C-Value Paradox
C-Value Paradox
C-Value Paradox
Information regarding highly
repetitive sequences in DNA.
Determination of the Melting
temperature and properties.
Understanding of the property of
Understanding the genome
Genome Imprinting is that expression of gene which is dependent upon whether it is inherited
from father or mother.
Ex- In humans, pair of chromosomes are present. Say, One chromosome is
inherited from father and other from mother. These will contain genes
whose function are similar but their expression will depend on whether it is
inherited from father or mother.
Case 1- If we take the 15th chromosome in humans where one is from
father and other from mother. If we take a case where a gene is turned off
in the mother(chromosome). It is done by DNA methylation. Now it
depends on the father gene to express but this gene(15 q11) gets deleted
due to some reason, then it will result into a disease called Parder Willi
Syndrome where the child has short hands and feet, mental retardation,
Case 2- The chromosome that came from the father is silent. Now, we
were dependent on the mother gene but that region gets deleted. The
offspring will get a disease called Angelman Syndrome and it will show
conditions like uncontrolled muscle movement, unusually large mouth.
Penetrance is the percentage of animals of a specific genotype who express the phenotype
associated with that underlying genotype.
Ex- Polydactyly- ‘Poly’ means Extra, ‘Dactyly’ means fingers/toes. Say 100 people have this
genotype but only 75 show phenotype, 25 have no phenotype. There is 75% penetrance. This
is called Incomplete Penetrance.
Where there is 100% penetrance, it is called Complete Penetrance.
Therefore, "Complete" penetrance means the gene or genes for a trait are expressed in all the
population who have the genes.
"Incomplete" or 'reduced' penetrance means the genetic trait is expressed in only part of the
Expressivity refers to the degree that a particular genotype is expressed as a
phenotype within an individual.
Pleiotropy is when one gene is responsible for more than one character.
Ex- Phenylketonuria
When mutation occurs in the PAH gene, it results
in phenylketonuria. The PAH gene is responsible
for the coding of the enzyme Phenylalanine
hydroxylase, this enzyme is responsible for the
conversion of an amino acid Phenylalanine into
Tyrosine. If the PAH gene is not present it won’t
produce Phenylalanine hydroxylase, therefore
tyrosine won’t be produced. Thus, Phenylalanine
will build up in the blood stream. This cause Hair
fall, less amount of melanine, fair skin and hair,
mental retardation, abnormal posture and
improper growth.
The word ‘Sex’ relates to the gender of the organism and ‘Limit’ states that the trait is limited to one
specific gender. Therefore, Sex Limited Traits states that phenotypic expression in an individual is
influenced by the sex of the organism. The major reason behind sex limited traits is the difference
in type and amount of hormone secretion present in both the sex.
Ex- 1. Cattle milking- Only female produces milk while the allele is present in both.
2. Sheep horns - Males show horns while the allele is present in both.
3. Facial hair- Facial hair are majorly present in males while allele is present in both.
4. Precautious puberty occurs in males, in this condition the puberty will occur
before the age of 4 years, they will show pubic hair and penis enlargement. These
conditions generally show in the age of 12-13 years. This occurs due to the
presence of a dominant allele- P which is present on an autosomal chromosome.
If the males has PP, Pp then they will show precautious puberty. The testes have
an LH receptor which receives the LH (hormone) and sends a message to the cell
to release testosterone which is responsible for puberty. The P allele forms the
LH receptor, when p allele is present the LH receptor is normal while when P
allele is present the LH receptor is mutated and it sends the message to cell even
in the absence of LH. Precautious Puberty does not occur in females, as there are
a lot of hormones responsible for the puberty.
Sex Influenced traits state that the phenotypic expression will occur at
different frequency in male and female.