listening: listen to the description of three cities, Transcript [Track 2.30] see Student’s Book p. 80
from the standpoint of ecology; listen to three
concrete poems; listen to three authors of concrete
3 p. 80
Have the class read the text again for details.
Speaking: talk about environmental problems and
possible solutions; give advice for safeguarding the Assign the task.
environment; talk about use of plastic in everyday
life and how to reduce it; talk about poetry Answers
1 Because the heat is trapped in the earth’s
Writing: write an email about being ‘green’; atmosphere.
describe own daily habits concerning plastic; write 2 The eruption of volcanoes.
a concrete poem. 3 Because the ozone layer protects us from the
Pronunciation/Spoken English: connected sun’s radiation.
speech; repetition. 4 Because of climate change.
5 Because we will use wind and solar energy.
Study Skills: how to write a concrete poem.
6 Because trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air.

Assign the written activity to students who quickly

Save it! pp. 80-81 finish exercise 3.

1 p. 80 Possible answer
To begin to familiarise the students with the I switch off the TV, the computer and the DVD
terminology relative to environmental issues, have player before going to bed. I use a bike, not a car.
them read the words in the box and identify them as I plant trees. I buy recycled products and I recycle
either problems or solutions. Do not give them the cans, bottles, plastic bags, and newspapers.
correct answers until after the listening activity.

Problems: exhaust fumes, floods, deforestation, air
pollution, drought, nuclear power stations
Solutions: solar energy, wind energy, recycling

4 Paper and plastic are being recycled.
5 Pollution has been made worse by cars.
The passive 6 New trees are being planted by children.
Have the class read and translate the examples. 7 A lot of forests have been cut down.
Now go to p. 85 and quickly review the rules for 8 Solar energy will be used by more and more
the passive. people.

Assign the task.

Vocabulary: The environment
5 2.31 p. 81
Do the task with the whole class.
The pessimistic view
Play the recording to check their answers and for
In the future, serious floods and drought will be caused
repetition. Check for correct pronunciation and
by climate change. Sea levels will rise. Water supply
and the climate will be affected by deforestation. Air
pollution will be made worse. Disease will spread. Transcript and answers [Track 2.31]
The optimistic view
We can slow down climate change if we plant more plastic bags
forests. Yes, forests are being cut down but new global warming
trees are being planted. Coal and oil are being climate change
replaced by wind and solar energy. nuclear energy/power
What can you do? exhaust fumes
Before you go to bed, check: has the TV been forest fire
switched off? Have all the lights, computers and ozone layer
DVD players been turned off? public transport
(…) traffic jam
Buy recycled products – these are made from things wind power/energy
that have already been used. solar power/energy
air pollution
greenhouse gases/effect
FLASHPOINT clean energy
noise pollution
Focus on the formation of the passive in the carbon dioxide
Present continuous (am/is/are + being + past natural disasters
participle) and in the Present perfect (have/has + sea power/energy
been + past participle).
Say it!
6 p. 81
2 A lot of air pollution is being caused by cars.
Call on a student to demonstrate the task with you.
3 Nuclear power stations will be built.
Then, assign the activity in pairs.
4 Paper and plastic are being recycled.
5 Pollution has been made worse by cars.
6 New trees are being planted by children. Possible answers
7 A lot of forests have been cut down. 1 Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases,
8 Solar energy will be used by more and more volcanoes activity and exhaust fumes from cars.
people. 2 We harm the environment by cutting trees and
producing air pollution with exhaust fumes from
Vocabulary: The environment cars.
4 p. 81 3 In the future temperatures will rise, the climate
will change, we’ll have more floods and droughts,
Assign the task individually or in pairs.
a bigger hole will happen in the ozone layer and
water supplies will be impaired.
Answers 4 We can recycle cans, glass, paper, plastic. We
2 A lot of air pollution is being caused by cars. can use non-polluting means of transport like
3 Nuclear power stations will be built. bikes and we can consume less.

9 7 p. 81 – What do you think they are doing? (Antonio is
carrying a placard and the others are talking.)
Have the students read through the quiz questions
and profiles to make sure everyone understands Point out the question in the title and ask the class if
them. they are optimistic or pessimistic about the future of
our planet.
Assign the task individually at first, then in pairs.
Play the recording while the students follow in their
Write it! Ask them to answer the question.
8 p. 81
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the Transcript [Track 2.32] see Student’s Book p. 82
Trinity Grade 8 (National environmental concerns)
and Grade 9 (Global environmental issues).
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
PET Writing Parts 2 and 3. Michael is not optimistic.

Have the students copy the quiz in an email they will 2 p. 82

send to a friend. Remind them to explain why each
point is important. Have four students read the roles of Anna, Robyn,
Antonio and Michael in the dialogue. Help with
difficult words, as needed, like eco-friendly, avoid,
Possible answers ban.
1 It is important to save energy even in small Assign the gap-fill task.
amounts, as it soon builds up.
2 To use public transport, to walk and to use bikes
help reduce the pollution and the greenhouse Answers
effect caused by exhaust fumes from cars. 1 The local council
3 It is important to raise public awareness of 2 Antonio
climate change. 3 Robyn
4 Trees can help to control greenhouse gases. 4 Robyn
5 Recycling reduces damage to the environment. 5 Antonio
6 We must buy products that use little energy, 6 Some countries
such as low energy light bulbs.
7 It is important to reduce our carbon footprint 3 p. 82
by avoiding products that come from far away Have the students do the first part of the task.
and need to be transported by lorry, plane or
ship. Now have them complete the task in pairs to show
8 A bath wastes more water than a shower. that they have understood the dialogue.
9 Plastic shopping bags remain in the environment
for many years. Answers
10 We should always save water also because 1 Why should we use public transport? It’s more
producing clean water requires a lot of energy. eco-friendly.
2 What should we avoid when we go shopping?
We should avoid plastic bags.
Can things get better? 3 What has Antonio read recently? He read an

pp. 82-83
article which said that plastic bags have been
banned in some countries.
4 What happens when we drive fast? We use more
Presentation dialogue petrol.

1 2.32 p. 82
Have the students look at the photo and elicit
responses to some questions like: Have students who quickly finish exercise 3 jot down
– Who are the people in the photo? (Anna, Robyn, notes about plastic bag use as described by the four
Antonio and Michael.) friends in the dialogue, then have them do a class
– Where are they? (On a path in a park.) survey and report the results.

spend energy/money
plant trees/forests
Comparative adverbs turn off lights
Have the students read and translate the examples. throw away paper/plastic
recycle paper/plastic/water
Have the class go to p. 85 for the rules on
reduce pollution/traffic
comparative adverbs.
protect trees/forests
Assign the task. use energy/paper/plastic/public transport/cloth

Robyn I try to use public transport; it takes Giving advice
longer, but it’s more eco-friendly.
Antonio Yeah, you’ll be surprised how easily you Have the class read and translate the examples.
can save energy. Make a list on the board of the expressions used in
Michael Do you really think people can behave the box to make suggestions or give advice:
differently? Can things get better? You should…
Anna Well, things will certainly get worse if we It’s a good idea to …
do nothing. You can easily…
Robyn If we thought a bit more carefully about Try to…
how we do things…
Robyn Yeah, people are beginning to take the Say it!
environment more seriously. 6 p. 83
Michael It will take longer here. People love their
Have someone read the examples, then have
cars for a start.
the students first work individually to write some
Antonio Did you know that you use less petrol
sentences using the expressions from the Functions
when you drive more slowly?
box and the ideas from the website at the beginning
Michael Really?
of the Unit.
Anna Yeah, that’s true.
Michael But how are you going to get people to Now assign the speaking task in pairs, or have each
drive more slowly? student read his/her advice to the class.
Anna We’ll just have to try harder to get the
message across. Write it!
7 p. 83
4 p. 83
Have the students copy the fact sheet in their
Assign the task individually or in pairs.
notebook and fill it in, according to their personal
2 faster 6 more carefully Say it!
3 better 7 more seriously
4 more slowly 8 more quickly
8 p. 83
5 more dangerously Now tell the students to use this information to report
their habits to the class or to a partner. Have them
Vocabulary: Saving the environment discuss ways to reduce their use/consumption of plastic.

5 p. 83
Have the students work individually or in pairs to find
verb-noun combinations. The cleanest city in the
Possible answers
world p. 84
save energy/money/paper/forests/petrol/water 1 p. 84
waste energy/money/paper/petrol/water Help the students identify the cities. Point out the

9 smog hanging over Los Angeles, the face mask worn
Transcript [Track 2.33]
by the man in Beijing and the clean air in Calgary.
Tracy I moved to LA, the city of the Angels,
because I was offered a part in a film. I like
A Los Angeles (the USA) living here – it’s a really cool city. The
B Beijing (China) weather’s great and it’s number one for
C Calgary (Canada) media and fashion – everything. It’s the
home of Hollywood, the entertainment
2 p. 84 capital of the world. And you really do see
Tell the students to use the word pool and the celebrities in the street! But LA has got
questions as a guide to help them. big problems. Everyone uses cars; till
now public transport has been used by
Assign the task in pairs, reminding them to take turns
very few people… and… what else… they
describing one of the photos.
say the water is being polluted by all the
petrol stations or gas stations, as they call
Possible answers them. But in the future, I think things will get
There is a lot of air pollution in Los Angeles. There better and better. There’ll be less pollution,
is probably a lot of traffic which makes the city because more and more electric and hybrid
dirty, noisy and full of exhaust fumes. People might cars are being bought and public transport is
be suffering from respiratory diseases. One of the being used more and more. We’ll see…
advantages is that the city is a world centre of 2
entertainment. Sammy Our city has been awarded a horrible prize:
There is a lot of traffic and air pollution also in the air pollution capital of the world.
Beijing. The city is huge, full of traffic, noise and People used to ride bicycles but now
exhaust fumes, even if people use public transport. everyone wants a car of their own. And
A lot of dirt comes from frequent dust storms. One Beijing has got a population of about 22
of the advantages of this capital city is that it is million people – that’s going to be a lot
a centre of business, financial organisation, car of cars! New car parks are being built all
industry, and beautiful architectural landmarks. the time – Beijing will soon be one big car
Because Calgary is high above sea level and near park. Forget the Forbidden City, come and
the Rocky Mountains, its air is clean and fresh, the see our car parks, they’re huge. So now,
landscape is wonderful. It is a centre of the arts the air is filled with exhaust fumes from
in Canada. Although it is also the centre of the oil cars. The pollution got better before the
and gas industry, Calgary was ranked as the world’s Olympics but now things are getting worse
cleanest city in 2007. and worse. What can you do?
3 p. 84 Frank I love my city. Calgary is one of the cleanest
cities in the world, some people say it’s
Assign the task individually or in pairs.
number one. Calgary is the centre for oil
Tell them they will hear the correct answers in and gas in Canada, but it’s not dirty –
exercise 4. it’s beautifully planned. It’s got wonderful
public transport – its light rail system is
Answers excellent. There’s a lot of recycling. More
1 Beijing and more garbage from homes and shops
2 Calgary is being recycled. Landfills are being closed
3 Calgary or filled up because we believe recycling is
4 Los Angeles the only real answer, but this means people
5 Los Angeles have to do it! I think it works because
6 Beijing some people are making money from
4 2.33 p. 84
Background information
Explain to the class that they will now hear three
people talking about their own city. Los Angeles, with over 3 million inhabitants, is the
most densely populated city in California. Located in
Play the recording and have the students check their the southern part of the state, L.A. county has the most
answers to exercise 3. varied ethnic mix in the United States. Known as ‘The

City of Angels’, Los Angeles is one of the world’s biggest class has already seen in Unit 8, or any other word
centres for business and finance as well as fashion, you could make up. Explain that the students must try
cinema, entertainment and new technologies. Thanks to remember the missing words and they must fill the
to Hollywood, it has become the entertainment centre gaps with 1, 2 or 3 words. When they have finished
of the world, taking the lead in the production of films, the dictation, play the recording so they can check their
TV series, videogames and music. answers. For example:
Beijing is the capital of the People’s Republic of China I moved to LA, the city of the Angels, because I (1)
and the country’s focal point for political, economic toodlepop a part in a film. I like living here – it’s a
and cultural activities. The city boasts an efficient really cool city. The weather’s great and it’s number one
public transport system with its numerous rail lines. for media and fashion – everything. It’s the home of
For centuries Beijing represented the heart of Chinese Hollywood, the (2) toodlepop capital of the world. And
history as witnessed by its many opulent palaces and you really do see celebrities in the street! But LA has
temples. At its core lies the ‘Forbidden City’, which has got big problems. Everyone uses cars; till now, public
been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site. Once transport (3) toodlepop by very few people… and…
the imperial dwelling of the Ming and Qing dynasties what else… they say the water (4) toodlepop by all the
for approximately five centuries, the Forbidden City petrol stations or gas stations, as they call them. But in
was the heart of political and religious activities of the the future, I think things will get (5) toodlepop. There’ll
Chinese government. be less pollution, because more and more electric and
Calgary is the largest city in the Canadian province of hybrid cars are being bought and public (6) toodlepop is
Alberta. Thanks to its proximity to the Rocky Mountains, being used more and more. We’ll see…
it has always been a favourite destination for winter (Answers: 1 was offered, 2 entertainment, 3 has
sports enthusiasts and it was the first Canadian city to been used, 4 is being polluted, 5 better and better, 6
host the Winter Olympics in 1988. Calgary’s economy transport)
has been tied to the petroleum industry since 1902
when the first oil reserves were discovered. Recently,
however, the city has invested heavily in new economic Pronunciation: Connected speech
sectors such as tourism and high technology. According
6 2.34 p. 84
to The World’s Most Livable Cities ratings compiled by
The Economist in 2012, Calgary is placed fifth, having Have the students read the explanation and the
already earned the title of ‘The cleanest city in the sentences; make sure they understand them.
world’ in 2007. Play the recording so the students can repeat the
sentences, imitating the pronunciation and the
5 2.33 p. 84 rhythm of the speakers.

This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the

PET Listening Part 4. Transcript [Track 2.34] see Student’s Book p. 84
Have the students read through the statements, then
play the recording again so the students can do the 7 2.35 p. 84
task. Have them correct the false information. Play the recording and have the class repeat.
Have the more advanced students try to do the task Have them try to count the words.
before they listen to the recording the second time.

8 2.35 p. 84
Play the recording again.
1 F Los Angeles has great weather.
2T Have the students write the sentences exactly as they
3T hear them.
4 F There are 22 million people in Beijing.
5 F Beijing had less pollution before the Olympics. Transcript and answers [Track 2.35]
6T 1 A lot of pollution is being caused by industry.
7T 2 People have been left without work.
3 A new factory will be opened by the company
Extra 4 New forms of transport are being introduced
For additional listening practice, choose one of the
listening texts and dictate it, replacing a few key
words with the nonsense word toodlepop, which the

9 Spoken English: Repetition comparatives for far: farther means ‘a greater distance’
in a literal sense and further means ‘more’, ‘additional’
Ask different students to read the explanation and or a temporal extension in a figurative sense.
the examples. Translate the examples and compare
with the native language.
Provide additional examples with less and less and/ Workbook p. 69
or worse and worse. Ask the class to think of other 3 p. 85
examples (easier and easier, etc.).
2 more quickly
9 p. 84
3 more beautifully
Do the task with the whole class. Ask five students to 4 more carefully
come up with a sentence about their city, to answer 5 harder
one of the five questions. Have the others take notes. 6 more slowly
At the end, have different students make a short
presentation in front of the class. 4 p. 85
1 more beautifully
Flash on Grammar p. 85 2 more quietly
3 harder
4 more carefully
The passive 5 more quickly
Remind the class that they have already studied the 6 more slowly
rules for the passive in Unit 4.
Point out the different tenses in the chart and have
5 p. 85
the class translate the examples. Answers
2 being done
Workbook p. 68 3 (being) taught
4 been made
1 p. 85 5 more seriously
6 worse
7 been done
2 Will schools be built in the future? 8 better
3 Will floods be caused by climate change? 9 less
4 How many trees have been planted since last

Flash on Skills / Literature

5 Will that forest be cut down?
6 Is greenhouse effect being caused by human
activity? Concrete poems
2 p. 85 pp. 86-87
Preparation for PET Writing Part 1
Answers Before you read
2 will be recycled 1 p. 86
3 have been planted In this lesson the students will be introduced to a
4 will be planted type of poetry called ‘concrete poems’.
5 is being spent
In preparation for the reading exercise, elicit answers
6 has been done
to the questions from the class.

Comparative adverbs
Background information
Have the class read the rules for forming comparative
adverbs and translate the examples. Concrete poetry shifts attention from the content of the
Point out the difference in meaning between the two text to its graphic presentation, i.e. to the elements that

make up the text: words, letters, syllables, phonemes. It
can be visual poetry (that combines images and words), Possible answers
sonorous poetry (that experiments with sound and children and parents: C
voice), performative poetry (that highlights the voice nature: A, B
and gestures of the person reciting it) or multimedia freedom: B
poetry (that combines words, photography and music the future: A, C
through the medium of the computer). personality: B, C
pollution: A
time: A, B, C
2 p. 86
Have the students read the text which describes the Speaking
history of concrete poetry over the centuries. Assign 5 p. 87
the completion task.
The students could work in small groups to discuss
If they are interested, tell the students to go online to which poem they prefer and why.
find the concrete poems mentioned in the text.
Have each group then dictate their conclusions while
you write them on the board to compile statistics on
Answers the class.
1 modern
2 third 6 2.37 p. 87
3 English
4 tail Play the recording while the students try to identify
5 Italian the poem each author is talking about.
6 São Paolo
Transcript [Track 2.37]
Listening Speaker 1 In this poem, I wanted to write about
people, human beings – you know, the
3 2.36 p. 86
mystery of life but also the way people
Have the students look at the concrete poems and think and their feelings. It’s amazing
discuss the images created by the verses on the page when you think about it: the way we
(smoke rising from a smokestack, a tree, a person’s understand the world and each
head and shoulders). other through our senses. We’ve been
Play the recording while the class follows along, then around for thousands of years and we
have them complete the poems with the missing still don’t know how it all began and
words. what’s going to happen in the future. I
think all we can do is live every moment
More advanced students can try to do the task before
to enjoy every moment, every day. The
they hear the recording.
judges said they liked the way I used
the shape of a human body for my
Transcript [Track 2.36] see Student’s Book, pp. 86-87 poem… I don’t really mind not winning
a prize… that’s OK… next time…
1 forests Speaker 2 My poem is really about freedom, it’s
2 green about breaking free from your parents
3 traffic from teachers and everybody and
4 bottles becoming independent; you have to live
5 wind your own life in your own way. Yeah, of
6 leaf course, we’re all part of a group, a
7 hear family, friends or a county but, in the
8 stop end, we are alone; we have to make
our way in life alone and if we have
4 p. 87 problems we have to stand up and
fight to solve them. But the most
Assign the task individually or in pairs. important thing is being yourself, you

9 Answers
know, believing in yourself; anyway the
leaf is a symbol of all that… This year, I Poem A won first prize; poem B won second prize.
got the second prize but that’s OK
because last year my poem was Writing
awarded first prize.
8 p. 87
Speaker 3 I’ve been very influenced by the Have the class read the guidelines in the Study Skills
green movement and everything to do box before you assign the writing task in exercise 9.
with the environment and climate
change and so I wanted to write a poem
to try and make people think about the Study Skills – How to write a concrete
problems, green issues, but I also poem
wanted to… you know… touch their Have the class read all the guidelines for how to write
feelings, so I wrote about the way our a concrete poem.
beautiful planet is being made horrible
Tell them they will have an opportunity to try these
and ugly, it’s a sort of… you know… a
strategies in exercise 9.
plastic world: trees are cut down and
replaced by grey concrete… I was very
pleased my poem was chosen for the 9 p. 87
first prize. It’s the first time I’ve ever
Go through the table to be sure everyone understands
won anything.
all the words.

Answers Assign the writing task for homework.

Speaker 1: poem C In the next lesson, correct the students’ work and
Speaker 2: poem B then organise a poetry exhibition in the classroom or
Speaker 3: poem A in the school hall.
It might be interesting to appoint a jury of 4-5
7 2.37 p. 87 students to award 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes for the most
creative poems.
Play the recording again so the students can answer
the questions.

Role Models

Presentation text
Topic: role models in one’s life.
2 2.38 p. 88
Grammar: third conditional; wish to express
Explain that they will now read a blog page where
present and past desires.
some users have posted comments on their own role
Vocabulary: phrasal verbs; expressions with models.
Play the recording while the students follow in their
Functions: expressing regrets and wishes. book.
Reading: read a blog in which people describe
their role models; read a dialogue between four
Transcript [Track 2.38] see Student’s Book p. 88
teenagers who are saying goodbye; read an article
about the influence Roman-Classical culture has
had on Western civilisation.
Listening: listen to two girls talking about their
role models in a radio interview; listen to a version
of the story of Antony and Cleopatra and the impact 3 p. 88
of the Roman Empire on Western civilisation. Have the class read the text again and translate it for
Speaking: talk about regrets and satisfactions; detailed understanding this time.
talk about present wishes and past regrets; talk Assign the task.
about the impact of the Roman Empire, in the past
and in the present.
Writing: write notes on things you are happy
1 Bella233
about and things you regret in your life; describe
2 Mago777
how globalisation affects our lives.
3 Mago777
Pronunciation/Spoken English: third 4 Donna
conditional – connecting the clauses; saying 5 Lukey25
goodbye. 6 Mago777
Study Skills: PET Listening, PET Reading, PET

Assign this activity to students who quickly finish

exercise 3.

She believed in me Third conditional
pp. 88-89 Have the class read and translate the examples.
Now go to p. 93 and go through the rules and
1 p. 88
additional examples. If necessary, and to give
Have the students read and translate the title of the them an overall perspective, you can review the
lesson She believed in me. use of Zero, First and Second conditional; provide
To introduce the topic of role models, ask the students examples.
to think of people who they think have influenced Assign the task.
their life in a positive way. Tell them to choose just
one, in particular.
Have each student jot down some notes and then tell Answers
the class about this person. Hey, Mago,

A famous person who has had an influence on me? person (famous or not famous) who in some way
I’d pick Mark Thomas Tremonti (guitarist) from the has influenced me. I’ve thought it over for ages but
band Creed. If it hadn’t been for his great videos, I now I give in.
would have given up music, but he made me carry (...)
on playing. Hey, Mago,
(…) A famous person who has had an influence on me?
Hi, Mago, I’d pick Mark Thomas Tremonti (guitarist) from the
My mother had a difficult start in life, but she band Creed. If it hadn’t been for his great videos, I
became a fighter, for herself and her children. If would have given up music, but he made me carry on
she hadn’t had such a difficult life, she probably playing. Before I discovered him, I was very lazy but
wouldn’t have dropped out of university. If she when I watch Mark play it really inspires me to improve
hadn’t dropped out of university, she would have everything I do and go on practising and learning.
become a doctor, I think, because she loved taking
care of people. Hi, Mago,
(…) If it hadn’t been for my mother, I’d never have My mother had a difficult start in life, but she became
got to university. She believed in me and made me a fighter, for herself and her children. If she hadn’t
believe in myself. had such a difficult life, she probably wouldn’t have
(…) dropped out of university. If she hadn’t dropped
Hello, Mago! out of university, she would have become a doctor,
I am grateful to my teacher at secondary school. I think, because she loved taking care of people.
(…) If it hadn’t been for him, I would have had a She was a wonderful mother who brought up a
very different life. I would’ve stopped trying and left very happy family; she wanted to give her kids the
school, but I didn’t want to let him down. Above all, opportunities she had not had herself. If it hadn’t
Mr Walker gave me my first role in a school play. been for my mother, I’d never have got to university.
If I hadn’t been in that play, I wouldn’t have taken She believed in me and made me believe in myself.
part in the school drama club and I wouldn’t have Hello, Mago!
become an actor… I am grateful to my teacher at secondary school. His
name was Steve Walker. I remember when I couldn’t
4 p. 89 keep up with the other kids in my class, he always
told me not to give up; he always said ‘you can do
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
it’. If it hadn’t been for him, I would have had a
PET Writing Part 1.
very different life. I would’ve stopped trying and left
Assign the task individually or in pairs. school, but I didn’t want to let him down (...)

Answers 6 p. 89
2 had Assign the task individually or in pairs.
3 wouldn’t have
4 would have got Answers
5 they had beaten 2 make progress, leave
3 continue
Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs 4 continue, disappoint
5 2.39 p. 89 5 stop resisting
6 raise
Remind the class that verbs that are used with a
particle (preposition or adverb) are called phrasal 7 p. 89
Assign the task individually or in pairs.
Play the recording and have the class repeat.
Assign the task in pairs. Answers
1 dropped out
2 given
Transcript [Track 2.39] see Student’s Book p. 89
3 let him down
4 thought over
Answers 5 carried on
Okay, this is my homework: I have to choose a

Write it! Assign the true/false task. Have the class correct the
false statements.
8 p. 89
Read through the task assignment and the examples. Answers
Make sure everyone understands what they are to
do. 1 T
2 T
Allow a few minutes for the students to do the task. 3 F Antonio wishes it had lasted longer.
4 F Anna’s dad got over it.
9 p. 89 5 F Michael watched a lot of football.
Now explain that the students are to transform their 6 F The boys are leaving London.
notes from exercise 8 into sentences in the third
conditional. FLASH FORWARD
Assign the task to be in class. Provide help, as needed. Assign this task, either in class or for homework.


10 p. 89 wish
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
Have the class read and translate the examples.
Trinity Grade 8 (Third conditional) and Grade 9
(Expressing regrets). Point out that wish is always used in the Present
simple, whereas the verb that follows is in the Past
Divide the class into small groups.
simple when it refers to present or future desires
Tell the students to share what they wrote with the and it is in the Past perfect when it refers to a
other members of their group. regret for a past action.
Go to p. 93 for additional explanations and examples.
Goodbye! pp. 90-91 Assign the task.

Presentation dialogue
1 2.40 p. 90
Anna It was a great farewell party last night.
Have the students look at the photo and elicit Antonio Yeah, I wish I had gone to bed earlier,
responses to the questions: though.
– Who do you see in the photo? (Robyn, Antonio, Michael So, everyone, it’s all over.
Anna and Michael.) Robyn I wish you didn’t have to go.
– Where are they? (On a busy street.) Antonio It’s been really great.
– Why are the girls holding a rose? (It must be a Anna Yeah, do you wish it had lasted longer?
present from the boys.) Antonio Yeah, that would’ve been good.
– What do you think they are doing? (It looks like Robyn Time has passed really quickly.
they are saying goodbye.) Michael Yeah, doesn’t time fly?
Play the recording while the students follow in their Anna I wish I hadn’t had so much work at the
books. hotel.
Antonio Yeah, we would have had more time
Have the class answer the question.
Anna I wish I had met you earlier.
Transcript [Track 2.40] see Student’s Book p. 90 Antonio And if you had?
Anna Nothing, I just wish, you know, you were
Answer staying longer.
Antonio What did your dad say about the protest?
Antonio is tired.
Anna Nothing, he got over it; I wish he wasn’t
so strict.
2 p. 90 Robyn Remember the first time we met?
Have four students read the parts for Robyn, Antonio, Michael Yeah, but I wish I’d spoken to you earlier.
Anna and Michael in the dialogue. Make sure Robyn Hmm, I wish you had too.
everyone understands; help with the more difficult Michael I wish I hadn’t spent all that time
words as needed. watching football.

10 Robyn Yeah, pull the other one. 2 good
Antonio Right then, it’s time to go. 3 go/say goodbye
Girls Have a nice trip! Don’t forget to write! 4 wasted
Boys Bye! See you! 5 spend
6 next
Just as in the if clause of the Second conditional, after
Say it!
sentences with wish we can use the old subjunctive 7 p. 91
form were instead of the Past simple was (I wish I Have two students read the examples again in the
were staying longer; She wishes she were slimmer). Grammar box. Now assign the first part of the task
individually, having the students jot down their
3 p. 91
Then, in pairs have them tell each other about their
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
PET Writing Part 1.
Have the students work individually or in pairs.

Answers Listen’n’speak
2 I had listened Heroes p. 92
3 wasn’t/weren’t
4 he was/were 1 p. 92
5 hadn’t come
Have the students work in pairs to do the task.
6 had
Then call on several pairs to share their ideas with
the class and open up a class debate on the issue.
Vocabulary: Expressions with time Write down the various points on the board.
4 p. 91
Have the students do the task. Point out the different
2 p. 92
meanings of time.
Have the class look at the photos and say what
Answers each did that was important. Have the students do
additional research on the Internet or you can provide
Personal answers
information about each person.
Then assign the task in pairs.
5 p. 91
Read through the verbs in the box and check for Background information
comprehension, then assign the task.
Nelson Mandela (1918), South African political leader.
His fight against Apartheid cost him 26 years in prison.
Answers Released in 1990, he was first elected President of the
1 to spend ANC (African National Congress) and later, President
2 have of South Africa; he served from 1994 to 1999. During
3 wasted that time he established the Truth and Reconciliation
4 take Commission which played a key role in the nation’s
5 is passage towards democracy. In 1993 Mandela was
6 save awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Anne Sullivan (1866-1936), American teacher. An
6 p. 91 orphan and nearly blind, she was taken in and educated
at the Perkins School for the Blind in Massachusetts. At
Assign the task, reminding the students to use the
the age of 21, she was assigned to assist and teach the
expressions they learnt in exercise 4.
young deaf and blind girl, Helen Keller (1880-1968),
with whom she lived for 49 years, helping her to
Answers overcome her disabilities and isolation from the outside
1 on world.

Wangari Maathai (1940-2011), environmental and
Interviewer Where?
political activist. In the 1990s she undertook a huge
Girl 2 In Kenya, you see, a lot of forests
awareness-raising campaign for problems concerning
had been destroyed and people had to
nature and specifically, deforestation. Thanks to the
travel long distances to find wood.
initiatives by the Green Belt Movement, an NGO
Then Wangari decided to do something
founded by Maathai in 1977, 40 million trees were
about the problem.
planted in Kenya to counteract soil erosion. In 2004,
Interviewer What did she do?
she became the first African woman to receive the
Girl 2 She started planting trees. Then she
Nobel Peace Prize.
persuaded other people – especially
women – to plant trees.
3 2.41 p. 92 Interviewer And what happened?
Tell the students they will now listen to a radio Girl 2 Now people in Kenya have planted
programme featuring two girls who are talking about more than 30 million trees. Because of
people they consider heroes. her. If it hadn’t been for her passion and
enthusiasm, people wouldn’t have
Play the recording and have the class answer the
done anything.
Interviewer So she helped them to help themselves?
Girl 2 Exactly! She was a great leader. She
Transcript [Track 2.41] had courage. She never gave up. I
wish I had a friend like her.
Interviewer Who do you admire, who’s your hero?
Girl 1 The person I admire the most is Anne
Sullivan. She was a woman who did a The first girl is talking about Anne Sullivan. She
lot in her life, especially as Helen admires this teacher who gave her pupil, Helen
Keller’s teacher. Keller, the keys to communicate in spite of being
Interviewer Who was Helen Keller? deaf and blind.
Girl 1 She was a girl who became blind and The second girl is talking about Wangari Maathai.
deaf when she was little but later she She admires this environmental activist who planted
became a great writer… millions of trees in Kenya to help her people.
Interviewer How did Anne Sullivan help her?
Girl 1 Well, she taught Helen Keller to read, 4 2.41 p. 92
write and speak; if it hadn’t been This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
for her amazing teacher, Sullivan, PET Listening Part 2.
Helen Keller wouldn’t have done all
Have the students read the questions and listen to
the things she did and become famous.
the first part of the recording again so they can do the
Interviewer Why was Sullivan so special?
Girl 1 Helen went to university and became
an author and a great teacher herself. Have more advanced students try to answer the
If she hadn’t had Anne Sullivan as a questions before the second listening, then have
teacher, who knows what she would them simply check their answers.
have done?
Interviewer So she helped her student to help Answers
1a 2b 3b
Girl 1 Yeah, she gave her the keys; that’s the
best kind of teacher, isn’t it? I wish I
had had a teacher like Anne Sullivan. 5 2.41 p. 92
This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
2 PET Listening Part 3.
Girl 2 My hero is Wangari Maathai – the first
Have the class read the text and listen to the second
African woman to win the Nobel prize.
part of the recording again so they can do the task.
Interviewer Why do you admire her?
Girl 2 Because she loves trees and so do I! Have more advanced students try to answer the
Interviewer Trees? questions before the second listening, then have
Girl 2 Yes, she planted millions of them – or them simply check their answers.
helped others to plant trees.

10 Answers Flash on Grammar p. 93
1 prize
2 wood
3 planting trees Third conditional
4 women If you haven’t already done so at the beginning of
5 thirty the unit, review the use of Zero, First and Second
6 p. 92 Write the format for the Third conditional on the
Have the students refer back to the lists they made board:
in the Flash Forward exercise on page 88. Tell them if + subject + Past perfect (in if clause),
to choose a hero and/or role model to discuss with a subject + would have + Past participle (in main
partner. Have them write a few sentences, using the clause).
Third conditional and following the example given. Have the class translate the examples.
Now assign the speaking task in pairs.
Workbook p. 76
Pronunciation: Third conditional –
connecting FLASHPOINT
7 2.42 p. 92 Point out that would is only used in the main clause,
in both Second and Third conditional sentences.
Have the class read each verbal form. Point out the
contracted negative forms.
Play the recording and have the class repeat. Check 1 p. 93
for correct pronunciation.
1 regret
Transcript [Track 2.42] see Student’s Book p. 92
2 criticism
3 imagining a different past
8 2.43 p. 92
Have different students read and translate the 2 p. 93
Play the recording and have the students repeat the
2 I would have called Paola if I hadn’t lost her
sentences with the proper pronunciation.
3 I would have come to the party if I had known
Transcript [Track 2.43] see Student’s Book p. 92 about it.
4 We wouldn’t have missed the bus if we had got
up in time.
Spoken English: Saying goodbye 5 He would have done his homework if the match
hadn’t finished late.
Have the class read and translate the examples. 6 They would have won the match, if their best
Explain that English-speaking people often have the player hadn’t been injured.
habit of softening affirmations with expressions like
I suppose, I think, I believe at the beginning of the
sentence. English is also full of alternative ways of
saying things, for example to make a move instead of
simply saying to go. Write the two possible structures with wish on the
wish + Present simple (for present or future desires);
9 p. 92 wish + Past perfect (for past regrets).
Allow a few minutes at the end of the lesson so the
students can practise this activity.

Workbook p. 76 Flash on Skills / Culture
3 p. 93 If Antony hadn’t fallen in
Answers love… pp. 94-95
1 I wish I lived in Paris.
Explain that this lesson offers a look at how Roman-
2 I wish I had a very good mobile.
Classical culture influenced Western civilisation.
3 I wish I was/were a genius.
4 I wish I had a lot of friends.
4 p. 93 1 2.45 p. 94
Answers This can be used as a preparatory exercise for the
1 I wish I had told you the truth. PET Listening Part 3.
2 I wish I hadn’t lost my camera. Have the class look at the photo taken from the
3 I wish I hadn’t gone to the party. film Cleopatra (1963) starring Richard Burton and
4 I wish I had brought a coat. Elizabeth Taylor.
Now go through all of the points in the Study Skills
5 p. 93 section regarding PET Listening preparation.
Answers Have the class read the incomplete text.
1 I wish I was/were Now play the recording twice so the students can do
2 I wish I spoke the task.
3 I wish I hadn’t had
4 I wish we hadn’t
5 I wish I had been 2 2.45 p. 94
6 I wish you were Play the recording again so the students can check
their answers.
6 p. 93
Answers Transcript [Track 2.45]
2 had known Mark Antony met Cleopatra of Egypt in 41 BC. She
3 hadn’t got was beautiful and intelligent. Antony fell for her and
4 didn’t have she took to him immediately. It was love at first
5 wouldn’t have taken sight; and it was a love that changed the history of
6 had offered the world…
What happened? In 31 BC Octavius and Antony
were fighting their last great battle, which took
7 2.44 p. 93 place at Actium. Cleopatra’s ships also took part.
Transcript [Track 2.44] One report says that Cleopatra’s ship left the battle
and Antony followed her. As a result, they were
A Hi, Katherine, sorry about last night. I wish we both defeated. These events brought about great
hadn’t had that row… changes in Rome. First of all, Octavius became the
B It wasn’t your fault. If I had known how you felt, Emperor Augustus and built the Roman Empire.
I wouldn’t have said anything.
A No, but I wish I hadn’t got upset. I wish I were Answers
B It’s OK. 1 intelligent
A I wish you didn’t have to go. 2 first sight
B Look, if they hadn’t offered me the job, I 3 31
wouldn’t have taken this decision. 4 part
A I wish they had offered us both a job in 5 Rome
Manchester. 6 Augustus
B Don’t worry. We’ll be together again soon.

10 Reading and expressions used in the prompts and outline
3 p. 94
Assign the writing task for homework.
This exercise serves as preparation for the PET
Reading Part 3.

Flashback 9-10 pp. 96-97

Have the students go through all of the points in
the Study Skills section regarding PET Reading
Assign the reading task. Grammar
Comment on the Pascal quote from Les Pensées, a 1 p. 96
collection of pointed commentaries on the human
condition. 1 isn’t recycled
2 is spent
Now have the class apply the strategies they learnt
3 have been built
to complete the task by marking the statements true
4 is being done
(T) or false (F). Correct the false statements.
5 will be recycled
6 will be built
Answers 7 won’t be given
1 F They used olive oil for cooking. 8 are caused
2 F Europe had roads but they were not straight. 9 isn’t being
3 F English took a lot of words from Latin.
4 F French, Italian and Spanish are Romance 2 p. 96
1 have been caused/are being caused
2 has been opened/is being opened/will be opened
6 F Shakespeare wrote plays in English.
3 have been switched
4 will be married
Speaking 5 have been knocked/will be knocked/are being
4 p. 95 6 have been killed/are being killed
This exercise serves as preparation for the PET
Speaking Part 2. 3 p. 96
Have the class read the text again and take notes on 1 more carelessly
the key points. 2 earlier
Have the students go through all of the points in 3 better
the Study Skills section regarding PET Speaking 4 harder
preparation. 5 more easily
6 more slowly
Now have them apply the strategies the learnt to
7 worse
do the speaking task with a partner. Monitor the
8 more clearly
exchanges to be sure they are using the expressions
9 more quickly
Make a note on the board of the different ideas being 4 p. 96
expressed and when the pairs have finished, open up
the discussion to the whole class. 1 more carefully
2 more slowly
3 better
Writing 4 earlier
5 p. 95 5 further
6 harder
This exercise serves as preparation for the PET
Writing Part 3.
5 p. 96
Initiate a class discussion about the phenomenon of
globalisation and the impact it has on our lives. 1 If the film had had good reviews, we would have
gone to see it.
Make sure everyone understands all of the words

2 I would have bought the jacket if I had had
enough money. 8 p. 97
3 If I had known about the picnic, I would have
come. 1a 2c 3a 4b 5c
4 They would have passed the test if they had 6a 7a 8b 9b
worked harder.
5 If we hadn’t missed the first goal, we would have 9 p. 97
won the match.
1 Think, over
6 If I had known more people, I would have enjoyed
2 keep up with
the party more.
3 carry on
7 She wouldn’t have eaten all that food if she
4 dropped out
hadn’t been really hungry.
5 let, down
8 I wouldn’t have felt so angry if she had told me
6 give in
the truth.
10 p. 97
6 p. 97
1 takes
1 had
2 next
2 I had
3 goes
3 I was/were
4 waste
4 she had had her friends
5 save
5 he had passed
6 I didn’t
7 we didn’t have to do

7 p. 97
11 better
12 harder
13 would
14 more
15 Weren’t you
16 less
17 had had
18 been given
19 had gone
10 would you have studied

Flash on CLIL

Media Studies: On air Science: Units of measurement

pp. 98-99 pp. 102-103
2 p. 98 1 p. 102
1b 2a 3b 4c 5a 6b 7a 8b 1a 2b 3c 4b 5c 6c 7b 8a

3 p. 99 3 p. 102
1F 2T 3F 4T 5F 6F 7T 1 It is used in the USA.
2 There are 36 inches in a yard.
4 p. 99 3 There are 1,760 yards in a mile.
1 interested 4 The abbreviation of a pound is lb.
2 up-to-date 5 Pints.
3 unbiased 6 19.45.
4 trusted
5 gathering Geography: The Commonwealth
pp. 104-105
History: World War II
pp. 100-101 2 p. 104
1F 2F 3T 4F 5T 6T 7F
3 p. 101 8F
1 They were dark, damp and designed for the
garden, so people who lived in city centres and Politics: The European Union
pp. 106-107
had no garden could not use them.
2 Because the Luftwaffe’s high explosive bombs
could penetrate up to fifty feet through solid
ground. 1 p. 106
3 People covered any source of light. 1c 2b 3b 4c 5c 6c
4 Everyone had a ration book with coupons. They
gave the coupons to the shopkeeper when they 2 p. 107
bought food. 1T 2T 3T 4F 5T 6F
5 Women started to go to work and had to do
‘men’s work’.

Teaching Techniques for Mixed-Ability Classes
Technique 1 Technique 2
Magic numbers Anagram
Objectives: enhance learning; get students’ Objectives: increase students’ interest in a
attention. particular topic.
Materials: pen and paper. Materials: none.
Preparation: none. Preparation: choose a key word on the topic of
the day’s lesson.
Tell the students to get ready to write a series of
numbers in a column. Tell them to write: Choose a fairly long word so that you can write
– their date of birth; the letters that compose it in random order on the
– an year in which an important event happened in board. For example, ITSOGWRERN (songwriter, from
their life, for example when they moved house or FLASH on English Intermediate, Unit 6).
when they met their best friend; Have the students make words in English, using the
– their age; letters on the board. The following words can be
– how many years have passed since the important made from the letters in songwriter:
Now tell them to add all the numbers. so go it son sow gone
Tell the students that the number they have written tone write wrote song win...
will always correspond to the current year times two.
For example: if the year is 2014, then the answer Ask the students to read the words they have written
will be 4028; if it is 2015, the answer will be 2030, and check to see if anyone was able to guess the
and so on. original word. If they weren’t, have them go to Unit 6
in their book.

For another activity with numbers, see Unit 8, Skills

Teaching Techniques for Mixed-Ability Classes

Technique 3 Technique 4
Mosaic writing Pronunciation pairs
Objectives: practise writing; encourage collective Objectives: practise pronunciation.
participation through group work. Materials: pieces of paper.
Materials: pen and paper. Preparation: prepare a list of the most common
Preparation: none. pronunciation errors in English and a parallel list of
the correct pronunciation.
Dictate the title of a composition (e.g. My favourite
school subject) or the beginning of a story (for Write some sentences containing words that are
example: It was a dark wintry night; I was alone at commonly mispronounced; write one sentence per
home…). slip of paper.
Have the students work in pairs to brainstorm ideas Write the correct pronunciation on the remaining
in the following categories: Vocabulary, Grammar, slips of paper.
Topics. For example:
After a few minutes, have different pairs dictate their
ideas to you or another student who will write them I ate my breakfast. I hate my breakfast.
on the board, by category. I eat when I am hungry. I eat when I am angry.
When there are enough examples, have the students She has a big nose. She has a bigger nose.
start writing about one of the topics listed. She was just joking. She was just choking.
I fought the film was good. I thought the film was
After a few minutes, tell them to stop writing and pass good.
the paper to their partner who will continue writing
from the point where the other student stopped.
Hand out the slips of paper in random order. One at
Repeat this step at least six times, depending on how a time students are to read their sentence out loud.
much time you have to dedicate to this activity.
The rest of class listens carefully and when someone
In the end, each student will have a ‘mosaic’ thinks they have a similar sentence, they read theirs
composition, put together from the input of six or out loud.
more classmates.
Then have the class decide which is the correct
As a homework assignment, have the students write pronunciation (and context) of the often confused
their own version of the ‘mosaic’ composition. word.
Once all the pairs of sentences have been read,
have the students copy the correct sentences in their

The same activity can be done using common
grammatical or lexical errors.

Teaching Techniques for Mixed-Ability Classes

Technique 5 Technique 6
Word race Musical writing
Objectives: increase students’ interest in a Objectives: practise writing narrative texts.
particular topic. Materials: some pieces of music.
Materials: none. Preparation: choose some pieces of music.
Preparation: a word family connected to the topic
of choice. Tell the students to get ready to write a composition of
three or four paragraphs in length.
Write the topic you have chosen on the board. For Dictate the opening sentence in the first paragraph, for
example ‘Music’ from FLASH on English Intermediate, example: Roger will never forget the day he met Julie…
Unit 6.
Elicit some ideas from the class regarding the characters
Have the students work in groups and ask them to (tall or short, blond or dark hair, old or young, etc.) and
write down as many words as they can think of that the setting (where are they?, what’s the weather like?,
have to do with the topic on the board. For example: what are they doing?, etc.).
musician, concert, CD, MP3 player, guitar, piano, Play the first piece of music and have the class write
instrument… down a few ideas for their story, inspired by the music.
After a few minutes, check the words and have a As a first selection, you could choose something happy
student from the group who came up with the most and lively like ‘Spring’ from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. A
words come to the board and write them down. possibility could be:

Note It was a lovely day in Spring. Roger was walking in the

park when suddenly he saw a beautiful girl. She had
This activity can be used as a lead-in to the topic for a
long blonde hair…
daily lesson, to check students’ prior knowledge.
Offer suggestions for the next paragraph (e.g. Later that
Variation evening…) and encourage the students to use their
imagination by asking questions like:
On a separate sheet of paper, the teacher makes a list
– What happened later that evening?
of ten words connected to the topic, without showing
– Where did they go? Why?
them to the class.
– How did they feel?
Explain that the students will earn one point for every – What did they do?
word they think of that is not on the teacher’s list. – Who did they see?
Have them work in groups. Play the second piece of music and repeat the process
Now have the students write down as many words as of music-inspired writing. A more modern and dynamic
they can. You read your words and the students are possibility could be:
to cross out those words if they appear on their list.
Have them tally their points for the words that were Later that evening, Roger and Julie went to a disco.
not on the teacher’s list. The group with the most They danced all night and had a great time…
points can go to the board and write their list.
Now dictate the beginning of the third paragraph (e.g.
In the end, they decided…) and play the third piece of
music. This could be Mendelssohn’s famous Wedding
March, so the two characters could be going to get
married or you could choose something ‘summery’ to
encourage the class to jot down ideas about a summer
Once the students have written enough notes, have them
talk to a partner and share their ideas for their story.
As a homework assignment have the students write
their composition, working from their class notes.

Teaching Techniques for Mixed-Ability Classes

Technique 7 Technique 8
Strangers in the text Stand up and sit down
Objectives: review certain vocabulary. Objectives: motivate the class to read a text.
Materials: a song (lyrics and music). Materials: a text in which there are some
Preparation: choose a song and the vocabulary repetitions.
(lexical family) to revise; modify and print the lyrics. Preparation: choose a text and write the repeated
words on slips of paper.
Choose a song and modify the lyrics by replacing
some of the words with vocabulary from the lexical Choose a text containing some repetitions. For
family to revise, for example from FLASH on English example, you can use the text below or another one
Intermediate, Unit 9: the Environment. of your choice:
Print the modified lyrics and make enough copies for
the class. One day, someone knocked on the door. My
Have the students work individually to read the text mother didn’t answer it. They knocked again. My
of the lyrics and underline the words that don’t seem father wasn’t at home and my mother didn’t like
to fit the context of the song. For example, from opening the door to strangers. But she opened it.
‘Strangers in the Night’ by Frank Sinatra: There were three men at the door. They talked with
my mum. ‘My husband is working in the fields now’
she said. ‘He comes home in the evening’.
Strangers in the night exchanging fumes
The three men then entered the room. One of them
Wondering in the night
picked me up. My mother started to scream. The
What were the chances we’d be sharing rubbish
man said: ‘Come with us. We’re having a picnic in
Before the night was through.
the park’. They put me into a car.
I started school. All the kids spoke English but I
Something in your ozone was so inviting,
only spoke the Aboriginal language. But when I
Something in your smile was so noisy
learned English, I was a good pupil.
Something in my carbon footprint
Told me I must have you.
Write the words that are repeated the most often
on separate slips of paper. From this text they are,
Strangers in the night, two polluted people
for example: knocked, mother, door, men, spoke,
We were strangers in the night
Up to the moment
When we said our first exhaust fumes Explain that these are secret words and that the
Little did we know students are not to reveal them to anyone else. Now
Love was just a traffic jam away, hand them out to the students.
A warm embracing acid rain away and - Tell the class they are about to hear a recording of the
full text (or, if it’s not from the book, you will read it).
Ever since that night we’ve been together. Each time they hear their secret word, the students
Lovers at first sight, in landfills forever. are to stand up and sit down quickly.
It turned out so right,
At the end of the exercise, ask the students to say
For recycling in the night.
what their secret words were and to say what they
referred to in the text.
Now have the students compare their answers with a
Play the recording in its original version and have the
class write down the correct words.
As a homework assignment, have the students
choose one of their favourite songs and have them
modify the lyrics with words from a lexical family of
their choice.

Teaching Techniques for Mixed-Ability Classes

Technique 9 Technique 10
Group test Co-evaluation
Objectives: try a new approach to a class Objectives: encourage co-evaluation (student-
test; encourage cooperation among students in teacher) of written work.
preparation for a test. Materials: evaluation materials.
Materials: pen and paper. Preparation: print copies of evaluation criteria.
Preparation: none.
Explain to the students that they will co-evaluate
Divide the students into groups of four or five, with their work with the teacher. Hand out copies of the
mixed levels of ability. Write down the names of the evaluation criteria. Assign the written task, setting
students in each group for your future reference. a time limit so as to allow enough time for the
Tell the class what topics and grammar points will be evaluation at the end of the lesson.
covered in the next class test. When the students have finished, have them proceed
Tell the students that each group is to work together with their self-evaluation, following the criteria given.
to revise for the test and they can organise it The teacher then evaluates each student’s work.
themselves; for example, identify the areas that are At the next lesson, hand out the students’ work with
the most difficult, explain the rules to each other and the final mark which is the average between the two
do drills together to practise, etc. marks: the student’s and the teacher’s.
During this preparation phase, monitor the students’ If you think it would be useful, discuss any
work, but intervene as little as possible, allow them discrepancies between the two marks.
to work independently.
On the day of the class test, the students will work
individually. Note
The following evaluation criteria are based on the
Correct and evaluate their tests by groups; assign a parameters commonly used for international certification
final mark to each group, not to individual students. examinations.

Pass with merit: ideas are well organised and easily

understood. The topic is developed pertinently, showing
good control of structures and lexis which is almost
always appropriate. Occasional errors are made but
they do not hinder the overall comprehension and flow
of the composition.

Pass: ideas are clearly expressed, but are not always

well connected. The topic is developed pertinently,
showing good control of basic structures and lexis.

Pass (weak): ideas are understandable, but

communication is unclear in some points and lacks
cohesiveness. The topic is sometimes lacking in clarity
and there are some grammatical and lexical errors.

Fail: ideas are incomprehensible because of serious

grammatical and lexical errors which make reading
extremely difficult. The topic is not developed
pertinently and the text is insufficiently organised and
lacks cohesive elements, with a consequent negative
effect on the reader.

Teaching Techniques for Mixed-Ability Classes

Technique 11
Musical test
Objectives: practise listening and gap-fill tasks.
Materials: a song, such as a ballad.
Preparation: choose and modify the lyrics, by
removing a number of words.

Follow the example of the gap-fill exercises found in

the Use of English section for Level B1-B2 Cambridge
exams. Prepare the lyrics and make copies.
Tell the students that they will now practise doing
a typical gap-fill exercise that they will find in a
Cambridge exam.
Hand out the copies of the modified lyrics and have
the students try to fill the gaps with the correct words.
Do the first sentence with them, as an example. Do
not reveal the source of the text.
When the class has finished the task, play the
recording and have the students check their answers.
If necessary, play the recording a second time.

The song and lyrics you choose should not be too easily
recognisable. It is suggested that you rewrite the lyrics
so that what you give the students looks like a regular
paragraph in a normal text, so that when they listen,
they are surprised. Make sure that the gaps are for just
one word.
This activity could be used in different ways, to revise
specific grammar items such as collocations, pronouns,
auxiliary verbs, prepositions...

For further information and ideas

Lindsay Clandfield and Luke Prodromou, Dealing with
Difficulties, Delta Publishers, 2007.

Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts

Unit 1 6 You have to practise every day in order

to really improve.
1 have you been going
7 I’m studying French so I understand 2 I started going
Grammar and Vocabulary people when I go there. 3 I’ve been doing some boxing.
Practice, pp. 6-7 8 I’m writing to you in order to apply for 4 So I can get stronger
Grammar a place at your school. 5 I’ve been going with Rob
9 Let’s go on Saturday evening so we can 6 have you been doing that
1 stay out late. 7 So that I can ask Amy out
1 I haven’t been living here for long.
2 She’s been trying to call him for hours. Vocabulary Sum Up!
3 We’ve been working with each other
since 2006. 7 7
4 He hasn’t been playing very well 1 racket 6 rugby 1 have you done, ’ve finished
recently. 2 basket 7 surf board 2 have you been studying, have been
5 Have you been reading those comics? 3 skis 8 club 3 So that
6 My sister has been travelling for four 4 boots 9 net 4 To
months now. 5 whistle 5 To
7 Have they been practising their moves? 6 been trying
8 You’ve been learning to cook! 8
9 You haven’t been studying recently. 1 water polo 5 course 8
2 pitch 6 rink 1 courts 4 pitch
2 3 stadium 7 circuit 2 course 5 court
1 My neighbour’s been cutting his grass 4 ring 3 rink 6 slope
for an hour.
2 I’ve been living here since 2008. English in Context, pp. 8-9
3 We’ve been studying English since we 9
were little. 1 Personal answers
4 My class has been doing this study 1 ’ve been calling
project for three weeks. 2 Have you eaten
5 This tap has been dripping for two days. 3 ’ve been busy Vocabulary Builder, p. 10
6 I’ve been doing this exercise for four 4 have you been doing
minutes. 5 ’ve been playing
number + distance/object/action + a/an
7 We haven’t been waiting for long. 6 have you scored
+ time period
7 haven’t finished
3 8 ’ve been playing
1P 2P 3F 4F 5P 6P 7F 1 4 miles an hour
2 120 km an hour
4 1 haven’t heard
3 four subjects a morning
1 He’s been digging a hole. 2 have you been doing
4 1,228 km an hour
2 It’s been raining. 3 have been working
5 15 letters a minute
3 She’s been practising. 4 haven’t been working
4 He’s been playing football. 5 have been going
5 They’ve been writing a shopping list. 6 ’ve met
Football pitch/club/boots/player/team
6 He/She’s been sunbathing. 7 ’ve been going out
Golf club (instrument)/ball/shoes/player/
7 They’ve been skiing. 8 has been
club (group of people)
8 He’s been watching TV. 9 ’s been raining
Rugby pitch/ball/boots/team/player/club
9 She’s been working for four years. Basketball court/net/team/player/club
(group of people)
5 1 clubs 5 slopes
Volleyball court/net/team/player/club
1e 2d 3f 4b 5g 6c 7a 2 court 6 ring
(group of people)
3 rackets 7 gloves
Running track/shoes
6 4 rink 8 pool
Ski slope/trousers/boots
1 She’s training hard so she can win the Tennis court/racket/ball/net/shoes/skirt/
championship. 4
player/team/club (group of people)
2 She’s saving in order to go to America Across Down
this summer. 1 hit 2 tackle
3 He’s wearing headphones so he 4 corner 3 win
1 volleyball team
doesn’t hear the noise from outside. 7 score 5 pass
2 ski jacket
4 I’m opening an online bank account in 8 lose 6 goal
3 basketball player
order to pay my bills from home. 4 running shoes/tennis shoes
5 We need to find a time when everyone 5
5 tennis skirt
is free so we can all come to training 1b 2c 3a 4d 5e
6 football boots

Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts

1 commentator, commentary Unit 2 Vocabulary
2 rewind, fast forward
3 press stop Grammar and Vocabulary 1 disease 6 crime
4 record Practice, pp. 14-15 2 environment 7 climate change
3 bullying 8 illiteracy
5 action replay, photo finish Grammar 4 education 9 health
1 5 human rights
1d 2a 3e 4f 5b 6c
Skills, p. 11 9
2 1 natural 5 politician
Reading 2 polluted 6 peaceful
1 had, ’d take
1 2 were, ’d look 3 healthy 7 educational
David 3 could, ’d go 4 unemployment 8 poverty
4 knew, wouldn’t give
2 5 would you live, could 10
1 Casino Royale 6 didn’t like, wouldn’t wear 1 pollution 5 politics
2 one of the founders of freerunning 7 would you buy, won 2 bullying 6 natural
3 since he was thirteen 8 wouldn’t be, knew 3 drugs 7 influential
4 He has been getting good grades. 9 would you go, asked 4 crime
5 People hurt themselves.
6 for a month
7 a pair of comfortable shoes
3 English in Context, pp. 16-17
1 He’d say yes if you asked him.
8 Jamie 2 I’d read the book if I had it. 1
9 to feel more confident 3 I’d help you if you asked me. 1 ’d take, had
4 I’d take my umbrella if it rained. 2 were, ’d have
Listening 5 I’d tell you the answer if I knew it. 3 didn’t have to, would help
4 6 Mark would get angry if he knew about 4 didn’t hurt, would cut
this. 5 would go, had
Interviewer So Sam, why do you like 6 was, take
jogging? 4
Sam Well, I like being fit. I do it 1 This shirt isn’t big enough. 2
to feel good! I’ve always 2 We haven’t got enough players for a 1 too 5 poverty
been good at running. I was football team. 2 didn’t 6 were
in the school athletics 3 There isn’t enough rice to make a 3 would 7 create
team when I was at curry. 4 enough 8 unemployment
secondary school. It’s 4 He isn’t tall enough to play basketball.
perfect for me. I can do it 5 They haven’t bought enough drinks for 3
at any time of day and I the party. 1 What would you do if your best friend
don’t need special 6 Ken isn’t stupid enough to do started flirting with your boyfriend?
equipment, just my something so dangerous. 2 I’d be very angry and I wouldn’t talk to
favourite trainers. I like her again!
listening to my iPod when 5 3 If my best friend started flirting with
I’m doing it too! 1 enough 5 enough my girlfriend, I’d hit him!
Interviewer So, why did you choose 2 enough 6 too much 4 What would you do if a friend borrowed
kickboxing, Katy? 3 to 7 for money from you, but never gave it
Katy I guess I decided to do it so 4 too 8 to back?
that I could learn to defend 5 It would depend on the amount. I think
myself. At first I found it 6 I’d forget about it if it wasn’t much.
quite difficult. My hands 1 You’re too quiet, I can’ t hear you. 6 I would wait for a week or two and
are small so it hurt when I 2 The string is too short to tie the parcel. then I would ask them for it.
punched the bag. Kicking 3 His house is not near/close enough to 7 What would you do if your dad started
was difficult too. I had to do walk to. shouting at you in a shop?
a lot of stretching exercises. 4 This soup is too cold to serve. 8 I think I would walk away.
I’m a lot stronger and faster 5 My idea isn’t simple/easy enough for 9 I would pretend I didn’t know him.
now! It’s a lot of fun! this project.
Interviewer So, what about you, Jack. 6 This computer isn’t fast enough to 4
Why do you play basketball? download films. 1 environment, Climate change, pollution
Jack Well, I’ve been playing it 7 It’s too early to phone her, she’s still at 2 terrorism
since I was six! I’ve always work. 3 human rights
wanted to become like 8 My mum says I’m not old enough to go 4 illiteracy
Michael Jordan. He’s my on holiday with my friends. 5 Bullying
hero. I play for the school. I 6 drugs
feel great when I’m on court 7
and when I score a basket, 1 too 4 too 5
I’m really happy! 2 enough 5 enough 1 enough soft drinks
3 too 6 enough 2 to eat
1T 2F 3T 4F 5T 6F 3 to feed the whole street
4 too difficult to eat
5 aren’t enough chairs

Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts

6 it’s not big enough 2 5 I didn’t use to have a car when I lived
7 aren’t old enough 1T in the city.
2 F The factory Lin works in makes 6 Did your parents use to let you watch
6 mobile phones. TV late when you were little?
1 too 5 enough 3 F Lin would lose her job if the report 7 Did you use to go to the Youth Club
2 enough 6 too told us the name of the company. disco?
3 to do 7 too many 4 F Lin doesn’t have much for breakfast.
4 enough 8 enough 5T 3
6T 1 On holiday we would get up late every
7 7 F It’s not very tasty. day.
a pollute d crime 8 F Lin is too tired to eat before she 2 We would take a sandwich to school.
b pollution e robberies goes to bed. 3 We would walk there and get the bus
c litter f environment back.
Listening 4 When we lived in the country we
8 would go for long walks.
4 3
1 wouldn’t drive 4 took 5 My parents would give me pocket
2 were 5 is Harry Well, I think I’d be annoyed. money on Saturdays.
3 will see Olivia Yes, me too, I mean we talk about 6 My dad would bring home interesting
pollution at school all the time, so things from his work.
Translate! he should know better. 7 Our Maths teacher would give us
Harry Would you say something? homework on a Friday.
Olivia Probably. I’d probably say ‘hey,
Personal answers
you’ve dropped something’ and 4
see what he would do. 1 We used to listen to stories at bedtime.
Vocabulary Builder, p. 18 Harry Funny, I think I’d just get angry 2 We used to paint our house every year.
and ask him to pick it up. 3 My parents used to go to the theatre
1 Olivia I don’t think I’d do that. I think it every weekend.
1 education 6 carelessness would lead to an argument and I 4 Our car used to stop if it started to rain.
2 confinement 7 addiction don’t like arguing. 5 My dog used to lie on the couch all
3 innovation 8 devastation Harry Well, what would you do if he afternoon.
4 refinement 9 agreement didn’t pick it up? 6 I used to call my boyfriend three times
5 unhappiness Olivia Nothing. Well, I suppose I’d pick a day.
it up myself and put it in the 7 I used to have a Christmas party every
2 nearest bin. year.
1 addiction, unhappiness
2 devastation b Your best friend drops litter on the Vocabulary
3 innovation ground.
4 agreement 5
1 ghosts
3 2 sleeping alone
1 annoyed 4 I’d do
1c 2f 3a 4h 3 meeting new people
2 say something 5 pick it up
5b 6e 7d 8g 4 strangers
3 didn’t pick it up
5 being at home alone
4 6 UFOs

Unit 3
1 cyclone, earthquake 7 test
2 volcano, eruption, tidal wave 8 Playing on the swings
3 hurricane, flooding, landslide 9 Bedtime stories
Grammar and Vocabulary
5 Practice, pp. 22-23 6
1 dirty 1 kinds of food
Grammar 2 spider
2 well educated
3 expensive 1 3 sleeping alone
4 lenient 1 People used to believe in witches. 4 the dark
5 praise 2 I didn’t use to like tomatoes as a child. 5 certain animals
6 weak 3 Did you use to go on holiday to the 6 Going to school
7 wealth seaside? 7 strangers
8 increase 4 We never used to watch TV. 8 empty houses
5 I often used to go to the cinema.
6 6 My parents didn’t use to give me 7
1 strong 4 reduce pocket money. 1f 2d 3g 4i 5b
2 punish 5 poverty 7 Did people use to travel less? 6h 7c 8a 9e
3 lenient
2 8
1 People used to be afraid of strangers. 1 scary 5 depressing
Skills, p. 19 2 People used to communicate by letter 2 frightening 6 confusing
Reading in the past. 3 frightened 7 puzzled
3 People didn’t use to travel much. 4 worried
1 4 I used to go to the park with my bike
She goes to bed at ten thirty. as a child.

Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts

English in Context, pp. 24-25 5 Taking care of a pet is good for people. Maria Yeah, I know what you mean. I
6 Listening to people shouting at each used to go swimming twice a
1 other is upsetting. week, but I haven’t been for ages.
1 I used to have 7 Listening to classical music helps
2 used to get children to develop. 1b 2a 3a 4c 5c
3 didn’t use to wear
4 used to wear 2
5 never used to take it off
Unit 4
Books: chapter, contents, character,
6 Did you use to play introduction, cover.
7 used to play Film: close up, documentary, character,
8 used to say black and white, credits, theme tune, Grammar and Vocabulary
9 used to be soundtrack. Practice, pp. 30-31
Music: rhythm, tune, theme tune, Grammar
2 soundtrack, band.
1 we’d call 6 ’d play Photography: close up, landscape, 1
2 ’d look it up 7 ’d ride portrait, black and white, still life. 1A 2P 3A 4A 5P
3 ’d go 8 ’d stay Painting: landscape, portrait, still life. 6P 7P 8A 9A
4 ’d make 9 would hear
5 ’d run 3 2
Indicates the beginning of a phase: at 1 She is helped a lot by her neighbours.
4 first 2 My grandfather was captured during
1 confusing Indicates that a lot of time passed: after WW2.
2 confused a while, some time later, the next (day, 3 Bananas are imported from South
3 worried week…) America.
4 worrying Indicates that not much time passed: a 4 My mother was offered a free holiday
5 scary short time later, not much after by her travel agent.
6 scared Indicates that the event was immediate: 5 The man is suspected by local police
7 terrified straight away of being involved in the robbery.
8 terrifying Indicates final phase: in the end, finally 6 My friends were given free tickets for
9 depressing the concert last night.
10 depressed 4 7 Penicillin was discovered by Dr
11 upset 1 At first Alexander Fleming in 1928.
12 upsetting 2 a short time later/not much after
3 a short time later/not much after 3
5 4 straight away 1 Who is the door locked by every night?
1 miserable 5 nervous 5 In the end 2 People are often disturbed at home by
2 depressed 6 petrified 6 The next call centers.
3 anxious 7 sad 7 finally 3 My little boy was frightened by a large
4 worried 8 creepy dog.
4 The children were asked to bring a
Sum Up! Skills, p. 27 picture to school by the teacher.
5 Who is the money collected by?
6 Reading
6 Meetings are not held in the evening.
1 ’d 5 used to 1 7 Where was the parcel delivered?
2 used to 6 wear He likes Elizabeth. 8 The tickets weren’t booked in time.
3 used 7 use
9 Mistakes are often made in good faith.
4 used 8 used 2
1b 2a 3c 4b 5b 6c 4
1 The parents sent their children to bed.
1 scary 5 Then Listening 2 The Vikings possibly discovered
2 suddenly 6 so
4 4 America.
3 a while 7 after a while
3 Did a Peruvian author write this book?
4 frightened 8 scared Maria Is this you in this photo? 4 An unknown singer didn’t perform this
Tony Yes, look at my hair. It used to be song.
Translate! so curly! 5 The owner looks after the animals
8 Maria Look at this one of you kicking the well.
Personal answers ball. 6 Do people sometimes sell cars second
Tony Yes, I used to be really sporty. hand?
Maria Were you in the school team? 7 The best driver doesn’t drive the bus.
Vocabulary Builder, p. 26 Tony Yes, I was. I used to be pretty
1 good. 5
1 Eating sensible, well-balanced meals Maria You were really fit then! 1 don’t you? 6 does he?
is healthy. Tony I know. I didn’t use to be so fat! 2 don’t they? 7 hasn’t it?
2 Walking through dark woods at night is Maria You’re not fat! 3 hasn’t she? 8 can’t you?
scary. Tony Well, I used to be a lot thinner. 4 do they? 9 aren’t they?
3 Sitting around with friends telling Maria That’s probably because you did 5 can’t she?
stories is great fun. more sport.
4 Staying at home alone in front of the Tony I just haven’t got time now, you 6
TV is depressing. know. 1 doesn’t he? 6 don’t they?
2 have we? 7 can’t you?

Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts

3 can they? 8 can’t you? 5 isn’t it, it isn’t 5 Are you there? (C)
4 do we? 9 hasn’t he? 6 weren’t you, I was 6 for you (C)
5 isn’t she? 7 doesn’t she, she does 7 are you (C)
8 wasn’t it, it wasn’t 8 as soon as possible (B)
7 9 nothing (A)
1a 2i 3f 4e 5d 4 10 great (C)
6h 7g 8c 9b 1 don’t you 6 are keen
2 I don’t 7 haven’t you 5
Vocabulary 3 take 8 aren’t you Mark, R U there? I've heard nth
4 I do 9 I am from U 4 2 days. I've got a message
8 5 aren’t they
1 website, download 4 U from Steve. Speak 2 U 18er?
2 webcam Call me asap.
3 keyboard, remote control
4 online, password W E B S
Skills, p. 35
9 N N O I R A E L Reading
1 broadcast 6 commercials 1
2 graphics 7 news It was vandalised.
3 viewer 8 presenter
4 channe 9 keyboard 2
5 remote control 1 Who was Facebook created by?
2 Where and when was he born?
10 Sum Up! 3 Why was Facebook created?
1 printer - keyboard 6 4 Who are social networks used by?
2 browser - mouse 1 was launched 5 was expanded 5 How are social networks used?
3 spam - file 2 isn’t used 6 is used 6 How have social networks changed our
4 download - log on 3 was created 7 are uploaded lives?
5 speaker - monitor 4 was limited 8 are posted
6 click - upload 3
7 webcam - browser 7 1F MySpace was invented by Tom
8 broadcast - download 1 podcast 4 video clip Anderson and Chris De Wolfe.
2 MP3 player 5 biography 2T
3 download 6 website
English in Context, pp. 32-33 3F

He created it to help people connect
and share.
1 4T
a don’t you d I am
James It was written by William 5F Facebook is used by more women
b I do e don’t you
Shakespeare. than men.
c aren’t you f I do
Was La Gioconda painted by 6T
Michelangelo? 7T
George No, it wasn’t. It was painted by 8T
Leonardo Da Vinci! 9
James Ok, your turn. Where was Personal answers Listening
Leonardo born? 5 5
George He was born in Anchiano, Vinci,
not far from Florence.
Vocabulary Builder, p. 34 Sam What are you doing?
James Correct! 1 Cathy Oh, I’m just looking at some
George Your turn. When was the 1 website 5 remote control photos David has posted on his
printing press invented? 2 download 6 webcam page.
James It was invented in 1435. 3 upload 7 keyboard Sam That’s a good picture of you.
George No, it wasn’t. It was invented in 4 password 8 online What are you doing?
1438. Cathy I’m dancing!
James Yes, you’re right. OK, now for 2 Sam Where was it taken?
some architecture. When was 1d 5 b Cathy It was at Jodie’s party on
Palazzo Medici built? 2g 6 e Saturday night. Where were you?
George It was built between 1444 and 3h 7 c Didn’t she invite you?
1460, I think. 4a 8 f Sam Yes, I was invited, I just didn’t
James You remember everything! want to go.
3 Cathy Why not?
2 1 Why don't you come round at fourish Sam Well, she also invited Eric and I
1 were made 5 was invented for a chat about your bright idea? didn’t want to see him.
2 was made 6 is grown 2 I got your message about the great party. I Cathy I know, but you used to be good
3 was made 7 isn’t grown had a very dull evening and my sister and friends.
4 wasn’t invented 8 is grown her boyfriend broke up, no fun at all. Sam Yes, but he put that video of me
dancing in my pyjamas on
3 4 YouTube.
1 aren’t you, I am 1 See you later (C) Cathy Oh come on! You shouldn’t be so
2 don’t you, I don’t! 2 Talk to you soon (C) serious. It was funny!
3 isn’t she, she is 3 today (C) Sam It wasn’t funny. It was really
4 haven’t you, I have 4 because (A, C) embarrassing.

Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts

1 David posted some photos on his page. 3 sketch 8 traditional 5✓

2 Where was the picture taken? 4 masterpiece 9 brush 6 He painted his friends and people who
3 Jodie invited Sam to the party. 5 gallery lived in the village.
4 Sam and Eric used to be good friends. 7 The man whose car is parked outside
5 Eric put a video of Sam on YouTube. 7 is an artist.
6 Sam felt embarrassed. 1 model 5 palette 8✓
2 still life 6 oil
3 sculptor 7 canvas Sum Up!
Unit 5 4 sketch 7
1a 2b 3c 4b
Grammar and Vocabulary 1 landscape 4 sculptures
5c 6a 7b 8c
Practice, pp. 38-39 2 self-portraits 5 masterpiece Translate!
Grammar 3 still life
1 9 Personal answers
1g 2a 3e 4f 5d 6d 7c 1 behind 5 looks like
2 foreground 6 might Vocabulary Builder, p. 42
3 background 7 front
1 She is the girl who introduced me to 4 sort 1
Mark and Sally. 1 Drivers should avoid alcohol and
1 I know the house where our teacher drink soft drinks like fruit juice and
lives. English in Context, pp. 40-41 lemonade.
2 Do you know the man whose car is 2 We should avoid bad eating habits.
parked over there? Overeating and skipping meals are just
1 where 5 when
3 My dad lent me some money which I some.
2 which/that 6 which
used to buy a jacket. 3 You need to get some exercise. For
3 who 7 who
4 Can you remember the day when we example, buy a bike.
4 which 8 whose
first visited London? 4 People often buy copies of works by
5 Where is the tea that Jenny bought for famous painters such as Monet and
us? Renoir.
1d 2e 3f 4b 5c 6a
6 He’s got some books which he wants 5 Animals sometimes have strange
to give away. habits. For instance my cat sleeps on
7 He’s the actor who was in that film the washing machine.
1 who was born in Zundert
about Van Gogh. 6 Some toys never go out of fashion.
2 which were vivid and emotional
8 Nora saw a film that/which was very Marbles, dolls and footballs, to name
3 which include self-portraits, landscapes
scary. a few, are still popular.
4 where he worked in a London gallery
5 who, unfortunately, did not love him
3 2
6 when Van Gogh was 32 years old
1 which Positive: admiration, liking, love, respect,
7 which is one of his most famous
2 The pronoun can’t be eliminated. trust.
3 which Negative: dislike, distrust, disgust.
8 which I painted in Nuenen
4 The pronoun can’t be eliminated.
9 where he discovered the French
5 who 3
6 which 1 admiration 5 liking
10 whose works are now worth millions
7 that 2 love 6 disgust
of dollars
3 trust 7 distrust
4 4 dislike 8 respect
1D 2N 3D 4D 5N
Across Down
6N 7D 8N 9D 5
2 surreal 1 sketch
4 still life 2 sculpture 1 melancholy 5 add
5 2 different 6 famous
8 drawing 3 oil
1 Modern art, which is often abstract, 3 fact 7 dramatic
9 landscape 5 painter
can be difficult to understand. 4 background 8 inside
6 model
2 Professional athletes, who are dedicated
7 paint
to their sport, train for hours every day.
3 This is the field where a famous battle Skills, p. 43
was fought. Reading
1 which 6 right
4 Halloween, when children dress up as
2 who 7 who 1
monsters and witches, is a very old
3 who 8 left She paints in the attic.
4 foreground 9 background
5 My sister is the girl who’s wearing
5 that 2
6 The restaurant, which was very 1 She’s from Taiwan.
6 2 She teaches art history.
expensive, closed last week.
1✓ 3 She painted a landscape.
2✓ 4 She’s washing a bottle.
3 The painting which is called Starry 5 She works in the garden.
6 Night is one of Van Gogh's most famous.
1 portrait 6 modern 4 The colours which Monet uses are very
2 paint 7 landscape bright.

Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts

Listening 7 After I had texted Jack, he sent me the 3

information. 1 Did you go 5 had forgotten
4 6
8 When we had bought tickets for the 2 went 6 was
Journalist What kind of paintings do concert, we told Helen as a surprise. 3 waited 7 had thought
you like? 9 After I had listened to some songs, I 4 Did you call her 8 had agreed
Katerina I like paintings which bought the CD.
are bright and full of colour. 4
I love Impressionist 2 1 clarinet 5 violin
painters. I’ve been to the 1 Martin hadn’t realised the danger. 2 flute 6 piano
National Gallery twice. 2 Sarah had been there before. 3 banjo 7 keyboard
I don’t like modern art. I 3 Had you told him the news? 4 cello 8 tambourine
don’t understand it. I 4 They had practised the song for days.
suppose I’m a bit 5 Had she heard the song live? 5
traditional! 6 I had taken guitar lessons before. 1 band 6 guitarist
Journalist What do you like doing 7 We hadn’t learned the music by heart. 2 released 7 lyrics
when you’re not painting, 8 Had they booked the concert tickets? 3 album 8 rock bands
Katerina? 4 singer 9 voice
Katerina Well, I like doing the usual 3 5 tracks
kind of things that girls my 1a 2e 3h 4g 5b 6d 7f 8c
age do! I love talking to my 6
friends, going shopping and 4 1 I had it in the Maths lesson
listening to music. 1 ourselves 5 yourselves 2 I’d already put it
Journalist What kind of music do you 2 each other 6 ourselves 3 I see, so what happened to it
listen to? 3 each other 7 each other 4 I was listening to it when Tom Willis
Katerina When I’m painting I like 4 themselves 8 himself 5 he’d left his jacket in the classroom
listening to music that 6 I was busy doing my homework
relaxes me and helps me Vocabulary 7 it had disappeared
concentrate, like classical 8 he’d found an MP3 player
music, but when I’m with
1 rock abnd 6 record
my friends we listen to all Sum Up!
2 song 7 hit
kinds of music, especially
3 top ten 8 lyrics 7
hip hop and soul. I really
4 releasing 9 voice 1 have 5 had been there
like Rhianna.
5 guitarist 2 had never 6 rained
Journalist What kind of places do you
like to go to with your friends? 3 hadn’t been 7 I’d never heard
6 4 didn’t know 8 came
Katerina We like going to coffee bars
1 rhyme 5 tracks
where there are nice big
2 tune 6 album 8
comfortable sofas and we
3 drummer 7 the top ten 1a 2a 3b 4a
can sit with a cappuccino
4 single 5b 6b 7a 8b
and talk for hours!
Journalist What kind of people do you
7 Translate!
1 drums 5 flute
Katerina I like people who are 9
2 clarinet 6 violin
enthusiastic about things Personal answers
3 guitar 7 cello
and who like having a good
4 piano
Vocabulary Builder, p. 50
1c 2b 3c 4c 5a 1
1 band 5 lyrics
2 drummer 6 compilation 1a 2e 3d 4g
3 folk music 7 compose 5b 6h 7f 8c

Unit 6 4 melody
1 to interview 5 to examine
Grammar and Vocabulary English in Context, pp. 48-49 2 to chat 6 to explain
Practice, pp. 46-47 1
3 to converse 7 to complain
4 to interrogate 8 to apologise
Grammar 1 had already begun
2 had never performed
1 3
3 had sent
1 After he had phoned Jamie, he wrote 1 oral exam 5 interrogation
4 herself
an email to Kate. 2 chat 6 explain
5 had not planned
2 When Becky had eaten her pizza, she 3 apologise 7 conversation
6 hadn’t told
had an ice cream. 4 complain
7 yourself
3 After Nina had taken the dog for a 8 themselves
walk, she watched a film. 4
4 When we had finished the lesson, we 1 homesick 5 memory
went for a coffee. 2 memory 6 souvenir
1 yourself/himself 4 each other
5 After he had parked his scooter, he 3 memoirs 7 recall
2 myself 5 themselves
went into the Post Office. 4 nostalgia
3 herself 6 itself/myself
6 When I had washed the dishes, I tidied
the living room.

Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts

Word families: verbs of remembering

things Unit 7 3 musical
4 having a meal
7 bowling
8 visiting relatives
A remember
B forget Grammar and Vocabulary
C remind Practice, pp. 54-55 English in Context, pp. 56-57
Grammar 1
5 1 told, watched
1 remember 4 remembered 2 said, watched, she had finished
1 Kevin said he needed a new battery for
2 reminded 5 remind 3 told, liked
his MP4 player.
3 reminds 6 remember 4 said, had watched, before
2 Lorna told him to stop shouting and
listen. 5 said, would lend
Skills, p. 51 3 Helen said she was having a great time 6 said, would bring
7 told, was going, next
there on holiday.
Reading 4 Dad told Nora she could go to the 8 said, had never watched
1 shops the next day.
His voice is deeper. 5 Don said he had moved away from 2
that town three years before. Kate What’s Emma doing on Saturday?
2 6 Diana said she’d take it the next day. Marta She says she’s got a lot of
1F Cameron was discovered on YouTube. homework.
2F He didn’t know who Biff Robins was. 2 Kate Is she doing homework on her
3T 1 ‘I’ll call you tomorrow, Billy’, said birthday?
4F He taught himself how to play the Catherine. Marta I didn’t know it was her birthday,
guitar and piano. 2 ‘You did a good job yesterday’, said you should have told me.
5T Mark to Ruth. Kate Well, she asked me not to tell
6F Cameron’s mum uploaded the 3 ‘I really enjoyed the film’, said Vicky. anyone. She said she doesn’t
video of the contest on YouTube. 4 ‘I can’t understand this exercise’, said want us to buy her stuff.
7T Penny. Marta Why not?
8F A team of songwriters writes his 5 ‘My mobile phone is broken’, said Kate She says we all spend too much
songs. Donald. on things.
6 ‘You can come out for a coffee with Marta OK, maybe she’d prefer to have
Listening me’, said Mum. something home-made. We could
try making her a cake.
4 7 Kate A cake? I’ve got a better idea.
Interviewer Who is your favourite singer? 1 said 2 told 3 said 4 said Let’s take her bowling. She’d love
Cameron Well, I’ve got a few, but if I 5 told 6 tell 7 told that.
had to choose one, I’d say
Bill Bond. 4 3
Interviewer Where is he from? 1 had, that 1 said he would buy
Cameron He’s from Ontario, Canada. 2 told, he, could, her 2 said I couldn’t have one
Interviewer What kind of music does he 3 said, would, the next day 3 said I haven’t/hadn’t been working
sing? 4 was, at that moment 4 said it wasn’t
Cameron He sings R&B and hip hop 5 had finished, the day before 5 said I spend too much time watching
like me! He’s always been 6 told, there 6 said they are/were much better
my hero. 7 said, didn’t
Interviewer What’s his most famous 4
song? 5 1 told her we had to do
Cameron Don’t you know? His single 1 to meet 5 to buy 2 I told her I was going
Don’t forget me was a 2 to go 6 to do 3 told me he hadn’t taken
number one hit for four 3 having 7 living 4 told me she would get
weeks! 4 to go
Interviewer What instruments does he 5
play? 6 1 loves watching, can’t stand watching
Cameron He can play the piano really 1 switching 2 getting up 3 to call 2 forgot to get, try to get
well, but he only plays it 4 to take 5 to get 6 getting 7 to lock 3 looking forward to going, looking
when he’s writing. He forward to packing
writes all his own songs. Vocabulary 4 Do you fancy going, prefer to stay in
Interviewer Have you got many of his 5 stopped to buy, stopped eating, trying
7 to lose
1d 2c 3f 4a 5g 6h 7e 8b 6 want to learn, used to play
Cameron Are you kidding? I’ve got all
ten of them!
8 6
Interviewer Have you seen him in
1 TV series 1 series 5 sports
2 game shows 2 reality 6 chat
Cameron Seen him? I’ve sung with
3 is 3 game 7 affairs
him! I sang with him on
4 documentaries 4 talent
July 4th in New Orleans. It
5 current affairs programmes
was truly amazing!
6 sports programmes Sum Up!
1T 2F 3F 4T 7
5T 6T 7F 8F 1 surfing 5 walking
1 chess 5 hanging out
2 video games 6 painting 2 playing 6 going

Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts

3 swimming 7 spending Interviewer How about you, Tony? How 5

4 jogging 8 bowling do you relax? 1 I’m having a dress made.
Tony Well, I like playing chess 2 I’m having/getting a rose tattooed on
8 with my friends. I’m in the my ankle.
Personal answers school chess club. 3 I have/get my photocopies done for me
Interviewer Do you watch TV? by my mum.
Translate! Tony Not much. I like watching 4 My sister had/got her wedding flowers
9 sports programmes with arranged by a florist.
Personal answers my dad, and I sometimes 5 I’m having/getting my grass cut for me.
watch cartoons with my 6 I had/got my flights booked by a travel
little brother on Saturday agent.
Vocabulary Builder, p. 58 mornings. 7 My mum got/had her sofa cleaned by
Interviewer And what do you do in your an expert.
free time, Marion?
1a /ri:d/ b /red/
Marion Well, I don’t watch TV! I Vocabulary
2a /teBr/ b /tNBr/
can’t stand game shows or 6
3a /raL/ b /roL/
chat shows and that’s all 1 optimistic 5 irresponsible
4a /Nkskju:z/
b /Nkskju:s/
there is. I’m in a theatre club 2 shy 6 sensible
5a /mNnNt/ b /maNnju:t/
and we’re putting on a play. 3 soft-spoken 7 determined
6a /insHlt/ b /NnsHlt/
Interviewer Are you acting in it? 4 ambitious
7a b /prKdju:s/
Marion Yes, I’ve got a big part.
8a /waNnd/ b /wNnd/
I love being on the stage. 7
It’s really exciting! 1 eye test 5 tailor
Interviewer Thank you all for talking to 2 design 6 plumber
1a 2b 3b 4b 5a 6a
me. 3 electrician 7 fix
3 4 dyed
1a 2b 3b 4a 5b
1 Writing 5 Looking
2 Fencing 6 reading 8
1a 2e 3f 4d 5c 6b
Unit 8
3 Moving 7 Printing
4 cooking
4 Grammar and Vocabulary 1 mechanic 5 tailor
Eyes: see, look at, watch Practice, pp. 62-63 2 plumber 6 leak
Nose: smell, sniff 3 builder 7 hairdresser
Voice: talk, tell, shout, say Grammar 4 carpenter
Ears: listen (to), overhear, hear 1
Sensations: feel, touch 1D 2F 3E 4A 5G 6C 7B English in Context, pp. 64-65
Food: try, taste
2 1
1 was 5 him 1b 2b 3b 4c
Skills, p. 59 2 where 6 when 5b 4a 7a 8c
Reading 3 liked 7 if
4 we were 2
1 1 asked 5 asked
They help him to accept himself. 2 said 6 if
1 Sarah asked Vicky where her books 3 when 7 replied
2 4 told 8 whether
1 She plays Phoebe.
2 I asked Peter why he hadn’t finished.
2 a famous TV producer 3
3 Brian asked Rob if he was going on the
3 Channel Four 1 extroverted 6 determined
school trip.
4 He remembers waking up naked in a 2 friendly 7 fun
4 Ruth asked if I could tell her the time.
forest. 3 serious 8 irresponsible
5 Lorna asked Tom if he would give her a
5 He misses his family. 4 shy 9 generous
6 She wants to have children. 5 kind
6 Alison asked Julie if Emma was coming
7 He is strong and fast.
to the meeting the next day.
8 He is an alien. 4
7 Terry asked Oliver if Donald had signed
their petition.
Listening T D P M E C H A N I C
8 Mark asked if Frank was going to call G A N D O C T O R T A
4 8 them that day. A E R C P E C P R O R
Interviewer So what do you do in your R E O L T A L T T P P
free time, Amy? 4 D E N T I S T I A A E
Amy I haven’t got a lot of free 1 cut Susan’s hair E L E C T R I C I A N
time because I work in 2 repaired Mark’s phone N T A R I A T I L P T
a shop at the weekend and 3 painted my parents’ house E E E P S I I A O A E
I’ve got exams. But when 4 is going to take care of my dog while R I E C N R A N R N R
I’m free, I like going for a I’m away
coffee with my friends or 5 dry cleaned Helen’s clothes 5
just spending time with my 6 read my palm 1 ’ve had it cut
boyfriend, Jimmy. 7 delivers our shopping 2 have/get it painted

Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts

3 ’ve had them manicured Skills, p. 67 3 planting - planted

4 have to have/get it repaired 4 being - been
5 had/got my eyes tested Reading 5 been - be
6 had/got it dyed 1 6 tell - told
7 have/get it delivered a minority of irresponsible people 7 informing - informed
8 is - are
6 2
1 Why don’t you get/have your eyes 1 Did you take part in the day of action 2
tested? yourself? 1 My sister’s friends are taking her to a
2 Why don’t you have it cut? 2 Do you think the day of action was a concert.
3 I don’t think you should have it success? 2 A local director has chosen Jonathan
repaired. 3 When did your interest in journalism to take part in a play.
4 Why don’t you have/get it delivered? start? 3 The local council is repairing the roads.
5 I don’t think you should have it dyed. 4 What advice would you give other 4 Local police have told us to stay indoors.
6 Why don’t you have/get it painted. writer? 5 Angry protesters have challenged
3 politicians to answer questions.
Sum Up! 1T 6 Local police are teaching schoolchildren
7 2 F He took his camera. road safety.
1 where I was going 3T
2 I was going to school 4 F A minority went to the march to 3
3 why I didn’t have my school bag cause trouble. 1 This painting will be sold at auction by
4 I didn’t need it because we were going 5T its owners.
to watch films 6 F It is about his grandparents’ life in 2 A new manual is being written for us by
5 which films we were going to see Wales. a computer expert.
6 where I was really going 7T 3 The decision to close the road has been
7 why I had lied 8 F He said they should write about criticised by local people.
8 because I knew he didn’t want me to what they know. 4 Christmas presents will be distributed at
go the party by teachers.
Listening 5 The injured dog is being taken care of by
Translate! a vet.
5 9 6 Our house has been hit by lightning.
8 Wyn Were you scared when you stood 7 The project will be finished for next year.
Personal answers in front of the police van? 8 Our TV will probably be repaired next
Elisa No, I didn’t have time to be scared. week by a technician.
Vocabulary Builder, p. 66 I was just determined to stop the
vandals. 4
1 Wyn What do you think of the violence? 1 That car goes faster that this one.
Adjective Adverb Noun
Elisa A lot of people here are 2 Susan writes more clearly than Noemi.
irresponsible, they are just vandals 3 Helen dances better than Marian.
shy shyly shyness that want to burn and break things. 4 Sarah finished the test more quickly
sensible sensibly sense
irresponsible irresponsibly irresponsibility Wyn Where are you from? than Frank.
kind kindly kindness Elisa I’m from Oxford, but there are 5 I get up earlier than you.
generous generously generosity people here from all over the UK. 6 Janet does her work more carefully
strong strongly strength Wyn How did you come here today? than her.
determined û determination
Elisa We came by train. Our teachers are 7 Donald works harder than Norman.
calm calmly calm
courageous courageously courage here too. 8 She speaks more quietly than Mark.
Wyn Are you optimistic? 9 I can phone you more easily now that
2 Elisa Well, I’m hopeful. There are you have a new mobile.
1 shy 5 sensible thousands of us here today, so they
2 kindness 6 irresponsibly should realize that we are angry Vocabulary
3 calm 7 strength and concerned about the future. 5
4 determination
1 fumes 6 change
1 had been scared 2 plastic 7 carbon
3 2 scared 3 public 8 energy
1d 2c 3f 4a 5g 6b 7e 3 irresponsible 4 energy 9 global
4 Oxford 5 ozone
4 5 train
1 pessimistic 5 cowardly 6 optimistic 6
2 confident 6 special
1 climate 5 solar
3 mean 7 extroverted
2 traffic 6 traffic
4 bored
Unit 9 3 warming 7 nuclear
4 effect
1 campaign 5 rally Grammar and Vocabulary
2 march 6 riot Practice, pp. 70-71 7
1f 2d 3i 4a 5h
3 sit-in 7 petition Grammar 6b 7e 8c 9g
4 movement 8 demonstration
1 has - have 8
1 been - being 1 change 5 recycled
2 being - been 2 global 6 protect

Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts

3 saving 7 layer 1 Interviewer So, what other advice would

4 plastic 1a 2e 3e 4b 5e 6d 7c you give to anyone visiting
Gambia, Leila?
2 Leila Well, you should never
English in Context, 1 rising/growing/increasing touch the animals not to
pp. 72-73 2 increasing put yourself in danger. We
1 3 improved saw lots of crocodiles and
1 was started 4 rising/growing/increasing monkeys in Gambia, but we
2 was praised 5 rising/growing kept a safe distance!
3 have been built 6 reduced Interviewer Did you go to the beach?
4 have been reduced 7 Worsening Leila Oh yes. Our hotel had a
5 will be taken private beach, which was
6 are being planted beautiful; the sea was really
1 switch off 5 run down
7 are being built blue.
2 hold down 6 turn down
8 will be completed 3 turn/switch on 7 turn up
1F 2F 3T 4T 5T 6F
4 cut down 8 turn off
1 more quickly 4 harder 4
2 more seriously
3 more carefully
5 better
6 more slowly
1 ingenious, ingenuous 4 factory
2 campaign 5 Organic
Unit 10
3 reclaim Grammar and Vocabulary
1 fumes 5 switch
Practice, pp. 78-79
2 power 6 paper Skills, p. 75 Grammar
3 pollution 7 throw Reading 1
4 save 8 recycle 1B 2C 3A 4E 5F 6G 7C
4 She took pens, pencils and toys.
1 temperature 4 denied 1 would have called
2 climate 5 greenhouse 2
1b 2c 3a 4b 5c 2 had asked
3 scientists 6 volcanoes 3 hadn’t told
Writing 4 would have realised
5 5 hadn’t saved
1 exhaust 4 drought 3 6 had known
2 optimistic 5 recycled Possible answers 7 wouldn’t have run down
3 floods 6 switched 1 You should learn something about the
customs, and culture of the country 3
6 you are visiting. 1 Helen wouldn’t have known my secret
Personal answers 2 Try to learn a few words of the if you hadn’t told her.
language. 2 If I had found a nice house I would
7 3 Don’t be wasteful of resources.
1 shouldn’t 5 Don’t use have moved there.
4 You should respect the local 3 If he hadn’t been so keen he wouldn’t
2 should 6 Try not to environment.
3 It’s 7 try have got into drama school.
5 Don’t take away objects you find, such 4 If we’d hurried we wouldn’t have
4 worst thing 8 don’t you as plants or stones and don’t leave missed the last bus home.
litter behind! 5 If you hadn’t worked so slowly you
1 zone - layer Listening wouldn’t have finished late.
2 energy nuclear - nuclear energy 6 If she hadn’t run on the ice she
4 10 wouldn’t have fallen and hurt herself.
3 heating - warming
4 transport public - public transport Interviewer What about the hotel?
5 bags of plastic - plastic bags Leila We stayed in a small hotel 4
6 spend - save owned by local people. The 1 we would have got there on time
7 away - down people working in the hotel 2 If I’d known who you were
8 gases - change were from the local village 3 if I’d bought a ticket
and the produce, the fruit 4 If she had saved more money
Sum Up! and vegetables were from 5 you wouldn’t have got burned
Gambia too. 6 If we hadn’t helped each other
Interviewer So, how did you hear about 7 we wouldn’t have gone on strike
1a 2a 3b 4c
5a 6a 7a 8b it?
Leila My dad found it on the 5
Translate! Internet. It has a good 1 He wishes he could dance tango.
reputation for ecotourism. 2 They wish it was/were cooler.
10 The people working there 3 He wishes he was/were on holiday.
Personal answers are really nice, very friendly. 4 She wishes she had some money.
Interviewer What other things can you 5 He wishes he wasn’t/weren’t shy.
Vocabulary Builder, p. 74 buy? 6 She wishes it wasn’t/weren’t Monday.
Leila Well, my uncle bought
Qualifying phenomena: adjective forms 6
a painting and the local
1 the -ing form 1 I wish I had paid more attention to the
tailors are excellent. My dad
2 the Past participle teacher.
had a couple of shirts made.

Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts

2 I wish I hadn’t stayed out late last night. 6 6 Because his son had been killed in the
3 I wish I had bought the book. 1 I hadn’t picked up the phone war.
4 I wish I’d invited Pete to come with me. 2 You really don’t give in 7 He would have earned more/lived in a
5 I wish we’d taken a bus. 3 if you had cared about me more comfortable house.
6 I wish I hadn’t eaten so much pizza. 4 I was spending too much time talking 8 the whole town
7 I wish I hadn’t visited Martha. on the phone
8 I wish I’d asked for help. 5 you had told me earlier Listening
9 I wish I had a coat. 4 11
Vocabulary 1 could 6 spent Dave Hi Tony! It’s the end of summer
2 hadn’t had to go 7 had camp on Friday. Are you looking
7 forward to going home?
1 carry 5 let 3 good time 8 wouldn’t have
4 last 9 find out Tony No, I’m not. I wish it wasn’t over, I
2 up 6 think wish we could stay a bit longer.
3 give 7 out 5 waste 10 carry on
Dave Really? I’ve had a good time, but I
4 make want to go home now. I miss my
dog, Petra.
8 8 Tony Oh, Right. Are your parents
1 time to 5 spend time Personal answers looking after her?
2 Time flies 6 waste time Dave Well, they work a lot so they’re not
3 last time 7 next time
4 take a long time 8 time passing Vocabulary Builder, p. 82 home much. My gran’s taking care
of her.
1 Tony I see, have you had her a long
9 1 break time 6 to time time?
1 spends, waste 2 timer 7 time’s up Dave My mum and dad bought her for
2 good, next 3 time frame 8 dinner time me when I was little. She’s seven
3 ’s taking, would save 4 lunch time 9 time out now. Wow, That’s a great guitar
4 flies, to 5 record time Tony! Are you going to carry on
playing with the band when you
English in Context, pp. 80-81 Positive attitude: dream, hope, wish,
get home?
Tony I hope so, I’ve really enjoyed it.
1 look forward to, be dying to. Sammy is a great singer and
1 had slept Negative attitude: dread, regret, be Jack’s brilliant on the drums.
2 hadn’t forgotten resigned to. Dave And you’re a good guitarist. When
3 wouldn’t have wasted did you start playing the guitar?
4 wouldn’t have missed 3 Tony I started two years ago. I wouldn’t
5 hadn’t missed 1 dream have started if it wasn’t for my
6 would have done 2 dread cousin, Oliver. He’s got two electric
7 would have got 3 ’m dying to guitars, and he plays in a band.
8 had got 4 regret He could see that I was interested
5 ’m looking forward to so he suggested I take it up.
2 6 hope Anyway what about you, Dave?
1I wish I hadn’t gone to bed late. 7 wish Do you play anything?
2I wish I had heard the alarm clock. 8 ’m resigned to Dave Well, no I don’t. I’d love to play the
3I wish I hadn’t forgotten the bus pass. guitar, like you do. Do you think
4I wish I hadn’t been late. 4 it’s too late to start?
5I wish I hadn’t been nervous. 1 take care (of) - abandon Tony Of course not, you’re only 15.
6I wish I had got the part. 2 believe (in) - doubt Why don’t you take it up? I’ll help
3 listen (to) - ignore you choose one, if you want.
3 4 try (to) - fail (to) Dave Would you really? That would be
1 drop out 4 keep up with 5 struggle - give up brilliant, Tony!
2 carry on 5 give in 6 protest - accept Tony No problem. Give me a call and
3 let down 6 think it over we can meet up some time. Here’s
5 my mobile number 078445…
4 1 take care, abandon 4 struggle, give up
1 See you soon! 2 listen, ignore 5 protest, accept 1 Tony
2 It’s time we made a move. 3 try, fail 6 believe, doubt 2 dog
3 see you tomorrow. 3 gran
4 it’s time for us to go.
5 it’s time I was going. Skills, p. 83 4 seven years old
5 sings
6 It’s time for me to go. Reading 6 cousin
7 it’s time we were going, 7 would like to play
Bye, see you. 8 help him buy a guitar
George’s guardian angel
Sum Up!
5 1 millions of people
1 wasting 5 out 2 Clarence, George’s guardian angel.
2 taking 6 in 3 He was playing.
3 last 7 good 4 He was a pilot.
4 with 5 a chemist

Unit Tests (A and B) and Skills Tests pp. 124-178
Revision pp. 179-198
Extension pp. 199-218
Answer Key and Transcripts pp. 219-231

FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Test Unit 1 - Row A Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

GRAMMAR 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the verbs in brackets to express purpose.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. 1 She came round _______________ us with this.
1 We _______________ (watch) TV for four hours,
let’s switch it off. 2 I cook food and freeze it so as _______________
time. (save)
2 How long _______________ (you/study) foreign
languages? 3 In order _______________ our club you have to
fill in a form. (join)
3 I _______________ (read) much lately.
4 I tidied my room so that I _______________
4 She _______________ (go out) with Anthony for things more easily. (find)
a year.
5 I’m studying hard so that I _______________ the
5 What _______________ (you/do) in here all day? exam. (pass)
6 He _____________ (not/pay) any attention today. 6 I made sandwiches in order _______________
7 They _______________ (talk) about new ideas. something to eat on the journey. (have)
8 Where _______________ (you/hide) my things? I 7 He drove quickly _______________ there before
can’t find them! the others. (get)
___ 16 8 I set my alarm clock so I _______________ early.
(wake up)

2 Use the prompts in brackets to describe the ___ 16

context of each sentence. VOCABULARY
1 Two children are covered in paint. (they/paint) 4 Complete the sentences with the words in the
2 A policeman is giving a fine to a man in a car. rugby ball surfboard boxing gloves skis
(he/drive/dangerously) racket whistle net basket
1 Gary got a new _______________ to use at the
3 The ground is all wet. (it/rain) seaside.
_________________________________________ 2 The tennis champion hit the ball so hard he
4 Some people are sitting very tired at the end of broke his _______________ !
the day. (they/work/hard) 3 At the end of the match the referee blew the
_________________________________________ _______________ and everyone went in to
5 A girl is dancing very well. (she/practise/a lot)
4 Bounce the ball and then jump as high as you
_________________________________________ can to put it in the _______________ .
6 A boy shows his friends some new songs. (he/ 5 It’s snowing! Come on, let’s get our
write/songs) _______________ out and go to the slopes on
_________________________________________ Sunday!

7 A man arrives home with a suitcase. (he/travel) 6 When the football fans saw the ball fly past the
goalkeeper and into the _______________ they
_________________________________________ were overjoyed.
8 A lady is in her pyjamas. (she/sleep) 7 Remember that this ball is round but a
_________________________________________ _______________ is oval.
8 A really funny game is trying to tie shoelaces
___ 16
with a pair of _______________ on your hands.
___ 8
124 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI
Name: ______________________
Test Unit 1 - Row A
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Underline the correct alternative. 7 Complete the sentences with the correct
words. The first letter is given.
1 He’s had seven opportunities and he still hasn’t
scored a goal/a net.
1 I didn’t see that clearly, I hope they show the
2 A really strong player arrived and simply took the a_______________ r_______________ .
racket/the ball and ran off.
2 His c_______________ was really boring, just
3 Oh no, he made a tackle/a foul on my favourite stating the obvious and no extra information.
player and beat him.
3 They crossed the line at the same time, we’ll
4 My team won, it’s the first time the others have have to wait and see the p_______________
lost a corner/a match. f_______________ .
5 Listen, the idea is not to run around, it’s simply 4 This is a boring bit, press f_______________
to hit the goal/the ball, OK? f_______________ and go to the last bit.
6 That player committed a foul/a corner in front of 5 I have to go out this evening, can someone
the referee! r_______________ the game on TV for me?
7 Pass the post/the ball, it’s a team sport! 6 I missed that bit of the film, press
r_______________ and let me see it again.
8 It was almost a goal but the ball hit the bar/the
___ 8 ___ 6

6 Rewrite the sentences, abbreviating quantities FUNCTIONS

and measures. 8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
the box.
1 He can type fifty words in the space of one minute.
so that you can committed a foul in order to
didn’t pass been asking blew the whistle
2 I don’t drive at more than fifty kilometres over she’s been practising has been trying
one hour in town.
_________________________________________ Sue Jill, what’s this story I’ve heard about you
asking Mary to join the volleyball team?
3 He can read thirty pages in the space of one hour. Jill Well, she’s (1) _______________ for ages, so
_________________________________________ I thought it was a good idea.
Sue Are you joking? She only wants to join
4 This machine takes one minute to wrap one
(2) _______________ get attention. She
hundred chocolates.
doesn’t care about volleyball.
_________________________________________ Jill How do you know? She says
(3) _______________ .
5 Every month we manage to play in about three
Sue But don’t you remember the story of her
basketball match last year? Every time she
_________________________________________ got the ball she (4) _______________ it to
6 We usually have two volleyball training sessions anyone else. She even (5) _______________
every week. against another player, and when the referee
(6) _______________ she ignored him. She
_________________________________________ (7) _______________ to get into sports teams
7 This only happens one time during the space of for years, but she has no idea about sports.
a year. For her, you do sport (8) _______________
get famous, that’s her aim.
___ 16
___ 14
Total ___ 100

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 125

Test Unit 1 - Row B Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

GRAMMAR 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to express purpose.
of the verbs in brackets. 1 We bought a DVD recorder so we
_______________ films at home. (watch)
1 She _______________ (hope) for a promotion for
months. 2 These signs are _______________ people where
to go. (show)
2 Where _______________ (they/do) their football
training recently? 3 We closed the window in order _______________
out the cold. (keep)
3 We _______________ (not/write) to each other
much lately. 4 Jim called Martin so he _______________ him
the news. (tell)
4 I _______________ (do) some research for my
homework. 5 We closed the gate so the dog ______________ .
(not/get out)
5 How long _______________ (you/cycle)
professionally? 6 I moved the chair so I _______________ the TV.
6 He _______________ (not/do) judo for very long.
7 We slowed down _______________ the view.
7 Tim _______________ (save) for a new car.
8 I _______________ (wait) here for hours.
8 They went on a picnic in order _______________
___ 16 a rest. (have)
___ 16
2 Use the prompts in brackets to describe the
context of each sentence. VOCABULARY
1 A child’s face is covered with chocolate. (he/eat/ 4 Complete the sentences with the words in the
chocolate) box.
rugby ball surfboard boxing gloves skis
2 Everything is white one morning. (it/snow) racket whistle net basket
3 Some people are wearing trainers (they/run) 1 You need a special oval _______________ for this
2 The _______________ where you have to put the
4 A boy is singing very well. (he/practise/a lot) ball to score is quite high.
_________________________________________ 3 I’d love a new pair of _______________ before
5 The road is perfect. (they/repair/the road) the snow arrives.

_________________________________________ 4 If you want to try tennis, you need decent shoes

and a _______________ .
6 A teacher is telling a child to be quiet. (he/shout)
5 Look at those waves! I want to get my
_________________________________________ _______________ and ride them!
7 Someone arrives home with a set of golf clubs. 6 Have you ever tried to pick up a spoon with a
(she/play/golf) pair of _______________ on your hands?
_________________________________________ 7 The match is almost over, I can’t wait for the
8 A girl wins all her chess matches. (she/study/ final _______________ .
moves) 8 The goal was so fast I didn’t see the ball arrive in
_________________________________________ the _______________ .
___ 8
___ 16

126 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 1 - Row B
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Underline the correct alternative. 7 Complete the sentences with the correct
words. The first letter is given.
1 He scored the goal/the post from a corner the
referee gave them after a foul. 1 If I’m not home, could you r_______________ the
2 I’m sorry to hear you lost the ball/the match. game for me so I can see it later?

3 He hit the post/the ball so hard it went out of the 2 Their c_______________ to live matches is really
court. hilarious.

4 He passed the ball/the net to another player who 3 I’d like to see the a___________ r____________
scored. of that goal because I’m sure there was a foul.

5 He made a really obvious foul/goal on another 4 Come on, let’s watch that goal again, press
player. r_______________ and go back a bit.

6 He ran up, tackled, took the ball/the corner and 5 That’s definitely a p___________ f___________ ,
ran off again with it. for me they crossed the line together.

7 It’s a pity the ball hit the post/the tackle instead 6 I hate it when a c_______________ has a really
of going into the net. monotonous voice.

8 He made a really violent pass/tackle on another ___ 6

8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
6 Rewrite the sentences, abbreviating quantities the box.
and measures.
has been training in order to show trust the others
1 You were driving at over sixty miles over one has been missing so they win pass the ball
hour. has been behaving play as part of a team

_________________________________________ Alex Why is Den not in the team this Saturday?

2 I can usually type about six emails in the space Pete Because he (1) _______________ training
of an hour for work. sessions, that’s why.
Alex But he’s the best we have! Are you paid
_________________________________________ by the other team? Are you doing this
3 If you make four calls over a single day, that’s (2) _______________ ?
enough. Pete Don’t be silly, Alex. You know that he
(3) _______________ very arrogantly
recently and I don’t like that attitude. Colin
4 The competition is played one time in each year. is a very competent player too, and he
(4) ______________ a lot as part of the team.
Alex Yes, but he just isn’t as brilliant as Den.
5 Our company receives about seventy emails Pete Well, during his last match Den didn’t
every day. (5) _______________ to another player once
_________________________________________ and he lost about seven goal opportunities.
That’s not good playing.
6 I have a cup of tea about three times in the Alex He doesn’t (6) _______________ , that’s why.
course of a day. Pete Well, he’s wrong. We’re going to win
_________________________________________ the match with Colin (7) _______________
Den that our strong point is the team. Colin
7 They get about sixty letters in the space of a
prefers to (8) ______________ and not a star.
_________________________________________ ___ 16

___ 14 Total ___ 100

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 127

Test Unit 2 - Row A Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

GRAMMAR 3 Complete the sentences with too or enough.

1 Use the prompts given to write sentences. 1 Be careful, the jug is _______________ full and
you’ll spill some water.
1 if / I / know / the answer / I / tell / you
2 Oh no, I haven’t got _______________ money for
a ticket, I can’t go to the concert.
2 if / he / study / more / he / pass / his exams
3 Oh good, the dinner is hot ______________ to eat.
4 A major problem is that the modern world is
3 if / she / want / some help / I / give / it / to / her _______________ polluted.
_________________________________________ 5 Did you know that food is actually abundant
4 what / you / buy / if / you / have / some money? _______________ on earth to feed everyone?

_________________________________________ 6 I think people are _______________ lazy to use

bikes instead of cars.
5 if / I / invite / you / you / join / the team?
7 When support is big _______________ we’ll
_________________________________________ present our petition to the council.
6 if / I / not / arrive / time / I / apologise 8 There are _______________ few members to
_________________________________________ start a club, we can’t start it this year.

7 if / I / ask / you / marry me / what / you / say? ___ 16

8 If / I / be not / busy / I / go / the meeting
4 Complete the sentences with the words in the
___ 16
disease bullying loneliness terrorism
drugs human rights climate change illiteracy
2 Complete the sentences with the Second
1 Bacause of _______________ world temperatures
are rising all the time.
1 I don’t have any money, so I can’t give it to you.
But if I __________________________________ . 2 We can fight _______________ in many countries
with cheap, simple medicines.
2 It isn’t raining so I won’t take an umbrella. But if
it _______________________________________ . 3 We all have to wait in long queues at the security
check in airports now because of the rise in
3 I don’t know her number so I can’t call her. But if
_______________ .
I _______________________________________ .
4 Many countries fight _______________ by
4 You don’t like her because you don’t know her
making school obligatory for children.
well. But if you ___________________________ .
5 It’s terrible when children feel they are victims of
5 She doesn’t play tennis because she hasn’t got a
_______________ by bigger children.
partner. But if she ________________________ .
6 Some countries are freer than other countries, it
6 I’m not going to the theatre because the tickets
depends on _______________ and the law.
cost too much.
But if the tickets ___________________________ 7 _______________ can be a terrible problem for
______________ . many people who don’t have a family or a lot of
___ 12 8 Some people think that selling _______________
should be illegal but not taking them.
___ 8

128 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 2 - Row A
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Complete the sentences with the adjectives and 7 Write nouns ending in -ment, -ness or -tion
nouns that derive from the words in brackets. that derive from the following words.

1 I prefer to eat _______________ and not 1 innovate: _____________________

industrial food. (nature)
2 addict: _______________________
2 This is a very _______________ area to live in.
3 educate: ______________________
4 confine: _______________________
3 Please check these in a _______________ way.
(system) 5 devastate: ____________________

4 It’s really dirty in this city, the _______________ 6 refine: ________________________

is terrible. (pollute) 7 careless: ______________________
5 Take care and make sure you eat a good, 8 agree: ________________________
_______________ diet. (health)
6 With no new jobs around, _______________ is a ___ 8
real problem. (employ)
7 She’s very _______________ , people listen to
her. (influence) 8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
8 He wants to be elected and become a
the box.
_______________ . (politics)
would you do quiet enough too lazy
___ 8
another thing enough to if I could
let’s take for a start
6 Rewrite the sentences using the antonyms in
the box, but keep the same meaning of the Neil We’ve got a problem here, Penny.
original sentence. The people who are writing for our school
environment blog are not interested
lenient increase dirty well educated (1) _______________ write anything decent.
weak poverty praise expensive The articles are terrible!
Penny Well, what (2) _______________ if you were
1 This dress is quite cheap. one of the school journalists?
_________________________________________ Neil (3) _______________ , I’d write about
the new car park that is going to eat up
2 She’s almost illiterate, don’t you think?
half of our sports ground. There’s a car park
_________________________________________ four hundred metres away, people are
just (4) _______________ to walk, that’s the
3 My teacher isn’t very strict.
_________________________________________ Penny I completely agree, Neil!
4 I hope we reduce crime rates. Neil (5) ________________ , there’s the problem
of pollution, all those cars coming into the
_________________________________________ school grounds.
5 Lack of wealth is a problem for everyone. Penny Too true, and (6) _______________ the
problem of noise, I can’t concentrate when
they’re driving about under the classroom
6 Your argument isn’t very strong. window. It just isn’t (7) _______________ to
think properly!
Neil (8) _______________ , I’d close the gate
7 Your car isn’t very clean. and not let any motor vehicles in at all!
8 She got a lot of punishment for her remark. ___ 16

_________________________________________ Total ___ 100

___ 16
Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 129
Test Unit 2 - Row B Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

GRAMMAR 3 Complete the sentences with too or enough.

1 Use the prompts given to write sentences. 1 I think power is concentrated in ______________
few hands, it isn’t properly distributed.
1 if / she / have / his / number / she / give / it / to / you
2 I haven’t got _______________ money with me
to pay for everyone’s coffee.
2 if / he / get up / earlier / he / catch / the bus
3 I think people are interested _______________ in
_________________________________________ the meeting to come.
3 if / they / ask / my advice / I / give / it / to / them 4 The theatre was _______________ small for all
_________________________________________ the people so someone had to stand.

4 if / I / ask / you / a question / you / answer / it? 5 I’ve got _______________ little time to have a
rest, that’s unlucky.
6 This town is quiet _______________ for me, I
5 she / call / you / if / she / miss / the train don’t want to move house!
_________________________________________ 7 His friends are _______________ negative, I
6 if / she / invite / you / on a date / what / you / don’t like them.
answer? 8 Am I speaking loud _______________ , can you
_________________________________________ hear me?
___ 16
7 if / he / study / more / he / pass / his exams
_________________________________________ VOCABULARY
8 I / take / a picture / if / I / have / a camera 4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
unemployment terrorism robbery drugs
illiteracy racism climate change human rights
___ 16

1 Sometimes young people are so bored that they

2 Complete the sentences with the Second turn to _______________ for fun.
2 In a multicultural society there are sometimes
1 He fails his exams because he doesn’t study. But problems with _______________ between
if he ____________________________________ . different nationalities.

2 She misses the bus because she gets up late. 3 The increase in international _______________
But if she ________________________________ . means that travelling by plane is more difficult.

3 He isn’t popular because he never talks to anyone. 4 We have to be careful about _______________
But if he _________________________________ . because rising temperatures are creating a lot of
4 You aren’t fit because you don’t do any sport. But
if you ___________________________________ . 5 Many people suffer depression due to
_______________ after losing their jobs.
5 I don’t know German because I don’t study it.
But if I __________________________________ . 6 There are lawyers who defend people whose
_______________ are not respected by their
6 They stay at home because the weather now is governments.
But if the weather __________________________ 7 _______________ is a problem that can be
____________ . solved by regular school attendance.
8 I think everyone is worried about the problem of
___ 12 _______________ in homes and in the street, no
one wants to lose their things.
___ 8

130 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 2 - Row B
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Complete the sentences with the adjectives and 7 Write nouns ending in -ment, -ness or -tion
nouns that derive from the words in brackets. that derive from the following words.

1 I can’t believe you eat all that disgusting,

1 unhappy: _____________________
_______________ food. (health)
2 devastate: ____________________
2 We need a decent _______________ system in
our schools. (educate) 3 innovate: _____________________

3 I get fed up with hearing _______________ 4 agree: ________________________

speeches, all words and no content. (politics) 5 homeless: _____________________
4 With no new jobs around, _______________ is a 6 unemploy: ____________________
real problem. (employ)
7 addict: _______________________
5 This new _______________ is a work of art on
the subject of human rights. (create) 8 careless: ______________________

6 This is very confusing, can’t you organise a more

___ 8
_______________ approach? (system)
7 I think their culture is very _______________ so FUNCTIONS
they never have wars. (peace)
8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
8 We need to think about how to help the the box.
_______________ in this town. (home)
communicative enough too busy to
___ 8 for one thing would remember us
6 Rewrite the sentences using the antonyms in if we could get I’d take them off
the box, but keep the same meaning of the if we had a list for example
original sentence.
Cathy What are we going to do about the problem of
cheap punish poverty strong people not paying their club membership fee?
illiterate clean reduce strict Phil If I were the President, (1) _______________
the membership list.
1 I don’t want to increase prices. Cathy It’s possible, but there are problems with
that. (2) _______________ we haven’t got
_________________________________________ many members and it’s a pity to lose them.
2 There isn’t much wealth in that area. Phil (3) _______________ of phone numbers, we
could text them and remind them.
Cathy Of course we have a list. Well, we can
3 These shoes are a bit expensive. try that. And we can say they’re off the
list if they don’t pay. I think some
people are (4) _______________ remember
4 We need well-educated people here. and need a reminder. Perhaps we’re not
_________________________________________ (5) _______________? Perhaps we need to
write more emails and things.
5 Praise children when they suggest ideas. Phil That’s a point. (6) _______________ , if we
_________________________________________ wrote more emails, people (7) ____________
and come to meetings more.
6 A good teacher sometimes is not very lenient.
Cathy And maybe we’d get more members. It
_________________________________________ would be great (8) _______________ at least
ten new members this year.
7 The economy is pretty weak at the moment.
_________________________________________ ___ 16
8 I’m glad to see your bike isn’t dirty!
Total ___ 100

___ 16
Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 131
Skills Test Units 1 and 2 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

Climate Change
Several different factors have contributed over the years to
create climate change. Some of these are natural, for instance
changes in solar radiation, the Earth moving on its orbit path,
the creation of mountains and the movements of the earth’s
surface crust. But some of these are created by man. The high
concentration of greenhouse gas is a man-made phenomenon
which results from pollution.

The slower reactions come from the ice caps at the north and
south poles because of their huge size. This means that we may
only now realise the damage created by pollution from a hundred years ago, and the pollution we create now
will create problems for the next century.

The United States Research Council says: ‘Science has made enormous inroads in understanding climate change
and its causes, and is beginning to help develop a strong understanding of current and potential impacts that
will affect people today and in coming decades. (...) There are still some uncertainties, and there always will
be in understanding a complex system like Earth’s climate. Nevertheless, there is a credible body of evidence
documenting that climate is changing and that these changes are in large part caused by human activities.’

The important thing now is to investigate ways of reducing damage by humans and to discover how we can
adapt our world to the irreparable damage done, such as the hole in the ozone layer, and what we think will
happen in the future. The most worrying factor is the increase in CO2 levels because of dirty fuels and the
cement industry. Other factors include how we use the land, for instance agriculture and deforestation play
major roles in climate change.
*The National Research Council, Advancing the Science of Climate Change. Washington: The National Academies Press, 2010.

1 Read the article and decide if the following sentences are T (true) or F (false).

1 All factors in climate change are natural. ______

2 Pollution creates harmful gas. ______
3 Climate change is always very fast. ______
4 Research concentrates only on the present. ______
5 Scientists now know everything about the earth’s climate. ______
6 The way we live has contributed to climate change. ______
7 The hole in the ozone layer cannot be repaired. ______
8 Many different factors contribute to climate change. ______
___ 16

2 Read the article again and answer the questions.

1 What examples are given of natural factors in climate change?
2 Where do results happen more slowly?
3 What two facts are demonstrated by American research and evidence?
4 What two things are important now?
5 What example is given of damage that is now permanent?
___ 14
6 What is the most worrying factor now?
7 What two examples are given of harmful use of the land? Total ___ 30

132 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Skills Test Units 1 and 2
Class: ________ Date: ________

3 Choose one of the following topics and write a text of about 150 words.
1 Write a short text about things you have been doing recently. Include the following information:

– school and hobbies – why you’ve been doing these things

– how long you’ve been doing these things

2 Describe how you would change your school if it were possible. Include the following information:

– lessons and classes – the school building – extra activities and sport

___ 20

4 2 Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1 What sort of problems has Jenny been trying to do?

A maths B history C English

2 What does she want to do tomorrow?

A more maths B history homework C go to a concert

3 What does she want to do tomorrow evening?

A go to the theatre B study for the next day C go to the cinema

4 How long have they been going out?

A fifteen months B fifteen weeks C fifty months

5 What sort of present has Simon been looking for?

A birthday B anniversary C Christmas

6 What was in September?

A Simon’s birthday B their anniversary C Simon’s dog’s birthday

7 What sort of present will Simon look for after the anniversary present?
A thank you present B Christmas present C birthday present
___ 14

5 2 Listen to the conversation between Jenny (J) and Simon (S) and decide who talks about
the following things.

1 problems with maths homework: ______

2 problems with history homework: ______
3 relaxing tomorrow evening: ______
4 going to the cinema: ______
5 how long they’ve been going out: ______
6 looking for an anniversary present: ______
7 a birthday last month: ______
8 the order of presents: ______
___ 16

Total ___ 30

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 133

Skills Test Units 1 and 2 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

6 Follow the instructions below and create the dialogue in English with your partner.

Student A Student B

Ask your partner if he/she does/plays any sport. Say yes. Say you’ve played basketball for 5 years.

Ask why he/she has played for so long. Say it’s to keep fit and see your friends.

Say that recently you haven’t been playing any Ask which sport he/she would like to play/do.

Say that if you could choose any sport, you would Ask why that sport in particular.
play tennis.

Say it’s because you only need two rackets and a Say that’s true and that you would build a tennis
ball to play. court in your garden if you had enough money.

___ 10

7 Choose one of the following topics to talk about.

1 Talk about some of your country’s biggest 2 Talk about a sport or a hobby you like, say
problems and what you would do to solve how long you’ve done it and why. Describe the
them if you were a politician. benefits of this activity and say why you would
recommend it to other people.

___ 10

Total ___ 20

134 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 3 - Row A
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form 3 Complete the sentences with the expressions
of used to and the words in brackets. in the box.

1 As a child I _______________ love cartoons. sleeping alone bedtime stories

strangers UFOs play on the swings
2 I _______________ like horror films as a child,
certain kinds of food going to bed early
in fact I hated them.
playing with their toys scared of the dark spider
3 _______________ (you) study a lot at school?
4 _______________ (your parents) give you pocket 1 I used to hate _______________ , I always
money? wanted to stay up late.

5 My family _______________ go to the cinema, 2 Most children like listening to someone read
we preferred sport. them _______________ before they go to sleep.

6 I _______________ believe in ghosts as a child, 3 We would often go to the park and

I was always scared at night. _______________ .

7 I _______________ eat vegetables because I 4 I need a light on at night, I’m ______________ .

didn’t like them. 5 Children must not trust _______________ .
8 Where _______________ (you) go at weekends 6 _______________ is a big challenge for small
when you lived in the country? children, most of them like to share a room.
9 In the past people _______________ have 7 Ugh! Look at that big _______________ on the
mobile phones. wall!
10 Where _______________ (you) spend your 8 Leave the children in peace, they’re
summer holidays when you were young? _______________ upstairs.

___ 20 9 My brother is obsessed with _______________ ,

he’s convinced aliens exist.
2 Complete the sentences with used to or 10 My sister is really difficult at table, she only eats
would. In some cases both are correct. _______________ .
___ 10
1 When we went camping we _______________
light a fire and sing round it. 4 Underline the correct alternative.
2 I _______________ hate going to the city, it was
1 I’m a bit anxious/puzzled about the idea of
travelling so far alone.
3 We never _______________ take a holiday
2 He looks so sad and confused/miserable.
3 He got very terrified/depressed when he was
4 We _______________ get really excited before
living alone.
going on picnics and trips.
4 This situation is very strange, I feel puzzled/sad.
5 With school the next day, we _______________
go to bed early. 5 I don’t want to go into that dark house, I feel too
6 She _______________ be really horrible but she’s
quite nice now. 6 She’s upset/terrified because she failed her
7 At night if I heard a noise, I _______________
hide under my covers. 7 I don’t know where Sheila is, I’m really worried/
depressed about her.
8 On a Saturday evening we _______________
make chips and watch a film. 8 When I heard the strange noise in my kitchen I
was absolutely terrified/puzzled.
___ 16
___ 8

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 135

Test Unit 3 - Row A Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Rewrite the sentences using the gerund of the FUNCTIONS

verbs as the subject. 7 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
1 It’s really relaxing to have a meal with friends. the box.

_________________________________________ would get used to keep do you remember

2 It’s healthy to jog. were afraid would tell would eat

_________________________________________ Emily Look at this, Fiona! Our old torch! Do you

3 It’s not good for you to play too many video remember it?
games. Fiona Oh, yeah! You (1) _______________ it next
to your bed and switch it on at night when
_________________________________________ we (2) _______________ . I remember that!
4 I find it interesting to listen to old people’s Emily And we (3) _______________ each other
stories. fairy tales with happy ending so as not to be
afraid anymore.
Fiona (4) _______________ when we got hungry?
5 It’s popular around here to have quiz evenings. Emily Sure, we (5) _______________
the torch and creep downstairs, and then
we (6) _______________ all the breakfast
6 I find it incredibly boring to clean my house. cereal!
_________________________________________ ___ 12

7 People find it exciting to skydive.

_________________________________________ 8 Complete the text with the expressions in the
8 It is very important to have a balanced diet.
_________________________________________ feel afraid scared of ghosts and the supernatural
absolutely terrified petrified by the idea
___ 16 being alone in a dark building

6 Complete the text with the expressions in the This month for our school magazine we did a
box. survey of what scares you most and here are the
straight away at first a short time later Most people (1) _______________ of being alone in
in the end after a while the next morning the dark. But not of ghosts, of muggers and so on.
A lot of you are (2) _______________ walking down
Last week I made a terrible decision. I took my a dark street because you might meet an attacker.
girlfriend to see a horror film at the cinema. And this is of course a real problem, not a silly
(1) _______________ everything was great. We childhood fear. So be careful!
bought popcorn and got good seats. A lot of you also are (3) _______________ of very
(2) _______________ the trouble started. The film real, everyday things like going to the doctor. Now
was really violent, there was a lot of killing, and don’t worry, he or she is actually good for you and
(3) _______________ , after only a minute, I realised there to help!
my big mistake. My girlfriend got really upset and Only a few of you are scared of unreal things like
started shaking. She hated it. Well, we watched the (4) _______________ , although 90% of you admit
film, but (4) _______________ it was just too much that (5) _______________ is very creepy and you
and she started crying. (5) _______________ are (6) _______________ .
I decided to leave and we went home. I thought
that she would forget it after a good night’s sleep
___ 12
but (6) _______________ she was still furious with
me for choosing that film. Never again! Total ___ 100
___ 6

136 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 3 - Row B
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form 3 Complete the sentences with the expressions
of used to and the words in brackets. in the box.

1 I _______________ hate going to the dentist and ghosts Father Christmas fairy tales tests
try to avoid it at all costs. being alone at home certain animals
meeting new people big dogs barking
2 We all _______________ love listening to my
speaking in public flying for the first time
aunt telling stories.
3 They _______________ come here very often, 1 Some people have a phobia of ______________
we hardly ever saw them. like spiders and snakes.
4 _______________ (you) eat vegetables when 2 Children love the idea of _______________
you were a child? bringing them presents.
5 We never _______________ watch films until 3 I think that _______________ before a big
we bought a DVD player. crowd is something you can learn to do.
6 _______________ (you) go out with Dan? You 4 A lot of students get very anxious before
were always together. _______________ .
7 People _______________ travel much because it 5 I’m terrified when I hear _______________ .
was too expensive.
6 Some people go out at night with strange
8 I _______________ have a lot of comics but my machines trying to record _______________ .
mum threw them away.
7 Some airline companies offer special courses for
9 Where _______________ (you) go on holiday people _______________ .
when you were a child?
8 Shy people don’t like _______________ .
10 My family _______________ go to the seaside,
9 Some _______________ are really cruel, full of
we preferred the mountains.
witches and monsters.
___ 20
10 I used to hate _______________ as a child, I
hated my parents going out and leaving me.
2 Complete the sentences with used to or
___ 10
would. In some cases both are correct.

1 We _______________ get really excited the day 4 Underline the correct alternative.
before Christmas.
1 Don’t take the child near big dogs, he’s puzzled/
2 I _______________ believe in ghosts as a child.
3 I _______________ run home in the dark
2 I was a bit upset/terrified when he told me he
because I was afraid.
thinks I’m shallow.
4 My sister _______________ have a French
3 She was really depressed/confused when she
heard the sad news.
5 Helen _______________ scream every time she
4 Excuse me, I’m a bit anxious/puzzled, I don’t
saw a spider.
really understand this.
6 We _______________ spend all our money on
5 I always get a bit sad/nervous before an exam.
Friday evening and then have none for Saturday.
6 They were really terrified/upset when they saw a
7 I _______________ want to be a pilot, then I
shadow at the window.
changed my mind.
7 Ron looks so sad and miserable/confused.
8 I _______________ understand German but then
I forgot it all. 8 I’m really worried/sad about Jack. I think he’s in
___ 16 trouble.
___ 8

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 137

Test Unit 3 - Row B Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Rewrite the sentences using the gerund of the FUNCTIONS

verbs as the subject. 7 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
1 It’s exciting to live in a big city. the box.

_________________________________________ didn’t use to have did you use to like

2 It can be expensive to travel. used to have did you use
would brush would send
3 It isn’t a good idea to study with the radio on. Paula Look at this old photo of us in Primary One!
Roger That’s brilliant! Look at you! You
_________________________________________ (1) _______________ long hair!
4 Some people find it relaxing to cook. Paula Yeah, and my mum (2) _______________ it
every morning and evening, what a torture!
Look at your shorts!
5 It’s good for you to do sport. Roger My parents (3) _______________ any
fashion sense! They (4) _______________
me to school in really terrible clothes. Those
6 It can cause a headache if you sleep too little. shorts are appalling!
_________________________________________ Paula What (5) _______________ to want to wear?
Roger I wanted a tracksuit and trainers like my big
7 I find it horrible to go by train at night. brothers! And a Spiderman T-shirt.
_________________________________________ Paula (6) _______________ Spiderman? Really? I
don’t remember that!
8 It’s dangerous to walk down a dark road at night. Roger Sure, I loved him.
_________________________________________ ___ 12

___ 16
8 Complete the text with the expressions in the
6 Complete the text with the expressions in the box.
really creepy terrified of going get very nervous
straight away at first in the end staying at home alone afraid of ghosts get lonely
not much after the next minute then
I think it’s fair to say my fears have changed over
My sister got a real shock last week! She was out the years. As a child I remember I used to be
for a meal with friends and at about midnight she (1) _______________ home in the dark by myself.
went home. (1) _______________ she didn’t realise But I wasn’t afraid of people, I was
anything was wrong. She went into her flat, but (2) _______________ ! Now I still find the dark
she didn’t switch the light on (2) _______________ (3) _______________ and I switch on a light if I get
because the switch is on the other side of the room. up at night. I know it’s silly, but never mind.
(3) _______________ she went to her bedroom and I (4) _______________ about meeting strangers
started to put on her pyjamas but when there are a lot of them, like at a party where
(4) _______________ she tripped up over I don’t know anyone. I prefer to be with people I
something. So she turned on the light and realised know. But on the other hand I find
that thieves had entered her apartment. (5) _______________ really depressing.
(5) _______________ , almost immediately, she I (6) _______________ because I like company.
heard the door slam – the thieves were in the flat
at the same time and escaped at that moment! She ___ 12
called the police, then me, and
(6) _______________ we decided it was better for Total ___ 100
her to come and stay with me for a few days.

___ 6

138 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 4 - Row A
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Rewrite the sentences in the passive form. 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the
1 People accept the media more easily now.
_________________________________________ broadcast remote control interactive
channel commercials viewer
2 Logie Baird invented the TV in 1925. post switch off digital aerial
3 Police saw a strange figure near the bank 1 If a _______________ doesn’t like what she’s
yesterday. watching, she can turn off the TV.

_________________________________________ 2 I prefer _______________ platforms like blogs

and social networks to texts I can read but not
4 Officials counted the votes yesterday. comment.
_________________________________________ 3 They decided to _______________ the event
5 They built new houses by the river. live.

_________________________________________ 4 Now we all have _______________ TV and have

to buy a decoder.
6 Journalists often interview that actor.
5 I hate it when films are interrupted by
_______________ for things I don’t want to buy.
7 You don’t see this bird much in the woods.
6 Oh come on, _______________ the TV and
_________________________________________ come outside for a walk.
8 We didn’t consider late competition entries. 7 Pass me the _______________ , I want to watch
something else.
8 I love the history _______________ and all the
9 You completed this project in ten days.
documentaries it shows.
9 Lightning struck the _______________ on our
10 Our neighbours called the police. roof so we haven’t got TV at the moment.
_________________________________________ 10 Your ideas are very interesting. You should write
a _______________ for my blog about that.
___ 20
___ 10
2 Complete the sentences with the correct 4 Underline the correct alternative.
question tags.
Since my brother got a new computer, that’s all he
1 You want to pass this exam, _______________ ? thinks about. He sits in front of the (1) monitor/
2 Helen knows Sheila, _______________ ? webcam all day staring at the screen. He says he
has to do searches with his (2) cursor/browser for
3 They arrived late, _______________ ? school and then (3) download/visit the information
4 He doesn’t want a dog, _______________ ? onto a (4) keyboard/pen drive for school, but I
never see text on his screen. He’s always there
5 They wrote some blog posts, ______________ ? (5) logging onto/uploading websites with video
6 He hasn’t read this yet, _______________ ? games and shooting zombies all day. He’s going
to turn into a zombie. He doesn’t even need a
7 They’re not coming tomorrow, _____________ ?
(6) speaker/keyboard because he never writes
8 We haven’t published this, _______________ ? anything, all he needs is a (7) DVD/mouse to click
the zombies he wants to kill. If you look at the
9 They asked for help, _______________ ?
(8) printer/icons on his desktop they’re all video
10 Computers were invented last century, games.
_______________ ? ___ 8
___ 20

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 139

Test Unit 4 - Row A Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Match the words to their meanings. 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the
1 desktop
2 folder hands-free set hash key keypad charger
3 mouse screen send button
4 crash
5 surf
1 The buttons on this _______________ are really
6 junk

a when a computer closes suddenly 2 Oh no, where is my _______________? The

b to look at different websites battery is flat!
c unwanted commercial email 3 If you’re in the car, you should use your
d the initial screen of your computer _______________ .
e a place where you store documents in your
computer’s memory 4 I’d like a big _______________ so I can see the
f a small instrument for moving the cursor on photos I take.
your screen 5 I wrote a really stupid message to Luke but
___ 6 fortunately I didn’t press the _______________ .
6 Remember to press the number and then the
_______________ .
6 Match a word from each box to make
compound nouns, then complete the sentences. ___ 6

web (x2) down control load (x2)
8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
up pass board cam the box.
remote key on sites line word
are you serious amazing can’t he
kidding isn’t he hard to believe you don’t say
1 If you want to protect your sites, use a
_______________ and don’t tell it to anyone. Tony Did you know that Susie has started a blog?
2 You can _______________ all sorts of things from Cath Really? That’s (1) ______________ ! She
the Internet to your computer. doesn’t even know how to switch on a
3 Lots of sites show when you are connected to the
Tony Well, evidently she’s learned, because she’s got
Internet and _______________ .
this blog full of news about bands and music.
4 You can see your friends in other towns if you Cath I’m sorry but that’s (2) _______________ .
both have a _______________ . I think it’s probably her brother.
5 It’s not difficult to write texts and then Tony Yeah, Billy is great with computers,
_______________ them onto a website. (3) _______________ ? But he gets on really
well with his sister, why not believe that he’s
6 Some people prefer to use commands from their taught her how to use a computer?
_______________ rather than a mouse. Cath (4) _______________ ? No, I think you’re
7 The number of _______________ you can visit on joking. You’re (5) _______________ .
the Internet is immense. Tony No, I’m not. Billy is a great person. He spent
ages with me helping me with my IT project.
8 You can make all sorts of things work from a If he can teach me, he can teach his sister,
distance with a _______________ . (6) _______________ ?
Cath (7) _______________ !
___ 16
Tony Yes, I do! He was great. You shouldn’t be so
negative about people.
___ 14

Total ___ 100

140 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 4 - Row B
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Rewrite the sentences in the passive form. 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the
1 You find internet points in libraries now.
_________________________________________ aerial graphics presenter network
broadcast data web page
2 There is controversy about who invented the audience switch off post
_________________________________________ 1 I’d like to write a _______________ for my blog
about this subject.
3 Volunteers visited all the schools in the area.
2 I hate the way that _______________ speaks,
_________________________________________ he’s so false.
4 The police questioned witnesses last night. 3 I’m sure they pay the studio _______________
_________________________________________ to laugh!

5 The council planned a series of concerts. 4 Lightning struck the _______________ on our
roof so we haven’t got TV at the moment.
5 I’ve got a _______________ about local events,
6 We often ask writers to contribute.
tell me if you’re planning a concert.
6 It’s boring when a TV _______________ shows
7 You don’t see his paintings at exhibitions. all the same programmes, they should vary
from channel to channel.
7 Collect all the information and _______________
8 They didn’t develop the project.
you can download from this website.
8 The _______________ on this web site are
9 They didn’t fix my computer yesterday. great, it’s lovely to look at.
_________________________________________ 9 They decided to _______________ the concert
10 Daniel asked everyone about the party. live.

_________________________________________ 10 Why don’t we _______________ the TV and go

outside for a walk?
___ 20 ___ 10

2 Complete the sentences with the correct 4 Underline the correct alternative.
question tags.
I suppose I use my computer mainly to write things
1 You like Simon, _______________ ? and to look at my emails. I get a lot of interesting
2 Mark keeps a blog, _______________ ? emails, but some (1) spam/icons as well, which
I throw out. If I really want to keep an email I
3 We did that well, _______________ ? connect to my (2) webcam/printer and get a copy
4 She doesn’t need any money, ______________ ? on paper. I also save things on my (3) pen drive/
browser which is so easy to carry about. I have
5 You saw Mike yesterday, _______________ ?
desktop (4) monitors/icons that take me directly
6 He hasn’t sent the email yet, ______________ ? to my email site or to the (5) printer/log on page.
7 He isn’t contacting them later, _____________ ? It saves time. I write a lot, so I got a funny picture
to use as my (6) speaker/cursor, it cheers me
8 She hasn’t read this, _______________ ? up when I’m tired. I sometimes (7) visit/upload
9 They haven’t heard the news, ______________ ? websites but I’m different to a lot of people: I don’t
spend much time surfing the web unless I need
10 This was broken yesterday, _______________ ? some information to (8) click on/download for work.
___ 20
___ 8

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 141

Test Unit 4 - Row B Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Match the words to their meanings. 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the
1 crash
2 desktop hands-free set hash key keypad charger
3 junk screen send button
4 mouse
5 folder
1 The _________ on your phone is usually on the
6 surf
bottom right.
a unwanted commercial email 2 I think I need a _________ for when I’m out on
b the initial screen of your computer my bike.
c when a computer closes suddenly
3 The battery is flat on my phone, I need my
d to look at different websites
e a place where you store documents in your
computer’s memory 4 Have you got good definition on your _________ ?
f a small instrument for moving the cursor on 5 The _________ on mobile phones has usually got
your screen a small green telephone.
___ 6 6 This _________ is so small I have trouble
6 Match a word from each box to make compound pressing the buttons!
nouns, then complete the sentences. ___ 6
web (x2) down control load (x2) FUNCTIONS
up pass board cam 8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
remote key on site line word the box.

are you serious amazing kidding

1 I was really angry when my son spilled coffee really didn’t he hard to believe you don’t say
on my _______________ and I couldn’t use it to
write anymore. Gwen I can’t believe this! It’s (1) ______________ !
Look, there’s an article about Tommy in the
2 Visit the museum _______________ for
local paper.
Mark (2) _______________ ? About Tommy?
3 The battery in the _______________ is flat, it Gwen It says he’s a computer genius and
doesn’t change the channels. he’s going to America to study information
4 Can you _______________ this new information
Mark (3) _______________ ? But he always failed
onto the company site, please?
his exams at school, (4) _______________?
5 I’m not switching on my _______________ today Gwen Yeah, that’s why I find this very
because I look terrible. (5) _______________ . And look, there’s a
6 Did you _______________ that song onto your photo of him sitting beside a computer!
MP4? Mark (6) _______________ !
Gwen Yes, I do! That’s Tommy, isn’t he?
7 I need to change my _______________ , I think Mark Yeah, it is. He must be (7) ____________ .
someone has guessed it. He’s always playing jokes on people, you
8 We usually stay _______________ and connected know.
all day.
___ 16

___ 14

Total ___ 100

142 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Skills Test Units 3 and 4
Class: ________ Date: ________

(1) ______ This is a service where users are allowed to
send instant messages with the limit of a maximum of
140 characters. Its brevity seems to be one of the reasons
for its success rather than a limitation. Users are given the
chance to send short, immediate messages and interact
in real time.
(2) ______ It was created in California and at first it was
called twttr, to seem like the name Flickr which was very
successful. The name ‘Twitter’ is taken from the verb
which describes how birds sing. (3) ______
(4) ______ It said, ‘just setting up my twttr’, and the year
after it was used at the South by Southwest festival where numbers of users were tripled over just a
few days. It was used to encourage communication from the crowd. Two big screens were put up and
users’ messages ran in streaming across them. (5) ______
(6) ______ A message was sent by astronaut Timothy Creamer from the International Space Station.
This use from space was considered so important that Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli, who used
it regularly to send messages and videos, became the star of the video to celebrate Twitter’s fifth
(7) ______ It is used by firms to send information to clients, and has been used to send news to the
media before traditional journalistic means could manage. It is certainly a serious participant in the
world of communication.

1 Read the article and insert sentences A-G in the correct paragraphs.

A The festival organisers won a prize for innovation.

B One of the most popular means of communication at the moment is Twitter.
C Twitter has become more than a means of communication between two people.
D Twitter was used in space for the first time on 22nd January 2010.
E Short and sweet!
F Twitter was invented by Jack Dorsey in 2006 along with a brainstorm group.
G On 21st March 2006 the first ‘tweet’ was sent by Dorsey.
___ 14

2 Read the article again and decide if the following statements are T (true) or F (false).
1 There is a long interval of time between sending and receiving a tweet. ______
2 The name was copied from birdsong. ______
3 It first became popular during a festival which used it for communicating. ______
4 It can be used from space. ______
5 The Twitter company does not consider use from space important. ______
6 Twitter celebrated its fifth birthday with a song. ______
7 Companies use it to send business communications. ______
8 It has no media potential. ______

___ 16

Total ___ 30

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 143

Skills Test Units 3 and 4 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

3 Choose one of the following topics and write a text of about 150 words.
1 Write about an interesting experience you have had. Include the following information:

– use time expressions to make the order of events clear – give interesting details
– say how you felt at various moments in the story

2 Describe a technological object or an application of one that you think is useless and prefer not to use.
Include the following information:

– When was it first invented/used? By whom? – Why don’t you like it?
– What is it used for?
___ 20

4 3 Listen to the conversation between Sandra and Paul and put the sentences into the correct
order to create a summary.

a Paul was getting into the car to go and see Sandra when he sat on the guitar and broke it.
b After the party Sandra ignored Paul for a month.
c Maria sat on Paul’s knee and ended the conversation between Paul and Sandra.
d Sandra first noticed Paul at Martin’s party.
e At the same party Paul walked Sandra home.
f Then Wendy had a barbecue and they started talking.
g At Dave’s party Maria started going out with Tim.
___ 14

5 3 Listen again and complete the summary with the correct information.

One day Sandra found Paul’s old (1) _______________ . This reminded them of the story of how they started
going out together. Sandra noticed Paul at (2) _______________ . He was playing his guitar. But Sandra was shy
and wouldn’t (3) _______________ to Paul for a month. Then they started chatting at (4) _______________ .
Unfortunately Maria interrupted because she liked (5) _______________ . Luckily at the next party Maria started
(6) _______________ with Tim, so Paul (7) _______________ Sandra home after the party. That evening they
started going out together. The guitar was broken when Paul threw it in the car in a hurry and
(8) _______________ it.
___ 16

Total ___ 30

144 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Skills Test Units 3 and 4
Class: ________ Date: ________

6 Follow the instructions below and create the dialogue in English with your partner.

Student A Student B

Ask your partner what he/she usually did as a Say you liked riding your bicycle for hours.

Ask whether he/she would ride around all day. Say yes and that you used to be out for hours.

Ask if he/she would get hungry. Say you used to take some sandwiches along.

Ask why he/she stopped riding/cycling. Say that your brother broke your bike.

Ask if it was repaired by anyone. Say that it was thrown away by your parents.

___ 10

7 Choose one of the following topics to talk about.

1 Talk about the things you like to do as a child 2 Talk about technological developments and say
and say whether you still do them. Is this a which sectors you think science should invest in.
positive or a negative thing? Do you think it’s In your opinion, which tools will be essential in
right to encourage some habits? the future?

___ 10

Total ___ 20

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 145

Test Unit 5 - Row A Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the sentences with the relative 3 Look at the picture and complete the email
pronouns in the box. with the expressions in the box.

which whose who where when

1 I like people _______________ smile even when

they’re in trouble.
2 I don’t know the artist _______________
painting won the competition.
3 He told me about the holiday _______________
I think is a great idea.
4 I like days _______________ I can sleep a bit
5 This is the town _______________ my aunt and
uncle live.
6 I’ve got a friend _______________ sister is a
7 I hate moments _______________ I’m really
tired and I have to talk to people I don’t know.
the foreground the background
8 I know a great gallery _______________ they the bottom left hand corner at the top
have interesting exhibitions. the bottom right hand corner at the bottom
9 This is the installation _______________ my the top left hand corner the top right hand corner
teacher made from an old bicycle.
10 Do you remember the moment
_______________ they announced the winner?

___ 20
Hi Marion,
I’m sending you a group photo of my summer
2 Complete the sentences by inserting a relative camp companions. As you can see, some of
pronoun only where necessary. them were very tall, they’re basketball players.
They’re all in (1) _______________ while the
1 Van Gogh, _______________ was born in rest of us are in (2) _______________ . We’re in
Holland, was ahead of his time. our common room. You can see the window in
2 There are lots of places in my town (3) ______________ . That’s my painting in (4)
_______________ people can go to relax in. _______________ . Do you like it? And look at (5)
_______________ , that’s the bag you gave me
3 My students, _______________ are all very
for my birthday. The box in (6) _______________
good, have decided to write a play.
was full of books for the library that we collected.
4 The artist _______________ picture this is will Do you like the plant (7) _______________ ? It
give a talk next week. came from my garden. That strange black mark
(8) _______________ on the wall is where Tommy
5 This is a kind of photography _______________
threw a paint brush at John and missed, I’ll tell
is very popular.
you about it some time!
6 I really liked the book _______________ you
gave me on my birthday. Hope you’re well!
7 That’s the theatre _______________ our play Amy
was performed in.
___ 14
___ 16

146 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 5 - Row A
Class: ________ Date: ________

4 Underline the correct alternative. 6 Underline the correct alternative.

1 This is a wonderful portrait/landscape, it’s 1 I like visiting hot countries such as/to name a
identical to Peter! few Kenya and India.
2 Can you do a quick sculpture/sketch of this 2 It’s important to do a sport to keep fit, tennis,
room? jogging and swimming like/are just some.
3 We went to visit the new drawing/gallery in the 3 There’s a lot you can do to help others, for
High Street. instance/such as you can do volunteer work.
4 He did a lovely still life/sculptor of some fruit in 4 Towns have changed a lot over the past hundred
a bowl. years. For example/To name a few mine has
doubled in size.
5 I enjoy doing drawings/landscapes of people I
know. 5 A lot of my friends sent me text messages for my
birthday, Sally and Helen to name a few/like.
6 The countryside round here is lovely, a lot of
artists come to paint still lives/landscapes. 6 Green areas like/are just some parks are
important in cities.
7 He’s an interesting portrait/sculptor, he works
with wood and stone. 7 Some drivers do really stupid things like/to name
a few driving through red lights.
8 How much is that landscape/sculpture of the
two dogs? 8 Loud music for instance/such as heavy metal
gives me a headache.
___ 8
___ 8
5 Match each sentence to its logical conclusion.
1 I feel a lot of admiration for him.
2 I’m sorry but my distrust for that man is 7 Complete the description with the expressions
total. in the box.
3 I’ve got a certain liking for chocolate.
4 I think the love of an animal is wonderful. like he forgot foreground in the background
5 I just felt total disgust for his actions. in the middle might rain see some dirt
6 I respect your opinions. sort of happy it shows at the top
7 I trust my friend Sally. this is kind of big you can see
8 I feel a slight dislike for Nora.
9 I have a lot of respect for Liam. (1) _______________ my wedding photo, do you
10 My grandfather had a great love of horses. like it? (2) _______________ me and my husband
just after we got married. (3) _______________
a But I don’t agree with them. you can see us, we’re the centre of attention! And
b So I’m leaving my dog with her for a few days. of course in the (4) _______________ there are my
c It’s so generous and innocent. flowers, they were beautiful. We look
d He does a lot of volunteer work. (5) _______________ , don’t we? (6) ____________
e I don’t hate her or anything but she’s not my some clouds (7) _____________ of the picture, in
type. the sky. We thought it (8) _______________ , but
f I wouldn’t even lend him my biro! then the sun came out and it was a lovely day.
g He was cruel and dishonest. That’s our car (9) _______________ , it was
h I eat it all the time. (10) _______________ but we loved it. I can
i He always had at least three. (11) _______________ on my husband’s shoes. It
j He’s a very hardworking, honest person. looks (12) _______________ to clean them!

___ 24
___ 10
Total ___ 100

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 147

Test Unit 5 - Row B Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the sentences with the relative 3 Look at the picture and complete the email
pronouns in the box. with the expressions in the box.

which whose who where when

1 Do you remember the moment

_______________ they announced the result?
2 I have a friend _______________ aunt lives in
3 There’s a restaurant near here _______________
you can eat outside.
4 The paintings _______________ he did last year
were influenced by his travels.
5 I met a man _______________ does sculptures
with food.
6 I’m going to visit the town _______________ my
favourite artist was born.
7 Remember to tell me the day _______________
the exhibition opens. the top left hand corner the top right hand corner
in the foreground in the background
8 This is the writer _______________ wrote the
the bottom left hand corner
novel about my town.
the bottom right hand corner
9 Do you know the teacher _______________ son at the bottom at the top
is a film director?
10 She told me about the party _______________ I
think is a great idea.
___ 20
Hi Amir,
I’m sending you a photo of my house, hope you like
2 Complete the sentences by inserting a relative it! You can see my mum’s flowers
pronoun only where necessary. (1) _______________ . She’s a great gardener. And
(2) _______________ the wood behind my house
1 Helen, _______________ is a really good dancer, where I go a lot with my friends and my dog. That’s
is going to study in London. my dog in (3) _______________ and in
2 People _______________ don’t like art don’t have (4) _______________ that’s my cat. Luckily they get
to go and see it. on well! It’s a good area for nature, you can see the
birds in (5) _______________ . That’s not a bird in
3 The book _______________ I got for Christmas is
(6) _______________ , it’s my sister’s kite that flew
really good.
away while I was taking the photo! That’s my photo
4 Do you know the restaurant _______________ equipment bag (7) _______________ of the picture.
we’re going to this evening? And you can see that it isn’t true that it always
5 I read an article _______________ said someone rains here, there’s the sun (8) _______________ !
stole a lot of paintings from the gallery.
Hope to hear from you soon!
6 I like the photo _______________ shows the Simon
children playing in the park.
7 This theatre, _______________ was built in the
___ 16
last century, has an enormous stage.
___ 14

148 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 5 - Row B
Class: ________ Date: ________

4 Underline the correct alternative. 6 Underline the correct alternative.

1 I’ve got a collection of drawings/landscapes of 1 There are a lot of sweets that don’t have many
windows and doors. calories. For example/To name a few fruit salad.
2 I met a portrait/sculptor who makes lovely 2 Some of my friends do volunteer work, Mark,
statues of animals. Sheila and Emma to name a few/like.
3 Look at this portrait/landscape of your mum, it’s 3 Quiet places like/are just some libraries are ideal
just like her! for studying.
4 I prefer gallery/landscapes to portraits. 4 I want to do something relaxing like/to name a
few going to see a film.
5 I found a sculpture/sketch I did as a child of my
dog, on a piece of paper. 5 Pollutants for instance/such as CO2 have to be
6 I think it’s a landscape/sculpture of a dancer but
it’s very strange and I’m not sure. 6 Cool fabrics such as/to name a few cotton are
good for the summer.
7 There’s an exhibition on at the local drawing/
gallery. 7 There are a lot of lovely cities in the UK, York,
Edinburgh and Cambridge like/are just some.
8 I just bought this still life/sculpture because
it shows the same kind of plants I have in my 8 You could help your elderly neighbours a bit, for
garden. instance/such as you could do their shopping for
them sometimes.
___ 8
___ 8

5 Match each sentence to its logical conclusion.

1 I have a lot of respect for Jim.
2 I have a strong dislike of people who shout.
7 Complete the description with the expressions
3 I just feel distrust for this group. in the box.
4 I think you need trust to work together.
as you can see look at this
5 I think the children have a liking for ice
sort of worried it shows in the middle
might snow kind of high like we weren’t
6 I don’t have much admiration for this work.
foreground in the background can see at the top
7 He had a great love of horses.
8 All I can say is that I feel disgust for what she
(1) _______________ , it’s the first time we went
skiing! That’s us in the (2) _______________
9 I’ve got a certain liking for chocolate.
obviously. We look (3) _______________ , don’t we?
10 I respect your opinions.
No wonder, look at those mountains
(4) _______________ ! I mean, they were
a They always ask for it.
(5) _______________ and we had to ski down
b He always had at least three.
them. That wood (6) _______________ between us
c She lied to get what she wanted.
and the mountains was lovely. (7) _______________
d They don’t know how to listen.
we were lucky with the weather. You can see the
e It’s hard to form a good partnership without it.
sun (8) ______________ .
f He’s a very hardworking, honest person.
We thought it (9) _______________ a bit, but it
g It looks like it was copied to me.
didn’t. I think you can see on our faces that we look
h There’s something about them I don’t like.
(10) _______________ very happy about it all. But
i But I don’t agree with them.
we took lessons and got better.
j I eat it all the time.
You (11) ______________ how lovely the place
___ 10 was in this photo, and I like it because
(12) _______________ two beginners, and now
we’re quite good.
___ 24

Total ___ 100

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 149
Test Unit 6 - Row A Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form 3 Complete the text with the words in the box.
of the verbs in brackets.
lyrics guitarist single tunes
1 When he _______________ (turn) on the TV the released hit album charts
film _______________ (start).
Welcome to this week’s Record Review where we
2 We _______________ (get) worried when they
look at the latest CDs which have been
_______________ (not/arrive) by seven o’clock.
(1) _______________ this week. We start with a
3 _______________ (you/study) French before you new (2) _______________ containing twelve songs
_______________ (visit) France? by Birdmen. This is their first with new
(3) _______________ Steve Thorn, who joined the
4 We _______________ (not/do) any shopping so
group last year. It’s gone straight into the
we _______________ (have) nothing to eat.
(4) _______________ at number five, an amazing
5 I _______________ (learn) to play the guitar result. The (5) _______________ are fantastic, this
before I _______________ (meet) the band. has always been a band with a talent for melody,
6 She _______________ (not/do) much and the (6) _______________ sound like poetry.
exercise for a while so the first gym class A very mature work for the band. The band
_______________ (be) really tiring for her. has chosen to release the third song as a
(7) _______________ and it’s sure to be a
7 Before I _______________ (join) this band I (8) _______________ and sell well immediately.
_______________ (play) in two others.
___ 8
8 _______________ (you/hear) of us before you
_______________ (come) to our concert?
9 I _______________ (not/written) an article in my
4 Complete the definitions with the names of
life before they _______________ (ask) me to
musical instruments. The first letter is given.
write one about my music.
1 A brass wind instrument with a curve at the
10 When you _______________ (join) the class, bottom, the notes are made by pressing keys, it
_______________ (they/cover) this subject? is held vertically: s_______________

___ 20 2 A classical instrument made of wood with four

strings, it is held under the chin and played with
a bow: v_______________
2 Complete the sentences with reflexive or
reciprocal pronouns. 3 A cylinder, usually wood or metal, with a
skin stretched over it, played by hitting it:
1 Have you looked at _______________ in the d_______________
mirror this morning? 4 An instrument with black and white keys:
2 When they paid her she bought p_______________
_______________ a new mobile phone. 5 A string instrument with six strings
3 I think they really like _______________ , played by hand, needs electricity to work:
they’re always together. e_______________ g_______________

4 We had a brilliant time, we really enjoyed 6 Two round metal discs that are hit together to
_______________ . make a crash: c_______________

5 My cat always cleans _______________ when it 7 A metal wind instrument, usually silver in colour,
comes in. held horizontally and played by pressing keys:
6 If people don’t get on, they should just avoid
_______________ and not argue. 8 A circular or semicircular band of wood with
lots of small metal discs that you shake or
7 Did you three write this song by ____________ ?
hit to make noise for the rhythm of a song:
___ 14 ___ 8

150 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 6 - Row A
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Underline the correct alternative. 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the
1 You were very rude to her, I think you should
apologise/interview. remind remember memory recall
2 I’d like to make a chat/complaint about this homesick memoirs souvenir nostalgia
1 She moved abroad but was really _____________
3 I don’t understand what happened, I’d like an for months before she started to enjoy herself.
2 A famous actress has just published her
4 I prefer written to oral exams/conversations _______________ full of gossip.
because I have more time to think.
3 There’s a great feeling of _______________ these
5 The police are holding a suspect for explanation/ days for old-fashioned music.
4 My first _______________ is of pulling my dog’s
6 I had an interesting interview/conversation with tail, I think I was two.
a musician I met on the train.
5 We bought this vase as a _______________ of
7 I’m going for a job interview/interrogation our trip to Amsterdam.
tomorrow so wish me luck!
6 I can’t quite _______________ where she lives.
8 I’d like to just sit and have a chat/complaint with
friends this evening. 7 Please _______________ to call me when you
get there.
___ 8
8 I have to _______________ her to buy some tea.

6 Use the prompts to write complete ___ 8

sentences. FUNCTIONS
8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
1 she / remind / me / your sister
the box.
I do my homework in the background
2 please / remind / me / call / Janet acoustic stuff I’d forgotten myself
_________________________________________ not too loud really loud cheer myself up rock
3 I / not / remember / lock / the door, perhaps I
Pat Look, I’ve got the new Green Day CD. I’m
going to listen to it when (1) ______________
_________________________________________ later this afternoon.
4 we / remember / invite / Lorna to the party Phil I like to listen to music when I’m feeling
bored, so I can (2) _______________ a bit.
_________________________________________ Pat Me too, I always have my MP4 with
5 he / remember / meet / famous people / as a kid me. I was really annoyed the other day when
I discovered (3) _______________ it.
_________________________________________ Of course I have to have it (4) _____________
6 this place / remind / me / home or people complain. But when I’m at home
alone I like my music (5) _______________ !
Phil I don’t! I like it (6) _______________ so I keep
7 I / remind / her / turn off the oven it quiet. Anyway I like (7) _______________ ,
so it’s quiet anyway.
Pat I prefer (8) ____________ and punk and they
8 he / remember / take / her the book have to be loud! Where do you get your music?
_________________________________________ Phil Usually I download it off the Internet and then
I really enjoy (9) _______________ putting it
___ 16 all on CDs.
___ 18

Total ___ 100

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 151

Test Unit 6 - Row B Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form 3 Complete the text with the words in the box.
of the verbs in brackets.
record track single line
1 He _______________ (start) cooking the dinner released hit voice charts
when I _______________ (get) home.
Today’s music interview is with Dave Norman,
2 _______________ (you/read) the book you
singer with band Out of Sight, who is about to
_______________ (give) him for his birthday?
(1) _______________ a new CD in the studios
3 I was hurt when I _______________ (realise) with a new record company. The band changed
that he _______________ (forget) to call me. companies last year when their previous company
(2) _______________ the band’s CD four months
4 They _______________ (not/prepare) the talk so
late, meaning fewer sales and a lower position in
it _______________ (not/go) very well.
the (3) _______________ . They are hoping the new
5 When she _______________ (pass) all her album will be a (4) _______________ , and have
exams she _______________ (go) on holiday. already chosen the first (5) _______________ they
6 I _______________ (see) a film yesterday will release. Dave says his (6) _______________
but it was the second in a series and I has never been stronger, and dedicates the first
_______________ (not/watch) the first one, so I (7) _______________ of the first song to his doctor,
didn’t understand it all. who helped him with health problems. But now
he’s fully recovered and happy to have recorded the
7 It _______________ (pour) with rain all day so (8) _______________ he wrote while in hospital
we _______________ (not/go) out that evening. having treatment.
8 _______________ (they/finish) dinner when you ___ 8
_______________ (arrive)?
9 By the time I _______________ (remember)
to check the pot, the sauce _______________
4 Complete the definitions with the names of
musical instruments. The first letter is given.

10 _______________ (you/met) his cousin before 1 An acoustic instrument with six strings played
you _______________ (see) him at the party? with the fingers: g_______________

___ 20 2 A large instrument with four strings played

by a person sitting down with a bow:
2 Complete the sentences with reflexive or
reciprocal pronouns. 3 A loud brass instrument with three keys, held
horizontally: t_______________
1 She’s so self-centered, all she does is talk about 4 A name for an instrument with black and white
_______________ all day. keys which is electric: k_______________
2 I’ve got this amazing vacuum cleaner that 5 A wind instrument, black with silver keys, held
moves by _______________ round the room. vertically: c_______________
3 If you’ve had an argument, the best thing to do 6 An instrument usually with five strings, very
is talk to _______________ . popular in American music: b_______________
4 I hurt _______________ when I was mending 7 A set of percussion instruments, cylinders with
this bookshelf. skins over them, for hitting: d_______________
5 Remember to clean _______________ before 8 An instrument in brass held vertically with a
you go into the house, you’re all dirty. curved end, often used for jazz and pop music:
6 He helped _______________ to a few biscuits. s_______________

7 People should listen to _______________ more. ___ 8

___ 14

152 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 6 - Row B
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Underline the correct alternative. 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the
1 If you’ve finished the written exam, go through
there and wait for the oral exam/interrogation. remind remember memory recall
2 We had a lovely complaint/chat about our homesick memoirs souvenir nostalgia
holidays over a cup of tea.
1 This gondola is a _______________ I bought in
3 Police hope to start the interrogation/apology of Venice.
suspects today.
2 I’m going to buy my favourite singer’s
4 The journalist was delighted to have an _______________ , she just published them.
interview/apology with the actors.
3 I can’t _______________ where I put my glasses.
5 We had a long oral exam/conversation about the
various ideas and then made a decision. 4 Can you _______________ me to lock the door
when we go out?
6 I need an explanation/examination of how this
works. 5 She didn’t enjoy her studies abroad because she
was too _______________ .
7 Excuse me, I’d like to make a chat/complaint
about this mobile phone. 6 I wish I could _______________ putting down my
keys so I could find them.
8 He really owes the group an interrogation/
apology after his terrible behaviour. 7 These clothes are a sort of _______________
inspired fashion, they copy the 1950s.
___ 8
8 I have a very vivid _______________ of my first
trip abroad.
6 Use the prompts to write complete ___ 8
sentences. FUNCTIONS
1 I had to go home because I / can / not /
8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
remember / turn / off the gas the box.

_________________________________________ too loud in the background doing the housework

2 I / remind / them / do / their homework yourself I see on your MP4 player
I’m feeling happy feel good favourite bands
3 this place / remind / me / where I grew up Mary What have you got on your MP4 today, Kim?
Kim I’ve got some great rap, I listen to it when
_________________________________________ (1) _______________ . It’s really energetic
4 can you / remember / let / the dog in? and it makes me (2) _______________ .
Mary Can I listen to a bit?
Kim Here, help (3) _______________ .
5 Pete remind / Sarah / finish / the report yesterday Mary Yeah, not bad. I listen to music when I’m
(4) _____________ for my mum. The problem
is if something happens and I don’t hear.
6 I distinctly remember / tell / Harry / the story, so Kim (5) _______________ . Do you listen to it
he knows it (6) _______________ ?
_________________________________________ Mary Of course! I’ve got all my (7) ______________
on this MP4 here, I take them everywhere
7 I must remember / write / her an email with me.
_________________________________________ Kim Sometimes I like to have music (8) __________
when I’m doing something else so I use my
8 He really remind / me / my friend Eric
CD player or my computer.
_________________________________________ Mary Me too, and I like it not (9) ______________ .

___ 16 ___ 18

Total ___ 100

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 153
Skills Test Units 5 and 6 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

Early Art
The earliest examples of European art seem to be the
cave paintings which are found in France and Spain,
and which are certainly prehistoric. (1) _______________
improvements in carbon dating it was difficult to date
them exactly and find the moment when they were
painted. (2) _______________ the subjects of the paintings
themselves help to date them. (3) _______________ we know
that the paintings which cover the walls of the Spanish
cave at Cuevas de las Monedas belong to the Ice Age
because they show reindeer which had been alive in the
area before the end of the Ice Age.
(4) _______________ man had started painting before that.
It is estimated that the oldest cave art in Europe is from about 32,000 years ago, from the Upper
Paleolithic Age. However some experts say that the technique is more modern and do not agree.
(5) _______________ other work is much more recent, showing that cave drawing was still in fashion as
late as the Bronze Age.
Subjects in the pictures are often animals which the people hunted and used, (6) _______________ bison,
horses and deer. Secondly, human hands are shown by themselves, and (7) _______________ there are
patterns which are decorative, probably made with fingers. Drawings of people are not common.
The reason why is unknown but perhaps it was forbidden by religion. The paintings themselves are
thought to be religious, a sort of magic to bring good luck to the hunters. Another theory is that they
were painted by the religious leader of the tribe. Experts say that the paintings were done by a variety
of people, some older and more skilled and some younger and less expert.
Prolific cave drawing seems to have died out about ten thousand years ago, but it was not abandoned

1 Read the article, then complete the sentences with the correct adverbs.

A for example B thirdly C before D such as

E however F in addition G but

___ 14

2 Read the article again and complete the table below.

Earliest examples
Earliest dates Elements for dating Subjects

(6) _______________
(1) _______________ (4) _______________
(3) _______________ (7) _______________
(2) _______________ (5) _______________
(8) _______________

___ 16

Total ___ 30

154 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Skills Test Units 5 and 6
Class: ________ Date: ________

3 Choose one of the following topics and write a text of about 150 words.
1 Write a short biography of an interesting person you know. Include the following information:

– a variety of sentences and tenses – linkers to connect the information in longer sentences

2 Write a short article about your favourite singer or band. Include the following information:

– What type of music do they play? – Why do you like them?

– When did you hear them the first time?

___ 20

4 4 Listen to the interview and rewrite the sentences with the correct information.

1 Petra’s first album was number one for days. ______________________________________________________

2 Her second album was recorded in a new studio. __________________________________________________
3 The people at her record company started to believe in her when she became famous.
4 She had written very few songs before her first album. ______________________________________________
5 She prefers big concerts with big audiences. ______________________________________________________
6 Her parents were astonished at her decision to become a professional singer.
7 She started singing when she was ten years old. ___________________________________________________
8 She had a very unhelpful teacher at school. _______________________________________________________

___ 16

5 4 Complete the sentences with the correct words, then listen to the interview again to check
your answers.

1 Her second album, _______________ was released three days ago, is already at number one again.
2 A lot of my colleagues prefer the big studios in Quebec or Vancouver, but I prefer to hide _______________
3 You stayed with the same independent company _______________ released your first album.
4 We get on with _______________ really well.
5 I want my audience and I to feel that we are with _______________ .
6 Your parents say that _______________ you decided to become a full-time singer they weren’t surprised.
7 I just felt that was how I wanted to express _______________ .
___ 14

Total ___ 30

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 155

Skills Test Units 5 and 6 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

6 Follow the instructions below and create the dialogue in English with your partner.

Student A Student B

Ask your partner when he/she went abroad for Say it was four years ago.
the first time.

Ask if he/she had travelled around your country. Say yes, that you had visited many places.

Ask if he/she had fun on holiday. Say you had a wonderful time.

Say that you’ve been abroad, too. Suggest Say it’s a good idea and that it’s always
showing each other your photos. interesting to share travel experiences.

Say that you like hearing about where other Say that you think so too. You like to hear your
people have been on holiday because it’s a bit friends tell about the places where they went on
like going there yourself. holiday.

___ 10

7 Choose one of the following topics to talk about.

1 Think about a photograph you especially like 2 Think about the musical instruments you like or
and describe it in detail. Use these questions to don’t like to listen to and explain why. Use these
guide you: questions to guide you:
What can you see? Do you play an instrument? Which one?
Where was the photo taken? What sort of music do you play/would you like
What had just happened? to play?
Do you enjoy yourself with music? How?
Do you and your friends see each other to
listen to music or go to concerts?

___ 10

Total ___ 20

156 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 7 - Row A
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Rewrite the sentences using reported speech. 3 Complete the sentences with the activities in
the box.
1 ‘I really enjoy playing videogames,’ said Tom.
_________________________________________ sewing collecting stamps posters
acting do exercise musical
2 ‘We went to the theatre last week,’ said Jill. taking photos writing poetry
1 He’s really good at _______________ , look at
3 ‘These are Helen’s books,’ said Frank to Vicky. this picture of the garden.
_________________________________________ 2 I need to _______________ to keep fit.
4 ‘I’ll help you tomorrow,’ said Martin. 3 Children love _______________ and the theatre
_________________________________________ in general.

5 ‘I can’t swim very well,’ said Barbara. 4 Have you got any _______________ on your wall
at home?
5 My sister likes _______________ in her spare
6 ‘I’m going to school,’ said Gary.
time, but I don’t enjoy literature at all.
6 My mum is really good at _______________ ,
7 ‘I’ve finished everything,’ said Paula. look at this dress she made for me.
_________________________________________ 7 My little brother has started _______________ so
send him a postcard from your holidays.
8 ‘We are having a party,’ said Yemma.
8 We went to see a _______________ but the
singing was terrible.
9 ‘The library isn’t far from here,’ said Donald.
___ 8
10 ‘We went there because it was cool,’ said Nora. 4 Underline the correct alternative.
1 I’d like to watch the news/a reality show
___ 20 because I want to hear about what happened in
Parliament today.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form 2 This sports programme/sitcom is really funny.
of the verbs in brackets.
3 They have some interesting guests talking on this
1 We asked him and he agreed _______________ variety/chat show.
(take) us there. 4 I’d like to go on a game show/cartoon and win
2 I can’t stand _______________ (jog). some money!

3 He forgot _______________ (pay) the bill and 5 The animation in this cartoon/drama series is
they cut off his phone. quite good.

4 I managed ______________ (get) there on time. 6 Another current affairs programme/soap opera
with a neverending story!
5 I promise _______________ (call) you tomorrow.
7 I don’t mind watching films/talent shows at
6 I miss _______________ (live) in the city. home but they’re better at the cinema.
7 She doesn’t mind _______________ (do) it. 8 The actors in this new sports programme/drama
8 It was a long journey so we stopped series are brilliant.
_______________ (have) something to eat. ___ 8

___ 16

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 157

Test Unit 7 - Row A Test Unit 7 - Row A
Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Complete the sentences with the correct 7 Match the verbs in bold to the correct
sense verb. The first letter is given. pronunciation.

1 Do you want to l_______________ to this new 1 I’d like to read that book.
song? 2 Have you read anything by Stephen King?
3 Don’t tear my notebook!
2 Can you s_______________ his car anywhere?
4 A tear ran down her face.
3 I don’t want to w_______________ TV this 5 They had a terrible row.
evening. 6 Come on, row a bit faster!
4 I can s_______________ something burning, let’s 7 We hope to produce good work.
go and check in the kitchen. 8 The produce from here is organic.
9 There’s no need to insult me!
5 I’d like to t_______________ Indian food. 10 What you said is a real insult.
6 He was so angry he started to s_______________
and we could hear him two rooms away. a /tDB*/ f /@insHlt/
b /raL/ g /@prKdju:s/
7 I don’t f_______________ very well, I think I c /prB@dju:s/ h /rDd/
have the flu. d /ri:d/ i /tiB*/
8 I happened to o_____________ their conversation e /rBL/ j /in@sHlt/
by chance so I know what they said about you. ___ 10
___ 8
8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
the box.
6 Complete the sentences with the gerund of
the verbs in the box. fancy doing watch the news to get her
current affairs programmes variety show
move sail cook make work stopped going want to do soap opera
walk write travel jog drive a concert told me

1 I do a lot of _______________ , especially short Tina What do you (1) _______________ this evening,
stories. Rick? Do you want to go to the cinema?
2 _______________ house is a stressful Rick There aren’t any decent films on. I
experience. (2) _______________ something interesting.
Tina Well, there’s (3) _______________ this
3 If you want to get fit, _______________ is a
evening, a new jazz band.
good way.
Rick That sounds better. I saw some jazz on TV
4 _______________ meals is nice if you have the last night, on that new (4) _______________ .
time. It was really good.
5 _______________ all over the world is Tina Yes, much better than that terrible new
interesting but tiring. (5) _______________ about the two families in
the restaurant business.
6 _______________ phone calls is cheaper from a Rick Terry (6) _______________ she liked it!
landline. Tina Well, she also said that (7) _______________
7 _______________ can become an expensive were boring, she just hasn’t got the same taste
hobby if you don’t live near the sea. as us.
Rick I once managed (8) _______________ to
8 _______________ up stairs is good for you. watch a film with me, but it was difficult.
9 _______________ late is bad for your health. Tina I’ve (9) _______________ to the cinema with
her, she chooses only rubbish films!
10 _______________ at night can be dangerous.
Rick Yeah. Anyway, let’s (10) _______________
___ 10 before we go out.
___ 20

Total ___ 100

158 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 7 - Row B
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Rewrite the sentences using reported speech. 3 Complete the sentences with the activities in
the box.
1 ‘I don’t like listening to musicals,’ said Bridget.
_________________________________________ walking video games a play guitar
hanging out having a meal
2 ‘We visited my aunt yesterday,’ said Mike. painting going to the gym
1 I’d like to be able to sing and play the
3 ‘They are Maria’s cousins,’ said Brian to Kate. _______________ .
_________________________________________ 2 I hate _______________ , just sitting in front of a
4 ‘I’ll tell you when I know,’ said Mandy. screen for hours.

_________________________________________ 3 We’re _______________ for my birthday this

5 ‘She can’t speak French,’ said Tim.
4 I’ve started _______________ to get in shape for
the summer.
6 ‘We’re going to a concert,’ said Wendy.
5 My friends and I like just _______________
_________________________________________ together.
7 ‘He’s just arrived,’ said Sarah. 6 I went on a _______________ holiday in the hills,
I got really fit!
7 My mum likes _______________ , sometimes
8 ‘She is leaving now,’ said Terry.
she sells her pictures too.
8 We went to see _______________ at the theatre
9 ‘The lesson is tomorrow,’ said Lorna. last night.
_________________________________________ ___ 8

10 ‘I got here by train,’ said Gillian.

_________________________________________ 4 Underline the correct alternative.
___ 20 1 That’s a really boring chat show/sports
programme, it’s just football all the time.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form 2 Did you see the dancers on the sitcom/talent
of the verbs in brackets. show? They were amazing.

1 They refused _______________ (listen) to us. 3 There’s a documentary/reality show on this

evening about the Great Wall of China.
2 I absolutely love _______________ (play) tennis.
4 The competitors on the reality show/news are
3 Luckily they remembered _______________ really stupid and vulgar.
(invite) Jake.
5 Did you see Johnny Depp’s interview on the
4 I fancy _______________ (have) pizza for lunch. variety show/chat show yesterday?
5 He stopped _______________ (smoke) last year. 6 I can’t follow the story on that soap opera/game
6 I don’t mind ______________ (wait) for a while. show anymore, it’s too complicated.

7 They agreed _______________ (pay) for the 7 I answered every question they asked on a game
drinks. show/documentary yesterday.

8 I remember _______________ (play) in this park 8 I used to love current affairs programmes/
as a child. cartoons as a child, I loved the drawings.
___ 16 ___ 8

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 159

Test Unit 7 - Row B Test Unit 7 - Row A
Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Complete the sentences with the correct 7 Match the verbs in bold to the correct
sense verb. The first letter is given. pronunciation.

1 Would you like to t_______________ the biscuits 1 I can’t excuse this behaviour.
I just made? 2 Have you got an excuse?
3 It will last for a minute.
2 I’d like to t_______________ to you about a
4 This kitten is minute!
problem I have.
5 There’s no need to insult me!
3 S_______________ the dish and tell me if it 6 What you said is a real insult.
smells good. 7 There’s a strong wind today.
4 Please don’t t_______________ Rob about this, I 8 Wind up the computer cable, please.
don’t want him to know. 9 I’d like to read that book.
10 Have you read anything by Stephen King?
5 I can’t h_______________ you, can you speak
more loudly? a /@insHlt/ f /@minit/
6 Hey, l_______________ at this photo, we’re in it b /wNnd/ g /ri:d/
too! c /Nk@skju:s/ h /Nk@skju:z/
d /wHNnd/ i /mHi@nju:t/
7 Please t_______________ my arm, I think I’m e /in@sHlt/ j /rDd/
dreaming, that’s Brad Pitt!
___ 10
8 If you have something interesting to
s_______________ then speak, otherwise be FUNCTIONS
___ 8
8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
the box.
6 Complete the sentences with the gerund of managed to told me it was enjoyed studying
the verbs in the box. remember to watch stamps and coins
hate to miss said it tells
play work take cycle walk forgot to game shows
talk watch clean drive move
Simon Hey, shall we (1) _______________
1 _______________ to work or school instead of this documentary? Nora (2) _____________
taking the bus is good for you. interesting.
2 _______________ things over is a good idea if Helen I actually prefer fun things like
you disagree with someone. (3) ____________ but a change is OK for
3 _______________ films with friends is popular
Simon Nora (4) _______________ the story of this
with teenagers.
Egyptian mummy that was in a museum
4 I think _______________ a musical instrument in America. Then this guy who
is a great hobby. (5) _______________ Egyptian things
5 _______________ late is bad for your health. went to see it, and (6) _______________
identify it as a pharaoh.
6 _______________ at night isn’t much fun unless Helen But didn’t anyone (7) _______________
you have a passenger for company. label him? How can that happen?
7 _______________ care of an animal makes Simon Maybe the collector (8) _______________
people happier. ask about it when he bought it.
Helen That’s a weird thing to collect! I mean I can
8 _______________ the house is the most boring understand (9) _______________ , but
job I know. mummies! Well, I’m really curious now, I’d
9 _______________ up stairs is good for you. (10) _______________ it!

10 _______________ house is a stressful ___ 20

___ 10
Total ___ 100

160 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 8 - Row A
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the sentences using reported 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the
questions. box.

1 ‘Where is Mark,’ asked Ruth. shy soft-spoken determined ambitious

optimistic sensitive generous irresponsible
Ruth asked __________________________ _ ___ .
2 ‘Why does Claire like him?’ asked Paul. 1 He never phones if he stays out late and he
Paul asked _______________________________ . never comes to anything on time, he’s really
_______________ .
3 ‘What time does the film start?’ asked the boy.
2 Sally is very _______________ , she doesn’t like
The boy asked ____________________________ . meeting strangers.
4 ‘When are you arriving?’ asked my mother. 3 She’s a _______________ girl, she always seems
My mother asked __________________________ . to know how other people feel.

5 ‘Can you sing?’ asked my teacher. 4 He’s a bit _______________ , sometimes I can’t
hear him.
My teacher asked _________________________ .
5 I feel _______________ about the future, I’m sure
6 ‘Will you help?’ asked Kate. everything will be OK.
Kate asked _______________________________ . 6 My brother is very _______________ , he wants
7 ‘Did you see the film?’ asked my dad. to do well in his studies.
My dad asked ____________________________ . 7 He’s very _______________ , if he says he’ll do
something, be sure he’ll do it!
8 ‘Have you finished?’ asked Nora.
8 What a _______________ person, he gave
Nora asked _______________________________ .
everyone a present at Christmas.
___ 16 ___ 8

2 Write the sentences again using the causative 4 Match each sentence to its logical conclusion.
verbs in brackets.
1 My car is broken, I have to take it to
1 Someone is going to repair my shoes. (get)
2 I need my eyes checked, I need to go to
3 Ouch! Toothache! Time to go to
2 Someone is going to paint my house. (have)
4 A fuse has blown, I need to make a call to
5 I have to get my grass cut, I’ll send a message to
3 Someone is going to make a dress for me. (get)
6 This chair is broken so take it to
7 I want a new suit so I’m taking my
4 Someone stole my bag last week. (have)
measurements to
8 Take the plan for the new house extension to
5 The dentist is going to treat a tooth for me. (get)
a the carpenter.
b the gardener.
6 Someone built a garage for my friend. (have) c the mechanic.
_________________________________________ d the builder.
e the dentist.
7 They are going to wash my car. (get) f the optician.
_________________________________________ g the electrician.
h the tailor.
___ 14 ___ 8

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 161

Test Unit 8 - Row A Test Unit 7 - Row A
Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form 7 Underline the correct alternative.
of the words in brackets.
News has just come in of a violent (1) riot/petition
1 She asked him _______________ if he wanted to in the city centre. Earlier today a (2) campaign/
come to the party. (shy) demonstration started in front of a youth centre
where teenagers have been holding a (3) march/sit
2 He seems to be a very _______________ person.
in since last Saturday. Two days ago they delivered
a (4) movement/petition with seven thousand
3 That was an act of incredible _______________ signatures to the local authorities. Unfortunately
on your part. (irresponsible) activists from the violent Break out (5) movement/
sit in decided to get involved, and a peaceful (6)
4 They showed a lot of _______________ to the
march/campaign from the youth centre to the local
children. (kind)
park ended up with (7) activists/demonstrators
5 The group _______________ donated a lot of breaking windows. Teenagers from the youth
money to the local hospital. (generous) centre say they are not involved and they had only
6 John was absolutely _______________ to intended to go to the park to hold a (8) rally/riot
succeed. (determination) with music and songs.

7 Please try to stay _______________ ! (calm) ___ 16

8 I think they showed a lot of _______________ in
that situation. (courageous) FUNCTIONS
___ 8 8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
the box.
6 Complete the sentences with the antonyms of it’s a good idea we should involve
the adjectives in bold. I can get them don’t we go why don’t I
don’t think it’s a good idea we should invite
1 I like to take an optimistic view of life, why don’t we let’s get should make
_______________ people depress me.
Carol Have you heard? They’re going to build a
2 I was nervous before the exam but my friends
supermarket in our school playing grounds.
were all _______________ .
Will You must be kidding! (1) _______________
3 He’s really mean which is strange as his sister organise a protest?
is very _______________ . Carol Honestly, I (2) _______________ to tell the
council right away. We (3) _______________
4 My boyfriend is really extroverted, but I’m very
plans first. I think (4) _______________ to
_______________ .
call a school assembly.
5 Two women were very brave and helped, but Will I agree, and (5) _______________ the
the others were a bit _______________ . teachers too.
6 I was really interested in the exhibition but my Carol Yes, that’s right. Why (6) _______________
companions were _______________ . and speak to the headmistress? She was an
athletics champion and she’s always
7 Is this a special occasion or just an encouraged sport here.
_______________ day? Will Good idea. And I think (7) _______________
8 We were quite negative about the idea but the gym department.
Sarah was _______________ . Carol Sure. (8) _______________ call a
meeting with the sports teams? And then
9 Stop being so pessimistic, it’s better to be (9) _______________ to help us organise an
_______________ because this is a great idea. assembly with the whole school.
10 I thought they were a generous family, not one Will Great! (10) _______________ to work!
of them was _______________ .
___ 20
___ 10
Total ___ 100

162 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 8 - Row B
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the sentences using reported 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the
questions. box.

1 ‘What is this,’ asked Ben. shy soft-spoken serious optimistic

sensible generous irresponsible ambitious
Ben asked _______________________________.
2 ‘Where does he live?’ asked Mark. 1 She is very _______________ with her money,
Mark asked ______________________________ . always buying things for people.

3 ‘When does the train leave?’ asked the lady. 2 I think you can be _______________ , you’ve
studied a lot for this exam.
The lady asked ___________________________ .
3 She’s a bit _______________ so it’s difficult to
4 ‘Where are you going?’ asked Sue. hear her.
Sue asked _______________________________ . 4 Helen did a really _______________ thing when
5 ‘Can she speak French?’ asked Mary. she went out leaving the door unlocked.

Mary asked ______________________________ . 5 Don’t be so _______________ , talk to people

and get to know them!
6 ‘Will he be here?’ asked Becky.
6 Saving for your holidays instead of spending
Becky asked _____________________________ . your money on hamburgers is a very
7 ‘Did they arrive on time?’ asked Daniel. _______________ idea.
Daniel asked _____________________________ . 7 He’s very _______________ , he wants to be the
8 ‘Has Susan called?’ asked Nat.
8 I think she’s too _______________ , I never see
Nat asked _______________________________ .
her laugh.
___ 16 ___ 8

2 Rewrite the sentences using the causative 4 Match each sentence to its logical conclusion.
verbs in brackets.
1 I need some cables, I have to go to
1 Someone painted my bike for me. (get)
2 This wall needs repaired, I’ll go and speak to
3 My glasses are broken, I’d better go to
2 Someone cut my hair. (have)
4 The plants need to be cared for, make a call to
5 This table needs attention, send a message to
3 Someone is dying my shoes for me. (get)
6 I want a new dress so I’m going to
7 My car has broken down, I’ll take it to
4 Someone repaired my washing machine. (have)
8 I have a terrible toothache, I’d better go to
5 The vet vaccinated my cat. (get) a the carpenter.
b the gardener.
c the mechanic.
6 The mechanic is going to check my car. (have) d the builder.
________________________________________ e the dentist.
f the optician.
7 Someone is going to take my photo. (get) g the electrician.
_________________________________________ h the tailor.
___ 8
___ 14

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 163

Test Unit 8 - Row B Test Unit 7 - Row A
Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form 7 Underline the correct alternative.
of the words in brackets.
When they wanted to close our drama school we
1 They walked _______________ to the exit, there decided to occupy the building and have a (1) sit
was no panic. (calm) in/petition. The first thing we did was write a
(2) demonstration/petition, sign it and send it to the
2 He was _______________ enough to take the
newspapers. Then we had a (3) march/campaign
bad news. (strength)
from the station to the town hall and held a big
3 She asked _______________ if the child was all protest (4) rally/movement in the square in front
right. (kind) of it. The authorities were a bit worried about the
whole (5) sit in/demonstration and started to listen
4 They have a lot of _______________ about this
to us. We have a strong (6) movement/petition and
project. (determined)
it’s intelligent and peaceful. We’ve always managed
5 He _______________ offered to take her home. to avoid a (7) campaign/riot with things out of
(sensible) control. In the end our (8) movement/campaign was
6 She _______________ gave away her books. successful and we saved the school.
___ 16
7 She has a real problem with _______________ .
8 He was very _______________ in a dangerous 8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
situation. (courage)
the box.
___ 8
that’s a good idea we should involve don’t we go
should invite why don’t we a good idea to protest
6 Complete the sentences with the antonyms of don’t think it’s a good idea why don’t I
the adjectives in bold. let’s wait it isn’t really fair

1 They were really cowardly after the accident but Mel I’ve just heard they want to take down the
my brother was very _______________ . swings in the park. Don’t you think that’s
2 I was so bored by the film but I was terrible?
_______________ in the book. Paul Oh no! I remember playing there as a child.
And my little cousins still go there. I think it’s
3 I’ve got a lot of ordinary clothes but this dress is (1) _______________ in some way.
_______________ . Mel Right. (2) _______________ for little kids.
4 It’s better to be enthusiastic than Perhaps we (3) _______________ parents to
_______________ even if you’re not sure about help us too.
something. Paul Yes, (4) _______________ the people who will
be affected directly. (5) _______________
5 I wish I was less shy and a bit more
contact the nursery school and see if they’re
_______________ .
6 I thought they were a generous family, not one Mel (6) _______________ . However I
of them was _______________ . (7) _______________ to go to the newspapers
7 I don’ t know why you were so nervous, you yet. (8) _______________ till we have a
should be more _______________ . concrete idea of what to do.
Paul (9) _______________ call a meeting, say next
8 Stop being so pessimistic, it’s better to be Saturday afternoon?
_______________ because this is a great idea. Mel Good idea. And why (10) _______________
9 Is this a special occasion or just an to the youth club and get some support?
_______________ day? Paul Sure. Let’s go!

10 We were quite negative about the idea but ___ 20

Gillian was _______________ .
___ 10 Total ___ 100

164 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Skills Test Units 7 and 8
Class: ________ Date: ________

John Logie Baird
He was born in 1888 in Helensburgh, Scotland. He attended
the technical college in Glasgow and Glasgow University, but
unfortunately his degree was interrupted by the First World
War. He went on to be a successful engineer and inventor
and was named one of ‘100 Greatest Britons’ by public vote
and is in the Scottish Science Hall of Fame as one of the ten
greatest Scottish scientists in history. He died in Bexhill,
England, in 1946. So who is this man?
To find out, all we have to do is think about what we switch
on and off every day in our living rooms, the appliance
which has replaced the fireplace as the centre of family life in millions of homes: the television. He
is its inventor, John Logie Baird. The television as it is today is actually the work of many engineers
and scientists, but he was its pioneer.
Baird first managed to transmit a live, moving image in 1925. The first man to have his image
transmitted was an office worker from below his workshop, 20-year-old William Edward Taynton. The
earliest surviving photograph of a moving image produced by Baird’s 'televisor' in about 1926 is of
Baird’s business partner Oliver Hutchinson. Baird was also able to give a demonstration in colour.
The world was not apparently expecting this scientific breakthrough. When Baird visited the Daily
Express newspaper to look for publicity, the news editor was very much afraid of him and thought he
was a lunatic.
He created other inventions too, the most successful being a sort of double thermal sock, but none
was as successful and important as the television. And just for the record, forget home theatres and
LCD screens. Baird made the world’s first television set from an old hatbox, a pair of scissors, some
darning needles, a few bicycle light lenses, a tea chest, sealing wax and some glue.

1 Read the article and put the information into the order in which it was presented in the text.

a A journalist was convinced he was mad. e The first transmission of a person was in 1925.
b His name was John Logie Baird and he invented television. f He also made other inventions.
c The first TV was made of simple things. g This man became a very famous scientist.
d A man was born and studied in Scotland.

___ 14

2 Read the article again and underline the correct alternative.

1 Baird did not finish his degree because he moved abroad/the First World War broke out.
2 There have been at lest ten/two or three important Scottish scientists.
3 Families now sit round the TV as in the past they sat round the table/the fire.
4 The first man to have his image transmitted was Baird’s business partner/a nearby office worker.
5 The invention was expected by the public/totally astonishing.
6 Journalists were terrified/uninterested.
7 Baird made other discoveries including an improvement in clothing/transport.
8 His materials for the first TV were very expensive objects/simple everyday objects.

___ 16

Total ___ 30

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 165

Skills Test Units 7 and 8 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

3 Choose one of the following topics and write a text of about 150 words.
1 Write a letter to a friend who is feeling bored and a bit depressed, suggesting something to do. Include the
following information:

– What is/isn’t a good idea? – What should/shouldn’t he/she do?

2 Think of a historic event that took place in your city or surrounding area and write an article to defend/save
the place. Include the following information:

– What happened? – Why should the area be saved?

– What sort of people were involved?

___ 20

4 5 Listen to the conversation and complete the summary.

Grant asked Katie about her (1) _______________ as a summer camp instructor. Katie said she got the
(2) _______________ . She said they asked her about (3) _______________ and what she wanted to do
(4) _______________ school. She replied (5) _______________ . Then they asked her if she had any creative
ability and she said she (6) _______________ play the piano. Then they asked her if she could cook or
(7) _______________ of a sick child. Luckily, Katie had done a (8) _______________ course at school. She has to
work a long, active day, but she is enthusiastic.

___ 16

5 5 Listen again and answer the questions.

1 What job did Katie have an interview for? __________________________________________________________

2 What job would she like to do in the future? ________________________________________________________
3 What is she very bad at? ________________________________________________________________________
4 What practical skills are required? _________________________________________________________________
5 What personal qualities are required? ______________________________________________________________
6 What sort of activities do they do? _________________________________________________________________
7 How does Grant want to spend the summer? ________________________________________________________

___ 14

Total ___ 30

166 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Skills Test Units 7 and 8
Class: ________ Date: ________

6 Follow the instructions below and create the dialogue in English with your partner.

Student A Student B

Ask your partner what TV programmes he/she Tell your partner which one(s) you like.

Ask him/her if he/she likes to watch films. Say that you love films. Ask your partner what
TV programme(s) he/she doesn’t like.

Say which one(s) you don’t like. Ask what time he/she starts watching TV every

Tell your partner when you start and stop Ask if he/she remembers to switch off the TV
watching. when he/she has finished.

Say that sometimes you forget. Say that you never forget.

7 Choose one of the following topics to talk about. ___ 10

1 Talk about the television programmes that you 2 Talk about your personality. What are your strong
like to watch and the ones you prefer not to. points? What things would you like to change?
What kind of programmes would you like to And what about your friends? Are they like you?
watch more often? Which ones less? How are they different?

___ 10

Total ___ 20

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 167

Test Unit 9 - Row A Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Rewrite the following sentences in the passive 3 Match a word from box A with a word from
form. box B to make compound nouns and use
them to complete the sentences.
1 They are planning a new park.
_________________________________________ plastic global pollution change
2 People have spread the news. climate nuclear fumes transport
exhaust forest warming layer
ozone public energy fires
3 They will increase fuel prices this year. traffic air bags jam
1 _______________ means that nature has to
4 They are opening new nature centres. adjust to new weather conditions.
_________________________________________ 2 There is a huge hole in the _______________ .
5 They have reduced spending on energy. 3 There are problems with radioactive waste if
_________________________________________ you have _______________ .

6 Price rises will not affect our offer. 4 Many factors contribute to _____________ , the
main ones are traffic and industry.
5 It’s going to be illegal to have non biodegradable
7 They are not considering environmental factors. _______________ in supermarkets.
_________________________________________ 6 We have to be careful of _______________ in
8 They have not announced the results yet. dry periods when nature can easily burn.

_________________________________________ 7 A _______________ happens when too many

vehicles move at the same moment.
9 They are investigating new possibilities.
8 _______________ are a real problem for the
_________________________________________ quality of the air in cities.
10 Scientists have discovered a new material. 9 Because of _______________ a lot of species
_________________________________________ are dying because the temperature has risen.

___ 20 10 A good _______________ system in cities

means that people don’t have to use their cars.

2 Complete the sentences with the ___ 20

comparatives of the adverbs in brackets.
4 Underline the correct alternative.
1 It takes _______________ (long) to go by bus.
2 Things got _______________ (badly) last year. 1 Keeping lights on when you leave a room is a
waste/saving of energy.
3 Performances improved _______________
(steadily) last month than the month before. 2 We should try and cut paper/pollution.

4 Right now prices are rising _______________ 3 Try to use cloth bags/plastic bags when you do
(fast) than in the past. your shopping.

5 She studied the article _______________ 4 We need to plant new energy/forests.

(carefully) than her companions. 5 Remember to turn off/protect the water when
6 He always did his homework _______________ you clean your teeth.
(quickly) than his sister. 6 It would be a good idea to reduce the cost of
7 You should take the problem _______________ public transport/petrol so that people can use it
(seriously) than before. more and not drive.
___ 14 ___ 6

168 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 9 - Row A
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Complete the sentences with the adjectives 7 Underline the incorrect words in the
that derive from the verbs in brackets. sentences and replace them with the correct
words in the box.
1 It seems that _______________ prices are
affecting sales. (fall) sensitive ingenuous farm
2 A _______________ number of people are complain countryside sensible
interested in solar panels. (grow)
1 She is rather naïve and ingenious.
3 _______________ levels of pollution are a _______________
problem. (increase)
2 The campaign out here far away from the city is
4 A _______________ trend in deforestation is lovely and green. _______________
worrying governments. (worsen)
3 She’s very sensible so be careful what you say to
5 Thanks to new, _______________ housing, her. _______________
people are better off. (improve)
4 I have friends who have a factory with cows and
6 _______________ interest in this sport means we sheep. _______________
are forced to close the club. (reduce)
5 I think it’s a sensitive idea to take some
7 Young people have a problem with sandwiches, we don’t know if there’s a bar.
_______________ unemployment. (rise) _______________
8 _______________ trends mean we must start to 6 I’d like to reclaim about this camera I bought
adapt our lifestyles. (change) here. _______________
___ 6
___ 8

6 Match the verbs in box A to the prepositions FUNCTIONS

in box B and complete the sentences with the
correct phrasal verbs.
8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
the box.
switch turn on off should take them more conveniently
hold cut run up down out try harder make a difference worth it

Karen Why are you throwing away those plastic

1 Can you _______________ the TV? It’s really
bottles? Don’t you recycle them?
Ron Why bother? What difference does it make?
2 If you don’t pay your bills they _______________ Karen You (1) _______________ to the plastic bin.
your phone and electricity. You can (2) _______________ , you know.
Ron What difference? There are only three
3 _______________ the radio, let’s listen to some
bottles here.
Karen But if everyone who uses three bottle
4 _______________ the record button for a couple recycles them, we can use more and more
of seconds then release it. bottles made of the same plastic.
5 Don’t let your phone battery _______________ or Ron I don’t really think it’s (3) ______________ .
you can’t phone me! Karen Oh, come on! You can (4) _______________
to use less plastic too.
6 _______________ the radio, I can’t hear what Ron How?
they’re saying on the news. Karen You could use cloth bags for your shopping,
7 Could you _______________ that tap, please? for example, and if you keep a cardboard
You’re wasting water. box in the car, you can carry things
(5) _______________ .
8 You use too much gas, try to _______________ .
Ron Yes, I suppose so.
___ 10
___ 16
Total ___ 100

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 169

Test Unit 9 - Row B Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Rewrite the following sentences in the passive 3 Match a word from box A with a word from
form. box B to make compound nouns and use
them to complete the sentences.
1 They’re building new houses on the edge of
carbon noise transport pollution
_________________________________________ clean greenhouse effect dioxide
2 Someone has contacted the newspapers. public ozone jam disaster
exhaust climate layer energy
nuclear traffic change fumes
3 We will decide the secretary by Friday.
1 The gas _______________ is responsible for
much pollution.
4 People are not listening to the appeals.
2 Unfortunately the hole in the _______________
_________________________________________ cannot be repaired.
5 Someone has not thrown out the rubbish. 3 We were in a _______________ on the road
_________________________________________ home and had to wait for forty minutes.

6 We will cut fuel consumption by February. 4 The _______________ is what is making the
earth’s temperature rise.
5 A _______________ is a nightmare possibility if
7 A famous actor is opening the exhibition. you have a power station near you.
_________________________________________ 6 _______________ is a problem for people living
8 Someone has stolen my bike. near motorways and airports.

_________________________________________ 7 Because of _______________ the weather is

changing too.
9 We will not announce the winner before nine.
8 We have to research into _______________
which does not leave waste behind it.
10 He has not prepared his speech.
9 Better _______________ means people can
_________________________________________ leave the car at home.
10 The _______________ smell really bad in this
___ 20
___ 20
2 Complete the sentences with the
comparatives of the adverbs in brackets.
4 Underline the correct alternative.
1 You seem confused, try to think
_______________ (carefully) about this. 1 I think we need to spend/protect more money on
2 He works _______________ (quickly) than his research into energy.
colleagues. 2 Don’t forget to turn off/waste lights when you go
3 I’m sure he can do _______________ (well). out.

4 Writing takes _______________ (long) than 3 We need to reduce/plant more trees.

calling. 4 Clean energy/forest is a necessity for the future.
5 You’re too fast, drive _______________ (slowly). 5 Turn off taps and avoid wasting water/paper.
6 He thought _______________ (seriously) about 6 You can recycle/save aluminium to make bikes
the problem than his friends and solved it. and other things.
7 It takes _______________ (long) to go by bus.
___ 6
___ 14
170 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI
Name: ______________________
Test Unit 9 - Row B
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Complete the sentences with the adjectives 7 Underline the incorrect words in the
that derive from the verbs in brackets. sentences and replace them with the correct
words in the box.
1 _______________ numbers of consumers want
organic food. (increase) sensitive ingenuous farm
2 There is _______________ concern about this complain organic countryside
problem. (grow)
1 We want to reclaim about the terrible service.
3 _______________ public transport means buses _______________
are more frequent. (improve)
2 Do you sell biological fruit and vegetables?
4 Unfortunately _______________ spending on _______________
research is a major obstacle. (reduce)
3 He’s a very understanding, sensible person.
5 _______________ levels of noise pollution are _______________
disturbing local people. (rise)
4 Please try to be less ingenious and understand
6 The _______________ standard of service here that some people just don’t care about the
means we are losing clients. (worsen) problem. _______________
7 We held a meeting and a _______________ 5 We went to visit a fruit factory to see it being
number of people came, more than expected. collected. _______________
6 Let’s go for a picnic in the campaign.
8 We are keeping the same _______________ _______________ ___ 6
prices as last year. (lower)
___ 8

6 Match the verbs in box A to the prepositions
in box B and complete the sentences with the
8 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
the box.
correct phrasal verbs.
A B a good idea to getting more and more
switch turn on off more slowly you should pay more
hold cut run up down out think more carefully

1 You have to press and _______________ this Sally Tim, can you slow down? If you drive
button for a moment. (1) _______________ you’ll save on petrol,
you know.
2 Can you _______________ the TV? There’s a Tim Yeah, but we’ll be late.
good film in a moment. Sally Only five minutes. Come on, the world
3 I don’t want to _______________ the battery in is (2) _______________ polluted and you’re
my phone. contributing. You should (3) _______________
when you do things.
4 Remember to _______________ all the lights
Tim Well, it would be (4) _______________ take
when you go out.
the train sometimes, have you thought about
5 Please, _______________ the volume, it’s too that? Why didn’t we take the train today?
high. Sally Because it takes longer.
Tim Exactly, and then you tell me I should slow
6 You use a lot of plastic bags, you should
down. You know, perhaps (5) _____________
_______________ on the number.
attention to what you say.
7 I hope our supplies don’t _______________ Sally Well, all right. But you can easily slow down.
before next week.
___ 10
8 Oh no, they’re going to _______________ the
electricity if we don’t pay. Total ___ 100
___ 16

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 171

Test Unit 10 - Row A Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Rewrite the sentences using the Third 3 Match the verbs in box A to the prepositions
conditional. in box B and complete the sentences with the
correct phrasal verbs.
1 I didn’t pass because I didn’t study.
If _______________________________________ carry drop give out in on
2 I didn’t have dinner because I wasn’t hungry. go bring let with over
think keep down up
If _______________________________________
3 I didn’t help you because I was too busy. 1 I know it’s really hard for you but keep working,
don’t _______________ .
If _______________________________________
2 It’s a difficult decision, _______________ your
4 They arrived late and so they missed the train.
answer for a few days.
If _______________________________________
3 It’s not easy to _______________ a family with
5 I met my boyfriend because I went to a party. no help.
If _______________________________________ 4 He promised to be there and help me, but he
disappointed me, he really ______ me ______ .
6 He trained hard and so he got into the team.
5 I hate this course, I want to _______________
If _______________________________________
and leave it.
7 She passed her driving exam after taking lessons.
6 She works so fast, I can’t _______________ her!
If _______________________________________
7 When I’ve finished this course I want to
8 I wrote a book because I travelled abroad. _______________ with the next level.
If _______________________________________ 8 They really enjoy playing in the band together
and want to _______________ and keep playing.
___ 16
___ 16
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. 4 Complete the sentences with the words in the
1 It’s raining! I wish I _______________ (not/have
to) go out. break time lunch time time out time to
2 I’m really sleepy. I wish I _______________ (go) timer record time time’s up time frame
to bed earlier.
1 Look, it’s midday, almost _______________ .
3 I can’t go to the concert but I really wish I
_______________ (can) go. 2 He ran that race in _______________ .

4 Anne hasn’t got any animals but she wishes she 3 What sort of _______________ are we talking
_______________ (have) a cat. about for this project? A week?

5 Why did you tell him? I wish you _____________ 4 Hey everyone, _______________ , let’s go and
(not/tell) him! drink something before we start again.

6 Ouch! I wish I _______________ (not/have) this 5 Put on the _______________ so the pasta doesn’t
terrible headache. cook too much.

7 He never calls me! I wish he _______________ 6 That’s enough, your _______________ .

(call) me more often. 7 The kids all go outside during _______________ .
8 I got angry. I wish I _______________ (not/lose) 8 It’s _______________ go and have dinner.
my temper.
___ 8
___ 16

172 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 10 - Row A
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Complete the sentences with the expressions in 7 Match each sentence to its logical conclusion.
the box.
1 Please take care of this little cat.
take a long time waste time take your time 2 I believe in your talent.
it’s time to the last time next time 3 Please listen to my advice.
time passes have a good time 4 He tried hard to be successful.
5 She struggled to get into school.
6 They protested about price rises.
1 You didn’t play well, but I’m sure you’ll play
7 Don’t ignore your friends.
better _______________ .
8 Don’t doubt yourself.
2 I hope you _______________ on holiday and
don't forget to send me a postcard. a Don’t ignore me.
b Then she gave up.
3 This is _______________ I’m accepting your
c Believe in your ability.
excuses, never again!
d Don’t abandon it!
4 Don’t hurry, _______________ and do it well. e But in the end they accepted them.
5 It could _______________ for that tree to grow, f Listen to them.
they’re slow. g I don’t doubt it at all.
h And luckily he didn’t fail.
6 _______________ go home, everyone go and get
your coats. ___ 8
7 Don’t _______________ with him, he’s a horrible
8 _______________ really quickly when you’re 8 Complete the text with the expressions in the
having fun! box.

___ 8 believed abandon hadn’t she could become

have found let her down would have been
6 Underline the correct alternative. didn’t give up hadn’t gone to wished they had

1 I’m determined to be a doctor and I really hope/ When Anna Pavola was born in 1881 in Russia she
dread to get into medical school. was so small that no one (1) _______________ she
would survive. Of course her mother
2 I really wish/regret I had gone to that party. Paul
(2) _______________ hope and looked after her.
said they had a great time.
Her family was poor and (3) _______________
3 I’m dying to/resigned to meet your parents, they more money for Anna. When she was only 8 years
sound so nice. old her mother took her to the theatre to see the
4 I think she dreads/is looking forward to the ballet. If she (4) _______________ the theatre that
exam, she hasn’t studied for a single minute. day with little Anna, the world wouldn’t
(5) _______________ one of its greatest ballerinas.
5 I dream about/regret going to dance school, it’s That day Anna wished that (6) _______________ a
my greatest ambition. ballerina too. She didn’t (7) _______________ the
6 I think she is looking forward to/regrets giving up idea and her mother didn’t (8) _______________
medical school and wishes she hadn’t. - she took little Anna to auditions at the Imperial
Ballet School two years later. Luckily the teachers
7 My children are looking forward to/dreading their at the auditions realised her talent. If they
seaside holiday. (9) _______________ , Anna (10) _______________
8 I’m happy about/resigned to the fact that I have refused entrance and the world would have lost one
to work here another year before I can finally of its greatest dancers.
look for another job and get out.
___ 20
___ 8
Total ___ 100

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 173

Test Unit 10 - Row B Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Rewrite the sentences using the Third 3 Match the verbs in box A to the prepositions
conditional. in box B and complete the sentences with the
correct phrasal verbs.
1 I got angry and she left.
If _______________________________________ carry drop give out in on
2 They gave us tickets so we went to the theatre. go bring let with over
think keep down up
If _______________________________________
3 My camera was a bargain so I bought it. 1 I can _______________ the work if I stop playing
tennis to get extra time.
If _______________________________________
2 The people I know _______________ their
4 We left early because it was sunny.
children to believe in helping each other.
If _______________________________________
3 It’s hard work but I want to _______________ to
5 She got fit because she did exercise. the end.
If _______________________________________ 4 I’d like to _______________ the idea before I say
yes or no.
6 I ate the sandwich because I was hungry.
5 I’m going to finish this course, I’m not going to
If _______________________________________
_______________ of it.
7 They left because the party was boring.
6 I’d like to _______________ painting and not
If _______________________________________ stop, it’s a great hobby.
8 He got an MP4 player because he liked music. 7 I was really disappointed by Sam. He
If _______________________________________ _______________ me _______________ when I
needed his help.
___ 16 8 It was a tough match and in the end one of the
players _______________ and the other won.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. ___ 16

1 It’s sunny! I wish I _______________ (not/have 4 Complete the sentences with the words in the
to) stay inside. box.
2 I can’t speak another language. I wish I
_______________ (speak) French. break time lunch time time out time
time to record time time’s up time frame
3 I don’t know many people here. I wish I
_______________ (know) more people. 1 Team, _______________ , let’s take a break.
4 This course is great. I wish I _______________ 2 We need a long _______________ for this job, I
(start) it earlier. think a month is OK.
5 It was a lovely place. I wish I _______________ 3 Can we go to a restaurant at _______________ ?
(take) more photos.
4 He ran the race in _______________ .
6 This is a terrible job. I wish I _______________
(not/accept) it. 5 I want to _______________ the journey to see
how long it takes.
7 I’m full up. I wish I _______________ (not/eat) so
much. 6 Your _______________ , come in now.

8 I can’t find my book. I wish I _______________ 7 They had an apple to eat during _____________ .
(not/lose) it. 8 It’s _______________ switch off the oven.
___ 16 ___ 8

174 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Test Unit 10 - Row B
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Complete the sentences with the expressions 7 Match each sentence to its logical conclusion.
in the box.
1 We protested about the time change.
spend some time save time take your time 2 She took care of the dog.
it’s time to the last time next time 3 I always listen to my parents.
time passes have a good time 4 We struggled to save the park.
5 They try to help the youth club.
1 I can’t believe this is _______________ we’ll 6 I believe in this group.
study together and tomorrow we leave school! 7 I doubt his ability.
8 We gave up after a while.
2 I’d like to _______________ by not doing some of
the less important jobs.
a We didn’t give up.
3 I’d like to _______________ with my uncles who b I don’t believe in him.
are visiting from Belfast. c I hope they don’t fail.
d She didn’t abandon it.
4 Why hurry? _______________ and enjoy what
e But we had to accept it.
you're doing.
f We were tired of struggling.
5 I have a great joke, I’ll tell you _______________ g I don’t ignore them.
I see you, remind me. h I don’t doubt their ability.
6 I hope we all _______________ at the party!
___ 8
7 I think _______________ go inside and tidy up.
Mum will be home soon. FUNCTIONS
8 As _______________ you grow and learn things. 8 Complete the text with the expressions in the
___ 8
believed in gave up trying hadn’t studied
6 Underline the correct alternative. took good care of wouldn’t have become
gave up had listened to spent time
1 I dream about/regret saying those horrible things would have forced dropped out
to him.
2 We are looking forward to/dreading our holiday In 1879 a quiet family in Germany had a little boy,
in the wonderful Maldives. named Albert. His family (1) _______________
him and loved him. They (2) _______________ his
3 I’m dying to/dreading find out the results, call
ability and his mother never (3) _______________
me as soon as you know them!
to make him learn the violin. Albert was especially
4 I hope/wish I were on holiday right now, I’m so good at maths and as a primary school child he
tired. (4) _______________ studying maths and
5 He seems resigned to/looking forward to having philosophy. But at school Albert soon
to work hard, he doesn’t like the idea, but he'll (5) _______________ trying because he hated the
do it. method. If his parents (6) _______________ his
teachers, they (7) _______________ him to study
6 They dream/think about having a honeymoon in with an old-fashioned method that did not help
India but they can’t afford it. him to progress. He (8) _______________ of school
7 We really hope/regret to hear from you soon. without a diploma and was refused entry to Zurich
Polytechnic. He studied for another year and passed
8 I dread/’m resigned to meeting him again, he’s the exams. If he (9) _______________ for that extra
the most unpleasant person I’ve ever met. year, Albert Einstein (10) _______________ the
world famous genius he was.
___ 8
___ 20

Total ___ 100

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 175

Skills Test Units 9 and 10 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

Much of Canada is rural and is ideal for forestry, a major
industry. Most tree planting in Canada is carried out by
private reforestation companies that compete with one
another for contracts. It has been said: “There is no bad
land, only bad contracts.” There is however, bad weather
and tree planting can be a hard, cold, damp, exhausting
Tree planting has become a popular form of employment
for young Canadians, being a summer job. In this way
students pay for their degree courses. Hard workers can
earn above the average student income. However, it is not
easy to learn the job immediately which means that first
time tree planters may not make as much money as more experienced planters.
The actual amount tree planters earn varies. The more planting someone does, the better they
become, so planters can expect to see an increase each year in what they earn. Many return after
the first year, often with friends they made during the previous summer work months. Working hard
together can really bring people together as friends too.
At the end of a day’s work, the average British Columbian planter has planted 1,600 trees, but more
experienced planters will have planted up to 2,000-3,000 trees per day. These numbers are higher
in central and eastern Canada, where it's easier to work more quickly. Planters work hard, up to 10
hours per day and usually one or two hours per day of unpaid travelling.
Tree planting is important for the Canadian economy, but since the conditions are not always easy
and this is definitely a job and not a holiday, agencies like to make sure people are clear about this.
However this does not seem to put people off, and every year thousands of young Canadians spend
their summers planting trees.

1 Read the article and underline the sentences that contain the following information.

1 Tree planting can be an unpleasant occupation. 5 Some areas are more difficult to plant than others.
2 This job is not done all year round. 6 The cost of getting to work is paid by the worker.
3 Not all planters make the same amount of money. 7 Many people are not discouraged by the tough working
4 Earnings improve over time. conditions of tree planting.

___ 14

2 Read the article again and decide if the sentences are T (true) or F (false).
1 Reforestation is carried out by the state in Canada. ______
2 Students are attracted because this is an easy job. ______
3 The job is not simple to learn at first. ______
4 It is possible to improve the number of trees planted with experience. ______
5 The work is slower in northern Canada. ______
6 Planters have a short working day. ______
7 The Canadian economy relies in part on tree planting. ______
8 Working conditions may be very tough. ______

___ 16

Total ___ 30

176 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Skills Test Units 9 and 10
Class: ________ Date: ________

3 Choose one of the following topics and write a text of about 150 words.
1 Write an article for a blog, about events that you think changed the course of world history. Include the
following information:

– What happened? When? – What would have been different if these events hadn’t happened?
– Who was involved? – Do you think these events were positive or negative?

2 Write some suggestions for safeguarding the environment. Include the following information:

– What environmental problems are you talking about?

– What do you wish people did to make the situation better?

___ 20
4 6 Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 If we’d _______________ part-time jobs, we _______________ have paid for an extra week.
2 If I’d _______________ that earlier, I’d have _______________ my cousin for a job in his bar
3 Next _______________ we can book early too and be sure we get a _______________ price.
4 Yes, I _______________ I had _______________ windsurfing.
5 The food in the _______________ was good, but I’d like to go to a couple of _______________ restaurants and
try the food.
6 You know, we have to plan more _______________ next time so we don’t _______________ time and do all
the things we want to.
7 We can _______________ time by organising things _______________ we go.
8 I _______________ it’s time we _______________ going.
___ 16

5 6 Listen to the conversation again and complete the notes.

Length of holiday: (1) _________________________________________

Length of next holiday: (2) _____________________________________

Possible part time job: (3) _____________________________________

Things to do next time:

• (4) _________________________________________
• (5) _________________________________________ ___ 14
• (6) _________________________________________
• (7) _________________________________________ Total ___ 30

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 177

Skills Test Units 9 and 10 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

6 Follow the instructions below and create the dialogue in English with your partner.

Student A Student B

Ask your partner if he/she would like to live in a Say no, but you’d like to travel more.
different city.

Ask where he/she would have gone last summer Say that you would have gone to the USA, for
if he/she had had more money. example, if you had had enough money. Ask
your partner if he/she would like to travel more.

Say no, but you’d like to have more time for Ask which sport he/she would like to do/play.

Say that if you had had more time in the past, Ask whether he/she would have participated in
you would have liked to learn to play tennis competitions if he/she had had the opportunity.
really well.

Say that you’d like to compete and ask if your Say no, but you’d like to have more time for
partner would. reading.

___ 10
7 Choose one of the following topics to talk about.
1 Describe how you use resources like water and 2 Talk about personality traits you’d like to have or
paper. Include the following information: that you wish people you knew had. What would
be the advantages for you and for others? Use
When and how do you use paper/water?
the following expressions: I’d like to be more…,
Could you avoid using it? I wish people were/had more…
What could we use instead?

___ 10

Total ___ 20

178 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Revision - Unit 1
Class: ________ Date: ________

GRAMMAR Purpose and reason

Present perfect continuous 3 Put the words into the correct order to make
logical sentences.
1 Complete the sentences with the Present
perfect continuous of the verbs in brackets. 1 arrived / seats / to / so / we / get / early / as /
We arrived early so as to get good seats.
2 I / to / go / fit / running / keep
3 bought / a / we / present / in / to / say / order /
thank you
4 so / we / could / paid / in / get / we
1 I have been waiting (wait) for hours.
5 I / pass / to / write / time / the / short stories
2 You ________________________(eat) my biscuits!
3 They_______________________ (work) very hard.
6 a / favour / we / to / ask / wrote
4 It _________________________ (snow) in the
mountains. _________________________________________
5 She________________________ (paint) pictures.
6 He _________________________ (mend) his
7 It __________________________ (rain) all day. Sports equipment
8 We _________________________ (talk) about you 4 Complete the sentences with the words in the
for hours. box.

racket boxing gloves basket rugby ball

2 Rewrite the sentences in the interrogative and whistle skis surfboard golf ball
negative forms.
1 Get your racket and come for a game of tennis.
They have been eating dinner.
2 The referee blows his ____________ at the end of
1 Have they been eating dinner?
the game.
2 They haven’t been eating dinner.
3 I’d like new ____________ for when it snows and
We have been watching a film. we go to the mountains.

3 __________________________________________ 4 Try to hit this ____________ with your club.

4 __________________________________________ 5 Bounce the ball then jump and throw it into the
____________ to score a point for your team.
He has been talking to me. 6 If you spend time at the seaside, why not borrow
5 __________________________________________ a ____________ for the waves?

6 __________________________________________ 7 This isn’t round, it’s oval, it isn’t for football, it’s a
____________ .
It has been snowing all night.
8 You can’t do anything with your hands if you’re
7 __________________________________________ wearing ____________ .
8 __________________________________________

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 179

Revision - Unit 1 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

Sporting locations Football phrases

5 Combine words from each column to make 6 Underline the correct alternative.
compound nouns and match them to the pictures.
1 Do your best to score/pass a goal!
1 racing car a 1 circuit 2 They were very sorry to win/lose the game.
2 football b course
3 basketball c slope 3 He’s the best player/referee in the team.
4 golf d stadium 4 Remember to obey the rules/team.
5 boxing e pitch
5 The ball hit the foul/post and bounced away.
6 ice-skating f ring
7 sports g court 6 He committed a foul/pass and the referee
8 ski h rink stopped the game.
7 You have to tackle/lose a player to take the ball
from him.
8 This post/match is the last in the season so good

Sports coverage
1 racing car circuit 2 __________________ 7 Match the sentence halves.

3 __________________ 4 __________________

1 He speaks very well, he’s

2 I didn’t see what happened, I’ll
3 They crossed the line together, it’s
4 I’m going out this evening so I’ll
5 This bit is boring,
6 I missed that, can you
7 I’d like to go and get some tea, can you
5 __________________ 6 __________________ 8 I don’t understand the rules so I

a 1 a good commentator.
b press rewind?
c listen to the commentary.
d a photo finish.
e press stop?
f watch the action replay.
g record the match.
h press fast forward.
7 __________________ 8 __________________

180 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Revision - Unit 2
Class: ________ Date: ________

GRAMMAR too/enough
Second conditional 3 Complete the sentences with too or enough
and the adjectives in brackets.
1 Match the sentence halves.
1 They are too poor (poor) to buy medicine. We
1 If it were sunny, should help them.
2 If she were hungry,
2 I’m not __________________ (tall) to reach the
3 If I were unhappy here, bottle. Can you lend me a hand?
4 If he were my boyfriend, 3 It’s not __________________ (hot) to eat. Let’s
5 If I had a car, put it into the oven.

6 If there were more parks, 4 We’re not __________________ (rich) to buy a

big house.
7 If you were kinder,
5 This ring is __________________ (expensive) for
8 If this book were interesting,
me. I’ll buy something else.

a 1 I’d go to the beach. 6 The film is __________________ (long) to watch

b I’d marry him. this evening.
c I’d read it. 7 This skirt is __________________ (short) to wear.
d I’d go and play in them.
e she’d eat something. 8 I think it’s __________________ (warm) to go the
f people would like you more. beach, come on.
g I’d drive you there.
h I’d go away.

Global problems
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. 4 Match the words in the box to the correct
1 If I were (be) rich, I’d buy (buy) a house.
disease bullying loneliness terrorism
2 If it ____________ (stop) raining, I ____________ illiteracy robbery racism unemployment
(go) out.
3 She ____________ (call) if she ____________ 1 a serious illness: disease
(have) the number.
2 disliking a person because of his or her colour:
4 I ____________ (get) a sandwich if I ____________
____________ (have) some money.
3 when you feel you have no friends: ____________
5 If we ____________ (not/be) busy this evening,
we ____________ (come) to the show. 4 inability to read: ____________

6 I ____________ (not/tell) you anything if you 5 the condition of not having a job: ____________
____________ (ask) me! 6 stealing things: ____________
7 She ____________ (get) a surprise if she 7 being cruel and unpleasant to another person:
____________ (go) home now. ____________
8 You ____________ (pass) the exam if you 8 using violence against civilians: ____________
____________ (study).

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 181

Revision - Unit 2 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

Word building Abstract nouns: the suffixes -ment, -ness,

5 Complete the table with the correct words. -tion
7 Complete the sentences with nouns ending
Noun Verb Adjective in -ment, -ness or -tion that derive from the
nature ✗ 1 natural words in brackets.

1 This is an interesting technological innovation.

2 ___________ pollute 3 _________
4 ___________ ✗ peaceful 2 Your ____________ resulted in the accident.
health ✗ 5 _________
3 The plan is not bad but needs ____________ .
6 ___________ ✗ political
4 The ____________ system here starts at six years
influence 7 ________ 8 _________ old. (educate)
5 Her ____________ was obvious to everyone.
homelessness ✗ 9 _________
creation 10 _______ 11 ________ 6 We have to protect the ____________ from
pollution. (environ)
12 __________ ✗ systematic
7 The problem of people living in the streets, of
____________ is worrying. (homeless)
8 Be careful you don’t develop an ____________ to
video games! (addict)
Natural disasters
6 Underline the correct alternative.
People who live at the foot of an extinct Opposites – antonyms
(1) volcano/hurricane occasionally have
a horrible surprise when an (2) eruption/ 8 Complete the sentences with the antonyms of
earthquake shows it is not extinct at all. the words in bold.
Another disaster which comes from the earth
moving is the (3) flooding/earthquake which 1 What a dirty restaurant, can we go to a
clean one, please?
sometimes can hardly be felt, but sometimes
creates massive devastation. Coastal areas 2 People were often illiterate in the past, but
suffer when this causes disturbance in the sea, today they are generally ____________ .
resulting in a huge (4) tidal wave/landslide
3 A good computer can be ____________ ,
which arrives from the sea and destroys the
but if you’re careful you can find a cheap
coast with massive (5) eruption/flooding. Even
when this subsides the damage from the water
can take years to resolve. 4 Sometimes strict teachers get better results
Another problem from the earth is when hills than ____________ ones.
are eroded and collapse in a (6) cyclone/ 5 Don’t just ____________ children, remember
landslide, covering everything under them. to praise them too.
Turbulence and strong winds in the air can be
disastrous too. A very strong wind such as a 6 This tea has a strong taste, I like it better
(7) tidal wave/hurricane or the circular column than the ____________ one.
of wind which travels, the (8) cyclone/flooding, 7 I don’t think that ____________ brings
can destroy buildings. happiness, but neither does wealth.
8 If you reduce the cost, you might
____________ sales.

182 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Revision - Unit 3
Class: ________ Date: ________

GRAMMAR would vs used to

used to for past actions and states 3 Tick (✔) the sentences where either used to
or would can be used.
1 Write complete sentences using used to and
the prompts given. 1 We often used to go to the park. ✔

1 I / like / play / tennis 2 They used to sit together and chat. ____

I used to like playing tennis. 3 I used to love that film. ____

2 my sister / be / scared / spiders 4 We used to tell jokes all the time. ____

_________________________________________ 5 They used to think it was an interesting book.

3 they / go / on holiday / every year
6 I used to know a man from London. ____
7 He used to paint for hours. ____
4 Harold / worried / his exams
8 They used to travel a lot. ____
9 My grandmother used to be a famous actress.
5 I / be / interested in / contemporary art ____
_________________________________________ 10 I used to live in that white house over there.
6 they / live / in our neighbourhood ____
7 Carol / believe / ghosts / as a child
_________________________________________ VOCABULARY
8 the children / love / play on the swings Negative feelings
_________________________________________ 4 Match the adjectives with a similar meaning
and complete the sentences.

1 frightening a 1 scary
2 Rewrite the sentences in the interrogative and 2 confused b nervous
3 depressed c afraid
negative forms.
4 creepy d puzzled
I used to like fishing. 5 anxious e terrifying
6 scared f upset
1 Did you use to like fishing?
2 I didn’t use to like fishing. 1 She’s very ____________ about her brother, he’s
late home and he isn’t answering his mobile.
We used to listen to the radio at dinner time.
2 I think he’s really ____________ after breaking
3 __________________________________________
up with Jill, he looks so sad.
4 __________________________________________
3 I don’t understand anything about this lesson,
I’m really ____________ .
The Robinsons used to live in this apartment.
4 I was in a dark road and a car stopped in front of
5 __________________________________________
me, the situation was absolutely ____________ .
6 __________________________________________
5 My brother told me a ____________ story about
a hounted house.
We used to study together.
6 I’m a bit ____________ of dogs, can you hold
7 __________________________________________
yours, please?
8 __________________________________________

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 183

Revision - Unit 3 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

Childhood Word families: art

5 Match the words in the box to the pictures. 6 Underline the correct alternative.
ghost playing on the swings 1 There’s an interesting history documentary/close
meeting new people sleeping alone up on TV this evening.
playing with toys going to bed early
2 I love the credits/rhythm of this song.
Father Christmas bedtime stories
3 Look at this landscape/portrait of the countryside
in Russia.
4 I’m going to buy the CD of the soundtrack/
contents from this film.
5 I’m reading the last introduction/chapter of my
book so I’ll start a new one soon.
6 This is a very memorable black and white/tune,
I’ll be able to sing it tomorrow.
1 ghost 2 __________________ 7 Look at this still life/portrait of Napoleon, he
wasn’t very tall, was he?
8 I want to know the actor’s name, let me read the

Talking about when things happen in a story

7 Put the sentences in the correct order to
reconstruct the story.
3 __________________ 4 __________________

5 __________________ 6 __________________

a 1 I was sitting on the bus going home.

b Some time later I finally got back to the city
centre on another bus.
c I realised straight away that I was on the
wrong bus.
d At first I was relaxed and happy.
e In the end I got home, but two hours late.

7 __________________ 8 __________________ f A short time later I started to get anxious.

184 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Revision - Unit 4
Class: ________ Date: ________

GRAMMAR Question tags

The passive 3 Match each sentence to the correct question
1 Complete the sentences with the passive form
of the verbs in brackets. 1 Mick knows the answer,
2 He met Simon,
1 Computers are used (use) all over the world. 3 Your sister likes the cinema,
2 This programme ____________ (see) by one 4 Your mother studied languages,
million viewers every week. 5 Luke’s been abroad,
6 Violet has finished the job,
3 Writing ____________ (invent) many thousands
7 He’s waiting for a call,
of years ago.
8 Your girlfriend was sleeping,
4 Strange noises ____________ (record) in here
last night. a 1 doesn’t he?
5 We ____________ (stop) by police on our way b isn’t he?
home. c hasn’t he?
d didn’t he?
6 The criminals ____________ (question) by e wasn’t she?
police last night. f doesn’t she?
7 This book ____________ (write) in French. g didn’t she?
h hasn’t she?
8 Our machines ____________ (improve) last
9 This symphony ____________ (perform) for the 4 Complete the sentences with the correct
first time in 1891. question tag.
10 These tomatoes ____________ (grow) only in
the northern part of the country.

2 Rewrite the sentences in the interrogative and

negative forms.

The match was won by our team.

1 Was the match won by our team?
2 The match wasn’t won by our team.

The old lady was bitten by a big dog. 1 This computer doesn’t work, does it?
3 __________________________________________ 2 I’m right, ____________
4 __________________________________________ 3 You won’t be late, ____________
4 You don’t know where my glasses are,
These cars are produced in limited number.
____________ ?
5 __________________________________________
5 Your sister is having a baby, ____________
6 __________________________________________
6 He’s not going to marry her, ____________
Portuguese is spoken in Angola. 7 So your parents bought a car, ____________
7 __________________________________________ 8 The kids are still sleeping, ____________
8 __________________________________________ 9 There’s a restaurant on the corner, ___________
10 You’ve changed my password, ____________

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 185

Revision - Unit 4 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

Electronic media 7 Match the words in the box to the pictures.
5 Match the words in the box to the correct monitor speakers keyboard
definitions. pen drive printer icon
broadcast aerial remote control
graphics presenter video clip
interactive web page post
series online switch off

1 another name for a programme on TV or the

radio: broadcast
2 several programmes connected by a story:
1 monitor 2 __________________
3 a short film: ____________
4 a device for changing channels: ____________
5 a text on a blog: ____________
6 to stop the activity: ____________
7 a device for capturing signals: ____________
8 the person who introduces programmes:
3 __________________ 4 __________________
9 connected to the Internet: ____________
10 what you see on a screen if you visit a site on
the Internet: ____________
11 the drawings and general design of a page:
12 a way of communicating in two directions:
5 __________________ 6 __________________

6 Underline the correct alternative.

Long/Short synonyms
1 I’ve got some files to upload/burn onto my
website. 8 Replace the words in bold with the short
synonyms in the box.
2 I’d like to read my mail, do you mind if I
download/log on?
great break up dull sixish chat bright
3 To open the programme, just copy/click on the
1 We had a fantastic evening. great
4 I want to keep this music, let’s surf/burn a CD.
2 It was a really uninteresting lesson. ___________
5 I’ll send you the photos and you can download/
click on them. 3 Try to arrive at about six. ____________

6 Let’s upload/surf the web for some information 4 I was sorry to hear that you two have decided to
about Mark Zuckerberg. separate. ____________

7 She’s got a new web site, shall we burn/visit it? 5 We had a very funny conversation about the
school. ____________
8 Just copy/visit this file onto your desktop if you
want to keep it. 6 She’s a very intelligent girl. ____________

186 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Revision - Unit 5
Class: ________ Date: ________

GRAMMAR 3 Match the sentence halves.

Relative pronouns
1 Sunflowers is a painting which
1 Underline the correct alternative. 2 I went to the museum where
1 There are people who/where prefer quiet places. 3 Remember to call me when
2 Do you know when/whose jacket this is? 4 I’m not exactly sure whose

3 Let’s go to a place when/where you can have an 5 I recently met an old lady who
ice cream. 6 There are several galleries which
4 I saw the painting which/whose his dad did. 7 There was an unfortunate writer whose
5 I remember the day which/when we won the 8 Do you know the sculptor who
6 I know someone who/which has a boat. a 1 was painted by van Gogh.
b bag this is.
7 Let’s find a place who/where we can have a c novels were stolen and copied.
picnic. d they have local history displays.
8 I’d like a car when/which is safe and reliable. e have temporary exhibitions.
f made this beautiful installation?
9 We often visit our aunt in Belfast which/where is g you leave.
in Northern Ireland. h met Winston Churchill as a girl.
10 I know a woman whose/who can speak seven

Relative clauses Art and Styles
2 Decide if the following sentences contain 4 Match the words in the box to the correct
defining (D) or non-defining (ND) relative definitions.
portrait landscape drawing sketch
1 The artist, who was born in America, lived most still life gallery sculpture sculptor
of his life in the Orient. ND
2 I like pictures that tell you about people. ____ 1 a painting or photo of a person: portrait

3 Where is the book that I left on the table? ____ 2 a three dimensional representation of something:
4 This lovely old photo, which shows a family in
their home, is very valuable. ____ 3 a picture made by hand with pencil or chalk:
5 Ron showed me the photo which he took at
their wedding. ____ 4 a place where you can see works of art:
6 The headache, which improved during the day,
was caused by the noise. ____ 5 a picture of the countryside: ____________

7 Where is the sculpture which your daughter 6 a person who makes three dimensional
made? ____ representations: ____________

8 This is the café where we always have our 7 a picture of objects with nothing living in it:
sandwiches. ____ ____________

9 Mr Donnell, who is a plumber, lives on the 8 a quick drawing of something: ____________

corner. ____
10 Did you spend all the money that your mum
gave you? ____

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 187

Revision - Unit 5 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Match the words in the box to the pictures. Parts of a picture

6 Match the words in the box to the parts of the
artist paint watercolour brushes
canvas Cubism oil painting palette
the top left hand corner the left
the top right hand corner the middle
the bottom left hand corner the top the right
the bottom right hand corner the bottom

1 2 3

1 artist 2 __________________ 4 5 6

7 8 9

1 the top left hand corner 6 ___________________

2 ____________________ 7 ___________________
3 ____________________ 8 ___________________
4 ____________________ 9 ___________________
5 ____________________
3 __________________ 4 __________________

Word families: what we feel about people

and things
7 Complete the sentences with the words in the
respect dislike distrust admiration
trust liking love disgust

1 He’s a good teacher, I respect his ability.

5 __________________ 6 __________________ 2 I don’t think she tells the truth, I feel
____________ towards her.
3 She has a real ____________ for history, she’s
always reading about the past.
4 I felt a lot of ____________ when I heard how
badly and dishonestly he treated you.
5 I’m afraid I ____________ your colleague, he’s
very arrogant.
6 It’s a classic ____________ story, boy meets girl,
boy married girl and they live happily ever after.
7 __________________ 8 __________________ 7 I gave my friend the keys to my house because I
know she’s honest and I ____________ her.
8 I have enormous ____________ for those people
who work as volunteers to help others.

188 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Revision - Unit 6
Class: ________ Date: ________

GRAMMAR Reflexive pronouns

Past perfect 3 Match each half sentence to its logical
1 Complete the sentences with the Past perfect
of the verbs in brackets. 1 I think I have hurt

1 She had seen the film twice. (see) 2 Tamara always talks about

2 They ____________ before the others. (arrive) 3 Brian never washes

4 They always go out with
3 We ____________ for permission. (ask)
5 You shouldn’t go by
4 They ____________ the door. (shut)
6 Let’s call
5 I ____________ a mistake. (make)
7 You students can be proud of
6 He ____________ the book several times. (read)
8 They never listen to
7 The car ____________ down. (break)
8 He ____________ very rude. (be) a 1 myself.
b each other.
9 I ____________ (study) English before I moved
c yourselves.
to Dublin.
d herself.
10 We ____________ (book) the table in advance. e each other.
f himself.
g each other.
h yourself.
2 Rewrite the sentences in the interrogative and
negative forms.

They had been in town all afternoon. VOCABULARY

1 Had they been in town all afternoon? Music
2 They hadn’t been in town all afternoon. 4 Match the words in the box to the correct
She had gone to the hairdresser’s.
3 __________________________________________ track band album single
voice charts lyrics tune
4 __________________________________________
1 a song on a CD: track
He had missed the train.
2 a collection of songs: ____________
5 __________________________________________
3 one song released from a collection:
6 __________________________________________
Roger had locked the door. 4 the words of a song: ____________
7 __________________________________________ 5 another word for melody: ____________
8 __________________________________________ 6 a group of people that play music together:
We had had lunch together.
7 the list of which songs sell best: ____________
9 __________________________________________
8 a singer has a very good one: ____________
10 _________________________________________

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 189

Revision - Unit 6 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the Word families: ways of talking
box. 7 Underline the correct alternative.
rhyme release drummer 1 We had a little chat/interrogation about our
hit compose melody verse holidays.
1 Fruit is a good rhyme for the word suit. 2 The teacher gives us an apology/oral exam every
2 This is a great song, it’s going to be a success, a month.
real ____________ . 3 I heard an interesting conversation/complaint
3 I like the first ____________ a lot but the second between two people on the bus.
and third ones aren’t so good. 4 I hope you get an apology/interrogation from
4 We hope to ____________ a new album next Paul for his terrible behaviour.
month. 5 I read an interview/explanation with my favourite
5 This is a great ____________ but the lyrics are band in a magazine.
terrible! 6 I’d like to make a chat/complaint about the
6 Usually I write the lyrics but I ask Mark to noise.
____________ the music. 7 Let’s ask the teacher for a clearer interview/
7 We have a guitarist and keyboard player but we explanation tomorrow.
need a ____________ . 8 It was a very long interrogation/apology but in
the end the police released the suspect.

6 Match the words in the box to the musical

Word families: remembering things
saxophone trumpet cello
banjo tambourine clarinet 8 Match each half sentence to its logical

1 I have a lovely memory

2 Please bring me a souvenir
3 I feel very homesick
4 There is a lot of nostalgia for

1 saxophone 2 __________________ 5 Can you recall the time

6 He wrote his memoirs
7 Please remember
8 Could you remind

a 1 of when I was a child.

b because his life was so interesting.
3 __________________ 4 __________________ c eighties music at the moment.
d to buy some milk.
e from your holidays!
f you stole my bike for a joke?
g me what the homework is?
h if I stay away for a long time.

5 __________________ 6 __________________

190 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Revision - Unit 7
Class: ________ Date: ________

GRAMMAR Verb + infinitive/Verb + -ing

Reported speech 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets.
1 Complete the sentences using reported speech.
1 Would you like to stay (stay) for dinner?
1 ‘I don’t want to go’, said Nora.
Nora said she didn’t want to go. 2 Do you remember ____________ (see) a train for
the first time?
2 ‘I like sitcoms’, said Brenda.
Brenda said she __________________ sitcoms. 3 Oh no, I forgot ____________ (take) the present
for Mike.
3 ‘I arrived late’, said Dan.
Dan said he __________________ late. 4 We managed ____________ (find) a book shop.

4 ‘They have called twice’, said Frank. 5 Jim has finally stopped ____________ (smoke).
Frank said they __________________ twice. 6 I like the sea but I’d prefer ____________ (go) to
5 ‘She can sing well’, said Sarah. the countryside on holiday.
Sarah said she __________________ sing well. 7 She doesn’t mind ____________ (help).
6 ‘I’ll call you’, said Ruth. 8 I really want ____________ (get) there early.
Ruth said she __________________ call me.
7 ‘We have to go’, said Anna.
Anna said they __________________ to go.
8 ‘We’re having a party’, said Lorna.
4 Underline the correct alternative.
Lorna said they __________________ a party.

2 Rewrite the sentences with reported speech.

1 Jo said Donald was on holiday.
Donald is on holiday.
2 Paula said she liked films.
3 Tom said he had two cats.
_________________________________________ 1 I started to study/studying karate three years
4 Brian said he had finished.
2 I can remember to see/seeing that film as a
_________________________________________ child.
5 Terry said she could swim. 3 Would you mind opening/to open the window?
_________________________________________ 4 They refused to take/taking part in the plot.
6 Mike said he would help. 5 We were hungry so we stopped having/to have a
_________________________________________ sandwich.

7 Frank said he didn’t want tea. 6 I hope getting/to get a good result in my exam.

_________________________________________ 7 I completely forgot to call/calling her so she

doesn’t know about the meeting.
8 Mary said she was going home.
8 Please stop to smoke/smoking, it isn’t allowed in
_________________________________________ here.

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 191

Revision - Unit 7 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

VOCABULARY Words with the same spelling but different

Hobbies and leisure
7 Choose the correct pronunciation for each
5 Complete the table with the activities in the underlined verb.
1 I read a very good book last month.
cards walking having a meal stamps
painting going to the gym postcards A /ri:d/ B /rDd/
jogging sewing visiting relatives/friends 2 There is a lot of wind and it’s cold.
games writing coins
hanging out the piano A /wNnd/ B /wHNnd/
3 Be careful not to tear the paper.
A /tDB*/ B /tiB*/
Things we play
4 The factory plans to produce bottles.
A /@prKdju:s/ B /prB@dju:s/
Things to keep fit
5 She sat in the fourth row.

Things we collect A /raL/ B /rBL/

6 Please don’t insult my friend!

Creative activities A /@insHlt/ B /in@sHlt/

7 There is no excuse for this.
Things we do with A /Nk@skju:s/ B /Nk@skju:z/
8 What a tiny, minute ring!
A /@minit/ B /mHi@nju:t/
TV programmes
6 Match the TV programmes with the correct
definitions. Word families: verbs of the senses with
similar meanings
1 an animated film
2 a show where real people live a situation 8 Complete the sentences with the words in the
3 a comedy series, often about a family or work box.
4 a show where people are interviewed smell feel touch overhear
5 an informative film about a subject say try look sniff
6 a show that talks about the news
7 a show with quizzes and competitions 1 Can you smell something sweet in this room?
8 an informative programme about sport 2 I happened to ____________ a conversation on
the train.
a 1 cartoon
b current affairs 3 I ____________ a bit unwell.
c documentary 4 Don’t ____________ such horrible things about
d sports programme people.
e reality show
5 Come and ____________ at my photos.
f chat show
g sitcom 6 Can I ____________ these biscuits?
h game show
7 ____________ this perfume, it’s like red roses,
isn’t it?
8 Don’t ____________ the oven, it’s hot.

192 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Revision - Unit 8
Class: ________ Date: ________

GRAMMAR Causatives
Reported questions 3 Put the words into the correct order to make
logical sentences.
1 Underline the correct alternative in the
sentences with reported questions. 1 new / made / I’m / dress / having / a

1 ‘What are you writing?’ I’m having a new dress made.

She asked me what I’m/was writing. 2 car / her / got / she / mended

2 ‘Where did you go?’ _________________________________________

He asked me where I go/had gone. 3 house / our / painted / had / we

3 ‘Will it rain tomorrow?’ _________________________________________

She asked if it would/will rain the next day. 4 got / new / built / a / garage / they

4 ‘Can Jim help us?’ _________________________________________

He asked if Jim could/can help us. 5 bike / I / had / cleaned / my

5 ‘What’s Jill going to wear?’ _________________________________________

She asked what Jill is/was going to wear. 6 their / cut / they / hair / got

6 ‘Did they find the answer?’ _________________________________________

He asked if they had found/found the answer. 7 our / taken / photo / we / had

7 ‘Why do you like this dress?’ _________________________________________

She asked me why I liked/like that dress. 8 is / her / changed / classroom / she / having

8 ‘Do you have to leave now?’ _________________________________________

He asked me if I have to/had to leave at that

2 Complete the sentences with reported
questions. Jobs

1 ‘Why is he here?’ asked Don.

4 Match each problem to a professional who
Don asked why he was there. can solve it.

2 ‘What do you like?’ asked Maria. 1 You have toothache.

Maria asked what I ____________ . 2 You car’s engine has a problem.
3 ‘Is she Australian?’ asked Paul. 3 You can’t see perfectly.
Paul asked if she ____________ Australian. 4 You want special clothes.
5 Your house has a crack in the wall.
4 ‘Where did they go?’ asked my mum. 6 You haven’t got time to cut the grass.
My mum asked where they ____________ . 7 You want some new shelves.
5 ‘Can she dance?’ asked the director. 8 The light doesn’t switch on.
The director asked if she ____________ dance.
a 1 dentist
6 ‘Will he arrive on time?’ asked the teacher. The b carpenter
teacher asked if he ____________ arrive on time. c builder
7 ‘Have they been here before?’ asked the man. d car mechanic
The man asked if they ____________ there e electrician
before. f optician
g gardener
8 ‘Are you driving there?’ asked my aunt.
h tailor
My aunt asked if they ____________ there.

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 193

Revision - Unit 8 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

Personality adjectives Synonyms and antonyms

5 Match the adjectives in the box to the correct 7 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in
descriptions. the box.

shy ambitious sensitive soft-spoken optimistic shy cowardly bored

sensible strong irresponsible serious negative generous confident normal
determined generous kind optimistic

1 A person who doesn’t like meeting new people 1 Jo is very pessimistic. He is never optimistic
or crowds: shy about things.

2 A person who has a very strong will: 2 Sarah and her sister are very similar. They are
____________ both very timid and ____________ .

3 A person who gives things often and easily: 3 You are so mean! Why can’t you be more
____________ ____________ ?

4 A person who speaks very quietly: 4 It was a very ordinary, ____________ sort of
____________ town.

5 A person who wants to be successful: 5 I’m not at all keen on football. I get really
____________ ____________ during matches.

6 A person who is the opposite of weak: 6 Don’t be so nervous before exams! You should be
____________ more ____________ .

7 A person who does foolish, sometimes 7 Helen was brave and spoke out, but the others
dangerous things: ____________ were ____________ and stayed silent.

8 A person who has good, practical ideas: 8 I try to say positive things and avoid
____________ ____________ things about people.

9 A person who is easily hurt: ____________

10 A person who is not at all superficial:
____________ Word families: causes and political
11 A person who is generous to others: objectives
____________ 8 Underline the correct alternative.
12 A person who is positive about the future:
____________ 1 There was a peaceful riot/demonstration by
2 We all signed the petition/rally for the town
Word families: adjectives, adverbs and
3 The protesters walked for four miles on their sit
6 Complete the table with the correct words. in/march.
Adjective Adverb Noun 4 We are interested in joining the movement/
shy 1 shyly 2 ____________ petition to save the environment.
3 ___________ irresponsibly 4 ____________ 5 There was a terrible riot/campaign and a lot of
5 ___________ 6 ___________ generosity windows were broken.

courageous 7 ___________ 8 ____________ 6 The protesters occupied the town hall and had a
rally/sit in, they wouldn’t leave.
sensible 9 ___________ 10 ___________
7 There is an interesting national campaign/riot
11 __________ 12 __________ sensitivity
against abandoning animals.
13 __________ calmly 14 ___________
8 The supporters of the proposal held a petition/
determined 15 __________ 16 ___________ rally in the park with music and food.

194 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Revision - Unit 9
Class: ________ Date: ________

GRAMMAR Comparative adverbs

The passive 3 Complete the table with the comparatives.
1 Complete the sentences using the passive form. Adverb Comparative
1 They are building a new greenhouse. softly 1 more softly
badly (2) __________________
A new greenhouse is being built.
hard (3) __________________
2 Someone has written an article on the subject.
responsibly (4) __________________
An article ____________________ on the subject.
little (5) __________________
3 We will send the letters.
fast (6) __________________
The letters _______________________________ . far (7) __________________
4 Police are questioning the suspects. frequently (8) __________________
The suspects _____________________ by police. late (9) __________________
5 They have found new evidence. well (10) _________________
New evidence ____________________________ .
6 They will give prizes.
Prizes ___________________________________ . 4 Complete the sentences with the comparative
of the adverbs in brackets.
7 They are repairing my car.
My car __________________________________ .
8 Someone has stolen my bike.
My bike _________________________________ .

2 Rewrite the sentences in the interrogative and

negative forms.

The film is being made in Hollywood.

1 Is the film being made in Hollywood?
2 The film isn’t being made in Hollywood. 1 He read the contract more attentively
(attentively) and decided to sign it.
We will be paid in dollars.
2 Please take your time and think about this
3 __________________________________________ ____________ . (carefully)
4 __________________________________________ 3 Drive ____________ (slowly), there’s no hurry.

Jack has been invited to the party. 4 We should walk ____________ (quickly). They’re
waiting for us.
5 __________________________________________
5 You write ____________ than Richard. (well)
6 __________________________________________
6 Please speak ____________ (loudly), we can’t
The lecture will be given by the new professor. hear you.

7 __________________________________________ 7 We have to leave ____________ (early) or we’ll

miss the train.
8 __________________________________________
8 It takes ____________ (long) to walk. Let’s take
the bus!

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 195

Revision - Unit 9 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

VOCABULARY Saving the environment

The environment 6 Match each word to its correct definition.
5 Match the words in the boxes to make 1 save
compound nouns, then complete the 2 pollution
sentences. 3 recycle
4 throw away
A B 5 waste
plastic climate bag disaster 6 energy
global public jam change 7 petrol
nuclear exhaust fire warming 8 protect
forest ozone dioxide fumes
traffic carbon transport layer
a 1 to use less of something
b to use too much of something
c to take care of something
d dirt in the air and water from exhaust fumes
e it generates electricity
f to use a material again and again
g to put something in the rubbish
h a fuel for motors and engines

Multi-word verbs: using energy

7 Complete the sentences with the prepositions
in the box.
1 Don’t use a plastic bag, take a cloth one.
down off up on
2 City centres are polluted with
__________________ from cars and buses.
1 We’re using too much electricity, we have to cut
3 We got blocked in a terrible down.
__________________ and were late home.
2 Turn ____________ the tap. You’re wasting all
4 Use __________________ and not your car if that water!
3 You have to press the button and hold it
5 In summer months don’t use matches near ____________ for a couple of seconds.
trees, you could start a __________________ .
4 I can’t hear the TV, can you turn it __________ ?
6 The weather is affected by ________________ .
5 Remember to switch ____________ the lights
7 High levels of the gas __________________ are when you leave.
6 It’s too hot, let’s turn ____________ the heating.
8 A __________________ spreads radioactivity
everywhere. 7 Turn off your MP4, you’ll run ____________ the
9 Nowadays temperatures are rising due to
__________________ . 8 Can you turn ____________ the radio? I want to
hear the news.
10 Unfortunately there is an enormous hole in the
_________________ .

196 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Revision - Unit 10
Class: ________ Date: ________

Third conditional 3 Underline the correct alternative.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form 1 I wish I had/had had a bicycle, all my friends
of the verbs in brackets. have one.

1 If I hadn’t met John, I wouldn’t have got married. 2 I wish I knew/had known he was here last week.
(get married) 3 I wish I didn’t lose/hadn’t lost that bag on
2 If we hadn’t gone out, we ___________________ holiday.
_______________________ (see) the film. 4 I wish they were/had been more helpful, I have
3 If she ____________________________________ to do everything.
(walk), she would have missed the bus. 5 I wish we heard/had heard from our friends more
4 We ______________________________________ often.
(call) you if we had found your number. 6 I wish I didn’t go/hadn’t gone to bed so late last
5 She would have enjoyed the play if she ________ night.
_________________________ (see) it. 7 I wish lessons started/had started later and not
6 If we _____________________________________ so early every morning.
(buy) a sandwich, we wouldn’t have got hungry. 8 I wish I learned/had learned a musical
7 She __________________________________ instrument as a child.
(help) you if you had asked her.
8 They wouldn’t have got lost if they ____________
_________________________ (take) a map. 4 Put the words into the correct order to make

1 wish / stop / I / shouting / would / you

2 Match the sentence halves.
I wish you would stop shouting.
1 I would have written to you 2 my / tidier / brother / wish / were / I
2 We would have helped him _________________________________________
3 I would have had a dog
3 I / were / cook / a / wish / better / I
4 They would have bought a present
5 She would have gone on holiday
4 wish / had / more / I / studied / I
6 I would have lent you the money
7 They wouldn’t have left early
5 raining / wish / I / stop / would / it
8 She wouldn’t have told a lie
a 1 if I had had your address. 6 right now / I / my / were / friends / here / wish
b if I had lived in the country.
c if the film had been better.
d if she had saved enough money. 7 I / said / that / wish / I / hadn’t
e if she hadn’t been afraid.
f if they had found a shop.
g if he had asked us. 8 could / on / she / wishes / holiday / Rachel / go
h if you had asked me for it. _________________________________________

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 197

Revision - Unit 10 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

VOCABULARY Phrases and compounds with time

Phrasal verbs 7 Match the words in the box to the pictures.
5 Underline the correct alternative. timer break time dinner time
to time time’s up time out
1 Don’t stop now, carry on/bring up working.
2 Don’t decide now, drop out/think over the
problem for a moment.
3 I think you should give in/go on studying, you’re
4 Don’t disappoint or let down/drop out your
5 This course is too boring, I want to carry on/drop
6 They are fast and it’s difficult to bring up/keep 1 timer 2 __________________
up with them.
7 It’s not easy to bring up/think over a large family.
8 Please don’t let down/give in, keep trying.

Expressions with time

6 Complete the sentences with the words in the
3 __________________ 4 __________________
to last next pass have
spend save took waste

1 I think it’s time to stop now and go home. It’s

almost dinner time.
2 Try to ____________ time by not doing useless
3 I’m sorry, I haven’t got time now, I’ll tell you
____________ time I see you.
4 I hope you ____________ a good time at the
concert this evening.
5 __________________ 6 __________________
5 This is my ____________ time in this classroom,
tomorrow I leave school.
6 Please don’t ____________ time being silly.
7 I wish I worked part-time so I could
____________ more time with my family.
8 They made time ____________ by playing cards.
9 We’re exhausted! It ____________ us a long time
to get here.

198 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Extension- Unit
- Unit1
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Kate Hi Gary, what (1) have you been doing (do) today? You look exhausted!
Gary I (2) _____________________________ (collect) money for a charity. I (3) __________________________
(walk) around all day with this collecting tin.
Kate Oh, yeah? What charity is that?
Gary It helps the local hospital to buy new things it needs. They (4) _________________________________
(have) a lot of problems recently financing everything they need.
Kate And (5) ___________________________ (help) them? That’s great!
Gary Yeah, I (6) __________________________ (try) to collect some money, and for the past few months
I (7) ______________________________ (work) as a volunteer with the children who are there.
Kate What does that mean? What (8) ________________________ (do) there?
Gary Well, I (9) ____________________________ (not/work) as a doctor of course. Me and my friend Emma go
and we spend a few afternoons just playing with the children so that the doctors and nurses can get on
with their jobs. People think I’m a hero, but I (10) ____________________________ (enjoy) myself!

2 Read the interview and underline the correct alternative.

Interviewer So, Trevor, how long (1) have you been playing/did you play basketball?
Trevor Well, I’d say I (2) ’ve been playing/played professionally since I (3) have been/was fourteen, but I
(4) have started/started as a small child.
Interviewer And you (5) have/have had an amazing career since then. You (6) ’ve been playing/played in your
first World Championship at just eighteen. How did it feel?
Trevor Absolutely great. During my first World Championship match I (7) ’ve realised/realised it was my
path in life and I (8) never regret/have never regretted that choice since then.
Interviewer And what are you doing at the moment?
Trevor I (9) trained/have been training eight hours a day for the past three months. We have this year’s
World Championship next month. We (10) came/have come second last year, but this year we want
to win.

3 Complete the email with the words in the box. In some cases more than one answer is possible.
to so I could in order to so that so she would

Hi Cecily,
I had a terrible day today. I had to go to school so I set my alarm clock (1) to wake up. The battery was flat,
so it didn’t go off. I woke up late, and missed breakfast (2) ____________ I could make up time. Then I got
my bike out and cycled as fast as possible (3) ____________ get to school on time. But a car drove through
a stop sign and I had to brake hard. I fell off my bike and got hurt. I went into a local shop (4) ____________
ask for some help and they let me wash my knees and drink some water. I got back on my bike and pedaled
slowly (5) ____________ avoid falling again but a motorbike overtook me really fast. Well, it’s been raining
recently and all the water from the street went all over me. So when I got to school I asked the janitor for a
towel (6) ____________ dry myself and she gave me one. But I was standing next to my bike and I got bike
oil on the towel. The janitor wasn’t happy. Then I went to my class (7) ____________ explain to the teacher
what happened (8) ____________ understand why I wanted to go home and change. But she said no. Can you
believe it? So I sat through the whole morning all wet and cold. Now I’m in bed (9) ____________ get over the
terrible cold I caught! What a bore!
Write to me! I need some emails (10) ____________ cheer me up.

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 199

Extension - Unit 1 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

4 Complete the flyer with the correct words. The first letter is given.

Vote for Gordon Hewlett

Dear citizens,
As Mayor of this town I intend to invest in sport and make sure everyone can
do the sport they love. It is appalling that we have only one (1) tennis court
in our town. Six thousand inhabitants need at least four. Another popular
sport is football, but the (2) p____________ is in terrible condition, the grass
is never cut and the goal (3) n____________ is torn.
What about our municipal (4) g____________ c____________ ? Our older
citizens love to play this sport but at the moment it only has nine holes. We
intend to increase these to eighteen and buy two sets of (5) g____________
c____________ to hire to players.

Let’s not forget indoor sports and our schools. All our local schools have
(6) b____________ in their playgrounds, the children clearly love the sport
of (7) b____________ , but there isn’t a (8) c____________ in the local
gym. We intend to change this! We also intend to buy a (9) b____________
r____________ so that the local boxers can have a proper place to train. So
get your (10) g____________ on!

5 Complete the radio sportscast with the words in the box.

passes the ball hit the post scores a goal a tackle a corner
losing the match passes it committed a foul

Hello listeners and welcome back to the second half of the Manchester
– Chelsea game. The teams are coming back onto the pitch, and
it’s Chelsea’s kick off this time. And Peterson (1) passes the ball to
Wesley, who collects it and moves up the wing. And in moves Pollini
of Manchester to make (2) __________________ , and yes, he’s taken
the ball and moves back down the pitch. A cross to Carr, and oh! The
referee has blown the whistle, someone has (3) __________________ .
Ah yes, Morrison was offside. So it’s Chelsea’s free kick. And it’s Martin,
to Perez, to Sanders, but Morrison has taken the ball and is moving
back up to his area, he aims and... what a pity! Great kick but it
(4) __________________ and bounced back. Goalkeeper Lubich throws
to Martin, but what a mistake! Perez has pushed Pollini to the ground, so that’s (5) __________________ for
Manchester. Haroldson is going to kick it, the defence is lining up, Pollini and Carr are dodging their markers,
and Pollini has the ball, he immediately (6) __________________ to Carr, who (7) __________________ with an
amazing kick aimed perfectly at the back corner of the net. Well, that’s 1-0 for Manchester, a few minutes into
the second half and Chelsea are (8) __________________ . But it isn’t over yet...

200 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Extension- Unit
- Unit2
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Use the prompts to complete the quiz questions, answer them and then check to see how eco-
friendly you are.

How environmentally conscious are you? Answer the questions and check!

1 If / you / can / buy / any car, which car / you / buy?

If you could buy a car, which car would you buy?
A a powerful one B one with clean fuel C a cheap one
2 If / you / have / a house / what / you / use for fuel?
A solar panels B electricity C oil
3 If / your garden / be / big enough / you / have / a vegetable garden?
A Absolutely not. B Absolutely yes. C I’m not sure.
4 If / you / live / near your work / you / go / by bike?
A always B sometimes C never
5 If / you / be / in a supermarket / what food / you / choose?
A the cheapest B the most expensive C organic products
6 If / you / not / finish / all your food / what / you / do with it?
A Throw it away. B Give it to my dog. C Eat it next day.

Environmentally friendly answers: 1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 C, 6 C

2 Complete the blog with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Hi guys, a big question for you today: what (1) would you do (do) to solve the problem of world hunger if
you were President of the World?
Posted by Nora 4.28 p.m.| link | comments (2)

If I (2) ____________ (be) World President, I (3) ____________ (take) all food to a central deposit for fair
distribution. And I (4) ____________ (make) sure that no one had too much and no one not enough.
Posted by Janet95 6.14 p.m.| link | comments

I think we should all (5) ____________ (make) the effort to buy and eat less food. If I (6) ____________
(can) decide, I (7) ____________ (not/allow) people to leave the supermarket with more food than they
can reasonably eat.
Posted by Mark## 6.45 p.m.| link | comments

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 201

Extension - Unit 2 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

3 Complete the dialogue with the correct words. The first letter is given.
Ruth I’m really fed up with all the problems at school. Why can’t we do something about them?
Kevin I know what you mean. For instance (1) bullying. There are some really arrogant, violent people about
and they never get punished. And then we get the opposite problem of (2) l____________ because people
are isolated with the problem.
Ruth I know, and I think since we have quite a lot of foreign people in our school that for some people
(3) r____________ is a problem. Unfortunately some students here are really intolerant.
Kevin And dishonest too! Someone stole Mark’s mobile from his bag ten days ago. I think (4) r____________ is
a problem too. You can’t leave anything lying about.
Ruth At least we don’t seem to have a problem with (5) d____________ ! I’ve never seen people taking them
round our school.
Kevin I suppose you’re right. I mean, what about those schools that suffer from (6) t____________ when people
break in with guns and take them hostage!
Ruth Well, that’s a possibility a bit rare, Kevin! I mean I don’t expect that, or that some terrible life threatening
(7) d____________ will break out and kill half the school. Let’s not exaggerate!
Kevin Yeah, but I think you know a lot of people bring their problems to school from home. You know, with local
factories closing there’s a lot of (8) u____________ in families, and that’s not easy for people.
Ruth I know what you mean. Everyone should have job. It should be part of (9) h____________
r____________ , the law should make it obligatory that people who want to work should have a job.
Kevin And an environmentally friendly one, to stop global warming and (10) c____________ c____________ !
Ruth Kevin, you’re exaggerating again!

4 Complete the article with derivatives of the words in brackets.

Everything is going global and it seems that problems are too.
World (1) terrorism (terror) has become a major threat, as
anyone can see if they take a plane and have to wait in the
security queue. We are all potential (2) _________________
(terror) today.
Progress and technology have brought the problem of
(3) _________________ (pollute). We live in a very dirty
world and we seem determined to (4) _________________
(pollute) it as much as we can so that we can have cars,
heating, cooling and industry. Some countries have tried to
send their leaders to find (5) _________________ (politics)
solutions but (6) _________________ (politics) don’t always
give priority to environmental problems, they consider their
country’s economy to be more important. Many famous (7) _________________ (influence) people like film stars
and musicians try to use their fame to persuade people to change their attitudes but this is not enough.
Emerging countries have a problem with (8) _________________ (illiterate). Too many people cannot read or
write and have no formal (9) _________________ (educate) as there are no schools. As they progress this must
change, and they must also invest in hospitals to make sure they have as (10) _________________ (health) a
nation as possible.

202 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Extension- Unit
- Unit3
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the article with the correct form of used to and the words in brackets.

Historians often say that childhood is a recent invention. Up till the 20th century many children didn’t
have a childhood. People (1) used to believe (believe) that children were small adults. Children
(2) _________________________ (not/have) any rights at all. Poor children (3) ___________________________
(work) as much as adults, sometimes twelve hours a day and they (4) ______________________________ (not/
go) to school. They had no education. What about wealthy children? How (5) __________________________
(they/live)? They (6) _________________________ (stay) at home up to a certain age and they
(7) ___________________________ (study) with private teachers. Then at a certain age, the boys
(8) ____________________________ (go) to a boarding school. And what (9) __________________________(the
girls/do)? They (10) ____________________________ (not/go) to boarding school – they stayed at home and
learned to be good future wives.

2 Complete the dialogue with used to. When possible, use the correct form of would.
Frances Hey Wendy, I hear you grew up in Jamaica! Tell me about it. Was it very different to here in the UK?
Wendy Of course! Totally!
Frances Well, how (1) did you use to live?
Wendy For one thing, the weather was always great, so we (2) __________________ spend a lot more
time outside that here. We (3) __________________ stay out on the beach for hours. We
(4) __________________ (not) stay inside watching TV!
Frances And what about the food?
Wendy It was a lot more healthy. We (5) __________________ eat a lot of fish, you don’t here. And of course
fruit, we (6) __________________ pick it off the trees.
Frances What sort of fruit (7) __________________ eat? Apples and stuff?
Wendy Naah, we (8) __________________ get bananas right off the trees, never mind the supermarket!
Frances Oh, that’s wonderful. And what about the sea? Was it warm? Not like here!
Wendy I (9) __________________ go swimming almost every day. The school was only a few hundred metres
from the beach.
Frances And where (10) __________________ go on holiday? I mean, you were already in paradise.
Wendy Exactly, we didn’t need holidays!

3 Complete the story with the expressions in the box. In some cases more than one answer is possible.
after a while at first straight away some time later the next day
in the end a short time later not much after

We had been waiting for an hour at the station for the train to arrive. (1) After a while we decided to go and
ask at the ticket office if there was a problem. They didn’t waste time and called the central station to find
out (2) _________________ . We didn’t have to wait long for the answer, (3) _________________ the central
station called back to say that the line was blocked and there were no trains getting through. So we decided
to try the bus station. It was quite far away so we arrived (4) _________________ . We looked at the timetable
and (5) _________________ it seemed like good news, there was a bus ten minutes later. But then came the
announcement – due to a block on the road all buses were cancelled. (6) _________________ we decided to go
home. (7) _________________ we tried again to set off, and were much luckier. We arrived at the train station
and (8) _________________ we saw our train approaching.

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 203

Extension - Unit 3 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

4 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in the box.

going to school being home alone spiders going to bed early
big barking playing on the swings playing with them afraid of the dark

Amanda Look at these old photos, Kelly! That’s us when we

were small children. Can you believe it?
Kelly It’s true, look at us! I think we were (1) going to
school in this photo. We’re wearing our uniforms.
Amanda I used to hate school days because the alarm clock
rang at seven o’clock. I hated getting up early
because it meant (2) __________________________
the evening before.
Kelly I used to hate your garage! There was no light and I
was (3) _______________________________ . And
it was full of horrible (4) _______________________
crawling about that I couldn’t see.
Amanda Yeah, but you liked (5) ________________________
in my garden. You used to go high and then jump
off! Do you remember when you broke your arm?
Kelly Oh, yes! What an idiot. I didn’t like those dogs your
neighbours had though. I was terrified of
(6) _______________________________ dogs.
Amanda I liked going to your house because you had lots of toys and I loved (7) _________________________ .
And sometimes your parents went out for ten minutes and left us alone, it was a great adventure!
Kelly I was glad you were there because I hated (8) _______________________________ .

5 Complete the email with the adjectives that derive from the words in the box. The first letter is given.
depress puzzle scare creep confuse upset frighten (x2) terrify worry

Hi Monica,
How are you? I hope you’re OK. I’m having a horrible time right now. It’s really (1) depressing and sad. All my
friends are away on a school trip and I’m at home, because I got measles and couldn’t go. My mum got
(2) w____________ when I had a high temperature and then the red spots appeared. So now I’m in bed. It’s
very (3) u____________ because I really wanted to go.
It’s also horrible because my parents both work so I have to stay home alone for a few hours every morning. I
get (4) s____________ and find it a bit (5) f____________ . The other day I heard a strange, (6) c____________
noise downstairs, and I was shaking with fear, I was absolutely (7) t____________ . I thought it was a ghost or a
robber. I don’t know which is worse, I’m (8) f____________ of both of them. I crept downstairs and… it was my
cat! I forgot she was in the house.
I’m trying to study a bit while I’m in bed, but my head aches and I get mixed up with my work, it’s really
(9) c____________ when you can’t concentrate properly and I get (10) p____________ about perfectly simple
things. So maybe I should just sleep.

Write back!

204 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Extension- Unit
- Unit
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

The online diaries which (1) are known (know) as blogs,

(2) ____________ (start) out in the mid nineties. These were websites
which (3) ____________ (update) by their owners. People (4) ____________
(write) about themselves and their lives. Nowadays blogs (5) ____________
(use) by millions of people who (6) ____________ (not/have) particular
technological skill. They are easy to use, and they (7) ____________
(allow) people to publish their thoughts and communicate with each
other. Usually a post (8) ____________ (publish) by the blog owner with
photos and links, and then comments from friends (9) ____________ (add)
over the days. But blogs are not just personal, these days they
(10) ____________ (keep) by associations and clubs too.

2 Complete the dialogue with the correct question tags.

Erika Hey, that’s Scarlett Johansson over there, (1) isn’t it?
Derek You’re talking about that blonde woman, (2) _________________ ? Hold on, I have to put on my glasses.
Erika You haven’t forgotten your glasses, (3) _________________ ? Come on!
Derek Oh, yeah! It’s definitely her! She’s gorgeous, (4) _________________ ?
Erika She’s wearing a lovely dress, (5) _________________ ? I’d like to have clothes like hers.
Derek She looks really nice, (6) _________________ ? Like you could just go and have a chat.
Erika Hey, we could ask for her autograph, (7) _________________ ? I mean, without being rude or anything.
Derek If we’re polite she won’t get angry, (8) _________________ ? I mean, she’ll like it that fans appreciate
her, (9) _________________ ?
Erika Well, let’s try. If we don’t try, we don’t get anything, (10) _________________ ?

3 Complete the email with the correct words. The first letter is given.

Hi Natalie,
How are you? Something really amazing happened to me recently! I was just going round the shopping centre,
and these two women came and asked me if I wanted to be on a TV (1) broadcast about young people and their
opinions. I thought it was a joke, or some kind of trick. But they weren’t joking at all! So I have to go to their
TV (2) s____________ studios on Saturday and meet the (3) p____________ who is going to be in charge of the
programme. She wanted to interview me to prepare the programme, and then I have to speak in front of the
(4) a____________ while she asks me questions. Then it’s all going to be (5) o____________ , so you can see it
on your computer on the TV station (6) w____________ . You can log on and see all the programmes from the
previous day. I’ll tell you when it’s on TV, be careful and don’t change (7) c____________ that day! And keep
hold of the (8) r____________ c____________ and don’t let anyone else change it or switch off the TV!

Write to you soon!


Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 205

Extension - Unit 4 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

4 Complete the blog with the words in the box.

posts log on mouse click files website keyboard pen drive save online

Today’s post is about my cat and my computer. Yes, I know

you think there’s no connection but you’re wrong. My cat tries
to write my (1) posts. When I’m busy trying to write she walks
across my (2) ____________ and presses the letters. Of course
only she understands what she means. But the other day she
was playing with my (3) ____________ – I mean the electronic
one, not the real one – and she managed to (4) ____________
on an icon and open a document I had on my desktop. Then
she did it again and managed to open a (5) ____________
because I was connected to the Internet at that point and
(6) ____________ . I don’t know how, but she managed to
write letters into the (7) ____________ box and try to get me
into a site I’m not remotely interested in! Naturally she didn’t
manage, but it makes me look like a hacker! My criminal cat also thinks my (8) ____________ is a great toy
and has eaten one already. I lost loads of (9) ____________ and it took me ages to (10) ____________ them all
again on another one.

Posted by Shirley 7.12 p.m.| link | comments (0)

5 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in the box. In some cases more than one answer is possible.
really it’s unbelievable don’t say it’s amazing hard to believe
you’re kidding are you serious are you sure

Grandfather Oh no, we’re going to be really late. There’s so much traffic. They’re going to be so worried at
Robert Don’t worry, I’ll send a text message.
Grandfather Oh yes? What’s that then? How do you do that? Don’t you need a computer or something?
Robert No, grandpa! I write it on my phone and send it.
Grandfather (1) Really? How can you write on your phone? It’s only got numbers.
Robert Grandpa, (2) ___________________ ! You don’t know about text messages? Look, all the buttons
have got letters on them, and when you press the letter, you write. It’s like a mini keyboard.
Grandfather (3) ___________________ ? You can do all that on such a small object? What else can you do?
Robert Well, I can make videos, I’m filming you now.
Grandfather You’re filming me? (4) ___________________ . But where’s the camera?
Robert It’s tiny, it’s inside the phone. And I can also send the film, for example I’m sending it now to my
cousin Katie. She’ll laugh when she sees it.
Grandfather That’s (5) ___________________ . You film me and ten seconds later Katie can see me.
(6) ___________________ , just incredible. Can you listen to music on it?
Robert Sure, I can attach my MP4 to it.
Grandfather What’s an MP4? A sort of CD player?
Robert Well, at least you know about CDs, grandpa! It records and plays music, all in this little box.
Grandfather You (7) ________________ . I’d like one of those, to listen to my favourite songs on when I’m out.
Robert (8) _________________ ? I can get one for you if you want.
Grandfather OK, and I’ll teach you to drive. There are still some things I can do that you can’t!

206 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Extension- Unit
- Unit5
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the text with the correct relative pronouns.

The life of the painter Paul Cézanne, (1) who was born in 1839, was very interesting. His father,
(2) ____________ work was in banking, was wealthy and this meant that Cézanne had economic security
(3) ____________ other painters did not have. He grew up in the south of France (4) ____________ there was a
lot of sunshine and colour. As a young man in Paris he met Pissarro (5) ____________ became first his teacher
and then his colleague.
Much changed for him in 1886 (6) ____________ his father died and he married his longterm partner and
mother of his son. The marriage was not always successful.
One day in 1906 (7) ____________ he was working in a field, Cézanne, (8) ____________ work was now more
early Cubist than Impressionist, caught pneumonia. He died a few days later.

2 Rewrite the sentences in the dialogue using relative pronouns to connect the information.
Debbie Have you seen my book? My mother gave it to me for Christmas.
(1) Have you seen the book that my mother gave me for Christmas?
Mark Do you mean the one with the pictures? The pictures show mountains around the world.
(2) ____________________________________________________________________________________
Debbie No, the other one. You can see pictures by famous artists of the twentieth century.
(3) ____________________________________________________________________________________
Mark Yeah, I remember she gave it to you. You were studying for your art exam.
(4) ____________________________________________________________________________________
I remember the cover painting by Vincent van Gogh. He cut off his ear.
(5) ____________________________________________________________________________________
Debbie Yes, it’s the one. I need it for my Art History essay.
(6) ____________________________________________________________________________________

3 Look at the picture and complete the description with the expressions in the box.
painting top right might be in the foreground middle
on the left hand side background shows left hand corner bottom

The most important elements in this (1) painting, by Paul Gauguin

are the two female figures (2) ____________________ . The painting
(3) ____________________ the peace and serenity of two women
who live in the island of Tahiti, where Gauguin lived for many years.
Its name is Nafea Faa Ipoipo which means ‘When will you marry?’.
The colours extend in bands from the (4) ____________________
of the picture which is dark green, through bright, warm shades, all
the way back into the (5) ____________________ , where we can
see two tiny figures. They (6) ____________________ companions
of the main figures and are perhaps male. The important fact is that
they are far away (7) ____________________ . Above them, in the
(8) ____________________ the sky is seen pale through the tree
trunks, and stretches darker yellow across to the
(9) ____________________ . The effect is dry, but in the
(10) ____________________ of the picture there appears to be
some water.

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 207

Extension - Unit 5 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

4 Complete the dialogue with the correct words. The first letter is given.
Linda Did you know that our art teacher is leaving at the end of the year? Do you think we should get her a
Paul Sure! She’s really nice. Why don’t we get her a really nice book? I saw one with (1) portraits of famous
artists by other artists in a shop recently.
Linda That’s a good idea. Or perhaps a book of (2) l____________ ? She loves the country, she’s always out
doing a quick (3) s____________ or two in her breaks.
Paul She’s really good, isn’t she? I remember I couldn’t understand (4) C____________ , it just looked like
building blocks of colour to me. She helped me to understand it.
Linda And she helped me with my first painting. We prepared the (5) c____________ together and then she
lent me her (6) p____________ to put the paint on till I got one of my own.
Paul I remember when she tried to teach me (7) w____________ . What a disaster! The paint was so thin it
just made coloured stains and ran down the paper. I never managed that style!
Linda Apparently she’s thinking of opening a (8) g____________ with her husband in town. We can go and visit
her and see the exhibitions.
Paul Do you know her husband? They say he’s a good (9) s____________ and makes enormous works with
natural materials like stone and wood and so on.
Linda Yeah, I saw a (10) s____________ of his in an exhibition last year, it wasn’t bad.

5 Complete the email with the expressions in the box.

shows in the background kind of in the middle
on the right hand side you can see behind it might be

Hi Julian!
I just got back from my trip to Italy, I had such a
great time! I’d love to send you some pictures and
tell you about it but I don’t want to bore you, so
I’ll just start with one. This is from the two days I
spent in Venice. Can you believe my luck? It was
Carneval! Obviously this picture (1) shows a person
in costume, they don’t normally dress like that! I
took the photo on the edge of a street.
(2) _________________ you can see the lagoon. Just
(3) _________________ the figure are the gondolas,
aren’t they lovely? I didn’t go in one, it was too
expensive. (4) _________________ you can just
see the little bridge where you get into the gondola with a lamp for evening. Far back (5) _________________ of
the picture you can see another part of Venice, across the lagoon. I can’t remember but (6) _________________
St Mark’s Basilica. Venice is all on water and you have to take boats and gondolas a lot, or walk and go up and
down steps on bridges. You get fit! It’s a (7) _________________ floating city, quite unique. As
(8) _________________ from the blue sky, it was winter but the weather was quite good.
Let me know if you want to see any more photos of my trip. Take care!


208 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Extension- Unit
- Unit
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

spend arrive drive soak not travel get announce be book park

I remember the first time I saw the sea. I (1) had spent my childhood in the countryside, and we
(2) ____________ very much because it was expensive. Then when I (3) ____________ about four, my dad
(4) ____________ home one day and (5) ____________ that he (6) ____________ a seaside holiday for us all.
We (7) ____________ for four hours when we finally (8) ____________ there. Once my dad (9) ____________ the
car, the first thing we did was to run down to the beach and jump into the water. We didn’t come out until we
(10) ____________ ourselves completely!

2 Complete the sentences with reflexive or reciprocal pronouns.

Mum Jack! Where on earth have you been? Look at (1) yourself in the mirror! Why are you all dirty?
Jack Sorry, mum. I was with my friends and we decided to try rugby. We really got (2) ____________ all
muddy, didn’t we?
Mum What about your brother? Was he there too? How many clothes do I have to wash? And I expect I have to
do it by (3) ____________ with no help as usual!
Jack Rob went off by (4) ____________ to look at the record shop, he didn’t want to play. Don’t do the
washing by (5) ____________ , I can do it, mum, don’t worry. I’m not a baby!
Mum I’m glad to hear that. We really have to help (6) ____________ because I have to do a lot of work at the
moment and I can’t do everything.
Jack Don’t worry, mum, Rob and I were talking to (7) ____________ yesterday and we’ve decided to wash the
dishes every evening.
Mum That’s very kind of you, but I’ll believe it when I see it. What about your friends? Did they go home by
(8) ____________ or did they ruin someone’s car?
Jack They walked home to go and wash (9) ____________ like me, no worry, mum.
Mum Well, I hope you all at least enjoyed (10) ____________ !

3 Complete the article with the words in the box. Be careful: there are two extra words.
band produced drummer single released melodies singer chart composed album

The famous indie rock (1) band The Strokes was formed in 1999 in New York
City. The most famous member is the (2) ____________ Julian Casablancas,
famous for his strong voice. They (3) ____________ their first collection of
songs – the debut (4) ____________ Is This It – in the USA in October 2001.
It was (5) ____________ with RCA Records and it entered the UK Album
(6) ____________ at number two.
The (7) ____________ of Is This It received universal acclaim from both
mainstream and independent publications, and the record was named the
best album of the year by TIME.
In 2011 they released their fourth album anticipated by the lead
(8) ____________ Under Cover of Darkness.

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 209

Extension - Unit 6 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

4 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in the box.

too loud quite quiet feeling bored really pair of cymbals
electric one flute play it anywhere guitar the drums

Frank My little brother wants to learn an instrument and I don’t know which one to recommend him. What do
you think? I don’t want him to learn anything (1) too loud and disturb my peace.
Marta (2) ____________ ? What about the (3) ____________ ? It’s a lovely instrument and (4) ____________ .
Or else maybe the (5) ____________ . That way he can play it and sing at the same time. He can be
there playing music in the background at your parties.
Frank That’s a good idea. I can suggest that to him. He can play all sorts of music. He quite likes rock, so
perhaps he can learn on an acoustic one and then buy an (6) ____________ .
Marta Yes, but we’re back to loud music!
Frank Well, it could be worse. Imagine if he wanted to play (7) ____________ . All day with crashing in the
Marta Waking you up with a (8) ____________ . Great!
Frank Anyway, it’s a versatile instrument. He might learn folk music too, and songs.
Marta He can (9) ____________ , at home, in the park, at school…
Frank And he can just pick it up when he’s (10) ____________ . Apart from tuning it doesn’t need much

5 Read the blog and underline the correct alternative.

Hi everyone, today’s post on our group blog is about

a concert I went to see last night.
Well, it was more than a concert, it was an
experience! It’s difficult to describe the style of
Benjamin’s Band. At first it seems like (1) rap/folk,
all (2) acoustic/electric guitar and traditional vocals.
Then suddenly the (3) saxophone/violin comes in
with a jazz solo and it’s all change.
Some of the songs are really (4) exciting/romantic,
all love and harmony. But the band has a wide
variety of music, and they also become all American
with some (5) country/bossa nova songs, or Latin
American with great (6) western/samba rhythms.
No wonder they’ve already released a couple of songs on (7) compilation/spiritual CDs with other bands.
Later this year, the good news is that they’re going to release their own (8) best of/cool album with a selection
of their most successful songs.

Posted by Bart 5.30 p.m.| link | comments (0)

210 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Extension- Unit
- Unit7
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Rewrite the dialogue using reported speech.

Jim I don’t know where Simon is.

Derek I haven’t seen him today.
Jim Let’s call him. I’ll find his number.
Derek I’ll call him right away.
Jim Tell him we’re going to be fifteen minutes late.
Derek Give me just a moment.
Jim Of course I will, let me know what he says.
Derek I promise to.

Jim said he didn’t know where Simon was.

2 Complete the article with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
watch call stare check waste view sit make have go

Watching a lot of TV apparently can upset your memory.

New research suggests that people who can’t stop
(1) watching TV after two hours, but keep (2) ____________
on the sofa in front of the TV have significantly worse
memories than people who like (3) ____________ and do
something else with their time. In a questionnaire many
people said that during TV viewing they regularly forgot
(4) ____________ cooking pots and burned the dinner,
and didn’t remember (5) ____________ phone calls. Some
had promised (6) ____________ friends in the evening
and only remembered the next day. Many say they
stop (7) ____________ something to eat or drink during
the adverts, but some continue (8) ____________ even when they are not interested in the products
advertised. A common feeling when they finally stop (9) ____________ at the screen and switch it off
is that they regret (10) ____________ so much time. So in the end they don’t even feel good about it.

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 211

Extension - Unit 7 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

3 Complete the article with the correct words. The first letter is given.

We recently did a survey at school to find out what our friends’

favourite hobbies are, and what a surprise… the screen comes in at
number one! No, we’re not talking about cinema and (1) films. We’re
talking about TV and (2) v____________ on the computer. A lot of you
spend ten to fifteen hours a week playing them. On TV you seem to
enjoy (3) r____________ s____________ set on desert islands, and
(4) s____________ are also popular, because they make you laugh.
Many of you go to the cinema, but not many of you go to see
(5) p____________ at the theatre.
(6) C____________ things
seems to be completely out of fashion. Some of you collect music on
CDs but collecting things like (7) s____________ has gone completely
out of fashion. Everyone sends emails these days anyway!
Friends never go out of fashion and all of you like
(8) h____________ o____________ with your friends. A few of you keep
fit by (9) g____________ the gym and some of you also do a
(10) s____________ like football or swimming.

4 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in the box.

walking going to the gym writing watch films doing exercise sewing
musical hang out with friends have a meal play

Katie Thank goodness! Finally we’ve got a week’s holiday.

Dawn What are you going to do? Are you going away?
Katie No, we’re staying at home. But we’re going (1) walking in the hills around here for a couple of days. And
then we’re going to hire some DVDs and (2) ____________ most evenings. And maybe invite people
round, it’s good to have time to (3) ____________ .
Dawn Sounds good! So are you going to invite me to (4) ____________ one evening?
Katie Of course! Why don’t you come round on Thursday evening?
Dawn Thanks! I’m (5) ____________ early for my aerobics course so then I can come round to your place.
Katie The gym? I didn’t know you like (6) ____________ !
Dawn I don’t really, but I have to keep fit somehow! I actually prefer things like (7) ____________ . Would you
like to read some of my stories?
Katie I’d love to, why don’t you bring them on Thursday? I’ve got quite interested in (8) ____________ recently.
I’ll show you the skirt I made.
Dawn OK. So why don’t we also go out one evening? There’s a (9) ____________ on at the theatre on Saturday,
they say it’s really good.
Katie Why not? Just as long as it isn’t a (10) ____________ ! I hate it when they sing and dance!

212 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Extension- Unit
- Unit
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the article by transforming the questions in brackets into reported questions.

Recent events regarding the new swimming pool have confused people. We asked local councillor
Simon Turner (1) if he could explain the problem (Can you explain the problem?) and he said he would
meet us the next day. He did, and we asked some questions. First of all we asked
(2) _______________________________ (What is the problem?) exactly and he said that the problem
was the renovation of the pool. We asked him (3) ____________________________________ (Why is
this disturbing local people?) and he told us that people had expressed concern over the past few
months about noise from the building site. So it isn’t the pool, it’s the noise. We asked the councilor
(4) ____________________________________ (What are you going to do?) about it and he answered that
the council had made a decision the day before to limit building hours and try to make less noise.
We asked (5) ___________________________________ (How can they do this?). He said with special
fittings for the machines. We asked (6) _____________________________________ (When will the work
start?) and he answered next Monday. Then we asked (7) ____________________________________ (When
will it finish?). He answered the work would finish on time in six months.

2 Complete the sentences in the dialogue using causatives and the prompts given.
Mark What a day! This morning I (1) had to get my car repaired. (my car/repair)
Lisa That’s a pity. Did you (2) __________________________________________ ? (it/collect)
Mark No, I took it to the mechanic and then I got a bus home. My sink was leaking and I wanted to
(3) __________________________________________ . (it/mend)
Lisa Oh dear. I hope that’s all.
Mark No, wait. Then the lights went out so I had to call the electrician to (4) _____________________________
(them/check). And I couldn’t go back to the mechanic so I had to pay to (5) ________________________
(my car/bring) home.
Lisa Well, I had a lovely day! I went to (6) __________________________________________ (my hair/cut).
And then I (7) __________________________________________ (my nails/do). I also went to
(8) __________________________________________ (my measurements/take) for a new dress.
Mark Can’t you just buy one?
Lisa No, I want a special one. So I’m (9) __________________________________________ (one/make) for me.

3 Complete the article with the correct professions. The first letter is given.
A recent study shows that some traditional jobs are still popular but others are increasingly being abandoned by
young people. Medical professions are still popular, a lot of young people want to become a (1) dentist and look
after our teeth, or else our eyes as an (2) o____________ . Trades that are useful for our essential needs are also
popular. Most people have a car at some time, so we still need a (3) m____________ in every town, and whether
it’s for a new house or to repair or alter your old one, you’ll always need a (4) b____________ at some point.
And if something goes wrong with your lights or wiring you’ll need an (5) e____________ . So those jobs are still
popular. Less popular is the idea of taking care of people’s plants or town parks as a (6) g____________ . Are
people afraid of the weather? But more old-fashioned skilled jobs like furniture makers or (7) c____________ or
sewing clothes as a (8) t____________ seem less and less popular.

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 213

Extension - Unit 8 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

4 Complete the dialogue with the adjectives in the box.

ambitious serious sensible kind soft-spoken optimistic determined shy strong

Advisor So I hear you want some advice on your career?

James Yes, I don’t know what to do with my future. I’m
(1) ambitious, I want to be successful, but I’m not
sure what as!
Advisor Well, you’re very (2) ____________ so I don’t think
you should do anything that involves public speaking.
But from your test I see you can take responsibility
because you seem very (3) ____________ .
James Do you mean as a boss of something?
Advisor Possibly. You have good, intelligent, practical ideas so
I think you’re (4) ____________ enough to be a good
boss. And you give a lot, you’re (5) ____________ . People like that. Do you enjoy caring for
James Yes, I do. I’m good with people who aren’t confident, maybe a bit (6) ____________ .
Advisor You also have a positive outlook, you’re very (7) ____________ . Have you considered medicine of
some kind?
James Not really, but I wouldn’t mind nursing.
Advisor Well, you can’t be weak. You have to be (8) ____________ .
James Yes. And I suppose very (9) ____________ or you can’t work nights and weekends, it isn’t easy.

5 Read the blog and underline the correct alternative.

Hi everyone, I need some advice! I just can’t get up in the morning. I feel really tired all the time and when I
wake up I feel like I haven’t slept at all. What (1) should/might I do?
Posted by Fizz96 8.15 p.m.| link | comments (4)

Hi Fizz, I (2) think/hope you should get more sleep! What time do you go to bed? I don’t think (3) you
shouldn’t/it’s a good idea to stay up late. Is that the problem?
Posted by Carol 8.32 p.m.| link | comments (0)

Fizz, perhaps the problem is your diet. Why (4) don’t you/aren’t you check with your doctor if you’re eating
properly? (5) Perhaps/Definitely you’re eating badly and don’t have enough energy.
Posted by Surfer# 8.44 p.m.| link | comments (0)

(6) Try taking/Try to take vitamin pills once a day for a few weeks. They can help.
Posted by Martie 9.02 p.m.| link | comments (0)

Fizz, if I (7) am you/were you, I (8) will/would go to my doctor immediately! Your friends’ advice isn’t bad, but
you (9) must/might speak to a doctor if you’re not feeling good.
Posted by Coach 9.30 p.m.| link | comments (0)

214 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
Extension- Unit
- Unit
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the dialogue with the passive form of the verbs in brackets.

Interviewer Mrs Gowen, you are the Mayor of our town, and as you know we have a lot of problems. What
exactly (1) is being done (do) about them?
Mrs Gowen Well, a lot (2) __________________________ (do) already actually. One of our main problems was
with the traffic in the high street. This caused traffic jams and a lot of exhaust fumes. The traffic
(3) __________________________ (divert) onto the new ring road that we have built around the
town. Most traffic only passed through the town, now it bypasses the town.
Interviewer And what about pollution in general? We have two large factories with chimneys near the town.
Mrs Gowen We have come to an agreement with the management. Filters (4) __________________________
(fit) next month and fumes (5) __________________________ (cut) by sixty per cent.
Interviewer The last administration made the terrible decision to allow building on a green area. Can you do
anything about that now?
Mrs Gowen Any building on green areas in the future (6) __________________________ (forbid) and new
parks (7) __________________________ (plan) at the moment. We are looking at various areas
that (8) __________________________ (abandon) by their owners. We aim to buy them. New
trees (9) __________________________ (plant) soon after and plans
(10) __________________________ (make) right now about how best to organise the areas.

2 Complete the email with the correct form of the adjectives in the box.
careful long good hard quick slow bad serious

Dear Dan,
Thanks for your email, sorry to hear about your problems with the basketball team. You need to think
(1) more carefully about what sort of team you join! Don’t just join the first team you find. Make the decision
(2) ___________________ , don’t hurry! Take sport a bit (3) ___________________ , it isn’t just fun, it’s also
a commitment. I’m sure you can find a team that will treat you (4) ___________________ than this one. They
couldn’t really treat you (5) ___________________ ! They took your money and then didn’t let you play a single
game. They didn’t even invite you to their end of season dinner, I can’t believe that. I don’t think you have to
work (6) ___________________ , I think you work a lot already. You just need to take (7) ___________________
to get to know the team and complain (8) ___________________ if they don’t treat you properly.

Good luck,

3 Complete the article with the correct words. The first letter is given.
A shocking survey showed that our school (1) wastes more energy than the rest of the town put together! A
survey of (2) e____________ use shows that almost all of the (3) l____________ are left switched (4) o____________
during the night, and so night electricity consumption is about 60% of daytime consumption. We have to learn
to (5) t____________ them off when we leave and that way we can (6) s____________ energy and money. It has
also been revealed in the survey that we (7) t____________ a____________ too much rubbish that in fact we could
(8) r____________ , such as glass, plastic and (9) p____________ . We really need to cut down on the electricity we
use and (10) r____________ the amount of unrecycled rubbish we produce.

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 215

Extension - Unit 9 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

4 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.

global warming public transport carbon dioxide traffic jams
climate change exhaust fumes ozone layer plastic bags

Will Look at this article, it says that (1) global warming

is changing the Earth’s climate.
Lily I think that’s true. Haven’t you noticed all
the strange floods and storms? That’s definitely
(2) ______________ .
Will I think it has something to do with gases too, like
here is too much (3) __________________ in the
air. And the problem is that we’re also losing the
gas we need, now that there’s a huge hole in the
(4) __________________ .
Lily I don’t really know what we can do about it.
I mean, I do my best not to use
(5) __________________ but what else can I do?
Will It’s hard to say how the individual can change the
world, but if we all make an effort, we can do something. I suppose we could use more
(6) __________________ , like buses and cable cars. And that would mean fewer (7) ________________ .
And so fewer (8) ________________ in the air in town.
Lily Well, it’s better than nothing.

5 Match the verbs to the prepositions to make phrasal verbs and complete the article.
switch turn cut run off up down out on

One of the golden rules of energy saving is: whatever you (1) switch on,
switch off. Don’t leave the room leaving on lights, TV, DVD players and
so on. Remember: even the small pilot light of a TV uses energy. So if
you (2) __________________ the TV but leave it on standby, you are still
Obviously you can’t stop consuming energy but you can really
(3) __________________ and reduce the amount you use if you try. A
battery will (4) __________________ if you use it often, so ask yourself
every time you are about to send a text message: is it really necessary? If it
gets cold, try not to (5) ________________ the heating too much – go and
put on another jumper instead. And of course remember to
(6) __________________ the heating when it’s warm – don’t just open
a window! Always (7) __________________ taps and never leave water
running if you don’t have to. And don’t (8) __________________ taps
before you really have to. You can waste dozens of litres of water a day in
this way.

216 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Name: ______________________
- Unit
- Unit
Class: ________ Date: ________

1 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Samuel Julie, what’s up? You look terrible!

Julie I’ve just made the biggest mistake of my life and I wish I (1) hadn’t done (do) it.
Samuel Oh no, do you want to talk about it? What happened?
Julie Well, this morning I was really tired and sleepy, and my boyfriend Dan was in a silly mood. He kept
playing stupid jokes. I lost my temper and started yelling. If I (2) _________________ (not/be) so tired,
I (3) _________________ (not/lose) my temper.
Samuel Well, that’s not so bad, why not just call him and explain?
Julie The problem is that he got offended because I said I wished we (4) _________________ (not/meet)
that morning, so he went and sat next to Sally. Of course if he (5) _________________ (not/sit) next to
her, I (6) _________________ (say) I was sorry, but when he did that I got really mad. So I told him I
wished I (7) _________________ (never/meet) him, and he disappeared with Sally.
Samuel Well, that was pretty horrible of Sally to disappear with someone else’s boyfriend! If she
(8) _________________ (stay) there, then perhaps Dan (9) _________________ (not/disappear).
Julie I really wish I (10) _________________(shout) at him!
Samuel Come on, Julie, why don’t you just call him and talk it over? I’m sure he’ll understand.

2 Complete the blog with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
drop out speak learn become have go find attend spend

This week’s blog post is about ‘Biggest Regrets’ – leave your comments and let me know
what they are!

#Thomas# Posted by #Thomas# 3.45 p.m.| link | comments (3)

My biggest regret is not finishing my degree course. If I (1) hadn’t dropped out (not),
I (2) _________________ a chemist or scientist. At the moment I’m a supermarket
manager and I wish I (3) _________________ another job because I don’t like it

I suppose it’s not taking the chance to travel. I wish I (4) _________________
abroad when I had the money and the time but I was nervous about it. Now I have
children and I can’t travel, but I think that if I (5) _________________ some time
abroad, I (6) _________________ more things to tell my children.

I really wish I (7) _________________ another language. The teaching at school

was really boring, but if I (8) _________________ an evening course,
I (9)_________________ to speak French or German.

Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI 217

Extension - Unit 10 Name: ______________________
Class: ________ Date: ________

3 Complete the dialogue with phrasal verbs that have the same meaning as the verbs in brackets.
Nicky Mum, can I talk to you for a moment? I don’t know what to do.
Mum What’s the matter, dear? Have you got problems at school?
Nicky Yeah, it’s my French class. I’m really not doing well at all and I don’t think I want to (1) go on (continue)
with it. I think I’d rather (2) ____________ (leave).
Mum Well, that’s a pity. I know you don’t enjoy it but if you (3) ____________ (keep going), it might get better.
I’d like to (4) ____________ (raise) my daughter to be able to speak at least one language!
Nicky I know, mum, I don’t want to (5) ____________ (disappoint) you and dad, but I really can’t stand the
class anymore.
Mum Perhaps you should (6) ____________ (consider) the problem a bit more before making a decision.
Nicky I already have, and I’ve discovered that I can (7) ____________ (stay on the same level as) the others by
going to an evening class on Thursdays. I don’t want to (8) ____________ (stop trying), I just want to get
out of that class. The evening class sounds like fun.
Mum All right, let’s go and talk to the evening class teacher.

4 Complete the email with the correct words. The first letter is given.

Dear Sarah,
I’m just writing this email to tell you about the news. As you know my brother accepted a three month contract
in France and last week it finished, so it was (1) time to come home. Well, he said he had had a
(2) g____________ time and that (3) n____________ time they offered him a contract, he’d try to go back to
the same town. He took advantage of his time there: he made friends, went to places, learned good French. He
certainly didn’t (4) w____________ time, that’s for sure. When he had to leave for the airport he bought a really
expensive rapid train ticket instead of a bus ticket to (5) s____________ time and have two extra hours with
his friends, since it was the (6) l____________ time they would be together. He said that time really seemed
to (7) p____________ too quickly, and suddenly he was at the station with his bags. He got on the train and
this girl said to him, ‘Come and visit, we should (8) s____________ some time together’. He said that at that
moment he made the biggest decision of his life. He got off the train, and said ‘We’re going to have a lot of time
together’, asked her to marry him and missed the train home! My parents are surprised but they’re happy too,
he sounds so pleased about everything.

See you soon!


5 Read the article and underline the correct alternative.

As part of our series of articles on young people and sport we spoke to swimming champion Daniel Mackie, who
recently won the European title. We asked him first of all how he feels about his future: ‘I (1) hope/regret that
it’s going to be in major competitions for a long time’, he told us. ‘That’s what I really want. I (2) dream of/dread
winning the World Championships in two years’. But why not next year? ‘I had a problem with my shoulder this
summer, and it’s stopped me competing for four months. I’m (3) dying to/resigned to not competing for a while
because I have to think about the long term, but I do (4) dread/regret the accident that caused the injury. It was
such a stupid little accident’.
So what’s he going to do during this convalescence period? ‘I have to keep training, even if I can’t swim at
competition standard. I’m (5) dying to/resigned to get back into the gym and do some general fitness training,
and I also (6) wish/look forward to meeting my new team mates next month. I’m sure they’ll be great’.

218 Photocopiable FLASH on English, Intermediate © ELI

Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts
Test Unit 1 – Row A, 7 has been saving 3
pp. 124-125 8 have been waiting 1 too 5 enough
2 2 enough 6 too
1 1 He’s been eating chocolate. 3 enough 7 enough
1 ’ve been watching 2 It’s been snowing. 4 too 8 too
2 have you been studying 3 They’ve been running. 4
3 have been reading 4 He’s been practising a lot. 1 climate change 5 bullying
4 has been going 5 They have been repairing the road. 2 disease 6 human rights
5 have you been doing 6 He has been shouting. 3 terrorism 7 Loneliness
6 hasn’t been paying 7 She has been playing golf. 4 illiteracy 8 drugs
7 have been talking 8 She has been studying moves.
8 have you been hiding 5
3 1 natural 5 healthy
2 1 could watch 5 wouldn’t get out 2 peaceful 6 unemployment
1 They’ve been painting. 2 to show 6 could see 3 systematic 7 influential
2 He has been driving dangerously. 3 to keep 7 to enjoy 4 pollution 8 politician
3 It has been raining. 4 could tell 8 to have
4 They have been working hard. 6
5 She has been practising a lot. 4 1 This dress is not very expensive.
6 He has been writing songs. 1 rugby ball 5 surfboard 2 She’s not well educated, don’t you think?
7 He has been travelling. 2 basket 6 boxing gloves 3 My teacher is lenient.
8 She has been sleeping. 3 skis 7 whistle 4 I hope we don’t increase crime rates.
4 racket 8 net 5 Poverty is a problem for everyone.
5 6 Your argument is weak.
1 to help 5 will pass
1 the goal 5 foul 7 Your car is dirty.
2 to save 6 to have
2 the match 6 the ball 8 She didn’t get much praise for her remark.
3 to join 7 to get
4 would find 8 would wake up 3 the ball 7 the post 7
4 the ball 8 tackle 1 innovation 5 devastation
6 2 addiction 6 refinement
1 surfboard 5 skis
1 You were driving at over sixty miles an hour. 3 education 7 carelessness
2 racket 6 net
2 I can usually type about six emails an hour 4 confinement 8 agreement
3 whistle 7 rugby ball
4 basket 8 boxing gloves for work. 8
3 If you make four calls a day, that’s enough. 1 enough to 5 Another thing
5 4 The competition is played once a year. 2 would you do 6 let’s take
1 a goal 5 the ball 5 Our company receives about seventy emails 3 For a start 7 quiet enough
2 the ball 6 a foul a day. 4 too lazy 8 If I could
3 a tackle 7 the ball 6 I have a cup of tea about three times a day.
4 a match 8 the bar 7 They get about sixty letters a week. Test Unit 2 – Row B,
6 7 pp. 130-131
1 He can type fifty words a minute. 1 record 4 rewind
2 I don’t drive at more than fifty kilometres an 1
2 commentary 5 photo finish
hour in town. 1 If she had his number, she’d give it to you.
3 action replay 6 commentator
3 He can read thirty pages an hour. 2 If he got up earlier, he’d catch the bus.
4 This machine can wrap one hundred 8 3 If they asked my advice, I’d give it to them.
chocolates a minute. 1 has been missing 4 If I asked you a question, would you
5 We manage to play in about three concerts 2 so they win answer it?
a month. 3 has been behaving 5 She would call you if she missed the train.
6 We usually have two volleyball training 4 has been training 6 If she invited you on a date, what would
sessions a week. 5 pass the ball you answer?
7 This only happens once a year. 6 trust the others 7 If he studied more, he would pass his
7 in order to show exams.
7 8 play as part of a team
1 action replay 4 fast forward 8 I’d take a picture of you if I had a camera.
2 commentary 5 record 2
3 photo finish 6 rewind Test Unit 2 – Row A, 1 But if he studied, he’d pass his exams.
pp. 128-129 2 But if she didn’t get up late, she wouldn’t
1 been asking 1 miss the bus.
2 in order to 1 If I knew the answer, I’d tell you. 3 But if he talked to someone, he’d be
3 she’s been practising 2 If he studied more, he’d pass his exams. popular.
4 didn’t pass 3 If she wanted some help, I’d give it to her. 4 But if you did sport, you’d be fit.
5 committed a foul 4 What would you buy if you had some 5 But if I studied German, I’d know it.
6 blew the whistle money? 6 But if the weather wasn’t terrible, they
7 has been trying 5 If I invited you, would you join the team? wouldn’t stay at home.
8 so that you can 6 If I didn’t arrive on time, I’d apologise. 3
7 If I asked you to marry me, what would you 1 too 5 too
Test Unit 1 – Row B, say? 2 enough 6 enough
pp. 126-127 8 If I wasn’t busy, I’d go to the meeting. 3 enough 7 too
2 4 too 8 enough
1 1 But if I had some money, I’d give it to you.
1 has been hoping 2 But if it rained, I’d take an umbrella. 4
2 have they been doing 3 But if I knew her number, I’d call her. 1 drugs 5 unemployment
3 haven’t been writing 4 But if you knew her well, you’d like her. 2 racism 6 human rights
4 have been doing 5 But if she had a partner, she’d play tennis. 3 terrorism 7 illiteracy
5 have you been cycling 6 But if the tickets cost less, I’d go to the 4 climate change 8 robbery
6 hasn’t been doing theatre.

Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts

Tests and Resources Answer key and Transcripts 2 Listening B That’s right. I’d build a tennis court in my
1 unhealthy 5 creation garden if I were rich.
2 education 6 systematic A = Jenny B = Simon 7
3 political 7 peaceful Personal answers. Make reference to
4 unemployment 8 homeless A I’m so bored! Help!
vocabulary and grammar items in units 1
6 B What’s wrong? and 2 relevant to the functions of (1) national
1 I want to reduce prices. A I’ve been trying to do these maths problems, word building and compound
2 There’s a lot of poverty in that area. problems for hours and I can’t solve them. words; second conditional hypotheses; giving
3 These shoes aren’t very cheap. B So do you want me to take a look at reasons; (2) talking about continuous past
4 We don’t need illiterate people here. them? up to now (Past perfect continuous); giving
5 Don’t punish children when they suggest reasons and purposes; giving examples.
ideas. A Would you mind? I want to finish them Award 5 points for accuracy in grammar,
6 A good teacher is sometimes strict. today so I can get on with my history vocabulary and pronunciation, and 5 for range
7 The economy isn’t very strong at the homework tomorrow. and imagination.
moment. B OK, I’ve been doing my history homework
8 I’m glad to see your bike is clean! and I’ve been having a bit of trouble so if Test Unit 3 – Row A,
7 you help me I’ll help you. pp. 135-136
1 unhappiness 5 homelessness A Good idea. If we work together in order to
2 devastation 6 unemployment get it all finished, then maybe tomorrow
1 used to
3 innovation 7 addiction we can go to the cinema or something. I’d
2 didn’t use to
4 agreement 8 carelessness like to relax a bit so that I’m more wide
3 Did you use to
8 awake in class.
4 Did your parents use to
1 I’d take them off B Naah, you want to relax so you can have 5 didn’t use to
2 For one thing a good time! You can’t kid me! I’ve been 6 used to
3 If we had a list going out with you for fifteen months now, 7 didn’t use to
4 too busy to I know you pretty well. 8 did you use to
5 communicative enough A No way, fifteen months already? Have 9 didn’t use to
6 For example we really been seeing each other for that 10 did you use to
7 would remember us long? Time flies, doesn’t it? 2
8 if we could get
B Haven’t you been keeping count? That’s 1 would/used to 5 would/used to
not very romantic! I’ve been looking 2 used to 6 used to
Skills Test Units 1 and 2, for a present for you to celebrate our 3 used to 7 would/used to
pp. 132-134 sixteen months and you’ve been thinking 4 would/used to 8 would/used to
Reading about how to get me to do your maths 3
homework! 1 going to bed early
A Come on, Simon, you know that’s not 2 bedtime stories
1F 2T 3F 4F true! 3 play on the swings
5F 6T 7T 8T 4 scared of the dark
B I know, I was just joking. You
Reading remembered my birthday last month, and 5 strangers
you even remembered my dog’s birthday 6 Sleeping alone
in September! 7 spider
1 Changes in solar radiation, the Earth 8 playing with their toys
moving on its orbit path, the creation of A So what about my birthday? Have you 9 UFOs
mountains and the movements of the been thinking about what to get me? 10 certain kinds of food
earth’s surface crust. B Come on, Jenny, first the anniversary 4
2 at the north and south poles present and then the birthday present, 1 anxious 5 scared
3 The climate is changing and these changes OK? 2 miserable 6 upset
are in large part caused by human
A Yeah, OK. So do you want to help me 3 depressed 7 worried
with this maths then? 4 puzzled 8 terrified
4 It’s important to investigate ways of
reducing damage by humans and discover B Yeah, let’s have a look. 5
how we can adapt our world to the 4 1 Having a meal with friends is really
irreparable damage done. 1A 2B 3C 4A relaxing.
5 the hole in the ozone layer 5B 6C 7C 2 Jogging is healthy.
6 the increase in CO2 levels 3 Playing too many video games isn’t good
7 agriculture and deforestation 5 for you.
1J 2S 3J 4J 4 Listening to old people’s stories is
Writing 5S 6S 7S 8S interesting.
3 Speaking 5 Having quiz evenings is popular around
Personal answers. Make reference to here.
vocabulary and grammar items in units 1 and 6 Cleaning my house is incredibly boring.
2 relevant to the functions of (1) speaking Possible dialogue 7 Skydiving is exciting.
about activities in the recent past and up to A Do you do any sports? 8 Having a balanced diet is very important.
now, duration, school and sport vocabulary; B Yes, I’ve been playing basketball for five 6
giving reasons and purposes for doing things; years. 1 At first 4 after a while
(2) talking about hypothetical conditions and 2 A short time later 5 In the end
A Why have you been playing it for so long?
consequences (Second conditional); talking 3 straight away 6 the next morning
about sport using compound nouns and B I play to keep fit and to see friends.
word building; talking about problems; giving A I haven’t been doing any sport recently. 1 used to keep 4 Do you remember
reasons and purposes for doing things. B What sport would you do if you could do 2 were afraid 5 would get
Award 10 points for accuracy and 10 for any? 3 would tell 6 would eat
range and imagination.
A If I could do any sport I’d play tennis. 8
B Why would you choose that? 1 feel afraid
2 scared of
A Because you only need two rackets and a 3 absolutely terrified

Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts

4 ghosts and the supernatural 8 Late competition entries weren’t 3 pen drive 7 visit
5 being alone in a dark building considered. 4 icons 8 download
6 petrified by the idea 9 This project was completed in ten days. 5
10 The police was called by our neighbours. 1c 2b 3a
Test Unit 3 – Row B, 2 4f 5e 6d
pp. 137-138 1 don’t you? 6 has he? 6
2 doesn’t she? 7 are they? 1 keyboard 5 web cam
3 didn’t they? 8 have we? 2 website 6 download
1 used to 6 Did you use to
4 does he? 9 didn’t they? 3 remote control 7 password
2 used to 7 didn’t use to
5 didn’t they? 10 weren’t they? 4 upload 8 online
3 didn’t use to 8 used to
4 Did you use to 9 did you use to 3 7
5 used to 10 didn’t use to 1 viewer 6 switch off 1 hash key 4 screen
2 interactive 7 remote control 2 hands-free set 5 send button
3 broadcast 8 channel 3 charger 6 keypad
1 would/used to 5 would/used to
4 digital 9 aerial
2 used to 6 would/used to 8
5 commercials 10 post
3 would/used to 7 used to 1 amazing 5 hard to believe
4 used to 8 used to 4 2 Really 6 You don’t say
1 monitor 5 logging onto 3 Are you serious 7 kidding
2 browser 6 keyboard 4 didn’t he
1 certain animals
3 download 7 mouse
2 Father Christmas
4 pen drive 8 icons
3 speaking in public Skills Test Units 3 and 4,
4 tests 5 pp. 143-145
5 big dogs barking 1d 2e 3f
6 ghosts 4a 5b 6c Reading
7 flying for the first time 6 1
8 meeting new people 1 password 5 upload 1B 2F 3E 4G
9 fairy tales 2 download 6 keyboard 5A 6D 7C
10 being alone at home 3 online 7 websites
4 4 webcam 8 remote control
1F 2T 3T 4T
1 scared 5 nervous 7 5F 6F 7T 8F
2 upset 6 terrified 1 keypad 4 screen
3 depressed 7 miserable 2 charger 5 send button Writing
4 puzzled 8 worried 3 hands-free set 6 hash key 3
5 Personal answers. Make reference to
1 Living in a big city is exciting. 8 vocabulary and grammar items in units 3 and
2 Travelling is expensive. 1 amazing 5 kidding 4 relevant to the functions of (1) narrative
3 Studying with the radio on isn’t a good 2 hard to believe 6 can’t he order, time expressions, vocabulary for
idea. 3 isn’t he 7 You don’t say describing feelings and emotions, expressing
4 Cooking is relaxing for some people. 4 Are you serious disbelief; (2) technology, passive voice,
5 Doing sport is good for you. personal feelings.
6 Sleeping too little can cause a headache. Test Unit 4 – Row B, Award 10 points for accuracy and 10 for
7 Going by train at night is horrible. pp. 141-142 range and imagination.
8 Walking down a dark road at night is
dangerous. 1 3 Listening
6 1 Internet points are found in libraries now.
2 There is controversy about who the A = Sandra B = Paul
1 At first 4 not much after
2 straight away 5 The next minute telephone was invented by. A Paul, look, here’s your old guitar. Do you
3 Then 6 in the end 3 All the schools in the area were visited by remember it?
7 4 Witnesses were questioned by police last B Of course! I used to play at parties. We’d
1 used to have 4 would send night. all sit round and sing songs, we used to
2 would brush 5 did you use 5 A series of concerts was planned by the have a great time, didn’t we?
3 didn’t use to have 6 Did you use to like council. A Yeah, I used to really fancy you when you
8 6 Writers are often asked to contribute. played the guitar.
1 terrified of going 7 His paintings are not seen at exhibitions. B Only when I played the guitar?
2 afraid of ghosts 8 The project wasn’t developed.
A Well, no. Let’s say I first noticed you at
3 really creepy 9 My computer wasn’t fixed yesterday.
Martin’s party. I thought ‘hey he’s really
4 get very nervous 10 Everyone was asked by Daniel about the
good’. And then I looked at you and
5 staying at home alone party.
thought ‘hey, he’s really cool’.
6 get lonely 2
B I remember that party! But you ignored
1 don’t you? 6 has he?
Test Unit 4 – Row A, 2 doesn’t he? 7 is he?
me for a month! I liked the way you sang
pp. 139-140 3 didn’t we? 8 has she?
and I wanted to talk to you.
4 does she? 9 have they? A I was so shy! Then Wendy had a
1 barbecue. She used to have one every
5 didn’t you? 10 wasn’t it?
1 The media are more easily accepted now. year in her garden to celebrate the end of
2 The TV was invented by Logie Baird in 3
school. That was a great party!
1925. 1 post 6 network
2 presenter 7 data B Especially because I finally managed to
3 A strange figure was seen near the bank
3 audience 8 graphics talk to you!
yesterday by police.
4 Votes were counted by officials yesterday. 4 aerial 9 broadcast A Yeah, and then Maria came and ruined
5 New houses were built near the river. 5 web page 10 switch off everything! She sat on your knee all
6 That actor is often interviewed by 4 evening and that was the end of our
journalists. 1 spam 5 log on conversation.
7 This bird is not seen much in the wood. 2 printer 6 cursor B She used to be terrible! She would do that

Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts
Tests and Resources Answer key and Transcripts
Test Unit 6 – Row A,
all the time! She didn’t really want to go 3
out with me, she just liked flirting. But it 1 the background pp. 150-151
meant I couldn’t flirt with the girls I liked. 2 the foreground
3 the top left hand corner 1
A Well, thank goodness at the next party
4 the top right hand corner 1 turned, had started
she started going out with Tim and that
5 the bottom left hand corner 2 got, hadn’t arrived
kept her out of the way! It was Dave’s
6 the bottom right hand corner 3 Had you studied, visited
party, wasn’t it?
7 at the bottom 4 hadn’t done, had
B Yeah, that’s right. It was the end of July, 8 at the top 5 had learned, met
and do you remember what happened 6 hadn’t done, was
after Dave’s party? 4
7 joined, had played
1 portrait 5 drawings
A Of course! You walked me home! And we 8 Had you heard, came
2 sketch 6 landscapes
started going out together! Pity about the 9 hadn’t written, asked
3 gallery 7 sculptor
guitar though! 10 joined, had they covered
4 still life 8 sculpture
B I remember what happened! My mum 2
was giving me a lift to your house and 1 yourself 5 itself
1d 2f 3h 4c 5g
I was in such a hurry that I threw the 2 herself 6 each other
6a 7b 8e 9j 10 i
guitar in the back of the car and without 3 each other 7 yourselves
thinking got in and sat on it. End of guitar. 6 4 ourselves
1 such as 5 to name a few
A But you kept it all the same! 3
2 are just some 6 like
B Of course I did! Without this guitar we 1 released 5 tunes
3 for instance 7 like
wouldn’t be going out, and I’d still have 2 album 6 lyrics
4 For example 8 such as
Maria sitting on my knee! It’s a museum 3 guitarist 7 single
7 4 charts 8 hit
piece now! 1 This is 7 at the top
4 4
2 It shows 8 might rain
1d 2b 3f 4c 1 saxophone 5 electric guitar
3 In the middle 9 in the background
5g 6e 7a 2 violin 6 cymbals
4 foreground 10 kind of big
3 drum 7 flute
5 5 sort of happy 11 see some dirt
4 piano 8 tambourine
1 guitar 5 flirting 6 You can see 12 like he forgot
2 Martin’s party 6 going out 5
3 speak 7 walked Test Unit 5 – Row B, 1 apologise 5 interrogation
4 Wendy’s barbecue 8 sat on pp. 148-149 2 complaint 6 conversation
3 explanation 7 interview
Speaking 1 4 oral exams 8 chat
6 1 when 6 where 6
2 whose 7 when 1 She reminds me of your sister.
Possible dialogue
3 where 8 who 2 Please remind me to call Janet.
A What did you use to do as a child? 4 which 9 whose 3 I don’t remember locking the door, perhaps
B I used to ride my bike for hours. 5 who 10 which I didn’t.
A Would you go out for the whole day? 2 4 We remembered to invite Lorna to the
B Yes, I’d stay out for hours. 1 who 5 which party.
2 who 6 which 5 He remembers meeting famous people as
A Didn’t you use to get hungry? 3 – 7 which a kid.
B I used to take sandwiches. 4 – 6 This place reminds me of home.
A Why did you stop? 3 7 I reminded her to turn off the oven.
1 in the foreground 8 He remembered to take her the book.
B My bike was broken by my brother.
2 in the background 7
A Wasn’t it mended by someone?
3 the bottom left hand corner 1 homesick 5 souvenir
B No, it was thrown away by my parents. 4 the bottom right hand corner 2 memoirs 6 recall
Speaking 5 the top left hand corner 3 nostalgia 7 remember
6 the top right hand corner 4 memory 8 remind
7 at the bottom 8
Personal answers. Make reference to 8 at the top 1 I do my homework 6 in the background
vocabulary and grammar items in units 3 and
4 2 cheer myself up 7 acoustic stuff
4 relevant to the functions of (1) talking about
1 drawings 5 sketch 3 I’d forgotten 8 rock
habits in the past, vocabulary for regular
2 sculptor 6 sculpture 4 not too loud 9 myself
activities; (2) technology and electronic
3 portrait 7 gallery 5 really loud
devices, the media.
4 landscapes 8 still life
Award 5 points for accuracy in grammar,
vocabulary and pronunciation, and 5 for range 5 Test Unit 6 – Row B,
and imagination. 1f 2d 3h 4e 5a pp. 152-153
6g 7b 8c 9j 10 i
Test Unit 5 – Row A, 6 1 had started, got
pp. 146-147 1 For example 5 such as 2 Had you read, gave
2 to name a few 6 such as 3 realised, had forgotten
1 3 like 7 are just some 4 hadn’t prepared, didn’t go
1 who 6 whose 4 like 8 for instance 5 had passed, went
2 whose 7 when
7 6 saw, hadn’t watched
3 which 8 where
1 Look at this 7 As you can see 7 had poured, didn’t go
4 when 9 which
2 foreground 8 at the top 8 Had they finished, arrived
5 where 10 when
3 sort of worried 9 might snow 9 remembered, had burned
2 4 in the background 10 like we weren’t 10 Had you met, saw
1 who 5 which 5 kind of high 11 can see 2
2 – 6 – 6 in the middle 12 it shows 1 herself 5 yourself
3 who 7 –
2 itself 6 himself
4 whose

Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts

3 each other 7 each other Speaking

4 Listening
4 myself 6
3 A = Interviewer B = Petra
Possible dialogue
1 record 5 single A Hi and welcome back listeners! We’re glad
2 released 6 voice to welcome Petra Stone to our studios, the A When did you first go abroad?
3 charts 7 line amazing new talent in songwriting from B I first went abroad four years ago.
4 hit 8 track Canada. Her first album was at number A Had you travelled in your country before then?
4 one in the Canadian, American and British
B Yes, I’d visited several places on holiday.
1 guitar 5 clarinet charts for weeks and her second, which
was released three days ago, is already at A Did you enjoy yourself on holiday?
2 cello 6 banjo
3 trumpet 7 drums number one again. Petra, tell us about your B Yes, I really enjoyed myself on holiday.
4 keyboard 8 saxophone new album. A I went abroad recently too. We could show
5 B Well, I recorded it in the same studio of the each other our photos.
1 oral exam 5 conversation first one, in a remote town on the east coast B Yes, it’s interesting to tell each other about
2 chat 6 explanation of Canada. I love nature and I find it really our trips.
3 interrogation 7 complaint helps me to concentrate.
A lot of my colleagues prefer the big studios A I like hearing about trips which other
4 interview 8 apology
in Quebec or Vancouver, but I prefer to hide people have gone on because I feel like
6 I’ve been there myself.
myself away.
1 I had to go home because I couldn’t
A You had received an offer from major record B Yes, I like hearing about places where my
remember turning off the gas.
companies, but you refused to accept them friends go on holiday.
2 I reminded them to do their homework.
3 This place reminds me of where I grew up. and stayed with the same independent Speaking
4 Can you remember to let the dog in? company that released your first album.
5 Pete reminded Sarah to finish the report That’s very unusual.
Personal answers. Make reference to
yesterday. B You know, I prefer people to suitcases full
vocabulary and grammar items in units 5 and
6 I distinctly remember telling Harry the of money. The people at my company have
6 relevant to the functions of (1) describing
story, so he knows it. always been great to me, they believed in
contents and layout of a picture; talking about
7 I must remember to write her an email. me when I was totally unknown and they
events before another in the past; (2) talking
8 He really reminds me of my friend Eric. supported me. We get on with each other
about music, styles and habits; using reflexive
7 really well. I have absolutely no reason to
pronouns and each other.
1 souvenir 5 homesick leave them. In addition, I don’t care who
Award 5 points for accuracy in grammar,
2 memoirs 6 remember sells my records. I care about who listens to
vocabulary and pronunciation, and 5 for range
3 recall 7 nostalgia them and sharing my music.
and imagination.
4 remind 8 memory A Had you written many songs before you
8 released your first album? Test Unit 7 – Row A,
1 I’m feeling happy B Yes, I’d created a repertoire of about thirty pp. 157-158
2 feel good five original compositions. I was a live
3 yourself acoustic singer for years before I became a 1
4 doing the housework recording artist, and I still love performing in 1 Tom said he really enjoyed playing video
5 I see small places: I prefer to do five nights with games.
6 on your MP4 player a small audience than one big concert for 2 Jill said she had gone to the theatre the
7 favourite bands everyone. I want my audience and I to feel week before.
8 in the background that we are with each other and there is no 3 Frank told Vicky that those were Helen’s
9 too loud barrier between them and me. books.
4 Martin said he would help me the next
A Your parents say that when you decided day.
Skills Test Units 5 and 6, to become a full-time singer they weren’t 5 Barbara said she couldn’t swim very well.
pp. 154-156 surprised because you had started singing 6 Gary said he was going to school.
when you were three years old. 7 Paula said she had finished everything.
B Yes, that’s true. I don’t know where I 8 Yemma said they were having a party.
1 learned to sing or why but I just felt that 9 Donald said the library wasn’t far from
1C 2E 3A 4G 5F 6D 7B was how I wanted to express myself. Then there.
Reading I had a music teacher at school whose 10 Nora said they had gone there because it
2 passion was folk music, so she helped me was cool.
1 France a lot and introduced me to friends who were 2
2 Spain professional musicians. I owe a lot to her. 1 to take 5 to call
3 32,000 years ago A Well, thanks Petra and good luck with the 2 jogging 6 living
4 carbon dating album. 3 to pay 7 doing
5 subject 4 4 to get 8 to have
6 animals 1 days à weeks 3
7 human hands 2 new studio à the same studio 1 taking photos 5 writing poetry
8 decorative patterns 3 when she became famous à when she was 2 do exercise 6 sewing
Writing unknown 3 acting 7 collecting stamps
3 4 very few à thirty five 4 posters 8 musical
5 big à small 4
Personal answers. Make reference to vocabulary 6 astonished à not surprised
and grammar items in units 5 and 6 relevant 1 the news 5 cartoon
7 ten à three 2 sitcom 6 soap opera
to the functions of (1) narrative order with verb 8 unhelpful à helpful
tenses, relative pronouns and clauses, linkers 3 chat 7 films
and conjunctions; (2) music, instruments and 5 4 game show 8 drama series
the recording industry, relative pronouns and 1 which 5 each other 5
clauses, linkers and conjunctions. 2 myself 6 when 1 listen 5 taste
Award 10 points for accuracy and 10 for 3 that 7 myself 2 see 6 shout
range and imagination. 4 each other 3 watch 7 feel
4 smell 8 overhear

Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts

Tests and Resources Answer key and Transcripts
Test Unit 8 – Row A, 3
1 writing 6 Making pp. 161-162 1 generous 5 shy
2 Moving 7 Sailing 2 optimistic 6 sensible
3 jogging 8 Walking 1 3 soft-spoken 7 ambitious
4 Cooking 9 Working 1 where Mark was 4 irresponsible 8 serious
5 Travelling 10 Driving 2 why Claire liked him
3 what time the film started
7 1g 2d 3f 4b
4 when I was arriving
1d 2h 3a 4i 5b 5a 6h 7c 8e
5 if I could sing
6e 7c 8g 9j 10 f 5
6 if I would help
8 7 if I had seen the film 1 calmly 5 sensibly
1 fancy doing 8 if I had finished 2 strong 6 generously
2 want to do 3 kindly 7 shyness
3 a concert 4 determination 8 courageous
1 I’m getting my shoes repaired.
4 variety show 6
2 I’m having my house painted.
5 soap opera 1 brave/courageous 6 mean
3 I’m getting a dress made for me.
6 told me 2 interested 7 confident
4 I had my bag stolen last week.
7 current affairs programmes 3 special 8 optimistic
5 I’m getting my tooth treated.
8 to get her 4 negative 9 ordinary
6 My friend had a garage built.
9 stopped going 5 extroverted 10 enthusiastic
7 I’m getting my car washed.
10 watch the news
3 7
1 sit in 5 demonstration
Test Unit 7 – Row B, 1 irresponsible 5 optimistic
2 petition 6 movement
pp. 159-160 2 shy 6 ambitious
3 march 7 riot
3 sensitive 7 determined
1 4 soft-spoken 8 generous 4 rally 8 campaign
1 Bridget said she didn’t like listening to 4 8
musicals. 1c 2f 3e 4g 1 a good idea to protest
2 Mike said they had visited his aunt the 5b 6a 7h 8d 2 It isn’t really fair
day before. 3 should invite
3 Brian told Kate that they were Maria’s 5
4 we should involve
cousins. 1 shyly 5 generously
5 Why don’t I
4 Mandy said she would tell me when she 2 sensible 6 determined
6 That’s a good idea
knew. 3 irresponsibility 7 calm
7 don’t think it’s a good idea
5 Tim said she couldn’t speak French. 4 kindness 8 courage
8 Let’s wait
6 Wendy said they were going to a concert. 6 9 Why don’t we
7 Sarah said he had just arrived. 1 pessimistic 6 bored 10 don’t we go
8 Terry said she was leaving at that 2 confident 7 ordinary
moment. 3 generous 8 enthusiastic Skills Test Units 7 and 8,
9 Lorna said the lesson was the next day. 4 shy 9 optimistic pp. 165-167
10 Gillian said she had got there by train. 5 cowardly 10 mean
2 7 Reading
1 to listen 5 smoking 1 riot 5 movement 1
2 playing 6 waiting 2 demonstration 6 march 1d 2g 3b 4e 5a 6f 7c
3 to invite 7 to pay 3 sit in 7 activists
4 having 8 playing 4 petition 8 rally Reading
3 8 2
1 guitar 5 hanging out 1 Why don’t we 1 the First World War broke out
2 video games 6 walking 2 don’t think it’s a good idea 2 at least ten
3 having a meal 7 painting 3 should make 3 the fire
4 going to the gym 8 a play 4 it’s a good idea 4 a nearby office worker
4 5 we should invite 5 totally astonishing
1 sports programme 5 chat show 6 don’t we go 6 terrified
2 talent show 6 soap opera 7 we should involve 7 clothing
3 documentary 7 game show 8 why don’t I 8 simple everyday objects
4 reality show 8 cartoons 9 I can get them
10 let’s get Writing
5 3
1 taste 5 hear
2 talk 6 look
Test Unit 8 – Row B, Personal answers. Make reference to
3 Sniff 7 touch
pp. 163-164 vocabulary and grammar items in units
7 and 8 relevant to the functions of (1)
4 tell 8 say 1 making suggestions and giving advice, using
6 1 what that was causatives; (2) describing historical events.
1 Cycling 6 Driving 2 where he lived Award 10 points for accuracy and 10 for
2 Talking 7 Taking 3 when the train left range and imagination.
3 Watching 8 Cleaning 4 where I was going
4 playing 9 Walking 5 if I could speak French 5 Listening
5 Working 10 Moving 6 if he would be there
A = Grant B = Katie
7 if they had arrived on time
7 A Hi Katie, so how did your interview go?
8 if Susan had called
1h 2c 3f 4i 5e Did they accept you as summer camp
6a 7b 8d 9g 10 j 2
1 I got my bike painted.
8 B They did! I got the job!
2 I had my hair cut.
1 watch 6 managed to
3 I’m getting my shoes dyed. A So what did they ask you?
2 told me it was 7 remember to
4 I had my washing machine repaired. B Well, they asked me if I was doing OK at
3 game shows 8 forgot to
5 I got my cat vaccinated by a vet. school and what I was going to do when
4 said it tells 9 stamps and coins
6 I’m having my car checked by the mechanic. I finish. If I’m going to keep studying or
5 enjoyed studying 10 hate to miss
7 I’m getting my photo taken. look for a job.

Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts

A And what did you tell them? A What sort of TV programmes do you like? 5 sensitive à sensible
B I told them I wanted to study journalism B I like sitcoms. 6 reclaim à complain
and they seemed quite interested. I said I A Do you enjoy watching films? 8
really like writing. 1 should take them
B Yes, I love films. Are there any 2 make a difference
A I bet they’ll have you do a creative writing programmes you dislike?
course. 3 worth it
A I dislike game shows. 4 try harder
B Then they asked what I can do. For 5 more conveniently
example, if I can play a musical instrument B When do you start watching TV each day?
or dance or sing, you know, show business A I start at about 5 p.m. and I stop watching
and drama and that sort of thing. it at 7.00 p.m. Test Unit 9 – Row B,
pp. 170-171
A Well, your singing is terrible, so what did B Do you remember to switch off the TV
you say? when you finish watching it? 1
B I said I could play the piano a bit and that A Sometimes I forget to switch it off. 1 New houses are being built on the edge
seemed to make them happy. of town.
B I never forget to switch it off. 2 The newspapers have been contacted.
A Good, sit at the piano and let someone 7 3 The secretary will be decided by Friday.
else sing then! Personal answers. Make reference to 4 The appeals are not being listened to.
B Then they asked about practical things. vocabulary and grammar items in units 7 5 The rubbish has not been thrown out.
For example if I can cook and if I would and 8 relevant to the functions of (1) kinds 6 Fuel consumption will be cut by February.
be able to take care of a child that has of TV programmes, expressing likes and 7 The exhibition is being opened by a
a temperature or gets hurt until their dislikes, making suggestions; (2) describing famous actor.
parents can arrive. First aid, that sort of personalities and people 8 My bike has been stolen.
thing. I said I’d done a first aid course at Award 5 points for accuracy in grammar, 9 The winner will not be announced before
school and they were really happy about vocabulary and pronunciation, and 5 for range nine.
that. and imagination. 10 His speech has not been prepared.
A So what do you have to do as a summer 2
camp instructor? Sit the children in front Test Unit 9 – Row A, 1 more carefully
of the TV and go to the café for coffee? pp. 168-169 2 more quickly
B Don’t be an idiot, Grant! It’s a really tiring 3 better
job. You have to be serious, responsible, 4 longer
1 A new park is being planned.
strong and at the same time kind and 5 more slowly
2 The news has been spread.
sensitive when the children are unhappy. 6 more seriously
3 Fuel prices will be increased this year.
They don’t all want to be there. Some of 7 longer
4 New nature centres are being opened.
them would prefer to stay at home. 5 Spending on energy has been reduced. 3
A OK, so what do you do then? 6 Our offer will not be affected by price rises. 1 carbon dioxide 6 Noise pollution
7 Environmental factors are not being 2 ozone layer 7 climate change
B We have a full day from half past eight to 3 traffic jam 8 clean energy
half past five. We have to do 4 greenhouse effect 9 public transport
8 The results have not been announced yet.
various activities with them through the 5 nuclear disaster 10 exhaust fumes
9 New possibilities are being investigated.
day. A bit of homework and then things
10 A new material has been discovered. 4
like art and painting, music, and in the
afternoon sport and games outside if it 2 1 spend 4 energy
isn’t raining. 1 longer 2 turn off 5 water
2 worse 3 plant 6 recycle
A Do you have your lunch made for you?
3 more steadily 5
B Generally yes, but one day a week each of 4 faster 1 Increasing 5 Rising
us in turn has to help in the kitchen. We 5 more carefully 2 growing 6 worsening
have to remember to get the children to 6 more quickly 3 Improved 7 surprising
wash their hands and help to bring their 7 more seriously 4 reduced 8 lowered
plates and things to the sinks. So there
3 6
isn’t much rest even during the breaks.
1 Climate change 6 forest fires 1 hold down 5 turn down
A Well, good luck! I’ll think of you when I’m 2 ozone layer 7 traffic jam 2 turn/switch on 6 cut down
lying in the park with a book… 3 nuclear energy 8 exhaust fumes 3 run down 7 run out
B …getting bored and lonely! I don’t envy 4 air pollution 9 global warming 4 turn/switch off 8 cut off
you at all! 5 plastic bags 10 public transport
4 4 1 reclaim à complain
1 interview 5 journalism 1 waste 4 forests 2 biological à organic
2 job 6 could 2 pollution 5 turn off 3 sensible à sensitive
3 school 7 take care 3 cloth bags 6 public transport 4 ingenious à ingenuous
4 after 8 first aid 5 5 factory à farm
5 1 falling 5 improved 6 campaign à countryside
1 a job as summer camp instructor 2 growing 6 Reduced 8
2 be a journalist 3 Increasing 7 rising 1 more slowly
3 singing 4 worsening 8 Changing 2 getting more and more
4 cooking and helping a sick or hurt child 6 3 think more carefully
until parents arrive 1 turn down 5 run down 4 a good idea to
5 You have to be serious, responsible, strong, 2 cut off 6 Turn up 5 you should pay more
kind and sensitive. 3 Turn up 7 turn off
6 a bit of homework, art and painting, music, 4 Hold down 8 cut down Test Unit 10 – Row A,
sport and games outside
7 pp. 172-173
7 lying in the park with a book
1 ingenious à ingenuous 1
Speaking 2 campaign à countryside 1 If I had studied, I would have passed.
6 3 sensible à sensitive 2 If I had been hungry, I would have had
4 factory à farm dinner.
Possible dialogue

Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts
Tests and Resources Answer key and Transcripts
3 If I hadn’t been too busy, I would have 3
6 Listening
helped you. 1 keep up with 5 drop out
4 If they hadn’t arrived late, they wouldn’t 2 bring up 6 carry on A = Jenny B = Simon
have missed the train. 3 go on 7 let down A Come on, we should leave for the airport
5 If I hadn’t gone to the party, I wouldn’t 4 think over 8 gave in now.
have met my boyfriend. 4
6 If he hadn’t trained hard, he wouldn’t have B I suppose it’s time we made a move. OK.
1 time out 5 time
got into the team. 2 time frame 6 time’s up A I wish we had another week. It’s been
7 If she hadn’t taken lessons, she wouldn’t 3 lunch time 7 break time wonderful here.
have passed her driving exam. 4 record time 8 time to B Yeah, I wish we didn’t have to go. A
8 If I hadn’t travelled abroad, I wouldn’t have week in the sun with warm sea, beautiful
written a book. 5
1 the last time 5 next time beaches, what more can you wish for?
2 2 save time 6 have a good time A If we’d got part-time jobs, we could
1 didn’t have to 5 hadn’t told 3 spend some time 7 it’s time to have paid for an extra week. They gave
2 had gone 6 didn’t have 4 Take your time 8 time passes huge discounts if you booked two weeks
3 could go 7 called instead of one.
4 had 8 hadn’t lost 6
1 regret 5 resigned to B If I’d known that earlier, I’d have asked
3 2 looking forward to 6 dream my cousin for a job in his bar. He’s always
1 give in/up 5 drop out 3 dying to 7 hope looking for people to wash the dishes.
2 think over 6 keep up with 4 wish 8 dread A Well, why don’t we ask him when we
3 bring up 7 go on/carry on
7 get back? If we start saving now, we can
4 let down 8 carry on/go on
1e 2d 3g 4a definitely take a two week holiday next
4 5c 6h 7b 8f year.
1 lunch time 5 timer
8 B I suppose you’re right. I don’t think it can
2 record time 6 time’s up
1 took good care of cost more or be more expensive next year.
3 time frame 7 break time
2 believed in Not much anyway. Next time we can book
4 time out 8 time to
3 gave up trying early too and be sure we get a good price.
5 4 spent time A I’d like to come back because there are
1 next time 5 take a long time 5 gave up so many things we could have done if we
2 have a good time 6 It’s time to 6 had listened to had had more time. We could have gone
3 the last time 7 waste time 7 would have forced on that trip to the city, and we could have
4 take your time 8 Time passes 8 dropped out tried the sailing excursion on the ocean.
6 9 hadn’t study
B Yes, and I wish I had tried windsurfing.
1 hope 10 wouldn’t have become
But I just didn’t have the money.
2 wish
3 dying to Skills Test Units 9 and 10, A Me too, and I’d like to try more of the
4 dreads pp. 176-178 local dishes next time too. The food in
5 dream about the hotel was good, but I’d like to go to
6 regrets Reading a couple of local restaurants and try the
7 are looking forward to food.
8 resigned to B And I wish we’d gone on that camel trip
1 Tree planting can be a hard, cold, damp,
7 in the desert!
exhausting job.
1d 2g 3a 4h 2 being a summer job A Well, I don’t! You can go next time and I’ll
5b 6e 7f 8c 3 First time tree planters may not make stay on the beach and wait for you!
8 as much money as more experienced B That sounds OK. You know, we have to
1 believed 6 she could become planters./The actual amount tree planters plan more carefully next time so we don’t
2 didn’t give up 7 abandon earn varies. waste time and do all the things we want
3 wished they had 8 let her down 4 The more planting someone does, they to. I don’t want to do things more quickly
4 hadn’t gone to 9 hadn’t better they become, so planters can expect because it’s a holiday but I don’t want to
5 have found 10 would have been to see an increase each year in what they miss any chances.
A I know what you mean. We can save time
Test Unit 10 – Row B, 5 These numbers are higher in central and
by organising things before we go. Anyway
pp. 174-175 eastern Canada, where it’s easier to work
it’s almost part of the holiday, isn’t it?
more quickly.
1 It’s fun spending time planning things.
6 unpaid travelling
1 If I hadn’t got angry, she wouldn’t have left. Sometimes more than doing them.
7 This does not seem to put people off.
2 If they hadn’t given us tickets, we wouldn’t B That’s true. Look, here’s the bus. I suppose
have gone to the theatre. Reading it’s time we were going. Pass me your
3 If it hadn’t been a bargain, I wouldn’t have 2 suitcase.
bought it.
1F 2F 3T 4T 4
4 If it hadn’t been sunny, we wouldn’t have
5T 6F 7T 8T 1 got, could 5 hotel, local
left early.
2 known, asked 6 carefully, waste
5 If she hadn’t done exercise, she wouldn’t Writing
3 time, good 7 save, before
have got fit. 3 4 wish, tried 8 suppose, were
6 If I hadn’t been hungry, I wouldn’t have
Personal answers. Make reference to 5
eaten the sandwich.
vocabulary and grammar items in units 9 and 1 one week
7 If the party hadn’t been boring, they
10 relevant to the functions of (1) speculating 2 two weeks
wouldn’t have left.
about past events which didn’t happen and 3 wash the dishes in Simon’s cousin’s bar
8 If he hadn’t liked music, he wouldn’t have
their hypothetical results; using comparative 4 trip to the city
got an MP4 player.
adverbs; (2) problems of the environment; 5 sailing excursion
2 talking about wishes; phrasal verbs for making 6 windsurfing
1 didn’t have to stay 5 had taken an effort or giving in. 7 try local food
2 spoke 6 hadn’t accepted Award 10 points for accuracy and 10 for
3 knew 7 hadn’t eaten range and imagination.
4 had started 8 hadn’t lost

Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts

Speaking 6 2 I didn’t use to like fishing.

6 1 score 5 post 3 Did you use to listen to the radio at dinner
2 lose 6 foul time?
Possible dialogue 3 player 7 tackle 4 We didn’t use to listen to the radio at
A Do you sometimes wish you lived 4 rules 8 match dinner time.
somewhere else? 7 5 Did the Robinsons use to live in this
B No, but I wish I travelled more. 1a 2f 3d 4g apartment?
5h 6b 7e 8c 6 The Robinsons didn’t use to live in this
A Where would you have gone last summer if
you had had lots of money?
7 Did you use to study together?
B For example I would have travelled all over Revision Unit 2, pp. 181-182 8 We didn’t use to study together.
the USA if I had had enough money. Do
Grammar 3
you wish you travelled more too?
Would is also possible in: 1, 2, 4, 7, 8
A No, but I wish I had more time for sport. 1
1a 2e 3h 4b Vocabulary
B What sport do you wish you did?
5g 6d 7f 8c
A If I had had time in the past, I would have 4
2 1a 2d 3f 4e 5b 6c
learned to play tennis really well.
1 were, ’d buy 1 anxious/nervous
B Would you have played in competitions if 2 stopped, ’d go 2 depressed/upset
you had had the chance in the past? 3 ’d call, had 3 confused/puzzled
A I really wish I played in competitions. And 4 ’d get, had 4 scary/terrifying
you? 5 weren’t, ’d come 5 creepy/frightening
6 wouldn’t tell, asked 6 scared/afraid
B No, I wish I could spend more time
7 ’d get, went
reading. 5
8 ’d pass, studied
1 ghost
Speaking 3 2 Father Christmas
7 1 too poor 5 too expensive 3 playing on the swings
Personal answers. Make reference to 2 tall enough 6 too long 4 sleeping alone
vocabulary and grammar items in units 9 3 hot enough 7 too short 5 meeting new people
and 10 relevant to the functions of (1) the 4 rich enough 8 warm enough 6 playing with toys
environment and actions to protect it; the Vocabulary 7 going to bed early
passive form; (2) expressing wishes; using 8 bedtime stories
comparative adverbs. 1 disease 5 unemployment 6
Award 5 points for accuracy in grammar, 2 racism 6 robbery 1 documentary 5 chapter
vocabulary and pronunciation, and 5 for range 3 loneliness 7 bullying 2 rhythm 6 tune
and imagination. 4 illiteracy 8 terrorism 3 landscape 7 portrait
4 soundtrack 8 credits
Revision Unit 1, pp. 179-180 1 natural 7 influence 7
Grammar 2 pollution 8 influential 1a 2d 3f 4c 5b 6e
3 polluted 9 homeless
1 4 peace 10 create Revision Unit 4, pp. 185-186
1 have been waiting 5 healthy 11 creative
2 have been eating 6 politics/politician 12 system Grammar
3 have been working
6 1
4 has been snowing
1 volcano 5 flooding 1 are used 6 were questioned
5 has been painting
2 eruption 6 landslide 2 is seen 7 is written
6 has been mending
3 earthquake 7 hurricane 3 was invented 8 were improved
7 has been raining
4 tidal wave 8 cyclone 4 were recorded 9 was performed
8 have been talking
7 5 were stopped 10 are grown
1 innovation 5 unhappiness 2
1 Have they been eating dinner?
2 carelessness 6 environment 1 Was the match won by our team?
2 They haven’t been eating dinner.
3 refinement 7 homelessness 2 The match wasn’t won by our team.
3 Have you been watching a film?
4 education 8 addiction 3 Was the old lady bitten by a bid dog?
4 You haven’t been watching a film.
5 Has he been talking to you? 8 4 The old lady wasn’t bitten by a big dog.
6 He hasn’t been talking to me. 1 clean 5 punish 5 Are these cars produced in limited number?
7 Has it been snowing all night? 2 well educated 6 weak 6 These cars aren’t produced in limited
8 It hasn’t been snowing all night. 3 expensive 7 poverty number.
4 lenient 8 increase 7 Is Portuguese spoken in Angola?
3 8 Portuguese is not spoken in Angola.
1 We arrived early so as to get good seats.
2 I go running to keep fit. Revision Unit 3, pp. 183-184
3 We bought a present in order to say thank 3
Grammar 1a 2d 3f 4g
4 We paid so we could get in. 5c 6h 7b 8e
5 I write short stories to pass the time. 1 I used to like playing tennis. 4
6 We wrote to ask a favour. 2 My sister used to be scared of spiders. 1 does it? 6 is he?
3 They used to go on holiday every year. 2 aren’t I? 7 didn’t they?
4 Harold used to be worried about his exams. 3 will you? 8 aren’t they?
4 5 I used to be interested in contemporary art. 4 do you? 9 isn’t there?
1 racket 5 basket 6 They used to live in our neighbourhood. 5 isn’t she? 10 haven’t you?
2 whistle 6 surfboard 7 Carol used to believe in ghosts as a child. Vocabulary
3 skis 7 rugby ball 8 The children used to love playing on the
4 golf ball 8 boxing gloves swings. 5
5 2 1 broadcast 7 aerial
1a 2e 3g 4b 1 Did you use to like fishing? 2 series 8 presenter
5f 6h 7d 8c

Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts

Tests and Resources Answer key and Transcripts
video clip 9 online 3 Had she gone to the hairdresser’s? 6
4 remote control 10 web page 4 She hadn’t gone to the hairdresser’s. 1a 2e 3g 4f
5 post 11 graphics 5 Had he missed the train? 5c 6b 7h 8d
6 switch off 12 interactive 6 He hadn’t missed the train. 7
6 7 Had Roger locked the door? 1b 2a 3a 4b
1 upload 5 download 8 Roger hadn’t locked the door. 5b 6b 7a 8b
2 log on 6 surf 9 Had we had lunch together?
10 We hadn’t had lunch together. 8
3 click on 7 visit 1 smell 5 look
4 burn 8 copy 3 2 overhear 6 try
7 1a 2d 3f 4b 3 feel 7 Sniff
1 monitor 4 keyboard 5h 6e 7c 8g 4 say 8 touch
2 icon 5 pen drive Vocabulary
3 printer 6 speakers
Revision Unit 8, pp. 193-194
1 track 5 tune Grammar
1 great 4 break up
2 album 6 band
2 dull 5 chat 1
3 single 7 charts
3 sixish 6 bright 1 was 5 was
4 lyrics 8 voice
2 had gone 6 had found
Revision Unit 5, pp. 187-188 5
1 rhyme 5 melody
3 would 7 liked
4 could 8 had to
Grammar 2 hit 6 compose
3 verse 7 drummer 2
1 4 release 1 was 5 could
1 who 6 who 2 liked 6 would
2 whose 7 where 3 was 7 had been
1 saxophone 4 tambourine
3 where 8 which 4 had gone 8 were driving
2 clarinet 5 banjo
4 which 9 which 3
3 cello 6 trumpet
5 when 10 who 1 I’m having a new dress made.
2 2 She got her car mended.
1 chat 5 interview
1 ND 2D 3D 4 ND 5D 3 We had our house painted.
2 oral exam 6 complaint
6 ND 7D 8D 9 ND 10 D 4 They got a new garage built.
3 conversation 7 explanation
3 5 I had my bike cleaned.
4 apology 8 interrogation
1a 2d 3g 4b 6 They got their hair cut.
8 7 We had out photo taken.
5h 6e 7c 8f
1a 2e 3h 4c 8 She is having her classroom changed.
5f 6b 7d 8g
Vocabulary Vocabulary
4 Revision Unit 7, pp. 191-192 4
1 portrait 5 landscape 1a 2d 3f 4h
2 sculpture 6 sculptor Grammar 5c 6g 7b 8e
3 drawing 7 still life
1 5
4 gallery 8 sketch
1 didn’t want 5 could 1 shy 7 irresponsible
5 2 liked 6 would 2 determined 8 sensible
1 artist 5 canvas 3 had arrived 7 had 3 generous 9 sensitive
2 palette 6 watercolour 4 had called 8 were having 4 soft-spoken 10 serious
3 oil painting 7 paint 5 ambitious 11 kind
4 brushes 8 Cubism 6 strong 12 optimistic
1 Donald is on holiday.
6 2 I like films. 6
1 the top left hand corner 3 I have two cats. 1 shyly 9 sensibly
2 the top 4 I have finished. 2 shyness 10 sense
3 the top right hand corner 5 I can swim. 3 irresponsible 11 sensitive
4 the left 6 I will help. 4 irresponsibility 12 sensitively
5 the middle 7 I don’t want tea. 5 generous 13 calm
6 the right 8 I am going home. 6 generously 14 calmness
7 the bottom left hand corner 7 courageously 15 û
8 the bottom 8 courage 16 determination
1 to stay 5 smoking
9 the bottom right hand corner
2 seeing 6 to go 7
7 3 to take 7 helping 1 optimistic 5 bored
1 respect 5 dislike 4 to find 8 to get 2 shy 6 confident
2 distrust 6 love 3 generous 7 cowardly
3 liking 7 trust 4 normal 8 negative
1 studying 5 to have
4 disgust 8 admiration
2 seeing 6 to get 8
3 opening 7 to call 1 demonstration 5 riot
Revision Unit 6, pp. 189-190 4 to take 8 smoking 2 petition 6 sit in
3 march 7 campaign
Grammar Vocabulary
4 movement 8 rally
1 5
1 had seen 6 had read Things we play: cards, games, the piano Revision Unit 9, pp. 195-196
2 had arrived 7 had broken Things to keep fit: walking, going to the gym,
3 had asked 8 had been jogging Grammar
4 had shut 9 had studied Things we collect: stamps, coins, postcards
5 had made 10 had booked Creative activities: painting, sewing, writing
1 is being built
2 Things we do with friends: having a meal,
2 has been written
1 Had they been in town all afternoon? visiting relatives/friends, hanging out
3 will be sent
2 They hadn’t been in town all afternoon.

Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts

4 are being questioned Vocabulary 3 If your garden were big enough, would you
5 has been found have a vegetable garden?
6 will be given 5 4 If you lived near your work, would you go
7 is being repaired 1 carry on 5 drop out by bike?
8 has been stolen 2 think over 6 keep up with 5 If you were in a supermarket, what food
3 go on 7 bring up would you choose?
4 let down 8 give in 6 If you didn’t finish all your food, what
1 Is the film being made in Hollywood? 6 would you do with it?
2 The film isn’t being made in Hollywood. 1 to 6 waste 2
3 Will we be paid in dollars? 2 save 7 spend 1 would you do 5 make
4 We won’t be paid in dollars. 3 next 8 pass 2 were 6 could
5 Has Jack been invited to the party? 4 have 9 took 3 would take 7 wouldn’t allow
6 Jack hasn’t been invited to the party. 5 last 4 would make
7 Will the lecture be given by the new 7 3
professor? 1 timer 4 to time 1 bullying 6 terrorism
8 The lecture won’t be given by the new 2 time out 5 dinner time 2 loneliness 7 disease
professor. 3 break time 6 time’s up 3 racism 8 unemployment
3 4 robbery 9 human rights
1 more softly 6 faster Extension Unit 1, pp. 199-200 5 drugs 10 climate change
2 worse 7 farther/further 4
3 harder 8 more frequently 1 terrorism 6 politicians
1 have you been doing
4 more responsibly 9 later 2 terrorists 7 influential
2 ’ve been collecting
5 less 10 better 3 pollution 8 illiteracy
3 ’ve been walking
4 4 ’ve been having 4 pollute 9 education
1 more attentively 5 better 5 have you been helping 5 political 10 healthy
2 more carefully 6 more loudly 6 ’ve been trying
3 more slowly 7 earlier 7 ’ve been working Extension Unit 3, pp. 203-204
4 more quickly 8 longer 8 have you been doing
9 haven’t been working 1
Vocabulary 1 used to believe
10 ’ve been enjoying
5 2 didn’t use to have
2 3 used to work
1 plastic bag 6 climate change 1 have you been playing
2 exhaust fumes 7 carbon dioxide 4 didn’t use to go
2 ’ve been playing 5 did they use to live
3 traffic jam 8 nuclear disaster 3 was
4 public transport 9 global warming 6 used to stay
4 started 7 used to study
5 forest fire 10 ozone layer 5 have had 8 used to go
6 6 played 9 did the girls use to do
1a 2d 3f 4g 7 realised 10 didn’t use to go
5b 6e 7h 8c 8 have never regretted
9 have been training 2
10 came 1 did you use to 6 would
1 down 5 off
2 would 7 did you use to
2 off 6 down/off 3 3 would 8 used to
3 down 7 down 1 to/in order to/so I could 4 didn’t use to 9 would
4 up 8 up/on 2 so that 5 used to 10 did you use to
3 to/in order to/so I could
Revision Unit 10, pp. 197-198 4 to/in order to/so I could 3
1 After a while
5 to/in order to
Grammar 6 to/in order to/so I could 2 straight away
7 to/in order to/so I could 3 a short time later/not much after
1 4 some time later
8 so she would
1 wouldn’t have got married 5 at first
9 to/in order to
2 wouldn’t have seen 6 In the end
10 to
3 hadn’t walked 7 The next day
4 would have called 4 8 a short time later/not much after
5 had seen 1 tennis court 6 baskets
2 pitch 7 basketball 4
6 had bought
3 net 8 court 1 going to school
7 would have helped
4 golf course 9 boxing ring 2 going to bed early
8 had taken
5 golf clubs 10 gloves 3 afraid of the dark
2 4 spiders
1a 2g 3b 4f 5 5 playing on the swings
5d 6h 7c 8e 1 passes the ball 6 big barking
2 a tackle 7 playing with them
3 committed a foul 8 being home alone
1 had 5 heard
4 hit the post
2 had known 6 hadn’t gone 5
5 a corner
3 hadn’t lost 7 started 1 depressing 6 creepy
6 passes it
4 were 8 had learned 2 worried 7 terrified
7 scores a goal
4 8 losing the match 3 upsetting 8 frightened
1 I wish you would stop shouting. 4 scared 9 confusing
5 frightening 10 puzzled
2 I wish my brother were tidier.
3 I wish I were a better cook.
Extension Unit 2, pp. 201-202
4 I wish I had studied more. 1 Extension Unit 4,
5 I wish it would stop raining. 1 If you could buy a car, which car would pp. 205-206
6 I wish my friends were here right now. you buy?
7 I wish I hadn’t said that. 2 If you had a house, what would you use 1
8 Rachel wishes she could go on holiday. for fuel? 1 are known 6 don’t have

Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts

Tests and Resources Answer key and Transcripts
started 7 allow 5 in the middle 4 what he was going to do
3 were updated 8 is published 6 it might be 5 how they could do this
4 wrote 9 are added 7 kind of 6 when the work would start
5 are used 10 are kept 8 you can see 7 when it would finish
1 isn’t it 6 doesn’t she Extension Unit 6, 2
2 aren’t you 7 couldn’t we pp. 209-210 1 had to get my car repaired
3 have you 8 will she 2 have it collected
4 isn’t she 9 won’t she 3 get it mended
1 had spent 6 had booked
5 isn’t she 10 do we 4 have them checked
2 hadn’t travelled 7 had driven
3 5 have my car brought
3 was 8 got
1 broadcast 5 online 6 get my hair cut
4 arrived 9 had parked
2 station 6 website 7 had my nails done
5 announced 10 had soaked
3 presenter 7 channel 8 have my measurements taken
2 9 having one made for me
4 audience 8 remote control
1 yourself 6 each other
4 3
2 ourselves 7 each other
1 posts 6 online 1 dentist 5 electrician
3 myself 8 themselves
2 keyboard 7 log on 2 optician 6 gardener
4 himself 9 themselves
3 mouse 8 pen drive 3 mechanic 7 carpenters
5 yourself 10 yourselves
4 click 9 files 4 builder 8 tailor
5 website 10 save 4
1 band 5 produced
5 1 ambitious 6 shy
2 singer 6 chart
1 Really 2 soft-spoken 7 optimistic
3 released 7 melodies
2 you’re kidding 3 serious 8 strong
4 album 8 single
3 Are you serious 4 sensible 9 determined
4 5 kind
4 It’s unbelievable/It’s amazing
1 too loud 6 electric one
5 hard to believe 5
2 Really 7 the drums
6 It’s unbelievable/It’s amazing 1 should 6 Try taking
3 flute 8 pair of cymbals
7 don’t say 2 think 7 were you
4 quite quiet 9 play it anywhere
8 Are you sure 3 it’s a good idea to 8 would
5 guitar 10 feeling bored
4 don’t you 9 must
Extension Unit 5, 5 5 Perhaps
pp. 207-208 1 folk 5 country
2 acoustic 6 samba Extension Unit 9,
1 3 saxophone 7 compilation pp. 215-216
1 who 5 who 4 romantic 8 best of
2 whose 6 when 1
3 which 7 when Extension Unit 7, 1 is being done
4 where 8 whose pp. 211-212 2 has been done
2 3 has been diverted
1 4 will be fitted
1 Have you seen the book that my mother
Jim said he didn’t know where Simon was. Derek 5 will be cut
gave me for Christmas?
said/answered that he hadn’t seen him that day. 6 will be forbidden
2 Do you mean the one with pictures that
Jim suggested calling him, and said he would 7 are being planned
show mountains around the world?
find his number. Derek said that he would call 8 have been abandoned
3 No, the other one where you can see pictures
him right away and Jim told Derek to tell Simon 9 will be planted
by famous artists of the twentieth century.
that they were going to be fifteen minutes late. 10 are being made
4 Yeah, I remember she gave it to you when
Derek asked Jim to give him a moment. Jim said
you were studying for your art exam. 2
of course he would and told Derek to let him know
5 I remember the cover painting by Vincent 1 more carefully 5 worse
what Simon said. Derek said he promised to.
van Gogh who cut off his ear. 2 more slowly 6 harder
7 Yes, it’s the one that I need for my Art 2 3 more seriously 7 longer
History exam. 1 watching 6 to call 4 better 8 more quickly
2 sitting 7 to have
3 3
3 to go 8 viewing
1 painting 1 wastes 6 save
4 to check 9 staring
2 in the foreground 2 energy 7 throw away
5 to make 10 wasting
3 shows 3 lights 8 recycle
4 bottom 3 4 on 9 paper
5 background 1 films 6 Collecting 5 turn 10 reduce
6 might be 2 videogames 7 stamps
7 on the left hand side 3 reality shows 8 hanging out
1 global warming 5 plastic bags
8 top right 4 sitcoms 9 going to
2 climate change 6 public transport
9 left hand corner 5 plays 10 sport
3 carbon dioxide 7 traffic jams
10 middle 4 4 ozone layer 8 exhaust fumes
4 1 walking 6 doing exercise
1 portraits 6 palette 2 watch films 7 writing
1 switch on 5 turn up
2 landscapes 7 watercolour 3 hang out with friends 8 sewing
2 switch off 6 turn down
3 sketch 8 gallery 4 have a meal 9 play
3 cut down 7 turn off
4 Cubism 9 sculptor 5 going to the gym 10 musical
4 run down 8 turn on
5 canvas 10 sculpture
5 Extension Unit 8,
1 shows pp. 213-214
2 In the background 1
3 behind 1 if he could explain the problem
4 On the right hand side 2 what the problem was
3 why this was disturbing local people

Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts

Extension Unit 10,

pp. 217-218
1 hadn’t done
2 hadn’t been
3 wouldn’t have lost
4 hadn’t met
5 hadn’t sat
6 would have said
7 had never met
8 had stayed
9 wouldn’t have disappeared
10 hadn’t shouted
1 hadn’t dropped out
2 would have become
3 had found
4 had gone
5 had spent
6 would have had
7 spoke
8 had attended
9 would have learned
1 go on 5 let down
2 drop out 6 think over
3 carry on 7 keep up with
4 bring up 8 give in
1 time 5 save
2 good 6 last
3 next 7 pass
4 waste 8 spend
1 hope 4 regret
2 dream of 5 dying to
3 resigned to 6 look forward to




















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