Warhammer 40k Tournament Rules v1.1

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INFO Welcome EBAC:TGC Members! These are the official rules for the
Warhammer 40,000 10th edition tournament. This document will be
used as a standardized format for all our upcoming events. To War

MISSION This tournament will be using the Leviathan GT Mission Pack and the
40k 10th Edition GT 2023 Scorecard. The Primary Mission(s), Mission
Rule(s), Deployment(s), and Terrain Layout(s) for each round will be


 2,000 Points Maximum (Must be below)
 1 Army/Faction per Player
 GW Official Models, Kitbash, Custom Models, etc., are allowed
 No Titans or Legacy Models/Units
 Battle Ready is NOT required (Although, plenty of recognition
and praise will be provided.)

 There will be two rounds lasting 3 hours each.
Deployment/Setup will take 30 minutes. Each battle round will
last 2.5 hours
 Both Round 1 and Round 2 will have fixed Primary Mission(s),
Mission Rule(s), Deployment(s), and Terrain Layout(s)
 Secondary Missions with be utilized in this tournament. They
will be randomly drawn per usual and follow the same
guidelines laid out in the Leviathan GT Mission Pack rules
 Gambit’s will NOT be used in this tournament
 Pairings will be randomized between the two rounds. They will
not be based on Wins/Losses
 For Scoring purposes, we will track the total Sum of VP
between the two rounds. Wins will provide 30 additional VP
upon a rounds completion. Losses will provide 0 VP. Ties will
split the win between each player; 15 VP for Defender and 15
for Attacker.
 If we notice a heavy unbalanced difference between Wins &
Losses compared to Total Sum of VP per player, then we will
factor in Wins & Losses for final scoring purposes only
 Primary Mission: Priority Targets
 Mission Rule: Chilling Rain
 Deployment: Hammer & Anvil
 Terrain Layout: GW Layout 2
 Primary Mission: Scorched Earth
 Mission Rule: Chilling Rain
 Deployment: Dawn of War
 Terrain Layout: GW Layout 2

 Both players/each table will have a combined total time of 30 minutes to setup
and perform deployment for the rounds battle.
 The 30 minutes consists of rolling for deployment, setting up armies, strategic
reserves, placing units, and rolling for who goes first.

 Both players/each table will have a TOTAL allotted time of 2.5 hours to
complete the battle.
 A timer will be displayed for the players/tables to see so they can strategize
properly. (Reminder: Turn(s) 1 & 2 are typically the longest.)
 If the players/table are unable to complete the battle by the allotted time, then
we will SUM up the total VP for the last FULLY completed turn by both players.
(ex. If both players completed up to round 4, we will add up rounds 1-4 and
exclude round 5.)

SCHEDULE  12:00 PM – Arrival/Greetings/Registration for those who Pre-

Registered on Discord
 12:30 PM – Cutoff Time for Registration & Lists/Rules
 12:45 PM – Pairings for Round 1 Released/Tables Assigned
 1:00 PM – Deployment Begins for Round 1
 1:30 PM –Round 1 Battle Commence
 4:00 PM – Round 1 Finishes, Results Distributed, Round 2
Preparation, Small Break
 4:15 PM – Round 2 Pairings Released/Tables Assigned

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 4:30 PM – Deployment begins for Round 2
 5:00 PM – Round 2 Battles Commence
 7:30 PM – Round 2 Finishes, Results Distributed, Rewards
 8:00 PM – Rewards/Prizes! Congratulations/Celebration!

PRIZES  Only prizes available will be for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
 All prizes will consist of Store Credit at the Clever Kobold
 1st place will receive 50% of total pool
 2nd place will receive 35% of the total pool
 3rd place will receive 15% of the total pool
 Ties:
o 1st Place Tie Only – 40% split between 1st place
winners, 20% for second place
o 2nd Place Tie Only – 50% for 1st place, 25% for both
second place
o 1st and 2nd Place ties: 35% split between 1st place,
22.5% split between 2nd place
o In case of 3rd place: 50% 1st place, 30% 2nd place, and
10% split for both 3rd place

PAIRINGS/REGISTRATION  Pre-Registration: Occurred via the EBAC Discord Event. Simply put yourself as
“Interested” and this qualifies you for registering upon the day off arrival at The
Clever Kobold. Pre-Registration ends/ended on December 30th, 2023.
 Registration: If you Pre-Registered on the EBAC Discord, then upon arrival at
The Clever Kobold this qualifies you to sign-up/register on the day of the
Tournament. There will be a $10 entry fee. All funds provided will go towards
the prizes.
 Army Lists: All army lists will be reviewed upon the day of arrival. A quick
overview to validate they meets the army restrictions. The cutoff will be at
12:30 PM for all army lists.
 Pairings: We will be utilizing Best Coast Pairings for all pairings, match ups, and
scoring purposes. Normally this would be utilized for Registration purposes,
however, since this is an Official EB Session we have to refrain from posting it
publically and restricting to Discord/In-Person registration. Below is the Online
Web Link – https://www.bestcoastpairings.com/event/CXTHW2YF36

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o Please be respectful to all members of the store. They provide the
space, terrain, tables, and time for us to have fun. So please make sure
you treat them and all their stuff appropriately.
 Player-to-Player
o Please respect one another and be cautious/kind to those around you,
especially your opponent. We are all here to have a GLORIOUS time
taking part in epic battles. Additionally, treat all your opponent’s
models with caution and care. This is a casual tournament, so let’s all
have fun.
 Fast Rolling / Dice Etiquette
o Reminder, in order for everyone to get through all the turns in the
allotted time, players will need to roll relatively fast. This is part of
normal standard practice when playing in tournaments, so please pay
attention and work with your opponent in getting through the time
accordingly so everyone can get a turn and play fairly.
o If you feel that a player is rolling dice too fast and you are unable to
determine what the dice rolls were, work together to go at a pace
you’re both comfortable with. It is up to both players to get through the
turns with the time given; try to work together.
o Additionally, this is a casual tournament which means there isn’t
anyone forcing each player to roll at a specific speed. It’s up to the
players to move through each turn accordingly, please try to do so
o If neither player listen’s, please call a TO over and they will assist. It is
possible that the player in question may receive at minimum a warning.
o As you are rolling dice, we recommend that you give a moment for your
opponent to check your dice roll. A good practice is to ask your
opponent if they are good with the dice roll, and then continue with
your sequence of events. Simple communication like that solves most
 Rules Clarifications:
o If you are unsure of a rule, please ask the player to show you their
Codex and clarify the rule in question.
o If you do not trust the player’s clarification, please call a TO over and
they will make a ruling.
 Cheating:
o Cheating is not tolerated in any shape or form, and if caught you will be
ejected from the tournament. This will result in a ban or suspension
from any of our subsequent tournaments.
 Play Your Turn/Play Fairly:
o We cannot stress this enough, please play out your turn in a reasonable
manner and as fairly as possible. Respect your opponents and make
sure to give each other the best opportunity to play. Since it is a
tournament, everyone is here to at least try to win. However, people are
also here to have a good time. Please respect that.

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OTHER  Terrain Rules: First Floor Line of Sight Blocking – This has been a HUGE
discussion among numerous w40k individuals; online, at Kobold, etc. Based on
a NEO FAQ, Various Tournament Rules, and Past Store Etiquette; we will be
using the rule of First Floor Line of Sight Blocking. See below.
o Definition: For Ruins/Terrain purposes only, the 1st Floor will always
have line of sight blocked for units both inside and outside. All other
floors follow the GW Standard Rules for Ruins/Terrain.
 Casual Tournament: Just a friendly reminder, this is a casual tournament and
not overly competitive. Also, the EBAC team is fairly new to the tournament
scene, thus we are taking feedback from everyone involved and will slowly build
up the rules progressively. So please be understanding and willing to accept
things as they are, as this is a work in progress.

CONTACT  Host(s): Robert Reynolds, Jonathan DuPaul

 The Clever Kobold: Everyone at the store is willing to assist in any way possible.
Feel free to reach out and contact the store for all questions and concerns.
o IMPORTANT! Please be respectful to all store employees, the store
itself, each other, and the games people bring in. By signing your name
above you acknowledge that the Tabletop Gaming Club is not
responsible should a game be damaged during play. If you have any
comments, questions, or concerns please reach out to the club email
([email protected]).

Good Luck General!!!

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