Expected Reasoning Data Sufficiency Questions For Bank Po Mains

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Expected Data Sufficiency Reasoning Questions for Bank PO Mains Exams

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Expected Data Sufficiency Reasoning Questions for Bank PO Mains

Directions (1-5): Each of the questions below 2) Seven friends namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V
consists of a question and two statements are sitting in a row facing north then, how many
numbered I and II given below it. You have to persons sits right of V?
decide whether the data provided in the I. S sits second to right of V and P sits third to right of
statements are sufficient to answer the question: T, who sits immediate right of V. Q sits third to left of
a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to T and U doesn’t sit adjacent to Q.
answer the question, while the data in Statement II II. Q sits third to left of T, who sits second to left of
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. U. P sits second to right of S, who sits immediate
b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to neighbor of T and Q sits at end of the row.
answer the question, while the data in Statement I
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. 3) Is R is brother of D?
c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in I. C is sister of D and is only daughter of K. R’s
Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the nephew is son of C.
question. II. M is mother of D. R and Q are married couple. Q
d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together is sister-in-law of C, who is only daughter of K and M
are not sufficient to answer the question. is married to K.
e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together
are necessary to answer the question. 4) Seven students namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V
gets different marks, then marks of how many
1) Six boxes namely - P, Q, R, S, T and U are kept students is less than marks of S?
one above another not necessary in same order. I. Marks of P is more than Q, T but not as much as V,
Which box is kept just below box Q? R. Marks of S is more than Q, U but not as much as
I. Box U is kept third from top and is kept at a gap of R, P. Marks of T is lowest and that of V is highest
two boxes from box P. Box R is neither kept adjacent among all.
to box P nor box U. Box T is kept at any place below II. Marks of Q is more than U, T but not as much as
box U but not exactly below. R, S. Marks of P is more than S, U but not as much as
II. Only one box is kept below box T, which is kept at V, R. Marks of R is only less than that of one student
a gap of two boxes from box S. Box R is kept and marks of T is lowest.
adjacent to box S and is at a gap of one box from box

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Expected Data Sufficiency Reasoning Questions for Bank PO Mains Exams
5) Seven persons namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G II. Box R and box U are kept at a gap of two boxes.
are sitting in a row facing north, then who sits Box V is kept third from bottom. Only two boxes are
second to right of B? kept between box V and box S. Box T, which neither
I. A sits third to left of G, who sits adjacent to F. A, kept at top nor adjacent to box V, is kept at a gap of
who neither sits at end of the row nor adjacent to E, two boxes from box P. Box Q is kept at bottom.
sits adjacent to D. Only two persons sit between E
and C, none of them sits adjacent to A. 7) Seven students in a class namely –P, Q, R, S, T,
II. E sits third to left of C. Either of them sits at end of U and V have different marks, how many student
the row. Only two persons sit between A and G, who have less marks than S?
sits adjacent to E. Only three persons sit between G I. Marks of P is more than S, U but not as much as R,
and D, who sits adjacent to A. V. Marks of Q is more than T, U but not as much as
R, S. Marks of V is highest and that of U is lowest.
Directions (6-8): Each of the questions below II. Marks of S is more than Q, T but not as much as P,
consists of a question and two statements V. Marks of P is more than S, Q but not as much as
numbered I and II given below it. You have to V, R. Marks of V is highest.
decide whether the data provided in the
statements are sufficient to answer the question: 8) Six persons namely – P, Q, R, S, T and U are
a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to sitting in a circular table facing center, each
answer the question, while the data in Statement II person likes different color viz. Red, Yellow,
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. Black, Pink, Green and Blue. Not necessary in
b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to same order. Who sits immediate left of one who
answer the question, while the data in Statement I likes Red?
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. I. One who likes Yellow sits second to right of U,
c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in who neither likes Black nor sits adjacent to Q. R, who
Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the likes Green, sits facing Q, who neither likes Blue nor
question. Yellow. Q and one who likes Black sits together. P
d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together sits facing one who likes Black, who sits second to
are not sufficient to answer the question. right of S.
e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together II. R, who neither likes Yellow nor Red, sits second
are necessary to answer the question. to left of S, who likes Blue. One who likes Pink sits
facing S. Q, who neither sits adjacent to R nor
6) Seven boxes namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are adjacent to P, sits facing one who likes Green. T, who
kept one above other, how many boxes are kept doesn’t like Yellow, sits immediate right of Q.
between box P and box U?
I. Box T is kept third from top at a gap of one from Directions (9-13): Each of the questions below
box V. Only two boxes are kept between box S and consists of a question and two statements
box V. Only two boxes are kept between box U and numbered I and II given below it. You have to
box Q. Box Q neither kept at top nor adjacent to box decide whether the data provided in the
T. Box R and box S are kept together. statements are sufficient to answer the question:

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Expected Data Sufficiency Reasoning Questions for Bank PO Mains Exams
a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to I. S sits third to left of W. Only three persons sit
answer the question, while the data in Statement II between U and T, who doesn’t sit adjacent to W.
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. II. T sits third to right of W. S sits at any place left of
b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to U, who doesn’t sit at end of the row.
answer the question, while the data in Statement I
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. 11) When Riya reached Pune?
c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in I. Her father correctly remembers that Riya reached
Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the Pune after Tuesday but before Friday and her mother
question. correctly remembers that Riya reached Pune after
d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together Wednesday but before Saturday.
are not sufficient to answer the question. II. Her brother correctly remembers that Riya reached
e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together Pune after Monday but before Friday and her sister
are necessary to answer the question. correctly remembers that she reached Pune after
Tuesday but before Saturday.
9) Six boxes namely – A, B, C, D, E and F are kept
one above other, each box contains different 12) Eight persons namely – Santu, Sonty, Shanu,
article viz. Card, Fruit, Book, Toy, Pen and Shiv, Sam, Shobit, Sinku and Shan are sitting in a
Mobile. Box B is kept third from top at a gap of square table in such a way that one person sits on
one box from one that contains Toy. Box D each edge and one person sits on each corner.
contains Pen, which is neither kept adjacent to box Person on edge sits facing away from center and
B nor adjacent to the one that contain Toy, is kept person on corner sits facing center. Who sits
just above one that contains Fruit. How many immediate left of Sonty?
boxes are kept below one contains Mobile? I. Shanu sits third to right of Sam, who neither sits
I. Box which contains Book and Toy are kept adjacent to Sinku nor sits at edge of the table. Santu,
together. Box F, which neither contains Book nor who neither sits adjacent to Sam nor sits adjacent to
contains Toy, is kept at a gap of two from box A. Box Shanu, sits third to right of Sinku. Only one person
which contains Book is kept at a gap of three from sits between Sinku and Shiv, who sits third to right of
box E. Shan.
II. F which contains Card is kept at a gap of two from II. Shiv sits third to right of Shan, who neither sits
box A, which neither contains Book nor kept adjacent adjacent to Shobit nor sits adjacent to Santu. Sam sits
to box D. Only two boxes are kept between box E and second to left of Sinku, who sits facing center. Shan
one which contains box Mobile. sits facing Shanu. Only two people sit between Sam
and Santu, who doesn’t sit adjacent to Sinku.
10) Eight friends namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and
W are sitting in a row facing north. P, who neither 13) Six person namely A, B, C, D, E and F lives in
sits adjacent to T nor sits adjacent to W, sits six floored building marked 1 to 6 in such a way
fourth to left of V. R sits third to right of Q, who that lowermost floor is marked 1 and floor above
sits adjacent to V. How many person sits left of U? it marked 2 and so on till top floor is marked as 6.
How many person lives below B?

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Expected Data Sufficiency Reasoning Questions for Bank PO Mains Exams
I. Only two persons live between A and D. Either A
or D lives at the topmost floor. Only two persons live 15) In a code language “Ride Road Best Possible
between B and C, who lives on adjacent floor of A. F Trip” is coded as “na gz he je ld”, then how
lives at a gap of one floor below D. E doesn’t live on “Trip” is coded in same code language?
lowermost floor. I. “Nature Beauty Best View Ride” is coded as “xt
II. Only three persons live between C and F. Neither wm zd he je” and “Bring Ride View Nature Trip” is
C nor F lives at the topmost floor. E lives just below coded as “bg zd gz wm je”.
C. Only two persons live between A and D, who II. “Bring Same Possible Ride Trip” is coded as “pt
doesn’t lives adjacent floor of C. bg gz ld je” and “Nature Ride Best Possible View” is
coded as “wm je ld he zd”.
Directions (14-17): Each of the questions below
consists of a question and two statements 16) Seven person namely – A, B, C, D, E, F and G
numbered I and II given below it. You have to lives in seven floored building marked 1 to 7 in
decide whether the data provided in the such a way that lowermost floor is marked as 1,
statements are sufficient to answer the question: floor above that is marked as 2 and so on till
a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to topmost floor marked as 7. Only two persons live
answer the question, while the data in Statement II between A and F, who lives just above D. A
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. neither sits at top floor but lives on floor above D,
b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to then in which floor does G lives?
answer the question, while the data in Statement I I. Only two persons live between C and D. Only two
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. persons live between C and B.
c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in II. B sits on adjacent floor of E who lives on adjacent
Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the floor of A. Only three persons live between B and G,
question. who neither lives at top nor lives on adjacent floor of
d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together A.
are not sufficient to answer the question.
e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together 17) Which of the following statement satisfies ‘R is
are necessary to answer the question. daughter-in-law of G’?
I. F is only daughter of K. T is son of R. G is mother
14) Eight friends namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and of B and is married to K. B is spouse of R.
W are sitting in a row facing north. Only two II. M is sister of B, who is married to R. D is sister-in-
people sit between W and T, who sits at end of the law of G and is sister of K. G is father of M. D and M
row. U sits second to right of W, U who doesn’t sit are unmarried member of the family.
adjacent of T. Only three people sit between P and
U. How many person sits right of S? Directions (18-22): Each of the questions below
I. Only two people sit between Q and R. V doesn’t sit consists of a question and two statements
adjacent to U. numbered I and II given below it. You have to
II. Only three people sit between V and S, who sits decide whether the data provided in the
adjacent to R. statements are sufficient to answer the question:

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Expected Data Sufficiency Reasoning Questions for Bank PO Mains Exams
a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to Orange, Blue, Black and Yellow. All the given
answer the question, while the data in Statement II information is not necessary in same order. Mehul
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. lives on floor marked 4 at a gap of two floor from
b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to one who likes Orange. Manyta, neither likes
answer the question, while the data in Statement I Orange nor lives adjacent to Mehul, lives just
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. below one who likes Yellow. How many person
c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in lives above one who likes Pink?
Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the I. Sanju, who neither likes Yellow nor Orange, lives
question. just above one who likes Blue. Golu lives on any
d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together floor above Pihu.
are not sufficient to answer the question. II. One who likes Blue lives just below Sanju, who
e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together doesn’t lives adjacent floor of Manyta. Only one
are necessary to answer the question. person lives between one who likes Black and Golu.

18) Six boxes namely – P, Q, R, S, T and U are 20) Eight persons namely – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and
kept one above other. Each box contains different H are sitting in a row facing north. How many
article viz. Watch, Card, Radio, Book, Mobile and persons sit left of F?
Laptop. All the information given are not I. Only three persons sit between E and G, who sits at
necessary in same order. Box R is kept second end of the row. B, who sits adjacent to E, sits third to
from bottom at a gap of two boxes from one right of A. Only two persons sit between C and D. At
contains Card. Box U, which is neither kept at least three persons sit between A and G.
bottom nor adjacent to one that contains Card, is II. D sits fourth to right of A and is second to left of
kept at a gap of one box from one that contains G. Neither D nor A sits at end of the row. E, neither
Watch. Box P contains Book is kept at top. Which sits adjacent to A nor D, sits immediate right of C.
box is kept just below one that contains Radio? Only one person sits between B and F.
I. Only two boxes are kept between box Q and T, Q
which is kept adjacent to box S. Box that contains 21) Is R is aunty of G?
Radio is kept above that contains Laptop. Box Q I. R is sister of K. H is only son of Q. P is daughter of
contains Mobile. D, who is married to W. G is sister of H and is sister-
II. Box Q, which is neither kept adjacent to one in-law of D. Only two married couples are there in
contains Book nor at bottom, is kept just above one family. K is father-in-law of D.
that contains Laptop. Only one box is kept between II. Q is only daughter of W and is sister of D. M is
one that contains Radio and Mobile. brother of R. P is daughter of G. W is mother of H
and is sister of M. D is married to G.
19) Five persons namely – Sanju, Pihu, Mehul,
Golu and Manyta lives in five floored building 22) Eight persons namely – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and
marked 1 to 5 in such a way that lowermost floor H, have different salary not necessary in same
is marked 1 and topmost floor is marked as 5. order. Salary of how many person are more than
Each person likes different color viz. Pink, B?

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Expected Data Sufficiency Reasoning Questions for Bank PO Mains Exams
I. Salary of A is more than B, D but not as much as and R. Only two persons sits between H and G, who
G, H. Salary of only three person are more than C. sits immediate left of K. D sits at end of the row.
Salary of only two person are less than E. Salary of F
is lowest and that of H is only less than G. 24) How many female members are there in family
II. Salary of C is more than B, D but not as much as of ten members?
G, A. Salary of E is more than D, F but not as much I. Q is only son of H, who is son-in-law of G. K is
as H, C. Salary of F is lowest and salary of H is only only daughter of D. L is brother-in-law of P. G is
less G. brother-in-law of F, who is sister of D. M is brother
of K. L is married to B. K is mother of P and is
Directions (23-27): Each of the questions below mother-in-law of L. Only three married couples are
consists of a question and two statements there in family. F and P are unmarried members of
numbered I and II given below it. You have to the family.
decide whether the data provided in the II. L is son of Q and is son-in-law of M. K is only son
statements are sufficient to answer the question: of D, who is married to G. R is only son of H. G is
a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to sister of F. P and R are siblings. L is brother-in-law of
answer the question, while the data in Statement II R. F and R are unmarried member of family. H is
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. brother-in-law of K.
b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to
answer the question, while the data in Statement I 25) Seven persons namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. are sitting in a row facing north. Each person likes
c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in different fruits viz. Banana, Mango, Papaya,
Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the Guava, Orange, Grapes and Litchi. All the given
question. information are not necessary in same order. One
d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together who likes Banana sits third from right end. T, who
are not sufficient to answer the question. doesn’t sit neighbor of one who likes Banana, sits
e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together second to left of one who likes Papaya. Only three
are necessary to answer the question. persons sit between R and one who likes Banana.
T likes Litchi. Only two persons sit between S and
23) In a row of twelve person facing north how one who likes Papaya. How many person sits right
many person sits between L and G? of one who likes Grapes?
I. Only two persons sits between L and R. Only one I. Q, who neither sits adjacent to one who likes Litchi
person sits between B and R, who doesn’t sit with L. nor one who likes Papaya, sits third to right of one
D sits third to right of K, neither of them sits adjacent who likes Mango. Only three persons sits between
to R or B. At least two persons sits between B and G, one who likes Orange and P, who sits adjacent to T.
who neither sits adjacent to D nor L, who sits at left II. Only two persons sit between S and V, who sits
end of the row. Only three person sits between D and with one who likes Mango. Only one person sits
H, who doesn’t sit adjacent to B. between one who likes Mango and one who likes
II. R sits fourth from left end. Only two persons sits Guava.
between G and D. Only one person sits between L

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Expected Data Sufficiency Reasoning Questions for Bank PO Mains Exams
26) Seven boxes viz. P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together
kept one above other. How many boxes are kept are not sufficient to answer the question.
below box V? e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together
I. Box R is kept third from top. Box S and U are kept are necessary to answer the question.
together. Box T, which is neither kept adjacent to box
U nor box R. Only three boxes are kept between S 28) Eight persons namely – A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and
and R. Box P, which is not kept adjacent to box Q, is S are sitting in a circular table facing center not
kept at any place above box V. necessary in same order. Who sits immediate left
II. Only three boxes are kept between box U and P, of Q?
which is kept second from top. Box Q, which is I. P sits third to the left of A. R, who neither sits
neither kept adjacent to box P nor box U, is kept just adjacent to A nor P, sits second to the left of B. Only
below box R. Only three boxes are kept between box one person sits between C and D. A and S sits
S and box R. together.
II. Only one person sits between B and Q. C, who
27) Seven persons namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V neither sits adjacent to Q nor D, sits facing S. D sits
have different height. How many persons are taller third to the left of B. P sits second to the left of S.
to S?
I. S is taller to T, Q but not as much as P, R. T is taller 29) Seven boxes viz. P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are
to V, U but not as much as R, S. R is only short to kept one above other in the form of stack. How
one person and U is shortest among all. Q is taller many boxes are kept above box T?
than V. I. Only two boxes are kept between box Q and box U.
II. T is taller to V, U but not as much as R, S. Q is Only three boxes are kept above box S. Box Q and S
taller to T, V but not as much as S, R. P is tallest are kept together. Only one box is kept between box
among all. V is only taller to U. T and box V. Box P is neither kept at bottom nor
adjacent to box Q.
Directions (28-30): Each of the questions below II. Box R is kept second from top. Box T is kept at
consists of a question and two statements any place above box V. Only three boxes are kept
numbered I and II given below it. You have to between box U and box R. Box S, which is neither
decide whether the data provided in the kept adjacent to box R nor box U, which is kept at a
statements are sufficient to answer the question: gap of two box from P. Box Q doesn’t kept adjacent
a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to to box U but kept at any place below box P.
answer the question, while the data in Statement II
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. 30) Six friends namely –P, Q, R, S, T and U lives in
b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to six floored building marked 1 to 6 in such a way
answer the question, while the data in Statement I that lowermost floor is marked as 1 and topmost
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. floor is marked as 6, each person likes different
c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in color viz. Green, Red, Black, Yellow, Blue and
Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the White not necessary in same order. R, who lives on
question. odd numbered floor but not on floor marked 3,

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Expected Data Sufficiency Reasoning Questions for Bank PO Mains Exams
lives just above one who likes White. Only two I. Only two person lives above P, who lives at a gap
person lives between S and one who likes White. T, of one floor from T. V and S lives on adjacent floor.
who likes Blue, neither lives adjacent floor of S Neither P nor T lives adjacent to V, who lives on an
nor on adjacent floor of R. One who likes Black odd numbered floor but not on floor marked 1. Q and
lives on topmost floor. How many person lives on R lives on adjacent floor. U lives on any floor above
floor above one who likes Yellow? T.
I. U, who neither likes Black nor likes White, lives at II. T lives on floor marked 3 at a gap of one floor
a gap of two floor from one who likes Red. Only two from Q. Only two person lives between V and U,
person lives between Q and one who likes Green. either of them lives on top floor. Neither U nor V sits
II.Q, who lives on adjacent floor of one who likes adjacent to Q. S and P lives on adjacent floor.
Blue, lives at a gap of two floor from one who likes
Green. U, who doesn’t lives of top floor, lives just 32) Seven person namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V
above floor of one who likes Green. have different salary, Salary of how many people
are less than Q?
Directions (31-34): Each of the questions below I. Salary of P is more than R and Q but not as much
consists of a question and two statements as V. Salary of R is more than T and S but not as
numbered I and II given below it. You have to much as P and V. Salary of T is only more than two
decide whether the data provided in the Person and salary of U is lowest.
statements are sufficient to answer the question: II. Salary of Q is more than S and U but not as much
a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to as V and R. Salary of T is more than S and U but not
answer the question, while the data in Statement II as much as P and R. Salary of V is highest and Salary
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. of S is not lowest.
b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to
answer the question, while the data in Statement I 33) Seven person namely – A, B, C, D,P, Q and R
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. are sitting in a row facing south, how many person
c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in sits between P and Q?
Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the I. A sits third to right of B. A and P sits together,
question. neither of them sits at end of row. Only three persons
d) If the data in both the Statements I and II together sits between D and P. Q doesn’t sit at end of the row.
are not sufficient to answer the question. B doesn’t sit adjacent to D.
e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together II. B sits second to right of D. Only three person sits
are necessary to answer the question. between B and R, either of them sits at end of the
row. A and P sits together, neither of them sits
31) Seven person namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V adjacent to B. P sits second to left of R. Only two
not necessary in same order lives in a seven persons sit between C and D.
floored building marked 1 to 7 in such a way that
ground floor is marked 1, floor above it marked as 34) Six persons namely – P, Q, R, S, T and U are
2 and so on till top floor marked as 7. How many sitting in a circular table facing center. Each
person lives below R? person likes different fruits says Banana, Orange,

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Expected Data Sufficiency Reasoning Questions for Bank PO Mains Exams
Guava, Apple, Grapes and Mango. Not necessary place below Math .How many books are kept
in same order. Q neither sits neighbor of T nor below Economics book?
P.T who likes Apple sits facing one who likes I. Computer and History books are kept together.
Grapes. P sits immediate right of one who likes Hindi is kept at a gap of two place from Computer
Grapes, then who likes Guava? book. Economics is not kept adjacent to Science
I. Only one person sits between S who likes Orange book.
and U, who doesn’t sit neighbor of T. S sits second to II. Only two books are kept between Hindi and
right of one who likes Mango. R doesn’t sit neighbor Computer book. Computer book is kept at any place
of one who likes Guava. below Math. Science and Sanskrit book are kept
II. P sits adjacent to one who likes Mango. Q doesn’t together.
like Orange. S sits second to right of R. S, who
neither likes Grapes nor Mango, sits facing one who 36) Seven friends namely – Amar, Rekha, Pinku,
likes Banana. Hetal, Romy, Zoya and Monty are sitting in a row
facing north not necessary in same order. How
Directions (35-39): Each of the questions below many person sits left of Monty?
consists of a question and two statements I. Amar sits second to left of Pinku. Only two person
numbered I and II given below it. You have to sits between Romy and Pinku. Rekha sits immediate
decide whether the data provided in the left of Amar. Hetal doesn’t sit immediate neighbor of
statements are sufficient to answer the question: Pinku.
a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to II. Zoya sits third to left of Hetal, who sits immediate
answer the question, while the data in Statement II left of Romy. Neither Zoya nor Hetal sits at end of the
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. row. Only two person sits between Rekha and Pinku,
b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to who sits immediate neighbor of Zoya. Rekha sits at
answer the question, while the data in Statement I one end of the row.
alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in 37) In a family of seven members. Is M is maternal
Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the aunt of R?
question. I. P is father of R. D is son of G, who is daughter-in-
d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together law of M. R is daughter of H. S is married to G. H is
are not sufficient to answer the question. sister of M.
e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together II. H is father of R. G is mother of D. S is son-in-law
are necessary to answer the question. of M, who is sister of P. R is son of P. G is married to
35) Seven books of different subject viz. Hindi,
History, Science, Computer, Math, economics and 38) Six persons namely – P, Q, R, S, T and U lives
Sanskrit are kept one above other in such a way in six floored building marked 1 to 6 in such a way
that Math is kept third from bottom at a gap of that lowermost floor is marked 1 and topmost
two books from Science. History is kept at any floor is marked 6. Each person likes different
fruits viz. Orange, Guava, Banana, Mango, Apple

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and Grapes. All the information are not necessary 40) Seven people namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V
in same order. P lives on floor marked 4 at gap of are sitting in a row facing north. Each person likes
two floor from one who likes Guava. U lives on different color viz. Red, Brown, green, Pink, Blue,
even numbered floor at a gap of two floor from Yellow and Black. Not necessary in same order.
one who likes Grapes. Neither P nor U likes The one who likes Pink sits fourth to left of S, who
Banana. Q lives on adjacent floor of one who likes likes Brown. Either of them sits at end of the row.
Guava. One who lives Banana lives on any floor Q likes Black. The one who likes Red sits third to
above Q. How many person lives below one who third to left of the one who likes Yellow, who
likes Apple? neither sits adjacent to the one who likes Pink nor
I. Only two person lives between one who likes adjacent to S. T, neither likes Pink nor likes Red,
Mango and R. Neither U nor Q likes Mango. One sits third to left of Q, then who sits immediate
who likes Apple and Guava doesn’t lives on adjacent right of P?
floors. Only two person lives between one who likes I. Two persons sits between the one who likes Green
Orange and S. and R. three persons sits between V and the one who
II. One who likes Orange lives on even numbered likes Blue.
floor but not adjacent floor of one who likes Banana. II. The one who likes Blue sits second to left of R.
T lives on adjacent floor of one who likes Orange. S The one who likes Green sits immediate right of V.
and one who likes Mango lives on adjacent floor. III. Three persons sits between U and P, who doesn’t
Only two person lives between one who likes Apple like Green. V and the one who likes Green sits
and T. together.
a) Either II or III
39) Eight friends - A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are b) Only I
sitting in a circular table facing center. Who sits c) Only III
facing H? d) Both I and III
I. E, who neither sits adjacent to A nor B, sits third to e) All I, II and III
left of C. A, who neither sits adjacent to C nor G, sits
second to right of B. F and G sits together. B and D 41) Eight boxes namely – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H
doesn’t sit together. are kept one above other in the form of stack.
II. D sits third to right of B. G, who neither sits Each box contains different articles viz. Ball,
adjacent of B nor D, sits third to left of H. E and F sits Watch, Bat, Mango, Book, Rose, Mobile and Toy.
together. Only two person sits between A and C, who All the information are not necessary in same
sits adjacent to G. order. The box which contains Toy is kept third
from bottom. Two boxes are kept between the one
Directions (40-43): Each of the questions below which contains Toy and F, which contains Ball.
consists of a question and three statements The box which contains Mango is neither kept
numbered I, II and III given below it. You have to adjacent to box F nor kept adjacent to the box
decide whether the data provided in the which contains Toy. Three boxes are kept between
statements are sufficient to answer the question: the one which contains Mango and box H. Two
boxes are kept between the one which contains Bat

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and box H, then how many boxes are kept below I. The one who likes Cherry sits third to left of V,
the one which contains Book? who sits immediate right of the one who likes Mango.
I. Three boxes are kept between the box which The one who likes Guava sits facing V.
contains Rose and box C, which neither contains Bat II. W neither likes Banana nor sits immediate
nor contains Mango. Two boxes are kept between box neighbor S. P who likes Mango sits third to right of S.
which contains Rose and box B, which is kept below Two person sits between the one who likes Guava
box which contains Rose. One box is kept between and W, who sits immediate right of V.
box B and box G, which neither contains Toy nor III. One person sits between P who likes Mango and
kept adjacent to box H. the one who likes Cherry. The one who likes Guava
II. Box G is kept adjacent to the box which contains sits immediate left of the one who likes Cherry.
Mango and kept at a gap of two boxes from the box a) Either II or III
which contains Mobile. Three boxes are kept between b) Only I
the box which contains Bat and box B. c) Only III
III. Three boxes are kept between the box which d) Either I or III
contains Bat and box B, which contains watch. One e) All I, II and III
Box is kept between the one which contains Mobile
and box C, which doesn’t kept with box which 43) Six person namely – P, Q, R, S, T and U lives
contains Ball. in six floored building marked 1 to 6 in such a way
a) Either II or III that lowermost floor is marked as 1, floor above is
b) Either I or II marked as 2 and so on till topmost floor marked as
c) Only III 6. Age of each person is different viz. 32, 42, 48, 52,
d) Both I and III 54 and 64 years. The one whose age is 54 years sits
e) All I, II and III at floor marked 2 at a gap of two floors from P,
whose age is 52 years. Q lives on odd numbered
42) Eight persons namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and floor at a gap of two floors form T, whose age is 48
W are sitting in a circular table facing center. years, then how many person lives below the one
Each person likes different fruits viz. Banana, whose age is 64 years?
Grapes, Guava, Papaya, Mango, Apple, Cherry I. R whose age is 32 years lives on even numbered
and Orange. R who likes Apple sits third to left of floor at a gap of two floors from S. The one whose
the one who likes Papaya. One person sits between age is 42 years lives on any floor above S.
the one who likes Banana and the one who likes II. One person lives between the one whose age is 42
Papaya. One person sits between the one who likes years and S, who lives on odd numbered floor. R lives
Banana and T, who sits facing U. The one who on a floor exactly between P and Q.
likes Grapes neither sits adjacent to U nor III. The one whose age is 32 years lives at a gap of
adjacent to the one who likes Apple. The one who one floor from U, whose age is neither 42 years nor
likes Apple and U doesn’t sit together. The one lives on an odd numbered floor.
who likes Grapes sits third to left of S, then who a) Either II or III
sits second to right of the one who likes Orange? b) Only I
c) Only III

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d) Either I or III d) any two
e) All I, II and III e) All I, II and III

Directions (44-46): Each of the questions below 45) Seven persons namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V
consists of a question and three statements are sitting in row facing south. Each person likes
numbered I, II and III given below it. You have to different color viz. Red, Green, Blue, Black,
decide whether the data provided in the Brown, Yellow and White. All the information is
statements are sufficient to answer the question: not necessary in same order. The one who likes
Red sits third to right of T, who likes Yellow. The
44) Six cricketers namely – Dhoni, Sachin, Kohli, one who likes Brown and P sits together. The one
Smith, Rohit and Zaheer are living in a six floored who likes Yellow and the one who likes Green sits
hotel in such way that lowermost floor is marked together. The one who likes Green sits at a gap of
as 1, floor above it marked as 2 and so on till two places from the one who likes Brown. U sits
topmost floor marked as 6. Each person likes immediate right of the one who likes Red and
different IPL teams viz. CSK, MI, RR, DD, KXI neither like Brown nor Black. P doesn’t like Red
and DD. All the information are not necessarily in then who among the following sits immediate left
same order. The one who likes CSK lives on an of the one who likes Black?
odd numbered floor at a gap of two floors from I. Three persons sits between Q and S, who sits
Smith. One person lives between Sachin and the immediate neighbor of the one who likes White. The
one who likes DD. Rohit who likes RR lives on one who likes White and the one who likes Red
floor just below Smith. One person lives between doesn’t sit together. V and the one who likes Blue sit
the one who likes RR and Kohli, who lives on together.
adjacent floor of Sachin. The one who likes DD II. Two persons sits between R and the one who likes
and the one who likes CSK doesn’t live on Blue. The one who likes Blue sits immediate right of
adjacent floor, then how many person lives below V, who doesn’t like Brown.
the one who likes SRH? III. Three persons sits between V and the one who
I. Two person lives between the one who likes KXI likes White. Three people sit between Q and S. The
and Dhoni, who neither likes DD nor likes SRH.One one who likes Blue sits immediate right of V.
person lives between Zaheer and the one who lives a) Either I or III
KXI. b) Only III
II. One person lives between Zaheer and the one who c) Either II or III
likes KXI, who lives on any floor below Sachin. The d) Both I and III
one who likes MI and CSK lives on adjacent floor. e) None follows
III. The one who likes KXI and DD lives on adjacent
floor.Zaheer lives on any floor below the one who 46) Five boxes namely – P, Q, R, S and T are kept
likes MI. one above other to form a stack. Each box is
a) Either II or III wrapped with different colored paper viz. Black,
b) Only III Red, Yellow, Green and Brown. Each box also
c) Only II contains different article viz. Mobile, Toy, Bat,

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Bottle and Ball. All the information is not c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in
necessarily in same order. Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the
Box R is kept at a gap of two from the box which question.
is wrapped with Red paper. Box which contains d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together
Ball is kept just above box wrapped with Green are not sufficient to answer the question.
Paper. Box Q is wrapped with Yellow paper is e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together
kept just below box which is wrapped with Red are necessary to answer the question.
paper. Box T which contains Mobile is kept at
bottom. The box wrapped with Green Paper 47) Seven books of different subjects viz. Math,
neither contains Mobile nor kept adjacent to box English, Science, Hindi, History, GK and
Q, then which of the following box is kept just Geography having different cover says Red,
below the box which contains Bottle? Green, Blue, Black, White, Yellow and Pink are
I. Box P which contains Bat is kept at a gap of one kept one above other on the self then, then how
form the box wrapped with Black paper. Box S is many books is/are kept between Yellow covered
kept at any place above the box which contains Toy. book and Science book?
II. One box is kept between the box wrapped with I. Geography is kept at bottom having pink cover.
Brown paper and box S. Box P is kept at any place There is a gap of one place between English and
above box S and contains Bat. Hindi, who has cover of Green color. Math is at
III. The box wrapped with Brown paper is kept just second position from top. Book having Red cover is
below the box which contains Toy.Two boxes are kept at the top. English having Blue cover is above
kept between the box which contains Toy and box P. Hindi. History book is kept just below math book.
a) Either I or III II. Science is kept third from bottom just below
b) Only III English having Blue cover. GK book is kept on top at
c) Either II or III a gap of one place from History book. Science book
d) Only I having Black cover is kept at any place below Math
e) None follows book. Geography book having Pink cover is kept at
any place below Hindi book.
Directions (47-50): Each of the questions below
consists of a question and two statements 48) Eight friends P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W sitting
numbered I and II given below it. You have to in a circular table facing center each having
decide whether the data provided in the different hobby viz. Painting, Boxing, Singing,
statements are sufficient to answer the question: Badminton, Drawing, Singing, Cricket and
a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to Football then, what is the hobby of the person who
answer the question, while the data in Statement II sit second to right of the one having Cricket as
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. hobby?
b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to I. U sits third to right of T, who likes Singing. Q
answer the question, while the data in Statement I having Boxing as hobby sits second to right of R,
alone is not sufficient to answer the question. who sits third to right of S. V sits third to right of one
likes Dancing, who sits second to right of P. The one

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who likes singing sits second to left of the one like II. P sits second to right of T. either of them sits at
Drawing. S sits immediate left of U. The one who end of the row. U and P doesn’t sit together. S sits
likes Football sit in-front of the one who likes third to right of R, who sits facing south. U sits
Badminton, who sits third to left of T. P sits third to second to left of Q, who sits immediate left of R.
left of Q.
II. The one likes Boxing sits immediate right of W. Q 50) In a family of six members each person works
sits third to left of S, who sits second to right of the in different organization viz. RBI, TCS, SBI, PNB,
one who likes Singing. The one who likes Football sit Wipro and HP, then in which organization W’s
third to left of P.U sits second to left of R, who sits father Works?
second to left of the one who likes Boxing. P sits third I. The one who works in TCS is unmarried sister of
to left Q, who like Boxing. T likes Singing and sits H, who works in Wipro. The one who works in HP is
third to left of the one who likes Cricket. married to J and is daughter-in-law of M. D is one of
the married member of the family. The one who
49) In row six persons namely – P, Q, R, S, T and works in RBI is married to H and is sister-in-law of P.
U sits in a row in such a way that some are facing The one who works in SBI is son of J.
north while other sits facing south, then how many II. W is grandson of the one who works in RBI. J is
person sits facing south? only child of the one who is brother of P. The one
I. S sits third to right of R. Neither S nor R sits at end who works in HP is mother of the one who works in
of the row. T sits second to left of P and sits facing SBI. H is married to M. J is father of W and is
opposite direction of S. Two person sits between Q married to the one who works in HP. M is sister-in-
and P, who neither sits at end nor sits adjacent to R. law of P, who works in TCS. H neither works in RBI
nor PNB.

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Answers with Explanation

Directions (1-5):
1) Answer: E
From I:
We have:
 Box U is kept third from top and is kept at a gap of two boxes from box P, that means box P is kept at bottom.
 Box R is neither kept adjacent to box P nor box U, that means box R is kept at top.
 Box T is kept at any place below box U but not exactly below, that means box T is kept just above box P.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know position of box Q.

Thus, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:

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 Only one box is kept below box T, which is kept at a gap of two boxes from box S, that means box T is kept
second from bottom.
 Box R is kept adjacent to box S and is at a gap of one box from box U, that means box R is kept at top or at
third position from top.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact position of box Q.

Thus, statement II is not sufficient.
From I and II:
After combining above given statements we get:

Clearly, Box T is kept just below box Q.

Thus, statement I and II together are sufficient.
Hence, option E is correct choice.

2) Answer: A
From I:
We have:
 P sits third to right of T and Q sits third to left of T, that means Q sits at extreme left end.
 T sits immediate right of V and S sits second to right of V, that means S sits immediate right of T. U doesn’t
sit adjacent to Q, that means U sits immediate left of P.
Based on above given information, we have:

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Clearly, only four person sits right of V.

Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Q sits third to left of T, who sits second to left of U and Q sits at end of the row, that means Q sits at left end.
 P sits second to right of S, who sits immediate neighbor of T, that means we have two different possibility.
Thus, in case (1) S sits immediate left of T and in case (2) S sits immediate right of T.
Based on above given information, we have:

Since, we don’t know exact position of V, thus result can’t be determined.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
Hence, option (A) is correct choice.

3) Answer: B
From I:
We have:
 As C is only sister of D and is only daughter of K, thus D is son of K.
 R’s nephew is son of C, that means R is either brother of C or sister-in-law of C.
thus, exact relation of R with D is not known.
Hence, statement I is not sufficient alone.
From II:
We have:
 M is mother of D.
 C is only daughter of K, that means D is son of K.
 Q is sister-in-law of C, as C is only female child of K, that means Q must be married to brother of C.
 R and Q are married couple that means R must be brother of C.
Thus, R must be brother of D.
Hence, statement II is alone sufficient.

4) Answer: C

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Quantity Based Questions for Bank PO Mains

From I:
We have:
 V, R > P > Q, T.
 R, P > S > Q, U.
 Marks of T is lowest.
 Marks of V is highest.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, marks of only three persons are less than S.

Hence, statement I alone is sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 R, S > Q > U, T.
 V, R > P > S, U.
 Marks of R is only less than one student.
 Marks of T is lowest.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, marks of only three persons are less than S.

Hence, statement II alone is sufficient.

5) Answer: E
From I:
We have:
 A sits third to left of G, who sits adjacent to F.
 Only two persons sit between E and C, none of them sits adjacent to A, that means A sits second from left
 A, who neither sits at end of the row nor adjacent to E, sits adjacent to D.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, exact position of B is not known.

Hence, statement I not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 E sits third to left of C. Either of them sits at end of the row.
 Only two persons sit between A and G, who sits adjacent to E.
 Only three persons sit between G and D, who sits adjacent to A, that means A sits second from left end.
Based on above given information we have:

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Quantity Based Questions for Bank PO Mains

Clearly, exact position of B is not known.

Hence, statement II not sufficient.
From I and II:
After combining both statement together we have:

Clearly, G sits second to right of B.

Hence, statement I and II together sufficient.

Directions (6-8):
6) Answer: A
From I:
We have:
 Box T is kept third from top at a gap of one from box V.
 Only two boxes are kept between box S and box V, that means we have two possible place for box V, in case
(1) box V is kept at top and in case (2) box V is kept third from bottom.
 Box Q neither kept at top not adjacent to box T.
 Only two boxes are kept between box U and box Q, that means in case (1) U is kept second from top and in
case (2) U is kept fourth from top.
 Box R and S are kept together, that means case (1) is not valid and in case (2) R is kept at top.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, only one box is kept between box P and U.

Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Box V is kept third from bottom.
 Only two boxes are kept between box V and box S.
 Box Q is kept at bottom.
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 Box T, which neither kept at top nor adjacent to box V, is kept at a gap of two boxes from box P, that means
box T is kept just below box S.
 Box R and U are kept at a gap of two box.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we can’t say number of boxes between U and P.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient.

7) Answer: A
From I:
We have:
 R, V > P > S, U.
 R, S > Q > T, U.
 Marks of V is highest and that of U is lowest.
Based on above given information we have:
Thus, marks of only three students is less than S.
Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 P, V > S > Q, T.
 V, R > P > S, Q.
 Marks of V is highest.
Based on above given information we have:
V > R > P > S > Q/T > T/Q
Clearly, there is no information regarding marks of U.
Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement II is not sufficient.

8) Answer: E
From I:
We have:

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 One who likes Yellow sits second to right of U, who neither likes Black nor sits adjacent to Q.
 R, who likes Green, sits facing Q, who neither likes Blue nor Yellow, that means R sits immediate right of U.
 P sits facing one who likes Black, who sits second to right of S, that means P likes Yellow.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know who likes Red.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 R, who neither likes Yellow nor Red, sits second to left of S, who likes Blue.
 One who likes Pink sits facing S.
 Q, who neither sits adjacent to R nor adjacent to P, sits facing one who likes Green.
 T, who doesn’t like Yellow, sits immediate right of Q, that means R likes Green.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know who likes Red.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
From I and II:
After combining above given statements we have:

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Clearly, S sits immediate left of one who likes Red.

Hence, statement I and II together sufficient.

Directions (9-13):
9) Answer: B
We have:
 Box B is kept third from top at a gap of one box from one that contains Toy, that means we have two possible
place for one contains Toy, in case (1) box that contains Toy is kept at top, in case (2) box that contains Toy is
kept second from bottom.
 Box D contains Pen, which is neither kept adjacent to box B nor adjacent to one that contains Toy, is kept just
above one that contains Fruit, that means in case (1) box D is kept second from bottom, in case (2) box D is
kept at top.
Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 Box which contains Book and Toy are kept together.
 Box which contains Book is kept at a gap of three from box E, that means in case (1) & case (2) box which
contains Book is kept just below box which contains Toy.
 Box F, which neither contains Book nor contains Toy, is kept at a gap of two from box A, that means in case
(1) box F is kept just below box B and case (2) is not valid.
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Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, exact position of box which contains Mobile is not known.

Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 F which contains Card is kept at a gap of two from box A, which neither contains Book nor kept adjacent to
box D, that means in case (1) box A contains Toy and case (2) is not valid.
 Only two boxes are kept between box E and one which contains box Mobile, that means box E is kept at
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, only three boxes are kept below one which contains Mobile.
Hence, statement II is sufficient alone.

10) Answer: C
We have:
 P, who neither sits adjacent to T nor sits adjacent to W, sits fourth to left of V, we have two possible place for
P, in case (1) P sits at left end, in case (2) P sits second from left end.

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 R sits third to right of Q, who sits adjacent to V, that means in case (1)& case (2)Q sits immediate left of V.
Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 S sits third to left of W.
 Only three persons sit between U and T, who doesn’t sit adjacent to W, as T doesn’t sit adjacent to P, that
means in case (2) S sits immediate left of T and case (1) is not valid.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, only two persons sit left of U.

Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 T sits third to right of W, that means in case (1) & case (2) W sits immediate left of Q.
 S sits at any place left of U, who doesn’t sit at end of the row, that means in case (2) S sits at left end and case
(1) is not valid.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, only two persons sit left of U.

Hence, statement II is alone sufficient.

11) Answer: A
From I:
We have:
 Father  Wed and Thu
 Mother  Thu and Fri
Clearly, common day from above given information is Thursday.
Thus, we can say that Riya reached Pune on Thursday.
Hence, statement I alone sufficient.
From II:
 Brother  Tue, Wed and Thu
 Sister Wed, Thu and Fri
Clearly, common day from above given information is Wednesday and Thursday.
Thus, we can’t say that Riya reached Pune on which day.
Hence, statement II is not sufficient.

12) Answer: B
From I:
We have:
 Shanu sits third to right of Sam, who neither sits adjacent to Sinku nor sits at edge of the table, that means
Sam sits at corner.
 Santu, who neither sits adjacent to Sam nor sits adjacent to Shanu, sits third to right of Sinku, that means
Sinku sits immediate right of Shanu.
 Only one person sits between Sinku and Shiv, who sits third to right of Shan.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, exact place of Sonty is not known.

Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement I not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Sam sits second to left of Sinku, who sits facing center.
 Only two persons sit between Sam and Santu, who doesn’t sit adjacent to Sinku, that means Santu sits third to
left of Sam.
 Shiv sits third to right of Shan, who neither sits adjacent to Shobit nor sits adjacent to Santu.
 Shan sits facing Shanu, that means Shan sits immediate left of Sam. As Shan doesn’t sit adjacent of Shobit,
that means Shobit sits immediate right of Sam.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, Santu sits immediate left of Sonty.

Hence, statement II alone sufficient.

13) Answer: C
From I:
We have:
 Only two persons live between A and D. Either A or D lives at the topmost floor, that means we have two
possible place for A, in case (1) A sits at top, in case (2) D sits at top.
 F lives at a gap of one floor below D.
 Only two persons live between B and C, who lives on adjacent floor of A.
 E doesn’t live on lowermost floor, that means case (2) is not valid and in case (1) E lives on floor marked 4.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, only one person sits below B.

Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Only three persons live between C and F. Neither C nor F lives at the topmost floor, that means we have two
possible place for C.
 E lives just below C, that means C lives second from top.
 Only two persons live between A and D, who doesn’t lives adjacent floor of C, that means D lives on floor
marked 3.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, only one person sits below B.

Hence, statement II is alone sufficient.
Hence, option C is correct choice.

Directions (14-17):
14) Answer: C
We have:
 Only two people sit between W and T, who sits at end of the row.
 U sits second to right of W, U who doesn’t sit adjacent of T, that means T sits at extreme left end.
 Only three people sits between P and U, that means P sits immediate right of T.
Based on above given information we have:
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From I:
We have:
 Only two people sit between Q and R.
 V doesn’t sit adjacent to U, that means V sits immediate left of W.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, only one person sits right of S.

Hence, statement I alone is sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Only three people sits between V and S, who sits adjacent to R, that means S sits second from right end.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, only one person sits right of S.

Hence, statement II alone is sufficient.
Hence, option C is correct choice.

15) Answer: C
From I:
We have:
“Ride Road Best Possible Trip” -------- “na gz he je ld”.
“Nature Beauty Best View Ride” -------- “xt wm zd he je”.
“Bring Ride View Nature Trip” -------- “bg zd gz wm je”.
From above given statements we have:
Ride  je
Nature/View  zd/wm (not necessary in same order)
Best  he
Beauty  xt
Road/Possible  na/ld (not necessary in same order)
Trip  gz
Bring  bg
Clearly, code of ‘Trip’ is ‘gz’.
Hence, statement I alone is sufficient.
From II:
We have:
“Ride Road Best Possible Trip” -------- “na gz he je ld”.
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“Bring Same Possible Ride Trip” -------- “pt bg gz ld je”.

“Nature Ride Best possible View” -------- “wm je ld he zd”.
From above given statement we have:
Ride  je
Best/Road  na/he (not necessary in same order)
Bring/Same  bg/pt (not necessary in same order)
Nature/View  zd/wm (not necessary in same order)
Possible  ld
Trip  gz
Clearly, code of ‘Trip’ can be determined.
Hence, statement II is alone sufficient.
Hence, option C is correct choice.

16) Answer: B
We have:
 Only two persons live between A and F, who lives just above D.
 A neither sits at top floor but lives on floor above D, that means we have two possible floor for A, in case (1)
A lives on floor marked 5, in case (2) A lives on floor marked 6.
Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 Only two persons live between C and D.
 Only two persons live between C and B, that means in case (1) B lives on top floor and case (2) is not valid.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, exact floor of G can’t be determined.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient alone.
From II:
We have:
 B sits on adjacent floor of E , who lives on adjacent floor of A.
 Only three person lives between B and G, who neither lives at top nor lives on adjacent floor of A, that means
case (2) is not valid and in case (1) B lives on top floor.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, G lives on floor marked 3.

Hence, statement II is alone sufficient.
Hence, option B is correct choice.

17) Answer: A
From I:
We have:
 F is only daughter of K.
 T is son of R.
 G is mother of B and is married K, that means B is son of K.
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 B is spouse of R.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, R is daughter-in-law of G.
Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 D is sister-in-law of G and is sister of K. D and M are unmarried member of the family, that means G is
married to K.
 G is father of M, that K is mother of M.
 M is sister of B, who is married to R.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, neither gender of B nor R is known.

Thus, we can’t say R is male or female.
Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
Hence, option A is correct choice.

Directions (18-22):
18) Answer: A
We have:
 Box R is kept second from bottom at a gap of two box from one contains Card.
 Box U, which is neither kept at bottom nor adjacent to one that contains Card, is kept at a gap of one box from
one that contains Watch, that means one contains Watch is kept at bottom.
 Box P contains Book is kept at top.
Based on above given information we have:

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From I:
We have:
 Only two boxes are kept between box Q and T, Q which is kept adjacent to box S, that means Box T is kept at
 Box that contains Radio is kept below one that contains Laptop. Box Q contains Mobile, that means box R
contains Radio.
Based on above given information we have:

Thus, Box T is kept just below one contains Radio.

Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Box Q, which is neither kept adjacent to one contains Book nor at bottom, is kept just above one that contains
Laptop, that means box Q is kept just above box U.
 Only one box is kept between one that contains Radio and Mobile.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, we don’t know exact position of box that contains Radio.

Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
Hence, option A is correct choice.

19) Answer: B
We have:
 Mehul lives on floor marked 4 at a gap of two floor from one who likes Orange.
 Manyta, neither likes Orange nor lives adjacent to Mehul, lives just below one who likes Yellow, that means
Manyta lives on floor marked 2.
Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 Sanju, who neither likes Yellow nor Orange, lives just above one who likes Blue, that means Sanju lives on
floor marked 5.
 Golu lives on any floor above Pihu, that means Golu likes Yellow.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, we don’t know who likes Pink.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 One who likes Blue lives just below Sanju, who doesn’t lives adjacent floor of Manyta, that means Sanju lives
on top floor.
 Only one person lives between one who likes Black and Golu, that means Sanju likes Black.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, only three persons live above one who likes Pink.
Hence, statement II alone sufficient.
Hence, option B is correct choice.

20) Answer: E
We have:
 Only three persons sit between E and G, who sits at end of the row.
 B, who sits adjacent to E, sits third to right of A.
 At least three persons sit between A and G, that means G sits at right end.
 Only two persons sit between C and D.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact position of F.

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Hence, statement I is not sufficient.

From II:
We have:
 D sits fourth to right of A and is second to left of G. Neither D nor A sits at end of the row, that means A sits
second from left end.
 E, neither sits adjacent to A nor D, sits immediate right of C, that means C sits immediate right of A.
 Only one person sits between B and F.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact position of F.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
From I and II:
After combining above statements we have:

Clearly, only six person sits left of F.

Hence, statement I and II together sufficient.
Hence, option E is correct choice.

21) Answer: A
From I:
We have:
 H is only son of Q. G is sister of H and is sister-in-law of D.
 P is daughter of D, who is married to W, that means W is sister of H.
 R is sister of K. K is father-in-law of D, that means K is married to Q.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, R is aunty of H.
Hence, statement I alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Q is only daughter of W and is sister of D, that means D is brother of Q.
 P is daughter of G. D is married to G, that means G is mother of P.
 W is mother of H and is sister of M.
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Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, gender of R is not known.

Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
Hence, option A is correct choice.

22) Answer: E
From I:
We have:
 G, H > A > B, D.
 Salary of only three person are more than C.
 Salary of only two person are less than E.
 Salary of F is lowest and that of H is only less than G, that means salary of G is highest.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, exact salary of B is not known.

Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 G, A > C > B, D.
 H, C > E > D, F.
 Salary of F is lowest and salary of H is only less G, that means Salary of G is highest.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, exact salary of B is not known.

Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
From I and II:
After combining above statements we have:

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Clearly, salary of four person are more than B.

Hence, statement I and II are together sufficient.
Hence, option E is correct choice.

Directions (23-27):
23) Answer: B
From I:
We have:
 Only two persons sit between L and R. L sits at left end.
 Only one person sits between B and R, who doesn’t sit with L, that means B sits second to right of R.
 D sits third to right of K, neither of them sits adjacent to R or B.
 Only three person sits between D and H, who doesn’t sit adjacent to B, that means D sits at extreme right end.
 At least two person sits between B and G, who neither sits adjacent to D nor L, that means we have two
different case, in case (1) G sits left of B, in case (2) G sits right of B.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we can’t find exact number of person between L and G.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 R sits fourth from left end.
 Only one person sits between L and R, that means we have two possible place for L, in case (1) L sits second
to left of R, in case (2) L sits second to right of R.
 Only two person sits between G and D.
 D sits at end of the row. Only two person sits between H and G, who sits immediate left of K, that means D
sits at extreme right end and case (2) is not valid.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, only six person sits between L and G.

Hence, statement II alone sufficient.

24) Answer: A
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We have:
 M is brother of K and K is only daughter of D.
 G is brother-in-law of F, who is sister of D, as F is unmarried member of family, that means G is married to
Based on above given information we have:

Again, we have:
 Q is only son of H, who is son-in-law of G, that means K must be married to H.
 K is mother of P and is mother-in-law of L.
 B is married to L, that means B is sister of Q, as Q is only son of H, that means P is also sister of Q.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, only five female member are there in the family.

Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 L is son of Q and is son-in-law of M.
 L is brother-in-law of R, as R is unmarried member of the family.
 P and R are siblings. R is only son of H, that means M is married to H and P is married to L.
 H is brother-in-law of K.
 K is only son of D, who is married to G, that means K is brother of M.
 G is sister of F, that means D is father of K.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, gender of F and Q is not known.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient.

25) Answer: E

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We have:
 One who likes Banana sits third from right end.
 Only three persons sit between R and one who likes Banana, that means R sits at extreme left end.
 T, who doesn’t sit neighbor of one who likes Banana, sits second to left of one who likes Papaya. T likes
Litchi, that means T sits second from left end.
 Only two persons sit between S and one who likes Papaya, that S sits at extreme right end.
Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 Q, who neither sits adjacent to one who likes Litchi nor one who likes Papaya, sits third to right of one who
likes Mango, that means Q sits immediate left of S.
 Only three person sits between one who likes Orange and P, who sits adjacent to T, that means P sits
immediate right of T.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact position one who likes Grapes.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Only two person sits between S and V, who sits with one who likes Mango, that means V likes Papaya.
 Only one person sits between one who likes Mango and one who likes Guava, that means R likes Guava.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact position one who likes Grapes.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
From I and II:
After combining statement I and II we have:

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Clearly, one person sits immediate right of one who likes Grapes.
Hence, statement I and II together sufficient.

26) Answer: E
We have:
From I:
We have:
 Box R is kept third from top. Only three boxes are kept between S and R, that means box S is kept at bottom.
 Box S and U are kept together, that means box U is kept second from bottom.
 Box T, which is neither kept adjacent to box U nor box R, that means box T is kept at top.
 Box P, which is not kept adjacent to box Q, is kept at any place above box V, that means box P is kept just
below box T.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact position of box V.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Only three boxes are kept between box U and P, which is kept second from top, that means box U is kept
second from bottom.
 Box Q, which is neither kept adjacent to box P nor box U, is kept just below box R, that means box R is kept
just below box P.
 Only three boxes are kept between box S and box R, that means box S is kept at bottom.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, we don’t know exact position of box V.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
From I and II:
After combining above statements we have:

Clearly, only two boxes are kept below box V.

Hence, statement I and II together sufficient.

27) Answer: A
We have:
 P, R > S > T, Q.
 S, R > T > V, U.
 R is only short to one person.
 U is shortest among all.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, height of only two person are more than S.

Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.
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From II:
We have:
 R, S > T > V, U.
 S, R > Q > T, V.
 P is tallest among all.
 V is only taller to U.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, exact height of S is not known.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
Hence option A is correct choice.

Directions (28-30):
28) Answer: C
We have:
From I:
We have:
 P sits third to left of A.
 R, who neither sits adjacent to A nor P, sits second to the left of B, that means B sits immediate left of P.
 Only one person sits between C and D.
 A and S sits together, that means S sits to the immediate left of A.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, P sit immediate left of Q .

Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 D sits third to left of B.
 Only one person sits between B and Q.
 C, who neither sits adjacent to Q nor D, sits facing S.
 P sits second to left of S, that means P sits immediate right of B.
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Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, P sits immediate left of Q.

Hence, statement II is alone sufficient.
Hence option c is correct choice.

29) Answer: B
From I:
We have:
 Only three boxes are kept above box S.
 Box Q and S are kept together.
 Only two boxes are kept between box Q and box U.
 Only one box is kept between box T and box V.
 Box P is neither kept at bottom nor adjacent to box Q, that means box P is kept at top and box U is kept below
box Q.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact position of box T.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:

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 Box R is kept second from top.

 Only three boxes are kept between box U and box R, that means box U is kept second from bottom.
 Box S, which is neither kept adjacent to box R nor box U, which is kept at a gap of two box from P, that
means box S is kept fourth from bottom.
 Box Q doesn’t kept adjacent to box U but kept at any place below box P, that means box P is kept at top.
 Box T is kept at any place above box V, that means box V is kept at bottom.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, only four boxes are kept above box T.

Hence, statement II alone is sufficient.

30) Answer: A
We have:
 R, who lives on odd numbered floor but not on floor marked 3, lives just above one who likes White, that
means R lives on floor marked 5.
 Only two person lives between S and one who likes White, that means S lives on floor marked 1.
 T, who likes Blue, neither lives adjacent floor of S nor on adjacent floor of R, that means T lives on floor
marked 3.
 One who likes Black lives on topmost floor.
Based on above given information we have:

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From I:
We have:
 U, who neither likes Black nor likes White, lives at a gap of two floor from one who likes Red, that means U
lives on floor marked 2.
 Only two person lives between Q and one who likes Green, that means Q likes White.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, four person lives above one who likes Yellow.

Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Q, who lives on adjacent floor of one who likes Blue, lives at a gap of two floor from one who likes Green.
 U, who doesn’t lives of top floor, lives just above floor of one who likes Green, that means U lives on floor
marked 2.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact person one who likes Yellow.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient.

Directions (31-34):
31) Answer: B
From I:
We have:
 Only two person lives above P, who lives at a gap of one floor from T.
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 V and S lives on adjacent floor. Neither P nor T lives adjacent to V, who lives on an odd numbered floor but
not on floor marked 1. U lives on any floor above T, that means T lives on floor marked 3.
 Q and R lives on adjacent floor, that means U lives on floor marked as 4.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know on which floor R lives.

Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement I not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 T lives on floor marked 3 at a gap of one floor from Q. Only two person lives between V and U, either of
them lives on top floor.
 Neither U nor V sits adjacent to Q, that means Q lives on floor marked 1.
 S and P lives on adjacent floor.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, only one person lives floor below R.

Thus, statement II alone sufficient.
Hence, option B is correct choice.

32) Answer: E
From I:
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We have:
 V > P > R, Q.
 P, V > R > T, S.
 Salary of T is only more than two Person.
 Salary of U is lowest, that means salary of T is more than U.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, exact salary position of Q is not known.

Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 V, R > Q > S, U.
 P, R > T > S, U.
 Salary of V is highest and Salary of S is not lowest, that means salary of U is lowest.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, exact salary position of Q is not known.

Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
From I and II:
After combining above statements we have:

Thus, salary of only three persons are less than Q.

Hence, statement I and II together sufficient.

33) Answer: B
From I:
We have:
 A sits third to right of B. A and P sits together, neither of them sits at end of the row.
 Only three persons sits between D and P. Q doesn’t sit at end of the row.
 B doesn’t sit adjacent to D. Q doesn’t sit at end of the row.
Based on above given information we have two different case:

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Clearly, we don’t know exact position of Q, thus result can’t be determined.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Only three person sits between B and R, either of them sits at end of the row.
 B sits second to right of D. P sits second to left of R. Only two person sits between C and D.
 A and P sits together, neither of them sits adjacent to B.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, only two persons sit between P and Q.

Hence, statement II is alone sufficient.

34) Answer: C
We have:
 T who likes Apple sits facing one who likes Grapes.
 P sits immediate right of one who likes Grapes.
 Q neither sits neighbor of T nor P, that means Q sits second to right of T.
Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 Only one person sits between S who likes Orange and U, who doesn’t sit neighbor of T.
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 S sits second to right of one who likes Mango, that means S sits immediate right of T.
 R doesn’t sit neighbor of one who likes Guava, that means P likes Banana.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, Q likes Guava.

Hence, statement I alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 P sits adjacent to one who likes Mango, that means one who likes Mango sits immediate left of T.
 S sits second to right of R. S, who neither likes Grapes nor Mango, sits facing one who likes Banana, that
means S sits immediate right of T.
 Q doesn’t like Orange, that means S likes Orange.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, Q likes Guava.

Hence, statement II alone is sufficient.
Hence option c is correct choice.

Directions (35-39):
35) Answer: A
We have:
 Math is kept third from bottom at a gap of two books from Science, that means Science is kept second from
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 History is kept at any place below Math, that means we have two possible place for History book, in case (1)
History book is kept just below Math, in case (2) History book is kept at bottom.
Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 Computer and History books are kept together.
 Hindi is kept at a gap of two place from Computer book.
 Economics is not kept adjacent to Science book, that means case (1) is not valid and in case (2) Economics is
kept just below Hindi.
Based on above given information we have:

Case (1) is not valid as Science and Economics are not kept together.
Clearly, only three books are kept below Economics.
Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Only two books are kept between Hindi and Computer book.
 Computer book is kept at any place below Math.
 Science and Sanskrit book are kept together, that means we have two possible place for Sanskrit in case (1)
and in case (2) Sanskrit is kept at top.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, we don’t know exact position of Economics book.

Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
Hence, option A is correct choice.

36) Answer: E
From I:
We have:
 Amar sits second to left of Pinku. Rekha sits immediate left of Amar.
 Only two person sits between Romy and Pinku, that means Romy sits at extreme right end.
 Hetal doesn’t sit immediate of Pinku, that means Hetal sits immediate left of Romy.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, exact position of Monty is not known.

Thus, we can’t determine number of persons left of Monty.
Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Zoya sits third to left of Hetal, who sits immediate left of Romy.
 Neither Zoya nor Hetal sits at end of the row.
 Only two person sits between Rekha and Pinku, who sits immediate neighbor of Zoya.
 Rekha sits at one end of the row, that means Rekha sits at left end of the row.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, exact position of Monty is not known.

Thus, we can’t determine number of persons left of Monty.
Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
From I and II:
After combining above statements we have:

Clearly, only four person sits left of Monty.

Hence, statement I and II together is sufficient.
Hence, option E is correct choice.

37) Answer: B
From I:
We have:
 P is father of R and R is daughter of H, that means H is mother of R.
 H is sister of M. D is son of G, who is daughter-in-law of M, that means G is married to son of M.
 S is married to G, that means S is father of D.
Based on above given information we have:

Since, gender of M is not known.

Thus, we have two possible relation i.e M is either Aunty or Uncle of R.
Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 H is father of R. R is son of P, that means P is mother of R.
 S is son-in-law of M, who is sister of P. G is married to S, that means G is daughter of M.
 G is mother of D, that means S is father of D.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, M is maternal aunty of R.

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Hence, statement II alone is sufficient.

Hence, option B is correct choice.

38) Answer: A
From I:
We have:
 P lives on floor marked 4 at gap of two floor from one who likes Guava, that means one who likes Guava
lives on floor marked 1.
 Q lives on adjacent floor of one who likes Guava, that means Q lives on floor marked 2.
 U lives on floor even numbered floor at a gap of two floor from one who likes Grapes, that means U lives on
floor marked 6.
 One who lives Banana lives on any floor above Q, as neither P nor U likes Banana, that means one who likes
Banana lives on floor marked 5.
Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 Neither U nor Q likes Mango, that means P likes Mango.
 Only two person lives between one who likes Mango and R, that means R lives on lowermost floor.
 Only two person lives between one who likes Orange and S. One who likes Apple and Guava doesn’t lives on
adjacent floors, that means S lives on floor marked 5.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, only five person lives below one who likes Apple.
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Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.

From II:
We have:
 One who likes Orange lives on even numbered floor but not adjacent floor of one who likes Banana, that
means one who likes Orange lives on floor marked 2.
T lives on adjacent floor of one who likes Orange. Only two person lives between one who likes Apple
 and T, that means we have two possible place of T.
 S and one who likes Mango lives on adjacent floor.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact floor of one who likes Apple.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
Hence, option A is correct choice.

39) Answer: E
From I:
 E, who neither sits adjacent to A nor B, sits third to left of C.
 A, who neither sits adjacent to C nor G, sits second to right of B, that means A sits second to left of E.
 F and G sits together. B and D doesn’t sit together, that means D sits immediate left of E.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, we don’t know who sits facing H.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 D sits third to right of B. G, who neither sits adjacent of B nor D, sits third to left of H, that means G sits
second to left of B.
 Only two person sits between A and C, who sits adjacent to G.
 E and F sits together, that means C sits immediate right of G.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know who sits facing H.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
From I and II:
After combining above statements we have:

Clearly, F sits facing H.

Hence, statement I and II together are sufficient.
Hence, option E is correct choice.

Directions (40-43):
40) Answer: C

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We have:
 The one who likes Pink sits fourth to left of S, who likes Brown.
 Either of them sits at end of the row, that means we have two possibility, in case (1) the one who likes Pink
sits at left end, in case (2) S sits at right end.
 The one who likes Red sits third to left of the one who likes Yellow, who neither sits adjacent to the one who
likes Pink nor adjacent to S, that means in case (1) the one who likes Yellow sits at right end, in case (2) the
one who likes Yellow sits second to left of S.
 T, neither likes Pink nor likes Red, sits third to left of Q and Q likes Black, that means in case (1) T sits
immediate left of the one who likes Red, in case (2) T sits at left end.
Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 Two person sits between the one who likes Green and R that means case (1) is not valid and in case (2) R
likes Pink.
 three persons sit between V and the one who likes Blue, that means V likes Yellow.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact position of P.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient alone.
From II:
We have:
 The one who likes Blue sits second to left of R, who doesn’t sit adjacent to V.
 The one who likes Green sits immediate right of V, that means in case (1) R likes Red and in case (2) R likes
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact position of P.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient alone.
From III:
We have:

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 Three person sits between U and P, who doesn’t like Green.

 V and the one who likes Green sits together, that means case (1) is not valid, in case (2) V likes Yellow and P
likes Red.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, R sits immediate right of P.

Hence, statement III is alone sufficient.

41) Answer: D
We have:
 The box which contains Toy is kept third from bottom.
 Two boxes are kept between the one which contains Toy and F, which contains Ball.
 The box which contains Mango is neither kept adjacent to box F nor kept adjacent to the box which contains
 Three boxes are kept between the one which contains Mango and box H, that means we have two possible
positions for the box which contains Mango, in case (1) the box which contains Mango is kept at bottom, in
case (2) the box which contains Mango is kept at top.
 Two boxes are kept between the one which contains Bat and box H, that means we have four possibility for
the box which contains Bat, in case (1a) & case (2b) the box which contains Bat is kept adjacent to the one
which contains Mango, in case (1b) & case (2a) the box which contains Bat is kept at end of the stack.
Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 Two boxes are kept between box which contains Rose and box B, which is kept below box which contains
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 One box is kept between box B and box G, which neither contains Toy nor kept adjacent to box H.
 Three boxes are kept between the box which contains Rose and box C, which neither contains Bat nor
contains Mango, that means in case (1a)& case (1b) Box B is kept just below box H, case (2a) & case (2b) are
not valid.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t known position of the box which contains Book.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Box G is kept adjacent to the box which contains Mango and kept at a gap of two boxes from the box which
contains Mobile, and in case (1a), case (1b), case (2a) and case (2b) box H contains Mobile.
 Three boxes are kept between the box which contains Bat and box B, that means case (1a) is not valid and in
case (1b) and (2b) box B is kept just below box H and in case (2a) box B is just above box H.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact position of box which contains Book.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient alone.
From III:
We have:

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 Three boxes are kept between the box which contains Bat and box B, which contains watch, that means, case
(1a) & case (2b) are not valid, in case (1b) box B is kept just below box H, in case (2a) box B is kept just
above box H.
 One Box is kept between the one which contains Mobile and box C, which doesn’t kept with box which
contains Ball, that means in case (1b) & case (2a) Box H contains Mobile.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t known position of the box which contains Book.

Hence, statement III is not sufficient.
From I and III:
After combining both statements we have:

Clearly, one box is kept below the box which contains Book.
Hence, statement I and III together are sufficient.

42) Answer: D
We have:
 R who likes Apple sits third to left of the one who likes Papaya.
 One person sits between the one who likes Banana and the one who likes Papaya, that means we have two
possibility, in case (1) the one who likes Banana sits second to right the one who likes Papaya, in case (2) the
one who likes Banana sits second to left the one who likes Papaya.
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 One person sits between the one who likes Banana and T, who sits facing U.
 The one who likes Apple and U doesn’t sit together, that means T sits immediate left of R.
 The one who likes Grapes sits neither adjacent to U nor adjacent to the one who likes Apple.
 The one who likes Grapes sits third to left of S, which means the one who likes Grapes sits immediate left of
Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 The one who likes Cherry sits third to left of V, who sits immediate right of the one who likes Mango.
 The one who likes Guava sits facing V, that means in case (1) V likes Banana and case (2) is not valid.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, S sits second to right of the one who likes Orange.

Hence, statement I alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 P who likes Mango and sits third to right of S.
 Two person sits between the one who likes Guava and W, who sits immediate right of V.
 W neither likes Banana nor sits immediate neighbor S, that means in case (1) W likes Grapes and case (2) is
not valid.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, we don’t know who likes Orange.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient alone.
From III:
We have:
 One person sits between P who likes Mango and the one who likes Cherry.
 The one who likes Guava sits immediate left of the one who likes Cherry, that means in case (1) S likes
Guava and case (2) is not valid.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, S sits second to right of the one who likes Orange.

Hence, statement III alone is sufficient.

43) Answer: B
We have:
 The one whose age is 54 years sits at floor marked 2 at a gap of two floor from P, whose age is 52 years.
 Q lives on odd numbered floor at a gap of two floor form T, whose age is 48 years, that means we have two
possibilities for Q, in case (1) Q lives on floor marked 1, in case (2) Q lives on floor marked 3.
Based on above given information we have:

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From I:
We have:
 R whose age is 32 years lives on even numbered floor at a gap of two floors from S which means in case (1) R
lives on floor marked 6, in case (2) R lives on floor marked 4.
 The one whose age is 42 years lives on any floor above S, that means case (1) is not valid and in case (2) Q’s
age is 42 years.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, no person lives below the one whose age is 64 years.

Hence, statement I alone sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 One person lives between the one whose age is 42 years and S, who lives on odd numbered floor, that means
in case (1) S lives on floor marked 3, in case (2) S lives on floor marked 1.
 R lives on floor exactly between P and Q, that means case (1) is not valid and in case (2) R lives on floor
marked 4.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, we don’t know whose age is 64 years.

Hence, statement II alone is not sufficient.
From III:
We have:
 The one whose age is 32 years lives at a gap of one floor from U, whose age is neither 42 years nor lives on
odd numbered floor, that means case (1) is not valid and in case (2) U lives on floor marked 2.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know whose age is 64 years.

Hence, statement III alone is not sufficient.

Directions (44-46):
44) Answer: D
We have:
 The one who likes CSK lives on an odd numbered floor at a gap of two floors from Smith.
 Rohit who likes RR lives on floor just below Smith, which means we have two possibilities for the one who
likes CSK, in case (1) the one who likes CSK lives on floor marked 5, in case (2) the one who likes CSK lives
on floor marked 3.
 One person lives between the one who likes RR and Kohli, who lives on adjacent floor of Sachin.
 One person lives between Sachin and the one who likes DD.
 The one who likes DD and the one who likes CSK doesn’t live on adjacent floor, that means Sachin lives on
floor marked 4.

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Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 One person lives between Zaheer and the one who likes KXI.
 Two person lives between the one who likes KXI and Dhoni, who neither likes DD nor likes SRH, that means
in case (1) Dhoni lives on floor marked 6 and in case (2) Dhoni lives on floor marked 1.case 3a and case 3b
are not valid.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, we have two possible floors for the one who likes SRH.
Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement I alone is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 One person lives between Zaheer and the one who likes KXI, who lives on any floor below Sachin, that
means case (2),case (3b) is not valid and in case (1) and case 3a Kohli likes KXI.
 The one who likes MI and CSK lives on adjacent floor.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we have two possible floors for the one who likes SRH.
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Thus, result can’t be determined.

Hence, statement II alone is not sufficient.
From III:
We have:
 The one who likes KXI and DD lives on adjacent floor, that means case (2) is not valid and in case (1) Kohli
likes KXI.
 Zaheer lives on any floor below the one who likes MI, which means the one who likes MI lives on floor
marked 6.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, there are three cases available . Hence, statement III alone is not sufficient.
By combining any two statements we get final output as,

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45) Answer: A
We have:
 The one who likes Red sits third to right of T, who likes Yellow.
 U sits immediate right of the one who likes Red and neither like Brown nor Black.
 The one who likes Yellow and the one who likes Green sits together.
 The one who likes Green sits at a gap of two place from the one who likes Brown, that means we have three
possibility for the one who likes Green, in case (1) the one who likes Green sits immediate right of T, in case
(2) & case (3) the one who likes Green sits immediate left of T.
 The one who likes Brown and P sits together.
 P doesn’t like Red, that means in case (1) P sits immediate left of T, in case (2) & case (3) P sits immediate
right of T.
Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 Three people sit between Q and S, who sits immediate neighbor of the one who likes White.
 The one who likes White and the one who likes Red doesn’t sit together, that means in case (1) S likes Brown,
in case (3) Q likes Red and case (2) is not valid.
 V and the one who likes Blue sits together, as U doesn’t like Black, that means case (3) is not valid and in
case (1) U likes Blue.
Based on above given information we have:

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Quantity Based Questions for Bank PO Mains

Clearly, R sits immediate left of the one who likes Black.

Hence, statement I alone is sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Two people sit between R and the one who likes Blue.
 The one who likes Blue sits immediate right of V, who doesn’t like Brown, that means in case (1) V likes
Red, and case (2) & case (3) are not valid.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact position of the one who likes Black.
Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement II alone is not sufficient.
From III:
We have:
 Three people sit between V and the one who likes White.
 The one who likes Blue sits immediate right of V, that means in case (1) V likes Red and case (2)& case (3)
are not valid.
 Three people sit between Q and S.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, R sits immediate left of the one who likes Black.

Hence, statement III alone is sufficient.

46) Answer: D
We have:
 Box T which contains Mobile is kept at bottom.
 Box R is kept at a gap of two boxes from the box which is wrapped with Red paper.

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 Box Q is wrapped with Yellow paper is kept just below box which is wrapped with Red paper, which means
box wrapped with Red paper is kept at top.
 Box which contains Ball is kept just above box wrapped with Green Paper.
 The box wrapped with Green Paper neither contains Mobile nor kept adjacent to box Q, which means box R is
wrapped with Green paper.
Based on above given information we have:

From I:
We have:
 Box P which contains Bat is kept at a gap of one form the box wrapped with Black paper, which means box P
is kept at top.
 Box S is kept at any place above the box which contains Toy, which means box R contains Toy.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, box S is kept just below the box which contains Bottle.
Hence, statement I alone is sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 Box P is kept at any place above box S and contains Bat, which means box P is kept at top.
 One box is kept between the box wrapped with Brown paper and box S.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, exact position of the box which contains Bottle is not known.
Hence, statement II alone is not sufficient.
From III:
We have:
 The box wrapped with Brown paper is kept just below the box which contains Toy.
 Two boxes are kept between the box which contains Toy and box P, that means box P is kept at top.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, exact position of the box which contains Bottle is not known.
Hence, statement III alone is not sufficient.

Directions (47-50):
47) Answer: D
From I:
We have:
 Geography is kept at bottom having pink cover.
 Math is at second position from top.
 Book having Red cover is kept at the top.
 History book is just placed below math book.
 There is a gap of one place between English and Hindi, who has cover of Green color.
 English having Blue cover is above Hindi, that means English book is kept just below History book.
Based on above given information we have:

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Clearly, no exact position for science book is known.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient alone.
From II:
We have:
 Science is kept third from bottom just below English having Blue cover.
 GK book is kept on top at a gap of one place from History book.
 Science book having Black cover is kept at any place below Math book.
 Geography book having Pink cover is kept at any place below Hindi book, that means Geography book is kept
at bottom.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, exact position Yellow covered book is not known.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient alone.
From I and II:
After combining statement I and II we have:

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Quantity Based Questions for Bank PO Mains

Clearly, exact position of Yellow covered book is not known.

Hence, statement I and II together not sufficient.
Hence, option D is correct choice.

48) Answer: E
From I:
We have:
 U sits third to right of T, who likes Singing.
 S sits immediate left of U.
 The one who likes Football sit in-front of the one who likes Badminton, who sits third to left of T, that means
the one who likes Football sits immediate left of S.
 Q having Boxing as hobby sit second to right of R, who sit third to right of S, that means R likes Badminton.
 P sit third to left of Q.
 V sit third to right of one likes Dancing, who sit second to right of P, which means V likes Football.
 The one who likes singing sits second to left of the one like Drawing, that means S likes Drawing.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact position of the one whose hobby is Cricket.
Hence, statement I is not sufficient alone.
From II:
We have:
 Q sits third to left of S, who sits second to right of the one who likes Singing.
 P sits third to left Q, who like Boxing.
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 The one who likes Football sit third to left of P.

 U sits second to left of R, who sits second to left of the one who likes Boxing.
 The one likes Boxing sits immediate right of W.
 T likes Singing and sits third to left of the one who likes Cricket, that means U likes Cricket.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know hobby of the R, who sits second to right of the one who likes Cricket.
Hence, statement II is not sufficient alone.
From I and II:
After combining both statements we have:

Clearly, R (Badminton) sits second to right of U (Cricket).

Hence, statement I and II together are sufficient.
Hence, option E is correct choice.

49) Answer: D
From I:
 S sits third to right of R.
 Neither S nor R sits at end of the row, that means we have two possible place for S, in case (1) S sits second
from left end, in case (2) S sits second from right end.
 Two person sits between Q and P, who neither sits at end nor sits adjacent to R.
 T sits second to left of P and sits facing opposite direction of S.
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Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, direction of facing of T, S, U and Q is not known.

Thus, required result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement I is not sufficient alone.
From II:
We have:
 P sits second to right of T.
 Either of them sits at end of the row, that means we have we have four possible place for P, in case (1) P sits
at left end, in case (2) P sits third from left end, in case (3) P sits at right end, in case (4) P sits third from right
 S sits third to right of R, who sits facing south, that means R sits second from right end.
 U sits second to left of Q, who sits immediate left of R, that means case (3) & case (4) are not valid.
 U and P doesn’t sit together, that means case (2) is not valid.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, direction of facing of P, S and U are not known.

Thus, result can’t be determined.
Hence, statement II is not sufficient alone.
From I and II:
Clearly, both the statements are independent statement as P sits on end of row in statement II which contradict
statement I.
Thus, we can’t compare both statements.
Hence, statement I and II together are not sufficient.
Hence, option D is correct choice.

50) Answer: C
From I:
We have:
 The one who works in TCS is unmarried sister of H, who works in Wipro.
 The one who works in RBI is married to H and is sister-in-law of P, that means P works in TCS.
 The one who works in HP is married to J and is daughter-in-law of M.

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 The one who works in SBI is son of J, as only six members are there in family, that means M must be married
to H and J is son of M.
 D is one of the married member of the family, that means D must married to J.
 As, only left organization is PNB, thus J must works in PNB.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, J works in PNB, who is father of the one who works in SBI i.e W.
Hence, statement I alone is sufficient.
From II:
We have:
 J is father of W and is married to the one who works in HP, that means the one who works in HP is mother of
 J is only child of the one who is brother of P.
 M is sister-in-law of P, who works in TCS, that means M must be mother of J.
 The one who works in HP is mother of the one who works in SBI, that means W works in SBI.
 W is grandson of the one who works in RBI.
 H is married to M.
 H neither works in RBI nor PNB so he must be work in Wipro, that means M must work in RBI.
Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, organization of J is PNB.

Hence, statement II alone is sufficient. Hence option C is correct answer.

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