Generis CARA Hub
Generis CARA Hub
Generis CARA Hub
Full customization and easy integration with external systems now for
Documentum, Alfresco, and Oracle WebCenter systems
Content Management user interfaces are often difficult or expensive to customize, let alone integrate with third party
The CARA Hub offers full customization of the CARA standard functionality as well as easy third-party tool integrations.
Customizations can be done to modify existing functionality or create new functionality and hooked into CARA through
configuration. Build the customizations using JSP/HTML, DQL, API, RESTful Web Services, JavaScript or server methods,
and then use the CARA Custom Actions configuration to tie it to a toolbar button / menu / UI screen.
Integrate, using the same mechanism, to any third party system with which you need to view or update information –
allowing CARA to become your single point of access portal to multiple linked business systems. Cut down the time
required to build such integrations from months to just hours or a few days.
The CARA Custom Actions
configuration of allows you to select
an existing function of the application
and either replace it completely with
something new, or to add some
processing before or after the
standard action.
Easy third party integration The Custom Actions also allows you to
create a new function, adding it to
menus and/or toolbars, for execution
Integrating applications has become a lot Simply define the communication method on single or multiple documents. You
simpler as a back end function since the (e.g RESTful web services or invoking the can also configure a user input screen
advent of more open standards of third party UI through a built-in pop-up or for users to see / select / update
communication including Web Services. framed JSP/HTML page), and define how information that is passed as variables
into the action (e.g. a screen to collect
However, the difficulty arises in creating and when that screen is invoked (menus,
a value to be populated to selected
customized front-ends to display integrated buttons, under what conditions e.g. group documents).
information. membership, document properties and
more). By directly invoking all or part of the Output screens can be built using
Examples of such integrations might be the
UI of the third party tool inside CARA, you JSP/HTML or ExtJS / ExtGW – an
requirement to fetch and display data from
avoid recreating those features. Or, use JSP example in the bottom left of this
an external system that relates to a selected
or ExtJS / ExtGWT to build your own UI page shows a complex version tree of
document in Documentum, e.g. Supplier a document displayed as a graphic
component that will interface with the
name, address, phone and email from a layout, where the version information
system using Web Services.
supplier database based on an attribute of displayed is configurable, and the
“supplier number” on the Documentum – or Using this ability Generis has integrated with actual version selected when invoking
clinical information from a CTMS system multiple tools already, each integration the screen is colored yellow and so on.
based on study number. taking between a few hours and 1-2 days,
Another frequent requirement is the need
instead of the normal UI-level integration AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGIES
effort of multiple weeks, including
to put content from the repositories Custom Actions can be defined using:
through a third party system for purposes Brava
such as review, publishing and so on, using ViewONE Pro
tools which may or may not communicate API
natively with the content management SharePoint
RESTful Web Services
systems. CARA provides the solution to this Elementool
through its Custom Actions as part of its Hub JavaScript including ExtJS /
Siebel CTMS
for each integration and customization. ExtGWT
Documentum Server Methods
Liquent LES
Contact us
Please contact us to arrange a demo or request additional information.
We also provide free, fully functional evaluation downloads so that you
can work with our products and ensure they meet your requirements.
[email protected]
+1-877-244-2022 PATENT PENDING