Context Awareness Gate For Retrieval Augmented Generation

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Context Awareness Gate For Retrieval Augmented

Mohammad Hassan Heydari Arshia Hemmat Erfan Naman Afsaneh Fatemi
Computer Engineering Faculty Computer Engineering Faculty Computer Engineering Facu. Computer Engineering Faculty
University of Isfahan University of Isfahan University of Isfahan University of Isfahan
Isfahan, Iran Isfahan, Iran Isfahan, Iran Isfahan, Iran
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] a [email protected]
arXiv:2411.16133v1 [cs.LG] 25 Nov 2024

Abstract—Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has proaches contribute to more accurate and effective retrieval
emerged as a widely adopted approach to mitigate the of information.
limitations of large language models (LLMs) in answering Despite ongoing efforts to develop more reliable retrieval
domain-specific questions. Previous research has predominantly
focused on improving the accuracy and quality of retrieved data methods for extracting relevant data chunks, many question-
chunks to enhance the overall performance of the generation answering systems do not solely rely on local or domain-
pipeline. However, despite ongoing advancements, the critical specific datasets for answering user queries. In addition to
issue of retrieving irrelevant information—which can impair a domain-specific user queries, many input queries do not
model’s ability to utilize its internal knowledge effectively—has necessitate retrieval from local datasets, which reduces the
received minimal attention. In this work, we investigate the
impact of retrieving irrelevant information in open-domain scalability and reliability of question-answering systems [11].
question answering, highlighting its significant detrimental effect To tackle this limitation, retrieval methods based on query
on the quality of LLM outputs. To address this challenge, we classification and routing mechanisms have proven effective
propose the Context Awareness Gate (CAG) architecture, a novel in enhancing retrieval accuracy by directing the search toward
mechanism that dynamically adjusts the LLM’s input prompt a set of documents closely related to the user’s query [10].
based on whether the user query necessitates external context
retrieval. Additionally, we introduce the Vector Candidates However, in our study, we demonstrate that even with semantic
method, a core mathematical component of CAG that is routing, the probability of retrieving irrelevant information
statistical, LLM-independent, and highly scalable. We further remains non-negligible, particularly when dealing with a broad
examine the distributions of relationships between contexts and domain of potential queries.
questions, presenting a statistical analysis of these distributions. Due to the inherently local search mechanism of Retrieval-
This analysis can be leveraged to enhance the context retrieval
process in retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems. Augmented Generation (RAG) systems [1], [12], even for
Index Terms—Retrieval-Augmented Generation, Hallucina- queries that are largely irrelevant, the pipeline will still return
tion, Large Language Models, Open Domain Question Answering a set number of passages. While existing research has made
strides in addressing the challenge of imperfect data retrieval
[11], [13], [14], the issue of broad-domain question answering
I. I NTRODUCTION in RAG systems has received relatively little attention.
Many queries submitted to RAG-enhanced question-
Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has emerged as a answering (QA) systems do not require data retrieval, such as
leading approach for implementing question-answering sys- daily conversations, general knowledge questions, or questions
tems that require intensive domain-specific knowledge [1]. that large language models (LLMs) themselves can answer
This method allows for the utilization of customized datasets using their internal knowledge [10], [11], [15]. Retrieving
to generate answers, grounded in the information provided passages for all input queries, especially in these cases, can
by those datasets. However, the effectiveness of the retrieval significantly diminish the retrieval precision [11] and the con-
component within RAG pipelines is critical, as it directly text relevancy [16], often rendering them entirely irrelevant.
influences the reliability and quality of the generated outputs To address this issue, we propose a novel context-aware
[2], [3]. gate architecture for RAG-enhanced systems which is highly
In efforts to enhance the quality of the retrieval component scalable of dynamically routing the LLM input prompt to
in RAG pipelines, research has demonstrated that transforming increase the quality of pipeline outputs.
the user’s input query into varying levels of abstraction before For better comprehension of our work, we highlight three
conducting the document search can significantly improve main contributions in this study:
the relevance of the retrieved data. Several methods have • Context Awareness Gate (CAG): We introduce a novel
been proposed, including query expansion into multi-query gate architecture that significantly broadens the domain
searches, chain of verification [4], [5], pseudo-context search accessibility of RAG systems. CAG leverages both query
[6] and query transformation [7], [8], [9], [10]. These ap- transformation and dynamic prompting to enhance the
reliability of RAG pipelines in both open-domain and al. (2024) [20] argue that simply adding more context to the
closed-domain question answering tasks. LLM input prompt does not necessarily improve performance.
• Vector Candidates (VC): We propose a statistical se- In a recent and highly relevant study, Wang et al. (2024)
mantic analysis algorithm that improves semantic search [11] show that when retrieval precision is below 20%, RAG
and routing by utilizing the concept of pseudo-queries is not beneficial for QA systems. They highlight that when
and in-dataset embedding distributions. retrieval precision approaches zero, the RAG pipeline performs
• Context Retrieval Supervision Benchmark (CRSB) significantly worse than a pipeline without RAG.
Dataset: Alongside our technical and statistical investiga-
tions, we introduce the CRSB dataset, which consists of III. A PPROACH
data from 17 diverse fields. We study the inner context- To address the challenges associated with retrieving irrele-
query distributions of this rich dataset and demonstrate vant information [11], we propose the Context Awareness Gate
the effectiveness and scalability of Vector Candidates on (CAG) architecture, which utilizes Vector Candidates as its
practical QA systems 1 . primary statistical method for query classification. CAG sig-
nificantly improves the performance of open-domain question-
answering systems by dynamically adjusting the input prompt
for the LLM, transitioning from RAG-based context prompts
to Few Shot, Chain-of-Thought (CoT) [4], [5], and other
methodologies. Consequently, the LLM responds to user
queries based on its internal knowledge base.

A. Context Awareness Gate (CAG)

To address the issue of retrieving irrelevant data chunks for
each input query, one solution is to ask a supervising large
language model (LLM) to classify whether the query should
prompt a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) or a RAG-free
response. This involves determining whether the input query
falls within the scope of the local database. However, a signif-
icant limitation of this approach is the high computational cost
of using an LLM with billions of parameters for a relatively
simple task like query classification. Even smaller language
models come with their own challenges, such as hallucination
Fig. 1. Context Awareness Gate (CAG) architecture for open domain and limited reasoning capabilities [11].
questions answering
To mitigate these issues,we propose an efficient yet highly
effective statistical approach, known as Vector Candidates.
II. R ELATED W ORK The key idea behind Vector Candidates is to generate pseudo-
queries for each document in the set, then calculate the dis-
improving both retrieval quality and the outputs of large
tribution of embeddings and their similarities. By comparing
language models. Query2Doc [17] and HyDE [6] generate
the input query to this distribution, it is possible to estimate
pseudo-documents based on the input query and utilize these
whether context retrieval is necessary with a certain level of
for semantic search instead of the query itself. RQ-RAG
probability. If the input query is far from this distribution,
[18] decomposes complex queries into simpler sub-queries,
it is recommended not to retrieve any context and instead
enhancing retrieval performance. The Rewrite-Retrieve-Read
reformulate the LLM input prompt into a simpler few-shot
framework [7] employs query rewriting to improve the match
question-answering task, rather than utilizing RAG. The over-
between queries and relevant documents. Additionally, some
all architecture of CAG is presented in figure 1
studies suggest that for queries answerable by the large lan-
The limitation of this approach may appear to be the
guage model (LLM) based on its internal knowledge, query
necessity of generating numerous pseudo-queries for a local
classification using a smaller language model can benefit
dataset. However, when comparing it to LLM supervision,
overall pipeline performance [10].
the complexity of the Vector Candidates method, which op-
In terms of improving model output quality, RobustRAG [3]
erates on a set of contexts with C contexts and N pipeline
investigates the vulnerability of RAG-based systems to mali-
input requests, reveals a significant advantage. Specifically,
cious passages injected into the knowledge database. Conflict-
the complexity of the Vector Candidates method is O(1), as
Disentangle Contrastive Decoding (CD2) [19] proposes a
it relies solely on the number of contexts, regardless of the
framework to reconcile conflicts between an LLM’s internal
number of input requests ( This happens when we disable the
knowledge and external knowledge stored in a database. Yu et
query transformation as one of the CAG steps ) . In contrast,
1 The CRSB dataset is available at: the complexity of LLM supervision scales linearly with the
heydariAI/CRSB number of input requests, represented as O(N ). This indicates
that while generating pseudo-queries may seem cumbersome, hyperparameter derived from common statistical metrics such
the overall efficiency of the Vector Candidates approach is as minimum, mean, median, or quartiles. Additionally, we
superior in scenarios with multiple input requests. define a threshold T , which serves as another hyperparameter,
Alongside all the steps involved in the Vector Candidates to create a risk range for decision-making. This threshold
approach, the process begins with transforming the user’s input helps in determining the confidence level for whether context
query into a more appropriate format to enhance the quality retrieval should be applied, balancing the trade-off between
of semantic search. This query transformation is critical as precision and recall in the retrieval process.
it ensures that the input is optimized for better alignment
C. Context Retrieval Supervision Bench (CRSB)
with the embeddings used in the retrieval process. After this
transformation, the Vector Candidates method is applied to We introduce the Context Retrieval Supervision Bench
assess the relevance of context retrieval. (CRSB) dataset, which can be used to evaluate the per-
Following query transformation and Vector Candidates anal- formance of context-aware systems and retrieval-augmented
ysis, the Context-Adaptive Generation (CAG) system dynam- generation (RAG) semantic routers. The CRSB contains 17
ically adapts the input query into a suitable prompt. This different topics, with each context associated with 3 pseudo-
involves determining whether context retrieval is necessary queries. This design allows the CRSB to encompass a total
or if the LLM can answer the query based on its internal of 5,100 question-answer pairs. With a correct permutation,
knowledge, utilizing techniques like Chain of Thought (CoT) CRSB can offer more than 83000 context-query pairs to
reasoning [4], [5], agents, or other methods. evaluate the context awareness systems and semantic routing
B. Vector Candidates
To address the issues of using a LLM for context su-
pervision , we propose a statistical approach based on the To analyze the statistical relationships between relevant and
distributions of emmbedings of contexts and pseudo-queries. irrelevant context-query pairs, we examine the distribution of
collected contexts and generated pseudo-queries. We begin by
Algorithm 1 Vector Candidates Algorithm gathering 1,700 contexts across 17 distinct topics. For each
Require: Contexts C, Pseudo Queries Q, Policy P , Threshold context, we prompt the Gemma 2 9B language model [21] to
T , Input Query q generate three pseudo-queries.We applied all−mpnet−base−
Ensure: A classification (True or False) v2 as our embedding model and create a vector database of
1: Compute dataset distributions based on cosine similarity: contexts and pseudo-queries embeddings [22].
We then calculate the similarity distributions for Positive
C ·Q (relevant) context-query pairs, where the queries require con-
∥C∥∥Q∥ text retrieval, as well as for Negative (irrelevant) context-
query pairs. With appropriate permutations, we analyze 83,000
2: Compute input query similarities with contexts: Positive and Negative context-query pairs. Various statistical
C ·q metrics are applied to these distributions, and the results are
d← presented in Table I.

3: if max(d) > P (D) − T then TABLE I

4: return True
5: else
6: return False Policy Positive Negative
7: end if Minimum 0.110 -0.193
5th Percentile 0.554 -0.052
1st Quartile 0.662 -0.000
Based on the proposed method in Algorithm (1), we first Mean 0.705 0.047
Median 0.716 0.039
calculate the cosine similarity distributions between the con- 3rd Quartile 0.762 0.086
texts and pseudo-queries. Then, we compute the similarity 95th Percentile 0.836 0.219
between the user’s original query and each context in the Maximum 0.912 0.654
dataset. If the maximum similarity found between the orig-
inal query and the contexts falls within the distribution of As demonstrated in Table I, over 95% of positive context-
context-pseudo-query similarities, this suggests that retrieval- question pairs exhibit a cosine similarity greater than 0.55,
augmented generation (RAG) might be beneficial. Otherwise, while more than 95% of negative context-query pairs have
it is more efficient to exclude RAG from the pipeline. This a cosine similarity lower than 0.21. The median value for
approach is grounded in our statistical analysis and the results the positive set exceeds 0.71, whereas the median for the
presented by Wang et al. [11]. negative set is below 0.04. Although the maximum value of the
To measure the relevancy between the described distribu- negative set is higher than the minimum value of the positive
tions and the user query, we apply a policy P , which is a set, the density of the positive distribution is greater than
that of the negative distribution approximately 98.7% of the Our experimental evaluation demonstrates the superior per-
time. These statistics provide a comprehensive understanding formance of our method, CAG, in terms of both context rel-
that, by utilizing these metrics as a policy, we can develop evancy and answer relevancy across different datasets. When
a statistical method that is highly effective in classifying user applied to the SQuAD dataset [24], the baseline model RAG
queries to establish dynamic prompts, as discussed in previous achieved a context relevancy score of 0.06 and an answer
sections. relevancy score of 0.186, highlighting significant limitations in
Due to the algebraic nature of our method, we have in- capturing and retrieving relevant information. In contrast, our
tegrated advanced high-performance techniques for parallel CAG approach dramatically improved these metrics, achieving
computing and accelerated linear algebra through the JAX a context relevancy of 0.684 and answer relevancy of 0.821.
framework [23]. Leveraging JAX’s ability to handle automatic This indicates a substantial enhancement in the model’s ability
differentiation and just-in-time compilation (JIT) seamlessly, to retrieve and understand contextually relevant information
we are able to optimize the underlying computations for both and provide more accurate answers.
CPU and GPU architectures. This not only allows for faster Furthermore, applying our CAG architecture to the CRSB
execution but also ensures scalability across large datasets dataset yielded even stronger results, with context relevancy
and complex models. Our approach significantly improves reaching 0.783 and answer relevancy rising to 0.84. These
the efficiency in computing the distributions of the dataset, findings suggest that our approach not only generalizes well
offering a more streamlined and scalable solution for high- across datasets but also significantly enhances the system’s
dimensional data analysis 2 . overall comprehension and open domain question answering
V. R ESULTS According to the represented results in table II, we conclude
To evaluate the capabilities and performance of the Context that open domain question answering using RAG on a closed
Awareness Gate (CAG), we applied this architecture to the database , significantly reduces the reliability of the QA
SQuAD dataset [24] and our proposed benchmark, CRSB. We systems; which confirms the results of wang et al. (2024) [11].
implemented an open-domain question-answering pipeline to
assess the outcomes of CAG under two approaches:
While RAG presents a widely adopted approach for question
• Setting CRSB as the local dataset while querying from
answering using local databases, it exhibits notable limitations
SQuAD [24]. The pipeline should identify irrelevant
in open-domain question answering . Previous research has
queries to the dataset and refrain from using RAG, instead
seldom addressed the critical issue that retrieving irrelevant
generating a few-shot response using the LLM input
data chunks can detract from the model’s ability to generate
accurate responses, particularly when relying on the model’s
• Setting CRSB as the local dataset and querying about
internal knowledge.
information within CRSB. The pipeline should recognize
In this study, we propose a novel, statistically-driven, and
the need for context retrieval and manage queries to
highly scalable approach to mitigate this challenge. Our
retrieve relevant data according to RAG steps.
method, the Context Awareness Gate (CAG), dynamically
For both approaches, we evaluate using two metrics from adjusts the model’s input domain, refining the retrieval process
RAGAS: context relevancy and answer relevancy [16]. In based on the semantic relevance of the data to the user’s query.
the first approach, due to the absence of retrieved context, This adaptive mechanism enhances the model’s capability to
we ask our model to generate a pseudo-context that answers provide more accurate answers by optimizing its interaction
the query and then calculate the context relevancy based on with the dataset.
this generated context. Our question-answering base model is
OpenAI GPT-4o mini. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the VII. F UTURE D IRECTION
proposed pipeline, we compare the results of the classic RAG This work opens up several promising avenues for further
and the proposed CAG. research and enhancement of Context Awareness Gate (CAG)
For the evaluation step, we applied both RAG and CAG. We in open-domain question answering systems:
set 95% density distribution as the Policy P and we set the • Incorporating Best Practices in Information Retrieval:
threshold T to 0 as the Vector Candidates hyperparameters. Future work could focus on integrating the methodologies
outlined in [15] to refine CAG’s information retrieval
TABLE II pipeline. Specifically, these practices could optimize how
CRSB CAG filters and ranks relevant information, leading to
even more precise data selection. By enhancing the gran-
Context Relevancy Answer Relevancy ularity of relevance scoring during retrieval, CAG could
SQuAD on RAG 0.06 0.186
SQuAD on CAG (Ours) 0.684 0.821
further improve its ability to identify and utilize the most
CRSB on CAG (Ours) 0.783 0.84 contextually pertinent chunks of information, boosting
both retrieval accuracy and downstream performance in
2 Our project is available at : generating high-quality responses.
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