Slingshot Index 1964 2010 1

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This index is based on the Slingshot Index 1965-1995 compiled by Philip Sabin and Derek Whittenbury. This has been updated to include all articles from 1996-2010 by Richard Jeffrey-Cook. It is arranged by Subjects and gives full page references to indicate the length of articles. It gives details of authors and titles, and so offers a clearer sense of the content of individual contributions. Indexing Slingshot is a subjective process. Individual contributions often range over multiple subjects in history and wargaming, making them very hard to classify under a single heading. Debates and ideas bounce back and forth from issue to issue, rather than being neatly summarised in a single specific piece. Some letters or reviews may be longer and more detailed than some formal articles, while even short notes may contain invaluable corrections or other nuggets of information. Some material becomes dated and irrelevant almost immediately, while other material (even from the earliest issues) has a timeless value and significance. In the face of these problems, the following Index eschews firm rules and embodies some highly subjective judgements in order to make the material more traceable. The basic principle is a two-tier approach, including all pieces of around one page or more. From issue 153, a second layer of detail is added, including shorter and more ephemeral pieces. The index is organised on regional, chronological and thematic rather than alphabetic lines. It is organised in ten sections that move broadly from historical through to wargaming topics, though many pieces include an element of both. The first section covers various General Historical Topics, such as campaign dynamics and ancient historiography. After this comes Battles and Wars, in which contributions relating to particular such contests (including refights) are listed chronologically. Other contributions that relate specifically to one particular people or group of peoples (whether in terms of history or wargaming) are them listed under four broad headings, relating somewhat arbitrarily to Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and European peoples and to Asia, Africa and America. The Index then moves to more general wargaming topics, with a long section on the various aspects of Figure Gaming, followed by a shorter one on Other Types of Simulation (including wargames campaigns). Finally, the section on Other Recent Articles covers material such as competition reports and discussions about the Society itself. The index covers every issue of Slingshot from 1 to 273 (November 2010), with extra detail on issues 153 onwards. It lists all issues and pages by their correct number, notwithstanding mistaken numbering or missing pagination in certain issues themselves (as with issues 47, 59, 60 and 108). There have been various supplementary issues over the years, which are recorded here as 56a, 92a, 169a and 175a. References are given simply to the issue number, followed by the pages within it. Certain articles have been reprinted in later issues, as indicated. To save space, multiple references have been kept to a minimum. Hence, you will need to browse the Index as a whole, rather than expecting all the relevant pieces to be listed under a single heading. Please let Richard Jeffrey-Cook know of any mistakes which you discover, so that they can be rectified in future editions. He can be contacted at Mabar, Blackheath Lane, Wonersh, GUILDFORD, GU5 0PN, England or through the website. We apologise in advance for any offence caused to the contributors by how their pieces have (or have not!) been listed.

SLINGSHOT INDEX ..................................................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 1 CONTENT LIST ............................................................................................................................................. 2 GENERAL HISTORICAL TOPICS ............................................................................................................... 5 Weapons & Technology ............................................................................................................................ 5 Armies and Tactics .................................................................................................................................... 6 Battle Mechanics ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Campaign Dynamics ................................................................................................................................. 7 Naval Warfare ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Historiographical Issues ............................................................................................................................ 8 Reviews of Films & Historical Novels ..................................................................................................... 9 Miscellaneous ............................................................................................................................................ 9 BATTLES AND WARS ............................................................................................................................... 10 Before 500 BC ......................................................................................................................................... 10 5th Century BC......................................................................................................................................... 10 4th Century BC......................................................................................................................................... 11 3rd Century BC ........................................................................................................................................ 11 2nd-1st Centuries BC ................................................................................................................................ 13 1st-3rd Centuries AD ................................................................................................................................ 13 4th-6th Centuries AD ................................................................................................................................ 14 7th-9th Centuries AD ................................................................................................................................ 14 10th-11th Centuries AD ............................................................................................................................ 15 12th-13th Centuries AD ............................................................................................................................ 15 14th-15th Centuries AD ............................................................................................................................ 16 MIDDLE EASTERN PEOPLES ................................................................................................................... 17 General .................................................................................................................................................... 17 Egyptians ................................................................................................................................................. 17 Hittites ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 Israelites, Canaan, Philistine ................................................................................................................... 18 Assyrians ................................................................................................................................................. 18 Achaemenid Persians .............................................................................................................................. 19 Judaea ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 Parthians .................................................................................................................................................. 20 Sassanid Persians .................................................................................................................................... 21 Arabs & Muslims .................................................................................................................................... 21 Other Middle Eastern Peoples ................................................................................................................. 23 MEDITERRANEAN PEOPLES ................................................................................................................... 23 General .................................................................................................................................................... 23 Mycenaeans and Minoans ....................................................................................................................... 24 Greeks ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 Macedonians ........................................................................................................................................... 26 Hellenistic States ..................................................................................................................................... 28 Carthaginians........................................................................................................................................... 28 Italians ..................................................................................................................................................... 29 Republican Romans ................................................................................................................................ 29 Imperial Romans ..................................................................................................................................... 30 Late Romans............................................................................................................................................ 32 Byzantines ............................................................................................................................................... 34 Crusaders ................................................................................................................................................. 35 Other Mediterranean Peoples .................................................................................................................. 36

EUROPEAN PEOPLES ................................................................................................................................ 36 General .................................................................................................................................................... 36 Bronze Age Europeans ............................................................................................................................ 37 Thracians & Illyrians............................................................................................................................... 37 Gauls & Galatians ................................................................................................................................... 37 Spanish .................................................................................................................................................... 38 Germans, Dacians & Goths ..................................................................................................................... 38 Britons and Welsh ................................................................................................................................... 39 Scots & Irish ............................................................................................................................................ 40 Anglo-Saxons .......................................................................................................................................... 41 Franks ...................................................................................................................................................... 41 Vikings .................................................................................................................................................... 41 Normans .................................................................................................................................................. 42 English..................................................................................................................................................... 42 French ...................................................................................................................................................... 43 Other European Peoples .......................................................................................................................... 43 ASIA, AFRICA & AMERICA...................................................................................................................... 44 General .................................................................................................................................................... 44 Chinese .................................................................................................................................................... 44 Indians ..................................................................................................................................................... 45 Huns ........................................................................................................................................................ 46 Mongols................................................................................................................................................... 46 South-East Asia ....................................................................................................................................... 46 Japan........................................................................................................................................................ 47 Other Asiatic Peoples .............................................................................................................................. 47 Africa....................................................................................................................................................... 48 America ................................................................................................................................................... 48 Pacific...................................................................................................................................................... 49 FIGURE GAMING ....................................................................................................................................... 50 Rules........................................................................................................................................................ 50 Rules Reviews ......................................................................................................................................... 50 Scenarios ................................................................................................................................................. 52 Army Lists ............................................................................................................................................... 52 Designers Notes ..................................................................................................................................... 53 Hints on Play ........................................................................................................................................... 55 Rules Suggestions ................................................................................................................................... 56 Troop Representation .............................................................................................................................. 58 Combat Effectiveness.............................................................................................................................. 59 Formations & Manoeuvres ...................................................................................................................... 59 Battle Simulation ..................................................................................................................................... 60 Realism & Playability ............................................................................................................................. 60 Reality and Fantasy ................................................................................................................................. 61 Modelling Techniques ............................................................................................................................. 61 Painting Techniques ................................................................................................................................ 62 Naval Gaming ......................................................................................................................................... 63 Miscellaneous .......................................................................................................................................... 63 OTHER TYPES OF SIMULATlON ............................................................................................................. 65 Board or Table Games ............................................................................................................................ 65 Boardgame Reviews................................................................................................................................ 65 Campaign Systems .................................................................................................................................. 66 Committee or Mega Games .................................................................................................................... 67 Light-Hearted Games .............................................................................................................................. 67 Full Scale Reconstruction ....................................................................................................................... 67 Computer Games and Programs.............................................................................................................. 68

Miscellaneous .......................................................................................................................................... 69 OTHER ARTICLES ...................................................................................................................................... 69 Conferences and Shows .......................................................................................................................... 69 Competition and Battle Reports .............................................................................................................. 70 Competition Formats and Results ........................................................................................................... 73 Society Affairs ........................................................................................................................................ 75 Guardroom Issues 183 onwards .............................................................................................................. 76 Slingshot Forum ...................................................................................................................................... 79 Miscellaneous .......................................................................................................................................... 79


Artillery of the Ancients (6/8-10 rp.56a/19-21, Tony Bath) Characteristics of Ancient Weapons (7/2-3, 10/4-6, Phil Barker) Heavy Infantry Spears (17/10-11, Phil Barker) The Crossbow or Arbalest (21/12-13, Chris Clough) The Cannon in Mediaeval Warfare (27/4-6, Chris Clough) This Mail Business (30/26-29, Peter Woolacott) The Axe in Ancient Warfare (38/11-13, Charles Grant) Iron in the Ancient World (38/13-16, r .92a/12-13, Alan Nickels) The Coat of Plates (41/33-35, Peter Woolacott) The Trajectory of Arrows (52/8-10, Phil Barker) The Sling as a Weapon (54/20-25, Russell King) The Ranges and Effects of Missiles (54/27-30, D W W Stevenson) Archery (55/18-19 & 22-24, John Robertson) Sling and Bow Ranges (55/27-28, John Norris) More about the Sling (57/23-28, Stephen OLeary) Ancient Crossbows (59/35, George Gush) He Shot Grete Gonnes (61/38 & 40, Alan Nickels) Let Us Compare Mythologies [cavalry spears] (68/21-22, Steve Badsey) Alternative Ancient Tactics [hypothetical fire bombs] (68/36-37, W P Bourne) The Use of Stirrups in the Middle East (72/37, David Blanchard) Further Notes on the Repeating Crossbow (83/25-26, George Gush) Ancient Iron & Bronze Weapons (93/9, Joe Connolly) The Armourer [construction times for weapons & armour] (95/44, Jim Webster) Agricultural Implements for the Peasant Levy (99/29-31, Jim Webster) The Effectiveness of Classical Armour (102/14-15, John Gerson) Iron Versus Bronze in the Ancient World (104/46-48, Harvey Charlesworth) The Longbow, the Composite Bow, and Archery on the Wargames Table (110/42-49, David Blanchard) Eastern Archery (113/40-41, George Gush) Ancient Indian Archery (113/45-46, Duncan Head) Dark Age Longbows? (113/46-47, Peter Bone; 118/12-13, Anthony Clipsom) The Myth of the Long Bow (116/34-37, Steve Grieb) Fighting with Spears [6th century AD cavalry] (131/14-16, Duncan Head) The Myth of the Roman Run-up (136/39-40, Phil Barker) Spearpoint Forum [javelin & spear technique] (138/24-29, Bramwell Adams, Michael Anastasiadas, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Chris Halewood) Buckets and Bows [carrying lance and bow] (140/22-24, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, 169/23-24, Kenneth Clark) How to Sling Your Lance (141/11-12, Duncan Head) Medieval handguns (159/7, Matthew Bennett) The Indian Six-foot Bamboo Bow and the Longbow (172/13-16, Michael Nursey) Crossbows in Norway (181/11, Annette Booth) Bows and Arrows (199/28-29, David Edwards) Eat My Caltrop (218/15, Phil Halewood and Steven Neate) Procopius I:XVIII: 32-35 How reliable a comparison of Persian and Roman Archery is it? (235/8-13, 237/2-5, Jim Sye) Lost in the Backwoods (248/36, Andrew Nicoll) The Longbow Revisited (256/2-5, Anthony Clipsom) Xenophons Chariot (264/12-15, Jim Webster) Mallets and Mules (265/13-14, Duncan Head) Are Slingshot not Slingshot? (272/11, Richard Taylor)
Review of Kelly De Vries, Medieval Military Technolony (168/41-43, Paul Walsh)

Review of Charles Ffoulkes, Some Aspects of the Craft of the Armourer (215/34-35, Nick Harbud) Review of Stephen Turnbull, Siege Weapons of the Far East (1): AD 300-1300 (221/33-34, Duncan Head) Review of Stephen Turnbull, Siege Weapons of the Far East (2): AD 960-1644 (223/52, Duncan Head) A selection of books about swords (232/50, Daniella Carlsson) Review of David Sim & Isabel Ridge, Iron for the Eagles (The Iron Industry of Roman Britain) (236/44, Nick Harbud)

Armies and Tactics

The Horse (l/10-12 rp.24/22-4 & 121/v-vi, 2/11-14 rp.24/24-27, 3/15-18 rp.25/20-22, 4/16-21 rp. 26/11-16, Alan Nickels) The Use of Elephants in the Ancient World (10/6-7 rp.56a/35-37, Alan Rogers) Cataphract Cavalry (12/16-18, Phil Barker) The Development of the Cataphract (41/28-33, Richard Nelson) Some Thoughts on Ancient Armies [lack of uniformity] (43/16-17, Baird McClellan) Warriors of the Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Centuries [illustrated] (55/30-40, Roy Goodwell-Boss) Unusual Alliances and Composition of Armies (73/27, Iain Dickie) The Elephant in the Mediterranean Wars (89/39-42, 90/24-27, 91/27-29, 92/39-41, 93/22-23, Russell King) Chariot Tactics in the Ancient World (99/14-16, David Edwards; comments 10/11-12, R M Turpin, Phil Barker) Chariot Warfare in the Indian Epics (119/2-4, William Hamblin) Where They Stand [file structure] (169/8-9, Michael Bishop) The Use of Physical Restraints In Battle (175/26-28, Paul Walsh The Practice of Soldiers Leaving One Foot Unshod (177/44 & 49, Paul Walsh) Rein-Bow Warriors [chariot warfare] (183/20-21, Ian Russell Lowell) More Rein-Bow Chasing (185/28-29, Ian Russell Lowell) Dismounting in Battle (192/7-8, Duncan Head) Destrier (192/8-9, Matthew Bennett) The Tactical Use of Chariots in the Ancient Near East (201/15-19, Martin Charlesworth) Rein-Bow Warrior Redux (201/19, Ian Russell Lowell) Some Trust in Chariots (203/59-60, Phil Barker) On Horses, Chariots, Bows and Scythes (210/21-25, Martin Charlesworth) Chinese Chariot Warfare (215/2-7, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Elephants and Things (262/24-26, David Edwards)
Reviews of Phil Barker, Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome (42/20-21, Alan Nickels; 64/31, John Norris; 95/20-21, Derek Harrison; 98/35-39, Jon Coulston; response 101/9, Phil Barker) Review of Ian Heath, Armies of the Dark Ages (68/12, John Norris) Review of Ian Heath, Armies and Enemies of the Crusades (79/12, John Norris) Review of R C H Davis, The Medieval Warhorse (146/24-25, Matthew Bennett) Review of Sydney Anglo, The Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe (216/44, Robert Sulentic)

Battle Mechanics
The Cavalry Melee (50/21-24, 54/31-33, Alan Nickels) Ancient Military Communications (35/27-29, Richard Nelson) Cavalry Melee and Charge Speeds (55/17-18, D W W Stevenson) The Significance of the Right Wing in Greek Battles of the Classical (120//35-36, Dean Lush) The Dangers of Battle [Roman pre-battle manoeuvring] (124/3-5, Matthew Bennett) The Pitched Battle of the Greek State at War (128/20-22, Antonio Santosuosso) Fighting in a Hoplite Phalanx (128/45-46, Bramwell Adams) Flank Attack! (138/16-17 Des Allan) Slingshot Symposia [analysing battles from all periods] (156/13-25, light troops;160/9-21, Generals on the battlefield; 164/9-20, melee) Light troops symposium (157/29-30, 158/29-30, 159/27-28, 160/38, various writers) Wedges & columns (162/34-35, Tilman Walk, 168/48 Michael Anastasiadis) Melee symposium (164/45, Kevin Coe) Wedges (167/15-16, John Bassett & Pawel Szuscikiewicz) Melee Dynamics (167/41-42, David Edwards)

Roman generalship (167/44, Ralph Kay) The Cavalry Wedge (171/6-7, Jim Webster) Blunting the Cavalry Wedge (173/1-3 Michael Young) Charging Home [cavalry] (174/4-5, Phil Barker) The Rugby Scrum Theory Revisited [hoplites] (175a/vi-x Phil Steele) The Mechanics of Battle in the Second Punic War (176/1-15, Philip Sabin) Phalanxes as packed sardines (181/43-44, Kenneth Hayes) A Theory of Close Tactical Doctrine (199/5-8, Thomas Coveney) Sword and Spear: Street Fighting - the Untold Story (215/31-33, John Curry) Sword and Spear: Command and Control (216/32-34, John Curry) Sword and Spear: The Battlefield Experience (218/23, John Curry) Shield Walls (220/51, Alan Colquohoun) The Mechanics of Disruption Caused by the Roman Legion (234/27-28, Kevin Owen) Echoes of the Past? (248/44, Trevor Browne) The Last Warband (273/15-16, John Hastings)
Review of Victor Davis Hanson (ed), Hoplites (176/29, Peter Hall) Review of Alan Lloyd (ed), Battle in Antiquity (193/14-15, Philip Sabin) Review of J E Lendon, Soldiers and Ghosts: A History of Battle in Classical Antiquity (246/52-54, JimSye)

Campaign Dynamics
Some Ancient Transport and Supply Problems (24/3-5, rp92a/60-62, Richard Nelson) Nomads [supplv needs] (87/47, Jim Webster) Hillmen [farming commitments] (89/28-29, Jim Webster) Ancient Logistics (89/43-47, Ed Mills) The City [supply & finance] (91/51-52, Jim Webster) The Peasant (93/37-39, Jim Webster) The Use and Accuracy of Hellenistic Maps (128/48-49, S J Randles) Late Bronze Age Campaign Economics (149/4-6, Ian Russell Lowell) Campaign Economics (158/26-29, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Feeding the Roman Army: Grain Supplies and Farmland (200/16, Peter Hall) Roman Logistics (208/21-23, Bjorn Saltorp) Camping Out (252/14-16, David Edwards) Setting up a Republican Roman Campaign (252/44, Richard Jeffrey-Cook) Food, Land and Fertility and the Troops you can Support (262/17, Jim Webster)

Naval Warfare
Variations on Ancient Naval Craft (10/8-11, Joe Morschauser) The All-Around Ship of the Pre-Gunpowder Era (11/5-7, Joe Morschauser) The Athenian Navy (19/9-14, Richard Nelson) The effect of Weather on Ancient Galleys (23/4-5, 30/18-20, Richard Nelson & Alan Nickels) Sailing Conditions in the Ancient Mediterranean (29/5-6, Alan Nickels) Naval Balance of Power in the Mediterranean, c.250 BC (31/7-9, David Taylor) Notes on Ancient Ship Names (33/20-21, Richard Nelson) The Diekplus (44/34-36, Richard Nelson) Choris Hippeis [horse transports at Marathon] (49/2-8, Richard Nelson) Viking Ships (53/22-25, C W Buffham) The Fleets of Ancient Egypt (60/20-24,61/9-13, 62/15-20, Alan Buttery) Scandinavian Warships of the Dark Ages (85/30-31, 86/24-25, Paul McNeil) Harbours of the Ancient Mediterranean (90/3-5, 91/2-3, Will Johnson) Naval Battles of the Peloponnesian War (121/5-7, 122/5-8, 123/9-12, 124/13-14, 125/8-11, 127/26-28, 128/22-24, 129/16-17, 130/19-20, Bramwell Adams) Roman Fleets on the Danube (140/6-11, Matthew Bennett) Polybius as Naval Historian [lst Punic War] (143/15-17, Phil Matyszak)

Medieval Naval Wargames (147/31-37, James Manto) Combined Operations in the Middle Ages (175a/xx-xxviii, Matthew Bennett) Long Ships and Round Ships [in the ancient Mediterranean] (172/15-20, 173/15-21, 174/11-15, 175/0-9, 176/19-22, 178/16-18, 179/36-40, John Morrison) A Chronology of Naval and Amphibious Actions (172/20-23, 173/13-14, 174/18-19,175/9-10, 176/37-40, 177/17-18, 179/19, Barrie Kinsley & Jorge de Freitas) Additions to Conflict Timelines (180/21, 181/36, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Galley speeds & rams (180/20, David Fisher) Portugese Naval Actions (186/6, Jorge de Freitas) The Morrison Trireme Olympias Revisited (191/3-5, Andrew Taylor) A Bibliography of Secondary Works on the History of Early Naval Warfare: Prehistory to 1500 (191/9-13, 192/29-30 & 41, 193/21-24, 194/32-35, 195/8-9, 196/29-31, Paul Walsh) The Role of Sea Power in Antiquity: a Rejoinder to Chester Starr (244/23-29, Jim Bloom) The Roman Navy's Role in the "Year of the Four Emperors" (250/4-7, Stan Kitchener) How to be a Superpower in the Classical Ancient World 101 (253/22-28, Mike Tittensor) The Olympias Trireme Reconstruction: A Floating Hypothesis and its Successor Projects (257/2-9, Boris Rankov)
Review of Richard Nelson, Warfleets of Antiquity (48/34-36, Alan Nickels) Review of John Morrison & John Coates, The Athenian Trireme (135/27, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of John Pryor, Geography, Technology and War (176/30-31, Barrie Kinsley) Review of John Haywood, Dark Age Naval Power (169/37, Paul Walsh)

Historiographical Issues
By the Book? [tactical manuals] (50/32-34, David Walker-Smith) Clibanarii and Methodology [footnotes & modern sources] (115/29-30, Harry Sidebottom; 117/33 Phil Barker; comments 118/20-21, Paddy Griffith) Counting the Enemy (119/23-24, Harold Gerry) Time, Place and National Character [period specificity] (122/3-5, Paddy Griffith) Johann Gottfried Who? [Herder & period specificity] (125/6-8, Michael Axworthy; comments 126/20-22, Paddy Griffith et al; response 127/20-21, Michael Axworthy et al) Military History, Wargaming, and the Academic World (127/30-31, Antonio Santosuosso) The Clash of Cultures (129/20-21, Derek Harrison) Learning Latin and Greek (129/35, Mark Trengrove) Defining the Medieval period (130/11, 131/10, 132/13-15, various writers) Beneath the Palimpset [Culturism] (130/16-19, Ian Russell Lowell) Culturism - The Mediterranean ln a World Context (130/26-28, conference discussion) Culturism into Wargames Workshop (131/35-36, Paddy Griffith) Ancient Military History in the Army (132/30-33, John Drewienkiewicz) Ancient Military History in the Classroom (132/33-35, Mark Trengrove) The Great Debate [Culturism] (132/35-38, various speakers) Medieval Warfare (133/13-15, Matthew Bennett) Popular History, Wargaming and TV (132/20-21, Matthew Bennett) The Medieval World (134/19-20, Martin Johncock) The Myth of Heroic Warfare (135/11-13, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Myths of History and Wargaming (138/3-8, Duncan Head) The Problem of Sources for the Ancient Period (139/9-11, Paddy Griffith) Masks of Battle [source limitations] (145/20-22, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Footnotes in Slingshot (155/28-29, Duncan Head, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Racial stereotypes (163/37-38, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Vegetiuss later impact (170/37-38, Matthew Bennett) Review of Time Team TV archaeology (172/41, Ian Greenwood) Research on the Internet (197/18-19, Rob Price) The Institute of Classical Studies Library (197/47-48, David Karunanithy) Vegetius and his Epitome of Military Science (202/19-22, Jim Sye) Using the Bible as a Source (209/5, Peter Glew)

The Battles of Bosworth A Study in Historical Disinformation (209/12-23, Thomas Coveney) Using the Bible as a Source (212/8, Ian Russell Lowell)
Review of Lawrence H Keeley, War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage (201/48-50, Paul Walsh) Review of Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel (204/22-23, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Hans Delbruck, Numbers in History (213/50, Matthew Bennett) Review of ed Robert Cowley, What If? and More What If? (243/44-45, Christopher Webber; 245/40-41, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch)

Reviews of Films & Historical Novels

The Celluloid Challenge [Cleopatra & Sebastiane] (124/30-31, Ian Greenwood) Top 10 Historical Novelists (129/39-40, Derek Harrison, Anthony Clipsom) The 300 Spartans (137/27-28 Ian Greenwood) The Slingshot Reading List for 1991 [historical novels] (153/26-27, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Gustave Flaubert, Salammbo [Carthage] (154/27-28, Jill Szuscikiewicz) Gore Vidal, Julian (155,27-28, Jill Szuscikiewicz) Mary Renault, Fire From Heaven [Alexander] (156/27, Jill Szuscikiewicz) Marguerite Yourcenar, Memoirs of Hadrian (158/25-26, Jill Szuscikiewicz) Arthur Conan Doyle, The White Company (159/22-23, Jill Szuscikiewicz) Anthony Burgess, Hun (159/23, John Bassett) Hella Haasse In a-Dark Wood Wandering [Charles of Orlean] (160/33-34, Jill Szuscikiewicz) Alfred Duggan, Count Behemond (161/28-29, Jill Szuscikiewicz) Thomas Kenneally, Blood Red. Sister Rose [Joan of Arc] (162/31-32, Jill Szuscikiewicz) Mahabharata [TV Series](162/33, Phil Barker) Gore Vidal, A Search for the King [Richard I] (163/26-27, Jill Szuscikiewicz) Richard Condon, A Trembling Upon Rome [pope John XXIII] (164/39-40, Jill Szuscikiewicz) Covington Cross [TV Pilot] (167/17, Richard Devereux) Review of Past Imperfect: History According to the Movies (184//22, Paul Walsh) Review of Disneys Mulan (198/35-36, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Scott Oden, Memnon (255/54-55, Christopher Webber) Review of David Anthony Durham, Hannibal - Pride of Carthage (255/56, Martin Smith) Review of Nicolas Nicastro, The Isle of Stone (266/45-46, Christopher Webber) A Writer for Nine to Ninety [Rosemary Sutcliff] (269/52-53, Edward Harvey) Alfred Duggan the unromantic novelist (271/45-48, John Graham-Leigh)
Review of Trevor Bloom, The Half Slave (271/51, Tim Thompson)

Historical Maps and Atlas Publications (15/3-5, Mary Bath) The Top Ten Generals of Antiquity (6/2-4, 8/24, 9/16-19) The Development of Siege Warfare from 1600 BC (19/14-16, John Swinburne) The Hellenistic City (106/10-12, Richard Jeffrey-Cook) The Church Militant [religions and war] (132/3-6, 133/28-31, Terry Martin) The Greeks, Romans and Barbarians Workshop [war and trade relationships] (142/24-28, Stephen Allen; comments 145/31-32, Paul Morris) Omens and Religious Influences on the Art of Generalship in the Classical Mediterranean (143/23-28, 144/23-26, Phil Steele) East and West [Rome and China compared] (154/11-17, 155/18-23, 156/2, Duncan Head) Sainsburys Pretty Pictures [National Gallery] (157/23-24, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Review of The Quarterly Journal of Military History (169/35-36, Paul Walsh) Review of Midas Battlefield Tours (178/36-37, Allan Curtis) Kalotermitidae (186/19, 188/8, 189/27, 190/30, 191/7, Jim Sye) A Pair of Warganers Sample Syria and Jordan (189/2-4, Phil Barker) Classical Amazons: A HOTT Army List (189/40, Penthesilea) Review of Current Archaeology (189/51, Peter Hall) The Size of Bronze Age Towns for DBM's Built up areas (219/49, Peter Glew)

The Size of Built-up-areas (221/18, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Pole star Wanderings (243/19, Alastair McBeath) Nose Against the Glass (252/17-19, Mike Tittensor) Editing Wikipedia (270/26, Anthony Clipsom)
Review of Stuart Piggott, The Earliest Wheeled Transport (111/40-41, John Douglas) Review of Jim Bradbury, The Medleval Siege (176/27, Paul Reeve) Review of Jonathan Riley-Smith, The Atlas of the Crusades (155/25-26, Matthew Bennett) Review of David Halperin, One Hundred Years of Homosexuality (154/26, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Review of I A Corfis & M. Wolfe (eds) The Medieval City under Siege (183/34-35, Matthew Bennett) Review of M.V. Gorelik, Warriors of Eurasia from the VIII Century BC to XVII Century AD (185/49-50, Bob OBrien, Michael Grant) Review of Paul Bentley Kern, Ancient Siege Warfare (211/57, Simon Ellis) Review of Malcolm Todd, Migrants and Invaders: The Movement of Peoples in the Ancient World (225/43) Review of Jonathan Shay, Achilles in Vietnam (228/52-53, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of G.M. Atherton, Soldiers of the Castle: Dover Castle Garrisoned (237/50, Nik Gaukroger) Review of Derek Dodds, Battlefield Britain: Northumbria at War (246/54-55, Phil Halewood) Review of Dogs of War: Canine use in Warfare from Ancient Egypt to the 19 th Century by David Karunanithy (258/53-54, Duncan Head) Review of Geoffrey Hindley, Medieval Siege & Siegecraft (267/56, Mark Watson)


The Battle of Megiddo (43/6-11, Alan Buttery) The.Battle of Kadesh (55/6-13, rp.92a/16-20, Alan Buttery) Megiddo! [gaming options] (135/15-18, Ian Greenwood; comments 136/18-19, Ian Russell Lowell; 137/1112, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch & Noel McGlinchey) The Pharaohs Breakfast [Megiddo] (136/16-18, Stephen Allen) The Qadesh Wargame Weekend (144/26-31, Will Whyler & Ian Greenwood) Laying a Tice [Qadesh in Context] (177/8-15, Ian Russell Lowell) The Battle of Qadesh, 1286 BC (181/5-10, Ian Russell Lowell) The Hittite Northwest Frontier [annals of Mursilis II] (182/1-5, Ian Russell Lowell) Saul and the Philistines [game background] (181/1 & 10, 182/IFC & 1, Ian Russell Lowell & Will Whyler) When I Was A Child...' The Maturing of Mursilis II, (183/2-8, Ian Russell Lowell) Into the Unknown: Year 15 of Mursilis II (185/44-46, Ian Russell Lowell) The Winning of the West [Mursilis II] (189/28-34, 190/4-10, Ian Russell Lowell) Kadesh, Anatomy of a Battle (194/30-32, Justin Taylor) Beating the Bounds: The Annals of Mursilis II: Years 7 & 8 (215/21-25, Ian Russell Lowell) Robert Drews Books on Bronze Age Warfare (225/21-23, Rich Knapton) Qadesh from Egyptian and Hittite Records (272/25-30, Ian Russell Lowell)
Review of Chaim Herzog & Mordechai Gichon, Battles of the Bible (83/33, Sheila Reed) Review of Mark Healy, Kadesh 1300 BC (175a/xxviii-xxxi, Ian Russell Lowell) Review of J H Breasted, The Battle of Kadesh (182/34, Chris Kinnear) Review of Rev. David Ross Fotheringham, Battles of the Bible: A Study in Military Operations (216/45, James Kasper) Review of Osprey, Bronze Age War Chariots (250/53, Paul Robinson) Review of Caesar Miniatures "Bronze Age and Friends" (253/42-43, Mike Tittensor)

5th Century BC
The campaign and Battle of Salamis (4/3-6, Tony Bath) Syracuse, 415-413 BC (6/11-16, Tony Bath) The Pylos Campaign of 425 BC (20/1-8, 21/2-4, Richard Nelson) Themistocles Movement Order [before Salamis] (25/2-3, Derrick Atwell) Choris Hippeis [Marathon] (Richard Nelson, 49/2-8) Greek Strategy for the Thermopylae-Artemisium Campaign (90/43-47, David Blanchard) Cimons Army [Athenian campaigns, 478-450 BC] (142/14-17, Simon Watson) Artaxenes at Cunaxa (147/11-12, Bramwell Adams)

Thermopylae (157/28, Paul Szuscikiewicz; 158/32-33, Duncan Head) A siege in Cyprus [Paphos, 498 BC] (178/6-9, David Edwards) The Battle of Arginusae, 406 BC (180/15-17, Paul Norrell) Battle of Olpae, 430 BC [scenario] (181/24-25, Bryan Booker) Orders of Battle at Kounaxa (188/24-26, 189/41-44, Rob Young) The Battle of Kounaxa (193/29-32, Rob Young) The Battle of Mantinea 418 BC (248/25-27, Keith McNally) AMWs Lost Battles Marathon 490 B.C. (267/28-29, Graham Evans)
Review of J M Balcer, The Perslan Wars against Greece (153/25-26, Paul Szuskiciewicz)

4th Century BC
The campaign and Battle of Chaeronea, 338 BC (1/4-7 rp.121/iii-iv, Tony Bath) The Battle of Arbela [refought] (24/13-15, Harold Gerry) Hydaspes (31/14-17, C S Grant) The Other Salamis [306 BC] (39/26-31, rp.92a/55-58, Richard Nelson) The Battle of Gaugamela [refought] (54/25-27, Alan Angus & Andy Mummery) The Issus Campaign (65/5-7, Peter Tickler) The Battle of Gaza, 312 BC (67/2-3, Richard Nelson) The Siege of Tyre, 332 BC (74/26-28, G S Mann) The Generalship of Darius III [Issus campaign] (84/6-12, Bramwell Adams) Arbela Refought (94/2-3, Mark Wilson) The Rise of Thebes (109/44-48, Tim Cockrell) Good Work Done by Greeks [Issus refought] (165/30-33, Kenneth Clark) Hydaspes: 7th Ed. & DBM Compared (180/8-10, Gavin Pearson) The Campaign of Gaugamela, September 331 BC (187/18-21, Peter Hall) Ipsus under DBM (195/10-11, Michael J. Young) The Causes of the Third Diadoch War 315-311 BC (213/3-7, Jeff Champion) A Fragment of Arrian's Successors (214/5-6, Jeff Champion) The Third Diadoch War of 315-311BC (215/13-18, 216/23-26, corrections 216/60, Jeff Champion) Successor Chronology (215/60, corrections 216/60, Jeff Champion) Diodorus as a Source for the Successors (219/18-21, Jeff Champion) Antigonos Campaign to Re-Conquer Babylon 310-309 BC (229/35-37, Jeff Champion) The Campaign and Battle of Paraetacene 317 BC (233/13-21, Scott Robertson) The Campain and Battle of Gabiene 317/316 BC (234/19-26, Scott Robertson) The Society of Ancients Battle Day [Gaugamela] (237/14-30, Richard Lockwood, Philip Sabin, Paul Murgatroyd, John Graham-Leigh, Rob Avery, Graham Evans, Matthew Bennett, Rob Brennan, David Beatty, Paul Heywood & Tom Hinshelwood) SOA Battleday Questions (237/30-32, Duncan Head) Antigonos Campaign Against the Persians, 332 BC (238/14-16, Jeff Champion) The Battle of Hydaspes (240/15-19, 241/10-12, Alan Colquhoun) A Fair and Open Battle IV: Why Does This Sound Familiar? [Bagradas Plains] (240/33-36, Paul Burton) Gaugamela Re-Fight (245/31, Rick Stevens, Chris Leach) Chaeronea 338BC to February 2005 AD (245/33-34, Steve Lill) Persia's Defeat of Spart at the Battle of Cnidinium 390 BC (252/20-25, David Brown) False Reinforcements and the Battle at Pedum 358 BC (255/35-37, Steven Neate) Surprise, Surprise Eumenes first major battles (261/44-45, Bjorn Floderus) The Battle of the Granicus (263/9-14, Patrick Waterson) Recent Reconstructions of the Battle of the Granicus (263/14-16, Philip Sabin) The Battle of the Lyginus River, 335 BC (265/49-51, Christopher Webber) Issus: The Empire Strikes Back (270/2-11,Patrick Waterson
Review of Phil Barker, Alexander the Great Campaigns (82/25-26, John Norris) Review of John Wary, Alexander, 334-323 BC (162/34, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch)

3rd Century BC
The Campaign and Battle of Cannae (3/4-9, Monroe Kleiderman) The Battle of the Trebbia, 218 BC (9/7-9, Peter Bull) The Battle of Lake Trasimene (32/34-36, Roger Johnson) Cannae, 216 BC (34/22-24, Roger Johnson) The Galatian Invasions (34/18-21, David Taylor) Zama (35/6-9, C S Grant) The Mercenary War (47/34-36, Peter Stanton) Scipio Africanus - Innovator or Plagiarist? (56/31-34, Peter Tickler) Raphia refought with WRG 5th (69/25-28, George Cavanagh) A Naval Engagement off Carthage, 203 BC (69/29-30, Marek Ziebart) The Battle of Utica, 203 BC (70/31-33, Steve Edwards) The Metaurus (81/8-15, 82/17-24, Bruce & Alan Douglas) The Campaign and Battle of Sellasia (87/2-7, 88/22-25, Jeremy Peterson) A Rematch at Raphia [with WRG 6th] (95/34-36, 96/31-34, John Boehm) The Battle of Ilipa [206 BC] (106/2-4, 107/18-20, John Gerson) Regulus against Xanthippus [255 BC] (108/43-45, 109/38-41, John Gerson) Romes Struggle with Carthage (141/5-6, Ian Greenwood) The Statistics of War [2nd Punic] (143/11-13, Andrew Eastwood) Generalship at the Battle of Zama (142/3-11, Paul McDonnell Staff) Polybius as a Naval Historian [lst Punic War] (143/15-17, Philip Matyszak) Zama Refought [with WRG 7th] (145/8-13, Richard Thomas & Andy Grainger) Frightful Execution [game of elephants at Zama] (146/3-6, Duncan Head) The Mechanics of Battle in the Second Punic War (176/1-15, Philip Sabin) The Battle of Cannae, 216 BC (177/25-29, Dave Letts) Naked Northerners, Their Big and Bendy Choppers, Their Lack of Pokers, Variations in Size and Other Things [Telamon 225BC] (201/24-26, Aaron Hundtofte) Cannae Re-fought 3 Times (206/33-36, Martin Matthews) The First Punic War 264 241BC (208/2-6, Terry Gore) Cannae: A Rethink on the Roman Performance (210/48-49, Steven Neate) Zama Refought with Alea Iacta Est (176/16-18, Justin Taylor) Refighting Zama [with DBM] (177/22-24, Thane Maxwell) Zama Refought at Pontlliw (195/39, Mervyn Cartwright) Hannibals Hardmen and Varros Variables: Cannae Refight with DBA2 (229/30, Jason Gibbons) Not in Rome: The Other Side at Zama (235/24-25, Paul Burton) Zama: The Infantry Battle Revisited (241/12-16, Steven James) Cannae Refought (241/16-19, David Edwards) Heresy in Cannae (243/22, Christopher Jackson) Cannae 216BC Refought with Warmaster Ancients (243/52-55, Rich Jones) Amazed am I ere I made Zama (262/11-16, Patrick Waterson) Refighting Cannae in DBMM (262/36-39, Michael Campbell) Hannibals Masterpiece: The Battle of Cannae (266/5-14, Patrick Waterson) Gladius vs Sarissa: The Battle of Heraclea 280 BC (267/10-12, Jeff Champion) Zama 202BC 7th Annual Society of Ancients Battle Day (268/2-5, 271/16-35, 272/15-24, 273/31-32, Richard Lockwood, Mark Fry, Andrew Lawrence, Simon MacDowall, Mike Brian, Philip Sabin, Simon Miller, Daivid Barnsdale, Martyn Simpson, Toby Partridge, David Mather, Adam Hayes, Steve Hampshire, A. Silva, John Hills, Richard Taylor, Stewart Hey) Dertosa, the Cannae that Failed (271/2-8, Patrick Waterson) Zama Battle Day Questions (272/12-14, Duncan Head)
Review of Mark Healy, Cannae, 216 BC (179/47, Dave Letts) Review of J F Lazenby, The First Punic War (188/28-29, Duncan Head) Review of Tim Cornell, Boris Rankov, Philip Sabin (eds) The Second Punic War A Reappraisal (188/29-30, Duncan Head) Review of Adrian Goldsworthy, The Punic Wars (214/22, John Lambshead) Review of Adiran Goldsworthy, Cannae (224/46-47, Steven Neate)

Review of Brian Todd Carey, Hannibals Last Battle Zama & The Fall of Carthage (264/59, Mark Watson)

2nd-1st Centuries BC
The Campaign and Battle of Carrhae (5/12-16, Tony Bath) The Battle of the River Sambre (Sabis), 57 BC (14/9-12, Stephen Marshall) The Threat to Rome, 120-101 BC [Cimbri & Teutones] (29/10-15, J L Railton) The Battle of Pharsalia, 48 BC (28/16-19, C S Grant) The Pistoria Campaign (74/10-16, Paul Burns) Magnesia Refought [with amended WRG 6th] (114/46-48, 115/39-41, 117/13-16, S J Randles) A Perspective on Spartacus (126/3-8, 127/3-7, 128/11-14, David Edwards) Augustus War in Spain (127/8-12, Antonio Santana Alonso) The Battle of Side, 190 BC (129/12-14, Bramwell Adams) A Matter of Fortune [Myonessus refought] (134/16-17, Steven Randles) Teutonic Strategy [Cimbri & Teutones] (149/19-24, 150/22-27, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Magnesia Refought [with PHALANX] (171/17-20, Philip Sabin) DBM in Hong Kong [Magnesia refought] (171/25-29, Bruce Meyer) The War for the Heavenly Horses [China in Central Asia] (178/1-6, 179/23-28, Duncan Head) Magnesia deployment (180/41, Rupert Worrall) Ruspina: Caesars Second African Campaign 46BC (187/60-61, Steve Burt) The Battle of the Dogs Head: Cynoscephelae 197BC (231/22-32, John Graham-Leigh, Jeff Jonas, Bob Colie, Tony Edwards, Bob Hultz, Mike Reardon, Robert Avery, Paul Dobbins) The Sambre refought with DBM (235/37-38, Richard Woolford) Thapsus (238/3-5, Steve Burt) The Battle of Tigranocerta, 69 BC (238/21-25, Luke Ueda-Sarson) A Fair and Open Battle: III Munda 45 BC (239/11-14, Paul Burton) A Confederacy Against the Roman People SOA Battle Day 2005 The Sambre 57 BC (241/36-42, 243/26-29, Richard Lockwood & Nik Gaukroger) Sambre: A Warhammer Ancient Battles Scenario (243/29-31, Richard Evers) 2007 Society of Ancients Battle Day: Cynoscephelae 197 BC - Battle Pack (251/12-16, Richard Lockwood, John Hills) Report on the 2007 Battle Day Cynoscephelae, 197 BC (255/26-34, 256/20-30, Richard Lockwood, Philip Sabin, John Hills, Mark Fry, Norman Whapshott, Nicolas Protonotarios, Adam Hayes, Andrew Lawrence, Richard Harper) Ruspina, 46 BC (264/51-52, Gavin Pearson) Magnesia (265/40-43, Mark Grindlay) The Battle of Pydna (267/13-22, Richard Taylor)
Review of Gareth C. Sampson, The Defeat of Rome: Crassus, Carrhae and the Invasion of the East (264/58, Mark Watson)

1st-3rd Centuries AD
Campaigns of Pan Chao [73-94 AD] (67/31-33, David Marchant) Reasons for Germanicus Recall from the Rhine Frontier (77/30-34, David Blanchard) Naval Warfare in the Civil War, 68-69 AD (95/29, Peter Bishop) Wargaming Boudicas Revolt (95/40-42, 96/8-10, John Sampson) The Revolt of Julius Civilis (AD 69-70) (101/12-13, Chris Bramt) Mans Graupius - Search for a Battlefield (118/2-5, Jim Fiddes) Tacitus in Germany [Long Bridges, 15 AD] (130/32-35, Andy Grainger) Romes Campaigns in Wales (147/15-18, Nicholas Coles) Caractacuss Last Stand (153/9) Teutoburg battle site found? (171/40-41, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Climate change at Masada (178/29 & 31, Steve Neate, Michael Wasilewski) Fire and Fury The British Revolt of AD61 (186/27-30, Peter Hall) The Jewish Revolt AD66-AD70 (192/25-27, Peter Hall) News from the Teutoburger Wald (196/40, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch)

A Fair and Open Battle Reconciling History and Competition The Medway 43 AD (236/28-31, Paul Burton) Tis Yon Devils in Skirts Grauping Caledonians (237/35-36, Paul Burton) Judaea Invicta - an alternate Roman-Jewish War (250/18-25, James Bloom) Battle of the Year: The Decisive Victory over Varus (267/22-28, Robert Heiligers) AD9 Give me back my legions (267/37-42, Mark Fry)

4th-6th Centuries AD
The Battle of Daras, 530 AD (8/15-21, Phil Barker) Arthurian Britain [historical background] (11/8-12, 12/1-8, John Haldon) Arthur Rides Again! [campaign report] (22/2-7, 23/17-27, 25/8-14, 28/25-32, 31/31-35, John Haldon) Reconstructing the Battle of Strasbourg (23/2-3, Phil Barker) Campaigns of Ambrosius Uther and Arthur according to Geoffrey of Monmouth (25/17-19, Phil Barker) The Arthurian Campaign [forces] (68/17-20, Dave Millward) The Refight of the Battle of Tagin ae (AD 552) (70/21, C P Barrass) The Campaigns of Kavad I of Persia (91/31-34, 92/14-17,93/34-37, Phil & Chris Halewood) Constantine III (92/9, David Marchant) Chronology of the Barbarian Invasions (102/34-35, Andy Gittins) The Battle of Badon (108/38-40, Steve Hacker) Vouille, 507 (158/21-22, Matthew Bennett) Casilinum, 553 [Frankish wedge] (161/34-35, Michael Anastasiadis; 164/44-45, Christopher LillingtonMartin) Wargaming the Campaign in Thrace, 377-378 AD (179/3-11, Carl Luxford) The Battle of Frigidus (180/1-7, 183/27-29, 185/17-22, 186/14-19, Jim Sye) Death of an Emperor: Julians Campaign in Persia AD363 (205/29-34, 206/18-20, John Hogan) Belisariuss Persian defeat: The Battle of Callinicium A.D. 531 (230/37-39, John Hogan) A Fair and Open Battle Catalaunian Plain 451 AD (238/26-30, Paul Burton) A Fair and Open Battle Tadinae 552 AD (243/33-34, Paul Burton) A Fair and Open Battle - Tadianae 552 AD - WAB Lists (244/50, Paul Burton) The Battle of Dyrham, 577 AD (255/6-8, Stephen Etheridge) Callinicum 531 AD (262/26-32, Richard Lockwood, Phil Halewood and Jim Sye) Ambush at Callinicum 531 AD (263/23-27, Stewart Hey) Battle Day 2009 Callinicum 531 AD (265/20-35, 266/29-32, Richard Lockwood, Adam Hayes, Martyn Simpson, Matthew Bennett, Sue Laflin, Paul Glover, Ian Tanner, David Latham, David Edwards, Paul Innes, Andrew Lawrence) Sassanids versus the Romans (270/21-24, Jim Webster) The Battle of Chalons (272/2-9, Simon MacDowall)
Review of Arther Ferrill, The Fall of the Roman Empire (127/24-25, Andy Grainger) Reviews of Terry Gore, The Campaign for Gaul, 451 AD (157/21-23, Neil Hammond, Duncan Head, Matthew Bennett) Review of L H Fauber, Narses (169/37-38, Christopher Martin) Reviews of Roy Boss, Justinians Wars (171/38, Phil Barker; 173/37-40, JimSye) Review of Simon MacDowall, Adrianople AD 379 (219/79, John Lambshead)

7th-9th Centuries AD
MuAwiya Ibn Sufyan (99/26-27, John Feilla) The Invasion of Egypt by the Arabs [639-41 AD] (100/30-34, 101/38-43, John Feilla) The Abbasid Revolution and the Battle of the Zab, 747-50 AD (148/17-20, 149/26-31 & 38, Sam Eedle) Degsastan: A DBA Refight (158/13-15, Adrian Garbett) Chinese Campaigns against Korea, 589-613 AD (174/22-26, 175/38, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) The Battle of Al-Qadisiyyah (199/39-48, Phil Halewood and Carl Luxford) The Siege of Constantinople, 717-8 (220/2-3, Tony Bath) Edington an invitation to play (236/1-2, John Graham-Leigh)
Review of David Nicolle, Yarmuk 636AD (193/16-17, Steve Darrell) Review of James E. Turner, The Battle of Dunnichen (228/50-51, Steven Neate)

10th-11th Centuries AD
The Battle of Dorylaeum (16/9-13, Tony Bath) The Destruction of London Bridge [1014] (56/37-39, Richard Nelson) Prelude to Hastings [Fulford & Stamford Bridge refought] (60/10-13, 62/34-37, R Neal) Cavalry Tactics at Hastings (69/3-4, Paul Beckman) The Armies and the Battle at Hastings In 1066 (69/13-18, 70/16-17, John Norris) Siwards Last Battle 1054, [refought] (71/39-40, Chris Murton) The Campaigns of William the Conqueror (95/9-16, John Graham-Leigh) Manzikert Anatomy of a Disaster (98/30-32, Daniel Szechi) Manzikert Refought [m WRG 5th] (101/28-29, Ian Wilson) The Battle of Brunanburh Refought (103/29-32, Harvey Charlesworth) The Battle of Maldon (123/12-15, Ian Greenwood) Wargaming the First Crusade (131/4-9, Simon MacDowall) The First Crusade [including a review of Terry Gore, The First Crusade] (162/10-11, 180/22-23, Matthew Bennett; comments 163/6, Terry Gore) The Scientific Approach to Warfare [Kalavyre, 1078] (166/8-19, Michael Anastasiadis) - - _ . Decisive Skirmishing [Manzikert] (173/9-11, Noel McGlinchey) Maldon AD 991: Read the Poem & Fight the Battle (181/26-31, Philip Sabin) White Hand in Man (191/28-29, Keith Murphy) The Battle of Stiklestad AD1030 Back to Snorri (202/4-9, Hans Akesson) The Bayeux Tapestry Finale (195/20-21, Steven Neate) The Origins of the First Crusade (217/8-9, Colin Storer) 2006 Society of Ancients Battle Day: Dorylaeum 1097 AD - The Battle Pack (246/36-37, Richard Lockwood) Knights & Nomads - The Battle of Dorylaeum (249/35-40, Stuart Whigham) The Society of Ancients Battle Day: Dorylaeum 1097 AD (249/40-46, 250/38-48, John Hills, Roy Boss, John Graham-Leigh, Norman Whapshott, Graham Evans, Nicolas Protonotarios, Ken Cooper, Anthony Morton, Brendan Moyle, Adrian Garbett)
Reviews of Terry Gore The Campaign for England 1066 and Chris Gavett Hastings 1066 (166/36-39, Paul Morris; comments 168/52-53, Terry Gore) Review of Stephen Morillo (ed), The Battle of Hastings; Sources and Interpretations (189/50-51, Paul Reeve) Review of Peter Marren, The Battles of York, Stamford Bridge and Hastings (235/50, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Tom Holland, Millenium (264/56-57, Mark Watson)

12th-13th Centuries AD
The Norman Invasion of Ireland (10/13-17, 11/2-5, Bob OSullivan) Falkirk (77/24-25. George Anderson) Stirling Bridge (82/5-7, George Anderson) Bruce - Adventurer to King (84/42-46, George Anderson) Horns, 1281, refought (97/2-4, Robert Storm) Bouvines: The Campaign and Battle (97/28-31, John Feilla) Baybars - Putting the Record Straight (98/32-34, Michael OShaughnessy) The Last Battle of Ezzelino da Romano [1259] (104/22-23, Salvatore Pezone) Saladins Siege of Boutzey Castle [1188] (105/37-42, William Hamblin) The Battle of Al-Babayn, 18 March 1167 (107/36-39, 108/6-11, William Hamblin) The Campaign of Ain Jalut, 1260 (107/45-47, Sam Eedle, comments 113/16-17, William Hamblin) The Witch Soldiers [Stedinger in Friesland] (109/48-49, R L Lingham) The Battle of Coed Eulo [1157] (116/5-6, Nicholas Coles) Warfare of the Anglo-Norman Period [the Standard & Lincoln] (133/8-13, David Blanchard) The Fall of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (136/3-7, 137/17-20, Terry Martin) The Teutonic Orders Conquest of Prussia (15 l/36-40 & 42, 152/32-35, Mark Todd) Khubilai Khans Attempted Invasions of Japan (169/14-22, 170/2-7, Paul Walsh) The Battle of Worringen 1288 (203/36-39, Kyrill Makoski) Angevin Failure in Capetian France: A National or Dynastic Struggle? (229/33-35, Steven Neate)
Review of Georges Duby, The Legend of Bouvines (155/26, Charles Vasey)

Review of Francesco Gabrieli, Arab Historians of the Crusades (169/38-39, Benjamin Garstad) Review of David Nicolle, Lake Peipus 1242 Battle of the Ice (196/35-36, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of William Scott, Bannockburn Revealed (230/47-48, Chris Jackson)

14th-15th Centuries AD
The Campaign and Battle of Agincourt (2/5-9, Tony Bath) The Wars of the Roses [campaign report] (23/5-7, 25/3-6, 29/16-20, Will Whyler, E P Smith & P Gilham) The Battlefield of Bosworth (67/6-8, Richard Nelson) Bannockburn (74/76 George Anderson) Bruce - Fugitive to Ruler (85/36-41, George Anderson) Bruce - Victor to Legend (86/47-50, 87/29-34, George Anderson) First St Albans Refought (87/8-9, Andy Gittins) The Campaign and Battle of Nicopolis, 1396 (100/4-6, George Anderson) Strategies and Tactics of the Hundred Years War (103/38-39, 104/28-30, 105/2-3, 106/42-43, 107/42-44, Andy Gittins) Courtrai, Mons-en-Pevele, and the Second Phase of the Hundred Years War (103/39-44, 104/4-6, John Feilla) Tewkesbury Refought (105/32-35, Richard Andrews) The French Battle Plan for Agincourt (114/23-27, Matthew Bennett) Crecy Refought - Three Times (118/16-18, John Sharkey) Bosworth 1485 [Refought with Decalset] (122/15-17, John Graham-Leigh) Medieval Colonial Wars - The Canary Islands (128/3-7, David Sweet; comments 132/17-18, 133/40, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Tamberlaine (130/2-6, Ian Newell) Winter of Discontent [Wars of the Roses] (156/7-10, Andy Gittins) A Tale of Two Fields [Bannockurn & Otterburn today] (156/35-36, Anthony Clipsom) Winter of Discontent (157/26-27, Harvev Gemdt, Gareth Cambrensis) Poitiers-Maupertuis, 1356 (158/21-22, Matthew Bennett) War of the Pointed Hoods [Coucy in Alsace, 1375] (158/17-20, Duncan Head) Pits at Aljubarrota [1385] (182/38, Joao Especial) Castillon (185/34-35, Harold Gerry) The Siege of Rhodes 1480 (191/1-2, Peter Hall) Battlefield Tours, The Battlefield Trust and The Battles of Crecy (1346) and Agincourt (1415) (196/38-39, Matthew Bennett) The Battle of Bosworth Field, August 22, 1485: An Alternative Approach (197/23-27, Thomas Coveney) The Battle of Matlatzinco 1480 AD (201/26-29, Robert Richardson) Some Thoughts on How We View 15th Century Warfare (203/50-52, Paul Reeve) Wargaming the Battle of Blore Heath using Armati Rules (219/5-7, Carl Luxford) The Battle of Flodden, 1513 A refight using Armati Rules (225/18-20, Carl Luxford) The Battle of Glenfruin (231/5-7, Alan Colquhoun) The Battle of Barnet, 14 April 1471 (234/29-40, John Graham-Leigh) That Danmed Devil, Janos: The Life and Battles of Janos Hunyadi (1407-1456) (239/1-7, 244/5-11, Matthew Haywood) Pick Your Own Bannockburn (240/19-25,Christopher Jackson) The Battle of Tewkesbury from The Arrival of King Edward IV (241/26, John Graham-Leigh) A Fair and Open Battle: Tewkesbury 1471 (241/27-31, Paul Burton) A Fair and Open Battle: Nicopolis, September 25th 1396 (242/22-25, Paul Burton) Agincourt, Agincourt, Know ye not Agincourt? (246/10-11, Anthony Clipsom) Byland 1322: The Bruce's Last Victory (249/5-8, Anthony Clipsom) The 5th Annual Society of Ancients Battle Day Poitiers 1356 AD (259/22, Richard Lockwood) Battle Day Poitiers Under Days of Knights (259/22-26, David Edwards) Battle Day Poitiers using Arcane Warfare/Arcane Battle Composer (259/26-28, John Hills) Battle Day Poitiers with DBM and AMW (259/28-30, John Graham-Leigh)
Review of Desmond Seward, Henry V as Warlord (138/22-23) Review of Matthew Bennett, Agincourt (163/33-34, Andy Gittins)

Review of Jonathan Sumption, The Hundred Years War (179/47, Harold Gerry) Review of Geoffrey Wheeler & Patrick McGill, The Battle of Tewkesbury (185/55-56, Stephen Ede-Borrett) Review of Paddy Griffith (ed.), The Battle of Blore Heath (197/42-43, Thomas Coveney) Review of Christian Wierstraet, The Story of the Siege of Neuss 1474-1475 (198/33, Reinhard Schulz) Review of Old Glory 25mm 100 Years War (213/54, Tim Donovan) Review of Leonard V.D. Owen, The Connection Between England and Burgundy during the First Half of the Fifteenth Century (215/34, Martin Stephenson) Review of Anne Curry (ed), The Battle of Agincourt: Sources & Interpretations (215/37-38, Paul Reeve) Review of Clifford I. Rogers, War Cruel and Sharp [100 Years War] (215/38, Paul Reeve) Review of Richard A. Newhall, The War Finances of Henry V and the Duke of Bedford (216/44, Nick Harbud) Review of John Blount (trans), The Essential Portions of Nicholas Upton's De Studio Militaria (216/45, Nik Gaukroger) Review of Niall Barr, Flodden 1513 (220/31-32, Steven Neate) Review of David Green, The Battle of Poitiers 1356 (228/53-54, Anthony Clipsom) Review of Andrew Ayton and Philip Preston, The Battle of Crecy, 1346 (241/51-52, Anthony Clipsom) Review of Steven Goodchild, Battleground War of the Roses: Tewkesbury, Eclipse of the House of Lancaster 1471 (243/45, Phil Halewood) Review of Baccus 6mm Wars of the Roses/Late Medieval (250/54-55, Graham Evans) Review of Rupert Matthews, The Battle of Crecy, A Campaign in Context (255/55-56, Anthony Clipsom)


Ancient Warriors [drawings, 4000-650 BC] (35/22-24, John Blanche) Pictures & drawings from the Persian 2500th anniversary parade (41/17-20, 42/7-20, 43/18, 46/18, 64/29-30, 66/26-28) Charioteers armour (168/24-25, Steve Neate) The Coming Forth of the Archers [Egyptians and Vassals] (191/13-15, Adrian Nayler, corrections 193/61, 194/58) Resources for The Late Bronze Age in the Ancient Near East (207/39-40, 208/16-17, Ian Russell Lowell) The New Chronology (212/10, 214/30-31, 229/3-4, David Shepherd) Late Bronze Age Warfare: A Plausible Scenario (212/21-29, Stuart OSteen) Ur-ing on the Side of Caution: Using Early Bronze Age Armies with DBM (215/42-45, Steven Neate) Go, Go, Guti! Wargaming the Early Bronze Age with Zagros Highlanders (222/2-7, Steven Neate) The New Chronology: Re-dating the Bronze Age in the Near East (222/50-51, 223/46-47, 224/18-21, David McCann) More on the New Chronology (224/21, Robert Jackson)
Review of Alan Buttery, Armies and Enemies of Ancient Egypt and Assyria (56/14-15, George Gush) Review of Peter Wilcox, Parthians and Sassanian Persians (128/38-39, Phil Halewood) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Biblicals ( 180/36-37, Adrian Garbett, 187/46-47, Chris Kinnear) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Biblicals (182/29, S J Clark) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Biblical Wars Vignettes (193/46, S J Clark) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Biblical Scouts and Civilians (193/47, Adrian Garbett) Review of Geoffrey Grearex, Rtome and Persia at War 502-532 (199/50-53, Phil Halewood, Jim Sye) Review of Robert Drews, The End of the Bronze Age: Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe ca 1200BC (201/50, Jim Webster, 207/31-33, George Falco de Mats) Review of Donnington Miniatures 15mm Timurid, Golden Horde, Ilkhanid and Persians 1360-1506 (214/25, Steven Neate) Review of Chariot Miniatures 25mm Mittanni (219/77, Adrian Garbett) Review of David Rohl, The Lost Testament (229/45-46, Clive Vaughan)

The War Chariots of the Egyptians (5/7-9 rp.56a/l-3, Deryck Guyler) Ancient Armies - Egypt (18/3-4, Neville Dickinson) The Ancient Egyptian Chariot (35/31-5 & 37, rp.92a/48-51, Alan Buttery) The Armies of Ancient Egypt (2800 BC - 1085 BC) (38/17-23, 39/15-17 & 20-22, 40/9-14, Alan Buttery) The Weapons of Tutankhamun (44/13-17, 45/28-32, Alan Buttery) The Horsemen of Ancient Egypt (57/16-19, Alan Buttery) The Fleets of Ancient Egypt (60/20-24, 61/9-13, 62/15-20, Alan Buttery)

A Late Egyptian Army of the 26th Dynasty (664-521 BC) (86/16-18, Graham Jones) The Chariot in New Kingdom Egypt (108/18-21, 109/30-31, 110/21-23, David Edwards) Egyptian Records and the Interpretation of Battle Reliefs (112/48, Nigel Stillman) The Egyptian Army in the New Kingdom (182/6-13 S J Clark) A Tale of Two Troop Types (193/36, Adrian Nayler) Building and Playing New Kingdom Egyptians (195/23-25, Robert Schriek) Real Ancient Egyptian Chariots and DBM (220/26, Peter Derrick)
Review of Falcon Figures 15mm DBA Middle Egyptian Army (178/33, Andrew Bird) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm New Kingdom Egyptians (182/31-32, Steve Neate) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Rameses the Great (193/43-44, Adrian Nayler, 193/47, Adrian Garbett) Review of Gladiator Games 15mm Old and Middle Kingdom Egyptians (194/52-53, Adrian Garbett) Review of Chariot Miniatures 15mm Old and Middle Kingdom Egyptians (204/20, Adrian Garbett, 206/36-37, Marc Priest) Review of Mark Healy, New Kingdom Egypt (166/39-40 Chris Kinnear) Review of Anthony J Spalinger, War in Ancient Egypt (248/51-52, Steven Neate)

The Hittites (1900-1100 BC) (48/29-34,49/25-30, Alan Buttery) Troops of the Hittite Empire and Later (94/8-12, Barry Gregory) The Hittite Army at Qadesh (106/25-31, Ian Russell Lowell; comments 108/35, John Douglas) The Hittite Empire and its Contemporaries from Carchemish to Troy (109/8-15 Ian Russell Lowell) The Imperial Hittite Army (120/8-10, 121/7-10, 122/8-13, Ian Russell Lowell) Hittite Horse Sense (139/15-17, Ian Russell Lowell) Laying a Tice (177/8-15, Ian Russell Lowell) The Early Gascan Campaings of Mursilis II (184/10-15, Ian Russell Lowell) A Neo-Hittite Chariot (186/21, Daniel McLaughlin) The Harrying of the North [Mursilis II] (187/22-30, Ian Russell Lowell) Neo-Hittite Chariot From Kargamis (188/9, Ian Russell Lowell) Zugwang [Mursilis II] (192/11-15, Ian Russell Lowell) The Mouse Holed [Murisils II] (194/41-43, 195/12-23, Ian Russell Lowell) The Champions of the Fallen Ones of Khatti (205/43-48, Adrian Nayler) Hittite Chariots (211/49, Daniel McLaughlin)
Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Hittites (184/20-21, Adrian Garbett)

Israelites, Canaan, Philistine

Warfare in the Bible (21/17-22, 22/9-14, 24/15-19, 25/22-28, 27/27-31, Dave Millward) The Urim and Thummin (31/3-4, Archie Cass) The Army of David and Solomon, c.1006-928 BC (110/34-37, Peter Nash) The Army of Judah at the Siege of Lachish, c.699 BC (111/6-8, Peter Nash) The History of the Hebrews (149/7-13, 150/9-12, Ian Newell; comments 150/56-57 & 59, Ian Russell Lowell) Worshipers of Baal - Building & Wargaming with Syrians & Canaanites (217/5-7, Marc Priest) A Fanfare for the Philistines (221/29-30, Peter Derrick) Besieging Philistine Gath? (223/1, Steven Neate) Early Hebrews in Action with DBM (228/19-20, Peter Derrick) Israelites for Warmaster Ancients (253/29, Christof Simmons) The Life and Death of a Canaanite Warlord (255/16-17, Jim Webster) The Mesha Inscription: Moab in the 9th Century BC (272/33-36, Steven Neate) Gaming the Moabites Using Ancient and Medieval Warfare (272/37-38, Steven Neate)

Assyrian War Chariots (2/4-5 rp.56a/3-4, Deryck Guyler). Ancient Armies Assyria (20/13-15, Neville Dickinson) Assyria The Warrior Nation (26/26-27, Darryl Kromm) The Assyrians (32/6-9, 37/36, Archie Cass)

Further Notes on the Assyrians (33/6-10, Stan Colby) Persian and Assyrian Costume (33/24-27, John Blanche) The Armoured Slinger (65/24, Martin Petchey) On Matters Assyrian (68/29-30 D C Parish) The Terrible Weapons of Ashur (76/32-37, 78/22-26, 80/29-33, R M Turpin) Ishtar Wars [army of Tiglath-Pileser III] (80/39-41, Tim Sutton) Assyrian miscellanea (83/38-40, Nigel Tallis, R M Turpin, 161/7-8, 162/7-10,163/8-9, Chris Kinnear) An Assyrian Palette [colours] (84/47-48, Tim Sutton) The Armies of Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria (86/6-13, 87/14-21, 88/8-15, Tim Sutton) Assyrians: or How to Live with a Losing Army (86/50, Russell King) Armoured slingers (175a/iii, Daniel McLaughlin) Assyrian Slingers (176/43, Adrian Naylor; comments 181/11, Steve Neate) Assyrian standards (178/38, Daniel McLaughlin) Assyrian Infantry in Battlefield Formation (179/1-2, Danie1 McLaughlin) Vehicle-mounted infantry (179/42-43, Adrian Nayler) Rear-rank archers (180/39, Phil Barker) Ashurbanipals Royal Guard (180/40, Adrian Nayler) Belshazzars Feast (186/37-38, Chris Kinnear) Assyrian Kallapani and Elamite Chariots (191/29-30, Daniel McLaughlin) Assyrian Infantry from the Battle of Til-Tuba (193/58, Daniel McLaughlin) Assyrian Infantry 655BC: Ulai River (197/1-4, Daniel McLaughlin) Building the Assyrian Army of Sennacherib (205/20-22, Steven Neate and Nigel Tallis) The qurbute Guard Chariotry and Cavalry of Sargon II of Assyria (205/40-43, Nigel Tallis) Belshazzars Feast (205/53-54, Chris Kinnear) Uzziahs Devices (211/45, Duncan Head) Assyrian Collaborators (215/57, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) The Wolf on the Fold (268/40-41, John Graham-Leigh) The Siege of Aleppo (270/39-40, John Graham-Leigh)
Review of Mark Healy, The Assyrians (163/32-33, Chris Kinnear) Review of Guernsey Foundry 28mm Assyrians (205/55, 208/35, Steve Neate) Review of Eureka Miniatures 25mm Assyrians (206/37, Greg Simmonds) Review of Eureka Miniatures 28mm Assyrian Two Horse Chariot (209/58-59, Jerald Tracy) Review of Hat Plastics: 20mm Assyrian Foot (246/51-52, Mike Tittensor) Review of Hat Plastics: 20mm Assyrian Cavalry (248/49, Mike Tittensor) Review of Hat Plastics: 20mm Assyrian Cavalry (249/54, Mike Tittensor) Review of Hat Plastics: 20mm Assyrian Chariots (249/54, Mike Tittensor)

Achaemenid Persians
A Note on the Army of Xerxes (13/4-8 rp.56a/29-33, Alan Rogers) Ancient Armies - Persia (26/2-7, Neville Dickinson) The Persian Army (c.480 BC) (31/4-7, John Steel) Persian and Assyrian Costume (33/24-27, John Blanche) The Ghostly Elephants of Arbela (37/6-7, 39/12-14, 40/4, Alan Nickels) On Persians (52/6-7, George Cavanagh) A Diarised History of the Achaemenid Empire (66/31-36, D F Morris) The Question of Persian Cataphract Cavalry (74/53, Paul Burns) Achaemenid Persian Heavy Infantry (78/29, Richard Bodley Scott) The Cardaces (87/51-52 Philip Rodgers) Cardaces With Bows (90/52, Duncan Head) King of Kings [early Achaemenids in WRG 5th] (92/4-8, Richard Bodley Scott) The Use of Shields by Achaemenid and Hellenistic Cavalry (95/27-29, Phil Barker; comments 97/43-44, Duncan Head) The Persian Tactical System (93/26-29, Matthew Bennett) Achaemenid Persians: Further Tactical Considerations [in WRG 6th] (106/47-49, Richard Bodley Scott)

Old Persian Military Tenninology (109/32-33, William Hamblin) The AchaemenId Persians Revalued (126/8-12, Giovanni dErme) Persians at Plataea (142/11-13 Ian Newell) The Thin End of a Persian Wedge? (151/12, Richard Lockwood) Persian cavalry wedges (155/33-34, Richard Lockwood; 156/28, John Bassett; 157/25-26, Duncan Head) Achaemenid Persian Army Lists [for WRG 7th] (171/11-15, 172/9-12, Duncan Head) _ DBM Early Achaemenid Persians (172/13-15, Paul Kearney) Improvised Sparabara (174/29-30, Duncan Head) Xerxes Army in Greece, 480-479 BC (181/12-20, Duncan Head) 4th Century Persian Infantry (184/17-18, Rob Young) Lost and Found in Anatolia (201/28-29, Adrian Nayler) How do you Use the Early Achaemenid Persians (203/21-22, Nick Bennett) Cypriot Forces in the DBM Achaemenid Persian Army (228/25-26, Jon Willacy) The Lost Gold of Babylon: a Tap Room Whimsy (244/7-9, Mike Tittensor) Evagoras, King of Salamis (261/13-15, Jim Webster)
Review of J M Cook, The Persian Empire (114/31-32, Duncan Head) Review of Duncan Head, The Achaemenid Persian Army (166/32-35, Phil Steele) Review of Irregular 15mm Achaemenid DBA Army (173/36-37, Peter Hall) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Late Achaemenids (176/28, Steven Neate) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Persian heavy cavalry (181/42, Adrian Garbett) Review of Baccus 6mm Greeks and Early Achaemenid Persians (183/20, Steven Neate) Review of Essex Miniatures 15mm Achaemenid Persians (187/49, Adrian Garbett) Review of Xth Legion 15mm Achaemenid Persians (189/27, Steven Neate) Review of Xyston 15mm Persian Archers and Slingers (229/50-51, Richard Lockwood) Review of Baccus 6mm Achaemenid Persian range (231/46-48, Graham Evans) Review of Baccus 6mm Late Achaemenid Persian range (232/53-54, Graham Evans) Review of Crusader 28mm Persians (261/58-59, Mark Watson)

Josephus and Jewish Infantry 168BC 6AD (190/1-2, Jim Webster) Josephus and Allied Forces (195/29, Jim Webster) Civil Wars, Revolts, Banditry and Heroes (201/29-33, Steven Neate) My First Research Project: Making an Ark of the Covenant (216/6, Peter Derrick) Jospehus and King Herod Designing a Judaean Army for Warhammer Ancient Battles (225/8-12, Steven Neate) The Maccabean Army as Portrayed in the War-Rule of The Army of the Sons of Light (227/10-13, Luke Ueda-Sarson) Wargaming Hasmonean Judaea using DBM (228/14-19, Steven Neate) Flavius Josephus and Rival Factions in the Command Structure of Jewish Forces in the Roman-Jewish War of the First Century AD (245/18-20, Jim Bloom)
Review of Donnington Miniatures 15mm Maccabean Jews & Jewish Revolt (189/27, Steven Neate) Review of Rafeal Patai, The Children of Noah Jewish Seafaring in Ancient Times (210/54-55, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Newline Designs 25mm Maccabeans (219/76, Steven Neate) Review of Cambridge University Press, The Ruling Class of Judaea: The Origins of the Jewish Revolt against Rome, AD 66-70 (225/42-43, Steven Neate) Review of Samuel Rocca, The Army of Herod the Great (270/53-54, Steven Neate)

Parthians (50/13-16, Ian Brewer) Parthians? (83/20-21 & 23, Jim Webster) Tactics with the Parthians [in DBM] (177/38, Gugliemo Marlia) Parthians (178/44-46, Vic Fitzpatrick & John Bicknell) The Editors Hobby Horse [Parthians vs Seleucids] (179/41, Michael Grant; 180/45, Philip Sabin; 181/4648, Justin Taylor, Jim Webster, Kenneth Clark; 182/34-35, Carl Luxford) Early Parthian Armies to Carrhae (236/17-21, Jim Webster) The Jewish State of Nehardea (253/8-9, Jim Webster)

Parthian Infantry Spearmen (264/32-33, Nigel Tallis)

Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Parthians (193/38, Adrian Garbett) Review of Navigator Miniatures 25mm Parthians (217/35, Adrian Garbett) Review of Baccus 6mm Parthians (249/54, Graham Evans) Review of Vendel 28mm Parthian Horse Archers (268/52, Mark Watson)

Sassanid Persians
The Army of Sassanid Persia, 550 AD (17/11-16, John Haldon) The Sassanid Clibanarius (40/14-15 Peter Wilcox) More about the Clibanarius (42/22-24, Phil Barker) The Rules at Present [Sassanids in WRG 4th] (50/35-36, Saurenus) Bow and Lance or Kontos? (52./29-30, Bob Aldridge) Wargaming with Sassanids [in WRG 4th & 5th] (67/17, 74/17, David Mason) Wargaming with Sassanid Persians [in WRG 5th] (68/23-25, John Norris) Armies without levies (76/45-46, M J Bowen) Sassanian Military Science (117/3-5, 118/6-8, William Hamblin) The Development of a Sassanid Persian Army (170/13-17, Adrian Garbett) Chained levies a myth (171/40: Michael Anastasiadis) Cavalry armament (171/42, Simon MacDowall; 172/43-44, Alex Baumans) Heirs of the Achaemenids (184/32-35, 185/14-16, 186/22-24, 187/15-17, 188/4-8, 189/5-7, 191/17-19, 192/6-7, 193/32-35, 196/1-3, Phil Halewood) Korymbos The Crowning Glory of Iran (187/31-33, Phil Halewood) The Appearance of Wizards Hats (189/59, Quentin Newark) Sorting the Sassanians (194/15-21, Phil Halewood) Sassanid Heraldry (195/2-5, Carl de Roo) Sassanian Scenics Some Structural Guidance for Wargamers (197/9-13, Phil Halewood) Some Recent Sassanian Acquisitions (203/4-5, Phil Halewood) Persian Pachyderms Elephas Maximus in Sassanian Service (205/10-17, 206/21-29, Phil Halewood) Sassanian Foes (210/45, Phil Halewood) Sasanian Armies a re-examination (224/34-38, Matt Coote) Sasanian Armies an alternative reconstruction (230/5-9, Matt Coote) Sasanian Armies Subject, Allies, Vassals & Mercenaries (233/1-3, Matt Coote) Two Sasanian Lists for Armati 2 (238/30-32, Phil Halewood) The Red Snake (258/13, Steven Neate) Putting it all Together New Light on an Old Friend (260/8-11, 261/3-6, 264/31-32, Doug Melville)
Review of Donnington 15mm Sassanids (173/35-36, Adrian Garbett) Review of Donnington 15mm Sasanid Persians (183/33, Adrian Garbett) Review of Gladiator Games 15mm Sassanid Persians (189/25-26, Phil Halewood) Review of David Nicolle, Sassanid Armies The Iranian Empire Early 3rd to Mid 7th Centuries AD (189/45-47, Phil Halewood, Phil Barker, Jim Sye, comments 19/37-38, Duncan Head) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Sassanid Persians (194/50-51, Phil Halewood) Review of Gripping Beast 28mm Sassanid War Elephant (209/58, Jerald Tracy) Review of Robert Thompson, James Howard-Johnston & Tim Greenwood (trans.) The Armenian History Attributed to Sebeos (209/60, Phil Halewood) Review of Gripping Beast 25mm Sassanid Persians (210/53-54, Alan Hills) Review of Osprey, Sassanian Elite Cavalry AD 224-642 (244/54, Paul Robinson) Review of Baccus 6mm Sassanians (264/54-55, Doug Melville)

Arabs & Muslims

A Medieval Arab Military Manual (55/13-16, Phil Barker) Memoirs of Usamah Ibn Murshid (59/8-9, Ken Clark) The Arabs in Wargames Armies (65/8-9, 66/9-10, Dave Millward) Epigenesis of an Arab Conquest Army (69/31-32, Peter Roe) The Early Ghaznavids in History and Wargaming (73/22-26, 74/36-39, 75/8-13, Phil Masters; comments 76/2-13, 78/27-28, John Sampson)

Almohad Berbers (79/57, Cedric the Camel [Robert Storm]; 80/8-9, Denis the Destrier; 81/22-23, Robert Storm) Arab Horses for Ghaznavids and others (85/23-24, John Sampson) Ilkhanid Shield Patterns (86/38-39, Richard Bodley Scott) The Camel and Infantry in the Arab Conquest Army (98/14, John Feilla) Origins of the Mamluk Military Institution (99/11-12, John Feilla) The Early Ottoman Turkish Army (99/34-36, Richard Lloyd) Troop Types in the Armies of the Arab Conquests (102/12-13, William Hamblin; comments 106/40-41, John Feilla; response 110/18-19, William Hamblin) The Training of the Roval Mamluk in the Earlv XIVth Century (102/47-48, John Feilla) Infantry in Mamluk Armies (103/45-48, 104/18-21, William Hamblin) The Development of the Ottoman Army (109/3-5, William Hamblin) Arab Conquest [WRG 6th hints] (114/5 Sheikh Ratl-n-Rol) The Muallaqa of Antar ibn Shaddad: The Martial Verses (115/32-34, William Hamblin) Notes on the Dailamis (119/35-36, David Blanchard) The Fatimid Army (150/48-54, William Hamblin & David Blanchard) A Note on the Fatimids (151/33-35, Duncan Head) Battles with Berbers (157/17-18, 163/25-26, Gavin Pearson) Actions with Abbasids (165/34-36, Duncan Head) Characterising the Early Bedouin (184/29-30, Peter Duckworth) Fun with Later Pre-Islamic Arabs (196/27-28, Jim Webster) Arab Conquest Tweaks (200/23-24, Phil Halewood) Using Nabatean Arabs (201/2-5, Neil Fox) Some Questions About the DBM Arabo-Aramaean Army List (207/18, Peter Glew) Prof. Irfan Shahid and the Ghassanid Federate Army (207/29-30, 224/48 Jim Sye) A Fourth Century BC Makkan Army (210/1, Stephen Turn) A Symphony For Bows: Wargaming Seljuk Turks with Armati (212/11, Daniele Varelli) A Pre-Islamic Arab Army for DBA (212/20, Peter Glew) Accurate Abbasids & Alternative Arabs (212/47, Adrian Garbett) Dynastic Bedouins the best army youve never heard of? (221/19-21, Alan Patrick) The Arab Conquests up to 711 Their Speed, Scale and Success (225/26-28, Steven Neate) The Quest for the Perfect Ghulam (228/7-9, Brendan Moyle) Fighting with Almughavars (230/1-5, Charles Ablett) A Wargamers Guide to Medieval Persian Armies in DBM (235/18-23, Gareth Griffiths) Where Have All The Good Bows Gone? Sudanese Infantry in Fatimid Service (238/13-14, Brendan Moyle) A Seljuk Turk Army List for Warhammer Ancient Battles (246/48-49, Edwards McDonald) The Army of the Zanj Revolt (255/2-5, Duncan Head) The Bahmani Sultanate (255/18-20, John Walsh) Constantine Porphyrogenitus and the pink-jerkined Arabs (256/19-20, Duncan Head)
Review of F Daftary, The Assassin Legends (178/37-38, Michael Grant) Review of Museum Miniatures 15mm Islamic Persians (178/36, Steve Neate) Review of Donnington Miniatures 15mm Arabs (187/47, Jim Webster) Review of Reuven Amitai-Preiss, Mongols and Mamluks: The Mamluk-Ilkhanid War 1260-1281 (193/19, Steve Darrell) Revew of Lancashire Games 15mm Pre-Islamic Arabs (193/45, Adrian Garbett) Review of Donnington Miniatures 15mm Ottoman Turks and Romanians (207/36-37, Paul Nettle, Steven Neate) Review of Navigator Miniatures 25/8mm Bedouin Rider & Camel (213/55, Steven Neate) Review of J.B.Bury, The Ottoman Conquest (214/23, Marc Priest) Review of David Nicolle, The Islamic West 7 th -15 th Centuries AD (216/44, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Outpost Wargame Services 15mm Central Asian Turks (217/35, Duncan Head) Review of Essex 15mm Pre-Islamic Arabs (221/35, Craig Davey) Review of Outpost Wargames Services 15mm Crusade Period Islamics (233/42-43, Nik Gaukroger) Review of Donnington Miniatures 15mm Nabatean Arabs (243/48-49, Nik Gaukroger) Review of Khurasan Miniatures 15mm Armies and Enemies of Central Asia (257/47-48, Mark Watson) Review of Khurasan Miniatures 15mm 8th-11th Century Eastern Islamics (262/51, Richard Lockwood) Reveiew of Geoffrey Hindley, Saladin Hero of Islam (272/51, Mark Watson)

Other Middle Eastern Peoples

Who Were the Georgians? (63/15-16, Phil Barker) The Sumerians (70/223, Chris Wells) The Sumerian Army (74/45-46, John Mumby) Armenian Oddments (87/40-43, Duncan Head) Mitanni (115/6-13, Nigel Stillman) Art and Archives of Ebla (123/15-19, David Sweet) Goliaths Armour (145/16-17, David Edwards) Mitanni (165/5-6, Chris Kinnear) Sea Peoples DBM list (168/29-30, Steve Neate) Iberians (173/40-42, Duncan Head, John Bassett) Struggling with Cataphracts [Armenians in DBM] (178/20-23, Steve Neate) Hiberians (Eastern Iberians) (178/41-43, Bernd Lehnhoff; 182/39-41, Duncan Head, Steve Neate) A Western Iranian cavalryman 860 BC (180/19, Daniel McLaughlin) Libyan Toxophily (192/17, Adrian Nayler, Duncan Head) Ebla, A Brief Update (198/9-10, David Sweet) Warriors of Colchis (201/44-45, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Sea Wars (205/1-3, Nigel Jones) Rearranging the Deckchairs on the Titanic (205/4-5, Steve Neate) Creating a Hammurabic Army for Warhammer Ancient Battles (207/58-60, Nigel Stillman) Royal Treasures of Ur, An Exhibition at the Sackler (207/61, Andrew Bird) Georgia on my Mind (223/38-40, Alan Patrick) Zagros Highlanders in Wales: Never Mind the Quality Feel the Width (226/32-34, Neil Hammond) The Queen of Sheba Rides Again (228/26-30, John Hogan & Lee Sanders) The Lydian Imperial Army (231/8-14, 232/4-14, Mark Trengove) The Revolt of Khishep-ratep, King of Elam (242/26-28, Steven Neate) Chedorlaomer, King of Elam and his excursion to the West (253/18-21, Jim Webster) Advancing with Akkad - choosing, painting & playing with an army (254/48-49, Gavin Pearson) The Urartian Army (255/14-16, Steve Rathgay) Mesopotamian Warfare Notes (250/8-17, 256/6-13, 257/10-19, 261/7-13, 262/4-10, 263/17-22, 264/16-23, 265/14-20, 266/20-28, 268/7-13, 269/12-20, 270/27-29, 272/25-30, Alastair McBeath) A Lamentation of the Fall of Tyre (261/15-16, Jim Webster) Zenobia on the Field of Glory (262/33-35, John Hogan) Mesopotamian & Chronological Notes from AMW (268/39-40, Alastair McBeath)
Review of J D Wiseman, The Alalakh Tablets (109/24, John Douglas) Review of Chariot Miniatures 15mm Sumerians & Akkadians (179/46, Steve Neate) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Sea Peoples (189/20-21, Adrian Garbett) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Sea Peoples (193/48, S J Clark) Review of Chariot Miniatures 15mm Mitanni (198/34, Adrian Garbett) Review of Newline Designs: 28mm Sumerians (249/49-50, Alastair McBeath) Review of Amazon QT 25mm Sumerians (249/50-52, Alastair McBeath) Review of Amazon SKT 28mm Sumerians(249/52-54, 252/54-55, Alastair McBeath) Review of Hat Plastics: 20mm Sumerian Chariots (249/54, Mike Tittensor) Review of Hat Plastics: 20mm Sumerian Infantry (255/48, Alastair McBeath) Review of Mark Chavalas (ed.), Historical Sources in Translation (255/50-51, Mike Tittensor) Review of Newline Designs 28mm Sumerian Archers (260/51, Alastair McBeath) Review of Eureka Miniatures 28mm Sumerians (260/51-55, Alastair McBeath) Review of Ann Neville, Mountains of Silver and Rivers of Gold: The Phoenicians in Iberia (272/53-54, Jim Webster)


Greek Armour (28/2-8, Roger Webb) On Asclepiodotus (41/5-8, Alan Nickels) Asclepiodotus & Polybius [doubled phalanx] (42/7-8, Richard Nelson)

Iphicrates and the Macedonian Phalanx (49/30-33, Richard Nelson) By The Book? [tactical manuals] (50/32-34, David Walker-Smith) Greek and Macedonian Cataphracts? (63/25-27, Phil Barker) The Adoption of Shields by Greek Cavalry (70/34-35, Duncan Head) The Wedge (74/73, Kenneth Haynes) Terrain in Greece (86/40-41, Stuart Peachey) The Elephant in the Mediterranean Wars (89/39-42, 90/24-27, 91/27-29, 92/39-41,93/22-23, Russell King) The Myth of the Heavy Phalangite (94/20-25, Duncan Head; comments 96/42-43, Phil Barker; response 97/36-37, Duncan Head) The Use of Shields by Achaemenid and Hellenistic Cavalry (95/27-29, Phil Barker; comments 97/43-44, Duncan Head) Comments on the Imperial Roman Army Lists [for WRG 6th] (105/10-13, Derek Harrison) The Tactical Development of Peltasts (112/36-41, Tim Cockrell) Environment and National Character in the Classical Mediterranean (124/12-13, Guy Forster) Phalangite pike grip (128/55-56, Phil Steele) Swords and Pikes (136/35, Guglielmo Marlia) The Army of Hannibal and the Forces of Rome [for WRG 6th] (144/4-8, Andrew Parrock) Roman Legions vs Greek Phalanxes, 280-86 BC (148/12-15, Andrew Parrock) Peltasts, thureophoroi & velites (146/32, David Blanchard: 149/14-15, Perry Gray) The Forlorn Hoplite [fighting legionaries or phalangites] (149/16-18 & 42, Neil Hammond & Nigel Phillips) The Greek for Wedge (159/8-11, Adrian Nayler) Greek wedges (160/37-38, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Roman shields (180/40, Adrian Nayler) Roman Strategic Thought and Practice, 100BC AD 200 (185/4-7, 186/2-5, Adrian Goldsworthy) Lost: A North African Cavalryman (209/11, Duncan Head)
Review of Peter Connolly, The Legend of Odysseus (131/30-31, Ian Russell Lowell) Review of David Nicolle & Angus McBride, Romano-Byzantine Armies (168/45-47, Michael Anastasiadis; comments 170/54, Phil Barker; 171/41, Simon MacDowall) Review of Leslie Worsley, Hippeis (181/41, Peter Hall) Review of Warrior 25mm Macedonian & Punic Wars Range (185/48-49, Carl Luxford) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Libyans (186/36, Adrian Garbett) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Libyans (189/21, Adrian Garbett) Review of Wallace R.W. and Harris E.M., Transition to Empire: Essays in Greco-Roman History 360-146BC in honour of E Badian (194/48, Michael Grant) Review of Newline Designs 20mm Celts, Parthians, Numidians and Thracians (195/32-33, Steve Burt) Review of Newline Designs 20mm Ancient Ranges (196/32-34, Matthew Bennett) Review of Chariot Miniatures 15mm Libyans (200/50, Steve Neate) Review of Tin Soldier 15mm Hellenistic and Punic Range (202/26-27, Peter Hall) Review of Baccus 6mm Republican Roman and Carthaginians (207/37-38, Daniele Varelli) Review of Navigator Miniatures 25mm Republican Romans and Carthaginians (208/34, Steven Neate) Review of Chariot Miniatures 10mm Punic Wars Range (208/36-37, Paul Reeve) Review of Hat Industrie 1/72nd War Elephants and Roman Catapults (211/57-58, David Allen) Review of Adrian Goldsworthy, Roman Warfare (212/52, Duncan Head) Review of John Drogo Montagu, Battles of the Greek and Roman Worlds (214/24, Steven Neate) Review of Baccus 6mm Roman And Celtic Command Figures (217/36, Daniele Varelli) Review of Mariusz Mielczarek, The Army of the Bosporan Kingdom (217/39, Duncan Head) Review of Whitecross Games, 25mm Late Imperial Romans, Huns, Goths and Franks (220/28, Adrian Garbett) Investments in the Pleasure of Learning - Review of J.E. Lendon, Soldiers and Ghosts; Peter Heather, The Fall of the Roman Empire and Bishop & Coulston, Roman Military Equipment: from the Punic Wars to the Fall of Rome (251/43, Theo Raykoske)

Mycenaeans and Minoans

Armour and Weapons of the Minoans (12/23, Colin Rowbotham) The Double Axe (40/35-36, Dan Kane) The Mycenaean Army 1400 BC - 1200 BC (73/32-36, Ralph Kirby) The Heroic Age [Mycenaesns] (111/26-30, J G Cadera; comments 113/3-4, Ian Russell Lowell) Wot! Not Chariots? [Mycenaean chariots] (114/28-30, Ian Russell Lowell) Were Minoans Greek? (159/32-33, John Bassett)

Mycenaean emblems (160/37, Stewart Revellej Mycenaeans in Egypt (164/41, John Bassett) Bow-armed charioteers (175a/iv, John Harrell) News from Troy (203/6-8, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) More News from Troy (226/27-28, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Troy: From Homer to the Hittites (224/2-12, Ian Russell Lowell) Troy Falls! Trojans in a DBM Competition (227/40-4, Tim Child)
Review of Mary Littauer, The Military Use of the Chariot in the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age (109/24-25, John Douglas, Duncan Head) Review of Redoubt Enterprises 25mm Trojan Wars (183/31, 185/53, 186/31-32, 187/47-48, Steven Neate) Review of Foundry 25mm Trojan Wars (209/57, David Sullivan, 210/53, Jerald Tracy) Review of Nic Fields, Mycenaean Citadels (238/50-51, David Edwards) Review of Osprey, The Mycenaeans 1650-1100 BC (246/50, Paul Robinson)

The Spartan Army (18/11-13 & 15-16, Richard Nelson) The Athenian Navy (19/9-14,Richard Nelson) The Hoplite Shield and Spear (22/20 & 22, Alan Nickels) Greek Hoplite Shield Blazons (22/21-23, 32/31-32, Richard Nelson) Notes and Queries from Xenophon (29/6-9, Charles Grant) Greek Siegecraft before 400 BC (30/13-15, Richard Nelson) Shield Emblems for your Hoplites (30/20-23, C M Dorman) Overarm or Underarm (34/10-11, Richard Nelson; 35/29-31, Alan Nickels; 37/31-33, Richard Nelson; 37/33-34, Alan Nickels) Some Notes on Hoplite Arms Drill (42/21-22, Peter Harriss) On Thessalian Rhomboids (43/34-35, 51/25-26, John Norris) Hoplite Battle Drill (43/12-16, Alan Nickels) Some Special Illogical Pleading [on hoplite battle drill] (45/24-27, Richard Nelson) The Peltast (51/9-17 & 20-1, C S Grant) An Early History of Sparta, 800 BC - 494 BC (68/13-16, Paul Burns) Thessalian Cavalry (71/38, Timothy Hubbard; 77/42, Alexandros) The Athenian Citizens Militia Organisation, 5th Century BC (72/34-36, Kenneth Hayes) Wargaming with Spartans [in WRG 5th] (72/38-40, Jim Webster) From Hoplite to Phalangite in Greece (87/11, Jim Webster) Xenophons Metamorphosis [armoured cavalry] (88/5-7, Duncan Head) Army of the Achaean League, 222 BC - 200 BC (88/55, Jim Webster) Armoured Thessalians (92/28-29, Jim Webster, Thorn Richardson, Duncan Head) Aspects of the Spartan Army (92/50-51, Bramwell Adams) The Greeks at War, 500-400 BC (96/36-39, 97/14-16, 98/2-5, 100/14-17, 101/30-34, 102/20-23, David Halligan) The Introduction of the Greek Hoplite Phalanx (101/14-17, Trevor Roberts) Agesilaus Army In Asia Minor, 396-394 BC (104/24-27, Dean Lush) Greek Tower and Enclosure (112/21, Jim Webster) Greek Tactical Developments in the Early 4th Century BC (113/8-16, Dean Lush) The Greek Attitude to Military Training (114/6-8, Bramwell Adams) Spartan Education, Army and State (120/11-13, Roman Szwaba) The Pitched Battle of the Greek State at War (128/20-22, Antonio Santosuosso) Fighting in a Hoplite Phalanx (128/45-46, Bramwell Adams) Social and Political Status in Classical Greek Warfare (134/13-15, Guy Forster) Platos Guardians (141/15-16, Ian Cheshire) The Rugby Scrum Theory Revisited (175a/vi-x, Phil Steele) A Note on Athens Tarentines (184/38, Duncan Head) The Spartan Cup or Kothon (197/60, Peter Hall) Officers and Classical Greek Armies (204/40-2, David Harthen) Spartans and Spolades (206/14-15, Duncan Head)

Frank Miller, 300 (211/58, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Cretans (219/68-9, Jim Webster, 222/20, David McCann) Achaian Phalangite c 200B.C. (220/41) Greeks Bearing Gifts (229/10-13, Phil Riley) Cavalry Formations in the Greek Tactical Tradition (240/10-15, J.E. Lendon) Greek Walls (254/25, Jim Webster) Iphicrates at Lechaeum: Long Walls of Dissonance (255/12-13, Christopher Webber) Spartan Spartans (258/10-11, Jim Webster) Spartan Expeditionary Forces (260/11-15, Jim Webster) The Army of Massalia (262/10-11, Jim Webster) Crusader Army Lists for the Peloponnesian War (265/44-45, 266/14, Craig Woodfield) Aetolia, the Peloponnese and John D. Graingers The League of the Aetolians (269/39-44, Daivid Barnsdale) A Peloponnesian Wars Reading List (270/25-26, Dave Knight)
Review of John Lazenby, The Spartan Army (122/25-27, Matthew Bennett) Review of Victor Davis Hanson (ed), Hoplites (176/29, Peter Hall) Review of Shire Designs 15mm Greeks (159/24, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Hoplites (182/29-30, Jim Webster) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Ancient Greek Light Infantry (189/24, David Dickinson) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Persian and Peloponnesian Wars Hoplites (190/33, David Dickinson) Review of Nick Sekunda, The Spartan Army (201/46-48, Ross Cowan) Review of Warrior Miniatures 25mm Greeks (211/59-60, Chad Pillinger) Review of Outpost Wargames Services 25mm Peloponnesian War Hoplites (215/39-40, Daniel Mersey) Review of Gladiator Games 15mm Later Greek Hoplites (223/52, Richard Lockwood) Review of Xyston 15mm Ancient Greeks (226/51, Richard Lockwood) Review of Vendal Miniatures 25mm Greeks (235/50-51, Peter Parmentier) Review of Philip de Souza, The Greeks at War: From Athens to Alexander (240/48-49, Nik Gaukroger) Review of Hans van Wees, Greek Warfare Myths and Realities (241/50-51, Luke Ueda-Sarson) Review of Syracuse 415-13 BC by Nic Fields (260/46-47. Phil Steele) Review of Fred E. Ray, Land Battles in 5th Century BC Greece (267/57-58, Mark Watson) Review of Xyston Miniatures 15mm Greek Casualties (270/54-55, Richard Lockwood)

An Ideal Ancient Army (5/2-3, rp56a/8-9, Harold Gerry) The Macedonian Hypaspist (58/38-39, Ian Austin) The Later Macedonian Hypaspists (62/33, Phil Barker) Sarissophoroi and Thessalians (65/28-29, Duncan Head) The Macedonian Hypaspists (76/15-17, Thom Richardson) On the Macedonian Phalanx (77/17-19, David Blanchard) Macedonian Army Lists for Philip and Alexander [for WRG 5th] (88/31-33, Mike Ledgard) The Macedonian Army from Sellasia to Pydna (90/22-23, 91/39-40, Jim Webster) The Macedonian Army up to the Reforms of Philip II (92/34-35, Jim Webster) The Hypasplsts of Alexander the Great (151/6-11, Michael Anastasiadis) Shielded Macedonian cavalry (155/30-31, Andrew Hobley) And Theres More - On Hypaspists (157/15-17, Richard Lockwood) Hypaspists (158/33, Phil Barker; 161/30-31, Michael Young, Paul Szuscikiewicz; 163/35-36, 164/43-44, Nigel Phillips, Pete Sanger, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Hypaspist armament (162/35-37, Michael Anastasiadis, Tilman Walk, Paul Szuscikiewicz) The Hypaspist Debate (168/31-35, Duncan Head, Richard Lockwood, Pawel Szuscikiewicz) Life at the Sharp End [phalanx tactics] (184/6-7, Peter Hall) Antigonid Uniforms and the Kotthubos (194/24, Duncan Head) Lifes Still Sharp (194/27-29, Peter Hall) DBM and the Army of Philip and Alexander (195/28, Peter Hall) The Cavalry Arm of the Army in Asia (196/5-6, Peter Hall) Critique of Lifes Still Sharp (196/7-8, Martin Dice) Alexander as a General (197/4-6, Peter Hall) Phalanx Organisation (197/6-7, Duncan Head)

An Alternative Kotthubos and Antigonid Uniforms Revisited (197/33-36, David Karunanithy, response 205/19, David Harthen) The Other End (198/17-8, David Edwards) More on Macedones (199/33-34, Peter Hall) A Macedonian Naval Standard (200/7, David Karunanithy) Macedonian Armour from Derveni (200/46, Peter Hall) Macedonian Military Costume on the Agios Athanasios Tomb-Painting (201/35-41, Duncan Head) Peritrachelion: The Derveni Gorget (202/15, Duncan Head) More on Hoplites and Phalangites (204/38-40, Peter Hall) The Territorial Origins of Alexanders Phalanx (205/39-40, Peter Hall) Wargaming Alexander in the East (206/12-14, Peter Hall) Peter Connolly and the Macedonian Phalangite (207/9, Michael Lane) Building Alexanders Macedonian Army in Warhammer Ancient Battles (207/43-44, Jeff Jonas) Actions With Alexander Wargaming with Macedonians in DBM (210/1, Gavin Pearson) At the Ends of Empire - Alexanders Bactrian War (210/12-15, Peter Hall) Even More on Hoplites and Phalangites (211/12-15, David Harthen) Of Ox-hide Helmets and Three-ply Armour: The Equipment of Macedonian Phalangites as Described Through a Roman Source (213/33-40, David Karunanithy) Macedonian Unit Organisations under Alexander (214/35-38, 216/16-19, Luke Ueda-Sarson) Macedonian Discoveries Continue Apace (216/51, David Karunanithy) Arrian 4.4.6-7: Macedonian Combined-Arms Tactics against the Skythian (219/26-28, Luke Ueda-Sarson) A Year in Macedon (223/49-50, Dave Allen) Invading Asia: The Macedonian Cavalry of Alexander the Great (226/13-17, 227/3-7, Manousos Kambouris) What Manner of Men? A rare glimpse of late Macedonian soldiers (227/8-11, David Karunanithy) Alexanders Elephants (227/19-22, Luke Ueda-Sarson) Polyaenus, Sources for the Battle of Charoneia and the Hypaspist as LMI/Auxilia (230/17-21, Paul Suszcikiewicz) "Prime Off Cuts" - Some Research into Macedonian-Hellenistic Battle Standards (246/1-9, David Karunanithy) The Macedonian Army: Aspects of Infantry Recruitment, Selection and Status (249/24-30, David Karunanithy) Alexander's Army: Little known combat units, diversification and non-combat specialists (252/26-37, David Karunanithy) The "Liberation of Asia" - a variation of an Familiar Theme (252/46-47, Luke Ueda-Sarson) Macedonian Cavalry Horses: State Breeding Programmes and Methods of Supply (254/2-15, David Karunanithy) Macedonian Military Culture and World Impact: Perspectives and Impressions (258/3-10, 259/3-13, 260/38, David Karunanithy) The Ancient Macedonians Their Origins, Language, Religion and Customs (261/16-25, Georgios Linardos)
Review of Nick Sekunda, The Army of Alexander the Great (114/32-34, Duncan Head) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Alexandrian Macedonians (178/32-33, Adrian Garbett) Review of James R. Ashley, The Macedonian Empire: The Era of Warfare Under Philip II and Alexander the Great 359-323 BC (202/24-25, Peter Hall) Review of Warrior Miniatures 25mm Alexandrian Macedonians (209/55-56, Phil Halewood) Review of Outpost Wargame Services 15mm Macedonians (219/77, Steven Neate) Review of Baccus 6mm Macedonians (223/51-52, Daniele Varelli) Review of Old Glory 25mm Macedonian Pikeman (224/49-50, Richard Lockwood) Review of Alexander the Great: A source book for Warhammer Ancient Battles (232/52-53, Duncan Head) Review of Bronze Goat 28mm Macedonians (232/53, Duncan Head) Review of Frank L Holt, Alexander the Great and the Mystery of the Elephant Medallions (234/49-50, Duncan Head) Review of Osprey, Macedonian Warrior, Alexander's Elite Infantrymen (249/47-49, Jeff Jonas) Review of Stephen English, The Army of Alexander the Great (267/57, Mark Watson)

Hellenistic States
Some Seleucid Armies (31/24-26, Roy Goodwell-Boss) Later Seleucid Developments, circa 217 BC - 165 BC (66/19-20, J Whitboum) The Seleucid Army [and Bar-Kochvas book] (67/34-37, Duncan Head) The Pontic Army of Mithridates the Great - And How to Use it [in WRG 5th] (71/26-29, 76/18-19, Richard Bodley-Scott) Seleucid Light Infantry (72/20-23, 73/28-3 1, 74/50-52, Duncan Head) Bronze Shields, Silver Shields and Light-Heavies (74/4-6, Duncan Head) The Army Lists They Used [forces at actual battles] (77/2-3, Gary Comardo) A Seleucid Army List [for WRG 5th] (81/33-36, Duncan Head) Ptolemaic Armies (89/13-18 Larry Irons) Figurines from Seleuceia (92/22-24, Thorn Richardson) Wargaming with Seleucids [in WRG 6 th] (100/46-47, Jim Webster) Fighting with Seleucids under 6th Edition Rules (105/5-7, Chris Morgan) Another Look at the Seleucid Army (139/30-31, Perry Gray) Ptolemaic cavalry (158/31-32, John Bassett) Using a Commagene Army (192/9-10, Jim Webster) Fighting with Bithynians using DBM (193/28-29, Andrew Richardson) Mithridates of Pergamum (204/4-5, Duncan Head) The Graeco-Indian Army of Demetrius and Menander c. 184-145 B.C. (217/2-5, Terry Gore) Colour Clues and Considerations Some possible evidence for Hellenistic military dress and shields (220/34-40, David Karunanithy) The Evolution of Hellenistic Infantry (222/30-6, 223/23-28, Luke Ueda Sarson) Researching and Painting a 25mm Army of Mithridates Eupator VI, King of Pontus: A Wargamers Tale (226/31-32, Mark Clarke) The Army of Commagene (235/16-17, Jim Webster) Tarentine Cavalry (236/21-25, Luke Ueda-Sarson) Ptolemy II's Felt Armoured Cavalry (247/26-28, Duncan Head) Antigonos' Policy of "Freedom" for the Greeks (248/20-24, Jeff Champion)
Review of Nick Sekunda, Seleucid and Ptolemaic Reformed Armies 168-145 BC, Volume 1 The Seleucid Army (184/25-28, Duncan Head) Review of Nick Sekunda, Hellenistic Infantry Reform in the 160s BC (221/34-35, Luke Ueda Sarson) Review of Bob Bennett and Mike Roberts, Thw Wars of Alexanders Successors 323-281 Volume 1 Commanders and Campaigns (260/48-49, Jeff Champion) Review of 1st Corps 28mm Macedonian Successors (263/56-58, Mark Watson) Review of Gripping Beast 28mm Polemarch Successors (263/58-59, Mark Watson) Review of Bob Bennett & Mike Roberts, The Wars of Alexanders Successors 323-281 Volume 1 Commanders and Campaigns (264/57, Mark Watson) Review of Philip Matyszak, Mithridates the Great Romes Indomitable Enemy (264/59, Mark Watson) Review of Joseph Pietrykowski, Great Battles of the Hellenistic World (265/52, Jim Webster) Review of 1st Corps 28mm Successors (266/52-53, David Edwards) Review of 1st Corps 28mm Successors (266/56-58, Mark Watson) Review of Gripping Beast 28mm Successor Thorakites (266/58, Mark Watson) Review of Jeff Champion, Pyrrhus of Epirus (267/55-5, Mark Watson) Review of Joseph Pietrykowski, Great Battles of the Hellenistic World (267/57, Mark Watson) Review of Gripping Beast 28mm Successor Cavalry (266/55, Mark Watson) Review of Bob Bennett & Mike Roberts, The Wars of Alexanders Successors 323-281 Volume 2 Battles and Tactics (271/51, Tim Thompson) Review of Bob Bennett & Mike Roberts, The Wars of Alexanders Successors 323-281 Volume 2 Battles and Tactics (272/52, Mark Watson)

The Army of Carthage at the Time of the Second Punk War (36/24-30, C S Grant) The Subject is Carthaginians (53/14-17 & 20-21, Stephen OLeary) The Armed Forces of Carthage, 814-276 BC (61/18-28, 62/21-29, 63/28-35, 64/22-28, Stephen OLeary) Shield Designs from the Third Punic War (108/12-13, Jason Monaghan) Wargames, History, and Carthage (116/7-9, Stephen May)

Collecting Carthaginians (178/23-26, Dave Letts) Hasdrubals Shield (194/40, Duncan Head) Hasdrubals Shield Found (199/16, Duncan Head) Whats so Great about Carthaginians (208/9-11, Richard Bodley Scott) A Carthaginian Army for Warhammer Ancient Battles (220/8-12, Adrian Goldsworthy) Zulus vs Carthaginians A Fantasy Match-up? (233/3-10, Alan Patrick) Hannibals Legions (269/21-24, Patrick Waterson)
Review of Essex & Museum Miniatures 15mm Carthaginians (164/37-39, Adrian.Garbett) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Carthaginians (170/42-45, James Kasper) Review of Langton 1:300 Carthaginian quinquereme (171/37-38, Bob OBrien) Review of Chariot Miniatures 15mm Carthaginians (180/35-36, Adrian Garbett) Review of Warrior 25mm Carthaginians (189/14-15, Carl Luxford) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Carthaginians (189/24-25, Jim Webster) Review of Lt-Colonel MacDougall, The Genius and Campaigns of Hannibal (213/51, Nik Gaukroger) Review of Warrior Miniatures 25mm Carthaginians (220/29-30, Carl Luxford) Review of Ian Stephenson, Hannibals Army (260/45, Richard Naylor) Review of Xyston Miniatures 15mm Carthaginians (272/55, Richard Lockwood)

Arms of the Etruscans (84/24-31, 85/4-6, Rob Pooley) Some Notes on Italian Cavalry (86/26-28, Jim Webster) Hannibals Bruttians (89/8-9, Jim Webster) Return of the Sabellians (91/37-39, Paul Beecham, Duncan Head) Wall Paintings from Paestum (97/22-24, Ulrich Rohrbach) Communal Italian City Badges, c1150-1350 (108/17, Marco Severino) Etruscan Weapons (108/28-31, L Lancelotti & G Peragine) Italian Communal Armies (129/11-12, Aldo Ghetti & Bill Marlia) A Wargamers Guide to Florence (152/41-42, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Bruttians (197/27-28, Duncan Head) Wargaming with Etruscans in the Archaic Period c600-470BC (207/3-6, Eric ter Keurs) Designing a Samnite Army for Warhammer Ancient Battles (208/8-9, Allen Curtis) Warfare in and around Etruria in the Archaic and Classical Periods (212/36-39, Eric ter Keurs) Sawdan, Emir of Bari, and a Carolingian Crusade (214/14-15, Stuart Whigham) When Samnites Rule the Woods (237/44, Steven Neate) The Etruscan League and the Emergence of Rome (269/2-11, Robert Heiligers)
Review of Michael Mallett & John Hale, The Military Oraanizaiion of a Renaissance State [Venice] (117/31-32, William Hamblin) Review of E. M. Phillips, The Rise of the Condottieri in Italy (213/51, Nick Harbud) Review of L Collinson-Morley, The Story of the Sforzas (214/22-23, Martin Stephenson) Review of Navigator Miniatures 25mm Samnites (219/77, Steven Neate) Review of R.M. Ogilvie, Early Rome and the Etruscans (228/50, Steven Neate) Review of Redoubt 25mm Samnites (235/51-52, Peter Parmentier) Review of Aventine Miniatures 25mm Etruscans (266/47-49, Theo Raykoske) Review of Gorgon Studios 28mm Early Etruscan Infantry (266/58-59, Mark Watson)

Republican Romans
A History of the Development of the Roman Legion from 700 BC to 100AD (74/43-44, 75/27-9. 76/30-31, Mark Dickinson) On the Roman Legion (79/22-23, Mark Adkin) Further Notes on the Development of the Roman Legion (85/47-50, Mark Dickinson) The Roman Republican Army, 218-168 BC (99/38-41, 100/36-39, Michael Lane) The Evolution of the Roman Legion (114/42-43, 115/13-16, 116/40-42, 117/16, Graham Vine) The Maniple and the Cohort (120/10-l 1 Duncan Head) Armies of the Roman Republic. 264-146 BC [WRG 6th list] (143/13-15, Andrew Parrock) Vexatious Velites (147/13-14, Andrew Parrock) Evolution of the Republican Roman Army (176/41-42, 177/3-7, 178/10-15, 179/29-32, 180/11-13, 181/20, 182/22-25, Kenneth Haynes)

The Roman Army In DBM (180/13-14, Dave Moore) Legionary frontages (159/33, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) The Roman Manipular Legion (184/8-9, Dave Letts) All Things Italian (194/13-14, Jonathan Webb) Can we Form a Coherent Picture of Scipio Africanus from the Histories of Livy and Polybius? (208/12-15, Ian Storer) The Spartacan Revolt for DBM Condensed (208/25-26, Bernd Lehnhoff) Hannibals Victory Carthages Loss: Roman Success in the Second Punic War (208/32-33, Nick Wade) The Roman Army in the Punic Wars: Building a Republican Roman Army for Warhammer Ancient Battles (213/16-20, Adrian Goldsworthy) Pugnacious Polybians: Wargaming with Polybian Romans in DBM (216/34, Gavin Pearson) Building a Warhammer Ancient Battles Army for the Slave Rebellion 73-71 B.C. (218/9-10, Adrian Goldsworthy) Marian Romans and DBM (222/18-19, Stuart Whigham) Non-Developments in the Roman Legion A Heresy (225/2-8, 226/4-11, 227/23-32, 231/1-4, 232/20-23, Stewart Hey) Roman Use of Artillery (225/25, Darrell Smith) Raising Caesars Legions for Warhammer Ancient Battles (228/21-23, Trevor Browne) Pile drivers or pilum throwers? (228/41-46, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, response 230/26, Stewart Hey) Orthodox Romans (229/16-20, Duncan Head) Some comments on Stewart Heys Non-Developments in the Roman Legion (229/20-22, Oerjan Ohlson) Comments on Stewart Heys Non-Developments in the Roman Legion (229/22-23, John Hastings) When in Rome (231/19-21, 232/25-27, 233/26-28, 234/41-42, Steven Neate)
Review of Essex 15 mm Camillan Romans (170/45-46, Adrian Garbett) Review of Xth Legion 15mm Republican Romans (184/22, Andrew Adams) Review of Nick Sekunda & Simon Northwood, Early Roman Armies (186/33-34, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Warrior 25mm Republican Romans (188/27-28, Carl Luxford) Review of Museum Miniatures 15 mm Republican Romans (188/28, Andrew Adams) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Republican Romans (189/17-18, Andrew Adams) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Republican Romans (189/19-20, David Dickinson) Review of Chariot Miniatures 15mm Republican Romans (190/35, Adrian Garbett) Review of Nick Sekunda, Republican Roman Army 200-104BC (190/35, Mervyn Cartwright) Review of Xth Legion 10mm Roman Civil Wars (192/35, Adrian Garbett) Review of Irregular Miniatures 15mm Marian Romans (193/42-43, Jim Webster) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Marian Romans (193/45-46, Adrian Garbett) Review of Outpost Wargames Services 15mm Republican Romans (194/51-52, Jim Webster) Review of Foundry, 25mm Ceasarian Romans (213/54-55, Steven Neate) Review of Donnington Miniatures Sicilian and Italian Slave Revolts (224/48-49, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Irregular Miniatures 25mm Republican (Camillan) Romans (228/49-50) Review of Adrian Goldsworthy, In the Name of Rome (233/39, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Wargames Factory 28mm Plastic Late Republican Romans (262/51-53, Mark Watson Review of Gareth C. Sampson, The Defeat of Rome (263/52, Will Whyler) Review of Wargames Factory Celts & Romans (263/53-55, Mark Watson) Review of Nic Fields, Warlords of Republican Rome: Caesar vs Pompey (264/58, Mark Watson) Review of WarModelling 15mm Mid-Republican Romans (266/46-47, Richard Lockwood) Review of Richard A. Gabriel, Scipio Africanus Romes Greatest General (267/53-54, Robert Heiligers) Review of Ross Cowan, Roman Conquests: Italy (272/51, Mark Watson) Review of Philip Matyszak, Roman Conquests: Macedonia & Greece (272/51, Mark Watson)

Imperial Romans
A Concise History of the Known Legions (6/10-11, 7/3-5 & 8/3-4, rp.56a/22-27, Archie Cass) Roman Military Awards (8/5-7, rp .56a/27-29, Deryck Guyler) The Roman Army Medical Corps (20/11-13, Deryck Guyler) The Roman Games (22/7-9, 26/22-25, Richard Simpson) Arrians Orders of March and Battle against the Alans (23/12-15, Phil Barker, 138/9-10, Adrian Nayler & Paul Reynolds) Music to Kill By [Roman trumpet calls] (34/16, California Ray) The Praetorian Guard (34/24-25, Barry Reilly)

Imperial Legionaries (36/30-36, John Blanche) Wargames Adaptations of Roman Army Organisation and Some Useful Tactics (37/11-15, Mark Stevens) Roman Auxiliary Forces under the Empire (40/23-27, Richard Price) Notes on the Roman Army (41/8-10, Kris Andersen) Roman Auxilia (44/17 & 20-22, John Greer) The Arms and Uniforms of the Praetorian Guard (45/6-12, 46/27-35, rp92a/2-10, Richard Price) The Ninth Legion (46/35-37, Russell King) Unit Histories of the Known Legions (58/33-38, 60/35-41, 63/21-24, 64/37-41, 65/10-15, Barrie Kinsley) Which side? And why Baldrics, anyway? (67/4-5, Alan Nickels) Unusual Army Compositions (74/24-25, Iain Dickie) Evidence for Sarmatians in Britain (84/36-37, Jon Coulston) Cohortes Equitatae (97/24-27, George Middleton; 100/8-9, 108/45-46, Derek Harrison) The army of Hyginus (99/45-46, Jon Coulston) The Physician in the Roman Army (109/26-27, 110/28-29, Nicolas Coles) Roman Siege Engineering, 14-180 AD (113/4-5, Peter Bishop) The Roman Military Equipment Conferences (132/16-17, 133/26-27, Derek Harrison) Junkelmanns Leglonarles (133/34-37, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) The Myth of the Roman Run-up (136/39-40, Phil Barker) Spearpoint Forum [Javelin & spear technique] (138/24-29, Bramwell Adams, Michael Anastasiadis, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Chris Halewood) Roman Fleets on the Danube (140/6-11, Matthew Bennett) Differences between legions & auxilia (150/31 & 48) Middle Imperial elephants (153/28-29, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Cavalry sports helmets (155/34, Phil Barker; 156/33, Anthony Clipsom, Phi1 Steele) Cavalry games (157/29, Jim McDaniel; 159/27, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Taunus frontier (159/29-30, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Another Look at Arrian [battle order against the Alans] (161/24-26, 162/18-22, Michael Anastasiadis) Someone to Watch Over Me [Roman generalship] (165/39-40, Matthew Bennett) Roman military equipment journals (167/18-20, Jim Sye) Vindolanda tablets (168/48, Paul Walsh; 172/42, Phil Barker) Roman Rhomphaia (170/53, Tony Barratt) Ann Hylands cavalry books (171/41, Phil Barker) Legio II Augusta (179/19, Jim Sye SPQR? (183/14, John Hastings) Wargaming with Arrian against the Alans c.131-7 AD (183/15-19, 184/1-4, 185/23-26, Carl Luxford) Cohortates Equitae: Illusions of Inferiority? (184/30-1, Adrian Nayler) Arrians (Dis)array (185/26-27, Adrian Nayler) Roman Legionaries in Central Asia Revisited (186/20-21, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, comments 188/34-36, David Shepherd, David McCann, Thom Richardson, Adrian Nayler, Duncan Head) Roman Armour of the Early Imperial Period in the East (186/25, Adrian Goldsworthy) Review of Firebase Games 15mm Roman Camp and Buildings (187/48, Adrian Garbett) A DBA Campaign Following Arrian and the Alans (188/23-24, Carl Luxford) The Fate of the Early Roman Guards Cavalry (188/33-34, Jim Sye) Recent Finds of Roman Siege Works at Narbata (197/21, Adrian Goldsworthy) Xanten (201/52, Kyrill Makoski) Reflections Following a Visit to the Roman Wall (202/16-18, John Hastings) Ala I Cannanefatium (203/49, Ross Hugh Cowan) Handling Trajanic Romans using Armati (212/32-33, Subodai Bahadur) Arrians Ektaxis Kata Alanon Searching for the Provincial Army of Cappadocia (228/30-6, Steven Neate) The Trajanic Verses: Trajan, Imperial Expansion and the Dacian Wars (234/15-17, Christopher Webber) A Diamond Amongst the Rough (251/35-40, Paul Robinson) A 2nd Century AD Revolt in Egypt, the Boukoloi (255/8-9, Jim Webster) Its the Bishop - The Army of Synesius, Bishop of the Pentapolis, 400-412 AD (260/15-17, Jim Webster) Thinking About Romans (263/38-41, 264/45-50, 265/35-39, 266/33-36, 269/26-31, Adrian Goldsworthy)

The Dura-Europas Scutum (269/20, Paul Burton) Marcus Aurelius: Philosopher and Warlord (270/12-20, Robert Heiligers)
Review of Anthony Barrett, Caligula (154/26-27, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Review of Marcus Junkelmann, Die Reiter Roms [cavalry] (168/44-45, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of K Dixon & P Southern, The Roman Cavalry (168/47, L K Byrne) Review of M C Bishop & J Coulston, Roman Military Equipment [Shire] (169/34, Duncan Head) Review of Boris Rankov, The Praetorian Guard (174/36, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Mid-Imperial Romans (177/30 & 49, Steve Neate) Review of John Peddie, The Roman War Machine (180/30, Peter Hall) Review of Warrior and Wargames Foundry 25mm Early Imperial Romans (182/30-31, David Dickinson) Review of Foundry 25mm Early Imperial Romans (183/31 & 185/47 David Dickinson) Review of Fergus Millar, The Roman Near East 31BC AD337 (186/33, Duncan Head) Review of Chris Scarre, Chronicle of the Roman Emperors: The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers of Imperial Rome (186/36, Keith Murphy) Review of Peter Pig 15mm Early Imperial Romans (189/16-17, Neil Simpson) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Early Imperial Romans (189/17, David Dickinson) Review of Adrian Goldsworthy, The Roman Army at War 100BC-200AD (189/48-50, Jim Sye) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Praetorian Guards and Roman Personalities (191/35, Jim Webster) Review of Blue-Box 54mm Imperial Romans (205/55, Steve Neate) Review of Newline Designs 20mm Early Imperial Romans (208/35, Steven Neate) Review of Richard J. Brewer (ed), Roman Fortresses and their Legions (215/35-37, D.B. Campbell) Review of Georgia L. Irby-Massie, Military Religion in Roman Britain (216/45-46, Anthony Barrett) Review of Newline Designs, 25mm Early Imperial Roman Artillery (219/76, Steven Neate) Review of Christine F. Salazar, The Treatment of War Wounds in Graeco-Roman Antiquity (219/78-9, Srachel Hall Sternberg) Review of Alpha Miniatures 54mm Gladiators (229/50, Richard Lockwood) Review of Ian Stephenson and Karen Dixon, Roman Cavalry Equipment (232/49-50, Steven Neate) Review of Michel Feugere, Weapons of the Romans (232/50, Steven Neate) Review of Alaric Watson, Aurelian and the Third Century (233/39-40, Steven Neate) Review of AandA Miniatures 28mm Middle Imperial Romans (240/49-50, Theo Raykoske) Romans! Romans! Romans! [Review of Old Glory, 1 st Corps, Gripping Beast, Black Tree Design, Navigator Miniatures, A&A Miniatures, Whitecross Games] (240/50-52, John Dixon) Review of Rosemary Rowe, Murder in the Forum & The Legatus Mystery (241/42-43, Nick Harbud) Review of Simon Scarrow, Under the Eagle (242/51, David Edwards) Review of Lancashire Games, 25mm Early Imperial Romans (244/52-53, James Forrest) Review of Lancashire Games, 25mm Imperial Romans, Dacians and Greeks (245/37-39, James Forrest) Review of Osprey, Roman Auxilary Cavalryman AD14-193 (248/50-51, Paul Robinson) Review of Warlord 28mm Early Imperial Romans (258/54-56, Mark Watson) Review of Warlord 28mm Early Imperial Romans Auxilaries (259/53-54, Mark Watson) Review of Crusader 28mm Roman Early- and Mid-Imperial Rank and File (259/54-55, Mark Watson) Review of Exhibition: Hadrian: Empire and Conflict at the British Museum (260/49-50, Mark Watson) Review of Warlord 28mm Early Imperial Romans (260/56-57, 262/56-58, Mark Watson) Review of David Mattingly, An Imperial Possession Britain in the Roman Empire (266/44-45, Stephen Brennan) Review of Warlord and Wargames Factory 28mm Romans and Celts (266/49-56, David Edwards, Mark Watson) Review of John P. Roth, Roman Warfare (269/50, Jim Sye) Review of Philip Matyszak, Legionary: The Roman Soldiers (unofficial) Manual (269/51, Robert Heiligers) Review of Harry Sidebottom, Warrior of Rome Part1: Fire in the East (270/54, Will Whyler) Review of Raffaele DAmato and Graham Sumner, Arms and Armour of the Imperial Military Soldier (272/53, Mark Watson)

Late Romans
The Roman Army of the 4th and 5th Centuries (20/19-22, 21/7-9, Phil Barker) Roman Clothing in the 3rd Century AD (30/6, Phil Barker) The Strength of Roman Units after Hadrian (31/26-29, Phil Barker) More Uniform Information from Doura (33/21-23, Phil Barker) Notes on the Late Roman Border Garrisons (77/13-15, Jon Price) Vale Valens [tactics in WRG 5th] (83/28-32, Richard Bodley-Scott) Review of Michael Simkins, The Roman Army From Hadrian to Constantine (90/2-3, Jon Coulston) Later Romans: Variations on a Theme (94/40-42, 99/28-29, Derek Harrison) Cataphracti Equites, Cataphractarii and Clibanarii (95/37-38, Richard Bodley Scott)

The Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire in the 3rd, 4th and 5th Centuries AD (96/10-14, 97/6-8, 98/26-30, Richard Bodley Scott) The Currus Drepanus (96/18-19, Derek Harrison; 98/5, Phil Barker) Late Roman Armoured Infantry (96/39-41, Phil Barker; comments 99/32-33, Derek Harrison) Contarii and Catafractarii (97/32-35, Derek Harrison, Phil Barker) Later Roman Forts, AD 200-400 (101/23-27, 102/24-27, 103/16-24, 104/13-16, 106/20, Derek Harrison) Theyre My Cavalry and Ill Call Them What I Want! (112/30-33, William Hamblin) Clibanarii and Methodology (115/29-30, Harry Sidebottom; response 117/33, Phil Barker) Manubalista and Arcubalista (115/47-48, Derek Harrison) Cataphracts and Clibanarii (116/43-46, David Putt) The Last of the Romans [Aetius & his army] (119/14-17, 120/17-19, 121/18-19, Simon MacDowall) Later Roman Shield Designs (120/23-25, Dave Putt) Roman Cataphracts of the Later Fourth Century AD (128/16-17, Jim Dakin; comments 132/38-39, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch et al) The Case for the Muscled Roman Cuirass (141/13-14, Richard Devereux) Units in Britain (159/30-31, 160/35-36, 161/30, Kevin Coe, Phil Barker) Bow/spear infantry (171/42, Simon MacDowall) Flavius Aetius and the Roman Army in Gaul, AD 424 to 454 [for WRG 7 th] (172/6-9, David Perry) Late Roman Legions and Auxilia: Who are the Light Troops? (184/16-17, Simon MacDowall) Raising a Late Roman Army (186/7-10, Simon MacDowall) Late Imperial Romans under DBM (186/13, Paul Burton) Theories Concerning Cataphracts and Clibinarii (190/2-3, Jim Sye) Roman Catafractarii and Clibinarii (192/18, Phil Barker) Aetius and the Origins of the Late Roman Armoured Horse Archer (193/57-58, Jim Sye) More on Late Roman Shields (200/46, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch and Bernd Lehnhoff) Vegetius 1:20 The Physical Evidence (210/18-20, Jim Sye) Vegetius 1:20 The Literary Evidence (214/26-29, Jim Sye) Magister Militum: Adventures in Wargaming with Late Imperial Romans (215/28-31, James Manto) The Late Roman Army ca. 284-636 C.E.: An Introductory Bibliography (220/19-21, Jim Sye) Defence Policy, Barbarianisation and the Decline of the Legions? The Army and Fall of the Roman Empire (222/36-39, Ian Storer) Missing the Memo; Late Imperial Cavalry Reinterpreted (225/16-17, James Manto) The Currus Drepanus Revisited (226/46-47, David Bradbury) The Classification of Late Roman Cavalry (227/11-15, Phil Barker) The Illyrian Cavalry of the Late Roman Army (230/21-23, Jim Sye) The Accuracy of Shield Emblems in the Notitia Dignitatum (232/14-20, Jim Sye) The CNH or Notitia Dignitatum Website (239/8-9, Jim Sye) The Late Roman Art of War: the Reign of Constantine the Great (247/2-16, Ilkka Syvanne) Alternative C4th AD Late Roman Army List for Warmaster Ancients (248/40-2, Nik Gaukroger) Constantine's Lofty Conversion and the Labarum (251/17, Alastair McBeath) Constantines Conversion and the Labarum: A Response (256/14-16, Ilkka Syvane) Constantius II, Ammianus, and the Big Parade (264/24-30, 266/15-19, 267/3-10, 271/9-15, Jim Sye)
Review of Simon MacDowall, Late Roman Infantryman (180/30-33, Jim Sye; response 182/35-37, Simon MacDowall) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Late Roman Infantry (186/32-33, 190/34-35, Jim Sye) Review of Pat Southern and Karen Dixon, The Late Roman Army (188/30, Paul Browne) Review of Donnington Miniatures 15mm Late Romans (189/15-16, Jim Sye) Review of Simon MacDowall, Late Roman Cavalryman 235-565Ad (189/47-48, Jim Sye) Review of Karen Dixon amd Pat Southern, The Late Roman Army (193/13-14, Keith Murphy) Review of Benjamin Issac, The Limits of Empire. The Roman Army in the East (193/14, Keith Murphy) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Late Roman Cavalry (193/38-39, Jim Sye) Review of Gripping Beast 25mm Late Romans (209/55, Adrian Garbett) Review of Jennifer A. Sheridan (ed.) Columbia Papyri IX: The Vestis Militaris Codex (211/56-7. Jonathan P. Roth) Review of Notitia Dignitatum (213/50, Matthew Bennett) Review of Mariusz Mielczarek, Cataphracti and Clibinarii, (227/50-51, David McCann) Review of Bryan Ward-Perkins, The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization (243/44, Matthew Bennett)

Review of A and A Miniatures 28mm Romans (253/41-42, Theo Raykoske) Review of Bacus 6mm Late Romans and Huns (261/57, Graham Evans) Review of Adrian Goldsworthy, The Fall of the West (263/52, Phil Barker) Review of Adrian Goldsworthy, How Rome F

Belisarius Rides Again (12/10-11, Phil Barker) The Varangian Guard (27/25-27, G Benson) The Composition of Sixth Century Byzantine Armies (41/35-7. A J Wellard) Byzantine Formations and Drill in the 6th and Early 7th Centuries AD (56/15-19 & 22-23, rp.92a 33-7, Phil Barker) Byzantine Higher Military Organisation (58/28-32, Phil Barker) Creating a Late Byzantine Wargames Army (61/29-31, Phil Barker) A 6th Century Byzantine Army (61/32, Dan Leyland) Simulating a Late Byzantine Super Heavy Cavalry Wedge (76/23, Phil Barker) Byzantine Intelligence Operations (86/33-37, 87/23-26, Ed Mills) Byzantine Armies under the Comneni (97/10-13, Paul Stovell & John Hannay-Wilson) Who are these...Menaulatoi? (106/46-47, Steven Grieb) The Maurikian Byzantines (116/2-3, 117/11-13, 118/10-12, Dimitris Christodolou) Iconoclasm - Unification of an Empire through Religion (116/26-30, David Blanchard) Procopius on the Cavalry of Belisarius (118/14-16, Duncan Head) The Byzantine Army in the Strategikon (120/32-34, Phil Barker) The Nikephorian Byzantines according to the Manuals (124/16-19, 125/3-6, Dimitrrs Christdoulou) The Development of East Roman Cavalry (128/14-16, Simon MacDowall) The Naming of the Guards (128/52-55, Guy Halsall) Byzantine Crossbows (142/32, Matthew Bennett) Unit Organisation and Nomenclature of the Early Byzantine Army (AD 500-600) (147/19-23, Dimitris Cbristodolou) The Byzantine Art of War, 950 to 1071 (148/21-25, 149/32-35, 150/42-48, Michael Anastasiadis) Cavalry Numbers for Justinians Expeditionary Force to Libya in 533 AD (152/11-13, Jim Sye) The Byzantine Hoplite and the Macedonian Tradition (152/14-18, Michael Anastasiadis) The Scientific Approach to Warfare [Leos Tactica] (166/8-19, Michael Anastasiadis) Pyrotechnics and Technomania (167/11-15, Michael Anastasiadis) Enigmatic Cavalry in Byzantine treatises (169/25-30, Michae1 Anastasiadis) Corrigenda and Addenda to The Byzantine Art of War (171/7-10, 174/IFC, Michael Anastasiadis) The Palaeologan Army (178/19-20, Mark Stone) Palaeologan reference (180/40, William Hamblin) Byzantine castles (180/41, Jim Sye) The works of J F Haldon (181/44-45, Jim Sye) Free Company Extortion and Byzantine Tactics (197/50-51, Paul Walsh) The Dress and Equipment of Late Byzantine Troops (204/52-53, Jim Webster) Wargaming with Palaiologan Byzantines (209/4-5, Jim Webster) Recent Byzantine Articles (211/1, Jim Sye) A New View on Middle Byzantine Protective Equipment (213/30, Jim Sye) What Happened to the Byzantines? (217/33-34, John Hastings) The Battle of Versinikia 813: A Byzantine Blunder in the Balkans (218/17-23, Steven Neate) Thoughts on Palaiologan Byzantines (227/48-49, Jim Webster) Wargaming with Earlier Byzantines in DBM (236/31-32, Alan Patrick) Procopius I: XVIII: 32-35 Part 3 Procopius the Narrator as Polemicist (238/6-13, Jim Sye) The Campaign of John I Tzimiskes against the Rus in the Balkans, 969-971 AD (243/23-25, Mike Reeves) New Works on Early Byzantine History from Bulletin of British Byzantine Studies 31-34, 2005-2008 (243/25-26, 247/28-29, 254/29, 260/6-7, 264/33-34, 272/10-11, Jim Sye) A Report on Two Byzantine Exhibitions (249/15, David Parish) In the Field with Belisarius (262/18-23, Paul Burton) The Machinaeans in the Army of Alexius (268/5-6, Jim Webster)

Byzantine Campaign in Italy 1155 to 1156 AD (271/39-40, Jim Webster)

Review of D M Olster, The Politics of Usurpation (172/38-40, Jim Sye) Review of Donnington 15mm Belesarian Byzantines (173/33-35, Jim Sye) Review of John Norwich, Byzantium The Decline and Fall (185/56, Paul Burton) Review of Irregular Miniatures 15mm Byzantines (189/18-19, Jim Sye) Review of Museum Miniatures 15mm Early Byzantines (189/26-27, Jim Sye) Review of Walter E. Kaegi, Byzantium and the Early Islamic Conquests (193/16-17, Steve Darrell) Review of Gripping Beast 25mm Varangian Guardsmen (198/35, Adrian Garbett) Review of Outland Games 15mm Byzantine DBA Army Pack (210/54, Tony Barr) Review of Whitecross Games 25mm Early Byzantines (220/28-29, Adrian Garbett) Review of Vassilios Christides, Byzantine Libya and the March towards the West of North Africa (224/47-48, Jim Sye) Review of John W. Birkkenmeier, The Development of the Komnenian Army 1081-1180 (228/51, Alex Baumans) Review of Jonathan Harris, Byzantine Endures (232/50-51, Jim Sye) Review of Stephen Turnbull, The Walls of Constantinople AD324-1453 (239/38, Phil Halewood) Review of Gripping Beast 28mm Byzantines (243/48, Richard Lockwood) Review of Michael Mass (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian (245/35-36, Jim Sye) Review of Anthony Kaldellis, Procopius of Caesarea: Tyrrany, History and Philosophy at the End of Antiquity (250/49-50, Jim Sye) Review of Ian Hughes, Belisarius The Last Roman General (265/53, Mark Watson) Review of Khurasan Miniatures 15mm Nikephorian Byzantines (265/57-59, Richard Lockwood) Review of Edward N. Luttwak, The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire (267/56-57, Mark Watson)

Sumptuary Aspects of the Crusades (72/12-15, 73/14-17, 74/7, Alan Nickels; comments 78/14-15, Alan Colquohoun) Crusaders and Saracens (74/60-61, Terry Wise) The Lesser Military Orders of the Crusades (78/6-7, Paul Halliday) Frankish Armies of Outremer (89/34-37, 90/29-31, John Hannay-Wilson) The Jorsalatarers [Norse crusaders] (94/13, Jim Webster) Composite Crusaders [WRG army lists] (100/24-25, Noel Zaal) Arms of the Crusaders (102/39-41, 103/6-9, 104/36-40, 105/22-25, Ian Sumner) Turcopoles and Crusaders (106/5-9, 112/3, William Hamblin) Some More Thoughts on Turcopoles (117/27 & 29-30, Matthew Bennett) Crusades and Wargames (137/30-32, Matthew Bennett) Bows, Crusaders and Probability Tables (182/12, Alex Baumans) Crusading with Advanced Armati (209/38-39, Neil Simpson) A Wargames Army List for Pagan Prussians During the 13th Century Crusades, using Tactica Medieval and Armati Rules (212/5-6, Carl Luxford) Deus Volt - Wargaming with early Crusaders 1096-1128 AD (213/28-29, Stuart Whigham) The Diversity of Crusade (218/39-41, Ian Storer) Gesta Fulki: Wargaming with the army of King Fulk of Jerusalem (227/43-44, Brendan Moyle) Changes in Crusader Warfare 1097-1291 (253/2-7, Christopher Webber) A Wise Man Never Fights (259/13, Alan Colquhoun)
Review of Old Glory 25mm Crusades range (188/28, David Dickinson) Review of Helen J. Nicholson (trans.) The Chronicle of the Third Crusade: The Itinerarium Peregrinorum et Gesta Regis Ricardi (209/32-33, Jim Sye) Review of John France, Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300 (209/59, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Review of David Nicolle, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era 1050-1350: Islam, Eastern Europe and Asia Vol 2. (216/43-44, Steven Neate) Review of Perry Miniatures 28mm Crusades range (229/48, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Outpost Wargames Services 15mm Crusade period Islamics (229/48-49, 230/48-49, 231/48, 239/3940 Nik Gaukroger) Review of William Urban, The Teutonic Knights, A Military Order (230/48, Paul Stein) Review of Helen Nicholson, Knight Templar 1120-1312 (240/49, Nik Gaukroger) Review of Outpost Wargames 15mm Crusaders (250/53-54, Adrian Garbett) Review of Outpost Wargames 15mm Crusaders (261/57-58, Stephen Brennan)

Other Mediterranean Peoples

A Note on Balearic Helmets (82/28-29, Rob Pooley) Sardinian Warriors (122/13-15, Nigel Humphries) A Sicilian Norman List (166/19-24, Terry Gore) Sicilian Hohenstauffen [in WRG 7th] (167/30-33, Terry Gore) Numidians in the Second Punic War (185/1-3, Dave Letts, comments 187/21, Duncan Head) Wargaming with Numidians (189/9-13, Richard Bodley-Scott) Pandulf Ironhead Rides Again! The Italian Lombards 584-1076AD (209/40-1, Stuart Whigham) Fat Freddie and the Sicilians (221/21-23, Lawrence Greaves) A look at Numidians in the Second Punic War (224/44-45, Jim Webster) The Age of the Barbarian (238/16-20, 240/27-33, 241/6-8, 246/20-31,Tony Bath) African Revolts, Firmus, Gildo and Masccizel 372 to 398 AD (258/13-17, Jim Webster) The Longbeards (263/28-34, Robert Heiligers)
Review of Lancashire Games 25mm Numidian Cavalry Battlepack (245/36-37, James Forrest) Review of Oddzial Osmy figures (15mm) for Tannenburg (245/39-40, Matt Heywood) Review of Wargames Factory 28mm Numidians (265/59, Mark Watson)


Heraldry for the Beginner (36/10-11, 37/2, Neville Dickinson; 36/11-21, 38/23-28, Alan Nickels) Armies of the Dark Ages (46/13-14, 47/16-18, Dave Millward) Twice round the Housecarles [Dark Age troop classifications] (57/38-41, Steve Badsey) Ranks of Nobility (62/38-39, Alan Nickels) Horse archers in medieval western Europe (74/66-7, Steve Badsey; 160/7-8, Matthew Bennett) Images of the Vikings and the English (126/14-15, Matthew Bennett) The Ghostly Horse Archers of Dark Age Europe (140/11-12, Peter Bone) Early Medieval Colour Schemes (164/30-33, 165/14-15, 166/25-29, Paul Morris) Battle Tactics of the Hundred Years War (169a/xiv-xxii, Matthew Bennett) Anglo-Saxon & Pictish cavalry (178/38-39, Duncan Head) A Gamers Coat-of-Arms (175/31, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Invisible Invulnerable Mysterious Visigoths (197/48-49, Phil Barker) Friday the 13th, The End or a New World? (204/26-29, Brian Espie) A Slackers Guide to Dark Age Wargaming (207/14-18, Alan Patrick) The Secret Underground Passage from the Keldur Farmstead on Iceland (215/50, Michael Fredholm von Essen)
Reviews of David Nicolle, Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Wars (119/28-30, Duncan Head & Peter Bone) Review of Tim Newark, The Barbarians (122/27-28, Matthew Bennett) Review of Tim Newark, Celtic Warriors (129/29-30, Paul Walsh) Review of Terence Wise, Medieval Warfare (68/34-35, Alan Nickels) Review of Philippe Contamine, War in the Middle Aries (125/27-28, Duncan Head) Review of Ian Heath, Armies of Feudal Europe (77/12) Review of A Curry & M Hughes, Arms, Armies and Fortifications in the Hundred Years War (180/34-35, Paul Reeve) Review of SKT 25mm Dark Age & Medieval figures (169/33-34, Antony Clipsom) Garbett) Review of Irregular 15mm Vikings & Saxons (178/34-36, Adrian Garbett) Review of Tabletop Miniatures 15mm Middle Ages Peasants (184/19-20, Enzo de Ianni) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Saxons and Vikings (185/54-55, Peter Bone) Review of Richard Barber, The Knight and Chivalry (185/55, Paul Reeve) Review of Medieval Knighthood: Papers from the 6th Strawberry Hill Conference (186/30-1, Paul Reeve) Review of Xth Legion Gallic and Spanish (187/45, Jim Webster) Review of 15mm Normans, French and Bretons (187/45, Tom Millar) Review of Gripping Beast 25mm Saxons and Vikings (189/23-24, Peter Bone) Review of Nicholas Hooper and Matthew Bennett, Cambridge Illustrated Atlas: Warfare in the Middle Ages 768-1487 (189/51-52, Peter Hall) Review of Old Glory 25mm Nomans, Vikings and Saxons (190/34, Gareth Griffiths)

Review of Terry Gore, Neglected Heroes: Leadership and War in the Early Medieval Period (193/13, Gareth Griffiths) Review of Old Glory 25mm Caesars Gallic Wars (193/41, Derek Whittenbury) Review of Two Dragons Productions 15mm Armed Villagers and Peasants (193/42, Enzo de Ianni) Review of J.F. Verbruggen, The Art of Warfare in Western Europe During the Middle Ages (195/31, Paul Reeve) Review of Gripping Beast 25mm Moors and Spanish (199/53, Adrian Garbett) Review of Bert S. Hall, Weapons and Warfare in Renaissance Europe (200/47-48, Anthony Clipsom) Review of Dan and Susanna Shadrake, Barbarian Warriors Saxons, Vikings and Normans (212/52-53, Peter Bone) Review of Gervase Phillips, The Anglo-Scots Wars 1513-1550 (212/53-54, Paul Reeve) Review of Adrian Pettifer, Welsh Castles and David Sweetman, The Medieval Castles of Ireland (213/52, Paul Reeve) Review of Front Rank Figurines, 25mm Hundred Years War range (217/36-37, Paul Reeve) Review of Iaroslav Lebedynsky, Armes et Guerriers Barbares au Temps des Grandes Invasions (222/44, Duncan Head) Review of Roundway 15mm Late Medievals (235/54, Tony Hughes) Review of Clifford J. Rogers Soldiers Lives through History: The Middle Ages (265/52-53, Anthony Clipsom)

Bronze Age Europeans

Interest in Bronze Age Europeans (192/18, Alan Gruber) More Bronze Age Europeans (192/18, R.A. Jacombs) Northern European Bronze Age Army Lists (193/20, Adrian Garbett) Bronze Age Notes (196/36, Adrian Garbett) Wars and Warriors of the Nordic Bronze Age (203/25-30, 210/29-32,Michael Fredholm von Essen)
Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Nordic Bronze Age (192/36-37, 193/49, 194/52, Adrian Garbett) Review of Falcon Figures 15mm Northern Bronze Age (211/59, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch)

Thracians & Illyrians

The Peltast (51/9-17 & 20-21, C S Grant) Rhomphaia: Was it Bill or Was it Sword? (70/12-13, Russell King) The Rhomphaia Lives! (77/4-11, 80/22-23, Duncan Head; comments 78/7 & 16-17, Alan Nickels, Char1es Grant) Thracian Troop Types (85/13-22, Duncan Head) The Illyrians (88/45-48, Jim Webster) More on the Rhomphaia (117/19, Roman Szwaba) Armour from Roman Thrace (153/27-28, Duncan Head, 155/34, Phil Barker) Armour from Roman Thrace (156/30-31, Michael Anastasiadis) The Bithynians (204/48-52, Christopher Webber) Thracian DBM Army List: A Suggested Redraft (205/50-52, Duncan Head) Like Beasts of Prey Thrace, The Thracians and DBM (207/48-53, 209/33-38, 210/38-43, Christopher Webber) The Alexandrovo Tomb and Other Recent Discoveries (216/47-50, Christopher Webber) Thracian Enhancements for Field of Glory (265/46-49, Christopher Webber)
Review of Old Glory 25mm Thracian Infantry (204/20-21, Steve Earl) Review of Xyston 15mm Thracian Heavy Cavalry (229/50-51, Richard Lockwood)

Gauls & Galatians

Celtic formation density (44/26, John Norris) Gauls - The Scum of Wargaming (117/31, Gary Mays) The Gallic oppidum at Enserune (140/26-27, Andy Grainger) The Greeks, Romans and Barbarians Workshop [war and trade in southern Gaul] (142/24-28, Stephen Allen; comments 145/31-32, Paul Morris) The Celts [386-185 BC] (151/14-17, Ian Newell) Gauls A Forgotten Army (205/48, Mike Campbell)

May the Sky Not Fall on Your Head Wargaming with Gauls under DBM and Warhammer Ancient Battles (220/3-7, David Davidson) Chariots of Desire: A review of 15mm Celtic Chariots (225/32-35, Richard Lockwood) Glauberg a Celtic burial (229/24-25, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch)
Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Celts (180/37, Adrian Garbett) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Celts (160/27-28, John Bassett) Review of Wargame Foundry 25mm Celtic Noble Armoured Cavalry (186/37, Philip Garton) A Fanatical Figure Review (194/22-23, Michael J. Young) Review of 1/72 Celtic Cavalry by HAT (207/38, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Newline Design 25mm Celts (214/25, Derek Whittenbury) Review of Tabletop Miniatures 15mm Dark Age Celts (228/49, Richard Lockwood) Review of Warlord 28mm Plastic Celts (259/52-53, Mark Watson) Review of Warlord 28mm Plastic Celts (260/57-59, Mark Watson) Review of Wargames Factory Celts & Romans (263/53-55, Mark Watson) Review of Warlord Celts (265/54-56, David Edwards) Review of Warlord and Wargames Factory 28mm Romans and Celts (266/49-52, David Edwards) Review of Xyston Miniatures 15mm Celtiberian Warriors (270/54-55, Richard Lockwood)

Spanish Shield Decoration (90/21-22, Rob Poole) An Iberian General Reconstructed (92/10-12, Paul Beecham) Lusitanian warrior statues (180/39, 182/19, Joao Especial; comments 182/38, Duncan Head) Wargaming with Lusitanian Armies, 250-72 BC (181/21-23, Joao Especial) Feuding Spanish (209/41, Gavin Pearson)
Review of Wargames Foundry 25mrn Spanish (170/42-45, James Kasper) Review of Ann Neville, Mountains of Silver and Rivers of Gold: The Phoenicians in Iberia (272/53-54, Jim Webster)

Germans, Dacians & Goths

The Teutonic Knights (7/14-23, Alan Nickels) The Dacians (74/70-72, 75/38-40, 77/22-23, Andy Gittins) A Short History of the Vandal Nation (100/26-29, 101/6-9, 102/32-34, Paul Halliday) The Teutonic Order, circa 1440 AD (101/10-12, Jim Masson) The Hendi (105/28-31, Alan Danskin) African Vandals and their Tactics (106/19, Gugliemo Marlia) A Survey of Early Germanic Warfare (117/8-10, 118/8-10, Roy Boss) Dacians in DBM (182/37-38, Tii Porter) A Celtic Lord Discovered in Central Germany (188/33, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Nigel Cook, Duncan Head) Building and Using a Germanic British Invader Army for the Foundrys Medieval Warfare Rules (211/4243, Terry Gore) You Too Can Be a Bastarnae (212/45-46, Phil Halewood) The Gothic Art of War (219/33-42, 220/47-50, Michael Fredholm von Essen) Nydam Weaponry (227/47-48, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) The Dacian Battle Falx and Roman Armour (230/9-10, Jim Sye) Barbarian Uniforms in Late Antiquity (247/30-1, 248/31-32, Roy Boss)
Review of P Wilcox, Romes Enemies: Germanics and Dacians (111/13-15, Jon Coulston) Review of Donnington 15mm Sarmaticising Goths (173/33-34, Jim Sye) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Early Germans (183/31-32, Tom Millar) Review of Chariot Miniatures 15mm Goths, Visigoths and Saxons (189/14, Steven Neate) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Dacians and Sarmatians (189/21-22, Adrian Garbett) Review of Simon MacDowall, Germanic Warrior 236-568 AD (191/32-34, Michael Fredholm von Essen. 192/31-34, Guy Halsall) Review of Chariot Miniatures 15mm Barbarians (192/35-36, Adrian Garbett) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Dacians and Sarmatians (193/49, Phillip Garton) Review of Gripping Beast 25mm Germans (209/55, Adrian Garbett) Review of Foundry 25mm Early German range (213/55-56, Steven Neate) Review of Whitecross Games, 25mm Goths (215/39, Michael Fredholm von Essen) Review of Lancashire Games 25mm Dacians (220/29, Adrian Garbett) Review of Old Glory 10mm Goths (246/52, Mike Freen)

Review of Baccus 6mm Ancient Germans (247/42-43, Graham Evans) Review of Gripping Beast 28mm Early Saxons (259/55-57, Mark Watson) Review of Warlord 28mm German Tribesman (268/52-53, Mark Watson) Review of Wargames Factory 28mm Germans (268/53, Mark Watson)

Britons and Welsh

A Visit to Maiden Castle (1/13-15 rp.121/vii-viii, Tony Bath) Castles In North Wales (47/27-30, Tony Bath) The Castles of North and Mid-Wales (50/25-30, Christopher Schoen) Arthurian Britain (53/10-13, Mac Selkirk) More on Arthurian Britain (54/16-17 & 20, Phil Barker) Landscape in War (54/34-35, John Hunter) Arthurian Britain (57/35-36, Mark Denny) An Arthurian Army, 480-520 AD (70/24-26, William Dunlop) In Search of Arthur [army composition] (95/38-40, John Mumby) British Cavalry of the Dark Ages (105/8-9, Steve Hacker) South Cadbury Castle and its Defences (107/22-24, Steve Hacker) Ancient British Woodlands (132/21, Paul Morris; comments 134/12, Duncan Head) The Appearance of the Medieval Welsh (146/7-11, 147/29-30, 148/26-29, Paul Walsh) The Silures Stern Resistance to Roman Overlordship (148/15-16, Keith Murphy) Wales in the Dark Ages (152/18-23, Ian Russell Lowell) Norman Conquest Period Welsh. 1039-1136 AD [for WRG 7th] (168/21-24, Terry Gore) Later Independent and Rebel Welsh, 1137 to 1420 AD [for WRG 7th] (169/10-13, Craig Tyrell) A Sixth Century British Army List [for DBM] (178/46-48, Andrew Richardson) The Editors Hobby Horse and Obscure Armies: A 13th Century English Army (188/18-20, John GrahamLeigh) The Hillfort at Trer Ceiri, near Caernarvon, North Wales (194/25-26, Carl Luxford) Woad Rage (198/2-9, Lawrence Greaves) Woad Rage2 (203/52-53, Keith Barker) The Landscape of Britain (204/8-9, Peter Hall) Medieval Welsh Warriors and Warfare (204/24, Daniel Mersey) The Once and Future Wargame [Arthur] (207/25-28, Paul Burton) Between Sea and Fire: The Armies of the Britons AD400-450 (211/40-1, Daniel Mersey) Testing the Romano-British under DBM (211/43-44, Martin Matthews) "Maen n'hwn ymosod yn fyrnig!" "They are attacking fiercely" - Wargaming with the Welsh (215/18-20, Gerwyn Michael) Boudica and the Rebellion of the Iceni: An Interpretation (221/43-44, Ian Storer) A Transport of Delight: Another Look at British Chariots (226/1, Paul Burton) Three Arthurian Armies (254/39-43, Paul Burton) Adapting Balaclava to Roman Britain The Charge of the Light Chariot Brigade (268/28-31, Chris Hahn)
Review of John Matthews & Bob Stewart, Warriors of Arthur (136/24-25, Chris Halewood) Review of Fredick Suppe, Military Institutions on the Welsh Marches: Shropshire 1066-1300 (184/23-25, Paul Walsh) Review of Rees R. Davies, The Revolt of Owain Glyn Dwr (193/17-9, Paul Walsh) Review of Stephen S. Evans, The Lords of Battle (195/31, Paul Reeve) Review of Michael Holmes, King Arthur (203/54, Matthew Bennett) Review of Christopher A. Snyder, An Age of Tyrants (216/43, John Lambshead) Review of Alistair Moffat, Arthur and the Lost Kingdoms (216/43, Daniel Mersey) Review of Corvus Belli 15mm Ancient British Chariot (228/49, Richard Lockwood) Review of Feudal Castings 15mm Medieval Welsh (238/53, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Outpost Wargames Services 25mm Age of Arthur (252/48-53, Alastair McBeath) Review of Warhammer Ancient Battles Supplement: The Age of Arthur (254/44, Steve Jones & James Morris) Review of Stuart Laycock, Britannia The Failed State (264/53, Stephen Brennan) Review of Edwin Pace, Arthur and the Fall of the Roman Empire (269/50-51, Stephen Brennan) Review of Peter Marren, Battles of the Dark Ages (272/52-53, Mark Watson)

Scots & Irish

The Ancient Irish (4/9-10, Robert OSullivan) Irish Warfare (33/28-31, Russell King) The Fighting Men of Scotland (41/14-16 & 21-2, 42/24-27, 43/26-29, 44/29-30, 45/16-17 & 20-24, 46/6-11, 47/4-5, 49/15-17, John Robertson) Bruce - for Wargaming (92./36-38, George Anderson) To Stretch a Point [Medieval Scots] (94/28-29, George Anderson) Irish chariots (103/1-2, Robin Jackson, Duncan Head) The Attacotti (106/23-25, 107/16-17, Mick Hession) Warfare in Medieval Ireland 400-1500: A Bibliographical Review (152/24-31, 153/14-19, 156/10-12 157/18-20, 158/24-25, 159/20-22, 160/25-27, Paul Walsh) Roman mercenaries (166/24, Paul Szuscikiewicz; 168/52, Phil Barker) Plundering with Picts (171/4-5, Gavin Pearson) Gailiana (174/43, Stephen Brennan) The Irish Imperial Army (184/38, Phil Barker) Warfare in Feudal Scotland 1100-1300 (187/2-9, 188/13-16, 189/36-39, 190/21-26, Paul Walsh) Rampaging Through the Isles (188/16-17, Gareth Griffiths) A Fresh Look at the Caledonians (193/3-10, David Karunanithy, comments 194/57-58, David Karunanithy, Phil Barker) Pre-Feudal Picts (196/3-4, Brian Espie) Braveheart: History or Myth? (196/10-20, Paul Walsh) Scone of the Bright Sheilds (198/21-28, David Karunanithy, comments 201/10-13, Paul Walsh) Irish Mist (201/42-44, Nick Harbud) Druids and Wargames Armies (202/40, Barrie Kinsley) From Keneth Mac Alpin to Angus of Moray (203/31-34, Lyle Daymond) Red Shields, Purple Mantles, and No Woad (204/30-7, Paul Walsh) Missing (206/8-9, Aaron Hundtofte) Prestonpans Picts (207/46-47, Brian Espie) Origins of the Picts (212/15, David Karunanithy) Highlanders at War (214/32, Alan Colquhoun) The Battle of Red Harlaw (216/9-11, Alan Colquhoun) Head 'Em Off at the Pass - Claas An Chro 1169 (218/37-38, Nick Harbud) Building a Pre-Feudal Scots Army (c.1000 A.D.) (219/49-50, Ben Checota) Of Spears, Galloglass and Kern (219/50-55, Kevin M. Boylan) Notes on Pictish Shield Walls (220/51, Steven Neate & David Karunanithy) Theres Whisky in Dufftown (221/1, Alan Colquohoun) Misty-Eyed Irish (221/10-11, Nick Harbud) The Picts A Fresh View (223/2-6, Hugh Coleman) Some thoughts on the Development of Caledonian/Pictish Warfare: A People Who Changed (223/6-9, David Karunanithy) Warfare in the Highlands and Islands (223/12-15, Alan Colquohoun) The Battle of Harlaw Hill, 24 July 1411 (224/22-23, Andrew Whittington) The Vikings and Scottish resistance: The case for central Scotland (226/18-24, David Karunanithy) A Pictish Miscellany (227/15-16, Hugh Coleman) The Battle of Knockdaw Hill (236/48-50, Tony Hughes) The Scots army of David I A Tournament Army for use with the Medieval Warfare Rules System (241/4749, Terry Gore) Depicting the Picts (244/29-33, Alastair McBeath) Background to High King of Tara (251/18-22, Nick Harbud) Painting Picts or how to cheat at painting early tartans (254/17, Gavin Pearson) Building a Themed Wargames Army A Barbarian Conspiracy Picts with Saxons and Scots-Irish (261/50-52, Richard Lockwood) Cogadh Gaedhil: Medieval Irish Warfare 600AD-1500AD (263/3-9, 264/6-11, 265/4-13, Mick Hession) Early Medieval Goidil (268/18-27, Brian Girard)

Dysert ODBMM (269/35-39, Mick Hession) The Scots in Ireland 1315-1318 (273/2-8, Mick Hession) Some Thoughts on 14th Century Scottish Armies (273/9-15, Anthony Clipsom)
Review of Feudal Castings 15mm Medieval Irish (172/40-41, Stephen Brennan) Review of Thomas Bartlett and Keith Jeffery (eds), A Military History of Ireland (187/49-51, Paul Walsh) Review of Thistle and Rose 15mm Picts (191/35, Philip Garton) Review of Gripping Beast 25mm Dark Age Celts (192/36, Adrian Garbett) Review of Fergus Cannon, Galloglass 1250-1600 (270/53, Anthony Clipsom)

The Case for the Galloping Housecarls (61/34-37, Steve Badsey) Saxon Thoughts [defensive strongpoints] (90/31-32, Jim Webster) Warfare of the Heptarchy (91/16-24 John Graham-Leigh) Doubts Concerning The Use of Cavalry in Late Anglo-Saxon Armies (93/40-43, 97/37-38, Daniel Szechi) Wargaming with Saxons [in WRG 6th] (109/38, T J N Wickens) Johns Aristocratic Fyrd (111/30-31, Ian Greenwood) Guthrums Army Two Years of Research and Debate (112/47, Ian Greenwood) The Anglo-Saxon Helmet Found at Wollaston (197/39, Steven Neate) The Kingdom of Wessex (218/1-4, Tony Bath) An Anglo-Saxon Cavalry Arm in Early Medieval Britain? (219/55-57, Daniel Mersey)
Review of N L Myres, The English Settlement (131/16-19, Guy Halsall) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Saxons (175/34-36, Peter Bone) Review of Mark Harrison, Anglo-Saxon Thegn (176/25-27, Peter Bone) Review of Harlequin 25mm Saxons (178/34, Peter Bone) Review of Ryan Lavelle, Aethelred II, King of the English 978-1016 (231/45, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Steven Gryffys, The Earls Return (235/50, Russell King) Review of Musketeer Miniatures 28mm Saxons (255/51-54, Richard Jones)

The Franks and their Enemies (54/4-6, John Graham-Leigh) Frankish Cavalry up to the 9th Century (57/36-38, Peter Momson) The Army of Charlemagne and Wargaming (69/22-24, Ralph Kirby) Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire (99/42-45, Paul Johnston) French Tanks, Frankish Kataphraktoi, and Reading Sources (108/48-49, David Blanchard) A Quantity of Capitularies [Carolingian arms & armour] (163/10-14, Michael Anastasiadis) Treasure, Raiding and the Rise and Fall of the Frankish Empire (219/23-25, Ian Storer) The Last Carolingians: A Collapse of Kingship in Tenth-century France? (227/45-47, Steven Neate) The Age of Establishment - Part 1: The Consolidation of France (254/18-24, Tony Bath) The Golden Age of the Franks - 751-843 AD (273/17-24, Robert Heiligers)
Review of David Nicolle, The Age of Charlemagne, 750-1000 (118/27-29, Matthew Bennett) Review of Donnington 15mm Merovingian Franks (185/49, Jim Webster) Review of Outpost Wargames Services 15mm Franks (205/56, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch)

The Jomsvikings (31/36, Roy Goodwell-Boss) Viking Ships (53/22-25, C W Buffham) A Viking We Will Go (72/10-11, George Gush) The Origin of Viking (74/29, David Barnes) The Case of the Disciplined Vikings (76/24-25, Paul McNeil) Vikings Without Tears [army lists for WRG 5th] (82/30-34, Paul McNeil) Scandinavian Warships of the Dark Ages (85/30-31, 86/24-25, Paul McNeil) The Army of the Jarls of Orkney (99/2-4, Jim Webster) The Viking Berserk (100/43-45, Dan Hutter) The Myth of Viking Ferocity (116/47-48, Matthew Bennett) The Long Serpent - Warfare at Sea in the Old Northern World [rules] (120/2-8, Howard Whitehouse) Wearers of the Bearskin and Secret Warrior Societies (122/17-18, William Hamblin)

How Great Was The Great Army? (127/33-35, Duncan Head) The Scandinavian Wedge as described by Saxo Grammaticus (147/27-28, Anthony Clipsom) DBM Vikings: A Myth Perpetuated? (170/31-32, Anthony Clipsom) Classifying Vikings for DBM (171/24-25, Phil Barker) Review of Mark Harrison, Viking Herser (177/29-30, Peter Bone) The Vikings (222/40-1, Alan Colquhoun) Vikings (226/44-45, Chris Smith) Vikings! How I Built my Medieval Warfare Army and Why (240/41-42, Terry Gore)
Reviews of David Nicolle, The Vikings (121/28-31, Guy Halsall & Howard Whitehouse) Review of D Tweedle & J Clare, Vikings (167/17-18, Paul Morris) Review of Museum Miniatures 15mm Vikings (189/15, Peter Bone) Review of Wargames Foundry 25mm Vikings (220/30-1, Adrian Goldsworthy) Review of Keith Durham, Viking Longship (224/46, Chris Smith) Review of Stephen Patten, Shieldwall Warfare in the Viking Age. A supplement for WAB (226/51-52, Simon Ellis) Review of Warrior 10mm Viking Pocket Army (247/44-45, James Forrest)

The Normans (32/13-16, Roy Goodwell-Boss) Let Us Compare Mythologies [Norman spear use] (68/21-22, Steve Badsey) The Norman Castle in Britain (97/27, Terry Drewett) Warfare of the Anglo-Norman Period, 1066-1181 (133/8-13, 134/3-8, 135/18-20, David Blanchard) Welsh Longbows in Norman Service [Ireland, 1169-72] (173/11-13, 175/25 Paul Reeve) Fighting Normans with DBA (177/19-22, Bill Johnson) More on the Anglo-Norman Incursion into Ireland (179/20-22, Paul Walsh) Refighting Hastings with DBA (179/42, Phil Barker; 179/44-45, Anthony Clipsom; 181/43, Nigel Britten) The Terror of the World [Robert Guiscard] (206/15-18, Stuart Whigham) 1066 and All That (212/40-1, Stuart Whigham) Looking at a DBM Army List: The Anglo Normans 1072-1181 A.D. (220/32-33, Stuart Whigham) Medieval Warfare - Bayou Wars Scenario - Norman Civil War - Tinchebrai, 1106 (245/21-22, Terry Gore)
Review of David Nicolle, The Normans (132/27, Matthew Bennett) Review of Stephen Morillo, Warfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings, 1066-1135 (182/32-33, Paul Reeve) Review of Two Dragons 15mm Anglo-Norman cavalry (181/41-42, 187/45-46, Adrian Garbett) Review of Gripping Beasts 25mm Normans (189/16, Tom Millar) Review of Two Dragons 15mm Norman foot (193/46-47, Adrian Garbett) Review of Irregular Miniatures 15mm Normans (222/45, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Old Glory 15mm Norman knights (226/50, Richard Lockwood) Review of Essex Miniatures 15mm Norman knights (226/50-51, Richard Lockwood) Review of Gripping Beast 28mm Normans (262/53-56, Mark Watson)

Some English Coats of Arms of the Mid-Fourteenth Century (15/6-8, Alan Nickels) English Coats of Arms of the Agincourt Campaign (19/18-21, Alan Nickels) English Armies of the Twelfth Century (50/30-2, John Graham-Leigh) Coats of Arms for a Medieval English Wargame Army of 1300 (71/7, 72/33, 73/37, 74/65) The Crossbow ln Mediaeval English Armies (109/18-22, Anthony Clipsom) A Cumbrian Corpse (112/20-21, Derek Harrison) English Archery of the Longbow Period (115/22-23, 116/37-39, 117/10-11, Anthony Clipsom) English Archer Formations in the Hundred Years War (151/40-42, Matthew Bennett) The Livery and Badges of Lord Montague (168/26-27, Anthony Clipsom) Sir Robert Knolles (203/43-48, Ian Storer) Lady Jane Pelham (203/24-25, Alan Colquhoun) Angevin Armies (205/38, John Graham Leigh) The Cousins Wars A Beginners Guide to the Wars of the Roses, by a Beginner (209/45-47, 210/26-28, John Hastings) Recruitment and Supply in mid-Angevin Armies (240/1-9, 241/1-10, 242/8-18, 243/10-18, 244/11-19, 245/10-17, 246/11-20, 247/18-26, 248/14-20, 249/9-14, Andrew Fisher)

Skirmishing the Hundred Years War (269/32-34, Anthony Clipsom)

Review of Arthur Conan Doyle, The White Company (158/22-23, Jill Szuscikiewicz) Review of P D McGill Heraldic Banners of the Wars of the Roses & Standards, Badges and Livery Colours of the Wars of the Roses (171/39-40, Gordon Garrad) Review of Adrian Pettifer, English Castles: A Guide by Counties (187/49, Paul Reeve) Review of T.F. Tout, The Fair of Lincoln and the History of William the Marshall and H.L. Cannon, The Battle of Sandwich and Eustace the Monk (213/50, Matthew Bennett) Review of J.B. Hurry, The Trial by Combat of Henry de Essex and Robert de Monfort at Reading Abbey (213/50, Matthew Bennett) Review of Clifford J. Rogers, War Cruel and Sharp: English Strategy under Edward III, 1327-1360 (221/33, Duncan Head) Review of Donnington Miniatures 15mm Wars of the Roses (242/52-53, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Tony Hughes, A Wargamer's Armorial - Volume 1: England (253/46, Phil Halewood) Review of 28mm WoTR Plastics (264/55, Mark Watson) Review of Perry Wars of the Roses Plastics (268/51-52, David Edwards)

French Coats of Arms of the Mid-Fourteenth Century (16/14-16, 17/17-20, rp. & revised 92a/38-44, Alan Nickels) French Coats of Arms at Agincourt (18/5-9, rp. 92a/44-48, Alan Nickels) French Fortified Churches of the Dordogne (71/8-12, Paul Garratt) French Lessons [13th century army] (93/16-17, George Anderson) French Battle Cries and Uniforms in the Xth and XVth Centuries (100/48, John Feilla) French Heraldry, 1285-1304 (101/18-23, Ian Sumner) Of Altar Boys and Hot Sausages: A Second Tap Room Whimsy (249/31-32, Mike Tittensor) Charles I of Anjou: a Medieval Prince (258/11-12, Gavin Pearson)
Review of Nicholas Wright, Knights and Peasants: The Hundred Years War in the French Countryside (202/2526, Paul Reeve) Review of Yuval Noah Harari, Special Operations in the Age of Chivalry, 1100-1550 (260/47-48, Phil Steele)

Other European Peoples

Polish Banners at the Battle of Grunwald/Tannenberg, AD 1410 (12/13-14, Alan Nickels) Olavinlinna Castle [in Finland] (14/15-17, Barry Reilly) Warfare in the Eastern Baltic in the Days of Alexander Nevsky (66/6-8, David Sweet) The Ancient Ligurians (102/6-9, 103/9-11, Marco Severino) The Burgundian Armies of 1476 (104/8-9, 105/13-15, 106/14-19, Michael Axworthy) Review of Nicholas Michael, Armies of Medieval Burgundy (113/41-42, Michael Axworthy) Alexander Nevsky: Patriot, Traitor or Survivor? (148/35-37, Matthew Bennett) Wild and Exulting Horsemen [Sarmatians] (159/11-14, Roy Harold) Review of Russian journal Arsenal (168/43, Paul Walsh) Swiss vs cavalry (173/24, Phil Barker; 174/42-43, John Buckley) The Report of the Toparch [Crimean Goths] (175,11-2, Nigel Phillips) The Trouble with the Swiss (188/10-12, John Buckley, comments 190/17-20, Tony Leibrick, Nick Harbud, Tom Worden) The Catalan Adventure (192/19-24, Paul Burton) Later Medieval Sweden (197/58-59, Kent Hagglund) Fresh Paint to Your Medieval Portugese Army (199/2-5, 200/20-22, Jorge de Freitas) Communal Armies in the County of Flanders (201/20-22, Carl de Roo) The Rise of the Free Companies and Their Relationship to the Knightly Class and its Chivalric Values (202/28-32, Ian Storer) Using Burgundian Ordonnance in DBM (204/42-43, Susanna Viljanen) Russia 1425-1505 (204/43-44, Michael Fredholm von Essen) The Medieval German Issue (209/25-29, Susanna Viljanen) Civitate 1053 The Church Militant (210/46-48, Stuart Whigham) Teutonics for Under a Tenner! (210/51, Matthew Bennett) Plastic Post Script or Never Say Nevskii Again (211/50, Matthew Bennett) A Catalan Great Company list for Armati (223/21-23, Paul Szuscikiewicz)

Hunting with Hungarians (224/1, Gavin Pearson) The Grand Company of Catalans according to Muntaner (226/47-48, Jim Webster) Medieval Polish Armies (237/8-14, Matt Haywood) The Habsburg-Burgundian Army of the Netherlands 1478-1506 a proposed army list for DBM (239/14-18, Duncan Head) Met spere ande skeld Building a medieval Frisian army for DBM (241/19-25, Eric Ter Keurs) The Medieval Swiss - The Development of the Swiss Fighting Machine (244/1-6, Neil Hammond) Late Medieval Bosnia for WAB (248/36-38, DaveWatson) Mercenary Genitors in the 1470s (267/2, Duncan Head)
Review of Vladimir Semenov, A. Kirpichnikov, A. Yurasovskii & A. Tyurin, Russian Armour 10th-17th Centuries (185/52-53, Paul Walsh) Review of Kelly De Vries, Infantry Warfare in the Early Fourteenth Century (193/19, Paul Reeve, 194/32-33, Neil Rennoldson) Review of Christopher Gravett, German Medieval Armies 1000-1300 (197/41-42, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of 1/72 Italieri Teutonic Knights (207/38-39, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of David Nicolle, Armies of Medieval Russia 750-1250 (209/60, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Donnington Miniatures 15mm Knights Hospitallers of the Order of St John (212/54-55, Steven Neate) Review of Christian Henry Tobler (trans), Secrets of Medieval German Swordsmanship (229/45, Paul Reeve) Review of Stephen Turnbull, The Hussite Wars 1419-36 (236/46, Phil Halewood) Review of Mirliton 15mm Italian Commune Wars 12-1300 AD (236/47, Richard Lockwood) Review of Antony Kamm, The Last Frontier: The Roman Invasion of Scotland (250/52-53, Steven Neate) Review of Robert Douglas Smith & Kelly DeVries, The Artillery of the Dukes of Burgundy 1363-1477 (255/4950, Nick Harbud) Review of HaT 28mm Medieval Spanish (262/58-59, Mark Watson) Review of Michael Mallet, Mercenaries and their Masters (267/54-55, Mark Watson) Review of Curteys Miniatures 28mm Medievals (268/53-55, Mark Watson)


Science in Warfare in the Sung and Mongol Armies (72/24-25, Martin Higham)
Review of John Greer, Armies and Enemies of Ancient China (131/27-29, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Reviews of Angus McBride, Attila and the Nomad Hordes (153/22-24, Duncan Head; 171/38-39, Karl Hemz Ranitzsch) Review of Thistle and Rose 15mm Steppe Nomads (189/22, Adrian Garbett) Review of Outpost Wargames Services 15mm Ancient Eastern Armies (193/49-50, Andrew Adams) Review of Grumpys Miniatures 1/300 Asian Ships (209/56, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Antony Karsulas, Mounted Archers of the Steppe 600BC-1300AD (239/38-39, Brendan Moyle)

Warfare in China (16/2-4, 19/2-6, Keith Sherlock) The Army of Han China (51/30-36, David Sweet) The Art of War in Ancient China (53/32-34, Alan Wicks) The Imperial Chinese Army, 480BC 220AD (56/24-31, John Greer) Further Notes on the Repeating Crossbow (83/25-26, George Gush) The Buried Army of Chin Shi Huang Ti (99/7 Phil Barker) Paper Armour (106/36-37, Jerry Cann) Wei Liaos Art of War (128/8-11, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Another Look at the Terracotta Army (134/9-11, David Lister) Chinese Military Colonists of the 3rd Century AD (150/32-38, 151/23-26, Duncan Head) The Han Chinese Army (152/3-4) Drums along the Hwang-Ho (154/21-24, Phil Greenough) Chinese shields (156/31, Phil Greenough; comments 157/29, Duncan Head) Chinese wardrums (156/33, Duncan Head) Fantastic headgear (157/28-29, Phil Greenough; 159/29, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Books on Chinese costume (164/40, Paul Walsh) Oxen stratagem (164/42, John Bassett,. 168/48, Bill Johnson)

The Elephant in Ancient China (165/25-29, Paul Walsh) On Chinese War Elephants (167/36-38, Duncan Head) Riding on the Chain Gang [chained cavalry] (168/27-28, Duncan Head; 174/37-38, Nicholas Elsden) Lion dancers (168/48, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) The Three Kingdoms of China [WRG list] (170/8-10, Neil Hammond) Chained cavalry (170/52, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, 172/43, Duncan Head) The Other Terracotta Army (174/38-40, Paul Walsh) Pan Chaos Han Armies (175/12-16, Wayne Melnick) Buried Han armies (177/16, Duncan Head) Chinese Reliefs (186/11-12, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) The Shields of Wu and Chu (186/38, Duncan Head) Faces of the Terra-Cotta Warriors (195/7, Chris Smith) Chinese Against Elephants (196/23-24, Duncan Head) List of Nan-Chao Related Sources (197/23, David Sweet) Identifying the Terracotta Warriors (197/45-46, Nicholas Elsden) The Army of Sui China (198/29-31, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Qin Faces (200/24, Duncan Head) More Books on Nan-Chao (201/5, Duncan Head) Chou to Chin and Back Again: Wargaming with Chinese Chariots (207/41, Gavin Pearson) A Chin Chariot (212/42, David Edwards) Information and Sources on Qin China (215/48-50, Richard Jones, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch & Duncan Head) Nan-chaoKAPOW! (220/42, Steven Neate) The Dragon Bones Army (225/39-42, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Nanzhao Reconsidered (230/11-17, Duncan Head) Dian: A Brief Introduction (230/23-24, John Walsh) The Zhuang (231/15-17, John Walsh) The War Against the Ho (240/25-27, John Walsh) The Elephant Tributes to the Ming Emperor (244/9, John Walsh) Tatoos in Ancient China and Neighbours (247/17, John Walsh) The Uighurs (249/15-20, John Walsh) Terra Cotta Update (256/17-18, David Edwards) China and Nanhai (264/3-5, John Walsh) Yongles Campaigns in the South (268/14-18, John Walsh)
Review of Ralph Sawyer, The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China (172/37, Duncan Head) Review of Joseph Needham, Science and Civilisation in China (67/6-11, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Chris Peers & David Sque, Medieval Chinese Armies 1260-1520 (168/43-44, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Chris Peers, Imperial Chinese Armies 200BC-589AD (185/51-52, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, The Army of Tang China (186/34-36, Jim Sye, Phil Halewood) Review of Chris Peers, Imperial Chinese Armies 589-1260 (190/31, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Wang Xuanming (trans. Yeo Ai Hoon), 100 Strategies of War (195/32, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Outpost Wargames Service 15mm Sui/Tang Chinese (198/34, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Chris Peers, Warlords of China, 700 BC 1662 AD (202/25, Duncan Head) Review of Essex Miniatures 15mm Shang and Chou Chinese (207/37, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Stephen Selby, Chinese Archery (213/49-50, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Elizabeth Barber, The Mummies of Urumchi and J.P. Mallory & V.H. Mair, The Tarim Mummies (213/51-52, Duncan Head) Review of David A Graff, Medieval Chinese Warfare 300-900 (222/44-45, Duncan Head) Review of Liu Yong Hua, Ancient Chinese Armour (233/40-1, Duncan Head) Review of Tiao Tim, Geng Yi, Chinese Ancient Weapons (233/40-1, Duncan Head) Review of Magister Militum 10mm Qin Chinese (253/45-46, Eric Noe)

Ancient Indian Armies (42/2-6, David Court) Notes on Ancient Indian Armies (66/22-23, Jim Webster) An Indian Army for the Wargames Table [in WRG 5th] (82/10-12, Tom Hazlett) India -A Condensed Ancient History (86/42-45, 87/44-47, 88134-7, 89/9-12, John Westwood) The Mauryans at War (93/4-9, Chris Halewood)

A Medieval Hindu Religious Military Order (113/6-7, William Hamblin) Ancient Indian Archery (113/45-46, Duncan Head) Sanskrit Notes (116/21-23, William Hamblin) A Note on the Maiden Guard of the Mauryas (116/23-24, Duncan Head) Chariot Warfare in the Indian Epics (119/2-4, William Hamblin) Rathamusala war carts (178/40, Duncan Head) Westerners in India (189/60, Duncan Head) With the Bow Let Us Win Cows Wargaming with Vedic Indians (210/2-6, Richard Andrews) Poruss Pachyderms Stompin and Shootin with Classical Indians using DBM (212/17-18, David Davidson) An Indian Adventure Developing a medieval Hindu army for DBM Competition play (231/40-5, 235/4347, 238/39-44, 240/37-40, Adrian Clarke) The Bhatti Rajputs of Jaisalmer: DBM on the Northwest Frontier (248/1-8, Adrian Clarke) Ancient Indian Chariots (255/10-11, John Walsh)
Review of Baccus 6mm Ancient Indians (241/53-54, Graham Evans) Review of Chariot Miniatures 15mm Classical Indians (265/56, Richard Lockwood)

On Orrible Uns (39/4-5, Bob OBrien) Tricks of the Trade [Huns in WRG 5th] (87/35-40, Ed Mills) Religious Groups and Relics of the Huns (99/5, Bill Khan) Attilas Cavalry (145/24-25, Stephen Edwards) Forum on the Hurts [cavalry or infantry?] (146/12-13, Duncan Head, Hugh Elton & Terry Gore) The Huns (150/39-41, 151/27-33, 152/5-10, Neil Hammond)
Review of Otto Maenchen-Helfen, The World of the Huns (59/11-12, John Sloan) Review of Donnington Miniatures 15mm Huns (184/19, Tom Millar) Review of John Man, Attila the Hun (252/48, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Khurasan Miniatures 15mm Huns (265/59, Richard Lockwood)

The Mongols (6/19-22 & 8/8-12, rp.56a/9-16, Keith Sherlock) The Legions of Chingis Khan (90/8-12, Alan Hopkins) Mongol Auxilia Troops 92/12-13, Jim Fiddes) The Mongol Myth (114/36-42, William Hamblin) The Mongol Myth Restored (129/8-11, Jim Fiddes) The Mongol Siege of Xiangyang and Fan-ch'eng and the Song Military (253/10-15, Chris Hanson) The Mongol Invasion of Java (254/16-17, John Walsh) What Have the Mongols Ever Done for Us? (259/2, Jim Webster)
Review of Museum Miniatures 15mm Mongols (178/36, Steve Neate) Review of Thistle and Rose 15mm Mongols (185/47, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Donnington Miniatures 15mm Mongols (193/39-41, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of a selection of Russian-language books (228/51-52, Daniella Carlsson)

South-East Asia
Old Times in South-East Asia (10/2-4, Deryck Atwell) Burmese Armies Revisited (174/27-29, Andrew Bird) Indonesian Warriors (184/5, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Khmer Ballista-Elephants (189/8, Duncan Head) The Colours of Khmers (189/59-60, Duncan Head, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) The Thalassocracy of Srivijaya (199/16-24, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Notes on Srivajaya and Khmer Chariots (203/60, Andrew Bird) Boats (204/5-7, Chris Smith) Sources for Burmese, Khmer and Cham Costume (211/9, Daniel Mersey) South East Asian Boats A Reprise (211/25, Andrew Bird) Medieval Warriors of Majapahit (212/16, Lyle Daymond)

Land of a Thousand Elephants: The Founding of the Kingdom of Lan Xang (212/48-50, Andrew Bird) Men Behaving Very Badly - Running Amok in a Medieval Malayan World (213/22-23, Lyle Daymond) Thai Warriors: Sketches for Figure Designs (218/IFC, Robert A. Richardson) Sukhothai, Land of the White Elephant (229/5-10, Martin Steenwege) Early Cambodia (232/23-25, 234/17-9, John Walsh) Pre-Islamic Indonesia (239/7-8, John Walsh) A European Traveller to Island Southeast Asia (241/25-26, John Walsh) Early Java (242/19-20, John Walsh) Kediri, Singhasari and Majapahit (243/1-3, John Walsh) Island Southeast Asia in the C15th (243/4-9, John Walsh) Jayavarman II (244/20-23, John Walsh) Ancient and Medieval Vietnam (248/11-14, John Walsh) The Use of Elephants in Mainland Southeast Asia (257/19-20, John Walsh)
Review of Irregular Miniatures 15mm Khmer (185/53-54, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Falcon Figures 15mm Burmese (186/36-37, Andrew Bird) Review of Chou Ta-Kuan, The Customs of Cambodia (195/32, Andrew Bird) Review of Outpost Wargames Services 15mm Khmer (198/34-35, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Grumpys Miniatures 15mm Malays/Indonesians (209/56-57, Reinheld Schulz) Review of Daniel Mersey, Armies of Medieval Burma and Back to Mandalay (214/23-24, Andrew Bird) Review of Grumpy's Miniatures 15mm Malays/Indonesians (217/37-38, Steven Neate) Review of Outpost Wargame Services 15mm Burmese (217/38-39, Steven Neate) Review of Outpost Wargame Services 15mm Khmer (229/47-48, Paul Nettle)

Ancient Japanese Wargames (3/10-13, rp.56a/4-8, Keith Sherlock) The Early Armies of Japan (47/14-16, R Smith) A Japanese army list (79/33-35, W A Nicholson) A Japanese Army List for the Gempei War (85/11-12, Rob Evans) Some Amendments to the Japanese Army Lists (146/13-14, Stephen Ladanyi) Armies and Enemies of Yamatai (200/29-35, Michael Fredholm von Essen) Samurai Mounts (215/8-9, Mark Diehl) A Brief History of the Samurai (215/25-26, James A. Milne) Japanese Castles and Siege Warfare (219/10-17, Konstantin S. Nossov) Before the Samurai: Pre-Samurai Japanese Warfare and Army Lists (251/2-10, 252/2-12, Duncan Head) The Samurai The Battle of Chungju 1592 (259/31-33, Rick Priestley & Rob Broom)
Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Samurai (186/31, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Samurai (193/47-48, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of William Wayne Farris, Heavenly Warriors: The Evolution of Japans Military, 500-1300 (200/47, Duncan Head) Review of Gladiator Games 15mm Early Samurai (216/46, Kenn Hart) Review of Mikael S Adolphson, The Gates of Power: Monks, Courtiers and Warriors in premodern Japan (220/32, Duncan Head) Review of Thomas D. Conlan (trans), In Little Need of Divine Intervention: Scrolls of the Mongol Invasions of Japan (221/32-33, Duncan Head) Review of William R Wilson, Hogen monogatari: Tale of the disorder in Hogen (222/44, Duncan Head) Review of Baccus 6mm Samurai (229/50, Graham Evans) Review of Karl F Friday, Samurai, Warfare and the State in Early Medieval Japan (235/49-50, Duncan Head) Review of Stephen Turnbull, Samurai: The Story of Japans Noble (236/45-46, Duncan Head) Review of Baccus 6mm Samurai (243/49-50, Graham Evans) Review of Osprey, Japanese Fortified Temples and Monasteries AD 710-1602 (246/50-51, Paul Robinson) Review of Baccus 6mm Samurai Generals (247/43-44, Graham Evans)

Other Asiatic Peoples

The Greek Kingdoms in Bactria and India (80/44-48, 81/28-31, Jim Webster) A Tibetan Wargames Army (88/18-21, Chris Peers) Evidence for Khitan-Liao Armour from Chinese Paintings (96/4-5, Thom Richardson) The Koryugo Kingdom in Korea, 313-668 AD (97/4-5, Thorn Richardson) Further Information on Khitan-Liao Costume and Armour (98/8-g, John Myhre)

Under the flag of Yar Lung [Tibetan arrmes, 7th~9th centuries AD] (110/6-18, Phillipe Allard) The Bactrian Greek Army [for WRG 7th] (145/13-16, Michael Bishop) Roman Leglonaries in Central Asia? (151/18-21, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) The Pechenegs (182/20-22 Clive Moody) On Pechenegs (184/38 & 41, Duncan Head) Review of Irregular Miniatures Rus & Slavs (187/46, Adrian Garbett) A Tibetan Cavalryman (189/35, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Have Lance, Will Charge [Sarmatians] (199/35-36, Neil Hammond) Adventures in Cilician Armenia (209/24-25, Martin Stephenson) Three Kingdoms and an Empire: Ancient Korea (234/2-14, 235/1-8, 236/2-13, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) The Sogdians in Chinese and Steppe History (250/26-27, John Walsh) The Greek Kingdoms in Bactria and India Part 3 (251/10-11, Jim Webster) The Armies of the Khazars 600-900 AD (257/20-22, Rodger Williams)
Review of E V Cernenko, The Scythians: 700-300 BC (108/22-23, Paul McDonnell-Staff) Review of Museum Miniatures 15mm Ottoman Turks (193/44, Andrew Adams) Review of Valerii P Nikonorov, The Armies of Bactria 700BC-450AD (197/40-1, Peter Hall, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Essex Miniatures 15mm Scythians (200/50, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Irregular Miniatures 15mm Koreans (204/18, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Curteys 28mm Tibetans (263/55-56, Mark Watson)

Fourteenth Century Nigerian Infantry (95/8, Paul Beecham) Negro Figure [in Greek art] (107/10-11, Philip Greenough, Duncan Head) Sudanese Cavalryman (108/37, Derek Harrison) Medieval Colonial Wars - The Canary Islands (128/3-7, David Sweet; comments 132/17-18, 133/40, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) The Axumites of Ethiopia (131/11-14, 132/7-10, David Sweet) The Ethiopian Army of the Solomonic Dynasty, 1270-1529 (139/4-7, 140/3-6, David Sweet) Blemmyans (158/31, Alex Baumans; 159/29, Phil Barker) A Short History of the Blemmyes (174/19-22, Michael Nursey) Tuaregs (193/11, Phil Barker) Kerma Capital City of the Nubian Empire of Kush? (194/1, Andrew Bird) Christian Nubians A Competition Army? (199/32, Justin Taylor) Medieval African Forest Armies - New DBM Lists (215/27-28, Richard Young) The Songhai Empire (216/52-56, 217/28-32, 221/2-10, Alan Todd) Bombing out with Beja (221/12-13, Peter Glew) The Kingdom of Benin (223/33-36, Richard Young) Ghana: Land of Gold (244/2-5, Richard Young) Mossi - Tartars of Africa (247/31-32, Richard Young) Kongo - Land of the Blacksmith Kings (249/21-23, Richard Young)
Review of Donnington 15mm Africans (174136-7, Michael Nursey) Review of Robert Smith, Warfare and Diplomacy in Pre-Colonial West Africa & Christopher Spring, African Arms & Armour (185/50-51, Paul Walsh) Review of Peter Pig 15mm Tuaregs (189/20, Adrian Garbett) Review of M. Abir, Ethiopia and The Red Sea (197/43, Michael Grant) Review of Old Glory 15mm Colonial Sudan (213/55, Kevin Donovan) Review of Wildly Inspire Miniatures Blemmye Range (226/53, Jean-Paul Rivierre)

Notes on Aztec Warfare (42/34-36, Antimacassar) Warfare in Aztec Mexico (57/5-8 & 20, 58/17-19, 59/27-34, 60/16-17, 64/12-14, Russell King) The Aztec Army and its Mode of Warfare (65/31-7) Aztec Shield Patterns (97/40-42, Neil Grant) Aztec Back-Banners (99/18-20, Neil Grant) Aztec War-suits and Helmets (101/3-5, Neil Grant)

Mayan Armies (107/4-10, M A R Barker) Inventing the Wheel (125/22-23, Douglas Lamont) New World Warfare (156/23-25, Chris Kinnear) Actions with Aztecs (187/10-12, 211/5-8, Gavin Pearson) New World Armies in DBM (187/12-14, Jim Esler) Cahokia Mounds Historic Site (187/17, Andrew Bird) Otomi or Otontin? (195/8, Jim Esler) The Little Known Meso-American Military (200/36-40, Robert A. Richardson) Building an Aztec Army (202/32-33, Jim Esler) Mitchell Village (204/25-26, Andrew Bird) Aztec Miscellany (205/52-53, Jim Esler) King Tezocs Coronation Campaign (206/9-12, Robert A. Richardson) Duran and the Aztec Army (207/29, Jim Esler) King Tezocs Matlatzinca Campaign 1484-5 AD The Great Tribute Revolt (210/44-45, Robert A. Richardson) More on American Indians - Etowah Mounds (215/41, Andrew Bird) The Mayan Battle of Uaxactun, 16 January 378 A.D. (216/2-5, Robert A. Richardson) Preliminary Notes on a Mochica Wargaming Army (217/24-26, David Turner) Xiquipilco King Black Lizard (219/43-46, Robert A. Richardson) Mapuche (Araucanian) Armies (222/8-18, George Smithson) The Itza of Mayapan Using post-classic Mayans under DBM (224/31-34, Eric ter Kers) Town Creek A Fortified Indian Ceremonial Site (224/41-42, Andrew Bird) The Chanca attack on the formative state of the Incas (226/40-3, Robert A. Richardson) The Mayan Warrior Queen, Lady Six Sky of Naranjo, 683-741 AD (228/36-39, Robert A. Richardson) Logistics of Ancient Andean Armies (230/24-26, Robert A. Richardson) The Empire of Hatun-Colla (233/10-13, Robert A. Richardson) To be or Tupi that is the question (234/44-46, Mark Clarke) King Minchcaman of the Chimor Empire and the Conquest of the North (235/13-16, Robert A. Richardson) King Minchcaman of the Chimor Empires Southern Campaigns (236/13-17, Robert A. Richardson) A Mapuche army list for DBM (236/25-27, Luke Ueda-Sarson) The Southern Coastal Alliance of 1469 AD versus the Chimor Empire (237/5-7, Robert A. Richardson) The Ancient Canari Army of South America (239/9-11, Robert A. Richardson) The Military Influence of Teotihuacan upon Tikal, 378-562 AD (241/2-5, Robert A. Richardson) The Meso-American Huaxtec Army (243/20-21, Robert A. Richardson) Naked Guys with Pointy Sticks: the Armies of EL Dorado for DBMM (260/26-27, Dave Turner)
Review of John Pohl, Aztec, Mixtec & Zapotec Armies (160/31-33, Chris Kinnear) Review of Gladiator Miniatures 15mm Aztecs (190/31-33, Andrew Adams) Review of Gladiator Miniatures 15mm Tlaxcalans (193/48, Andrew Adams, erratum 194/61) Review of Gladiator Miniatures 15mm Maya (196/35, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Grumpys Miniatures 15mm Tupi Indians (204/19-20, David Tan) Review of Ian Heath, The Armies of the Aztec and Inca Empires, other native peoples of the Americas and the Conquistadores 1450-1608 (215/34, Andrew Bird) Review of Ian Heath, Armies of the 16th Century Volume 2 The Armies of the Aztec and Inca Empires (236/44-45, Robert A Richardson) Review of Outpost Wargames Services 25mm Aztecs (239/40, Nik Gaukroger)

Hawaiian Armies (203/13-20, Chris Cornuelle) An army list for Aotearoa Maori under DBM (221/42-43, Nick Farrell)
Review of Bloodaxe Miniatures 15mm Hawaiians (207/35-36, Chris Cornuelle) Review of Fergus Clunie, Fijian Weapons and Warfare (243/45-46, Jon Willacy)


An Example of Patrol Warfare (12/14-15, Ed Mills) Stevens Rules [for young children] (37/30-31, Gary Thomas) A Pushover [hoplite battles] (47/32-34, rp. 92a/59-60, Barry Reilly) Micro Ancients [simple 5mm rules] (90/27-28, Tony Bath) Playing with Chariots (of Fire?) (111/32-36, 112/4-9, 113/30-35, Ian Russell Lowell) Hexancients [outline] (115/16-17, Des Allan) Melee [simple medieval rules] (131/10-11, Walter Compton) Conquer or Die! [Roman manipular combat] (136/8-11, Andrew Parrock; comments 137/13-15, 139/14, Andy Grainger & Arthur Harman) The Lowell Rules for Bronze Age Wargames [outline] (144/18-19 & 27-8, Ian Russell Lowell & Chris Kinnear) Frightful Execution [elephants at Zama] (146/3-6, Duncan Head) Heroes and Followers [Trojan War battles] (157/11-14, Dimitris Christodoulou) PHALANX: An Ancient Battle Game (165/15-24, 168/8-9, 174/1-2, 179/14-18, 181/30-31, Philip Sabin) Official DBM Amendments, June 1995 (180/insert & 38, Phil Barker) Gareths Medieval Battle System (187/34-41, Gareth Simon) Rein-Bow Wargaming (193/25-28, Ian Russell Lowell) Legion Amendments (194/6, Philip Sabin) Lytel Guphan (200/2-4, Tony Hughes) Combat a l'outrance [Medieval tournament] (213/20, Richard Jeffrey-Cook) Warband (218/26-27, Richard Lee) Warspawn (222/26-29, rules Lloyd Krassner, edited Mike Murgatroyd) Simple Ancient Rules (232/24-25, Jim Webster) Tearless Battles: How on Earth did we end up Making Hoplite Warfare Boring? (251/26-31, Mike Tittensor)

Rules Reviews
WRG 1st (25/7-8, Stephen Reed) WRG 3rd (39/14-15, Harold Gerry) Classic Warfare (65/4, John Norris) Peltast and Pila (65/26-27, Phil Barker) WRG 5th (65/16-19, John Norris, Phil Masters) TAG Ancients Rules (92/52, Duncan Head) WRG 6th (93/10-11, Richard Bodley Scott; 112/12-13, Michael Warby) Hoplite Warfare & Hellenistic Warfare (105/16-19, Duncan Head) Newbury Rules (111/2-3, Matthew Bennett) Oxford Wargames Rules (111/16-17, Duncan Head) WRG 7th (123/26-7 & 29, Richard Bodley Scott; 125/28-30, Ian Greenwood, 129/27-28, John Hastings; 136/27-30, various gamers) Newbury Fast Play Rules (126/27-28, John Sharkey) Benchmarks for Wargames Rules (128/47-48, Stephen Reed) Tactica (151/43-45, Charles Sharp & Terry Gore) De Bellis Antiquitatis (151/46-47, Matthew Bennett) Tactika (157/20-21, Duncan Head) Wessex Rules (159/24-26, Phil Steele & Richard Lockwood) Ancient Empires (160/28-31, Jim McDaniel & Chris Peers; responses 163/27-30, Greg Pitts & John Lanshead) Shieldbearer 1 (163/30-32, Andy Gittins; 164/33-34, Richard Lockwood) Shieldbearer 2 & De Bellis Multitudinis (168/36-38, Neil Hammond; 174/31-34, David Letts) Legio (169/31-32, R.Kent Haryett)

De Bellis Multitudinis (172/33-36, John Buckley, David Austin; responses 173/24-26, Karl-Heinz Ranitzsch, Steve Neate; 176/31-33, Jean-Louis Fiasson) Armati (188/31-32, Neil Simpson) Before the Gates of Troy (191/34, Adrian Garbett) Medieval Warfare (195/5-6, Neil Hammond) Warhammer Ancient Battles (198/36-38, Peter Hall, Derek Whittenbury, 204/21-22, Kenn Hart) Piquet-Archon (200/50-52, Scott L. Karakas) Ancient Warfare (201/50-51, Neil Hammond) Day of Battle (203/3, Daniel Mersey) Naumachiae (203/34-35, Mark Romans) DBM versus Armati (207/22, Brian Mischel) Conquerors and Kings (208/35-36, Phil Halewood) Pig Wars (210/55-56, James Manto) Warhammer Siege Rules (211/57-58,Simon Ellis) Glutter of Ravens: A Player's Thoughts (214/1, Colin Bell) Playing the Dark Ages with Glutter of Ravens (217/34, Colin Bell) Phalanx Rules (225/43-44, Phil Barber) And Now For Something Completely Different! Warmaster Ancients (227/36-40, Honda Kowabunga) Historical Warmaster (227/40-1, John Lambshead) Vis Bellica (227/52-54, John Graham-Leigh, Tim Moyse) Strategos Rules Review and Demonstration (230/30-32, John Graham-Leigh) Seige Warfare Playtest (231/35-36, Richard M.J. Jarosz) Battle Cry Ancients (231/38-39, Steve Burt) A State of Mind: A Comparison of DBM and Vis Bellica (232/40, Michael Tittensor) Warror Rules (232/51-52, Nick Harbud) HOPLON (234/50-52, Steve Higgins, George Hatzopoulos) ARMATI la Deuce An Overview (235/39-40, Subodai Bahadur) Australian Tactika A Review (236/27-28, Scott McManus) A Look at Armati 2 (236/36-38, Neil Simpson) Trying Out Hoplon Rules (237/45, Alex Baumans) Warmaster Ancient Rules (243/50-52, Richard Jones) Bloody Barons by Peter Pig (244/53-54, Mike Tittensor) Justified Ancients (248/49, Mike Tittensor) Hoplon 3 (248/49-50, Richard Jeffrey-Cook) De Bellis Barkeris (DBMM) (253/43-45, David Edwards) Warlord Rules (253/46-48, Nick Harbud) I've seen the Past, and it Works - A review of Neil Thomas, Ancient and Medieval Wargaming (255/38-39, Graham Evans) Justified Ancients (255/48-49, John Davis) De Bellis Magistrorum Militum (DBMM) (257/35-41, Mark Ottley) The Tony Bath Rules Jurassic Park for Wargamers (257/41-43, Kevin Large) The Zest Strikes Back [Review of Neil Thomas, Ancient and Medieval Wargaming] (257/43, Steven Neate) Zesty Ancient Warfare (258/38-39, Steven Neate) Field of Glory (258/50-53, Nik Gaukroger) Comparative Religion 101: A Comparison of DBMM and FOG (259/39-40, Ray Briggs) Comparative Religion 102: A Comparison of FOG and WAB (260/34-37, Craig Woodfield) Comparative Religion 102: Field of Glory and DBMM Rules Compared on the Wargames Table (262/4850, Ray Briggs) Impetus A Very Brief Overview (268/41-42, Mike Brian) Warhammer Ancient Battles v2.0 (269/25-26, Martin Gibbons) Tabletop Command & Colors (271/36-38, James Roach) De Bellis Magistrorum Militum Version 2.0 (272/50, Richard Jeffrey-Cook)

A Battle in the Cappadocian Mountains [Seleucids] (25/14-16, Ed Mills) Rioting in Alexandria (27/20-25, rp.92a/52-55, Ed Mills) The Wedding of Boudicca (90/36-41, Ivan Withers) The Defence of Zalhi [Hittites] (111/10-15, Ian Russell Lowell) Trilemma [3-cornered Egyptian & Hittite] (112/34-36, Ian Russell Lowell) The Bun Shop Pairs [asymmetric battles] (116/13-17, Paul Stovell & Bruce Douglas) Three Simple Variations on Encounter Games (125/31, Roman Szwaba) Pontic Scenario (130/12-15, Simon MacDowall) Deus le Volt! [First Crusade; includes rules] (131/4-9, Simon MacDowall) Comitatus! [3-cornered Roman & Goth] (133/3-6, 134/30-32, Simon MacDowall) The Battle of Pelagonia [Greece 1259 AD, multi-player] (133/16-19, Bernd Lehnhoff) A Forced River Crossing [Koreans vs Chinese, postal game] (134/33-36, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) King Amalrics Invasion of Egypt [multi-player] (135/5-7, 136/31-32, Terry Griner) Bridge of Sighs [multi-player Hittite] (138/11-12 Ian Russell Lowell) The Conquest of the East [Greece 1081 AD, multi-player] (139/22-23, Terry Gore) Greeks-For Example [Greeks vs Phoenicians] (155/14-17, Harold Gerry) Silken Girls Bringing Sherbet [Antiochus vs Molon] (162/22-26, John Bassett) World Conquest on a Budget [DBA ref ights] (177/40-41, Adrian Garbett) Warriors of Antlquity Scenario: Battle of Olpae, 430 BC (181/24-25, Bryan Booker) Unpredictable Battles (181/40, Daniel McLaughlin) Alexanders Flying Men (190/12-13, Michael Fredholm von Essen) Scouting, Deployment and Qadesh (190/29-30, John Gibson) The Battle for Thrace (192/2-5, Paul Browne) Search and Destroy (200/16-18, Simon MacDowall) Bushwacked How to Campaign a Major Ambush (207/10-12, Nick Harbud) Preliminary Rounds: Pyrrhus in Sicily (208/26-31, Jeff Jonas) The Battle of Megiddo 1481 BC A Scenario for WHAB (210/16-17, Andrew Bishop) The Battle of Qadesh 1300 BC A Scenario for WHAB (211/17-20, Andrew Bishop) The Sea Peoples Invasion 1189BC A Scenario for WHAB (212/19-20, Andrew Bishop) The Hills Have Eyes (Not to mention the odd sword and falx) [Dacian Scenario] (215/11-12, Tony Welch) The Right Flank at Gaugamela: A Scenario for Warhammer Ancient Battles (216/35-37, Jeff Jonas) Alexander at Thebes 335BC: A short Scenario Game for DBM (218/11-12, Peter Hall) The End of Crassus with Conquerors and Kings (218/28, Carl Luxford) Babylon I (220/52-54, Richard Jeffrey-Cook) The Battle of Leuctra: A Scenario for Vis Bellica (230/39-41, Robert Avery) The Battle of Orcyni 319 BC A Scenario for DBM (232/35-36, Jeff Champion) The Battle Near Jerusalem 57 BC: A Scenario for Strategos (232/38-39, Steven Neate) Three Armati Scenarios (247/35-38, Graham Bryson)
Review of Terry Gore, Medieval Battles: Scenarios for Wargamers (224/45-46, Dave Smith)

Army Lists
To the Divine Claudius (37/34-36, rp.92a/11, Phil & Sue Barker) Points Values [in WRG 4th] (52/26-27, David Millward) Barmy Armies [dicing for troops] (75/5-7, Ian Beck) The Enigma of the Lists [WRG infallibility] (78/44, Paul McNeil) Army Lists [pros and cons] (79/43, Tony Philips) Review of Milgamex army lsts (80/42-43, Phil Grifliths) Review of Paul McNeil & Stephen Reed, Dark Age army lists (84/22-23,Duncan Head; response 86/53, Paul McNeil) Take a Card - Any Card [drawing for troops] (89/47-48, John Graham-Leigh) The Army Lists and the WRG 5th Edition [inflexibility] (89/49-52, Phil Kendall; comments 91/29-30, Steve Badsey) The Abuse of Army Lists (111/46-47, Simon MacDowall)

Army Lists: A Geographical Question [imbalance] (11 l/47-48, William Hamblin) Designer Armies (128/32-33, David Smith et al) The Ghost1y Horse Archers of Dark Age Europe [source unreliability] (140/11-12, Peter Bone) The Army List (143/13-15, Andrew Parrock) Army list problems (150/2-3, 153/28-29, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Middle Imperial Elephants [absurdity of] (153/28-29, Paul Szuscikiewicz; debate 155/6-7, Harvey Gerndt, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Army list alternatives (155/6 & 32-3, Harvey Gerndt) Army list changes in DBA (159/7-8, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of M Holland & C Froud, Chariot Warfare Army Lists (161/26, Steve Neate) WRG List exclusivity (163/1-2, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Burn the Shopping List (163/3-4, David Brown) Army Lists for De Bellis Multitudinorum [actually the troop classifications] (163/17-22, Richard BodleyScott) Reviews of D Hutchby & S. Clark, Armies of the Ancient Near East [for WRG 7th] (168/38-40, Nigel Phillips, Alan Danskin & David Brown) List linkages (170/53 Phil Barker) Phalanx Based Army Lists from DBM Book 2 (185/10-12, Peter Hall) Review of Warhammer Armies of Antiquity (203/54-55, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, 207/35, Kenn Hart) Review of Chariot Wars [WHAB] (207/33-34, Steven Neate, Simon Ellis) A Triumph of Content over Style [DBM Book 3 Army Lists] (207/44-45, Adrian Garbett) Rome Men Of Iron [Army List for Classical Hack] (208/18-21, PhilViverito) Changes to the Early Successor Armies for DBM (211/48-49, Jeff Champion) Blade Fast Everywhere Thoughts on the Second Edition DBM Book One (212/30, Marc Priest) Fall of the West - The Director's Cut (213/42, Honest Doc John Lambshead) Selecus and the Availability of the Silver Shields (216/42, Jeff Champion) Army Book Lists and Shieldwall: A Review (227/42-43, Doug Marston) Two Reviews of Immortal Fire (259/47-50, Tim Thompson, Rob Van Der Laan) A Review of Legions Triumphant (259/50-51, Tim Thompson) The New DBMM Army List Books (260/34, Phil Barker)
Review of J. Lambshead & L. Newson, Fall of the West (213/52-53, Steven Neate) Review of Vis Bellica Army Lists Book 1 (229/46-47, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Vis Bellica Army Lists Book 2 (231/45-46, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Biblical Warrior Army Lists (232/52, Nick Harbud) Review of Armati Two: Army Lists (235/50-52, Peter Morrison) Review of Warmaster Ancients Armies (253/48, Marc Adda) Review of Warmaster Medieval Armies (263/51-52, Marc Adda)

Designers Notes
Moving, Firing & Fighting (9/5-7, Tony Bath) On Rules (15/16-18, Tony Bath) The Hamilton Hill Club Rules (34/17-18, Slim Mumford) Rule Interpretations [for WRG 3rd] (40/33-35, 42/11-12, 43/35-36, 44/32, Phil Barker) Medieval Rules [desiderata] (55/4-6, Slim Mumford) WRG 4th (59/20-24, Phil Barker) WRG Rules OK? (73/38-39, Phil Barker) On Rule Writing [Peltast & Pila] (83/15-16, Tony Bath) Melee Dice in Ancient Wargames (94/38-39, Phil Barker) Thoughts on Rule Writing (102/9, Phil Barker) A New WRG Approach to Ancient Wargaming [7th ed] (116/31-32, 117/17-19, 118/18-19, 119/31-32, Phil Barker) One Mans Meat [simple 5 mm rules] (120/30- 2, 121/32-33, Andy Gittins) New Fast Play Ancients Rules from Newbury (121/36-37, Trevor Halsall) With WRG into 1986 (122/33-35, Phil Barker) The Newbury Rationale (126/24-25, Trevor Halsall)

Rules Forum [Conference panel with Simon Macdowall, Andy Gittins & Phil Barker] (135/32-33, Stephen Allen) De Bellis Antiquitatis (148/3-6, Phil Barker) Rules Forum [with rules writers] (153/29-32, figure, ground and time scales;154/28-32, orders and reaction; 155/34-36, melee random factors; 157/30-32, terrain; 158/34-36, casualty removal; 159/33-6 & 160/38-40, regular & irregular categories; 161/35-40, morale; 162/38-40, fighting in ranks, 181/32-5 & 185/40-3, elephants; 182/14-18 & 185/43 chariots) Comments on previous Rules Fora (155/36, 157/32, 159/36, 160/40, 161/39-40, 164/42, various writers) Q&A for DBM (170/35, W.R. Johnson& Richard Bodley Scott) PHALANX (171/15-20, Philip Sabin) The Virtue of Simplicity [in DBA] (171/36-37, Phil Barker) Bucellarii Rules (172/30-32, Ian Wilson) Thinking of Publishing Your Own Rules? (175/16-18, Michael Young) Q&A for Legio (175/42-43, Andy Watkins & Simon MacDowall) DBM Amendments (180/38-39, Phil Barker) DBM & manoeuvre (174/42, Richard Bodley Scott) DBM Q&A (178/40) LEGION ideas (182/37, Philip Sabin) Towards an Improved Terrain Choosing Method (185/13, Phil Barker) LEGION: Next Years Society Game (188/2-4, Philip Sabin) AQUITAINE (194/2-6, Paddy Griffith) Informed by History [Warhammer Ancient Battles] (198/11-14, Jervis Johnson) Introducing ANCIENT WARFARE (199/24-25, Terry Gore) Glutter of Ravens (202/10-11, Daniel Mersey) Gaming with ARMATI (202/37-38, Phil Steele) Reasons For, And Development Of, The Ancient Warfare and Medieval Warfare Tactical Rules System (204/11-12, Terry Gore) Naumachiae Question and Answer Forum (203/35-36, Martin Johncock and Rod Langton) Shooters of Crows: Horse Archery in Glutter of Ravens (209/39, Daniel Mersey) Lytel Guphan Corrections & Addenda (209/61, Tony Hughes) A Personal Rough History of Ancient Wargames Rules (218/5-7, Phil Barker) The Medieval Warfare Rules and Replicating Historical Outcomes Some Examples (222/52-53, Terry Gore) STRATEGOS A New Society Battle Game (229/43-44, Philip Sabin) Strategos: Optional Rules (232/39, Philip Sabin) AWr 2.0 Release Notes (241/46-47, Jerboa) An Introduction to DBMM (242/45-47, Phil Barker) The New Edition of Strategos (243/41-42, Philip Sabin) Shattered Lances: The Author's Perspective (244/34-37, Brendan Moyle) Troop Classification Development in AWr (245/32-33, Filipe Santos Martins) The Art of War: Wargames Rules for the Ancient & Medieval Era 3000 BC to 1500 AD (249/2-4, Richard Bodley-Scott, Simon Hall, Terry Shaw, Ian McNeil, JD McNeil) Warlord - The Works (253/30-1, Trevor Halsall & Richard Harper) Ancient and Medieval Wargaming and Wargames Competitions (256/34-35, Neil Thomas) Day of Battle III Designers Notes (257/48-49, Chris Parker) Rules Design Round Table (258/30-6, Phil Barker, Richard Bodley-Scott, Jervis Johnson, Rick Priestley, Lorenzo Sartori, ed Mark Watson) Ancient and Medieval Wargaming A reply to Graham Evans (258/36-37, Neil Thomas) Ancient and Medieval Wargaming (259/41-43, 263/42-43, Neil Thomas) Rules Design Forum: Ancient and Medieval Wargaming (260/38-39, Neil Thomas) Rules Design Forum: The Arcane Warfare Project (260/40-42, Jerboa) The New AWE Combat System (261/52-53, Jerboa) Rules Design Forum: Day of Battle (261/53-54, Chris Parker) Rules Design Forum: Lost Battles (262/43-45, Philip Sabin)

Official Amendments to Lost Battles, Empire and Roma Invicta (271/41, Philip Sabin)

Hints on Play
Table Top Tactics (24/34-35, Dimitris Christodoulou) Armies and Tactics (30/16-17, Phil Barker, Stephen Reed & Terry Dixon) Skilful Tactical Moves [for WRG 1st] (32/24-26, Bob OBrien) Wargames Research Group Armies and Tactic; [4th Ed.] (52/23-26, 58/39-41, Stephen Reed) Fagers Tactike (62/14-18, Anders Fager) In Defence of Medium Infantry [in WRG 5th] (74/74-5, Peter Linnell) Some Basic Tactics Explained (84/13-16, 83/7-10,86/30-32, Phil Griffiths) A Matter of Tactics [historicity vs flexibility] (85/34-35, Vincent Rovond) Tactics on the Wargames Table (102/2-4, Simon MacDowall) Dont Give me a Good General, Give Me a Lucky One [WRG 6 th tournament play] (113/43-45, 114/34-35, 115/4-5, 116/32-33, Paul Stovell) Tactics under 7th Edition (125/31-32, Richard Bodley Scott) How to Win Wargames (133/20-21, Andy Gittins) Delta Force [D class troops in WRG 7th] (161/9-11, James Kasper) A Beginners Guide to 7th Edition (162/12-14, 163/23-25, 164/35-36, 165/37-39, 166/30-32, 167/20-23, 168/18-20, Neil Hammond) How to learn WRG 7th (168/20, Jeff Hudelson) Analysis of WRG Book III Armies [for 6th/7th] (170/18-22, Dave Stier & Mark Stone) A Beginners Guide to DBM (170/25-31, 171/20-24, Richard Bodley Scott) Living with an Army List [WRG 7th tournament play] (172/26-30, 173/3-7, 174/6-8, 175a/xviii-xix, Phil Steele) DBA Armies and their Deployment (173/26-29, Andrew Parrock) Blueprint for Victory [in DBM] (175a/x-xviii, 176/33-37, 177/42-44, Michael Kroon) Go for the Big Command! [DBM demoralisation] (179/12-13, Jason Monaghan) Wargames Competitions (183/9-10, Andrew Richardson) DBM Enticement? (183/10-11, Bob OBrien) The Hedgehog Strikes Back [Using Infantry] (190/27-28, Gareth Griffiths) In Support of the Hedgehog (194/46-47, Alan Danksin) The Roll of Success (196/25, Justin Taylor) Using Warhammer Ancient Battles (201/34-35, 202/35-5, 203/39-41, Peter Hall) An Auxiliarating Skirmish (202/41, Christopher Webber) Riding with Ghengis (203/1-2 & 60, Robert Schriek) Fun with Light Horse (212/51, Richard Bodley Scott) A Lesson in Arrogance: Surprise is Surprising (213/21-22, Subodai Bahadur) War Elephants and Warhammer Ancient Battles (214/15-18, Jeff Jonas) Armati: Basics and Tactical Tricks (214/31-32, Subodai Bahadur) Army Choice in Armati (215/9-10, Subodai Bahadur) Army Design in Armati (216/7-8, Subodai Bahadur) A Brief A to Z of Armati Ancient Rules: Two Case Studies (216/38-42, 217/10-2Carl Luxford) Wargaming the Ancient Period with Newbury Rules (219/66-7, Alun Mackrill) The Trials and Fun of Putting a Medieval Warfare Army Together (219/67, Richard M. Jarosz) An Introduction to the Armies of Warhammer Ancient Battles (219/69-71, Rob Broom) Wargaming with Tactica: An A to Z of Tactica Medieval Rules (220/12-18, Carl Luxford) Terrain Use in Medieval Warfare (226/25-27, Richard MJ Jarosz) Deploying the Feudal Host (228/1-7, Alex Aimette) Building a Tournament Army for use with the Medieval Warfare Rules (229/14-15, Terry Gore) The best-laid schemes o mice an men A high risk strategy with Advanced Armati (232/47-49, Frank Kean) This Army Sucks! A look at no-hopers in Armati (233/21-23, Graham D. Evans) DBM 15mm terrain pieces (235/40-3, Christopher Webber) De Matrica Bellae Example of Play (241/31-35, Graham D. Evans)

Skirmishers in Warmaster (250/31-33, Marc Adda) Beating Shock Troops with Light Foot in FOG (268/32-34, Christopher Webber)

Rules Suggestions
A Points System in Wargames [for Society Rules] (1/8-9 rp.121/4-5, 16/4-5, Tony Bath) Cant Leave Them Alone, Can We? [amendments to Society Rules] (20/16-19, Bob OBrien) New Rules for Village Fighting [for Society Rules] (28/21-24, Richard Simpson) Casualties in Wargames [for Society Rules] (32/21-24, Gary Thomas) Fighting in Built-up Areas [for WRG 1st] (34/2-6, C S Grant) About Chariots and Move Lengths [for WRG 3 rd] (48/10-12, C. Zanelli) The Dover Amendments [for WRG 4th] (56/39-41, Charles Grant) Cavalty Tactics [for WRG 4th] (59/18-19, Barry Cook) The No-Blood Wargame [WRG 5th without casualty removal] (77/35-36, R. J. Neilsen) A New Morale System for the WRG Rules [5th ed] (83/36-37, John Boehm) New Order Writing System for 5th Edition Ancients Rules (85/25, Phil Barker) An Alternative System for Terrain Selection (89/38 Martin Higham) Solo Wargaming with WRG 5th Edition Rules (91/45-47, Wilhelm Oudshoom) Rules - A Suitable Case for Treatment? [alternative mechanisms] (98/41-43, 99/37-38, 100/10-13, 101/3436, Darrell Lias) Choosing Terrain - An Alternative Svstem (99/4-5, Patrick Smyth & Neil Spurgeon) Suggested Adjusted WRG Rules for 20,000 Men a Side Battles [with 6 th Ed] (99/48, Des Allan) Phalanx versus Maniple (108/23, Carl Peberdy & Tun Cockerell) Setting Ancient Terrain for Wargames Conventions (104/34-35, Phil Barker) Battles with Hoplites under WRG Rules [adjustments to 6th ed] (108/42, Jim Webster) Morale, Melee and Random Factors [in WRG 6th] (109/23-24, Dudley Garidel & Ed Mills) Pre-Programmed Huns (115/35-36, Jim Webster, Clive Richards & Paul Stratton) Arrowhead [medieval archery] (132/11, Christopher Parker) Taking the Omens (137/38-39, Andrew Parrock) Omens III (138/15-16, Paul Pry; comments 139/31-32, Martin Johncock) Omens and Religious Influences on the Art of Generalship in the Classical Mediterranean (143/23-28, 144/23-26, Phil Steele) Competition Scoring System (151/50-51, Joe Connolly) Variations on DBA Themes (158/12-13, Gareth Simon) DBA Reservations Reviewed (160/21-23, John English) Army Orders and Battleplans for De Bellis Antiquitas (168/11-17, Stuart Trembly) Mounted fire in DBA (169/7-8, Leslie Thompson; comments 171/35-37, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Phil Barker) The Square Base (170/33-35, Michael Young) Siege Rules for DBM (175/21-23, 177/36-37, 180/20, Peter Hall) Generals characteristics (175/43, David Brown) Back to the Chessboard? (178/43-44, Michael Young) Squares & hexagons (179/43-44, Philip Sabin; 180/39, Phil Barker; 181/44, Michael Young; 182/38, Neil Simpson) Variations for DBA (183/11-12, Phil Halewood) Nice Terrain System Shame About The Rules (183/25-27, Colin Stutt) Leadership on the Battlefield (184/18, Justin Taylor) Discussion on DBM (185/31-3 & 60, Daniel McLaughlin) Commentary on De Bellis Multitudinis (187/54-56, Justin Taylor, Tim Johnson, Gavin Pearson) The Lay of the Land Thoughts on Terrain (188/21-3 & 40-1, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Peter Hall, David Edwards, Gavin Pearson) Towards a new Millenium (191/20, Peter Hall) Victory and Pursuit in Armati and DBM (191/20-22, Neil Simpson) DBM=Bang Youre Dead (191/22-23, Mervyn Cartwright) Expendables (191/23-24, Michael Young) Whats in a Name? [Skirmishers] (191/24, Nick Harbud)

Generalship in Armati (194/40, Neil Simpson) Rules Forum Feedback (194/44-45, Lawrence Greaves) Some Suggestions Concerning DBM (194/45-46, Victor Catala, comments Phil Barker) Alternative DBM Terrain Rules (197/19-21, J-W.P. Boots) Troop Behaviour and DBM (198/14-16, Tom Worden) An Open Letter to Richard Bodley Scott and Phil Barker (199/14-15, Robert Schriek and Jan-Willem Boots) Tournament Play and the DBM Terrain System (200/58, Phil Barker, reponse 200/58-60, J.D. McNeil, comments 202/12-14, Paul Szuscikiewicz, 204/14-7) An Element Valuation System for DBA (203/9-11, Tony Hughes) The Wrath of the House of Barca (204/13-14, Gerard W. Quinn) A Condensed Version of DBM (206/6-7, Bernd Lenhoff, tr. Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Feigned Flight under DBM (207/10, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) The Tactical Use of Ambush in DBM (207/12-13, Martin Dice) The Fog of War (207/11, Nick Harbud) De Bellis Hibernicus (Rules for Medieval Irish Warfare) (209/42-44, Nick Harbud) The Evolution of DBM Are We Sure Its Moving in the Right Direction (210/35-38, Simon Antony Hall) Rules and Things (210/49-50, Bob OBrien) Citizens to the Walls (212/9, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Conquerors and Kings - Some thoughts from the "Rules for the Common Man" Team at Peter Pig (213/4546, Martin Goddard) Heretical DBA Thoughts and Variants (215/51-54, Tony Stapells) A Barbarian Conspiracy: A Very Personal View on the Proliferation of Hand-to-Hand Troop Types in Wargames Rules (218/13-15, Richard Lockwood) DBM - Some Thoughts on Scenario and Scales (218/24-25, Luke Ueda-Sarson) Spatial Pleading (218/29-36, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Sasanian (and other) Accommodation Reflections for DBA 2.0 (219/58-60, Phil Halewood) Roman Auxilia Infantry in DBM (219/60-6, Keith Allen, Simon MacDowall, Daniel Mersey, John GrahamLeigh, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Luke Ueda-Sarson, Stephen Allen, Jim Webster, James Manto, Steven Neate) DBM Army Point Values (220/7-8, Greg Pinder, response 222/19-20, Phil Barker) DBA 2.0 Moving Towards Closure (220/27, Sui Denym) DBM Terrain Choice Variant (220/34, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Ancient & Medieval Field & Siege Engines Ideas for their wargames use with Armati Ancient Rules (221/13-14, Carl Luxford) Further thoughts on DBM infantry classification (221/27-28, Nik Gaukroger) Dealing with Over Flexible Elements in DBM (223/15, Jim Webster) Hellenistic Phalanxes and Warhammer Ancient Battles (223/37, Adrian Goldsworthy) Adapting DBM Siege and Campaign Games (224/27&30) Hannibal DBA for the Second Punic War (224/38-41, Mike Collins) The Punic Wars in DBA (224/43-44, Gareth Griffiths) Using Taiko! for Recreating Pre-Firearm Samurai Battles (225/23-25, Rodney L Thompson) Improving the Effectiveness of Early Imperial Roman Legionaries in DBM (226/38-39, David B Davidson) Those DBM4 Ideas (227/17-18, Nik Gaukroger) If I Could See An Elephant Fly! (227/22-23, Phil Halewood) Where DBM3 has gone wrong (229/26-27, Christopher Jackson) Why have I stopped playing DBM and competing in competitions? (229/27-29, John Lavender, response 229/29, Martin van Tol) Its Broke, Fix It! (229/30-1, David Kuijt) Lets Really Randomise Our Movement A New Approach to Movement by Division in DBA (229/32, Phil Halewood) Those dark and gloomy woods DBx Warbands in bad terrain (230/27-30, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Legionaries under DBM Ineffective or just Misunderstood? (230/32, Steven Neate)

Random Battle Generation in Strategos (231/21, Philip Sabin) DBX Squared Returning wargaming to its roots (232/27-29, Adrian Clarke) Toward DBM 4 (232/45-47, Tom Worden) Those thin on the ground Romans DBA Legion Formations (234/40-1, Dave Reardon) Broken Bodies, Rough Ground & Impediments to Movement and Melee (237/46, Phil Halewood) Armati Squared (237/46-47, Neil Simpson) Baby Bellica (238/32-33, Mike Tittensor) Lets Think for Ourselves Or Perhaps I Can Provoke You? (238/38-39, 239/31-34, 240/43, Phil Halewood) Do Ancients Stop at Qadesh? An adaption of "Bloody Barons" to the Early Bronze Age (244/37-44, Mike Tittensor) Stomping Humbaba (253/16-17, Mike Tittensor) Alternative DBMM 100 Terrain (254/34, Richard Jeffrey-Cook) Cats May Look at Kings [Cataphracts in Armati2] (259/14-19, Mark Grindlay) AMW Rule Amendments for Trial Games Attack (261/43, Bob OBrien) Is Eight the Magic Number? Army Sizes in AMW (262/39-42, Graham Evans) Wheeling Units in AMW (262/45-47, Graham Evans) Its Armati 2 but not as we know it... (270/34-38, Phil Halewood and Martin Charlesworth)

Troop Representation
Mercenaries (13/12-14, Peter McManus) Rules & Things (44/30-32, Dave Millward) Regular or Barbarian? (47/2-3, Andrew Wellard) Morale categories (61/4-5, Peter Stallabrass) Loose order troops (62/7-8, John Norris) The Dilemma of Regular and Irregular Troop Categories (87/49-51, Paul Pridgeon; comments 90/33-34, Peter Bone, Eddie McKie; Michael Hood) Infantry Types and WRG (100/7, Jean-Louis Fiasson) Armour and Troop Types in WRG 6th Edition (109/33-35, Derek Harrison) Armour and Troop Types in Newbury Rules (111/2-3, Matthew Bennett) Barbarians [representing disorderly mobs] (118/32-33, Simon MacDowall) Troop Types - The Case Against (141/16-17. Peter Stallabrass) The Base Treatment of Light-Medium Infantry [in WRG 7th] (147/25-26, Colin Stutt) Barbarous Irregulars (154/2-3, Phil Steele) Hoplites are Irregular (155/29-30 Paul Szuscikiewicz; comments 156/32-3 Bramwell Adams, 157/25, Jim Webster & John Bassett, 161/35, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Troop Type Trinity (155/31-32, Stephen Reed) The March of Men [regular status & drill] (158/11-12, Michael Bishop) Regulars in uncontrolled advance (161/31-32, John Bassett) Distinctions among light troops (161/32, Guglielmo Marlia) Loose order abstractions (161/33-34, 163/34-35, Paul Szuscikiewicz, Pete Sanger, Anthony Clipsom; comments 164/42-43, Kevin Coe, John Butterworth) Among the Barbarians [drill and coordination] (164/7-8, Paul Szuscikiewicz) The Myth of Loose Order LMI Revisited (168/6-7, Michael Anastasiadis; comments 169a/iv, 170/51-52, various writers) Regulars, barbarians & veterans (168/10, Kenneth Clark) Irregular Romans (170/52, Gavin Pearson) Heavy Infantry, Light Infantry and the Ones in Between (177/46-47, 179/IFC Colin Stutt) Romans Based in Britain [evidence for LMI] (177/47-48, John Hastings) Quantity or Quality (193/11-12, Roger Greenwood) A Guide to Developing Troop Characteristics for Warhammer Ancient Battles using Hellenistic Pikeman as an Example (223/43-46, Steven Neate) Warbands in Armati A Few Thoughts (232/29-30, Graham Evans) Heavy Infantry in Ancient Warfare (SAGA) (238/46-48, Shan Palmatier)

Breastplates of Iron: Putting the "Scary" back into Chariot Warfare (248/27-31, Mike Tittensor) Just What are Roman Auxilia? (252/12-13, Nik Gaukroger, Adrian Goldsworthy)

Combat Effectiveness
Chariots In Wargames (5/3-5, Tony Bath) Wargaming with Elephants (7/5-9, Harold Gerry & Tony Bath) Horses, Arrows and Ancient War (13/10-12, Alan Nickels) Mounted fire in DBA (16/44-45, Christopher Lillington-Martin) Crossbows and Longbows (15/18-20, Peter McMrums) Overhead Shooting under Research Group Rules (49/17 & 20-23, Phil Barker, Charles Grant) Chariots (47/13-14, Mike Parsonage) The Crossbow in Medieval Wargaming (48/8-10, J Bayton) More Overhead Fire (50/10-12, Stephen Reed) Overhead Archery Fire [for WRG 4th] (51/6-8 & 22-3, Michael Wasilewski & Malcolm Woolgar) The Trajectory of Arrows (52/8-10, Phil Barker) The Effect of Archery (52/30-31, M Cleary) Archery (55/18-19 & 22-4, John Robertson) 2-handed weapons in close order (74/56-58, Graham Cobb) Psychological Effects on Elephants and Crew (80/18, David Schofield) Phalangite shield use (78/39-40, Roland Nickson; 83/46-47, Charles Grant) Some Trust in Chariots and Some In Hones [British chariots in WRG] (80/14-15, Steve Badsey) Further Provocations for Phalangites (83/7-8, Phil Barker) Cavalry Thrusting Spears and Javelins under the WRG Rules [5th ed] (85/44-45, John Boehm) Spear Points [cavalry lances] (89/33-34, Duncan Head; 92/30-32, Phil Barker, John Boehm) The Chariot in the Wargame (92a/29-33, Charles Grant) Longbows of England (94/35, Richard Hardy) A New Charge into the Lance Melee (96/6-7, Trevor Halsall; comments 98/43-44, Phil Barker) The Dreaded Scythed Thing! (103/36-37, Richard Lloyd) The Longbow, the Composite Bow, and Archery on the Wargames Table (110/42-49, David Blanchard) Modelling -Archery for Instance (114/12-17, Peter Roe) Fighting with Spears [6th century AD cavalry] (131/14-16, Duncan Head) Chariots Under WRG [7th] (137/16, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, 139/17, Andy Gittins & Steven Neate; 141/22-23, Duncan Head) A Guide to the Chariot (143/8-10, Chris Kinnear) Weakness of Legionaries (161/30, Guglielmo Marlia; 179/45, Peter Smith) The Scythed Chariot under the Microscope [in WRG 7th] (163/15-17, Darrell Smith & Brian Lewis) Scythed chariots in DBA (164/41, Steven Neate) Scythed Chariots (167/38-41, Richard Devereaux, Martyn Brawn) Scythed Chariots and Elephants in Wargames (169/5-7, Stephen Edwards) Hostage screens in WRG 7th (171/42, Martyn Brawn) Legionaries vs warband in DBM (175a/iii, Phil Barker, 179/45, Michael Wasilewski, Simon Ellis; 180/4041, Jim Webster, Michael Wasilewski) Cavalry, Light Horse, Blades and Mixed Formations [in DBM] (177/39-40, Danie1 McLaughlin; comments 179/42, 180/38-39, Phil Barker) Artillery in DBM (179/42, Phil Barker; comments 182/35, Nigel Britten) The Elephant Forum (181/32-35, various rules writers) Elephants in DBM (181/48, Peter Hall) Thoughts on Elephants and Flanks (195/11, Dave Letts) Legionaries and Warbands: An Historical Overview (199/9-14, Adrian Goldsworthy) Missile Ranges and Wargaming Rules A Survey (211/32-39, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch)

Formations & Manoeuvres

Just Passing Through [Interpenetration in WRG 4th] (52/31-33, Richard Nelson) The Skythian Formation in WRG 6th Edition (113/27-29, Mark Mallard)

Maurices Skythian Drill (118/23-24, William Hamblin) Wargaming the Wedge (128/51-52, David Edwards) Seventh surgery [frontage changes in WRG 7th] (148/42-43, Michael Young & Phil Barker) An In-Depth Analysis [deep formations] (117/5-8, Kevin Woolard) Flank charges in WRG 7th (155/34, Paul Szuscikiewicz; comments 159/31-32,.Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Wedges in WRG 7th (156/28-29, Phil Steele) Wedges (158/30, Phil Baker) Scales and base sizes In WRG 7th (159/28, 160/36, 161/33, 163/36-37, 164/45-46, Gavin Pearson, Paul Szuscikiewicz, Phil Barker, Dave Austin) A Homage to the Great God Die (226/45, Tom Adamson) The Dark Age Shieldwall (229/37-38, Steve Griffiths)

Battle Simulation
Morale (3/3, 4/12-13, Tony Bath) Delay in Wargames (39/3-4, Pat Wingfield) In the Time-Honoured Words of the Drowning Man... [time scale] (49/12-14, David Walker-Smith) Mediaeval Rules [WRG figure scale] (53/7-10, Alan Nickels) On Morale (83/34-36, Mark Adkin) Order and Morale in Ancient Rules (85/2-3, Phil Barker) On Regimental Leadership (88/48-49, Mark Adkin) Equipment 6, Tactics 0 [over-emphasis of equipment] (99/9-10, Harold Gerry) Random Factor in WRG Rules (102/4, Gugliemo Marlia; comments 103/34-35, Dave Lister; 107/1-2, Steve Griffiths, Chris Morris) Morale Rules (107/24-25, Stephen Reed) More on Morale (111/36-38, Stephen Griffiths) Modelling -Archery for Instance (114/12-17, Peter Roe) Random Factors (118/31-32, Andy Gittins) Battlefield Intelligence on the Wargames Table (120/13-14, David Blanchard) Yesterdays Rules [equipment over-emphasis] (129/18-20, Dimitris Christodoulou) Tacitus in Germany [Long Bridges, 15 AD] (130/32-35, Andy Grainger) Light Infantry on the Battlefield (136/33-34, Harold Gerry) Seventh Level [command level in WRG 7th] (139/12-13, Duncan Head) Morale in DBA (155/6-7, Phil Barker, Matthew Bennett) Density of woods (159/27, Anders Fager) Rout & pursuit (163/37, Anthony Clipsom) Equipment over-emphasis in DBM (168/29, Steve Neate) Inertia, confusion and DBM (169/41-42, Bob OBrien) Command & inertia in DBM (176/44, Andrew MacNaughton; comments 178/39, Dave Letts) DBM over-simplifications (177/45-46, Gareth Simon, Phil Barker, Steve Neate) Command Control and Inertia (185/29-30, Peter Hall) Argonauts Ancient Command and Control System (190/15-17, Jason Monaghan) Strategos II : A sample game (246/39-43, Eric Cruttenden) Wargames, Simulations and Scholarship on Ancient Battle (254/26-28, Philip Sabin) Pre-Battle Events and the March to Battle (272/31-39, Phil Halewood) Generating Lost Battles (272/40-45, Aaron Bell)
Review of Lost Battles: Reconstructing the Great Clashes of the Ancient World by Philip Sabin (258/26, Gavin Pearson)

Realism & Playability

Complexity of WRG 5th (76/42-43, Tom Hazlett) A Farce [artificialities under WRG 6th] (98/44-45, John Graham-Leigh; comments 100/40-42, 102/28-30) What is Wrong with Competition Wargaming? (103/32-33, Stephen Reed) Some Thoughts (113/48, Roman Szwaba; comments 116/4-5, Roy Boss) On Wargames Rules (117/33-34, Andy Gittins)

Wargaming and the Spirit of 77 [WRG over-elaboration] (113/20-21, Mark Alcock) TabIe Top Realism [figure removal] (126/34-35, Phil Steele) Simulations? Are You Serious? (124/32-33, Karl-Heinz Ranitzsch) The Notion of Realism in Wargames (127/32-33, Roman Szwaba) Table Top Matters [figure ratio & appearance] (128/50-51, John Hastings) Another Look at Realism (129/36-38, Paul Pry) One Brain Cell Ancients Rules Workshop (131/34, Phil Barker) Three Ouestions in Search of an Answer (148/2-3, 151/47-48, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Choosing ones image (157/6, John Bassett) Table depth (161/32-33, Gughehno Marlia) A Wargaming Dichotomy: Simulation or Game? (168/4-6, John Buckley) What Do You Want from a Wargame? (169/3-4, Dustin Koellhoffer) Postal games & command restrictions (169a/iv, John Hastings) Over-generalisation across periods (174/41-42, Mike Horah) Luck, Weather it Matters? (250/34-37, John Patrick) The Case Against Points (260/20-23, Gareth Griffiths)

Reality and Fantasy

Campaigning with the Aid of Fantasy Fiction (9/10-13, Tony Bath) Animals in War Games (22/14-16, Darryl Kromm) A Potted History of Hyboria (24/6-13, Tony Bath) The Isle of Chaos (33/13-16, rp.92a/26-28, Alan Nickels) From Khazad-Dum to Cormallen [Tolkien] (47/24-27, D J WaJker-Smith) Historicity of Armies (72/19, George Gush) French Tanks, Frankish Kataphratoi, and Reading Sources (108/48-49, David Blanchard) Review of Robert Silverberg, Gilaamesh the King (157/24, Jill Szuscikiewicz) Fantasy & blurred boundaries (161/1-2, Paul Szuscikiewicz; comments 163/6-7, Harold Gerry, Phil Barker; 164/4, John Bassett; 166/5-6, Alex Baumans) Mythological games with HOTT (164/5-7, Chris Kinnear) Gods & heroes (168/17, Steve Neate)
Review of Daniel Mersey, Legendary Warriors: Great Heroes in Myth & Reality (227/51, John Graham-Leigh)

Modelling Techniques
Terrain Modelling in Plaster (8/7-8, Bob OSullivan) Terrain Topics (12/18-20, Harold Gerry) Home Made Cardboard Flats (14/12-13, Bob OSullivan) Plastic fits (14/13-15, Keith Sherlock) Airfix Conversions (15/8-13, 16/19-23, 17/22-25, 23/10-12, 26/9-11, 44/11-12, Bob OBrien) The Plastic Master Flat (18/9-11, Joe Morschauser) Ancient Artillery Models (18/19-21, Bob OBrien) A Caesarian Operation [Airfix Remans] (28/7-10, Barry Reilly) Building Castles (30/30-32) Conversions [Airfix] (35/16-17 & 20-21, 38/29-32, 40/17 & 20-23, Stan Colby) Roman Republican Conversions [Airfix] (46/19 & 25-7, Mike Murgatroyd) Making it LOOK better [bases & terrain] (50/12-13, Charlie Tarbox) Some Hints about Conversions [plastic] (52/12-17, Cesare Zanelli) A Native Village for your Wargames Table (83/22-23, Mark Stevens) The Rospaks Plastic Greeks [conversions] (102/5, Jon Skinner) Assyrian tents, boats & camps (161/7-8, Chris Kinnear) Orcs an the Old Testament [varying figures] (170/10-13, Alan Martin) Standards (176/23-24, Phil Steele) Notes on Terrain (52/28-29, Alan Nickels) How to Make Terrain Tiles (175/19-20 & 24, Alan Spencer) Make Your Own Buildings in 15mm (178/26-27, Michael Nursey)

Grass-like flock (179/10, Alan Martin) Hit Counters (183/22, Michael J Young) Making and Mending (183/23, Bob OBrien) Unit Bases (186/26, Shawn Comrie) Medieval Terrain for Beginners (194/7-8, Peter Hall) Modelling Terrain (196/25-27, 205/6-9, Tony Hughes) Rubbish and a Four Year Old (197/37-38, Brian Espie) Terrain Ideas (199/8-9, John Hogan) The Amateur Tin-Man (201/6-9, Michael Fredholm van Essen) Customising Your Essex Dark Ages Boat (202/10, Chris Smith) Customisng The Essex Miniatures Middle Eastern Boat (205/23-26, Chris Smith) Basic Thoughts (211/4 & 8, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Plastic Warriors Arise - You Have Nothing to Lose But Your Paint or do you? (216/12-15, Dave Allen) Robust Rivers for Tournaments a note (236/40-1, Matt Coote) Plastic Alchemy (246/43-47, Andrew Lawrence) Plastic Alchemy Update (251/23-25, Andrew Lawrence) Flags and Banners from Images on the Internet (253/32-34, Richard Lockwood) Plastic Alchemy Update 2007 (257/43-47, Andrew Lawrence) Full Circle A Plastic Aeneid (261/55-56, Steve Clift) Of Brushes and Bowstrings (263/44, David Edwards) Honouring the Dead (263/45-46, Edward Harvey) Plastic Alchemy Update 2008 (263/46-51, Andrew Lawrence) Plastic Alchemy Update 2009 (270/48-51, Andrew Lawrence)
Review of Monolith 25mm Egyptian buildings (181/42-43, Chris Kinnear) Review of Nigel Stillman, How to Make Wargames Terrain (189/51, Peter Hall) Review of Firebase Games 15mm Buildings (193/42, Justin Taylor) Review of Grand Manner 25mm Buildings (204/19, Adrian Garbett) Review of OJL 6mm Buildings (204/61, Steven Neate) Review of LKM Stone Circle (212/54, Richard Jeffrey-Cook) Review of Veni Vidi Vici brass spears for 25mm figures (217/35, Steven Neate) Review of Jean-Christophe Carbonel, Airfixs Little Soldiers (267/58, Mark Watson)

Painting Techniques
Painting Flats (1/3-4, rp. 121/ii, 3/18-20, rp. 207/2, Deryck Guyler) Colour in the Ancient World (1/14-15, rp. 42/10-11, Archie Cass) Horse Colours (13/16-17, Phil Barker) Painting 20mm Solids (20/9-11, Stan Colby) Metals and Dyes in the Ancient World (42/8-9, Alan Nickels) Painting for Beginners (135/13-14, Simon MacDowall) Organising and Painting 2mm Armies (142/20-22, Phil Barker) The Colour of Horn (156/32, Duncan Head; 158/32, Jim McDaniel; 159/29 & 33, Jim Webster & Phil Barker) Early Medieval Colour Schemes (164/30-33, 165/14-15. 166/25-29, Paul Morris) Painting Techniques (169a/xxiii-xxiv, Duncan Head) Painting 15mm Figures (183/23-24, Michael Nursey) Lead into Gold (197/14-16, 201/13-15, 202/22-24, 208/24-25, Adrian Garbett) Painting by Numbers (204/9, Justin Taylor) Army Restoration (220/55-56, Jim Kasper) Paint it? I cant SEE it!! DBA using 2mm Armies (222/55-56, Tony Hughes) A Heretical Painting Guide (252/42-43, Steve Clift)
Reviews of Veni Vidi Vici Shield Transfers (179/46-47, Steve Neate & Michael Wasilewski; 180/33-34, Thane Maxwell, 183/33, 187/48-49, Steve Neate, 190/34, Adrian Garbett, 199/55, Derek Whittenbury) Review of Rennaisance Inks Products (204/20, Tony Barr) Review of The Army Painter Colour Primer sprays and Quick Shade dips (265/57, Richard Lockwood)

Naval Gaming
The Roman Bireme [kit modifications] (26/16-21, Ray Nelson) Some Thoughts on Ancient Naval Wargaming (27/13-20, Richard Nelson) Some Thoughts on Naval Wargames (37/20-21, Charles Tarbox) An Inexpensive Galley (44/8-10 & 19, Bill Abrams) Naval Matters (66/14-15, 67/15-16, 68/26-28, 69/9-12, R M Turpin) Naval Developments and the Hexagon Grid (74/47-49, Richard Nelson) Review of Diekplus rules (86/32, Chris Airey) Tactical Galley Rules [suited for play by mail] (94/14-18, Walter Compton) Ancient Naval Tactics on the Wargames Table (107/39-41, 108/24-25, Martin Johncock) Organising and Painting 1:1200 Ancient Wartleets (109/16-17, Martin Johncock) Serpent -Warfare at Sea in the Old Northern World [rules] (120/2-8, Howard Whitehouse) Flag of Convenience [rules linking WRG 6th and Diekplus] (124/33-34, Michael Bishop) The Saga of Onund Treefoot [Long Serpent scenario] (128/57-59, Howard Whitehouse) Then Let Them Drink [Ancient naval rules] (141/7-10, Andrew Parrock) Scratchbuilding galleys (173/22-23, Chris Kinnear) Large Galley models in DBM (173/43, Mike Russell) Update on the Langton Dockyard [Review] (188/27, Bob OBrien) The Little Ships (191/7-8, Bob OBrien) DBM Ancient Galley Naval Rules (191/24-25, Peter Hall) A Naval Variant for DBM (191/25-28, Mark Huml) Medieval Naval Flags and Banners (200/19, Thomas Coveney) Naumachiae (203/34-35, Mark Romans) Ancient Naval Rules (205/27-28, Chris Smith) Naval Gazing: An Overview of Naumachiae (207/42-43, Kevin Fisher) Getting up to Ramming Speed - Starting out with the Naumachiae Ancient Naval Rules (215/46-47, Marc Priest) Corvus (223/47-49, Richard W. Lee) Trireme Rules for Simple Ancient Naval Combat (232/43-45, David Carruthers) Medieval Cogs (243/31-32, Chris Smith) Gaming Ancient Naval Wargames Know How (245/23-30, Mal Wright) Corvus - Not a Review; Just some Thoughts (247/38-39, Phil Halewood) Naval Campaign Rules Using Naumachiae (268/34-39, Christopher Webber)
Review of Langton 1:300 Carthaginian quinquereme (171/37-38, Bob OBrien) Review of Schreiber card Scandinavian ships (176/24, Bob OBrien) Review of Langton 1:1200 galleys (178/33, Bob OBrien) Review of Outpost Wargames Services 1/3600th Cogs [Actually 1/1200th] (205/55-56, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of K J Bower, All Ships! Ram Speed!- Naval Rules (227/51-52, Mike Tittensor) Review of Langton 2/1200 Renaissance Naval Range (247/44, Marc Priest)

Movement Trays (3/13-15, Ton Bath) Medieval Sieges as a Wargame (6/5-7 rp.56a/17-19, Slim Mumford) Battles Without Troops (88/56, Jon Perkins) Postal Games - Battles by Proxy (94/44, Darrell Lias) Gadgets for Wargames [casualty chart & shooting template] (98/6-7, Jon Skinner) Of Battlements and Boats [Bronze Age siege & naval games] (119/5-9, Ian Russell Lowell) A Womans Place (126/13-14, Gabriele MacDowall) The Rules Lawyer (136/36-37, Martin Johncock) The Drift from the Mainstream (144/17, Stephen Reed; comments 146/16-17, Ian Scott) For Want of Elephants [a dubious rule interpretation] (162/3-4, Jens Harbarth) Figures Database (169a/ix-xiii, 171/40, Tim Twineham) The Compleat Competition Organiser (171/29-31, an Australian) Boxes for 15mm figures (171/40, 173/42, Kenneth Clark) A Square Thought (186/13, Michael Wasilewski)

What Price the Future? (193/59-60, Malcolm Rose) Editorialising (192/1, Adrian Garbett, comments 194/35-38, Dave Hollin, John Lomas, Graeme Dowdell) Review of La Gloire (194/48, Andrew Bird) Beginners Please (195/6-7, 196/9-10, 198/19-20, 199/26-27, Bob OBrien) A Change in Sight (195/38-39, Terry Gore) Scattered Thoughts (193/56, 194/9, 197/14, 198/20, Brian Espie) Wargaming and Rules (200/40-42, David Edwards) Deformed History (200/42-44, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, response 202/33-35, Quentin Newark) A Look at Rule Writing (200/44-45, Jim Webster) New Rules and Their Acceptance in the Age of Orthodoxy (202/15-16, Terry Gore) The Tao of Wargaming (204/3, 205/5, 207/19, 208/31, 211/61, 212/42, Guru-Shama Pooh) Is There a Future for DBM? (205/49-50, Nick Bennett) Two Games, or More, For the Price of One (207/61, Kenn Hart) Insuring Wargames Figures (211/45-46, Peter Derrick) A Wargame That Became A History Lesson (212/14-15, Kenn Hart) Old Soldiers Never Die, they Simply Fade Away (213/44-45, Mike Gifford-Hull) Defining a Great Wargaming General (214/13, Brian Mischel) Why I Still Game with WRG 6 th Edition (218/10-11, Matt Pickard) You've Heard of Nose Bags; How about 'Yes/No Bags'? Dice - Is there an Alternative? (218/16-17, Phil Halewood) How to Play a Wargame in India (223/15-17, E.G. Manoj and Ravi Mohan) Why I Love Warhammer Ancient Battles (226/12-13, Michael Bruck) Orders of Magnitude (227/33-34, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Armati 2 Gossip (234/43-44, Graham Evans) Lazy Painer Haiku (235/47-48, Chris Brantley) One Rule to Ring Them All (239/30-1, Kevan Clarke) Games, skill and ratings (241/45-46, Jerboa) Kid in a Sweet Shop (246/38, Graham Evans) The Evolution of a Wargames Army (247/40-2, Paul Burton) The Once and Future Army (248/34-36, Paul Burton) To Rule or not to Rule - Is that the Question? (248/39-40, Bob O'Brien) The Merits of Ancients in an Otherwise Rather Dangerous World (253/21, Shahid Dadabhoy) What Makes a Good Rule Set? (253/40, Richard Jeffrey-Cook) Coffers of the Suffetes (259/44-45, Dave Pauwels) Subordinate Commanders on the Wargames Table (260/37-38, John Hastings) FOG or Mist: The Battle for Middle Earth (264/43-45, Steven Neate) Back to the Jurassic (265/45-46, David Barnsdale) Watch Your Army of Thousands Conquer the Known World! (266/40-41, Craig Dobson) See My Armies Arise (272/45-46, Tim Thompson) Befuddled to Mystified From DBMM to FOG (273/43-45, Martin Stephenson)
Review of figures by Hobby Products of Oberhausen (153/24-25, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of various 15mm Museum and Chariot Miniatures figures (182/33-34, Keith Murphy) Review of Lancashire Games 15mm Medieval Range (183/32-33, Ian Williams) Review of Peter Pig 15mm Parthians and Imperial Romans (184/21, Andrew Adams) Review of Outpost Wargames Services 15mm Ancients (189/23, Keith Murphy) Review of Irregular Miniatures Walls for 15mm scale (190/33, Keith Murphy) Review of Allain Toulliers 15mm Ancient Baggage (193/41-42, Enzo de Ianni) Review of Donnington Miniatures 15mm Casualties of War (193/44-45, Graham Sargeant) Review of Peter Pig 15mm Ancients Ramge (193/46, Adrian Garbett) Review of Qualiticast 25mm Medieval Range (197/43-45, Graham Fordham) Review of Donnington Miniatures 15mm Ancient and Medieval Artillery (198/35, Steven Neate) Review of Battle Honours 15mm Figures (199/54-55, Derek Whittenbury) Review of Hat 1/72nd (209/54, Phil Halewood) Review of Irregular Miniatures 2mm Ancient Figures (209/57-58, Daniele Varelli) Review of Zvezda plastic figures (215/38-39, Matthew Bennett) Review of Mike Yarrow Miniatures a 15mm compendium (225/44) Review of Chariot Miniatures 10mm Figures (242/51-53, David Edwards)

Review of Neil Thomas, Wargaming: An Introduction (243/46, Neil Thomas)


Fantasy Gaming (66/36-39, John Norris) Homeric Warfare (90/47-51, Richard Nelson) Poseidon II [naval role playing outline] (92/25-27, R M Turpin) Antonys Retreat from Parthia, 36 BC (123/5-9, Andy Gittins) Vallum [Roman prebattle manoeuvring] (124/3-11, Paddy Griffith & Matthew Bennett) Spartacus [solo] (126/15-19, Andy Gittins) Sestertius [Romans in Wales] (127/12-19, Paddy Griffith) Germania [Drusus campaigns; solo] (128/24-8 & 30-31, Andy Grainger) Battle Troll [Norse saga duels] (128/40-41, Howard Whitehouse) A Horde Game [Mongols in Russia, outline] (129/34, Paddy Griffith) David and Goliath (140/16-17, Andy Gittins: comments 141/31-32, Ian Greenwood) Scipio in Spain (145/2-5, Andy Gittins) Kiai Wo Ireteiko, Achilles-san [Samurai duels] (154/17-20, Andy Gittins) Hunting with the Khan (159/14-16, Phil Steele) PHALANX: An Ancient Battle Game (165/15-24, 168/8-9, 170/15-20, 174/1-2, 179/14-18, 181/30-31, 182/25, Philip Sabin) Rules for Big Cats in Gladiolus (167/33-36, Colin Stutt) Neglect of boardgames (168/53, Chris Jolley) Emperor of the Steppes [outline] (174/2-4, Bob OBrien) Get Sparta [Historical background] (175a/iv-v, Phil Steele) The War for the Heavenly Horses [Chma in Central Asia, 104 BC] (178/1-6, 179/23-28, Duncan Head) Successors (199/55-56, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) An introduction to The Crown of England (270/44-48, John Hastings)

Boardgame Reviews
A Survey of Recent Ancient and Medieval Boardgames (64/19-22, John Norris) The Conquerors (77/29, Dave Millward) Robert the Bruce (81/16 & 46, Tony Bath) Agincourt [GDW] (82/35, Rod Burr) The Peloponnesian War [Simcan] (83/27, Tony Mann) Iliad (86/28, Tony Bath) Raphia (86/46-47, Richard Nelson) Aquitaine (132/12-13, Matthew Bennett) The Punic Wars (144/20, Andy Gittins) Hannibal (144/20-22, Andy Gittins) Kadesh (155/26-27, Charles Vasey) Phalanx [SPI] (44/32-34, Charles Vasey) Alexandros (162/26-27, Garetb Simon) History of the World (168/40-41, Mark Shakespeare) The Peloponnesian War [Victory] (170/38-42, Charles Vasey) Review of Chariot Lords (210/52-53, John Graham Leigh) Review of Empires of the Ancient World (214/24-25, John Graham-Leigh) Review of The Dragon and the Pearl (236/46-47, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Empire of the Middle Ages (237/50-52, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Medieval Diplomacy (238/52, Christopher Webber) Review of Assyrian Wars (243/46-48, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Chevauchee by Ed Mueller, Dubious Designs (244/51-52, Nick Harbud) Review of Byzantium (246/54, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Command and Colors: Ancients (252/53-54, Ian Notter, Simon Miller)

Command & Colors Ancients, Expansion Parks 2 & 3 (257/50-52, Mark Watson) China: The Middle Kingdom (268/47-49, John Graham-Leigh) Richard III The Wars of the Roses (268/49-50, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Hammer of the Scots (271/49-50, John Graham-Leigh)

Campaign Systems
A Simple Map Campaign (6/25-26, Tony Bath) A Mythical Continent Casia (11/13-15, 12/12-13, Neville Dickinson) Characterisation in Hyboria (29/23-25, Tony Bath) Behind the Scenes [outline of Arthurian quest] (43/17 & 20, Stephen Reed) The Mithradatic Campaign (48/22-29, rp.92a/22-26, Richard Nelson) The Battle for Moesia, 69 AD (50/34-35, rp.92a/21, Richard Nelson) Naval Weather Rules for a Campaign (59/39-41, Pat Wingfield) The Arthurian Campaign (68/17-20, Dave Millward) Pontic postal campaign (78/2-5, Stephen Reed) Caesar in Britain postal campaign (83/17-19, Stephen Reed) Frey Speaks! [basic campaign ideas] (83/44-46, Tim Hubbard) Co-ordinating Postal Wargames (85/36) Organising a Postal Campaign (89/20-27, Robert Storm) Raiding in Ancient Wargame Campaigns (90/41-42, Ed Mills) Campaigns Without Battles [abstract battle resolution] (91/10-13, Richard Bodley-Scott, 95/16-17, Dave Norris) Campaign Maps [settlement patterns] (93/12-15, Stuart Peachey) Moslems in Spain Postal campaign (95/2-6, Stephen Reed) The Desert Campaign, 273 AD [Aurelian vs Palmyra] (102/36-38, 103/4-5, Nicholas Stock) A Return to Campaign Economics (103/12-15, Jim Webster; comments 115/45-47, William Hamblin) First Punic War postal campaigns (105/43-48, 112/24-28, R M Turpin & J Pinfold) Resources of the Contestants in the Roman-Syrian War (109/35-37, 110/37-40, 111/18-23, 112/14-16, S J Randles) A Middle East Campaign - 103 BC (107/48-49, 108/2-5, 109/42-44, 110/24-28, Richard Bodley Scott) The Bagradas River Campaign (128/43-44, Mark Alcock) A Computerised Campaign Umpiring System (139/2-9, 140/27-29, Richard Bodley Scott) Stephen and Mathilda (148/30-4, Charles Vasey) Venutiuss Revolt [in Brigantia, postal campaign] (155/10-13, Stephen Reed) Warfare in the East [Romans vs Sassanids] (164/20-30, Dimitris Christodoulou) Two Summers of 92! [Vikings vs Saxons, postal campaign] (167/23-30, Paul Morris) Arthurs Britain (171/0-4, 172/0-5, Russell King) Pulling the Wool Over the Eyes of the Count of Flanders (173/7-9, Thom Richardson) The Rome 68 AD Postal Campaigns (177/31-35, Michael Wasilewski) Holy Roman Empire: Medieval Campaign Rules (181/36-39, 182/26-28, Gareth Simon) Solo Campaigning (192/28-29, John Graham Leigh) More Solo Campaigning (200/11-15, John Graham Leigh) Warlords of Rincaria (200/27-28, Christopher Webber) Wargames Campaigns in the Ancient World (207/23-24, 209/10-11, Steve Clift) Variations on Tiddlers (207/40-1, Bob OBrien) Solo Campaigning Across the Steppes (209/2-4, John Graham-Leigh) A DBA Campaign for the Fall of Sui-Dynasty China 617-618AD (211/24-25, Steven Neate) The Romans are Coming, The Romans are Coming!: Invasion 43 AD (222/53-54, Paul Burton) A DBA mini-campaign (223/41-42, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) El Cid: The Struggle for Valencia A WAB Campaign (232/36-38, James Morris) DBA Campaign: Italian Condotta Fifteenth Century (232/40-1, Chris Smith) The Millenium Campaign Europe 1000-1100 AD (236/41-42, John Graham-Leigh) BBDBA Mini-Campaign: Wars of the Roses 1461 The War in the North (239/34-35, Paul Murgatroyd) DBA Campaign First Man in Rome (243/35-37, Jim Naughton)

Crisis of Rome Campaign (246/32-33, 250/28-29, John Graham-Leigh) It all Started on a Train - Albion; A Wargames Campaign (248/8-11 & 32-4 & 54-6, Mike Tittensor) Crusader Rex (250/50-52, John Graham-Leigh) The Battle for Britannia - a DBA Campaign (254/36-38, Paul Burton) Campaigns for Wargamers - Alexander the Great (255/40-41, Paul Burton) Campaigns for Wargamers Rome and Palmyra (257/26-29, Paul Burton) More Campaigns for DBA (258/41-43, Gareth Griffiths) Campaigns for Wargamers Atilla the Hun (258/44-47, Paul Burton) Campaigns for Wargamers The Barons War, 1264 (260/17-19, Paul Burton) Campaigns for Wargamers The Age of Augustus (261/26-43, Paul Burton) Campaigns for Wargamers The Normans in Italy (263/34-38, Paul Burton) Combining Empire and Lost Battles (267/30-31, Philip Sabin) Clash of Iron, Flash of Bronze (267/42-52, Christopher Webber)
Review of Hamlet Models, Campaign Booklets & Scenarios (217/38, Adrian Garbett) Review of Tony Baths Ancient Wargaming (272/52, Mark Watson)

Committee or Mega Games

Itll Be All Right on the Night [Kadesh campaign] (115/24-29, Ian Russell Lowell; comments 137/7-8, Paddy Griffith) Committee Games Set in the Period Before 1500 AD [focusing on England, 871 AD] (117/22-24, Paddy Griffith) Colloquium [Roman diplomacy] (125/12-19, Ian Greenwood) The Fourth Siege [La Roche Pant, 1185] (129/4-7 & 40, 130/11 & 31,Paddy Griffith) Lahhiyatar Campaign of the Great King [Hittites] (136/12-16, Ian Russell Lowell; comments 136/37-39, Duncan Head) The Ancient Committee Game (137/35-37, Arthur Harman, Paddy Griffith & Andy Grainger) The Secret War Council [England, 838 AD] (138/31-32, Peter Bone) Tiglath-Pileser - The Tyrant Committee Game (140/14-16, Andy Gittins) A Defeated Race [Rome in Germany] (143/2-7, 144/9-16, Andy Grainger; comments 143/30, John GrahamLeigh) Clouds in the West [2nd Punic War] (150/13-20, Andy Grainger) Winter of Discontent [wars of the Roses] (156/7-10, 158/22-23, 159/17-20, 161/16-23, Andy Gittins) A Chase Laid in Hazard [Hittites, background] (175a/v-vi, Ian Russell Lowell)

Light-Hearted Games
Conycatcher [rabbit rustling] (130/7-10, Arthur Harman) A Cardboard Mine (131/33-34, Paddy Griffith) Vinland the Good - Norse Voyages in the West (135/8-10, Howard Whitehouse) Build Your Own Quadrireme! (135/35-36, Paddy Griffith) Pala - Defence of a Nation (138/13-15, Ian Russell Lowell) Chariots of Firewood (150/6-8, Paddy Griffith) Roll Out the Barrel! [Gallic slave trading] (150/28-30, Paul Morris) Alcholix Gallic Civil War rules (162/30, Marc Priest) The Goats of Oedipus c.1300-1280BC (200/5-7, Ian Russell Lowell) ET TV E.D.N.A. [Caesars Assasination] (204/11-13, Graham Hockley) Politics by Other Means An introduction (221/15-17, Graham Evans) Ancients By Other Means at the AGM (227/34-36, Graham Evans)

Full Scale Reconstruction

Reproduction Roman Armour (40/16 & 18-19, J W Matthews) The Society for Creative Anachronism (60/14-15, Ed Mills) Which Side? Any Why Baldrics, Anyway? [sword carriage] (67/4-5, Alan Nickels) The Construction of a Coat of Plates from the Battle of Wisby (74/30-35, Brian Flax) The Carvoran Roman Army Museum (96/15-17, George Middleton)

Almost the Real Thing [Dark Age battle re-enactment] (119/9-14, 120/14-16, Peter Bone; comments 122/30-31, Anthony Clipsom, 123/22, John Wentzel) The Ermine Street Guard (127/35-36, Clive Constable) A Modern Melee Fighting for Fun (128/17-20, Brian Reddington) Junkelmanns Legionaries (133/34-37, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of John Morrison & John Coates, The Athenian Trireme (135/27, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) How to Ram an Enemy Trireme (137/24-25, Bramwell Adams) Composite bows (170/52-53, Andrew Adey; 171/43-44, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, S C Smith; 173/42-43, Nigel Cook) The Practical Slingshot (174/9-10, David Edwards) The Mechanical Slingshot [siege engines] (175/30-31, David Edwards) Comparisons with police riot control (179/48 Neil Hammond; 181/44, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch; 182/38, Matt Pickard) Romec IX (185/36-37, Adrian Nayler) A Practical Guide to Storming a Castle (209/6-10, John Curry) The Eighth Legion (210/insert, John Poole) Further Thoughts on Simulated Weapons (214/18-19, John Curry) The Battle for Moesgaard (226/29-31, Palle Rasmussen)
Review of Marcus Junkelmann, Die Reiter Roms (168/44-45, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Marcus Junkelmann, Reiter wie Statuen aus Erz (198/38-39, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Review of Ewart Oakeshott, Records of the Medieval Sword (207/30, Paul Reeve)

Computer Games and Programs

Computers in Ancient Wargames (108/26-27, Richard Bodley Scott) The Sword and the Computer (124/15-16, Peter Stallabrass) Review of 0 & A Bishop, BBC Micro Wargames (126/30-31, Neil Spurgeon) The Universal Military Simulator (145/30-31, Chris Kinnear) Boot Up, Boot Up and Play the Came [computer games reviewed] (156//25-27, Neil Hammond) Review of Hannibal [Computer game] (183/34, Chris Jolley) Civilisation II: Some of the Graphics (191/8 & 40, Michael Wasilewski) Review of Great Battles of Alexander [Computer game] (195/30-1, Tim Newman, 196/34-35, Chris Kinnear) Note from Interactive Magic Technical Support [Great Battles] (196/40) Review of Great Battles of Hannibal (197/45, Tim Newman) Computer Games Through the Ages (197/30-3, Christopher Webber) Review of Great Battles of Caesar (199/53-54, Tim Newman) DBMw2 Order of Battle Program (199/60-61, Neil Hammond) Review of Age of Empires (200/48-49, Tim Newman) Review of Great Battles of Hannibal (200/49-50, Kenn Hart) Great Battles Series: Ancient Computer Wargaming (210/33-34, Nik Fincher) Wargaming the Age of the Successors in the Age of the Internet (213/11-13, Fernando Pereira) DBA Online (214/8-9, Peter Munn) The Ancient Empires Game (214/38, Steve Mathers) Computer Moderated Wargames, A Personal Rough History. Part 1 (220/21-23, 221/23-26, David Millward) Strategos on Computer (237/48-50, Richard Jeffrey-Cook) Ancient and Medieval Computer Games (255/42-47, Christopher Webber) Wargaming the Virtual Way (270/40-43, Peter Garnett & Alan Huyton)
Review of 0 & A Bishop, BBC Micro Wargames (126/30-31, Neil Spurgeon) Review of Hannibal [Computer game] (183/34, Chris Jolley) Review of Great Battles of Alexander [Computer game] (195/30-1, Tim Newman, 196/34-35, Chris Kinnear) Review of Great Battles of Hannibal (197/45, Tim Newman) Review of Great Battles of Caesar (199/53-54, Tim Newman) Review of Age of Empires (200/48-49, Tim Newman) Review of Great Battles of Hannibal (200/49-50, Kenn Hart) Review of Medieval 2 (213/53-54, Roger Cooper & response) Review of Legion (228/49, Martyn Rogers)

Review of Chariots of War (231/46, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Clinton Reilly, Macedon, Rome and Hellas (233/41-42, John Graham-Leigh) Review of Legion Gold (233/42, John Boyd) Review of Spartan (234/52-53, John Graham-Leigh) Review of PC Total War (239/36-38, Peter Barham, Shawn Comrie, James Hough) Review of Field of Glory PC (267/53, Christopher Webber)

Beyond the Mainstream Wargame (104/7, Ian Greenwood) Components of the Art (117/30, Ian Greenwood) The Myth of Pure Tactics (127/28-29, Howard Whitehouse) Ancient Wargaming - The Way Forward (128/42-43, Paul Morris) Culturism into Wargames Workshop (131/35-36, Paddy Griffith) Women in Warfare Workshop (131/37-38, Phyl McCormack-Merritt) A Generals Life.. [generalship games] (134/18-19, Andrew Parrock) Specifically About Generals (137/3-6, Andy Gittins) The Matrix Game (142/30-31, Paddy Griffith) Wargames Developments and the Society of Ancients (148/37-38, Phil Barker) Review of City State [PBM Game] (184/23, Justin Taylor) Play by Mail (197/16-18, Mark Pemberton) Day of Battle An Introduction (207/20-21, Christopher Parker) Assyrias End: A Play-by-Mail Campaign by Richard D Watts of Agema Publications (211/44, Andrew Parrock) Publishing a Commercial Wargame (273/38-42, Philip Sabin and Mark Mahaffey)

OTHER ARTICLES Conferences and Shows

The Society Conference, 2-4 November 1990 (153/8-9) The Knuston Experience (154/9-10, Steve Roper) A Trip to the Tower [Chinese Wargames Day] (155/9, Steve Neate) Society Conference VI, 1991 (159/6-7, Matthew Bennett) Sixteen Thousand Seconds [1991 Conference] (162/28-30, Marc Priest) Towards a Classical Greek Wargames Day (163/39-40, Duncan Head) PHALANX at the AGM and at Colours (170/46-47, Philip Sabin) Display games at shows (179/48-49, Steve Neate, Keith Murphy) Stockton Show Report (192/41, Keith Murphy) The Late, The Artists and The Modeller (198/10-11, Keith Murphy) Historicon 1998 (200/25-27, Terry Gore) The Anderida Weekend November 1998 at Pevensey Bay (201/1, Michael Grant) A Day Out of Biblical Proportions The Society Mini-Conference 14th October 2000 (210/59-60, Paul Szuscikiewicz & Ian Russell Lowell) Going Back to School (211/9, Richard Jeffrey-Cook) Historicon 2000 The Saga of Lancaster (212/43-44, Terry Gore) Britcon1 (213/40) A Day at the Races: War without Frontiers, Games without Fear (213/43, Andrew Mills) Conference and Seminars for Wargamers - The British Centre for Egyptian Studies (216/59) Historicon 2002 (225/1, Jeff Zorn) New Orleans 2003 (229/23, Richard Jeffrey-Cook) ColdWars 2004 (235/39, Subodai Bahadur) Salute 2005: The Society Presence (242/1-2, David Edwards) The Mass Levy/La Levee en Masse, 25th & 26th June 2005 (243/42-43, Phil Halewood) Pseudo-Polybios does the SOA Battle Day (256/31-33, Ray Briggs) Roma Invicta? Display Game (261/55, Philip Sabin)

The Great Commanders at Milton Keynes Campaign (263/59, Graham Evans) The Trebia in Sixty Minutes (264/36-39, Graham Evans)

Competition and Battle Reports

Society Meeting at Worthing [DBA] (153/7-8) With Gore to Harrisburg [WRG 7 th] (158/15-17, Terry Gore) The Battle of Canescapitum [Romans vs Achaeans, Gush rules] (161/12-16, Andrew Parrock) On Crusade [Gateshead, WRG 7th] (162/7, Chris Jolley) With Gore to Lancaster [WRG 7th] (165/7-10, Terry Gore) Heroes and Others [Greeks vs Phoenicians, local rules] (165/10-13, Harold Gerry) Roll Call 92 [WRG 7th] (168/49-50, Martyn Brawn) Milton Keynes Triathlon [WRG 7th] (168/50, David Brown) Gateshead Revisited [WRG 7th] (168/51, David Thompson) Shieldbearer Battle Report [Macedonians vs Persians] (170/22-24, Dave Letts) Historicon 1992 [WRG 7th] (171/31-33, Terry Gore) Bucellarii Rules [Avars vs Sassanids] (172/30-32, Ian Wilson) Early Successor Battle [Shieldbearer] (173/29-31, Dave Letts) Late Imperial Romans vs Sicilian Hohenstaufen [WRG 7th] (174/30-31, Chris Jolley) New Kingdom Egyptian vs Indian, WRG 5th (175/39-41, Mike Horah) The Cellar Dwellers Guide to the 1994 Doubles Masters [WRG 7th] (175/28-29, 178/30-31, 179/33-34, Paul Burton) The Rome 68 AD Postal Campaigns (177/31-35, 178/48, 179/35, 180/14, 181/45-46, Michael Wasilewski) The Doubles Masters: The Next Generation [DBM] (179/34-35, 180/28-29, 182/28, Paul Burton) Godendag 95 [DBM] (180/27-28, Chris Kimrear) The Editors Hobby Horse [Parthians vs Seleucids] (179/41, Michael Grant; 180/45, Philip Sabin; 181/4648, Justin Taylor, Jim Webster, Kenneth Clark; 182/34-35, Carl Luxford) Riding the Editors Hobby Horse using WRG 7th Edition (183/14, Chris Jolley) A Hard Days Knight (183/29-30, Paul Burton) Tutulimush & Ashurbanipal [Assyrians vs Hittites] (185/7-9, Andy Watkins) Battles with Armenians under DBM (185/9-10, Paul Dickinson) On (Or Backs To) The Wall (186/40, Phil Barker) The Other Shieldwall November 1996 (189/52, Michael Grant) A Clash of Titans [Alea Iacta Est] (190/14-15, Justin Taylor) Down the Yangtze [Chinese] (191/6, Ken Hart) Were only Here for the Beer [Burton Doubles] (191/16, Adrian Garbett) Oh, Mithridates! (192/15-16, Geoff Frost) The Buttocks of Death (192/16, Keith Murphy) Muster 96 (193/37-38, Brian Espie) Hellenistic Period Arab vs Pergamene (194/21-22, Jim Webster) Small is Beautiful and Youve Got to Start Somewhere (194/43, Michael Grant) The Other Sheildwall (195/26-28, Steven Neate) Phalanx97 The Northern DBM Circuit (196/28-29, Adrian Garbett) DBM 15mm Doubles League II, Berkeley Glos 21/22 Mar 98 (197/60, Michael Grant) A Spray Gun, Sand, Twigs and a Wet Paper Bag (199/36-39, Brian Espie) Banzai Blades in Brum (201/53-54, Paul Robinson) Jim Hensons Wet Paper Bags (203/41, Brian Espie) Ancient and Medieval Wargaming aat Fall-in 98 (204/42, Terry Gore) DBM-ing with Ottomans (204/45-48, Richard Bodley Scott) The Parthian Shot [Armati] (205/18, Daniele Varelli) Bring the Enemy to the Field of Battle (205/35-37, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Achim Kahl, Hajo Peters & Constantin Wilhelms) A Medieval Warfare Introductory Game (206/29-32, Terry Gore) The British Historical Games Society and The Nationals at Loughborough (207/13, Michael C. Grant) De Multitudinus Skirmish 99

Cartimandua Rides Again (211/10-12, Lawrence Greaves) Fun with Franks (211/16, Peter Glew) Etruscans and the 2000 Dutch National DBM Championships (211/21-23, Eric ter Keurs) Seward the Saxon: A Saga of Conquest (211/26-31, Stewart Revelle) Greeks and Macedonians using Warhammer Ancient Battles (211/46-47, Franco and Carlo Antonelli) A Roman Holiday: With the Eagles at Cold Wars 2000 (212/12-14, George R. Wellington) Using Conquerers and Kings: A First Punic War Battle (212/31-32, Jim Webster) Communal Italians 1215 (212/34-35, Russell King) Conquerors and Kings: An Evening with the Rule Writer (214/6-8, Robert Roriston) Pyrrhic Victories (and Defeats) - Competition Gaming with a Pyrrhic Army (214/20-21, John GrahamLeigh) Troublesome Tupi (214/34-35, Peter Glew) A Pow-Wow with the Eastern Forest Americans at Reigate DBM Doubles (214/39-40, Brian Espie) Legionaries are Ace! (216/26-27, John Graham-Leigh) Baldrick in Khartoum; Or I Have a Cunning Plan (217/22-23, Peter Derrick) Greeks and Ptolemaics using Warhammer Ancient Battles (217/27, Franco & Carlos Antonelli) Romans Again: Godendag 2001 (219/8-9, John Graham-Leigh) The Battle of Formica 1495 [Armati] (219/21-22, Andy Watkins) Sheikh Yer'dice (or using Dynastic Bedouin in a DBM competition) (219/28-32, Nik Gaukroger) Of Many Battles Fought Test Playing DBM 100 (220/23-25, Richard Young) Using Conquerors and Kings: A Game from the First Crusade (220/43-44, Jim Webster) Buhurt 2001 A small DBA tournament (221/18-19, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Falling In at Gettysburg (221/30-1, Terry Gore) Cancon 2002 from a South Australian Point of View (222/1, Paul Edgar) Infantry Mongols?No, Halberd Wielding Swiss with Attitude! (222/21-23, Carl Luxford) Carthaginian and Macedonians using Warhammer Ancient Battles (222/25, Franco and Carlo Antonelli) Naval Action at Pevensey (222/42-43, Brian Espie) Akkad Triumphant! (223/9-12, Dean Bedlington) Taxi to Victory (223/18-20, E.G. Manoj) Stirling Bridge (223/29-31, John Graham-Leigh) Refighting Hydaspes (223/32, Gavin Pearson) The best-laid schemes o mice an men or: A high-risk strategy with Advanced Armati (224/13-14, Frank Kean) LIMP in South Africa (224/15-17, Nik Gaukroger) My First Competition (225/12-15, Steven Scott) A Tale of Two Flank Marches (225/15-16, Phil Barker) Roll Call (225/28-29, John Graham-Leigh) One Friday Night on the Border of the Empire A Day of Battle II Report (226/34-37, Mark Kyriss) English DBA Open Championship (226/37-38, Richard Jeffrey-Cook) A Battle in Morea (227/49-50, Jim Webster) The Cid at Clevedon (228/24-25, Gavin Pearson) CanCon 2003 report the Ax Files (228/39-41, Christopher Webber) Two Editors meet at Caesars Challenge Melbourne Western Suburbs DBM Competition (229/32, Michael Grant) Following the Herd (230/33-36, Paul Nettle) Battle with the Turtanu A WAB Battle Report (230/36-37, Mike Bruck) Just Limpin Along: Wargaming with Timurids (232/30-4, Gareth Griffiths) Battle Report Early Tang vs Early Samurai (DBM): Formation Dancing (233/23-24, Firefall) Glasgow Armati Tourney A players view (233/28, Peter Barham) DBM Doubles competition Aquae Sulis IV and DBM rules (233/28-33, Andrew Parrock) The West is Falling: a Warhammer Ancient Battles report (233/34-36, Stephen Patten) Size Matters Playing DBM with 25mm Figures (234/47-48, John Graham-Leigh) Glasgow ARMATI Tournament 2003 (235/27-31, Graham Bryson) Numidians in Winter VinterKrig 2004 (235/32-37, Oerjan Ohlson)

Battle Report with Hoplon rules: Gauls vs Imperial Romans (236/33-36, Nicholas Protonotarios) An American Merkit in Derby (236/38-40, Subodai Bahadur) Caesars Challenge Melbourne March 2004 (236/43-44, Steven Neate) Competing Chaeronea (237/33-35, Paul Burton) Historicon 2004 From a SAGA Perspective (237/36-37, Terry Gore) Historicon 2004 a DBM players tale (237/37, Larry Essick) Historicon A WAB Travel report (237/38-40, Jeff Jonas) Another Ambush Byzantines vs Slavs Battle Report with Hoplon Rules (238/33-36, Nicolas Protonotarios) Alexander to Antipater with Warhammer Ancient Battles (238/36-38, Mike Bruck) Doubles in the Dark Melbourne August 2004 (238/44-45, Steven Neate) Wurundjeri Dreaming Lionheart 2004 (238/45-46, John Gibson) Battle Report with Hoplon Rules: West Saxons vs Danes (239/19-20, Nicolas Protonotarios) Edington 878AD using Might of Arms rules (239/21-22, Steven Verdoliva) Paper Dinosaurs Edington under WRG 7th (239/22-23, Nick Harbud) Edington 878 AD DBA (239/23-24, David Reardon) Edington 878 DBM and DBMM replays (239/25-26, John Graham-Leigh) The Battle of Barnet A Re-Fight using Warhammer Ancient Battles Rules (239/26-29, David Edwards) Not a Tournament: First National Vis Bellica (239/35, Mike Tittensor) Paraitakene Refought Twice Under Strategos (240/44-45, Gavin Pearson) What the Romans Did For Us: Commodus at Godendag 2005 (240/46, Jeremy Morgan) Pre-Mauryas in Wales DBM Classical Indians in Action (241/42-45, Paul Apreda) A Confederacy Against the Roman People SOA Battle Day 2005: The Sambre 57 BC The Refights (242/29-44, Richard Lockwood & Nik Gaukroger) Hannibal in Zamaset Clevedon Spring 2005 (242/48-50, Russ King) Edington Refought with Vis Bellica rules (242/50, John Hills) The little-known expansionist period of the Bosporan kingdoms (243/43-44, Paul Cummins) End Game (244/44, Michael Grant) With Rod and Gun Along the Outer Fringes of DBMM and Warmaster (244/45-47, Jim Webster) Fastest Guns in the East (246/34-36, Steven Neate) Sharru-kin goes to Gent (247/33-35, Graham Briggs) DBA at Cangames, May 2006 (248/42, Patrick Laffey) DBA Northern Cup 2006 (248/43, Martin Smith) A Shieldwall at Shieldwall - Anglo-Danish under DBM3.1 (248/45-49, Richard Young) The Good Duke Richard. An Anglo-Irish army in Competition (249/32-34, John Graham-Leigh) Defending the Faith - The Melbourne DBM Doubles 2006 (251/32-34, Steven Neate) Death and Glory for Attila's Cup! (252/38-41, Marc Adda) An Egyptian Trip to Nottingham (253/35-39, Christof Simmons) Who Needs the 10,000? or Thoughts on the Ascot BHGS Challenge (254/30-4, Steve Rathgay) A Warmaster Odyssey (255/21-25, Tim Porter) Several over the Eight Almost refighting Cannae with Neil Thomas Ancient Rules & lots of 20mm plastics in an evening (256/36-38, Graham Evans) Campaigning in Milton Keynes an alternative approach to DBMM battle reports from Campaign, 2007 (256/40-1, Mark Schofield) DBM Battle Report from Jersey (257/22-23, Rob Van Der Laan) Diary of a Campaign Virgin (257/30-2, Ray Briggs) DBMM at Britcon 2007 (257/32-35, Chris Jolley) WAB Tournament Report: Havoc XXIV, April 2008 (258/17-21, David Daly, Tucker Saglio) The Gods of Ancient Wargaming (258/21-26, John Gibson) Command & Colors: Ancient Club Competition (258/27-30, Andrew Lawrence) Battle Report: Stirling Bridge 11 September 1297, using Day of Battle III (259/19-21, Chris Parker) The Akkadians at Challenge 2008 DBMM Tournament Report (259/33-35, Steve Rathgay) FOG in Birmingham UK Games Expo 2008 (259/37-39, Nik Gaukroger) A Field of Glory at Caesars Challenge (259/45-47, Steven Neate) Demonstrating Field of Glory at Valhalla 2008 (260/28-29, Richard Jeffrey-Cook)

Poitiers Using Warmaster (260/30-33, Grant Thomas) WAB at Historicon (260/43-45, David Daly) The Greeks are Coming! Some WAB Battle Reports (261/46-49, 262/42, David Carruthers) DBMM at Britcon 2008 (264/40-43, Chris Jolley) Alexandrian Macedonian vs Classical Indian FOG (266/36-40, Richard Lockwood) Theyre Coming!!!! (266/41-43, Marc Adda) Egyptian Border Defences (269/45-47, David Carruthers) Macrinus goes to Derby (273/52-53, Chris Jolley)

Competition Formats and Results

The Society Championship 1991 [rules] (153/5-6) UK Doubles Grand Prix format (154/5, Colin Froud) Results of the 1990 Wargames Championship (154/8-9, Andy Gittins) Championship Renaissance? (156/34, David Knight, comments 158/7-9, Paul Morris, Phil Barker) 1992 Society of Ancients Doubles Masters [WRG 7th] (160/5-6, 162/6, 163/39, J D McNeil) - . The 1992 Society International Wargames League [format] (160/23-24, Phil Steele) No Champ for 91(164/insert) 1993 Society of Ancients Doubles Masters [WRG 7th] (164/47-48, 169a/iv-v, 170/48-49, J D McNeil) 1993 International Masters of Wargaming (166/7, 169/39, 172/33, Guglielmo Marlia) The International Wargames League: A Proposed Restructure (169a/xxviii, Paul Morris) Army Popularity and Effectiveness in the Society of Ancients Doubles Masters 1993 (170/49-51, Phil Steele) 1994 Society of Ancients Doubles Masters [WRG 7th] (173/35, J D McNeil) Colours 93 [Newbury] (171/33, Trevor Halsall) 1993 Derby Worlds, Osprey Nationals & RAF Championships (171/33-5) The Society of Ancients National Rankings [points system] ( 172/44-45, John Buckle) 1994 Society WRG 5th National Championship (174/34, 175/36-37, 178/27-29, 180/18 & 24-5, John Buckley) Woolongong Easter Competitions (174/34-35, 182/18, David Brown) Doubles 1994: Which Were the Favourite Combinations of Armies? (178/10, Paul Burton) 1995 Society WRG 7th & DBM National Championships (178/9, 180/26-27, John Buckley) The Doubles League at Usk, 1995 [DBM] (179/35, Richard Bodley Scott) 1994 Derby Worlds (180/27) 1996 Society DBM National Championships (182/insert, John Buckley) Small is Beautiful (183/41, Justin Taylor) The Society of Ancients Doubles Masters 1995 (184/39-40, John Buckley) Godendag 96 (184/40, Richard Bodley Scott) Competition Report Warfare 1995 (185/39-40, Paul Burton) War Cry 96 (185/60, Michael Grant) Society of Ancients National Championship 1996 (187/57, John Buckley) Results of the Berkeley Round of the DBM Doubles (187/58) The Other Shieldwall (190/11, Keith McGlynn) London Leg of The Society of Ancients Doubles Masters (190/40, 191/39-40, Alison Manlove) International Wargaming (191/39, J.D. McNeil) Blackpool leg of The Society of Ancients Doubles Masters (192/10, Alison Manlove) War Cry 97 (192/18, Michael Grant) Third Round of the Society of Ancients Doubles Masters (194/12, Alison Manlove) Army Popularity (& Success) in DBM Competitions (194/38-39, Gavin Pearson) 25mm DBA Competition (194/60, Sue Laflin-Barker, Phil Barker) The Doubles Masters at Leeds (194/60, Alison Manlove) Society of Ancients National DBM Championship (195/40, John Buckley) Warfare 1997 (195/40-1, Paul Burton) Army Popularity (& Success) in WRG 6th & 7th Competitions (196/20-22, Gavin Pearson)

For Love or Prizes: The Statistics of Army Popularity and Success in DBM Competitions (196/22-23, Lawrence Greaves) The List Checkers Guide to The Society of Ancients Doubles Masters Tournament 1997 (197/7-9, Paul Robinson) DBM Championships (197/45, Michael Grant) Action 98 in Rheindahlen (198/1-2, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Border Reiver DBA Event Report (200/60, Justin Taylor) Stockton DBA Competition Results (201/9, Justin Taylor) Army Popularity in Competitions (201/22-24, Gavin Pearson) The Society of Ancients Championships 1998 (201/55, John Buckley) Society of Ancients Doubles Masters (202/1) Society of Ancients Skirmish 98 (202/27, Adrian Garbett) Recon The Last Round (203/9, Keith Murphy) Report on the Ribble Rumble (203/22, Justin Taylor) Thinking About DBM Tournament Formats (203/23-24, Jan-Willem Boots & Robert Schriek) The South African Peninsula Wargames Group (204/10-11, David Dickinson) Results from The Nationals (206/5, J.D. McNeil) Wargames Competitions for the Millenium (207/8-9, Adrian Garbett) The 2nd I Condottieri amd 14th European Championship (207/19, Guglielmo Marlia) European Team Challenge (208/17, Phil Riley) Themed Competitions (209/53, Michael C. Grant) Skirmish 99 Results (210/11, Adrian Garbett) Oxford Jihad (210/insert, Brian Espie) 1999 Portugese DBM Championship (210/32, Jorge de Freitas) Shieldwall Y2K Results (211/60) The Best Job in the World For a Masochist or Running a Club League Tournament (212/7-8, Martin Dice) Brumbash 2000: DBM200 Results (213/41, Adrian Garbett) Army Success and Popularity in DBM 2.1 (214/2-5, Gavin Pearson) Seventh Portugese National DBM Championship Results (214/21) European Team Challenge, Chateau de Grandson (214/29) The Anderida Weekend: 11-12 November 2000 (214/33, Andrew Parrock & Ian Dyer) Armati on the Road (215/40, Phil Steele) 4 th Individual World Championships (216/59) Army Success & Popularity in DBM 3.0 (219/80, 229/38-42, Gavin Pearson) Sheildwall 25mm DBM Competition - Berkeley 21/22 July 2001 (219/81, Keith McGlynn) Ancients in Australia Nordcon (220/44, Geoff Waldon) Rallying to the Colours! The Ancients Wargaming Competition at Colours 2001 for the Society of Ancients Sheild (222/24, Alan Mackrill) City of the Legion Chester tournament (223/38, John Hughes) International Team Challenge 2001 (223/42, Phil Riley) 2002 Dutch National Championships: DBM Medieval 1071-1500AD (226/24-25, Eric ter Keurs) International Team Challenge 2002 in Grandson (226/39-40, Steven Neate) The SOA/BHGS Armati League of Great Britain 2003 (226/2, Paul Szuscikiewicz) DBA Trophy (230/41-42, Matthew Bennett) Cross and Crescent: Organising a Wargames Tournament (230/42-45, John Graham-Leigh) Medieval Warfare Event (230/55-6) Tournament Organisation (231/17-18, Jerboa) StaB a great little show (231/18-19, Edward McDonald) Armati Doubles Suggestions for an Approach (231/32-34, Graham Evans) SAGA at Cold Wars 2003 (231/34-35, Terry Gore) Jurassic Park Weekend: the Age of Dinosaurs is not yet over (231/36-37, Nick Harbud) Real Time Generalship (231/37, David Brown) Anderida 2003 (233/34, Eric Cruttenden)

The Rise of the Taifa Kings, 1009 AD A Warhammer Ancients Campaign Day (235/25-27, Mike Evans & Warren Gleeson, Guy Bowers) Wentycon 2004 Experimental Freestyle Competition (238/48-50, Christopher Webber) Rampaging Camels DBM Beja at a competition with a difference (240/42-43, Nik Gaukroger) International Team Challenge, Lalenhalle Belfort, Gent (241/21, Phil Riley, Karin Riley & Mike Bennett) Army Popularity and Success with DBM 3.0 (243/38-41, John Graham-Leigh) Two go mad in Farnborough (244/47-49, Steve Rathgay and Dave Madigan) PAWS DBA (249/35, Martin Smith) English DBA Open, October 2006 (251/41-42, Martin Smith) The DBA Northern Cup 2007 (252/45, Martin Smith) PAWS Spring DBA (252/45, Martin Smith) PAWS Summer DBA Tournament 2007 (254/35, Martin Smith) Bournemouth: Armati by-the-sea 6th/7th March 2007 (254/45-47, Mark Fry) PAWS Autumn DBA, or Tashket, the new Baghdad (256/39, Martin Smith) The English DBA Open, October 2007 (257/24-25, Martin Smith & Richard Pulley) DBA Northern Cup 2008 (258/40-1, Martin Smith) 2008 Welsh DBA Open (258/48-49, Martin Smith) Legion DBA 2008 (259/21, Jo Russell) Warmaster Ancients Campaign Report (259/36, Dane Stephens) My First Try at Running a Warmaster Ancients Tournament Campaign (260/23-26, Marc Adda) PAWS Spring DBA (261/46, Martin Smith) Report on the English DBA Open 2008 (264/34-36, Martin Smith & Richard Pulley) Army Choice in DBA The English DBA Open 2009 (267/31-35, Martin Smith) Results of Legion 2009 DBA Tournament (267/35-36, Martin Smith) Welsh DBA Open Championship (267/36, Martin Smith) CANCON 2010 (269/48-50, Steven Neate) Midland DBA Open 2010 (270/51, Martin Smith) Salute 2010 Whats in it for Ancient and Medieval Wargamers (270/52, Richard Jeffrey-Cook) Sussex Cup DBA Competition, February 2010 (271/42-44, Martin Smith) Report on the Sussex Summer Shield, July 2010 (271/44-45, Richard Pulley) DBA at Cangames 2010 (272/47-49, Patrick Laffey) Ancients Competition Wargaming in Ireland (273/45-46, Rob Brennan & Jan van Embden) Midland Raider Heads South to Reclaim Laurels (273/47-48, Martin Smith) Farnborough Bash 2010 (273/49-51, Richard Jeffrey-Cook)

Society Affairs
Apathy & membership decline (153/1-2, 155/1, 156/1, 157/1-2, 160/1, 161/1, Paul Szuscikiewicz; comments 155/3-6, 158/8-10, 161/5-6, 163/5, various writers) A Suitable Case for Honouring [Phil Barker](153/2-3, John Graham-Leigh; comments 154/3-4, Paul Szuscikiewicz , 156/4-5 various writers) Committee meetings (153/6, 155/2-3, 156/2-3, 159/4, 160/4-5, 161/4-5, 162/4-5, 163/4-5, 164/3, 165/2, 166/2, 168/54, 169a/iii) Society cut-off date (154/6-7, 155/7-8, various writers) Bob OBrien elected Life Vice President (154/7) Public wrangling (157/4-6, various writers) The Missing Dimension [membership involvement] (157/7-9, P R Gray) Half Term Report [society diversity] (157/9-11, Chris Peers) AGM reports & accounts (158/3-6, 164/insert, 180/42-43, 182/insert, 200/7-10, 206/3-4, 212/2-3, 219/1-3, 226/1-2, 232/2-3) A Members Grievance [Slingshot delays] (158/6-7) An End to Gloom (159/3-4, Phil Barker) AGM format (159/5-6, Jim Webster, Anthony Clipsom, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Committee Responsibilities (167/1-2, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Committee evolution (169a/ii-iii, Gareth Simon)

The Ancient and Medieval Wargaming Hobby [future directions] (169a/vi-viii, Chris Kinnear; comments 17/42-43, Patrick Laffey) Constitution and Rules (169a/xxv-xxvii, 171/44-45, 175a/xxxi-xxxii, Richard Thomas) Slingshot Content (154/1, 155/2, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Copyright matters (166/5, Bill Johnson; 174/44) Echtorial burden (166/1, Paul Szuscikiewicz; 177/1-2, Michael Grant) The Story of a Society Volunteer (185/37-38, Carl Luxford) Society Games Day & AGM (186/1, Philip Sabin) Society World Wide Web Home Page (187/59, Michael Wasilewski) The SOA at Phalanx 96 (188/4, Carl Luxford) Slingshot 1996: The Year in Review (189/13, Peter Hall) Show Tips (190/41, Philip Sabin) Slingshot Layout (191/41, Michael Wasilewski) Society Committee Meetings April and June 1997 (192/40, Michael Grant) 1996 Memebership Survey Feedback (193/54, Derek Whittenbury) 1997 Membership Questionnaire Feedback (194/10-12, Chris Kinnear) Thoughts for the Future: Ideas from the AGM (194/59, Peter Hall) Are you a Committed Member.. or One Who Has Only Thought About It? (197/29-30, Phil Halewood) Welcome to a New Society Year from a New Society President (202/2-3, Phil Steele) From the Games Day Organiser-in-Chief (212/4, Phil Halewood) Some Thoughts from the President (213/1-2, Phil Steele) The Tony Bath Commemorative Games Day (216/1) Twenty Years After (218/4, Charles A. Sweet) A Note About The 2001 Games Day - Thanks (219/4, Phil Halewood) Tony Bath Commemorative Games Day: 9 th September 2001 (219/4, Steven Neate) The Glittering Prizes (219/5, Martin Stephenson) Slingshot Games Day 2002 (226/2-3, Andrew Parrock) 2003 Games Day/AGM (229/1-2) Presidential Address (232/1-2, Phil Halewood) Society of Ancients Battle Day, Saturday 3 April 2004 (232/4, Richard Lockwood) Minutes of the AGM of the SOA held at Harpenden Public Halls n 4 th September 2004 (238/1-2, David Edwards) Society Promotion at Shows - The Human Face of our Society (244/34, Phil Halewood) Minutes of the Annual General Meeting [2006] (250/2-3, David Edwards)

Guardroom Issues 183 onwards

Guardroom (183/35-39, Bob OBrien, Justin Taylor, Chris Jolley, Peter Hall, Daniel McLaughlin, Phil Barker, Rob Young, Paul Attwood, Steven Quy, Jervis Johnson, Daniel McLaughlin) Guardroom (184/36-37, Peter Hall, Wain Warwagon, Patrick Laffey, Jason Monaghan) Guardroom (185/57-59, Phil Barker, Adrian Garbett, Phil Halewood, Bob Cowan, Paul Burton, Crispin Matson) Guardroom (186/39-40, Michael Nursey, Andrew Jarman, Mike Kemp, Gavin Pearson) Guardroom (187/51-53, Tony Dennis, David Karunanithy, Justin Taylor, Martin Dice, Jiri Gajdorus, John Gibson) Guardroom (188/36-39, Philip Greenough, David Karunanithy, Jim Webster, Peter Hall, David Edwards, Phil Barker, Richard Bodley-Scott, Michael Grant, Adrian Garbett, Steve Jamieson, Nigel Cook, Peter Hall, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch) Guardroom (189/53-57, David Ronaldson, Phil Barker, Guy Halsall, Richard Jones, Paul Burton, Andrew Jarman, Keith Murphy) Guardroom (190/36-39, Gavin Pearson, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Lawrence Greaves, David Harthen, Alan Martin) Guardroom (191/36-37, Michael Grant, Richard Jones, Guy Halsall, Aaron Hundtofte, Antonio Santosuosso)

Guardroom (192/37-38, Justin Taylor, Peter Hockaday, Harold Gerry, Phil Barker, Anthony Scott, Jim Esler) Guardroom (193/50-53, John Graham-Leigh, Neil Simpson, Paul Robinson, Martin Dice, Justin Taylor, Dave Letts) Guardroom (194/53-57, Adrian Garbett, Simon MacDowall, Phil Barker, Anthony Clipsom, Andrew Pickering) Guardroom (195/34-38, Andy Moorhouse, Aaron Hundtofte, Phil Greenough, Christopher Webber, Tim Johnson, Tony Hughes, Chris Jackson, John Buckley) Guardroom (196/37-38, Patrick Laffey, Martin Dice, Duncan Head, Fergus Johnstone) Guardroom (197/52-58, Duncan Head, Phil Barker, Russell King, Jervis Johnson, Michael OShaughnessy, Dennis Leventhal, Justin Taylor, Michael Grant, Neil Mason, Richard Hardy, Ernie Fosker, Paul Robinson, S.J. Clark) Guardroom (198/40-1, Nigel Tallis, John Hastings, Philip Rayner, Lyle Daymond, Paul Robinson) Guardroom (199/57-60, J.D. McNeil, Phil Barker, Russell King, Adrian Garbett, Thomas Coveney, Timothy Eccles, Martin Dice, David Sweet) Guardroom (200/52-57, Neil Patterson, David Barnes, Ludger Fischer, Bill Johnson, Anthony Clipsom, Michael Grant, Daniel McLaughlin, Tony Barr, John Buckley, Alison Manlove, Jim McDaniel, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Nigel Jones, Martin Matthews, Carl Luxford) Guardroom (201/56-61, J.D. McNeil, Michael Fredholm von Essen, Andrew Pickering, Phil Halewood & Carl Luxford, Michael Grant, Jim McDaniel, Justin Taylor, Paul Giffen, Paul Szuscikiewicz, Keith Murphy, Nigel Jones, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Alan Patrick, Terry Gore, Jervis Johnson, Lawrence Greaves, Martin Stephenson, Allen Curtis) Guardroom (202/38-40, Nick Harbud, Justin Taylor, Steve Sykes, Mike Brooks, Stephen Oates, Adrian Garbett, Tim Twineham, Michael Hyduke, Michael Grant, Alex Aimette, Phil Barker, Chris Jackson) Guardroom (203/55-59, Tim Twineham, Steve Clift, Jim Smith, Adrian Garbett, Brian Espie, Paul Attwood, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Andrew Hobley, Jim Kasper, Phil Barker, Neil Fox, R.A. Jacombs, Martin Dice, Paul Kearney, Steve Barber) Guardroom (204/53-60, Jim McDaniel, Gary Wait, David Ronaldson, Christopher Webber, Norbert Brunhuber, Nik Fincher, Leam Hall, Duncan Head, Robert Plympton, Bernd Lehnhoff & Ludger Fischer, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Jim Frame, Reinhard Schulz, Stewart Revelle, Phil Halewood, John Hastings, Adrian Garbett, Tony Dennis, Bill Skinner, Tim Haslam, Geoff Pearson, Mike Campbell, Martin Dice, Marc Priest) Guardroom (205/56-60, Alan Gruber, Alex Aimette, Derek Hannan, Terry Gore, Michael Hyduke, David Norris, Duncan Head, Nicholas Elsden, Ernie Fosker, Martin Dice, Nicholas Fincher, Duncan Head, Tony Hughes, Phil Barker, Jim Kasper, Kevin Donovan, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Guardroom (206/38-41, Michael Grant, Gerard Quinn, Ludger Fischer, Michael C. Douglas, Richard Jones, David Carruthers, Gavin Pearson, Bjorn Saltorp, Phil Barker, Martin Dice, Paul Szuscikiewicz, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Marc Priest, Terry Gore, Jim Hansen, Gavin Pearson, Peter Munn) Guardroom (207/54-57, Richard Lee, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Reinhard Schulz, Martin Dice, Brian Letchworth, Jim Webster, Phil Barker, Scott Karakas, Stefano Venziano, Jim McDaniel, Anthony Walker, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Nik Gaukroger, Peter Morrison) Guardroom (208/38-41, Sally Priest, Phil Barker, Philip Sabin, Dennis A. Leventhal, Jim McDaniel, Chris Smith, Duncan Head, Benito Vera, Jim Sye, John Hastings, Adrian Garbett) Guardroom (209/48-53, Chad Pillinger, Reinhard Schulz, Lawrence Greaves, Jon Betts, Andrew Bird, Neil Simpson, Will Whyler, Peter Glew, Allen Curtis, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, David Edwards, Michael OShaughnessy, Alan Colquhoun, Zygmunt Lozinski, Chris Jackson, Keith Allen, Tim Cockrell) Guardroom (210/56-59, Steven Neate, Stuart Whigham, Paul Attwood, R. Plympton, Richard Lockwood, Richard Jeffrey-Cook, Duncan Head, Dave Woodward, Antoine Bourguilleau, Daniele Varelli, Nicholas Heidorn, Mike Merva, Tony Hughes) Guardroom (211/51-55, Paul Burton, Tim Twineham, Phil Barker, Guy Halsall, Ernie Fosker, Duncan Head, Martin Steenwege, Ian Jeffery, Jim Sye, John Curry, Mike Hall, Paul Browne, Steven Neate, Paul Burton, Lawrence Greaves) Guardroom (212/55-60, John Curry, Jim Sye, John Hughes, Alan Gruber, Duncan Head, Ken Blackley, Matthew Leighs, Phil Barker, Paul Browne, Luke Ueda-Sarson, Frank Kean, Philip Kane, Karl Heinz

Ranitzsch, Paul Szuscikiewicz, Owen Elliott, Alan Colquhoun, Ernie Fosker, Taff Michael, Tony Hughes) Guardroom (213/56-61, Carl Luxford, Guy Halsall, John Curry, Jim Webster, Lawrence Greaves, Brian Mischel, Andrew Bird, Terry Gore, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Guardroom (214/40-4, Colin Evans, Duncan Head, Shahid Dadabhoy, Michael Grant, Steve Wainwright, Paul McIvor, Mark Diehl, Phil Barker, Stephen Ede-Borrett, Robert Richardson, Brian Fritz) Guardroom (215/54-57, Anthony Clipsom, Jim McDaniel, Alan Gruber, Richard Lockwood, Nigel Tallis, Daniele Varelli, Paul Browne, John Curry, Jim Sye, Peter Glew, Kenn Hart, David Karunanithy, Simon Richardson, Martin Waller, Richard Bodley Scott, Bob Marshall, Phil Barker, Paul Robinson, Kevin Forrest) Guardroom (216/56-58, Stephen Ede-Borrett, Perry Craig, Duncan Head, Richard Jones, Steven Neate, Robert Phillips, Lawrence Greaves, Andrew Middleton, Stephen Ashford, David Beatty, David Karunanithy) Guardroom (217/IFC-1, Jim Webster, Phil Barker, Daniel Mersey, Dave Woodward, Gareth Griffiths) Guardroom (219/72-6, Chris Parker, John Hogan, Peter Munn, Richard Lucas, Paul Giffen, R.A. Jacombs, Paolo Bonivento, Stephen Ede-Borrett, Richard Lockwood, Luke Ueda-Sarson, Paul Szuscikiewicz, Bjorn Saltorp, Geoff Dabs, David Beatty, Carl Luxford) Guardroom (220/45-47, Paul Robinson, David Turner, Paul Browne, Alan Gruber, Marc Priest, Alan Colquhoun, David Carruthers, Richard Jones, Richard Lockwood, Will Scarvie, Luke Ueda Sarson, Duncan Head, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, David Smith, Steven Neate, Nik Gaukroger) Guardroom (221/35-41, Richard Lockwood, Steven Neate, Nik Gaukroger, David Carruthers, Alan Patrick, Craig Davey, James Hough, John Graham-Leigh, Neil Fox, Peter Caswell, Tom Adamson, Will Scarvie, Jim Webster) Guardroom (222/46-49, James Hough, Marc Priest, John Graham-Leigh, Richard Lockwood, Paul Robinson, Michael Guth, Nik Gaukroger, David Lowrie, David Carruthers, Phil Barker) Guardroom (223/53-56, Mark Holgate, Nik Gaukroger, Mark Andrews, Duncan Head, James Hough, Manousos Kambouris, Peter Caswell, Anthony Clipsom, John Holkham, Tom Adamson, Tim Spanton, Jim Webster, Adrian Garbett) Guardroom (224/50-56, Duncan Head, Graham Evans, Allen Curtis, Richard Jones, Anthony Clipsom, Larry Dunn, Steven Neate, Wolfgang Lischtansky, Reinhard Schulz, Phil Halewood, Nigel Jones, David Carruthers, Richard Lockwood, Nik Gaukroger, William Scarvie, Luke Ueda-Sarson) Guardroom (225/35-39, Chris Smith, Kyril Makoski, Steven Neate, Doug Marston, Peter Armstrong, Mark Andrews, Richard Young, Mike Tittensor, Nik Gaukroger, John Graham-Leigh) Guardroom (226/53-56, Phil Barker, Tim Bancroft, Michael Anastasiadis, Adrian Clarke, Bob OBrien, Neil Simpson, Paul Burton, Alan Colquhoun, John Hastings, Daneilla Carlsson) Guardroom (227/54-56, Lawrence Greaves, Paul Robinson, David McCann, Andy Cooper, Phil Barker, Robert Jackson) Guardroom (228/54-56, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Phil Barker, John Graham-Leigh, Alan Colquhoun, Luke Ueda-Sarson, Dudley Garidel, Paul Burton, James Hough, Nick Harbud) Guardroom (229/51-56, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Duncan Head, Rob Martin, Steven Neate, David Putt, Nicholas Elsden, Peter Glew, Allen Curtis) Guardroom (230/49-55, Christopher Webber, Phil Barker, Steve Burt, Tony Barr, Richard Jones, Alan Gilbert, Richard Lee, Matthew Coote, Alan Colquhoun, Keith Murphy) Guardroom (231/51-54, Duncan Head, Patrick Laffey, Adrian Clarke, Christopher Jackson, Martin Matthews, Gareth Griffiths) Guardroom (232/54-56, Timothy Eccles, John Graham-Leigh, Jeff Jonas, Scott Robertson, Steven Neate, Peter Glew, Alex Baumans, Matt Coote, Paul Cross) Guardroom (233/43-44, Randy Collins, Adrian Clarke, Alan Gilbert, Tony Hughes, Richard Jeffrey-Cook, Nigel Tallis, John Walsh) Guardroom (234/53-56, Jim Sye, Luke Ueda-Sarson, Peter Morrison, Nik Gaukroger, Oerjan Ohlson, Trevor Pearless, John Curry, Braad Dunlap, Alex Baumans) Guardroom (235/54-56, Martin Waller, Wolfgang Lischtansky, Christopher Jackson, Subodai Bahadur, Phil Barber, John Graham-Leigh, Anthony Clipsom) Guardroom (236/54-56, Jerboa, John Graham-Leigh, Peter Morrison, Roy Boss, Tom Cain, Tony Hughes)

Guardroom (237/52-55, Duncan Head, Bard Dunlap, Chris Jackson, Steven Neate, Jim McDaniel, George Smithson, Christopher Webber, John Calvert, Phil Halewood, Phil Barker, Stephen Harrison) Guardroom (238/55-56, Bob Richardson, Subodai Bahadur, Dave Reardon, David Karunanithy, Nicolas Protonotarios) Guardroom (239/43-44, Alex Baumans, Mike Tittensor, Richard Smith, John Graham-Leigh) Guardroom (240/52-56, Alan Colquhoun, Perry Gray, Roy Boss, Geoff Frost, Geoff Barker, John GrahamLeigh, Philip Sabin, Luke Ueda-Sarson, Steve Neate, Duncan Head) Guardroom (241/54-56, Chris Engle, Graham Evans, Alastar McBeath, Mike Bruck, Don Miller, Mike Baldwin, Tim Spanton, Steven Neate) Guardroom (242/53-56, Duncan Head, Eric Ter Keurs, Jerboa, Alastair McBeath, Luke Ueda-Sarson, David Canto, Chris Jackson) Guardroom (243/55-56, Michael Grant, Phil Halewood, Allen Curtis, Mike Bruck, Harold Gerry, Jerboa, Theo Raykoske) Guardroom (244/55-56, Michael Grant, Rupert Worrall, Michael Cleary, Tom Quickenden, Nik Gaukroger, Neil Fox, Neil Hepworth) Guardroom (245/41-44, Alan Colquhoun, Eric Ter Keurs, Richard Pulley, Jim Sye, Alastair McBeath, John Graham-Leigh, Jim Webster, Tim Thompson) Guardroom (246/55-56, Nick Harbud, Steven Neate, David McCann, William McFetrich) Guardroom (247/45-48, James Forrest, Adrian Clarke, Paul Robinson, John Hastings, Christof Simons, Chris Jackson, Graham Evans, Mike Bruck, John Graham-Leigh) Guardroom (248/52-53, Alastair McBeath, Alan Colquhoun, Harold Gerry, Allen Curtis) Guardroom (249/55-56, Phil Steele, Alan Colquhoun, Shahid Dadabhoy, Alastair McBeath, Steven Neate) Guardroom (250/56, Dan Hazelwood, Michael Grant, Mike Bruck, Alastair McBeath) Guardroom (251/44, Alastair McBeath, Steven O'Brien) Guardroom (252/56, Steven Neate, Will Whyler, Mick Hession, Alastair McBeath) Guardroom (254/50-52, Gordon Garrad, Rupert Worrall, Shahid Dadabhoy, Paul Attwood, Alastair McBeath, Will Whyler, Larry Dunn) Guardroom (255/56, Paul Robinson, Nick Eyre) Guardroom (256/43-44, Eddy Richards, Alastair McBeath, Phil Barker, Neil Fox, Peter Barham) Guardroom (258/56-57, Alastair McBeath, John Gibson, Nick Harbud) Guardroom (259/57-59, Patrick Waterson, Alastair McBeath, John Walsh, Paul Nettle, Tim Thompson) Guardroom (260/2, Neil Thomas, Rupert Worrall) Guardroom (261/2, John Hastings, Philip Sabin) Guardroom (262/2, John Hogan, Anthony Clipsom) Guardroom (263/2, Roger Cooper, Philip Sabin, Phil Barker, Mike Kay) Guardroom (264/2-3, Dave Reardon, Alastair McBeath, Simon Miller, Ray Briggs) Guardroom (265/2-3, Phil Barker, Phil Halewood, Philip Sidnell, David Knight) Guardroom (266/2-4, Stephen Brennan, Christopher Allen, Michael Guth, Will Whyler, Bob OBrien) Guardroom (267/58-59, Bob OBrien, Luke Ueda-Sarson, Phil Barker, Mick Hession) Guardroom (269/54-55, John Hastings, Alastair McBeath, Anthony Clipsom, Will Whyler) Guardroom (270/55, John Graham-Leigh, Phil Hendry) Guardroom (271/52-55, Ken Bell, Tim Thompson, Paul Burton, David Carruthers, Jim Webster) Guardroom (272/55, Phil Barker) Guardroom (273/54-55, Patrick Waterson)

Slingshot Forum
The Slingshot Forum [News] (215/58-60, 216/27-28, 217/39-40, 221/26-27, 222/54-55, 223/51, 225/29-32, 226/48-49, 228/46-48, 229/44, 230/46-47, 231/49-51, 233/36-39, 234/48-49, 236/50-54, 238/53-55, 239/41-43, 240/47-48, 241/49-50)

The Slingshot Interview: President Ian Russell Lowell (153/10-13) Lists of recent publications (160/34-35, 161/29-30, 162/32-33, 172/41-42,

173/42-43, 175/32-33, 176/22, 177/18-19, 178/15, 180/19-20 & 44, 181/31, 182/13, latterly by Matt Pickard & Chris Smith) Review of Spearpoint [NASAMW journal] (161/27-28, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Popularity of ancients (165/3-4, Jean-Louis Fiasson) Obituaries for Paul Morris (168/3, Stephen Allen; 169/40, Ian Greenwood) Standardising on DBM (174/35, Guglielmo Marlia) Thirty Years [reminiscences] (181/2-4, Tony Bath, Bob OBrien, Phil Barker, Duncan Head, Ian Greenwood, Michael Grant, Chris Kinnear) Wargaming in South Africa (182/19, Nick Harbud) Articles on Ancient and Medieval History in The Journal of Military History (183/40, Paul Walsh) Order of Battle Programme for DBM/DBR (183/41, Neil Hammond) Articles on Ancient and Medieval Warfare appearing in Command magazine (184/31-32, Paul Walsh) Articles on Ancient and Medieval Warfare appearing in Other Publications (185/30-1, 199/30-2, Paul Walsh) Articles on Ancient and Medieval Warfare in the Journal of the International Commission of Military History (187/42-44, Paul Walsh) Bookworm AGM Special (187/58-59, Gareth Simon) Recent Articles Appearing Elsewhere (189/58, 197/36-37, 207/6-8, 220/40, 222/50, 231/56, Matt Pickard) The Virtual Society (193/55, Michael Wasilewski) Battle Report from The Little Wakham Wargames Group (197/22-23, Nick Harbud) Adrians Column (199/61, Adrian Garbett) Figure Database (201/55, Tim Twineham) Artwork The Inside Story (205/61, Tony Hughes) Deryck Guyler Remembered (207/3, Tony Bath, Phil Barker) Tony Bath In Memoriam (211/2, Phil Barker) Tony Bath: A Tribute (211/3, Paul Szuscikiewicz) Obituary: N.G.L. Hammond (216/51, David Karunanithy) Antipodean Hospitality (220/18, Michael C Grant) Membership Survey Wargames Rules (226/3-4, John Graham-Leigh) Illustrated Figure Reviews (230/56, Tony Hughes) Slingshot Guide to Pot-Hunting in 2004 (231/54-55, Nick Harbud) Chalk and cheese In memory of Peter Glew (237/33, Adrian Garbett) Swansong, The Last Post and All That Jazz (237/56, Tony Hughes) Review of SAGA Newsletter Number 96 (238/51-52, John Graham-Leigh) In Memoriam - Terry Gore (245/20, Bruce Taylor) Review of Ancient Warfare Magazine (256/42, Nik Gaukroger) A Dinosour Returns to Jurassic Park (258/43-44, Phil Barker) For Bob OBrien (262/2-3, Phil Barker, Bill Thurlow, Pete Scott) New Year Review Feast! (268/42-47, Steven Neate, John Walsh, Richard Lockwood, Jim Webster, Alastair McBeath, Paul Burton, Mark Watson, Steve Brennan, Christopher Webber, Jim Sye) Hot Pins and Banana Oil A tribute to Bob OBrien (270/30-33, Steven Neate, Ray Briggs, Jim Webster, Anthony Clipsom, John Graham-Leigh, Graham Evans, John Hogan, Craig Dobson, Alastair McBeath, Matthew Bennett, Andrew Lawrence, Rick Priestley)

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