Banerjee Et Al 2021 The Challenges of Universal Health Insurance in Developing Countries Experimental Evidence From
Banerjee Et Al 2021 The Challenges of Universal Health Insurance in Developing Countries Experimental Evidence From
Banerjee Et Al 2021 The Challenges of Universal Health Insurance in Developing Countries Experimental Evidence From
* Banerjee: MIT (email: [email protected]); Finkelstein: MIT (email: [email protected]); Hanna: Harvard
University (email: [email protected]); Olken: MIT (email: [email protected]); Ornaghi: University
of Warwick (email: [email protected]); Sumarto: TNP2K and SMERU (email: [email protected]).
Henrik Kleven was the coeditor for this article. We thank our partners at BPJS Kesehatan, Bappenas, TNP2K,
and KSP for their support and assistance. In particular, we wish to thank from BPJS Kesehatan Fachmi Idris,
Mundiharno, Tono Rustiano, Andi Afdal, Dwi Martiningsih, Citra Jaya, Togar Siallagan, Tati Haryati Denawati,
Atmiroseva, Muh. Syahrul, Golda Kurniawati, Jaffarus Sodiq, Norrista Ulil, and the many staff at regional BPJS
offices who provided assistance; Maliki and Vivi Yulaswati from Bappenas, Jurist Tan from KSP, and Bambang
Widianto and Prastuti (Becky) Soewondo from TNP2K. We thank the outstanding JPAL SEA team members
for their work on this study, in particular Ignasius Hasim, Masyhur Hilmy, Amri Ilmma, Ivan Mahardika, Lina
Marliani, Patrya Pratama, Hector Salazar Salame, Reksa Samudra, Nurul Wakhidah, and Poppy Widyasari. Yuanita
Christayanie provided excellent research assistance. We thank SurveyMeter for outstanding data collection and
fieldwork, especially Bondan Sikoki and Nasirudin. Funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and
Trade and KOICA is gratefully acknowledged. This project was approved by the MIT IRB (Protocol 1406006432).
This randomized control trial was registered in the American Economic Association Registry for randomized con-
trol trials under trial AEARCTR-0000815. The views expressed here are those of the authors, and do not necessarily
reflect those of the many individuals or organizations acknowledged here.
Go to to visit the article page for additional materials and author
disclosure statements.
net (Jensen 2019). Some countries, such as Thailand, have created a single-payer-like
system funded entirely out of tax revenues and supplemented by small copays; this
has been shown to improve health-care utilization and outcomes, but faces funding
challenges (Gruber, Hendren, and Townsend 2014). Other countries, such as Ghana,
Kenya, the Philippines, and Vietnam—as well as Indonesia, which is the focus of
our study—have sought to create a contributory system with an individual mandate
to reduce the financial burden on the government. In these systems, the very poor
are subsidized by tax revenues, but everyone else is required to pay a premium, col-
lected through a payroll tax for formal sector workers and collected directly from
individuals for everyone else.
The challenge with contributory systems is that enforcing the insurance mandate
for those who directly pay premium is difficult. While the political and administra-
tive challenges of enforcing mandates are not unique to developing countries—for
example, the 2010 Obamacare mandate did not achieve universal coverage in the
United States (Berchick, Hood, and Barnett 2018) and the US tax penalties for fail-
ing to comply with the mandate were eliminated starting in 2019—they are partic-
ularly hard for developing countries, again because the majority of their citizens
are outside the tax net. This means that the types of penalties for noncompliance
used initially under Obamacare—fines collected through the personal income tax
system—are not even an option. Since developing countries have, perhaps rightly,
shown little appetite for enforcing the few possible remaining sanctions on this pop-
ulation (e.g., denying delinquent households the ability to enroll their children in
school), what they are left with is a toothless mandate.
A toothless mandate can create two related challenges for governments that are
trying to increase coverage: low program enrollment and adverse selection, where
the least healthy are most likely to enroll, raising program costs per enrollee above
the population average (Akerlof 1970, Einav and Finkelstein 2011). Indonesia, like
other countries, has experienced both problems: although mandatory, universal
health insurance was launched in 2014, one year after its introduction, the con-
tributory portion of the program, known as JKN \ Mandiri (Jaminan Kesehatan
Nasional Mandiri), had enrolled less than 20 percent of the targeted population;
moreover, because enrollees were much less healthy than the typical targeted popu-
lation, claims exceeded premiums by a ratio of 6.45 to 1.1
These facts motivate the question of whether and how developing country gov-
ernments can design supplemental policies to mitigate these challenges—to boost
national health insurance enrollment, while also reining in the financial costs to the
tax-funded government budget—in contexts with mandatory, but weakly enforced,
contributory health insurance programs. The aim is not necessarily for the govern-
ment to break even—some subsidies may be needed in order to make sure that there
is enough social protection against health shocks—but to limit government spend-
ing while insuring as many people as possible. With this perspective in mind, in
2015 and in cooperation with the Indonesian government, we designed a l arge-scale,
multiarm experiment—involving almost 6,000 households.
Enrollment rates are from authors’ calculation from the nationally representative 2015 Indonesian National
Household Survey, SUSENAS (BPS 2015). Claims-to-premium ratios are from LPEM-UI (2015).
least up to the first 20 months since offer date, because the time-limited subsidies
brought in healthier enrollees with fewer claims.
A natural policy tool to limit such strategic timing is to allow individuals a limited
window each year to enroll. Such “open enrollment” periods are the norm in the
United States, but are absent in Indonesia and in several other developing countries
(e.g., Ghana, Kenya, the Philippines, and Vietnam) that also have a public health
insurance system in which the n onpoor informal sector may pay premiums to enroll.
One potential reason developing countries may not use limited enrollment windows
is that lumpy incomes and credit constraints may hinder households from making
the first payment if the timing of that payment is not aligned with the timing of their
income. In fact, take-up of various products in developing countries (e.g., fertiliz-
ers, scholarships) has been shown to be dramatically higher if households are given
the opportunity to make the first payment right after they receive income (e.g., see,
for example Duflo, Kremer, and Robinson 2011, for an example from agriculture).
Since the precise timing of when households receive incomes differs across the pop-
ulation, a fixed, limited enrollment window might substantially discourage enroll-
ment for many households. In fact, in Indonesia, the social agency’s understanding
of Indonesian law was that they were legally mandated to allow enrollment through-
out the year in order to allow for more flexible access. The inability to offer limited
enrollment windows—perhaps for this reason, or because of the practical challenges
associated with doing so—reveals another important challenge for developing coun-
tries in trying to administer a universal contributory health insurance program.
Our study builds on the large literature on participation in public health insurance
systems—and in social insurance programs.2 Existing evidence from both devel-
oped and developing countries points to increased participation in social insurance
programs, including health insurance, from monetary subsidies (e.g., Thornton et al.
2010; Asuming 2013; Fischer, Frölich, and Landmann 2018; Finkelstein, Hendren,
and Shepard 2019), reductions in transaction costs (e.g., Alatas et al. 2016, Bettinger
et al. 2012, Dupas et al. 2016), and information (e.g., Gupta 2017, Bhargava and
Manoli 2015). We examine the impact of all three of these commonly conjectured
participation barriers in the context of a l arge-scale government insurance program.
Our rich administrative data allow us to probe more deeply than is typically fea-
sible in developing countries to identify key challenges to achieving universal cov-
erage in the context of weak state capacity. For example, our ability to measure both
enrollment attempts and actual enrollment successes highlights the key obstacles
that imperfect civil registries can impose. In the same vein, our high-frequency data
on the dynamics of premium payments and claims allow us to identify the strate-
gic timing of insurance coverage that can occur when the state is unable to limit
enrollment to a short period of time each year;3 Diamond et al. (2019) explores
similar phenomena in the individual health insurance market in California subject to
It is particularly closely related to Thornton et al. (2010), which examines the impact on enrollment and health-
care utilization of randomly offered subsidies for contributory health insurance for informal workers in Nicaragua.
It finds impacts of subsidies on enrollment and health-care utilization.
Our use of administrative data allows us to go further than Asuming, Kim, and Sim (2019), which uses survey
data to assess the impact of o ne-year subsidies on enrollment and health behaviors during and after the subsidy in
Ghana. Our h igh-frequency administrative data allow us to unpack the dynamics of selection and show how differ-
ential retention affects our understanding of these health insurance markets.
the rules of the US Affordable Care Act. Cabral (2017) demonstrates how adverse
selection can be generated not only through the strategic timing of coverage (as we
and Diamond et al. 2019 focus on), but also through the strategic timing of treatment
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section I describes the setting.
Section II presents the experimental design and data. Section III presents the impacts
of the intervention on enrollment, coverage patterns over time, and attempted enroll-
ment. Section IV illustrates the strategic coverage timing under the status quo and
how time-limited subsidies reduce such behavior. The last section concludes.
I. Setting
The Indonesian health-care system consists of a mix of public and private provid-
ers. The public sector provides all levels of care, including large tertiary care hos-
pitals in major cities, smaller secondary care hospitals in virtually every district of
Indonesia, and a vast network of clinics at the subdistrict and village levels. Private
hospitals and private clinics operate alongside these public providers, particularly
in urban areas. Publicly employed physicians and midwives are also allowed to
operate private practices after hours, and many do so, even outside of urban areas.
Nationwide, about 55 percent of inpatient visits are in public hospitals and clinics,
while 45 percent are in private hospitals and clinics; about 40 percent of outpa-
tient visits take place in public clinics, and 60 percent in private (online Appendix
Table 1).4
At the time of our intervention, the main provider of health insurance was the
government, through several different programs (JKN Mandiri, which we study
here, the branches of JKN that provide insurance for formal sector workers and
government employees, and the g overnment-run schemes [JKN and otherwise] that
provide free coverage for the poor from national or district governments); only
about 1 percent of the population had private insurance. In 2015, about one-half of
the Indonesian population lacked formal health insurance.5 Those without insur-
ance faced substantial risk of o ut-of-pocket health-care expenditures. For uninsured,
nonpoor informal sector households—the sample we will focus the study on—we
estimated average annual out-of-pocket health expenditures of Rp 894,018, or about
2.3 percent of total nonhealth household consumption. But this average masks con-
siderable variance; for example, while the median household spent only 0.4 percent
of total nonhealth consumption on health expenditures, the ninety-fifth percen-
tile household spent 9.1 percent, and the ninety-ninth percentile household spent
36.1 percent. By way of comparison, King et al.’s (2009) study of the uninsured in
Mexico defined “catastrophic” health expenditures as those that exceed 30 percent
All statistics in this section are authors’ calculation from the nationally representative 2015 Indonesian
National Household Survey, SUSENAS (BPS 2015) unless otherwise noted.
Since the time period that we started our study, there has been an increase in coverage, and as of 2020,
approximately 20 percent are still uncovered ( For the population that we focus
on—the informal, n onpoor who do not qualify for free insurance paid for by the government—over 60 percent
remain uninsured.
About 40 percent of households that are classified as poor and near poor receive insurance funded completely
out of general government revenues. The program for formal workers is funded jointly by employee and employer
contributions that are withheld by the tax system.
convenience stores, or mobile banking. Paying the premium by the tenth of a given
month ensures coverage for that calendar month. If no payment is made, coverage is
deactivated after a o ne-month grace period.
The per-person monthly premium for basic coverage (known as Class III) is
Rp 25,500 (~$2).7 This means that premiums for a family of four (Rp 100,000) are
roughly similar to the average household out-of-pocket health expenditures which,
we noted above, are Rp 894,018 per year, or about Rp 75,000 per month. However,
as we will see below, due to some combination of adverse selection and moral haz-
ard, the claims for those actually enrolled are substantially higher than premiums
paid. This high level of claims relative to out-of-pocket expenditures among the
uninsured is consistent with the insurance product being potentially valuable and
We carried out this project in two large Indonesian cities: Kota Medan in North
Sumatra and Kota Bandung in West Java. These are the fourth and third largest
There are three different classes of coverage that cover the same medical procedures, but offer different types
of accommodations should an inpatient procedure be required. The per-person monthly premium during the period
of the study was Rp 42,500 (~$3) for class II (3–5 beds per room) and Rp 59,500 (~$4.5) for class I (2–3 beds per
room). Class III (more than 5 beds) is the most common insurance among our population of interest, with 85 per-
cent of households in the control group enrolling in Class III insurance.
Specifically, for coverage to reactivate at a later date, the household must pay their premiums in arrears, up
to a maximum of six months. If no inpatient claims are submitted within 45 days from reactivation, there are no
additional fees beyond these p remiums in arrears. Otherwise, the household has to pay an additional penalty equal
to 2.5 percent of the inpatient claims times the number of inactive months, up to a maximum of 12 months or
Rp 30 million.
B. Experimental Design
We excluded s ubdistricts with universities, large factories, or malls to avoid areas with a high concentration
of temporary residents. We then randomly selected 12 kelurahan (urban municipal units) in the 2 s ubdistricts in
Medan (out of 16 possible kelurahan) and 4 kelurahan in each subdistrict in Bandung (out of 41 possible kelu-
rahan). Within each kelurahan, we randomly selected the neighborhoods (rukun warga, also known as RW) to
The number of households differs in each treatment for two reasons. First, while in Medan we maximized
power to detect differences in enrollment, in Bandung we maximized power to detect differences in claims condi-
tional on take-up. Since we expected greater take-up with a larger subsidy, we randomized more households into
groups with smaller subsidy amounts. Second, a coding error meant that while the overall treatment probabilities
were as assigned, some combinations of treatments were more likely to be randomly assigned to households than
Notes: This figure shows the randomization into each treatment arm, by city. Each cell reports the number of house-
holds allocated to the specific treatment cell. For more information on the bonus subsidy treatment, see online
Appendix A.
others (this coding error was corrected partway through the Bandung experiment). We include in the analysis a
dummy for whether the old or new randomization was used, and reweight observations to obtain the intended
cross-randomization weights so that each main treatment group has the same mix of each crossed additional
In each city, we additionally randomized a separate subtreatment within the subsidy design. The households
in these s ubtreatments are included in all our main analysis, but they are described in more detail and results pre-
sented in online Appendix A and online Appendix Table 3.
we paid the full premiums for one-half the family members for one year, and the
household was then required to pay for the other half.12 Households chose which
family members were subsidized. In theory, the government regulated that all imme-
diate household members be registered, so subsidizing half of the household mem-
bers was roughly equivalent to providing a 50 percent discount. The subsidy receipt
for the subsidized members was conditional on payment for the n onsubsidized
members for the first month, but unconditional thereafter in practice. Households in
the f ull-subsidy group were not required to make any payments during the subsidy
If a family had an odd number of members, we randomly assigned the household to receive a subsidy for
(y + 1)/ 2or (y − 1)/ 2members with equal probability. If there was only one member, the member received a full
Figure 2. Timeline
Notes: This figure provides a timeline by city. The baseline and treatment offer occurred in the same household
visit, in February 2015 in Medan and November/December 2015 in Bandung. Subsidies were disbursed over the
course of 12 months following the offer. We accessed the administrative data in April 2015, April 2016, May 2017,
and August 2018.
C. Data
We compiled two new datasets for this project: a baseline survey and government
administrative data. Figure 2 shows the time period for our data relative to the exper-
imental interventions, separately for each city.
We conducted a short baseline survey (Banerjee et al. 2021) in conjunction with
an independent and established survey firm (SurveyMeter). We administered the
baseline survey immediately following the listing questionnaire to determine eligi-
bility for the study (e.g., informal worker without health insurance). The baseline
survey collected information on the demographic characteristics of family members,
self-reported health and previous health-care utilization, and existing knowledge of
the program.13 Self-reported health was measured on a four-point scale from one
(unhealthy) to four (very healthy); we analyze average s elf-reported health across
household members. The survey was identical in Bandung and Medan, with the one
exception being that we added questions on income and employment in Bandung.
All of our outcomes are measured using detailed, high-frequency, high-quality
government administrative data from February 2015 to August 2018 (BPJS 2021).
We track all of our participants for either 20 months since the date of offer or date
of enrollment, depending on the analysis. We matched the study participants to the
administrative data using individuals’ unique national identification number (Nomor
Induk Kependudukan or NIK).14
We define enrollment to be the household’s successful completion of the registra-
tion process for the national insurance program. Since a household may enroll but
not actually pay any premiums, we then define coverage in a given month to mean
To minimize priming, the questions related to knowledge of the program were asked after the information
on health status. The consent form only mentioned SurveyMeter and Indonesia’s National Development Planning
Agency (Bappenas), the other partner in the study, but not the social security administration or JKN.
To ensure that we identify the correct individuals, we exclude matches when the year of birth reported in
the baseline and that reported in the administrative database differ by more one year. When the same NIK links to
two different membership numbers, we consider both observations as a match. When two different NIKs link to
the same membership number, we exclude the observation. When enrollment date or membership type changes in
subsequent extracts, we retain the information as reported in the first extract in which the individual appears. About
23 percent of the individuals surveyed did not have a NIK at baseline and cannot be matched to the administrative
data. We show in column 1 of online Appendix Table 2 that the probability that a household reports the NIK of at
least one of its members is not differential across treatment. Given that a NIK is a requirement of enrollment, those
without a NIK are likely not enrolled in JKN, and we treat them as such.
that the enrolled household’s premiums were paid that month. We use the admin-
istrative data on registration date to measure enrollment. We use the administrative
premium payment data, which report the date and value of each payment, to mea-
sure coverage in each month.
Since a household may also attempt to enroll but not succeed, we also measure
attempted enrollment. By construction, this is measured differently depending on
the treatment arm. For households in the assisted registration arm, we define them
as attempting to enroll if the enumerator records that the household accepted the
enumerator’s offer of assistance with enrollment and that the enumerator began
the internet-based process of helping them. For households assigned to the status
quo registration procedures, if they are in the subsidy treatments, we define them
as attempting to enroll if they showed up to the social security office to enroll.
Households in the subsidy treatments had to contact the study assistant at the social
security office in order to redeem their voucher, enabling us to record their attempt.
For households in the n o-subsidy group, we set attempted enrollment equal to actual
enrollment, a choice justified by the fact that the failure rate of enrollment attempts
for households assigned to the status quo registration in the subsidy treatments was
negligible (as social security officials within the office could manually fix family
card issues within the system).
Finally, to measure insured health-care utilization, we analyze data on all claims
that are covered by the JKN insurance in both hospitals and clinics. The hospital
claim data report start and end date, diagnosis, reimbursement value, and facility
where the claim was made.15 The clinic claims data report similar information to the
hospital claims data, except that—due to capitation—claim values are not available.
We also use diagnoses to code whether each claim is for a chronic versus emergent
D. Empirical Specification
A claim corresponds to an outpatient or inpatient event. Each event is associated with a series of diagnoses.
The hospital is reimbursed for the amount that corresponds to the primary diagnosis according to the INA-CBG
tariff. All exams and treatment needed for an event get reimbursed under the same claim.
We build our chronic condition classification from the Chronic Condition Indicator for the International
Classification of Diseases from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality 2018). This database provides information on whether diagnoses included in the ICD-10-CM: 2018 can
be classified as chronic conditions. We link conditions in the ICD-10-CM (International Classification of Diseases,
Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification): 2018 to conditions in the ICD-10: 2008 (WHO 2008)—the classification
system followed by BPJS—using the first three digits of the diagnosis code. This is the lowest classification that
straightforwardly corresponds across the two systems. We consider a diagnosis as chronic if it belongs to a 3 -digit
code group with more than 75 percent chronic diagnoses.
A. Enrollment
Enrolled Enrolled within Enrolled after 8
within 1 year 8 weeks of offer weeks, but within
date 1 year of offer date
(1) (2) (3)
Panel A. Subsidy and assisted registration treatments
Full subsidy 0.186 0.209 −0.023
(0.020) (0.018) (0.010)
Half subsidy 0.100 0.114 −0.014
(0.014) (0.013) (0.008)
Assisted registration 0.035 0.043 −0.008
(0.011) (0.009) (0.006)
Notes: This table shows the effect of subsidies, assisted registration, and the information treatments on enrollment
in year 1 since offer. We regress each outcome on indicator variables for assignment to all treatment arms, an indi-
cator variable for the randomization procedure used, and an indicator variable for the study location (equation (1)).
The omitted category is no subsidy for the subsidy treatments, status quo registration for the assisted registration
treatment, and no information for all information treatments. The p-values reported in panel A are from a test of the
difference between the half-subsidy and full-subsidy treatments (β1 = β2) and assisted registration and full sub-
sidy treatments (β1 = β3 ). All regressions are estimated by ordinary least squares (OLS) and weighted to reflect the
intended cross randomization. Robust standard errors are reported in parentheses.
B. Subsequent Coverage
After the initial decision to enroll examined in Table 1, households must decide
whether to continue to pay their monthly premiums to remain covered at any given
point in time. Figure 3 shows household coverage patterns over time for differ-
ent subsidy groups, shown by month since offer (panel A) and, for those who ever
enroll, by month since enrollment (panel B).17 Coverage is defined as the premium
having been paid in full for all its members that month. Payment may be made
Online Appendix Table 4 reports the magnitudes and statistical significance of the patterns observed, while
online Appendix Table 5 provides the underlying regression estimates for the p-values reported in the table.
0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Months since offer Months since enrollment
No subsidy Half subsidy Full subsidy
Notes: This figure shows mean insurance coverage for households (HHs) assigned to different subsidy treatments,
by month since offer (panel A) and by month since enrollment (panel B), with 95 percent confidence intervals for
the mean. Means are weighted to reflect the intended cross randomization. Coverage for a household is defined as
the premium having been paid in full for all its members that month. The sample size in panel A is 5,996 house-
holds. In panel B, the sample is restricted to households who enrolled within a year since offer and had coverage for
at least one month over the same time period. The sample size is 749 households.
either independently by the household or by the study. Thus all households in the
full-subsidy group who successfully enroll are covered for 12 months but not there-
after; households in the no-subsidy and h alf-subsidy groups need to remit payments
each month to remain covered.
In the no-subsidy group, coverage slowly increased over time from 0.61 per-
cent in the first month of the experiment to 6.66 percent almost two years later
(panel A). However, among those who enrolled, many in the n o-subsidy group
quickly dropped coverage; one-quarter of enrolled households in the no-subsidy
group had stopped paying their premiums three months p ost-enrollment, and nearly
one-half had stopped paying their premiums a year post-enrollment (panel B). The
steady increase in coverage for the no-subsidy group in panel A implies that the rate
of new enrollment was large enough so that net coverage rates continued to increase
despite the dropout effect.18
These patterns look very different for the full-subsidy group. About 25 percent
of those offered the full subsidy enrolled in the first two months after the offer,
statistically significantly higher than the no-subsidy group (panel A). Their cover-
age mechanically remained constant during the first year, when the subsidies were
active,19 and fell substantially once the subsidy ended; by month 20, coverage in
the full-subsidy group was about 40 percent of the first year level, with most of this
decline occurring in the first few months after the subsidy ended (panel A).
The steady increase in enrollment of the no-subsidy group throughout the study period is in line with the
number of enrollees going from approximately 10 million in January 2015 to more than 15 million in January 2016.
The slight increase in coverage shown in Figure 3 panel A for the full-subsidy group during months 4–12
comes from the fact that a small number of households in this group enrolled after the subsidy period was over.
0.125 1
Notes: This figure shows mean insurance coverage for households assigned to different registration treatments by
month since offer (panel A) and by month since enrollment (panel B), with 95 percent confidence intervals for the
mean. Means are weighted to reflect the intended cross randomization. Coverage for a household is defined as the
premium having been paid in full for all its members that month. The sample size in panel A is 5,996 households. In
panel B, the sample is restricted to households who enrolled within a year since offer and had coverage for at least
one month over the same time period. The sample size is 749 households.
Despite the large declines after the subsidy ended, coverage in the full-subsidy
group remained higher than in the no-subsidy group. For example, the full-subsidy
group was 4.6 percentage points (87 percent; p-value < 0.001) more likely than the
no-subsidy group to have coverage at month 15, and 3.9 percentage points (58 per-
cent; p-value = 0.001) more likely than the no-subsidy group to have coverage at
month 20 (see online Appendix Table 4). This persistence in elevated coverage even
after the subsidies expired cannot be explained by inertia or switching costs—which
have been w ell-documented in other health insurance contexts (e.g., Handel 2013,
Polyakova 2016); in our context, staying enrolled required an active choice to pay
premiums each month at an office, ATM, or convenience store. There is a financial
penalty for dropping and re-enrolling (see footnote 8 above), which may explain
part of this persistence. The persistence is, however, consistent with health insurance
as an “experience good,” for which initial exposure increases household demand.
For example, individuals may not have understood the benefits of insurance until
they experienced it; indeed, we show in Section IV below that retention is higher
among those households who had a claim.
As one might expect, results for the h alf-subsidy group are somewhere between
the no-subsidy and full-subsidy results. Their coverage rate in the first year was
higher than the no-subsidy group, but far below the full-subsidy group. They also
experienced a drop in coverage when the subsidy ended, and while their coverage
level was roughly flat in the second year, the n o-subsidy group slowly caught up to
them. By the 2 0-month mark, their coverage rates appear similar.
Figure 4 shows coverage patterns over time separately for the assisted-registration
group compared to the status quo group. Relative to the status quo group, the
assisted-registration group saw a slight increase in coverage initially, but coverage
rates soon converged. After subsidies ended, there is some evidence of a larger cov-
erage decline for those in the assisted-registration group, which may indicate that
Note: This table shows the effect of subsidies and assisted registration on attempted and actual enrollment within
eight weeks since offer. The sample size is 5,996 households. In panel A, we regress each outcome on indicator vari-
ables for assignment to all treatment arms, an indicator variable for the randomization procedure used, and an indi-
cator variable for the study location (equation (1)). The omitted category is status quo registration. Panel B reports
estimates from a variant of equation (1) that additionally includes the fully interacted effects of subsidies and reg-
istration assistance. The omitted category is no subsidy and status quo registration. All regressions are estimated by
OLS and weighted to reflect the intended cross randomization. Robust standard errors are reported in parentheses.
some of the households brought into the insurance system by reducing hassles were
particularly sensitive to the hassles of paying each month.
C. Attempted Enrollment
The enrollment measures in Table 1 and the coverage measures in Figures 3 and 4
mask the fact that many more households, particularly those in the assisted registra-
tion treatment, attempted to enroll than were actually successful. Table 2 sheds light
on this by examining the impact of the interventions on both attempted enrollment
in the first eight weeks after the intervention and actual enrollment. Panel A shows
that, averaged across all subsidy treatments, assisted registration led to a 23.7 per-
centage point increase in attempted enrollment during the first 8 weeks (column 1),
but only a 4.3 percentage point increase in successful enrollment during that period
(column 2). In other words, fewer than one-fifth of the households induced by the
registration assistance to attempt enrollment were actually successful in doing so.
Panel B explores the fully interacted effects of subsidies and registration assis-
tance. It estimates an enhanced version of equation (1) that also includes a full set
of interactions between the (cross-randomized) subsidy treatments and the assisted
registration treatment. Even with a full subsidy and assisted registration, enrollment
during the first 8 weeks only reached 25.9 percent, compared to 1.8 percent in the
Observations Percent
(1) (2)
Panel A. All issues
Family card issues 468 83.6
Other issues 71 12.7
Technical reasons (internet, website) 21 3.8
Note: The sample includes households assigned to the assisted registration treatment that attempted to enroll within
six weeks from offer but failed to complete the registration process. Data are from enumerators’ recording at the
end of the baseline survey.
n o-intervention status quo (column 2). However, 55.6 percent of households tried to
enroll when offered both free insurance for the year and assistance with registration
(column 1). This points to important challenges to successful enrollment.
To explore the sources of these challenges in more depth, Table 3 reports the rea-
sons for failing to enroll among households that attempted to enroll in the registra-
tion assistance intervention. These data are from the enumerators’ recording of the
reason for failed enrollment.20 Over 80 percent of failed enrollment attempts were
due to an issue with the family card, the official identification document. As men-
tioned in Section II, the family card was required for registration because house-
holds were required to enroll all nuclear family members (defined as those listed on
the family card) as a way to combat adverse selection. The family card information
was supposed to be pulled automatically from the digital records held by the Home
Affairs Ministry, but this turned out to be problematic if the family composition
had changed, but the card had not been updated. In practice, updating the card is
challenging—it cannot be updated online, and instead requires at least one trip to
a Home Affairs-linked administrative office, and can often incur delays and other
additional costs. During in-person enrollment, social security administration offi-
cials could use discretion to overrule the system for certain causes (e.g., if house-
holds had documentation that the Home Affairs record was inaccurate), but the lack
of flexibility in the online system made web enrollment nearly impossible for many.
Specifically, enumerators were given a structured choice of seven possible answers, or other. We grouped two
possibilities (internet connection issue and BPJS registration website issue) into “technical issues,” and four possi-
bilities related to family card issues (supporting documents issue, family card is not registered in the online system,
family already has insurance according to the online system, and family card does not match the family members
listed in the online system). We do not have data on the reasons for enrollment failure in the status quo arms, but as
can be seen in Table 2 panel A, less than 1 percentage point of people who tried to enroll in the subsidy interventions
with status quo registration failed to do so, compared to 20 percentage points in the registration assistance arms.
imposing financial penalties for those who re-enroll after dropping coverage—but
was not allowed to impose a limited annual enrollment period. This opened the door
for strategic timing of enrollment when a health emergency occurs. Since the pro-
hibition on a limited annual enrollment period precluded our studying its potential
impact directly, we approximated it in spirit by making our subsidy offer explicitly
time limited, only available for up to two weeks after the offer was made. Our results
suggest that this time-limited subsidy was able to reduce strategic coverage timing.
Indeed, because the t ime-limited subsidies brought in healthier enrollees with fewer
claims, they allowed the government to cover almost double the number of house-
holds at no higher total cost, at least with the 20-month period we examined.
A. Impacts on Selection
Table 4 shows that the subsidies brought in healthier, lower cost enrollees, as
standard models would predict (e.g., Akerlof 1970). The analysis is limited to
households who enrolled and had coverage for at least one month during the first
year (as measured in column 1 of online Appendix Table 4), and shows the means
for each group.
Column 1 shows that the marginal household who received coverage in response
to the subsidies had a higher level of self-reported health at baseline than enrollees
in the no-subsidy group. The self-reported health score is a Likert score ranging
from one to four, with four as the highest option. The average s elf-reported health
of those enrolling with either the full or half subsidy is about 4.5 percent higher
than those enrolling with no subsidy (these differences are statistically significant
at the 5 percent level). The effects of assisted registration were smaller, but in the
same direction of bringing in healthier enrollees, and statistically significant at the
10 percent level.
The remaining columns examine enrollee claims for the 12 months after the
enrollment date. We focus on four main indicators: whether the household had any
claim, the number of claims (overall and for chronic visits), the total value of claims,
and the number of days to first claim. The latter is a way to proxy for the value of
claims with greater precision (Aron-Dine et al. 2015).
Those who enrolled under the subsidies were lower cost.21 For example, in
the n o-subsidy group, 62 percent had any claim compared to 48 percent in the
full-subsidy group (column 2; p-value = 0.040). Column 3 shows that those enrolled
in the f ull-subsidy group were also less likely to have a claim for a chronic, ongo-
ing condition (17 percentage points) than those enrolled in the no-subsidy group
(27 percentage points; p-value of difference = 0.082). Compared to the n o-subsidy
group, the full-subsidy group also had 40 percent lower average claims (column 6
of Table 4; p-value of difference = 0.095) and waited 32 percent longer before
submitting their first claim (column 7; p-value of difference = 0.006).22 Results for
the half-subsidy group and the assisted-registration group are mostly qualitatively
While these two measures capture different objects—namely, health and health-care usage—perhaps not sur-
prisingly, enrollees with better self-reported health indeed tend to have fewer claims (see online Appendix Table 6).
Online Appendix Table 7 reports the underlying regression estimates for the p-values reported in Table 4.
Table 4—Self-Reported Health and Claims in 12 Months since Enrollment, by Temporary Subsidies
and Assisted Registration
Note: This table shows mean self-reported health and mean claims submitted in months 1 to 12 since enrollment
by temporary subsidies and assisted registration. Means are weighted to reflect the intended cross randomization.
Standard deviations are in brackets. The sample is restricted to households who enrolled within a year since offer
and had coverage for at least one month over the same time period. The sample size is 749 households. In column 1,
the outcome is the average self-reported health of all household members, where the self-reported health score is
a Likert score ranging from one to four, with four as the highest option (better self-reported health). The value of
claims in column 6, in thousand Rp, is winsorized at the 99 percent level and only refers to hospital claims. The
p-values at the bottom of the table are from regressions of each outcome on indicator variables for assignment to all
treatment arms, an indicator variable for the randomization procedure used, and an indicator variable for study loca-
tion (equation (1)). Standard errors are robust. The p-values are from a test of the difference between the no-subsidy
and full-subsidy treatments (β2 = 0), between the no-subsidy and half-subsidy treatments (β1 = 0), between the
half-subsidy and the full-subsidy treatments (β1 = β2), and between the status quo and assisted registration treat-
ments (β3 = 0). All regressions are estimated by OLS and weighted to reflect the intended cross randomization.
Online Appendix Table 7 provides the regression estimates behind the numbers reported in this table.
similar to the full-subsidy group, but smaller in magnitude and never statistically
significantly different from the n o-subsidy group.
Figure 5 shows that these cost differences in part reflect strategic timing decisions
by the no-subsidy group, rather than only fixed health differences across enrollees in
different intervention groups. It plots the number of claims by month since enroll-
ment, separately by subsidy treatment groups; as with Table 4, the analysis is limited
to households who enrolled and had coverage for at least one month during the first
year. Those who enrolled without the subsidy submitted more claims in the first
few months upon enrollment than those who enrolled in the f ull-subsidy group, but
over time this difference became less stark and, by the end of the period, the groups
displayed similar patterns in number of claims. Enrollees in the h alf-subsidy group
also submitted more claims than households in the full-subsidy group, and even sub-
mitted claims for a higher value than the no-subsidy group in a handful of months.
In addition to the full-subsidy group having fewer claims than the no-subsidy
group, Figure 6 shows that, in the first 12 months since enrollment, those who enroll
and have claims in the full-subsidy group are much less likely to have “large claims”
(which are suggestive of a substantial health emergency) than those who enroll and
No subsidy
Half subsidy
0.8 Full subsidy
Number of claims
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Months since enrollment
Notes: The figure shows the mean number of claims in each month since enrollment with 95 percent confidence
intervals for the mean. Means are weighted to reflect the intended cross randomization. The sample is restricted to
households who enrolled within one year since offer and had coverage for at least one month over the same time
period. The sample size is 749 households.
have claims in the no-subsidy group. Indeed, the probability distribution function
of the value of inpatient claims submitted within 12 months since enrollment is
markedly left-shifted for the full-subsidy group relative to the n o-subsidy group.
Again, the same is true—although less pronounced—in comparing the half-subsidy
and no-subsidy groups. The differences across groups are statistically significant
according to a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for equality of distribution functions
( p-value = 0.012 for the test of equality between the distribution of the h alf-subsidy
and no-subsidy groups and p-value = 0.001 for the test of equality between the
distribution of the full-subsidy and no-subsidy groups). In short, when they use the
health-care system, those whose coverage was heavily subsidized have less expen-
sive health incidents.
Combined with the payment patterns from Figure 3 panel B, these results suggest
that n o-subsidy households may have had large claims once they enrolled, but then
stopped paying premiums (i.e., dropped coverage). In contrast, the subsidy groups
brought in healthier people, who kept paying premiums longer in the first year while
the subsidies were active (see Figure 3), and had smaller claims throughout the year
(Figure 5).
We also explored how the subsidies affected selection in terms of who retained cov-
erage in the period after all subsidies are over, which is important for understanding
the l ong-run cost implications of temporary subsidies. For each treatment, we divide
those who enrolled in the first year into “dropouts”—those who did not still have
coverage in month 15—and “stayers”—those who did. The results in Table 5 indi-
cate that in the full-subsidy group, those who retained coverage had higher base-
line s elf-reported health than those who did not (column 1; p-value = 0.072), but
also were more likely to have had claims (column 2; p-value = 0.005) and to have
No subsidy
Half subsidy
Full subsidy
0 5,000 10,000 15,000
Value of claims (thousand Rp.)
Notes: This figure shows the probability distribution function of the value of inpatient claims submitted within
the first 12 months since enrollment by subsidy treatment. The unit of observation is a single claim. The sample is
restricted to 749 households who enrolled within one year since offer and had coverage for at least one month over
the same time period, which is the same sample we use in Figure 5 and Table 4. The sample size is 3,827 inpatient
had more visits (column 4; p-value = 0.002), particularly for chronic conditions
(column 5; p-value = 0.14). The half-subsidy group showed a similar pattern of
claims,23 while the patterns are more ambiguous for the n o-subsidy group. The fact
that stayers are more likely to have had claims is consistent with an “experience
effect,” whereby having had experience utilizing the insurance can increase future
demand. These patterns also highlight the potential—emphasized theoretically and
empirically by Diamond et al. (2019)—for strategic dropouts to generate ex post
adverse selection, even among consumers who may be ex ante identical in their
expected health-care utilization. However, on net, the overall selection effect from
the full subsidy compared to the no subsidy still dominates its differential retention
effect, so that on net, the stayers in the full-subsidy group are healthier than the
stayers from the no-subsidy group, both in terms of self-reported baseline health and
in terms of claims during the first year.
Table 6 shows the effects of the subsidies on the net revenue for the government.
Government net revenue is the difference between premiums received (net of sub-
sidies) and claim expenditures. It reflects the amount that would need to be covered
from the general government budget. The outcomes we have previously studied—
enrollment, coverage retention, and claims patterns—all affect government net
Online Appendix Table 8 presents the equivalent results broken down by the assisted registration treatment,
and finds a similar pattern: stayers were more likely to have had claims.
Panel C. No subsidy
Dropouts 3.169 0.530 0.234 3.632 0.327 1.840 197.490
[0.507] [0.503] [0.426] [5.470] [0.643] [4.231] [157.035]
Stayers 3.055 0.680 0.296 7.788 0.346 1.507 162.699
[0.555] [0.468] [0.458] [11.376] [0.574] [3.968] [152.741]
Note: This table shows mean self-reported health and claims in the first year since enrollment, separately by tem-
porary subsidies and by whether households kept or dropped coverage at month 15 since offer. Means are weighted
to reflect the intended cross- randomization. Standard deviations are in brackets. The sample is restricted to house-
holds who enrolled within a year since offer and paid for at least one month over the same time period. The sam-
ple size is 749 households. In column 1, the outcome is the average self-reported health of all household members,
where the self-reported health score is a Likert score ranging from one to four, with four as the highest option (better
self-reported health). The value of claims in column 6, in thousand Rp, is winsorized at the 99 percent level and only
refers to hospital claims. The p-values in panels A, B, and C are from a specification where the outcome is regressed
on an indicator variable for whether the household has coverage in month 15 and the sample is restricted to house-
holds assigned to the subsidy treatment specified. The p-values in panel D are from a specification where the out-
come is regressed on indicator variables for subsidy treatment assignment and the sample is restricted to households
with coverage in month 15. All regressions are estimated by OLS and weighted to reflect the intended cross random-
ization. Standard errors are robust. The coverage rates of these two groups are shown in online Appendix Table 4.
r evenue. We show the total cost to the government per capita (i.e., per household in
the population).
Panel A shows the results during the time period the subsidy was in effect. As we
have seen, full-subsidy households have higher coverage during the subsidy period.
In fact, column 1 shows that the mean number of h ousehold-months within insur-
ance coverage in the full-subsidy group is almost nine times that of the no-subsidy
group during the subsidy period. For the full-subsidy group, revenue (i.e., premi-
ums received net of subsidies) per-household month is of course lower than for the
Per household-month
Mean (i.e., total cost to the government in thousand Rp)
number of
household Net revenues
coverage Claims Net including
months Revenues expenditures revenues capitation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Panel A. Months 1 to 12 since offer date
Full subsidy 2.887 1.056 7.459 −6.403 −11.938
[4.899] [10.123] [157.686] [157.884] [159.105]
Half subsidy 1.096 4.210 17.687 −13.477 −15.185
[3.013] [18.013] [477.729] [475.367] [475.804]
No subsidy 0.323 2.214 4.927 −2.712 −3.167
[1.535] [14.270] [214.599] [212.905] [213.125]
Notes: This table shows mean revenues and expenditures by temporary subsidies, for months 1 to 12 from offer
(panel A) and for months 13 to 20 from offer (panel B). Means are weighted to reflect the intended cross random-
ization. Standard deviations are in brackets. Column 1 reports mean number of months with insurance coverage.
Observations are at the household level. Columns 2 to 5 show mean revenues (premiums paid by enrollees), expen-
ditures (total value of claims), net revenues, and net revenues including capitation payments, in thousand Rp for all
household-months. Observations are at the household-month level. The value of claims in column 3 is winsorized at
the 99 percent level and only refers to hospital claims. The p-values are from regressions of each outcome on indi-
cator variables for assignment to all treatment arms, an indicator variable for the randomization procedure used, and
an indicator variable for study location (equation (1)). In column 1 standard errors are robust, while in columns 2
to 5 standard errors are clustered at the household level. The p-values reported are from a test of the difference
between the no-subsidy and full-subsidy treatments (β2 = 0), between the no-subsidy and half-subsidy treatments
(β1 = 0), and between the half-subsidy and full-subsidy treatments (β1 = β2). All regressions are estimated by OLS
and weighted to reflect the intended randomization.
no-subsidy group (column 2),24 but the value of claims per household month is not
statistically different, even despite the larger number of h ousehold-months cov-
ered (column 3). The last two columns report net revenue per h ousehold-month
Revenues should be mechanically zero for the full-subsidy group while the subsidy is in effect, but are not
literally zero since a few households in this group enrolled after the time period the subsidy offer was in effect and
therefore had to pay premiums.
with (column 4) and without accounting for capitation payments (column 5).25
Accounting for capitation payments, net revenue per h ousehold-month are about
negative Rp 3,000 in the no-subsidy group, compared to about negative Rp 12,000
per household in the full-subsidy group (although these differences are not statisti-
cally indistinguishable; p -value of 0.25). This implies that while the subsidies are
in effect, the government covers nine times more household-months at four times
the cost.
The financial implications for the government improve once the subsidies are
withdrawn (panel B). We observe about twice as many h ousehold-months cov-
ered in the full-subsidy group as compared to no subsidy (column 1; p -value <
0.001), but now they are also paying premiums. Putting this together, net revenues
to the government are almost identical between the full- and no-subsidy groups
(column 5)—it costs the government about Rp 5,000 per household in both the
no-subsidy and the full-subsidy arms. In short, the full subsidy was able to substan-
tially expand coverage in both the subsidy year and the year after, at no higher cost
to the government.
V. Conclusion
As incomes have risen in emerging economies, there has been a growing move to
increase coverage of health insurance programs through mandated, national enroll-
ment. However, many countries are running into key challenges in expanding cover-
age, particularly among informal workers, who often comprise a large share of their
In this paper, we show that there are both monetary and nonmonetary barriers to
enrollment. Time-limited, temporary subsidies increased enrollment. In fact, house-
holds that received the subsidies were even more likely to stay enrolled after the sub-
sidies expired, consistent with an experience effect. Reducing hassles by providing
registration assistance to households also increases enrollment.
These enrollment gains, however, were muted by a weak administrative state
capacity. In particular, the hassles of status quo (i.e., without assistance) enrollment
at a government office appear to be a substantial barrier: nearly as many people
attempted to enroll in the assisted internet-based registration with no subsidy as
did in the full-subsidy group with status quo office-based registration. Even more
important, many more people attempted to enroll when assistance was provided
than were actually able to do so. For example, when offered both a full subsidy and
assisted internet registration, about 55 percent of households tried to enroll, but
fewer than one-half of these households were successful. The primary reasons were
challenges with the government’s online enrollment system arising from inaccura-
cies in the state’s underlying civil registries of families, a problem that is unfortu-
nately common throughout the developing world. Even the 55 p ercent attempted
Capitation payments depend on the number of enrollees that declare the facility as their primary provider,
the total number of practitioners, the ratio of practitioners to beneficiaries, and operating hours, and range between
Rp 3,000–6,000 per enrollee for puskesmas and Rp 8,000–10,000 for clinics. Given that approximately 80 percent
of JKN Mandiri enrollees declare puskesmas and 20 percent declare clinics as their primary health facility, for these
calculations we assume capitation payments to be Rp 6,800 per enrollee per month. Capitation payments are only
paid to health-care facilities in months in which the household paid the premium.
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