Get Are Workarounds Ethical Managing Moral Problems in Health Care Systems 1st Edition Berlinger PDF Ebook With Full Chapters Now
Get Are Workarounds Ethical Managing Moral Problems in Health Care Systems 1st Edition Berlinger PDF Ebook With Full Chapters Now
Get Are Workarounds Ethical Managing Moral Problems in Health Care Systems 1st Edition Berlinger PDF Ebook With Full Chapters Now
The Siege of Brest 1941 2nd Edition Rostislav Aliev
Are Workarounds
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Preface ix
Notes 177
Index 205
Old Noel Sabattis talked more like a Frenchman than the kind of
Indian you read about. He wasn’t reticent. Perhaps he had a thin
strain of French blood in him, from away back, long ago forgotten.
He called himself pure Maliseet. His vocabulary was limited but he
made it cover the ground. Sometimes he grunted in the approved
Indian manner but he could say as much with a grunt as most men
can with six words. His heart was in it; and with grunts and blinks of
the eye and his limited vocabulary he told Ben O’Dell and Jim
McAllister all that he knew about poor Sherwood.
Noel was a lonely man. He had been a widower for close upon
thirty years. His children had grown up and gone to the settlements
a lifetime ago. But he had refused to go to any settlement. He had
left his old trapping and hunting grounds on the Tobigue and come
on to French River about ten years ago. He found Sherwood and
Julie and their baby on the river in the big log house that had been
Louis Balenger’s. They were the only regular settlers on the stream
but there was a big camp belonging to a fishing club five miles
farther up.
Julie Sherwood was a fine little woman though she was Balenger’s
daughter, and prettier than you had any right to expect to see
anywhere. Sherwood was quite a man when she was close to him;
but even then Noel thought that he wasn’t all he might have been.
He had a weak eye—honest enough, but weak; and whenever his
wife was out of his sight he was like a scared buck, ready to jump at
a shadow. But he was kind and generous and Noel liked him. Julie
was generous and friendly, too. They offered Noel as much room as
he needed in their house and a place at their table; but Noel was an
independent fellow and said that he’d have a roof of his own. He set
to work at chopping out a clearing within a few hundred yards of
Sherwood’s clearing, and Sherwood helped him.
It wasn’t long before Noel Sabattis knew a great deal about Dick
Sherwood and, naturally, about the Balengers. Both the man and the
woman talked to him as if they trusted him; but she was the more
confiding of the two. It was she who told of Sherwood’s treatment at
the hands of her father and her older sister. She was bitter against
both her father and her sister, but she made the bitterest
accusations when her husband was not within earshot, for they
would have humiliated him. And he was already too humble and she
was giving all her thought and love to awakening his old self-respect
in his heart.
She told Noel that her father had impoverished Sherwood years
ago, when she was a child of ten or eleven, by cheating at cards,
and then had tricked him into his debt and his power by further
cheating—and all under the guise of friendship and good-fellowship.
Her mother had told her so in a deathbed confession. Then her
father had tried to make a rogue of Sherwood. He had succeeded
temporarily, but with such difficulty and by means of such cruel
efforts that he had made a coward of him. Yes, a coward—and that
was worse than all the rest, it had seemed to Julie. She told the
Maliseet that he, Richard Sherwood, who had been a soldier, had no
courage now except what he got from her.
Noel used to advise them to leave French River. He put it strong,
in spite of the fact that he would have been desolate if they had
gone. Julie said they were planning to go to the settlements as soon
as the baby was big enough to travel and Sherwood agreed with her.
Noel suggested that Louis Balenger might come back and pump two
more bullets into Sherwood. At that the big, broken Englishman
paled under his tan but the woman didn’t flinch. She said that her
father would never return but that she was not afraid of him anyway.
Noel and the Sherwoods lived peacefully in their adjoining
clearings year after year. Noel and Sherwood trapped fur together;
but Sherwood never went very far afield. His mind and nerves went
“jumpy” whenever he got more than a few miles away from his wife
and child. As the years passed he seemed normal enough when with
them, more nearly a sound man each year; but once out of sight of
them his eyes showed fear.
Noel often tried to argue him out of his fear. When a young man
and a soldier he had not been afraid of hurts or life or death, so why
be a coward now, Noel argued. His old enemy Balenger was gone,
so what was he afraid of? He had broken game laws and stolen furs
from other men’s traps and even acted as Balenger’s tool once in the
matter of a “rigged” game of poker down in Woodstock—but he was
living as honestly now as any man and had the best wife and
daughter in the province. So why continue to be ashamed and
afraid? He was his own master now. He had education and strong
muscles. Why didn’t he go away to the settlements with Julie and
the child and forget all about French River? He owed it to himself
and those two, Noel argued; and if he’d only forget Louis Balenger
he’d be as good a man as he’d ever been.
Strange to say, Julie did not back Noel Sabattis as strongly as she
should have in his efforts to get her husband to leave the scene of
his disgrace. She, brave as a tiger in her attitude toward every
known peril and ready to give her life for either her husband or
child, was afraid of the unknown. She was afraid of the world of
cities and men beyond the wilderness. Her parents had brought her
to French River when she was scarcely more than a baby but she
had fragmentary memories of streets of high houses and wet
pavements shining under yellow lamps and her mother in tears and
a stealthy flight. Even her father, clever and daring and wicked, had
been forced to flee in fear from a city! How then would Dick
Sherwood fare among men? Her fear of cities haunted her like a
half-remembered nightmare.
Julie said that they would leave French River in a year or two—
and always it was put off another year or two.
Julie died very suddenly of a deadly cold. She was ill for only two
days. It shook old Noel Sabattis even now to think of it. Sherwood
was like a man without a mind for weeks. He moved about,
sometimes he ate food that was placed before him, but he seemed
to be without life. He didn’t understand. He couldn’t believe his wife
was gone. Realization of his loss came to him suddenly; and Noel
had to strike him, club him, to save him from self-destruction.
Sherwood’s courage was all gone after that. Without Julie he
knew that he was good for nothing and afraid of everything.
Because he was worthless and a coward Julie had died. A doctor
could have saved her and if he had lived in the settlements she
could have had a doctor.
A year passed and Noel tried to arouse Sherwood. There was still
the little girl to think of. Why didn’t Sherwood get out with the girl
and work among men and make a home for her? What right had he
to keep her in the woods on French River? But Sherwood was
hopeless. He knew himself for a failure. He had failed in the woods
in the best years of his life, and he knew that he would fail in the
settlements. He had thought it over a thousand times. Failure
outside, among strangers, would make the future terrible for the
child. What could he do in towns or cities now, he who clung to an
old Indian and a little girl for courage to live from day to day?
Strangers? He would not dare look a stranger in the face!
But Marion might sicken suddenly as her mother had and die for
the need of a doctor! Then he would be guilty of her death, as he
was already guilty of Julie’s death—because he was weak as water
and a coward! Noel was right. He would take the girl away. He would
take her downriver. He would forget the few poor shreds of pride left
to him and ask the O’Dells to help her and him. He would go soon,
sometime during the summer, before winter at the latest.
Then Louis Balenger came back to French River, all alone, and
gave Sherwood the glad hand and Noel a cigar and little Marion a
gold ring from his finger. He and Sherwood talked for hours that
night after Noel had returned to his own cabin. Sherwood told Noel
about it in the morning, early, while Balenger still slept. Balenger
had offered Sherwood a job in a big city, a job in his own business, a
partnership—and comfort and education and security for the little
girl. But Sherwood knew that Balenger was lying—that there would
be no security with him—that the business was trickery of some sort
and that a weak and cowardly tool was required in it. And Noel, who
had looked keenly into Balenger’s eyes at the moment of their
meeting, knew that Sherwood was right.
Sherwood took his daughter fishing up Kettle Brook and told Noel
not to let Balenger know where he was. He was pitifully shaken.
Noel kept away from the other clearing all morning. He went away
back with his ax, hunting for bark with which to patch his canoe. He
was in no hurry to see more of Balenger; but he went to face him at
noon. There was no sign of the visitor in or around the house. He
went to the top of the bank and saw the red pirogue grounded on
the narrow lip of mud, half hidden from him by the over-hanging
brush. But he saw that there was something in the pirogue. He went
down the narrow path and looked closer—and there lay Louis
Balenger in the pirogue, dead! He had a bullet hole in him. He had
been shot through the heart.
Sherwood and the little girl came home before sundown with a
fine string of trout. Noel met them at their own door, cleaned the
trout, then led the father away while the daughter set to work to fry
the fish for supper. He told Sherwood what had happened and
Sherwood was dumbfounded. He could see that Sherwood had not
done the shooting. For that matter, the distracted fellow had not
taken his rifle up the brook with him.
Noel showed the body—where he had hidden it in the bushes. He
took Sherwood to the pirogue and showed him faint stains in it. He
had tried to wash away the stains but with only partial success.
Sherwood spoke then in a whisper, trembling all over. He said that
he didn’t do it but that he had planned to tell Balenger to get out
that night and shoot him if he refused to go. Then he grabbed Noel
by the arm and accused him of killing Balenger. His eyes were wild,
but old Noel kept cool. Old Noel said that he knew nothing of the
shooting, that neither of them had done the thing and that the
woods were wide open. Sherwood didn’t care who had pulled the
trigger. It was all up with him, whoever the murderer was! His only
chance was to run and run quick. Every one knew what was
between him and Louis Balenger and he would be hanged for a
murderer if he was caught. And what would become of Marion then?
Noel had a difficult time with Sherwood, who was mad with terror
for a few minutes, but he calmed him at last sufficiently to take him
back to the house. Sherwood ate his supper in a quivering silence.
When the little girl kissed him he burst into tears. As soon as Marion
was asleep Noel and Sherwood dug a grave and buried Balenger.
Sherwood worked like a tiger. His mood had changed. He was
defiant. The law would never catch him to misjudge him! Fate and
the world were all against him now but he would fool them! Nothing
would hurt his little daughter while he was alive—and he intended to
He would take Marion to the O’Dells and make his way into the
States and get work where no one knew he was a failure or had ever
been a coward. For he was not a coward now, by Heaven! He feared
nothing but the hangman. Fate had hit him just once too often,
kicked him when he was down and tried to crush his little girl. But
he would outwit fate!
They returned to the cabin. Sherwood’s eyes gleamed in the
lamplight and his face was flushed. He wrote a note, telling Noel it
was for Mrs. O’Dell, the widow of his old friend. He packed a bag,
his gun and a bed roll, muttering to himself all the while. Then he
went outside and looked up at the summer stars and laughed. Noel
was frightened. Sherwood walked about the clearing for a few
minutes, stumbling over stones and bumping against stumps and
muttering like a crazy man. He quieted down and Noel got him into
the house and onto his bed. He was limp as a rag by that time. Noel
brewed tea for him, which he drank. He fell asleep; but he didn’t get
much rest, for he twitched and muttered and jumped in his sleep all
night. Noel spent the night on the floor beside Sherwood’s bed, wide
Sherwood looked much as usual next morning, except for his
eyes. There was something more than fear in his eyes, something
Noel couldn’t find a name for. And he wouldn’t talk, beyond telling
the little girl that they were going away and what she was to do with
the letter which he gave her. She kissed him and asked no questions
but her eyes filled with tears. Noel tried to turn him, to change his
mind about running away, pointing out that if he left French River
now the law would be sure that he was guilty of his enemy’s death.
It was useless, even dangerous, to argue, for he turned on the
old Maliseet for an instant with a look in his eyes that shook even
that tough heart. Noel was wise enough to understand that
misfortune had at last goaded Sherwood beyond endurance, that it
was useless to reason, now that all control was gone with one who
had never listened to reasoning even under the most favorable
Sherwood put his dunnage into the pirogue. The faint stains were
well forward and he covered them with ferns and stowed the
dunnage over all. He placed the little girl amidships, tenderly. She
was an expert canoeman but he placed her as carefully as if she
were still a babe in arms. Then he paddled downstream in the big
pirogue without so much as a backward glance at his friend, old
Noel Sabattis.
Noel gave the pirogue a start to the first bend in the stream, then
launched his old bark canoe and gave cautious chase. He was afraid
of that poor, broken, weak, cowardly, crazy Dick Sherwood. Crazy,
that was right! That’s why he suddenly felt afraid of him.
Noel had to paddle hard to catch sight of the pirogue before it
turned into the main river. He kept close inshore, glimpsing the
pirogue every now and again without showing himself in return. He
saw Sherwood and the child disembark at the head of the rapids and
make a line fast to the stern of the big dugout and drop it slowly
down through the white and black water. That eased his anxiety
considerably, for he saw that Sherwood was sane in his care of little
Marion, at least. Had he been mad in every respect he would have
run the rapids or made a try at it.
Noel carried his canoe around to the pool below; when he next
caught sight of the big pirogue he was astonished to see that the
little girl was in the stern, paddling steadily and easily and that
Sherwood had vanished. Perhaps Sherwood had taken to the woods
in a spasm of terror or perhaps he was still in the pirogue, lying low.
Noel continued to follow cautiously. He saw nothing more of
Sherwood. He saw Marion rest and drift. He saw her eat. Once she
ran the bow of the pirogue against the beach and remained there for
more than an hour, seated motionless, save for slow turning of her
head, as if she listened and watched for something or some one. At
last she continued her journey and Noel followed again. He felt quite
sure that Sherwood had taken to the woods. Mad!
When within five or six miles of O’Dell’s Point Noel turned and
headed upstream for home. He knew that there was no dangerous
water between Marion and the Point and that she would reach safe
landing soon after sundown. He got back to French River next day.
That was his story. It was the story he had told to the deputy
sheriff and Mel Lunt, though he had not given those worthies so
detailed a version of it.
“Are you the only settler on the river?” asked Ben.
“Only one left,” replied Noel.
“But don’t strangers come here sometimes, sportsmen and that
sort of thing?”
“Yes—but the sports who fish dis river don’t come dis summer.
But I see one stranger. I tell Sherwood ’bout dat feller, but he don’t
care. He too crazy. I tell Lunt ’bout ’im too an’ Lunt call me a liar.”
“What about the stranger?” asked McAllister. “Suspicious-looking
character was he, or what?”
“Dat right. He come onto dis clearin’ one day, sudden, an’ look
t’rough dat door at me an’ say ‘Hullo, frien’, you know good feller
’round here somewheres name of Louis Balenger, hey, what?’ ‘Nope,
don’t never see Balenger,’ I tell dat man. ‘Balenger go off dis river
ten-twelve year ago an’ don’t come back. You his brodder, maybe,
hey?’ ‘Brodder be tam!’ dat stranger say. ‘Do bizness wid him one
time. Got somet’ing for him, but it don’t matter. Good day.’ Den he
walk off quick, dat stranger, an’ I don’t foller him, no. He smile
kinder nasty at me, wid two-t’ree gold tooth, so I t’ink maybe Noel
Sabattis may’s well go right on wid cookin’ his little dinner. Don’t see
dat stranger no more.”
“When was that?” asked Ben.
“When dat feller come ’round? Four-five day afore Louis Balenger
come back, maybe.”
“Before he came back? Did you tell him about it?”
“Tell Balenger? Nope. Don’t tell Balenger not’ing. Don’t like dat
feller Balenger, me.”
“And the stranger went away? He didn’t wait for Balenger?”
“Dat right. Don’t see ’im, anyhow. Don’t see no canoe, don’t smell
no smoke.”
“Perhaps he hid and waited for him. Perhaps he did the shooting!”
“P’r’aps. Dat what I tell Sherwood—but he don’t listen. He don’t
care. He don’t git it, Sherwood. Too scairt. Too crazy. Tell Lunt ’bout
how maybe dat stranger shoot Balenger, too. Dat when he call me a
Noel showed his visitors the exact spot in which the big pirogue
had lain when Balenger had been found dead in it and explained its
position and that of Balenger’s body.
Ben took a stroll by himself, leaving his uncle and the old Maliseet
smoking and yarning. He walked up and down the river along the
narrow strip of shore under the bank, a few hundred yards each
way, trying to picture the shooting of Louis Balenger. Then he
walked up and down along the top of the bank, sometimes at the
edge of the tangle of trees and brush and sometimes in it, still trying
to make a picture in his mind. He busied himself in this way until
supper time.
Ben took to his blankets early that night and was up with the first
silver lift of dawn. He left the cabin without waking the others,
hurried down to the edge of the river, got out of his shirt and
trousers and moccasins almost as quickly as it can be said and
plunged into the cool, dark water. He swam down with the current a
short way, out in midstream, then turned and breasted the smooth,
strong river. There was gold in the east now but the shadows were
deep under the wooded banks. Fish rose, breaking the surface of the
water into flowing circles that widened and vanished. Birds chirped
in the trees. Crows cawed from high roosts. Rose tinged the silver
and gold in the east and the river gleamed. Ben swam slowly, with
long strokes, thrilled with the wonder of the magic of water and
wood and the new day.
Ben landed on the other side of the river in a level wash of
sunshine and flapped his arms and hopped about on a flat rock. In a
minute his blood raced warm again and his skin glowed. He was
about to plunge in again for the swim down and across to Noel’s
front when his attention was attracted to the bank behind and above
him by a swishing and rustling in the brush.
Ben O’Dell and Jim McAllister reached home soon after dinner
time next day, canoeless, baggageless and empty but very well
pleased with themselves. They found Mrs. O’Dell and little Marion
Sherwood drying the last spoon.
Mrs. O’Dell gave the returned voyagers just one look before
replacing the chicken stew on the stove to reheat and the baked
pudding in the oven. Then she looked again and welcomed them
“I hope you had a good time,” she said. “We didn’t expect you
home so soon. Why didn’t you bring your blankets and things up
with you?”
“We didn’t fetch them home with us,” said Uncle Jim. “Left them a
long ways upriver, Flora. There wasn’t much to fetch back—a few old
blankets and a teakettle and a mite of grub. But we had a good
time. For a little while there I was having more fun than I’ve had in
twenty years, thanks to Ben.”
“I ran Big Rapids, mother,” said Ben, with a mixed expression of
face and voice. “I was paddling stern, you know, and we were in a
hurry, and I let her go. The water was at its lowest and worst, but
we got through—all but.”
“Sure we got through!” exclaimed McAllister. “It was the prettiest
bit of work I ever saw! We were clean through, and we’d of been
home earlier, blankets an’ all, if Ben’s paddle hadn’t bust.”
“Jim McAllister! You let Ben shoot Big Rapids at low water?—that
boy? What were you thinking of, Jim?”
“Let nothing, Flora! He was aft, because he’s a bigger man than I
am and a better one—though a mite reckless, I must say. I warned
him, but not extra strong. And he did it! If there’s another man on
the river could do it any better, show him to me!”
“You are old enough to have more sense, Jim. And if you did it,
where’s your dunnage? Why did you leave it all upriver?”
“Did you run a canoe through those rapids, Ben?” asked the little
Sherwood girl. “Right down those rapids between here and French
River—those rapids all full of rocks and black waves and whirlpools?”
“Yes—just about,” answered Ben.
“You are very strong and courageous,” she said.
Ben’s blush deepened and spread.
“Oh, it wasn’t much. Nothing like as bad as it looks. And we didn’t
quite make it, anyhow. My paddle broke off clean just above the
blade just before we struck smooth water—and so we struck
something else instead!”
“You are very courageous. Dad wouldn’t do it, even in our big
pirogue. We let it through on a rope.”
“And he did right,” said Uncle Jim. “Yer dad showed his sense that
time. I ain’t blaming Ben, you understand, for I don’t. It was
different with Ben. He didn’t have any little girl in the canoe with
him, but only a tough old uncle who was seasoned to falling into
white water and black before Ben here was ever born. I enjoyed it.
Ben was right, sure—but Dick Sherwood was righter, Marion. He
came down those rapids with you just the way any other real good
father would of done it.”
The little girl said nothing to that, but she went over and stood
close to Uncle Jim and held his hand. Flora O’Dell grasped her son’s
big right hand in both of hers. Her blue eyes filmed with tears.
“Ben, you upset in Big Rapids?” she whispered faintly.
“We were clear through, mother, and upset into the pool,” he said.
“I want you to be brave,” she continued, her voice very low in his
ear. “But I want you to remember, dear, that you are the only O’Dell
on this river now—on this earth—and that life would be very terrible
for me without—an O’Dell.”
Ben was deeply touched. Pity and pride both pierced his young
heart. Now he fully realized for the first time the wonder and beauty
of his mother, of the thing that brightened and softened in her brave
eyes, her love, her loneliness, her love for him. And now she called
him an O’Dell; and he knew that she thought of all O’Dells as men
possessed of the qualities of his heroic father. His heart glowed with
“I’ll remember, dear—but we were really in a hurry, mother,” he
For fully ten minutes he felt twenty years older than his age.
After Ben and Uncle Jim had eaten and the little girl had gone out
to the orchard with a book Ben told his mother all they had learned
from old Noel Sabattis and of the clew he had discovered to the
identity of Balenger’s murderer. He showed her the pen and comb.
She felt remorse for having doubted poor Sherwood’s innocence.
“Then he must be crazy—and that is almost as unfortunate,” she
said. “It is almost as bad for both of them.”
“I don’t believe he’s really insane,” said Ben. “He acted like it part
of the time, by Noel’s account, but not all the time. He was sane
enough when he dropped the pirogue down the rapids on a rope
instead of trying to run them. His nerves are bad and I guess he’s
sick. What Noel said sounded to me as if he was sick with fever—
and he’s afraid—afraid of all sorts of things. But I guess he’d soon be
all right if he knew he was safe from the law and was decently
treated. He hasn’t got Balenger to worry about now. Was any more
food taken while we were away, mother?”
“You still think it is Richard Sherwood who takes the food?” she
asked nervously.
“I think so more than ever now, since Noel told us about him. He
hadn’t the nerve to go far away from his daughter.”
“I wouldn’t wonder if Ben’s right,” said McAllister.
“I hope he isn’t!” exclaimed Mrs. O’Dell in a distressed voice. “A
cruel thing happened last night and it was my fault. I—I told Ian
about the thefts when he asked me why I was afraid to sleep
without a man in the house. I didn’t want him to think me just a—an
unreasoning coward. And he set a trap in the bread box last night, a
steel fox trap. I didn’t know anything about it. I would have taken it
away if I had known.”
“A trap!” cried Ben, his face flushing and then swiftly paling and
his eyes darkling. “A trap in this house! To hurt some one in need of
bread! If he wasn’t your brother I’d—I’d——”
“Same here!” muttered Uncle Jim.
“I didn’t know until this morning,” continued Mrs. O’Dell, glancing
from her son to her brother with horrified eyes. “I found it outside,
with an ax lying beside it. He had pried it open with the ax. There
was blood on it. I—I went over to see Ian then—he’d gone home
early—and I saw him and told him what—how I felt. I think he
understood—but that won’t help the—the person who was hurt.”
She was on the verge of tears but Ben comforted her.
Ben and Jim McAllister spent the remainder of the afternoon in
searching the woods for the poor fellow who had put his hand into
the trap. Ben was sure that the person whom they sought was
Sherwood and Uncle Jim agreed with him; but whoever the
unfortunate thief might be, Ben felt that he was entitled to apologies
and surgical aid and an explanation. These things were due to the
sufferer and also to the good name of O’Dell. In setting a trap to
catch a hungry thief in the O’Dell house Ian McAllister had flouted a
great tradition of kindness and smudged the honor of an honorable
The woods were wide, the ground was dry and showed no tracks,
the underbrush was thick. Their search was in vain. They shouted
words of encouragement a score of times, at the top of their voices,
but received no reply.
The three talked late that night after the little girl had gone to
bed. Ben was determined to follow up the clew which he had
obtained on French River immediately and personally, to save the
poor fellow who had once been his father’s friend from the
blundering of the law and from destruction by his own fears. And not
entirely for the sake of the old friendship, perhaps. There was their
guest to consider, the brave child upstairs. His mother and uncle saw
the justice of his reasoning, but without enthusiasm. His mother felt
uneasy for him, afraid to have him to go to a big city on such a
mission. He had been away from home for months at a time during
the past six or seven years, but that had been very different. He had
been at school in a quiet town on the river, among people she knew.
And she feared that his efforts in Sherwood’s behalf would interrupt
his education. She said very little of all this, however, for she knew
that in this matter her son’s vision was clearer and braver and less
selfish than her own. Uncle Jim felt no anxiety concerning Ben, for
his faith in that youth had grown mightily of late, but he wanted to
know what was to become of the harvest.
It was decided that a good Indian or two should be hired to help
McAllister with the harvesting of the oats, barley and buckwheat,
and that Ben should go to Woodstock next day and discuss Richard
Sherwood’s unhappy situation with Judge Smith and return to
O’Dell’s Point for a night at least before going farther. Mrs. O’Dell and
Uncle Jim would do everything they could to find Sherwood and
reassure him. All three were convinced by now that Sherwood and
the unfortunate thief were one, in spite of the fact that the red dogs
had behaved as if the thief were an old and trusted friend.
Ben set out for Woodstock after an early breakfast. The long drive
was uneventful. The road was in excellent condition for a road of its
kind, the mare was the best of her kind on the upper river, the sun
shone and the miles rolled steadily and peacefully back under the
rubber tires of the light buggy.
Ben stabled the mare at the Aberdeen House stables, saw her
rubbed dry and watered and fed, then sat down to his own dinner.
He was well along with his meal when Deputy Sheriff Brown walked
into the hotel dining room, turned around twice as a dog does
before it lies down, then advanced upon Ben’s table. Ben felt slightly
embarrassed. He saw that Mr. Brown’s face still showed something
of the effects of their last meeting. The deputy sheriff held out his
hand and Ben arose and took it.
“I’ll eat here too, if you don’t mind,” said Mr. Brown.
Ben was relieved to see that, despite the faint discoloration
around the other’s eyes, the expression of the eyes was friendly.
“You gave me a good one, Ben,” said the arm of the law, speaking
between spoonfuls of soup. “I’ve been thinkin’ it over ever since and
the more I think on it the clearer I see why you did it. I was danged
mad for a spell, but I ain’t mad now. Yer a smart lad, Ben, if you’ll
excuse me for sayin’ so; and jist pig-headed enough to be steady
and dependable, if you don’t mind me expressin’ it that way.”
“It is very kind of you to think so,” replied Ben.
“Oh, I’m like that. No meanness in Dave Brown. If he’s wrong he’s
willin’ to admit it once he’s been shown it—that’s me! I guess you
were right that time in yer barn, Ben. I know darn well that you
acted as if right was on yer side, anyhow.”
Ben looked him steadily but politely in the eye for several
seconds, then leaned forward halfway across the narrow table.
“I came down to-day to tell something important to Judge Smith
and perhaps to ask his advice about it, but I think I’ll tell it to you
instead,” he said in guarded tones.
The deputy sheriff’s eyes brightened and he too leaned forward.
“Something about French River?” he whispered.
“You’ve guessed it, Mr. Brown. Uncle Jim and I went up there and
saw old Noel Sabattis and heard all he had to tell. Among other
things, we heard about that stranger Noel saw once a few days
before Louis Balenger showed up again.”
“There was nothin’ to that, Ben. The old man said he didn’t see
hair nor track of him after that one minute. It wasn’t even a good
lie. It was jist the commencement of one—an’ then Noel got wise to
the fact that he couldn’t git it across even if he took the trouble to
invent it.”
Ben smiled and sat back. The waitress was at his elbow. He
ordered peach pie with cream and coffee. Mr. Brown ordered apple
pie with cheese on the side and tea, and the waitress retired. Again
Ben leaned forward.
“That wasn’t a lie, and that stranger shot Balenger,” he said.
“Shoot. I’m listenin’.”
“He shot him from the top of the bank on the other side of the
river, upstream, exactly two hundred and eighty-six yards away.”
“Was yours apple or mince?” asked the waitress, suddenly
reappearing with both arms full of pieces of pie and brimming cups.
The deputy sheriff turned the face of the law on her.
“Leave it an’ beat it an’ don’t come back to-day!” he cried.
“He came from the city of Quebec,” continued Ben, “and I
wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the police there know something
about him.”
Mr. Brown looked at once suspicious and impressed.
“It wouldn’t surprise you much to learn anything, Ben,” he said.
“Have you got him tied under yer chair? Introduce me, will you?”
Ben laughed good-naturedly, produced the pen, the comb and the
broken clip and told all that he knew about them, including old
Noel’s searching description of the stranger’s appearance.
“Ben, I hand it to you,” said the deputy sheriff. “I give you best—
for the second time. Yer smart and yer steady—and yer lucky!
What’s yer next move?”
“What would you suggest, Mr. Brown?”
“Me suggest? That’s polite of you, Ben, but I’d sooner listen to
you. I got a high opinion of the way you work yer brains—and yer
luck, if you don’t object to me mentionin’ yer luck.”
“I was thinking that you might make a special constable of me or
if I’m too young for that you might engage me as a private
detective, and we’ll go to Quebec and find out what the chief of
police there knows about an acquaintance of Louis Balenger’s with
three gold teeth and a scar just below his right ear.”
“Exactly what I was goin’ to suggest!” exclaimed Mr. Brown.
“Shake on it! I’ll fix it—an’ the sooner the quicker. What about the
day after to-morrow? If you get here as early as you did to-day we
can take the two-o’clock train.”
Ben spent hours of the next day searching in the upland woods
and the island thickets for Richard Sherwood. The incident of the
trap had increased his pity for and his sense of responsibility toward