Aldehydes and Ketones Lecture Notes
Aldehydes and Ketones Lecture Notes
Aldehydes and Ketones Lecture Notes
Learning Objectives
The next functional group we consider, the carbonyl group, has a carbon-to-oxygen double bond.
Carbonyl groups define two related families of organic compounds: the aldehydes and the ketones.
The carbonyl group is ubiquitous in biological compounds. It is found in carbohydrates, fats,
proteins, nucleic acids, hormones, and vitamins—organic compounds critical to living systems.
In a ketone, two carbon groups are attached to the carbonyl carbon atom. The following general
formulas, in which R represents an alkyl group and Ar stands for an aryl group, represent ketones.
In an aldehyde, at least one of the attached groups must be a hydrogen atom. The following
compounds are aldehydes:
In condensed formulas, we use CHO to identify an aldehyde rather than COH, which might be
confused with an alcohol. This follows the general rule that in condensed structural formulas H
comes after the atom it is attached to (usually C, N, or O).
The stems for the common names of the first four aldehydes are as follows:
Because the carbonyl group in a ketone must be attached to two carbon groups, the simplest ketone
has three carbon atoms. It is widely known as acetone, a unique name unrelated to other common
names for ketones.
Generally, the common names of ketones consist of the names of the groups attached to the
carbonyl group, followed by the word ketone. (Note the similarity to the naming of ethers.)
Another name for acetone, then, is dimethyl ketone. The ketone with four carbon atoms is ethyl
methyl ketone.
Example 6
Classify each compound as an aldehyde or a ketone. Give the common name for each ketone.
1. This compound has the carbonyl group on an end carbon atom, so it is an aldehyde.
2. This compound has the carbonyl group on an interior carbon atom, so it is a ketone. Both
alkyl groups are propyl groups. The name is therefore dipropyl ketone.
3. This compound has the carbonyl group between two alkyl groups, so it is a ketone. One
alkyl group has three carbon atoms and is attached by the middle carbon atom; it is an
isopropyl group. A group with one carbon atom is a methyl group. The name is therefore
isopropyl methyl ketone.
Skill-Building Exercise
Classify each compound as an aldehyde or a ketone. Give the common name for each ketone.
Here are some simple IUPAC rules for naming aldehydes and ketones:
1. The stem names of aldehydes and ketones are derived from those of the parent alkanes,
defined by the longest continuous chain (LCC) of carbon atoms that contains the functional
2. For an aldehyde, drop the -e from the alkane name and add the ending -al. Methanal is the
IUPAC name for formaldehyde, and ethanal is the name for acetaldehyde.
3. For a ketone, drop the -e from the alkane name and add the ending -one. Propanone is the
IUPAC name for acetone, and butanone is the name for ethyl methyl ketone.
4. To indicate the position of a substituent on an aldehyde, the carbonyl carbon atom is always
considered to be C1; it is unnecessary to designate this group by number.
5. To indicate the position of a substituent on a ketone, number the chain in the manner that
gives the carbonyl carbon atom the lowest possible number. In cyclic ketones, it is
understood that the carbonyl carbon atom is C1.
Example 7
Give the IUPAC name for each compound.
1. There are five carbon atoms in the LCC. The methyl group (CH3) is a substituent on the
second carbon atom of the chain; the aldehyde carbon atom is always C1. The name is
derived from pentane. Dropping the -e and adding the ending -al gives pentanal. The
methyl group on the second carbon atom makes the name 2-methylpentanal.
2. There are five carbon atoms in the LCC. The carbonyl carbon atom is C3, and there are
methyl groups on C2 and C4. The IUPAC name is 2,4-dimethyl-3-pentanone.
3. There are six carbon atoms in the ring. The compound is cyclohexanone. No number is
needed to indicate the position of the carbonyl group because all six carbon atoms are
Skill-Building Exercise
Give the IUPAC name for each compound.
Example 8
Draw the structure for each compound.
1. 7-chlorooctanal
2. 4-methyl–3-hexanone
1. The octan- part of the name tells us that the LCC has eight carbon atoms. There is a chlorine
(Cl) atom on the seventh carbon atom; numbering from the carbonyl group and counting
the carbonyl carbon atom as C1, we place the Cl atom on the seventh carbon atom.
2. The hexan- part of the name tells us that the LCC has six carbon atoms. The 3 means that
the carbonyl carbon atom is C3 in this chain, and the 4 tells us that there is a methyl (CH3)
group at C4:
Skill-Building Exercise
Draw the structure for each compound.
1. 5-bromo-3-iodoheptanal
2. 5-bromo-4-ethyl-2-heptanone
2. 2,3-dihydroxypropanal
Key Takeaways
• The common names of aldehydes are taken from the names of the corresponding carboxylic
acids: formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and so on.
• The common names of ketones, like those of ethers, consist of the names of the groups
attached to the carbonyl group, followed by the word ketone.
• Stem names of aldehydes and ketones are derived from those of the parent alkanes, using
an -al ending for an aldehydes and an -one ending for a ketone.
1. Name each compound.
a. propanal or propionaldehyde
b. butanal or butyraldehyde
c. 3-pentanone or diethyl ketone
d. benzaldehyde
Learning Objectives
1. Explain why the boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are higher than those of ethers
and alkanes of similar molar masses but lower than those of comparable alcohols.
2. Compare the solubilities in water of aldehydes and ketones of four or fewer carbon atoms
with the solubilities of comparable alkanes and alcohols.
3. Name the typical reactions take place with aldehydes and ketones.
4. Describe some of the uses of common aldehydes and ketones.
The carbon-to-oxygen double bond is quite polar, more polar than a carbon-to-oxygen single bond.
The electronegative oxygen atom has a much greater attraction for the bonding electron pairs than
does the carbon atom. The carbon atom has a partial positive charge, and the oxygen atom has a
partial negative charge:
In aldehydes and ketones, this charge separation leads to dipole-dipole interactions that are great
enough to significantly affect the boiling points. Table 3.1 "Boiling Points of Compounds Having
Similar Molar Masses but Different Types of Intermolecular Forces" shows that the polar single
bonds in ethers have little such effect, whereas hydrogen bonding between alcohol molecules is
even stronger.
Table 3.1 Boiling Points of Compounds Having Similar Molar Masses but Different Types of
Intermolecular Forces
Compound Family Molar Mass Type of Intermolecular Forces Boiling Point (°C)
CH3CH2CH2CH3 alkane 58 dispersion only –1
CH3OCH2CH3 ether 60 weak dipole 6
CH3CH2CHO aldehyde 58 strong dipole 49
CH3CH2CH2OH alcohol 60 hydrogen bonding 97
Formaldehyde is a gas at room temperature. Acetaldehyde boils at 20°C; in an open vessel, it boils
away in a warm room. Most other common aldehydes are liquids at room temperature.
Although the lower members of the homologous series have pungent odors, many higher
aldehydes have pleasant odors and are used in perfumes and artificial flavorings. As for the
ketones, acetone has a pleasant odor, but most of the higher homologs have rather bland odors.
The oxygen atom of the carbonyl group engages in hydrogen bonding with a water molecule.
The solubility of aldehydes is therefore about the same as that of alcohols and ethers.
Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acetone are soluble in water. As the carbon chain increases in
length, solubility in water decreases. The borderline of solubility occurs at about four carbon atoms
per oxygen atom. All aldehydes and ketones are soluble in organic solvents and, in general, are
less dense than water.
The aldehydes are, in fact, among the most easily oxidized of organic compounds. They are
oxidized by oxygen (O2) in air to carboxylic acids.
The ease of oxidation helps chemists identify aldehydes. A sufficiently mild oxidizing agent can
distinguish aldehydes not only from ketones but also from alcohols. Tollens’ reagent, for example,
is an alkaline solution of silver (Ag+) ion complexed with ammonia (NH3), which keeps the
Ag+ ion in solution.
When Tollens’ reagent oxidizes an aldehyde, the Ag+ ion is reduced to free silver (Ag).
Deposited on a clean glass surface, the silver produces a mirror (Figure 3.1 "Aldehyde Reactions").
Ordinary ketones do not react with Tollens’ reagent.
Figure 3.1 Aldehyde Reactions
A reaction related to the Tollens’ reaction is often used to silver mirrors. These ornaments were
silvered by such a reaction. Glucose, a simple sugar with an aldehyde functional group, is used as
the reducing agent.
Although ketones resist oxidation by ordinary laboratory oxidizing agents, they undergo
combustion, as do aldehydes.
The odor of green leaves is due in part to a carbonyl compound, cis-3-hexenal, which with related
compounds is used to impart a “green” herbal odor to shampoos and other products.
Figure 3.2 Some Interesting Aldehydes
(a) Benzaldehyde is an oil found in almonds; (b) cinnamaldehyde is oil of cinnamon; (c) vanillin
gives vanilla its flavor; (d) cis-3-hexenal provides an herbal odor; and (e) trans-2-cis-6-nonadienal
gives a cucumber odor.
Acetone is the simplest and most important ketone. Because it is miscible with water as well as
with most organic solvents, its chief use is as an industrial solvent (for example, for paints and
lacquers). It is also the chief ingredient in some brands of nail polish remover.
Certain steroid hormones have the ketone functional group as a part of their structure. Two
examples are progesterone, a hormone secreted by the ovaries that stimulates the growth of cells
in the uterine wall and prepares it for attachment of a fertilized egg, and testosterone, the main
male sex hormone. These and other sex hormones affect our development and our lives in
fundamental ways. (For more information about the sex hormones, see Chapter 7 "Lipids", Section
7.4 "Steroids".)
1. the H on the carbonyl carbon atom
2. The carbon-to-oxygen double bond is polar; the carbon-to-carbon double bond is nonpolar.
Key Takeaways
• The polar carbon-to-oxygen double bond causes aldehydes and ketones to have higher
boiling points than those of ethers and alkanes of similar molar masses but lower than those
of comparable alcohols that engage in intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
• Aldehydes are readily oxidized to carboxylic acids, whereas ketones resist oxidation.
1. Which compound in each pair has the higher boiling point?
a. acetone or 2-propanol
b. dimethyl ether or acetaldehyde
2. Which compound in each pair has the higher boiling point?
a. butanal or 1-butanol
b. acetone or isobutane
3. Draw the structure of the alcohol that could be oxidized to each compound.
a. cyclohexanone
b. 2-methyl-1-propanal
4. Draw the structure of the alcohol that could be oxidized to each compound.
a. 2-pentanone
b. o-methylbenzaldehyde
5. Acetaldehyde is treated with each substance.
a. Ag+(aq)—What inorganic product, if any, is formed?
b. K2Cr2O7 in an acid solution—What organic product, if any, is formed?
6. Acetone is treated with each substance.
a. Ag+(aq) —What inorganic product, if any, is formed?
b. K2Cr2O7 in an acid solution—What organic product, if any, is formed?
a. 2-propanol
b. acetaldehyde
a. silver metal (Ag)
b. acetic acid (CH3COOH)