BID Doc 5 Buycon636.aai - Ar

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(2 Envelope Open Tender)
Tender ID: GEM/2023/B/4012121

Ref. AAI/TEZU/SM (E -E) /2023-24/GeM/NIT-03 Date: 26/09/2023

1. Item Rate E-tenders are invited through the e-tendering GEM Portal by Sr. Manager (Engg-E), Tezu Airport-
Arunachal Pradesh (Bid Manager), on behalf of Chairman, AAI from the eligible contractors for the work of “Supply
of GLF Spares for Day to Day Maintenance at Tezu Airport During 2023-24.” an estimated cost
of ₹ ₹ 14,23,556.00.00.00 including GST with completion period of 02 months.

The tendering process is online at GEM-portal URL address Prospective Tenderers may
download and go through the tender document. Aspiring bidders may download and go through the tender
document by login the GeM portal. The tenders will not be accepted in any other form.
Any amendment or corrigendum to the tender document will be posted on GeM Portal only. As the tendering process
is online on GeM portal, it is bidders’ responsibility to check for any amendment / corrigendum on GeM Portal before
submitting the bid online on GeM portal. Also, the bidders are advised to get themselves acquainted with the e-
tendering process on GeM portal which requires registration at GeM portal, obtain ‘User ID’ & ‘Password’ and go
through the ‘Bid for Services – Service Provider side’ available in the home page after login to the GeM portal
Bidders shall submit their bids as per scheduled date and time through GeM- procurement portal at
GeM portal -procurement system shall not allow bidders to submit their tender, after the scheduled date and time.
Bidders shall submit tender before the schedule deadline specified in GeM bid document or the extended deadline
notified by issue of corrigendum, as the case may be.

Tender processing fee of ₹ 1120 (i/c GST), non-refundable will be required to be paid online via Net Banking/
Mobile Banking via bank deposit at any of the bank branches, in favour of Airports Authority of India SBI A/c
No. 30854418615 (IFSC Code- SBIN0003776) and the proof of the same has to be submitted/uploaded as
mentioned in NIT Cl 3A (i). No Demand Drafts / Bank Guarantee/ FDR would be accepted in this regard.
Earnest Money Deposit of ₹ 28,471.00 will be required to be paid online via Net Banking/ Mobile Banking via
bank deposit at any of the bank branches, in favour of Airports Authority of India SBI A/c No. 30854418615
(IFSC Code- SBIN0003776) and the proof of the same has to be submitted/uploaded as mentioned in NIT Cl. 3A
(ii). No Demand Drafts / Bank Guarantee/ FDR would be accepted in this regard. EMD deposit made by the
bidders, would be refunded directly in their respective bank accounts, of all except the successful bidder to whom
the contract is awarded. Scanned Copy of cancelled cheque or scanned signed copy of Bank Details needs
to be submitted as mentioned in NIT Cl. 3A(iii) for refund.

2. Following are critical data/schedule for processing bid online at GEM-portal by the bidders: -


2 Bid Document Download / Sale Start :

As per GEM
3 Clarification Start Date : As per GEM

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 1

4 Clarification End Date : As per GEM
5 Bid Submission Start Date : As per GEM

6 Bid Submission End Date : As per GEM

8 Bid Opening Date : As per GEM

9 Bid Opening Date : Will be intimated on Gem portal
: Rs.1,120.00 (i/c GST) (Non-refundable) will be
accepted online via Net Banking/ Mobile Banking via
10 Tender Processing Fee bank deposit at any of the bank branches, in favour of
Airports Authority of India SBI A/c No. 30854418615
(IFSC Code- SBIN0003776)
: EMD amounting to Rs. 28,471 .00 will be accepted
online via Net Banking/ Mobile Banking via bank
11 Earnest Money Deposit deposit at any of the bank branches, in favour of
Airports Authority of India SBI A/c No.30854418615
(IFSC Code- SBIN0003776)

3. Technical Bid and Pre-qualification: -

The tenderer shall submit their Bid/tender on GEM portal, fill-up the required information and upload the
digitally signed file of scanned documents and firm's bio-data in support of meeting each criterion
mentioned below. Hard copy of Bid/tender shall not be entertained.
Following 2 envelopes shall be submitted through online at gem portal by the Tenderer as per the following
Envelope-I (Tender processing fee, EMD, Technical Bid and Pre-qualification): Bid Containing
A. Technical Bid containing the following: -

I. Screenshot/PDF copy/ Scanned Copy of Tender Processing fee of value Rs1120 i/c GST.
II. Screenshot/PDF copy/ Scanned Copy of Earnest Money Deposit of value Rs 28,471.00.
III. Scanned Copy of cancelled cheque or scanned signed copy of Bank Details for refund of EMD to
unsuccessful bidders. (Annexure- 9)
IV. Scanned copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and GST Registration Number.
V. Scanned copy of Tender Acceptance Letter on Bidder’s Letter Head as given in Proforma PR-01
VI. Scanned copy of ‘Undertaking’ of Agency/ Firms on Company letter head for GST as given in
Proforma PR-02.
VII. Scanned copy of ‘Undertaking’ regarding Blacklisting/ Debarment on Bidder’s Letter Head as given in
VIII. Scanned copy of undertaking for experience certificate on letter head as per Proforma PR-04
IX. Scanned copy of Form- C – Net Worth. PR-05.
X. Scanned copy of Form- A - details of similar works completed during last seven years with completion
certificate issued by client. PR-06.
XI. Scanned copy of Form- B - Financial Information. PR-07
XII. Bidders other than propriety firm shall submit, scanned copy of Authorization Letter/Power of
Attorney along with copy of Certificate of Incorporation of the Company under Companies Act
showing CIN/LLPIN/Name of Directors of the Company & Copy of Board Resolution regarding

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 2

Authority to assign Power of Attorney. Proprietary firm shall submit scanned copy of Authorization
Letter/Power of Attorney only if the tender is processed by a person other than proprietor.
XIII. PQ Performa duly filled and signed/ stamped (As per Annexure- A)
B. Qualifying requirements of contractors / tenderers containing the following:

i) Should have satisfactorily completed (# Phase/Part completion of the scope of work in a contract
shall not be considered, however pre-determined phasing of the work will be accepted) three
works, each of ₹ 05.69 Lakhs or two works, each of ₹ 07.18 Lakhs or one work of ₹ 11.39
Lakhs in single contract of similar nature of work “Operation and maintenance of HVAC System” along
with work order & schedule during last ‘7 (seven) years ending on bid submission end date (extended date,
if any) of submission of bid in India.
ii) The similar nature of work for eligibility requirement as above must be completed of minimum one year.
Assessment of eligibility shall be based on the completed cost for one year calculation on pro-rata basis for
completed works of more than one year time period.
The details of similar works completed during last seven years in the given format- Form-A with
supporting documents issued by client.
Note: -
1. The Experience Certificates of works completed pre-GST era, completion amount will be divided by
1.12 (to exclude pre-GST taxes) to make it at par with experience certificates of post GST era but
excluding GST.
2. Experience gained by executing work on back-to-back contract/ Sub-contract basis is acceptable
in the following conditions:
a) Work should be actually executed by the second agency (sub-contractor) with due
concurrence of the owner as tripartite agreement/ written approval. It should be backed by
valid agreement and experience certificate.
b) (b) Payments received by second agency should be reflected in TDS certificates.
3. Experience gained in composite works for the specialized nature of works (List of Specialized Items
/ Jobs/ Works are mentioned at Para 35.3 of AAI Works Manual) were executed by main contractor
either by in-house expertize & experience or by engaging the specialized agencies with the approval
of main client as per contract conditions. In such cases, main contractor as well as specialized
agency both get the experience certificate for the same work from their respective client(s) i.e. main
contractor for composite work along with specialized works from owner and specialized agency for
specialized work(s) from the main contractor. In this situation, the experience certificate of either
specialized agency or main agency having in-house expertise & experience, who has actually
executed the specialized work(s), shall be considered for Technical /Pre-qualifying criteria in similar
specialized nature of work(s).

The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the actual
value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date of completion to the
previous day of last date of submission of Bid.
Client certificate for experience should show the nature of work done, the value of work, date of
start, date of completion as per agreement, actual date of completion and satisfactory completion of
work. Tenderers showing work experience certificate from non-government/non-PSU
organizations should submit copy of tax deduction at sources (TDS) certificate(s) along-with
a certificate issued by registered Chartered Accountant, clearly specifying the name of work,

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 3

total payment received against the work and TDS amount for the work.
iii) Should have Average Annual Financial Turnover of ₹ 04.27 Lakhs , during last three years ending
31st March 2023 (of the previous financial year). The Financial Information shall be submitted in the given
format – Form-B. Tenderers showing continuous losses during the last three years in the balance sheet
shall be summarily rejected.
iv) The tenderer should have a minimum net worth of ₹ 02.14 Lakhs issued by certified Chartered
Accountants. The Certificate should be submitted in the given format- Form-C.
Envelope-II: - (Financial Bid): The Financial e-Bid through Gem Portal.
(i) All rates shall be quoted in the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price bid
has been given as a standard BOQ format with the tender document, then the same is to be
downloaded and to be filled by all the tenderers. Tenderers are required to download the BOQ file,
open it and complete the blue coloured (unprotected) cells with their respective financial quotes and
other details (such as name of the tenderer). No other cells should be changed. Once the details
have been completed, the tenderer should save it and submit it online, without changing the
filename. If the BOQ file is found to be modified by the tenderer, the bid will be rejected.
(ii) The basic unit rate of the Items will be on FOR basis at Tezu Airport & inclusive of any all-other charges
levied under any statute & inclusive of GST.
(iii) Prices should not to be indicated anywhere in any PQQ/Technical Bid.
(iv) Bid once uploaded shall be final and no amendment there to shall be permitted thereof. One bidder shall
submit only one Bid.

LATE BIDS: Online Tendering on GeM portal shall not permit uploading of Bids after the schedule Time of

The Bidder may correct, modify his signed bid after submission prior to the deadline, through provisions of
GeM -tendering portal. No bid shall be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of Bids.

4. Refund of EMD
EMD amount of the rejected bidders will be refunded to their source account after submission of Technical
/ Financial evaluation report on Gem portal by bid Manager.
5. Bid Submission: -

The tenderer shall submit their bid only at GEM Portal as per GEM procedures on
Tenderer/Contractor are advised to follow the instructions provided in the tender document for online
submission of bids. Tenderers are required to upload the signed file of scanned documents as per Para 3.
Uploading of application in location other than specified above shall not be considered. Hard copy of
application shall not be entertained.
6. Not more than one bid shall be submitted by one tenderer or tenderers having business relationship.
Under no circumstance will father and his son(s) or other close relations who have business relationship
with one another (i.e. when one or more partner(s)/director(s) are common) be allowed to tender for the
same contract as separate competitors. A breach of this condition will render the tenders of both parties
liable to rejection.

7. Tenderer who has downloaded the tender from GeM Portal, shall not tamper/modify the tender form
including downloaded price bid template in any manner. In case if the same is found to be
tampered/modified in any manner, tender will be completely rejected and EMD would be forfeited and
tenderer is liable to be banned from doing business with AAI.

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 4

8. Bids Opening Process is as below: -
Envelope-I (Technical bid and Pre-qualification):

a. Envelope-I containing documents as per Para 3 (A) and (B) (uploaded by the tenderers) shall be opened
online through GeM Portal as per schedule of the Bid as mentioned in CRITICAL DATA SHEETor as per
intimation of Bid Opening Date and time to the bidders.

b. All the uploaded statements, documents, certificates, etc. uploaded on the GeM Portal by the bidders shall
be verified for PQQ/ Technical Evaluation.

c. PQQ/ Technical Bids of the bidders shall be scrutinized by AAI, Tezu Airport to ensure that the same are
in conformity with the requirements of the tender documents and to short list the bidders qualified for
opening of Financial Bid. It shall therefore be in the Bidder’s interest to give complete and comprehensive
details while submitting the Bids.

d. AAI may seek clarifications on PQQ/Technical details or any other information deemed necessary on GeM
Portal. The queries raised should be replied positively within the time specified, failing which the technical
evaluation will be done on the basis of the information available.

e. The clarification, if any, required from the bidders, will be obtained through query provision available in
GeM-procurement portal

f. No correspondence shall be entertained from the bidders after opening of PQQ/Technical bid, except for
the clarifications sought by AAI.
g. The intimation regarding acceptance/rejection of their bid will be intimated to the tenderers through
Gem Portal.
Envelope-II (Financial Bid):
a. Envelope-II containing financial bid of the tenderers found to be meeting the PQQ/technical criteria and
qualifying requirements shall be opened at Gem portal on date & time as mentioned in CRTICAL DATA
SHEET (In case the date and time for opening of Envelope-II (Financial bid) is required to be
changed, the same shall be intimated through Gem Portal).

b. Date of acceptance and opening of tender can be extended at sole discretion of AAI Tezu Airport, on
GeM Portal.

c. Comparison and Evaluation of Bids:

i) If the bidder has any query related to the Bid Document of the work, they should use 'View
Representations' on GeM portal to seek clarifications. No other means of communication in this
regards shall be entertained.
ii) The tender received and accepted will be evaluated by AAI to ascertain the complete requirements
contained in the tender document. The objective of the evaluation is to select bidder(s), who can
provide the described supply/service meeting the scope of work.

iii) Technical Bids of eligible bidders shall be scrutinized by AAI to ensure that the same are in
conformity with the operational requirement and technical specifications.

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 5

iv) Bidder should provide complete information to substantiate compliance of the technical
specifications listed in the tender. In case of incomplete compliance statement or inadequate
information, tenders shall be finalized on the basis of the information available. It shall, therefore,
be in the bidders' interest to give complete and comprehensive technical particulars, description
and details while submitting the bid.
v) AAI may seek clarifications on technical details or any other information deemed necessary. If any
clarification is needed from the tenderer about the deficiency in his uploaded documents in
Envelope - I, he will be asked to provide it through GeM portal. The tenderer shall upload the
requisite clarification/documents within time specified by AAI, failing which it shall be presumed
that bidder does not have anything to submit and bid shall be evaluated accordingly.
vi) To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids, AAI may, at its discretion ask the bidder
for the clarification / confirmation of compliance of its bid. The request for clarification / confirmation of
compliance and the response shall be through query provision available in GeM portal.

vii) Bidders may submit their response to AAI queries through provision of GeM Portal only.

viii) No, post-bid clarification / confirmation of compliance at the initiative of the bidder shall be

ix) Bidders meeting technical bid criteria as specified shall only be informed through GeM portal and
considered for opening and evaluation of financial bid.

x) The tender(s) found technically acceptable shall be compared on the basis of price quoted by the
bidders for the entire scope of work. The amount indicated in the Financial Bid will only be taken for
price comparison.

xi) The result of technical bid and financial bid evaluations shall be displayed on GeM Portal and shall
be visible to suitably qualified bidders
9. AAI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons. AAI also
reserves the right to call off tender process at any stage without assigning any reason.

10. AAI reserves the right to disallow the working agencies whose performance at ongoing project (s) is below
par and usually poor and has been issued letter of restrain/Temporary or Permanent debarment/black listing
by any department of AAI or Central /State Govt. Depts./PSUs/World Bank/ ADB etc. AAI reserves the
right to verify the credential submitted by the tenderer at any stage (before or after the award the
work). If at any stage, any information /documents submitted by the applicant is found to be
incorrect/false or have some discrepancy which disqualifies the tenderer then AAI shall take the
following action:

a) Forfeit the entire amount of EMD submitted by the tenderer.

b) The tenderer shall be liable for debarment from tendering in AAI, including termination of the
contract apart from any other appropriate contractual/legal action.

11. Consortium/JV companies shall not be permitted.

12. Purchase preference to Central Public Sector Undertaking shall be applicable as per the directive of Govt.
of India prevalent on the date of acceptance.

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 6

13. Concessions to Indian Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) units registered with DIC/NSIC/KVIC/KVIB/Directorate of
Handicraft and Handloom etc., to be given as per the provisions of Public Procurement Policy for MSEs order 2012
with up-to-date amendments, shall be applicable for tenders of supply/services and shall not be extended to
construction work.

14. Tenderers have to submit Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) generated documents like
Balance Sheet / Turnover certificate, Working Capital Certificate (works done during last 07 financial years
& works in hand), Net worth Certificate, and Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) Certificates for Non- Govt.
works etc. as per NIT conditions duly certified by CA and having UDIN. The documents submitted by
bidders without UDIN shall not be entertained.

15. In the event of inconsistency, conflict or ambiguity between the terms and condition of GeM and
terms and conditions of uploaded E-Tender (AAI tender document), the terms and conditions of
the uploaded E-Tender SHALL PREVAIL.

Sr. Manager (Engg-E)

For & on behalf of Chairman
Airports Authority of India
NER, Tezu, Airport-792001

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 7



(TO BE UPLOADED BY THE BIDDER ON GEM) submitted in support of Column 3

Name of work: - Supply of GLF Spares for Day to Day Maintenance at Tezu Airport During 2023-24

Ref Qualifying Criteria / Supporting Documents must have the Reference to the
No parameter/ following salient information which documents
supportive document AAI would like to note Submitted in support
of Column 3
1 2 3 4
Following documents are uploaded by me/us on GEM portal
1 Name and address of the Firm. Application for issue of tender document YES / NO
on firm’s letter head
2 Scanned copy of Power of Duly signed and notarized Power of YES / NO
Attorney/ Authorization Letter (If Attorney
3 Details of tender processing fee Scanned copy of payment details YES / NO
towards Tender Fee for an amount of
Rs.1,120.00 uploaded on GEM Portal
4 Details of EMD Electronic payment details towards EMD YES / NO
for an amount of Rs. 28,471.00
uploaded on GEM Portal
5 Dully filled signed & stamped Dully filled signed & stamped YES / NO
Unconditional acceptance of Unconditional acceptance of AAI tender
AAI tender conditions as per conditions as per proforma PR-01 to be
proforma PR-01 uploaded on Gem Portal
6 Certificate from clients of Details of the three/two/one work as Copy of the
Having satisfactorily works Applicable Completion Certificates
which includes enclosed
a) Three separate works each of (i)……………………………., YES / NO
Rs. 05.69 Lakhs of similar
nature during last 07 years (ii)……………………………
ending on last date of
submission (iii)…………………………....
b) Two separate works each of (i)……………………… YES / NO
Rs. 07.18 Lakhs of similar
nature during last 07 years (ii)………………………
ending on last date of
c) One work of Rs. 11.39 Lakh in (i)……………....................... YES / NO
single contract of similar nature
during last 07 years ending on
last date of submission

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 8

7 In case experience is from Copy of TDS certificates from private YES / NO
private client? client to be enclosed in support.
8 Average annual financial Turnover (In Lakhs) Profit/ Proof of turnover
turnover of the last three years Loss (In enclosed (Abridged
should be minimum Rs. 09.35 Lakhs) balance sheet and
Lakh profit & loss A/C)
Year 2020-21 YES / NO
Year 2021-22 YES / NO
Year 2022-23 YES / NO
9 Permanent Account Number Copy of PAN card enclosed YES / NO
12 GST Registration Copy of GST Registration enclosed YES / NO
13 Signed on every page of tender Signed on every page of tender YES / NO
document document uploaded.
15 Undertaking for GST provisions Scanned copy document uploaded as per YES / NO
on letter head as per proforma proforma PR-03 to be uploaded on Gem
PR-02 Portal.
16 Declaration for debar/black Scanned copy document uploaded as per YES / NO
listed by AAI or any department proforma PR-04 to be uploaded on Gem
on letter head as per proforma Portal.
17 Undertaking for experience Scanned copy document uploaded as per YES / NO
certificate on letter head as per proforma PR-05 to be uploaded on Gem
proforma PR-04 Portal.
19 Certificate of net worth from Scanned copy document uploaded as per YES / NO
Chartered Accountant (Form-C) proforma PR-07 to be uploaded on Gem
as per proforma PR-05 Portal.
21 Details of similar works Scanned copy document uploaded as per YES / NO
completed during last 7 years proforma PR-09 to be uploaded on Gem
(Form-A) as per proforma PR- Portal.
22 Financial Information (Form-B) Scanned copy document uploaded as per YES / NO
as per proforma PR-07 proforma PR-10 to be uploaded on Gem

Note: Copies uploaded on GEM portal of all above documents shall be self-attested with stamp of the Agency.

I (________________________) hereby declare that the documents submitted / enclosed are true and correct. In case
any document at any stage found fake / incorrect, my EMD may be forfeited & action as deemed fit by AAI can be taken
against me.

Place: Signature
Date: Authorized Signatory of the contractor/Agency

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 9


Sr. Manager (Engg. -E), Date: -

Airports Authority of India, NER
Tezu Airport-792001

Sub: - Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of Tender

Tender ID No: ________________________

Name of Work: - Supply of GLF Spares for Day to Day Maintenance at Tezu Airport During 2023-24


1. I/ We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned ‘Tender/Work’ from
GEM Portal web site(s) namely as per your advertisement, given in the above
mentioned website(s).
2. I / We hereby certify that I / we have respected the site and read the entire terms and conditions of the
tender documents, corrigendum(s) and reply to query if any made available to me/ us which shall form
part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide hereby by the terms / conditions / clauses contained
3. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of AAI’s tender documents in its totality /
entirety for above mentioned work.
4. I/We declare that I/We have not paid and will not pay any bribe to any officer of AAI for awarding this
contract at any stage during its execution or at the time of payment of bills, and further if any officer of
AAI asks for bribe/gratification, I will immediately report it to the Appropriate Authority in AAI’.
5. I/ We hereby submitted that I/ We paid/ submitted the required earnest money as per NIT conditions.
6. I / We certify that all information/ documents furnished by our Firm is true & correct and in the event at any
stage, the information/ documents is found to be incorrect/ untrue or found violated, then we shall be
liable for debarment from tendering in AAI without giving any notice or reason therefore or summarily
reject the bid or terminate the contract, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy including the
forfeiture of the full said earnest money deposit absolutely.

Yours faithfully,

Date :
(Signature of the tenderer)
With rubber stamp

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 10

(To be uploaded in ON Gem (PQQ) on his Letter Head) PR-02
I/We ------------ (Name of company/Firm) hereby undertakes that:-
1. Our firm is registered under GST and compliant of GST provision.
2. In case of Non-compliance of GST provisions and blockage of any input credit, the bidder shall
be responsible to indemnify AAI.
3. That all input credits have been passed on to AAI by the bidder.

Place: _____________
Authorized Signatory of firm with seal

To be uploaded in ON GEM (PQQ) PR-03

UNDERTAKING on Agency Letter Head

I, (______________), age_______ years S/o ______________ proprietor / Managing Partner /

Managing Director of M/s ___________ having address ________ do hereby solemnly affirm and
state as follows;
1. I / we are not debarred / black listed by AAI or undertaking department like Govt. of India,
Central or State Public Sector.
2. I / we are not facing any action of any act with AAI
3. I / we are do not have any dues to be paid to AAI (disputed or Undisputed)
4. I / we do not have established business with AAI in any other company name which has any
outstanding dues of AAI.

Date: (Signature of the Contractor)

With rubber-stamp.

(To be uploaded in Pre-Qualifying Bid ON GEM on his Letter Head) PR-04


I/We ________ (Name of company/ Firm) _________________________________hereby

undertakes that in case the Experience Certificate No.____________________ dated
________________ issued by ______(Name of Department)____________ submitted by me / us, is
found to be forged / false at any stage, I / We may be debarred from AAI for taking participation in
all future AAI works & any other suitable action may be taken against our company / firm as deemed
fit by AAI.

Signature of Director /
Proprietor of the Company
/ Firm With rubber-stamp.

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 11



(To be uploaded in ON GEM (PQQ))

“It is to certify that as per the audited balance sheet and profit & loss account during the financial
year…………………………… the Net Worth of M/s
…………………………………………… ……… …… ….....................................................
(Name & Registered Address of individual/firm/Company), as on ………………………….
(The relevant date) is Rs. after considering all liabilities. It is further certified that the Net Worth
of the company has not eroded by more than 30% in the last three years ending on
………………………(the relevant date).”

Signature of Chartered Accountant

Name of Chartered Accountant
Membership No. of ICAI
Date and seal




Name of work/ project Name and Awarded Cost Date of Stipulated date of Actual date of Whether the
Sl. and Location Address of of commence completion completion work was
No. client work -ment as done on back
(in Rs. per contract to back
Lakhs) basis Yes/No

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Note: The contractor should give list of only of eligible category works of requisite amount with
supporting documents issued from client.

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 12



1. Financial Analysis - Details to be furnished profit and loss account for the last five years duly certified by
the Chartered Accountant as submitted by the applicant to the Income - Tax Department
Fig in lakhs Rs.
Sl. Particulars Financial Year (Last five years)

1. Gross Annual

2. Turn-Over vide
Contract Receipts

3. Profit/loss after
Taxes (consolidated)

4. Profit/loss after
Taxes (standalone)

The bidder should give information strictly in above format.

2. Financial arrangements for carrying out the proposed work.

Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN)……………………………..

Signature of Chartered Accountant with Seal

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 13

(To be uploaded in ON GEM (PQQ))


I/We, ( ) hereby declare that the

documentssubmitted / enclosed for the tender are true and correct. In case any document at any stage found
fake / incorrect, my EMD may be forfeited & action as deemed fit by AAI can be takenagainst me.

Date: Signature
Place: Authorized Signatory of the
contractor/Firm (Signature with stamp)

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 14



Date: …………..
Sr. Manager (Egg-Elect)
Airports Authority of India, NER
Tezu Airport-792001

Subject: Request for E-Payment

The following particulars are given below for effecting E-Payment in respect of our Claim/Bill.

i) Name of the Company :

ii) Address :

iii) Bank A/c No. :

iv) Bank/branch Name &Address :

v) Branch Code :

vi) IFSC Code of the Bank :

vii) Permanent A/c No. of the Company :

We also enclosed herewith a Cheque duly cancelled of our above Bank A/c.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

( )
Authorized Signatory

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 22


1. The Tenders shall be in the prescribed Form, are invited in open tender 2 Envelope open Tender: -
2. Not more than one Tender shall be submitted by agencies. Not more than one concernin which an individual
is interested as Proprietor and/or partner shall tender for the execution of the same work. If they do so, all
such Tenders shall be liable to be rejected.
3. The Accepting Authority as mentioned in Schedule ‘F’, of GCC, shall be the Accepting Officer hereinafter,
referred to as such for the purpose of this contract.

4. In the event of the tender being submitted by a partnership firm, it must be signed separately by each partner
thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner, it must be signed on his behalf by a person holding a
power-of-attorney authorizing him to do so. Such power of attorney to be uploaded in Envelope-I with
the tender, and itmust disclose that the firm is duly registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1952.
5. Tender document consisting of plans, specifications, Schedule(s) of Quantities of the various classes of
work to be done, the condition of contracts and other necessary documents will be available on GeM portal
can be downloaded from the GeM e-tenderingportal.

6. All rates shall be quoted in Indian rupees in Envelope - II / Financial Bid in the ‘’Standard BOQ Format’’
which is duly uploaded on the GeM portal and no other formatis acceptable.
7. As this tender is an Item Rate Tender, rates for all items quoted shall only beconsidered. Any Tender
containing percentage below/above the total estimated cost is liable to be rejected. Tenderers which
propose any alteration in the works specified inthe said form of invitation to tender, or in the time allowed
for carrying out the work, orwhich contain any other conditions of any sort including conditional rebates
will be summarily rejected.
8. The site for the work is available.
9. Tenders shall be received through GeM portal up to the date and time and same shall be opened on the date
and time as mentioned in Bid document. Any change or extension of date shall be intimated through GeM
10. The bidder who fails to submit the online transaction of Earnest money deposit (EMD)by the date & time
mentioned in Bid document, then their tenders will be liable to berejected.
11. The refund of EMD to tenderers who fail to qualify in the eligibility / technical criteria,shall be initiated
online. For all tenderers who qualify and their financial bids are opened, their EMD of all such tenderers,
except L-1, shall be refunded to their source account.
12. Guideline for exemption of EMD for NSIC / DIC / KVIC / KVIB / Directorate of
Handloom Registered Firm.
a) During bid evaluation EMD exemption shall be granted to the NSIC/ DIC/ KVIC/KVIB/ MSME/
MSE’s/ Directorate of Handloom registered firms.

b) In case NSIC/ DIC/ KVIC/ KVIB/ MSME/ MSE’s/ Directorate of Handloom registration certificate
is found invalid during evaluation, the bid of such bidder shall be rejected and action shall be
taken as per rules & regulation of AAI.
13. Notification of Award of contract will be made to the successful bidder by the Accepting Authority or his
representative. The contract will normally be awarded to the qualified and responsive Bidder offering
lowest evaluated bid in conformity with the requirements of the specifications and contract documents and
the Accepting Authority shall be thesole judge in this regard. The Accepting Authority does not bind
himself to accept thelowest or, any tender or to give any reason for his decision.
14. A responsive bidder is one who submits priced Tender and accepts all terms, conditions and
specifications of the contract documents failing which his Tender will beliable to be rejected.
15. A major modification is one which affects in any way the quality, quantity and periodof completion of the

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 23

work or which limits in any way the responsibilities or liabilities of
the Bidder or any right of AAI, as required in the specifications and contract documents. Any modification in
the terms and conditions of the Tender which are not acceptable toAAI shall also be treated as a major
16. A Tenderer shall submit a responsive bid, failing which his Tender will be liable to be rejected.
17. The Accepting Authority reserves the right of accepting the whole or any part of the Tender and Tenderer
shall be bound to perform the same at the rates quoted. No claim whatsoever will be entertained on this
18. On acceptance of Tender, “Earnest money” will be treated as part of the security deposit as per Clause 6 of
19. Canvassing in any form in connection with the tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by
firms who resort to canvassing are liable for rejection.
The agency shall advise the branch of the bank issuing bank guarantee to send the original bank guarantee
directly to the Airports Authority of India (AAI) under Registered Post (A.D.). Where the guarantee is to be
handed over directly to the AAI for any genuine reasons, the branch shall immediately send by Registered
Post (A.D.) an unstamped duplicate copy of the guarantee directly to the AAI with a covering letter with
request to compare the same with the original received form their customer and confirm that it isin order.
The agency shall also advise the issuing bank branch to incorporate the address etc. of the Regional /
Controlling Branch of the issuing Branch in a suitable space in the Bank Guarantee. The A.D. card shall be
kept with the loan papers of the relevant guarantee. Letter of Undertaking from the depositor to bank to be
submitted along with fixed deposit/ bank guarantee to Airports Authority of India in the Performa appended
at GCC.
The agency shall also advise the issuing bank branch that whenever any letter is issued by AAI to the
concerned bank branch, for confirmation of having issued the guarantee, branches must send the
confirmation letter to the concerned authorities promptly without fail.
21. The Tenderer shall not be permitted to tender for works in Airports Authority of India Engineering
Department, responsible for award and execution of contracts, in which his near relative is posted as
Manager Finance & Accounts or Sr. Officer or as an engineerin any capacity. He shall also intimate the
names of persons who are working with himin any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and
who are near relatives to anyofficer in Airports Authority of India. Any breach of this condition by the
contractor would render him liable to be debarred from Tendering for next 2 years.
22. The contractors shall give a list of AAI employees related to him.
23. No Engineer of Gazetted rank or other Gazetted Officer employed in Engineering or Administrative duties
in an Engineering Department of Airports Authority of India/Govt. of India is allowed to work as a contractor
for a period of two years of his retirement from Airports Authority of India/ Government service, without
the previous permission of Airports of India/Govt. of India. The contract is liable to be cancelled if either the
contractor or any of his employees is found at any time to be such a person who had not obtained the
permission of Airports Authority of India/Govt. of India as aforesaid before submission of the Tender or
engagement in the contractor’s service.

24. On acceptance of the Tender, the name of the accredited representative(s) of the agencies who would
be responsible for taking instructions from the Engineer-in-Charge shall be communicated to the Engineer-
25. The Tender for composite work includes in addition to Building works all other works such as sanitary,
water supply installations and Electrical work etc. The tenderer apart from being registered contractor
(B & R) of appropriate class, must associates himself with agencies of appropriate class which are eligible
to Tender for sanitary, water supply and Electrical work in composite tender.

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 24

26. A tenderer shall submit the tender which satisfies each and every condition laid down in this notice failing
which the Tender will be liable to be rejected. Also if the credential submitted by the firm found to be
incorrect or have some discrepancy which disqualifies the firm then the AAI shall take the following action:

a) Forfeit the entire amount of EMD submitted by the agency.

b) Debar the agency from tendering in AAI, apart from any other appropriate / legalaction.
27. Rates, Taxes & Levies:
a) Rate quoted for all items shall be in Indian Rupees only. Price shall be inclusive of labour, materials,
loading & unloading, all taxes GST, excise duty, custom duty, CESS, fee, royalty charges etc. levied
under any statute for all the items.

28. Agency is required to go through the entire tender documents before submission.
29. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by one tenderer or tenderers having business relationship.
Under no circumstance will father and his son(s) or other close relations who have business relationship
with one another (i.e. when one or more partner(s)/director(s) are common) be allowed to tender for the
same contract as separate competitors. A breach of this condition will render the tenders of both parties
liable to rejection.

30. Tenderer who has downloaded the tender from GeM Portal (GeM) website shall not
tamper/modify the tender form including downloaded price bid template in any manner. In case if the same is
found to be tampered/modified in any manner, tender will be completely rejected and EMD would be
forfeited and tenderer isliable to be banned from doing business with AAI

31. Refund of EMD The refund of EMD to tenderers who fail to qualify in the eligibility / technical criteria,
shall be initiated online. For all tenderers who qualify and their financial bids are opened, their EMD of all
such tenderers, except L-1, shall be refunded to their source account.
Tenderer who has downloaded the tender from Government e Marketplace Portal (GeM) website, shall not tamper/modify the tender form including downloaded price bid template in any
manner. In case if the same is found to be tampered/modified in any manner, tender will be completely
rejected and EMD wouldbe forfeited and tenderer is liable to be banned from doing business with AAI.
32. Once the tenderer has uploaded and unconditional acceptance to AAI’s tender conditions as an
attachment in its entirety, he is not permitted to upload any additionalfile or put any remark(s)/condition(s)
in / along with the Tender Document. In case the condition is found violated, the tender shall be summarily
rejected and 10% amount of EMD amount shall be forfeited.
33. The Notice Inviting Tender and these General guidelines for the bidder shall form part of the contract
documents. The successful Tenderer/contractor, on acceptance of his Tender by the Accepting
Authority, shall within 15-days from the date of award of worksign the contract consisting of Notice inviting
Tenders, General conditions of contract, special/additional condition, General and particular
specifications, drawings, Tender conditions as issued at the time of invitation of Tender and acceptance
thereof with any correspondence leading there to.
34. Queries / Clarifications, If the Bidder has any Query related to the tender document of the work they
should use “View Representations” in GeM portal to seek clarifications. No other means of
communication in this regard shall be entertained.
35. Rejection of Tender
i) Airports Authority of India reserves the right to reject any or part of tender without assigning any reason.
The documentation submitted by tenderers shall not bereturned. AAI also reserves the right at its sole
discretion not to award any order under this tender call. This decision does not commit AAI to pay any
costs or loss incurred directly or indirectly what so ever.
ii) If the tenderer deliberately gives wrong information in his tender, AAI reserves the right to reject such
tender at any stage or to cancel the contract.
iii) Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with bidder is strictly prohibited and the
bids submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing willbe liable for rejection.

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 25

iv) Tender in which any of the particulars and prescribed information are missing or are incomplete, in any
respect and/or prescribed conditions are not fulfilled, shall be considered non-responsive and is liable
to be rejected.
v) No correspondence shall be entertained from the tenderers after the opening of Price bid of the tender
unless called by AAI.
vi) Tenders with incomplete / ambiguous details are liable to be rejected without seeking any further
vii) The accepting authority on behalf of the Chairman, Airports Authority of India does not bind itself to
accept the lowest or any other bid and reserves the right to rejectany or all the bids received without
assigning any reason. All bids in which any of the prescribed condition is not fulfilled or any
condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the bidders shall be summarily rejected.
36. Validity of Tender
The Tender for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 (ninety) days from the date
of opening of Envelope-II (Financial Bid). If any Tenderer withdrawshis Tender before the said period or
makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the Tender which are not acceptable to the
Department, then Airports Authority of India shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at
liberty to forfeit the full said Earnest money absolutely. Suspended for one year and shall
not be eligible to bid for AAI tenders from date of issue of suspension order.
37. Tenderers are advised to get themselves acquainted for BOQ Based Bid participation requirements at
“instruction for Online Bid Submission”, register themselves at GeM portal, obtain ‘Login ID’ & ‘Password’
and go through the ‘need-help files’ available in the home page after login to the GeM portal
38. Tenderers are advised to go through the “instruction for Online Bid Submission” givenon the GeM portal for online guidance, before online registration and submission of their
applications/bids and submit their applications along with firms bio-data & self-attested
documents/credentials etc. as required as an attachmentbefore due date as per Bid Document.

At the time of preparation of final bill, the full bill value shall be prepared for both agencies who had
quoted L1 & L2 rates for all tendered items (excluding Extra Items based on market rate). The final bill
shall be paid as per lowest of the two final bills. Theamount of final bill to be paid will be restricted to the
lowest amount among them afterdeducting Rs. 1/- so that the firm remains L-1.

40. Benefits to micro & small enterprises (MSEs)

Exemption from paying earnest money deposit:

Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) – registered with district industries centers or khadi and village
industries commission or khadi and village industries board or coir board or national small industries
corporation or directorate of handicraft and handloom or any other body specified by the ministry of
micro, small and medium enterprises as MSMED Act,2006 for goods produced and services rendered-
shall be issued tender documents free of cost and shall be exempted from paying earnest money deposit
Note: -
a) The benefit as above MSEs shall be available only for goods/ services produced
and provided by MSEs for which they are registered.
b) MSEs seeking exemption and benefits shall enclose an attested/ self certified copy of valid
registration certificate giving details of such validity, stores/ services etc. in envelop-1 failing which
they run the risk of their bid being passed over as ineligible for the benefits applicable to MSEs.

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 26

Item Rate Tender & Contract for Work

Airport: Tezu Airport Division: RHQ, NER, Guwahati

Branch: Engg.-Electrical Office of: SM (Engg-E)

Tender for the work of:- Supply of GLF Spares for Day to Day Maintenance at Tezu Airport During 2023-24

Issued to:

Signature of officer issuing

the documents
Date of Issue:

I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, A, B, C, D, E & F, Specificationsapplicable,
Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract, Clauses ofcontract, Special
conditions, Schedule of Rates & other documents and Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all
other contents in the tender document for the work.

I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the Chairman Airports Authority of India within the
time specified in Schedule 'F', viz., schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respects with the Rules and
Directions and in Clause 8 of the General terms & conditions and with such material as are provided for, by and
in respects in accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable.

We agree to keep the tender open for Ninety (90) days from the date of opening of financial bid and not to make
any modifications in its terms and conditions. A sum of Rs. 28,471.00 (Rupees Twenty-Eight Thousand Four
Hundred Seventy One Only) is hereby online through payment gateway on GeM Portal as earnest money.
Further, if I/We fail to commence work as specified, I/We agree that Chairman, AAI or his successors in Office
shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money
absolutely, otherwise said earnest money shall be retained by him towards security deposit to execute all the
works referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to therein and to
carry out such deviations as may be ordered, up to maximum of the percentage mentioned in Schedule ‘F’ and
those in excess of that limit at the rates to be

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 27

determined in accordance with the provision contained in Clause 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4 of the tender form. Further, I /We
agree that in case of forfeiture of earnest money as aforesaid, I/We shall be debarred for participation in the re-
tendering process of the work. I / We hereby declare that, I / We shall treat the tender documents, drawings and
other records connected with the work as secret / confidential documents and shall not communicate information /
derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/We am/are authorized to communicate the same
or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the safety of the State.


Signature of the Contractor


Postal Address



The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted by
competent authority on behalf of the Chairman, Airports Authority of India for
sum of
Rs. (Rupees

The letters referred to below shall from part of this contract Agreement:-(i)

For & on behalf of Airports Authority of India




A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 28

1. Definition of Terms
• Authority or AAI shall mean Airports Authority of India having its headquarters at New Delhi and includes a duly
authorized representative of AAI or any other person empoweredin this behalf by AAI to discharge all or any office

• Accepting Authority shall mean the officer empowered to accept this bid.
SM (Engg-Elect), AAI, Tezu Airport, Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh-7 9 2 0 0 1 will be the Accepting
Authority for this bid.

• Consignee means the person to whom the stores are to be dispatched by air or steamer, road, rail as specified in
the agreement/ acceptance of bid. SM (Engg-Elect), AAI, Tezu Airport, Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh-
7 9 2 0 0 1 will be the consignee for this contract.

• Contract means the documents forming the bid and acceptance thereof and the formal agreement executed
between competent authority on behalf of the Chairman, Airports Authority of India and the Contractor, together
with documents referred to therein including these conditions, the specifications, designs, drawings and
instructions issued from time totime by the Engineer-in-Charge and all these documents taken together, shall be
deemed to form one contract and shall be complementary to one another.

• Delivery shall means stores to be supplied in finished and complete condition ready for use. The delivery shall
deem to have been taken place, on delivery of the stores in accordancewith the term of the contract to the
consignee at the destination. Tezu Airport Tezu shallbe the destination for this contract. Agency has to supply
the materials within minimum timeas decided by EIC or his authorized representative.

• Completion of supply: Date of delivery in the stores at Tezu Airport Tezu by the agency in Full Quantity.

• Particulars include:
Trade pattern, that is to say, a pattern, stores confirming to which are obtainable in the open market and which
denotes a standard of Bureau of Indian standards or other standardizingauthority or general standards of the
Proprietary mark or brand means the mark or brand of a product, which is registered by an industrial firm. Any
other details governing the construction, manufacture or supply of stores may be prescribed in the contract.
• Purchaser shall mean the Airports Authority of India which term also includes their successors in law.
• Contractor shall mean the individual, firm or company whether incorporated or not, undertaking the works and
shall include the legal, personal representative of such individualor the persons composing such firm or company,
or the successors of such firm or company and the permitted assignees of such individual or firm or company.
The words Tenderer, supplier, bidder and firm shall also mean the Contractor.

• The Engineer-In-Charge: - means the Engineer officer who shall supervise and be in- charge of the work and
who shall sign the contract on behalf of the Chairman, Airports Authority of India as mentioned in Schedule ‘F’
hereunder. SM (Engg-Elect), AAI, Tezu.Airport, Tezu shall be the Engineer - In – charge for this contract.
• Test shall mean such test or tests as are prescribed by the specifications to be performed bythe supplier, or his
nominee, after manufacture before dispatch, at supplier’s factory. The same to be submitted for particular Spares.
• Stores shall mean the goods specified in the schedule, which the contractor has agreed to supply under the
• Writing shall include any manuscript, typewritten or printed statement under/over signature or seal of either of the
parties as the case may be.
• Authority of Person who signs the tender and subsequent correspondence on behalf of the contractor. A person
signing the tender or any other document in respect of the contact onbehalf of the contractor without disclosing his
A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 29
authority to do so shall be deemed to warrant that he has authority to bind the contractor. If it is discovered at any time
that the person so signing had no authority to do so, the purchaser may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy
of the purchaser, cancel the contract and forfeit the EMD as available with AAI.
• Address of the parties for Notices and Communications for all purposes of the contract,including arbitration
there under, the addresses of the parties mentioned above should be the addresses to which all communications shall
be sent, unless the parties have notified a change by a registered post acknowledgement due. The parties shall
be solely responsible for the consequence of an omission to notify a change of address in the manner aforesaid.
2.0 Tender Form
• Tender Documents will be available on GeM Portal & will be downloaded through GeM E- tender portal must be
submitted within the due date as specified.

• Transfer of Bid Documents by one Bidder to another is not permissible.

• The Bidder shall use none of these documents for any purpose other than that of this contract.
• The successful Bidder shall take necessary steps to ensure that all persons employed on anywork in connection
with this contract have noticed that the Indian Official Secrets Act 1923applies to them and shall continue to apply
even after the execution of such works under the contract.

3.0 Validity of Tender

The Bid must be valid up to 90 days from the Date of opening of price bid. If any bidder withdraws his bid before
the said period or makes any modifications in the terms & conditions of the bid which are not acceptable to the
department, then AAI shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the full said earnest
money absolutely.

4.0 Language and Currency

The bidder shall quote the rates in English language and international numerals. The rate shall be in
whole numbers. These rates shall be entered in figures as well as in words. In the event of the order
being awarded, the language of all services, manuals, instructions, technical documentation etc.provided for under
this contract will be English. The rates quoted shall be in Indian

5.0 Earnest Money Deposit

EMD of the value of Rs. 25,132/-(Rupees Twenty Five Thousand One Hundred Thirty TwoOnly) will be required to
be paid ONLINE on GeM Portal.
EMD in the form of Cash or any other form shall not be accepted. The tender of the bidder who failto submit the EMD
before the stipulated time shall be rejected outright.

5.1 Refund of EMD

The refund of EMD to tenderers who fail to qualify in the eligibility / technical criteria, shall be initiated online. For all tenderers
who qualify and their financial bids are opened, their EMD of all such tenderers,except L-1, shall be refunded to their source

6.0 Security Deposit

The contractor shall permit Airports Authority of India at the time of making any payment to him for work done under the
contract to deduct towards security deposit such sum as will along with the amount of Earnest Money already deposited
amounting to 10% of the gross amount of the bill. The Security deposit will also be accepted in the form of Bank Guarantee
by any Scheduled Banks (but not any Co-operative or Gramin. In case of fixed deposit receipt or or Guarantee Bond of
any Scheduled Bank is furnished by the Contractor to AAI as part of the Security Deposit and the Bank goes
A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 30
into Liquidation or for any other reason is unable to make payment against the said DD the loss caused thereby shall be
borne by the contractor and the Contractor shall forthwith or on demand furnish additional Security to AAI to make good
the deficit. All Compensation or other sums of money payable by the Contractor under the terms of this contract or any
other contract or any other account what so ever may be deducted from or paid by the sale of sufficientpart of his Security
Deposit or from the interest arising there from or from any sums which may be due or may become due to the Contractor
by AAI on any account whatsoever and in the event ofhis Security Deposit being reduced by reason of such deduction or
sale as aforesaid, the Contractor shall within fourteen days of receipt of notice of demand from the Engineer-In-Charge
make goodthe deficit. On expiry of the defects liability period or on payment of the amount of the final bill payable
whichever is later, the Engineer-in-charge shall, on demand from the Contractor, refund tohim the remaining portion of the
Security deposit provided the Engineer-in-charge is satisfied thatthere is no demand outstanding against the Contractor.

6.1 Defect Liability Period: - The Defect Liability Period shall be 06 (Six) Months from the Certified date
of completion of work. The Security Deposit shall be released only after satisfactory completion of Defect
Liability Period

7.0 Signing of Contract

No payment for the work done will be made unless contract in form of agreement is signed by the contractor.
The agreement shall be executed on a non-juridical stamp paper of Rs: 100/-(Rupees one hundredonly) and the cost of
stamp paper shall be borne by the contractor.

8.0 Work to be executed in Accordance with Specifications, Orders etc.

The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in the most substantial and workmanlike manner both
as regards materials and otherwise in every respect in strict accordance with the specifications. The contractor shall also
conform exactly, fully and faithfully to the design, drawings and instructions in writing in respect to the work signed by the
Engineer in charge and thecontractor shall be furnished free of charge one copy of the contract documents together with
specifications, designs, drawings and instructions as are not included in the standard specifications of Central Public Works
Department specified in Schedule F or in any Bureau of Indian Standard or any other published standard or code or Schedule
of Rates or any other printed publication referred to elsewhere in the contract. The contractor shall comply with the
provisions of the contract and withthe care and diligence execute and maintain the works and provide all labour and materials,
tools and plants including for measurements and supervision of all works, structural plans and other things oftemporary or
permanent nature required for such execution and maintenance in so far as the necessity for providing these, is specified or is
reasonably inferred from the contract. The contractor shall take full responsibility for adequacy suitability and safety of all the
works and methods of construction.

9.0 Deviations / Variations Extent and Pricing

The engineer-in-charge shall have power (i) to make alteration in, omissions from, additions to, or substitutions for the
original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions that may appear tohim to be necessary or advisable during the
progress of the work, and (ii) to omit a part of the works in case of non-availability of a portion of the site or for any other
reasons and the contractor shall be bound to carry out the works in accordance with any instructions given to him in writing
signed by the Engineer-in-charge and such alterations, omissions, additions or substitutions shall form part of
the contract as if originally provided therein and any altered, additional or substituted work which the contractor may be
directed to do in the manner specified above as part of the works, shall be carriedout by the contractor on the same
conditions in all respects including price on which he agreed to dothe main work except as hereafter provided.

9.1 The time for completion of the works shall, in the event of any deviations resulting in additional cost over the
tendered value sum being ordered, be extended, if requested by the contractor, as follows:
(i) In the proportion which the additional cost of the altered, additional or substituted work, bears to the original
tendered value plus
(ii) 25% of the time calculated in (i) above or such further additional time as may be considered reasonable by
the engineer-in-charge.

9.2 Deviation, Extra Items and pricing

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 31
In case of extra item(s) (items that are completely new, and in addition to the items contained in the contract) the contractor
may within seven days of receipt of order or occurrence of the items claimsrates, supported by proper analysis for the work
and the Engineer in-charge shall within six weeks of the receipt of the claims supported by analysis, after giving consideration
to the analysis of the rates
submitted by the contractor, determine the rates on the basis of the market rates and the contractorshall be paid in
accordance with the rates so determined.
9.3 Deviation, Substituted Items Pricing
In the case of substituted items, (items that are taken up with partial substitution or in lieu of items of work in the contract) the
rate for the agreement item (to be substituted) and substituted item shall also be determined in the manner as mentioned in the
following para:-
a) If the market rate for the substituted item so determined is more than the market rate of theagreement item (to
be substituted), the rate payable to the contractor for the substituted itemshall be the rate for the agreement item
(to be substituted) so increased to the extent of the difference between the market rates of substituted item
and the agreement item(to be substituted).
b) If the market rate for the substituted item so determined is less than the market rate of theagreement item (to
be substituted), the rate payable to the contractor for the substituted itemshall be the rate for the agreement item
(to be substituted) so decreased to the extent of the difference between the market rates of substituted item
and the agreement item (to be substituted).
9.4 Deviation, Deviated Quantities, Pricing

In the case of contract items, substituted items, contract cum substituted items, which exceed the limits laid down
in schedule F, the contractor may within fifteen days of receipt of order or occurrence of the excess, claim
revision of the rates, supported by proper analysis for the work in excess of the above mentioned limits, provided
that if the rates so claimed are in excess of the ratesspecified in the schedule of quantities, the Engineer-in-
Charge shall within Six weeks of receipt of the claims supported by analysis, after giving consideration to the
analysis of the rates submitted by the contractor, determine the rates on the basis of the market rates and the
contractor shall be paid in accordance with the rates so determined.
9.5 The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall also apply to the decrease in the rates of items for the work in excess of
the limits laid down in Schedule F, and the Engineer-in-Charge shall after giving notice to the contractor within
one month of occurrence of the excess and after taking intoconsideration any reply received from him within
fifteen days of the receipt of the notice, revise therates for the work in question within one month of the expiry of the
said period of fifteen days having regard to the market rates.

10.0 Contents of Tender: The tender will be in Two Bid Envelopes as mentioned in NIT.

11.0 Standard Printed Terms & Conditions

Standard printed terms & conditions of the tenderer if attached to the offer will not be accepted andonly those
mentioned in the body of tenderer will be considered. Any deviation or departure from the provision of the tender
condition must be clearly brought out indicating full particulars and reasonsfor deviations along with a deviation
statement indicating against each item. Unless specificallybrought out, the offered technical specifications shall
be considered to comply in every respect with the terms & conditions contained in the specifications.

12.0 Mode of transport

The supplier shall dispatch the stores by AIR/ Road/ Rail up to AAI, Tezu Airport, Tezu, Arunacha Pradesh
- 792001.

13.0 Supply of Materials:

Approval of the Engineer-in-charge shall be taken well in advance for all materials to be supplied bythe successful
tenderer. The samples of each items to be got approved before supplying the full quantity at site. Materials will not
be accepted without approving the samples. Material to be supplied by the contractor shall be new & Latest,
genuine/original and free from defects. The contractor has to submit the required catalogues/ literature / test
certificates / technical information / warranty / Guarantee Cards etc. wherever applicable along with the samples,if so
desired by the Engineer-in-Charge.

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 32

Agency has to supply spares/items as per make and catalogue number mentioned against respective items, spares/items
of different make and catalogue number will not be accepted.

14.0 Taxes and Duties

GST, packing, freight & insurance, loading and unloading shall be included in the quoted price. AAIwill not issue any
concessional tax / road permit etc. The contractor is advised to get himself fully apprised to the financial
implications while offering his rates. No claim what so ever will be entertained in this regard at a later stage.

15.0 Pricing Schedule

The tenderer shall upload Schedule of Price Bid in the “Standard BOQ Format” which is dulyuploaded on the
GeM portal and no other format is acceptable.
Bidders are requested to quote their rates inclusive of GST for each & every BOQ Items for bid evaluation purpose.
If any bidder doesn’t quote any rate for any or few items, their rates shall be treated as “ZERO” against such item /
items and accordingly, it is presumed that bidder is willing toexecute those items free of cost to AAI . Bid evaluation
shall be done on the basis of Overall Lowest (L-1) considering all BOQ Items.
16.0 Packing, Marking and Forwarding
The successful tenderer shall be solely responsible to ensure the following -
a) Sound packing of all items.
b) Shipment of items by the due dates as specified in the contract.
c) Forwarding and handling over to the Engineer-in-charge.
• Packing conditions should commensurate with best commercial practice. All materials should be packed with special
precaution and should bear the marking like fragile, handle with careand/ or ‘This side up’ etc. Items in bundles
must be securely tied with steel wire or straps atsuitable intervals.
• All delicate surfaces on equipment/ material should be carefully protected and painted with protective paint/
compound and wrapped to prevent rusting and damage.
• All threaded fittings and pipes should be greased and provided with plastic caps.
• All protrusions shall be suitably protected and cover shall block openings.
• On three sides and top of the packages, the following marks shall appear clearly visible (letters in English in
Bold) and in indelible paint.

From, To,
Name & Address SM (Engg. -Elect), Airports
Authority of India, Tezu,
Airport, Tezu
Purchase Order No: - Arunachal Pradesh - 792001.
For every dispatch, packages must be marked with serial progressive numbering. All packages that require special
handling and transport would have their center of gravity and points at which they may be slung or gripped clearly indicated
and marked “Attention Special Load handle with care” inEnglish language. A copy of packing list shall be put along with the
materials inside each case/ crate/ carton.

17.0 Standards
All designs, materials, manufacturing techniques and workmanship shall be in accordance with highest accepted
standards for this type of spares/items. The tenderer shall also state, whereapplicable, the national or other
International Standard (s) to which the whole or any specificpart, of the equipment or system complies.
In addition to any other information/ description, the tenderers may wish to provide, the features/performance figures specified/
indicated with supporting documents/ calculations.
All figures indicated by the tenderers must be fully qualified and subject to coordinate performance.

18.0 Escalation in Prices

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 33
The accepted prices shall be firm and fixed and subject to no escalation whatsoever till thecompletion of work.

19.0 Substitution and Wrong supplies

Unauthorized substitution of materials delivered in error of wrong description or quality or suppliedin excess quantity or
rejected goods shall be returned to the successful tenderer at his cost and risk.

20.0 Award of Contract :

Notification of Award of contract will be made to the successful bidder by the Accepting Authority or his representative. The
contract will normally be awarded to the qualified and responsive Bidder offering lowest evaluated bid in conformity with the
requirements of the specifications and contract documents and the Accepting Authority shall be the sole judge in this regard.
The Accepting Authority does not bind himself to accept the lowest or, any tender or to give any reason for his decision.

21.0 Rejection of tender:

• Airports Authority of India reserves the right to reject any or part of tender without assigning any reason. The
documents submitted by tenderers shall not be returned. AAI also reserves the right at its sole discretion not to
place any order under this tender call. The decision does not commit AAI to pay any costs or damages or loss
incurred in the preparation and submission of any requisite tender or technical proposal or to procure or contract
for any ofthe items described herein.
• If the tenderer deliberately gives wrong information in his Tender, AAI reserves the right to reject such tender at
any stage or to cancel the Contract, if awarded, and to forfeit the earnest money and or performance guarantee
• Canvassing in any form in connection with the tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenderssubmitted by firms who
resort to canvassing are liable for rejection.
• Tender in which any of the particulars and prescribed information are missing or are incomplete, in any respect
and/ or prescribed conditions are not fulfilled, shall be considered non-responsive and is liable to be rejected.
• No correspondence shall be entertained from the tenderers after the opening of Envelope -
II- Financial Bid of the Tender, unless called by AAI.

22.0 Correspondence: - All correspondence with AAI would be directly made by the tenderer or hisauthorized representative only.
Correspondence through agents will not be relevant to the contract.

23.0 Time period for the Completion.

Time allowed for the completion of the supplies is 02 (Two) Months from the date as mentioned in work order by AAI. It
must be understood that the supplier has agreed for the proposed time schedule after fully considering all such resources
and factors, which may have any bearing on the timeschedule of the contract, and no extension in the time
schedule whatsoever shall be permitted onthese accounts by AAI.

24.0 Payment terms

100% payment shall be released by the Engineer-in-charge after satisfactory supply of materials tothe consignee
subject to deduction of Security Deposit, Statutory Taxes as applicable, recoveries, if any. The payment shall be made
to the contractor after completing the supply of material for billvalue of Rs. 3.00 lakh (minimum) except final bill. The
contractor has to submit his bill accordinglyfor the supplied quantity which shall be jointly measured by the
contractor or his authorisedrepresentative and representative of EIC. The Payment shall be processed only after
submission of following documents: -
(a) Signed GST invoice mentioning HSN code of each material and applicable GST rate in original.
(b) Signed Commercial invoice in original.
(c) Copy of Original Invoice (from where the materials have been procured) to be submitted.
25.0 Guarantee
All goods or material shall be supplied strictly in accordance with the specifications. No deviation from such
A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 34
specifications of these conditions shall be made without AAI’s agreement in writing,which must be obtained before
any work against the order is commenced. All materials furnished by the successful tenderer pursuant to the order
(irrespective of whether engineering/ design or otherinformation has been furnished, reviewed or approved by AAI) shall
be guaranteed to be of the bestquality/ kinds [unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by AAI] and shall be
free fromfaulty design. The goods/material used by the successful tenderer and its workmanship should be ofproven
quality so as to fulfill in all respects the operating conditions and other requirements specifiedin the order. If any trouble or
defect originating with the design, materials, workmanship or operatingcharacteristic of any materials/ item arise within
any time prior to 06 (Six) Month from the date ofcompletion of work as mentioned in the completion certificate, the
tenderer will be notified. Thetenderer at his own expense and at no cost to AAI as promptly as possible make such
alterations,repairs and replacement at site as may be necessary to permit the functioning of the equipment in
accordance with the specifications.
AAI may at its option remove such defective material at the tenderer’s expense, if the tenderer doesnot act after being
informed. The tenderer shall make good the replacement in kind/ cash. In the event that the materials supplied do not meet the
specifications and/or are not in accordance with the drawings, data sheets and rectification is required at site, AAI shall
inform the tenderer giving full details of deficiencies. The tenderer shall, at his own expense visit the site & take such
action as required to correct the deficiencies & ensure that the supplies meet the specifications.
26.0 Recovery of Amount in case L – 1 changes to other position:
After executing the total work, if position of L – 1 changes to other position, then the difference amount between new
lowest L – 1 and original L – 1 + Rs 1/- will be recovered from the final billamount of original L – 1 bidder to remain original
L –1 as always L – 1.
27.0 Delay & Non-Conformance
In case of Delivery schedule originally agreed upon by AAI and not being adhered to by the supplier, the following
procedure shall be applicable:-
a) The supplier shall give reason for delays and apply for extension of delivery period.
b) AAI may extend the delivery period without Liquidated Damages if the reasons given by thesupplier are found
justified. Otherwise delivery period may be extended with levy of liquidatedDamages @ 0.50% of the value of
undelivered stores per week of delay subject to a maximum of 10% of contract value. Part of a week shall be treated
as one whole week.
c) AAI also reserves the right to cancel the order wholly or in part without any liability to pay cancellation charges
or any other costs and forfeit the EMD and/or performance Bank Guarantee infull absolutely, in case of delay in
d) In the event of rejection of non-confirming goods, the successful tenderer shall be allowed to replace the non-
conformities at his cost. If successful tenderer fails to do so within the time stipulated by Engineer-in-charge, the purchaser
shall have the right to invoke the performance Bank Guarantee.

28.0 Force Majeure

AAI may grant an extension of time limit set for the completion of work in case the timely completion of the work is
delayed by force majeure beyond the contractor’s control, subject to what is stated in the following sub-paragraphs and
to the procedures detailed there in being followed. Force majeure is defined as an event of effect that cannot
reasonably be anticipated such as due toriots (otherwise than among Contractor’s employees) and civil commotion (in so
far as both these are uninsurable), war (whether declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war,
rebellion, revolution, Insurrection, military or usurped power, any acts of Government, damage from aircraft, acts of God,
such as earth quake, lightning and unprecedented floods and other causes over which the Contractor has no control and
accepted as such by the Accepting Authority. The supplier’s right to an extension of the time limit for completion of the work,
in above mentioned cases is subject to the following procedures;-
a) That within 10 days after the occurrence of a case of force majeure but before the expiry of the stipulated date of
completion, the Supplier informs the AAI in writing that the Supplier considers himself entitled to an extension of the
time limit.
b) That the supplier produces evidence of the date of occurrence and the duration of the force majeure in an adequate
manner by means of documents drawn up by responsible authorities.
c) That the supplier proves that the said conditions have actually been interfered with the carrying out the contract.
d) That the supplier proves that the delay occurred is not due to his own action or lack of action.
e) Apart from the extension of the time limit, force majeure does not entitle the successful tenderer to any compensation of
damage or loss suffered.
A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 35
29.0 Patents, Successful Tenderer’s Liability & Compliance of regulations
a) Successful tenderer shall protect and fully indemnify the AAI from any claims for infringement ofpatents, copyright,
trademark of the like.
b) Successful tenderer shall also protect and fully indemnify the AAI from any claims fromsuccessful tenderer’s
workmen/ employees, their heirs, dependents, representatives etc. or from any other person(s) or bodies/companies
etc. for any act of commission or omission while executing the order.
c) Successful tenderer shall be responsible for compliance with all requirements under the laws andshall protect and
completely indemnify AAI from any claims/ penalties arising out of any infringements.

30.0 Determination of Contract:

Subject to the other provisions contained in this Clause, The Engineer-in-Charge may without prejudice to his any
other rights or remedy against the Contractor in respect of any delay, inferiorgoods and/ or any other provisions of
this contract or otherwise, and whether the date of completionhas or has not elapsed, by notice in writing absolutely
determine the contract in any of the following case:-
30.1 If the contractor has been given by the Engineer-in-charge a notice in writing to rectify/ replace any defective
material shall omit to comply with the requirement of such notice for a period of 15 days thereafter.
30.2 If the contractor being a company shall pass a resolution or the Court shall make an order that the company shall be
wound up or if a receiver or a manager on behalf of a creditor shall be appointed or if circumstances shall arise which
entitle the court to make a winding up order.
30.3 If the contractor has, without reasonable cause, suspends the progress of the supply or has failed to carry out the
supply with due diligence so that in the opinion of Engineer-in-charge (which shall be final and binding) he will be
unable to complete the supply by completion date and continues to do so after a notice in writing of fifteen days
from the Engineer-in- charge.
30.4 If the contractor fails to complete the supply within stipulated date or items of supply with individual dates of
completion, if any stipulated, or on before such, date(s) of completion and does not complete them within the period
specified in a notice given in writing in that behalf of the Engineer-in-charge.
30.5 If the contractor persistently neglects to carry out his obligations under the contract and/or commits default in
complying with any of the terms and conditions of the contact and doesnot remedy it within 15 days after a
notice in writing is given to him in that behalf of the Engineer-in-charge. When the contractor has made himself
liable for action under any of the cases aforesaid, the Engineer-in-charge on behalf of Chairman, AAI shall
have powers to determine or rescind the contract as aforesaid (of which termination or rescission notice in
writing to the contractor under the hand of the Engineer-in-charge shall be conclusive evidence). Upon such
determination or rescind the full performance guarantee shall be liable to be forfeited and shall be absolutely at the
disposal of AAI.
31.0 Dispute Resolution Mechanism and Arbitration:
Except where otherwise provided in the contract, all questions and disputes relating to the meaningof the specifications,
design, drawings and instruction here-in before mentioned and as to the quality of workmanship or materials used on the
work or as to any other question, claim, right, matter orthing whatsoever, in any way arising out of or relating to the
contract, designs, drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions, orders or these conditions or otherwise concerning the
work orthe execution or failure to execute the same whether arising during the progress of the work or afterthe cancellation,
termination, completion or abandonment thereof shall be dealt with as mentionedhereinafter:

(i) Through Dispute Resolution Committee:

If a dispute of any kind, whatsoever, arises between the procuring entity and contractor in connection with or arising out of the
contract or the execution of the works, whether during the execution of the works or after their completion and whether before
or after the repudiation or termination of the contract, including any disagreement by either party with any action, opinion,
instruction, determination, certificate or valuation of the Engineer, the matter in dispute shall in the first place, be referred to
the Dispute Resolution Committee(DRC) appointed by Regional Executive Director, AAI.
DRC thus constituted may act as ‘conciliator’ and will be guided by principles of ‘conciliation’ as included in part III of
A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 36
Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996. DRC should take into consideration,rights and obligations of parties, usage to
trade concerned and circumstances surrounding the dispute(s), including any previous business practices between
parties. Efforts of DRC should be to come to an amicable settlement of outstanding disputes. If parties agree, a written
settlement will be drawn up and signed by the parties. DRC will authenticate the settlement agreement and furnish a copy
to each party.

DRC will give its report within 45 days of its constitution.

It is also a term of contract that fees and other expense if payable to DRC shall be paid equally by both the parties i.e.
AAI and Contractor. Unless the contract has already been repudiated or terminated, the contractor shall, in every case,
continue to proceed with the work with all due diligence.
It is also a term of contract that If the contractor does not make any demand for Dispute ResolutionCommittee in respect of
any claim in writing within 90 (Ninety) days of receiving the intimation from the AAI that the bill is ready for payment, the
claim of contractor (s) will be deemed to have been waved and absolutely barred and the AAI shall be discharged and
released of all liabilities under the contract in respect of these claims.

(ii) Adjudication through Arbitration:-

Except where the decision has become final, binding and conclusive in terms of Sub Para (i) above,disputes or differences
shall be referred for adjudication through arbitration by a sole arbitrator appointed by the Member (Planning) / Chairman,
AAI. If the arbitrator so appointed is unable or unwilling to act or resigns his appointment or vacates his office due to any
reason whatsoever, another sole arbitrator shall be appointed in the manner aforesaid. Such person shall be entitled to
proceed with the reference from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor.
It is also a term of contract that If the contractor does not make any demand for appointment of Arbitrator in respect of
any claim in writing within 120(One hundred Twenty) days of receiving the decision / award from Dispute resolution
Committee, the claim of contractor (s) will be deemed to have been waved and absolutely barred and the AAI shall be
discharged and released of all liabilities under the contract in respect of these claims.
It is term of this contract that the party invoking arbitration shall give a list of disputes with amounts claimed in respect of each
such dispute along with the notice for appointment of arbitrator and giving reference to the rejection of their claims by the
Dispute Resolution Committee. It is also a term of this contract that no person, other than a person appointed by above
mentioned appointing authority, should act as arbitrator and if for any reason that is not possible, the matter shall not be
referred toarbitration at all.

The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of
1996) or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made there under and for the time being in force
shall apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause.
It is also a term of this contract that the arbitrator shall adjudicate on only such disputes as are referred to him by the
appointing authority and give separate award against each dispute and claim referred to him and in all cases where the
total amount of the claims by any party exceeds Rs.1, 00,000/-, the arbitrator shall give reasons for the award.
It is also a term of the contract that if any fees are payable to the arbitrator, these shall be paid equally by both the parties.
It is also a term of the contract that the arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered on the reference on the date he issues
notice to both the parties calling them to submit their statement of claims and counter statement of claims. The venue of
the arbitration shall be such place as may be fixed by thearbitrator in his sole discretion. The fees, if any, of the arbitrator
shall, if required to be paid beforethe award is made and published, be paid half and half by each of the parties. The cost
of the reference and of the award (including the fees, if any, of the arbitrator) shall be in the discretion ofthe arbitrator who
may direct to any by whom and in what manner, such costs or any part thereof shall be paid and fix or settle the amount of
costs to be so paid.

32.0 Effect & Jurisdiction of Contract

32.1 The contract shall be considered as having come in to force from the date of issue of AAI’sLetter of
acceptance of the offer.
32.2 The law applicable to this contract shall be the law enforced in India.

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 37

33.0 The contractor shall arrange necessary Security Passes for his staff at his own cost. If contractor is found to
violate any of security regulations, he shall be blacklisted and will be subjected to other legal proceedings.
34.0 The necessary T&P reqd. to complete the supply shall be arranged by the contractor.
35.0 After Sales Service
35.1 The contractor shall ensure adequate & prompt after sales service in the form of maintenance personal & spares as
and when required.
36.0 Benefits to micro & small enterprises (MSEs) Exemption
from paying earnest money deposit
Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) – registered with district industries centers or khadiand village industries
commission or khadi and village industries board or coir board or national small industries corporation or directorate
of handicraft and handloom or any other body specified by the ministry of micro, small and medium enterprises as
MSMED Act,2006for goods produced and services rendered-shall be issued tender documents free of cost and shall
be exempted from paying earnest money deposit (EMD).
Note: -

a) The benefit as above MSEs shall be available only for goods/ services produced and providedby MSEs for
which they are registered.
b) MSEs seeking exemption and benefits shall enclose an attested/ self-certified copy of valid registration certificate
giving details of such validity, stores/ services etc. in envelop-1 failing which they run the risk of their bid being passed
over as ineligible for the benefits applicable to MSEs.
Price Preference.
Further in tender participating MSEs quoting price within the price band of L1+15 percent. Shall also be allowed
to supply a portion of requirement by bringing down their prices to L1 price in a situation where L1 price is from
someone other than a micro and small enterprise and such micro and small enterprises shall be allowed to
supply at least 20 percent of total tendered value in case of more than one such MSEs the supply will be shared
proportionately (to tendered quantity) further out of 20%, 4% (20% of 20%) shall be from MSEs owned by
SC/ST entrepreneurs. This quota is to be transferred to other MSEs in case of non-availability of MSEs
owned by SC/ST enterprises.“In case of tender item is non-splitable or non-dividable etc. MSE quoting price within
price band L1+15% maybe awarded for full/complete supply of total tendered value to MSE, considering spirit of
policy for enhancing the Govt. procurement from MSE.”

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 38

All rates shall be quoted in the format provided and no other format is acceptable. The price bid hasbeen given on GeM
portal and same is to be downloaded and to be filled by all the bidders. Once the details have been completed, the bidder
should save it and submit it online, without changing the File name. if the BOQ file is found to be modified by the bidder, the
bid will be rejected and EMD shall be forfeited.

No Materials will be issued to contractors
No tools and plants to be hired to the contractor
Extra schedule for specific requirements/documents for the work, if any as per written under

S.No Description Page no.

1. General Terms & Conditions 31-43

Schedule of Component of, other Materials, Labour etc. for price escalation: N/A

Component of civil (except cement, steel reinforcement bars, steel structural and bitumen)/ Electrical construction
Material-expressed as percent of total values of work.
N/AComponent of labour-expressed as percent of total value of work.
Component of P.O.L Expressed as percent of total value work.


Reference to General Conditions of contract (GCC can be downloaded from AAI, website)
Name of work:- Supply of GLF Spares for Day to Day Maintenance at Tezu Airport During 2023-24
(i) Estimated cost of work : Rs. 14,23,556/- with GST
(ii) Earnest money Deposit : Rs. 28,471/-
(iii) Performance Guarantee : N/A
(iv) Security Deposit : 10% of Contract amount for works costing up to Rs. 5.00 Cr
(v) Defect Liability Period : Six (06) Months from the Certified Date of Completion

General Rules & Directions:

Officer inviting tender: SM (Engg. -E), AAI, Tezu Airport, Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh - 792001
Maximum percentage for quantity of items of work to be executed beyond which rates are to bedetermined in
accordance with clause 9.2, 9.3 & 9.4 of General terms & conditions: 25%
2 (V) Office inviting tender: SM (Engg. -Elect), AAI, Tezu Airport, Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh - 792001.
2 (Viii) Accepting Authority: As per AAI’s DOP.
2 (X) Percentage on cost of materials and labour to cover all overheads and profits : 15%.

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 39

2 (XI) Standard Schedules of Rates : Market Rates
2 (XII) Department : Engineering (Electrical), Tezu Airport, Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh.
9 (ii) Standard A.A.I. Contract Form : D.E. Form 8 as modified & Corrected upto date.

(i) Time allowed for submission of performance Guarantee from the date of Issue of letter ofacceptance:
(ii) Maximum Allowable Extension beyond the period (provided in “i”) above : N/A
Authority for fixing compensation under clause 2: As per AAI, DOP
Whether clause 2A shall applicable: N/A
Number of day from the date of issue of letter Acceptance for
reckoning date of start: as mentioned in award / contract letter issued by GeM.
Mile Stone(S) as per table given below:
Table of Mile stone(S)

S.No. Description of Time allowed, in days Amount to be withhold in case of non-

Milestones (Physical) (from date of start) achievement ofmilestone

Not Applicable
Time allowed for execution of work: 02(Two) Months.Clause 6, 6A
Clause applicable-(6 or 6A): Clause-6

Clause 10A
List of testing equipment to be provided by the contractor at site: N/A
Clause 10B (ii)
Whether clause 10 B (ii) shall be applicable: N/A
Clause 10CA
Materials covered under this Clause / Nearest Materials for which all India Wholesale Price Index is to be followed / BasePrice of all Material
covered under Clause 10CA
Clause 10CC to be applicable in contracts with stipulated period of Completion exceeding the periodshow in text
column: N/A
Clause 11

of work

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 40

Clause 12
Deviation limit beyond which clauses 9.2, 9.3 & 9.4 of General terms & conditions shall applyFor Supply
items: 25%.
Deviation limit beyond which clauses 9.2, 9.3& 9.4 shall apply for foundation work: N/A
Clause 16
Competent Authority for deciding reduced rates: As per AAI DOP
Clause 18
List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants to be deployed by the contractor at Site:-

Any other test equipments required at the time of execution of work at site other than theabove list shall also
be provided by Contractor

Clause 36 (i)
S.No. Minimum Discipline Designation Rate at which
Qualification of (Principal recovery shall be
Technical Technical/Tec made from the
Representative hnical contractor in the

Representative event of not fulfillingprovision
) of

Clause 36(I)

1 N/A

Assistant Engineers retired from Government services that are holding Diploma will be treatedat par with Graduate
Clause 42
(i) Schedules/Statement for determining theoretical quantity of cement & bitumen on thebase of Delhi
Schedule of Rates 2022 printed by C.P.W.D. : N/A
(ii) Variations permissible on theoretical quantities : N/A
(a) Cement for works with estimated cost put to Tender not more than Rs. 5.00 Lacs : N/A
(b) For works with estimated cost put to Tender more than Rs. 5.00 Lacs : N/A
(c) Bitumen for all works : N/A
(d) Steel reinforcement and structural steel Section for each diameter, section and category : N/A
(e) All other materials : N/A

Signature of Contractor SM (Engg. -Elect),

AAI, Tezu Airport, Tezu,
Arunachal Pradesh

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 41


(on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.100/-)
[Refer Clause 2B ]
The Airports Authority of India
1. In consideration of the Airport Authority of India having its head office at New Delhi [hereinafter called the “AAI” which expression shall unless
repugnant to the subject or context include its administrator, successors and assigns) having agreed under the terms and condition of Contract
Agreement No. ………………………dated……………made between……….and AAI in connection with the work of
…………………….(hereinafter called the said contract) to accept Deed of Guarantee as herein provided for
Rs…………………….(Rupees……………..only) from a Nationalized Bank in lieu of the Security deposit to be made by the contractor or lieu of
the amount withheld towards compensation for delay pending final extension of time to be made from the contractors contained in the said
Contractor.We, the………………bank (hereinafter referred to as “the said Bank” and having our registered office at ……………………do hereby
under take and agree to identify and keep indemnified AAI from time to time to the extent of
Rs……………………(Rupees……………………….only) against any loss or damage, cost,, charges and expenses caused to or suffered by or
that may be caused to or suffered by AAI by reason of nay breach or breaches by the said Contractor of any of the terms and condition contained
in the said contract and to unconditionally pay the amount claimed by AAI on demand and without demur to the extent aforesaid.
2. We ……………………………… Bank, further agree that AAI shall be the sole judge of and as to whether the said Contractor has committed
any breach or breaches of any of the terms and conditions of the said contract and the extent of loss, damage, costs, charges and expenses
caused to or suffered by or that may be caused to or suffered by AAI on account thereof and the decision of AAI that the said Contractor has
committed such breach and breaches and as to the amount or amounts of loss, damage, costs, charges and expenses caused to or suffered of
that may be caused to or suffered by AAI from time to time shall be final and binding on us.
3. We, the said Bank, further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken
for the performance of the said contracts and till all the dues of AAI under the said contract or by virtue of any of the terms and conditions
governing the said contract including compensation for delay if any as decided by AAI, have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged
and till the Accepting Authority of the contract certifies that the terms and condition and accordingly Contract have been fully and properly carried
out by the said contractor and accordingly discharges this guarantee subject, however that AAI shall have no claim under this Guarantee after
90(Ninety) days from the date of expiry of the defects Liabilities periods or Final /Extension of Time grated by AAI as provided available in
agreements clause no…………… provided in the said Contract, i.e……….(date) or from the date of cancellation of the said contract, as the
case may be, unless a notice of the claim under this Guarantee has been served on the Bank before the expiry of the period in which case the
same shall be enforceable against the Bank notwithstanding the fact, that the same is enforced after the expiry of the said period.
4. AAI shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the bank under this Guarantee or Indemnity from time to time to
vary any of the terms and conditions of the said contract or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor or to postpone for any time and
form time to time any of the powers exercisable by it against the said Contractor and either to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of terms and
conditions governing the said contract or securities available to AAI and the said Bank shall not be released from its liability under these present
by any exercise by AAI of any liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or by reason of time being given to the said contractor or any other
forbearance, act or omission on the part by AAI or any indulgence by AAI to the said Contractor or any other matter or thing whatsoever which
under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have the effect of so releasing the Bank from its such liability.
5. It shall not be necessary for AAI to proceed against the contractor before proceeding against the Bank and the Guarantee herein contained
shall be enforceable against the Bank, notwithstanding any security which AAI may have obtained or obtain from the Contractor at the time when
proceedings are taken against the Bank hereunder be outstanding or unrealized.
6. We, the said Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of AAI in writing and
agree that any charge in the Constitution of the said Contract or the said Bank shall not discharge our liability hereunder.

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 42

In presence of
Dated this __________ Day of _________


For and on behalf of (The Bank)
Signature _________________________
Name & Designation ________________
Authorizations No. ___________________
Name & Place _____________________
Bank’s Seal ________________________

The above Guarantee is accepted by Airports Authority of India.

For and on behalf of Airports Authority of India
Signature ________________
Name ___________________
Designation ______________
Dated ______________

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 43


Request letter: Transmission of Bank Guarantee Cover Message (to be submitted by applicant to BG
issuing bank)

Date: _ The Manager, (Bank),


Sub: inclusion of unique identifier code of AAI while transmitting BG cover messages wherebeneficiary bank is
ICICI Bank (IFSC – ICIC0000007)

Dear Sir / Ma'am,

I/We, _, request you to include unique identifier in field 7037 of

the SFMS cover messages IFN 760COV (for BG issuance) and IFN 767COV(for BG amendment)
while transmitting the same to the beneficiary bank (ICICI Bank –IFSC – ICIC0000007).

Thanking You,

(Vendor / Customer / Concessionaire)

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 44

Format for Letter of undertaking from the Depositor to Bank
(To be submitted along with Security Deposit/ Earnest Money/ Performance Guarantee toAirports Authority of
(To be submitted in the Letter head of the firm)

The Branch Manager,


Sub: - My/ Our Bank Guarantee bearing No........dated…….for amount……. Issued infavour of
Airports Authority of India A/c…………..


The subject Bank Guarantee is obtained from your bank for the purpose of Security Deposit/ Earnest
Money/ Performance/ Quality Protection Guarantee on account of contract awarded/ to be awarded by M/s Airports
Authority of India to me/ us.

I hereby authorized the Airports Authority of India in whose favour the deposit is madeto close the subject
Bank Guarantee before maturity/ on maturity toward adjustment of dueswithout any reference/ consent/ notice from
me/ our side and the bank is fully discharged bymaking the payment to Airports Authority of India.

Signature of the Depositor



A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 45

NO (W.E.F. 28.10.2020) CERTIFICATE


A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 46

Name of Work: Supply of GLF Spares for Day to Day Maintenance at Tezu Airport During 2023-24

Item Item Title Item Description Item Unit of ConsigneeID Delivery

Numb Qty Measur Period (In
er e number of
Supply of 200 W 6.6A Bi-pin Supply of 200 W 6.6A Bi-pin Halogen type lamps buycon636.a
1 350 Each 60
Halogen type lamps suitable for Halogen type GLF fittings
Supply of 105 W 6.6A Bi-pin
2 Halogen type lamps suitable for Supply of 105 W 6.6A Bi-pin Halogen type lamps 20 Each 60
inset type GLF fittings suitable for inset type GLF fittings
Supply of Lamp Holder for 200 W
6.6 Amp Bi pin Halogen Lamp Supply of Lamp Holder for 200 W, 6.6 Amp Bi pin buycon636.a
3 350 Each 60
suitable for AMA Make runway Halogen Lamp suitable for AMA Make runway edge
edge light fitting & PAPI fitting
Supply of breakable coupling for
4 Elevated type AMA HIRL make Supply of breakable coupling for Elevated type AMA 10 Each 60
GLF fittings HIRL make GLF fittings
Supply of breakable coupling for
5 Elevated type AMA make MIRL Supply of breakable coupling for Elevated type AMA 10 Each 60
GLF fittings make MIRL GLF fittings
Supply of Red filter (spreader)
lense suitable for AMA make buycon636.a
6 10 Each 60
elevated type end light runway Supply of Red filter (spreader) lense suitable for
fitting AMA make elevated type end light runway fitting
Supply of green filter (spreader)
lense suitable for AMA make Supply of green filter (spreader) lense suitable for buycon636.a
7 10 Each 60
elevated type threshold light AMA make elevated type threshold light runway
runway fitting fitting
Supply of clear filter (spreader)
lense suitable for AMA make Supply of clear filter (spreader) lense suitable for buycon636.a
8 20 Each 60
elevated type approach light AMA make elevated type approach light runway
runway fitting fitting
Supply of Yellow 180 degree Supply of Yellow 180 degree (inner) lense suitable buycon636.a
9 20 Each 60
(inner) lense suitable for AMA for AMA make elevated type runway fitting

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 47

make elevated type runway
Supply of White/clear 180 degree
(inner) lense suitable for AMA buycon636.a
10 20 Each 60
make elevated type runway Supply of White/clear 180 degree (inner) lense
fitting suitable for AMA make elevated type runway fitting
Supply of White/Clear 360 degree
outer dome lense suitable for buycon636.a
11 10 Each 60
AMA make elevated type runway Supply of White/Clear 360 degree outer dome lense
fitting suitable for AMA make elevated type runway fitting
Supply of 200W 20A 6.6A 5KV 50 c/s individual
Supply of 200W 20A 6.6A, 5KV lamps series type Isolating transformers
12 50 c/s individual lamps series encapsulated in polyester resin finally moulded with 10 Each 60
type Isolating transformers neoprene/ rubber as specified in particular
Supply of 200W 6.6A 6.6A 5KV 50 c/s individual
Supply of 200W 6.6A 6.6A 5KV 50 lamps series type Isolating transformers
13 c/s individual lamps series type encapsulated in polyester resin finally moulded with 5 Each 60
Isolating transformers neoprene/ rubber as specified in particular
Supply of 45W 20A 6.6A 5KV 50 c/s individual lamps
upply of 45W 20A 6.6A 5KV 50 c/s
series type Isolating transformers , encapsulated in buycon636.a
14 individual lamps series type 5 Each 60
polyester resin finally moulded with neoprene/
Isolating transformers
rubber as specified in particular specification
Supply of 45W 6.6A 6.6A 5KV 50 c/s individual
Supply of 45W 6.6A 6.6A 5KV 50 lamps series type Isolating transformers
15 c/s individual lamps series type encapsulated in polyester resin finally moulded with 5 Each 60
Isolating transformers neoprene/ rubber as specified in particular
Supply of 150W 6.6A 6.6A 5KV 50 c/s individual
Supply of 150W 6.6A 6.6A 5KV lamps series type Isolating transformers
16 50 c/s individual lamps series encapsulated in polyester resin finally moulded with 5 Each 60
type Isolating transformers neoprene/ rubber as specified in particular
Supply of 100W 20A 6.6A 5KV 50 c/s individual
Supply of 100W 20A 6.6A 5KV 50 lamps series type Isolating transformers
17 c/s individual lamps series type encapsulated in polyester resin finally moulded with 5 Each 60
Isolating transformers neoprene/ rubber as specified in particular

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 48

Supply of 0.3 mtr length
18 2x4sqmm two pin 5 KV grade Supply of 0.3 mtr length 2x4sqmm two pin 5 KV 50 Each 60
secondary lead grade secondary lead suitable for HIRL/MIRL fittings
Supply of 3.0 mtr length
19 2x4sqmm two pin 5 KV grade Supply of 3.0 mtr length 2x4sqmm two pin 5 KV 10 Each 60
secondary lead grade secondary lead suitable for HIRL/MIRL fittings
Supply of 4.0 mtr length
20 2x4sqmm two pin 5 KV grade Supply of 4.0 mtr length 2x4sqmm two pin 5 KV 10 Each 60
secondary lead grade secondary lead suitable for HIRL/MIRL fittings
Supply of 6.0 sqmm Plug and Receptacle of Type-I
Class 'B' connector and suitable for field attachment
Supply of 6.0 sqmm Plug and buycon636.a
21 with 5 kV grade PVC insulated, PVC sheathed single 50 Each 60
Receptacle of Type-I Class B
core Runway copper conductor cable complete as
Supply of 16.0 sqmm Plug and Receptacle of Type-I
Class 'B' connector and suitable for field attachment
Supply of 16.0 sqmm Plug and buycon636.a
22 with 5 kV grade PVC insulated, PVC sheathed single 50 Each 60
Receptacle of Type-I Class B
core Runway copper conductor cable complete as
Supply of HT tape( 25 mm wide Supply of HT tape( 25 mm wide Each of 10 mtr buycon636.a
23 30 Each 60
Each of 10 mtr length) length)
Supply of new retro reflective sheet for illuminated
sign boards at operational area providing
information by lettering and indication marks by
Supply of new retro reflective buycon636.a
24 fixing with suitable adhesive material complete etc 15 Sqmtr 60
sheet for illuminated sign boards
as required ( size of letter and information mark will
be as per ICAO ANNEX -14 ( Matter on sheet and size
of sheet will be provided before supply)
Supply of driver for existing operational area signage
board. Each board having length from 800mm up to
3000mm should be illuminated by a single driver &
by using single isolating transformer of suitable size.
The entire sign board should have inbuilt dual circuit
Supply of driver for existing buycon636.a
25 to work on main & Stand by Circuits. The Driver 20 Each 60
operational area signage board
should work on runway current on runway current
varying from 2.8 to 6.6 Amp & should have uniform
brightness across the entire range of current
variation from 2.8 Amp to 6.6 Amp. The Driver
should be able to drive LED strips of 0.5 Watts

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 49

Osram LED's assembled on aluminium PCB and
having power consumption upto 80 Watts
Supply of driver for existing LED type taxiway light
fitting. Each fitting is to be illuminated by a single
Supply of driver for existing LED driver & by using single isolating transformer of buycon636.a
26 20 Each 60
type taxiway light fitting suitable size. The Driver should work on runway /
taxiway current varying from 2.8 to 6.6 Amp
complete etc. as required.
Supply of medium intensity elevated type omni
directional LED taxiway edge light fitting with 1W
LED complete with all accessories including blue lens
Supply of complete medium
for LED, base plate and assembly with heat resistant
intensity elevated type omni buycon636.a
27 accessories, prism assembly, optical assembly, ''O'' 25 Each 60
directional LED taxiway edge light
ring seal, pressure relief test plug, connecting
fitting with 1W LED
secondary lead, all required hardware etc. as
required for ready to site installation fixture and as
per confirming to latest ICAO Annex-14 requirement
Supply of single dome LED type
Aviation obstruction light suitable Supply of single dome LED type Aviation obstruction buycon636.a
28 5 Each 60
to operate on single phase 230 V light suitable to operate on single phase 230 V 50 Hz
50 Hz supply supply
Supply of inset type high intensity runway edge
fitting suitable for use with halogen type lamp,
Supply of complete inset type-
complete with lense support mechanism, lense
high intensity runway edge fitting buycon636.a
29 clamping mechanism gasket two pin secondary leads 2 Each 60
suitable for use with halogen type
suitable base for bottom hole entry 2x105 watt
halogen lamp and required accessories etc
confirming to ICAO requirements as required
Supply of signage sheet of existing taxiway guidance
signage board of 4 mm thick polycarbonate non-
Supply of signage sheet of specular surface with letters and symbols made out buycon636.a
30 existing taxiway guidance signage from 3M film pasted from inside with required 26 Sqmtr 60
board of 4 mm thick
colouring for mandatory /informatory guidance

A.A.I. C-NIL / I-NIL / O-NIL 50

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