Smriti 10711260
Smriti 10711260
Smriti 10711260
Assignment 1
Smriti Chandravanshi[10711260]
To create folders in the shell, you use the mkdir command. Just specify the new folder’s name,
ensure it doesn’t exist, and you’re ready to go.
For example, to make a directory to keep all of your images, just type: mkdir images
It’s so easy to copy files and folders directly in the Linux terminal that sometimes it can replace
conventional file managers.
To use the cp command, just type it along with the source and destination files:
cp file_to_copy.txt new_file.txt
You can also copy entire directories by using the recursive flag:
cp -r dir_to_copy/ new_copy_dir/
You use the mv command to move (or rename) files and directories through your file system.
The pwd command stands for “print working directory,” and it outputs the absolute path of the
directory you’re in. For example, if your username is “john” and you’re in your Documents
directory, its absolute path would be: /home/john/Documents.
It allows us to list the contents of the directory we want (the current directory by default), including
files and other nested directories.
The df command displays the amount of disk space available on the filesystem with each file
name's argument
du stands for Disk Usage. It is used to check the information of disk usage of files and directories
on a system.
Command du display a list of all the files along with their respective sizes. By default, size given
is in kilobytes.
You can use the rm command to remove files and directories. Be careful while using it
It’s annoying when a program is unresponsive, and you can’t close it by any means. Fortunately,
the kill command solves this kind of problem.
Simply put, kill sends a TERM or kill signal to a process that terminates it.
Grep is one of the most powerful utilities for working with text files. It searches for lines that
match a regular expression and print them
You can use this ps command to find the number of processes running in your Linux server. This
is mostly used by system admins and root users to check if there are not too many processes
running on the host or not.
more command is used to view the text files in the command prompt, displaying one screen at a
time in case the file is large (For example log files). The more command also allows the user do
scroll up and down through the page.
less (opposite of more) is a program that lets you inspect files backward and forward
The touch command allows you to create and update the access and modification times of the
specified files.
It displays the manual page of any other command (as long as it has one).
To see the manual page of the mkdir command, type: man mkdir
Using vi editor, we can edit an existing file or create a new file from scratch. we can also use this
editor to just read a text file.
(Vi editor is like a notepad for the linux where u can modify the files .)
Vi Editing Commands
i – Insert at cursor (goes into insert mode)
a – Write after cursor (goes into insert mode)
A – Write at the end of line (goes into insert mode)
ESC – Terminate insert mode.
u – Undo last change.
U – Undo all changes to the entire line.
o – Open a new line (goes into insert mode)
dd – Delete line.
- How to insert delete in a file with vi editor and save the file.
Step 1 vi file name
It will take you inside the file and enable editing mode
Step 2 Type delete
Step 3 press Esc:wq it will save file and quite the file
A file is any kind of computer document and a directory is a computer document folder or filing
cabinet. We can create multiple files and directory inside a single directory.
5. How to copy a directory.
cp stands for copy. This command is used to copy files or group of files or directory. It creates
an exact image of a file on a disk with different file name. cp command require at least two
filenames in its arguments.
The web server is a computer that stores web server software and a website's component files
(for example, HTML documents, images, CSS stylesheets, and JavaScript files). It connects to
the Internet and supports physical data interchange with other devices connected to the web.
Types of logs in Webserver
Types of logs in Webserver :
1. Access log file
2. Agent log file
3. Error log file
18. WebSphere Application Server
WebSphere is an Application Server Middleware product.
Types of logs .
1. JVM logs
2. Native logs
3. Trace logs
4. Activity logs
5. Profile logs
6. Installation logs
7. Fixpack logs
19. What are the types of logs available in WAS . How to find the jvm or server instance log
path. Give command
Types of logs
1. JVM logs
2. Native logs
3. Trace logs
4. Activity logs
5. Profile logs
6. Installation logs
7. Fixpack logs
Assignment 02
21. What is the general syntax url for dmgr console ? How to find dmgr console url and
http://<hostname>:<portnumber> - For unsecure port (9060)
https://<hostname>:<portnumber> - For secure port (9043)
For windows: C:\ProgramFiles\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\DmgrNode01\
For Linux : ../IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/DmgrNode01/logs>cat AboutThisProfile.txt
22. What is soap port and where it is located ?
Ans. SOAP is Simple Object Access Protocol. It C:\ProgramFiles\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\
profiles\DmgrNode01\logs>AboutThisProfile.txt. We can find the port number for the SOAP
port under the AboutThisProfile.txt file.
23. What is nodeagent and why we do the synchronization .
Ans. NodeAgent is a running server that represents a node in WebSphere Application Server.
We need to do synchronization because if we made
kill -3 is a thread dump that will list all the Java threads that are currently active in Java Virtual
Machine (JVM).
Start administrative console. In the navigation pane, click Troubleshooting > Java dumps and
cores. Select the server name (AppNode01) for which you want to generate the Java dump. Click
Heap dump to generate the java dump for your specified server. (AppNode01).
The file will be generated in this path :
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppNode01\<dumpfile>
30. How to stop start the dmgr . where are the logs for DMGR.?(Windows/Linux)
To Start the dmgr, navigate to the following path in windows :
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\DmgrNode01\bin>startManager.bat
To Start the dmgr, navigate to the following path in Linux :
To Stop the dmgr, navigate to the following path in windows :
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\DmgrNode01\bin>stopManager.bat
To Stop the dmgr, navigate to the following path in Linux :
For logs, navigate to the following path :
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\DmgrNode01\logs\dmgr
31. How to stop start the nodeagnet . where are the logs for nodeagent?(Windows/Linux)
To Start the node agent, navigate to the following path in windows :
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppNode01\bin>startNode.bat
To Start the node agent, navigate to the following path in Linux :
To Stop the node agent, navigate to the following path in windows :
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppNode01\bin>stopNode.bat
To Stop the node agents, navigate to the following path in Linux :
For logs, navigate to the following path :
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppNode01\logs\nodeagent
32. What is application deployment ? what are various ways available for application
deployment .
34. How to check webserver status? What are logs file for webserver? Also state the
configurations file in webserver?
36. If you try to hit the URL example , it shows an error like page
cannot be displayed. How will you troubleshoot this issue?
Ans. If we hit the URL , it shows an error like page cannot be displayed. This
is because we may have entered the incorrect URL or it may have moved to new URL.
Just Check the internet connection.
Clear the Cache , Cookies of the browser.
Re-Check the entered URL.
37 In a cluster environment one of the servers is about to reach 100% CPU utilization,
remaining servers are in normal utilization. how it will occur and what is the reason for
that case and how to resolve these kind things?
Ans : Reasons:
One of the JVM may be down.
Load Balancing may not be configured properly.
Synchronisation across the JVM is not done properly.
38 If client is facing that his/her application is slow, then what are the steps which needs to be
followed to resolve the issue?