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Catálogo Trunnion

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Design & Technology inValves

Innova�on Long Life Design


Commitment & Quality

Design & Technology in Valves

IBOR VALVES is a reliable company commi�ed to provide the highest

quality valves to their partners. Valves can be manufactured as per our
customer requirements, always ensuring the Oil and Gas industry

IBOR has a wide experience of over 40 years in the valve industry.

Throughout all of this �me our company is focused on maintaining
culture of innova�ons design, produc�on and technological capabili�es.

IBOR supply valves for Oil and Gas industry as well as for petrochemical
and others.

Range of Valves
(Sizes & Pressure)

FIGURE 19000


150LB 1/2” 36” 3/4”x1/2” 40”x36”

PN16 15 900 20x15 1000x900

300LB 1/2” 36” 3/4”x1/2” 40”x36”

PN40 15 900 20x15 1000x900

600LB 1/2” 36” 3/4”x1/2” 40”x36”

PN100 15 900 20x15 1000x900

900LB 1/2” 36” 3/4”x1/2” 40”x36”

PN160 15 900 20x15 1000x900

1500LB 1/2” 24” 3/4”x1/2” 28”x24”

PN250 15 600 20x15 700x600

2500LB 1/2” 12” 3/4”x1/2” 16”x12”

PN320 15 300 20x15 400x300

* For other dimensions contact with Ibor Valves.

IBOR valves are manufactured using a wide selec�on of materials such as:

· Carbon Steel · Nickel Alloys

· High resistance alloy steels · Titanium
· Stainless Steel · Brass & Bronze
· Duplex & Super Duplex · Others
Materials meet the requirements of NACE MR0175 Latest Edi�on / ISO15156 when SOUR service is specified.

Design & Cer�fica�ons

Norma�ve: ANSI / DIN
Design: API 6D / ISO 17292
Face to Face: API 6D / ASME B16.10 / BS EN 558
Top Flange: ISO 5211
Press-Temp Ra�ngs & Thickness: ASME B16.34
DI R.2



Test: API 6D / API 598 / BS EN 12266-1 / BS 6364

Pressure Equipment Direc�ve: PED 2014/68/EU Mod. H1
Equipment Direc�ve: ATEX 94/9/EC
Fire Safe: API 6FA / API 607 / ISO 10497-2
Fugi�ve Emissions: Class”A” acc.to ISO 15484-2
Safety integrity level: Sil 2 acc.to IEC 61508
Material: NACE MR0175 Lastest Edi�on
Cer�fica�on: EN 10204 type 3.1, (3.2 upon request)

www.iborvalves.com 3

For the majority of industry applica�ons, the following table gives the main
guidelines of material selec�on.


PTFE is a synthe�c fluoropolymer with low coefficient of fric�on and high chemical resistance.
PTFE -196ºC to 200ºC PTFE is non-contamina�ng and accepted by FDA for use in food services. Not recommended for

liquid alkalis and fluorine.

RPTFE is compounded with a percentage of fiber glass or other filler material, to provide
RPTFE -196ºC to 200ºC improved strength, stability and wear resistance. It is used for steam and thermal oil.

PCTFE or KEL-F is a fluorocarbon based polymer that offers non-flammability, chemical

KEL-F -196ºC to 150ºC resistance, etc. It is suitable for cryogenic applications such as hydrogen, nitrogen, etc.

Devlon is a registered trademark of James Walker. It is a high molecular weight polyamide that is
DEVLON -50ºC to 150ºC tailored for high pressure and temperature. It has a wear resistance. It used in the oil & gas.

Nylon is a kind of synthe�c polymers that is good for high pressures but not for temperature. It
NYLON -29ºC to 90ºC can be used in air, oil and other gas media but are not suited for strong oxidizing agents.

PEEK is a trademark of VICTREX. It is semi rigid elastomer, suitable for high pressure, temperatures
PEEK -60ºC to 260ºC and for corrosive service. It is used for oil & gas and to nuclear service. FDA grade.

Delrin is a registered trademark of DuPont. It is an acetal resin suitable for high pressure with high
DELRIN -40ºC to 120ºC
s�ffness, low fric�on, and high fa�gue endurance. It must not be used in presence of oxygen.

Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene. It has a low coefficient of fric�on and offers an
UHMWPE -40ºC to 100ºC
excellent resistance to abrasive media. Ideal for use in low level radia�on service and tobacco

It is a synthe�c rubber copolymer that has good resistance to oil, water and acid. It is not suitable
NBR -10ºC to 80ºC
for nitric acid and strong oxidizer service.

HNBR is used for higher temperatures than standard NBR while retaining resistance to petroleum
HNBR -25ºC to 120ºC based oils. Obtained by hydrogena�ng the nitrile copolymer.

It is a flurocarbon elastomer. It has a good chemical resistance, and it is used in services like
FKM -20ºC to 200ºC hydrocarbon, concentrated mineral acids and petroleum oil.

FKM Modified FKM is a compound based on a fluoroelastomer FKM tetrapolymer. It is specially

-60ºC to 200ºC formulated for rapid gas decompression (RGD) resistance and low temperature opera�ons.

KALREZ It is a perfluoroelastomer, withstands a�ack from more than 1,800 chemicals, solvents and
-20ºC to 200ºC plasmas. Kalrez® deliver outstanding performance in aggressive process environments.

AFLAS TFE/P is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and propylene with a fluorine content. This material
-5ºC to 200ºC is unique due to its resistance to petroleum products, steam, and phosphate-esters.

It is a hard carbon with excellent heat resistance. It is suitable as gasket. Not suitable when
GRAPHITE -196ºC to 1100ºC
presence of oxidized service is expected. It is posible reinforce with a metallic part.

PTFE is a synthe�c fluoropolymer with low fric�on. It is good for chemical resistance and low
PTFE -196ºC to 220ºC temperatures.

These gaskets are also commonly used on extremely high pressure valves, with some high
METALLIC * to ** ºC
integrity pressure vessel joints. The temperature depending on the material used.

So� Seat

With an addi�onal mechanical anchoring of the ball at

the bo�om, this kind of valves is suitable for large and
higher pressure valves. The ball is fixed, it does not
move with the pressure but the seat ring is not. It has
the capability to move. Then sealing can be produced
on both sides depending on proces requirements.

Trunnion ball valves have a complex structure and

excellent sealing performance. Trunnion ball valves are
designed efficiently to reduce opera�on torque and
increase sealing reliability.

Control valves can be used to modify the flow rate downstream for a certain
pressure drop across the valve, this means that they are used in uni-direc�onal
flow. However, bidirec�onal seat sealing capabili�es can be achieved. Control
surface can be placed on the ball or in seat ring depending on the requirements.
Different flow control characteris�cs can be achieved like linear, equal-percentage…
which express the rela�onship between valve posi�on/opening area and flow rate.

Ball valve are much more compact comparing to globe control valves, also for
same control capabili�es range ball valves generally are smaller in sizes. Ball
control valves usually require smaller actuators to operate them.

www.iborvalves.com 5
Metal Seat


In severe-service applica�ons where corrosion resistance Seat and ball temperature resistance is cri�cal. Ball
or abrasion resistance is needed, preven�on in seat and seat are coated by min 150 microns of chromium
and ball is cri�cal. Valves are made metal seat. Metal carbide or tungsten carbide as a standard. Can be also
seats can be hardened by coa�ngs like stellite hard produced with stellited ball and seats. In severe-service
facing, chromium carbide and tungsten carbide. It is applica�ons with high temperatures, it is important to
possible to use o-rings or thermoplas�c materials as consider metal deforma�ons.
secondary seal.


Heat Transfer Fluid. Thermoelectric solar technology consists in concentrate the

radia�on to heat the fluid and produce electricity. The condi�ons are very strict
and exigent because the valve is subjected to temperatures around 400ºC. The
HTF pipes carry the heat transfer oil between the parabolic mirrors, the steam
plant and the power genera�on circuits.

Nowadays, Spain is one of the world’s largest generators of electricity from solar
power plants, with a genera�ng capacity of 432MW. Spanish solar energy plants
u�lize parabolic trough technology combined with a thermal storage system
using molten salt ba�eries to maximize their power genera�ng capacity. For this
reason IBOR has design and develop specific ball valves for this service.


Ibor valves are manufactured for cri�cal condi�ons

working at -196ºC in trunnion or floa�ng design. All
materials are NACE MR0175 latest edi�on and also
impact tested due to low temperature requirements.

There are different approaches to select a cryogenic

valve. While there are not guidelines choosing the
cryogenic valve, there is a trend to select ball valves
for their �ght shut-off capabili�es.

Design of lip seal will vary depending on the applica�on. The main func�ons of a
lip seal are to retain lubricants, remove contaminants and separate fluids.
Lipseal design made of thermoplas�c sealing with springs.

The lips and spring energizer are compressed when installed into the seal cavity. The
resilient spring responds with constant force, pushing out the sealing lips. The seal
expands when there are pressure in the system, increasing the sealing force beyond
that provided by the spring and jacket material.

Lip seal design guarantees a good �ghtness, low fric�on seal and a long-life. It is
a good alterna�ve where special O-rings are requiered to cover high percentatges
of amine or methanol, or where high and low temperatures are too stringent.

A specific design for valve is required to maintain the quality.

www.iborvalves.com 7
Trunnion Seat design

As line pressure increases, the seat reacts to the force of the pressure to form an effec�ve seal. There are
two different designs for the seats of trunnion valves.

Single Piston Effect

If the pressure inside the body cavity is greater than the bore pressure then the seat ring will balance both pressures
by loosing contact between seat and ball (Fig. le�). Otherwise the seat ring won't let the seat loose contact with the
ball (Fig. right).

A ext
A ext

A int


A int > Aext A int < Aext

Double Piston Effect

Contact between ball and seat will prevail in every pressure condi�ons. If the pressure inside the body is greater than
bore pressure, the seat will be closed (Fig. le�) Otherwise the seat will be closed too. (Fig. right)

A ext

A int POINT A ext

A int


A int > Aext A int > Aext

The Seat closed by two ways.

Valve Concepts
An� Blow Out Design
The stem of all Ball Valves has a shoulder that
bears against a matching gap in the body or lover to
Fire Safe Design make it blowout proof. The higher the line pressure,
the be�er the sealing to atmosphere.
Ball Valves are engineered for fire safety and
successfully fire tested with a metal seal in case
the so� seals are destroyed by fire or other means.

This is to minimize both external and internal fluid

leakage during plant fires, also when sealing are
Sta�c electricity builds up inside a valve when the
ball rubs against non-metallic seats. This is a fire
hazard, especially in flammable fluid pipelines.
Cavity Relief All Ball Valves have inbuilt an�sta�c mechanisms
Based on Single Piston Effect, this op�on allows to to provide electrical con�nuity.
relief trapped pressure from the body cavity to the line.
The difference between trunnion and floa�ng is
the design of the ball and seat.

Valve DBB
This feature avoids leaking to the body cavity from
both sides of the valve at same �me.

The main difference about trunnion and floa�ng is

that in the last one is necessary two balls to achieve
this feature.

Valve DIB-I

Based on Double Piston Effect, this op�on avoids
leaking to the body cavity from both sides of the valves
and also from the body cavity to any side of the valve.
It has the same seat design upstream and downstream.
Both seats closed and it isn't produced cavity relief.

Valve DIB-II

It is a combina�on of Single Piston Effect for upstream
seat ring and Double Piston Effect for downstream seat ring.
This feature allows to relief the pressure trapped in body
cavity to upstream line and the downstream seat ring
helps to ensure no leaking to the downstream line.
However the valve is uni-direc�onal.

www.iborvalves.com 9









Available Op�ons

Locking Device
Locking Device is supplied
as op�on in order to prevent
opening or closing the valve
at line.
Stem or Bonnet
Can be used, Stem extension
to sa�sfy any underground or
insula�on installa�on needs, or
Bonnet extension to sa�sfy any
specifica�on of temperature.
Fugi�ve Extension
To comply strict emission
legisla�on most chemical and
process industry plants will have
to implement special packings
design to achieve required
emission levels. Integral Nipple
Valves can be supplied with
integral nipples to achieve
welding without damage on
the valve.

Sealing Injector
The func�on of S.I. is allowing
an emergency sealing in the
remote event of damage to
the so� seat inserts.
Hea�ng or Cooling
One challenge is maintaining
the fluid produced in industrial
lines at a specific temperature
so that its proper�es can be
conserved during the process.
Oval Safety Handle
The oval handle is a lowprofile
opera�ng device that eliminates
“lever” ac�on and helps to
prevent unwanted opening
of the valve.
There is a risk of leaving a ball
valve fully or par�ally open.
The deadman is a principle
which released the valve lever
automa�cally causing the clousure
of the valve.

www.iborvalves.com 11
Design & Technology inValves
C/ Montsià, 2 - 22 · Pol. Ind. Can Carner
08211 Castellar del Vallès · Barcelona (SPAIN)
Tel. +34 937 470 827 · Fax. +34 937 470 829
[email protected]

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