Apondar, Charmine G.
Buere, Kimberly
Cayeta, Jozette S.
Salvan, Zarry
Egg is a food that is mostly made into breakfast, dish and sometimes also
used as a skincare. After using the egg, its shell is simply thrown away or it is
used on plants as a display, but don’t you know that there are other uses for it
besides these? This shell can also be used as a chalk. When thinking of a chalk,
one thing that comes out in peoples mind is “dusty”, sometimes it can also be a
source of allergy. The researchers found out that an “egg shell” could actually be
the answer, as this material could possibly be transformed into a “chalk”. An egg
Every teacher’s life must include chalk as a vital tool. The lessons that
teachers teach their students are obviously written on the blackboard or other
whiteboards or markers, they are far less expensive. Using a standard wooden
blackboard and chalk. This research is not just about the chalk that the
researchers would turn this into its upgraded version, but also this helps the
environment as this waste product turns into an alternative chalk which actually
This study will explore the physical properties of eggshell chalk, including
its abrasion, hardness, dustiness and resistance. It will also asses its potential as
an eco- friendly alternative to traditional chalk and evaluate its cost –
semipermeable membrane which means that air and moisture can pass through
its pores. The shell has a thin outermost coating called the bloom or cuticle that
There’s a special property that’s unique to all solid materials. This is the
calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) crystals. Air and moisture can enter through its pores
due to its semipermeable nature. Another mechanism for preventing pathogens
and dust is the bloom or cuticle, a thin outer covering on the shell. People still
substitute ingredient like eggshells. The findings of the study might potentially aid
also it has the same compound used to make it. This is why the researchers
foods, including dairy products. Lower amounts are also found in many leafy and
root vegetables. In the past decades, eggshell powder processed from hen eggs
has been used as a natural calcium supplement. Eggshells are roughly 40%
The importance of this research topic is to not just find a much more
efficient alternative chalk, but also really to focus on at least helping the
environment knowing that most people normally just throwing it away after
getting the main need on an egg. This will also change the perspective of a chalk
as this research will focus on making it more efficient by removing its dust. By the
help of this research, this will highlight the creativity towards a new generation as
this chalk from a typical version will evolve to its eco-friendly version that will not
just benefit us humans but also the environment. Teachers will no longer have to
worry about the dust that typical chalk can cause and by the help of egg shells
chalk, they can write continuously and enjoy teaching profession even more.
Scope of Delimitation
will also learn that the eggshell has other uses and how it differs from the original
carbonate which is why you can turn them into chalk. The researchers study
eggshell as an alternative chalk not just because of its properties but because it
waste materials that will benefit the respondents. The respondents will be the
instead of just throwing it away after using it. Among the advantages of this
research are:
Faculty this experiment benefits teachers who use chalkboards and other
researchers also found that some teachers have asthma and dust allergies,
Students the feasibility benefits for the students are to learn how to write
on the board while using this experimentation to lessen the exposure of the
chemical ingredients of chalk that are made from the mineral calcite.
Economy this research will not effectively affect the economy status of
the country as this research which is the environmentally friendly chalk itself is
Environment taking care of the environment is a must and that’s what the
chalk that is not just good for the people but also good for the environment. This
research will be a guide and a way of appreciating things and appreciating it’s
worth just like the eggshell. A lot considered Eggshell’s as a waste product and it
can easily be seen in every garbage and so the researchers comes up with the
idea of transforming the eggshell not just an environmentally friendly Chalk but
Chalk is very well known as resources of dust particles that may cause
some health issues. This research aims to probe the feasibility of using eggshell
1.What are the properties of eggshells that make them suitable as an alternative
to chalk?
3.What is the difference between eggshell chalk and the regular chalk?
4.What methods can be employed to effectively crush and process eggshells into
a chalk-like substance?
traditional chalk?
period of time.
collected together.
Alpha - A version of a product, especially computer software that is not yet ready
for the public to buy or that is is tested by the companies that is developing it.
Asphalt - A brown or black, tarlike, bituminous, found in large flat beds or made
by refining petroleum.
Attenuation - A general term that refers to any reduction in the strength of a
Axial Load - The force acting along the axis or centerpiece of a structure,
limestone, marble, and calcite, and forming mollusk shells and stony corals.
metal compounds that have been shaped and then hardened by heating to high
Clayey Soil - Is a type of soil that consists of a large number of clay particles and
Coarse Aggregate - Any particles greater than 0.19 inch, but generally range
Confectionery - The art of making confections, which are food items that are
Correlation - Measure that expresses the extent to which two variables are
linearly related.
Ductility - The physical property of the metal which means if we pull the metal
an eco-friendly product/company/organization.
Energy Range - Refers to the range of energy values within a specific context,
Execution - The carrying out or putting into effect of a plan, order, or course of
Fine Aggregate - Are essentially any natural sand particles won from the land
Glandular Cells - Are specialized epithelial cells that secrete bodily products,
in crystals or masses and that is used especially as a soil improver and in making
plaster of paris.
approach to well-being. In both the physical and mental sense, vitality refers to a
feeling of aliveness.
dilatation, leukocytic infiltration, redness, heat, and pain and that serves as a
that are creative, original, and different from existing norms or practices.
Metabolism – Is the chemical reactions in the body’s cells that change food into
evidence or proof.
Rupture - The act of breaking apart or bursting, or the state of being broken
Soybean Milk - Blending soaked soybeans with water and straining the solids,
substance by sorption.
Variuos - Different kinds, as two or more things; differing one from another.
-Skin Type
•Molding Eggshell as
•Gypsum Powder
•Drying an Alternative Chalk
•Survey Analysis
•Pestle and Mortar
Research Instrument:
Survey Questionnaire
traditional chalk?
-What’s more
Theoretical Framework
There's a two german scientists are pushing the eggshell long-life theory
round.They say that eggshells, taken in proper form lengthen human vital' ity,
increase the power of resistance against the withering blight of time, add weight
to the body, activity to the brain, and strength to the heart, destroy injurious bacili,
prevent inflammation and disease, and lend courage and energy to the human
being. They have prepared a liquid which they call a chloride of eggshells.
fraction of the calcium carbonate of the hen's eggshell is that Gutowska and
Mithchell. This theory makes use of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase which
occurs in the glandular cells of the shell gland in large amounts. It can be
represented thus
colloid calcium and phosphorus containing protein is necessary for the liberation
of calcium, for shell formation, the place of this transformation remains obscure.
The theory was supported that during shell formation calcium is transferred
directly from the blood, and in the eggshell it is found in the form of calcium
carbonate. It is obvious therefore that the carbonate radical is obtained or
produced by the shell gland. Common (1941) found that the content of carbonic
anhydrase in the shell gland of good layers was twice that of non-layers and
postulated that this enzyme might have a direct role in the deposition of calcium
accumulate on the ocean floor over millions of years, forming chalk deposits.
This chapter features a variety of foreign and local literature and studies,
Foreign Literature
additives like fly ash help to promote a circular economy by recycling waste
streams – but there are a host of other material options. A recent study by the
authors presents the argument for the use of eggshell powder as an option for
Based on SA Raji and AT Samuel (2015), the used egg shells were also
strength of the concrete but still falls within limits of lightweight concrete.
This paper recommends that egg shell can be used for producing concrete where
used for the modification originated from the four sources: egg shells, boiler
stone, chalk and marl. The obtained sorbents were used for vanadium ions
removal from the aqueous solutions. It is dangerous impurity and its extensive
chicken eggs produces a vast number of eggshells byproducts which are a rich
source of calcium salt. This paper investigated the potential of eggshell powder
process. The eggshell powder was successfully obtained and analyzed with
pressure. Porosity is a main determining factor for other properties. For a given
porosity, the specific surface of the sediment controls permeability and capillary
entry pressure. As diagenesis progresses, the specific surface is less and less
due to the calcite component and more and more due to the fine-grained
The elastic moduli, which define sonic velocity, are for a given porosity mainly
cementation. Processes involving clay, silica, and calcite are interlinked, but
sediment composition, including organic content, which may induce the formation
water depth, rate of burial, and over-pressuring. These factors cause the stress,
different localities.
solid waste, with production of several tons per day. Eggshell is mostly sent to
the landfill with a high management cost. It is economical to transform the
eggshell waste to create new values from these waste materials. Present article
could convert to a) biodiesel production as solid base catalyst to use for biodiesel
and making the process to produce biodiesel fully, ecologically and friendly, b)
rise in the number of patients, d) fertilizer and calcium supplement as nutrition for
human, animals, plants, etc. Numbers of research articles have been included in
invention discloses a making method for eggshell dust-free chalk. The length of
the eggshell dust-free chalk is 70 mm to 80 mm, the range of pattern draft is 0.1
degree to 0.3 degree, and the diameter range of the chalk is 9.5 mm to 9.7
pigment and eggshell powder. Dust flying in the dust using process is avoided
with the dust-free chalk making technology. Meanwhile, residual bacteria and
the whole stability is enhanced. Finally, renewable resources are used in a large
the unique properties that both its components (eggshell, ES, and eggshell
membrane, ESM) possess, it is very often discarded without further use. This
review article aims to summarize the recent reports utilizing eggshell waste for
to broaden its applications. The most studied field with regards to the potential
use of eggshell waste is catalysis. Upon proper treatment, it can be used for
turning waste oils into biodiesel and moreover, the catalytic effect of eggshell-
reduction and can be also used for the ozonation process. The eggshell and its
medical surgery is a strategy that will add more value in waste utilization. This
strategy has successfully turned the rather untransformed wastes into high value
discarded mostly because it contributes to pollution. This waste has potential for
pollution effect of the waste and the subsequent conversion of the waste into a
Local Literature
product offering as demand in Calamba was estimated at 27, 603, 662 in 2014, a
According to Mark Alipio (2022), eggshells and crab shells are waste
materials that are potentially capable of shielding X-rays. In this article, the
shielding efficacy, mass, and durability of eggshell and crab shell samples were
radiation protection efficiency (RPE) were used to measure the shielding efficacy
of the samples. The required thickness necessary to provide 90%, 95%, and
99% protection at 150 kV energy was also calculated. Across the diagnostic X-
sample obtained the highest μ and RPE. This sample had the least thickness
required to provide 90%, 95%, and 99% protection at 150 kV energy. The
alternative to Pb-shielding materials owing to its lower cost, smaller mass, and
Based on Dale Jude P. Moog, and Engelbert K. Peralta (2003), with the
were determined and related to current handling and transport practices in the
farm. Compression tests showed that bio-yield and rupture points were higher for
jumbo and large eggs, respectively. Round eggs of these sizes had higher
rupture point than slender eggs under transverse load. Similarly, round eggs of
these sizes had higher deformation or rupture point under axial load. Strong
correlation was found between eggshell thickness and rupture point under axial
load but not under transverse load. Based on these results, modifications were
component of pearls and shells of marine organisms, snails, and poultry eggs.
Calcium carbonate forms such as lime, eggshells, and oyster shells were utilized
to investigate its effect on the growth and yield characteristic of purple sweet corn
experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with
four treatments replicated three times. The treatments used were the following:
T1- soil (control), T2- soil + lime, T3- soil + eggshell, T4- soil + oyster shell.
Results revealed no significant difference in the plant height at 15, 30, 45, and 60
days after planting (DAP), leaf area index (LAI), herbage weight, length,
diameter, and weight of ears. Numerically, purple sweet corn applied with
eggshells produced the tallest plant, longest and widest ears, while those applied
with oyster shells got the highest leaf area index. Thus, the inclusion of eggshells
and oyster shells has the potential in agricultural liming with appropriate rates of
Manila is a national issue with a volume of 8,600 tons of waste per day. Along
with that volume is also the lack of management of waste. Households tend not
to segregate or even recycle waste. Food waste is one of the top contributors to
the waste problem, this includes leftover food and packaging. One of the daily
metric tons of eggs in 2016 and the shells typically just go to waste. As a solution
to the issue, the proponent explores the production of a roofing material made
responsible for the thermal regulation of the egg. This property of the shell
pushed the study to explore the thermal properties of a roofing material. The
roofing material, branded as Eggs (hale) reduces the temperature of the of the
Shingles. This allows homes to reflect the heat instead of absorbing the heat and
As per Kafil (2020), eggshell waste is a solid waste that is produced upon
used for baking, huge amounts of eggshells are discarded every day. In an
Making use of eggshells has evidence that they are great source of calcium. In
fact, they are not only one of the cheapest sources of calcium; they also appear
Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences, a single eggshell contains about 2.2
grams of calcium. Just half an eggshell may provide enough calcium to meet the
1 gram of calcium that the average adult must consume daily. This amount of
the blood are low. A long-term deficiency can lead to dental changes, cataracts,
alterations in the brain, and osteoporosis, which causes the bones to become
sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) varieties and their flours were characterized with
samples of sweet potato flour (SPF) were assessed. Information reduction, data
the use of principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis
(HCA). Cultivar differences were found to be significant (p <0.05) for nearly all
metrics. The cultivar affected the effects of flour processing differently. The TPC,
TFC, ORAC, and DPPH tests showed substantial (p<0.01) and strongly positive
produced flour with the greatest TPC (211.72 mg GAE/100 g) and TFC (98.56
mg CE/100 g).
Foreign Study
innovative green material that helps to recycle eggshell waste while reducing the
studies on eggshell concrete are limited, and the outcomes may vary due to the
variation of mix design. The design of the experiment is used to simplify and
Based on Jaeyeon Park (2022), in the Portland cement industry, the
reuse of industrial by-products as raw materials for cement clinker production has
limestone. Limestone cement (LPC) clinker was also produced under identical
hydrated cement pastes were characterized using X-ray diffraction with Rietveld
that ESC exhibited four main cement clinker phases, namely C3S, C2S, C3A,
some waste materials such as coconut shell, saw dust, steel slag, etc., may save
has the interest to introduce the egg shell powder as a sustainable modifier to
fulfil the objectives of reducing the weight percentile, reducing costs and
According to Sasha Ann Marie Trinidad (2019), over the past few years,
chalk has been a very significant tool in learning used by the teachers and even
students. The researcher tends to study an alternative ingredient that can be
used in making chalk not just to provide a new and redefined structure of chalk,
but to solve the expanding problems of teachers in chalk financially. The study
chicken eggshell chalk and the commercial chalk. The chicken eggshell consists
calcium organic matter which is perfect ingredient for making chalk. The
researcher used materials like mortar and pestle to pound the chicken eggshells;
a mixing bowl to mix all the ingredients including the fine powder of chicken
eggshells, a sheet of paper to mold the mixture; weighing scale to measure the
researcher tested and presented two different chalks: one labelled as Chalk X
The researcher used T-test to prove if the null hypothesis is accepted or not a
such as mean and variance together with the p-values. The mode of testing was
comparing the data collected through survey and testing with the used of
different properties. Based on the findings, the variance of chicken eggshell chalk
is more feasible than the commercial chalk. It is also clear by the results that the
p-values of the indicators are higher than the alpha, which is 0.05. Nonetheless,
requirements to be called effective. There are some properties that made the
chicken eggshell chalk an alternative ingredient like erasability, less scratchy
sound it produces, its capacity to be sturdy and firm. Hence, the chicken eggshell
is closely similar to the commercial chalk in different terms since it can be used
increased. However, that needs to be improved like the clearness of the chalk
when written and its texture. A room for adjustment is needed to be able to
eggshell powder and commercially available CaCO 3 has been conducted. The
Raman spectra of eggshell powder show the bands of the calcite phase.
However, the bands of eggshell powder are more intense than the conventional
CaCO 3 . The peaks of eggshell powder also show some blue shift, which
indicates that the calcite phase of eggshell powder is more Raman sensitive than
powder show a narrow band and merged band than the commercially used
CaCO 3 . This study indicates that eggshells could be a good and pure
According to Irwan Lie Keng Wong (2016), waste chicken egg shell is
waste that is still rarely used, the results of research [1], states that composition
egg shell broadly consists of water (1,6%) and dry material (98,4%). The total dry
ingredients are there, in shell eggs contained mineral elements (95,1%) and
protein (3,3%). Based on the existing mineral composition, then the egg shells
are composed of crystalline CaCO3 (98,43%), MgCO3 (0,84%) and Ca3(PO4)2
(0,75%). This research was done by adding powdered chicken egg shell waste in
clay with a composition of 5%, 7,5%, 10% and 14% with physical properties test
According to Adnife P. Azodo et. al (2020), the use and reuse function of
chalkboard produces chalk dust particles in the classroom entering into the
impairment and lung damage. This study measured the expired volume of air
from the lungs during a guided maximal expiration to determine the effect of
chalk dust particles on the ultimate lung function in the classroom. The
interview while the assessment of the anthropometric data and the participants’
lung function indices was done through the use of a stadiometer and digital
design. It involved the exposed (n = 120) and control (n = 120) groups selected
from classrooms where chalkboards and marker boards were used, respectively.
The results revealed that among the lung functions indices investigated, there
were statistical significant differences between the exposed and the control
groups in FEV1 (%) (0.002), PEFR (L/s) (0.000), FEF25 (L/s) (0.000) FEF75 (L/s)
(0.000), FEF25-75 (L/s) (0.000), FEV1 (%) (0.002) but no significant differences
in FEV1 (0.135), FVC (0.493) and FVC (L) (0.506). Therefore, chalk dust
particles from chalkboard usage had a negative effect on the respiratory function
As per A.M. King Ori (2011), eggshells can be utilized for various
healthy, balanced calcium due to its trace amounts of other minerals and is
probably the best natural source of calcium. One whole medium sized eggshell
makes about one teaspoon of powder, which yields about 750-800 mgs of
elemental calcium plus other micro elements. Eggshell powder has been
osteoporosis. In laying hens in the late production phase, eggshell powder has
been found to increase egg production and improve the quality of shells.
Discarded eggshells are often used as a plant fertilizer and are effective liming
the pH level of overly acidic soil. Chicken eggshells can be used as an alternative
soil stabilizer like lime since they have the same chemical composition. Such
protein, fibrous in nature that connects and supports other bodily tissues, such as
skin, bone, tendons, muscles and cartilage. Collagen has been isolated mainly
from bovine and swine skins and bones Collagen used in medicine, biochemical,
resources of calcium (Ca+2) for fowls, aquaculture and native animals was
improved. This work was planned to define the most polymorph of calcium
carbonate (CaCO3) that take place in the two types of chicken eggshells (local
strain and imported chicken via Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD) analysis. The results
demonstrate that native and imported chicken eggshells comprise calcite morph
that had shape between rhombohedral and spherical with distinguished pores
distribution in the surface and crystallization size (31) nanometer for local chicken
eggshells and (32) nanometer for import chicken eggshells respectively. The
authors brief their results that local and import chicken eggshells had the top
Local Study
Paris. They produced school chalk made of crushed eggshells and easily
accessible and similar alternative bases like cornstarch, flour, and laundry starch.
Applying various tests to check the outputs’ pigmentation and erasability, density,
and durability, the researchers found the potential in using the alternative
Based on Nuada, Dexter L. and Vizconde, Vic Angelo G. (2017), the most
common problem of soil, especially clay soil, encountered in the field is its poor
available additives have been used. However, these additives are expensive and
cheaper alternatives are a welcome sight. Thus, the study aims to know the
powder, in increments of 2.5% dry weight, was mixed with clayey soil from 0% to
10%. The maximum dry unit weights of the soil mixes were obtained by doing the
for the Unconfined Compression Test, soil mixes are prepared using an
improvised rammer setup and moist-cured using hessian cloth for 7 and 28 days.
Results of the Standard Proctor Test have shown an increasing trend in the dry
unit weight with respect to increasing amount of eggshell. For the 28-day result,
the 7-day result did not show expected increase in the strength of the soil and the
optimum eggshell powder content can been observed in the results because the
trend behavior on both dry unit weight and unconfined compressive strength
toxicity of commercial ink through innovation such as using waste like eggshells.
With this, the researchers would be able to reduce waste by making a new
main problem.
number of eggshell wastes in the Philippines for 2019 is 63.28 thousand metric
tons. Moreover, eggshells also exhibit potential to have various applications due
which involves exposing the eggshells to high temperatures for a period of time.
relevant papers were collated, screened, analyzed, and evaluated. The findings
showed that the application of calcined eggshells can be classified into seven
resulting data indicated that chicken eggshells were the most used eggshell type
for these applications. It was also noted that the usual temperature and time for
thermal treatment ranges from around 500-1000°C for about 2-4 hours. Overall,
the results suggest the possibility for eggshells, given the significant eggshell
thermal treatment.
classmates, friends, and family for their support. The researchers highlight the
principle use of chalk in education and its various applications in different fields.
They emphasize the affordability and equal quality of homemade chalk compared
to commercial ones.
shown that eggshells contain essential compounds that promote plant growth
and soil condition. Thus, this study aimed to determine the effects of powdered
(256) chicks were randomly distributed into four (4) treatments following a
completely randomized design. Each treatment was replicated eight (8) times
with eight (8) birds per replicate. The dietary treatments include control (0%
at 50%, 75%, and 100%, respectively. Commercial booster feeds were fed to the
birds from day 0-10 while the experimental diets were given from day 11-35. At
the starter stage (day 11-24), birds fed eggshell-containing diets had higher ADG
BW24 (P=0.05), ADG (P=0.01), and ADFI (P=0.04) as the level of eggshells was
increased from 0 to 100%. However, birds fed 75% eggshell had lower ADG
(P=0.02) and poorer Feed:Gain (P=0.02) than the control group during the
finisher stage (day 25-35). For the overall performance (day 11-35), no
Feed:Gain, and mortality. Birds fed diets containing eggshells had a lower
dressing percentage (P=0.03) compared with the control group. For the bone
properties, birds fed 100% eggshell had lower bone breaking strength (P=0.03)
compared with the birds fed 0% and 50% eggshell. Although birds fed diets with
eggshells had higher tibia ash content (P=0.04), a quadratic trend (P=0.04) on
bone calcium has been observed as the level of eggshell in the diet increases.
Replacing limestone with eggshell powder resulted in similar overall production
water resources brings hazard to health and the environment considering that
most of these cannot be degraded and may result in bioaccumulation in the food
chain. Its removal from aqueous solution can relatively be done through
chicken eggshells as an adsorbent for the removal of Cadmium (Cd) heavy metal
in aqueous solution. The adsorbent dose, contact time and initial concentration
were the chosen variables of the study that were optimized through the Central
7.0 software. The result of the study showed that the chicken eggshells as an
problem and develop a useful, practical, and affordable construction material, the
researchers discovered the use of waste materials. Because of the scarcity, the
researchers are motivated to utilize the solid waste generated by households and
companies that use eggs in their production of goods. The researchers propose
using Egg Shells to develop an alternative cement for the concrete mixture. The
study has three main objectives: (1) to determine the 7-day, 14-day, and 28-day
partial replacement for cement; (2) to determine the water absorption percentage
of the concrete when the pulverized eggshell is used as a partial replacement for
mixture. Also, using pulverized egg shells can reduce the cost of the project.
the issues that plague the society. Philippines is an agricultural country due to its
strategic location in the tropics. Because of this nature, the agricultural sector
tends to produce a huge amount of waste that if not disposed properly could
pose a threat to the society and to the environment. With the advance of
construction materials that is used in the industry. Study have been performed on
possibilities of incorporating agricultural waste to various construction materials
brick production.
Research Design
eggshells and addressing potential health impacts associated with their use in
chalk production. The findings are poised to provide valuable insights for
educators, researchers, and environmentally conscious individuals seeking eco-
Research Instrumentation
used it a way to the respondents which is, the students and teachers in Virginia
Ramirez Cruz National High School. The instruments contain of a questions that
are within the likert scale that can be answered by yes or no.
Research Locale
School is located in Siling Bata, Pandi Bulacan. This place was selected to know
the efficiency of Chalk made from Eggshells. This study has been implemented
and for them to test the durability and quality of the Chalk made from Eggshells.
The research study was implemented inside the premises of Virginia Ramirez-
Cruz National High School, the rooms are clean and the respondents which are
the students and teachers are cooperative enough to fill out the forms and survey
The respondents of the research are all the teachers and students of
Virginia Ramirez Cruz National Highschool, which is consist of 200 for teachers
and 13 sections for grade11 and grade12 students in Virginia Ramirez Cruz
National Highschool. The researchers selected their respondents that they will
take from 20 teachers and 30 per students in grade11 and grade12, total of 80
respondents. The researchers have only chosen respondents to test their works
to know how effective their work is, to try it if the product from this experiment will
chalk for their daily need in teaching the students and also to save the money.
and 30 grade 11 and 12 students with the total of 80 personnel from Virginia
Ramirez-Cruz National High School without bias. These respondents have been
surveyed about eggshell as an alternative chalk. The result will show how
effective the reseach is. The researcher used stratified random sampling
selecting a sample population that most closely resembles the overall population
under study.
the survey that will going to conduct. After the permit is approved, the
researchers will discuss the summary of study with those volunteers that will
distributed to the selected respondents after the project was tested on them.
After that, the questionnaire will be taken from them to see what the outcome of
their research is. Through this we will know if their research is successful and
The personal information and privacy would not be included and remain
respected, so that the participants' opinions will not affect the observation of
other participants.
compiled it, and they moved to the statistical treatment of data to obtain the
results of the survey conducted. It shows below the formula used to get them;
Σ = population standard deviation
Interpretation table
It is where you will find out what the results mean in each table in chapter 4. In
this interpretation table it has weighted mean, results, and results interpretation
gathered from the respondents, aiming to understand its function, usage and
The researchers combined the total results from the survey that was
traditional chalk?
traditional chalk?
5. Do eggshell provide as
traditional chalk?
such as blackboard?
8. Is it possible to obtain
eggshell as chalk?
its components?
Table 1
The table shows the percentage of how many answered the target answer
for each question. 90 % is the highest while 30% is the lowest, it means more
people agree with the question of no. 6 while fewer agree with the question of no.
market. Table 2 shows one of the categories which is function and the result of
its table.
A. Functions
trditional chalk?
traditional chalk?
Table 2
The table shows the results of the category function, with a weighted
mean of 4.78. The weighted mean serves as an indicator of the overall trend or
B. Odor
Table 3
category odor. The overall weighted mean of 1.2 for both questions
experimental chalk.
Mean Average 0. 53
Table 4
The table 5 shows the result of the category viable in the market. The
whether it is possible for the product to be in the market due to the cheapness of
its components, while there is somehow still disgreeing. The overall weighted
the possibility of the product being on the market due to the cheapness of its
components. This suggests that there is no strong consensus among
Chapter V
Summary of findings
Eggshell chalk has gained popularity not only for its eco-friendly aspects
but also for the unique opportunities it presents for creativity. By repurposing
to reducing the impact on the environment and minimize the use of single-use
materials. This aligns with the growing trend towards sustainable practices and
responsible consumption.
cleaning eggshells, drying them out completely, and grinding them into a fine
powder. This finely ground powder can then be mixed with water or other binding
agents to create a paste that can be shaped into chalk sticks. While the
preparation process may require some effort and time, the results can be
One of the key benefits of using eggshell chalk is its potential for
customization. Depending on the type of eggshells used, the resulting chalk may
vary in texture and color. This opens a range of possibilities for artistic
potential variations in texture could impact its performance, especially for tasks
essential to maintain the quality of eggshell chalk over time and prevent it from
versatility and potential of eggshell chalk can inspire innovation in various fields
flour, and gypsum powder can indeed produce eco-friendly chalk. Researchers'
findings highlight the potential of this novel approach to not only provide a
practical solution for waste reduction but also offer tangible benefits to
communities. By addressing the properties of eggshells, the preparation process,
and the key differences between eggshell chalk and traditional chalk,
researchers have laid the groundwork for future research and practical
for crushing and processing eggshells has revealed valuable insights into
thinking, we can pave the way towards a more sustainable future while making a
1. Students: Schools are filled with students who often use chalk for their board
work and other classroom activities. Chalk is not just a teaching tool but an
integral part of students' daily activities. It is used for writing, jotting down
formulas and equations, recording key points in class, and more. Eggshell chalk
could serve as a more sustainable and eco-friendlier alternative to the traditional
benefits for health and the environment, educational institutions should consider
providing training for teachers on its use and encouraging students to embrace
and applications of eggshell chalk can also be studied, as well as its possible
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Appendix A
Lourdes Valondo
School Principal
Pandi, Bulacan
In pursuit of the success of the objective of our study we would like to ask
permission from your good office to conduct a survey, provided that our
Research Teacher and our Academic Coordinator signed and approved this
In this regard, we'd like to borrow a few minutes to conduct our survey. We
will require 30 respondents in grades 12 and 11, each from one section, and 20
teachers. 20 minutes for a section of grade 12, 20 minutes for a section of grade
11, and 2 minutes for each teacher. We will highly appreciate the time you may
allot to us upon conducting our survey. Your response to this letter is crucial in
providing the necessary information in our study to help us achieve the factual
Your response and time are greatly appreciated. We are hoping for your
Respectfully Yours,
The Researchers
Noted by:
Subject Teacher
Academic Coordinator
Approved by:
School Principal
Appendix B
Research Questionnaire
This survey aims to gather insights about your experience with the researchers
product. They’re kindly request for your time and effort to answer the following
questions that are essential and helpful for the study's completion. Your honest
opinions will help to enhance the product and better cater to your needs. All
responses will be kept confidential, and any information provided will only be
Questions: Yes No
as blackboard?
Approved By:
Academic Coordinator
Appendix C
Grade 11
1/10 =
7.) 1 6 0.1 0 3.8 14.44 0
0/10 = 0 6.996
1/10 = Standard
0.1 deviation=
= 2.64
4. 1 0.5
7. 1 Standard
8. 0 deviation
9. 0 = √0.49
10. 2 = 0.7
•Viable in the 0.096
market 0.144
3. 1 4/10 = Standard
5. 0 0.4 = √0.21
6. 1 = 0.46
7. 0
8. 0
9. 1
10. 0
Grade 12
= √0.76
Answer =
5. 1 1.7 0.777
6. 1 Standard
7. 2 Deviation
8. 2 = √0.777
9. 2 Final
10. 2 Answer =
•Viable in the 0
market 0
1. 1 0 0 -1 1 Variants =
2. 1 1 0/10 = 0 1 0 0 0
4. 1 1 1 Deviation
5. 1 = √0
6. 1 Final
7. 1 Answer =
8. 1 0
9. 1
10. 1
• Function
1/10 = Standard
0.1 Deviation
1/10 = = √4.21
0.1 Final
0/10 = 0 Answer =
• Odor
1. 1 0 2/10 = 0 -1 1 0.2
2. 1 1 0.2 0.6 0 0 0
4. 1 0.6
6. 2 0.2 1 0.4
7. 1 Standard
8. 0 Deviation
9. 1 = √0.4
10. 2 Final
Answer =
•Viable in the
1. 0 0 1. 0 -0.2 0.04 0
3. 0 Mean = Variants =
5. 0 0.8 Standard
6. 1 2/10 = Deviation
7. 0 0.2 = √0.128
8. 0
9. 0
10. 1
= 0.53
Appendix D
Researchers Profile
Appendix E
Grammarian’s Certificate
This is to certify that the undersigned has reviewed and went through all the
Salvan, aligned with the set of structural rules that govern the composition of
Ms. Danisse Althea Celis
This study would not have been possible without the continuous support and
guidance of the people and the institution that helped us throughout this journey.
With this, the researchers would like to extend their deep gratitude and
To our Research Adviser, thank you for your unwavering guidance, invaluable
insights, and endless patience throughout the research process. Your shared
To the school of Virginia Ramirez Cruz High School, we are very grateful for your
trust and agreement to conduct a survey in your area even though we are from
And lastly, to the researcher who conducted this research, thank you very much
for going through all of this, despite the challenges such as fees, activities and
problems that come along in the middle of doing it. Your dedication and hard
work has paid off. Thank you for your commitment to research and for your
valuable contributions.