Business Intelligence and Customer Relationship Management

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The key takeaways are that Business Intelligence can help companies make better use of information and customer data to gain insights, improve customer relationships and increase sales. It allows for personalization, predictive analysis and a holistic view of customers.

The text discusses that using Business Intelligence and CRM systems together provides a holistic approach to understanding customers and managing relationships with them. It allows for improvements in customer profiling, measuring customer satisfaction and creating a comprehensive CRM strategy.

The text states that Business Intelligence helps with personalization, predictive customer behavior, faster decision making for customers, and creating a complete picture of customers to improve the delivered value. It also allows companies to forecast customer behavior and build long-term, profitable relationships.

Business Intelligence and Customer Relationship Management

Aida Habul School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo Trg Osloboenja-Alija Izetbegovic, 71 000 Sarajevo, B&H Phone: + 387 33 275 921; Fax: +387 33 447 560 E-mail address: [email protected] Amila Pilav-Velic School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo Trg Osloboenja-Alija Izetbegovic, 71 000 Sarajevo, B&H Phone: + 387 33 447 559; Fax: +387 33 447 560 E-mail address: [email protected]

Abstract. Business Intelligence is a concept of

using information technology as a tool for achieving the competitiveness of businesses, the perception of risk that occurs in the environment within the firm, and the possibility of action. Complementary use of CRM systems and Business Intelligence, provides a holistic approach to customers which includes improvements in customer profiling, simpler detection value for customers, measuring the success of the company in satisfying its customers, and create a comprehensive customer relationship management. Business Intelligence can detect various incentives to increase sales and revenue, such as faster conversion of potential into actual clients, reducing the number of outgoing customers and increase sales to existing customers.

Keywords. Business Intelligence, Customer Relationships Management, Data Warehouse, OLAP Tools, Data Mining, ETL Processes, Reporting, Multi Channel Communication, Integration, Customer Satisfaction, Social Media 1. Business intelligence and modern business
In the modern business, competition becomes more pronounced, and knowledge as a source of success of the company in the market, becomes necessary strategic choice. With the advent of e-business, knowledge management, outstanding at the top of the development plans of the director of contemporary companies, as well as disciplinary approach to transform their company into the role of market player(Wallace

I., Caldwell F., Business Process Modeling and Knowledge Mapping). Information becomes a key resource and the central business function of the company that takes an active part in the virtual market. The problem of finding information has been replaced by the problem of their proper use, or whether the information quality, reliable, and can provide high-quality knowledge. Volume of information has increased, which creates certain difficulties. Human has only 24 hours a day to deploy their attention to the millions of new effects and features, which falls on him (Kelly K., New Rules for the New Economy). There are many competing and contradictory sources of information, which makes their processing more difficult. In his article "Rationality as a process and product of thought" (1993), american economist G. Simon said that information is extremely valuable when it is in small quantities, and when there are large amounts of information, it gets a negative role and diverts us from the essence. In this way, comes to ITnoise situations in which rational decision making difficult, because of increased volume of redundant and incorrect information. The problem is possibility of its high quality treatment, but not the fact how to obtain information. In this sense, the role of Business Intelligence is indispensable. It facilitates the acquisition of knowledge about the factors affecting the company's operations. It is certain that in the future will be successful those organizations which have based their competitive advantage on knowledge. Companies that have specific knowledge can identify market potential and according with this, direct their vision, goals and strategies,

Proceedings of the ITI 2010 32 Int. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces, June 21-24, 2010, Cavtat, Croatia

allocate and productive use available resources. The greatest challenge of modern business is to provide the right information at the right size and shape, in a way that suits the specific needs of clients. The key to success of the company is consistent communication through all channels of interaction with clients, and a unique image and brand communications business of the company through the Internet, e-mail, electronic and print media, the physical contact center, etc. In this regard, the subject of this work is observed from the perspective of managing relationships with clients to achieve their satisfaction as the maximum value of modern companies. The future of organizations will depend on the ability of individuals, teams and entire organizations to continuously learn and increase their knowledge and inventivity. This is impossible without modern business information systems, including the concept of Business Intelligence as their upgrades, information and communication technologies and electronic networks. These elements are indispensable in building a "learning organization" which can deal with global competition, and will use the BI application as a strategic advantage.

necessary reports and addressing those users who are most needed. In this sense, each user gets the information that is the subject of interest and which are necessary to carry out its business activities. This aproach avoids the "information chaos" and unnecessary information overloading organizations which could result in making incorrect decisions. BI applications accelerates the process of making business decisions with respect to the quality of data located in one central place, such as Data Warehouse. It can result in useful and high-quality knowledge. On the other hand, a unique reporting system also contributes to higher quality and faster decision making, but also improve all business processes. Specifically, the system of Business Intelligence by its nature, integrates information and knowledge about customers, suppliers, competition, and overall operations. BI improves the strategic and operational planning, control, business indicators, analysis and optimization of business operations, ensuring the successful targeting customers and tracking competitive activity and predicting future trends and phenomena. The concept of Business Intelligence can be presented by the following figure:

2. The concept of business intelligence

Business Intelligence is a concept of using information technology as a tool for achieving the competitiveness of businesses, the perception of risk that occurs in the environment within the firm, and the possibility of action. This is a concept that involves the integration of traditional business functions with ITcommunications technologies and capabilities that are provided. Business Intelligence and Competitive Intelligence is the process of collection, treatment, analysis and use of strategic information for a company. So, it's all about information that is important for a company. The definition is also an important segment of the treatment results and information, in case information is not usable for decisionmakers, or even worthless, means there is no difference between data and information. Also, it is useful to mention the difference between Competitive intelligence and Business intelligence. The first term is much broader and includes Business Intelligence, which is more focused on software and IT tools. Effective Business Intelligence system allows data collection from all departments within the company, their analysis, preparation the

Figure 1. Business intelligence

As shown in the most important sources of data are transaction systems such as ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning), CRM (Customer Relationships Management), various databases and documents arising from business processes and activities within the company. These systems are used in the processing and collection of initial data in digital form, and in their construction should strive to achieve high performance processing of data and ensure their continued availability. The next step consists of ETL (Extracting, Transformation, Loading) Processes of data collection and processing for system of Business Intelligence. One of three ETL processes (collection, transformation and loading) steps, for the quality of data and


therefore the quality of knowledge, is a critical that the one which contains data transformation that takes the most time. Collected and stored data must be available and integrated within the entire organization. Realization of this goal can be achieved by building a functional Data Warehouse that will produce new knowledge. Data Warehouse is the field-oriented, integrated, fixed and timeoriented set of data intended to support decision making (Inmon W. H., Building the Data Warehouse, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1996., p. 23.). Field-oriented of Data Warehouse means the data from the different business areas (sales, marketing, finance, etc.), which includes the Data Warehouse, and which are necessary for decision making in relation to that area. Data Warehouse must be integrated, and should include related information arising within the organization and those created in the environment of the organization. Fixity of Data Warehouses means stability in terms of data processing, because they are "loaded" from the operational database and form for analysis. This means that the answer to the same query will always be the same, regardless of the time and frequency of its generation. Data Warehouse is a time-oriented because it contains information that describes the appearance of a longer period of time, allowing comparison and prediction. Namely, the prediction of future events and processes can not be credible and well without knowing their past. Data Warehouse should contain large amounts of detailed data. Success estimation of certain business activities and communications with the environment, established and credible if all the details about them were recorded, and detailed data will enable quick response to changes in market demands. The data in the warehouse must be continuously updated and served to all employees in the company. Data stored in information systems organizations have no value if it does not analyze, process and transform to information needed to make business decisions. Analytical processing dimensionally organized data in warehouse allows finding answers to questions, transforming data into information necessary for business decision making. In this regard, Data Warehouse makes information core of Business Intelligence system, because of data and their availability in the warehouse depends on the quality and effectiveness of business decisions. In addition, the role of data

warehousing is reflected in the reporting, creating queries, and its application in analytical and forecasting purposes. There are different types of reporting such as: "ad hoc", summary and standard reports. "Ad hoc" reports are used when the circumstances required current and quick insight into the company's operations, without any previous preparation. Summary reports are presenting the business in a certain time period (month, quarter, year, etc.). Standard reports generated by applications that allow a certain flexibility in their construction. Their contents are the most common spreadsheet with accompanying diagrams and charts. Development of Data Warehouses is influenced on the occurrence of a wide range of questionable very useful tool, which allows setting the most demanding and very complex queries. The role of warehouses in the integration of data is invaluable. However, the most important use of Data Warehouses are in the analysis and forecasts which form the basis of converting information into knowledge and business intelligence.The concept of creating the appropriate knowledge and its management and use, most often involves two major groups of methods and tools: OLAP tools and Methods of Data Mining. Although, OLAP tools have been developed before the concept of data warehousing, they are complementary solution. This type of tool is based on the relational database model, and imply a large number of features such as search, calculations, different types of analysis, etc. Their main advantage is the quality of supporting transactional processing of data present in the operations of banks, capital markets, production and similarly. Data Mining is usually defined as a systematic, interactive and iterative process of performing and displaying useful, implicit and innovative knowledge from data. For data mining is necessary to exist high quality and integrated data, otherwise the consequences will be inaccurate or imprecise results of the entire process. Therefore, it can be concluded that the most reliable data source is a warehouse. If the Data Warehouse well designed and maintained, regardless of the amount of data available, it will probably contain all the necessary information.


3. Business intelligence and customer relationship management 3.1. Importance of customer relationships management in the new economy
In the modern economy a priority of business activities becomes a two-way communication between the company and its customers. This communication is based on the interests of both sides: companies that seek to profit, survive and grow, and customers who want to achieve added value. The most successful companies today are those that create their business processes in line with customer expectations. New business trends require company's orientation to customers. These are, primarily, grown manufacturing capacities which cause the differentiation of products and services in accordance with different customers aspirations, which brings larger volume of sales. Then, there are new technologies that facilitate the selection of companies that customers will show their confidence. This implies a simple comparison with competitive offers, low cost transition to other suppliers and customers significant time savings through continuous provision of the necessary information and offer personalized products and services. In such circumstances, the achievement of competitive advantage is an extremely difficult job. The value of customers for the company becomes invaluable. Development of information technology significantly improved the mutual relations of the company and customers. Modern information technology is a powerful medium of establishing better contacts between company personnel and clients, but also more efficient management company. Possibility of building a direct and targeted relationships between companies and consumers leads to their personalization. Multi-channel communication facilitate the establishment of more sophisticated and two-way relationships, but it makes more difficult to integrate data and create unique images of clients. Companies that do not have an integrated customer information, actually does not know their customers and can't offer products and services tailored to them. The lack of data integration, customers will need at each contact with the company to give back their data, which can cause their frustration and dissatisfaction. Customers will feel ignored and

irrelevant to that company. For this reason, it is important that information about customers to be stored in one place and available to everyone in the organization. This can be achieved by building Data Warehouses. Without functional integration of Data Warehouses as the foundation of successful relationships with customers or acquire new knowledge in the form of Business Intelligence, which means providing quality information.

3.1.1. Social media and customer relationship management

The increasing popularity of social networks and similar forms of communication and socializing in a virtual world, but also a large number of users and length of time they spend on these networks, provide new opportunities in business and market positioning of companies. According to the latest research of Nielsen Online company, the time spent on social networks during the April in 2009 is 83% more than in the previous year. Most visited social network is Facebook where the users during April 2009, spent 13.9 billion minutes, representing an increase of 700% compared to the attendance of this network in the same month last year. The second most popular social network is MySpace, followed by Blogger, Tagged, and Twitter. Modern companies recognize the potential of social networks in the customer relationship management. Social networks or as often called "social media" have push conventional methods of communication such as print media, television, etc. This is because of lower costs, the greater possibility of targeting visitors, as well as direct and two-way communication with target group of users and potential customers. In addition, we must not forget the power of recommendations (word of mouth) what is particulary evident in using social media. Friends and members of the same group, exchange information and "positive experiences". Companies that provide high value can use this fact as advantage in building better customer service. They can create their own user profiles and group of clients, and thus get feedback and knowledge about the perceptions and experiences of clients, which represents a good basis for creating new and effective CRM strategy and holistic performance in the market. Most important benefits that companies realize


using social networks as communication channel with customers are: Building a network of followers who promote a company's product or brand. Brand advocates are the best promoters of the company, as they do from their own beliefs. Widgets, surveys or applications on social networks, do not require many resources and when those tools are properly designed users will not even notice that they are exposed to marketing messages or that they participate in market research. These applications users see as recommendations of their friends, what is favorable for achieving confidential customer relationships. Search Engine Optimization. Sharing content through social media is, in fact, free advertising, which also increase visibility of companies in the Web browsers, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and others, and that can result in higher sales volume. Social Media Brand Monitoring. Using the analytical tools for brand monitoring and direct communication, companies get feedback about what users think about their product or brand. Aqusition. Growing number of users of social networks, enabling company to connect with a large number of organizations and individuals. In that way company expand existing customer base. However, investments in social media are still inadequate, but moving forward. At the beginning of 2009 Forrester Research published a study conducted over a hundred major companies in the world. The results show that 53 % of them intend, regardless of the current economic crisis, to increase investment in "social media". According to a study CMO Survey 2009, 3.5 % of the marketing budget is spent on "social media" and there is prediction that within 12 months, in 2010, will increase to 6.1 % and within five years to 13,7 %. Concepts such as "local social advertising," "social search" and "social networks" will become key issues in the future. Using social media company will improve communication with customers. Relationships will become more direct and personalized. A company that recognizes advantages and posibilities of social media in market performance can expect greater customers commitment.

3.2. With business intelligence to satisfied customers

Quality knowledge management improves the quality of products, promotional sales and increases profits and customer satisfaction results. Therefore, we can say that the ultimate goal of knowledge management is to increase customer satisfaction. Business Intelligence is the ultimate purpose of knowledge management and a "way of delivery of the right information in the right format, at the right hand and the right time" (Murfitt S., Using Business Intelligence, www.digitrends/net/scripts). It does not involve the generation of larger quantities, but the provision of better and quality information. The biggest advantage of Business Intelligence in customer relationship management is its rooting in personalization. Personalization of relations company and customers is helping company to better understand and respond to the needs of each client. This ensures that each client gets exactly what wants and when it wants. BI applications support the implementation of various channels of communication with clients, such as e-mail, Web, telephone, etc. Customers in accordance with their preferences, choose the channel that best suits them and by whom will receive a personalized message. Integration of BI modern technologies and CRM systems, the company provides the path to customer loyalty. By possession of full information about all transactions and customer's experience, companies can increase the delivered value. On the other hand, Business Intelligence helps create a real and complete picture that will ensure the customer faster, better and easier decision making. Complementary use of CRM systems and Business Intelligence provides a holistic approach to customers which includes improvements in customer profiling, simpler detection value for customers, measuring the success of the company in satisfying its customers. Use of CRM and BI solutions also create a comprehensive customer relationship management and not just passive response to their requests, and predicting, and shaping their behavior. Business Intelligence can detect various incentives to increase sales and revenue, such as faster conversion of potential into actual clients, reducing the number of outgoing customers and increase sales to existing customers. Therefore, in the modern business, CRM can not be considered separately from


Business Intelligence. They constitute a unique model that enables companies forecast customer behavior and make decisions based on these forecasts, and build long-term and profitable customer relationships.



4. References
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