Ie Delhi 19 11 2021
Ie Delhi 19 11 2021
Ie Delhi 19 11 2021
Rajnath: Need infra, see
cell towers across LAC
Under fire over Srinagar killings, J&K on listing day,
1/4th investor
commemoration this year
tensions with China and reports
admn orders probe, exhumes 2 bodies wealth eroded
of war-like preparations includ-
ing the building of border
L-G orders magisterial inquiry, seeks report in 15 days Ruthless, inhuman to deny INDIA’S LARGEST IPO (initial
SC for CBI probe into Centre works on tax framework a share. The size of the IPO was
Rs 18,300 crore — Rs 8,300 crore
SUNNY VERMA, Indian Express that the Finance providers in the cryptocurrency Investors
government shares in the com- AANCHAL MAGAZINE & Ministry is leading these discus- ecosystem, the option of impos- not
ANANTHAKRISHNAN G & pany in 2002. PRANAV MUKUL sions, and the question of bring- ing GST at the rate of 18 per cent,
DEEPTIMAN TIWARY A bench of Justices D Y NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 18 ing the sector underthe ambit of in line with the rate for most ● enthused
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 18 Chandrachud and B V direct and indirect taxes are services in the financial sector, is
Nagarathna said that after the The seven who were shot are in judicial custody. Express AS INDIA seeks global collabora- among the issues under active being explored, they said. INDIA’S LARGEST Initial
THE SUPREME Court Thursday 2002 disinvestment, HZL had tiononregulating cryptocurren- discussion. According to the officials, a Public Offering sailed
gave a go-ahead to the Centre to ceasedtobeagovernmentcom- cies, with Prime Minister Theissueofregulatorygapsis key aspect being considered to- through, but investors
ual shares in Hindustan Zinc Ltd
pany within the meaning of the
Companies Act, 1956, and was
13 shots, 7 hit, same injury: NarendraModiidentifyingthem
also being discussed in meetings
involving the Government and
bring cryptocurrency players
under the regulatory ambit is
made losses on the list-
ing day. The reasons for
(HZL). At the same time, it di-
rected a CBI probe into alleged
only a shareholder in the com-
pany and, therefore, entitled to UP probes ‘encounter’ after one of the key areas where
democracies should work to-
regulators such as the Reserve
broadening the definition of a
discounted listing in-
clude expensive pricing,
Allahabad HC:
Registration of
interfaith union
can’t wait for
conversion nod
directed thatthe marriages of 17
interfaith couples in Uttar
Pradesh should be registered
without insisting on or waiting
district authority with regard to
the couples’ conversion of faith.
The court said that while the
state’s Unlawful Conversion Act
doesnotprohibitinterfaith mar-
side their religion “can be sub-
jected to harassment”.
Justice Suneet Kumar passed
the order on Thursday in a batch
of petitionsfiledby17 adult cou-
ples who said they had entered
into interfaith marriages after
changing their religion “on free
threat to their life and liberty at
the hands of their parents, rela-
tives and other family members
in connivance of the State ma-
chinery,” the order said.
New Delhi
specified spots — Anand Vihar, carrying essential items, till 2022-23 SEATS
Ashok Vihar, Bawana, Dwarka,
Jahangirpuri, Mundka, Narela,
November 21 after the
Commission for Air Quality BATCH STARTS
Okhla, Punjabi Bagh, R K Puram, Managementissuedguidelines.A SOCIOLOGY TOPPERS @ TRIUMPH IAS CSE-2020
Rohini,VivekViharandWazirpur. senior officer said they stopped
This exercise will also be carried over 500 trucks at the borders.
out in high footfall areas, near Special Commissioner of VINAYAK CHAMIDIA ARYA R NAIR
monuments and markets. Police (Traffic) Manish Kumar 46 47 113
02 27
At present, 372 tankers have Agarwal said they are imple-
been deployed to sprinkle water. mentingmeasurestocurbpollu-
“We expect this will help reduce tion. “We are talking to other de-
days,” said an officer. and owners to arrange proper 137 149 191 207 217
Meanwhile, Delhi Traffic
parking and halting of vehicles
outside Delhi borders,” he said. 7678628820, 7840888102
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New Delhi
Guru Nanak
PURAB Apostle of Peace
ERHAPS NO time is as appropriate as now to Guru Gobind Singh taught that the Khalsa must not as- 552nd Prakash Purab of Shri Guru Nanak
practise Guru Nanak’s inclusive philosophy. His sociate itself with kanyapapi, or those who sin against Dev ji. Guru Nanak Saheb, the founder of
birth anniversary is a reminder to renew our- women. He also demanded that any women captured in Sikhism, is an embodiment of wisdom,
selves, rescue humanity and live the righteous life to war would be treated with respect, never taken as peace, unity, universal brotherhood and
God-realisation. He shunned man-made societal con- slaves or wives. oneness of mankind who worked for en-
structs and bias that privileged one over another.As a re- In addition to Gurbani, the gurus worked to institu- lightenment of humanity. He was a poet, a
former and spiritual leader, he laid the tenets of a harmo- tionalise women’s power in the Sikh Panth. They abol- mystic and a philosopher who denounced divi-
nious society, equality and compassion. ished sati, discouraged purdah, rejected sutak (the belief sions based on gender, caste, colour, religion or
And he carried his beliefs through practical wisdom. that a woman giving birth to a child is unclean for a race.
As a nine-year-old boy, he minced no words while re- given number of days), outlawed female infanticide, re- The very purpose of Guru Nanak Saheb’s birth was to
fusing to wear a janeau, a thread worn by high caste jected menstrual taboos and permitted the remarriage of spread humanity and not merely a religion. He always stressed on religion as a
Hindus believing it would open a doorway for them to widows. way of life and not performing rituals that lead to nothing. The idea of uplifting
heaven.The young Nanak refused to follow the ancient Furthermore, to ensure equal status for women, the every human in terms of thoughts and deeds is one of the important messages he
custom on the grounds that only a righteous life could gurus made no distinction between the sexes in mat- gives through his sermons.
lead one to heaven and threads were anyway prone to ters of initiation, instruction or participation in sangat The two words as part of Mool Mantar, namely Nirbhau and Nirvair,embody the
wear and tear. and pangat (eating together), accepting amrit, or serving quintessential message of Guru Saheb’s teachings. From the very time when he
The first Sikh master believed that God is one and in leadership roles. For example, Bibi Bhag Bhari (late came into being to the fast-changing time of today, humans have always been in
omnipresent. Once, during one of his journeys, he slept 1400s–early 1500s) was appointed to the Manji of search of peace.
with his feet pointing towards Mecca. On being rudely Kashmir by Guru Amar Das Sahib.The great Sikh institu- The idea of Nirbhau (the supreme power does not scare and is neither afraid of
awakened and asked to change the position of his feet, the gurdwaras (Sikh place of worship). Today, Sikh tion of langar was established in part by Mata Khivi anything) and Nirvair (the almighty is without any enmity) is the only alley be-
the Guru asked people to point his feet in a direction women hold critical roles in gurdwaras; they are free to (1506 –1582). Mata Sahib Kaur (1681–1747) famously tween the two roads of birth and death running simultaneously.The one who is at
where there was no God.A mosque was found in every work as granthis, or ceremonial readers of the Sikh holy added sugar to the amrit during Guru Gobind Singh’s peace with his inner self will never scare others,and the one who does not scare will
direction they turned his feet to, bearing witness to his book, Sri Guru Granth Sahib, or to lead congregations. creation of the Khalsa. Mai Bhago (late 1600s–mid always be at the forefront to help, support and be together with others.
belief about God’s omnipresence. Women can wear the turban although culturally it was 1700s) led the Chali Mukte back into battle against in- Guru Nanak Saheb’s love for humanity took him to all parts of the world where
It is for the same faith in oneness that he treated worn by men. Today, it is a symbol of the universal vading Mughals and later went on to become the body- he propagated the idea of universal brotherhood and condemned feudalism. His
women the same as men in Sikhism.The holy scriptures equality of all mankind. guard for Guru Gobind Singh Ji. teachings have been in the form of a practical application of the ideas he wanted to
of Sikhism state that women are entitled to the same In fact, women empowerment as we know it today Guru Nanak also convinced his devotees about the promote. Staying at Bhai Lalo’s residence, seeding the idea of common kitchen
rights and privileges as men, allowed to lead congre- owes a lot to Guru Nanak. He had a close relationship protection of environment — water, air and earth. The and langar and making Mughal emperor Babar sit with commoners are some of the
gations and serve as spiritual leaders. As he said, “In a with his older sister, Bebe Nanaki, and she is an impor- Japuji Sahib ends with a reference to the need for saving practical implications of his own ideas.The very idea of langar has been cited world-
woman, man is conceived/From a woman he is born/ tant figure in the Sikh faith. He was sent to live with her the environment and living in harmony with nature. wide with reference to service to humanity and spreading brotherhood. His way of
With a woman he is betrothed and married/With a at the age of 15 and she is said to have been his first He emphasised the need for inter-faith harmony imparting knowledge through a scientific perspective has been appreciated world-
woman he contracts friendship. Why denounce her, the follower, recognising his enlightenment as he grew up. and sustained dialogue among religions and religious wide by several communities.Even centuries later,it can answer queries of contem-
one from whom even kings are born? From a woman a Other gurus followed in Guru Nanak’s footsteps, communities. He himself travelled widely to interact porary times.Guru Nanak Saheb’s ideology and wisdom of Sarbat da Bhala is what
woman is born/None may exist without a woman.” breaking more barriers and customs over the years. with various religious groups, met seers and saints, is needed to ensure peace and harmony across the world.
Insisting on equality of all human beings, he champi- Guru Angad fought for the education of all Sikhs, in- encouraging a cross flow of dialogue, looking for con- On this auspicious occasion of Guru Nanak Jayanti, let’s emulate his teachings,
oned the cause of women, questioning oppressive prac- cluding women. Guru Gobind Singh kept the Khalsa ini- vergences and thereafter respecting each other’s live by them, spread the message of love and universal brotherhood and make our
tices of his time. And he manifested the change as tiation ceremony open for all women, encouraging faith. He chanted, “Na Koi Hindu, Na Koi Musalman” world an ideal place for people belonging to all castes, creed and faith.The ideal
women began to work with men during langar (com- them to keep the 5 Ks as men do.The word Khalsa refers and envisioned a society based on truth, gender homage to him and his legacy would be to live as he taught us.
munity kitchen), join the sangat (congregation), as well to both people who consider Sikhism to be their faith, as equality, protection of the environment and univer- R.S. Dhillon, CMD, Power Finance Corporation Ltd
as participate in all other social and religious activities in well as those who have gone through the ceremony. sal responsibility.
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New Delhi
Guru Nanak
PURAB Apostle of Peace
URU NANAK is not just a Sikh guru in his labour can recognise the true path).” in the Talwandi region of Pakistan. It is
the sub-continent but embodies a con- He and his followers cultivated the land at believed that his birth was a mark of di-
sciousness.As scholars have chronicled Kartarpur and also reared cattle. As per the vinity. His birth anniversary is celebrated
his travels across Saudi Arabia,Tibet, Sri Lanka, janam sakhis, Guru Nanak used to bring his worldwide on the day of Kartik Purnima
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, India and cattle to graze at the well of Ranjita Rand- as per the lunar calendar. The following
Pakistan, he spread what is now called a hawa, a landlord at Pakhoke Randhawa, now lines of a shabad very aptly describe the
“Nanakpanthi culture.” Its practitioners are syn- called Dera Baba Nanak from where the Kar- birth of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
cretic groups of people in the Indus plains who tarpur Corridor starts, a few kilometres from Satguru Nanak Pargetya, Mithi Dhund
follow Guru Nanak’s teachings irrespective of Kartarpur. Jag Chanan Hoa
them being Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims.A com- He believed in the importance of singing (With the emergence of the true Guru Nanak,
munity of believers, they broke down barriers of praises to God as a way to express gratitude the mist cleared and the light scattered all around)
faith and cultures and were undiluted even by and gain liberation. He set up a dharamsala (a Jio kari sooraj nikaliaa, taarae chippae andheroo paloaa
the Partition in 1947. So the Kartarpur corridor, place where dharma or merit is earned) at (As if at sunrise, the stars disappeared and the darkness was dispelled)
connecting Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Pakistan, Kartarpur, where he and his followers would One of the three main pillars of the teachings of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is
where Guru Nanak spent his last days, and Dera sing his compositions in the morning and Kirat Karo, which means following an honest, pure and dedicated way of
Baba Nanak Sahib in India, in that sense, is a evening. living for the benefit and improvement of the individual, the family and soci-
symbolic leap of faith in humanity.And probably the antidote laid by Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1572. He covered its dome It was only in the 18th century that it began to be called ety at large.
that could have helped reconcile the wounds of Partition. with gold. The most recent reconstruction of the gurudwara gurdwara (a place where the Guru lives). Besides kirtan The Punjab & Sind Bank, a premier public sector bank with 1,531 branches
The freedom to practise one’s faith and seek succour at took place in the 1920s during the reign of the then Maharaja (praise of God), Nanak introduced his followers to katha, expo- and 1103 ATMs spread across the country, is also founded with the same vi-
shrines dedicated to it has been a challenge in nation states of Patiala, Bhupinder Singh, at a cost of Rs 1.35 lakh. sition of his composition or other issues. sion and principle of social commitment to help the weaker sections of the so-
that are in conflict with each other but share shrines and a re- Kartarpur marks the most significant and constructive The distinctive feature of Sikh identity — Service before ciety and raise their standard of living. The ethical values and motto given by
ligious and cultural heritage beyond borders. However, as this phase in the life of Guru Nanak Dev. It was here on the banks of Self — was formulated by Guru Nanak at Kartarpur. He our great visionaries are woven into the core fabric of each PSBian.
is a UN-mandated human rights issue, every nation has tried to the river Ravi that he laid the foundations of a new faith in a preached that every human being, regardless of his family, Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, each PSBian, truly committed and
work out a protocol. So it has taken really long for both India commune he set up after he had travelled continents for 20 caste, creed or gender, can attain liberation by following the dedicated to the service of the society at large, has rendered uninterrupted ser-
and Pakistan to agree to open a special border crossing linking long years and gained experience from his interactions with three principles of work, worship and sharing. He gave the vices.The bank supported its customers by extending various loan schemes at
Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Pakistan’s Kartarpur – the final rest- rulers, common people, clergymen and thinkers. The janam three Gs — Gurdwara, the Granth and the Guru himself. He the most competitive interest rates and also offering Government schemes to
ing place of Guru Nanak Dev – to Dera Baba Nanak shrine in In- sakhis on Guru Nanak’s life say he was offered this piece of even chose his successor,Angad Dev, here. ramp up the economy. To promote the vaccination drive, the bank is offering
dia’s Gurdaspur district. land by a karori (administrator of a pargana) who was initially It was perhaps appropriate that he breathed his last on additional interest rate on term deposits.
Gurdwara Darbar Sahib, also known as Sri Kartarpur Sahib, against him but subsequently became his disciple. September 22, 1539 at Kartarpur, the place where he prac- To provide seamless banking experience to its esteemed customers and the
is where Guru Nanak Dev first practised the three pillars of In fact, Guru Nanak named the settlement Kartarpur, tised and perfected his path. It is claimed that when the Guru younger generation, the bank has recently launched a state-of-the-art mobile
Sikhism — “Kirat Karo (working hard at whatever task one un- and started living there with his parents, wife Mata Su- passed away, both Hindus and Muslims wanted his remains. app, ‘PSB UnIC (You and I Connected)’, a unified digital platform and one-stop
dertakes and an honest living), Vand Chhako (share wealth, lakhni and two sons, Sri Chand and Lakshmi Chand, According to the janam sakhis, when they removed the white solution to all banking needs. It is being rolled out in a graded manner and is
possessions and talent with others), and Naam Japo (medi- thus demonstrating that he preferred the life of a house- sheet, they found only flowers that they divided among them- expected to be made available to all customers by December 31.
tation through reciting, chanting and singing)” as the path to holder to that of an ascetic. selves. While the Muslims buried these under a mazaar, the At present, the bank is offering the most competitive interest rates on
liberation. Guru Nanak believed the supreme purpose of human life is Hindus put these in an urn and buried it alongside. Gurud- home loans and the lowest interest rates on auto and gold loans.
It is widely believed that Guru Nanak Dev composed many to gain enlightenment or a state of union with God. It was at wara Darbar Sahib came up on this place and the locals still As it is said in Gurbani, Tere Bhaane Sarbat Da Bhala, meaning “With the
hymns of the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book of the Sikhs, in- Kartarpur that he taught his followers the way to liberation pray at the mazaar there. blessings of the God, may everyone in the world prosper and be in peace.”
cluding the Japuji Sahib, at Kartarpur. The community meal, by practising it, not by renouncing life but staying within a so- But a few years later, when the place got flooded, Guru That is our wish, too. Happy Guru Purab.
known as guru ka langar, also began here and ultimately be- cial structure and thinking selflessly about serving or helping Nanak’s son Sri Chand dug up the urn and brought it to S Krishnan, MD & CEO
came an important aspect of Sikh tradition. others. He wrote, “Ghaal khaye, pich hathon de, Nanak raah Pakhoke Randhawa (Dera Baba Nanak) where a gurdwara Punjab & Sind Bank
The foundation stone of the Gurudwara Darbar Sahib was pehchane se (A person who works hard and shares the fruits of was built.
New Delhi
an investigation into the Official Secrets Act". "The entry brokerage to include entities registered without the district
matter”. that was made in the official that undertake or facilitate dig- authorityconductinganinquiry.
Stating that “a prima facie document was unauthorised. italassettrades,whichwouldin- Thecourtobservedthatfree-
case for a cognizable offence, as Secondly, this secret document clude practically all cryptocur- domof religionandbelief isaba-
mandated in... the CBI Manual, was leaked. The policeman also rency exchanges. sic human right across civilised
has been made out in this case”, went on leave that had not been While the process of includ- states, and the State cannot in-
the bench directed registration sanctioned," he said. ing these players in the GST am- quire into ortakenotice of a per-
of a regular case “by a full- Among those backing Tyagi bitisexpectedtobelong-drawn, son’s religious or moral belief.
fledged investigation” with sta- is Loni BJP MLA Nand Kishor given that a proposal has to be “However, reasonable re-
tus reports to the court. Gurjar, who has accused police put up before the GST Council, strictions can be imposed upon
of receiving money from cow official sources said that for di- the external manifestation of
UP ‘encounter’ smugglers and hence transfer- rect taxes, the Finance Ministry thought, conscience, religion
he claimed to have recovered ring the Inspector. "Police have has the option of taking up the and belief to protect public
elephant carcasses. taken lakhs of rupees from the issue through amendments to safety, public order, health,
At his Loni home, Mohd cow smugglers. The SHO the Finance Bill. morality and fundamental
Islam, 55, fights tears recalling wanted to name the main ac- “The issue of defining and right of others,” the court ob-
the last conversation with his cused but he wasn't allowed to. regulatingcryptocurrencieswill served.
19-year-old son Shoaib, before He tried to take action against be taken up through legislation, On the various freedom of
his arrest, along with cow slaughter and was pun- whereas taxation aspects need religion or anti-conversion laws
Mustakeen, Salman, Monu, ished," Gurjar told The Indian to be dealt with separately,” an enacted by states, the court said
Intezar, Nazim and another Express, adding that Kumar was official said. “the legislation primarily pro-
youth,whothefamilyclaimsisa "an honest officer dedicated to a Tax experts said that since hibit active proselytising, con-
minor.Theownerof thegodown noble cause" and that he would cryptocurrencies are likely to versions from the religion of
is reportedly missing. write to Chief Minister Yogi be defined as an asset and not one’s ancestors carried out by
Islamsellsclothesfromacart Adityanath on the matter. as a currency or medium of ex- forcible or fraudulent means”.
and called up Shoaib to ask him Tyagi told The Indian Express change, the main route to tax The court mentioned a
whether he would accompany he did what he felt was "right". them would be through direct Supreme Court ruling and said
him the next day. "He said he "They have taken action against tax. “Before you tax them, they that “these legislation in the
had to finish cleaning at the me for reasons they thought have to be defined structurally opinion of the Court pertain to
godown where he worked. The were justified. I do not know and legally. It has the scope of public order”.
next day I came to know that their rationale.. Currently I am being taxed through the cate- In the same order, the
Shoaib and six others had been not in a mental state to do my gory of financial services but Allahabad High Court also said
shot and arrested. He is a regu- job." apart from that, the buyer gets that a Uniform Civil Code for the
larboyfromapoorfamily.These Incidentally, in 2018, as SHO an asset which has an underly- country “is long due”, and di-
are false allegations... he is being of Kharkauda Police Station in ing value. Unless there's a rectedtheCentretoconsiderthe
Meerut, Tyagi had put a note in carved-out category like gold constitution of a Committee or
the General Diary holding him- under GST, it would be tough to Commission for implementing
self responsible for a cow- levy indirect tax,” an expert the mandate of Article 44.
slaughter incident. based in Mumbai said. “The UCC is a necessity and
Islam says their sons have In April2018,the RBIbanned mandatorily required today. It
been targeted because of their all banks from dealing with vir- cannot be made ‘purely volun-
religion. "The case is straightfor- tual currencies, effectively cut- tary’ as was observed by Dr B R
ward. It is easy to paint Muslims tingoff moneysupply into these Ambedkar 75 years back, in
Contact for Advt. Booking: M/s Friends Publicity Service in such a light. These boys are digital assets. However, in 2020, view of the apprehension and
(M): 9212665841, 9212008155 nothing but scapegoats. If this the Supreme Court overturned fear expressed by the members
police officer is such a good the ban. of the minority community,”
shooter, with such an aim, what On Thursday, delivering a Justice Suneet Kumar said.
is he doing in police? He should keynote address at the Sydney FULLREPORTSON
represent India in sports." Dialogue, Modi referred to
New Delhi
Simco Herbals
Wishes You Happy Guru Purab!
IME to time in the history of India, there has ent types of health and beauty care products.The
been Godly-people who have been creat- product range manufactured by us encompasses
ing revolution and transforming societies Hair Fixer, Hair Gel, Shampoos, Hair Oil, Cold
and nations in an unpredicted way. From time im- Cream, Lotion and allied products. Our range is
memorial the personalities like Guru Nanak Dev Ji widely accepted for its stupendous results and ef-
have brought great changes in the world and par- fectiveness by our vast clientele spread all over
ticularly in India. Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of the world. Over the past 6 decades, we have devel-
the Sikh tradition, is one of the great men of Indian oped competency in manufacturing premium
history. His memory is enshrined in the hearts of quality beauty and healthcare products. All the
the millions of people who follow the Sikh reli- products are produced by using advanced tech-
gious practices.The universality of message com- brotherhood of whole global community purely nologies, under the proper guidance of exten-
bined with a dynamic approach to religion and on the basis of the foundation of love and equality. sively experienced personnel.These products are
the deep humanism and concern for the outcast’s On this auspicious day Gurdwaras not only in India available in a variety of options to choose from
and downtrodden immensely raised his stature in but all over the world are illuminated as tribute depending upon the requirements of varied cus-
the eyes of the people. In most part of India, espe- to the holy Guru who tried to bridge the divide tomers. We understand the needs of our valued
cially in the area of Punjab, Haryana and other between different faiths and castes. Prabhat customers, thus always take their suggestions into
northern parts of the country, Guru Nanak Dev Ji is pheris are held and langar's are organized where consideration for producing the assortment that
widely known and respected as a prophet, re- food is distributed to every section of the society ir- complies with their expectations. We boast sate-
deemer of the downtrodden and spiritual teacher. respective of caste, class, gender and creed. of-the-art infrastructure, which is well equipped
Come November and Sikhs all over the world with all latest machines and equipment based on
will be celebrating the birth anniversary of Guru ABOUT SIMCO HERBALS modern technology. Our sound infrastructural set-
Nanak Dev ji, the holy Guru. In today's world torn Understanding constantly increasing demands of up and team of highly qualified and experienced
apart by the evils of hatred and violence the heath and beauty care products all across the personnel form the backbone of our organization.
Guru's teachings hold special significance. He world, Simla Cemicals Pvt. Ltd. commenced its They enable us to keep pace with current market
taught us that all are one and should work above business operations in the year 1948. With over demands and satisfy individual customers by of-
cast, color and creed. His teachings establish 60 plus years of experience in the industry, we are fering, what they desire. All the machines and
well known as the leading manufac- equipment are regularly upgraded at par with latest
turer, exporter, and supplier of differ- technological advancements.
[;e=h a
fnYyh ljdkj
‘Delhi-Ayodhya-Delhi’ pilgrimage
Registration Open
Interested devotees are requested to
get their registration done as soon as possible.
Note: Pilgrims are welcome to take one attendant (Minimum 21 year old) with them
- Arvind Kejriwal
Chief Minister, Delhi
New Delhi
Total Vacant
LAST 24 HOURS 14,40,575 ICU BEDS 2,802 2,764
Nov 18
IN THE CAPITAL Total 362* 14,15,118 25,095 3,02,93,148
Coviddeath The Committee also asked are working on safety and secu- context.Thukralsaiditscommu- at all hours
away by UP Police from their
Delhi residence on the interven-
started," Prashad said, adding
that it will take 6-8 weeks for
the social network giant to pres-
ent a list of instances where a
rity on the platform and 15,000
are working on content moder-
ing night of August 6-7. completion of the inquiry.
Gurgaon: Three days after fact-checking exercise was un- ation globally,” he said. applyacrosstheworld.“Itisvery EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE
a 71-year-old man died of
Covid, another Covid re-
Committee on Peace and
Harmony has asked Facebook,
dertaken by its fact-checking
partners from January 1, 2020 to
the end of April 2020. Thukral
MLA BS Joon, who is also a
Thukral on the definition of hate
worrying that there is no defini-
tion for India, a market from
whereyouget40%of yourusers,”
New Delhi
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 18 Close watchon
LAC issues
IT IS essential for democracies to
work together to invest in future ●
technology, deepen intelligence
oncybersecurityandpreventma- THE PM'S call comes days after a meeting chaired by him
nipulation of public opinion, highlighted the need for global partnerships and collective
Prime Minister Narendra Modi strategies to tackle the reach and impact of cryptocurrency.
said Thursday while flagging PM Modi virtually addresses There was also a consensus to take steps that are progres-
cryptocurrency as one of the ar- the Sydney Dialogue. ANI sive and forward-looking. SHUBHAJIT ROY
FOND MEMORIES eas where they should work to-
gether to “ensure it does not end
UNION MINISTER Anurag Thakur, when he was in the opposi- upinthewronghands”and“spoil icalinformationinfrastructure;to nancing. The issue is expected to 600,000villageswillsoonbecon- A MONTH after the failed 13th
tion,usedtoleadvociferousattacksonthethenrulingCongress our youth”. prevent manipulation of public be discussed during the winter nected with broadband” -- and roundofCorpsCommander-level
and the Left. However, speaking at the presiding officers’ con- Speaking on “India’s technol- opinions;todeveloptechnicaland session of Parliament. “the world's most efficient pay- talks led to a hardening of posi-
ference in Shimla, Thakur fondly remembered how the then ogy evolution and revolution” governancestandardsandnorms InhisaddressThursday,Modi ment infrastructure, the UPI”. tionsonbothsides,NewDelhisaid
Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee would support the during a virtual address at the in- consistent with our democratic described data as the greatest “Two,useofdigitaltechnology thatIndianandChinesediplomats
youngMPs.Chatterjee'scalltolistentoyoungMPsintheHouse, augural Sydney Dialogue, Modi values; and, to create standards product of technology, but cau- for governance, inclusion, em- had on Thursday agreed on the
Thakursaid,gavethemmoralsupport.“Thatprotectionmeant referred to the digital age that “is and norms for data governance tioned against its misuse. “The powerment, connectivity, deliv- “needtofindanearlyresolutionto
a lot for us” said the MP from Himachal Pradesh. After the cer- changing everything around us” and for cross-border flow that digitalage...hasredefinedpolitics, eryofbenefitsandwelfare.Three, theremainingissuesalongtheLAC
emony, Thakur was seen having a warm conversation with and said it was “essential for protect and secure data.” economy and society. It is raising Indiahastheworld'sthirdlargest inEasternLadakhwhilefullyabid- Two sides recalled the
Kerala Speaker M B Rajesh, a former Lok Sabha MP. democraciestoworktogether”— The PM’s remarks come at a new questions on sovereignty, and fastest growing startup ing by bilateral agreements and
fromtechnologytosupplychains. timewhentheGovernmentisen- governance,ethics,law,rightsand ecosystem. Four, India's industry protocolssoastorestorepeaceand agreement between
“Take cryptocurrency or bit- gagedindetaileddiscussionswith security. It is reshaping interna- andservicessectors,evenagricul- tranquility”. External Affairs
PUT OFF coin, for example. It is important
that all democratic nations work
on regulation and taxation of
tional competition, power and
They also agreed that “both
sides should in the interim also
Minister S Jaishankar
NITINGADKARI'SvisittoNepaltotakepartinaPatanjalievent togetheronthisandensureitdoes cryptocurrency. On Saturday, the risks and new forms of conflicts largeefforttoprepareIndiaforthe continue to ensure a stable and Chinese Foreign
hasbeenputoff.Insteadof physicallytravelingtoKathmandu, notendupinwronghands,which Prime Minister had chaired a across diverse threats from sea- future,"hesaid.“Weareinvesting ground situation and avoid any Minister Wang Yi in
the Union minister will now be joining the event through can spoil our youth,” Modi said. meeting in which it was agreed bed to cyber to space,” he said. indevelopingindigenouscapabil- untoward incident,” the
video conferencing. The schedule drawn up by the organis- Highlightingareasofcoopera- that the steps taken will be “pro- India has created a robust ities in telecom technology such Ministry of External Affairs
September that
ers also had Gadkari having lunch with Nepal Prime Minister tion among democracies, Modi gressive and forward-looking”. frameworkofdataprotection,pri- as 5G and 6G.” (MEA) said in a statement after military and diplomatic
Sher Bahadur Deuba on Friday. said: “To invest together in re- While cryptocurrency has vacy and security, he said. Sydney Dialogue is a world the 23rd meeting of the officials should
searchanddevelopmentinfuture found investors in tier-2 and tier- Listing five important digital summit conducted by Australian Working Mechanism for
continue discussions
technology; to develop trusted 3 cities, the Government is con- transitions in India, Modi started Strategic Policy Institute for Consultation & Coordination on
manufacturing base and trusted cerned about the youth being with “the world's most extensive emerging,criticalandcybertech- India-China Border Affairs
supply chains; to deepen intelli- misledby“over-promising”ofre- publicinformationinfrastructure” nologies. The inaugural summit, (WMCC) through video-confer-
VINAY KUMAR, who is currently posted in the Ministry of gence and operational coopera- turns or becoming an avenue for in which “over 1.3 billion Indians from November 17-19, is being ence.AccordingtotheMEAstate- countries in their Dushanbe
External Affairs and looking after international organisations, tiononcybersecurity,protectcrit- money laundering and terror fi- have a unique digital identity, hosted virtually from Sydney. ment, the two sides recalled the meetings, continuous efforts
has been named as next Ambassador to Myanmar. He will re- agreement between External wouldbe made tofurther de-es-
place Saurabh Kumar, who is headed to South Block as Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and calate the border situation, and
Secretary (east). Current Secretary (east) Riva Ganguly Das is
set to retire.
PM Modi begins
3-day UP visit
Befitting reply if anyone eyes Chinese Foreign Minister Wang
military and diplomatic officials
they would strive to shift from
urgent dispute settlement to
regular management and con-
sions on the situation along the
LAC in Western Sector of India-
China Border Areas and also re-
of views on the “recent develop-
ments in the China-India border
areas, and agreed to consolidate
New Delhi
SC: ‘Sexual intent’, not ‘skin-to-skin’ Kerala ‘kidnap’ case:
Panel says get baby
contact, key in POCSO assault case
Quashes two Bombay HC judgments, says reasoning trivialises range of unacceptable behaviour
back in five days
further decision is taken. It said
that a DNA test should be con-
Pratap Lal Bheel. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, ducted to ascertain the biologi-
used specifically with regard to not be given effect to, courts with gloves, condoms, sheets or no ‘touch’ at all. That provision NOVEMBER 18 cal parents.
RAJASTHAN EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE sexualpartsof thebody,whereas would accept the bolder con- withcloth,thoughdonewithsex- coversandismeanttocoverboth Thechildwasgivenforadop-
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 18 “physical contact” has been used struction for the purpose of ual intent, would not amount to direct and indirect touch”. IN A fresh twist to the weeks- tion by the CWC in August but a
BJP MLA for any other act. Therefore, the bringing about an effective re- anoffenceofsexualassaultunder “The receptors on the surface long protest by a woman in finaldecisionwaspendingbefore
PUNE, NOVEMBER 18 Bihar, UP worst in
Thursday appeared before the
policing, south states
toNIA,says CM
Koregaon Bhima Commission of
Inquiry in Mumbai and sought
time to file her affidavit, claiming
placed better: survey
ernment is planning to she is yet to receive certain docu- others; and three indices of
hand over the ments from the Pune city police. DEEPTIMAN TIWARY “Value-Based indicators” deal-
Churachandpur ambush The two-member commis- NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 18 ing with integrity of the police;
probetotheNIA.Whilean sion headed by retired Justice J N and one index of “Trust”.
FIR has been lodged, the Patel is probing the causes of the BIHAR HAS scored the lowest in BiharandUttarPradeshfared
state will write to the Koregaon Bhima violence of overall policing, followed closely poorly on almost all categories.
agency for further inves- PTI January1,2018,inwhichoneper- by Uttar Pradesh, according to On a scale of 10, Bihar scored
tigation, Chief Minister N
Biren Singh said on
VIA KARTARPUR sondiedandseveralwereinjured.
Shukla was the Pune Police
findings of a nationwide survey
tank Indian Police Foundation.
in “Public Trust in Policing”, 4.97
commandant of 46 Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi and his ministers took the Kartarpur corridor to Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Pakistan. tookplaceandiscurrentlyposted Southern states and some in Service”, 5.81 in “Technology
Assam Rifles Colonel inHyderabadasAdditionalDirec- the Northeast fared better on Adoption”, 5.84 in “Police
Viplav Tripathi, his wife torGeneralof CRPF(SouthZone). most policing indices compared Responsiveness” and 5.75 in
and son, along with four Elgaar Parishad, a conclave, to northern states. The five states “Police Sensitivity”.
jawans — were killed
when militants attacked
their convoy in
Channi, Cabinet members offer ‘Match-fixing by
Modi, Channi’:
washeldinthejurisdictionof the
Pune city police on December 31,
with the highest score on overall
policing — IPF Smart Policing
Uttar Pradesh has scored the
lowest in three categories: 5.59
in “Helpful and Friendly
Saturday. The People’s
LiberationArmy Manipur
prayers at Kartarpur gurdwara AAP says denied
sary of the Koregaon Bhima bat-
Telangana, Assam, Kerala and
Policing”, 5.27 in “Fair and
Unbiased Policing” and 5.80 in
“Police Accountability”.
and Manipur Naga Speaking to mediapersons, nod for visit wasorganisedbythebannedCPI- Jharkhand and Punjab. In overall policing, Bihar
People’sFrontclaimedre- KAMALDEEP SINGH BRAR SIDHU NOT PART OF Channi expressed gratitude to Maoist organisation, and the The national average of sat- scored the worst with 5.74, fol-
sponsibility. ENS DERA BABA NANAK
(GURDASPUR), NOVEMBER 18 CHANNI-LED ‘JATHA’ Prime Minister Narendra Modi
and his Pakistan counterpart
Chandigarh: The AAP Thursday
claimed that its delegation was
and previous campaigns for the
isfaction with the police has
been found to be at 69%.
lowed closely by Uttar Pradesh
(5.81). While Uttar Pradesh DGP
ARUNACHALPRADESH Chandigarh:PunjabCongress Imran Khan for taking the “his- “denied” permission to visit the eventwereamongthefactorsthat “The survey is an attempt to MukulGoelwasnotavailablefor
Amravati violence not planned: initial finding Protesting Char Dham priests’ body to
MOHAMED THAVER field candidates in 15 Uttarakhand seats
violent turn before they were formation, there were protests
brought under control. at 111 places and it was only at
MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 18 The police are looking for these three places where an is-
some accused in Malegaon and sue was reported. dent Krishna Kant Kotiyal said turn without offering prayers at
THE INITIAL assessment of the Nandedwho“seemedinsistentin “Our findings indicate that of AVANEESH MISHRA Chance for the priests will also reach out to the temple. Two days later, cur-
Maharashtra police on the vio- going to areas with mixed com- the 8000-strong mob that gath- DEHRADUN, NOVEMBER 18 the Opposition. rentChiefMinisterPushkarSingh
lence that brokeoutin Amravati, munities” that could have led to ered on Friday to protest the vi-
Cong to set The Devasthanam Board Act, DhamitraveledtoKedarnathbe-
Malegaon and Nanded is that it trouble. “Once we arrest these olence in Tripura, it was 80-100 The Hak Hakookdhari ● narrative enacted during the tenure of fore Prime Minister Narendra
wasnotaplannedactbuta“spur people, we will get some more persons who led to stone-pelt- Mahapanchayat Samiti, formed then chief minister Trivendra Modi's high-profile visit to the
of the moment reaction” of 80- clarity if there was any deliberate ingatoneplace,”theofficialsaid. by Char Dham teerth purohits The move by the Samiti SinghRawat,ledtotheformation shrine, and assured the priests
100personswhowerepartof an plantocausetroubleoritwasjust The official added that apart protesting the Uttarakhand gov- may not pose a direct of the Devasthanam Board two that the issue will be resolved by
8000-strongmob that hadgath- A flag march in Amravati. a case of carrying out a protest,” a fromtheTripuraissue,thecrowd ernment's decision to form the challenge for the BJP. But yearsago,whichgoverns51tem- November 30. The priests then
ered Friday to protest violence senior state IPS officer said. was also protesting a book writ- Devasthanam Board, has an- it can be a shot in the arm ples associated with the Char postponed their agitation.
faced by Muslims in Tripura. A senior official told The ten by Wasim Rizvi, a former UP nounced that it will field candi- for Congress, which can Dhams — Kedarnath, Badrinath, However, Kotiyal told The
The probe has also not found questioningwillhelpbringmore Indian Express, “Based on our Shia Waqf Board member chair- dates on 15 seats in the upcom- project BJP as a party ig- Gangotri and Yamunotri. Indian Express Thursday that the
indications of planned violence clarity on the violence’s cause. findings so far, it was not a man, that uses ‘objectionable’ ing Assembly polls and noring the demands of The priests have been de- priests do not trust the BJP and
in Amravati on Saturday, when According to the initial find- planned act. Had that been the language against Islam. campaign against the ruling BJP. the priests — and thus of manding rollback of the board, its government anymore. “We
around 6,000 persons from the ings,thereweresmallgatherings case, some of those who were On the role of Raza Academy, The samiti also said that its temples. Former CM claiming that it has ended their plan to take our message to the
BJP and Hindutva organisations and protests by 23 organisations partof themobwouldhavebeen the official said that based on priests will gherao the state Harish Rawat has already traditionalrightsonthetemples. entirecountrythroughdevotees
tooktothestreetsandtwoshops at111placesacrossMaharashtra carrying bottles, chilli power or their probe of the 111 places Assembly during its forthcom- announced that Congress On November 1, Trivendra coming here. We will request
and four vehicles were gutted. onFriday,anditwasonlyatthree weapons, as has been the case in where the protests were organ- ing Winter Session to be held in will dissolve the hadfacedprotestwhenhevisited them to vote against the BJP and
Thepolicearestilllookingfor places — Amravati, Malegaon most planned acts of violence.” ized, only 45 were led by Raza Gairsain. Making the announce- Devasthanam Board. Kedarnath,withpriestsshowing will send postcards to all promi-
some of the accused, whose and Nanded — that things took a The official said as per their in- Academy. ment on Thursday, samiti presi- himblackflags,forcinghimtore- nent people,” he said.
New Delhi
Surjewala moves Goa Assembly polls: Cong, Bihar govt to give free
office space and tech
Personalities of
the Year at IFFI apex court, Adhir GFP resume tie-up talks support to 25 new firms
May have to
gives notice for MAYURA JANWALKAR
take difficult SANTOSH SINGH
tended for another six months
after review. Later, it can be
rented for two years to these
New Delhi
NLIU Bhopal gives clean chit to Minister: Vir Das
won’t be allowed
Delhi court seeks police report on plea against Khattar
students, staff for irregularities to perform in MP EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
speech to incite violence against
the protesting farmers.
Advocate Amit Sahni filed
rected the Delhi Police to file the
ATR on December 16, when the
matter will be heard next.
them to take a stand against
protesting farmers by using
force. Farmersfromacrossstates
dentswhofailedinthespecialex- The report, accessed by The Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Home thepleaaskingthecourttosum- The plea said that Khattar, have been protesting since
IRAM SIDDIQUE amination conducted last year, Indian Express, pointed out that Minister Narottam Mishra on A DELHI court on Thursday mon Khattar and also to direct duringameetingwithmembers December2020overthecontro-
BHOPAL, NOVEMBER 18 and for those who did not appear recordsofmanystudentswerenot ThursdaysaidcomedianVirDas, sought an Action Taken Report the concerned police officials to of the BJP Kisan Morcha in versial agriculture laws enacted
for it. For students who managed available;inthosethatwerefound, who is facing police complaints (ATR) on a plea filed against conduct an investigation against ChandigarhonOctober3,incited last year.
INABOUTthreeyearssincethere- toclearthependingsubjects,their markswerechangedintabulation overhismonologue‘Icomefrom Haryana Chief Minister him by lodging an FIR.
port of a single-member inquiry degreeswouldbeconsideredvalid chartsbyapplyingfluid,overwrit- two Indias’, would not be al- Manohar Lal Khattar for al- Additional Chief Metropolitan
committee chaired by a retired from the date they were first is- ing,andwhitener.Markswerealso lowed to perform in the state, legedly making a provocative Magistrate Sachin Gupta di-
judgeoftheMadhyaPradeshHigh sued, as per the directions of the foundtobedeliberatelycalculated prompting opposition parties
Court revealed serious lapses in GeneralCouncil. wronglywhichwasapparentfrom andartiststoslamtheBJPleader,
award of degrees to more than When contacted, Professor V themismatchinentryofmarksin as they asked why he was silent
150 students at the National Law Vijaykumar,ViceChancellor,NLIU, tabulationchartsandawardlistin over actor Kangana Ranaut’s re-
Institute University (NLIU), told The Indian Express, “The in- variousplaces.Inonecase,there- cent controversial remarks. Das
Bhopal,theGeneralCouncilofthe quiryreportwaspresentedtothe portsaida2010batchstudentwho had on Monday uploaded the
university has only found differ- members of the General Council failedin47subjectsin14ofthe15 video on YouTube, which was a
entwaystoregularisethedegrees bodyandbasedontheirdecision, semesters had received a pass part of his recent performance
of most of the students. studentswereconsideredonvar- marksheetinallsubjects. in the US. “We won’t allow such
The General Council has not iousparametersanddealtaccord- The report also revealed that jesters to perform. If he tenders
initiated criminal action against ingly.Thesubsequentreportofthe answer-books were changed; anapology,wearegoingtothink
any of the nine (four teaching, action taken so far would be put several failed students were over it," Mishra said. PTI
five non-teaching) staff as rec- beforethemforfurtheractions.” givencertificatesof passingalong
ommended by the inquiry re- As part of his inquiry, Justice with marksheet, and the exami-
port of retired Justice A K Gohil. Gohil had interviewed 66 wit- nation section did not maintain
It took disciplinary action nesses, including teachers and any register of record of the date
against only one non-teaching students, scrutinised examina- onwhichacertaindegreeorcer-
staff and terminated his serv- tion records and marksheets, tificate was issued.
ices. The committee had recom- tabulation charts, and award Describing the discrepancies
mended disciplinary action sheetsof students.Hesubmitted and manipulations, the report
against six (three teaching, three the report covering the period noted, “It is found that forged and
non-teaching) staff. 1998-2013 to the General falsemarksheetshavebeenissued
On the other hand, during the Council in January 2019. to the students and from these
last three years, the General The discrepancies in the NLIU marksheets, it is clear that they
Councilcondonedmanystudents examinationprocessfirstcameto have been issued after a gap of a
for failing in non-credit exams, lightin2016whenstudentscom- year or two to the students delib-
granted up to 20 marks in multi- plained of lapses in the function- erately and intentionally so that
ple subjects as a one-time excep- ing of the university and alleged immediately the case of issue of
tion to several others, and for the thatsomestudentswereawarded fakemarksheetmaynotcomeon
remaining students conducted a degrees despite failing. A three- surface and nobody can doubt
specialexamlastyear. memberinternalcommitteewas theirinvolvement.Thisworkwas
TheGeneralCounciloftheuni- setup,andfollowingitsreport,the donebyapersonofcriminalmind
versity is scheduled to meet on General Council initiated another to make changes in the record af-
November19todeliberateonthe inquiryinMay2018,thistimeun- ter a gap of time so that they may
courseofactiontobetakenforstu- derretiredJusticeGohil. doitsuccessfullyandsafely.”
IN KERALA 1. Name: Unknown (Aarushi name given by SAA) Age: 1.5 month, Complexion: Wheatish. A new
born Child was found abandoned in one construction site of govindpuri by Govindpuri Police.
Palakkad: The RSS Later Govindpuri Police has produced child before Child Welfare Committee, Kalkaji on dated
20.10.2020 and same day with the order of CWC Kalkaji.Child has been kept in Welfare home
on Thursday al- for Children, Sarita Vihar for Care and Protection.
leged “terror link”
intherecentkilling Note: Parents/Guardians/Relatives of above mentioned children may contact at address/phone number given at Sl. No. 1
given below:-
of its worker in 1. Welfare Home for Children, 1-B, Institutional Area, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-110044. Contact no.: 8860835349/
011-26954150/269747023, email: [email protected]
Kerala and de- 2. District Child Protection Officer, District Child Protection Unit-VIII (South-East), Kasturba Niketan Complex, Lajpat Nagar-II,
manded a probe New Delhi-110024, Ph. No.: 011-29811924 email: [email protected]
bytheNIA.RSSsah Director
sarkaryawah(joint Women & Child Development
Please give information to CHILD LINE 1098 about children who need care & protection
general secretary) DIP/Shabdarth/0433/2122
Dr Manmohan
Vaidya, who met
hacked to death in
Palakkad district
on November 15,
termed the “tar-
geted killing” of
the RSS worker as
“very unfortunate
and highly de-
plorable”. “We de-
mand that the
Central govern-
ment intervene in
the matter if jus-
tice is not deliv-
ered under
(Kerala’s) CPI(M)
government. We
also demand a de-
tailed NIA probe
into the murder of
Sanjith as the per-
petrators have ter-
rorist links,”
Vaidya said in a
to the media. PTI
New Delhi
Brace up for cryptocurrency
ifestation of which are cryptocurrencies — is supply is inelastic, demand shocks result in monetary policy to smooth shocks or issue
HAT IT TOOK 10 months to organise the first bilateral summit between US upon us. The microeconomic trade-offs are outsized price volatility. This, in turn, renders emergency liquidity when needed. The fate
President Joe Biden and the Chinese leader Xi Jinping says a lot about the un- well-known and have been argued. Digital Bitcoinaninappropriatemediumofexchange. of economies to respond to shocks, at least in
currencies have the potential to spur finan- Instead,it’smorphedintoaspeculativeasset. part, would be in the hands of private firms.
easy state of relations between Washington and Beijing. That there were few
cialinnovation,increaseefficienciesthrough To get around this problem, “Stablecoins” This would present an existential threat to
concrete outcomes from the summit points to the continuing instability of faster and cheaper payments and augment havebeenintroduced,whosevalueispegged monetary policy as we know it.
the ties between the two great powers. This uncertainty matters for the entire world, financial inclusion. Conversely, concerns to a fiat currency by maintaining equivalent What about fiscal policy? The implica-
given their enormous economic and geopolitical weight. It is of special concern for India, around safety (cyber attacks and fraud), fi- reserves(thinkofa“currencyboard”exchange tions are more straightforward. The greater
whose relations withChina have rapidly deteriorated in recent years. This, in turn, has ac- nancialintegrity(moneylaunderingandeva- rateregime).Byprovidingmuchgreaterprice the substitution into digital currencies the
celerated the strategic partnership between Delhi and Washington. Many in the Indian sion of capital controls) and energy usage stability,theseStablecoinshopetoserveasvi- morethelossof seignioragerevenuestogov-
(outsized energy needs to mine cryptos) are able mediums of exchange, and have prolif- ernmentsfromthemonopolyissuanceof fiat
establishmentworrythat anyrelaxationof tensionsbetweenUSandChinawouldunder-
alsowell-documented.Further,totheextent erated rapidly in recent years. Does this pose currency.Separately,fiscalrevenuescanalso
mine India’s position in relation to China. thatprivately-issuedcryptos currently serve agraverisktomonetarypolicy?Muchwillde- be adversely impacted by the increased tax
India must carefully monitor the state of US-China relations. But there is no reason largelyasspeculativeassets,theneedforup- pend on the degree of currency substitution. evasionopportunitiesthatcrypto-currencies
for Delhi to panic at Washington’s engagement with Beijing. China is far too important for dating consumer protection and regulatory As the IMF points out, if cryptos are only can facilitate.
any major power to ignore it. India has continued its engagement with China even after frameworks is also clear. used for “niche purposes” — narrow cross- To the extent that increased substitution
the PLA’s aggression in Ladakh in 2020. Just last week, Delhi was coordinating its position But even as the micro debate rages, there country transfers and remittances — which intocryptosreducestheefficacyof monetary
at the COP26 with Beijing. All of India’s Asian and European partners have huge stakes in ismuchlessappreciationof themacroconse- arethenquicklyconvertedbackintolocalfiat policy, the onus on fiscal policy to respond to
quencesofprivately-issuedcryptocurrencies. currencies,theimplicationsformonetarypol- economic shocks will commensurately rise.
a productive economic relationship with China. Engagement among major powers, in-
What happens if, over time, cryptos evolve icy will be contained. This could create challenges in a post-Covid
cluding China, is a fact of international life today. What has changed in the last few years from speculative assets to become viable Instead, what central bankers and policy- world. The pandemic has left a legacy of ele-
is the deepening structural contradiction between the US and China. That contradiction mediums of exchange? What would this im- makers fear is a more existential challenge to vatedpublicdebtaroundtheworld.Fiscalpol-
is unlikely to be resolved any time soon. plyfortheconductof monetary,fiscalandex- the global monetary system. In a 2019 paper, icy,especiallyinemergingmarkets,willhave
Four years ago, President Donald Trump had Xi flying into his resort in Florida within change rate policies? This piece attempts to Brunnermeir, James and Landau raise the the least space to act when it is most needed.
weeks after he was sworn into office. Although Trump’s election rhetoric in 2016 was put the macro pieces together. prospect of mega tech companies running Finally, what are the implications for the
For starters, how would monetary policy globale-commerceorsocialnetworkingplat- Rupee? To the extent that cryptos are mined
against China, Xi was hoping to return to “business as usual” between Washington and
be impacted if a private digital currency was forms issuing their own digital currencies to abroad, demand for them — whether for
Beijing. But the four years of the Trump Administration saw a decisive disruption in the competingwithfiatcurrencies?Thinkof this theirglobalcustomerbasethatservesbothas transactions or speculative purposes — will
bilateral relationship. Under Trump, the US shifted from engagement at all costs with as “dollarisation” by another name, but with a unit of account and a medium of exchange be akin to capital outflows. In turn, if cryptos
China tochallengingit across a broad front,including trade, technology, human rights,se- a crucial difference as enumerated below. on their platforms. Given the self-reinforcing begin to get mined onshore, they will induce
curity, and global governance. Although many expected Biden to reverse Trump’s poli- Latin America is replete with economies be- network externalities involved, adoption capital inflows. These dynamics will in-
cies, he has reinforced them. Unlike the politically chaotic Trump, Biden has moved more coming “dollarised”. As domestic nationals would be rapid as digital currencies are bun- crease capital account volatility and, to the
lost faith in their own currency as a store of dled with other data and services. We would extent that these cross-border flows circum-
systematically in challenging China — by strengthening US alliances and focusing on do-
value,theyshiftedintoandbegantransacting then have the prospect of digital currencies vent capital flow measures, they de facto in-
mestic economic renewal. If there is a strong domestic consensus in the US today on ad- inUSdollarsforthesecurityandstabilityitac- What are the implications beingtransactedonlargescalesactivelycom- crease capital account convertibility, accen-
dressing the China threat, in Beijing too there is strong political support for Xi’s policy of corded.Whatthisdidwastorenderdomestic peting with fiat currencies. tuating the policy trilemma that emerging
for the Rupee? To the extent
standing up to America. Yet, both leaders recognise the need for a measure of predictabil- monetarypolicyineffective,becausedomes- Brunnermeir et al. posit global economic markets confront.
tic centralbanks cannot set interest rates and
that cryptos are mined activitycouldeventuallybere-organisedinto Thiswillalsodirectlyimpactthecurrency
ityinbilateralrelationsandaresponsiblemanagementof theircurrentgeopoliticalrivalry
and economic interdependence. The answer to India’s dilemmas on US-China relations inject liquidity in a foreign currency. The abroad, demand for them – “digitalcurrencyareas”(DCAs)thatrunacross market.Asthe2021GlobalFinancialStability
lies in strengthening its partnership with all major powers, including the US, Europe, greater the substitution into US dollars, the whether for transactions or national boundaries, characterised by their Report underscores, there must exist a trian-
lower the potency of monetary policy. In ef- speculative purposes – will own digital currency and unit of account is- gulararbitragebetween,say,thelocalRupee-
JapanandRussia,andenhancingits ownstandinginthegreatpower constellation.Unlike
fect, these economies were importing the sued by the network owner, with the size of Bitcoinmarket,theDollar-Bitcoinmarketsand
in the past, India can’t see itself as a victim of great powers but as a nation that can shape monetary policy of the US Fed.
be akin to capital outflows. these DCAs dwarfing national economies. the Rupee-Dollar market. Consequently,
the regional and global balance of power. Widespread adoption of privately issued In turn, if cryptos begin to How would this threaten monetary pol- changesintheRupee-Bitcoinmarketswillin-
digital currencies as a medium of exchange get mined onshore, they will icy? If these privately issued “Global evitablyspilloverintotheRupee-Dollarmar-
will have much the same impact. The larger induce capital inflows. These Stablecoins” are tied to a fiat currency, the kets for markets to clear.
exchange? The intellectual case for Bitcoin cies pegs to generate monetary discretion. challenge will emerge and compound if and
HERE IS LITTLE doubt that the shock of the Covid-19 pandemic — followed stemmed from the fear of debasement of fiat measures, de facto increase Oncethathappens,allbetsareoffwithpri- whenunbackedprivatedigitalcurrenciesare
by one of the longest school closures in the world — has redrawn India’s ed- currenciesthroughanunprecedentedexpan- capital account vatenetworkownerseffectivelyrunninginde- seen as viable mediums of exchange. That’s
sion of G3 central bank balance sheets after pendent monetary policy. From the perspec- what policy must anticipate and prepare for.
ucation landscape. How and to what extent is revealed in the latest ASER convertibility, accentuating
the global financial crisis. Its founders, there- tive of a local economy, think of this as
(Annual Status of Education Report) phone survey of 75,234 children in ru- fore, preempted fears of debasement by fix- the policy trilemma that “dollarisation”exceptthatmonetarypolicyis The writer is Chief India Economist at J.P.
ral India. The most significant shift is the surge of students into government schools. In ing Bitcoin’s aggregate supply, in the hope it emerging markets confront. being ceded not to the Fed, but – as the IMF Morgan. Views are personal
the last year alone, enrolment, across gender and age, has jumped from 65.8 per cent to
70.3 per cent. This reverses the trend since 2006, when private school enrolment grew
steadily to settle at around 30 per cent in 2018. In the two years of the pandemic, this has
fallen to 24.4 per cent. The reasons are not hard to surmise: The economic shock of the
what was the government’s extension of tenure during superannuation
OR AT LEAST two months in Gurgaon — as in so many parts of the country — re- extreme circumstances warrant them. But constitutional validity for must be for a short period and the reasons The writer isa Member of Parliament and
ligion and worship have been used to create a wall, one that both keeps people whentheWinterSessionofParliamentissetto these two ordinances? mustberecorded.Thecourtstatedunequivo- Secretary of the CPI National Council
outandhemsthemin.Theofferingof namaz,evenindesignatedareas,wasdis-
mission for Friday prayers citing “objections from local residents and RWAs”. It is easy to
forget, in such a climate of communal hostility, the ideas of service, fraternity and hospi-
talitythatareapartof religioustraditions.Thankfully,fivegurdwarasinGurgaonreminded NOVEMBER 19, 1981, FORTY YEARS AGO
people of those sentiments by offering Muslim neighbours their grounds for namaz.
In virtually every recent crisis — migrant workers trudging home in 2020, during the ESMA IN ASSAM banking and air and hospital services.
Employees in Central undertakings, en-
seizedof theissue.Hetoldthemembersthat
farmers’ agitation, as people suffered during the Second Wave — the Sikh community has
beenattheforefrontofprovidingrelief,assistanceandsustenance.Langarisservedtoallcom- ON THE EVE of the 36-hour bandh in Assam gaged in purchase, procurement, storage, the Akalis had dropped the demand for
ers, with no questions asked about religion, caste or creed. It is this openness and generos- as part of the revival of the agitation against supply or distribution of foodgrains have Khalistan. He agreed with the members that
foreigners, the Centre issued an order ban- also been bought under the purview of the it was a serious matter and that there had
ity — both spiritual and material — that is on display in Gurgaon. As Sherdil Singh Sidhu,
ning strikes in essential services like rail- order. Strikes in some sections of the pri- been lapses.
presidentof theGurdwaraSriGuruSinghSabha,SabziMandi,Gurgaon,putit:“Agurdwara ways postal departments and services con- vate sector industry have also been banned.
is the house of the Guru... If the Muslim community is facing problems in praying at desig- nected with the operation and maintenance
natedsites,theycanofferprayersinthegurdwaras.Thedoorsof gurdwarasareopentoall.”
“Religiouspolarisation”,a phrase usedoftenby political pundits,doesn’tquite capture
of aerodromes in the state. The Centre in-
voked the sweeping powers given to it by
the fraying social fabric, the sense of loss that accompanies the cynical politicisation of re- the Essential Services Maintenance Act af- MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT belonging to sent a letter to the Soviet President Leonid
ter a meeting of the Union Cabinet. The various Opposition parties have expressed Brezhnev proposing the elimination of in-
ligion. This is made worse when administrations carry out seemingly partisan policies.
blanket order covers production, supply dissatisfactionover the way the government termediate range nuclear missiles from
The decency of Gurgaon’s gurdwara committee, and of people like Akshay Yadav — who and distribution of coal, power, steel, fer- has handled the Khalistan issue and urged Europe and a reduction of conventional
offeredhisshopfornamaz—makeitclearthatthe“community”isnotexclusivist.OnGuru tilisers, petroleum and petroleum products firm handling of the situation. The Home forces. He, however, warned that the US will
Nanak’s birth anniversary, this may just be the greatest testament to his legacy. and all defence installations, transport, Minister Giani Zail Singh assured them that not reduce arms unilaterally.
New Delhi
Bytakingdownmanual,NCERTstallsassimilationof transchildreninschools
Mridul Dudeja, Chayanika Shah and KP/Ketki Ranade
DEFINE CATEGORY efforts are indeed needed to control the
THETRANSGENDERPERSONS(Protectionof opening the discussion and defending their ically oppressed and invisibilised category, Finally,wearealsoappalledbythelackof THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘We are not severe pollution levels in Delhi-NCR.
Rights)Act,2019,forallitsshortcomings,had own manual,the NCERT not only removedit liketransandqueerpersons.Alotofmisinfor- transparencyintheprocessfollowedbyboth the enemy’ (IE, November 18). National Reprimanding the Delhi government,
onethinggoingforit.Itpromisedusnon-dis- from their website, but also transferred the mation about and stigma against trans and NCPCRandNCERTafterreceivingtherespec- Security Advisor Ajit Doval’s address to theSupremeCourthasrightlysaidpeo-
crimination.Toquote,Chapter1,point2d,“in- people who worked on it. queerlivesisbeingbroughttolightduetothe tive complaints. We are unsure about the newly-inducted IPSofficersputs a great ple are suffering and the government is
clusive education means a system of educa- In its complaint to the NCERT, NCPCR ar- intenseworkof transindividuals,communi- claims of trauma for cisgender students, but premium on an entity called “civil soci- notbothered.Thecourthasdepictedthe
tion wherein transgender students learn gued this manual would have badly affected tiesandorganisations.Researchstudiesinthe let’s just say for the sake of argument that ety”.Heoughttohavedefineditbetter,as true picture of the working of the gov-
together with other students without fear of schoolchildren. This is a strange thing to say last decade from a few metro cities in India these were valid concerns. What did the pointed out by the author. There is no ernment on the public health crisis. The
discrimination,neglect,harassmentorintim- unless the NCPCR thinks its mandate is only suggestthattransandgendernon-conform- NCPCRdo?Didtheycallforstakeholdercon- universalconsensusoruniformityabout root cause is lop-sided development. If
idationandthesystemof teachingandlearn- to protect the rights of some children (cis- ing children are regularly subjected to bully- sultations?Howdidtheydecidethatsensitis- thedefinitionof thisterminpoliticallit- Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities are given earnest
ing is suitably adapted to meet the learning gender children) and not all children. Even ing,sexualassault,humiliationbyschoolstaff, ing teachers about a marginalised and ex- erature. It may include both left and priority,itcouldmitigatepollutionlevels.
needs of such students”. The actions of two in that fallacious belief they are wrong be- teachers and classmates. How do we expect cluded section of children will bring “harm” right-wing intellectual groups, includ- S S Paul, Nadia
national councils, NCERT and NCPCR, earlier cause the manual was not meant for chil- teachers to create a safe, inclusive environ- to all children or that children need “protec- ingtheliberalswhowantprogressiveso-
this month managed to prove that this was
nothing more than lip service. They found a
dren. It was meant to sensitise teachers on
how to create a safe environment for trans
ment for them if they don’t know what dys-
same goes for the NCERT. They received a
cial transformation from their ideologi-
cal perspective and work within the
way to go back in time to an era before April and queer children. trans and gender non-conforming students word from NCPCR and just decided to drop constitutional framework. These days, THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Left out of
2014, when the Supreme Court of India, for Weknowfromexperiencethatwhenever arebullied?Withoutprovidingthenecessary the entire manual itself, in addition to trans- one has witnessed paralleled groups of digital future’ (IE. November 18). The
the first time recognised its transgender cit- we recognise the exclusion of a social group tools to teachers to discuss it with their stu- ferring the people who worked on it? Could writers,actors,lawyers,teachersandre- distribution of smartphones, laptops
izens to be equal citizens of this country. and make efforts at inclusion, for instance, dents in age-appropriate ways at their dis- theynothaveheldconsultations,debatedthe tiredjudgesandbureaucratseitherprais- andotherelectronicdevicesbythegov-
Forcontext,recentlyNCERTpublishedon encouraging girl child education, integrated cretion,howareweevenhopingtoeradicate concerns raised and tried to address them? ing or criticising the government. Both ernmenttochildrenlackingbasicform-
its website a teacher-training manual on educationforchildrenwithdisabilities,affir- that stigma or stop the bullying that can lead Isn’tdebate,discussionandnegotiatingmul- are entitled to their views in a democ- ative school education — given their
schooleducationthatisinclusiveof transand mative action in education for tribal, Adivasi to trans and queer young people being tiple points of view essential for education? racy. In a given context, who is right or parents’ acute poverty — is like giving
other gender-nonconforming people. This andDalitchildren,effortshavetobemadeto pushed out of schools? Why did this policymaking body shy away wrongcanonlybeadjudicatedbyacourt the lollipops to undernourished chil-
was welcomed by trans people, their fami- ensure that infrastructural and attitudinal Some of this is what the NCERT manual, from this responsibility? Dereliction of con- of lawandnotthroughpropaganda.The dren. Unfortunately, the steps sug-
lies, organisations working with them and barrierstotheirinclusionareaddressed.The drafted with inputs from trans individuals stitutional duties by these national agencies Disha Ravi toolkit case is an example — gested by the author for a turnaround
manyeducatorsaswell.However,therewere teacher is one of the most significant actors and experts, tried to do. Its removal attacks isdiscriminationtowardsagroupof margin- the propaganda against her was sup- in this situation cannot succeed as the
afewtransphobicvoicesof dissent.Onesuch inenablingacultureof learningaboutdiffer- this bare minimum effort to assimilate trans alised children. We hope that they are made portedevenbyretiredjudgesandpolice government’s priorities are different.
individual, on behalf of a group of pro bono ences. Sensitising the teacher about lived re- and non-conforming students into class- accountablesothatthissocietymakesspace officers. Yet, what was the outcome? Regretfully, fine words butter no
lawyers working under the banner of Legal alities of the excluded group and the histori- rooms. India also has a new National for every child — no matter who they are. L R Murmu, Delhi parsnips. That our country is going
RightsObservatory,madeacomplainttothe cal exclusions and violence faced by them is Education Policy that identifies education as down in the world poverty index also
NCPCR stating that this was a “…criminal
conspiracy... to psychologically traumatise
space within the classroom for them, but to
an important tenet of a child’s development
The writers are queer trans feminists in
Mumbai. Dudeja is a technology
TACKLING POLLUTION underscores the fact that quality edu-
cation will remain elusive for a section
schoolstudentsinthenameof gendersensi- also impart education so that the rest of the to the needs of transgender children specifi- professional, Shah is a researcher and THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Problem of society in the times to come.
tisation.”Inanabsurdchainof events,NCPCR classroom grows up to become empathetic cally. What is the point of thesepolicies if ac- educator and KP is an academic and intheair’(IE,November18).Year-round Tarsem Singh, Mahilpur
respondedinanequallytransphobicmanner and respectful adults. tions towards implementation are thwarted researcher working in the area of queer and
by complaining to the NCERT. Instead of This is essential in the context of a histor- in this manner? trans mental health
New Delhi
President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that the West was taking Russia’s warnings
not to cross its “red lines” too lightly and that Moscow needed serious security guarantees
from the West. The Kremlin said in September that NATO would overstep a Russian red
line if it expanded its military infrastructure in Ukraine. Putin complained that Western
aircraft carrying “very serious weapons” were flying within 20 km of Russia's borders.
WORLD BelarusclearsmigrantcampatEU radical
Pak frees leader of
party behind
borderascrisiswithWesteases anti-France protests
Pfizer’s pills has been shown ANDREW HIGGINS Questions
to significantly cut the rate & MARC SANTORA overplanfor
of hospitalisations and NOVEMBER 18 BABAR DOGAR
deaths among people with ● migrants LAHORE, NOVEMBER 18
Young Dolph Covid infections. AP THEHASTILYconstructedmigrant
encampmentsatthemainborder THECLEARINGof thecamps PAKISTAN ON Thursday re-
crossingintoPolandfromBelarus atthebordereasestheimme- leased a radical Islamist leader
Pfizer, US ink were cleared by the Belarusian
government on Thursday morn-
under a deal struck with his
party that was behind last
to treat Covid
“the jungle” — only days ago the Grodno, Belarus, on Thursday. AP arepatriationflight,butthat also included lifting of a gov- Saad Rizvi (centre), head of
widely admired in the hip- site of violent clashes between representsonlyafractionof ernment ban on his party, Tehreek-e-Labiak Pakistan,
hop community for his au- migrants trying to push through thosewhohadgatheredat Tehreek-e-Labiak Pakistan. Last is greeted by supporters on
thenticity and fierce inde- therazorwireandPolishsecurity A steady stream of people — only a fraction of the thousands theborderinrecentdays. week, Pakistan also freed 2,000 arrival at his party office. AP
pendence, was shot and ASSOCIATED PRESS forces blasting them with water escorted by heavily armed of migrants in Belarus, and there Severalof thosewhowerein of his supporters, detained dur-
killed Wednesday inside a NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 18 cannons—wasnowawasteland Belarusian security forces, their was little sign that most would thecampsweretakentoa ing last month’s rally. That
belovedlocalcookieshopin of garbage, abandoned tents and facescoveredbyblackbalaclavas volunteer to leave. warehouse,butquestionsre- protest triggered clashes that 2020, after French President
hishometownofMemphis, THE US government will pay smoldering fires. — made their way down a half- Western leaders believe the mainedovertheirfinaldesti- killed seven policemen and Emmanuel Macron defended
Tennessee,authoritiessaid. drugmaker Pfizer $5.29 billion Along the tangle of razor mile road to a government-run crisis at the border was manu- nation.Europeanofficialsre- four demonstrators. the publication of the carica-
Police tweeted they had no for 10 million treatment wire at the border, there was not warehouse where they were of- factured by the Belarusian gov- mainedscepticalof Belarus’s Rizvi had been in custody tures as freedom of expression.
informationtoreleaseabout courses of its potential Covid- a migrant in sight on Thursday fered refuge from the mud and ernment, which lured migrants, attemptstoendthecrisis, since April, when he threat- Macron’s comments came
a possible suspect in the 19 treatment if regulators ap- afternoon. Under the gray the muck. mostly on flights from the whichtheybelievewasman- ened anti-France protests. He after a young Muslim man be-
shooting, which took place prove it. gloom of the November sky, a Iraq’s Foreign Ministry said MiddleEast, to Belarus witheas- ufacturedbyBelarusian was released on Thursday af- headed a French school teacher
at Makeda’s Cookies near Pfizer asked the Food and phalanx of Polish soldiers re- that 430 Iraqis had registered to ily obtainable visas and the sug- leaderLukashenkoinretalia- ternoon from a jail in the east- who had shown the caricatures
Memphis International Drug Administration on mained in formation, pressing return home on a repatriation gestion of a path across its bor- tiontosanctionsfromtheEU. ern city of Lahore, according to in class. The images were re-
Airport.“Thetragicshooting Tuesday to authorize the exper- up against the wire. flight on Thursday. But that is derstotheEuropean Union. NYT Hassan Khawar, a government published by the satirical mag-
death of rap artist Young imental pill, which has been spokesman. azine Charlie Hebdo to mark the
Dolphservesasanotherre- shown to significantly cut the Rizvi took over the party in opening of the trial over the
minderof thepainthatvio-
lent crime brings with it,”
rate of hospitalisations and NORTH AMERICAN SUMMIT SET TO TAKE PLACE Pak Parliament November 2020, after the sud- deadly 2015 attack against the
deaths among people with den death of his father, Khadim publication of the the original
Memphis Mayor Jim
Strickland said. Just last
week, the cookie shop
coronavirus infections.
The FDA is already review- US, Canada, Mexico set to donate nod for chemical
castration of
Hussein Rizvi.
Tehreek-e-Labiak Pakistan
Rizvi’s party gained promi-
Google signs 5-year deal to pay for news from AFP daily Covid numbers,
fied as Omri Goren,
worked at Defence with the consent of the convict
Minister Benny Gantz’s and setting up of special courts
for speedy trails.
New Delhi
SENSEX: 59,636.01 ▼ 372.32 (-0.62%) NIFTY: 17,764.80 ▼ 133.85 (-0.75%) NIKKEI: 29,598.66 ▼ 89.67 HANG SENG: 25,319.72 ▼ 330.36 FTSE: 7,277.63 ▼ 13.57 DAX: 16,261.75 ▲ 10.62
International market data till 1900 IST
‘Diaspora interested to invest in
India, but keen to settle abroad’
59% of respondents are
likely to increase ‘Tight oil’: What ‘Evaluating
process’ of
is shale and its
their bets on India in next
three years
4 states with negative
A majority of the diaspora Indians are keen to invest in
India, even though they are more likely to settle down in
71% of the surveyed said
potential in India
their current country of residence after retirement for they will prefer to
cash balance to gain better quality of life, an HSBC survey said remain in their country of
residence and are not looking
at coming to India
flights: Scindia
from frontloading 80%
Survey details: The survey by
the foreign lender covered KARUNJITSINGH Russia and the US are
respondents 4,152 people of Indian origin NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER18
ENSECONOMICBUREAU CAPEX PUSH are investing across generations now living
among the largest CIVIL AVIATION Minister
NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER18 in India in other countries CAIRN OIL & Gas has announced shale oil producers JyotiradityaScindiasaidThursday
■ The frontloading that it is partnering US-based the government is evaluating the
THE RECENT decision to ad- of tax devolution Source: HSBC/PTI Halliburton to start shale explo- process for normalising interna-
vanceaninstalmentoftaxde- amount will help in rationintheLowerBarmerHillfor- scale commercial production of tional flight operations, empha-
volution to states, in addition meeting expen- mation,WesternRajasthan. shale oil and gas in India. State- sising that it wants to return to
diture needs,
New Delhi: Google Pay will OverRs5lakhcrorehavebeen are continuing these efforts.” thesemeasures.DuetoRs30,000
input to add account num-
‘NO CASHIER’ CAFE recovered by banks (over last
PMNarendraModi atthe
dite high-profile fugitive eco-
NARCL, stressed assets of more
than Rs 2 lakh crore are going to
(in $ billion)
bers to initiate payment. Starbucks on Thursday opened its first ever cashier-less Company(NARCL)wouldhelpre- growth,onThursday. PTI nomic offenders (FEOs) like Vijay be resolved, the PM added. 83 87* 89.6**
cafe in New York City, in partnership with Amazon Go, solve another Rs 2 lakh crore of MallyaandNiravModi,wantedin ThePrimeMinisteralsoasked
2020 2021 2022
Autoretailsales the e-commerce giant’s brick-and-mortar convenience
store, where customers can sit at a table with a latte or
stressed assets, he said, speaking
atasymposiumoncreditflowand “Inourcountry,thereisalotof
money laundering cases.
banks to support wealth and job
creators with proactive lending *4.6%growth
NewDelhi:Retailautomobile grab a sandwich from a shelf and walk out. Reuters economic growth organised by discussion when someone runs The country’s banking sector while promising to stand by any **3%expectedgrowth
sales fell 18% in the 42-day the Finance Ministry. away with banks money, but has strengthened a lot due to re- loans given in right earnest.
festive period, FADA said.
New Delhi: The Securities
Economy to grow 7-7.5% ‘EU lawmakers ink Sebi tweaks ‘fit and
next fiscal year: EAC-PM deal to curb Big Tech’ proper person’ rule
to deposit Rs 2,000 crore Bengaluru: European Union law- and offering at least one internet New Delhi: The Securities and determinefitandproperstatusof
withSebiwithinfourweeks. recover in 2022-23. makers have reached a deal on service, such as an online search, ExchangeBoardofIndia(Sebi)has the person based on the disquali-
ENSECONOMICBUREAU “Looking beyond the current Icra raises Q2 howtotargetBigTechcompanies, the FT said, citing sources. tweakedthecriteriafordetermin- ficationsashasbeenprescribed.
Appleinvestment NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER18 year,2021-22,EAC-PMmembers
were optimistic about real and GDP estimate as part of a move to limit anti-
competitive practices in the digi-
The rules would draw more
companies than earlier thought
a notification issued Wednesday.
Sebi has declared Kailash Gupta,
NewDelhi:Appleisinvesting THE ECONOMY is likely to grow nominal growth prospects in Mumbai: A jump in govern- tal economy, the Financial Times into the EU’s planned Digital Under the framework, these who was MD of erstwhile NMCE
in India to expand presence 7-7.5 per cent in the next fiscal 2022-23. Other than an element ment spending in Septem- reported on Wednesday. Markets Act (DMA), FT said, add- criteria will be principle-based as a not “fit and proper person” to
and support a million jobs, year, the Economic Advisory of the base effect, the contact in- berhasledIcratoupgradeits The European Parliament’s ingtheEUplanstoimplementthe and/or rule-based. holdanypositioninmanagement
saidPriyaBalasubramaniam Council to the Prime Minister tensive sectors and construction GDPgrowthestimateforthe main political parties agreed to a actnextyear.TheDMA,proposed Theprinciple-basedcriteriain- andboardofanycommoditiesex-
vice-president(productop- (EAC-PM)saidonThursday,while shouldrecoverin2022-23,”itsaid. secondquarterofFY22to7.9 deal that would apply to compa- by EU antitrust chief Margrethe cludeintegrity,honesty,ethicalbe- change after finding him guilty of
erations). PTI observing that contact intensive AmeetingoftheEAC-PMwas percent,asperarelease. PTI nies with a market capitalisation Vestager,aimstocurbthepowers haviour, reputation, fairness, and diverting and misappropriating
sectors and construction should held in Delhi Thursday. WITHPTI of at least€80 billion ($91billion) ofBigTechcompanies. REUTERS character. Further, the norms will fundsofthebourse. ENS,WITHPTI
New Delhi
Office of The Additional Chief Engineer,
DHARAMKUNJ APARTMENT, Mishra R/o-H.No.10, Gali No.4,
client Sh. Satya Narayan S/o Sh. Parasram SMT. PARVEEN KUMARI W/O LATE SHRI E-Notice Inviting Bid No. 75/2021-22
SECTOR-9, ROHINI,DELHI-85, F-Block, West Chander Nagar, Singhal R/o F-1/10, Budh Vihar, Phase-1,
VIAY ENCLAVE DABRI PALAM ROAD NEW Bids for Work for Retrofitting of Jawar-Chandipur Water Supply Project to provide
Delhi-110086 have severed all their relations
Krishna Nagar, Delhi-110051, DELHI-110045 HAS DISOWNED & FHTC including 10-year O&M under JJM District-Jhalawar under JJM Estimated
changed my name to PUNEET from their sons namely Shubh Karan Singhal
have changed my name to
S/o Sh. Satya Narayan, daughter-in-laws Ms.
CHHABRA AND HIS WIFE SMT.SHIVALI Cost Rs. 877.55 Lacs are invited from interested bidders upto 22-11-2021, 18:00
KAUR. 0040592557-1
PERSONAL Swami Karshni
Meenu Singhal W/o Sh. Shubh Karan Singhal
and Grands Daughter Ms. Siya and Ms. Diya SUMAN FROM HER ALL MOVABLE AND
Hours. Other particulars of the bid may be visited on the
I,DEEPAK KUMAR MEHRA S/O both are D/o of Sh. Shubh Karan Singhal, and,, and
It is for general information that Gurusharananand. Sh. Rakesh Singhal S/o Sh. Satya Narayan PROPERTIES AS THEY ARE NOT UNDER
RAKESH KUMAR R/o.B-50, and daughter in-laws Ms. Arti Singhal W/o Sh. THE CONTROL OF MY CLIENT AND HAVE department website.
I,ANMOL KAPOOR,S/o Sh. 0040592538-1 Rakesh Singhal, Grands Daughter namely MALTREATED HER ON VARIOUS UBN No. PHE2122WLOB08893
his immovable and movable properties. My OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS TO IMPLICATE
L-23,KAKADEV NAVEEN-NAGAR PART-2,DELHI-110049,have I Ramesh Aggarwal S/o-Chiman client have no relations with their said sons, IN FALSE CRIMINAL CASES. MY CLIENT (Mahesh Jangid)
KANPUR,U.P-208025 declare changed my name to DEEPAK Lal Aggarwal R/o-DU-151, daughter in-law and Grands Daughters. My IS HAVING NO CONCERN Additional Chief Engineer
said client have no responsibility for the acts, WITH THEM IN ANY MANNER
that name of mine and my KUMAR, 0040592548-3 Pitampura, Delhi-110034 have deeds of the said sons, daughter in-law and WHATSOEVER. IF ANYONE DEALING DIPR/C/11633/2021 PHED, Region, Kota
changed my name to Ramesh Grands Daughters in present and future. WITH THEM WILL DO AT HIS/HER OWN
father has been wrongly- I,Akanshika,D/o S M Bhargav, Sd/- R.K. Paliwal (Advocate) RISK COST AND CONSEQUENCES AND
written as ANMOL BOBAL and R/o D-1/35, 2nd-Floor, Sector-
Ch. No. 526, Rohini Courts, Delhi-85
purposes. 0040592518-1
SUNIL BOBAL in my Pan 16,Rohini, Delhi-110089,have WHATSOEVER.
Card.No.CGAPB6445E. The changed my name to I Manav Gupta S/o Vishal Gupta
actual-name of mine and my Akanshika Bhargav. R/o B 207 SURYA NAGAR
0040592548-2 MAY CONCERN
MAHENDRA KAPOOR, which India, have changed my name IT IS HEREBY INFORMED THAT MY
may be amended accordingly. I,ANJU BALA BAGHA, W/o VIJAY to Vigyat Gupta for all CLIENTS SH. SUDHIR BATRA, SMT. The public at large is hereby informed that
SUNITA BATRA & SH. NITIN BATRA ARE my client Smt. Prakash W/o Sh. Jahan Singh
KUMAR,ADD.H-89, MOHAN- purposes 0070761853-1 JOINT OWNER OF PROPERTY NO. A-77, Tokas R/o H.No. 205, Near Dr. Sharma Wali NARAINA INUSTRIAL AREA, NEW
0040592556-2 ASHOK VIHAR, PHASE-I, DELHI-110052
Gali, Munirka, South West, Delhi-110067 has DELHI WISH TO INFORM THAT
debar her son and son’s wife namely Sh. COMPANY'S TAXATION MANAGER SH
Prashant Tokas S/o Sh. Jahan Singh Tokas
It is for general information that UTTAM-NAGAR, N.DELHI- Singh R/o-226, Radhika POSSESSION ALONGWITH ALL ORIGINAL
R/o H.No. 205, Near Dr. Sharma Wali Gali,
I have changed my name from 110059,changed my name to Jeweller Wali Gali, Dhola WILLING TO SELL THE ABOVE SAID
Munirka, South West, Delhi-110067 and
Smt. Nisha Rani W/o Sh. Prashant Tokas R/o
Babli to Pawan Rekha Paul for ANJU KALSI. 0040592557-7 Mohalla, Badarpur, N.Delhi- PROPERTY. IF ANYBODY HAS ANY CLAIM H.No. 205, Near Dr. Sharma Wali Gali, ACCOUNTS OF THE COMPANY,
all future notes. Address 110044 have changed my name SHOULD COME FORWARD WITHIN 15 life, movable and immovable properties due AUDITED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS,
Pawan Rekha Paul W/O Som Lal I, Vijay Kumar r/o GH-1/42, DAYS OF THIS PUBLIC NOTICE OR ELSE
to Jitender Kumar to their bad conduct/ quarrel and disobedient AUDITOR REPORT, PROFIT AND
Paul R/o J-1104 OXY Homez Archana Apartment, Paschim permanently. 0070761909-1
towards my client and my client has no LOSS ACCOUNT AND NOTES TO
control of any manner over them and they ACCOUNT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR
Bhopura Tilla Mod Gaziabad Vihar, New Delhi-110063 have ENTERTAINED. wants to grab property of my client, of which 2020-2021 DULY SIGNED BY SH. ANIL
changed my daughter’s name I Harish Chand S/o Sh. Tara Datt Sd/- my client is the sole owner with possession.
UP-201005. 0040592542-1 P.S.VASISHTH (Advocate) If anyone deals with them will be at his/her
Myraa to MYRAA KUMAR for all R/o House No.307, Lancer Road, Enrl. No. D-168/2014 own risk then my client will not responsible in MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE
any manner and my client has snapped her COMPANY, SH KAMLESH KUMAR
I,hitherto known as Dhananjay future purpose. 0040592509-1 Deen Dayal Sharma Marg, relations with them in all manner for all THAKUR, THE THEN CFO OF THE
Gaur,S/o Virendra Sharma, Timarpur,North Delhi-110054 purposes. COMPANY, SH. HITESH, COMPANY
residing at,S-13-B,Sunder I, Varun Khanna, R/o 28/4, East have changed my name to Sd/- (RAVINDER KHATRI) SECRETARY AND SH. HS KHURANA,
Enrl. No. D/4505/2015 ADVOCATE
Block,Lane.No.-1,Shakarpur, Patel Nagar, New Delhi - Harish Chander for all PUBLIC NOTICE Chamber No. V-15, Western Wing,
Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi-110054
Delhi-110092,have changed my 110008, have changed my purposes. 0040592484-10 Be it known that my clients SH. VINOD KUMAR Mob. No. 9212297032
name and shall hereafter be minor son’s name from Keith
known as Dhananjay Raj Gaur. Kabeer Khanna to Rudr Khanna AGGARWAL BOTH R/O B-47, NEELAMBER NO. 3811880403 OF COMPANY WITH
VIHAR, DELHI-110034, disowned and severe
0040592556-1 0070761858-1 Kaka Nagar, New Delhi-110003 all relationship with their son namely SH. BRANCH, DELHI FOR THE FINANCIAL
have changed the name of my MOHIT AGGARWAL, debarred them from all YEAR 2020-2021 AND OTHER
I,Vipin Dalal S/o Suresh kumar I, Sunita Arora D/O Bishamber their moveable and immovable Properties FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS FOR THE
minor son from Arjun Anto to acquired or to be acquired because of their mis- PREPARATION OF TAX
Dalal,, Sector-6, Lal Arora, R/o H.No- 5, Anmol behavior & conduct and their nature is being
Roshan Antony for all RETURN/AUDIT FOR THE FY 2020-21.
Bahadurgarh, District-Jhajjar, Vatika, Choukhandi Road, Tilak purposes. 0040592484-9
disobedient and they are abusing and
quarrelling with my clients, so my clients have
Nagar, New Delhi- 110018, have broken all relations from them. Any person
Haryana-124507, have changed dealing and having relation with them in any CRIME BRANCH DELHI HAVING LR NO.
changed my name and shall 943082/2021 DATED 17/11/2021. ANY
my name to Vipin. manner shall be at their own risk, cost &
hereafter be Known as Sanya consequences and my clients shall not be
I,Tania Zaman Butt W/o mistake Name written: 04.02.2013 registered with Sub Sh. Mahabir R/o Plot No. R-91A,
Khasra No. 52/3, Ground floor, IiY¸ffÔIY/ 1346 dQ³ffÔIY : 10/11/2021
Rawshid Nizam Shawl R/o KLP- Shuman Shukla, But My Registrar II, Janakpuri fvg
Correct & Real Name: Suman
Rajeev Nagar Extention, Village- d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff ÀfÔ£¹ff 02/2021-22
01/503 Tower Kalypso Court J.P Darshan Mohan Singh Nanda & Karala, New Delhi - 110081, has NIB Code:- PWD2122A2080
Shukla. 0040592436-1
Mrs. Tajinder Kaur Nanda has disowned and debarred her son
Wish Town Sector-128, namely Sh. Jai Bhagwan and his
SfþÀ±ff³f IZ Sfª¹f´ff»f ¸fWûQ¹f I e AûS ÀfZ BÀf I f¹ffÊ»f¹f IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f C´f¹fbö ßfZ¯fe ¸fZÔ ´fÔþeIÈ °f ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ ÀfZ d³f²ffÊdS°f
Noida(U.P) have Changed my I, Saniya d/o Vijay Kumar r/o GH- been misplaced in transit. If wife namely Smt. Shalini from all her ´fi´fÂf ¸fZÔ Ib »f 2 I f¹fûÊÔ, dþÀfI e Ib »f »ff¦f°f SfdVf ø . 624.21 »ffJ ÷ ´fE W`, IZ d»fE BÊ-MZ¯OdSÔ¦f ´fidIi ¹ff WZ°fb
found please contact : +91 Whilst care is taken prior to acceptance of
name from Tania Zaman to 1/42, Archana Apartment, moveable and immovable property Afg³f»ffBʳf d³fdUQf¹fZÔ Af¸fÔdÂf°f I e þf°fe W`aÜ
and dissolved all her relation from advertising copy, it is not possible to verify its
Tania Zaman Butt for all future Paschim Vihar, New Delhi- 9810643300, +971 50 628 9785, d³fdUQf R f¸fÊ OfC³f»fûO EUÔ A´f»fûO I S³fZ I e dQ³ffÔI 15.11.2021 I û ´fif°f: 9.30 ¶fþZ ÀfZ
them. For any acts or omissions contants. The Indian Express (P) Limited cannot
purposes 0040592543-1 110063 have changed my name e-mail: done by Sh. Jai Bhagwan and his be held responsible for such contents, nor for any °ffSeJ EUÔ Àf¸f¹f dQ³ffÔI 04.12.2021 Àff¹fÔ 6.00 ¶fþZ °fI Ü
to SANIYA KUMAR for all future [email protected] wife, my client shall not be liable in loss or damage incurred as a result of
I,Swaranjeeta Mandal W/O- om future. d³fdUQf ÀfZ Àf¸¶fÔd²f°f Àf¸fÀ°f dUUS¯f UZ¶fÀffBÊM ´fS EUÔ d³fdUQf QÀ°ffUZþ I f dUUS¯f
Mohan Mandal R/O,C-4/32, purpose 0040592509-2 Sd/- transactions with companies, associations or
individuals adversing in its newspapers or UZ¶fÀffBÊM EUÔ ´fS QZJf þf ÀfI °ff W`Ü
Swarn Jayanti-Vihar Tikri- I, Rekha W/O Kanwar Pal Singh 0040592525-1 (GOVIND KANT SHARMA)
ADVOCATE Publications. We therefore recommend that Àf¸´fc¯fÊ d³fdUQf ´fidIi ¹ff ´fS Afg³f»ffBʳf Àf¸´ffdQ°f I e þfUZ¦feÜ
Khurd,Delhi-110048, changed Rana R/O B-26, Plot No. 21, Sec- Enrl.No. D/2670/10 readers make necessary inquiries before sending UBN :- 1. PWD2122WSOB10290 WXÀ°ff/-
my name to Suronjita Mandal. Ch.No.1101, Lawyer's Chamber (E³f.EÀf.¸fe¯ff)
4, Ratanakar Appts, Dwarka, Block Rohini Courts, any monies or entering into any agreements with 2. PWD2122WSOB10295
0040592557-4 New Delhi - 110078, shall SITUATION VACANT Delhl- 110085 advertisers or otherwise acting on an DIPR/C/11477/2021 Ad²fÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff
Àff.d³f.d½f. ½fÈ°f Oca¦fSX´fbSX
henceforth be known as Rekha advertisement in any manner whatsoever.
I,Susheel Kumar Mittal,S/o- Rana vide affidavit IN- GS all subjects and optional
Kurda Mal Mittal, R/o-7-8, UGF, DL47729370777131T sworn faculty for UPSC and BPSC
Government of Rajasthan
Pocket-14, Sector-24, Rohini,
Delhi-110085,have changed my
before notary dated 10/11/21.
Patna location hindi/english
medium. Content writers also
Office of Superintending Engineer Office of Director, Archaeology & Museums
name to Sushil Mittal
I, Rashmi Kapoor, W/o Rakesh
required. Mail or whatsapp
resume -
9th Circle Public Work Department Dehradun Department, Rajasthan Jaipur
Kapoor D/o Late Om Prakash [email protected], Office of the Superintending Engineer, 9th Circle PWD, Dehradun Uttarakhand (Phone 0141-2820360, Email- [email protected])
I,Shally Rani,W/o-Sushil Mittal, Malhotra R/o 3192, ATS One 9205801453 0050187458-1 No.:- A&M /TS(M) Kiosk/ 2021/ 12101 Date:- 12.11.2021
R/o-7-8, UGF, Pocket-14,Sector-
Website- E-mail: [email protected]
Hamlet, Sec-104 Noida, G.B.
24, Rohini, Delhi-110085,have Nagar-201304, UP have Latter No. 8737/IC-9/21 Dated : 18/11/2021 E-Bid Notice
changed my name to Shallu On behalf of Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan online bid’s for setup and run
Mittal 0040592557-11
changed my name from Arun
COURT NOTICE NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING kiosks at Ram Bagh and Dalaram Bagh at Amber Fort, Amber and Jantar
Rashmi Kapoor to Rashmi
Kapoor for all future purposes. e-tender Notice Mantar, Jaipur are here by invited from interested and eligible company/
I,Sardar Gurdeep Singh S/O
The Superintending Engineer 9th Circle, Public Works Department, Dehradun on behalf of Firms/ Individuals/ Joint ventures. Details of the bid are as under:-
Makhan Singh Resident-190- 0040592471-1
A/1, First-floor, Gautam-Nagar, “Governor of Uttarakhand” invites short term tender in two bid system for the following Particular Last Date for Last Date & time Date & time of
I, Rachel Iris Godinho D/o- Denzil work. Information regarding tender shall be available on Bid Documents of Online opening of
Delhi-110049 have changed my
Godinho R/o- A-13, 2nd Floor from date 24.11.2021 for downloading Submission of Bid Technical Bid
name to Gurdeep Singh.
Friends Colony East, Delhi- SI. Name of Work Earnest Validity of Cost of Tender Period of Contractor Setup and run kiosks at 13.12.2021 13.12.2021 14.12.2021
0040592557-2 110065 have changed my name No. Money Tender Document (In Completion Category of Ram Bagh and Dalaram Upto 5.00 PM Upto 5.00 PM on 11.00 AM
I,Rawshid Nizam Shawl S/o to Rajshree for all purposes. (in Lacs) (In days) Rs.) (In Month) Registration Bagh at Amber Fort,
Nizamudin Shawl R/o KLP- 0040592484-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Amber and Jantar
1. Under CM Declaration No.-
01/503 Tower Kalypso Court J.P Registered in Mantar, Jaipur.
I, Pavni Chugh W/o Sh.Akshat 323/2009 in Distt. Dehradun
Wish Town Sector-128, Noida ‘A’ & above
Chugh and, D/o Sh.Vinay Constituency Sahaspur under 1. Bid UBN No. AMD2122SLOB00026 2. Bid UBN No.
(U.P) have changed my name category in
New Construction work, Hill AMD2122SLOB00027 3. Bid UBN No. AMD2122SLOB00028
Manchanda R/o-E-17,Neb- 5000.00 Road works in
from Rawshid Shawl to Side Cutting, Construction of 5.10 120 12
Vally, Sainik-farms,Neb Sarai, +18% G.S.T. Central Govt./ Detailed bid document can be viewed or/and download from websites
Rawshid Nizam Shawl for all Scupper & Walls, Parapets &
delhi-110068,have Changed my State Govt/, &
future purposes 0040592543-2 drain etc. of Kotda- Kalyanpur-
name from Pavni Chugh to any Govt.
Badwa- Langha motor road
Undertakings Sd/-
I,Pitamber s/o Jogeshwar Pavni Manchanda,for all (Km 1 to 4) X.S. 0/0 to 3/40)
Prasad R/O A-5 Sanwal Nagar, purposes in future 2. Under CM Declaration No.- Registered in DIPR/C/11561/2021 Director
Kasturba Nagar, New Delhi- 323/2009 in Distt. Dehradun ‘B’ & above
110049 Have changed my name Constituency Sahaspur under category in
to Pitambar Gouniyal. I, Nysa A. Dhingra D/o Ashish New Construction work, Hill
Dhingra, R/o R-740, New Side Cutting, Construction of 3.02 120 12 Central Govt./
0040592548-5 +18% G.S.T. E-Procurement Tender Notice: 10/2021 Date: 16.11.2021
Scupper & Walls, Parapets & State Govt/
Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-
I,NAND KISHOR,S/O CHINTA 110060 have changed my name
drain etc. of Kotda- Kalyanpur-
Badwa- Langha motor road (Km
any Govt.
E-Procurement Tender Notice
Nysa A. Dhingra to Nysa IN THE COURT OF SH. BHARAT
MANI SHARMA R/o.B-515, 4 to 6.750) X.S. 3/40 to 6/30) EMD Tender Opening
PARASHAR, DISTRICT JUDGE Tender Description Qty.
Galaxy-Royale, Gaur-City-2, Dhingra for all purposes. (COMMERCIAL) COURT)-01 S.N. (Rs.) Date
Greater-Noida West, G.B. 0040592511-1
HAZARI COURTS, DELHI Safety Helmet with detachable
Nagar,UP.have changed my
I, Nirmal Jit Kaur D/o Late PROCLAMATION REQUIRING minor's light (minor's helmet to
SHARMA. 0040592548-1 Gurbachan Singh R/o 3904- IS specification IS 2925-1984
(Order 5, Rules 20 of the Code of
A/15, Kanhiya Nagar, Tri Nagar, Civil Procedures) (modified in 2010) with 2621
I,No-9116485A,RFN-Khalid SUIT NO- CS(COMM)-1712/20 1 13215434 23000/- 01.12.2021
Delhi-110035 have changed my detachable headlight having Nos
Saif,S/o-Saif ud din Sheikh, name to NIRMAL JEET KAUR for
... Plaintiff flexibility for rotation provide
R/O- Sadur Kote Bala ,Tehsil- all future purposes. V/S with straps as per attached
Sumbal, District- Bandipora. In VIRENDER SINGH ... Defendant
my service record the name of 0070761911-1 To, specification.
my daughter has been wrongly I, Mihir Kanojia S/O Ashok VIRENDER SINGH SON OF SHRI
Note: (1) The complete information of above E-procurement Tender
mentioned as Ruqaya Instead Kumar, R/o House No-C-131 281, KUCHA GHASI RAM are available on IREPS website i.e. (2)
of Rouquya Khalid. It needs Chanakya Puri Delhi-110021, CHANDNI CHOWK DELHI-110006.
Bids other than in the form of E-Bids shall not be accepted against
correction. Objections be filed have changed my name and WHEREAS you are intentionally
above Tender, For this purpose, Vendors are required to get
to concerned authorities shall hereafter be Known as evading service of summon it is
within seven days. hereby notified that if you shall not themselves registered with IREPS website along with class III
Mihir. 0070761894-1 defend the case on the 01.12.2021
the day fixed for the final disposal, it
digital signature certificates issued by CCA under IT Act-2000. (3)
0020429698-1 I, Md Ekramul Haque,S/O Hasan will be heard and determined ex- Rates entered into financial rate page and duly signed digitally
I,Mohd Yousuf,S/o-Qamruddin Imam@Emamul Haque,R/O,G- parte. shall only be considered. Rates and any other financial entity in
R/o-1531 Pahari Darzan-Bazar 3/212, 1st-Floor,Sector-16, Given under my hand and the seal of
any other form/ letter head if attached by vendor shall be straight
Rohini Delhi-110085,have the court, this 12.11.2021
chitli Qabar,Delhi 110006,have away ignored and shall not be considered. (4) Documents being
changed my name to Mohd changed my name to Ekramul Sd/-
District Judge attached should be signed on their body. (5) Allocation for "Cost of
Yusuf 0040592557-13 Haque. 0040592557-3 SEAL
(Commercial Court) Drawing" is Z-650 and for "Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)" is Deposit
I,Km Beena,W/o Kirpal Singh, I, Km Kanchan Rathor as per Misc, stores-00844517. (6) The above tender notice has been
education documents, W/o Sh.
H.No.D-17/321-322, First-Floor,
Vinod Kumar R/o Flat no.FF-1,
PUBLIC NOTICE u p l o a d e d o n h t t p : / / w w w . n c r . i n d i a n r a i l w a y s . g o v. i n " &
Sector-3,Rohini, Delhi-110085, I Sandeep & Utkarsh is joint absolute In case of any difficulty helpdesk available on
have changed my name Beena Plot No.78, Sector-2A, Vaishali, owners of the property bearing No. E- the IREPS website may be approached. 1207/21 (P)
Devi. 0040592557-6 Ghaziabad UP-201010, I have 287, in Block-E, in Sector- Beta-1,
change my name to Kanchan Situated at Greater Noida, Distt. G. B. North central railway @ CPRONCR
I,Kapil Dev Sharma S/O-Ashok Rathore (as per Aadhar and Nagar. U.P have lost/misplaced original
Lease Deed dated 20.04.1998 in the
Kumar R/O,WP-215,Wazirpur- Pan card) for all the future name of Sh. Mahender Kumar Sarna,
Village Delhi-110052,have purposes. 0040592503-1 registered as document No. 5462/5464
changed my name to Kapil & Possession Certificate if any persons
Sharma. 0040592557-5 I, Kewal Krishan S/o Rattan finds the above stated document, it is
Chand Trehan R/o RZ-58, Indra requested to hand over the same to the
I,Kamal Verma,S/o-Ram Sahay, Park, Pankha Road, Uttam undersigned And If any persons have
any claim whatsoever with respect to
R/o-A4/85, sector-20,Rohini, Nagar, Delhi - 110059 have the above said property, he/she is
Delhi-110086, have changed my changed my name to Kewal required undersigned Contact No.
minor son’s name from Tinku Krishan Trehan for all future 7303698747.
Verma to Shubham Verma purposes. 0070761914-1
Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, UP have changed my name to SITUATED AT TIHAR NO. 1, SUBHASH NAGAR,
have changed my name to Jyoti KUNAL ARORA,for all future MALHOTRA S/O J.N. MALHOLTRA, HAS SEVERED
Mehta. 0040592557-9 purpose. 0040592557-8 MR. PUNEET MALHOTRA (S/O SH. PAWAN
I,Inderjeet Kaur Hanspal w/o I, Anil Kumar S/O Koman Singh, BOTH RESIDENTS OF PLOT NO. 61, FIRST
S.Lakhvir Singh, R/o D-98, R/o Q- 501, Silicon City NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110059. AND HAS
Sudershan Park, New Delhi- Amrapali, Sector- 76, Noida, FROM ALL THEIR MOVABLE AND IMMOVABLE
110015, have changed my name Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar CRUEL AND DISOBEDIENT BEHAVIOUR.
to Inderjeet Kaur, for all Pradesh- 201301, have changed DOING SO AT HIS/HER/ITS OWN COSTS, PERIL,
purposes 0040592520-1 my name and shall hereafter SOLELY LIABLE FOR THE SAME.
be Known as Amit Kumar. 405, LAWYERS CHAMBER, BLOCK III,
I,Balbir Singh S/O Late Sh. Maha DELHI HIGH COURT, NEW DELHI-110003
New Delhi
New Delhi
refundable Demand Draft for Rs. 2000.00 (Two Thousand only) and AP, Bomdila on behalf of Governor of Arunachal
refundable Cash Deposit Receipt (CDR)/Fixed Deposit Receipt Pradesh invites bids which is open to all eligible 1. Annual Maintenance Plan on Rs. 1,41,38,611/- Rs. Rs. 5000/- 3 Months Class-C and
(FDR) as mentioned against each item in the detailed tender docu- Gumma Jashla Umladwar 1,73,900 /- Class-B
ment pledged to Dy. Comptroller (Divisions), Faculty of Horticulture, registered contractors in appropriate class, for the Road in K.M. 0/00 to 29/00
(SH:- Providing and Laying
SKUAST Kashmir. The tender document complete in all respects following project:- -Improvement of Palizi (NH-13) to 30 mm bituminous concrete
including profile correction in
should reach the office of Head, Division of Food Science and Thrizino ADC HQ Road." under CMCSRDP Schemes. K.M. 16/00 to 25/00)
Technology, SKUAST-Kashmir Shalimar, J&K by or before
20.12.2021 upto 4.00 P.M. either by Registered/Speed Post/Courier Sd/- Tender document and other instructions can be downloaded or viewed online from the portal by the
or delivered personally against a proper receipt. firm/individual registered on the website which is free of cost.
Executive Engineer Key Dates:
No. AU/FST/FTL/21/3048 Sd/- Bomdila Division. PWD.AP 1. Date of Online Publication 22-11-2021 1100 HRS
Dated: 17.11.2021 Head
DIPK-NB-5116 Division of FST DIPR/ARN-2155-57/2021 Bomdila 2. Document Download Start and End Date 22-11-2021 1130 HRS upto
03-12-2021 1730 HRS
3. Bid Submission Start and End Date 22-11-2021 1130 HRS upto
03-12-2021 1800 HRS
4. Physical Submission of EMD and Cost of Tender Document 04-12-2021 upto 1030 HRS
C E L E B R A T I O N S , E V E N T S 5. Date of Technical Bid opening, 04-12-2021 1100 HRS
Note:- Since whole of the A.M.P is to be carried out with Hot Mix Plant, Paver & Vibratory Road Roller, Static Roller as such only those con-
tractor would be issued tender documents and allowed this work who produce the ownership of Hot Mix Plant-1 no, Paver-1 No, Vibratory
Roller-1 no, Static Roller-1 No in addition to other conventional machinery mentioned in SBD or needed for this particular kind of work.
Executive Engineer,
5019/HP on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh Division Kotkhai, HPPWD Kotkhai Distt Shimla H.P
by the University. The University kids to realize it in real-time with cash & placement op- of precautionary measures to mitigate the risk of Corona. 01 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Rough Mower
for 18 hole Lidder valley Golf course Pahalgam Kashmir.
40.00 Rs. 80000/- Rs. 1000/- Registered Manufacturers/
Authorized Dealers
45 Days
administration has praised their portunities. It doesn’t get it any more real with the pan-In- The masks were distributed by the Vice Chancellor of the 02 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of fairway aerator 24.65 Rs. 49300/- Rs. 750/- Registered Manufacturers/ 45 Days
for 18 hole Lidder valley Golf course Pahalgam Kashmir. Authorized Dealers
outstanding achievements. The dia panorama of coding talent. If you love coding, this is the University Padma Shri Prof. (Dr) Mahesh Verma at an interac- 03 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Green top 14.20 Rs. 28400/- Rs. 500/- Registered Manufacturers/ 45 Days
dresser for 18 hole Lidder valley Golf course Pahalgam Kashmir. Authorized Dealers
Vice Chancellor Padmashri Prof. place to be.” tive session organized with the representatives of the affiliated 04 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Leaf blower for 13.45 Rs. 26900/- Rs. 500/- Registered Manufacturers/ 45 Days
Dr. Mahesh Verma said on the colleges at Dwarka campus of the University. The topic of 18 hole Lidder valley Golf course Pahalgam Kashmir. Authorized Dealers
05 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of back pack blow- 0.50 Rs. 1000/- Rs. 200/- Registered Manufacturers/ 45 Days
occasion that the news will def- WORKSHOP- IIIT-DELHI interaction was – “Academic Session 2021 – 22: Overcom- er for 18 hole Lidder valley Golf course Pahalgam Kashmir. Authorized Dealers
initely boost a culture of research in the University. ing the Challenges of Covid Times.” Position of funds = Available Position of AA/TS= Accorded
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT- TERMS AND CONDITIONS:
1. The bidding document consisting of detailed specification and bill of quantities ( BOQ) set of terms and conditions of the contract and other related details
Delhi) organised a free workshop on "Leading Self to Excel- can be seen/downloaded from the departmental website as per scheduled dates given below:
DIGITAL EDUCATION-EdCIL lence" recently under the aegis of the AICTE Training and Learn- 01 Date of issue of tender notice 12-11-2021
02 On line bid submission start date 17-11-2021,from 10.00 am to
EdCIL, providing Project Management and Consultancy Services ing (ATAL) program. ATAL is a unique initiative by AICTE to 03 Pre bid meeting with the intending bidders 24-11-2021. at 1.00pm in the office of Executive Engineer, PDA Pahalgam Kashmir
in the entire education and human resource development value enhance the quality of technical education in the country by 04 On line bid submission last date 04-12-2021 up 4.00 pm
chain within India and overseas. The Digital Education Services training the faculty on a wide range of topics of relevance. "Life 05 Date and time of opening of on line bids 06-12-2021at 12.00 Noon
(DES) department of EdCIL provides holistic digital solutions to- Skills Management" is one of the thrust areas in this program. 2. The on line bids must be accompanied with the following scanned documents, failing which the Executive Engineer, PDA Pahalgam reserves the right to
cancel any or all bids without issuing notice to the bidders.
i. Cost of tender documents ( Non refundable ) in the shape of Treasury Challan /receipt for particular work to be deposited into Major Head 1452-
wards making an interactive learning environment in the school and Tourism, Minor Head -800 –other Receipts and Sub head 8193 Tourism.
ii. Earnest Money Deposit ( EMD) in the shape of CDR /FDR as shown against each work above pledged to Executive Engineer, PDA, drawn from any
higher education sector which are cost-effective and easily im- recognized Bank.
plementable both in urban and rural India. DES department has im- MOOT COURT COMPETITION- AMITY UNIVERSITY iii. As per circular issued by Finance Department of J&K vide NO A/Misc ( 2018)III-895/J dated 22-12-2020, all intending bidders are advised to furnish/
upload a bid security declaration as per Annexure A.
iv. GST Registration No and
plemented more than 8,000 smart classrooms nationally and in- The 11th Amity International Moot Court Competition 2021, v. GST Clearance ending March 2021. All intending bidders are required to furnish a certificate to this effect as per Annexure A.
vi. PAN Card and
ternationally. The department also provides different solutions to a simulation based on a leading issue of Public International vii. Income tax Return ( ITR) ending March 2021.
viii. Registered Manufacturer Certificate or Authorized dealership duly renewed for the year 2021-22.
school and higher education in collaboration with various state Law dealing with extradition, asylum & diplomatic 3. The financial bid (BOQ) of only eligible, responsive bidders shall be opened on line on the date mentioned above in the office of Executive Engineer, PDA
governments or as CSR projects of other CPSEs. The Online Test- immunities & other issues, was won by the students of LITERACY PROJECT-DEVI SANSTHAN 4.
Pahalgam. In case of any avoidable circumstances the tenders shall be opened on the next working day or any subsequent date convenient to the Authority.
The bidders will submit the e-mail address, postal address and cell Nos on a separate page along with their bids.
5. The bids for the works shall remain valid for 120 days from the date of opening of tenders.
ing and Assessment Services vertical of EdCIL has also focused on Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala. National DEVI Sansthan and SBI Foundation joined hands to implement 6. The 1st lowest bidder ( Successful) will have to furnish hard copies of all documents mentioned above which should reach the office of the Executive
Engineer, PDA within three days after opening of on line bids , failing which the bids shall be treated as non responsive.
providing computer-based assessment solutions for entrance University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi bagged the the ‘Global Dreamshaala Web-Based Literacy Project’. The one- 7. The bidders are advised to mention the name of work with reference to NIT SL. NO and item Number on the hard copies of CDR, demand draft and other
relevant documents for proper scrutiny of documents. In case of any ambiguity found the tender shall not be entertained.
tests in higher education institutes to promote efficiency, trans- second position. The competition conferred an unique opp- year project aims to impact 10,000 out-of-school and adults 8. In case the 1st lowest bidder fails to deposit the original CDR and other documents as mentioned above within the stipulated time the offer shall be extend-
ed to the 2nd lowest tender and CDRs of defaulters shall be forfeited and he shall be debarred from taking part in the tendering process of PDA at least
parency and utmost security in entrance examinations. EdCIL is im- ortunity for the participants to understand the various who are illiterate and make them literate in Hindi at the founda- 9.
for one year. Besides, recommendations shall be made to the concerned authorities for blacklisting of the defaulter bidder ( s) .
In case of imbalanced bids the LI bidders have to furnish the additional bid performance security @ 3% of the advertised cost in the shape of CDR pledged
plementing a mega scheme of Ministry of Education viz., “Study in conducts & procedures of International Law, & sim- tional (grade 3) level. The project will be implemented in UP with to Executive Engineer, PDA , which should to his office within three days after opening of on line bids in addition to the original CDRs.
10. The department shall not be responsible for any technical error or delay in submission of on line bids due to any reason.
11. Any typographical error in the BOQ shall be corrected as per estimate of the work.
India” which is in line with the New Education Policy and Interna- ultaneously apply them in their own unique and creative focus on Lucknow. DEVI Sansthan will partner with schools 12. The price offer should be inclusive of taxes, duties, duly quoted in Indian rupees , FOR 18 hole Lidder valley Golf course Pahalgam Kashmir
tionalization of Indian Higher Education. methodologies, creating noteworthy handy arguments. and train 10,000 student volunteers. NO.EE /PDA / 1425-31
Dated: 429710 Executive Engineer,
Pahalgam Dev. Authority, Pahalgam
If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to [email protected]
LAABs called ‘tixagevimab’ vere Covid if infected. Thursday? Nykaa,wassubscribedmorethan82timesat
and‘cilgavimab’,discovered In both trials, AZD7442 Paytm listed at a discount of 9% at Rs the end of the final day of bidding. The com-
by Vanderbilt University wasgenerallywelltolerated, 1,955 on the BSE, and closed at Rs 1,564.15, Company Listing Listing Issue Thursday pany listed at a 79.4% premium on the IPO
Medical Center, these hu- AstraZeneca said. down by 27.24% from the IPO price. Trading date price price price* price of Rs 1,125. The offering of P B Fintech,
manmonoclonalantibodies NEW RESEARCH WHY IT MATTERS: At a of the scrip was halted after it hit the lower One 97 Communications (Paytm) Nov 18 ` 1955 ` 2150 ` 1564.10 the parent of insurance-tech company
bind to distinct sites on the virtualpressmeetannounc- circuit in the latter half of market hours. PB Fintech (Policybazaar) Nov 15 ` 1150 ` 980 ` 1330.90 Policybazaar, was oversubscribed by 16.6
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. They were op- ing the findings, experts said about 2% of On the NSE, Paytm listed at Rs 1,950 and times on the final day of bidding on
timised by AstraZeneca's technology, the global population is considered at in- closed at Rs 1,560, 27.44% lower than the IPO FSN E-commerce (Nykaa) Nov 10 ` 2001 ` 1125 ` 2117.75 November 3. The scrip listed at Rs 1,150 on
which more than triples the durability of creased risk of an inadequate response to price. Zomato July 23 ` 115 ` 76 ` 155 debut, a premium of 17.35% above the issue
its action compared to conventional anti- aCovidvaccine.Theseincludepeoplewith At the current price, the firm’s market Easy Trip Planners (Easemytrip) March 18 ` 206 ` 187 ` 515.60 price on the NSE.
bodies, AstraZeneca said. blood cancers or other cancers being capitalisation works out to Rs 1,01,399 cr, as On the anvil are several other consumer
*At close
THE TRIALS: The findings come from treated with chemotherapy, patients on against market expectations of a Rs- Internet and startup IPOs, including those of
theAZD7442COVID-19PROVENTpreven- dialysis,thosetakingmedicationsafteran 1,40,000-cr valuation. In dollar terms, this Delhivery (Rs 7,460 cr), PharmEasy (Rs 6,250
tion and TACKLE outpatient treatment organ transplant, or who are taking im- works outtonearly $13.65bn —significantly prospects, considering the absence of a li- count upon listing. cr), Cartrade Tech (Rs 2,998 cr), and Oyo (Rs
phase3trials.ThePROVENTtrialisassess- munosuppressivedrugsforconditionsin- less than the $16 bn at which it last raised cence to enter the lending business — one of Analysts also said that the offering left 8,430 cr).
ing a single IM 300mg dose of AZD7442 cludingmultiplesclerosisandrheumatoid money privately in November 2019. the most lucrative verticals in the fintech nothing on the table for investors — with
comparedtoplacebo,amongparticipants arthritis. Paytm’s weak listing happened amid space — and the intense competition in the those receiving the company's shares in the What are the downside risks to Paytm?
whodidnothaveSARS-CoV-2infectionat PROVENT is the first phase 3 trial tepidsentiment inthe broader equitiesmar- segments of Paytm's operation. IPO allotment sitting on huge losses. A large Analysts have noted that Patym is only a
baseline.TheTACKLEtrialisassessingasin- prospectivelydesignedtoevaluateamon- ket; the benchmark Sensex fell 372 points to Macquarie Research noted on Thursday chunk of the money raised through the of- leader in the online wallets segment, which
gle 600mg IM dose for outpatient treat- oclonalantibodyforpre-exposureprophy- closeat59,636.01onThursday.“Weaklisting thatPaytm'svaluationwas “expensive” —26 fering—aroundRs10,000cr—wenttoexist- is losing market share as more and more
mentofCovid-19.AstraZenecasaidthetrial laxis of symptomatic Covid, with targeted of India’s largest IPO and soft global market times its estimated price-to-sales ratio for ing investors who exited their stake partly or people are opting for UPI-based payments
demonstrated benefit in both pre-expo- inclusion of high-risk and immunocom- amid rising inflation woes impacted domes- 2022-23, when the global benchmark is 0.3- entirely. to directly transfer money from their bank
sure prophylaxis, and treatment of Covid. promised participants, they said. tic sentiment,” said Vinod Nair, head of re- 0.5 times the price-to-sales growth ratio for “As much as 75% of promoters are from accounts.
search at Geojit Financial Services. fintech firms. other countries and are selling stakes by of- “Dabbling in multiple business lines in-
Paytm founder and CEO Vijay Shekhar Also,stock analystshave pointed out that fer for sale (OFS) worth Rs 10,000 cr which hibits Paytm from being a category leader in
Sharma's around 14 per cent stake is now the valuation of the company has tradition- is more than 50% of IPO value. It’s not a mar- any business except wallets, which are be-
valued at Rs 14,000 cr. China’s Alibaba ally been decided by foreign investors with a ket leader in any business,” said Manoj coming inconsequential with the meteoric
group (6%) and its associate Ant Financial, higher risk appetite, whereas Indian public Dalmia, founder and director, Proficient rise in UPI payments,” Macquarie Research
along with Japan's SoftBank and Warren markets decide based on conventional prof- Equities Pvt Ltd. said — also noting that commissions on
Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, are major itability and earnings metrics. Also, stock markets, which appeared to transactions from the wallet business were
shareholders. Indications of a poor debut were also be in a long-term bull phase until recently, likely to be driven down by competition and
visible in the slower subscription of the have been sluggish of late amid fears of a rise regulation.
Why did the stock perform poorly? public offering — the issue was fully sub- in inflation and interest rates, and the with- Analysts have also said that Paytm's abil-
According to market participants, an in- scribed only on the last day at 1.51 times, drawal of accommodative monetary policy ity to improve profitability through distribu-
flated valuation and large float were mainly with the retail portion being booked 1.62 by central banks. The excess liquidity in the tion of financial products such as loans, mu-
responsible. Institutional investors have times. The grey market dealing ahead of the system hasbeen a major catalyst fuellingthe tual funds, and insurance will come under
flaggedconcernswiththecompany'sgrowth scrip's listing pointed to a significant dis- recent IPO frenzy. pressure from competition and regulation.
Ahead of elections in Goa, why parties have made mining a key issue
and manganese ore were granted in perpe- the Goa Foundation had said about 7,000 said a state-run mining corporation was in stored, households dependent on it will get
MAYURAJANWALKAR tuity under Portuguese rule, after Goa’s lib- were rendered unemployed as a result of the works and mining would be restored an unemployment allowance of Rs 5,000 a
PANAJI,NOVEMBER18 eration in 1961, they were turned into min- the ban on mining. through the corporation. month. In fact,it is amining front leader that
ing leases that expired in 2007. When the AAP wants to pit against Chief Minister
WITH ABOUT three months to go for mining continued beyond 2007, the Goa WhathastherulingBJPdonetorestart Whathavevariouspartiespromisedto Sawant. On November 7, Kejriwal inducted
Assembly polls in Goa, the Trinamool Foundation filed a PIL against the “illegal mining? dotorevivemining? Puti Gaonkar, president of the Goa Mining
Congress (TMC), which has entered the mining”. In September 2012, the Union In March, Chief Minister Pramod Sawant CONGRESS: On his visit to Goa on People’s Front, and said AAP will field him
race, said this week that it will back a “min- Ministry of Environment and Forests kept said in the Assembly that the state govern- October 30, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi from Sanquelim, Sawant’s Assembly seat.
ing manifesto” prepared by environmen- environmental clearances granted to these mentwouldrecoveritsduesfrommineown- met mining dependents, among others. “… TMC:ThelatestentrantinGoa’spolitical
talists who took the Goa government to lease holders in abeyance and the Goa gov- ers as indicted in the Justice M B Shah Goa is becoming coal hub, mining-affected landscape has thrown its weight behind a
court over illegal mining. ernment suspended mining activities. In Commission report on illegal mining in the people also came to meet me, mines have roadmap prepared by the Goa Foundation
Mining, which was an important source 2014, the Supreme Court allowed condi- state. The commission had been appointed been shut, lakhs of people have suffered. for the revival of mining. The “mining man-
oflivelihoodinGoaalongwithtourism,came tional resumption of iron ore mining, cap- by the Centre in 2010. Sawant said the state They said the same person will get the ifesto” calls for sweeping reforms in regu-
to a complete halt after a Supreme Court or- pingannualextractionat20milliontonnes. A mining site in Sanqem taluka of governmenthadfiledanaffidavitintheHigh mines. They will be given to that one per- lation: recovery of Rs 35,000 crore in dues
der in 2018. Mining had, in fact, virtually In 2015, the Goa government renewed 88 South Goa. Express Archive Court of Bombay at Goa and a special inves- son by Delhi. Who stands to benefit from from losses due to illegal mining; transpar-
stoppedin2012itselfwhiletheissuewasun- miningleases,whichwereagainchallenged tigation team (SIT) appointed to probe the the coal hub that Goa is becoming? Is it the ent and competitive bidding for extraction
derlitigation.Asectorthathasbeenawaiting in the Supreme Court and were struck matterhadsofarfiled16FIRs—chargesheets people of Goa? Airport, ports, mining, dou- of ores; safeguarding of revenue by sale of
revival in line with the directions of the down in 2018, after which there has been recordedthesubmissionof theseniorcoun- had been filed in eight, two were under in- bling of railways, all for Adani then what do ores by a state-run body, and ensuring that
SupremeCourtisnowamongthetoppollis- no mining activity. The Goa government’s sel for 33 village panchayats that 1.5 lakh vestigation, three were transferred and two the people of Goa get?” Gandhi had said. dividends from the revenue are paid to the
sues,witheverypoliticalplayerofferingtore- review petition against the 2018 order was people were directly employed in mining, a quashed. He said the Directorate of Mining AAP:Theparty,whichdrewablankinthe people of Goa. The plan also entails moni-
vive it and restore livelihoods. alsodismissedbytheSupremeCourtinJuly. claim that was contested by the Goa and Geology had recovered Rs 16 crore and 2017AssemblypollsinGoa,haspromisedto toringthesaleof oresinstockyardsthrough
Foundation. Using various resources and trials the in remaining cases were ongoing. restartmininginsixmonthsifvotedtopower. CCTV cameras and electronic documenta-
WhydidmininginGoashutdown? Howmanypeoplelosttheirlivelihood? methodologies, including replies to ques- “Recoverynoticeshavebeenissued.Itisgoing AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal has tion, and generation of employment
While mining concessions for iron ore In its 2014 ruling, the Supreme Court tions raised and answered in the Assembly, onforthelasttwoyears,”hesaid.Sawanthas alsoannouncedthatuntilminingjobsarere- through restoration of the mining area.
New Delhi
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“Wear Mask, Follow Physical Distancing, Maintain Hand Hygiene”.
N.I.T. No. 04 (2021-22)/EE(T) ACE(M)-09
S. Description Amount Put EMD Tender Completion Date of release of Last Date /Time of receipt
N to Tender Fee Period tender in E- of Tender through E-
Procurement Solution Procurement Solution
1 P/L 100mm dia D.I.Water Line B-Block of Rs. Nil Rs. 180 Days 17.11.2021 03.12.2021
Rangpuri Extn. in Ward No.50-S in 2,11,14,157/- 1500/- 5:00 PM onward upto 3:00 PM
Bijwasan Constituency under EE(M)36
(Tender I.D. No. 2021_DJB_211130_1)
NIT along with all the terms & conditions is available on DJB Web Site (
(Satish Kumar)
Advt. No. J.S.V. 609 (2021-22)
Email:[email protected]
“STOP CORONA : Wear Mask, Follow Physical Distancing, Maintain Hand Hygiene”
No.DJB/EE(C)DR-XIV/2021/1653 Dated:- 18.11.2021
SHORT NIT No. 01/EE(C) Dr-XIV/(2021-22)
Item Description Amount put Earnest Tender Fee (Non Completion Last date/time for tender
No. to tender Money Refundable) period download through
(in Rs.) (in Rs.) e-procurement solution
1. Providing loop Trunk sewer line of 1600 mm dia by micro 2,35,91,550/- Exempted 1500/- 60 days 03.12.2021 up to
tunneling method due to settlement at Xing of Sector-2,3,5 03:00 PM.
and 6 Dwarka on DDA road no. 221 under EE(C)DR-XIV.
Tender ID No. 2021_DJB_211233_1
A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff
Àff°f½ffg ½fÈØf, »fûIY d³f¸ffʯf d½f·ff¦f,
Ph. No./Fax No.- 01372-252173 E Mail- [email protected]
No- 6750/54 Yatayat-7/2021 Dated : 17/11/2021
Short Term E-tender Notice
Superintending Engineer, 7th Circle, P.W.D. Gopeshwar invites bid on behalf of Hon’ble Governor of Uttarakhand by
e-tendering under two bid system for the following work. Information regarding bid will be available from 25.11.2021
Amount of Cost of e- Completion Contractor’s
Sl. Validity
Name of work Earnest Money tender Period (in Category of
No. of tender
(Rs. Lakhs) document months) Registration
1. Improvement of bends from Pulna to Shri GOVERNEMENT OF ODISHA Follow us on @SCRailwayindia
Registered in
Hemkund Sahib foot treck and construction of Details of the Tender Notices of
bypass foot treck in Ghanghriya block 7.65
5000.00 +
60 Day 18 month
any state Govt OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER, S.C Railway can be seen on our
website :
G.S.T. Dept. Category
Joshimath of Badrinath constituency of Chamoli
“A” Road works. B-628 SOUTHERN (R&B) CIRCLE, BERHAMPUR e-procurement Tender Notice No.
District under state sector. SCROLIMSEJ21-23 (Rate Contract)
Before opening of Bid upto 3.00 P.M., following documents must be submitted physically to this office or Executive Phone 0680-2281582, e-mail: [email protected] IMSEJ 60kg to RDSO Drg. No.T-6902
Engineer, PD, PWD, Gopeshwar along with On-Line submission of the same- manufacturers are requested to visit
1- F.D.R. of Earnest money which must be pledge in the name of Executive Engineer, PD, PWD, Gopeshwar. Railway Web site
2- Demand Draft of tender cost and G.S.T. Seperately payble to Executive Engineer, PD, PWD, Gopeshwar. Bid Identification No. CCE, S.C (R&B)-BAM-07/2021-22 in which e-tender pertaining to Track
3- Rs. 100.00 Non-Judicial Stamp paper duly signed and affixed Rs. 1.00 Revenue ticket for Bid Validity. No. 3093//Dated: 08.11.2021 Procurement section of South Central
4- Required Category Registration Copy of contractor. 1. The Chief Construction Engineer, Southern (R&B) Circle, Berhampur on behalf Railway, Engineering Head Quarters
Note- 1- Earnest money must be of financial Year 2021-22. of Governor of Odisha invites percentage rate bid in double cover system in (PCE/OL/SC) for procurement of
2- Bids will be evaluated under the provisions of notice no. 47/XXVII(7) 32/2007 Date 02.04.2018 of Govt. of ONLINE MODE from eligible contractors for construction of Building/Road Works IMSEJ is published and tender
Uttarakhand as detailed in the table below documents are available. Tenderers
3- The bidder shall have working experience on or above 3000 mtr. 2. Nature of work : Building Works (Composite Bid)/Road work are requested to submit their offers
3. No. of work : 4 Nos. online through IREPS website only.
4- The above tender is being invited in anticipation of approval.
Sd/- 4. Tender Cost : Rs.10,000/- (online) Full details of Tenders may be seen in
Superintending Engineer, 5. Class of Contractor : "A" Class, Special Class & Super Class IREPS website.
7th Circle, P.W.D. Gopeshwar 6. Availability of Bid document in the : From 23.11.2021 10.00 AM to 08.12.2021 Chief Engineer/TP/ Secunderabad
website 4.00 PM
TENDER NOTICE No.70 to 71-
7. Date of Opening of Bid : 09.12.2021 at 11.30 A.M.
DRM-W-HYB dt. 17.11.2021
8. The Bidders have to participate in ONLINE bidding only. Further details can be
seen from the website https// On behalf of the President of India,
9. Any addendum / corrigendum / cancellation of tender can also be seen in the Divisional Railway Manager/Works,
said website only. Hyderabad Division, South Central
(Sd/- D. C. Behera) Railway, Secunderabad invites Open
Chief Construction Engineer Tenders for the following works
Southern (R&B) Circle. Berhampur
through e-procurement up to 15.00
hours of 10.12.2021
Tender No.: 70-DRM-W-HYB. Name
of work : HYB Division: Supply of
Drinking water for staff quarters at
Railway colonies and service
buildings through private water
tankers at 14 stations and 70 level
crossing gates under the jurisdiction
of DEN/Lines/HYB for 02 years.
Approx Value Rs.: 14364867/-.
Tender No.: 71-DRM-W-HYB. Name
of work : 1.TTR (TWS) - SC -MUE -
60 Kg - 1 in 12 - 65 sets at various
locations.2.(MUE-SC) - TTR(TWS) -
1 set, TTR(TWS+WCMSC) - 21 sets
& TTR(WCMSC) - 62 sets3. Mudkhed
Jn. - Secunderabad Jn.(SL) - TFR -
60.750 Km4. KCG-Alteration to
existing stabling line for converting to
parcel siding. Approx Value Rs.
Divisional Railway Manager/
New Delhi
New Delhi
theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe
Use___assteppingstonestodeeperunderstandingandgreaterachievement nineverticalcolumns,in VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sept 23) PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
-SusanTaylor(8) There is about to be a Life is full of strange
battle for supremacy twists. What seemed
NRVEI AILNST rowsandineachofthe between the Moon like a financial
nineboxes. and Venus, two reversal or climb-
highly emotional planets. down may turn out to be just
The result may be a certain the opposite. Hopefully a
MUYSS ACERMP DifficultyLevel amount of hysteria, and promised windfall will
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; you may be as responsible materialise before long,
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; for this as anyone else. Keep although I am afraid that the
5s=VeryHard;6s= an eye on reckless and size of such a reward is
achievement - Susan Taylor
explosive feelings. impossible to forecast.
Answer: Use missteps as stepping stones to deeper understanding and greater Genius
war Asset and Bokaro Asset. presence of Tripti Patra Ghosh, CMD, SPMCIL. inaugurations at Glasgow and Cardiff, UK. (JJM) works. These works are broadly consisting of: tender document
a. Construction of water supply schemes by way of fil-
tration plants, pump houses, service reservoir,
Overhead tanks, laying of distribution mains.
SCOPE Academy of Public Sector Enterprise (APSE) b. Drilling of production tube well.
recently conducted an Executive Development Program c. SITC of pumping units along with associated electro-
mechanical works for harnessing of tube well.
on the theme ‘The Career Journey to Personal d. Retrofitting of electro-mechanical equipment’s at var-
ious Water Supply Schemes
Effectiveness and Leadership.’ Atul Sobti, Director General, Group IV Above 100 Lacs 0.75 120
SCOPE inaugurated the weeklong program designed to upto 300 Lacs
create a talent pool of PSE executives in today’s highly Position of funds: Approved Under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)
The tender inviting authority is Chief Engineer, Kashmir Jal Shakti (PHE) Department. The awarding authority is District Jal
competitive business scenario. D.K. Patel, Director (HR), Jeevan Mission (DJJM).
Note: In view of the fact, that this NIT for item rate contract has been framed for the first time in the Department, a
NTPC and Member, SCOPE Executive Board, addressed helpdesk shall be established at the Direction office level as well as district level for encouraging and facilitating
the concluding session of the program. Participants from the intending bidders for participation in the instant NIT to ensure wide participation across all the Districts.
13 Public Sector Enterprises of diverse sectors from I PUBLISH DATE 16.11.2021
INAUGURATION - FCI INAUGURATION- BHEL across the country attended the program. II DOCUMENT DOWNLOAD/SALE START DATE 16.11.2021
Piyush Goyal, Minister of Commerce & Industry, Consumer Air Pollution Control Tower (APCT) was inaugurated by Dr. IV BID SUBMISSION START DATE 22.11.2021
Affairs & Food & Public Distribution and Textile, Govt. of India, Mahendra Nath Pandey, Union Minister of Heavy Industries, in SAIL has supplied 48,200 Tonnes of steel for the
recently inaugurated the first Food Museum of the country at Noida in the presence of Dr. Mahesh Sharma, MP, Lok Sabha Purvanchal Expressway which has been recently VI PRE-BID MEETING DATE 22.11.2021
Thanjavur in Tamilnadu. and Pankaj Singh, MLA, Noida. inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The total VII DOCUMENT DOWNLOAD/SALE END DATE 11.12.2021
quantity of steel supplied by SAIL for this massive project VIII BID SUBMISSION END DATE 11.12.2021
comprises TMT Bars, Structurals and Plates.
1. Bid documents can be assessed at and downloaded from the websites
2. The pre-bid meeting will be held in the office chamber of the Chief Engineer, Kashmir, PHE Department, through
virtual/online mode.
PVVNL announced 100% surcharge waiver for domestic 3. The Bids shall be deposited on the website
(LMV-1), commercial, (LMV-2) and private tube well 4. The complete bidding process will be online
5. The Financial bids of the bidders shall be opened online in the office of the Chief Engineer, Kashmir, Jal Shakti (PHE)
(LMV-5) category consumers up to 02 KW. From 02 KW to Department.
05 KW, a provision of 50 percent discount has been made 6. Bids must be accompanied by bid security and cost of Tender Document as specified in column 6 & 7 of the table and shall
be payable at Srinagar.
for domestic and commercial eligible consumers under a. Bid Security to be pledged in favour of FA/CAO, Kashmir, Jal Shakti PHE Department. Bid Security will have to be in form
of CDR/ FDR/BG of any scheduled Bank and shall have to be valid for at least one year after last date of submission of
the scheme. Domestic consumers up to 01 KW and 02 Bid. The Bid of bidders having bid security less than as specified above will be rejected.
KW can deposit maximum 6 monthly installments for the b. The cost of downloaded tender documents should be in form of DD /TR/e challan in favour of FA/CAO, Kashmir, Jal Shakti
(PHE) Department.
current month. MD has appealed to the consumers that 7. The hard copies of cost of tender document in shape of DD/TR/e-challan, Earnest money in shape of CDR/FDR/BG and
UPGRADE - POWERGRID MoU - BECIL the scheme has been implemented for a short period till other relevant documents shall be obtained from the bidder who is declared as L1 after opening of financial cover.
8. The bid shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of price bids. If any bidder/ten-
POWERGRID has upgraded Assam’s New Mariani Sub-sta- CERT-IN signed a Memorandum of Understanding with BECIL 30.11.2021. Consumers should take advantage of the derer withdraws his bid/tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid, the
said earnest money shall stand forfeited and the bid shall be declared non-responsive.
tion from 220 kiloVolt (kV) switching station to a 400/220 kV for cyber security cooperation for establishing Security Oper- golden opportunity of rebate on outstanding surcharges 9. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents from the website
10. Queries by email if any should be made at [email protected]/[email protected]
Sub-station, under North Eastern Region Strengthening ations Centre (SOC) at BECIL premises for cooperative banks by visiting in maximum number of camps organized at
No: CE/PHE/KMR/JSD/26954-65 Chief Engineer,
Scheme (NERSS-VI) project. in rural India. nearby substations, CSC centres. Date: 16.11.2021 DIPK-12822 Kashmir, Jal Shakti, PHE Department.
New Delhi
2ND T20I
India vs New Zealand at Ranchi;
7 pm onwards
Star Sports network
Kolkata: Indian teenage duo of Arjun
Ball of beauty, a joy forever Rafiq, racism
says sorry for
Ravichandran Ashwin used drift, flight, turn and more to fox New Zealand batter Mark Chapman
Erigaisi and R Praggnanandhaa occu-
pied the top two places, pushing
old antisemitic
world number four Levon Aronian to
third spot after round six of the Tata
Steel Rapid Chess here on Thursday.
The 18-year-old Arjun was on song
yet again as he continued his sublime YOU COULD watch some balls forever, and ASSOCIATED PRESS
form with a crushing victory over yet be as transfixed in the hundredth view- LONDON, NOVEMBER 18
Sam Shankland in mere 19 moves to ing as in the first, a fresh layer of deception
make it four wins on the trot. Playing unravelling with every sighting. Like AZEEM RAFIQ, the former cricketer whose
the London opening, Arjun managed Ravichandran Ashwin’s miniature poem of revelations about the racism he suffered at
to take the upper hand in the game a ball that duped Mark Chapman in Jaipur. Yorkshire has sparked a crisis in the English
as early as move 12 and took advan- It was a simple yet complex ball. Simple game, apologized Thursday after admitting
tage of the closed centre to launch an because it did what only a classical off-spin- to sending antisemitic messages 10 years
unstoppable attack against the sec- nerissupposedtodo.Coaxthebatsmanwith ago. British newspaper The Times of London
ond player's king.The deadly trio of drift and flight, and fox him with turn. reportedithasseenanexchangeof messages
Arjun's queen, knight, and bishop Complex, because there was so much more that appear to have been sent between Rafiq
proved to be too strong as Shankland to the ball than regular flight and drift. So and another former cricketer, Ateeq Javid,
resigned foreseeing a huge loss of many little details emerge with every replay. and which contain disparaging comments
material. Praggnanandhaa,16, took To exaggerate the inward drift, off-spinners about an unnamed Jewish person.
on top-seed Aronian in what prom- usually veer wider off the crease from round Rafiq confirmed in a post on Twitter that
ised to be a great clash. Aronian stuck thestumps.ButAshwindidn’t.Hewassome- hedidsendthemessagesandhas"absolutely
with his Queen's Gambit Accepted what equidistant from the line and stumps, no excuses."
opening choice and comfortably which makes it more difficult because the "I am ashamedof thisexchange andhave
managed to equalise after the open- drift is sudden and unexpected. now deleted it so as not to cause further of-
ing.Soon, the queens were off the Drift the ball did, deviously and deli- fense," Rafiq wrote. "I was 19 at the time and
board and a fairly level game ended ciously, until it grazed the brown deck and I hope and believe I am a different person to-
in a draw by threefold repetition on broke away, much after Chapman’s hideous ■ Anticipating that Mark Chapman day. I am incredibly angry at myself and I
move 29. PTI heave,afterjauntingdownthepitch.Theball would charge down the ground, apologize to the Jewish community and
seemedtocurveintothebatsmanforaneter- Ravichandran Ashwin reduced the everyone who is rightly offended by this."
Karnatakabeat nity, before it paused upon landing and spun
away, like a drunk driver careening a U-turn.
pace of the ball, tossed it up, and
produced devilish drift to flummox the
testified through tears at a parliamentary
BengalinSuperOver Maybe,the bestial stroke wasChapman’sfu-
tileattempttodespoilthebeautyof Ashwin’s
batsman. Though beaten in the flight
and by the drift, he went through with
hearing on Tuesday about his experiences of
racism and bullying while playing for
New Delhi: Manish Pandey first got a ball. Had he looked to defend, and then the shot, but got nowhere near the ball Yorkshire.
brilliant direct hit to take their match beaten, he would have looked clownish. and was bowled. TheEnglandandWalesCricketBoardhas
against Bengal into Super Over and Maybe, if Chapman was observant suspended Yorkshire from hosting interna-
then hit a massive six to steer enough, and not hastened into the shot, he tional matches over its "wholly unaccept-
Karnataka into the semi-finals of could have averted the mishap. There were identified in the first over itself that “if you doesn’tbowlbadballs.Idon’trememberhim ual and some outside it, yet not feel com- able" response to the racism faced by Rafiq,
Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy here on littleclueshecouldhavepicked.LikeAshwin slowed the ball down the purchase was bet- bowling me any bad balls throughout his ca- pelledtoproduceoneforthesakeof it;some- while some of the club's sponsors are end-
Thursday. It was one of the best was not as low-slung as he tends to these ter on this pitch”. reer. He’s just very difficult to get away, you one who could don several roles, someone ing deals. On Thursday, British sports minis-
thrillers of National T20 meet in re- days, the release was more upright, from a But he waited for the right moment to know, his change of pace is so subtle and so who could be a restrictor as well as a de- ter Nigel Huddleston calledforcricket to"get
cent times with both teams locked at fractionally higher point and reduced arm produce the right ball. It’s the essence of his well-controlled, he’s just very hard to get stroyer;someonewhocouldoperateinpow- its house in order" and raised the possibility
160 each after 20 overs. Karnataka speed, and consequently a sudden drop of T20renaissance,helatertoldSunilGavaskar: away,” he elaborated. erplay,middle-oversandatthedeath,some- of independent regulation if it did not.
scored the required six runs with four pace. But to measure each of the tiny atoms “It is kind of tricky, right, in a T20 game, how Youwouldbelievethatsomeoneasgifted one who could bowl with different actions
Super Over deliveries to spare. In a that go into the making of a great ball is im- much do you toss it up? When do you toss it withtrickeryasAshwinwouldbetemptedto and grips; someone who thinks like a leg- Brooks apologises to Pujara
debatable decision, skipper Sudeep possible.Instead,Chapman leftgawpingand up? The windows for attacking the batsmen unfurl one candy after the other. There was a spinnerwhenbowlingtoright-handedbats- London: Somerset seamer
Chatterjee sent an off-colour Kaif slack-jawed. At the non-striker’s end, Martin are pretty small, so you need to find them timehedid,withthefervourof analchemist, men and someone who thinks like an off- Jack Brooks apologised to
Ahmed along with Ritwik Roy Guptill blew out his cheeks in shock. A few and then deliver those balls.” but these days, every ball comes weighed spinner when bowling to left-handers. Cheteshwar Pujara for his
Chowdhury in the Super Over was young ones in the Indian dug-out sat wide- In sensing those moments to attack and andmeasured,refinedandstreamlined,with It’s difficult to find a spinner who has role in nicknaming the India
baffling. Ahmed had barely scratched eyed and open-mouthed. defend dwells the real genius of Ashwin. A the perfection of a geometrician. Some great more ways to skin a batsman than Ashwin Test specialist "Steve" dur-
to score 20 off 26 balls. Surprisingly, As much as the drift, Chapman was lot of bowlers approach a T20 match with a deliveries are a little more than beautiful in contemporary cricket. ing his time at Yorkshire.
Ritwik, who brought Bengal back in beaten by pace or the lack of it thereof. It was preset mindset, to attack or defend. Some freaks. This one was not. Every component Yet,tothinkthathewasthrustintoafour- Brooks — who joined
contention with 36 off 18 balls, did the second slowest ball he had bowled in the just stick to defensive lines; some others at- of the ball seemed diligently assembled in year white-ball wilderness is a glorious par- Somerset in 2018 — also issued an apology
not take the strike in the Super Over. game, logging 84kph, on a night he was con- tack uncompromisingly. Ashwin strikes a an artist’s studio. adox. There is a sense of irony too, that after for historical racist tweets (2012) as the con-
In another game, Tamil Nadu de- sistently clocking 90kph or thereabouts. His monkish equilibrium. He knows the signifi- all, it took a classical off-spinner’s dismissal troversy surrounding Azeem Rafiq's allega-
feated Kerala by five wickets. slowest ball, a kilometre slower, in the previ- cance of dot balls just as much as the impor- Victim of perception to finally realise Ashwin’s T20 mastery. Not tions of institutional racism against
Contributions from B Sai Sudharsan ous over had yielded a similar result, but for tance of wickets. He could pile on dot balls Thespellwas another clincherontheim- the carrom ball, or a reverse carrom ball, not Yorkshire continued to haunt English
(46, 31 balls), captain Vijay Shankar Chapman’s body blocking the ball’s stump- and force a wicket. He would grab a wicket portance of Ashwin in India’s white-ball theleg-break,buttheoff-break,hismostnat- cricket.
(33, 26 balls) and R Sanjay Yadav (32, ward journey. and then pile on dot balls. He is both scheme. Long the victim of perception, he is ural ball, the first one he mastered and per- "I admit to having used it in this context
22 balls) helped the defending cham- But Ashwin knew that he could not bowl Washington Sundar and Yuzvendra Chahal. at the peak of his white-ball destructibility haps the first one he ever bowled too. and now accept that it was disrespectful and
pions chase down Kerala's 181 for 4. every other ball at a similar pace and look for Just ask Martin Guptill, who Ashwin kept and has laid a genuine claim to be India’s The one you could watch forever, and yet wrong to do so. I have reached out and apol-
BRIEF SCORES: Karnataka 160/5 in side-spin.Hewouldhaveturnedpredictable, on a leash. “He’s a wily bowler, he’s got great first-choice spinner in T20s too. be as transfixed in the hundredth viewing as ogised to Cheteshwar for any offence that I
20 overs (Karun Nair 55 not out) vs the arch-nemesis of T20 bowling. He had control of his line and length and he just Someone who has every tool in theman- in the first. have caused him or his family.
Bengal 160/8 in 20 overs. (Writtick C
Iyer went for the reverse sweep again, his coach has some advice
Over: Bengal 6/2 in 0.4 overs lost to
Karnataka 8/0 in 0.2 overs. PTI
New Delhi