Year 9 Mathematics 2022 - 2023 Unit 2-1

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UCSI Secondary Unit Planning Document (2022/2023)

Subject: Mathematics

Unit Title: Polygons

Pythagoras’ Theorem
Right-angled Triangle
Surface Area and Volume of Cylinder
Probability and Statistics


Year Group: Year 9

Term : 2 Date : 4/01/2023 - 20/04/2023 Duration : 15 weeks

Prior learning needed

-Working with polygons.
-Working with parts of circle, area of circle and circumference of circle.
-Understand the concept of speed and density.
-Working with unit measurements, scales and scale drawings.
-Working with the basic probability scale.
-Recognize and work with mean, median, mode and range.
-Create stem-and-leaf diagram.
-Understand the concept of scatter graph and correlation.
Expectations by end of unit (key knowledge and skills)
-Forming tessellations.
-Working with Pythagoras’ theorem.
-Working with trigonometric ratios.
-Working with volume and surface area of a cylinder.
-Solving problems of composite figure involving cylinder.
-Solving problems involving distance-time graph and speed-time graph.
-Performing problems on units costs of a given item.
-Calculating three-figure bearings.
-Solving complex problem on probability.
-Differentiating the types of correlation.
-Drawing and analyzing a scatter graph.
-Drawing a line best fit to show the correlation of a scatter graph.
-Solving problems involving two-way tables.
-Working with cumulative frequency.
Assessment Details

Assessment Description Method of Marking Weightage

Topical test/exercise carried out at
Topical Review Marking scheme 40%
the completion of a topic
Levelled written Topic Assessment
Test (1 set) to be carried out at the completion Marking scheme 60%
of the Unit


Week Sub-topic Outcomes Content covered Differentiation Assessment Resources

and activities (support and
1 Properties of Recognize the Working out the Support: Simple Marking Collins textbook
polygons different types of sum of interior exercise scheme 3.2 & 3.3
polygons angles of polygons
Interior and Challenge: Further Exercise
exterior angles Recognize the Calculating the practice questions papers/Lectures
of regular formula for sum interior and
polygons of interior and exterior angles of
exterior angle regular polygons
and regular Recognize the Work out which
polygons concept of regular polygons
tessellations tessellate
Pythagoras' Recognize the Use Pythagoras'
Theorem concept of theorem in
Pythagoras’ right-angled
theorem triangle

Use the converse

of Pythagoras'
2 Introduction to Know what are Differentiate the Support: Simple Marking Collins textbook
trigonometric trigonometric trigonometric exercise scheme 3.2 & 3.3
ratios ratios ratios
Challenge: Further Exercise
Using Understand what Calculate the practice questions papers/Lectures
trigonometric the trigonometric missing angles
ratios to find ratios sine, using the
angles cosine and trigonometric
tangent are ratios
trigonometric Find the angle Calculate the
ratios to find identified from a lengths using
lengths trigonometric trigonometric
ratio ratios
Find unknown
length of a
triangle given
one side and an
3 The circle Carry out Solving problems Support: Simple Marking Collins textbook
calculations involving the exercise scheme 3.2 & 3.3
Arc length and involving the circumference and
area of a circle Exercise
sector area circumference Challenge: Further
and area of a practice questions papers/Lectures
Solving simple
Volume of circle problems
Cylinder involving the arc
Carry out length and sector
Surface area of calculations area as fractions
a Cylinder involving arc of the
circumference and
length and sector
area of a circle
Composite area
shapes Calculate the
Understand the volume of a
concept of cylinder
Calculate the
Understand the curved surface
concept of area of a cylinder
shapes Calculate the total
surface area of a

Calculate the
volumes and
surface areas of
composite shapes
4 Speed Understand and Solve problems Support: Simple Marking Collins textbook
use measures of involving speed exercise scheme 3.2 & 3.3
Density speed
Solve problems Challenge: Further Exercise
Distance-time Understand and involving density practice questions papers/Lectures
graphs use measures of
density Interpreting and
Speed-time using graphs in
graphs Analyze practical situations
distance-time including travel
graphs graphs and
conversion graphs

Analyze Interpreting and

speed-time graph using graphs in
practical situations
including travel
graphs and
conversion graphs
5 Unit Costs Understand the Use unit pricing in Support: Simple Marking Collins textbook
concept of unit real world exercise scheme 3.2 & 3.3
Scale drawing costs situations
Challenge: Further Exercise
Sketch using an Sketch using an practice questions papers/Lectures
appropriate scale appropriate scale

Recognize the Recognize the

form of bearing form of bearing
6 Scatter graphs Recognize the Infer a correlation Support: Simple Marking Collins textbook
and correlation different type of from two related exercise scheme 3.2 & 3.3
correlation scatter graphs
Two-way Challenge: Further Exercise
tables Understand the Draw a line of practice questions papers/Lectures
concept of line best fit to show a
Mean, median, of best fit correlation
mode and
range Analyze a Interpret a variety
(a)Ungrouped variety of of two-way tables
data two-way tables
(b)Frequency Calculate the
table Understand the mean, median,
concept of mode and range of
Mean, median grouped, a given data
and mode – ungrouped data
(a)Grouped and frequency Calculate the
data frequency table modal class and
table estimated mean of
(b) Drawing Create a a given data
frequency frequency
diagrams diagrams Draw and interpret

Draw a frequency
diagram from a
grouped frequency
7 Cumulative Understand the Draw a Support: Simple Marking Collins textbook
frequency concept of cumulative exercise scheme 3.2 & 3.3
diagrams frequency frequency diagram
diagrams Challenge: Further Exercise
Stem-and-leaf Find the practice questions papers/Lectures
diagrams Understand the interquartile range
Using a concept of
Sample Space stem-and-leaf Analyze
to Calculate diagram stem-and-leaf
Probabilities diagram
Simple Recognize the
probability sample space to
calculate Calculating the
Relative probabilities probability using
frequency Understand that the sample space
the probability of
an event Calculating the
occurring = 1 – probability of a
the probability of single event as
the event not either a fraction,
occurring decimal or
Understand the
concept of Using the
relative probability scale
frequency from 0 to 1

Using relative
frequency as an
estimate of

frequency of
8 Past Paper Past Paper Past Paper Challenge: Further Marking Exercise
Practice Practice practice questions scheme papers/Lectures
9 Past Paper Past Paper Past Paper Challenge: Further Marking Exercise
Practice Practice practice questions scheme papers/Lectures
10 Past Paper Past Paper Past Paper Challenge: Further Marking Exercise
Practice Practice practice questions scheme papers/Lectures
11 Term 2 Examination Test Papers - Marking -
assessment scheme
12 Past Paper Past Paper Past Paper Challenge: Further Marking Exercise
Practice Practice practice questions scheme papers/Lectures
13 Past Paper Past Paper Past Paper Challenge: Further Marking Exercise
Practice Practice practice questions scheme papers/Lectures
14 Past Paper Past Paper Past Paper Challenge: Further Marking Exercise
Practice Practice practice questions scheme papers/Lectures
15 Checkpoint Examination Test Papers - - -

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