Asphalt Data Sheets

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Innovation keeps us on top
Technical data sheet

Tuffpave® is an approved thin surface course system (TSCS) produced in accordance with
the Specification for Highway Works (SHW) 942. Tuffpave was developed for motorways
and other major highways and can be laid by any licensed laying contractor.
Tuffpave uses high quality, high polished stone value Benefits
(PSV) aggregates and our specially developed polymer • 5-year performance guarantee
modified bitumen (PMB). Tuffpave is tough on noise,
• Excellent resistance to deformation
skid resistance and wet weather spray with a texture
that is retained throughout its service life. Tuffpave • Enhanced ride quality
is also tough enough to stand up to heavy traffic yet
• Reduced noise
provide an ultra-smooth ride. Tuffpave is laid by licensed
contractors who have gone through an approval • Excellent spray reduction
process with Heidelberg Materials. Tuffpave comes with
• Reduced CO₂ when supplied as era 140
a 5-year guarantee underwritten by the contractor.
• 100% recyclable
Tuffpave can also be produced using Heidelberg
Materials' era 140 warm mix asphalt process,
meeting the requirements of current National Available with the following options:
Highways major network specifications. era®/CleanAir®/CarbonLock®/AgeLast®/RAP

Installation by licensed laying contractor in Use this product for
line with Heidelberg Materials own installation • Highways/motorways
manual in accordance with SHW Clause 942.
• Major projects

• Major local authority networks
Technical data sheet

Tuffpave technical data

Coarse aggregate

Los Angeles abrasion value 30 max


Aggregate abrasion value
Clause 942 (Appendix 7.1) RESISTANCE DEFORMATION

Flakiness index 20 max (6mm 30 max)

Nominal sizes 6mm; 10mm; 14mm

High performance polymer modified

bitumen (PMB)
Layer thickness. Details of constituent quality and layer thickness shown below

6mm nominal size 20 – 30mm

10mm nominal size 25 – 50mm

14mm nominal size 35 – 50mm REDUCTION CO2

Surface texture (on installation)

10mm medium texture 1.1 – 1.6 mm

14mm medium texture 1.3 – 1.8 mm

(All NH Clause 942 Level 3) RECYCLED CONTENT

Road and laboratory test results

Torque bond Typical figures +800 KPa

Noise reduction NH Clause 942

Typical performance figures

Material property Test specification Typical result

*Design void content BS EN 12697-6 ≤ Vmax 5.0%

BS EN 12697-12 Method
Water sensitivity A (ITSR) ≥ 80%
BS EN 12697-23

BS EN 12697-22 Procedure B
RTPD (wheel tracking) ≤ 0.8mm/103
WTS in Air
*Where specified in appendix 7/1.

Please see asphalt product matrix for further information or contact technical:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Duralayer Multi®
Technical data sheet

Duralayer Multi® is a dense material design for single layer applications.

It is suited to a variety of asphalt surfacing applications where a low
textured and deformation resistant one layer treatment is required.
Duralayer Multi was designed following a request Benefits
from a local authority for a cost-effective, single • Single layer installation
layer solution. It utilises locally sourced aggregates
• Less disruption through quicker installation
and is suitable for a variety of applications including
major roads, rural roads, housing estates, car parks, • Increased durability through low voids content
caravan parks and trench reinstatements.
• Low design void content assists
The product’s unique design creates a low surface compliance with SROH requirements
texture and controlled low air voids. This resists water
• Prevents water ingress
ingress, providing a more durable surfacing solution.
Duralayer Multi doesn’t segregate like traditional • Resistance to deformation
materials, making it also ideal for handlay applications.
• Sustainable product
Duralayer Multi is available in 20mm, 14mm, 10mm
• Duralayer Multi+ has fuel resisting properties
and 6mm nominal sizes and is laid using conventional
paving equipment in line with BS 594987. • 100% recyclable

Duralayer Multi+ Also available in the following options:

Utilises the same unique design as Duralayer Multi era®/CleanAir®/CarbonLock®/RAP
and provides enhanced fuel resistance and stiffness.

Use this product for

• All classifications of roads

• Housing estates

• Car and caravan parks

• Footpaths

• Trenches
Duralayer Multi®
Technical data sheet

Typical performance figures *Typical value for surface texture.

Material property Test specification Typical result

Design void content BS EN 12697-6 ≤ Vmax 5.0%


Water sensitivity ≥ 80%

BS EN 12697-22 Procedure B ≤ 1.0mm/103

RTPD (wheel tracking)
WTS in Air (40/60)

Layer thickness
Details of constituent quality and layer thickness shown below: WHEEL RUTTING REDUCED
• 6mm nominal size 30 – 60mm

• 10mm nominal size 40 – 80mm

• 14mm nominal size 50 – 100mm

• 20mm nominal size 60 – 150mm

Please see asphalt product matrix for RIDE QUALITY RECYCLED CONTENT
further information or contact technical:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Technical data sheet

Heidelberg Materials’ Duralayer-Path® is designed to replace conventional

two-layer construction for footway and cycleway applications.
Duralayer-Path is a close textured single layer Duralayer-Path+
application which is suited to use on footways and As per Duralayer-Path but also provides
cycleways where a low textured and deformation enhanced fuel resistance.
resistant one-layer treatment is required. With its
close textured finish, Duralayer-Path offers lower Layer thickness
rolling resistance for improved ride quality.
Details of constituent quality and
It utilises locally available aggregates to reduce the layer thickness shown below:
impact of carbon, while providing a low surface texture
• 6mm nominal size 30 – 60mm
and low air voids. This results in material that doesn’t
segregate like traditional binder course materials, • 10mm nominal size 40 – 80mm
therefore protecting lower layers from water ingress.
• 14mm nominal size 50 – 100mm
Duralayer-Path is available in 6mm, 10mm
and 14mm sizes and is laid using conventional
Also available with the following options:
paving equipment in line with BS 594987.

Use this product for

• Footways and cycleways
Technical data sheet

The main advantages of Duralayer-Path when used as a maintenance treatment,
either as inlay or overlay or as a surface course for new construction, are:

• Time saving single layer application

• Designed to be easy to compact AND CYCLEWAYS

• Controlled low void content, preventing water ingress and assisting durability

• Improved fatigue and deformation resistance

• Sustainable product available in era 140 and CleanAir versions

• Our Duralayer-Path+ product has enhanced fuel resisting properties

Duralayer Multi technical data

Material property Test specification Typical result

Void content (%) BS EN 12697-6 < 5.0

BS EN 12697-12 method B
Water sensitivity (%) > 80
(i/C) BS EN 12697-23

Indirect tensile stiffness modulus

BS EN 12697-26 annex C > 1800 (40/60)

BS EN 12697-22 procedure
RTPD (wheel tracking) (mm/103) < 1.0
B in WTS air

Please see asphalt product matrix for

further information or contact technical:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Technical data sheet

Heidelberg Materials’ Duralayer-Velo® is designed for use as a single

layer solution for cycle tracks, bike and skateboard parks.
Duralayer-Velo is a close textured material which is Benefits
designed for use on cycle tracks, bike and skateboard • Time saving single layer application
parks where a low textured and deformation resistant
• Designed to be easy to compact
one-layer treatment is required. Duralayer-Velo offers
low rolling resistance for improved ride quality. • Controlled low void content, preventing
water ingress and assisting durability
Duralayer-Velo utilises locally sourced aggregates to
reduce the impact of carbon and the design process • Sustainable product available in
achieves a low surface texture and low air voids. This era 140® and CleanAir® versions
results in material that doesn’t segregate like traditional
• Low rolling resistance
products, giving a smooth, uniform finish to surfaces
and protecting lower layers from water ingress. • Adhesion to steep sloping berms

Duralayer-Velo is available in 4mm, 6mm and 10mm • 100% Recyclable

sizes and is typically hand laid and designed to hold
on steep slopes/berms where it can be compacted
Also available with the following options:
with compactor plates in a single 80mm course.
If desired Duralayer-Velo can also be laid using era®/CleanAir®/CarbonLock®/RAP
conventional paving equipment in line with BS 594987.
Technical data sheet

Layer thickness

Nominal size Typical layer thickness

4mm 20 - 50mm

6mm 30 - 60mm
10mm 40 - 80mm

Duralayer-Velo technical data

Material property Test specification Typical result

Design void content BS EN 12697-6 < 4.0 EMISSIONS RIDE QUALITY

BS EN 12697-12 method B (i/C)

Water sensitivity > 80
BS EN 12697-23

Indirect tensile
BS EN 12697-26 Annex C > 1500 (100/150)
stiffness modulus

RTPD (wheel tracking) BS EN 12697-22 procedure B

< 1.0
(mm/103) in WTS air

Please see asphalt product matrix for

further information or contact technical:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Technical data sheet

High performance materials deliver a multi-layer crack resisting binder/surface

course that is particularly suited to overlaying concrete carriageways.
Compared to traditional asphalt surfacing, Tufflex® Tufflex+
offers high deformation resistance and a low air void Enhanced fuel resisting properties.
content. The solution also delivers National Highways’
highest level of wheel rut resistance, level three. Its Tufflex XD
design uses specialised bitumens and incorporates
Tufflex XD is an extra dense solution with a higher bitumen
best-in-class polymer technology to give it a flexibility
content for sites with lower texture depth requirements.
that enhances fatigue resistance by absorbing traffic
vibration. With its relatively low surface texture
Layer thickness
and designed low voids content, Tufflex effectively
protects the surface it covers from water ingress. Details of constituent quality and
layer thickness shown below:
It is available in 6mm, 10mm, 14mm and 20mm
nominal sizes and can be laid between 30mm and • 6mm nominal size 30 – 60mm
150mm thick using a traditional asphalt paver with • 10mm nominal size 40 – 80mm
a 6-10 tonne roller. As a single layer application
Tufflex can halve the installation time of traditional • 14mm nominal size 50 – 100mm
materials, reducing disruption to local services and • 20mm nominal size 60 – 150mm
traffic. This can be further enhanced by producing the
material using Heidelberg Materials’ era 140 warm mix Available with the following options:
asphalt process. Special attention should be given era®/CleanAir®/CarbonLock®/
to compaction at the joints, which should be cut and AgeLast®/RecyclePlast®/RAP
painted with a bituminous joint paint to maintain
resistance to the tensile stresses of turning vehicles.
Installation should be in accordance with BS 594987.
Use this product for
• Overlay of concrete

• Urban roads

• Rural roads

• Industrial areas
Technical data sheet

• A best-in-class flexible polymer modified bitumen (PMB)

• Road engineers will benefit from the option of a multi-

layer crack resisting asphalt solution
• Cost-effective over the whole life RESISTANT

• Quick installation – single layer application

• Prevents water ingress

• Highly sustainable and durable, and offers improved

performance over conventional asphalt materials
• Increased flexibility WATER INGRESS DURABILITY

Tufflex technical data

Material property Test specification Typical result

Design void content BS EN 12697-6 ≤ Vmax 5.0% STIFFNESS CO2

BS EN 12697-12 Method B (i/C)

Water sensitivity ≥ 80%
BS EN 12697-23

Binder drainage BS EN 12697-18 Beaker Method < 0.3%

Indirect tensile ENHANCED

BS EN 12697-26 Annex C > min 1800 mpa
stiffness modulus
BS EN 12697-22 Procedure B
RTPD (wheel tracking) ≤ 0.8mm/103
WTS in Air

≥ 100,000 cycles to
Fatigue BS DD ABF
failure @ 100µstrain

Please see asphalt product matrix for

further information or contact technical:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tufflex® HD/HD+
Technical data sheet

Tufflex® HD/HD+ is a unique asphalt surfacing solution designed for very

heavy, slow moving traffic. It contains a polymer modified bitumen
(PMB) with an exceptionally high softening point.
PMB is at the heart of a unique solution that offers good • Good load spreading ability from very heavy,
protection against damage caused by heavy, slow moving slow moving traffic at higher temperatures
traffic. The product also contains fuel resisting properties. to prevent wheel track deformation

Tufflex HD/HD+ is available in 6mm, 10mm, 14mm • Increased stiffness

and 20mm nominal sizes and can be laid between
• 100% recyclable
30mm and 150mm thick using a traditional asphalt
paver with a 6-10 tonne roller in combination with The main advantages of Tufflex HD+ are:
conventional paving equipment in line with BS 594987.
As a single layer application Tufflex HD/HD+ can • Increased stiffness over Tufflex HD
halve the installation time of traditional material. • Enhanced fuel resisting properties
Please note: Minimum 7 days’ notice
required to stock specialist binder. Available with the following options:
The main advantages of Tufflex HD are:

• Cost-effective over the whole life Use this product for

• Very high deformation resistance • EME2 alternative

• Low air void which prevents water ingress • Carriageways

• Fuel resisting properties • Farm floors/composting areas

• Good workability • Industrial areas

• Has a resistance to elevated temperatures • Lorry parks and bus stations

from chemical attacks from leachates
Tufflex® HD/HD+
Technical data sheet

Layer thickness
Details of constituent quality and layer thickness shown below:

• 6mm nominal size 30 – 60mm

• 10mm nominal size 40 – 80mm RESISTANCE TO FUEL RESISTING

• 14mm nominal size 50 – 100mm

• 20mm nominal size 60 – 150mm

Tufflex HD/HD+ technical data

Material property Test specification Typical result

Design void content BS EN 12697-6 ≤ Vmax 5.0%

BS EN 12697-12 Method B (i/C)

Water sensitivity ≥ 80%
BS EN 12697-23

Binder drainage BS EN 12697-18 Beaker Method < 0.3%

Indirect tensile CO2 RECYCLED CONTENT
BS EN 12697-26 Annex C > 5,500 MPa
stiffness modulus

BS EN 12697-22 Procedure B
RTPD (wheel tracking) ≤ 0.8mm/103
WTS in Air

≥ 100,000 cycles to
Fatigue BS DD ABF
failure @ 100µstrain
Please see asphalt product matrix for RIDE QUALITY

further information or contact technical:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tufflex® TX
Technical data sheet

Tufflex® TX is a highly flexible, deformation resistant surface

course treatment for high-speed roads.
Tufflex TX delivers National Highways highest rating for Benefits
wheel track deformation – level 3. Tufflex TX uses high • Deformation resistance - level 3
quality, high polished stone value (PSV) aggregates and
• Enhanced ride quality
our specially developed polymer modified bitumen (PMB).
• Reduced noise
Tufflex TX is tough on noise, skid resistance and wet
weather spray with a texture that is retained throughout • Excellent spray reduction
its service life. Tufflex TX is also tough enough to stand
• Reduced CO2 when supplied as era 140
up to heavy traffic yet provide an ultra-smooth ride.
• 100% recyclable
Tufflex TX can be laid by any competent
contractor in line with BS EN 594987. It is available
in 10mm and 14mm nominal sizes and can be Available with the following options:
laid between 30mm and 80mm thick. era®/CleanAir®/CarbonLock®/AgeLast®/RAP
Tufflex TX can also be produced using Heidelberg
Materials’ era 140 warm mix asphalt process,
meeting the requirements of current National Use this product for
Highways major network specifications.
• Residential roads

• Local authority networks

• Roundabouts
Tufflex® TX
Technical data sheet

Tufflex TX technical data

Material property Test specification Typical result

Nominal sizes 14mm; 10mm

High performance SKID RESISTANCE TO

Binder polymer modified RESISTANCE DEFORMATION
bitumen (PMB)

Layer thickness
35mm – 80mm

Surface texture (sand

patch, immediately 0.8 – 1.8mm
after laying) ENHANCED NOISE
Design void content BS EN 12697-6
Vmax 5.0%

Binder drainage BS EN 12697-18 Beaker Method < 0.3%

BS EN 12697-12 Method A (ITSR)

Water sensitivity ≥ 80%
BS EN 12697-23
Indirect tensile REDUCTION CO2
BS EN 12697-26 Annex C > 1,800 MPa
stiffness modulus

BS EN 12697-22 Procedure B
RTPD (wheel tracking) ≤ 0.8mm/103
WTS in Air

Please see asphalt product matrix for

further information or contact technical: INCLUDES
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tufflex® D
Technical data sheet

Developed in line with Transport for Scotland methodology, this low void, high bitumen
content stone mastic asphalt (SMA), is ideal for sites where safety and reduced noise are
paramount. Tufflex® D is a more durable product which provides whole life cost savings.
Compared to traditional asphalt surfacing, Tufflex Benefits
D offers texture, high deformation resistance and a • A best-in-class flexible polymer modified bitumen (PMB)
very low air void content. The solution also delivers
• Suitable for any class of road network
National Highways’ highest level of wheel rut resistance,
level three. Tufflex D’s design uses specialised binders • Cost-effective over the whole life
and incorporates best-in-class polymer technology.
• Quick installation
With its optimum surface texture of approximately
1.1mm and designed low voids, it effectively protects • Prevents water ingress
the surface it covers from water ingress.
• Highly sustainable and durable
Available in 6mm, 10mm and 14mm nominal sizes,
• Offers improved performance over conventional asphalt
Tufflex D can be laid between 25mm and 50mm
thick using conventional asphalt pavers with a • 100% recyclable
6-10 tonne roller. Installation should be strictly in
accordance with BS 594987. Special attention should
be given to placement and formation of joints. To Use this product for
enhance early life skid resistance, it is advisable to
• Trunk roads
apply 1-4mm grit or coated grit on the first pass of
the roller with a dedicated attached grit box. • Urban roads

• Local authority network
Tufflex® D
Technical data sheet

Tufflex D technical data

Material property Test specification Typical result

Vmin 1.0% –
Design void content BS EN 12697-6
Vmax 5.0%
Binder drainage BS EN 12697-18 Beaker Method < 0.3% DEFORMATION

BS EN 12697-12 Method A (ITSR)

Water sensitivity ≥ 80%
BS EN 12697-23

BS EN 12697-22 Procedure B
RTPD (wheel tracking) ≤ 0.6mm/103
WTS in Air

Available with the following options:

Please see asphalt product matrix for

further information or contact technical:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


Technical data sheet

Tuffgrip® is our established thin surface course system (TSCS) and is produced in accordance
with the Specification for Highway Works (SHW) 942. It was developed for motorways
and other major highways.
Tuffgrip uses high quality, high polished stone value (PSV) Benefits
aggregates and our specially developed polymer modified • 5-year performance guarantee
bitumen (PMB). Tuffgrip is tough on noise, skid resistance
and wet weather spray with a texture that is retained • Excellent resistance to deformation
throughout its service life. Tuffgrip is also tough enough • Enhanced ride quality
to stand up to heavy traffic yet provide an ultra-smooth
• Reduced noise
ride. Tuffgrip is laid by Heidelberg Materials’ contracting
division and comes with a 5-year guarantee underwritten • Excellent spray reduction
by the contractor in accordance with SHW Clause 942.
• Reduced CO2 when supplied as era 140
Tuffgrip can also be produced using Heidelberg
• 100% recyclable
Materials’ era 140 warm mix asphalt process,
meeting the requirements of current National
Highways major network specifications. Available with the following options:
Installation by Heidelberg Materials.
Use this product for
• Highways/motorways

• Major projects

• Major local authority networks
Technical data sheet

Tuffgrip technical data

Coarse aggregate

Los Angeles abrasion value 30 max

Aggregate abrasion value As specified in SHW Clause 942 (Appendix 7.1) SKID RESISTANCE TO

Flakiness index 20 max (6mm 30 max)

Nominal sizes 6mm; 10mm; 14mm

Binder High performance polymer modified bitumen (PMB)

Layer thickness. Details of constituent quality and layer thickness shown below RIDE QUALITY REDUCTION

6mm nominal size 20 – 30mm

10mm nominal size 25 – 50mm

14mm nominal size 35 – 50mm SPRAY REDUCED

Surface texture (on installation)

10mm medium texture 1.1 – 1.6mm

14mm medium texture 1.3 – 1.8mm

(All NH Clause 942 Level 3) INCLUDES

Road and laboratory test results

Torque bond Typical figures +800 KPa

Noise reduction NH Clause 942

Typical performance figures

Material property Test specification Typical result

*Design void content BS EN 12697-6 Vmin 1.0% – Vmax 5.0%

BS EN 12697-12 Method A (ITSR)

Water sensitivity ≥ 80%
BS EN 12697-23

RTPD BS EN 12697-22 Procedure B

≤ 1.0mm/103
(wheel tracking) WTS in Air

*Where specified in appendix 7/1.

Please see asphalt product matrix for

further information or contact technical:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Technical data sheet

Tuffdrive® provides a high-quality surface finish with enhanced resistance against power
steering use from private vehicles on residential driveways and parking areas.
Tuffdrive has a unique design employing a specially Benefits
formulated polymer modified bitumen (PMB) ideal • Deformation resistance
for driveways and car parks where a highly scuff
• Scuff resistance
resistance material is required. Tuffdrive’s unique
design results in a highly durable material that should • Cost and carbon effective over the whole life
outlast conventional materials, significantly reducing
• Reduced CO₂ when supplied as era 140
the whole-life carbon cost to the environment.
• 100% recyclable
Tuffdrive+ offers increased levels of compactability,
resistance to power steering and fuel resistance.

Tuffdrive is available in both 10mm and 6mm

Also available with the following options:
nominal sizes. We recommend Tuffdrive is laid using era®/CleanAir®/CarbonLock®/
conventional paving equipment in line with BS 594987. AgeLast®/RecyclePlast®/RAP

Tuffdrive can also be produced using Heidelberg Materials'

era 140 warm mix process, reducing CO₂ emissions.
Use this product for
• Driveways

• Car parks

• Housing developments
Technical data sheet

Tuffdrive technical data

Coarse aggregate

Los Angeles abrasion value 30 max

Aggregate abrasion value 10 max FUEL RESISTING RESISTANCE TO

Flakiness index 20 max (6mm 30 max)

Nominal sizes 6mm; 10mm

Binder High performance polymer modified bitumen (PMB)

Layer thickness (recommended) INCREASED ENHANCED

6mm Tuffdrive® 20mm to 30mm

10mm Tuffdrive® 30mm to 40mm

Road and laboratory test results REDUCED INCLUDES

Material property Test specification Typical result

RTPD (wheel tracking) BS EN 12697-22 Procedure B WTS in Air ≤ 1.0mm/103

Please see asphalt product matrix for

further information or contact technical:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Technical data sheet

Tuffdrain® asphalt has been developed for use in sustainable urban drainage
systems (SUDS) to provide excellent drainage and durability. It’s an asphalt
material developed for use in Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS).
The solution works in line with current planning requirements Benefits
by managing rainfall for a wide range of applications • Excellent drainage
including porous or ground water storage technology.
• Enhanced durability#
Tuffdrain helps to prevent localised flooding with its
• Quicker installation
unique design. It utilises a premium polymer modified
bitumen (PMB) to provide a durable# free-draining solution • Increased stiffness
that out-performs traditional open textured asphalt
• 100% recyclable
concrete (AC) materials and the requirements for SUDS
systems. Tuffdrain has improved durability through the
thick PMB binder film and aggregate matrix interlock.
For increased stiffness where a degree of
Installation fuel resistance may be required.

Tuffdrain should be laid in accordance with BS 594987 by

experienced SUDS installers with attention given to the
Tuffdrain HD
foundation, drainage characteristics and traffic loading#. For higher stress areas where the drainage is
required in line with higher levels of performance.
Maintenance Please note: lead in time may be required
• Avoid construction and heavy plant using the surface for Tuffdrain+ and HD versions.

• Light traffic should avoid static turning with power steering

Available with the following options:
• The surface should be kept as clean as practicable.
era®/CleanAir®/CarbonLock®/ AgeLast®/RecyclePlast®
Brush or vacuum any: leaves, spillages/site detritus

• Use of power washers is not recommended as debris

can be forced into the matrix causing blockages Use this product for
• Standard road sweepers can be used • SUDS applications
occasionally but may damage the surface
• Sport surfaces
• During Winter use spreaders/applicators to apply rock salt
• Footpaths
• Clear snow with a suitable plastic shovel. If using
mechanical means use plastic/rubber buckets or ploughs
Technical data sheet

Tuffdrain technical data

Coarse aggregate

Los Angeles abrasion value 30 max

Aggregate abrasion value 15 max

Flakiness index 20 max (30 max for 6mm only)

Nominal sizes 6mm; 10mm; 14mm; 20mm

Binder High performance polymer modified bitumen (PMB)

Road and laboratory test results

Material property Test specification Typical result

Binder drainage BS EN 12697-18 Beaker Method < 0.3%

BS EN 12697-12 Method A (ITSR)

Water sensitivity ≥ 80%
BS EN 12697-23

Indirect tensile stiffness modulus BS EN 12697-26 Annex C > 3,000 MPa

RTPD BS EN 12697-22 Procedure B

≤ 1.0mm/103
(wheel tracking) WTS in Air

> 15,000mm/hr (10mm)

Hydraulic conductivity BS DD 229
> 20,000mm/hr (20mm)

 uffdrain offers enhanced durability when compared to traditional open textured asphalts. However, before placing an order please review
the site compatibility with your local sales/technical team.

For more information on our SUDS range of aggregates (Aggflow) used within the Tuffdrain mix,
please contact technical at [email protected]

Additional information can be found in the asphalt product matrix or be contacting technical:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


Pre-coated chippings
Technical data sheet

Heidelberg Materials’ pre-coated chippings product range includes Clause 943 hot rolled
asphalt (HRA) surface course and binder course (performance-related design mixtures).
HRA is a dense, gap graded asphalt designed to be used Please note: we are able to deliver on a nationwide basis.
in a wide range of applications. Pre-coated chippings
Please see asphalt product matrix for
are highly resistant to polishing and are rolled into,
further information or contact technical:
and form part of, an HRA surface course. Heidelberg
Materials’ offers a range of pre-coated chippings [email protected]
with varying polished stone values (PSV) which vary [email protected]
according to the asphalt plant they are produced at: [email protected]
[email protected]
• Craig Yr Hesg – 68+ PSV

• Runcorn – 60, 65, 68 PSV

• Bradford – 60 PSV

• Keepershield – 55, 60, 65, 68 PSV

• Criggion 60, 68 PSV SKID


• Use of high quality aggregates in
accordance with BS EN 13043

• Availability of coated chippings for

surface course when required

• SHW, EN and PD compliant

• Available in bulk and as a packed product.

era® 100
Technical data sheet

Our energy-reducing asphalt helps you meet the sustainability

targets of today’s road building projects.
Its micro-foaming method cuts the level of carbon Please see asphalt product matrix for
emissions associated with asphalt production for further information or contact technical:
road laying by up to 50%, while enhancing durability
[email protected]
and improving health and safety for contractors.
[email protected]
For greater sustainability, the mix can use up [email protected]
to 50% recycled material during production [email protected]
and it is also 100% recyclable after use.

Benefits Use this product for

• Faster completion of resurfacing work • Motorways
• Up to 50% reduction in CO₂ emissions • All major roads
• Reduction in thermal ageing process • Most asphalt solutions
• Enhanced durability

• Includes recycled content

• Improved health and safety

• Available from selected Heidelberg

Materials asphalt plants
Also available with the following options:
era® 140
Technical data sheet

A warm mix asphalt (WMA) solution designed to reduce carbon emissions, improve
efficiencies, reduce disruption and improve contractor health and safety.
Heidelberg Materials' era 140® WMA incorporates a • Can be used to produce the majority of
specialist bitumen that allows asphalt to be produced Heidelberg Materials’ asphalt products
at a reduced temperature (up to 40 degrees lower)
• 100% recyclable
than conventional hot mix asphalt. This uses less
energy, helping to cut the CO₂ emissions associated • Laid using conventional asphalt paving equipment
with asphalt production by up to 15 per cent. The lower • Available from Heidelberg Materials’
manufacturing temperature generates less fumes and asphalt plants across the country
steam. This improves air quality and visibility during
installation and also reduces the risk of burns. Please see asphalt product matrix for
further information or contact technical:
[email protected]
• Carbon reduction: typically up to 15% reduction
[email protected]
in asphalt production emissions, resulting in an
[email protected]
average 2.4kg CO₂e saving per tonne of asphalt,
[email protected]
compared with standard hot mix asphalt

• Faster completion of resurfacing work, increasing

efficiency and resulting in less disruption for road users Use this product for
• Reduction in thermal ageing process • Carbon reduction
• Enhances durability due to reduced
oxidisation during manufacture

• Allows recycled content

• Improves health and safety for work force

Also available with the following options: ENHANCED INCLUDES REDUCED

Durafalt ®
Technical data sheet

Durafalt® is our 40/60 penetration grade stone mastic asphalt (SMA) thin surfacing
system (TSCS). It is produced in accordance with the Specification for Highway
Works (SHW) 941 and was developed for motorways and other major highways.
Durafalt uses high quality, high polished stone value Benefits
(PSV) aggregates. It provides excellent levels of noise • 5-year performance guarantee
and spray reduction, while yielding high levels of skid
resistance with a texture that is retained throughout • Excellent resistance to deformation
its service life. Durafalt is also resilient enough to stand • Enhanced ride quality
up to heavy traffic yet provide an ultra-smooth ride.
• Reduced noise
Durafalt can also be produced using Heidelberg Materials’
• Excellent spray reduction
era 140 warm mix process, meeting the requirements of
current National Highways major network specifications. • Reduced CO2 when supplied as era 140
Installation is by Heidelberg Materials’ contracting • 100% recyclable
division or licensed laying contractors in line with
Heidelberg Materials’ own installation manual in Also available with the following options:
accordance with SHW Clause 942. Durafalt comes with era®/CleanAir®/RAP
a 5-year guarantee underwritten by the contractor.

Use this product for

• Highways/motorways

• Major projects

• Major local authority networks
Technical data sheet

Durafelt technical data

Coarse aggregate

Los Angeles abrasion value 30 max

Aggregate abrasion value As specified in SHW Clause 942 (Appendix 7.1)

Flakiness index 20 max

Nominal sizes 10mm; 14mm

Binder High performance polymer modified bitumen (PMB)

Layer thickness. Details of constituent quality and layer thickness shown below RIDE QUALITY REDUCTION

10mm nominal size 25 – 50mm

14mm nominal size 35 – 50mm

Surface texture (on installation)

10mm nominal size 1.1 – 1.6mm REDUCTION RECYCLED CONTENT

14mm nominal size 1.3 – 1.8mm

(All NH Clause 942 Level 3)

Road and laboratory test results

Torque bond Typical figures +800 KPa

Noise reduction NH Clause 942

Typical performance figures

Material property Test specification Typical result

*Design void content BS EN 12697-6 Vmin 1.0% – Vmax 5.0%

BS EN 12697-12 Method A (ITSR)

Water sensitivity ≥ 80%
BS EN 12697-23

RTPD BS EN 12697-22 Procedure B

≤ 0.6mm/103
(wheel tracking) WTS in Air

*Where specified in appendix 7/1.

Please see asphalt product matrix for

further information or contact technical:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Durafalt ® HD/HD+
Technical data sheet

Durafalt® HD/HD+ is a unique stone mastic asphalt (SMA) surfacing

solution designed for very heavy, slow moving traffic. It contains a polymer
modified binder (PMB) with an exceptionally high softening point.
Durafalt HD is a strong and durable surface course
(non-clause 942) designed to withstand heavy load traffic. Use this product for
Durafalt HD+ is a combined solution (non- • Carriageways
clause 942) that contains fuel resisting properties • Major paved areas
and is designed to withstand heavy load traffic.
Available in 10mm and 14mm nominal sizes. • Industrial

• Cost-effective

• Texture depth range 1.1mm – 1.8mm

• Durable
• High deformation resistance DEFORMATION REDUCTION REDUCTION

• Good noise reduction

• Reduced spray

• Fuel resisting properties


• Enhanced ride quality

• Excellent load spreading ability from very heavy

Please see asphalt product matrix for
slow moving traffic at higher temperatures
further information or contact technical:
to prevent wheel track deformation
[email protected]
Please note: 7 days’ notice required [email protected]
to stock specialist binder. [email protected]
[email protected]
Also available with the following options:
Durafalt PMB®
Technical data sheet

Durafalt PMB® is our premium, polymer modified stone mastic asphalt (SMA) thin
surfacing system (TSCS). It is produced in accordance with the Specification for
Highway Works (SHW) 942 and was developed for motorways and other major highways.
Durafalt PMB uses high quality, high polished stone Benefits
value (PSV) aggregates and our specially developed • 5-year performance guarantee
polymer modified bitumen (PMB). Durafalt PMB
provides excellent levels of noise and spray reduction, • Enhanced durability
while yielding high levels of skid resistance with a • Excellent resistance to deformation
texture that is retained throughout its service life.
• Enhanced ride quality
Durafalt PMB is also tough enough to stand up to
heavy traffic yet provide an ultra-smooth ride. • Reduced noise
Durafalt PMB can also be produced using • Excellent spray reduction
Heidelberg Materials’ era 140 warm mix process,
• Reduced CO2 when supplied as era 140
meeting the requirements of current National
Highways major network specifications. • 100% recyclable

Installation is by Heidelberg Materials’ contracting division

Also available with the following options:
or licensed laying contractors in line with Heidelberg
Materials’ own installation manual in accordance era 140®/CleanAir®/RAP
with SHW Clause 942. Durafalt PMB comes with a Please see asphalt product matrix for
5-year guarantee underwritten by the contractor. further information or contact technical:

[email protected]
[email protected]
Use this product for [email protected]
• Highways/motorways [email protected]
• Major projects

• Major local authority networks
Durafalt PMB®
Technical data sheet

Durafalt PMB technical data

Coarse aggregate

Los Angeles abrasion value 30 max

Aggregate abrasion value As specified in SHW Clause 942 (Appendix 7.1) ENHANCED RESISTANCE TO

Flakiness index 20 max

Nominal sizes 10mm; 14mm

Binder High performance polymer modified bitumen (PMB)

Layer thickness. Details of constituent quality and layer thickness shown below RECYCLED CONTENT CO2

10mm nominal size 25 – 50mm

14mm nominal size 35 – 50mm

Surface texture (on installation)

10mm nominal size 1.1 – 1.6mm

14mm nominal size 1.3 – 1.8mm

(All NH Clause 942 Level 3)

Road and laboratory test results

Torque bond Typical figures +800 KPa

Noise reduction NH Clause 942

Typical performance figures STIFFNESS

Material property Test specification Typical result

*Design void content BS EN 12697-6 Vmin 1.0% – Vmax 5.0%

BS EN 12697-12 Method A (ITSR)

Water sensitivity ≥ 80%
BS EN 12697-23

RTPD BS EN 12697-22 Procedure B

≤ 0.6mm/103
(wheel tracking) WTS in Air

*Where specified in appendix 7/1.
Durafalt ®-fill
Technical data sheet

Durafalt®-fill is a one-part asphalt product for efficient pothole

repairs (non-Clause 942) that bonds to existing surfaces.
It is designed to be used in layers from 30mm to 100mm not only to repair potholes, but also to patch anything
from driveways to carriageways. It has been specially developed to be easy to use and hard-wearing.

• Cost-effective over the whole life

• Deformation resistance
• Increased stiffness
• Reduced wastage

• L
 onger lasting solution to road repairs Durafalt-fill technical data
than traditional asphalt or concrete
• Improved efficiency Material property Typical result

Design void content BS EN 12697-6 < 6%

Installation guidelines
BS EN 12697-18
Installation in accordance with BS 594987. Binder drainage < 0.3%
Beaker Method

Also available with the following options: Indirect tensile

stiffness modulus
BS EN 12697-26
Annex C
> 2,000 MPa
era®/CleanAir®/CarbonLock®/RAP Resistance to
BS EN 12697-22
Procedure B WTS ≤ 0.8mm/°˚103
deformation @ 60°C
in Air
(wheel tracking)
Use this product for Layer thickness
30mm to 100mm
• Pothole repairs (recommended)

• Road surface patching

Please see asphalt product matrix for
further information or contact technical:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Technical data sheet

Duradrive® provides a uniform, high-quality surface finish especially designed to

provide enhanced resistance against power steering use from private vehicles on
residential driveways and parking areas.
Duradrive has a unique design ideal for driveways Benefits
and car parks where a highly scuff resistance • Deformation resistance
material is required. Duradrive’s unique design results
in a highly durable material that should outlast • Scuff resistance
conventional materials, significantly reducing the • Reduced CO₂ when supplied as era 140
whole-life carbon cost to the environment.
• 100% recyclable
Duradrive+ offers increased levels of compactability,
increased resistance to power steering as well
as an increased level of fuel resistance. Also available with the following options:
Duradrive is available in both 10mm and 6mm nominal
sizes. It can be hand laid or laid using conventional Please see asphalt product matrix for
paving equipment in line with BS 594987. further information or contact technical:

Duradrive can also be supplied as era 140 [email protected]

warm mix offering reduced CO2 emissions. [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Use this product for

• Driveways

• Car parks



Durafalt ® D
Technical data sheet

Durafalt® D has a high binder content and lower air voids than traditional
stone mastic asphalt (SMA).
The material is designed in line with Transport for Also available with the following options:
Scotland SMA methodology for aggregate grading. era®/CleanAir®/RAP
It has minimum binder content to provide Please see asphalt product matrix for
optimal texture and skid resistance for enhanced further information or contact technical:
breaking in wet weather conditions.
[email protected]
Durafalt D provides increased durability [email protected]
compared with standard SMA. [email protected]
[email protected]
• Cost-effective over the whole life

• High deformation resistance Use this product for

• Good noise reduction • Carriageways

• Reduced spray • Major paved areas

• Our Durafalt D+ mix has fuel resisting properties • Industrial

• Good workability

• Enhanced ride quality

Please note: 7 days’ notice required

to stock specialist binder.


Courtfalt ®
Technical data sheet

Courtfalt® is a 6mm free-draining asphalt product designed specifically for tennis courts.
A 6mm free-draining open graded asphalt concrete Benefits
(AC), is mixed using 100/150 pen grade bitumen.
• Guaranteed drainage in accordance with LTA guidelines
The product must be laid on a porous base layer.
• Meets SAPCA guidelines
Installation must be carried out by a competent sports
surfacing specialist contractor on free-draining base layers. • 100% recyclable

The surface should be kept as clean as practicable.

Brush or vacuum any leaves, spillages / site Also available with the following options:
detritus. Power washers are not recommended as era®/CleanAir®/CarbonLock®
contaminants can be forced into the matrix and
Please see asphalt product matrix for
cause blockages lower down in the construction.
further information or contact technical:

Courtfalt Binder Course [email protected]

Offers the same characteristics as Courtfalt but [email protected]
enable a porous binder course to be used. It is [email protected]
available as a 10mm, 14mm or 20mm option. [email protected]

Use this product for

• Tennis courts


Courtfalt ® Multi
Technical data sheet

Courtfalt® Multi is a 6mm free-draining AC, ideal for multi-use games areas (MUGAs)
and sports surfaces.
A free-draining open graded asphalt concrete Benefits
(AC), which is mixed using paving grade binder
• Guaranteed drainage properties
and offers improved performance and durability
compared to standard open graded AC products. • Offers improved performance and durability
The product is manufactured with a slightly denser compared with standard open graded AC products
grading than the Courtfalt tennis court material. • A range of polished stone values (PSVs) can
Installation must be carried out by a competent be provided to enhance slip resistance
sports surfacing specialist contractor on free-draining • 100% recyclable
base layers.

The surface should be kept as clean as practicable.

Also available with the following options:
Brush or vacuum any leaves, spillages/site
detritus. Power washers are not recommended as
contaminants can be forced into the matrix and Please see asphalt product matrix for
cause blockages lower down in the construction. further information or contact technical:

[email protected]
Courtfalt Binder Course [email protected]
Offers the same characteristics as Courtfalt but [email protected]
enable a porous binder course to be used. It is [email protected]
available as a 10mm, 14mm or 20mm option.

Use this product for

• Five a side pitches


Technical data sheet

Airfield asphalts are a unique brand of materials designed to meet the requirements
of the UK airfield specifications for runways, aprons and taxi ways. Airfield asphalts
are designed using Heidelberg Materials’ own high quality hardstone aggregates
and specialist bitumens from our supply partners.
Each Airfield asphalt mix goes through a rigorous design Benefits
process to ensure UK aviation specifications are met. • Can be supplied from off-site plant
With the ability to supply from off-site plants, • Meets UK aviation specifications up to highest class
the expensive process of setting up on-site asphalt
• Speed of installation
plants can be avoided. This gives the contractor the
potential to deliver schemes to the client at vastly • Can be laid with conventional paving equipment
reduced costs. Where site and schemes dictate,
• 100% recyclable
Heidelberg Materials also offers mobile plant options.
• Available from Heidelberg Materials’
Heidelberg Materials’ suite of Airfield asphalts
asphalt plants across the country
include BBA (Betons Bitumineux Pour Chaussees
Aeronautiques) and Specification 049 SMA.
Also available with the following options:
Airfield BBA C typical data

Material property Test specification Typical result

Design void content BS EN 12697-6 Vmin 4.0% – Vmax 9.0%

Binder drainage BS EN 12697-18 Beaker Method < 0.3%

BS EN 12697-12 Method A (ITSR)

Water sensitivity ≥ 80%
BS EN 12697-23

RTPD (wheel tracking) BS EN 12697-22 Procedure B WTS in Air ≤ 1.0mm/103

Fatigue BS DD ABF ≥ 100,000 cycles to failure @ 100µstrain
Technical data sheet

Please see asphalt product matrix for

further information or contact technical:

[email protected]
[email protected]



Technical data sheet

Tufflayer® offers an alternative SAMI (stress absorbing membrane interlayer) to

asphalt reinforcing layers by providing a highly polymerised impermeable crack
relief interlay solution that also protects lower layers from water ingress.
Laid by conventional paving equipment the Tufflayer Benefits
solution uses a specially designed polymer modified • High levels of flexibility
bitumen (PMB). Tufflayer achieves optimum flexibility,
• Significant delays in reflective cracking
enhances fatigue resistance and significantly delays
the effects of reflective cracking. Avoiding the use • Protect lower pavement from moisture ingress
of geogrids also reduces on-site equipment and
• Increased durability
personnel, reducing the health and safety risk.
• Cost and carbon effective over the whole life
The unique Tufflayer design achieves a low voids
impermeable finish making it ideal for concrete overlays • Reduced CO2 when supplied as era 140
or any site where reflective cracking may be an issue.
• 100% recyclable
Using Tufflayer as an alternative to geogrids provides
a superior design solution at reduced whole life cost.
Available with the following options:

Use this product for

• Concrete overlays

• Sites where reflective

cracking is an issue

• Major projects
Technical data sheet

Tufflayer technical data

Typical material properties Typical result

Target thickness 25mm

Minimum overlay thickness 35-40mm

Overlay thickness in
heavily trafficked areas

Typical laying temperature 160-175°C

In situ voids 0.5-2.0%

Resistance to deformation Class 2 60°C (Cl 943 requirement)

Up to 25 times higher when compared

Fatigue life
with a conventional bitumen solution*

Typical performance figures

Material property Test specification Typical result CO2 RECYCLED CONTENT

Design void content BS EN 12697-6 Vmin 0.5% – Vmax 3.0%

BS EN 12697-22
RTPD (wheel tracking) ≤ 1.0mm/103
Procedure B WTS in Air

*Analysis of ITFT data using 40/60 DBM as a comparator.

Please see asphalt product matrix for

further information or contact technical:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
RecyclePlast ®
Technical data sheet

RecyclePlast® offers a circular approach to asphalt, reducing carbon emissions

and repurposing waste plastic to create durable roads. Asphalts containing
additives from waste plastics and can be produced at lower temperatures using
Heidelberg Materials’ era® 140 warm mix process, which reduces the carbon
emissions associated with road construction and maintenance by up to 15%.
The modified waste plastic is compatible with bitumen • Using era 140 process reduces CO₂ emissions
without compromising its performance and can be used associated with production and laying by up to 15%
across many of Heidelberg Materials’ standard asphalts.
• Suitable for a wide range of applications
RecyclePlast provides a beneficial use for plastic at the end
of its life rather than it being sent to landfill and can also • Improved working conditions for site operatives
be recycled back into new asphalt at the end of its life. • 100% recyclable
RecyclePlast is suitable for a wide range of applications • Available from Heidelberg Materials
and is produced using Heidelberg Materials’ era® 140 asphalt plants across the country
process. This allows the asphalt to be produced at a • Quicker installation leading to less disruption on site
lower temperature than standard hot mix, reducing
energy requirements and associated carbon emissions
by up to 15%. The lower production temperature and Also available with the following options:
quicker installation provides better working conditions for era®/CleanAir®/CarbonLock®/AgeLast®/RAP
operatives as less fumes, odour and steam are generated.
Please see asphalt product matrix for
It is estimated that every kilometre of road laid using further information or contact technical:
RecyclePlast prevents 450kg of plastic waste going to
[email protected]
landfill and saves one tonne of CO₂ emissions because of
[email protected]
the asphalt’s lower production and laying temperatures.
[email protected]
[email protected]
• Provides a beneficial use for waste plastics,
supporting the circular economy

• Prevents waste plastic going to landfill

Technical data sheet

Heidelberg Materials’ range of CleanAir® products help to minimise the

impact of asphalt production and laying on local air quality.
We have completed successful CleanAir trials using Benefits
Shell Bitumen FreshAir, a specialist binder. This has • 40% reduction of particulate matter equivalent
shown to reduce specific gases and particulate to planting 16 trees per lane km laid
matter from asphalt mixes by an average of
• Reduced impact on air quality with substantial
40% compared to conventional bitumen.
impact on NOX, SOX, CO, VOC and PMs
The technology can be used in all Heidelberg
• Reduction of NO₂ equivalent to removal of 40 cars per
Materials asphalt products and does not adversely
lane km laid
affect the properties of the bitumen or asphalt. It
acts directly with some of the chemical compounds • Active odour neutralisation of 95%-99%
that affect air quality, as well as odour-releasing
• Perfect solution for ULEZ, tunnels and sensitive areas
molecules. This helps to reduce release of specific
gases and particulates (NOX, SOX, CO, VOC and • Can be used in Heidelberg Materials full asphalt range
PMs) into the air during production and paving.
• Suitable for all asphalt applications
CleanAir is particularly beneficial for ultra-low emission
• 100% recyclable
zones (ULEZ), sensitive areas and sites with poor air
quality. Its use improves air quality during production
and the road building phase – particularly in urban Also available with the following options:
areas and tunnels, where ventilation is an issue. era®/CarbonLock®/AgeLast®/Recycleplast®/RAP
Every kilometre switched to CleanAir is estimated to Please see asphalt product matrix for further
have a similar effect on particulate matter (PM10) as information or contact technical:
planting 16 trees and a reduction of nitrogen dioxide
[email protected]
(NO₂) emissions as removing 40 cars from the road.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Biogenic asphalt
Technical data sheet

CarbonLock® biogenic asphalt can help cut the carbon emissions associated with road laying
and maintenance by at least 25% and is suitable for use in a wide range of applications.
CarbonLock asphalt contains biogenic material within Benefits
the binder, which absorbed and stored atmospheric CO₂
• Lowers carbon emissions associated with production
during its growth. This CO₂ is ‘locked’ into the material for
and laying by at least 25%
its entire service life, even when planed and recycled.
• Enhances durability
It is estimated that the inclusion of biogenic materials
within the binder ‘locks in’ six tonnes of CO₂ into • Contains biogenic material from sustainable sources
every kilometre of road, rather than releasing it back • Options for thin surface course solutions
into the atmosphere, cutting emissions further.
As a result, the product provides at least a • Can include a polymer modified bitumen (PMB) to offer
25% reduction in carbon emissions compared additional durability and whole-life carbon reduction
with standard hot mix asphalt. • 100% recyclable
CarbonLock is available with polymer modified • Available from Heidelberg Materials
bitumen (PMB) to produce an asphalt that offers asphalt plants across the country
additional durability benefits to further extend the life
of the asphalt and reduce the need for maintenance
interventions, providing whole-life carbon reduction. Also available with the following options:
CarbonLock can be produced using Heidelberg
Materials’ era 140 warm mix process, which allows Please see asphalt product matrix for
it to be manufactured at a lower temperature further information or contact technical:
than standard hot mix asphalt, reducing energy
[email protected]
requirements and associated carbon emissions.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


AgeLast ®
Asphalts for network resilience
Technical data sheet

AgeLast® asphalts can help lower the carbon emissions associated with road maintenance
and construction through enhanced durability, reducing the need for intervention.
AgeLast reduces the need for intervention on the road network.
AgeLast contains an additive that reduces the rate Benefits
of bitumen ageing through oxidation, and can be used • Enhanced durability (up to 30%)
across Heidelberg Materials’ full range of standard
• Reduced road disruption
asphalts. Agelast can be used across the full range
of Heidelberg Materials’ standard asphalts. • Lower whole-life carbon footprint

The additive slows down the ageing process of the • Can be used in full range of Heidelberg Materials’
binder prolonging the in-situ life of the asphalt. asphalt and in conjunction with RAP
This reduces the need for maintenance interventions, • 100% recyclable
supporting the circular economy and reducing
• Available from Heidelberg Materials
carbon emissions. This also helps customers
asphalt plants across the country
meets their decarbonisation goals.

It is suitable for all asphalt applications, particularly

Also available with the following options:
those where road interventions lead to high disruption
for road users. AgeLast is a high-performance, durable era®/Cleanair®/CarbonLock®/Recycleplast®/RAP
material, and can extend service life by up to 30%. Please see asphalt product matrix for
further information or contact technical:
The asphalt can be produced using Heidelberg
Materials’ era® warm mix process, which allows [email protected]
AgeLast to be manufactured at a lower temperature [email protected]
than standard hot mix asphalt. This reduces energy [email protected]
consumption and associated carbon emissions by [email protected]
up to 15%. Lower production temperatures also
provide better working conditions for operatives
by generating less fumes, odour and steam.



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