Altona Diagnostic (Product List)

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RealStar® real-time PCR reagents

The RealStar® PCR reagents are designed to amplify and detect pathogen-specific DNA or RNA by
real-time PCR.
Name Description Cat No Principal
This kit helps in the Detection and
RealStar® Adenovirus PCR quantification of human adenovirus (HAdV) 301013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Kit 1.0-96 Rxns, CE-IVD specific DNA.

This kit helps in the detection and

RealStar® AHFV / KFDV RT-PCR differentiation of Alkhurm hemorrhagic 771003 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Kit 1.0 96 RXns RUO fever virus (AHFV) and Kyasanur Forest
disease virus (KFDV) specific RNA.

This kit helps in the Detection of

RealStar® alpha Herpesvirus human alpha herpesvirus specific DNA and 081013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
PCR Kit 1.0 96 Rxns ,CE-IVD the differentiation of HSV-1, HSV-2, and

This kit helps in the Detection and

RealStar® BKV PCR Kit 1.0 96 quantification of BK virus (BKV) specific 031013 altona Diagnostics GmbH

This kit helps in the Detection and

RealStar® HDV RT-PCR Kit 1.0 quantification of hepatitis D virus (HDV) 401003 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Rxns 96 RUO specific RNA.

This kit helps in the Detection and

RealStar® EBV PCR Kit 1.2 48 Quantification of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV 131212 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Rxns CE IVD also known as Human herpesvirus 4) specific

This kit helps in the Detection of hepatitis E

RealStar® HEV RT-PCR Kit 2.0 virus (HEV) specific RNA. 272013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
96 Rxns CE IVD

This kit helps in the Detection and

RealStar® Parvovirus B19 PCR quantification of parvovirus B19-specific 101013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Kit 1.0 96 Rxns CE IVD DNA.
This Kit Helps in the Detection and
RealStar® CMV PCR Kit 1.0 96 quantification of cytomegalovirus (CMV) 021013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Rxns CE IVD specific DNA.

This kit helps in the Quantification and

RealStar® HSV PCR Kit 1.0 96 differentiation of herpes simplex virus 1 and 061013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Rxns CE IVD 2 specific DNA.

This kit helps in the Detection and

differentiation of human herpesviruses
RealStar® HHV-4 /-5 /-6 PCR (HHV) specific DNA and also the helps in
Kit 96 Rxns 1.0 RUO differentiation of HHV-4 [Epstein-Barr Virus 371003 altona Diagnostics GmbH
(EBV)], HHV-5 [cytomegalovirus (CMV)] and
HHV-6 (subtypes A and B).

This kit helps in the Quantification and

RealStar® HHV-6 PCR Kit 1.0 96 differentiation of human herpesvirus 6A and 311013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Rxns CE IVD 6B specific DNA.

This kit helps in the Detection and

RealStar® JCV PCR Kit 1.0 96 quantification of JC virus (JCV) specific DNA. 041013 altona Diagnostics GmbH

This kit helps in the Detection and

RealStar® VZV PCR Kit 1.0 96 quantification of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) 071013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Rxns CE IVD specific DNA.

This kit helps in the Detection of enterovirus

RealStar® Enterovirus RT-PCR and rhinovirus-specific RNA. 571013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Kit 1.0 96 Rxns CE IVD

This kit helps in the Detection and

RealStar® Influenza Screen & differentiation of human influenza A, 164013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Type RT-PCR Kit 4.0 96 Rxns CE influenza B, and influenza A (H1N1) pdm09
IVD virus.

This kit helps in the Detection of lineage B-

RealStar® SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR beta-coronavirus (β-ßCoV) and severe acute 821015 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Kit 1.0 384 Rxns CE IVD respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-
CoV-2) specific RNA.

This kit helps in the Detection of lineage B-

RealStar® SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR beta-coronavirus (β-ßCoV) and severe acute 821015 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Kit 1.0 4800 Rxns CE IVD respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-
CoV-2) specific RNA.
This kit helps in the detection and
RealStar® RSV RT-PCR Kit 3.0 differentiation of respiratory syncytial virus 193013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
96 Rxns CE IVD subtype A and B specific RNA.

This kit helps in the Detection of human

RealStar® PIV RT-PCR Kit 2.0 96 parainfluenza virus 1–4 specific RNA and the
Rxns CE IVD differentiation of Respirovirus and 262013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Rubulavirus specific RNA.

This kit helps in the detection of human

RealStar® Parechovirus RT-PCR parechovirus-specific RNA. 781003 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Kit 1.0 96 Rxns RUO

This kit helps the in Detection and

RealStar® Pneumocystis quantification of Pneumocystis jirovecii- 551013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
jirovecii PCR Kit 1.0 96 Rxns CE specific DNA.

This kit helps in the Detection of dengue

RealStar® Dengue RT-PCR Kit virus-specific RNA and also the detection of 282013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
2.0 96 Rxns CE IVD all four dengue virus types 1–4.

This kit helps in the Detection of

RealStar® Chikungunya RT-PCR chikungunya virus-specific RNA. 012013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Kit 2.0 96 Rxns CE IVD

This kit helps in the Detection of Crimean-

RealStar® CCHFV RT-PCR Kit Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) 181013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
1.0 96 Rxns CE IVD specific RNA.

This kit helps in the Detection and

RealStar® HDV RT-PCR Kit 1.0 quantification of hepatitis D virus (HDV) 401003 altona Diagnostics GmbH
96 Rxns RUO specific RNA.

This kit helps in the Detection of hepatitis E

RealStar® HEV RT-PCR Kit 2.0 virus (HEV) specific RNA. 272013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
96 Rxns CE IVD

This kit helps in the Detection of

RealStar® Orthopoxvirus PCR Orthopoxvirus specific DNA (including 361003 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Kit 1.0 96 Rxns RUO monkeypox).
This kit helps in the Detection of
Plasmodium spp. specific DNA and also
RealStar® Malaria PCR Kit 1.0 helps in the detection of all five currently
96 Rxns known human pathogen Plasmodium 621003 altona Diagnostics GmbH
species (P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, P.
malaria, and P. knowlesi).

Detection and quantification of human

Real star HIV-1 RT-PCR kit 2.0 immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) specific 222003 altona Diagnostics GmbH
96 Rxns (RUO) RNA.

Detection and quantification of varicella-

Realstar VZV PCR kit1.0 96 zoster virus (VZV) specific DNA. 071013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Realstar chickungunya RT-PCR kit 2.0 is used
Realstar chickungunya RT-PCR for the qualitative detection of chikungunya 012013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
kit 2.0 96Rxns virus (CHIKV) specific RNA.

For the detection of Crimean-Congo

Realstar CCHFV RT-PCR KIT1.0 hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus-specific 181013 altona Diagnostics GmbH
96Rxns RNA.

AltoStar® real-time PCR reagents

AltoStar® reagents are altona Diagnostics-specific products, which are part of the workflow based on
AltoStar® AM16 and AltoStar® Connect software. All tubes and containers of the AltoStar® Purification Kit 1.5,
the AltoStar® Internal Control 1.5 and the AltoStar® PCR Kit 1.5 are barcoded by the AltoStar® system; for
automated identification, localization and verification of lot conformity, as well as non-expiry.

Name Description Cat No Principal

Altostar HIV RT-PCR kit 1.5 Detection and quantification of the human
96Rxns immunodeficiency virus (HIV) specific RNA AS022151 altona Diagnostics GmbH
(groups M, N, and O) in human EDTA 3

Detection and quantification of human

Altostar HCV PCR kit 1.5 hepatitis C virus (HCV) specific RNA AS021151 altona Diagnostics GmbH
96Rxns (genotypes 1 to 6) in human EDTA plasma. 3
Detection and quantification of human
Altostar HBV PCR kit 1.5 hepatitis B virus (HBV) specific DNA AS020151 altona Diagnostics GmbH
96 Rxns (genotypes A to H) in human EDTA plasma. 3

ExtraStar® Purification Kit 2.0

Altona Diagnostics has long-term experience in developing reagents using magnetic particle technology for isolating
and purifying nucleic acids from biological samples. Therefore, we can ensure the high quality and reliability of our

Name Description Cat No Principal

The ExtraStar® Purification Kit 2.0 uses
ExtraStar® Purification Kit magnetic particle technology and is 5012045 altona Diagnostics GmbH
2.0 intended to be used for the automated
384Rxns isolation and purification of nucleic acids
from human respiratory swab specimens for
in vitro diagnostic purposes.

FlexStar® real-time PCR reagents

The FlexStar® products are combinable ready-to-use PCR assays for quick and syndrome-driven parallel detection
of different pathogens. The assays can be used with the common real-time PCR cyclers as well as with the automated
AltoStar® Workflow.

Name Description Cat No Principal

 For qualitative detection and differentiation

FlexStar® Bordetella PCR of Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis FS0121503 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Detection Mix 1.5 RUO and Bordetella holmesii specific DNA.
 For qualitative detection and differentiation of
FlexStar® FLU Type & RSV influenza. A virus, influenza B virus, and FS0061503 altona Diagnostics GmbH
RT-PCR Detection Mix 1.5 respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) specific RNA.
RUO (For research use only)
 For qualitative detection and differentiation of
FlexStar HAdV & HAstV human adenovirus (HAdV) specific DNA, human FS0081503 altona Diagnostics GmbH
& SaV RT-PCR Detection astrovirus (HAstV) specific RNA and sapovirus
Mix 1.5 RUO (SaV) specific RNA.
96Rxns (For research use only)

 For the qualitative detection of monkeypox virus

FlexStar® Monkeypox specific DNA. FS0201503 altona Diagnostics GmbH
virus PCR Detection Mix (For research use only)
1.5 RUO

 For qualitative detection and differentiation

FlexStar® Mp & Cp PCR of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia FS0051503 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Detection Mix 1.5 RUO pneumoniae specific DNA.
96Rxns (For research use only)

The FlexStar® Norovirus Type & Rotavirus RT-PCR

FlexStar® Norovirus Type Detection Mix 1.5 is an in vitro diagnostic test, FS0071543 altona Diagnostics GmbH
& Rotavirus RT-PCR based on real-time PCR technology, for the
qualitative detection and differentiation of
Mix 1.5
96Rxns norovirus genogroup I (GI), norovirus genogroup
II (GII) and rotavirus specific RNA in human stool
(For research use only)

 For detection and differentiation of severe acute

FlexStar® SARS-CoV-2 respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) FS0021515 altona Diagnostics GmbH
Type & FLU RT-PCR virus specific RNA (E gene and S gene).
Detection Mix 1.5 (For research use only)

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