QB MPMC 2021
QB MPMC 2021
QB MPMC 2021
Reg No.:
(Answer all questions; each question caruies 3 marks) Marks
Explain the operation of the following 8085 instructions: (i) DAD D (iD INR M (3)
(iiD xcHG.
J Define PUSH and POP instructions of 8085. (3)
4 Calculate the loop delay if the register pair BC of 8085 microprocessor is (3)
loaded with 8000H. Assume the system clock frequency tobe 3.072 MHz.
7 Explain the operation of the following 8051 instructions: (i) MOV A,@Rr (ii) (3)
(Answer onefull quesfionfrom each modale, each question carries 14 marks)
Module -1
11 a) Explain the architecture of 8085 microprocessor with the help of a neat (10)
functional block diagram.
b) Identify the machine cycles of the following instructions: (i) MOV B, M (ii) (4)
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Module -2
13 a) Ten bytes of data are stored in consecutive memory locations starting at2050H. (9)
With suitable explanations, write an assembly language program in 8085 to
transfer the entire block of data to new memory locations starting at2070H.
b) The contents of accumulator and C register are 87H and 79H respectively. Find (5)
the contents of the accumulator and flags after the execution of the instruction
14 a) Write and explain an assembly language program in 8085 to perform BCD to (9)
Binary conversion.
b) Explain the significance of stack memory while executing CALL and RET (5)
instructions in 8085.
Module -3
t5 a) Explain the interfacing of seven segment LED with 8085. (8)
b) Draw the control word format for the I/O mode of 8255. Hence frame the (6)
16 a) With the help of a neat sketch, explain the register organization and SFR of (10)
b) Write an 8051 C program to toggle all the bits of P0 andP2 continuously with a (8)
250ms delay.
Module -5
19 a) Explain SCON and SBUF registers in 8051. s
b) Write an 8051 program to transfer letter "A" serially at 4800 baud rate. (6)
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