Reliability and Validity of The Modified Conconi Test On Concept II Rowing Ergometers
Reliability and Validity of The Modified Conconi Test On Concept II Rowing Ergometers
Reliability and Validity of The Modified Conconi Test On Concept II Rowing Ergometers
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ABSTRACT. Çelik, Ö., Ş.N. Koşar, F. Korkusuz, and M. Bozkurt. strength should be training objectives. In this type of en-
Reliability and validity of the modified Conconi test on Concept durance sport, the anaerobic threshold (AT) is an impor-
II rowing ergometers. J. Strength Cond. Res. 19(4):871–877. tant parameter in the achievement and maintenance of
2005.—The purpose of this study was to assess the reliability
performance. The AT is defined as the maximal work in-
and validity of the modified Conconi test on Concept II rowing
ergometers. Twenty-eight oarsmen conducted 3 performance tensity of oxygen intake (V̇O2) beyond which blood lactate
tests on separate days. Reliability was assessed using the break concentration increases sharply, causing metabolic aci-
point in heart rate (HR) linearity called the Conconi test (CT) dosis with associated alterations in gas exchange. The AT
and Conconi retest (CRT) for the noninvasive measurement of and other fatigue thresholds are used commonly for ad-
anaerobic threshold (AT). Blood lactate measurement was con- justing training intensity, monitoring the athletes’ adap-
sidered the gold standard for the assessment of the AT, and the tation to training, and predicting the performance of ath-
validity of the CT was assessed by blood samples taken during letes (16, 19–21, 25).
an incremental load test (ILT) on ergometers. According to the
Direct methods have been developed to determine the
results, the mean power output (PO) scores for the CT, CRT,
and ILT were 234.2 6 40.3 W, 232.5 6 39.7 W, and 229.7 6 39.6 AT; however, laboratory determination of the AT is lim-
W, respectively. The mean HR values at the AT for the CT, CRT, ited by the requirements of expensive, sophisticated
and ILT were 165.4 6 11.2 b·min, 160.4 6 10.8 b·min, and 158.3 equipment and trained personnel (31). Field tests were
6 8.8 b·min, respectively. Interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) therefore designed to predict the AT.
analysis indicated a significant correlation between the 3 tests The Conconi test (CT) is one of the field tests com-
with one another. Also, Bland and Altman plots showed that monly used in running events. This test was created to
there was an association between noninvasive tests and the ILT determine the AT by forming a relationship between run-
PO scores and HRs (95% confidence interval [CI]). In conclusion,
ning speed and heart rate (HR) during an incremental
this study showed that the modified CT is a reliable and valid
method for determining the AT of elite men rowers. test. The speed vs. HR relationship has been described as
linear from low-to-submaximal speeds and curvilinear
KEY WORDS. anaerobic threshold, heart rate break point, oars- from submaximal-to-maximal speeds. This transition
men, noninvasive field test
from the linear to the curvilinear phase coincided with
the beginning of blood lactate accumulation. The test was
INTRODUCTION therefore developed as an indirect way to determine the
he main purpose of cyclic events, either short AT in elite runners (10). However, values obtained for
In recent years, the CT was modified to determine the formed almost 30% of their annual training on rowing
AT of rowers on rowing ergometers. However, there were ergometers. Tests were conducted in April and May at the
some concerns about these studies: the number of sub- end of precompetitive phase.
jects was limited, test ergometers were not used common-
ly in training or competitions, or subjects of the study Anthropometric Measurements
were not skillful enough to execute correct rowing move- Anthropometric parameters of participants were mea-
ments. Related studies were not compatible with the new- sured 2 days before the first performance test. Body
ly established recommendations of the CT according to height and weight were measured with the Seca anthro-
Conconi et al. (10) in 1996. In the present study, the orig- pometer and beam-balance scale (Seca, Vogel & Haike,
inal Conconi method for running was performed with Hamburg, Germany). Body mass index was also calculat-
rowers on rowing ergometers. General principles were im- ed (in kilograms per square meter). Body composition of
plemented according to these recommendations. The du- the participants was obtained using the bioelectrical im-
ration of each stage was 1 minute, and increments did pedance method (Omron BF 300 Body Fat Monitor, Mat-
not increase the pulse rate of subjects more than 8 susaka Co. Ltd., Matsusaka, Japan).
b·min21. It is hypothesized that with appropriate condi-
tions, the modified CT will be a reliable and valid method Performance Test Procedures
to be used in rowing. Participants performed 3 performance tests on 3 separate
The modified CT could be considered sport-specific. days. Two of the tests were the CT and Conconi retest
Although the testing of elite athletes’ performances with (CRT) to confirm the reliability of the noninvasive AT
common equipment like treadmills may be easier, the bio- measurement procedure. The last test was the incremen-
mechanics of specialized movements may not be precisely tal load test (ILT) to confirm the validity of the nonin-
duplicated with this type of equipment. Since it is easy to vasive anaerobic test measurement procedure. The inter-
apply and is highly economic, the CT was also accepted vals between the tests were 3–7 days. Tests were per-
as a useful method. Although blood lactate is considered formed in the participants’ own training environment by
the gold standard to determine the AT, it requires a lab- the same ergometer.
oratory setting and is too costly. Therefore, the rowers Participants were asked to drink at least 0.5 L of wa-
and coaches could assess the AT under field conditions ter 30 minutes before the tests to ensure that they were
using an easy method if the CT method can be confirmed fully hydrated. The food consumption habits of partici-
against the gold standard. pants were not altered. Participants were only instructed
Therefore, the goal of this study was to assess the re- not to engage in strenuous physical activity the day prior
liability and validity of the modified CT in highly trained to the testing. The testing procedure was as outlined in
oarsmen on Concept II rowing ergometers. the following paragraphs.
All performance tests were undertaken on a Model-C
METHODS (Concept II, Inc., Morrisville, VT) rowing ergometer, the
Experimental Approach to the Problem most widely used ergometer for training purposes (11).
The Concept II ergometer measured the intensity of ex-
Treadmill and cycle ergometers are very common testing ercise as power output (PO) (in watts). During all tests,
devices in most of the performance laboratory settings. the vanes of the ergometer were kept fully closed, and the
Although the testing of athletes from different athletic ergometers were self-calibrated. The HR was recorded ev-
branches on treadmills or cycle ergometers is more acces- ery 5 seconds using a Polar Vantage NV instrument (Po-
sible, this is not parallel to the principle of specialization lar Electro, Kempele, Finland).
in training. Therefore, it is important to measure rowers CT (noninvasive test). Participants were allowed to
with their training ergometers. Also, measuring blood lac- warm up for 5 minutes. Participants decided the initial
tate has been accepted as the gold standard in the as- intensity of the warm-up period. After the warm-up pe-
sessment of the AT, but this method is limited to sophis- riod, participants began rowing at a self-selected cadence
ticated laboratory conditions. The CT for the rowing mo- for the first minute at a steady PO of 75 W. Each minute
dality seems to be a suitable method for determining the thereafter, the PO was increased by 25 W (28). This load
AT of rowers. Although use of the CT may make it easier increment protocol was gradual to increase the corre-
to determine the AT, the reliability and validity of the sponding HR by less than 8 b·min21 each minute accord-
test were not assessed for rowing. In the present study, ing to the new specifications of Conconi et al. (10). Each
the reliability of the CT for rowers was assessed by test- stage was 60 seconds, and the test ended with the voli-
retest measurements, and the validity was assessed by tional exhaustion of the participant (10). Blood lactate
the blood lactate criterion test. was not measured during the tests, but it was measured
at the beginning and end of the tests.
ILT (invasive test). A continuous progressive load pro-
Thirty well-trained oarsmen from 5 different sports clubs gram of 3-minute stages was adapted. The test started
volunteered to participate in this study. The availability with 150 W, and the PO was increased every 3 minutes
of subjects for the tests was the major inclusion criterion. by 50 W (6, 7, 30). The stroke rate during the tests varied
Two subjects’ data were excluded because of the lack of a between 20 and 34 strokes per minute. Capillary blood
deflection point in the CT. The experimental protocol was samples (5 ml) were obtained from the fingertip at the
approved by a local ethics committee. All subjects signed beginning and during the 30-second breaks between the
a consent form after being fully informed of the study’s work stages. Blood lactate concentrations were measured
methods, possible side effects, and purpose. All partici- with a Lactate Pro LT-1710 instrument (Arkray KDK Co.,
pants had more than 2 years of rowing experience and Kyoto, Japan). Lactate in the sample reacts with potas-
performed 6–9 training sessions per week. They also per- sium ferricyanide and lactate oxidase to form potassium
The purpose of this study was to assess the validity and
FIGURE 5. Difference between CT and ILT for PO plotted reliability of the modified CT on rowing ergometers. The
against their mean. CT 5 Conconi test; ILT 5 incremental results of the present study were discussed in the frame-
load test; PO 5 power output. work that includes PO and HR at the AT. It was found
that the modified CT is a reliable and valid test for de-
termining the AT of elite oarsmen.
The Bland and Altman plots were constructed to give The subjects of this study were 28 trained oarsmen
a visual interpretation of the data. The level of statistical from 5 different sport clubs. However, the selection cri-
significance was accepted as the 95% CI. Mean differenc- teria were standard for all subjects, who had to have at
es against the measurements were used to test the reli- least 2 years of rowing ergometer experience; also, they
ability of noninvasive measurements (Figures 4–6 for PO had to be regular competitors in rowing races. Evaluated
data and Figures 7–9 for HR data). According to the cri- test protocol in this study was a sport-specific test for
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