'Joyce's Narrative Stragtegies in 'Araby'' by L.J. Morrissey
'Joyce's Narrative Stragtegies in 'Araby'' by L.J. Morrissey
'Joyce's Narrative Stragtegies in 'Araby'' by L.J. Morrissey
Author(s): L. J. Morrissey
Source: Modern Fiction Studies , Spring 1982, Vol. 28, No. 1, SPECIAL ISSUE: THE
MODERN SHORT STORY (Spring 1982), pp. 45-52
Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press
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L. J. Morrissey
'Jonathan Culler, Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism Linguistics and the Study of Literature (London:
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975), p. 203. Jean Ricardou has recently set out a brief structuralist code
of narration ("Time of the Narration, Time of the Fiction," James Joyce Quarterly, 16, [1978-79], 7-15),
but it is concerned with the backward and forward movements in time, the speed of narration, simultaneity,
and repetition rather than with narrative stance. For a discussion (without resolution) of the complexities
of narration in "Araby," see the article by the MURGE group in James Joyce Quarterly, 18 (1981), 237-254.
2Culler, p. 200.
'Culler, p. 202.
Modern Fiction Studies, Volume 28, Number 1, Spring 1982, Copyright © by Purdue Research Foundation.
All rights to reproduction in any form reserved.
4"Araby," in Dubliners: Text, Criticism and Notes, ed. Robert Scholes and A. Walton Litz (Har
mondsworth: Penguin, 1976), p. 29. All other references in this article will be to this edition and will
be cited in the text. I have occasionally added italics to the quoted text.
5See L. J. Morrissey, "The Tellers in Heart of Darkness: Conrad's Chinese Boxes," Conradiana,
13 (1981), 142.
6A number of studies have examined the theme of entrapment and freedom in this collection;
see, for example, Arnold Goldman, The Joyce Paradox: Form and Freedom in His Fiction (London: Routledge
& Kegan Paul, 1966), pp. 1-21.
7 Although he does not discuss narrative moods, David E. Jones in "Approaches to Dubliners:
Joyce's " James Joyce Quarterly, 15 (1978), sees the boy caught between "quagmire" and "fantasy," with
Joyce the final mediator (p. 114). He rather surprisingly concludes that the boy is "saved by a measure
of self-realization" (p. 115). He ignores how clearly the tale fits the tragic mythos of autumn in which
obstacles triumph over human will and endeavor.