Wef 23-27 Oct 2024
Wef 23-27 Oct 2024
Wef 23-27 Oct 2024
Dear Candidate,
1. This is to inform that you have been shortlisted to attend Services Selection Board (SSB)
interview at Selection Centre South, Bangalore. Thus, you are required to report at Main Gate
of Selection Centre South, Bangalore, Cubbon Road near Manipal Centre at 0600 hours
(06.00 AM) on 23 Oct 2024 for the subject interview scheduled to be conducted at Selection
Centre South, Bangalore.
2. Vehicle will be provided for dropping back candidates from Selection Centre to
Bengaluru Cantt Railway Station after results of Stg 1 and also on day 5 after conf results.
3. Change of SSB Centre for examination / interview is not permissible under any
4. Local candidates. Withhold your move and contact us by the fastest means and at the
earliest in case of following condition:-
(a) Candidate having a close relation / blood relation posted in any capacity at the
Selection Centre (South), Bangalore.
(b) Candidates, who are wards of serving persons, posted to any defence
establishment in the same station as the Selection Centre (South), Bangalore.
6. Education Qualifications. As per Notification of SSC Officer for various entries (JUN
2025) (AT -25) Course.
(a) One copy of the Printout of application form duly signed and self attested
Photograph affixed.
(f) Certificate from the Principal/ Head of the Institution stating that the candidate is in
final year and final exams in respect of the candidate will be over by JUN 2025 as per
specimen attached at Appendix ‘A’.
(g) Candidates Who Have Submitted their Certificates and Mark Sheets in
College or Institution for Pursuing Higher Studies:-
(i) If candidates have deposited their original 10 th / 12th Class certificate with
College/University the certificate as per specimen attached at Appendix - ‘B’ be
obtained from the College / University where deposited.
(ii) Photocopy of the certificate duly Certified True Copy (CTC) by the
Registrar/ Principal only of the college/university where original have been
deposited will also be obtained and produced for documents check on your
reporting for SSB.
(h) Risk Certificate. (To be typed/ handwritten on plain paper and signed by
parent/guardian) as per specimen attached at Appendix ‘C’.
8. Age Limit. As per notification for the entry mentioned at paragraph number 2 of the
said notification.
(a) Only small innocuous permanent body tattoos are permitted on inner face of
forearm i.e from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side palm/back (dorsal)
side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable
and candidates will be barred from further selection. Tribes with tattoo marks on the
face or body as per their existing custom and traditions will be permitted on a case to
case basis.
10. Testing procedure at SSB. This will be conducted over five days in two stages:-
(a) Stage I. The Stage I testing shall commence at 0800 hours (08.00 AM) on
the first day which will comprise of an Intelligence Test and a Picture Perception and
Discussion Test (PPDT).
(b) In case of your rejection in stage-I, you shall be returned from the Centre in
the afternoon of the same day. Hence, candidates are requested to make necessary
arrangements for accommodation if screened out during Stage I test. This
Centre has no facility for boarding and lodging for candidates who are
screened out in stage -I.
(c) Stage-II. The Stage-II tests comprises of Psychological Tests, Group Test
I & II and interview for the next four days.
12. Travelling Allowance (TA). The candidates are entitled for the TA claim as per AC
Tier III/ AC chair car Train fare or actual amount paid which ever is less. Re-imbursement of TA
will be made to Bank Account through NEFT to the candidates Accts/ beneficiary account as per
candidate’s choice. To claim TA, if applicable, candidates must submit TA form (Format
attached as Appendix ‘G’), alongwith a copy of the tickets and a cancelled cheque or a self
attested photocopy of first page of bank passbook. TA claims are generally cleared in 45-60
days. In case of any query related to only TA/DA please contact on Email ID [email protected]
and Mobile No 8867682295. You are liable to forfeit the TA if you:-
(a) Are withdrawn from any stage of Testing due to ineligibility/ cancellation of
(b) Make use of any travel concession forms from Defence or any other government
(c) Fail to produce any of the following documents for claiming the TA when reporting
for SSB:-
(ii) Boarding Pass (in original) in case of Air travel or its printout in case of
(iii) Cancelled cheque or copy of first page of bank passbook of the account in
which the amount is desired to be transferred.
13. Administrative Instructions. The following administrative instructions are laid down
for Candidates guidance and strict compliance: -
(b) Free boarding and lodging will be provided to you for the period of your stay at
the Selection Centre.
(c) No individual will be allowed to go out of the Selection Centre South, Bangalore
premises on the day of screening test (Stage I Test). Hence it is advised that you must
bring your luggage with you at the time of reporting.
(d) Candidates will strictly adhere to laid down timings at all places.
(e) Candidates will not visit testing areas after testing hours.
(f) The conduct of the candidates both in the Selection Centre as well as when visiting
outside areas will be courteous.
(g) Mobile phones will be deposited on arrival and their usage during the stay at
Selection Centre South, Bangalore is strictly prohibited.
14. Change of Address. Change of address, if any after submission of application will be
intimated to “Dte of Manpower Plg & Recruitment. Room No 204, ‘C’ Wing, Sena Bhawan,
New Delhi-110011 (Format attached at Appendix ‘H’).
15. Certificate for not Having Duplicate Profiles/ Registration IDs. Certificate
regarding not having duplicate profiles/Registration IDs on www.joinindiannavy.gov.in as per
specimen attached at Appendix ‘J’.
(a) Documentation.
(i) Candidates to ensure that all documents as mentioned in
Advertisement/Notification, including any affidavit for wrong name or tattoos etc as
stated in the Call Up letter are brought along. In case a candidate fails to produce
the required documents at the time of reporting, the candidature will stand
cancelled and NO repeat NO representation will be accepted at any stage.
(ii) Latest passport size photographs not older than one week will be brought
and failure to produce the same at the time of reporting will render a candidate
disqualified for appearing for the SSB. Nobody would be allowed to leave the
premises for any documentation or getting photographs.
(iii) Candidate are requested to get a undertaking certificate prior to undergoing
SSB as per Appendix ‘K’.
17. Correspondence. If you have any queries, please mention your Roll Number, Type
of Entry, Course Serial Number, Call Up letter Number, Full Postal Address. TELE NUMBER
AND E-MAIL ID should invariably be mentioned to enable this office to respond to your
queries. Enquiries, if any, shall be entertained on all working days between 0930 hours to
1330 hours on Tele phone numbers 080-25327671 / 8867682296 and E Mail id -
[email protected].
18. TRAVEL ALLOWANCE TA/DA. TA claims are generally cleared in 45-60 days. In
case of any query related to only TA/DA please contact on Email ID [email protected] and
Mobile No 8867682295.
(a) Candidates who have Resided in Foreign Countries. All candidates who have
resided in Foreign Countries in the last five years must carry with them the following
(i) Copy of valid Passport and Visa, as applicable to the country stayed in.
(b) Pendency of any Court Case Against Candidate. “All candidates who have
any court case pending against them, must carry with them the following documents/
(c) Clearance Certificate. A clearance certificate will also be taken from each of
previous employer in respect of candidate who are or were employed under
Central/State Govt undertaking or autonomous bodies.
File No : SCS/62763/R/CU Call up Officer
Station : Bangalore Selection Centre South
Date : 10 Oct 2024 for Commandant
Appendix A
(Refer to Para 7 (f) of Call up instruction)
2. He will complete all his examinations for his Degree by Jun 2025.
Place :__________________
Appendix B
(Refer to Para 7 (g) (i) of call up instruction)
1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
It is further certified that photo copies/ xerox of above documents have been verified by
the undersigned and attested.
Date:…………………………… Relationship----------------------------------------
Aadhar No ……………………………………
Appendix D
(Refer to Para 9 (b) (i) of Call up instruction)
Significance of Tattoo -
(If applicable)
3. I hereby declare that besides the tattoo(s) as referred in Para 1 of Annexure IV above, In
future I will not have any other permanent body tattoo(s) IfI am selected to undergo pre-
commission training.
4. The above information given by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
(Signature of the Candidate)
Date: Name, Entry & SSB Batch No
Appendix E
(Refer to Para 9 (b) (i) of Call up instruction)
2. It is certified that the permanent body tattoo(s) inked at the following parts of the body of
______________ (Name of the candidate) is as per existing customs and traditions of
_____________ tribe and is in practice as on date:-
3. Post card size photograph of each of the tattoo as given in Paragraph 2 of Annexure V
above is correct and placed as under for any future reference / record hereafter: -
Significance of Tattoo -
(If applicable)
Note: - Each tattoo will have a separate photograph with details and will be described
separately. Additional pages will be used for the purpose and each page will be attested
Significance of Tattoo -
(If applicable)
3. The above information given by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
(Signature of the Candidate)
Note 1. Each tattoo will have will have a separate photograph and will be described
separately. Additional pages will be used for the purpose and each page will be signed by the
(a) Details:-
(b) Class___________________
Note : The TA is authorised for AC Tier III /AC Chair Car Train fare only or actual amount
paid which ever is less.
9. It is certified that I, ____________ S/o ________________ am attending first time for
Permanent/Short Service Commission, I will be personally responsible for any intentional/non
intentional wrong information as furnished above and I will not claim TA in future for this particular
Station: Bangalore
10. Auth Train fare (As per AC Tier III or actual amount paid which ever is less) :-
Roll No : ____________________
Name : ____________________
Father’s Name : ____________________
Postal Address : ____________________
Email : ____________________
Mob No : ____________________
2. My postal address has been changed. I request you to please update my postal address
in the application for further correspondence: -
Postal Address (as given in the New Postal address (to be changed in
application) the application)
Thanking You.
Yours faithfully,
Date: _____________ (Signature of candidate)
Copy to: -
2. I hereby certify that I have only one profile (registration ID) on www.joinindiannavy.gov.in
whose user name is ________________________
I have more than one profiles (registration ID) on www.joinindiannavy.gov.in whose user
names are as under: -
(a) __________________________
(b) __________________________
(c) __________________________
3. For candidates having more than one Profile/ registration ID. Having understood that I
can maintain only one profile (Registration ID). I have already requested the authority concerned
at DMPR by email/ letter on ________ to delete my profile(s) (registration IDs) with following
user name(s) :-
(a) _________________________
(b) _________________________
4. In case the above information submitted by me is found to be false, I understand that all
my current application are liable to be cancelled at any stage of the selection process.
Name : ________________
Date:…………… (Signature of candidate)