Effect of H 2 O 2 Addition in Increasing
Effect of H 2 O 2 Addition in Increasing
Effect of H 2 O 2 Addition in Increasing
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Article history: Using hydrogen as an additive to enhance the conventional diesel engine performance has been
Received 16 December 2008 investigated by several researchers and the outcomes are very promising. However, the problems asso-
Received in revised form 23 July 2009 ciated with the production and storage of pure hydrogen currently limits the application of pure hydro-
Accepted 21 August 2009
gen in diesel engine operation. On-board hydrogen–oxygen generator, which produces H2/O2 mixture
Available online 4 September 2009
through electrolysis of water, has significant potential to overcome these problems. This paper focuses
on evaluating the performance enhancement of a conventional diesel engine through the addition of
H2/O2 mixture, generated through water electrolysis. The experimental works were carried out under
Diesel engine
constant speed with varying load and amount of H2/O2 mixture. Results show that by using 4.84%,
Performance 6.06%, and 6.12% total diesel equivalent of H2/O2 mixture the brake thermal efficiency increased from
Emission 32.0% to 34.6%, 32.9% to 35.8% and 34.7% to 36.3% at 19 kW, 22 kW and 28 kW, respectively. These
Additive resulted in 15.07%, 15.16% and 14.96% fuel savings. The emissions of HC, CO2 and CO decreased, whereas
the NOx emission increased.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction when the torque was 9.2 N-m for both cases. With this mixture
proportion, the specific fuel consumption was also reduced to
Due to the depletion of fossil fuels and ever increasing oil prices, 440 g/kWh from 560 g/kWh.
engine manufacturers worldwide are currently encouraged to find Yanfeng et al. [4] evaluated the use of 2-methoxyethyl acetate
out alternative approaches to increase fuel economy and reduce (MEA), which is an oxygenated additive to diesel fuel, in a diesel
harmful emissions from internal combustion engines. One of the engine with several fuel blends containing 10%, 15%, and 20% of
possible ways to increase the performance of diesel engines is to MEA. Using MEA10, MEA15, and MEA20 at 2000 rpm, indicated
use an additive as complementary fuel along with diesel, leading thermal efficiency increased by 2.5%, 5.7%, and 7.1%, respectively.
to reduced fuel consumption and toxic gas emissions. However, However, the engine’s power reduced due to the lower heating
detail investigation on the availability of the additives and the value of the mixture by approximately 3.9%, 5.7%, and 8.1% when
required percentage for optimum engine performance needs to fuelled with MEA10, MEA15, and MEA20, respectively. To maintain
be carried out in selecting any particular additive. Researchers the same power as diesel, higher quantities of cyclically delivered
worldwide have investigated the effect of adding several additives fuel blends were required.
to diesel fuel on the performance of diesel engines [1–3]. Forson Among many additives, hydrogen with its unique criteria seems
et al. [1] used jatropha as an additive to diesel and examined the to be the most promising additive which can significantly reduce
engine performance by using different blends of jatropha oil and fuel consumption and harmful emissions in conventional diesel
diesel (2.6/97.4%, 20/80%, and 50/50%). Using a dynamometer the engines. Compared to diesel, hydrogen has wider flammability lim-
engine was loaded under a variety of load conditions between its, higher flame speed and faster burning velocity [5] which enable
2 kg and 10 kg. They found that by increasing the amount of engines running on very lean mixtures [6–8]. Unlike other addi-
jatropha oil in the blend, brake thermal efficiency and brake power tives, hydrogen is a renewable and clean burning fuel [9–11] and
increased under all load conditions. Among examined blends, the addition of hydrogen to hydrocarbon-based fuels does not increase
mixture consisting of 2.6% jatropha oil and 97.4% conventional die- any threat in increasing the toxic gas emissions. Moreover, gener-
sel fuel was found to give the maximum brake thermal efficiency ation of hydrogen is possible from a variety of sources such as fossil
and brake power. Using this blend, the brake thermal efficiency fuels, biomass, water and some industrial waste chemicals [12,13].
was increased to 19.7% from 15.5% when running on diesel and Due to the unique combustion nature of hydrogen, addition of
the brake power was also increased to 1.32 kW from 1.07 kW, hydrogen to the fuels with low level of burning rate can improve
the combustion rate of the formed mixture [10].
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 8 8302 3439; fax: +61 8 8302 3380. The use of hydrogen as an additive to diesel has been investi-
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Bari). gated in several studies [2,10,14,15]. Senthil et al. [10] evaluated
0016-2361/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Bari, M. Mohammad Esmaeil / Fuel 89 (2010) 378–383 379
brake thermal efficiency at higher power outputs of the engine. In Properties Diesel Hydrogen
addition, significant reductions in exhaust emissions were also 3
Density (kg/m ) 840 0.082
observed. Tomita et al. [2] has also reported similar outcome in Calorific value (MJ/kg) 42.7 119.81
reducing exhaust emissions using hydrogen as an additive to diesel Flame velocity (m/s) 0.3 2.70
fuel. Saravanan et al. [14,15] used hydrogen as a supplementary Auto ignition temp. (°C) 280 585
Carbon residue (%) 0.1 0.0
fuel under constant flow rate of 10 l/min and 20 l/min, respectively
and studied the performance parameters of a diesel engine with/
without exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system. They also found
an increase in brake thermal efficiency with corresponding reduc-
arrangement of the engine. The power needed to produce the
tion in specific fuel consumption.
H2/O2 mixture is included as an input energy to the engine. The
Most of these works focused on the use of pure hydrogen as an
generated mixture is then passed through a drier container and
additive which brings on-board storage problem of hydrogen into
a flow meter before it is introduced to the engine via the air inlet
consideration. Hydrogen has a high specific energy and very low
manifold. The flow line of H2/O2 mixture was connected to the
density entailing high storage volume unless it is compressed (typ-
ground using a normal wire to prevent concentration of static
ically 70 MPa) or combined chemically with a metal alloy. To store
electricity which may cause explosion. Two flame arrestors were
hydrogen on-board in forms of a compressed gas, a cryogenic
installed into the H2/O2 line for suppressing explosions anywhere
liquid or a gas dissolved in metal hydrides, a large amount of
in the line.
hydrogen is required to be stored and carried which leads to
A Dwyer model RMC gas flow meter was used to measure the
increase in the overall weight of the vehicle [16]. Alternatively, in
H2/O2 mixture flow rate flowing into the engine with an accuracy
terms of liquid hydrogen storage, not only the cost of onboard
of ±0.5 l/min. Also, a nozzle mounted to the air inlet duct of the
cryogenic containers is high, but also a high level of energy is re-
engine was used to measure the air-flow rate. The pressure differ-
quired to convert the gaseous hydrogen into liquid [17]. Therefore,
ence across the nozzle was measured with an accuracy of
the use of small and light hydrogen containers are respected which
±0.01 kPa using a U tube manometer. To enable measuring the
need to be filled in short distances of driving. However, hydrogen
diesel fuel, a digital weighting scale with an accuracy of ±1 g
supply infrastructures are not still available and need to be devel-
and a stop watch were used. The CO and CO2 emissions were
oped in the near future [18,19]. In addition, the wide flammability
measured by non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) gas analyser with
range of hydrogen makes it a hazardous fuel to be stored which can
an accuracy of ±0.1%. The chemiluminescence’s method was used
be combusted at atmosphere pressure at concentrations from 4% to
for the detection of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) with an accuracy of
74.2% by volume [20].
±1 ppm. The flame ionization detection (FID) methodology was
One of the viable solutions to this problem is to generate hydro-
used to measure HC emission with an accuracy of ±1 ppm. Engine
gen on-board through electrolysis of water and use it in the form of
speed was measured with an accuracy of ±1 rpm using a digital
hydrogen–oxygen (H2/O2) mixture. However, no significant work
has been carried out in testing diesel engine with the addition of
The engine was operated at a constant speed of 1500 rpm with
H2/O2 mixture. The aim of this study is to investigate the impacts
three different power levels of 19 kW, 22 kW, and 28 kW applied
of adding H2/O2 mixture on the performance parameters of a diesel
by a load cell. Under each load condition, the flow rate of diesel fuel
engine coupled to a generator producing electricity. The engine
and other parameters were first recorded without any induction of
was tested at a constant speed of 1500 rpm with the addition of
H2/O2 mixture into the engine. Then, with no change in the exper-
varying amount of H2/O2 mixture (1–6%) under three different load
imental conditions, a small amount of H2/O2 mixture was intro-
levels of 19 kW, 22 kW, and 28 kW.
duced to the engine. The impacts of the induction of H2/O2
mixture on the engine performance parameters such as output
2. Experimental setup and procedure power, diesel fuel consumption, exhaust temperature, air-flow
rate, H2/O2 mixture flow rate, engine speed and emissions were
A Hino WO4D, four-cylinder, direct injection, and water cooled recorded. Then, the flow rate of H2/O2 mixture was increased and
diesel engine was used in this experiment. The detail of the en- the required data were collected until the optimum fuel saving
gine is listed in Table 1 and the properties of diesel and hydrogen was achieved.
is listed in Table 2 [10]. The engine was mounted to an electrical
generator and the generator was then connected to an adjustable 3. Results and discussion
load cell to put load on the engine. A schematic diagram of the
experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The mixture of H2/O2 In this investigation, the performance and emission characteris-
was generated by electrolysing water using an oxy-hydrogen gen- tics of a diesel engine were studied using H2/O2 mixture enrichment
erator machine, Epoch EP-500. In order to simplify the setup, the at a constant speed of 1500 rpm. The flow rate of H2/O2 mixture was
H2/O2 mixture was generated using 24 V external power supply. varied to obtain optimum performance and the engine was tested
But in reality it will be produced from the battery/alternator at three different powers of 19 kW, 22 kW, and 28 kW. In this
experiment, the H2/O2 mixture was generated using 24 V external
power supply and the power needed to produce the H2/O2 mixture
Table 1
is included in the input energy of the engine.
The engine specifications.
19 kW 22 kW 28 kW 19 kW 22 kW 28 kW
37 37
36 36
35 35
η (%)
η (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
H2/O2 (%) H2/O2 (l/min)
The flame speed of hydrogen is nine times faster than the flame study follows the logic of the experimental study of Senthil Kumar
speed of diesel [5,10]. Therefore, burning diesel in the presence [10,14,15]. Their study was carried out with diesel as the main fuel
of hydrogen will result in overall faster and more complete com- and pure hydrogen as an additive injected into the air intake port
bustion. This will result in higher peak pressure closer to TDC during the intake stroke. The study undertaken by Saravanan et
and therefore, will produce a higher effective pressure to do work. al. [14] shows that compared to diesel, the brake thermal efficiency
These have contributed to improve the efficiency. However, the in- of a diesel engine at 1500 rpm with 10 l/min hydrogen enrichment
crease in efficiency diminishes after 5% total diesel equivalent of is increased to 29.4% from 23.6% for intake port injection timing of
H2/O2 mixture (flow rate of 25 l/min), and therefore, the flow rate 5° after top dead centre (ATDC) and with injection duration of 90°
of H2/O2 mixture were kept to a maximum of 6% total diesel equiv- crank angle (CA). However, the maximum brake thermal efficiency
alent of H2/O2 mixture (30 l/min). At 19 kW, the maximum brake was found at port injection timing of 15° ATDC with 60° crank
thermal efficiency increased to 34.6% from 32.0% when running angle duration as 31.7%, but knocking was observed at this condi-
on diesel. Similarly, the brake thermal efficiency increased to tion. In another study, Saravanan et al. [15] found that the brake
35.8% from 32.9% at 22 kW, and at 28 kW, the efficiency increased thermal efficiency increases from 21.75% to 23.1% when running
to 36.3% from 34.7%. Fig. 3 shows the actual flow rate of H2/O2 mix- a diesel engine at 1500 rpm with 20 l/min hydrogen enrichment.
ture needed to produce those increases in efficiency, which were Senthil Kumar [10] also found an increase in brake thermal
30.6 l/min, 29.8 l/min, and 31.7 l/min corresponding to 4.84%, efficiency from 30.3% to 32% while running a diesel engine at
6.06%, and 6.12% of the total diesel equivalent flow rate at 1500 rpm and full load condition with 7% hydrogen mass share
19 kW, 22 kW, and 28 kW, respectively. addition. Though their studies used pure hydrogen as an additive
These low percentages of H2/O2 mixture acted as an additive to and this study used H2/O2 mixture as an additive, but the results
improve the combustion process which is the result of higher showed similar improvement as it is the hydrogen which acted
flame speed of hydrogen compared to diesel. The outcome of this as additive to improve the performance.
S. Bari, M. Mohammad Esmaeil / Fuel 89 (2010) 378–383 381
3.2. Brake specific fuel consumption and fuel saving (from 1.39 g/s to 1.26 g/s) with 6.1% total diesel equivalent H2/O2
mixture. At 28 kW load, the decrease in total fuel consumption is
Fig. 4 shows the variation of brake specific fuel consumption found to be 6.8% (from 1.91 g/s to 1.78 g/s). Among the load condi-
(bsfc) with the percentage of H2/O2 mixture. The fuel consumption tions applied, at 22 kW, the reduction in total fuel consumption
is the sum of diesel, diesel equivalent hydrogen flow rate and rate reaches its highest value as 10.25% (from 1.56 g/s to 1.40 g/s).
diesel equivalent energy needed to produce the H2/O2 mixture. Fig. 6 shows the percentage saving of diesel fuel versus the per-
The figure reveals that addition of a small amount of H2/O2 into centage of inducted H2/O2 mixture. Though the graph has some
the air intake to enhance diesel combustion decreases the bsfc overlapping nature, but it is clear from the graph that with the
regardless of the level of load. This is due to uniformity in hydrogen increase in inducted mixture the diesel fuel consumption de-
mixture formation with air resulting in better combustion and also creased or the percentage of fuel saving increased for all loads.
hydrogen with higher flame speed than diesel assists to have more By inducting H2/O2 into the diesel engine the maximum fuel sav-
complete combustion and peak pressure closer to TDC producing ings were recorded as approximately 15% (15.07%, 15.16%, and
more work. By inducting approximately 6.1% H2/O2 mixture into 14.96% at 19 kW, 22 kW, and 25 kW, respectively). However, the
diesel, bsfc reduced from 262.7 g/kWh to 243.4 g/kWh at 19 kW, rate of increase in fuel saving starts to decline with addition of
from 256.1 g/kWh to 235.3 g/kWh at 22 kW with 6.0% H2/O2 more than 4% H2/O2 mixture and no significant gain in fuel savings
induction and from 243.2 g/kWh to 232.4 g/kWh at 28 kW with were observed beyond 5% addition of H2/O2 mixture. This indicates
4.8% induction of H2/O2 mixture. The results coordinate with the that beyond 5% induction, H2/O2 mixture acts as a fuel rather than
study of Saravanan et al. [15] in which the value of bsfc is reduced an additive.
from 395.8 g/kWh to 372.6 g/kWh with 20 l/min hydrogen enrich-
ment to diesel. 3.3. Air–fuel ratio
Fig. 5 illustrates the variation of the total mass flow rate of fuel
with the percentage of H2/O2 mixture. The total rate of fuel con- Fig. 7 depicts the variation of air–fuel ratio with H2/O2 percent-
sumption is calculated as the sum of diesel, the diesel equivalent age. As the H2/O2 mixture is inducted through the intake air the
flow rate of hydrogen and the diesel equivalent energy needed to mixture replaces some air that could result in reduced air–fuel
produce H2/O2 mixture. As expected, the induction of H2/O2 ratio. Instead, the figure shows that the air–fuel ratio increases
reduces the total fuel consumption rate of the engine under all ap- with increasing H2/O2. This is due to the fact that the inducted mix-
plied load conditions. The decrease in the total fuel consumption is ture contains oxygen as well. This increase in air–fuel ratio im-
due to the better combustion of the formed mixture owing to high- proves the combustion resulting lower fuel consumption and
er flame speed of hydrogen and overall leaner mixture (as shown better efficiency as described earlier. The increases in air–fuel ratio
later). At 19 kW the total fuel consumption decreased by 9.3% at the maximum flow rate of H2/O2 mixture were from 95.5 to
19 kW 22 kW 28 kW
19 kW 22 kW 28 kW
260 16
bsfc (g/kWh)
fuel saving (%)
250 12
240 10
230 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
H2/O2 (%) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
H2/O2 (%)
Fig. 4. Variation of brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) with H2/O2 percentage.
19 kW 22 kW 28 kW
19 kW 22 kW 28 kW
Total fuel flow rate (g/s)
Air-Fuel Ratio
1.2 80
1 70
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
H2/O2 (%) H2/O2 (%)
Fig. 5. Variation of total fuel flow rate with H2/O2 percentage. Fig. 7. Variation of air–fuel ratio with equivalent H2/O2 percentage.
382 S. Bari, M. Mohammad Esmaeil / Fuel 89 (2010) 378–383
105.5, from 92.6 to 103.7 and from 75.3 to 80.8 at 19 kW, 22 kW,
19 kW 22 kW 28 kW
and 28 kW, respectively. 9
3.4. Hydrocarbon
CO2 (ppm)
Fig. 8 depicts the variation of hydrocarbon (HC) with % of H2/O2 4
under different load conditions. Though the graph shows some 3
overlapping, but regardless of the load level, by introducing H2/O2 2
to diesel the HC emission reduced. The reduction of HC emissions 1
is due to the absence of carbon in hydrogen fuel and also due to bet- 0
ter combustion of diesel fuel with the aid of hydrogen which has a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
higher flame speed. At 19 kW the HC emission dropped from H2/O2 (%)
187 ppm to 85 ppm with 31.75 l/min induction of H2/O2. At
22 kW and 28 kW the HC emission decreased from 189 ppm to Fig. 10. Variation of CO2 with H2/O2 percentage.
93 ppm by adding 29.84 l/min and from 192 ppm to 97 ppm by
adding 30.6 l/min of H2/O2, respectively.
19 kW 22 kW 28 kW
3.5. Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) 0.3
The variation of NOx emission with percentage of H2/O2 is
shown in Fig. 9. At all load levels, induction of H2/O2 resulted in in- 0.2
crease in the amount of NOx emission. Higher air–fuel ratio cou- CO (%)
pled with better combustion due to higher flame speed of 0.15
hydrogen might have caused the peak pressure and temperature 0.1
to rise. Both high temperature and more available oxygen in the
formed mixture might have caused NOx emission to rise [21]. 0.05
The NOx emission is found to be increased from 220 ppm to 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
H2/O2 (%)
19 kW 22 kW 28 kW
Fig. 11. Variation of the CO with H2/O2 percentage.
280 ppm, 232 ppm to 307 ppm, and 270 ppm to 339 ppm at
19 kW, 22 kW, and 28 kW of load, respectively.
HC (ppm)
340 Fig. 11 depicts the variation of carbon monoxide (CO) with the
320 percentage of H2/O2. Although the CO values for neat diesel opera-
tion is relatively lower, by inducting H2/O2 into diesel the CO
NOx (ppm)
amount is further reduced. This is due to the absence of carbon
in the hydrogen fuel and also operation at leaner mixture (higher
air–fuel ratio). CO is reduced from 0.26% to 0.005% at 19 kW, from
240 0.24% to 0.012% at 22 kW and from 0.26% to 0.021% at 28 kW.
200 4. Conclusion
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
H2/O2 (%) The impacts of using a small amount of H2/O2 mixture as an
additive on the performance of a four-cylinder diesel engine were
Fig. 9. Variation of NOx with H2/O2 percentage. evaluated. The required amount of the mixture was generated
S. Bari, M. Mohammad Esmaeil / Fuel 89 (2010) 378–383 383
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