QB MPMC 2023
QB MPMC 2023
QB MPMC 2023
Reg No.:
(Answer all questions; each question carries 3 marks) Marks
I Explain the functions ofthe following 8085 pins: (i) ALE (ii) READY (iii) TRAP (3)
2 Define instruction cycle, machine cycle and T-states in 8085. (3)
3 Write an 8085 ALP program to find the 2's complement of an 8-bit number stored (3)
in memorv location 2000H
4 List the conditional Jump instructions of 8085. (3)
9 Explain how are intemrpts enabled and disabled in 8051 microcontroller. (3)
Module -1
ll a) Explain the functional block diagram of 8085 miuoprocessor. . (10)
b) With the help of examples, explain th?operation of DAA and XTHL instructions (4)
in 8085
12 a) Sketch and explain the timing diagram ofthe instruction MVI A, 05H with opcode (8)
3EH stored in the memory location 4500H.
b) Differentiate between one-byte, two-byte and three-byte instructions of 8085 with (6)
suitable examples.
Module -2
13 a) Write and explain an ALP in 8085 to find the largest number in a data array. (8)
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b) Write a delay subroutine program in 8085 using a register pair. Find the maximum (6)
delay obtained under this clndition. Assume the system clock frequency is 3MHz.
t4 a) Explain PUSH and POP instructions of 8085 with examples. (g)
b) Let register B of 8085 hold 93H and accumulator hold l5H. Illustrate the results (6)
of the instructions ORA B. XRA B and CMA.
Module -3
t5 a) Using appropriate address decoding technique design a memory interfacing (10)
circuit to interface 4 numbers of 8KB RAM chips with 8085 and explain
b) Draw the control word format for the BSR and I/O modes of 8255. (4)
l6 il With the help of a neat diagram, explain the architecture of 8051 microcontroller. (10)
b) Explain I/O ports and their functions in 8051. ()
Module -4
17 a) Write an ALP in 8051 to add two l6-bit numbers. (7)
b) Differentiate betweenthe various embedded C datatypesofS05l microcontroller (7)
with examples.
18 a) Write an ALP in 8051 to cneate a squane wave with ON time 3ms and OFF time (S)
lOms on all pins of Port 0. Assume XTAL: I l.05MHz.
b) Discuss the various bit handling instructions of 8051. (6)
Module -5
l9 a) Explain the role of TMOD and TCON registers in 8051. (S)
b) Indicate which mode and which timer are selected for each of the following: (i) (6)
MOV TMOD, #0tH (ii) MOV TMOD, #l2H (iii) MOV TMOD, #20H
20 a) Design a circuilto interface ADc with the 8051 microcontroiler. (6)
b) Explain how serial port programming is done in 8051 with the help of an example (S)
Program .-,.'
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