Vaibhi CN 6

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Experiment 6
Student Name:Vaibhavi Shreya UID: 22BCS16922
Branch:CSE Section/Group:22BCS_FL_IOT-604 B
Semester: 5th Date of Performance:10/09/2024
Subject Name:Computer network Subject Code:22CSH-312

1. Aim: Configure a network using any Routing Protocol such as Distance Vector
routing or Link State Routing Protocol using Packet Tracer or NS2
2. Requirements(Hardware/Software):
 Cisco Packet Tracer or NS2
 Routers, Switches, PCs (as per the network topology)
 Routing Protocol (e.g., RIP for Distance Vector, OSPF for Link State)
 Ethernet cables to connect devices in Packet Tracer

3. Reading Material:

1. Routing Protocol Basics:

 Distance Vector Routing Protocol:

 RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is the most common example.

 Distance vector protocols determine the best route to a network by the number of
hops (routers) between source and destination.
 Each router periodically sends out its entire routing table to its neighboring
 Examples: RIP, IGRP.
 Key Concepts: Hop count, Routing table updates, Convergence time, Bellman-
Ford algorithm.

 Link State Routing Protocol:

 OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is the most common example.

 Link State protocols use a topological map of the network to calculate the shortest
path using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
 Routers exchange only link state information rather than the entire routing table.
 Examples: OSPF, IS-IS.
 Key Concepts: Link state advertisements (LSAs), Dijkstra’s algorithm, OSPF
areas, Topological database.

2.Routing Protocol Comparisons:

 RIP vs OSPF:

 RIP is simpler but less efficient for large networks.

 OSPF is more complex but scales better in large, diverse networks.
 OSPF also converges faster and supports variable-length subnet masks (VLSM).

4. Procedure:

 Setup the Network Topology:

 Begin by creating a network with at least three routers and two switches.
 Connect each PC to a switch and the switches to the routers.
 Ensure that all routers are connected using serial links.

 Configure IP Addresses:

 Assign IP addresses to the PCs and routers, making sure each router and
connected device is in the correct network range.
 Set IP addresses for routers' Fast Ethernet interfaces (e.g., for Router
0, for Router 1).
 Configure the routers' serial ports using appropriate IP addresses from a different
network range (e.g., for Serial 2/0 on Router 0).
 Don't forget to assign the clock rate for the serial interfaces where necessary.

 Verify IP Connectivity:

 Test the connectivity within the same network (e.g., PC to its connected router) by
sending a ping. Ensure basic connections are functional.
 The connection between different networks will not work at this stage because
OSPF routing has not been configured yet.

 Configure OSPF on Routers:

 Access the command line interface (CLI) on each router and configure OSPF:
o Type router ospf 1 to enable OSPF.
o Publish the connected networks using the command network
<network_address> <wildcard_mask> area 0 .
o Example: network area 0.
 Repeat this for all connected networks on each router.

 Test OSPF Connectivity:

 Once OSPF is configured, test the connection by sending data between PCs in
different networks (e.g., PC 0 to PC 1).
 Ensure that data can now be transmitted across different networks through the
routers using OSPF routing.

5. Output:

6. Learning Outcome:
 Learn how OSPF is used to determine the shortest path in a network.
 Gain skills in network topology design and device configuration.
 Understand IP addressing and configuration on network devices.
 Practice router configuration using the command-line interface (CLI).
 Learn to verify and troubleshoot OSPF network connections.

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