Palace of The Vampire Queen

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Dungeon Masters Kit 'I — Palace Of the Vxrnpit•e Queen

Layout by J W
Work by Brad
Cover by Judy Kerestnn
1st Printing June 1976

Distributed exclusively by Hobbies Inc.


This Kit Contains:

Detailed maps Of the dank and chambers of the

Tomb Stronghold of the Vampire Queen of Baylor

Referee maps of the area showing the trips and traps of each room

Sheets Of pre-factored creatures and treasure for solo as well as group play

Designed for use with the Dungeon and DragonsR rules Set. this kit represents a ready—to-use
adventure for those of strong heart and steel strength. (Possession of a wooden cross couldn't hurt.
either. )

Kit Use:

The Dungeon Master may give or sell the player map to the players to speed game play.
Wandering Monsters are left to the discretion and imagination of the Dungeon Master.
To avoid confusion. read the pre—factored sheets before playing since the rooms could not be numbered in
any one consecutive order.

Dungeon Master:
Feel free to use your imagination for dialogue or any extra details you feel would add to more exciting
play. The kit itself is only a basic outline you can make it a dramatic adventure.

Trapdoor to 10' pit. causes 6-side die damage

Portculug released over opening of doorway - causes 1 —10 pts darnage

Solid RockStairway to next level - Gold Pieces

SP - Silver
DoorSecret Door - Copper Pieces
SCALE: kinch = 6'


For three centuries the peasants of the Dwarvish island of

Baylor have feared the raids of the Vampire Queen and her minions.
Sweeping down at night from the palace in the shrowded peaks of the
island, they range ever farther in their search for blood. And not only
blood — the children of dwarf peasants often dissappear if they are so
unfortunate as to be out at night. Even the cities are no longer safe.
The most recent victim was the Princess of Baylor. daughter of King
Arman. who Was taken in a midnight raid on the capitol city of Ar Toe
within past weeks. King Arman has offered fabulous riches and land
holdings with titles to the person or persons who can brave the
stronghold Of the Vampire Queen and return his daughter to him alive
and well. But, in truth, he holds little hope. For even King Arman,
Ruler Of Baylor, Defeater Of the Ten Orc Tribes, is afraid in his heart
to face the Vampire Queen.

Storytellers say that long ago the Vampire Queen was shipwrecked
on the island - barely alive and all but drained of blood. Shipwrecked
with her were her guards and ladies in waiting - all her jewels. her
rich clothing and her crown. But none Of these things. nor the love
that her subjects bore for her, had the power to save her, and she died
that night.

The guards and ladies-in-waiting mourned. They took her

bodÿ into the mountains to build her a majestic tomb to house
her remains and all her earthly possessions. No one can Say for
certain if the tomb was built for they were never seen again.
Except at night.

The road the people took was steep and hard. but the road is
there. Children talk of how they will conquer it when they grow up.
Their parents huddle at the fire and pray that their children will live
to grow up. Brave men have tried to end the reign of the Vampire Queen.
but none have ever returned. Rumor says that there is a palace high in
the mountains and that it contains great riches. But rumor also Says
that it contains great dangers greater than mortal men can hope to face
and win.

The people wait in fear at night. The King wanders his royal
palace. so empty now without his only child. Neither the King or his
people have hope left that a Hero or group of Heros will come to rid
them of the Vampire Queen. For surely the Vampire Queen lies deep
within the forbiding mountains. protected by her subjects. vengeful
with hate for all truly living things and constantly thirsting for
human blood on which to feed.
Level I
Room Encountered Max. Dama e Contents of Room
1 3 Goblins 4 3 2 Em t , 17 GP on Goblins
2 None 6 bags - each bag
contains ration for 1
for 1 week in dungeon.
but 1 ba is oisoned
3 3 Goblins Armory. 5 sword g.
2 da ers. All non-ma iCal
4 N one Chest with poison lock,
1, 000 CP in chest
5 4 Goblins 5 2 Empty. 30 cp. IOGPon
G obl ins
(3 slee in . 1 on uard)
6 1 Wounded Warrior Empty. Warrior is
Chaotic, good prisoner.
If asked, will warn of
Rust Monster in Rm 8.
If healed will •oin
7 None Em t
8 Rust Monster 20 Em t
9 Em t
10 2 Giant Rats 9 11 Empty. Rats are
trained as uards for
bandits in Rm 23
11 N one Em t
12 1 Bandlt Em t . 1 GP on G uard
13 1 Screech Owl Empty. Crossbow aimed at entrance
to room will fire if door opened.
Owl w ill give alarm to Rm 53 if
not killed in 1 turn

14 5 Skeletons 3 2 2 3 1
15 N on e Em t
16 N one Em t
17 15 House Cats t each Em t
18 10 House Cats 1 pt each Empty. Madman will not
1 Madman 3 fight. If Madman is
attacked, Cats will
attack. If Madman is
left alone he will
tell party of secret
door from Level Ill to
19 None Empty. Room full Of C
at dro in s
20 N one Em t
21 None Em t
22 N one Em t
23 7 Bandits6 5 2 2 4 3 5 Empty. Bandits carry
3-18 GP each
24 None E mpt
Level L - Page 11

Room Encountered Max. Damage Contents of Room
25 None Chest with 1500 P. Silver
dagger with jeweled handle
worth 2. 000 GP. 15 live
Centipedes in false bottom
26 Giant Tick 9 Em t . Tick is on Ceilin
27 None Em t
28 N one Empt
29 None Em t
30 N one Em t
31 None Em t
32 N one Em t
33 None Em t
34 4 Bandits 5 5 4 2 Empty. Bandits carry 3 —18
GP each
35 None
36 Crossbow set to fire if ened. 1-6 pts dama e. Room Em t .
door o
37 None Em
38 None
39 None Em
40 None
41 5 Skeletons 3 3 3 2 2
42 None Chest, 25 GP. 700 cp. 3
gems worth 2, 000 sp each
43 Geletinous Cube 13 Silver Cross, 6 GP.
80 cp in Cube
44 None Em t
45 None Em t
46 1 Giant Spider 11 Empty. Spider web is
over stairs to Level Il and
opening to Rm 47. Hides both
47 None Map to Level Il in
Corner covered with
48 None Em t
49 2 Skeletons Em t
50 None Em t
51 None Table set for dinner with 5
drained Bandit bodies. 15 CP
on bodies
52 5 S ittin Cobras 6 s each Empt
53 6 Bandits 5 5 3 9 4 6 Owl in Rm 13 will give warning.
(1 is 3rd level thief) chance of waking Bandits.
Chest with 3 gems worth 700
GP total. 500 GP. 450 sp
Level 11
Room Encountered Max. Dama e Contents of Room
N one Empt
2 None Em t
3 Lawful Conjurer 10 Empty. Conjurer will warn of
Orcs in Rm 32 and will aid
ainst them, onl
4 N one 200 GP. Ba of Transmutin
5 3 Orcs 6 Empty. If attacked, Orcs in
Rm 8 will come to •oin fi ht
6 None E
7 None Em t
8 9 Orcs Empty

9 None E
10 None (This is a rt room which art to Rm 32
11 1 Blink Dog 20 Empty. Blink Dog is compan
— ion to Conjurer in Rm 3.
Will warn if Orcs are
attacking. If Conjurer is
attacked by anyone. dog
will fight for Con 'urer
12 None E mpt
13 None Em t
14 Geletinous Cube 13 6 lus 1 arrows in Cube
15 2 Giant Ticks 12 8 Em t . Ticks on ceilin
16 4 Skeletons
3 2 3 1 Chest with 75 GP. 25 cp.
rin worth 100 SP
17 1 Giant 60 2 flasks Healin Potion
18 1 Troll 24 3 empty bags and one Gold
Coin (non -ma iCal)
19 N one Skeleton (non -animated), 10
arrows, 1 broken bow
20 None 7 bodies stacked against
wall. Pile of weapons: 6
swords. 6 shields, 1 bow,
20 arrows
21 one Laboratory: Counters and
cupboards, large table in
center of room. Empty except
for 24 flasks scattered on
table: 20 empties. 1 poison,
Undead Control
22 2 Zombies 3 3 Em (One is female)
23 None 6 lar e em t ba s


Level 11 - Page 11
Room Encountered Max. Dama Contents of Room
24 None Em t
25 3 Zombies
3 2 3 Em t
26 4 Zombies
1 3 3 2 Em
27 None
28 1 Evil Magician 17 Empty. All Zombies on this
level are under his control.
If Magician is attacked, any
surviving Zombies on this
level will come to aid him
29 None Silver chest (2.000 GP value)
containing 3 flasks Human
Control, 1 flask Heroism,
Scroll of Undead Protection.
Ring of Delusion. Opening
cheat causes block to fall
where person normally Btandg
to open chest. Block kills
an in the 3 tx6 s e

30 Green Slime Em
31 None Em t
Level 111
Room Enc ountered Max. Dama e Contents Of Room

1 Ghoul 8 Em t
2 4 Dwarf Children 1 pt each Empty. Children are almost
drained of blood and have
been left for the Ghoul to
3 2 Werewolves 15 20 Empty. Werewolves are in
shape of Ghouls, unaffected
by Priests
4 2 Hunting Wolfs 9 11 Empty. Rms 3&4 are guard posts
I W erewolf for door to Level IV. Party
17 need not enter room. If party
passes room the guards will
come out and attack (70%) or
come out and stalk art (30%

5 Giant Slu 39 Empt

6 None Em t
7 3 Carrion Crawlers 9 11 10 5 bodies being eaten. 3
Swords. 1 bow - non -magical,
1 war hammer (75%, plus l,
20%, us 2, us 3)
8 None 3 bodies. 300 GP. 75 C?
on bodies. 3 swords.
spears and shields
9 None Em t
10 Evil Wizard 40 Empty. Wizard will offer to
sell party any magical items
they wish to buy. He will
invite thern to his sales
room, Rm 11
11 N one Assorted crates, 4 large urns
in corners. If party or any
member Of party enters, urns
emit sleeping gas (100%
effective in 2 turns) and
Wizard will kill them. strip
bodies of all magical items
and take bodies to Rm 8. If
party overcomes Wizard. he
will be forced to give them 3
ma iCal items (dice for items)
12 None Em t
13 5 Ghouls
5 5 4 3 3 Empty. Ghouls are dwarf
children and appear
normal (Bee next room)
14 4 Ghouls 5 6 Empty. Normal Ghouls.
Ghouls will wait for party
to enter Rm 13 then Ghouls
in both rooms will attack
Level Ill - Page Il
Room Encountered Max. Dama e Contents of Room
15 None Sack containin Portable Hole

16 Mother Lynx 3 Empty. All cf the cats can

and 4 Kittens 1 pt each detect evil within 12 feet. If
any of the Kittens are taken
with the party, the Kitten
will develop telepathic
communication with the person
who carries it and add 3 to
his or her morale score
17 None Em t
18 N one Em t
19 None Empty Chest. If chest is
opened, all persons in room
will be tele orted to Rm 20,
Level V
20 2 Trolls 23 27 Em t
21 None Trolls' Treasure -
22 None Ern t
23 N one Em t
24 N one Em t . 3 sacks of sand
25 None Empty. Sand alarm rings in
Rm 26 when door is o ened
26 4 Trolls 26 23 23 Empty. chance that Trolls
will be alerted by alarm.
25 Portculus to fall if party
reenters Rm 25 from Rm 26 — 1
10 pts damage to anyone stand
in in doorwa

27 1 Troll 30 Chest with poison lock. 5 Gems

worth 3, 000 GP total in chest
28 None Em
29 None Chest directly inside door.
If opened will release an
endless number of Wights
unless closed again. When
closed, all Wights remainin
in room dissa ear
Level Iv
Room Encountered Max. Dama e Contents of Room
1 Stone Lammasu 45 Empty. Larnmasu ig stone with
jewels for eyes. One eye ig
missing and iB held in Rm 10.
If eye is returned and put in
place, Lammasu will come to
life and aid party on Level
IV only. Lammasu will stay in

2 None
3 None Invisible Chime of eni
4 I Shadow 8 8.000 GP in 2 ba s
5 1 owl Bear 28 Em t
6 None Em t
None E
8 None Em t
9 1 Stone Giant 39 Em t
10 3 Owl Bears 25 27 28 Chest with 10 Gens worth
GP total, 1 Gem (eye for Stone
Lammasu in Rm 1 Pouch with 500
GP. If chest is Opened,
1 or pit with poison Spikes
6' in front of chest. Pit is a
6'x6i s uare 0 enin
11 None Em t
12 Black 17 Em t . Puddin is on
Puddin ceilin
15 Gnolls
13 7 5 10 9 9 4, 000 GP in heap in corner,
Staff Of Striking (used as pole for
6 11 7 7 15 Skull standard thrown in corner

3 12 12 8 7
14 N one Em t
15 2 Vam ire Guards 29 35 3 waterskins filled with blood
16 None Em t
17 4 Mummies 16 20 21 13 Em t
18 None 4 Gold Coffins (total 35.000 GP)

19 None Jade Chest. 2 vials of

Healing Potion, 1 vial Of
poison. Chest worth 5, 000 GP
20 None
21 None Em
22 None E
23 1 Giant Slug 4 Empty. Rooms 2 thru 1 are
covered in 2' fog. including
hall and Ste g


Level IV - Page 11
Room Encountered Max. Contents of Room
24 None Garlic Garden. May be
athered and taken
with art
25 None Chest with Cube of Force.
Chest has illusion to look
like Yellow Mold
26 8 Giant Ticks 9 12 13 Empty
7 8 9
27 None Chest with Poison Lock and
spring device to shoot 12
poison needles (6 up. 6
forward) when chest opened
10.000 SP. Scroll with 3 2nd
level spells (dungeon
master's choice. plus 3 War
Hammer. plus 2 shield, lus 2
sword in chest
28 None Empty. Alarm rings in Rm
29 when Rm 28 entered
29 6 Vampire Guards 23 25 8 Waterskins filled with blood.
400 G P on uards
19 26
30 15 Vam ire Bats 2 Bat Em t
31 N one Em t
Level V
Room Enc ountered Max. Dama e Contents of Room
2 Vam ire Guards 23 26 2 Wood Coffins
2 10 Guard Bats 6 r Bat Em t
3 2 Vam ire Guards 25 23 10 Wood Coffins
4 N one Em t
5 1 Balro Mace of Disru tion
6 1 Flesh Golem 40 Em t
7 N one E
8 5 Wraiths 13 15 16 16 14 Em t
9 None Em t
10 None Em t
11 5 Dwarf Children t each Children are in ca e
12 Tele ort room to Rm 25
13 4 Ogres 15 20 20 18 Kitchen. Ogres are
slaughtering children to make
5 Dwarf Children I pt each blood pudding. 3 drained
bodies. other 5 are still
14 None Shelves stacked with
gold servin ieces
(total 80. 000 G P)
15 4 Werewolves 15 17 16 20 Empty. Werewolves are in
sha e of Ghouls
16 3 Vampires 19 19 15 Vampires are females Ladies
in Waitin . 4 Coffins
17 None Dressing Room. Clothing and
•ewe-Ir total value 4,
000 SP
18 Dwarf Princess 3 Em t . Princess is
19 Chaotic Bishop 20 400 GP on Bishop. Wearing
Gauntlets Of Ogre Power and
Talisman of C haos Su erne
20 None Chaotic Temple. 71 high
Jet idol of a female
vampire. value 9, 000 GP
21 4 Chaotic Vicars13 15 9 11 Chest with Exploding Runes,
will explode if not removed
by Chaotic Necromancer with
6-60 pts damage. Blast
covers 5 all around chest.
Chest contains 1 Gern.
value 10, 000 GP
22 1 Flesh Golem 40 Em t
23 10 Guard Batg 3 per Bat Empty. If door is opened,
bats will attack and door
to un— numbered room
across hall will open and
let out 25 more uard bats
Level V - Page Il
Room Encountered Max. Dama Contents of Room
24 Oracle Human 10 Oracle. Will tell reverse of
truth to any question.
Questions cost 100 GP er
25 6 Vampire 21 29 32 Throne Room. Throne on raised
24 29 Gold latform
(all 9-hit die
fi hters)
26 4 Vampire 21 19 22 Reception Room. Several
chairs and paintings 3, 000
Guards 16 GP value
(all 7 -hit die
27 None Treasure Room. 60.000 C P.
30, 000 sp. 20 Gems, value
2, 000 GP total. Ring of
Control, Eyes of Charrning,
Scarab Of Death. Portculus
will fall if party enters thru
doorway from Rm 26 (fall is
delayed one movement turn
after enterin )
28 Will O Wis 38 Em
29 1 Female 30 This is not the Queen. Gold
Coffin (value 15.000 GP)
Vampire assorted jewelry (value 25,
000 GP. 4 bottles tilled with
30 1 Female Vampire 40 Vampire Queen. Will turn into
Bat and escape if door is not
shut behind party. If she
escapes she will go to Dwarf
Princess. if Princess is still
living, and threaten to kill
her if the party does not let
the Vampir Queen o free

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