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PASADONG MIDTERM CUTIE  espada y daga (sword and dagger)

 solo baston (single stick)

 sinawali (to weave) which uses two
UNIT 1 sticks


The two major types of Arnis practiced as
Arnis, sometimes referred to as “Eskrima” or sports are the system followed by
“Kali”, is a martial art from the Philippines
1 WEKAF (World Eskrima Kali Arnis
that differs from most martial arts in that it
Federation) which was established in
teaches the use of weapons from the
1989 and is recognised internationally;
beginning. Sometimes Arnis is thought of as
and the system followed by
"just stick fighting", but there's more to it
2 Arnis Philippines (ARPI), established in
than that.
1986 which was used prominently
LESSON 1 during the 2005 Southeast Asian.

ARNIS ORIGIN, HISTORY, Arnis is also known as Eskrima, Kali,

TERMINOLOGIES AND EQUIPMENT Garrote and other names in various
regional languages, such as
 Pananandata in Tagalog;
The origin and history of Arnis can be traced  Pagkalikali, Ibanag;
back to native fighting techniques during  Kabaraon and Kalirongan,
conflicts among the various Prehispanic Pangasinan;
Filipino tribes or kingdoms, though the  Kaliradman, Bisaya;
current form has Spanish influence from old  Didja, Ilokano,
fencing which originated in Spain in the 15th
century. Is an indigenous Filipino martial art and
sport characterized by the use of
The Spanish businesspeople who followed swinging and twirling movements,
Ferdinand Magellan during the mid-1500s accompanied by striking, thrusting and
introduced their “Espada y daga” styles, and parrying techniques for defense and
the natives were able to adapt quickly to this offense. This is usually done with the use
new martial arts system. Each of these of one (1) or two (2) sticks or any similar
outsiders had made an impact on the Filipino implements or with bare hands and feet
stick and bladed based martial arts. also used for striking, blocking, locking
Remy Presas. Remy Amador Presas and grappling, with the use of the same
(December 19, 1936 – August 28, 2001) was principle as that with the canes.
the founder of Modern Arnis, a popular Arnis was declared as the Philippine
Filipino martial art. Born in the Philippines, he National Martial Art and Sport on
moved to the United States in 1974, where December 11, 2009 through Republic Act
he taught his art via seminars and camps. 9850 signed by Pres. Gloria Macapagal-
Arnis was developed by the indigenous Arroyo. As per R.A. 9850, the official
populations of the Philippines, who used an adoption of arnis as the national martial
assorted range of weaponry for combat and art and sport shall be promulgated by
self-defence. Just over a century later, in inscribing the symbol of arnis in the
2009, the government of the Philippines official seal of the Philippine Sports
declared arnis to be the martial art and Commission and by making it as the first
national sport of the Philippines. competition to be played by participating
teams on the first day in the annual
Arnis incorporates 3 methods: Palarong Pambansa.
The Philippine Sports Commission is be This is because the putting together of
the lead agency to implement the various possible combinations to come up
provisions of this Act. Arnis is a Filipino with an Anyo form or sparring routines
Martial Arts with a distinct form and style. require imaginative and creative talent.
It uses two sticks, commonly maid of
Quickness and fluidity in maneuvering
rattan about 1 inch in diameter and 24 to
the body; split-second timing in the
28 inches in length. Like many other
wielding of the stick are the ingredients
martial arts, arnis, the Philippine national
for creative effort in Arnis. And from
martial art and sport characterized by
which one can experience the grace,
stick-assisted or bare-handed fighting, is
beauty, and essence of this martial art.
usually taught using methods often
Just as Judo and Taekwondo are
regarded as teacher-centered.
associated with the Japanese and
Koreans, respectively, one word that
distinctly has reference to the Philippines
and the Filipinos is the word “Arnis.” This
B. VALUES OF ARNIS is because Arnis is a genuine component
of our cultural heritage. It is possible that
Like other forms of martial arts, Arnis the Filipino who will take up Arnis will find
contributes to the development of an answer to what an eminent Filipino
physical fitness. The execution of the scholar termed, “the search for national
various skills of Arnis involves vigorous identity.”
movements of the arms, shoulders, trunk,
the abdomen and the lower extremities- C. BENEFITS OF ARNIS
the legs and feet. And since these
Arnis teaches us discipline and control. It
movements are performed continuously
provides a full body workout. It helps you
and rhythmically, they provide excellent
to improve your stamina, muscle tone,
training for muscular strength, flexibility
flexibility, balance and strength. It gives
and cardio-respiratory endurance which
you a healthy lifestyle.
are the three basic health-related
components of physical fitness. In D. PURPOSE OF ARNIS
addition to this, the skill-related
Arnis is the national martial art sport of the
components of physical fitness, namely
Philippines. It is also known by the name
agility, balance, reaction time, and
Eskrima and Kali. The sport gives emphasis
coordination are also developed through
to weapon based fighting. This is often done
Arnis. As a sport, Arnis develops special
using bladed weapons such as knives, sticks,
abilities. Emphasis is placed on quickness
and other improvised weapons. It also
and coordination, and in the perfect
includes hand to hand combat, grappling and
execution of the skills.
weapon disarming methods.
Individuals whose physical attributes
and capabilities are limited can find in
Arnis the satisfaction provided by Abanico Corto and Abanico Largo –
competition and the thrill of These are striking techniques that consists of
accomplishment in skillful physical moving the stick in front of the body in a
activity. In addition to the physical fanning-like movement. The word “Abanico”
benefits, Arnis also develops mental is a Spanish word that means fan.
qualities such as alertness, daringness
and precision. Anyo – It is a combination of
pre-arranged/choreographed movements
Desirable character traits such as self- that consists of striking, blocking and body
confidence, fortitude, and self-discipline shifting. It is equivalent to the “Kata” in other
are developed in the practice of Arnis. martial arts.
Arnis – Derived from the Spanish word Rompida – An attack which consists of
“arnes” that is equivalent of the English term circling the stick in front of the head prior to
“harness” that refers to the colorful each up and down striking movement in front
appandages and trappings worn by medical of the body.
Sangga at Patama – It is a
Bandy Y Banda – It is a striking technique pre-arranged/choreographed form of play
that consists of pointing the stick forward that consist of thrusting, parrying and
and moving it rapidly and horizontally from striking.
left to right in front of the body.
Sinawali - Sinawali refers to the activity of
Cross Strike – It is an upward-downward "weaving", as applied Eskrima with reference
strike and counterstrike horizontally to the to a set of two-person, two-weapon
right and left alternately across the body. exercises.
Doble Zero – It is a right downward strike to Up and Down – It is a striking technique
upward strike and a combination of encircling which is similar to the Rompida, but the stick
the stick overhead to strike diagonally across is not encircled in front of the body prior to
the body with downward-outward motion. each up and down movement.
Doblete – It is a right downward strike Vertical Strike – A striking technique that is
diagonally, twisting the forearm to make a also similar to Rompida, but the stick swings
circling movement overhead and to strike overhead in a circular motion.
again forward in a horizontal motion.
Espada Y Daga (sword or dagger) – One
The Philippines' indigenous people developed
long stick and one short stick are used in this
arnis. Who used baston or cane as the
form for fighting.
primary weapon for combat and self-defense.
Kali – An ancient Malay word refers to a long The Encompassing both simple impact and
bladed weapon. It comes from the word edged weapons, arnis traditionally involved
“tjakalele” – an Indonesian traditional form of rattan, swords, daggers, and spears.
The game is played by using a padded stick
Larga Muton or Labanang Totohanan – known as baston in delivering artistic like
Refers to a free form of Arnis sparring. To strikes, blows, thrusts, and disarming the
show and test the skills of the Arnis opponent to gain scores.
Dimensions - The square playing area is
Rainbow Strike – The movement used in measuring 8.0 meters by 8.0 meters with a
this execution of striking technique is like a two (2) meter free zone around it is clear
rainbow. Pivot on the left and right feet to space without any obstruction with the
face left, with the arm and elbow almost height of not less than five{5} meters from
straight at shoulder level, simultaneously the playing surface.
swing the arm upward and at the end of the
Lines of the Playing Area - All lines in
downward movement, twist the elbow to
playing area have 5.08 cm. must be of a
point the butt of the stick upward to strike
different color from the floor and other lines
downward to the right side, describing the
previously drawn.
curve of a rainbow.
Boundary Lines - The four lines mark the
Redonda – All strikes are directed to the
boundary of the playing area with. The free
crown or head. It is a synchronized
zone distance measuring 2.0 meters are
movements of truck, wrists, arms and
outside of the playing area.
Match Lines - Two lines of 1.0-meter-long coded to match the color of the player.
and 2.0 meter apart the mark of horizontal Forearm and shin guards are compulsory. The
match line area. Horizontal match lines are specifications shall be by following the ARNIS
drawn from the boundary, 3 meters standard.
perpendicularly from the table official and
Scoreboards the scoreboards, either
3.5 meters away from the boundary line that
manually or electronically operated, shall be
runs parallel to the official's table.
followed under the i-ARNIS standard. Two
scoreboards per athlete shall be placed
diagonally opposite of the corner outside the
playing area and inside the competition area
within the free zone, right where the judges
are position.
Flags two types of flag used for consultation
are red and blue flags, which is 30 cm by 25
cm long. The judges used this in declaring
decisions or asking for consultations while
yellow flag is use for time, signal, start, and
end of the round and declare a time-out and
resumption of the game.
Other Equipment Stop-watch is used to
keep the two-minutes per round. It will
Weapons the padded stick is the official include interruptions such as injury, changing
weapon of an athlete and no other similar of a broken stick. A gong and mallet, other
material will be allowed to use in any local, similar audible substitutes such as a whistle,
national or international competition. Each Bellor, and buzzer shall provide for the timer
padded stick shall be properly covered with to indicate the start and end of the game. A
foam-cushioned and shall have a maximum table shall provide for the TIMER and
grip diameter of not more than 3.81cm. (1 ½ RECORDER, which is situated one meter in
inch) and length of 76.20cm (30 inches for front of the playing area. so that time signals
men and women). The size of the padded are visible enough to both players and
stick shall be 27 inches for boys and girls. referee.
Both padded sticks shall be color-coded, one
red and the other blue.
Head protector refers to a pair of
protective headgear to include an impact of
worthy facemask, the specifications of which
shall be according to the i-ARNIS standards.
Both headgears must be color-coded, one red
the other blue, to match the players padded
Wooden Stick - Wooden stick measure not
Body protector refers to a pair of protective less than 60 cm and not more than 90 cm in
gear in the body and properly cushioned, the length with the diameter of not less than 1.3
specifications of which shall be according to cm and more than 3.8 cm. no sharp edges or
the i-ARNIS standard. The male and female pointed ends.
player must both wear body protector and
groin protector. Body protector and groin
protectors' specifications shall be following
by under the ARNIS standard rules. Body
protectors and groin protectors shall be color-


Warm-up exercises are very important before
doing any exercises or sports. It makes the
heart rate and circulation increases steadily.
Wooden Replica of a Bladed Weapon -
It prepares the body, loosening the joints and
The wooden replica measure not less than 60
makes the blood flow to muscles increased. It
cm and not more than 90 cm in full length in
also serve to strengthen the muscles which is
Ethnic Asian origin. No have sharp edges or
the most effective way to prevent injuries
pointed ends
and excel at physical activity,
Foam - should cushion material be foaming
The need for basic warm-up, muscle-building
the padded sticks and shall have a maximum
and limbering exercises prior to any training,
grip diameter not greater than 3.81 cm
in the martial arts or any athletic endeavor,
is obvious. The exercises depicted here are
only a sampling of those I employ in a typical
class for Modern Arnis. Other basic workout
routines, including isometric exercises,
aerobics (such as running and jumping rope),
stretching, weight training and other forms,
are all recommended for keeping the body fit
for arnis practice. Try these exercises as part
of your introductory training, and be sure to
a. The Arm Guards were designed for use them daily. Do several repetitions of
protection but also for comfort and each exercise.
practicality. They can use for both the upper
arm and forearm protection WINDMILLS
1. Stand straight with your feet
approximately shoulder-width apart,
trunk straight ahead and your arms
spread outward, palms down.
2. Begin twisting your upper body at the
waist, first to the left, bringing your
right arm around to your left as you
move your left arm back and to your
right. Now twist back
3. in the opposite direction and repeat.
Go back and forth ten or 20 times.
b. Arnis Hand Gloves serve as a protection
from strikes as the stick held in hand. Its KNEE LIFTS
design and structure further ensure that a
1. Stand straight with your heels close
stable grip is maintained.
together and your arms loosely at your
2. Pick your left knee up, grasping your
shin with your left hand and assisting
your knee all the way up until you can
touch your chest.
3. Repeat with the right knee. Do a set of 2. Swing your arms simultaneously in
ten or 20. front of you, then over your head and
back behind you in a 360-degree arc.
Swing them backward several times,
1. Stand straight with your feet then stop and swing them forward for
approximately shoulder-width apart, several repetitions.
your arms raised high over your head.
2. Begin bending at the waist and swing
your upper torso down to the right in 1. Position your body above the floor with
an arc until you are bent forward near your palms flat supporting most of
the ground. your weight and your knees off the
3. Now bend back up and to your left in ground, legs on tiptoes.
an arc until you return to the starting 2. Lower your body until your chin is
position. Now repeat in the opposite close to the ground in standard push-
direction. up fashion.
3. Vary the push-up exercise by first
raising your hips while keeping your
This is a variation on the old toe-touching chin low to the ground, then lower
exercise. your hips as you straighten your
elbows and raise only your head away
1. Stand straight with your feet from the ground. Repeat.
approximately two shoulder-widths
apart and your arms spread at your B. GRIP AND SALUTATIONS
sides, palms out.
There are only a few specific stances or
2. Bend at the waist and bring your right
ready positions in Modern Arnis, but learning
arm down, touching the ground in
them is essential before they become a part
front of your .1left foot with your palm.
of your automatic response in a self-defense
Bring your left arm back behind your
situation. Effective balance and the ability to
move swiftly backward and forward to
3. Repeat on the opposite side, left palm
facilitate blocking and striking are the
toward right foot. Do 20 repetitions.
backbone of arnis or any martial art. Stances
ARM ROTATIONS or ready positions are not static things to be
assumed and then maintained throughout
1. This is for loosening up the muscles in practice.
the wrists and arms, particularly
important in arnis. The body flows into each appropriate stance
2. Stand straight with feet spread as the situation demands. The first few
comfortably apart and your arms postures shown here are formal stances and
spread wide at your sides grasping a the assumed ready positions are prepatory to
cane in each hand, palms forward. starting each practice session. Also included
3. Twist your arms forward and then in this section is the formal courtesy of
back, stopping when the sticks are Modern Arnis, performed at the beginning
parallel to the ground and then and end of any practice, and the proper way
reversing the direction, back and forth. to hold the traditional cane or stick. Arnis - is
To make the exercise more difficult, a Filipino martial art that can be performed
grasp each stick near one end. individually or with a partner using a single
stick or a pair of sticks for striking and
ARM CIRCLES blocking; can also be used for self-defense -It
1. Stand straight with your feet spread was founded by Remy Presas and he used it
comfortably apart and your arms at as a self-defense system
your sides.
Stances in Arnis as in other forms of martial
arts are different body positions basic to play
of the arts. These are the techniques which
teacher a player how to maintain body
balance and the proper manner of
distributing his weight on his legs. Mastery of
these techniques is essential in the
perfection of the art of arnis. A player can
hope to fight effectively without knowing
these important rudiments. Proper body
positioning gives one mobility and ability.
Shift form one position to another with strong
foothold and with much agility. Moreover, this Handa
is very essitial in defensive and offensive
fighting. Basic Stance and Salutation

THE BASIC STANCE AND SALUTATIONS  Feet are positioned shoulder width
To grasp the arnis stick properly, hold it  Stick is held in front of the body.
firmly as if shaking hands and fold your
thumb on top of your first finger. Do not
leave the thumb exposed on top of the stick,
as this may cause injury. Keep the wrist

Basic Stance and Salutation
 Place the weapon hand across the
 Bow by bending at the waist.

Grip/Proper Hold of the Stick - Hold the

stick one fist away from the punyo (butt) of
the stick. Close the grip with the thumb.

Handa sa Paglaban/Fighting Stance

 One foot in
 the front (foot the same as the
weapon hand), the other foot on the
 Keep feet apart, distance of one foot.
 Both knees slightly bent. session and at the end of a practice session.
 Toes facing forward. Your heels are together, feet pointed outward
 Weight evenly distributed on both feet. at a 45-degree angle. The stick is held
horizontally with your arms relaxed on either
side. Your eyes are focused straight ahead.
Arnis is the national martial art of the (B) The open attention stance is identical to
Philippines. It is mainly self-defense system the closed stance, except that your feet are
designed to protect you from injury while spread approximately shoulder width apart.
inflecting the biggest amount of damage to
the body of your opponent. This martial arts
involves the use of many weapons, strikes
and different footworks.
You need to understand that Arnis stances is
the combination of foot orientation and the
distribution of the body. It also involves the
position of your legs and torso, whether you
are attacking, defending, retreating or This stance is assumed in preparation for a
advancing. Stances are done so that you can direct frontal assault. The legs are in the
gain competitive advantage over the balance same position as the informal attention
of your opponent, whether you are practicing stance, but the knees are slightly bent and
Arnis training or actually involved in an the stick is now held out with the right hand
actual fight. (at a 45-degree angle respective to the
ground) and the left hand is held directly
Stances in Arnis as in other forms of
behind it to guard, or support a block.
martial arts are different body positions basic
to play of the arts. These are the techniques
which teacher a player how to maintain body
balance and the proper manner of
distributing his weight on his legs. Mastery of
these techniques is essential in the
perfection of the art of arnis. A player can
hope to fight effectively without knowing
these important rudiments. 3. STRADDLE STANCE

Proper body positioning gives one mobility Similar to the open leg ready stance, but the
and ability. Shift form one position to another legs are spread further apart, approximately
with strong foothold and with much agility. two shoulder widths and the knees bent
Moreover, this is very essitial in defensive further. The stick and opposite hand are in
and offensive fighting. the same position as the open leg ready

The closed attention stance is assumed
during the courtesy, before any practice
In this stance, the right foot is planted
forward and the weight distributed evenly on
both feet. The stick and opposite hand are
still held up in the ready position. The left
forward position is assumed by stepping
forward with the left leg. Your trunk remains
facing forward.


The weight is now shifted slightly to the rear
foot, about 60 percent on your rear foot and
40 percent on your front foot. The feet are
now forming an L-shape with the toes of the
back foot pointing 90 degrees to the left. The
stick and hand remain in the same ready
position. The left back stance is assumed by
stepping forward with the left leg


Similar to the forward stance except that the
trunk is now twisted 45 degrees to the right
or left of the forward stance to face an
assault from another direction. The front
knee is bent deeper and more weight is on
the forward foot. Both heels and toes remain
planted firmly on the ground. The hands and
stick remain in the same ready position

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