PDF Market Microstructure in Practice Charles-Albert Lehalle Download
PDF Market Microstructure in Practice Charles-Albert Lehalle Download
PDF Market Microstructure in Practice Charles-Albert Lehalle Download
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January 2, 2018 8:50 Market Microstructure in Practice 9in x 6in b3072-fm page vi
Foreword vii
similar for algos?). When comparing the two today, what is probably
missed the most in the market microstructure is common sense.
How can this be illustrated through MiFID? At first glance, one
clear beneficiary of MiFID is Mr. Smith. When he bravely buys 500
shares of Crédit Agricole, the reduction in tick sizes that occurred
in the previous years means that rather than having to pay 6.95
per share when he crosses the spread, he now buys them at 6.949
(he still crosses the spread but, because his dealing size remained
smaller than the Average Trade Size, he still buys from the best offer)
and saves a whopping 0.5 every times he deals. Unfortunately,
whenever he does so, he is never sure that the price he has dealt at
is the one he has seen on his screen nor that the marketplace where
he has dealt is the one in which he was looking at the price. Add to
that some literature on HFT, predatory strategies and flash crashes:
No wonder the markets have lost Mr. Smith’s confidence. Where is
the analogy with aviation?
When today’s engineers build an Airbus A380, they could really
simplify the problems by building it without windows when only
one out of six passengers sits next to one of them. The body of the
plane would not have to be reinforced around the panels and a lot
of weight would be saved. Add to that the reduction of drag when
flying and you could expect that some of these savings would be
passed to the passengers, maybe 0.5 every time he buys a plane
Sadly, Mr. Smith and many of his fellow travellers are not yet
ready to fly in a windowless plane for a 0.5 saving (you may also
have noticed that on automatic tube lines, there is always a huge
windowpane at the front of the train in the unlikely event that there
is a risk of a head on crash with another train). Even if it is technically
possible today to fly a plane without a pilot, even if every serious
accident that occurred in this century has a human error to its origin,
the plane industry has realised how important it is to keep the trust
of the customers.
Today, the markets have lost the trust of their most precious
customer, the most humble link in the markets ecosystem: the
uninformed trader. The ecosystem is damaged and repairing it will
be our biggest challenge in the coming years. Although politicians
January 2, 2018 8:50 Market Microstructure in Practice 9in x 6in b3072-fm page ix
Foreword ix
January 2, 2018 8:50 Market Microstructure in Practice 9in x 6in b3072-fm page xii
Preface xiii
Preface xv
January 2, 2018 8:50 Market Microstructure in Practice 9in x 6in b3072-fm page xviii
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January 2, 2018 8:50 Market Microstructure in Practice 9in x 6in b3072-fm page xx
Foreword by v
Robert Almgren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Bertrand Patillet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Philippe Guillot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Albert J. Menkveld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Preface by xi
Charles-Albert Lehalle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Sophie Laruelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Introduction 1
January 2, 2018 10:52 Market Microstructure in Practice 9in x 6in b3072-fm page xxii
Contents xxiii
§ 375. There now remains but to inquire towards what limit this
progress tends. So long as the fertility of the race is more than
sufficient to balance the diminution by deaths, population must
continue to increase. So long as population continues to increase,
there must be pressure on the means of subsistence. And so long as
there is pressure on the means of subsistence, further mental
development must go on, and further diminution of fertility must
result; provided that the actions and reactions which have been
described are not artificially interfered with. I append this qualifying
clause advisedly, and especially emphasize it, because these actions
and reactions have been hitherto, and are now, greatly interfered
with by governments, and the continuance of the interferences may
retard, if not stop, that further evolution which would else go on.
I refer to those hindrances to the survival of the fittest which in
earlier times resulted from the undiscriminating charities of
monasteries and in later times from the operation of Poor Laws. Of
course if the competition which increasing pressure of population
entails, is prevented from acting on a considerable part of the
community, such part, saved from the needed intellectual and moral
stress, will not undergo any further mental development; and must
ever tend to leave a posterity, and an increasing posterity, in which
none of that higher individuation which checks genesis takes place.
Such State-meddlings with the natural play of actions and reactions
produce a further evil equally great or greater. For those who are not
self-maintained, or but partially self-maintained, are supplied with
the means they lack by the better members of the community; and
these better members have thus not only to support themselves and
their offspring, but also to support or aid the inferior members and
their offspring. The under-working of one part is accompanied by the
over-working of the other part—by a working which at each stage of
progress exceeds that which the normal conditions necessitate, and
results sometimes in illness, premature age, or death, or in lessened
number of children, or in imperfect rearing of children: the bad are
fostered and the good are repressed.
It does not follow that the struggle for life and the survival of the
fittest must be left to work out their effects without mitigation. It is
contended only that there shall not be a forcible burdening of the
superior for the support of the inferior. Such aid to the inferior as the
superior voluntarily yield, kept as it will be within moderate limits,
may be given with benefit to both—relief to the one, moral culture to
the other. And aid willingly given (little to the least worthy and more
to the most worthy) will usually be so given as not to further the
increase of the unworthy. For in proportion as the emotional nature
becomes more evolved, and there grows up a higher sense of
parental responsibility, the begetting of children that cannot be
properly reared will be universally held intolerable. If, as we see,
public opinion in many places and times becomes coercive enough to
force men to fight duels, we can scarcely doubt that at a higher
stage of evolution it may become so coercive as to prevent men
from marrying improvidently. If the frowns of their fellows can make
men commit immoral acts, surely they may make men refrain from
immoral acts—especially when the actors themselves feel that the
threatened frowns would be justified. Hence with a higher moral
nature will come a restriction on the multiplication of the inferior.
In brief, the sole requirement is that there shall be no extensive
suspension of that natural relation between merit and benefit which
constitutes justice. Holding, then, that this all-essential condition will
itself come to be recognized and enforced by a more evolved
humanity, let us consider what is the goal towards which the
restraint on genesis by individuation progresses.