Soal Bahasa Inggris Kls 7 smt1 20242025 Febta

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Jalan Lintas Sumatera Desa Suka Kaya, Kec. Saling, Kodepos 31453, NPSN: 10601365


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kls. 7 (Tujuh)
Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan !

1. What do yo say to greet someone at 09.00 PM ?

a. Good evening b. Good Ninght c. Good Morning d. Good Afternon
2. What do you say to your parents before going to bed ?
a. Good Night b. Good evening c. Good Morning d. Good Afternon
3. What do you say when you make a mistake ?
a. I am Sorry b. Thank you c. How are you d. I like it
4. What do you say whwn your parents give you some money ?
a. Thank you b. I am sorry c. how are you d. I like it
5. I have a sister …….. name is Nadia.
a. Her b. His c. My d. Their
6. Bela : how are you, Agus ?
Agus : ………………..
a. Good Morning, Bela b. Fine, thank c. Same here d. I.m pleased to meet you

For qoustion 7 to 12, complete the dialogue with the best expression.
Junenti : HI, Ratna
Ratna : ……….. (7), junenti, how are you ?
Junenti : ……….. (8). Ratna, I’ve got a new friend here. Yunus, allow me to introduce you to my friend
Yunus : …………(9), I’m Yunus
Ratna : Hello, I’m Ratna ………….(10)
Yunus : How do you do ?
Ratna : ………… (11) I’m sorry. I have to go now. Good bye.
Junenti : …………………(12)
And Yunus

7. a. How are you b. I’m finr too, thanks c. Hello d. Nice to meet you. Tuo
8. a. How are you b. Very well, thanks c. hello d. Nice to meet you. Tuo
9. a. Nice to meet you b. How do you do c. Nice to meet you, too d. Hello
10. a. Nice to meet you b. Nice to meet you, too c. How do you do d. Hello
11. a Nice to meet you b. Nice to meet you, too c. How do you do d. Hello
12. a. Nice to meet you b. Nice to meet you, too c. How do you do d. Good bye

for wuestion 13 and 14, complete the dialogue with the best expression.
Mita : ……… (13), zulkifli
Zulkifli : oh, hi mitha
Mitha : how are you ?
Zulkifli : ………(14), thanks, and you ?
Mita : I’m fine too, thanks.

13. a, Take care b. Excuse me c. Hi d. May I

14. a, Absolutely b. I’m Sure c. Very well d. Perhaps
15. Apa salam yang tepat untuk digunakan saat bertemu dengan teman di pagi hari?
A. Good night
B. Good morning
C. Good afternoon
D. Good evening
16. Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan salam perpisahan yang tepat?
A. How are you?
B. See you later
C. Good job
D. Good night
17. Jika kamu baru bangun tidur dan bertemu temanmu, apa yang sebaiknya kamu katakan?
A. Good night
B. Good morning
C. How are you?
D. Good evening
18. Manakah dari pilihan berikut yang digunakan untuk menyapa seseorang pada sore hari?
A. Good evening
B. Good afternoon
C. Hello
D. Hi
19. Apa yang bisa kamu katakan saat bertemu dengan seseorang di malam hari?
A. Good morning
B. Good night
C. Good afternoon
D. Good evening
20. Salam apa yang biasa digunakan untuk menyapa teman ketika datang ke sebuah pesta malam hari?
A. Good night
B. Good morning
C. How are you?
D. Hello
21. What is your favorite food?
A. Car
B. Pizza
C. Computer
D. Dog
22. Manakah makanan yang manis?
A. Pizza
B. Cake
C. Soup
D. Sandwich
23. Apa yang biasa di jadikan toping pizza?
A. Cheese
B. Chocolate
C. Banana
D. Avocado
24. Manakah hasil dari produk susu?
A. Lettuce
B. Milk
C. Bread
D. Chicken
25. Minuman apa yang biasa nya di sajikan panas dan terbuat dari daun?
A. Coffee
B. Tea
C. Milkshake
D. Lemonade
26. Manakah makana yang sehat?
A. Candy
B. Chips
C. Fruit
D. Cake
27. Manakah yang biasanya kalian makan saat sarapan?
A. Tacos
B. Pancakes
C. Sushi
D. Fried rice
28. Manakah minuman dingin?
A. Coffee
B. Tea
C. Ice tea
D. Soup
29. Minuman dingin?
A. Ice cream
B. Soup
C. Sandwich
D. Pizza
30. What is "ayam goreng" in English?
A. Fried chicken
B. Grilled chicken
C. Roast chicken
D. Boiled chicken
31. Manakah bahan utama dalam "fried chicken"?
A. Fish
B. Chicken
C. Beef
D. Pork
32. Yang biasnya di sajikan dengan "fried chicken"?
A. Rice
B. Noodles
C. Bread
D. Ice cream
33. Cara memasak "fried chicken"?
A. Boiling
B. Frying
C. Grilling
D. Steaming
34. Which country is well-known for its "ayam goreng" dish?
A. Japan
B. Indonesia
C. Mexico
D. Italy
35. What is a common side dish to serve with "ayam goreng" in Indonesia?
A. Potato salad
B. Sambal (spicy sauce)
C. Sushi
D. Tacos
36. What is "mie goreng" in English?
A. Fried rice
B. Fried noodles
C. Boiled noodles
D. Steamed rice
37. What is usually added to "es teh" to give it flavor?
A. Sugar
B. Salt
C. Vinegar
D. Garlic
38. Which of these is commonly added to "es teh" to make it more refreshing?
A. Ice cubes
B. Milk
C. Cinnamon
D. Chocolate
39. What is "es teh" often served with in many restaurants?
A. Hot soup
B. Fried chicken
C. Ice cream
D. A slice of lemon
40. What is the temperature of "es teh"?
A. Hot
B. Cold
C. Lukewarm
D. Boiling

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