• When multiple devices concurrently request the use of the bus, the
device with the highest priority is granted access to it.
lnterprocessor Arbitration
Serial Arbitration Procedure:
• Next Figure shows the daisy-chain connection of four arbiters.
• It is assumed that each processor has its own bus arbiter logic
with priority-in and priority-out lines.
• The priority out (PO) of each arbiter is connected to the
priority in (PI) of the next-lower-priority arbiter.
• The PI of the highest-priority unit is maintained at a logic 1
• The highest-priority unit in the system will always receive
access to the system bus when it requests it.
• The PO output for a particular arbiter is equal to 1 if its PI
input is equal to 1 and the processor associated with the arbiter
logic is not requesting control of the bus.
lnterprocessor Arbitration
• Counting Semaphore
Counting semaphore may take any integer value. It could be used to
control access to resources having many instances.
lnterprocessor Communication
& Synchronization
• Barrier
– A barrier ( as evident by its name) does not allow an
individual process to proceed unless all the processes do
not reach it.
• In the write-back policy, only the cache is updated and the location
is marked so that it can be copied later into main memory.
• To ensure the ability of the system to execute memory
operations correctly, the multiple copies must be kept