Transformers - Beast Wars Transmetals (USA)

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IUt: iilllXl ll!ill . '., ~l~

C Takara Co.. ltd. 2000 CREDITS:

WARS® and TRANSMETALS® GENAZEA-Pmducer, Erik Suzuki
are trademarks of Hasbro. Int.
C2000 Hasbro, Int. All Rights
Manufactured under license
from Takara Co.. Ltd.
BAM! and all related logos and
elements are trademarks of
Bay Area Multimedia. Inc. llCfNSEDIIT
C 2!Xll.
(Nintendd )
~llmt,00. THE OFFICIAi. SEAL ~11'1ENOO 14AH0
O lffl. l fflNHIDIOO 16~ l l f C .
rR A n S F" 0 A IJI C A S B E: A S T W A A S I I A JI n ' ; II I I ; f JH. I: h e '• I " •• ~

The Trdnsfonners... Bemgs from the farawdy planet of Cybertron... protect themselues from the unstable energon that Is present on the
pldnel The maximals and Predacons quickly renew their differences and
Bdhons of years ago. a great war raged across Cyberlron between two fight countless battles for suru1ual. resources. and dominance. Os a
races of mechanical hfe, the Autobots dfld the Decepticons. The Outobots result of the,r ftghtmg. a global catastrophe Is triggered by apowerful
sent forth their greatest warriors on a desperate mission to fmd the alien force. most of the hfe on the pldnet Is wiped out. Os ii side effecl the
energy necessary for their suru1val. The Deceplicon ehte pursued quantum surge changes many of the warr1ors from both sides mto
sleeker. more powerful fonns known as
the Outobots across the galaxy. Abattle
the frdJlsmetals.
followed. and both forces were aboard the
Outobot space crmser. the Rrh. when 1t
Euentually. the maximals captured
crash ldJlded on preh1stor1c Earth. Both
ffiegatron. the Predacon commander. It
sides lay frozen memergency stasis for
was beheued that the Beast Wdrs were
what seemed to be .m eternity. Pour bdhon
ouer. The suru,uors of the war began their
years later. rn the year 1984. they awoke
JOW11ey back to Cybertron aboard dTI
from their slumber. The Autobots and
ancient Outobot escape ship. As they
Decepltcons conlmued their war on Earth.
traueled through time and space.
Howeuer. with the help of humans. the
ffiegatron succeeded mdehuermg ames0
Autobots euentually became the u1ctors of
sage through transwarp. mto the past. The
message was rece,ued by ffiegalron durmg
restoring peace for thousands of years...
d cr1ltcal chapter mhistory. which lS now
destmed be rewritten. Some changes haue
The descendants of the Rutobots dfld
already taken effect... Waspmator and
Decepticons. the maximals and Predacons.
01razor are now Transmetals. and
have hued together mc111 uneasy peace for
eons._ The peace 1s disturbed when the renegade Predacon. ffiegatron. Terrorsaur suru1ued to become a1 Transmelal as well. What new future
steals 11 golden disc and races across the galaxy w1lh unknown mtents. A awaits the maximals and Predacons? The answers wdl be reuealed as the
maximal ship commanded by Opt.mus Primal pursues megatron. 0fierce Transmetdl saga conti ues...
battle forces both of their ships to crash ldJld on dll unknown
prehistoric world. History repeats ,tself..
2 The suru,umg Cyberlromans take on new beast forms to
l H f: n I fl ! (-: nn H h i I L n ll f nn L l. t: '


The Ninten doto 64 Contra ller contains a Control Stick which uses an analog
system to read the angles and direction of its movement. This allows subtle
cantrol that ii nol possible using the conventional+ Contrcl Pad.

When turning !he Contrcl Deck power ON. do not move the Control Stick from it's
neutral position on the controller.

If the Control Stick is held al an angled position

(as shown in the pidure on the left) when I he power
it tu med ON, this posiiion will be set as neutral.
Thls wilt cause games using the Contrcl Stick Ill
operate incorrectly.

To reset the neutral position once the game has started,

let go of the Control Stick so it i:a, retum to its center
position (as shown in the pidure on the left) then press
START while holding the Land R Buttons.

Controller Acltons,
The Control Stick is a precision instrument. make sure not to spill liquids or place Robot mode Ueh1cle ffi ode Beast mode
any foreign objects into It. Controls mo11ement
Control Sltck Controls mouement Controls movement
IIButtoo Transform mlo 11eh1cle Tfdnsform mto robot Transform into ueh1cle
• Connecting The nmlendo 614 Controller
BDuttOTI Transform mto ueh1cle Trdllsform mto beast Transform into 11eh1cle
·Plug ■ Controller inlo the fl r st Jump
Controller Socket on the far-left
2011tton Jump not used
RButton Trdnsmetal Attach Tr.msmetal Attack Transmelal Attack
.side in front of the Control Deck.
·For a two player game, plug a sec- C0 RighlBiJllon Basic Shot Ddsh/Oash Attack Beastnttack
ond Controller into the second C•Up Button Deluxe Shot ffi1ss1le lltlack Beast Attack
Controller Socket. Beast Attack
C0 1.eft B11tton ffiega Shot Beam Attack
C•OoumBIJtton Block Dot used not Used

On the game menu screens. use the Control Sltck to change the menu item bemg h1ghhghted.
Holdmg The Omtendo 6'l Controller Press the II Button to confirm selections. Press the BButton to cancel selections. Press
When playing this game, WII rec- STIIRT to pause the game during game play. Press START agam to resume
ommend that you hold the play. To return to the title screen. pause the game. h1ghhghl -£1ut-. then
Controller in the position as sh own
to the left. press the II Button.
GAmE moues

After pressmg the START on lhe blle screen. you will be able to access the mam selected once for each learn. Color selections are automatic and cannot be
mode menu. Select from the following game modes, changed. Selecl which stage you would hke lo f,ghl on. then let the belttie begm!
£ach Transformer will fight until their u1tahty is exhausted. then the next
000 Arcade IDode000 Transformer on that team will f1ghl Game pldy will contmue until dll of the
Defeat all of the opponents mthis l0 player game mode. Select your Transformer Transformers on alearn are defeated. You'll hear c1 special uo1ce message 1f you
by h1ghhghting their selection box. then pressing the RButton. Vou can pick II team of dll max1111dls or all Predacons.
then select the color/ styhng of the Transformer by mo11°
mg the Control Slick left/R1ghl Press the DDutton agam oooOpbonsooo
to confirm selection. Game play will progress through - AdJust the game settings cITid sound settmgs here.
seuen matches against computer 0 controHed oppo0
nents. llhnning allldtch will allow you to aduance to the ( Game Settmgs)
nexl opponent. If you lose amatch. you will haue to 6dJTle Level, Adjusts the d1ff1culty of lhe computer 0 con°
fight the same opponent ouer again 1f you decide to " ' trolled opponents.
conbnue. If you do nol contmue. the game will be Cll1l!'r. ,\_Battle Time, Adjusts the time hm,t for each round.
\5- ~ \ Rounds, Adjusts lhe number of rounds for each match.
oooUS ffiodeooo Button Display, This option switches the Transformation
Play single IThllches against a human or computer oppo0 Dutton Guide panel on or off The Transformation Button
nent. Against the computer. select your Transformer. Guide md1cates what mode the transformation buttons will
then lhe Transformer you wish to fight against mthe - - - change the player mto 1f they are pressed. To play without
same manner as Arcade mode. In a 2°player game. each . the button guide display cm the screen. chdllge this setting to ··no-.
player selects their own Transformer. After the
Transformers haue been selected. choose which stage ( Sound Settmgs)
you would hke to fight on by moumg the Control Slick B6ffi Test You can hsten to the music of the game by select0
Left/R1ghl then press then Button to confirm ' mg a number and pressing the DButton.
~ S.&. Test You can hsten to the sound effects of the game by
000 Team Batlle ffiode 000 selecting anumber and pressmg the AButton.
Select teams of four Transformers and fight agamst a Sound, This opbon allows you to select either stereo or monD
computer or human opponent. In a1°player game. select aural sound oulpul
which four Transformers you would like to use. then ... Uolume, By using this option. you can adjust the volume of the music dlld sound
select which four Transformers you would effects mdependenlly.
~ 6 hke to fight agamst. In a 2°player game. each player picks a
~~· team of four TrcITisformers. Cach Transformer may only be
GAmr: moocs COllTllllJf..:n __ _

Bonus menu be d1squal1f1ed!

There dfe three extra modes mthe Bonus menu, Disc Hunter: ror play against the computer or a
human opponenl In this exc1tmg mmI game. try to
000 ffim1 Garnes000 collect as many discs as you cdJl! Use the Control
Stick to nilll.learound. You Jump by pressing
&scape Race IOO, for play against the computer or a human opponent. Press the the 2Button. To perform ahandc:ito0 hand attack.
buttons rapidly morder to transform and escape from the explosions. Use the A press C0 R1ghtDutton. C0 Up Button. or C0 Lefl Button. Discs will fdll from the
Dutton. DButton. C0 R1ghl Button. C0 Up Dutton. C0 Lefl Button. and C.,Down sky. and you can dlso fmd them as you DlllJIJ around. As game play progresses.
Button. You c® go faster 1f you press more the energon crystal timer at the bottom of the screen will slowly count down.
than one button. The energon crystals at the Ulhen the timer e11pIres. the game 11)111 end. and the results 1111l1 be tallied up. One
bottom of the screen md1cate your racmg golden disc Is worth the same i1S f1ue s1luer discs. lllhoeuer hdS the higher total
"power... The first lo reach the goal w,11 be d1sc score will be declared the wmner!
declared the wmner.

&scape Race 200, Same as the Cscape Race

IOO. but the length of the race Is longer. In this mode. you can select a Transformer you would hke to play with. then
watch their transformations dnd ammations. moue the Control Stick
Sunset Showdown, Aone0 on°one quick draw gunfight against the computer or Left/Right to select which animation you would hke lo see. Press then Dutton
ahuman opponent. Ulhen "fire!" 1s displayed on the screen. use the 2 Button to lo start the animation. The Transformer can be
fire! To wm. you must fire before your opponent does. If you fire beforeyou are 111ewed from many different angles. moue the
told lo do so. you will he d1squdl1f1ed! Control Sbck Up/ Down lo zoom mand oul Use
the CButtons to adJust the camera angle. Press
Sunrise Showdown, Aone0 on= one quick draw the RButton to read the profile of the
gunfight against the computer or a human Transformer. Press the BButton to e111t.
opponent. This game Is s1m1lar to the Sunset
Showdown. but the controls are shghtly d1f0
ferent. bi order to fire your gun. you must
fwst moue the Control Stick to the down posIc:i This Is a special uersIon of the US mode. mwhich the Tr.insformers are well. d1f0
bon. then release 1l. This will ··cock the hammer" of your gun. When you hear a ferenl.. Adorable? You be the Judge. Selection methods are the same ,r., the US
chckmg sound. you &dll lhen press the 2 Dutton lo fire. To wm. mode. The tra.nsform<1tion ammabons haue been disabled. but
t.J 8 you must fire before your opponent does. If you try lo cock t he you still change into beast mode. robot mode. or ueh1cle
mode as usudl. Donl worry. they're Just shy...
9 '1,~,'
~ ~~' hammer of your gun or fire before you are told lo do so. you will
., HC nnT TLC

YoW' obJecliue mbdttle Is to 11Se your attacks to deplete your opponent's f:.A.6. ( f:nergon Bes1stance Gauge): The Transformers can only stay 111
stamma completely. forcmg them mto stasis lock. The Transformer who robot mode for a hm1ted amount of lime. due to the energon bmldup
wms therequired number of rounds will wm the match. &ach caused by their surroundmgs. The yellow portion md,cates the amount
Transformer 1s capable of performmg a uast array of offens1ue and of time a Transformer can remam mrobot mode and contmue attackmg.
defens1ue maneuuers. Here are some guideImes and tactics that all It will be used up as the Transformer stays mrobot mode. UJhen the
Cybertroman warriors should become fam1har with. Study them well m gauge Is depleted. the Transformer will no longer be able to attack and
order lo suru1ue and ach1eue u,ctory! defend properly. If this happens. transform mto ueh1cle mode or beast
mode1mmed1ately! This gauge will slowly replenish
life U1ctory Symbols Battle Timer Chaf'acter Dame
it self when a Transformer Is mbeast mode. If the gauge ■
runsout. you can transform mto beast mode. wait 1mtil v
t he gauge has restored itself to a saltsfactory leuel.
then.transform agam tocontmue fighting mrobot Robot mode r:he~tor with
mode. no &nergon ReStsldnce.

Battle Timer: The timer number will decrease as the battle progresses. If
the timer reaches zero. the round will end. and the Transformer with
more stamina will be declared the wmner of the round.

U1ctory Symbols, The colored energon crystals md1cate t henumber of

rounds a Transformer has won durmg a match. The uncolored crystals
md1cate the number of rounds that must be won morder to wmthe
Transformation Button Guide
Character name, This md,cates the Transformer who 1s currently m
Life Gauge: This gauge md1cates the Transformer"s slamma. The green battle.
portions will decreaseas thebattle progresses. UJhen the ga11ge Is
depleted completely. the Transformer will enter -stasis lock.. Transfonnation Button Bmde: This panel md1cales what mode
and u.1111 no longer be able to fight (H.O.l Too Transformer thetransformation buttons will cAange the Transformer
1 Q who depletes their opponent:s stamma first will be mlo when they are pressed. The green button represents 11 ~
decl4red thewmner of the round! the BButton and t~eblue b11Uon represents t he AButton. ~
1 HF: HA I I L f~ C 0.11 I HI ll CS . . I .
•common nc11ons 0

Transmetal Attack (R Button while many mode)

mouement (Control Stick] The transmetal attack detonates a quantumexplosion around your
for dll modes. Simply moue the Control Stick mthe direction you want Transform er. which ndll provide a second of •
your Transformer to moue m. mumcabd1ty and ehmmate any enemy
attack. This att ack w,11 deplete a portion
of your Transformer's hfe gauge every
Jumpmg (2 Button while mrobot mode or beast mode] lime you use 1l sobe careful! note that the
High Jump (to Jump ouer opponent's shots and attacks): Press and hold transmetal attack 1s the only attack that
CdJI be performed when the Cnergon
the 2Button. To Jump ma spec1f1c direction. mnve the Control Stick mthe
desired direction. then press the 2Dutton. Resistance Gauge 1s empty mrobot mode.
low/ side Jump ( to dodge opponent's shots and attacks): Tapthe 2
Button (be sure to release the button quickly). or simply holdtheC0 Down
Button while pressing the 2Button.

Transfornung (B or AButton]
Ut!h1cle mode1s the bridge between robot mode and beast mode. When m
bedSt modeor robot mode. pressmg either the Aor BButton will trans0
form you mto ueh1clemode. from ueh1cle mode. press the AButton to
reach robot mode. or press the BButton lo obtam beast mode.
Durmg transformation. your Transformer will become mumc1ble for a
momenl Vou can use transformmg ilS apowerful defensive strategy, If
the opponent fires a shot at you. with the right timmg. you can transform
so that theshot will pass through you. However. use transformmg wisely.
Vou are vulnerablefor amoment c1fter you transform. and transforming
too much might allow the opponent to charge up their Ultra Blast
attack. (Vou donl want to gelh1t by the Ultra Blast attack.
1 2 beheueme!l
THE BAT TLC con ,·,nur:s ___ I
I . ' 1

=ffiode0 Spec1f1c Acbons 0 lock on lo them and chase them down. If you hold
down the CcoUp Button. you can charge the Deluxe
ROBOTffi0OC Shot's power. Dependmg on how long you hold the
button. a leuel 2or leuel 3Oelmrn Shot will be
Basic Shot ( C0 R1ght Button while mrobot mode) '!,. launched when the button 1s released. The longer
you charge the weapon. the more Oel11JCe Shot l.euel I when
Press the C0 R1ght Dutton to fire the Basic Shot. This weapon 1s fast. and enemy Is mOeh1cle mode.
can be fired often. Use 1t to wear down the enemy and keep them at bdy. powerful/ effecltue your attack will become. If
Vou can moue around 9011 are chargmg the Deluxe Shot you cannot moue or Jump.

and Jump while f1rmg

this type of shol If
you hold down the C0
Right Button. you can
charge the Basic
Shot's power. Bas1e Shol leuel 2
Bas,c Shot leuel I
Oependmg on how lleluKe Shot Leuel I Oelwce Shot Leuel 2 OeluKe Shot Leue1 J
long you hold the buUon. a leuel 2or leuel 3Basic _ _,,.....,,,.--,-,_.,..,,
Shot will be fired when the button 1s released.
The longer you charge the weapon. the more ffiega Shot ( C0 Left Button while mrobot mode)
powerful/ effecltue your attach will become. If Press the C0 left B11tton to fire the mega Shot. mega Shots are generally
you are charging the Basic Shot. you can still beam type weapons. They ilfll more powerful than the basic shot. and
moue around and Jump. take a long time to be fired. If
they hit .m opponent mrobot
Bas,c Shot leuel 3
mode. they will be knocked
Oeluxe Shot ( Cci Up Button while mrobot mode) down instantly. If you hold
Press the C0 Up Button to fire the Deluxe Shot/Hommg missile. Deluxe down the C0 Left Button. you
Shots are generally missiles and bombs. They are more powerful than the can charge the ffiegd Shot's
basic shol and tahe a long lime to be launched. When these power. If you are
attachs land or hit. they ca.n cause explosions that will
charging the '
14 also damage the enemy. If the opponent is rn ueh1cle mode. Th fti t f m Sh tL 1J • mega Shot. you 1 5 :
e e ec o d ega O eue Ob your enemy. CdUOOt ffiOUe or
the Deluxe Shots will become hommg,Ymissiles which will
T 1-1 C BATT LC C (J n i- In IJ Es - . -

Jump. Depending on how long you hold the button. either aleuel 2mega Transformer will be uulnerable to c1 nasty

Dash (C0 R1ght Button while mueh1cle mode) D.ssh nltdck

Dy pressing the C0 R1ght Button mueh1cle mode. your Transformer will get
dn extra burst of speed. If your Transformer Is already moumg at top
speed. pressmg the C0 R1ght Button will acliuale the Dash Attach. ~011 can
megd Shot Level I mega Shot leuel 2 ffiega Shot l.euel 3 use theDash Attack to ram mto the opponent!
Shot. or the Ultrd Dlast attack will be fired when the b11tton 1s released.
The Ultra Didst 1s the most powerful attack your Transformer per0 ffi1ss1le (C 0 Up Dutton while mvehicle mode)
form. It cannot be blocked or dodged! The screen will turn dark when Press C0 Up Button to fire missiles at the
your Ultra Blast attack ts folly charged. Release the C0 Left Button to enemy. Although they donl lock on to the
I .------,-----. unleash 1t! opponent completely. they are effectiue when
~ - fired at the right position. Circle around the
Block (C O Down Button while mrobot mode] missle Attdc~ opponent. and fire when they are Imed up. The
If you hold down the C0 0own Button while mrobot missiles donl work well at close range.
.__ ____ __ mode. you can block some of the enemy·s attacks.
Bloc~mg If an attack 1s blocked. it will sbll do a small Beam Shots [C O Left Button while mueh1cle mode)
amount of damage. The Ultra Blast attack and the Press C0 Left Button to fire Heam Shots ==___,,..,.,,.....,,,,,.,.,,,,,..,..,...,.,,.,.,....,
physical attacks of the oppone11t"s beast mode cannot be blocked. at the enemy. These shots are wedk. but
they can be fired often. and they are
Handoto0 Hand Attack (C 0 R1ght Button. C0 Up Button. or C0 Left Button effective at close range.
when close to the opponent mrobot mode 1 . ~=--
Bedm Attack
If you are close to the opponent your Transformer .. > BEAST moo&:
will automatically perform ahand0 to 0 hand Each Transformer has different Beast Attacks while mbeast mode. Some
attack when illl dttack button 1s - of them are powerful physical attacks. some are proJectiles.
pressed. This attack will knock the i'Q1!11t and others send waues of energy that can knock the
16 opponent down 1f it 1s successful. enemy down. Learn which attacks are the best for each
Be careful... If you mtss. your Hdlld nttdck s1tuahon!
ffia>mnal 6eneral 0 0ptimus Primal maximal Spy 0 Rattrap

~ 11
Drummmg rury PrunaI Body Crush
Tunnel Rat ( does not
hit the opp1ment l
Rab, dT.tckle Tail Slash

"Well. that's Just... Prime!" ..we·re all gonna die.....

Optimus Primal commands the suruIumg ffid>Umdls dfter the Axalon crash 0 Iands on Armed tmth formidable u11l and sarcasm. Rdtlrap has:• w1se•crdch for euery s1lu 0
a desolate preh1slor1c planet. Primal Is courdgeous mbattle. and often ris~s his dbon. He has a tendency to disregard a11thor1ty. and does not always get along well
own safety for the sake of his fellow maximals. He transforms mto a powerful unth his tedmmates. Despite his personality ghtches. Rallrap Is ■ uery effecbue
mechanized gorilla with ■ Jet0 powered houerboard optwn for fhght capab1hltes. dnd resourceflll combatant His beast mode Is c1 metallized rat with pos1t1onable
Opbmus Primal Is determmed to defeat the Predacons and return to Cyberlron wheels that prou1de ■ secondary ueh1cle mode. nlthough Rattrap ■ relatiuely small
with his comrades. His leadership ab1hbes are cr1bcal to the ffiaiumafs suru1ual. 111 size. he Is surpr1smg1y aggressIue. and sho1Jld not be 11nderesbmated.

maximal Robotic Jungle Patrol°Cheetor maximal Aerial Aecon°Atrazor

.... ~
Sprmt (does not hit
the opponent)
Saud!)e Pounce Sauage lllaue ralcon RliSh furceWmg

"Ultra gearr "nscend mto destmy!"

Cheetor has the personahty of a typical adolescent. naturally possessing youthful This maJesbc female maximal prefers to operate remotely. obserumg Predacon
pride and uIgor Though he ■ skilled m combat. he tends to act recklessly and can act1u1ty and proutdmg ualudble mtelhgence information. She Is mtouch with the
somebmes endanger his teammates. He Is generally well 0 hked by his comrades. Mlure of the ~lanel. and shares much mcommon with the other remote operabue.
and performs uery well when properly superu1sed. Cheetor·s beast T1gatron. She 1s good0 natured and gels along well her comrades. As a
~ mode Is a cybernebc cheetah. equipped with retractable thruster falcon. she can eas1I~ soar mto enemy territory undetected. Her -
'19f1 18 wmgs that proutde high O speed flight ab1hly. third mode 1s ,1 unique Jet conf,guralton that Is ,ilso effectiue as a
waler ueh1cle.
1 g , ,
Crushing Wdue Tail Smash Head SllldSh Sp1rdl Crusher Terror Talon

"'The umuerse cowered once at the name of ffiegalron... ..I shall become your new leader!"
megatron. the leader of the Predacon forces. Is a ct1nnmg mastermind u11th a com• Ascheming. deceptrue u1llam whose primary goal Is to replace ffiegatron and lead
ple,c personality. His goals are to defedt the ma1umals. restore Predacon rule ouer thr. Predacon forces. His unhealthy desire for potuer causes him to be 1mpuls1ue
Cybertron. and ultimately ach1eue dominance ouer the entire umuerse. ffiegatron and reckless. ~uen his most brilliant plans sometimes fail as a result. Terrorsaur
Is immensely mlell1gent. and Is not easily defeated. His greatest downfall 1s his has a keen sense of treachery. and ffiegatron recognizes him as a ualuable asset to
011er O mflated ego. Alternate mode Is a powerful mech,m1zed T0 Re11 with the team despite his flaws. He transforms mlo a pterodactyl for beast mode. or •
retractable houer engines that prou1de flight cc1pab1hty. Jetahke form for ueh1cle mode.

Predacon Aerial nttackercWaspmator Predacon nm1a Warr1or 0 Tardntulas

Ii rllghtRdm WaspStmger
i]flUlebSMre Seek n· Suck (hold
the C"UI) Button)

"Waspmator haue headache m whole entire body .. .!" ··1hey shall be mme to feast upon!"
Although he 1s rather na1ue and shortas1ghled. Waspmator Is - of ffiegalron·s Constantly spmnmg webs of deceit. Tarantulas Is the def1mllon of an eu1I genius.
most dependable soldiers. He hds a tendency lo grumbled lot. which 1s occasionally performs w1ched eicper,ments and credtes peruers1ons of scIe11ce as he wor~s m
JUSl1f1ed due to the lldlure of his ,1ss1gnments. One of the most res1henl of all his secret lair Perhapsthe least trusted of all the Predacons. Tdranlulas possess a
Cybertromans. he seems to be able lo recouer from aTty leuel of pun° es ~nowledge that 1s hoth shocking and deadly. His Transmeta.l spider
~ tshment that his physical form endures. His beast mode trans a beast mode can also transform mto a rnolorcycle 0 hke ueh1cle

2Q forms him mto a 919.inl1c wasp. and he also has the ab1hly lo con o
uert mlo • Jet for a swift and effecl1ue ueh1cle mode..
mode for high" speed transit capab1hlles. 21 '
Transformers Beast Wars Transmetals features II llmqlle game play system that 1s easy shots.
lo learn. yet a challenge lo master. Cuery action that can be performed by d pldyer. has a Counter actions, In robot mode. you can Jump or moue around to euade these shots.
logical counler 0 acbon that can be performed by the opponent. The result 1s • fast 0 Also. amore powerful proJecble attack can cancel out or euen ouerpower the weaker
paced. acbon=packed Transformers eicperIence hke 111J other! To gel the most out of thrs shots. The ueh1cle mode can outrun these shots easily. If yoll are mbeast mode. you
game. be sure lo learn all of the attacks. counler 0 acllons. and slrdleg1es! wonl gel knocked down by these shots easily. 511 you can perform ,r powerful attack to
ouerpower the weak shots and smash your opponent!
ROBOT mooc0 0 0
Deluxe Shol/Hommg ffi1ss1le, [ C0 Up Blltlon)
ROBOT mooc STRArnGY: These attacks are more powerful than the stdJlddfd shots. and can cons1st of bombs.
The robot mode has the most powerful offens1ue capc1b1hbes. and t.lTI perform a wrde homing m1ss1les. or waue beams. They behaue differently than the normal shot and
range of attach The robot mode can also block the opponenrs shots and Jump lo euade power shot attacks. These attacks can only be fired onoat alime. Whdl makes th,s
them. If you are uery close to the opponent. the robot mode wdl perform a handotoo allack particularly useful Is that 1t will lock on to your opponent when they are mueh1°
hand attack mslead of f1nng 11 shot. lllthough cle mode. If your opponent 1s mueh1cle mode. fire this weapon 1mmed1alely morder to
the robot mode Is powerful. there Is a lime \' - knock them down! The dellllle shot Cc11J also be charged to leuel r! or 3for
lim1l. You cannot attack mrobot mode once the '.\ stronger/ more effect.Jue attacks. You cdllnot moue while charging this
&nergon Resistance Gauge has been depleted. If -t'--: , tY11e of altcICII.
,t 1s depleted. you m11sl transform mlo beast ~ , Counter c1Ct1ons, In robot mode or bedsl mode. you can Jump or moue around lo euade
1 Ihese shots. This type of attack will lock onto you 111 ueh1cle mode. so the only way lo
mode 111 order to replemsh the gauge. , . "'
Use the robot mode lo wear down the opponen~ 1\ ¼~ <1uo1d the hommg attacks ro ueh1cle mode Is lo transform!
with basic shots. Hnock them down and try \';;....1i::i; •,...~ ·¥
tocharge your Ultra Dlast lo flmsh them. If ~, fllegd Shol (C 0 Left. Dutton)
they transform mto ueh1cte mode. Ilse the deluxe shot/hommg missile to· Rpowerful proIecble attack that mfhcts a. lot of d.image and can knock arobot mode
knock them down. Heep iJTI eye on your Cnergon Resistance 6allge and auo1d being left upponent down with one hit. These shots can only be
helpless by transformmg before 1t 1s depleted. If you are haumg trouble agamst the fired one al a time. Because this type of tltack fires
beast mode's h1gh 0 pr1or1ty altdcks. conuert to ueh1cle mode .md wear away their dnd recouers slowly. ,t should only be use~ mcertain
stamma from a distance by usmg missiles. s1luat1ons. This type of attack must be dlmed care 0
fully to be effecllue, When this type of attack 1s
ROBOT moo£ ATTACH TIPS, charged to leuel 2and fired. 1t 1mll inflict euen
Bdstc Shot ( l>=R,ght Button) more damage. and can knock down ilD oppo 0
II basic attack that can be used with confidence while your opponent Is mrobot or beast nenl mbeast mode. When this type of attack ,s charged to leuel J and fired. your
mode. Useful for runnmg around dnd blastmg your opponent. If you can hit your oppo 0 lrdllsformer will unleash the Ultra Blast al:tachl The Ultra Blast inflicts more damage
nenfs robot mode unth one shot. yoll can try to h1t them tmlh 2more shots than any other type of attack. and cannot be blocked or auo1ded. Charge the
for a J"h1l combo. This altdck can be charged wh,te running and JUmpo Ultra Blast when the opponent Is knocked down. running away. or not
mg. The longer the attack Is charged the more powerful Ill' ~aymg attention. Yoll cannot nrnw while charging this type of attack. 2 3 ~,~,"
2 2 effectiue the attack 1111II be. lln effectiue strategy Is lo surprise your Counter acbons, In robot mode. you can Jllmp ill' moue around to ~~
opponent by f1rmg the charged shot after dodgmg your opponent's euade the leuel I or leue\ ~ mega Shots. The ueh1cle mode cdn euade the
STRATEGV GUIDf.:: conTlnlJEll --

leuel I or leuel 2 shols easily by circling around the opponent. To duo1d getting h,t by the opponent that constantly transforms lo euade your attacks. not uery effecllue dl close
Ultra Blasl. you must hit the opponent before they can fire 1t. Hit them w,th afast range. but works well in clhnosl any other situation_ extremely effecltue agamsl oppo 0
attack. hke abasic shol as soon as you see them charging their attackl nenls m beast mode.
Counter Jlcbons, If you are mrobot mode. you should try to fire II delu,ce shot/ hommg
000 UEHICLC ffiODC 0 o 0 m1ss1le (C0 Up ButtonJto hnor.k the opponent down before they Imoch you down. In ueh1°
cle mode. you CJII outrun and dodge these missiles. l-'1re b<1ck with missiles of your own.
UEHICLC mooc STRATEG~: Dodge. weaue and turn around while f1rmg so that one of your missiles circles around
The ueh1cle mode hdS good offens1ue capabd1ltes and does not suffer from altme hm1l the other way. and traps your opponent between 2 missiles. Players mbeast mode
The ueh1cle mode has the lowest leuel of defense. but 1t moues much faster than any should transform mto robot or ueh1cle mode to auo,d this threat.
other mode. allowmg 1t lo dodge shots eds1ly. The ueh1cle mode 9Iues off an energon sIg 0 Dash, (C R1ghtBullon)

nature that 1s edsy lo detect. 8eCduse of this. opponenls mrobot mode are especially Thi! ueh1cle mode can accelerate mstantly by J
dangerous smce they can fire ii hommg m1ss1le that unH lock onto you. The ueh1cle mode u::;1119 this maneuuer. If you are gom~at full •
Is particularly effecliue <1gamst opponents mbeast mode. speed when this command 1s acliualed.
In ueh1cle mode. circle <1round the opponent and fire missiles constanUy. If the opponent the dash will become a Dash ~
mrobot mode fires ahoming m1ss1le while you are mueh1cle mode. the only lhmg you can Al t ,1ck. Circle around the oppnenl ,:;.,·
do Is transform so that the missile passes through you. Once you ledrn how lo trans 0 dnd 11111 up w1lh them as you approach so
form to auo1d the homing missiles u11lhout taking too much damage. you conlim1e lo I h,1t you can use the Dash llttack to smash mto them cU you pc1ss ouer them. If you fire
use the ueh1cle mode lo wear down the opponent. If you do get knocked down. and your one or two m1ss1les at an opponent mrobot or vehicle mode. you can hit them w1lh the
opponent tries lo charge the Ultra Blasl quickly fire ashot or m1ss1le before they can 0d::h Attack while they are stunned by the m1ss1les for a devaslabng combo!
release1l Actions, Don't allow the opponent to lme up tu1lh you !!ll thdt they i.:.m smdsh
Jlgamsl another ueh1cle mode opponent. fly around. skillfully dodgmg enemy m1sstles and ml u yoll If they miss the Dash AttdCk. they wonl be dble lo attack you with dnythmg
shots. If you are cleuer. you ci111 uary the angle and direction mwhich the missiles attack 111:.e for a brief moment. Use this opportunity to strike back! Players mrobot mode
the opponent. 1-'or instance. 1f an opponent is escaping by fly mg ma clockwise pattern. slmuld fire .i deluxe shol/hommg m1ss1le to lmock the opponent down. Players ID beast
quickly turn and fire .i missile so that 1l trauels counter 0 clockw1se and meets t111th mode should tr,msform into robot or ueh1cle mode to auo1d this lhredl but can some 0
them head0 on! BOOffi! limes ouerpower the Dash Atl<1ck w1lh a close range phys1Cdl attack.


Shot (C 0 Left Button)
Afast and simple att<1ck that can be used to attack the opponent at any range. This BC~ST mooE STRATeGV:
attack must be aimed properly lo be effecbue. Especially useful ag<1mst robot mode The mam purpose of the beast mode 1s to restore your Cnergon Resistance Gauge. This
opponents who 11re trymg to charge their Ultra Dlasl attack. mode's offens111e capabllit1es are uery hm1ted. The best use of this mode Is to lcU1e
Counter Actions, These shots are rather easy lo dodgem any mode. dduantage of the high defense. and suruIue until you haue enough energon
1·es1slance lo conuert back mto robot mode. Run away 1f you haue lo.
missile, [C 0 Up Button) and attack OTlly when you thmk 1l WIii be effective. 25 a~
24 nfast proJectile attack that Is uery effecbue at long range. You can
fire them continuously to wear down the opponent. Useful ag<11nst ,m
The beast mode has the highest level of defense <1nd does not get
knocked down dS easily as the other modes. If the opponent 1s charg 0

mg dD Ullrd Alldck dnd ,t Is loo Idle to stop them. 1t's good lo be III beast mode so thal 0 Use the Ultra Blast to aumd gettmg hill
the dthck will do less damage. When the opponent fires basic shots. Jump to auo1d them_ If your opponent fires at you. and you manage to releasethe Ultra Blast. any proJecbles
Cach TransfoM11er hdS uaried alldcks mbeast mode. Learn the properties of edch that i1f11 approachmg you will beehm1nated. plus you wdl mfhct mc1Ss1ue damage on your
Trdllsformer·s attacks mbeast mode dnd use them wisely. The close0 range attacks of opponent]
the beast mode are can sometimes overpower the attacksof an opponent mrobot
mode or ueh1cle mode_ C11per1ment to fmd out which ones work best! • If you are chargmg. fire before you get h1tl
The beast mode·s weakness 1s f1ghlmg agamst the ueh1cle mode. Although 1t 1s possible If you are chargmg your Ultra. Blast and the opponent fires at you to knock you out of
to tough it out against aueh1cle mode opponent. it 1s generally better to transfoMll mto the charge. and you know you will get hit before you reach leuel 3. 1t ts better to fire
robot mode 1f possible. and fire ahoming m1ss1le. early than to get hit while you are sbll charging. Sometimes. your leuel 2 shot will euen
hit your opponent!

■ Use the TransmetaJ llttack man emergency!

Aduanced Strategies If !Jour opponent launches aparticularly nasty attack that you cannot aumd ( excludmg
U1e llllraBlast). you cdll use the Transmetal Rttack to ehmmate the enemy proJectiles
o Jump and attack! ,me\ euen hit your opponent ,f they are close enough. Use caution. smce the Transmetdl
While mrobot mode. you i:illl while Jumping. Use this technique to Jump ouer Alt..1ch depletes a substantial a.mount of hfe energy. Some attacks. hke leuel 2Deluxe
enemy shots and lldll them while you d!'e still mthe air with III basic shot combo! ,md mega Shots w,11 do more damage to you than 1f you used the Transmetal llttach. so m
:;ome Cdses the r1sh m.i.y be well worth 1l
0 Use bloclung to wm a gun fightl
If your opponent 1s f1rmg basic shots at yott IISlll bmmg to return fire between shots.
and block 1mmed1alely afterwards_ If your shot hits. the opponent unll be tempordf'dy
stunned_ and you can use this chance to gel the upper hand!

■ Hnoch them down. then ch.irge your Ultra Blast!

If you fire off auolley of attacks that you thmk 1111II knock the opponent off of their feel
1mmed1ately start charging your Ultra Blasl! If the opponent 1s knocked down dnd you
ll.S(l the time to charge your Ultra Blast. you might be able to fire 1t off before they haue a

chance to counterattack!

., Ulatch your opponenfs Cnergon Res1stdllce Gauge!

If your opponent 1s III robot mode. keep dll eye on your opponenfs Cnergon Resistance
Gauge. If their resistance 1s depleted. they will not be able to attach you
effecbuely until they transform! If you see their gauge a.bout to reach
zero. start charging your Ultra Dlast! You might be able to fire 1t off
26 before they Cdll counterattack!
Donl fnrgetlokeep .ieyeoul for -,etcodes tothas ~
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that this Game Pak shall be free from defects in material and work-
manship for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. If a defect
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Bay Area Multimedia, Inc. will repair or replace the product, at its
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