QP 1
QP 1
QP 1
Maximum Marks: 60
Time: 03 Hours
Instruction for candidates:
marks each.
Section A is compulsory. It consists of 10 parts of two attempt any 4
each. The student has to
2 Section B consist of 5 questions of 5 marks
questions out of it.
The student has to attempt any 2
3. Section C consist of 3 questions of 10 marks each.
(2 marks each)
Q1. Attempt the following:
with respect to Finite Automata.
a) Define language and alphabets
b) What is formal aspect of Regular Language?
c) State Arden's theorem for regular expressions. start and
language which contain strings
d) Construct a DFA over P ={a,b } that accept a
"b' in-between.
end with 'a' but have any number of
Context Free Grammar.
e) Describe various attributes of
the Context Free Grammar?
) What are different steps to simplify
context free grammar.
g) Give an example of Ambiguity in to be in CNF (Chomsky
h) Write down conditions of production rules for a grammar
Normal Form)
i) What is Universal Turing
j) Define Closure property of CFL.
P =
{0,1} for the languages
where all strings containing even
DFA over
Q7. (a) Design a
number of zeros.
in Chomsky hierarchy.
(b) Describe the different types of grammar
Palindrome over P {0,1} =