Dynamic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Under Varying Rates of Concentrated and Impact Loadings
Dynamic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Under Varying Rates of Concentrated and Impact Loadings
Dynamic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Under Varying Rates of Concentrated and Impact Loadings
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Satadru Das Adhikary. (2014). Dynamic behavior of reinforced concrete beams under
varying rates of concentrated and impact loadings. Doctoral thesis, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore.
Statement of Originality
I, Satadru Das Adhikary, do hereby declare that the research work contained in the
thesis entitled “Dynamic behavior of RC beams under varying rates of concentrated
and Impact loadings” is entirely my original contribution. I also certify here that the
thesis has been solely written by me. This thesis has not been previously submitted
for any other degree in any other university.
All the resources used during the doctoral study have been duly acknowledged. All
testing have been conducted solely by the author with the assistance from Prof.
Kazunori Fujikake at National Defense Academy, Japan.
Special thanks should also confer to the technical staff from Construction
Technology and Protective Engineering Laboratory at NTU. The constructive
suggestions, fruitful technical discussion with fellow research students in NTU had
made this research a most memorable one. This acknowledgement would not be
completed without mentioning the assistance from Mr. Takashi Fukuda in the
course of experimental work.
Last but not least, the author would like to express his deepest gratitude to his wife
Piyali and parents, for their unwavering support, encouragement and understanding.
I would like to dedicate this thesis to my parents.
List of Publications
Adhikary, S.D., Li, B., and Fujikake, K. “Strength and Behavior in Shear of
Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams under Dynamic Loading Conditions.” Nuclear
Engineering and Design, 259, 14-28, 2013.
Adhikary, S.D., Li, B., and Fujikake, K. “Effects of High Loading Rate on
Reinforced Concrete Beams.” ACI Structural Journal, Available online.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
6.2.5 Constitutive model for impactor, support roller and inverted triangular
plate................................................................................................................. 152
6.3 Verification of Finite Element Analysis Results .......................................... 153
6.3.1 Time histories of impact load curves ..................................................... 154
6.3.2 Time histories of midspan deflection curves ......................................... 159
6.3.3 Crack profiles......................................................................................... 164
6.3.4 Impact resistance of test specimens ....................................................... 173
6.4 Parametric Study .......................................................................................... 176
6.4.1 Effect of mass ratio ................................................................................ 176
6.4.2 Effect of longitudinal reinforcement ratio ............................................. 177
6.4.3 Effect of compressive strength of concrete ........................................... 179
6.4.4 Effect of boundary conditions ............................................................... 180
6.5 Summary....................................................................................................... 183
Table of Contents
8.5.1 Impact loading history and residual resistance vs. midspan deflection . 216
8.5.2 Crack profiles of beam after impact and post impact
quasi-static loading ......................................................................................... 218
8.6 Numerical Simulation Case-studies ............................................................. 220
8.6.1 Effect of mass ratio ................................................................................ 220
8.6.2 Effect of longitudinal reinforcement ratio ............................................. 221
8.6.3 Effect of transverse reinforcement ratio ................................................ 223
8.6.4 Effect of compressive strength of concrete ........................................... 224
8.7 Summary....................................................................................................... 225
Although the loading rate effects covering low velocity impact regime were
considered, however, it would be more practical to consider realistic impacts. Thus,
a drop-weight impact test program was undertaken on thirty RC beams to evaluate
their impact responses. The acquired data was then used in the development and
verification of numerical and analytical methods. Two empirical equations have
been proposed by analyzing a dataset which would aid in determining the required
static bending and shear resistance for input impact energy by specifying the
maximum midspan deflection for each limit state of beam. Moreover, to extent the
knowledge beyond the range of parameters investigated experimentally, FE models
of the beams were also developed. Maximum midspan deflection could be an
important performance index to evaluate the damage levels of beam when subjected
List of Tables
Table 3.1: Specimen details, theoretical static capacities, static expected and
observed failure modes ............................................................................................ 53
Table 3.2: Comparison between the time to reach peak load and the yielding of
tensile and shear reinforcements .............................................................................. 65
Table 4.1: Total number of elements and nodal points for FE model ..................... 78
Table 4.2: Comparison of peak resistance of beam between test and FE analysis
results ....................................................................................................................... 90
Table 5.2: Details of specimens and static design parameters .............................. 117
Table 5.3: Type of impactor and the interface between the beam and impactor .. 139
Table 6.1: Total number of elements and nodal points for FE model ................... 149
Table 6.2: Comparison of maximum impact load of beam between test and FE
analysis results ....................................................................................................... 157
Table 6.3: Comparison of maximum midspan deflection of beam between test and
FE analysis results .................................................................................................. 162
Table 6.4: Maximum reaction force obtained from numerical simulation ........... 175
List of Figures
Fig. 1.2: Test configurations of RC beams under varying loading rates (Adhikary et
al. 2012 [A3], Kulkarni and Shah [K13]) .................................................................. 3
Fig. 1.3: Impact loading test setups (Kishi et al. [K7], Gopalaratnam et al.
[G1]) ........................................................................................................................... 3
Fig. 1.4: The different tendencies between impact, high rate loading and static
loading (Takeda et al. [T3]) ....................................................................................... 5
Fig. 2.4: Impact test set up and hysteretic loop between reaction force and mid-span
displacement of beam (Kishi et al. [K5]) ................................................................. 28
Fig. 2.6: Crack patterns for beams (a) A36 and (b) B36 (Kishi et al. [K7]) ........... 30
Fig. 2.8: Drop-hammer impact test setup (Fujikake et al. [F4]) .............................. 31
Fig. 2.9: Failure modes: (a) S1616 series; (b) S1322 series; (c) S2222 series
(Fujikake et al. [F4]) ................................................................................................ 32
Fig. 2.10: Drop-weight impact test set up (May et al. [M6]) .................................. 33
Fig. 2.11: Post-test crack pattern of beams (a) [A1]; (b) [A2]; (c) [A3]; (d) [B1]; (e)
[B2]; (f) [B3] and (g) [B4] (Chen and May [C3]).................................................... 34
Fig. 2.12: Impact test set up (Saatci and Vecchio [S1]) .......................................... 35
List of Figures
Fig. 2.13: Final crack pattern of a-series and b-series beams (Saatci and Vecchio
[S1]) ......................................................................................................................... 36
Fig. 2.15: Crack pattern of type A2 beam (Tachibana et al. [T1]) .......................... 38
Fig. 2.17: Crack patterns in beams of series G2L, G5 and G10 (Kishi and Mikami
[K10]) ....................................................................................................................... 40
Fig. 2.18: Regression curves: (a) regression curve between coefficient of maximum
deflection def and static flexural load-carrying capacity Pusc ; (b) regression curve
Fig. 3.1: Influence of (a) shear span to effective depth ratio ( a d ); (b) longitudinal
reinforcement ratios ( L ); (c) failure modes on DIF of singly reinforced (SR)
beams........................................................................................................................ 47
Fig. 3.2: Influence of (a) shear span to effective depth ratio ( a d ); (b) longitudinal
reinforcement ratios ( L ); (c) shear reinforcement ratios ( T ); (d) failure modes on
DIF of doubly reinforced (DR) beams ..................................................................... 48
Fig. 3.5: (a) Casting of beams; (b) preparation of concrete cylinders ..................... 54
Fig. 3.6: (a) Strain gauging in tensile longitudinal reinforcements; (b) Strain
gauging in transverse reinforcement ........................................................................ 55
Fig. 3.8: (a) Typical variation of force history from top and bottom load-cells under
high loading rates ..................................................................................................... 57
List of Figures
Fig. 3.9: Comparative plot of true resistance history obtained from Eqtn. 3-1 and
approaches proposed by Banthia et al. [B2]............................................................. 58
Fig. 3.10: Load vs. mid-span deflection of (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -4.4 series
specimens under varying loading rates .................................................................... 59
Fig. 3.11: Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) of maximum resistance of (a) a d -3.3;
(b) a d -4.4 series specimens under varying loading rates ...................................... 60
Fig. 3.13: Concrete and shear reinforcement contribution to shear resistance ........ 62
Fig. 3.14: Cracking stiffness of (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -4.4 series beams under
varying loading rates ................................................................................................ 63
Fig. 3.15: Energy absorption of (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -4.4 series beams ................ 64
Fig. 3.16: Peak strain rates of (a) longitudinal (b) shear reinforcements for all
specimens ................................................................................................................. 65
Fig. 3.17: Deflected shape of (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -4.4 series specimens under high
loading rates ............................................................................................................. 66
Fig. 3.18: Crack patterns of (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -4.4 series specimens under
varying loading rates ................................................................................................ 68
Fig. 3.19: Development of cracks in SR3.3_0.84 under high loading rates ............ 69
Fig. 4.2: General shape of the concrete model yield surface in two dimensions .... 82
Fig. 4.3: Proposed Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) for reinforcing steel (Malvar
[M2]) ........................................................................................................................ 84
List of Figures
Fig. 4.4: Comparison of load vs. midspan deflection of beams under varying
loading rates: (a) 3.3 series; (b) 4.4 series ................................................................ 85
Fig. 4.5: Comparison of load vs. midspan deflection of RC3_S56 under varying
loading rates (Adhikary et al. [A3]) ......................................................................... 89
Fig. 4.6: Comparison of crack pattern from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of beams under varying loading rates ...................... 91
Fig. 4.15: Influence of grade of concrete on peak load of beams under varying
loading rates: (a) a d -2.8; (b) a d -3.3; (c) a d -4.4 ........................................... 106
Fig. 5.2: Impact responses of a RC member (Fujikake et al. [F4]) ....................... 111
List of Figures
Fig. 5.6: (a) Casting of beams; (b) preparation of concrete cylinders ................... 118
Fig. 5.7: (a) Strain gauging in tensile longitudinal reinforcements; (b) Strain
gauging in transverse reinforcements..................................................................... 119
Fig. 5.8: Static load vs. midspan responses of beams (a) 3.8 series;
Fig. 5.9: Failure pattern of beams under static loading (a) 3.8 series;
Fig. 5.10: Time histories of impact load (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series;
Fig. 5.11: Time histories of midspan deflection (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (b) 5.7
series ....................................................................................................................... 124
Fig. 5.12: Maximum impact load under various drop heights of (a) 3.3 series; (b)
3.8 series; (b) 5.7 series specimens ........................................................................ 126
Fig. 5.13: Maximum midspan deflection under various drop heights of (a) 3.3
series; (b) 3.8 series; (b) 5.7 series specimens ....................................................... 126
Fig. 5.14: Time to reach maximum midspan deflection under various drop heights
of (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (b) 5.7 series specimens ....................................... 127
Fig. 5.15: Crack patters of beams (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (b) 5.7 series ....... 133
Fig. 5.16: Variation of strain rate in longitudinal tensile reinforcements .............. 135
Fig. 5.18: Range of maximum strain rates of longitudinal tensile reinforcements for
beams of various series under various drop heights............................................... 137
Fig. 5.19: Relationship between maximum midspan deflections vs. input impact
energy over static flexural resistance ..................................................................... 140
List of Figures
Fig. 5.20: Relationship between maximum midspan deflections vs. input impact
energy over static shear resistance ......................................................................... 141
Fig. 5.21: Comparison of current test results with proposed equation for flexure-
critical beams ......................................................................................................... 142
Fig. 5.22: Comparison of current test results with proposed equation for shear-
critical beams ......................................................................................................... 143
Fig. 6.1: Three-dimensional FE model of RC beams (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -3.8; (c)
a d -5.7 series ........................................................................................................ 150
Fig. 6.2: Variation of various energies in a typical impact simulation .................. 153
Fig. 6.3: Comparison of time histories of impact load of beams for various drop
heights (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (b) 5.7 series ................................................. 154
Fig. 6.4: Comparison of time histories of impact load of beams for various drop
heights (a) S1616; (b) S1322 ................................................................................. 159
Fig. 6.5: Comparison of time histories of midspan deflection of beams for various
drop heights (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (b) 5.7 series......................................... 160
Fig. 6.6: Comparison of time histories of midspan deflection of beams for various
drop heights (a) S1616; (b) S1322 ......................................................................... 163
Fig. 6.7: Comparison of crack profile from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of DR3.8_0.8_0.11 at a drop height of 0.6 m ........ 165
Fig. 6.8: Comparison of crack profile from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of DR3.8_0.8_0.11 at a drop height of 1.2 m ........ 167
Fig. 6.9: Comparison of crack profile from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of DR5.7_1.6_0.20 at a drop height of 0.3 m ........ 169
Fig. 6.10: Comparison of crack profile from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of DR5.7_1.6_0.20 at a drop height of 0.6 m ........ 171
Fig. 6.11: Typical variation of force history obtained from top and bottom load-
cells during drop-weight impact loadings .............................................................. 173
List of Figures
Fig. 6.12: Typical variation of impact and reaction load history (from numerical
simulation) ............................................................................................................. 174
Fig. 6.13: Effect of mass ratios on maximum impact load and maximum midspan
deflection of beams (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -3.8; (c) a d -5.7 ................................. 177
Fig. 6.14: Effect of longitudinal reinforcement ratios on maximum impact load and
maximum midspan deflection of beams ................................................................ 178
Fig. 6.16: Effect of compressive strength of concrete on maximum impact load and
maximum midspan deflection of beams (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -5.7 ....................... 180
Fig. 6.17: Effect of boundary conditions on maximum impact load and maximum
midspan deflection of beams (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -3.8; (c) a d -5.7 ................... 181
Fig. 6.18: Effect of boundary conditions on failure pattern of beams (left: pinned
end; right: fixed-end).............................................................................................. 182
Fig. 7.1: Comparison of maximum midspan deflection of beams for various drop
heights (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (b) 5.7 series ................................................. 188
Fig. 7.2: Comparison of maximum midspan deflection of all tested beams ......... 190
Fig. 7.3: Comparison of maximum midspan deflection of beams for various drop
heights (a) S1616; (b) S1322 ................................................................................. 191
Fig. 7.5: Idealized resistance function of beam with and without strain rate ........ 193
Fig. 7.6: Resistance function of beam for static and various strain rate cases: (a) 3.8
series; (b) 5.7 series ................................................................................................ 197
List of Figures
Fig. 8.1: Post impact residual resistance test set up ............................................... 205
Fig. 8.2: Quasi-static load vs. midspan deflection response of undamaged and
impact-damaged beams of 3.3 series ..................................................................... 206
Fig. 8.3: Quasi-static load vs. midspan deflection response of undamaged and
impact-damaged beams of 3.8 series ..................................................................... 207
Fig. 8.4: Quasi-static load vs. midspan deflection response of undamaged and
impact-damaged beams of 5.7 series ..................................................................... 209
Fig. 8.5: Residual Resistance Index (RRI) of RC beams (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series
and (c) 5.7 series under various impact energies ................................................... 210
Fig. 8.6: Residual Stiffness Index (RSI) of RC beams (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series
and (c) 5.7 series under various impact energies ................................................... 212
Fig. 8.7: Crack pattern of impact-damaged RC beams (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series
and (c) 5.7 series under various drop-heights ........................................................ 214
Fig. 8.8: FE models of beam (a) impact loading stage; (b) post impact residual
resistance stage ....................................................................................................... 215
Fig. 8.9: Validation of impact load history and post impact residual resistance vs.
midspan deflection ................................................................................................. 217
Fig. 8.10: Comparison of cracking pattern from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of beams after impact and residual test .................. 219
Fig. 8.11: Effect of mass ratio ( ) on RRI under various impact energies .......... 221
List of Symbols
Strain rate
s Static strain rate
rd Residual displacement
List of Symbols
Loading rate
f Ly Yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement
P Pressure
Cap hardening parameter
Ff Shear failure surface
Fc Hardening cap
Rubin three-invariant reduction factor
mb Mass of beam
mi , M Mass of impactor
V Velocity just before impact
K bs Stiffness including bending and shear
Km Membrane stiffness
n Contact stiffness
Ri Radius of impactor
List of Symbols
Chapter 1: Introduction
Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures during their service life may be subjected to
various types of dynamic loading in the form of earthquakes, impact or blasts.
Structures in low to moderate seismic or earthquake-prone regions could be
subjected to dynamic loading due to ground oscillations. Furthermore, with the
rapid development of the infrastructural project around the world, there is a chance
that RC structural elements or members may be experienced from various types of
impact loading due to several events or accidents. Typical examples comprise in a
diversified fields ranging from transportation structures (e.g. bridge piers, guard
rails, traffic signal posts and electric poles etc.) subjected to vehicle-crash impact,
falling rocks on rock-sheds in mountainous regions, falling heavy loads on
industrial facilities due to accidents or mishaps resulting from pipe and turbine
breaks, marine and offshore structures exposed to ship and ice impact or subjected
by tornado or tsunami-borne debris impact, columns in multi-story car park or
bridge-pier strike by moving vehicle, protective structures subjected to projectiles
or aircraft impact. Thus, in all these above-mentioned cases, it is of fundamental
importance to understand the effect of loading rates on structures. Bischoff and
Perry [B11] addressed the wide spectrum of strain rates corresponds to different
loading conditions typically encountered in practice, as shown in Fig. 1.1. During
creep deformations, very low strain rates (~10-8 to 10-7 /s) usually generate. For
static loading, strain rates usually ranged from 10-6 to 10-4 /s. Moreover, for the case
of seismic loading, it could be in the domain of 10-3 to 1 /s and for hard impact, it
would be in the range of 1 to 50/s. Strain rates greater than the hard impact region
fall in the blast loading range. In the earthquake range of strain rates, inertial effects
on structural elements are generally considered insignificant. However, for strain
rates higher than the seismic regime, inertial effects dominate the structural
response (Kulkarni and Shah [K13]).
Chapter 1: Introduction
10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10 10-2 10-1 1 101 102 103 104
Chapter 1: Introduction
Fig. 1.2: Test configurations of RC beams under varying loading rates (Adhikary et
al. [A3], Kulkarni and Shah [K13])
Impact tests can be classified mainly into two categories such as drop-weight type
and pendulum type, differing in the way the corresponding hammer strikes the
specimen. In the case of first type, impactor having known weight is dropped on a
specimen from a certain drop-height. In a well-instrumented drop-weight impact
test-setup, both global and local structural responses (i.e. impact, reaction force
history, mid-span deflection and strain history of reinforcements) could be captured
(Fig. 1.3a).
Fig. 1.3: Impact loading test setups (Kishi et al. [K7], Gopalaratnam et al. [G1])
Chapter 1: Introduction
A pendulum-type hammer is used to deliver impact for the second one by releasing
the swing hammer from a certain drop-height. Conventional Charpy impact test is a
standardized test which determines the amount of energy required for fracturing the
specimen. Gopalaratnam et al. [G1] described the modified instrumented Charpy
test in evaluating the dynamic behavior of cement-based composite (Fig. 1.3b)
specimens. However, pendulum type hammer can also be used for large scale
testing of structural components (Orozco [O1]). Furthermore, it is noted that
impulsive loading on structures can also be generated by gas gun and contact blast
Chapter 1: Introduction
mechanism and complex pattern of stress waves. In this case, several key
parameters such as mass, initial velocity of the impactor and the stiffness of the
contact region affect the structural behavior. Moreover, under impact loading, the
structural responses are divided into two components: primary response (local
response) and secondary response (overall response) and these responses are
influenced simultaneously by rate effects and the propagation of stress waves. Fig.
1.4 shows the different tendencies of increase of the stress wave generated and the
rate effects incurred in the structural members for three loading cases: impact, high
rates and static loading (Takeda et al. [T3]).
Stress wave
Rate effect
Fig. 1.4: The different tendencies between impact, high rate loading and static
loading (Takeda et al. [T3])
Chapter 1: Introduction
aggregates and it may be the reason behind the strength enhancement. Another
angle of view is the lateral inertia force effect which causes an apparent increase in
DIFc/t for concrete. Li and Meng [L2] reported that the increase of dynamic
compressive strength could be only caused by the lateral confinement when the
strain rate is higher than around 102 s-1. They termed this lateral inertia confinement
as pseudo-strain-rate-effect and further opined that the acceptance of this strain rate
effect in design and numerical models may overestimate the dynamic compressive
strength of concrete. Zhou and Hao [Z1] developed homogeneous and mesoscale
model with strain rate sensitive material model to analyze concrete-like material
under high strain-rate compression which corroborate reasonably with test results.
Comparison of DIFc caused by lateral confinement and the DIFc obtained from
dynamic tests shows that the inertial confinement is only one of the two sources
that contribute to the DIFc and this contribution becomes more significant when the
strain rate is higher than 1000 s-1. Material strain rate effect cannot be neglected in
modeling concrete material response to high loading rates, especially when the
strain rate is less than 200 s-1. Most recently Ozbolt et al. [O5] performed some
numerical studies of compact tension specimen (CTS) loaded by varying rates.
After validating the numerical results with experimental results they commented
that for strain rate lower than approximately 50 s-1, the structural response is
controlled by rate-dependent constitutive law. However, for higher strain rate crack
branching and progressive increase in resistance is observed. This is attributed to
the effect of structural inertia and not the rate dependent strength of concrete. From
numerical point of view, assuming micro and mesoscale analysis, the effects of the
rate dependency of the growing micro cracks (e.g. influence of inertia at micro
crack level) and viscous behavior of bulk material between the cracks (e.g. viscosity
due to water content) can be accounted by the constitutive law. Whereas, the
structural inertia effect would be automatically accounted through dynamic analysis
(Ozbolt et al. [O4)]
Experimental outcomes are essential to develop and verify finite element (FE)
and analytical methods and these approaches could be employed further to
Chapter 1: Introduction
investigate the structural behavior for various case studies. Previous studies
(Mutsuyoshi and Machida [M11] and Kulkarni and Shah [K13]) on high
loading rates of RC beams were confined up to the earthquake loading regime.
Fujikake et al. [F4] considered a much higher piston velocity for high loading
rates which could be linked to the impact loading regime; however consider
only one test parameter (i.e. flexural reinforcement ratio). Thus, there is a lack
of systematic research on RC beams under wide range of varying loading rates
to cover static loading to hard impact regime. To fulfill this, hydraulic machine
was used to generate the wide range of loading rates (4 × 10-4 m/s to 2 m/s) and
the effects of these loading rates on RC beams (in three-point bending
configurations) have been studied. Corresponding strain rate would be in the
range of 10-4/s to 10/s (enclosed by an ellipse in Fig. 1.1). An effort has been
made by collecting data (through comprehensive literature review) on beams
under varying loading rates to observe the overall trend of dynamic increase
factor (DIF) of maximum resistance. Furthermore, to extend the findings from
tests, FE model is developed to study the behavior of beams under varying
loading rates. It is worthwhile to mention that all tests were monotonic in nature
and cyclic deflection reversal case is out of scope of this research. Moreover,
the influence of the characteristics of load itself (the relationship between the
magnitude of load and time) is not taken into account.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 7 presents some analytical models aimed at attaining the key impact
responses of the beams in less modeling efforts and computational time.
Chapter 9 summarizes the conclusions drawn from the research work and provides
the recommendations for future study. Appendix A tabulates the database of RC
beams under various loading rates, accumulated from the literature. Similarly,
databank corresponds to RC beams subjected to drop-weight impact loading is
Chapter 1: Introduction
- 10 -
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Overview
Since, the mechanical properties of plain concrete and steel are strain-rate
dependent, the behavior of structural members under various dynamic loading
conditions can only be accurately predicted by considering the rate dependent
properties of materials. Therefore, to evaluate the structural performances in terms
of resistance and behavior, the constitute properties of concrete and steel over a
wide range of strain rates are required.
Three factors mainly influence the behavior of structures under varying loading
rates. These are (a) the rate dependency of growing micro crack; (b) viscous
behavior of bulk material between cracks; (c) structural inertia forces which can
significantly change the state of stresses and strains of the material [O3]. There are
various methodologies for accounting rate-dependent material behavior. Mihashi
- 11 -
Chapter 2: Literature Review
and Wittmann [M8] employed the rate theory to explain the first two above-
mentioned reasons to explain the rate-sensitivity. This theory asserts that crack
initiation on an atomic scale is controlled by the activation energy. More bond
breaking occurs than bond healing when an external force acts on the material.
Long duration loading causes more bond-rupture than short duration loading as the
number of bond-breaking steps is assumed to be constant over time. This means
that sustained loading causes a reduction in strength whereas very short duration
loading causes an increase in strength. This is the logical explanation behind the
increase of strength of the material under high rates. The following expression has
been given to express increased strength in compression, tension and flexure:
f d f s 0
stress rate under dynamic load; 0 is stress rate under static load; is the
parameter depends on load, types of material and way of loading. Reinhardt and
Weerheijm [R1] took into account the inertia effect at material level. The authors
look at a cluster of penny shaped cracks in a plane which is perpendicular to the
tensile loading direction. Cracks face move when the cracks propagate into the
material with a certain velocity and for this movement energy balanced is
computed. The calculation showed that the rate of energy supplied becomes too
high to be absorbed in the fracture process and thus major part of energy supplied is
stored at the crack tip. As a result, stress distribution around the crack tip changes
and the stress intensity factor decreases with increasing loading rates. This resulted
in the strength increases of material with increasing loading rates. In the model of
Bazant et al. [B5, B6], the influence of loading rates is considered in two parts: the
effect of viscosity is accounted by simple visco-elastic model and the influence of
strain-dependent growth of micro-cracks is based on the theory of activation
energy. Moreover, this model did not consider the influence of inertia forces. The
expression proposed is as follows:
- 12 -
Chapter 2: Literature Review
( ) 0 ( )1 C1 ln (2-2)
Over the last several decades, numerous studies have been carried out on the
compressive behavior of concrete over a wide range of strain rates. Fu et al. [F2]
and Bischoff and Perry [B11] provides excellent synopsis on compressive behavior
of plain concrete subjected to varying strain rates by reviewing the existing
literature on it. Some key findings are summarized as follows: both compressive
strength and stiffness increase with increasing strain rates; however disharmony
prevails among researchers regarding the effect of strain rates on ultimate strain and
strain at peak stress; higher strain rates appear to have a more profound effect on
normal strength concrete than on high-strength concrete; dry concrete is less rate
sensitive than wet concrete; slope of the descending branch in the stress-strain
diagram increases with increasing rate of straining.
- 13 -
Chapter 2: Literature Review
strain-rate sensitive than its compressive strength. Zielinski and Reinhardt [Z2]
used the Split-Hopkinson-Bar technique to examine the tensile behavior of concrete
and mortar at high stress rates (5000-30000 MPa/sec). It was concluded that the
significant increase in the tensile strength in mortar and concrete was due to the
excessive micro cracking in the whole volume of stressed specimens. Larger impact
strain was observed than static ones which confirmed the above-mentioned
hypothesis. Moreover, in impact loading, the specimens had fractures into three
pieces. The higher impact tensile strength of concrete than mortar was explained by
direct crack arresting action of the tougher aggregates which increased the amount
of energy absorbed in the impact tensile fracture process. Furthermore,
comprehensive review of strain rate effects for concrete in tension has been
performed by Malvar and Ross [M5].
The most comprehensive model for strain rate enhancement of concrete both in
tension and compression is presented by the CEB model code [C5]. Strain rate
effect on compression and tension is typically reported as dynamic increase factor
(DIFc/t) - i.e. ratio of dynamic to static strength. In compression CEB model
equations come out to be properly fit with the available data. The DIFc for
compressive strength is given by:
where is the strain rate in the range of 30 10-6 to 300 s-1; s 30 10-6 s-1
where is the strain rate (s-1) greater than 10-5. However, after observing the wide
spectrum of test data, the authors tried to figure out the main source of scatter.
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
Finally, they pointed out that the moisture content of concrete is the reason for the
variability of results. It was concluded that the strain rate effect on increasing the
compressive strength of concrete becomes more significant as the concrete moisture
content increases. The available test data did not show any considerable influence
of strain rates on static compressive strength of concrete. Furthermore, the effect of
strain rate on concrete compressive strength was found to be independent of the age
of the specimens if their moisture contents are identical. DIFc for both dry and wet
concrete were suggested as follows:
Ross et al. [R2, R3] and Tedesco and Ross [T5] conducted a series of SHPB test to
investigate the effect of strain rates and moisture content on concrete strength. The
DIFc equations for compression suggested by Tedesco and Ross [T5] are as follows:
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
Li and Meng [L2] examined the application of SHPB to determine the dynamic
strength of concrete-like materials whose compressive strength is hydrostatic-stress-
dependent. It was shown that the apparent dynamic strength enhancement beyond
the strain-rate of 102 s-1 is strongly influenced by the hydrostatic stress effect due to
lateral inertia confinement. Following equations were derived to calculate DIFc in
Shkolnik [S6] demonstrated the influence of high strain rates on the stress-strain
relationships, strength and modulus of elasticity using thermo fluctuation theory,
principle of accumulation and development of damages as well as nonlinear
behavior of concrete. The obtained equations describe and unify the influence of the
high strain rates on constitutive properties of concrete under various uniaxial
stresses. Comparative study has been performed with existing experimental results
and the general equation given by CEB model code [C5]. It was concluded that
substantial agreement found among them. The proposed DIFc formula in
compression is as follows:
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
where, k is Boltzmann constant; kT 404 10 23 J at the usual temperature of test
( T 293 K); c is the strain of breaking the interatomic bonds; E0 is tangent
modulus of elasticity; Wa is volume of atom; d , s are strain rates at dynamic and
quasi-static loading.
Zhou and Hao [Z1] developed homogenous and mesoscale model to analyze the
behavior of concrete-like material under high strain-rate compression. Both strain
rate insensitive and strain rate sensitive materials were considered in the numerical
model to quantify the relative contribution of inertia effect and strain rate effect on
the compressive strength DIFc. The proposed compressive DIFc is as follows:
Fujikake et al. [F5] carried out tri-axial rapid compressive loading tests on concrete
specimens to formulate the dynamic constitutive model for concrete. DIF c in
compression was proposed as follows:
Uniaxial compressive test on concrete cubes with grade C30 and C50 was
performed by Li and Li [L3] using electro-hydraulic servo-controlled testing
machine (displacement-controlled load). Four strain rates (e.g., 10-5, 10-4, 10-3 and
10-2) were considered in this test program. Based on results, the DIFc of
compressive strength of grade C30 is reported as follows:
DIFc 1.0 0.0648 log c (2-18)
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
DIFc 1.0 0.0314 log c (2-19)
where, c implied the strain rate of concrete and co denotes the quasi-static strain
rate of concrete.
Moreover, the DIFt for tension as per CEB model code [C5] is furnished as:
where is the strain rate in the range of 3x10-6 s-1 to 300 s-1; s 3 10-6 s-1 (static
However, it was found by Malver and Ross [M5] that the available data in literature
and their additional new data on concrete in tension differed somewhat from the
CEB [C5] recommendations, mostly for strain rates beyond 1 s-1. Thus, they
modified the DIFt equations and the change in slope occurs to strain rate of 1 s-1
instead of 30 s-1. The proposed formulations then becomes
( s ) 1s 1
DIFt (2-21)
( s ) s 1s 1
1/ 3
where is the strain rate in the range of 10-6 to 160 s-1; s 10-6 s-1 (static strain
A series of dynamic tensile tests were conducted by Tedesco et al. [T4] and based
on the results they proposed following equations:
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
Direct tension, splitting tensile and direct compression test of mortar and concrete
were performed by Ross et al. [R4] at strain rate 10 and 102 s-1 on a SHPB. Quasi-
static tests on the same kind of specimens were conducted using a standard material
testing machine so that DIFt values can be computed. The suggested DIFt in tension
is as follows:
DIFt exp 0.00126 log10 d (2-24)
where, s 10 7 s-1 and d ,s = subscript for dynamic and static loading.
For Group A:
For Group B:
For Group C:
For Group D:
where, t is strain rate in the range from 10-5 to 10-0.3 s-1; ts is the quasi-static
strain rate, 10-5 s-1. Comparison between Eq. (2-21) and Eq. (2-23) reveals that the
strength increases in fully saturated concrete are much greater than those
experienced by concrete with normal moisture content.
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
The proposed tensile DIFt as per Zhou and Hao [Z1] is as follows:
Xiao et al. [X1] performed some dynamic tensile testing of plain concrete
specimens with axial strain rate ranging from 10-5 to 10-1 s-1. As compared to the
quasi-static strain rate of 10-5 s-1, the dynamic tensile strength of concrete at strain
rates of 10-4, 10-3, 10-2 and 10-1 s-1 increase 6.37%, 13.08%, 20.48% and 25.47%
respectively. They concluded that this result is almost similar to the several
researchers. From the test results, they suggested following equation:
where, t is dynamic strain rate; ts is quasi-static strain rate (10-5 s-1)
Therefore, it is seen that there are plentiful of equations to calculate the DIF c/t of
concrete in compression and tension. Numerous factors may affect the constitutive
behavior and DIFc/t of concrete under varying strain rates such as mix proportion,
cement content, aggregate shape and size, water-cement ratios, age and curing
conditions etc. Thus, more test data are indeed needed in future to estimate the
DIFc/t more precisely.
Several studies have been documented on the effect of strain rate on reinforcing
bars, structural steel and steel wires (Keenan and Feldman [K2]; Wakabayashi et al.
[W1]; Soroushian and Choi [S7]. A detailed review of the available work has been
conducted by Fu et al. [F3] and Malvar [M2]. According to Wakabayashi et al.
[W1], yield stress of steel bar increases with increasing strain rate but the behavior
in the strain hardening region is not affected largely by a strain rate. Soroushian and
Choi [S7] concluded that the yield strength of steel is more strain-rate sensitive than
the ultimate strength. The modulus of elasticity is independent of rate of straining.
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
According to them, the most important factor influencing the strain rate effects is
the static yield strength. The mechanical properties of steel with lower yield
strength are more strain rate-sensitive than higher one. Malvar [M2] narrated that
the DIFs of yield and ultimate stress is inversely related to the yield stress itself. A
formulation was proposed to find out the DIFs as a function of strain rate and yield
stress by fitting the available data in literature. This formulation is valid for yield
stresses in between 290 and 710 MPa and for strain rates in between 10-4 s-1 and 10
s-1. The formulation which gives the DIFs for both yield and ultimate stress is as
DIFs ( / 10 4 ) (2-32)
where for yield stress, fy ; fy 0.074 0.04 f y 414 ; for ultimate stress,
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
where, and 0 are the average bond stress belonging to certain displacement;
and 0 are the respective loading rates; 0 and 0 can be conceived as static
Yan [Y2] designed a testing program aimed at attaining the bond behavior between
reinforcement and concrete under impact loading. It was concluded that for smooth
bars, the bond resistance is due to the chemical adhesion and the frictional force at
the interface and there exists a linear bond stress-slip relationship under both static
and high rate loading. Whereas, for deformed bars, bond stress-slip relationship
under high rates varies with time and is different at various points along the
reinforcements. High loading rates significantly increases the bond resistance
capacity. Not only high loading rates but also higher compressive strength of
concrete significantly increases the bond resistance capacity and fracture energy at
bond failure. At the same time, these factors greatly influence the stress distribution
in concrete, the slips at the interface between reinforcements and concrete, and the
crack development. Moreover, under high rates, the stress distribution along the
reinforcements is not uniform, and not even linear; there is more stress
concentration along the reinforcements than under static loading.
Mutsuyoshi and Machida [M11] tested twenty seven singly and doubly RC beams
under different loading rates, noting that the final mode of failure shifted from
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
flexure at a low rate to shear at high loading rate for two pairs of specimens having
a d - 4 and 5.7, where a - shear span and d - effective depth of the beams. Seven
pairs of singly reinforced beams were tested by Kulkarni and Shah [K13]. For each
pair, one beam was tested at a „static‟ rate (7.1 × 10-6 m/s) while the other at a „high‟
rate (3.8 10-1 m/s). In this study, the strain rates generated in the reinforcements of
beams by high loading rates can be correlated to the earthquake-induced strain
rates. At the high rate, there was no recognizable „yield point‟ and „yield plateau‟ in
the load-midspan deflection curves of a beam failing in flexure. Furthermore, for
the three pairs of beams ( a d - 4, 4.5 & 5) tested by them, an opposite phenomenon
(i.e. transition in the mode of failure from shear failure at the static rate to flexure
failure at the high loading rate) has been observed. It was concluded that the
difference in the observed failure tendencies in these studies might be attributed to
the strain rate effect on the yield strength of steel used in the two studies
(Mutsuyoshi and Machida [M11] and Kulkarni and Shah [K13]). From Fig. 2.1, it
is apparent that the flexural strength of RC beams used by Mutsuyoshi and Machida
[M11] increased at a much higher rate than the shear strength, indicating an
increased tendency towards shear failure at high rates. However, the converse is
true for RC beams used by Kulkarni and Shah [K13]. Two different grades of steel
used in these studies affects the relative capacity (e.g. flexure and shear strength) of
beams under varying strain rates which would be the reason behind the opposite
phenomena observed in changes of failure mode from static to high rates.
Furthermore, Fujikake et al. [F4] performed the testing of three pairs of doubly RC
beams with varying amount of longitudinal reinforcements, but the shear
reinforcement ratios were kept identical for all specimens. All beams were designed
as under-reinforced and with a shear to bending resistance ratio greater than one.
For each pair, one beam was tested at a “static” rate (5 × 10-4 m/s) while the other at
a “high” rate (2 × 100 m/s). As compared to Mutsuyoshi and Machida [M11] and
Kulkarni and Shah [K12], Fujikake et al. [F4] considered a much higher piston
velocity for high loading rates which could be linked to the impact loading regime.
The main intention of this test program was to validate loading rate dependent
analytical model which would aid in to acquire the spring characteristics (i.e. load-
midspan deflection relationship of RC beam with loading rate effects) for two-
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
degree-of- freedom model. All specimens failed in flexure under both static and
high loading rates. The ultimate resistance of the beams was enhanced by the
increment of longitudinal tensile reinforcements for both static and high loading
rates. A database of RC beams under different loading rates has been assembled
from the literature (Mutsuyoshi and Machida [M11]; Kulkarni and Shah [K13];
Fujikake et al. [F4]; Adhikary et al. [A3 and A4]). The database containing the
particulars and response of the specimens (i.e. geometric characteristics of beam,
reinforcement ratios, material properties, peak resistance and failure modes etc.) is
succinctly tabulated in the Appendix A.
Relative increase in capacity
1 100 10000 1000000
Relative midspan velocity
A simple sectional analysis was first attempted by Kulkarni and Shah [K13] to
predict the load-midspan deflection of RC beams under high rates. However,
standard sectional analysis with rate-dependent material properties did not capture
the shape of the curves adequately. Extreme localized yielding of reinforcing bars
due to enhanced bond properties at high rates could be the reason behind that. Thus,
the sectional analysis was augmented by incorporating the shape of the average
stress-strain curve of reinforcing bars consistent with the characteristics of localized
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
Fujikake et al. [F4] proposed a section based nonlinear analytical model to capture
the load-midspan deflection relationship of RC beams under rapid flexural loading.
Load-midspan deflection relationship was obtained through moment-curvature
relationship by sectional analysis technique, in which the strain rate effects of
concrete and steel reinforcement were duly considered.
Impacts are generally classified as hard and soft impact. For the case of soft impact,
the missile itself also deforms significantly whereas in hard impact, the missile
undergoes almost no deformation compared to impacted structures. Depending on
the nature of impact, the impacted structure may respond in several ways: (a) it may
suffer local damage only, dissipating the majority of impact energy at or around the
impact zone; (b) it may respond to the impact loading globally through the
deformation of the entire member; (c) it may respond in such a way that it suffers a
combination of both local and global damage. Local damage is usually categorized
as follows: (a) penetration of the missile in the front face and scabbing of small
pieces of concrete at the back face; (b) significant scabbing of the concrete at both
faces; (c) perforation of the element, with the missile existing from the back face
with a residual velocity. Local and overall impact phenomena for hard missile
impact are schematically presented in Fig. 2.2.
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
This section gives a brief summary of research on the global response of RC beam
under drop-weight impact loads. It is worthwhile to mention that research on the
use of special materials, such as high strength concrete or fibre reinforced concrete
for increasing the impact resistance and the local impact response of beam are
omitted in this review for brevity.
One of the earliest impact test program was carried out by Mylrea [M12], in which
254 x 406.4 mm (width by depth) RC beams with 2.44 m spans having varying
amounts of reinforcing steels of various grades subjected to various falling weights
(254 kg and 925 kg drop weight hammer were used). The beams contained different
amounts and grades of longitudinal reinforcement and no shear reinforcement.
Although the beams were severely damaged with diagonal shear cracks, it was
concluded that the impact resistance of beams was quite significant in the presence
of even small amounts of reinforcement, since it was impossible to rupture any of
the longitudinal reinforcement. The failure mode of beams is shown in Fig. 2.3.
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
The factor of safety against rupture of the reinforcement was too high. Moreover,
there was enormous reserve strength against collapse after the yielding of the
reinforcing bars. Similar to the impact performance of beam containing the
structural steel reinforcement, the impact behavior of beam containing the rail-steel
and other brittle steel reinforcement was quite satisfactory.
Kishi et al. [K5] conducted drop-weight impact tests on eight RC beams having
clear span length of 2 m to establish a rational impact-resistant design procedure for
flexural-failure-types specimens. Impact load was imparted onto the midspan of
specimen by free-falling 200 kg steel-impactor, as exhibited in Fig. 2.4(a). Cross-
sectional dimensions, reinforcement ratios and impact velocity were considered as
experimental variables. Ultimate resistance of flexural-failure type beams subjected
to drop-weight impact loading was estimated by using the maximum reaction force
at failure. Configuration of the hysteretic loop between reaction force and the mid-
span displacement at failure was approximated by a parallelogram, as shown in Fig.
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
Fig. 2.4: Impact test set up and hysteretic loop between reaction force and mid-span
displacement of beam (Kishi et al. [K5])
This is suggested that flexure-failure type beams under impact load may be
designed with a margin of safety by assuming dynamic response ratio as 2.0 and
ratio of absorbed energy to input kinetic energy as 0.7. A simple equation was
proposed to calculate the required static bending resistance of beams against impact
loading. The formulation to estimate the required static bending resistance is as
Pusd 0.35 (2-34)
where Pusd is static bending resistance, Ekd is input kinetic energy and rd is
residual displacement.
Kishi et al. [K7] carried out falling-weight impact tests on shear-failure type RC
beams to establish a rational impact-resistant design procedure. In total, twenty-
seven simply supported rectangular beams (150 mm width and 250 mm depth)
without shear reinforcement were constructed to perform that test program.
Longitudinal reinforcements, shear span to effective depth ratios, static shear to
bending resistance ratio and clear span length were taken as test variables. An
impact load was applied at the mid span of the beam by dropping a free-falling 300
kg steel-weight, as depicted in Fig. 2.5. The striking face of the steel-weight was
spherical with a radius of curvature of 1407 mm. This has been confirmed by the
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
same author that the effects of the striking face of the impactor on the dynamic
response and failure mode of the beam are very small under similar impact velocity.
Fig. 2.6 presents the crack patterns of two series specimens under various impact
velocities. It was addressed that if the static shear to bending resistance ratio is less
than unity (e.g. 0.64 for beam A36), the beams clearly collapse in a shear-failure
mode under impact loading. On the contrary, if the static shear to bending
resistance ratio is greater than one (e.g. 1.03 for beam B36); the RC beams collapse
in a bending-failure mode under low-velocity impact loading but may collapse in a
shear-failure mode under high-velocity impact loading. The shape of the hysteretic
loop between the reaction force and the mid span displacement was assumed to be
triangular as shown in Fig. 2.7 when the beams just collapsed in shear-failure
mode. Kishi et al. [K7] recommended that shear-failure type beams without shear
reinforcement under impact loading may be designed with a certain safety margin
by assuming a dynamic response ratio of 1.5 and absorbed input energy ratio of 0.6.
Required static shear resistance for beams against impact loading could be
evaluated by a simple equation as follows:
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
Vusd 0.8 (2-35)
where Vusd is static shear resistance, Ekd is input kinetic energy and rd is residual
Fig. 2.6: Crack patterns for beams (a) A36 and (b) B36 (Kishi et al. [K7])
Bhatti et al. [B8] reported a test program of shear-failure type beams, aimed at
developing a simple elasto-plastic impact response analysis by finite element (FE)
method. The test program consisted of twelve simply supported beams, having 200
mm wide, 400 mm deep and 2400 mm long. Impact load was applied at mid span of
RC beam by dropping a 400 kg steel-weight from predefined height. Following
experimental results were compared with numerical analysis results to check the
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
reliability of the FE method: 1) time histories of impact force, reaction force and
mid-span displacement; 2) hysteretic loops of impact force vs. mid-span
displacements and reaction force vs. mid-span displacements; 3) crack profiles on
side surface of beam.
Fujikake et al. [F4] examined the impact responses of twelve RC beams through an
experimental study which involves a drop-hammer impact test. The beams were of
250 mm in depth, 150 mm in width and 1700 mm in length. The specimens used in
this research consisted of under-reinforced sections with sufficient amount of
transverse reinforcements to allow for an overall flexural failure. Investigation was
carried out to evaluate the influence of drop-height and the amount of longitudinal
reinforcement ratio to the structural response. The static shear to bending resistance
ratios of beam were varied from 1.5 to 2.6. Fig. 2.8 displays the drop-hammer
impact test setup where a hammer with a mass of 400 kg was dropped freely onto
the top surface of the beam at midspan from four different heights. The striking
head of the hammer had a hemispherical tip with a radius of 90 mm.
Typical failure modes obtained from this test program are shown in Fig. 2.9. Beams
of series S1616 exhibited an overall flexural failure at all the drop-heights
considered for this test program. However, for specimens of series S1322 and
S2222, the overall flexural failure was observed up to a drop-height of 0.6 m. Local
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
failure with extensive concrete crushing near the impact region was monitored at a
drop height of 1.2 m and 2.4 m.
Fig. 2.9: Failure modes: (a) S1616 series; (b) S1322 series; (c) S2222 series
(Fujikake et al. [F4])
Chen and May [C3] accomplished a test program to investigate the high mass and
low velocity impact behavior of RC beams. Fourteen 2.7 m and four 1.5 m clear-
span length specimens were tested under impact loads using drop-weight facility.
All the tests were conducted under a drop-weight of 98.7 kg with an impact velocity
of 7.3 m/s, as shown in Fig. 2.10. Support conditions (e.g. pin-ended and simply
supported), type of impactors (e.g. hemispherical and flat) and impact interface (e.g.
plywood placed in between beam and impactor and direct impact) were taken as
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
test variables in this investigation. Measurements were taken during testing which
includes transient impact force-history, acceleration-history, strain-history of
longitudinal reinforcements and video footage of crack profiles generated from the
images captured by high-speed camera.
Failure mode – a: Flexural failure with some crushing beneath the impactor and
some shear cracking in the impact zone were observed. Vertical cracks starting
from the top of a beam were found along the beam section away from the impact
zone as presented in Figs. 2.11(a) and (b) for beams A1 and A2 respectively.
Further shear cracking and short vertical cracking occurred in beam A3, as shown
in Fig. 2.11(c). There was less damage in this type of failure than in modes „b‟ and
„c‟, described below, owing to some impact energy being absorbed in deforming the
Failure mode – b: Local failure at the impact zone with excessive concrete crushing
below the impactor and yielding of the tensile reinforcements were noticed as
shown in Figs. 2.11(d) and (e) for beams B1 and B2 respectively. Away from the
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
impact zone the cracking was similar to that of mode „a‟ failure. This failure mode
was observed in beams impacted directly with the hemispherical impactor.
Failure mode - c: This is similar to mode „a‟ failure but was accompanied by loss of
the concrete cover at the bottom of the beam owing to scabbing as shown in Figs.
2.11(f) and (g) for beams B3 and B4 respectively. It was occurred on beams
impacted directly with the flat impactor.
Figure 2.11: Post-test crack pattern of beams (a) [A1]; (b) [A2]; (c) [A3]; (d) [B1];
(e) [B2]; (f) [B3] and (g) [B4] (Chen and May [C3])
The beam test results revealed that the supports conditions had less influence on the
impact force than the span length. Moreover, this has been noticed that the plywood
interface distributed the impact force in a similar manner like a flat impactor.
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
reversed; they were tested twice with the larger drop-weight and the one last time
with the smaller drop-weight. All the specimens had identical longitudinal
reinforcement but varying amount of shear reinforcement ratios, intended to
investigate the effects of shear resistance on the impact behavior. Fig. 2.12 displays
the test setup which was specially devised to prevent the uplift of the specimen
without creating restrain moment at the supports.
Crack patterns of a-series and b-series specimens are shown in Fig. 2.13. Static test
results divulged that SS3 and SS2 exhibited a ductile flexure-critical behavior,
whereas, SS1 and SS0 were shear-critical. During impact testing, regardless of their
projected static behavior, all specimens developed severe diagonal cracks,
originating at the impact point and propagating downward with an angle
approximately 45 degrees, forming shear plugs. Additionally, numerous diagonal
cracks parallel to shear-plug cracks also formed, along with some vertical flexural
cracks at the midspan and the supports. In the flexure-critical beams, shear-plugs
developed faster than the formation of support cracks. On the other side, failure of
shear-critical specimens occurred due to the development of shear-plug as well as
the formation of diagonal cracks from loading point to support point. The shear
resistance of flexural-critical specimens was sufficient to carry the shear forces
beyond the shear plug to the supports. Subsequent impact loading pressed the shear-
plug down further without causing significant damage in the other region. However,
shear-critical members did not have enough strength to transmit the shear forces to
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
the supports. As a result, the shear forces beyond the shear-plug region caused
massive damage between the shear-plug and the supports, finally failing the beams
in that region.
Fig. 2.13: Final crack pattern of a-series and b-series beams (Saatci and Vecchio
Shear characteristics of the specimens played a pivotal role in their overall impact
response. All specimens, regardless of their shear capacity, developed severe
diagonal cracks and shear-plug cracks under the impact point. Specimens with
higher shear capacity were able to sustain more impacts and absorb more energy,
whereas the ones with lower shear capacity suffered extensive damage under the
same or smaller impact loads. Shear mechanism must be considered during the
method development in predicting the impact responses. Impact forces at the initial
stages of response were mainly resisted by the inertia of the specimens before the
forces reached the supports. Therefore, the mass and geometric properties of a
structure, such as the span length of a beam, are important factors in resisting the
impact forces. After gaining some experience from their test program, Saatci and
Vecchio provided some recommendations for future experimental studies on
impact. To cover wider range of parameters (i.e. impact parameters, such as mass
and velocity of impactor; specimen parameters, such as geometry, reinforcement
ratios and material properties etc.) that would affect the overall behavior, higher
number of specimens should be considered. Measurement of impact responses
should be recorded with a higher sampling rate. To measure the displacement
during impact test, optical technique should be utilized. Moreover, to better
understand the crack formation and propagation mechanisms, high-speed camera
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
Fig. 2.15 shows the crack pattern of type A2 beam after a 300 kg impactor struck
the beam with a velocity of 5 m/s. This is a typical crack pattern for flexure-failure
with little concrete fragmentation at the impact region.
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
The impulse resulting from impact loading is proportional to the momentum of the
impacting mass. Similarly, the duration of impact force is proportional to the ratio
of the momentum of impacting mass and static ultimate flexure resistance of beam.
Moreover, an equation was proposed (Tachibana et al. [T1]) to calculate the
maximum mid-span deflection of beam based on impact energy and static ultimate
flexure resistance. The proposed formulation is as follows:
max 0.522 (2-36)
where max is maximum displacement (mm), Ecol is kinetic energy (J) and Pu is
ultimate flexure resistance (kN). The validity of the proposed equation was
corroborated by comparing with other experimental results and numerical results
from FE simulations, as shown in Fig. 2.16.
The static bending resistance of considered beams ranged from 16.7 to 66.7 kN and
the impact energies varied from 150 to 5400 J based on the variation of mass and
impact velocity. This has been concluded that the proposed equation to estimate the
maximum displacement of beam under impact loading, allows for a performance-
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
Fig. 2.17: Crack patterns in beams of series G2L, G5 and G10 (Kishi and Mikami
The maximum and residual deflections per unit input impact energy E (coefficient
of maximum and residual deflection and static flexural load-carrying capacity Pusc
are def and rs ) plotted in Fig. 2.18. On the basis of these relationships, empirical
def (2-37)
rs (2-38)
Pusc 0.63 (2-39)
Pusc 0.42 (2-40)
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
where Pusc is static flexural load-carrying capacity (kN), E is input impact energy
Fig. 2.18: Regression curves: (a) regression curve between coefficient of maximum
deflection def and static flexural load-carrying capacity Pusc ; (b) regression curve
(2-8) and (2-9) are applicable for RC beams having static flexural load-carrying
capacity Pusc < 240 kN and static shear-flexural capacity ratio > 1.5.
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
Bhatti et al. [B8] demonstrated a simple elasto-plastic finite element (FE) analysis
method for simulating the experimental impact behavior. Concrete material model
was assumed by using a bilinear model in compression side and a cut-off model in
tension side. The steel reinforcing bars were modeled as elasto-plastic with
isotropic hardening. Moreover, strain rate effect on concrete and reinforcements
was not considered in this study. Finally the numerical results were compared to the
experimental outcomes such as impact, reaction force history, mid-span
displacement history, impact force vs. mid-span displacement loops and reaction
force vs. mid-span displacement loops. Moreover, energy absorption and crack
patterns were predicted by this method within a reasonable accuracy.
Saatci and Vecchio [S1] proposed a nonlinear finite element analysis (NLFEA)
procedure to numerically simulate the impact responses of RC beam. To express the
effectiveness of the procedure, the computed responses (i.e., time histories of mid-
span displacements, crack profiles and longitudinal reinforcement strains) were
compared to the measured responses from an experimental program. The
methodology based on distributed stress field model (DSFM) was successful in
predicting the shear-dominant behavior of the specimens under impact loads.
However, accurate prediction of test specimens was obtained in this research by
considering strain rate dependent material properties; thus, this issue needs further
Fujikake et al. [F4] modeled the RC beam under drop-hammer impact loading as
two-degree-of-freedom mass-spring-damper system. This model could represent not
only global response of the beam but also the local response at the contact point
between the drop-hammer and beam. Here, the impact scenario has been presumed
as a perfectly plastic collision. The spring property corresponding to the overall
- 42 -
Chapter 2: Literature Review
response of the beam was determined from the loading-rate dependent load vs. mid-
span deflection relationships whereas the contact spring stiffness value was
assumed from Hertz‟s contact theory. The global damping coefficient was
considered to be zero and contact damping coefficient was assumed to be one-half
of the critical damping coefficients. The analytical results in terms of impact force
history and mid-span deflection history were in good agreement with the
experimental results when the beams predominantly failed in flexure. However,
large discrepancies were observed in mid-span deflection responses when both local
failure at impact point and flexure failure occurred.
2.6 Summary
(3) Assessment of the behavior of RC beams under drop-weight impact loading has
been well documented in the literature; however, evaluation of the residual
performance of impact-damaged beams is a lacking area. To contribute towards a
better understanding in this area, an organized experimental program (i.e. impact
- 43 -
Chapter 2: Literature Review
(4) Due to the scarcity of test results, it is obvious that there will no numerical
research on residual performance of impact-damaged beams. Therefore,
development of three-dimensional FE model to numerically simulate these two-
stage experiments is valuable to examine.
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Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
3.1 Introduction
Over the past few decades, there has been a growing interest among the researchers
and designers in analyzing and designing RC structures against extreme loads, such
as earthquakes, blasts and impact. These loading scenarios induce varying strain
rates in the structural elements. In this study, the strain-rate effect on RC beams
falls in the wider range of static to hard impact (10-4 to 10/s) regime. A variety of
devices such as hydraulic machines, pneumatic machines and impact systems (mass
swings or falls from specific heights to strike a specimen) have been constructed to
perform high loading rate tests on structural elements in laboratory. Previous
studies (Mutsuyoshi and Machida [M11] and Kulkarni and Shah [K13]) on high
loading rates of RC beams were confined up to the earthquake loading regime.
Fujikake et al. [F4] considered a much higher piston velocity for high loading rates
which could be linked to the impact loading regime; however consider only one test
parameter (i.e. flexural reinforcements ratio). There is a lack of systematic research
on RC beams under wide range of varying loading rates to cover static loading to
hard impact regime. Therefore, a well-instrumented experimental program was
initiated to investigate the effects of varying loading rates on the structural behavior
of intermediate slender RC beams with limited amount of flexural reinforcements
(approximately 0.3 b where b refers to balanced reinforcement ratio in
percentage). In this study, hydraulic machine was used to generate the wide range
of loading rates extending from 4 × 10-4 m/s to 2 × 100 m/s. Corresponding strain rate
induced in the reinforcements of RC beams were ranging from 10-4/s to 10/s.
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Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
A database of RC beams under different loading rates has been assembled from the
literature to conduct the parametric studies with an objective of gaining some
insight on the influence of various parameters such as shear span to effective depth
ratio ( a d ), longitudinal reinforcement ratios ( L ), shear reinforcement ratios ( T )
and failure modes on the dynamic increase factor (DIF) of maximum resistance.
Due to the scarcity of data, it was very difficult to compare the data which could be
grouped in such a way that they would present respective variable as the only
variable, i.e. beam with identical properties except varying a d . The database
containing the particulars of the specimens is tabulated in the Appendix-A.
Most of the RC beams shown in the Appendix-A, can be classified into singly RC
beams without shear reinforcement (SR) and doubly RC beams with shear
reinforcement (DR). Thus, parametric study was carried out for SR and DR beams
separately to determine the effect of several parameters on their corresponding DIF
of maximum resistance. Fig. 3.1 (a) shows the influence of shear span to effective
depth ratio on the trend of variation of DIF of SR beams. Effects of longitudinal
reinforcement ratios and failure mode on DIF under different loading rates are
shown in Figs. 3.1 (b) and (c). Due to scattering of data points, it is very tough to
ascertain the effects of single parameters on DIF of SR beams. Failure modes (shear
or flexure) and the time of yielding of tensile reinforcements (before or after the
peak resistance of shear critical beams) have some significant effect on DIF. In Fig.
3.1 (c) for 0.1 to 1 m/s, few DIF are higher than the clustering data points. In these
cases, yielding of tensile reinforcements occurred after their peak resistance.
Similarly, influence of shear span to effective depth ratio ( a d ), longitudinal
reinforcement ratios ( L ) and shear reinforcement ratios ( T ) and failure mode on
DIF of DR beams are shown in Figs. 3.2 (a), (b), (c) and (d) respectively. From the
trend of DIF, it can be concluded that beams with lower a d ratios (1.9) have
higher DIF under varying loading rates as compared to slender beams ( a d -3.3 and
4.4). Beams of low shear reinforcement had a higher DIF value as compared to
other specimens.
- 46 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
(a) 2.2
a/d :- 5.5-6
a/d :- 4.5-5
a/d :-4-4.5
1.8 a/d :- 3-3.5
0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rate (m/s)
(b) 2
L :- 0.8-1%
L :- 1-1.4%
L :- 1.7-2%
0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rates (m/s)
(c) 1.6
1.1 Shear
0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rates (m/s)
Fig. 3.1: Influence of (a) shear span to effective depth ratio ( a d ); (b) longitudinal
- 47 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
When the specimen contains less shear reinforcements, it may fail in shear where
the tensile strength of concrete (high rate sensitive than compressive strength) plays
a significant role in increasing the ultimate resistance under high loading rates and
correspondingly increases the DIF. Finally based on the comparative plot of DIF vs.
failure modes, it can be concluded that shear critical beams produced higher DIF as
compared to flexure critical for all loading rates.
DIF 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.1 1.1
1 1
0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rate (m/s) Loading rate (m/s)
T :- 0.84% 1.3
1 1
0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rate (m/s) Loading rates (m/s)
Fig. 3.2: Influence of (a) shear span to effective depth ratio ( a d ); (b) longitudinal
reinforcement ratios ( L ); (c) shear reinforcement ratios ( T ); (d) failure modes on
DIF of doubly reinforced (DR) beams
The review of existing literature revealed variety of high loading rate tests and it is
very difficult to make effective comparisons due to the involvement of numerous
parameters at a time. As such, it will be beneficial if the researchers can agree on a
preferred way to perform high loading rate testing of RC beams. There are some
- 48 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
major differences in the testing methods worth notable. At first, the test setup may
be designed for 3- or 4-point bending depending on the objective of the test
program. For high loading rate testing using hydraulic machines, 3-point
configurations were recommended by Kulkarni and Shah [K13] from the point of
view of reducing inertial effects. Furthermore, attempt should be made to test
identical specimens (i.e., similarities not only in structural level but also in material
level, such as aggregate size, compressive strength of concrete and yield strength of
reinforcements) using different test machines. Time to reach peak displacement in
loading history (for a particular loading rate in displacement control) during
experiment should be kept nearly unvarying. The data acquisition system
(particularly the frequency response characteristics) should be nearly identical to
facilitate better analysis and comparisons. In addition, the type of anchorage (i.e.,
by nuts, welded with plates or development length by hooking) at the end of
flexural reinforcements has a profound effect on the shear failure mechanism of
beams (which will be governed by arch or beam action) under varying loading rates
and should as such be kept identical across the tests.
- 49 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
Review of literature in the field of RC beam under varying loading rates reveals that
there is a need to assess the behavior of beam under wide range of varying loading
rates. The primary objective of this research is to study the loading rate effect on the
load vs. mid-span displacement relationships, concrete contribution to the shear
stress, and peak strain rate at longitudinal tensile and shear reinforcements.
Moreover, Dynamic increase factors (DIF) of maximum resistance, cracking
stiffness, energy-absorption and failure mechanism of beams are also discussed by
comparative analysis. In addition, this test program will supplement the literature
with detailed test data that can assist further in the development and verification of
numerical models.
for 3.3 and 4.4 series respectively; where b refers to balanced reinforcement ratio
in percentage) subjected to a wide range of loading rates (Static: 4 × 10-4, Low:
4 × 10-2, Medium: 4 × 10-1 and High: 2 × 100 m/s). Comparative analyses of
specimens under these varying loading rates highlighted several key aspects of their
dynamic behavior.
The experimental program consisted of 24 RC beams which were divided into two
groups in terms of their shear span-to-effective depth ratios ( a d -3.3 and 4.4).
Each group had three types of specimens distinguished by their shear reinforcement
ratio. Each type had four identical specimens subjected to four types of varying
rates of concentrated loading at their mid-span. The entire test program was
summarized in the form of a flow chart as shown in Fig. 3.3. It is noted that all test
- 50 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
specimens have been designed and cast at NTU, Singapore however; the testing
was conducted at NDA, Japan. The specimen denoted by SR3.3_0.84 corresponds
to „singly-reinforced‟ beam (SR) followed by the shear span-to effective depth ratio
and percentage of longitudinal tensile reinforcement ratios. Again,
DR3.3_0.84_0.11 refers to „doubly-reinforced‟ beam (DR) followed by the shear
span-to effective depth ratio, percentage of longitudinal tensile and compressive
reinforcement ratio and percentage of shear reinforcement ratio.
Test Program
a d 3.3 a d 4.4
a/d- 3.3
SR3.3_0.84 SR4.4_0.82
DR3.3_0.84_0.11 DR4.4_0.82_0.13
DR3.3_0.84_0.15 DR4.4_0.82_0.19
Loading rate
- 51 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
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Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
SS-2 SA-1,2 SS-1 170 210 250 SS-2 SA-1,2 SS-1 130 160 190
DR3.3_0.84_0.11 DR4.4_0.82_0.13
R6 2T13 R6 2T10
SS-2 SA-1,2 SS-1 170 210 250 SS-2 SA-1,2 SS-1 130 160 190
70 1400 60 2T10
1400 2T13
6@250=1500 150 120
DR3.3_0.84_0.15 DR4.4_0.82_0.19
Table 3.1: Specimen details, theoretical static capacities, static expected and
observed failure modes
Longitu- Shear Shear to
Flexural Shear Expected Observed
-dinal rebar bending
Specimens a/d resistance resistance failure failure
rebar ratio ratio resistance
(kN) (kN) modes modes
(%) (%) ratio
SR3.3_0.84 0.84T 0.00 77.1 66.2 0.86 Shear Shear*1
To construct the specimens, steel formwork was used. Before the placement of
reinforcing cages, oiling was carried out on the inside surfaces of formwork so that
specimens can be removed easily and the surface of the specimens would not
- 53 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
damage. Before casting, concrete spacer blocks were placed in the underside as well
as the side faces of transverse reinforcements to achieve clear concrete cover.
Lifting hooks were mounted on both sides of the specimens to facilitate lifting
process during testing. Fig. 3.5 shows the photos of the casting of beams and the
preparation of concrete cylinders (150mm 300 mm). After casting, damp hessian
fabrics were employed to cure the specimens for two weeks.
(a) (b)
- 54 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
capacity of 980 kN and measuring frequency of 5 kHz was attached to the actuator
to measure the load. Five accelerometers (capacity of 1000 times gravity and
resonance frequency greater than 70 kHz) were mounted on the specimens for each
test (except for static loading) to measure the accelerations for low, medium and
high rates of concentrated loading. The midspan deflection of RC beams was
measured by laser-type variable displacement transducers (LVDTs) which have a
measuring range of 80 mm and sampling rate of 50 kHz. Data from the sensors
were collected by a digital data acquisition system which has a sampling rate of 100
Hz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz, and 200 kHz for static, low, medium and high loading rates
respectively. A steel plate having 40 mm thickness was placed on the top of the
beam in between loading bar and specimen to transfer well-distributed force to the
specimen. The use of digital photography and high-speed video recording proved to
be valuable in providing insights into the cracking patterns and failure modes. A
schematic diagram of three point bending test setup is shown in Fig. 3.7. All
experiments were conducted in displacement control as this is known to be
indispensible for obtaining the entire post-peak response of structural elements.
Moreover, in varying loading rates testing, displacement control is even effective to
reduce the inertia effects during the pre-peak stage.
Strain gauges
Strain gauge
(a) (b)
Fig. 3.6: (a) Strain gauging in tensile longitudinal reinforcements; (b) Strain
gauging in transverse reinforcement
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Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
Load cell
Loading plate
Load cell
Rigid support
The input load by the actuator was measured by the load cell attached to it and the
reaction forces were measured by two load cells placed at the two pin supports of
the beams. For static, low and medium loading rates, almost identical responses (i.e.
load-midspan deflection) were obtained from the top and two bottom load cells.
However, for high loading rates, higher response was obtained from two bottom
load cells as compared to the top load cell. The 100 kg mass of each supporting
apparatus attached to each support load cell might induce additional responses.
Besides, the wider range of frequency of the load acting on the lower load cells as
compared to its natural frequency could be the another reason. So, the reaction
force (summation of two bottom load cells) obtained from high loading rates might
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Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
overestimate the true resistance of the beam as shown in Fig. 3.8. This figure
displays the typical variation of force history obtained from top and bottom load-
cells under high loading rates. Moreover, there is a time lag (2.98 ms) in between
the two responses which is clearly visible in the figure. This is due to the
propagation time required of stress wave to travel from loading point to support
2.98 ms
200 SR3.3_0.84_High
Load (kN)
Top load cell
Two bottom load cells
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Time (s)
Fig. 3.8: Typical variation of force history from top and bottom load-cells under
high loading rates
Thus, inertia force should be deducted from the top load cell data (i.e., using
following equation) by considering the beam as a SDOF system to evaluate its true
- 57 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
distribution of accelerations along the beam. Efforts have been made to compare the
current methodology and the approaches provided in literature. Fig. 3.9 shows the
comparative plot of true resistance history obtained from Eqtn. 3-1 and approaches
recommended by Banthia et al. [B2]. From this figure, it can be concluded that true
resistance history obtained from current approach is almost similar to the sinusoidal
case coined by Banthia et al. [B2]
Load (kN)
100 100
50 50
0 DR3.3_0.84_0.11_High 0 DR4.4_0.82_0.19_High
-50 -50
-0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 -0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 3.9: Comparative plot of true resistance history obtained from Eqtn. 3-1 and
approaches proposed by Banthia et al. [B2]
- 58 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
although the longitudinal tensile reinforcements yielded before the beam attained
peak resistance) in the load vs. mid-span deflection curves of DR3.3_0.84_0.15,
thus the peak resistance obtained from testing under static loading would
overestimate the DIF.
140 160
High High DR3.3_0.84_0.11
120 SR3.3_0.84 140
100 120 Medium
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
80 100 Low
60 Low 80
40 60
20 Static 40 Static
0 20
-20 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 10 20 30 40 50
Mid-span deflection (mm) Mid-span deflection (mm)
140 High Medium
Load (kN)
20 Static DR3.3_0.84_0.15
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Mid-span deflection (mm)
Fig. 3.10: Load vs. mid-span deflection of (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -4.4 series
specimens under varying loading rates (continued)
- 59 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
70 80
High SR4.4_0.82 High DR4.4_0.82_0.13
60 70
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
Medium 30
20 Low 20 Medium
10 Static 10 Static Low
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Mid-span deflection (mm) Mid-span deflection (mm)
70 High DR4.4_0.82_0.19
Load (kN)
10 Static
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Mid-span deflection (mm)
Fig. 3.10: Load vs. mid-span deflection of (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -4.4 series
specimens under varying loading rates
(a) (b)
1.7 1.7
Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF)
Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF)
SR3.3_0.84 SR4.4_0.82
1.6 1.6
DR3.3_0.84_0.11 DR4.4_0.82_0.13
1.5 DR3.3_0.84_0.15 1.5 DR4.4_0.82_0.19
1.4 1.4
1.3 1.3
1.2 1.2
1.1 1.1
1 1
0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rate (m/s) Loading rate (m/s)
Fig. 3.11: Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) of maximum resistance of (a) a d -3.3;
(b) a d -4.4 series specimens under varying loading rates
- 60 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
For evaluating the concrete contribution to the shear resistance, only SR beams
were considered and collected from the published database and the current testing
data. ACI318-08 [A2] only provides the coefficients of concrete contribution to
shear stress normalized by the square root of concrete compressive strength (i.e.
0.17 for SI unit system) under static loading only. ACI methodology of concrete
contribution to shear stress for static loading has been extending further to
incorporate the loading rate effects on the same. The testing shear resistance values
obtained from varying loading rates are normalized by the square root of concrete
compressive strength, the width and the effective depth of beams. Fig. 3.12 displays
the variation (e.g. increasing trend under high rates) of concrete contribution to
shear stress normalized by the square root of concrete compressive strength
v c /
f c under different loading rate . Few erratic data was observed in the
Current test
Kulkarni & Shah
Mutsuyoshi & Machida
/f ' ^ 0.5 (SI unit)
*b *d
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Loading rate (m/s)
- 61 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
Fig. 3.13 shows the concrete and shear reinforcement contribution to shear strength
of DR beams of a d -3.3 series, as the specimens of this series failed in shear
irrespective of loading rates. Some crude estimation has been done to calculate the
corresponding contribution to shear resistance. Concrete contribution has been
taken from SR beams of the same series as shear force was solely resisted by
concrete. To account for the stirrup contribution, shear resistance of the SR beams
has been deducted from the shear resistance of DR beams of same series by
neglecting the contribution of compression reinforcement to shear strength. From
Fig. 3.13, it is evident that the shear reinforcement contribution as compared to
concrete contribution is quite small under these four varying loading rates.
70 70
60 Vc DR3.3_0.84_0.11 60 Vc DR3.3_0.84_0.15
Vs Vs
50 50
Vc & Vs (kN)
Vc & Vs (kN)
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
4E-4 4E-2 4E-1 2E+0 4E-4 4E-2 4E-1 2E+0
Loading rate (m/s) Loading rate (m/s)
Cracking stiffness of the beams was calculated by using the secant of the load vs.
midspan deflection curve passing through the point from which the curve changes
its slope. Then, it was simply computed by taking the quotient of the resistance and
the deflection of that corresponding point. Fig. 3.14 displays the variation of
cracking stiffness of the two series (i.e. a d -3.3 and 4.4) of specimens.
Enhancement in cracking stiffness of a d -3.3 series specimens was observed when
- 62 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
the loading rate increased from static to low and medium rates. Similarly, for a d -
4.4 series specimens, stiffness increases as the loading rate progresses from static to
medium. However, the above-mentioned figure lacks the stiffness under high rates
as the load vs. midspan deformation curves was obtained in this case by deducting
the inertia force from the top load cell (described in section 3.5.1). Due to the time-
lag between the top and bottom load-cell signals, the load vs. midspan deformation
response obtained from the bottom load cells under high rates may not be similar to
the same from the top load cell. As a result, the computed cracking stiffness for
high rates is not compared with other loading rates. The reason behind this time-lag
could be due to the inertia forces, as the initial force applied is solely resisted by the
inertia of the beam before the bottom load-cell attained any load.
(a) (b)
100 40
Cracking stiffness (kN/mm)
Cracking stiffness (kN/mm)
SR3.3_0.84 35 SR4.4_0.82
80 DR3.3_0.84_0.11 DR4.4_0.82_0.13
DR3.3_0.84_0.15 30 DR4.4_0.82_0.19
60 25
40 15
0 0
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Loading rate (m/s) Loading rate (m/s)
Fig. 3.14: Cracking stiffness of (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -4.4 series beams under
varying loading rates
To calculate the amount of energy absorption of the specimens under these varying
loading rates, the area under the load vs. midspan deflection curves needs to be
calculated. Before that, the generalized mid-span displacement range should be
defined to impose the same conditions for all the specimens. The deformation range
was defined up to peak load displacement (for shear-failure type beams) or three
times of the yield deformation (for flexure-failure type beams), solely depending on
- 63 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
the characterization of their load vs. midspan deflection curves. However, for
medium and high loading rate, the load-midspan deformation curves did not
displayed the „yield plateau‟. For these cases, peak load displacement has been
taken as benchmark point. Fig. 3.15 clearly illustrates the variation of the energy
absorption capacity of RC beams for static, low, medium and high loading rates.
The energy absorption capacity of the RC beams increased with the enhancement of
loading rates from static to high.
(a) (b)
3000 800
Energy absorption (kN-mm)
Fig. 3.15: Energy absorption of (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -4.4 series beams
3.5.6 Comparison of time to reach peak load, yielding of tensile and shear
reinforcements & peak strain rate
Table 3.2 represents the comparison between the time to reach peak load and
yielding of tensile and shear reinforcements for 3.3 series specimens as these series
specimens failed in shear at their ultimate resistance. The term „Average‟ in Table
3.2 refers to the mean value of two strain gauge (e.g., SA1,2 and SS1,2) readings. It
is worthwhile to know that whether the longitudinal and shear reinforcements
yielded before or after attainment of the peak resistance. From this table, it is clear
that except static loading, the tensile reinforcements yielded at the very early stages
for all loading rates. When the tensile reinforcements yielded before the shear
failure, the DIF would be less than the case of yielding of tensile reinforcements
after shear failure. However, only few cases were seen where shear reinforcement
yielded before shear failure or not yielded at all. Due to the larger spacing of shear
- 64 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
reinforcements, diagonal shear cracks did not intersect (i.e. propagated in between
stirrups) them. Additionally, strain rate was calculated by differentiating the strain
history data of longitudinal and shear reinforcements. To define the materials (e.g.
concrete and steel) behavior, most of the formulations were developed for certain
strain rate intervals; therefore, it is essential to determine the range of strain rates.
Table 3.2: Comparison between the time to reach peak load and the yielding of
tensile and shear reinforcements
Low Medium High
Specimens Time
(s) (ms) (ms)
SR3.3_0.84 362.5
0.22 20.0 3.30
DR3.3_0.84_0.11 Tpl 181.4
0.50 34.0 5.70
DR3.3_0.84_0.15 188.4
0.57 36.0 5.40
SA1,2 SA1,2 SA1,2
SR3.3_0.84 359.3 0.125 11.4 1.84
DR3.3_0.84_0.11 Tylt 174.9 0.084 12.2 1.49
DR3.3_0.84_0.15 183.6 0.095 11.6 1.68
SS1,2 SS1,2 SS1,2 SS1,2
DR3.3_0.84_0.11 152.3 0.32 NY 4.20
DR3.3_0.84_0.15 NY NY NY 1.21
Note:-Tpl-Time to reach peak load; Tylt-Time to yield longitudinal tensile
reinforcement; Tys-Time to yield shear reinforcement; NY-Not Yielded
(a) (b)
1 1
10 10
Maximum strain rate (s )
Maximum strain rate (s )
0 10
10 -3
10 Tensile longitudinal -4
reinforcements 10 Shear reinforcements
-4 -5
10 10
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Loading rate (m/s) Loading rate (m/s)
Fig. 3.16: Peak strain rates of (a) longitudinal (b) shear reinforcements for all
- 65 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
Thus, the variations of peak strain rates (i.e. choosing the maximum value from the
differentiation of strain history data) over these loading rates for longitudinal and
shear reinforcements are indicated in Figs. 3.16 (a) and (b) respectively.
Displacement (mm)
-15 -10
-35 -25
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Specimen coordinate (mm) Specimen coordinate (mm)
Displacement (mm)
-5 -5
-10 -10
-15 -15
-20 -20
-25 -25
-30 -30
-35 -35
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Specimen coordinate (mm) Specimen coordinate (mm)
Fig. 3.17: Deflected shape of (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -4.4 series specimens under high
loading rates
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Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
For a particular time, these data points are plotted and joined together by
smoothened lines to get the deflected shape of the beams. Fig. 3.17 displays the
deformed shapes of the beams in 2.5 ms interval for high loading rates. Due to the
damage of some data (i.e., data from accelerometers), two types of specimens from
each series are presented here. These figures distinctly show the one-sided shear
failure of a d -3.3 series specimens and flexure-type failure of a d -4.4 series
specimens. So, the failure pattern can be observed in the deflected shapes of the
beams in any time of the loading history. However, to get more precise deflected
shape of beams, closely-placed accelerometers need to be installed.
Fig. 3.18 shows the crack patterns of all specimens except DR4.4_0.82_0.19_L
under these loading rates. SR beams of 3.3 series exhibited brittle shear-critical
behavior irrespective of loading rates. Diagonal shear cracks originated from the
mid-height of beam and propagated towards loading and support points for all
loading rates. However, for DR specimens, diagonal shear cracks under medium
and high loading rates, propagated with much steeper angles towards the bottom
surface of the beam as compared to static and low loading rates. In these cases,
diagonal cracks under medium and high loading rates tried to punch the mid-part of
the specimens towards bottom surface of the beam at steep angles as the shear
reinforcements gave resistance to transmit these cracks towards supports. In
general, for 3.3 series of specimens, diagonal tension and/or shear tension type
failure was observed in SR beams whereas diagonal tension and/or shear
compression were the dominant failure mode for DR specimens. It was observed
that all 3.3 series specimens failed in shear at their peak resistance, however
measurement of steel strain data exhibited the yielding of tensile reinforcements
before peak load or shear failure occurred for low, medium and high loading rates.
Development and propagation of cracks around different points (yielding of tensile
reinforcement, first hairline shear crack, peak load etc.) in load vs. time curves were
portrayed in Fig. 3.19 for SR3.3_0.84 under high loading rates. Similarly,
development and propagation of cracks around different points in the load vs. time
curves were presented in Fig. 3.20 and Fig 3.21 for DR3.3_0.84_0.11 and
- 67 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
SR3.3_0.84 DR3.3_0.84_0.11 DR3.3_0.84_0.15
SR4.4_0.82 DR4.4_0.82_0.13 DR4.4_0.82_0.19
Fig. 3.18: Crack patterns of (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -4.4 series specimens under
varying loading rates
- 68 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
Considering the DIF of yield stress of tensile reinforcements, it was calculated that
flexural resistance boosted around 18.5, 21.3 and 24.8% for the above-mentioned
loading rates as compare to assuming static yield stress for all rates. However,
strain rate sensitivity of yield stress of stirrups did not contribute much (in majority
of cases stirrups did not yield) in their shear resistance. As a result, the shear to
bending resistance ratios become in the range of 0.9-1 which was 1.1-1.2 at the
initial design stage (considering static yield stress).
C A-Yielding of tensile rebars
100 B-First hairline shear crack
C-Peak load
80 D
Load (kN)
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Time (s)
For 4.4 series specimens, ductile flexure type failure with some spalling and
crushing of concrete below the loading plate was observed for all loading rates. In
- 69 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
these cases, flexural cracks usually started from the bottom surface of the beam and
propagated vertically upwards and successively crushed the compression concrete.
E A-Yielding of tensile rebars
B-Hairline bending crack
100 C-Shear crack
Load (kN)
D D-Yielding of shear rebar
80 E-Peak load
60 F-50% of Peak load
in descending branch
20 DR3.3_0.84_0.11_H
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Time (s)
- 70 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
D DR3.3_0.84_0.15_H
Load (kN)
A A-Yielding of tensile rebars
60 B- Shear crack
C-Bending crack
40 D-Peak load
E-Crushing of compression
20 concrete
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Time (s)
- 71 -
Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
3.6 Summary
(1) With increasing loading rates, the ultimate load resistance, cracking stiffness
and energy absorption of RC beams were found to increase. When the loading rate
progressed from low to high, an increasing trend in DIF was observed. In addition,
specimens having smaller a d ratio produced higher DIF as compared to the
specimens having higher a d ratio for low, medium and high loading rates. For
instance, 3.3 series specimens had higher DIF as compared to 4.4 series. Moreover,
for low, medium and high loading rates if the tensile reinforcements yielded before
the shear failure, the DIF would be lesser than the case where yielding of tensile
reinforcements was followed by the shear failure. For the first case, strain rate
sensitivity of yield stress of reinforcements controls the magnitude of DIF whereas
strain rate sensitivity of the tensile strength of concrete controls the magnitude of
DIF for the second case. As, the tensile strength of concrete is more rate sensitive
than yield stress of reinforcements, thus the DIF is higher for second case.
(2) High loading rates seem to have beneficial effect on shear resistance as concrete
contribution increases with increasing loading rates. Analysis response revealed that
compared to shear reinforcement contribution, concrete contribution governs in
shear resistance contributions under these loading environments. Moreover, peak
strain rate was amplified in one order of magnitude (approximately, 10 times) as the
loading rates progressed from low to high.
(3) For 3.3 series specimens, diagonal tension and/or shear tension type failure was
observed in SR beams whereas diagonal tension and/or shear compression were the
dominant failure mode for DR specimens. In all loading rates of the above-
mentioned series, diagonal shear cracks originated from the mid-height of beam and
propagated towards loading and support points. However, for DR specimens,
diagonal shear cracks under medium and high loading rates propagated with much
steeper angles towards the bottom surface of the beam as compared to static and
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Chapter 3: Experimental Investigation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
low loading rates. On the other hand, for 4.4 series specimens, ductile flexure type
failure was observed for all loading rates.
(4) After observing the wide scatter of results, it is being realized that there is a
great need of consensus among researchers in high-rate testing of RC beams. Test
set up, frequency response of measurement system, beam geometry, reinforcing
detailing and material properties should be kept nearly identical to facilitate better
analysis and effective comparisons.
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Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
4.1 Introduction
From the literature review and experimental investigation chapter on loading rate
effects of RC beams, it is quite evident that research in this field in terms of
experimental and numerical means is quite limited. Although the experimental
investigation presented in the previous chapter can provide significant information
about the tested specimens; however it could be a time-consuming and costly
option. Therefore, it is worthwhile to develop reliable numerical model that can
serve as an alternative to experimental studies. The objective of this chapter is to
numerically predict the experimental behavior (e.g. load-mid-span deflection
characteristics and failure modes etc.) of beams under varying loading rates to
investigate the potentiality of explicit finite element (FE) program. Adhikary et al.
[A3] developed three-dimensional non-linear FE model to analyze the structural
response of beams under these loading conditions. Although this FE model can
capture the structural response up to medium loading rate within reasonable
accuracy; however for the case of high loading rates, the prediction deviates from
the test results. Moreover, they recommended for a numerical parametric study to
investigate the influence of various grade of steel reinforcement and concrete. Some
researchers suggested for the investigation of the effects of longitudinal
reinforcement ratio. It could be of some interest to observe the behavior mainly the
failure mode when the longitudinal reinforcement is increased in an under-
reinforced beam with intermediate-slenderness. Thus, to expand the knowledge
beyond the range of parameters investigated experimentally and their effects on the
structural response, three-dimensional nonlinear FE model is developed. LS-DYNA
[H1] was employed in this study because of its proven effectiveness in geometric
modeling and analysis capability for high rates of concentrated loading. However,
prior to trusting the results of any numerical model, it is of paramount interest to
validate the numerical results with the test results. Therefore, the proposed FE
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Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
model is validated by the test results and then employed further to conduct
parametric studies.
Finite element models of RC structures have generally been based on replacing the
composite continuum by an assembly of elements representing the concrete and the
steel reinforcement. Three alternative approaches are mainly used for modeling
reinforcement in a three-dimensional finite element model of a concrete structure:
the discrete model, the embedded model, and the smeared model (El-Mezaini and
Citipitiouglu [E1]). In discrete model, reinforcement is modeled using beam
element connected to the nodes of concrete mesh. In this model, perfect bond is
assumed in between the concrete and reinforcement. Hence, concrete and
reinforcement mesh share the common nodes. This model is simple in concept and
it has advantage of representing different material properties more precisely. The
only shortcoming of using the discrete model is that concrete mesh patterns are
restricted by the location of reinforcement. To overcome the problem of mesh
dependency in discrete model, the embedded model could be used where the
concrete mesh could be chosen independently. The embedded formulation is based
on the idea of assessing the stiffness of reinforcing elements individually from the
concrete elements. The strain compatibility is managed by an assumed bond-slip
relationship. To model the bond-slip effects, reinforcing bars are modeled using
special elements connected to concrete through fictitious springs. However, the
additional nodes requirement for the reinforcement increases the total number of
degrees of freedom (DOF) and the computational efforts. In the smeared
formulation, the reinforcing bars are assumed to be uniformly distributed over the
concrete elements. Assuming perfect bond in between concrete and reinforcement,
the constitutive relations of the elements are derived from the composite theory. In
large structural model where the reinforcement details are not so critical on overall
response, this model could be employed.
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Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
The nonlinear explicit FE program LS-DYNA [L1] was employed in the numerical
simulation process. The advantage of using explicit method is that there is no need
to calculate stiffness and mass matrices for the entire system. The solution can be
carried out at the element level and thus, relatively less storage is required as
compared to implicit method. However, explicit methods are conditionally stable
and thus small time step would be needed. To make the computation stable, the
selection of time step should be such that it is less than the time required for a stress
wave to travel through the shortest element of a FE model. Hence, excessive
computational time will be needed when the level of discretization increases. The
description of modeling includes structural geometry of beam, loading plate,
support roller, boundary conditions, application of load, and relevant material
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Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
of these modes. The Flanagan-Belytschko integration form was used in this study.
The 2-node Hughes-Liu beam element formulation with 2 2 Gauss quadrature
integration was used to model all reinforcing bars (i.e. longitudinal and transverse
reinforcements). This element formulation is simple and allows for computational
efficiency and robustness. It is also compatible with the brick elements, because the
element is based on a degenerated brick element formulation and moreover, it
includes finite transverse shear strains. This element contains six translational and
six rotational degrees of freedom. Furthermore, a reference node is required for
each element to determine the initial orientation of the cross-section. The steel
reinforcing bars were modeled explicitly using beam elements connected to the
concrete mesh nodes. The nodes that linked the concrete and reinforcement mesh
were shared and therefore unable to slip. Due to this assumption of complete
compatibility of strains between the concrete and steel nodes, they formed a perfect
bond. Ultimate dynamic bond at failure is 70-100% higher than that of quasi-static
loading conditions for the case of deformed reinforcing bars (Weathersby [W2]).
Moreover, there is not enough time to develop extensive bond slip along the length
of the reinforcements during high loading rates. Thus the assumption of perfect
bond in between the reinforcement and concrete is quite reasonable. Moreover,
loading plate and support rollers were also modeled by solid elements.
Table 4.1: Total number of elements and nodal points for FE model
Solid elements
Beam designation Beam elements Nodal points
for concrete
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Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
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Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
To simulate the actual experimental conditions, the beams were supported on two
rigid cylinders made of solid elements. Constraints were defined to the support
cylinder, so that it could rotate about its own longitudinal axis but would not be
able to translate. The load was prescribed (by
BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_RIGID keyword) to the beam through a
rigid plates located at the top of the beam at its mid-span by specifying the same
vertical displacement-history used during testing. The rigid loading plate was
allowed to move only in the vertical direction. The prescribed displacement-history
was similar to the displacement-history applied during experiment which
successively generated the desired rate of loading. The corresponding load due to
the prescribed displacement was then determined by monitoring the vertical
reaction forces at the concrete nodes in contact with the support solid cylinders.
DYNA [L1] was used to model the contact between the support cylinders, loading
plate and beam. This algorithm automatically generates slave and master surfaces
and uses a penalty method where nominal interface springs were used for
interpenetration between element and surfaces.
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Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
[K14]). Despite the extensive research efforts, especially in the field of concrete
materials, still there is a demand for a reliable material model capable of
representing the complex behavior of concrete, and therefore it is an active research
area. Concrete material formulation can be categorized into elasticity-based models,
plasticity-based models, plastic-fracturing models, elasto-plastic damage models
and endochronic models. This is beyond the scope of this research to discuss all
material formulations in details and only the material model employed in the
current simulation will be demonstrated.
A number of material models from LSDYNA [L1] material library can be used to
represent concrete, such as Material type 005 (MAT SOIL AND FOAM); Material
type 014 (MAT SOIL AND FOAM FAILURE); Material type 016 (MAT
Material type 072 (MAT CONCRETE DAMAGE); Material type 084 (MAT
Material type 159 (MAT CSCM CONCRETE); Material type 072 R3 (MAT
employed to model concrete. This model was developed mainly for roadside safety
application, such as concrete bridge rail and portable barrier (made of normal
strength concrete) impacted by vehicles, but it could also be applicable to other
dynamic applications. This is a cap model with a smooth intersection between the
shear yield surface and hardening cap, as shown in Fig. 4.2. The initial damage
surface coincides with the yield surface and the rate effects are modeled with
viscoplasticity. The yield surface is formulated in terms of three stress invariants:
J 1 , the first invariant of stress tensor; J 2 , the second invariant of the deviatoric
stress tensor; and J 3 , the third invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor. The
invariants are defined in terms of the deviatoric stress tensor, S ij and pressure, P as
J 1 3P (4-1)
J 2 S ij S ij (4-2)
- 81 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
J 3 S ij S jk S ki (4-3)
Fig. 4.2: General shape of the concrete model yield surface in two dimensions
(Murray [M10])
f J 1 , J 2 , J 3 , J 2 2 F f2 Fc (4-4)
Here F f is the shear failure surface; Fc is the hardening cap; and is the Rubin
three-invariant reduction factor. The cap hardening parameter is the value of the
pressure invariant at the intersection of cap and shear surfaces. For the shear failure
surface, the strength of concrete is modeled by the shear surface in the tensile and
low confining pressure regimes. The shear failure surface F f is defined as follows:
Here the values of , , and are selected by fitting the model surface to the
strength measurements from tri-axial compression tests conducted on plain concrete
cylinders. The strength of the concrete is modeled by the combination of cap and
shear surfaces in the low to high confining pressure regimes. The cap is used to
model plastic volume change related to pore collapse (although the pores are not
explicitly modeled). The initial location of the cap determines the onset of plasticity
in isotropic compression and uniaxial strain. The elliptical shape of the cap allows
- 82 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
the onset for isotropic compression to be greater than the onset for uniaxial strain,
in agreement with shear enhanced compaction data. Without ellipticity, a “flat” cap
would produce identical onsets. The motion of the cap determines the shape
(hardening) of the pressure-volumetric strain curves via fits with data. Without cap
motion, the pressure-volumetric strain curves would be perfectly plastic. Concrete
usually exhibits softening (strength reduction) in the tensile and low to moderate
compressive regimes and softening behavior is modeled through a damage
formulation. Without the damage formulation, the cap model predicts perfectly
plastic behavior for laboratory tests such as direct pull, unconfined compression,
triaxial compression and triaxial extension. This behavior is not realistic although
perfectly plastic response is typical of concrete at high confining pressures; it is not
representative of concrete at lower confinement and in tension. The damage
formulation models both strain softening and modulus reduction. Damage initiates
and accumulates when strain-based energy terms exceed the damage threshold.
Moreover, the strain rate effects on concrete strength are duly considered in this
model. Default parameter generation option (by providing some key specifications)
has been used herein instead of the traditional method where all material parameters
were needed. Default parameters are provided for the concrete model based on
three input specifications: the unconfined compressive strength of concrete,
aggregate size and units. This option is valid for unconfined compressive strength
from 20 to 58 MPa and aggregate sizes from 8 to 32 millimeters. Further details of
this material model can be found somewhere (Murray [M10]).
- 83 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
be expressed as follows:
where for yield stress, fy ; fy 0.074 0.04 f y 414 ; for ultimate stress,
Grade 40 yield
1.6 Grade 60 yield
Dynamic Increase Factor
Grade 75 yield
Grade 40 ultimate
1.4 Grade 60 ultimate
Grade 75 ultimate
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Strain Rate (1/s)
Fig. 4.3: Proposed Dynamic Increase Factor (DIFs) for reinforcing steel (Malvar
MAT RIGID (MAT 020) was used from LS-DYNA [L1] material library to model
the supports and loading plate. Realistic values of Young‟s modulus and Poisson‟s
ratio of the rigid material should be defined since unrealistic values may contribute
to numerical problems in contact. Young‟s modulus and Poisson‟s ratio of steel
material were used for the rigid material in the numerical simulation.
Before proceed further to carry out any case studies with the developed FE model,
- 84 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
The comparison of load vs. midspan deflection curves between test results and FE
predictions is illustrated in Fig. 4.4. From this figure, it can be concluded that the
FE models can predict the load vs. midspan deflection response of beam under
varying loading rates within a reasonable accuracy.
140 140
100 100
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
80 80
60 60
40 40
Experiment Experiment
20 Simulation 20 Simulation
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Midspan deflection (mm) Midspan deflection (mm)
140 160
Experiment 40 Experiment
20 Simulation 20 Simulation
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25
Midspan deflection (mm) Midspan deflection (mm)
Fig. 4.4: Comparison of load vs. midspan deflection of beams under varying
loading rates: (a) 3.3 series; (b) 4.4 series (continued)
- 85 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
120 140
Static DR3.3_0.84_0.15 120 Low DR3.3_0.84_0.15
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
Experiment Experiment
20 Simulation 20 Simulation
0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 20
Midspan deflection (mm) Midspan deflection (mm)
140 160
Static DR4.4_0.82_0.13
50 Low DR4.4_0.82_0.13
40 40
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
30 30
20 20
Experiment Experiment
10 Simulation 10 Simulation
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Midspan deflection (mm) Midspan deflection (mm)
Fig. 4.4: Comparison of load vs. midspan deflection of beams under varying
loading rates: (a) 3.3 series; (b) 4.4 series (continued)
- 86 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
60 70
Medium DR4.4_0.82_0.13 60 High DR4.4_0.82_0.13
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
Experiment Experiment
10 Simulation 10 Simulation
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Midspan deflection (mm) Midspan deflection (mm)
60 60
Static DR4.4_0.82_0.19 Medium DR4.4_0.82_0.19
50 50
40 40
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
30 30
20 20
Experiment Experiment
10 Simulation 10 Simulation
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Midspan deflection (mm) Midspan deflection (mm)
60 High DR4.4_0.82_0.19
Load (kN)
10 Simulation
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Midspan deflection (mm)
Fig. 4.4: Comparison of load vs. midspan deflection of beams under varying
loading rates: (a) 3.3 series; (b) 4.4 series
Although, the FE models predicts the peak resistance for all loading rates quite
accurately; however, some deviation in stiffness is observed mainly for some cases
in high loading rates (e.g. DR3.3_0.84_0.15, DR4.4_0.84_0.13 and
DR4.4_0.84_0.19). This may be due to the simplification made in the previous
- 87 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
chapter that for high loading rates inertia force was deducted from the top load cell
data by considering the beam as a SDOF system to evaluate its true resistance.
Accurate calculation of the inertia force is a challenging issue as it is the
distribution of forces along the length of the specimens. Moreover, for
DR3.3_0.84_0.15 under static loading, the load vs. midspan deflection
characteristic predicted by FE analysis did not project the experimental behavior.
Although the longitudinal tensile reinforcements yielded before the beam attained
peak resistance, still sudden drop in experimental load-midspan deformation curves
after peak load was observed. After yielding, the tensile reinforcements did not
exhibit strain-hardening characteristics and in the meantime due to the wider
spacing (i.e. greater than the limit specified by ACI 318-08 [A2]) of transverse
reinforcements, sudden drop in load-midspan deformation after peak resistance was
perceived. Comparison of peak load in between test and numerical analysis results
was summarized in Table 4.2 for all beams expect DR4.4_0.82_0.19 for low rates
due to the lack of test result. It is evident that the FE models could capture the peak
load under varying loading rates within an acceptable accuracy. The average value
of the ratio of peak load in between test and simulation is 0.98 and the coefficient
of variation is less than 10%. It was mentioned in the introduction section of this
chapter that the FE model developed by Adhikary et al. [A3] did not capture the
load vs. midspan deflection response of the beam under high loading rates quite
satisfactorily. Thus, comparison of load vs. midspan deflection of RC3_S56 under
varying loading rates was also made to check the accuracy of the current FE model,
as shown in Fig. 4.5.
- 88 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
250 300
Static 250 Low
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
Exp._RC3_S56_S1 100 Exp._RC3_S56_L1
Exp._RC3_S56_S2 Exp._RC3_S56_L2
50 Simulation 50 Simulation
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Midspan deflection (mm) Midspan deflection (mm)
300 350
Medium 300 High
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
100 Exp._RC3_S56_M1 Exp._RC3_S56_H1
Exp._RC3_S56_M2 Exp._RC3_S56_H2
50 Simulation 50 Simulation
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 10 20 30 40 50
Midspan deflection (mm) Midspan deflection (mm)
Fig. 4.5: Comparison of load vs. midspan deflection of RC3_S56 under varying
loading rates (Adhikary et al. [A3])
- 89 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
Table 4.2: Comparison of peak resistance of beam between test and FE analysis
- 90 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
After comparing the load vs. midspan deflection responses, this section is presented
the comparison of crack pattern of beams under varying loading rates. The damage
of the beams obtained from numerical simulation is shown by plotting the fringes
of effective plastic strain in the right hand side of Fig. 4.6. For DR3.3_0.84_0.11,
cracking patterns are almost similar to the experimental one for all loading rates.
However, for static loading the diagonal crack developed during experiment from
the loading point to the support point cannot be predicted by numerical simulation.
Fig. 4.6: Comparison of crack pattern from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of beams under varying loading rates (continued)
- 91 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
Fig. 4.6: Comparison of crack pattern from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of beams under varying loading rates
To avoid excessive run time for the case of static loading in explicit method, the
event simulation time (i.e. in seconds) is much lesser than the experiment (i.e. in
few minutes). That means there was no enough time for the diagonal crack to
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Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
extend from loading to support points for the numerical simulation case. Moreover,
it is well recognized that for quasi-static problem, implicit methods are usually
more effective than explicit methods. To keep the consistency, here explicit
methods are employed for all loading cases. Similarly, for DR3.3_0.8_0.15, crack
patterns were well captured for all loading rates except static one. For 4.4 series
specimens, ductile flexure type failures were arrested effectively by the FE model
for all loading rates.
After verifying the numerical simulation results against the experimental results,
this section presents a parametric investigation to elucidate more information about
the behavior of beams under varying loading rates. The effects of some key
parameters such as longitudinal reinforcement ratio, transverse reinforcement ratio,
yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement and concrete grades on the response of
beam were studied. The influence of these parameters on DIF of maximum
resistance and failure modes was summarized and discussed. Fig. 4.7 illustrates the
general schematic diagram of the beams and Table 4.3 summarizes the specimen
characteristics of the simulation matrix.
d h
2a b
- 93 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
f c h b d a L
Beam mark ad Ratio f Ly Ratio f Ty Rs Rb
(MPa) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(%) (MPa) (%) (MPa)
DR2.8_0.89_0.13 0.13 0.93
DR2.8_0.89_0.26 0.89 0.26 1.19
DR2.8_0.89_0.42 0.42 1.52
290 180 250 2.8
DR2.8_1.69_0.13 0.13 0.51
DR2.8_1.69_0.26 1.69 0.26 0.65
DR2.8_1.69_0.42 0.42 0.84
DR3.3_0.84_0.19 0.19 1.32
DR3.3_0.84_0.38 0.84 0.38 1.80
DR3.3_0.84_0.56 0.56 2.20
40 250 150 210 700 1700 3.3 520 310
DR3.3_1.62_0.19 0.19 0.73
DR3.3_1.62_0.38 1.62 0.38 0.99
DR3.3_1.62_0.56 0.56 1.21
DR4.4_0.82_0.19 0.19 1.84
DR4.4_0.82_0.47 0.82 0.47 2.82
DR4.4_0.82_0.94 0.94 4.46
190 120 160 4.4
DR4.4_1.6_0.19 0.19 0.98
DR4.4_1.6_0.47 1.6 0.47 1.51
DR4.4_1.6_0.94 0.94 2.38
Note: All side cover 40 mm for 2.8 and 3.3 series and 30 mm for 4.4 series (from the centre of tensile and compression reinforcements)
- 94 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
Fig. 4.8 illustrates the effects of longitudinal reinforcement ratio on the DIF of
maximum resistance of beam under varying loading rates (low: 4 × 10-2, medium:
4 × 10-1 and high: 2 × 100 m/s). Three types of beams were considered here in terms
of their slenderness ratios ( a d -2.8, 3.3 and 4.4).
1.3 1.3
Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF)
1.15 1.15
1.1 1.1
L- 0.89% L- 0.89%
1.05 L- 1.69% 1.05
L- 1.69%
1 1
0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rate (m/s) Loading rate (m/s)
Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF)
L- 0.89%
L- 1.69%
0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rate (m/s)
- 95 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rate (m/s)
1.2 1.15
1.15 1.1
1.1 1.05
L- 0.82% L- 0.82%
1.05 L- 1.6% 1 L- 1.6%
1 0.95
0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rate (m/s) Loading rate (m/s)
Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF)
1 L- 0.82%
L- 1.6%
0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rate (m/s)
From each type three cases were taken into account by varying transverse
reinforcement ratios. Then, finally for each distinct case, two amounts of
longitudinal reinforcements (approx. 0.3 and 0.6 times of balanced reinforcement
ratio) were considered to quantify the effect on the DIF of maximum resistance.
The amount of balanced reinforcement ratio is estimated to be 2.7%. Moreover, this
- 96 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
is worthwhile to mention that for all cases f c are taken as 40 MPa and f Ly , f Ty are
considered to be 520 and 310 MPa, respectively. It was observed that DIF are on
the higher side for beam with low reinforcement ratio. When the beam contains low
amount of longitudinal reinforcements, the response is mainly influenced by the
strain rate effect of longitudinal reinforcing steel which in turn causing an
enhancement of the DIF.
- 97 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
- 98 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
1.3 a/d-3.3 a/d-3.3
1.2 L-1.62%
1.1 1.1
1 T- 0.19% T- 0.19%
T- 0.38% 1
T- 0.38%
0.9 T- 0.56% 0.95 T- 0.56%
0.8 0.9
0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rate (m/s) Loading rate (m/s)
- 99 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
Here, for all cases f c were taken as 40 MPa and f Ly , f Ty were considered to be 520
and 310 MPa, respectively. It is evident that DIF is on the lower side when the
beam contains high amount of transverse reinforcements.
The effects of transverse reinforcement ratio on failure mode of beam for medium
and high loading rates are shown in Fig. 4.11 and Fig. 4.12.
- 100 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
Here only medium and high loading rates were selected due to that the effects of
transverse reinforcement on cracking patterns are minimal for the considered beams
under static and low loading rates. Fig. 4.11 shows the failure patterns of 3.3 series
beam having three different amounts of transverse reinforcements (i.e. 0.19, 0.38
- 101 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
and 0.56%). From this figure, it was clear that when the beam contained lower
amount of transverse reinforcements (i.e. 0.19%), diagonal cracks were formed
with flexure cracks; whereas flexure type of failure modes were observed in beam
having high amount of transverse reinforcements (i.e. 0.56%). Similar type of
phenomena was noticed in the failure patterns of 4.4 series beam, as clearly
presented in Fig. 4.12.
Literature review on RC beams under varying loading rates revealed that rate
sensitivity of yield strength of longitudinal reinforcements plays a pivotal role in
determining the mode of failure. Kulkarni and Shah [K13] reported that the final
failure mode shifted from shear failure at static loading to flexure failure at the high
rate for three pairs of singly reinforced beams and may be due to relatively small
rate sensitivity of longitudinal reinforcement used. The above-mentioned
phenomenon runs counter to the brittle transition in the mode of failure of doubly
reinforced beam without shear reinforcements under high loading rates documented
by Mutsuyoshi and Machida [M11] and may be due to high rate sensitivity of
longitudinal reinforcement used by them. Therefore, this section provides some
case-studies to highlight the effect of yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement
on failure modes. Four types of beam were taken from Table 4.3 and some case-
studies were carried out by changing the yield strength of longitudinal
reinforcements, keeping all others parameters identical. The beam designations,
considered yield strengths of longitudinal reinforcements and corresponding static
shear to bending resistance ratios are shown in Table 4.4. It is noted that all
considered beams contain longitudinal reinforcement ratio of 0.6 times of balanced
reinforcement ratio.
- 102 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
- 103 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
ratio- 1.17). For both beams of type-D (the static shear to bending resistance ratio is
greater than 1.5), ductile type of failure is observed for all loading rates. Although
the severity in flexure failure increases in large extent, however, there was no
change in failure mode.
- 104 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
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Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
Due to the limitation of constitutive model of concrete applied in this FE model, the
unconfined compressive strength of concrete used in this parametric study is within
58 MPa. Therefore, to delineate the effect of grade of concrete on peak load under
varying loading rates, the unconfined compressive strength of concrete was varied
from 30 to 50 MPa keeping all other parameters constant. For all cases, f Ly and
f Ty are considered to be 520 and 310 MPa, respectively. Influence of various grade
of concrete (e.g. 30, 40 and 50 MPa) on peak load of beams under varying loading
rates is shown in Fig 4.15. Increasing trend in peak load was observed when the
loading rate progresses from static to high. Moreover, beam having high strength
concrete (i.e. 50 MPa) yielded higher peak load for all loading rates as compared to
relatively low strength concrete (i.e. 30, 40 MPa) beams.
(a) 220
210 a/d-2.8
200 L-0.89%
Peak load (kN)
160 30 MPa
40 MPa
150 50 MPa
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rate (m/s)
(b) 140
130 a/d-3.3
120 T-0.56%
Peak load (kN)
90 30 MPa
40 MPa
80 50 MPa
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rate (m/s)
Fig. 4.15: Influence of grade of concrete on peak load of beams under varying
loading rates: (a) a d -2.8; (b) a d -3.3; (c) a d -4.4 (continued)
- 106 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
(c) 60
55 a/d-4.4
30 MPa
40 MPa
50 MPa
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Loading rate (m/s)
Fig. 4.15: Influence of grade of concrete on peak load of beams under varying
loading rates: (a) a d -2.8; (b) a d -3.3; (c) a d -4.4
4.6 Summary
FE model was developed in this chapter to evaluate behavior of beams under
varying rates of concentrated loading at midspan. The comparisons of experimental
and analytical results indicated that this model is able to predict both the load vs.
midspan deflection characteristics and cracking profile with reasonable accuracy.
After verifying the numerical simulation results with the experimental outcomes,
parametric investigation was carried out to elucidate the influence of some key
parameters on DIF of maximum resistance and failure modes.
This was observed that DIF were on the higher side for beam with low
reinforcement ratio. When the beam contains low amount of longitudinal
reinforcements, the response was mainly influenced by the strain rate effect of
longitudinal reinforcing steel which in turn causing an enhancement of the DIF.
This was noticed that when the beam contains relatively small amount of
longitudinal reinforcements (i.e. 0.3 times of balanced reinforcement ratio), only the
formation of flexural cracks were observed for all loading rates; whereas for the
case of beam having relatively higher amount of longitudinal reinforcements (i.e.
0.6 times of balanced reinforcement ratio), both flexural-shear and some diagonal
cracks were noticed. Specifically, for high loading rates, extent of damage was
more severe for the case of beam containing relatively higher amount of
- 107 -
Chapter 4: Numerical Simulation of Loading Rate Effects on RC beams
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Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
5.1 Introduction
With the rapid development of the infrastructural project around the world, there is
a chance that RC structures may be experienced from various types of impact
loading during their service life due to several events. Moreover, concrete structures
have been widely used over the years by engineers in the design and construction of
protective structures to resist impact loads. Typical examples comprise in a
diversified fields ranging from transportation structures (i.e., bridge piers, guard
rails, traffic signal posts and electric poles etc.) subjected to vehicle-crash impact,
falling rocks on rock-sheds in mountainous regions, falling heavy loads on
industrial facilities due to accidents, marine and offshore structures exposed to ship
and ice impact or subjected by tornado or tsunami-borne debris impact, columns in
multi-story car park or bridge-pier strike by moving vehicle, protective structures
subjected to projectiles or aircraft impact and structures sustaining shock and
impact loads during explosions or earthquakes. Fig. 5.1 depicts some of the impact
loading scenarios on structures. Impact loading is an extremely severe loading
conditions characterized by its application of a force of great intensity within a
short duration. Impact loading can be categorized into two basic types: single point
impact loading and distributed impact loading. When a structures strike by an
impactor or striker at a particular point that is called single point impact; whereas
explosions or blasts would bring about distributed impact loading. Banthia [B1]
summarized three distinct situations in a typical impact event by considering the
size and mass of the impacting body: a very large object struck by a small
impacting mass, an impact involving comparable masses, a small object struck by a
large impactor. Although, the third case is comparatively rare, the first and second
cases are often encountered. Furthermore, in terms of mass and velocity of the
impactor, impact can be classified as low and high velocity impact. Low velocity
impact can be referred to the impact load caused by a larger impactor with low
- 109 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
velocity whereas low-mass impactor at high velocity can cause a high velocity
impact. Gas gun can be used to generate high velocity impact which will cause
local failure (i.e. perforation and penetration etc.) of the structures. To simulate the
low velocity impact scenario, drop-weight impact test set up would be ideal, which
will cause the overall failure (i.e. shear and flexure failure with some local failure at
or nearby impacting point) of the structures.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 5.1: Impact loading scenarios on structures: (a) Yoshida et al. [Y4]; (b) Yuan
and Harik [Y5]; (c) Dahlberg [D1]; (d) Sugano et al. [S9]
The behavior of RC beam under low velocity impact may consist of two response
phases as shown in Fig. 5.2: the local response due to the stress wave that occurs at
the impacting point during a very short period after impact; and the overall response
include the free vibration of the whole structural member (Fujikake et al. [F4]).
Load rate effects and dynamic behavior of the structural components primarily
- 110 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
control the overall response. It is recognized that the structural members behave
differently under impact loading as compared static loading. Furthermore, the effect
of impact loading can result in catastrophic and sudden structural failure. So the
understanding of the performance and vulnerability of RC structures under drop-
weight impact loading has become an emerging topic in recent years. Although,
numerous researches (Hughes and Beeby [H3]; Banthia [B1]; Kishi et al. [K5-K8];
Chen and May [C3]; Fujikake et al. [F4]; Bhatti et al. [B8]; Saatci and Vecchio
[S1]; Tachibana et al. [T1]; Kishi and Mikami [K10]) have been conducted on
evaluating the impact response of RC beams; however till now little effort has been
made towards determining the impact responses of beams by considering various
parameters at a time. Therefore, this chapter is devoted on the assessment of the
structural response of beam induced by low velocity impact (<10 m/s) at its
midspan. The impact loading is produced by dropping a steel impactor on the
beams from specific heights.
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Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
The experimental program carried out in two phases: drop-weight impact tests and
static tests. Impact program consisted of 30 RC beams which were divided into two
groups in terms of their shear span-to-effective depth ratios ( a d -3.3, 3.8 and 5.7).
Each group had three types of specimens distinguished by their shear reinforcement
ratios. Each type of 3.3 series had four identical specimens whereas 3.8 and 5.7
series had three identical specimens. Six additional specimens identical to 3.8 and
5.7 series were cast to determine their experimental static behavior. However, the
static behavior of 3.3 series specimens was determined from FE analysis due to the
unavailability of experimental data. Table 5.1 presents the overview of the entire
test program including the considered drop-heights. Mass ratios ( mb mi ) i.e.
ratios of the mass of the beams ( mb ) to the impactor-mass ( mi ) for a d -3.3, 3.8
and 5.7 specimens were 0.42, 0.49 and 0.26 respectively. The specimen denoted by
SR5.7_1.6 corresponds to „singly-reinforced‟ beam (SR) followed by the shear
span-to effective depth ratio and percentage of longitudinal tensile reinforcement
ratios. Again, DR5.7_1.6_0.20 refers to „doubly-reinforced‟ beam (DR) followed
by the shear span-to effective depth ratio, percentage of longitudinal tensile and
compressive reinforcement ratio and percentage of shear reinforcement ratio. It is
- 112 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
noted that all test specimens have been designed and cast at NTU, Singapore
however; the drop-weight impact testing was conducted at NDA, Japan. Before
commencing the impact loading tests, quasi-static tests were performed in a 3-point
bending test set up by hydraulic machine, as shown in Fig. 5.3. For impact loading,
a drop-weight impact loading machine was used, as shown in Fig. 5.4.
DR3.3_2.4 0.15, 0.30, 0.60, 1.72, 2.43, 3.43, 0.44, 0.88, 1.77,
1.20 4.85 3.53
DR3.3_2.4_0.12 * 0.30, 0.60, 0.90, 2.43, 3.43, 4.20, 0.88, 1.77, 2.65,
1.20 4.85 3.53
DR3.3_2.4_0.56 0.60, 0.90, 1.2, 3.43, 4.20, 4.85, 1.77, 2.65, 3.53,
1.60 5.60 4.71
SR3.8_0.8 0.30, 0.60, 0.90 2.43, 3.43, 4.20 0.88, 1.77, 2.65
DR3.8_0.8_0.11 √ 0.60, 0.90, 1.20 3.43, 4.20, 4.85 1.77, 2.65, 3.53
DR3.8_0.8_0.15 0.60, 0.90, 1.20 3.43, 4.20, 4.85 1.77, 2.65, 3.53
SR5.7_1.6 0.30, 0.45, 0.60 2.43, 2.97, 3.43 0.88, 1.32, 1.77
DR5.7_1.6_0.15 √ 0.30, 0.45, 0.60 2.43, 2.97, 3.43 0.88, 1.32, 1.77
DR5.7_1.6_0.20 0.30, 0.45, 0.60 2.43, 2.97, 3.43 0.88, 1.32, 1.77
Note: √= Tested; *= FEM determined
A drop-weight with a mass of 300 kg was dropped freely onto the top surface of the
- 113 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
beam at midspan from different heights. For 3.3 series four and for 3.8 and 5.7
series specimens three different drop heights were considered. The striking head of
impactor had a hemispherical tip with a radius of 90 mm. Specially designed
support devices were mounted over the clear span of the beam, allowing it to rotate
freely while preventing the uplift of beam during impact loading.
All beams had rectangular cross section 120 to 160 mm in width, 170 to 250 mm in
depth. Beams of 3.3 series were supported over the clear span of 1400 mm whereas
specimens from 3.8 and 5.7 series were supported over the clear span of 1600 mm.
The longitudinal tensile reinforcement ratios are in the range of 0.8 to 2.4%. For
DR beam section equal amount of reinforcements were provided in compression
side. When the longitudinal tensile reinforcement ratios were calculated in terms of
balanced reinforcement ratios, these values would be around 0.3 pb , 0.6 pb and
0.9 pb for 3.3, 3.8 and 5.7 series respectively; where pb refers to balanced
reinforcement ratio in percentage. The layout of the longitudinal reinforcements,
spacing of shear reinforcements and the measuring points (accelerometers for
measuring accelerations and strain gauges for measuring strain of steel reinforcing
bars) are shown in Fig. 5.5. Here, „SA‟ refers to the strain gauges attached at the
midspan of longitudinal tensile reinforcements whereas „SS‟ refers to the strain
gauges attached to transverse reinforcements and A1, A2, A5 and A6 refers to the
- 114 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
150 R6 2T22
1400 70 2T22
4@350=1400 150
80 R6 2T22
A1 A2 A5 A6
- 115 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
40 R6 2T13
R6 2T13
A1 A2 A5 A6
40 R6 2T13
SS-3,4 SS-1,2
SA-1,2 110 140 170
1600 60 2T13
80 R6 2T13
SS-4 SS-3 SS-1 SS-2
SA-1,2 110 140 170
1600 60 2T13
Fig. 5.5: Dimensions of RC beams, layout of reinforcements, location of strain
gauges and accelerometers
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Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
To construct the specimens, steel formwork was used. Before the placement of
reinforcing cages, oiling was carried out on the inside surfaces of formwork so that
specimens can be removed easily and the surface of the specimens would not
damage. Before the casting, concrete spacer blocks were placed in the underside as
well as the side faces of transverse reinforcements to achieve clear concrete cover.
Lifting hooks were mounted on both sides of the specimens to facilitate lifting
process during testing. Fig. 5.6 shows the photos of the casting of beams and the
- 117 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
preparation of concrete cylinders (150mm x 300 mm). After casting, damp hessian
fabrics were employed to cure the specimens for two weeks.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.6: (a) Casting of beams; (b) preparation of concrete cylinders
- 118 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
specimens for each test (except for static loading) to measure the accelerations. The
midspan deflection of RC beams was measured by laser-type variable displacement
transducers (LVDTs) which have a measuring range of 80 mm and sampling rate of
50 kHz. Data from the sensors were collected by a computer-based data acquisition
system which has a sampling rate of 100 kHz. For getting insights about the
cracking patterns and failure modes of beams, digital photography and high-speed
video recording systems were employed.
Strain gauges
Strain gauges
Fig. 5.7: (a) Strain gauging in tensile longitudinal reinforcements; (b) Strain
gauging in transverse reinforcements
- 119 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
Load vs. midspan deflection responses obtained from static tests are presented in
Fig. 5.8 and simultaneously failure patterns are depicted in Fig 5.9. SR beam of 3.8
series failed in shear-critical mode with the formation of diagonal shear crack.
Sharp fall of the post-peak branch in the load vs. midspan deflection curves of
SR3.8_0.8 is clearly seen whereas, DR beams from same series exhibited ductile
failure response. For specimens of 5.7 series, ductile failures were observed. From
the picture of the crack pattern of SR5.7_1.6 diagonal crack was perceived,
however this crack was formed at the ending time of the testing process or at a
large deflection.
Load (kN)
20 DR3.8_0.8_0.11
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Midspan deflection (mm)
Load (kN)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Midspan deflection (mm)
Fig. 5.8: Static load vs. midspan responses of beams (a) 3.8 series; (b) 5.7 series
- 120 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
Fig. 5.9: Failure pattern of beams under static loading (a) 3.8 series; (b) 5.7 series
This section summarizes the test results obtained from the drop-weight impact tests.
Time histories of impact load, midspan deflection, impact response characteristics
(i.e. maximum impact load, maximum midspan deflection and time to reach
maximum midspan deflection etc.) and crack patterns for each specimen at each
drop height are summarized.
- 121 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
0.6 m 0.9 m
300 1.2 m 300 1.2 m
200 200
100 100
0 0
-100 -100
-200 -200
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Time (s) Time (s)
DR3.3_2.4_0.56 0.6 m
600 0.9 m
Impact load (kN)
1.2 m
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Time (s)
Fig. 5.10: Time histories of impact load (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series
- 122 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
200 200
100 0
-200 -400
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Time (s) Time (s)
DR3.8_0.8_0.15 0.6m
400 0.9m
Impact load (kN)
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Time (s)
150 0.6m
100 100
-100 -50
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Time (s) Time (s)
250 DR5.7_1.6_0.20 0.3m
Impact load (kN)
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Time (s)
Fig. 5.10: Time histories of impact load (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series
- 123 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
Fig. 5.11 shows the time histories of midspan deflection of beam. Almost similar
type of shapes can be seen from these figures. The initial response exhibited a half-
sine wave followed by steady response. Maximum and residual midspan deflection
of the beam in the same series increased with the increment of the drop heights.
(a) 60 40
50 DR3.3_2.4 0.15 m 0.3 m
Midspan deflection (mm)
-20 -10
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Time (s) Time (s)
Midspan deflection (mm)
0.6 m
30 0.9 m
1.2 m
20 1.6 m
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Time (s)
(b) 50 70
SR3.8_0.8 0.3 m
Midspan deflection (mm)
Midspan deflection (mm)
40 60 0.6 m
0.6 m 0.9 m
0.9 m 50 1.2 m
0 10
-10 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 5.11: Time histories of midspan deflection (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7
series (continued)
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Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
DR3.8_0.8_0.15 0.6 m
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Time (s)
(c) 60 60
0 10
-10 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Time (s) Time (s)
DR5.7_1.6_0.20 0.3 m
Midspan deflection (mm)
0.45 m
0.6 m
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Time (s)
Fig. 5.11: Time histories of midspan deflection (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7
Fig. 5.12 shows variation of maximum impact load under various drop heights of
three series specimens. Similarly, the variation of maximum midspan deflection
and time to reach maximum deflection at each drop heights are presented in Fig.
5.13 and 5.14 respectively. With the enhancement of the drop heights, incremental
- 125 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
(a) 500
(b) 700
Maximum impact load (kN)
(c) 220
Maximum impact load (kN)
200 SR5.7_1.6
180 DR5.7_1.6_0.20
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65
Drop height (m)
Fig. 5.12: Maximum impact load under various drop heights of (a) 3.3 series; (b)
3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series specimens
(a) 50
(b) 70
Max. midspan deflection (mm)
Max. midspan deflection (mm)
DR3.3_2.4 60 SR3.8_0.8
40 DR3.3_2.4_0.12 DR3.8_0.8_0.11
DR3.3_2.4_0.56 50 DR3.8_0.8_0.15
30 40
20 30
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Drop height (m) Drop height (m)
Fig. 5.13: Maximum midspan deflection under various drop heights of (a) 3.3
series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series specimens (continued)
- 126 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
(c) 60
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65
Drop height (m)
Fig. 5.13: Maximum midspan deflection under various drop heights of (a) 3.3
series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series specimens
Time to reach
0.015 0.02
0 0.01
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Drop height (m) Drop height (m)
(c) 0.03
max. midspan deflection (s)
0.028 SR5.7_1.6
0.026 DR5.7_1.6_0.20
Time to reach
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65
Drop height (m)
Fig. 5.14: Time to reach maximum midspan deflection under various drop heights
of (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series specimens
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Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
Besides, data collected by the sensors, the cracks developed after each test was
marked and the crack widths were measured. The widths of the diagonal crack were
measured at mid-height whereas for the case of flexural cracks, measurement was
taken at the bottom surface of beam at midspan. Fig. 5.15 shows the sketched
cracks profiles of beams at each drop height. This was observed that the crack
patterns and the failure modes varied between the specimens depending on their
static bending and shears resistance. Detailed description of cracks profiles of beam
at each drop height is summarized below:
At 0.30 m drop height, a 0.75 mm diagonal crack was observed in the right hand
side whereas another hairline diagonal crack appeared in other side. Local failure
did not happen at or around the impact region.
With the increment of the drop height to 0.60 m, two diagonal cracks formed in the
right hand side having width of 0.65 and 1.2 mm, respectively. In the other side,
hairline diagonal crack was perceived. Massive crushing and spalling of concrete
occurred at the impact region.
At 1.2 m drop height, the specimen suffered extensive damage with significant
spalling of concrete at top, bottom and side surface of the beam in one side,
exposing the longitudinal tensile and compressive bars. In the other side, spalling of
concrete occurred at top and side surface of the specimen. The damage was so
catastrophe that the beam was disintegrated into two components.
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Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
Two hairline diagonal cracks were observed in this beam at a drop height of 0.30
At 0.60 m drop height, the diagonal cracks in one side widened, reaching up to 1
mm. Moreover, diagonal cracks forming a shear-plug (crack width 1.3 mm in one
side) under the impact point were observed.
With the further increment of the drop height to 0.90 m, the diagonal cracks in one
side widened significantly, reaching up to 6.5 mm and in the other side, diagonal
crack formed with 1.2 mm width. Like previous case, shear-plug developed at the
impact point. Furthermore, local failure in terms of crushing and spalling of
concrete at the impact region occurred.
At 1.2 m drop height, diagonal cracks in both sides broadened extensively, attaining
up to 12.5 and 4.5 mm, respectively. The local damage was quite extensive with
crushing and spalling of concrete. Moreover, few horizontal cracks propagated in
the longitudinal direction of beam from the impact point.
Hairline flexure-shear cracks were observed in this beam at a drop height of 0.60 m
without any local damage.
At 0.90 m drop height, the number of flexure-shear cracks increased and flexural
cracks at midspan developed. Still, at this drop height, no damage in the impact
region occurred.
With the further increment of the drop height to 1.2 m, the flexure-shear cracks
- 129 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
became much flatter as compared to previous two cases. Moreover, some local
damage has been occurred in the impact region. Some splitting cracks were
identified in the side cover of the beam.
Typical flexure failure was observed in this beam for a drop height of 0.30 m.
Flexural cracks developed from the bottom surface and propagated towards top
surface of the beam. Flexural cracks (crack width 0.5 mm) underneath the impact
point formed at the bottom surface and propagated towards top surface and finally
crushed the compression concrete.
Like previous case, almost similar type of crack pattern has been perceived at a
drop height of 0.60 m. However, flexural cracks underneath the impact point
widened further, reaching up to 1.4 mm.
With the further increment of the drop height to 0.90 m, no too much difference in
the crack pattern has been observed. However, flexural crack underneath the impact
point became wider, reaching up to 1.7 mm. Moreover, local failure occurred at the
impact region which combined with the flexural crack underneath the impact point
disintegrated beam into two parts.
Typical flexure failure was observed in this beam for a drop height of 0.60 m.
Flexural cracks (width 5 mm) underneath the impact point developed from the
bottom surface and propagated towards top surface. Moreover, some hairline
flexure crack was perceived near surrounded region of midspan.
- 130 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
At 0.9 m drop height, flexural cracks underneath the impact point became widened,
attaining up to 9 mm width and successively some crushing at the impact region
was noticed.
With the further increment of the drop height to 1.2 m, both flexure crack (width
around 15 mm) and shear plug (crack width around 11 mm at bottom side of beam)
were observed. Moreover, massive local damage occurred at or around the impact
Typical flexure failure was observed in this beam for a drop height of 0.60 m.
Flexural cracks (width 1.1 mm) underneath the impact point developed from the
bottom surface and propagated towards top surface. Moreover, few hairline cracks
were perceived in the surrounding region.
Flexural cracks underneath the impact point became widened at 0.9 m drop height.
The crack almost attained 9 mm in width at bottom surface of beam. At the same
time some cracking and crushing of concrete at impact region were noticed.
With the further increment of the drop height to 1.2 m, flexural cracks underneath
the impact point became widened significantly, reaching up to 30 mm in width.
Moreover, there was significant damage occurred at the impact region.
Typical flexure failure was observed in this beam for a drop height of 0.30 m.
Flexural cracks (crack width 1.4 mm) underneath the impact point formed at the
bottom surface and propagated towards top surface and connected to the crushed
and spalled concrete at the impact point.
- 131 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
Like previous case, almost similar type of crack pattern has been perceived at a
drop height of 0.45 m. However, flexural crack underneath the impact point
widened more; reaching up to 6 mm. Crushing and spalling of concrete at the
impact region were also noticed. These crushed and spalled concrete combined
with the flexure crack crumbled the beam into two parts.
With the further increment of the drop height to 0.60 m, more flexural cracks
developed and the flexure cracks beneath the impact point became more broaden,
reaching up to 7 mm. This crack propagated vertically upwards and disintegrated
the beam into two parts.
Typical flexure failure was observed in this beam for a drop height of 0.30 m.
Flexural cracks (crack width 1.1 mm) underneath the impact point formed at the
bottom surface and propagated towards top surface.
Flexure cracks (width 5 mm) at the midspan and crushing of concrete at the impact
region were perceived at drop height of 0.45 m.
With the increment of the drop height to 0.60 m, both flexure crack (width 4 mm)
and shear-plug were observed. Significant crushing of concrete at the impact region
has also been occurred.
Typical flexure failure was observed in this beam for a drop height of 0.30 m.
Flexural cracks (crack width 0.5 mm) underneath the impact point formed at the
bottom surface and propagated towards top surface.
- 132 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
0.30m 0.60m
0.90m 1.2m
1.2m 1.2m
0.60m 0.60m
0.60m 0.90m
Fig. 5.15: Crack pattern of beams (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series
- 133 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
Flexural cracks underneath the impact point widened more as compared to previous
case, reaching up to 6 mm and some hairline flexure cracks were observed in the
surrounded region. Moreover, some crushing and spalling of concrete at impact
region were noticed.
Extensive local damage (chunk of concrete spalled off from the both side of the
impact point) has been occurred at a drop height of 0.60 m. Two major flexure
cracks underneath the impact point were seen with width of 4.5 and 0.85 mm,
Effect of strain rate on material behavior (concrete and reinforcing steel) has been
well documented in the literature (CEB model code [C5], Malvar and Ross [M5],
Malvar [M2]). Constitutive material properties for structural materials are
dependent of loading rates. Impact loads introduce considerably higher strain rate
as compared to static loading, resulting in different behavior in concrete and steel.
Hence, it is worthwhile to determine the maximum strain rate and their variation in
the beam for various drop heights considered in this test program. This is
mentioned earlier that strain gauges were mounted in all longitudinal tensile
reinforcements and some transverse reinforcements; however, no initiative was
taken to measure the strain in concrete. Strain rates are calculated by differentiating
the strain-history data provided by the strain gauges. One specimen for a particular
drop height was taken from each series (i.e. 3.3, 3.8 and 5.7) to present their strain
rate-history data for longitudinal tensile reinforcements and transverse
reinforcements. Here, „SA‟ refers to the strain rates in longitudinal tensile
reinforcements whereas „SS‟ refers to the strain rates in transverse reinforcements.
Maximum strain rates in longitudinal tensile reinforcements were found to be
around 2.5, 6 and 5.9 s-1 for DR3.3_2.4_0.56, DR3.8_0.8_0.15 and
DR5.7_1.6_0.15, respectively for the corresponding drop heights mentioned in Fig.
5.16. Similarly, maximum strain rates in transverse reinforcements were found to
- 134 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
(a) 4
3.5 DR3.3_2.4_0.56
3 SA-2 Drop height - 1.2 m
Strain rate (s )
0 5E-4 1E-3 1.5E-3 2E-3 2.5E-3 3E-3 3.5E-3 4E-3
Time (s)
(b) 10
SA-1 DR3.8_0.8_0.15
8 SA-2 Drop height - 0.6 m
Strain rate (s )
0 5E-4 1E-3 1.5E-3 2E-3
Time (s)
(c) 10
Drop height - 0.6 m
Strain rate (s )
6 SA-1
0 5E-4 1E-3 1.5E-3 2E-3 2.5E-3
Time (s)
- 135 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
(a) 5
Drop height - 1.2 m
Strain rate (s )
2 SS-4
0 5E-3 1E-2 1.5E-2
Time (s)
(b) 6
5 SS-1 DR3.8_0.8_0.15
SS-2 Drop height - 0.6 m
Strain rate (s )
0 5E-3 1E-2 1.5E-2 2E-2 2.5E-2 3E-2
Time (s)
(c) 3.5
3 SS-1 DR5.7_1.6_0.15
SS-2 Drop height - 0.6 m
Strain rate (s )
0 5E-3 1E-2 1.5E-2 2E-2 2.5E-2 3E-2
Time (s)
- 136 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
Furthermore, Fig. 5.18 presents the range of maximum strain rates of longitudinal
tensile reinforcements for beams under various drop-heights. This will help the
researchers to gain some idea regarding the development of maximum strain rates
and correspondingly strain-rate dependent material properties can be applied in the
analytical and numerical model. In general, maximum strain rates of longitudinal
tensile reinforcements varied in between 1 to 7 s-1 for the corresponding considered
drop heights of 0.15 to 1.2 m (i.e. impact velocity varies from 1.72 to 4.85 m/s).
8 3.3 series
Maximum strain rate (s )
3.8 series
7 5.7 series
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Drop height (m)
Fig. 5.18: Range of maximum strain rates of longitudinal tensile reinforcements for
beams of various series under various drop heights
- 137 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
- 138 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
Table 5.3: Type of impactor and the interface between the beam and impactor
- 139 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
100 max = 0.574
0 50 100 150 200 250
Input impact energy/Static bending resistance, E/R (mm)
Fig. 5.19: Relationship between maximum midspan deflections vs. input impact
energy over static flexural resistance
Similarly, for statically shear critical beams, the relationship between maximum
midspan deflections max versus input impact energy over static shear
- 140 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
50 max = 0.614
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Input impact energy/Static shear resistance , E/R (mm)
Fig. 5.20: Relationship between maximum midspan deflections vs. input impact
energy over static shear resistance
max 0.574 (5-1)
Rb 0.574 (5-2)
max 0.614 (5-3)
Rs 0.614 (5-4)
- 141 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
where, Rb and Rs are in kN; E and max are in J and mm, respectively.
Therefore, by specifying the maximum midspan deflection max for each limit state
of the beam, the required static bending ( Rb ) or shear resistance ( Rs ) for impact
resistant design can be determined by applying Eq. (5-2) and (5-4). To demonstrate
the applicability of the proposed equations, comparison has been made with the
current test results. Figs. 5.21 and 5.22 (for flexure-critical and shear-critical
beams) show the comparative plot of current experimental results of maximum
deflection with the proposed equations. Thus, these two proposed equations could
be used in design with the before-mentioned limitations.
40 max = 0.574
Maximum midspan deflection,
10 20 30 40 50 60
Input impact energy/Static bending resistance, E/R (mm)
Fig. 5.21: Comparison of current test results with proposed equation for flexure-
critical beams
- 142 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
35 E
max = 0.614
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Input impact energy/Static shear resistance , E/R (mm)
Fig. 5.22: Comparison of current test results with proposed equation for shear-
critical beams
The equations proposed for statically flexure failure type beam by Tachibana et al.
[T1] and Kishi and Mikami [K10] are almost similar to the proposed Eq. (5-2)
except for the constant values which were specified as 0.522 and 0.63, respectively.
The constant value proposed in Eq. (5-2) is 0.574, which is almost average of the
two values mentioned above; therefore Eq. (5-2) gives a less conservative but more
economical calculation of required static bending resistance as compared to Kishi
and Mikami [K10] and vice versa for Tachibana et al. [T1]. Although there are
some variations in beam dimensions, test setup, type of impactor and impactor
interface among researchers, it can be concluded that the required static bending
resistance for impact-resistant design is highly dependent on input impact energy
and the limit state of maximum midspan deflection.
The required static shear resistance for statically shear failure type beam against
impact loading can be evaluated by a simple equation proposed by Kishi et al. [K7]
as follows:
Vusd 0.8 (5-5)
- 143 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
where Vusd is static shear resistance, Ekd is input kinetic energy and rd is residual
displacement. The constant value proposed by them was 0.8 whereas Eq. (5-4)
provides a constant value of 0.614. The discrepancy is due to the reason that Kishi
et al. [K7] considered limit state of residual deflection, rd as an input parameter
while in Eq. (5-4) limit state of maximum midspan deflection, max is considered.
Therefore, it is difficult to directly compare these two equations.
5.6 Summary
(1) Maximum impact load, maximum midspan deflection and time to reach
maximum deflection were found to increase with the increment of drop-heights or
impact velocities. Here, maximum value of impact load corresponding to first peak
had taken as peak impact load. The first peak was due to the initial shock of impact
which was generated by the inertia of beam. However, for few cases the second
peak surpassed the first one; this one could be due to the presence and the
arrangement of load-cell which may itself affect the contact and the measurements.
Furthermore, due to the direct contact in between the impactor and beam, local
failure (i.e. massive cracking and spalling of concrete at or around the impact zone
at higher drop heights) played a significant role in affecting the response of impact
load history.
(2) The crack pattern and failure modes varied among the specimens depending on
their static resistance. Specimens of 3.3 series are statically shear-critical, therefore
in DR3.3_2.4 (without transverse reinforcements) hairline diagonal cracks were
observed at 0.3 m drop height. With the enhancement of the drop-heights, width of
the diagonal cracks and severity of local failure increases. At drop height of 1.2 m,
the damage was so severe that the beam was disintegrated into two components.
Similarly, for DR3.3_2.4_0.12, hairline diagonal cracks formed at low drop height
(i.e. 0.3 m) and with the increment of the drop heights, both widened diagonal
- 144 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
cracks and shear plug were noticed. At 1.2 m drop height, diagonal cracks in both
sides broadened extensively and extensive crushing and spalling of concrete
occurred at the impact region. Although, DR3.3_2.4_0.56 is statically shear-critical,
however, only few flexure-shear cracks were perceived at a drop height of 0.6 m.
With the further increment of drop heights, number of flexure-shear cracks
increases without any formation of diagonal cracks. This could be due to the
narrower spacing (i.e. 70 mm) of the transverse reinforcements in this beam. As
much as at 1.6 m drop heights, severity of damage increased significantly mainly at
or around impact region, with crushing and spalling of concrete. Specimens of 3.8
series are statically flexure-critical, therefore in SR3.8_0.8 (without compression
and transverse reinforcements) flexural cracks beneath the impact point were
observed at 0.3 m drop height. With further increment of drop heights, flexural
cracks became much wider and propagated vertically and crushed the compression
concrete. At a drop height of 0.9 m, local failure occurred at the impact region
which combined with the flexural crack underneath the impact point disintegrated
beam into two parts. Therefore, it can be concluded that compression
reinforcements plays an important role in preventing the disintegration of beam into
two parts. Another two types of beams of the same series (DR3.8_0.8_0.11 and
DR3.8_0.8_0.15) exhibited typical flexure failure at a drop height of 0.6 m. With
the further increment of the drop height to 1.2 m, flexural cracks underneath the
impact point became widened significantly. Moreover, there was massive local
damage occurred at or near the impact region. Almost similar type of failure was
observed for SR and DR beams of 5.7 series.
(3) Strain rates were computed from the strain history obtained from strain gauge.
The range of maximum strain rates of longitudinal tensile reinforcements for beams
of various series under various drop-heights is provided. This will help researchers
to gain some idea regarding the development of maximum strain rates and
correspondingly strain-rate dependent material properties can be applied in the
analytical and numerical model. In general, maximum strain rates of longitudinal
tensile reinforcements vary in between 1 to 7 s-1 for the corresponding considered
drop heights of 0.15 to 1.2 m (i.e. impact velocity varies from 1.72 to 4.85 m/s).
- 145 -
Chapter 5: Experimental Assessment of RC Beams Subjected to Drop-weight Impact Loading
- 146 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
6.1 Introduction
Finite element models of RC structures have generally been based on replacing the
composite continuum by an assembly of elements representing the concrete and the
steel reinforcement. Three alternative approaches are mainly used for modeling
- 147 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
The nonlinear explicit FE program LS-DYNA [L1] was employed in this numerical
simulation study.
To replicate the same experimental conditions, efforts are devoted here to develop a
FE model as close to the physical system as possible. Therefore, a three-
dimensional model is the obvious option to adopt. Fig. 6.1 shows the three-
dimensional FE model of beams (i.e. one type from each series). Eight node solid
hexahedron elements with a single integration point and viscous hourglass control
were used to represent beams (concrete), support rollers, inverted triangular plates
and impactor while beam elements (2-node Hughes-Liu beam element formulation
with 2 2 Gauss quadrature integration) were used to model steel reinforcing bars.
The FE model of the impactor divided into three sections to reproduce the same
used in the experiments. First section consists of hemispherical striking head
having 90 mm radius whereas solid cylinder and rectangular block were used to
model the remaining part. Different mesh sizes have been considered to study mesh
sensitivity during the initial stage of numerical study. Here, a mesh size of 15 mm
was used to create the solid elements which seemed to be ideal as further decrease
- 148 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
in mesh size almost generated the same results however augmented the
computational time. Table 6.1 presents total number of elements and nodes for
each beam model. The beams were supported on two cylinders made of solid
elements and to prevent the uplifting of the beam after impact loading two inverted
triangular plates were modeled at the top of the beam at support positions. A
numerical convergence study has shown that further decrease in mesh size had only
a very little effect on the accuracy of the results, while considerably increasing the
computational time. The mesh discretization was established in such a way that the
reinforcement nodes coincided with the concrete nodes. The steel reinforcing bars
were modeled explicitly using beam elements connected to the concrete mesh
nodes. Due to this assumption of complete compatibility of strains between the
concrete and steel nodes, they formed a perfect bond. Ultimate dynamic bond at
failure is 70-100% higher than that of quasi-static loading conditions for the case of
deformed reinforcing bars (Weathersby [W2]). Steel deformation under impact load
is limited to a region beneath the point of impact. Moreover, there is not enough
time to develop extensive bond slip along the length of the bar during an impact as
the peak impact load is being reached within few milliseconds. Thus, the
assumption of perfect bond in between the reinforcement and concrete was quite
Table 6.1: Total number of elements and nodal points for FE model
Solid elements
Beam designation Beam elements Nodal points
for concrete
- 149 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
Fig. 6.1: Three-dimensional FE model of RC beams (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -3.8; (c)
a d -5.7 series
- 150 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
Constraints were defined to the support cylinder and triangular plates, so that it
could rotate about its own longitudinal axis but would not be able to translate.
Triangular plates are placed 1 mm above the beam surface instead of giving the
direct contact to the beam to avoid any development of restraining moment at the
supports. After placing the impactor 1 mm apart from the top surface of beam at
mid-span, initial velocity was defined to it to save computational time which was
calculated from the free-falling formula. Constraints were defined to the impactor
in such a way that it could only move in vertical downward direction. Moreover,
the gravitational acceleration of impactor and self weight of beam was taken into
account in this numerical simulation. Global damping was not considered in the
impact simulation here as the impact responses lasted only 30 ms. The algorithm
contact between the support cylinder, impactor and beam. The contact non-linearity
was stabilized by assigning a value of 30 for the viscous damping coefficient. This
algorithm automatically generates slave and master surfaces and uses a penalty
method where nominal interface springs were used to interpenetrate between
element and surfaces. The corresponding impact force due to the prescribed initial
velocity to impactor was then determined by monitoring the contact forces at the
concrete nodes in contact with impactor.
- 151 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
details of the concrete model theory could be found elsewhere (Murray [M10]).
Moreover, the strain rate effects on concrete strength are duly considered in this
model. Default parameter generation option (by providing some key specifications)
was used herein instead of the traditional method where all material parameters
were needed. Default parameters were provided for the concrete model based on
three input specifications: the unconfined compressive strength of concrete,
aggregate size and units. This option is valid for unconfined compressive strength
from 20 to 58 MPa and aggregate sizes from 8 to 32 millimeters. The unconfined
compressive strength affects all aspects of the fit, including stiffness, three-
dimensional yield strength, hardening and damage-based softening whereas the
aggregate size affects only the softening behavior of damage formulation.
MAT RIGID (MAT 020) was used from LS-DYNA [L1] material library to model
the impactor, support rollers and inverted triangular plates. Realistic values of
Young‟s modulus and Poisson‟s ratio of the rigid material should be defined since
unrealistic values may contribute to numerical problems in contact. Young‟s
modulus and Poisson‟s ratio of steel material were used for the rigid material in the
numerical simulation.
- 152 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
Energy (kJ)
1 Total
0.5 Hourglass
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Time (s)
- 153 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
Here, hourglass energy was around 3.5% of total energy at peak impact load and
around 8.5% of total energy at maximum midspan deflection. Therefore, the low
amount of hourglass energy in impact simulation corroborates the acceptance of
analysis results.
The comparison of time histories of impact load curves between test results and FE
predictions is illustrated in Fig. 6.3. Moreover, comparison of first peak load in
between test and numerical analysis results is summarized in Table 6.2 for all
tested beams. From Fig. 6.3 and Table 6.2, it can be concluded that the FE models
can predict the first peak load in impact load history under various drop heights
within a reasonable accuracy.
500 600
400 DR3.3_2.4_0.56 DR3.3_2.4_0.56
300 Drop height - 0.60 m Drop height - 0.90 m
Impact load (kN)
200 200
0 0
Drop height - 1.2 m
Impact load (kN)
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s)
Fig. 6.3: Comparison of time histories of impact load of beams for various drop
heights (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series (continued)
- 154 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
400 600
DR3.8_0.8_0.11 DR3.8_0.8_0.11
Drop height - 0.6 m 400
Drop height - 0.9 m
Experiment Experiment
-100 -200
-200 -400
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s) Time (s)
400 Drop height - 1.2 m
Impact load (kN)
-200 Experiment
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s)
Fig. 6.3: Comparison of time histories of impact load of beams for various drop
heights (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series (continued)
200 200
DR5.7_1.6_0.20 DR5.7_1.6_0.20
150 150
Drop height - 0.3 m Drop height - 0.45 m
Impact load (kN)
100 100
50 50
0 0
-50 -50 Experiment
-100 -100
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s) Time (s)
- 155 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
200 Drop height - 0.60 m
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s)
Fig. 6.3: Comparison of time histories of impact load of beams for various drop
heights (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series
However, the discrepancy in first post peak response characteristics is due to the
presence and the arrangement of load-cell which may itself affect the contact and
the measurements (Bischoff [B8]). Furthermore, due to the direct contact in
between the impactor and beam, local failure (i.e. cracking and spalling of concrete
at or around the impact zone) played a significant role in controlling the
characteristics of impact load history. Moreover, the local oscillation and stress
wave propagation through the impactor could affect the measurements.
- 156 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
Table 6.2: Comparison of maximum impact load of beam between test and FE
analysis results
- 157 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
Moreover, two types of RC beam specimens (i.e. S1616 and S1322) were taken
from Fujikake et al. [F4] to examine the accuracy of numerical model. The
comparison of time histories of impact load curves between test results and FE
predictions is presented in Fig. 6.4. From this figures, it can be opined that the
numerical model can reasonably predict the impact load history of beams.
250 300
S1616 250 S1616
Drop height - 0.15 m 200 Drop height - 0.30 m
Impact load (kN)
0 0.005 0.01 0.015
Time (s)
300 300
S1322 S1322
250 250
Drop height - 0.3 m Drop height - 0.6 m
Impact load (kN)
200 200
150 150
100 100
50 Experiment 50 Experiment
0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0 0.005 0.01 0.015
Time (s) Time (s)
- 158 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
350 S1322
300 Drop height - 1.2 m
Fig. 6.4: Comparison of time histories of impact load of beams for various drop
heights (a) S1616; (b) S1322
The comparison of time histories of midspan deflection curves between test results
and FE predictions is shown in Fig. 6.5. Furthermore, Table 6.3 summarized the
comparison of maximum midspan deflection of test and numerical results for all
tested beams.
- 159 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
20 25
Midspan deflection (mm)
25 DR3.3_2.4_0.56
Midspan deflection (mm)
25 40
Drop height - 0.6 m Drop height - 0.9 m
Experiment Experiment
0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 6.5: Comparison of time histories of midspan deflection of beams for various
drop heights (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series (continued)
- 160 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
10 FEM
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Time (s)
Drop height - 0.3 m Drop height - 0.45 m
20 30
Experiment Experiment
0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Time (s) Time (s)
Midspan deflection (mm)
10 FEM
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Time (s)
Fig. 6.5: Comparison of time histories of midspan deflection of beams for various
drop heights (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series
- 161 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
Table 6.3: Comparison of maximum midspan deflection of beam between test and
FE analysis results
- 162 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
20 30
S1616 S1616
Midspan deflection (mm)
0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s) Time (s)
Midspan deflection (mm)
Drop height - 0.60 m
30 FEM
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Time (s)
20 25
S1322 S1322
Midspan deflection (mm)
15 Experiment
Experiment FEM
10 FEM
0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 6.6: Comparison of time histories of mid-span deflection of beams for various
drop heights (a) S1616; (b) S1322 (continued)
- 163 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
35 S1322
This section presents the comparative plot of crack profiles (e.g. side surface) of
beams at various stages (at 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 ms) of impact loading. The
damage of the beams obtained from numerical simulation is shown by plotting the
fringes of effective plastic strain in Figs. 6.7 to 6.10. Fig. 6.7 shows the comparison
of crack profiles of DR3.8_0.8_0.11 at a drop height of 0.6 m. In this case, the
beam failed in flexure with minor local damage. At a drop height of 1.2 m, massive
local damage occurred at or around the impact region with the widening of flexure
cracks which is shown through the comparative plot in Fig. 6.8. Similar two
comparative cases for DR5.7_1.6_0.20 under drop heights of 0.3 and 0.6 m are
presented in Figs. 6.9 and 6.10, respectively where in the first case flexure cracks
(with mild local damage) were observed and for the second extensive local
damages occurred. This is evident from these figures that the crack patters were
captured quite effectively at various stages of impact loading.
- 164 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
at 2.5 ms
at 5 ms
at 10 ms
Fig. 6.7: Comparison of crack profile from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of DR3.8_0.8_0.11 at a drop height of 0.6 m
- 165 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
at 15 ms
at 20 ms
at 25 ms
Fig. 6.7: Comparison of crack profile from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of DR3.8_0.8_0.11 at a drop height of 0.6 m
- 166 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
at 2.5 ms
at 5 ms
at 10 ms
Fig. 6.8: Comparison of crack profile from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of DR3.8_0.8_0.11 at a drop height of 1.2 m
- 167 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
at 15 ms
at 20 ms
at 25 ms
Fig. 6.8: Comparison of crack profile from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of DR3.8_0.8_0.11 at a drop height of 1.2 m
- 168 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
at 2.5 ms
at 5 ms
at 10 ms
Fig. 6.9: Comparison of crack profile from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of DR5.7_1.6_0.20 at a drop height of 0.3 m
- 169 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
at 15 ms
at 20 ms
at 25 ms
Fig. 6.9: Comparison of crack profile from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of DR5.7_1.6_0.20 at a drop height of 0.3 m
- 170 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
at 2.5 ms
at 5 ms
at 10 ms
Fig. 6.10: Comparison of crack profile from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of DR5.7_1.6_0.20 at a drop height of 0.6 m
- 171 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
at 15 ms
at 20 ms
at 25 ms
Fig. 6.10: Comparison of crack profile from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of DR5.7_1.6_0.20 at a drop height of 0.6 m
- 172 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
Fig. 6.10: Comparison of crack profile from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of DR5.7_1.6_0.20 at a drop height of 0.6 m
Impact resistance (i.e. reaction force) of specimens can be obtained from the
support load cells. However, in this experimental investigation, due to the
attachment of 100 kg mass to the support load cell, the test reaction force would not
be the actual response. Hence, the test reaction force was not used for validation of
simulation results. Fig. 6.11 displays the typical variation of force history obtained
from top and bottom load-cells during drop-weight impact testing.
Load (kN)
100 100
0 50
Fig. 6.11: Typical variation of force history obtained from top and bottom load-
cells during drop-weight impact testing
- 173 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
Moreover, there is a time lag (2.98 ms) in between the two responses which is
clearly visible in this figure. This is due to the propagation time required of stress
wave to travel from loading point to support region.
2.45 ms
250 Impact
Load (kN)
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s)
Fig. 6.12: Typical variation of impact and reaction load history (from numerical
Still, efforts are made (after gaining confidence from the verification of others
impact responses) to present the variation of maximum reaction force (obtained
from numerical simulation) and the ratio of maximum reaction force to calculated
static resistance. Fig. 6.12 displays the typical variation of impact and reaction
force history obtained from numerical simulation and the time lag (2.45 ms) in
between the two responses is clearly visible.
- 174 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
Maximum Calculated
reaction force
Drop heights reaction force static
Specimens after impact/
(m) after impact resistance
Calculated static
(kN) (kN)
0.15 176.4 2.66
0.30 235.1 3.55
DR3.3_2.4 66.2
0.60 314.9 4.76
1.20 377.8 5.70
0.30 242.2 2.78
0.60 315.9 3.63
DR3.3_2.4_0.12 87.1
0.90 327.2 3.76
1.20 358.1 4.11
0.60 317.0 1.86
0.90 331.2 1.94
DR3.3_2.4_0.56 170.4
1.20 367.5 2.16
1.60 420.0 2.46
0.30 115.4 1.70
SR3.8_0.8 0.60 150.8 67.8 2.22
0.90 202.7 2.99
0.60 165.3 2.44
DR3.8_0.8_0.11 0.90 209.6 67.8 3.10
1.20 214.3 3.16
0.60 166.7 2.46
DR3.8_0.8_0.15 0.90 224.9 67.8 3.32
1.20 262.8 3.88
0.30 133.1 3.77
SR5.7_1.6 0.45 168.6 35.3 4.77
0.60 193.7 5.48
0.30 132.1 3.12
DR5.7_1.6_0.15 0.45 160.4 42.4 3.78
0.60 182.2 4.29
0.30 126.7 2.99
DR5.7_1.6_0.20 0.45 168.5 42.4 3.97
0.60 197.0 4.65
Table 6.4 presents the maximum impact resistance of beam for each drop-heights
and the corresponding DIF. Here, DIF is defined here as the ratio of maximum
reaction force to calculated static resistance of beam. This table may provide some
insight about the variation of DIF under various drop-heights. However, more
efforts should be spent in retrieving the reaction force-history accurately from
experiment so that actual impact resistance of beam could be assessed.
- 175 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
Table 6.5 shows the variation in mass-ratios (i.e. 0.4 to 1.0) considered for each
series specimens. Here the mass of the beams was kept constant; however, different
mass ratios were obtained by varying the impactor-mass. To compare, the input
kinetic energy is maintained constant whereas the impactor mass and drop-height is
allowed to vary (e.g. impact energy: 2.65 kJ; impactor mass: 300, 170 and 125 kg;
drop-height: 0.9, 1.59 and 2.16 m). Fig. 6.13 illustrates the effect of the mass ratios
on maximum impact load and maximum midspan deflection of beams under
varying impact energies.
f c f Ly f Ty mb mi
(kg) (kg) mb mi
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
3.3 126.0 300, 170, 125 0.42, 0.74, 1.00
3.8 40 520 310 147.5 300, 200, 150 0.49, 0.74, 1.00
5.7 78.3 150, 105, 78 0.52, 0.75, 1.00
It was observed that under certain impact energy, maximum impact load increases
and maximum midspan deflection decreases with the increment of the mass-ratios.
This physically implied that under constant impact energy, impacts caused by high
mass with low velocity resulted in smaller maximum impact load but higher
- 176 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
(a) 700
a/d-3.3 16 a/d-3.3
600 L-2.4% - 0.74 L-2.4% - 0.74
T-0.56% - 1.0 14 T-0.56% - 1.0
500 12
400 10
200 4
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Impact energy (kJ) Impact energy (kJ)
(b) 550
Maximum midspan deflection (mm)
- 0.49 - 0.49
Maximum impact load (kN)
a/d-3.8 45 a/d-3.8
L-0.8% - 0.74 L-0.8% - 0.74
450 T-0.15% - 1.0 T-0.15% - 1.0
400 30
250 10
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Impact energy (kJ) Impact energy (kJ)
Maximum midspan deflection (mm)
350 50
- 0.52 - 0.52
Maximum impact load (kN)
a/d-5.7 45 a/d-5.7
L-1.6% - 0.75 40
L-1.6% - 0.75
T-0.20% - 1.0 T-0.20% - 1.0
250 30
200 20
150 10
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Impact energy (kJ) Impact energy (kJ)
Fig. 6.13: Effect of mass ratios on maximum impact load and maximum midspan
deflection of beams (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -3.8; (c) a d -5.7
- 177 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
longitudinal reinforcement ratios (i.e. 0.8, 1.5 and 2.0%) and these ratios in terms of
balanced reinforcement ratios (0.3, 0.56 and 0.75) are depicted in Table 6.6. Here,
the mass of the impactor was considered to be 300 kg. Maximum impact load
increases and maximum midspan deflection of beam decreases with the
enhancement of the longitudinal reinforcement ratios. Fig. 6.15 exhibits the effect
of longitudinal reinforcement ratio on failure pattern of beam under impact energy
of 3.53 kJ. Severity in failure pattern (including diagonal and punching shear
cracks) is observed with increasing amount of longitudinal reinforcements. This
could be the reason behind the decrement in maximum midspan deflection when the
beam contains higher amount of longitudinal reinforcements.
f c f Ly f Ty b L
ad (%) (%) L b
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
0.8 0.30
3.8 40 520 310 2.7 1.5 0.56
2.0 0.75
Maximum midspan deflection (mm)
L-0.8 L-0.8
Maximum impact load (kN)
a/d-3.8 50 a/d-3.8
450 L-1.5 L-1.5
-0.24% -0.24%
T L-2.0 T L-2.0
250 0
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Impact energy (kJ) Impact energy (kJ)
Fig. 6.14: Effect of longitudinal reinforcement ratios on maximum impact load and
maximum midspan deflection of beams
- 178 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
Beam having concrete compressive strength of 30, 40, 50 MPa was used to
determine the effect of f c on maximum impact load and maximum midspan
deflection under varying impact energies (considered mass of the impactor is 300
kg). Two case studies are depicted in Fig. 6.16. With the enhancement of concrete
compressive strength from 30 to 50 MPa, an increasing trend in maximum impact
load is observed whereas the opposite phenomenon was noticed for the case of
maximum midspan deflections.
- 179 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
(a) 500
250 6
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Impact energy (kJ) Impact energy (kJ)
(b) 300
140 20
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
Impact energy (kJ) Impact energy (kJ)
Fig. 6.16: Effect of compressive strength of concrete on maximum impact load and
maximum midspan deflection of beams (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -5.7
- 180 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
(a) 650
(b) 500
350 20
300 10
250 0
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Impact energy (kJ) Impact energy (kJ)
Maximum midspan deflection (mm)
240 50
Maximum impact load (kN)
160 20
100 0
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Impact energy (kJ) Impact energy (kJ)
Fig. 6.17: Effect of boundary conditions on maximum impact load and maximum
midspan deflection of beams (a) a d -3.3; (b) a d -3.8; (c) a d -5.7
- 181 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
at 2.5 ms
at 5 ms
at 10 ms
at 15 ms
Fig. 6.18: Effect of boundary conditions on failure pattern of beams (left: pinned-
end; right: fixed-end) (continued)
- 182 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
at 20 ms
at 25 ms
Fig. 6.18: Effect of boundary conditions on failure pattern of beams (left: pinned-
end; right: fixed-end)
6.5 Summary
FE model was developed in this chapter to evaluate behavior of beams under drop-
weight impact loading. After verifying the numerical simulation results against the
experimental results, parametric investigation was carried out to elucidate the
influence of some key parameters on impact responses.
- 183 -
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams under Impact Loading
Under constant impact energy, impacts caused by high mass with low velocity
result in smaller maximum impact load but higher maximum midspan deflection of
beam and vice versa. Maximum impact load increases and maximum midspan
deflection of beam decreases with the enhancement of the longitudinal
reinforcement ratios. With increasing amount of longitudinal reinforcements
severity in failure pattern (including diagonal and punching shear cracks) is
observed. Moreover, with the enhancement of concrete compressive strength from
30 to 50 MPa, an increasing trend in maximum impact load was observed whereas
the opposite phenomenon was noticed for the case of maximum midspan
deflections. Finally, to assess the effect of boundary condition on impact responses,
fixed-end beam has been compared with pinned-end beam. Maximum impact load
is in the higher side however maximum midspan deflection is in lower side for
fixed-end beam as compared to pinned-end beam under considered impact energies.
- 184 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
7.1 Introduction
The balance of energy in the system is considered for analyzing the impact
response. The initial kinetic energy of the impactor is used to deform the structure
during impact. When the structure reaches its maximum deflection, the velocity of
the impactor becomes zero and all the initial kinetic energy has been used to deform
the structure, assuming that the structure behaves quasi-statically. The overall
deformation of the structures usually involves bending, shear deformation, and for
large deflections, membrane stiffening effects. Local deformations in the contact
zone also are to be considered. For impacts that induce only small amount of
damage, the energy needed to create damage can be neglected. Therefore, the
energy-balanced equation can be written as
- 185 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
MV 2 Eb E s E m Ec (7-1)
where M = mass of the impactor, V = velocity just before impact and the subscripts
b, s and m refer to the bending, shear and membrane components of the overall
structural deformation, and Ec is the energy stored in the contact region during
indentation. Moreover, this is possible to express the load-deflection relation in the
form presented below
P K bsW K mW 3 (7-2)
where P is the impact force, K bs = stiffness including bending and transverse shear
1 1
Eb E s E m 2
K bsWmax K mWmax
2 4
[S8]) Ri , i and Ei are radius, Poisson‟s ratio and young modulus of impactor and
Using equations (7-2), (7-4) and (7-5), the maximum indentation can be expressed
in terms of the maximum displacement of the structure at the impact location:
P 3 2 2
max n 3 K bsWmax K mWmax
3 3 (7-6)
- 186 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
2 23
Ec n K bsWmax K mWmax
3 3 (7-7)
Using equations (7-3) and (7-7), the energy balance equation becomes
2 2
1 1 1
MV 2 K bsWmax
K mWmax
n 3 K bsWmax K mWmax
3 3 (7-8)
2 2 4 5
2 5
1 1 1 K 4 K W K 3
MV K bsWmax 1
2 m
2 K bs max 5
2 bs max
1 m 2
2 2 n K
1 1 2 4 K W
MV K bsWmax 1
2 bs max
2 2 5 n
This equation can be solved numerically for Wmax , maximum deflection of structures
at impact point and maximum impact load can be calculated from the following
2 3
1 1P 4P
MV 2
max max
2 2 K bs 5 3
This should be noted that the energy method is not dependent on the mass of the
structures. It can only provide the maximum impact responses such as maximum
midspan deflection and maximum impact load; however, cannot capture the effect
caused by various levels impactor mass and velocity when impact energy remains
constant. Furthermore, time-history or time-to-peak response value cannot be
evaluated by using this method.
- 187 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
response with the experimental results. Fig. 7.1 shows the comparison of maximum
midspan deflection of beams for various drop heights. For each beam in various
series (3.3, 3.8 and 5.7), three drop heights are considered and this was observed
that for the case of lower drop height, this model can capture the results quite
accurately; however for the cases of intermediate to higher drop heights, the degree
of accuracy decreases. Moreover, comparison of all tested data is presented in Fig.
7.2 and discrepancies are mainly observed for midspan deflection more than 20 mm
and obviously these are cases resulted from higher drop heights. This is due to the
reason that in the theory it is assumed that the strain energy stored in the impacted
structure equals the kinetic energy of the impactor at the instance of time when the
maximum impact load occurs.
Maximum midspan deflection (mm)
30 40
(a) DR3.3_2.4 DR3.3_2.4_0.12
Experiment 30
20 Experiment
Energy method Energy method
0 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Drop height (m) Drop height (m)
Maximum midspan deflection (mm)
20 Energy method
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
Drop height (m)
Fig. 7.1: Comparison of maximum midspan deflection of beams for various drop
heights (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series (continued)
- 188 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
0 0
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
Drop height (m) Drop height (m)
Maximum midspan deflection (mm)
60 Experiment
Energy method
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
Drop height (m)
Maximum midspan deflection (mm)
80 80
(c) SR5.7_1.6 DR5.7_1.6_0.15
60 Experiment 60 Experiment
Energy method Energy method
40 40
20 20
0 0
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65
Drop height (m) Drop height (m)
Fig. 7.1: Comparison of maximum midspan deflection of beams for various drop
heights (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series (continued)
- 189 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65
Drop height (m)
Fig. 7.1: Comparison of maximum midspan deflection of beams for various drop
heights (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series; (c) 5.7 series
This assumption is solely valid for quasi-static impact (i.e. low velocity or low drop
heights) events as the amount of energy lost due to large plastic deformations and
generation of heat and noise in high-speed impacts (i.e. higher drop heights) would
significantly alter the energy balance.
Experimental results
0 10 20 30 40 50
Results predicted by energy method
- 190 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
5 5
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Drop height (m) Drop height (m)
Fig. 7.3: Comparison of maximum midspan deflection of beams for various drop
heights (a) S1616; (b) S1322
- 191 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
mi mi
h me
k k
It is well known that elastic analysis of SDOF system (i.e. the resistance function
has been a straight line with slope k and without any upper limit) cannot predict the
midspan deflection history of beam under impact loading. Therefore, elastic-plastic
SDOF system is adopted to reasonably predict the impact response. The assumed
bilinear resistance functions of beam with and without strain rate effect are
illustrated in Fig.7.5.
- 192 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
With strain rate effect
ue_sr u
Rm_st u
Fig. 7.5: Idealized resistance function of beam with and without strain rate
( me mi )u ku 0 ; 0 u ue (7-13)
( me mi )u Rm 0 ; ue u u m (7-14)
where, Rm is the resistance force at yielding of the beam, ue is the elastic limit
displacement and um is the maximum deflection. In Fig. 7.5, the subscripts „st‟ and
„sr‟ of R and u are related to static and strain rate effect cases, respectively.
Using the assumed shape functions for the elastic ( i sin(ix / L) and the plastic
= 2 ( mb / L )(sin( ix / L ))2 dx
2 mb (7-16)
0 2
Plastic stage, me 2 ( mb / L )i2 dx
- 193 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
2 2 ( mb / L )( 2 x / L )2 dx mb (7-17)
0 3
To obtain the strain rate dependent resistance function (as shown in Fig. 7.5), strain
rate dependent constitutive properties of concrete and reinforcing steel need to be
incorporated in the sectional analysis. This is generally known that strain rates are
in the rage of 1 to 10 for low velocity impact. The dynamic increase factor (DIFc/t
and DIFs) and strain rate relationships of concrete and reinforcing steel are well
documented in the literature.
The most comprehensive model for strain rate enhancement of concrete both in
tension and compression is presented by the CEB model code [C5]. Strain rate
effect on compression and tension is typically reported as dynamic increase factor
(DIFc/t) - i.e. ratio of dynamic to static strength. In compression CEB model
equations come out to be properly fit with the available data. The DIF c for
compressive strength is given by:
where is the strain rate in the range of 30 10-6 to 300 s-1; s 3 10-6 s-1 (static
- 194 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
where is the strain rate in the range of 3x10-6 to 300 s-1; s 3x10-6 s-1 (static
However, it was found by Malver and Ross [M5] that the available data in literature
and their additional new data on concrete in tension differed somewhat from the
CEB recommendations, mostly for strain rates beyond 1 s-1. Thus, they modified
the DIFt equations and the change in slope occurs at strain rate of 1 s-1 instead of 30
s-1. The proposed formulations then becomes
( s ) 1s 1
DIFt (7-21)
( s ) s 1s 1
1/ 3
where is the strain rate in the range of 10-6 to 160 s-1; s 10-6 s-1 (static strain
Several studies have been documented on the effect of strain rate on reinforcing
bars, structural steel and steel wires (Keenan and Feldman [K2]; Wakabayashi et al
[W1]; Soroushian and Choi [S8]). A detailed review of the available work has been
conducted by Fu et al. [F3] and Malvar [M2]. According to Wakabayashi et al.
[W1], yield stress of steel bar increases with increasing strain rate but the behavior
in the strain hardening region is not affected largely by a strain rate. Soroushian and
Choi [S8] concluded that the yield strength of steel is more strain-rate sensitive than
the ultimate strength. The modulus of elasticity is independent of rate of straining.
According to them, the most important factor influencing the strain rate effects is
the static yield strength. The mechanical properties of steel with lower yield
strength are more strain rate-sensitive than high strength steel. Malvar [M2]
narrated that the DIFs of yield and ultimate stress is inversely related to the yield
stress itself. A formulation was proposed to find out the DIFs as a function of strain
rate and yield stress by fitting the available data in literature. This formulation is
valid for yield stresses in between 290 and 710 MPa and for strain rates in between
10-4 s-1 and 10 s-1. The formulation which gives the DIFs for both yield and ultimate
- 195 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
stress is as follows:
where for yield stress, fy ; fy 0.074 0.04 f y 414 ; for ultimate stress,
- 196 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
(a) 120
Load (kN)
40 Static
Strain rate-1
Strain rate- 5
20 Strain rate- 10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Midspan deflection (mm)
(b) 80
70 5.7 series
Load (kN)
30 Static
20 Strain rate-1
Strain rate-5
10 Strain rate-10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Midspan deflection (mm)
Fig. 7.6: Resistance function of beam for static and various strain rate cases: (a) 3.8
series; (b) 5.7 series
Hence, to solve the dynamic responses, central difference method (i.e. explicit
method) is adopted, which is suitable for impact problems. Fig. 7.7 shows the
comparison of the midspan displacement vs. time histories between experimental
and elastic-plastic SDOF analysis results with and without strain rates. This is
observed that the SDOF model can capture up to maximum midspan displacement
reasonably well which occurs almost within 30ms. It is observed that the assumed
strain rate (i.e. 1 s-1) dependent SDOF model underestimate the maximum midspan
displacement for some cases which could be unsafe in design. On the other hand,
prediction by SDOF without strain rate always in the safe side. Therefore, strain
rate dependent SDOF model must be used with cautious in design.
- 197 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
Experiment Experiment
(a) Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/o strain rate Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/o strain rate
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/ strain rate Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/ strain rate
40 60
35 DR3.8_0.8_0.15 DR3.8_0.8_0.15
30 Drop height - 0.6 m Drop height - 0.9 m
20 30
0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Time (s) Time (s)
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/o strain rate
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/ strain rate
Midspan displacement (mm)
60 DR3.8_0.8_0.15
Drop height - 1.2 m
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Time (s)
Experiment Experiment
(b) Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/o strain rate Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/o strain rate
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/ strain rate Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/ strain rate
40 50
Midspan displacement (mm)
Midspan displacement (mm)
35 DR5.7_1.6_0.20 DR5.7_1.6_0.20
Drop height - 0.3 m 40 Drop height - 0.45 m
25 30
15 20
0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Time (s) Time (s)
- 198 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/o strain rate
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/ strain rate
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Time (s)
Moreover, to examine the usefulness of SDOF model, the analytical results are
compared with other researcher‟s test results. Two types of beams were taken from
Fujikake et al. [F4] for validation purpose. From the comparative plots shown in
Fig. 7.8 it can be demonstrated that the model can capture the test displacement-
history quite satisfactorily.
Experiment Experiment
(a) Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/o strain rate
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/ strain rate
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/o strain rate
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/ strain rate
20 20
Midspan displacement (mm)
S1616 S1616
15 Drop height - 0.15 m 15 Drop height - 0.30 m
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s) Time (s)
- 199 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/o strain rate
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/ strain rate
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s)
Experiment Experiment
(b) Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/o strain rate
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/ strain rate
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/o strain rate
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/ strain rate
20 30
Midspan displacement (mm)
S1322 S1322
15 Drop height - 0.30 m 22.5 Drop height - 0.60 m
10 15
5 7.5
0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0 0.005 0.01 0.015
Time (s) Time (s)
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/o strain rate
Elastic-Plastic SDOF w/ strain rate
Midspan displacement (mm)
30 Drop height - 1.2 m
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s)
- 200 -
Chapter 7: Analytical Model for Impact Response Prediction of RC Beams
7.4 Summary
- 201 -
- 202 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
8.1 Introduction
RC structures have been the main structural type of choice in new infrastructural
projects across the world. Due to the wide distribution and prevalence of such
structures, it is almost inevitable that RC structures may be exposed to various
types of impact loading during their service life. Progressive collapse could be
triggered in these systems due to some impact loading thrusts in the structural
elements. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to evaluate the residual resistance of
structural components of an impact-damaged structure. A detailed understanding of
the residual properties of the structural components would be helpful in
determining the integrity and stability of impact-damaged structures during search
and rescue operation. Moreover, to ensure that damaged structures will not fail
catastrophically during their service life and maintain structural efficiency, it is
essential to study the residual properties of the structures after impact. This can be
further extended to evaluating proper strengthening or rehabilitation scheme.
Assessment of the behavior of RC beam under drop-weight impact (Hughes and
Beeby [H3]; Banthia [B1]; Kishi et al. [K5-K8]; Chen and May [C3]; Fujikake et
al. [F4]; Bhatti et al. [B8]; Saatci and Vecchio [S1]; Tachibana et al. [T1]; Kishi
and Mikami [K10]) loading has been well documented in literature and research on
residual strength of blast-damaged RC columns (Bao and Li [B3], Wu et al. [W3])
has been prolific. However, evaluation of the residual response of impact-damaged
beams is a lacking area. Thus, quasi-static response of the undamaged and impact-
damaged specimens has been investigated. First, the beams were subjected to free-
falling impact loadings from various drop-heights. Subsequently the pre-damaged
specimens were tested quasi-statically to determine the load-midspan deflection
responses. Finally, one beam from each group without any prior damage was tested
under monotonic static loading to evaluate their original load-midspan deflection
behavior. Comparative load vs. mid-span deflection profiles of undamaged and
impact-damaged beams were plotted and residual resistance index (RRI) and
- 203 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
residual stiffness index (RSI) was computed. RRI is defined as the ratio of the
ultimate resistance of undamaged and impact-damaged specimens; similarly RSI is
the normalization of the secant stiffness of undamaged and impact-damaged beams.
Here, the secant stiffness was computed by joining the origin to the peak load in the
load vs. mid-span deformation curves brittle failure-type beams; whereas the yield
resistance was taken as reference point to calculate the secant stiffness for
specimens having ductility.
- 204 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
impact test of each beam, the damaged specimens were placed in the 3-point
bending test set up at NDA, Japan to give quasi-static loading for capturing their
residual resistance vs. midspan deflections curves. Details of the post impact
residual resistance test set-up are shown in Fig. 8.1.
- 205 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
140 Undamaged
0.15 m
120 0.3 m (Impact-
0.6 m -damaged)
Load (kN)
20 DR3.3_2.4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Midspan deflection (mm)
200 0.3 m
0.6 m (Impact-
160 0.9 m -damaged)
Load (kN)
1.2 m
0 10 20 30 40 50
Midspan deflection (mm)
Fig. 8.2: Quasi-static load vs. midspan deflection response of undamaged and
impact-damaged beams of 3.3 series (continued)
- 206 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
300 Undamaged
0.6 m
250 0.9 m (Impact-
1.2 m -damaged)
Load (kN)
200 1.6 m
50 DR3.3_2.4_0.56
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Midspan deflection (mm)
Fig. 8.2: Quasi-static load vs. midspan deflection response of undamaged and
impact-damaged beams of 3.3 series
140 Undamaged
0.3 m
120 0.6 m (Impact-
0.9 m -damaged)
Load (kN)
20 SR3.8_0.8
0 10 20 30 40 50
Midspan deflection (mm)
140 Undamaged
0.6 m
120 0.9 m (Impact-
1.2 m -damaged)
Load (kN)
20 DR3.8_0.8_0.11
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Midspan deflection (mm)
Fig. 8.3: Quasi-static load vs. midspan deflection response of undamaged and
impact-damaged beams of 3.8 series (continued)
- 207 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
140 Undamaged
0.6 m
120 0.9 m (Impact-
1.2 m -damaged)
Load (kN)
20 DR3.8_0.8_0.15
0 10 20 30 40 50
Midspan deflection (mm)
Fig. 8.3: Quasi-static load vs. midspan deflection response of undamaged and
impact-damaged beams of 3.8 series
80 0.3 m
0.45 m (Impact-
0.6 m -damaged)
Load (kN)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Midspan deflection (mm)
80 0.3 m
0.45 m (Impact-
0.6 m -damaged)
Load (kN)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Midspan deflection (mm)
Fig. 8.4: Quasi-static load vs. midspan deflection response of undamaged and
impact-damaged beams of 5.7 series (continued)
- 208 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
80 0.3 m
0.45 m (Impact-
0.6 m -damaged)
Load (kN)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Midspan deflection (mm)
Fig. 8.4: Quasi-static load vs. midspan deflection response of undamaged and
impact-damaged beams of 5.7 series
maximum load in load vs. midspan deflection curves of undamaged and impact-
damaged beams. Fig. 8.5 shows the variation of RRI under different impact
energies. For DR3.3_2.4 (without transverse reinforcements), when the input
impact energies was increased from 0.44 to 1.77 kJ, the reduction in ultimate
residual resistance (URR) was 4 and 46% respectively. URR is the maximum
resistance of impact-damaged beams. When transverse reinforcement was around
0.12%, it can absorb more impact energy and the reduction in URR was lesser as
compared to above-mentioned specimens. With a further increment of transverse
reinforcement to 0.56%, URR was reduced 5 to 24% even when the input impact
energy increased from 1.77 to 4.71 kJ. Moreover, the URR of singly reinforced
beam for a d -3.8 series specimens did not only reduce at all but also greater than
the ultimate resistance of undamaged specimens. This is due to the change in the
nature of failure mode where the undamaged specimen failed in shear whereas
damaged one failed in flexure (i.e. strain hardening phenomenon was significant in
impact-damaged beams) under the impact energies (i.e. 0.88 to 2.65 kJ) considered
during testing. For doubly reinforced beams of the same specimen series, under low
- 209 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
impact energies (i.e. 1.77 and 2.65 kJ) their RRIs were almost similar; however for
higher input energy (i.e. 3.53 kJ), specimens having higher amount of transverse
reinforcements performed better. For a d -5.7 series specimens, a systematic trend
of degradation in RRI was observed; and with increasing impact energies, better
performance was observed in specimens with more transverse reinforcements. In
general, with the increasing amount of impact energy, decreasing trend in RRI is
being observed. This trend is more pronounced in specimens with less transverse
reinforcement. Few cases were observed where the URR of damaged specimens
was more than the undamaged one; this may be due to the strain hardening effect of
the steel reinforcing bars.
1.4 1.6
Residual Resistance Index (RRI)
0.4 0.4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Impact energy (kJ) Impact energy (kJ)
Residual Resistance Index (RRI)
(c) SR5.7_1.6
1.2 DR5.7_1.6_0.15
0.5 1 1.5 2
Impact energy (kJ)
Fig. 8.5: Residual Resistance Index (RRI) of RC beams (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series
and (c) 5.7 series under various impact energies
RRI could be used effectively to define the extents of damage of RC beam after
impact loading. The damage index D is defined as:
- 210 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
D 1 RRI (9-1)
Shi et al. (2008) proposed almost similar type of damage index for RC columns
damaged to blast loads and also mentioned that this definition is solely subjective.
Thus, here the damage term for D 0.8 1 has been changed from „collapse‟ to
„severe damage‟ as some researchers believe the shear failure mode as collapse
stage. Hence, the degree of damage of the beam for particular impact energy can be
calculated from Eq. (9-1). When RRI >1, it could be concluded that the beam did
not acquire any substantial damage or the developed hairline cracks might be closed
as soon as the impact load died off.
by joining the origin to the peak load in the load vs. mid-span deformation curves
brittle failure-type beams (i.e. sharp fall in load vs. deformation curves after peak
load); whereas the yield resistance was taken as reference point to calculate the
same for specimens having ductility. The variation of residual stiffness index (RSI)
of beams under different impact energies is shown in Fig. 8.6. For DR3.3_2.4
(without transverse reinforcements), when the input impact energies increased from
0.44 to 1.77 kJ, the reduction in stiffness was 0 and 81% respectively. However,
around 70-80% reduction in stiffness was observed for higher impact energies
around 2.65 and 3.53 kJ respectively for specimens having 0.12% transverse
reinforcements. The rate of reduction in stiffness for DR3.3_2.4_0.56 was much
less drastic with the increasing impact energies (i.e. 1.77 to 4.71 kJ) as compared to
the specimens of the same series. Thus, it is evident that transverse reinforcements
inhibited significant degradation in stiffness. Around 20% stiffness reduction was
perceived of SR3.8_0.8 for all input energies (0.88 to 2.65kJ) considered during
- 211 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
experiment. However, for the case of impact energy of 2.65 kJ, the stiffness
reduction was insignificant for doubly-reinforced sections of the same series.
However, for a d -5.7 series specimens, consistent stiffness-degradation was seen
for increasing drop-heights. For the same impact energy, stiffness-degradation was
less in DR beams as compared to SR of 5.7 series beams.
1.6 1.8
DR3.3_2.4 SR3.8_0.8
1.4 (a) DR3.3_2.4_0.12 1.6
1.2 DR3.3_2.4_0.56 DR3.8_0.8_0.15
0.8 1.2
0 0.6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Impact energy (kJ) Impact energy (kJ)
Residual Stiffness Index (RSI)
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Impact energy (kJ)
Fig. 8.6: Residual Stiffness Index (RSI) of RC beams (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series
and (c) 5.7 series under various impact energies
- 212 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
however, diagonal shear cracks were perceived in post impact quasi-static test.
With further increment of impact energies, diagonal cracks were observed and
successively in residual test these cracks widened with much damaged in the
impact regions. At 1.2 m (i.e. impact energy of 4.7 kJ) drop height, the beam was
so severely damaged that post impact residual test could not be performed. For
DR3.3_2.4_0.12, hair-line diagonal cracks were seen under low velocity impact
whereas much wider cracks were discerned for high impact velocity. In residual
tests, further development of diagonal cracks and widening of the existing diagonal
cracks with concrete spalling were noticed. Impact energies were varied from 2.35
kJ to 6.28 kJ (i.e. 0.6 to 1.6 m) for drop-weight impact test of DR3.3_2.4_0.56.
This beam showcases the significance of higher amount of transverse
reinforcements by not only absorbing the higher amount of impact energies (i.e.
approx. 34% higher than specimen having 0.12% shear reinforcements) but also
performing better (i.e. by resisting catastrophic failure mode) in residual resistance
test. However, some spalling in side cover concrete nearby impact region was
observed under impact energy of 6.28 kJ (i.e. 1.6 m). Flexure failure was observed
in all beams of a d -3.8 series for all impact energies (i.e. 1.18-4.7 kJ) considered
during impact tests. Ductile nature (i.e. no change in failure mode) persisted during
residual test of the damaged beams however some additional flexural cracks
developed or the existing flexural cracks became wider. Thus, beam having a d of
3.8 and lower amount of longitudinal reinforcements (although less amount of
shear reinforcements) could withstand the impact and post impact quasi-static load
quite satisfactorily. Similarly, all beams of a d -5.7 series failed in flexure under
impact (i.e. considered impact energies of 1.18-2.35 kJ) and residual tests.
- 213 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
1.2m 1.6m
0.30m 0.60m 0.60m
0.90m 1.20m
0.30m 0.30m 0.30m
0.60m 0.60m
Fig. 8.7: Crack pattern of impact-damaged RC beams (a) 3.3 series; (b) 3.8 series
and (c) 5.7 series under various drop-heights
- 214 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
Fig. 8.8: FE models of beam (a) impact loading stage; (b) post impact residual
resistance stage
- 215 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
Similar to the determination of impact force history, residual resistance due to the
prescribed displacement was then achieved by monitoring the contact forces at the
concrete nodes in contact with the support solid cylinders. MAT CSCM
CONCRETE (MAT 159) is usually recognized as Continuous Surface Cap Model,
was used to model concrete and material model MAT PIECEWISE LINEAR
PLASTICITY (MAT 024) is used to model reinforcing bars. Furthermore, to model
the impactor, support rollers and triangular plates MAT_RIGID (MAT 020) was
used from LS-DYNA [L1] material library.
8.5.1 Impact loading history and residual resistance vs. midspan deflection
Two types of tested beams are considered for validation of numerical results.
Comparison of impact load history and post impact residual resistance vs. midspan
deflection of DR3.8_0.8_0.11 under 0.6 m drop height is presented in Figs. 8.9 (a)
and (b) respectively. Similarly, above-mentioned two responses are validated for
DR5.7_1.6_0.20 under 0.45 m drop height through Figs. 8.9 (c) and (d). It is
observed that the results from the three-dimensional nonlinear FE model match the
test results within an acceptable accuracy.
- 216 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
(a) DR3.8_0.8_0.11
Drop height - 0.6 m
-100 Experiment
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Time (s)
Residual resistance (kN)
0 5 10 15 20
Midspan deflection (mm)
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s)
Fig. 8.9: Validation of impact load history and post impact residual resistance vs.
midspan deflection (continued)
- 217 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
10 Experiment
0 5 10 15 20 25
Midspan deflection (mm)
Fig. 8.9: Validation of impact load history and post impact residual resistance vs.
midspan deflection
8.5.2 Crack profiles of beams after impact and post impact quasi-static
Fig. 8.10: Comparison of cracking pattern from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of beams after impact and residual test (continued)
- 218 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
Residual test
(a) DR3.8_0.80_0.11
Residual test
(b) DR5.7_1.6_0.20
Fig. 8.10: Comparison of cracking pattern from experiment and fringes of effective
plastic strain from simulation of beams after impact and residual test
- 219 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
Fig. 8.10 shows the comparison of damage plot in between experimental and
numerical simulation results. Comparative damage plots of two types of beams
mentioned above are shown. From these comparisons, it can be enunciated that the
damage plot of numerical simulation results can capture the experimental crack
profiles (after impact and residual tests) quite satisfactorily.
After verification of the FE model against the experimental results, this section
presents a parametric investigation to elucidate about the residual resistance of
beams after impact damage. Some key parameters such as mass ratio ( ) i.e. ratio
of the mass of the beams to the impactor-mass ( : 0.26, 0.42 and 0.49),
longitudinal reinforcement ratios ( L : 0.8-2.4%), transverse reinforcement ratios
( T : 0.12-0.67%), compressive strength of concrete ( f c : 30, 40 and 50 MPa) are
taken into account to study their influence on residual performance under various
impact energies ( E : 0.88-4.70 kJ). The parameter variation in various case studies
is shown in Table 8.1. The beams used for numerical case studies have the same
geometric properties (i.e. span length and cross-sections etc.) as experimental
ad L (%) T (%) f c (MPa)
Energy, E (kJ)
3.3 0.42 1.62, 2.40 0.12, 0.19, 0.38, 0.56 2.35, 3.53, 4.70
3.8 0.49 0.80, 1.50 0.11, 0.15, 0.24, 0.35, 0.50 2.35, 3.53, 4.70 30, 40 and 50
5.7 0.26 0.90, 1.60 0.15, 0.20, 0.31, 0.47, 0.67 1.17, 1.77, 2.35
Fig. 8.11 illustrates the effect of the mass ratios ( : 0.26, 0.42 and 0.49) on the
RRI of beams under varying impact energies. It is noted that here the mass of the
impactor has been kept constant (300 kg); however, different mass ratios were
obtained due to the variation in span length and cross-sections of beams. Here, the
- 220 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
mass of beam of 3.3, 3.8 and 5.7 series are 126, 147.5 and 78.3 kg, respectively.
Considering same amount of longitudinal reinforcement ratio and two amounts of
transverse reinforcement ratio, two cases are presented in Figs. 8.11 (a) and (b). It
is evident that residual resistance will be in the higher side for the case of higher
mass ratio under same impact energy.
(a) 1.2
1.1 - 0.26
T-0.20% - 0.42
1 - 0.49
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Impact energy (kJ)
(b) 1.3
1.2 L-1.6% - 0.26
T-0.50% - 0.42
- 0.49
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Impact energy (kJ)
Fig. 8.11: Effect of mass ratio ( ) on RRI under various impact energies
Fig. 8.12 shows the variation of RRI under various impact energies. To understand
the influence of longitudinal reinforcement ratio on RRI, two cases are considered
here. Under low impact energies, the effect of L seems to be insignificant.
However, for high impact energies, specimen having low amount of L performs
- 221 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
(a) 1.4
0.8%( )_0.24%( )
1.5%( )_0.24%( )
1.2 L T
0.8%( )_0.50%( )
1.5%( )_0.50%( )
(b) 1.6
0.9%( )_0.20%( )
1.4 L T
1.2 0.9%( )_0.47%( )
1.6%( )_0.47%( )
0.6 a/d-5.7
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
Impact energy (kJ)
- 222 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
(a) 1.2
a/d-3.3 0.12%
-1.62% 0.19% T
1 L 0.38%
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Impact energy (kJ)
(b) 1.8
1.6 0.11%
1.4 0.24% T L-1.5%
1.2 0.50%
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Impact energy (kJ)
- 223 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
Beam of concrete compressive strength of 30, 40, 50 MPa was used to determine
the effect of f c on RRI under varying impact energies. Three case studies are
depicted in Fig. 8.14. Under low impact energy, the effect of f c on RRI quite
minimal; however for increasing the impact energies, specimens having high
concrete compressive strength perform better (i.e. yielding higher residual
resistance) as compared to beam with low concrete compressive strength. It is noted
that beam having high strength concrete is out of scope of this research.
(a) 1.2
30 MPa a/d-3.3
40 MPa L-1.62%
1 50 MPa T-0.56%
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Impact energy (kJ)
(b) 1.1
1.05 30 MPa a/d-3.8
40 MPa L-1.5%
1 50 MPa T-0.5%
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Impact energy (kJ)
- 224 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
(c) 1.2
1.1 a/d-5.7
0.6 30 MPa
40 MPa
50 MPa
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
Impact energy (kJ)
8.7 Summary
(1) Two indices, residual resistance index (RRI) and residual stiffness index (RSI)
were defined and discussed thoroughly to show their variation under various impact
energies by analyzing the experimental data. RRI and RSI could be used effectively
to delineate the extents of damage (i.e. resistance and stiffness degradation) of the
beams after impact loading.
(2) A methodology to numerically simulate the drop-weight impact tests and post
impact quasi-static residual resistance tests of damaged beams was developed. The
FE model has been successfully validated with the test results.
(3) Upon successful verification of the FE model against the experimental results, a
parametric study has been carried out to quantify the effect of various parameters
on RRI. RRI will be on the higher side in the case of higher mass ratio under same
impact energy. Under high impact energies, specimen having low amount of
longitudinal reinforcement performs better in terms of achieving residual
resistance. Specimens having relatively higher amount of transverse reinforcements
- 225 -
Chapter 8: Performance of Impact-damaged RC Beams
possess higher residual resistance after impact damage. Moreover, under increasing
amount of impact energies, specimens having high concrete compressive strength
perform better (i.e. yielding higher residual resistance) as compared to beam with
low concrete compressive strength.
- 226 -
Chapter 9: Conclusions and Future Work
9.1 Conclusions
The dynamic behavior of RC beams under varying rates of concentrated and drop-
weight impact loading was investigated experimentally and numerically.
Conclusions drawn from this research program are presented in the following
Experimental investigation:
(1) With the enhancement of loading rates, the ultimate load resistance, cracking
stiffness and energy absorption of RC beams were found to increase
correspondingly. When the loading rate progressed from low to high, an increasing
trend in DIF was observed. In addition, specimens having smaller a d ratio
produced higher DIF as compared to the specimens having higher a d ratio for
low, medium and high loading rates. Peak strain rate was amplified by one order of
magnitude (approximately, 10 times) as the loading rates progressed from low to
(2) For 3.3 series specimens, diagonal tension and/or shear tension type failure was
observed in SR beams whereas diagonal tension and/or shear compression were the
dominant failure mode for DR specimens. In all loading rates of the above-
mentioned series, diagonal shear cracks originated from the mid-height of beam and
propagated towards loading and support points. However, for DR specimens,
diagonal shear cracks under medium and high loading rates propagated with much
steeper angles towards the bottom surface of the beam as compared to static and
- 227 -
Chapter 9: Conclusions and Future Work
low loading rates. On the other hand, for 4.4 series specimens, ductile flexure type
failure was observed for all loading rates.
(3) After observing the wide scatter of results, it can be concluded that there is a
need of consensus among researchers in high-rate testing of RC beams. Test set up,
frequency response of measurement system, beam geometry, reinforcing detailing
and material properties should be kept similar to facilitate better analysis and
effective comparisons.
Numerical investigation:
FE model was developed to evaluate the behavior of beams under varying rates of
concentrated loading at midspan. Numerical parametric study yielded following
(1) It was observed that DIF were on the higher side for beam with low
reinforcement ratio. When the beam contained low amount of longitudinal
reinforcements, the response was mainly influenced by the strain rate effect of
longitudinal reinforcing steel which in turn causing an enhancement of the DIF.
Specifically, for high loading rates, extent of damage was more severe for beams
containing relatively higher amount of longitudinal reinforcements. Therefore, it
can be concluded that change in failure mode may be observed (i.e. mainly in high
rates considered here) when the amount of longitudinal reinforcement ratio is
increased (i.e. approaching towards balanced-reinforcement ratio) in an under-
reinforced beam.
(2) For beam containing more transverse reinforcements, DIF would be on the
lower side. Furthermore, for medium and high loading rates, the beam containing
lower amount of transverse reinforcements, diagonal cracks were formed with
flexure cracks; whereas flexure type of failure was observed in beam having high
amount of transverse reinforcements. Hence, the amount of transverse
reinforcements had a significant effect in preventing the formation of diagonal
cracks under medium and high loading rates. For beams having various concrete
grades (30, 40 and 50 MPa), increasing trend in peak load was observed when the
- 228 -
Chapter 9: Conclusions and Future Work
loading rate progressed from static to high. Moreover, beam of high strength
concrete (i.e. 50 MPa) yielded higher peak load for all loading rates as compared to
relatively low strength concrete (i.e. 30, 40 MPa) beams.
(3) The yield strength of longitudinal reinforcements of beams is the key parameter,
affecting the change in failure mode from flexure at static loading to shear at high
rates. Due to the high rate sensitivity of low yield strength steel, the increment of
yield strength of longitudinal reinforcements in medium and high rates was such a
way that the bending resistance surpassed the shear resistance and eventually
failure mode changed.
Experimental assessment:
(1) Maximum impact load, maximum midspan deflection and time to reach
maximum deflection were found to increase with the increment of drop-heights or
impact velocities. Maximum strain rates of longitudinal tensile reinforcements vary
between 1 and 7 s-1 for the corresponding considered drop heights of 0.15 to 1.2 m
(i.e. impact velocity varies from 1.72 to 4.85 m/s).
(2) The crack pattern and failure modes varied among the specimens depending on
their static resistance. For statically shear-critical beams, (without transverse
reinforcements) hairline diagonal cracks were observed at lowest drop height
considered. With the enhancement of the drop-heights, width of the diagonal cracks
and severity of local failure increases. At a maximum drop height considered, the
damage was so catastrophic that the beam disintegrated into two components with
extensive crushing and spalling of concrete at the impact region. For statically
flexure-critical beams, flexural cracks beneath the impact point were observed at
lowest drop height considered. With further increase in drop heights, flexural
cracks became much wider and propagated vertically and crushed the compression
concrete. At a maximum drop height considered, massive local failure occurred at
- 229 -
Chapter 9: Conclusions and Future Work
(3) Two empirical equations are proposed by analyzing a pool of data on impact
loading documented by several researchers from the literature for both statically
flexure and shear failure type beams. By specifying the maximum midspan
deflection for each limit state of beam, the required static bending and shear
resistance can be determined for designing the beam subjected to input impact
Numerical investigation:
After verifying the numerical simulation results against the experimental results,
parametric investigation was carried out to elucidate the influence of some key
parameters on impact responses. Under constant impact energy, impacts caused by
high mass with low velocity result in smaller maximum impact load but higher
maximum midspan deflection of beam and vice versa. Maximum impact load
increases and maximum midspan deflection of beam decreases with the
enhancement of the longitudinal reinforcement ratios. With increasing amount of
longitudinal reinforcements severity in failure pattern (including diagonal and
punching shear cracks) is observed. Moreover, with the enhancement of concrete
compressive strength from 30 to 50 MPa, an increasing trend in maximum impact
load was observed whereas the opposite phenomenon was noticed for the case of
maximum midspan deflections. Maximum impact load is in the higher side and
maximum midspan deflection is in lower side for fixed-end beam as compared to
pinned-end beam.
Analytical investigation:
- 230 -
Chapter 9: Conclusions and Future Work
(1) Two indices, residual resistance index (RRI) and residual stiffness index (RSI)
were defined and discussed thoroughly to show their variation under various impact
energies by analyzing the experimental data. RRI and RSI could be used effectively
to delineate the extents of damage (i.e. resistance and stiffness degradation) of the
beams after impact loading.
(2) A methodology to numerically simulate the drop-weight impact tests and post
impact quasi-static residual resistance tests of damaged beams was developed.
Upon successful verification of the FE model against the experimental results, a
parametric study has been carried out to quantify the effect of various parameters
on RRI. RRI will be on the higher side for the case of higher mass ratio under same
impact energy. Under high impact energies, specimen having low amount of
longitudinal reinforcement performs better in terms of achieving residual
resistance. Specimens having relatively higher amount of transverse reinforcements
possess higher residual resistance after impact damage. Moreover, under increasing
amount of impact energies, specimens having high concrete compressive strength
perform better (i.e. yielding higher residual resistance) as compared to beam with
low concrete compressive strength.
In summary, this study has explored various engineering methodology to assess the
performance of RC beams under varying rates of concentrated and impact loadings.
Useful information has been provided in these two loading environments through
experimental tests, FE analyses and analytical approaches. Substantial amount of
test data are provided in this thesis that can be used further for the development of
new analytical methods. Some points are drawn regarding the testing of beams
under varying loading rates which would be useful during the planning of future
test program. Furthermore, this study could be employed for the development of
future model code and guidelines regarding low velocity impact effect on the
performance assessment of RC structural components.
- 231 -
Chapter 9: Conclusions and Future Work
In the light of experience gained from this research program, the following
recommendations can be made for future study:
(2) Influence of loading history (mainly the loading rates corresponds to impact
regime) on structural behavior should be explored.
(3) Efforts can be driven towards determining the impact resistance of RC beam
through a drop-weight test program, covering a wider range of parameters.
(4) The effects of various impact parameters, such as mass and velocity of
impactor, impactor shape and impact interface should be investigated. Moreover,
the influence of structural mass and geometry should be evaluated by testing RC
beams with varying span lengths.
(5) Behavior of other structural components such as RC columns, slabs under drop-
weight impact loading should be examined in details. Moreover, impact response of
prestressed structural components can be investigated.
- 232 -
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- 244 -
APPENDIX-A: Beam Details and Response under Varying Rates of Concentrated Loading
Shear Longitudinal
span reinforcement
Beam dimensions reinforcement Maximum
f c eff. Loading Failure
Reference Beam mark depth Tensile (T) & resistance
(MPa) rate (m/s) modes
ratio Compressive (C) (kN)
h b d a Ratio f Ly Ratio f Ty
ad (%)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (MPa) (MPa)
A 1-S - - 1 10-4 23.6
29.0 0.89T 382
A 1-D - - 2.63 10-1 30.8
A 2-S - - 5 10-5 45.0 Flexure
32.7 880 5.5 1.70T 377
A 2-D - - 2.2 10-1 55.0
A 3-S - - 5 10-5 57.9
31.9 2.39T 361
A 3-D - - 2.16 10-1 70.8
A 4-S - - 3 10-5 51.7
34 200 150 160 448 2.8 0.89T 432
A 4-D - - 2.33 10-1 72.4 Shear
A 5-S T - - 3 10-5 50.3
35.1 496 3.1 1.05 381
A 5-D - - 1.15 10-1 71.5
A 6-S - - 2 10-5 45.4
Mutsuyoshi 34 752 4.7 360
A 6-D - - 2.18 10-1 59.8 Flexure
& Machida 1.70T
A 7-S - - 5 10-5 49.0
[M10] 31.6 784 4.9 393
A 7-D - - 2.3 10-1 61.6 Shear
B 1-S T - - 2 10-5 23.6 Flexure
26.8 684 5.7 2.11 456
B 1-D - - 7.63 10-1 36.5 Shear
B 2-S - - 3 10-5 30.4
28.6 564 4.7 1.78T 398 Flexure
B 2-D - - 1.67 10-1 38.2
B 3-S - - 2 10-5 25.5 Flexure
23.2 150 100 120 480 4.0 1.19T 398
B 3-D - - 2.67 10-1 31.3 Shear
B 4-S - - 3 10-5 27.9
28.6 588 4.9 1.78T 393 Flexure
B 4-D - - 5.67 10-1 33.7
B 5-S - - 1.43 10-1 49.2
28.0 456 3.8 2.11T 506 Shear
B 5-D - - 2.77 10-1 47
- 245 -
Shear Longitudinal
span reinforcement
Beam dimensions reinforcement Maximum
f c eff. Loading Failure
Reference Beam mark depth Tensile (T) & resistance
(MPa) rate (m/s) modes
ratio Compressive (C) (kN)
h b d a Ratio f Ly Ratio f Ty
ad (%)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (MPa) (MPa)
C 1-S - - 2 10-5 33.4
C 2-D 23.7 150 100 120 684 5.7 320 - - 1.89 10-1 50.3 Shear
C 3-D - - 4.08 10-1 52.6
B4JL25-S 41.5 836 5.5 7.1 10-6 41.7
B4JL25-H 41.5 836 5.5 3.8 10-1 46.4
B3OC25-S 46.2 760 5 7.1 10-6 40.5
B3OC25-H 46.2 760 5 3.8 10-1 46.7
B4JL20-S 41.9 760 5 7.1 10-6 39.1 Shear
Kulkarni B4JL20-H 41.9 760 5 3.8 10-1 44.9 Flexure
and Shah B3SE03-S 45 684 4.5 1.37T 7.1 10-6 45.9 Shear
178 102 152 518 - -
[K12] B3SE03-H 45 684 4.5 3.8 10-1 51.6
B3DE03-S 43 684 4.5 7.1 10-6 45.3 Flexure
B3DE03-H 43 684 4.5 3.8 10-1 50.9
B3NO15-S 43 608 4 7.1 10-6 43.9 Shear
B3NO15-H 43 608 4 3.8 10-1 56.8 Flexure
B3NO30-S 45 532 3.5 7.1 10-6 49.9 Shear
B3NO30-H 45 532 3.5 3.8 10-1 55.8 Shear
S1616 1.27T&C 426 5 10-4 115
S1616 1.27T&C 426 2 100 135
Fujikake S2222 2.41T&C 418 5 10-4 200
42 250 150 210 700 3.33 0.5 295 Flexure
et al. [F4] S2222 2.41T&C 418 2 100 243
S1322 2.4&0.84 397 5 10-4 180
S1322 2.4&0.84 397 2 100 246
- 246 -
Shear Longitudinal
span reinforcement
Beam dimensions reinforcement Maximum
f c eff. Loading Failure
Reference Beam mark depth Tensile (T) & resistance
(MPa) rate (m/s) modes
ratio Compressive (C) (kN)
h b d a Ratio f Ly Ratio f Ty
ad (%)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (MPa) (MPa)
RC3_S0_S1 4 10-4 93.2
RC3_S0_S2 4 10-4 81.3
RC3_S0_L1 4 10-2 105.8
RC3_S0_L2 4 10-2 102.5
RC3_S0_M1 4 10-1 138
RC3_S0_M2 4 10-1 126.1
RC3_S0_H1 2 100 140.6
RC3_S0_H2 2 100 147.1
RC3_S12_S1 4 10-4 120
RC3_S12_S2 4 10-4 120.5
RC3_S12_L1 4 10-2 148.8
Adhikary et RC3_S12_L2 4 10-2 139.5
al. [A3] RC3_S12_M1 40 250 150 210 700 3.33 2.41T&C 371 342 4 10-1 156.2
RC3_S12_M2 4 10-1 164.7
RC3_S12_H1 2 100 168.7
RC3_S12_H2 2 100 180.9
RC3_S56_S1 4 10-4 200.4
RC3_S56_S2 4 10-4 202
RC3_S56_L1 4 10-2 211.7
RC3_S56_L2 4 10-2 217.9
RC3_S56_M1 0.56 4 10-1 222.6 Flexure
RC3_S56_M2 4 10-1 223.1
RC3_S56_H1 2 100 235.6
RC3_S56_H2 226.5
2 100
- 247 -
Shear Longitudinal
span reinforcement
Beam dimensions reinforcement Maximum
f c eff. Loading Failure
Reference Beam mark depth Tensile (T) & resistance
(MPa) rate (m/s) modes
ratio Compressive (C) (kN)
h b d a Ratio f Ly Ratio f Ty
ad (%)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (MPa) (MPa)
RC1.9_S0_S1 4 10-4 138.4
RC1.9_S0_S2 4 10-4 170.1
RC1.9_S0_L1 4 10-2 215.6
RC1.9_S0_L2 4 10-2 246.5
RC1.9_S0_M1 4 10-1 290.5
RC1.9_S0_M2 4 10-1 -
RC1.9_S0_H1 2 100 353.6
RC1.9_S0_H2 2 100 -
RC1.9_S42_S1 4 10-4 271.9
RC1.9_S42_S2 4 10-4 -
RC1.9_S42_L1 4 10-2 -
Adhikary et RC1.9_S42_L2 4 10-2 300.6
al. [A4] 40 250 150 210 700 1.9 2.41 T&C 371 0.42 342 Shear
RC1.9_S42_M1 4 10-1 361.3
RC1.9_S42_M2 4 10-1 -
RC1.9_S42_H1 2 100 417
RC1.9_S42_H2 2 100 -
RC1.9_S84_S1 4 10-4 329.8
RC1.9_S84_S2 4 10-4 333.8
RC1.9_S84_L1 4 10-2 -
RC1.9_S84_L2 4 10-2 378.2
RC1.9_S84_M1 4 10-1 419.4
RC1.9_S84_M2 4 10-1 422.1
RC1.9_S84_H1 2 100 447.9
RC1.9_S84_H2 2 100 445.5
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APPENDIX-B: Beam Geometry and Reinforcement Details for Drop-weight Impact Loading
Beam characteristics Longitudinal reinforcement Shear reinforcement
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