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Name: Nguyễn La Thành Phát

Student ID: 31221023902

Class: EEC01

Definition Characteristics: Impact on D2C:

Affiliate Affiliate marketing • Performance-Based: • Brand

Marketing involves collaborating Affiliates are Exposure:
with external partners compensated based Affiliates
(affiliates) who on actual sales or expand D2C
promote a company’s other desired actions brand reach by
products or services in (such as sign-ups or reaching new
exchange for a clicks). audiences.
commission on sales • Diverse Channels:
generated through their Affiliates use various • Revenue
referrals. channels (blogs, Generation:
social media, email, Successful
etc.) to reach potential affiliate
customers. marketing drives
• Scalability: Affiliate sales and
programs can scale revenue for D2C
quickly by recruiting brands.
more affiliates. • Brand
Careful selection
ensures affiliates
align with D2C
brand values.
Definition Characteristics Impact on Affiliate
D2C The D2C model refers to • Brand Control: • Affiliate
Model businesses that sell their D2C brands have Partnerships: D2C
products or services full control over brands collaborate
directly to consumers their brand image, with affiliates
without intermediaries messaging, and (content creators,
like retailers, wholesalers, customer influencers, niche
or distributors. These experience. websites) to promote
companies maintain • Data Ownership: their products.
control over the entire They collect • Traffic Boost:
supply chain, from valuable customer Affiliates drive
production to distribution data directly, targeted traffic to
and marketing. enabling D2C websites,
personalized increasing visibility
marketing and and potential sales.
better • Cost-Effective: D2C
understanding of brands pay
consumer behavior. commissions only for
• Digital Channels: successful
D2C relies heavily conversions, making
on digital channels it a cost-effective
(websites, social marketing strategy.
media, email) for
sales and
• Product
Innovation: D2C
brands often
innovate rapidly,
responding to
consumer needs
and preferences.

Relationship D2C Affiliate marketing

Mutual Benefit D2C brands benefit from While affiliates gain

affiliate marketing’s reach. commissions by promoting
D2C products.

Synergy When executed well, D2C and affiliate marketing work

synergistically to enhance brand exposure, customer
acquisition, and revenue.

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