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TC Aw Sip Os CSF Rev2

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ASSET OSS WORK PACKAGE WP2: Above water works

T.C. CODE TC-AW-SIP-WT-CSF_Rev2 T.C. TYPE Scheduled inspection/Periodic

T.C. DEFINITION Above water close visual inspection of primary and secondary steelwork

Welded connections located in the atmospheric and splash section of the OSS
SCOPE foundation from the seawater level up to the topside interface at +12.4 m MSL
(included). Paint coating applied to the structural components in the area of inspection.
FREQUENCY 4 yearly
OTHER COMMENTS Ensure best possible visibility and lighting conditions during inspection.

o Analysis of the effectiveness of the corrosion protection system employed.
o Inspection of critical areas with high probability of crack occurrence or suspicious areas of damage of the
steel structure.
o Detailed assessment of the paint coating integrity in some spot locations.
o Determination of the real paint coating degradation versus the expected lifetime of the coating layers.
o Identification of any potential source of accelerated coating/corrosion damage.
o Provide a baseline for the determination of the need of non-destructive testing.
o Identification of localised fatigue damage.
o Provide enough information for the assessment of the long-term integrity of the asset.
Attachment 1: WIK-ELC-DK-KCI-6200_rev 6 - GENERAL NOTES
Attachment 2: WIK-ELC-DA-KCI-6210_rev 9 - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT
Attachment 4: WIK-ELC-DN-KCI-6224_rev 9 - TRUSS AT ROW 2
Attachment 5: WIK-ELC-DN-KCI-6225_rev 8 - TRUSS AT ROW 4'
Attachment 6: WIK-ELC-DN-KCI-6226_rev 10 - TRUSS AT ROW 7
Attachment 7: WIK-ELC-DN-KCI-6227_rev 8 - TRUSS AT ROW A AND A'
Attachment 8: WIK-ELC-DN-KCI-6228_rev 8 - TRUSS AT ROW C AND C'
Attachment 9: WIK-ELC-DA-KCI-6220_rev 6 - HORIZONTAL FRAMING PLAN - AT EL. +6000
Attachment 10: WIK-ELC-DK-KCI-6229_rev 7 - TOPSIDE INTERFACE
Attachment 11: WIK-ELC-N-NAV-2682 Rev08 Blasting & Coating Method Statement & Products Data Sheets
All primary steel surfaces of the jacket and the secondary steelwork are coated according to NORSOK M-501 in
order to establish an effective corrosion protection and act as a complement of the cathodic protection by
sacrificial anodes. The breakdown of the paint coating is as follows:

Foundation Corrosion class
Area Location Start elevation End elevation thickness dry
section (NORSOK M-501)
Jacket Atmospheric External +2.0 m MSL +12.4 m MSL 7A > 670 μm
Jacket Splash External -3.0 m MSL +2 m MSL 7A > 670 μm
Atmospheric External - - 2B > 595 μm

It shall be noted that for the day marking, the OSS foundation is marked with a coat of yellow paint from -3.00
m MSL to +12.40 m with traffic yellow (RAL 1023).
Items that are excluded from paint coating are:
- Stainless steel bolts, hinges and other bolted parts.
- Non-structural items.
- Non-primary internal steel surfaces.
The CONTRACTOR is asked to perform a close visual inspection of the structural elements and connections
located from the seawater level up to the topside interface at +12.4 m MSL. The inspection shall focus on a
range of pre-selected areas where there is a significant concentration of stresses and fatigue damage is most
likely to occur. The inspection shall be performed focussing on the integrity of welded connections as these
areas are more likely to exhibit fatigue damage than parent steel material. Aside to the weld close visual
inspection, the CONTRACTOR is required to inspect the coated surface of each of the assessed welds.
The close visual assessment of the inspected areas shall be performed “within the arm’s reach” as far as
possible considering the accessibility constraints of using rope access or scaffolding. The inspected area should
be cleaned as required from dust, guano and salt residue in order to ensure the good performance of the
visual assessment. All areas to be inspected according to this task are to be located below the cable deck level,
so access from the platform may not be feasible. It is understood that good accessibility would be possible by
using any of the several hook-on points which are evenly distributed at this working region to secure working
personnel as required. It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to provide the adequate means to reach each
area of inspection to provide a sufficient close visual assessment. The CONTRACTOR shall consider that some
works may require the use of scaffolding and rope access to ensure an adequate assessment of the hot spot.
The CONTRACTOR shall note that in no case is non-destructive-testing to be employed as part of this task – it
shall be a visual assessment.
On the jacket foundation structure, all checks and identification of anomalies shall be referenced according to
the below reference system: height and jacket leg location. All inspections are to be made with reference to a
height of -2.0m MSL – bottom of boat landing fenders. Inspection of any specific weld shall be referenced
according to the ID of the weld as per design basis.

A2 A4’

C2 C4’ C7

All inspections performed in the J-tubes shall be additionally referenced according the array associated with
the J-tube. The array associated with each J-tube and the corresponding J-tube bundles are defined in the
table below anticlockwise from A2 jacket leg.

Array Bundle naming J-tube naming

2 J-tube bundle J-tube_2
3 J-tube bundle J-tube_3
4 J-tube bundle J-tube_4
5 J-tube bundle J-tube_5
6 J-tube bundle J-tube_6
7 J-tube bundle J-tube_7
N.N. Export bundle J-tube_N.N.
282 Export bundle J-tube_282
8 Export bundle J-tube_8
9 Import bundle J-tube_9
10 Import bundle J-tube_10
11 Import bundle J-tube_11
12 Export bundle J-tube_12
281 Export bundle J-tube_281
265 Export bundle J-tube_265
1 Import bundle J-tube_1
S1 Import bundle J-tube_S1
S2 Import bundle J-tube_S2

The CONTRACTOR is asked to carry out a close visual evaluation of certain hot spots and suspected areas of
damage. On the inspected coated surfaces, the CONTRACTOR shall look for localised corrosion damage in the
painted surface of the assessed welds.
The welds and spot locations that will be under this scope are:
[1] Jacket steel surface: all tubular joints and girth welds located between MSL and the jacket-topside
interface. Welded connections located in all trusses shall be considered. The inspection should focus
on the most stressed areas according to the in-place analysis; for example, welded connections with
an utilisation ratio of more than 0.8, as a result of the manufacturing process and/or based on the
selected material safety factor. These critical locations have been identified in Table 1 and Table 2.
Indicative sketches of the location for these critical areas are also included below.

Location Weld ID Description Reference

+10.2 m LAT 5012-5043 - WIK-ELC-DAKCI-6210
+6.0 m LAT 5107-5004 - WIK-ELC-DAKCI-6210
+6.0 m LAT 5001-5101 - WIK-ELC-DAKCI-6210
+6.0 m LAT 5204-5002 - WIK-ELC-DAKCI-6210
+6.0 m LAT 5312-5005 - WIK-ELC-DAKCI-6210
+6.0 m LAT 5003-5501 - WIK-ELC-DAKCI-6210
Table 1: Fatigue prone areas of jacket structure from design basis (UR > 0.8 and ‘poor accessibility’ material
safety factor)
Location Weld ID Description Reference
+12.4 m LAT A2JT A2 leg jacket/topside connection weld WIK-ELC-DKKCI-6229
+12.4 m LAT A4JT A4 leg jacket/topside connection weld WIK-ELC-DKKCI-6229
+12.4 m LAT A5JT A5 leg jacket/topside connection weld WIK-ELC-DKKCI-6229
+12.4 m LAT A7JT A7 leg jacket/topside connection weld WIK-ELC-DKKCI-6229
+12.4 m LAT C2JT C2 leg jacket/topside connection weld WIK-ELC-DKKCI-6229
+12.4 m LAT C4JT C4 leg jacket/topside connection weld WIK-ELC-DKKCI-6229
+12.4 m LAT C5JT C5 leg jacket/topside connection weld WIK-ELC-DKKCI-6229
+12.4 m LAT C7JT C7 leg jacket/topside connection weld WIK-ELC-DKKCI-6229
Table 2: Fatigue prone areas of jacket structure from design basis (as a result of the manufacturing process)

The CONTRACTOR is requested to inspect the fatigue prone areas identified in Table 1 and Table 2. The base
case of the number of welds to undergo close visual inspection is 14 (6 from Table 1 plus 8 from Table 2).
Ultimately, the areas to be subjected to inspection will be agreed between the parties.
The inspection of the selected welds shall include but not be limited to the following checks:
- Gross extent of fatigue damage.
- Visual signs of surface breaking cracks initiation and growth.
- Length of surface-breaking fatigue cracks.
The CONTRACTOR is the end responsible of ensuring that any visual damage in the highlighted fatigue prone
areas is adequately captured during the assessment.
The CONTRACTOR is required to inspect the coated surfaces at the same locations as the selected spot checks
from Table 1 and Table 2. As part of the paint coating inspection, the CONTRACTOR is required to carry out the
following checks as minimum in the selected areas for inspection:
- Identification and characterisation of any significant paint coating breakdown and/or corrosion
damage; flaking from prime coats, blistering, galvanised corrosion, pitting holes, embedded particles,
corrosion cracks, coating cracks due to excessive dryness, abrasion, bare metal, etc.
- Dry-film thickness measurements of the areas suspected to be damaged. In these cases, the
CONTRACTOR shall provide the necessary equipment to obtain accurate measurements of the paint
DFT. The CONTRACTOR shall carry out a minimum of 5 spot measurements around the inspected area
to ensure that an accurate average DFT of the inspected area is obtained.
Previous repair surfaces as part of corrective paint touch-up works will be subjected to a close visual inspection
with the same controls as the mentioned spot checks.
Any area where an anomaly has been reported as part of the GVI shall be subjected to CVI.
The areas to be inspected according to this task are to be located below or at the jacket-topside interface. It is
the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to provide the adequate means to reach each area of inspection to perform
the required checks. The CONTRACTOR shall consider that some works may require the use of scaffolding and
rope access to ensure an adequate assessment of the area to be inspected.
The CONTRACTOR should ensure that the areas are inspected to the extent required to fulfil the
aforementioned checks. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure a proper condition of the platforms, railings and access
systems at any time during the duration of this task and at the time of leaving the foundation location.
It is at the CONTRACTOR discretion the final selection of the equipment and methodology to be employed in
this inspection.
Any abnormally detected in the paint coated surfaces and in the inspected welds shall be reported.
The CONTRACTOR is requested to provide a report summarising the main findings from the close visual
inspection of the welded connections. The report shall include all the required checks, measurements and
tests. Checklists, photographs and details of the exact inspected area (as referenced in the as-built
documentation) shall be included. Visual documentation such as photographs should be clear and well-focused
and should have a tape measure visible in the photo (if possible) if this enhances easier interpretation of the
anomalies detected.
The report shall include details of the methodology employed. The report will be complemented with
recommendations for the next scheduled visit, as well as any remedial and/or mitigation measure required.
The CONTRACTOR is responsible to ensure that all reporting is aligned with BSH requirements. Inspection
reports and results shall be suitable for submission to this licensing authority as part of the annual status
review in order to prove the integrity and technical condition of the offshore structures.
All observations shall be reported to the O&M engineering team of the COMPANY.
All fully and partially treated data obtained during the conduct of the task will be property of the COMPANY
and will be submitted in the format and periodicity required upon agreement between the parties.

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