Curing of Epoxy Matrix

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Curing of

Epoxy Matrix
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
(Received October 19, 1982)
Models were developed which describe the curing process of composites constructed
from continuous fiber-reinforced, thermosetting resin matrix prepreg materials. On the
basis of the models, a computer code was developed, which for flat-plate composites
cured by a specified cure cycle, provides the temperature distribution, the degree of
cure of the resin, the resin viscosity inside the composite, the void sizes, the
temperatures and pressures inside voids, and the residual stress distribution after the
cure. In addition, the computer code can be used to determine the amount of resin
flow out of the composite and the resin content of the composite and the bleeder. Tests
were performed measuring the temperature distribution in and the resin flow out of
composites constructed from Hercules AS/3501-6 graphite epoxy prepreg tape. The
data were compared with results calculated with the computer code for the conditions
employed in the tests and good agreement was found between the data and the results
of the computer code. A parametric study was also performed to illustrate how the
model and the associated computer code can be used to determine the appropriate cure
cycle for a given application, which results in a composite that is cured uniformly, has
a low void content, and is cured in the shortest amount of time.

Cfiber reinforced thermosetting resin matrix materials
manufactured by arranging the uncured fiber resin mixture into the desired

shape and then curing the material. The curing process is accomplished by ex-
posing the material to elevated temperatures and pressures for a predeter-
mined length of time. The elevated temperatures applied during the cure pro-
vide the heat required for initiating and maintaining the chemical reactions in
the resin which cause the desired changes in the molecular structure. The ap-
plied pressureprovides the force needed to squeeze excess resin out of the
material, consolidate individual plies, and to compress vapor bubbles.
The elevated temperatures and pressures to which the material is subjected
are referred to as the cure temperature and the cure pressure. The magnitudes
and durations of the temperatures and pressures applied during the curing
process (denoted as the cure cycle) significantly affect the performance of the
finished product. Therefore, the cure cycle must be selected carefully for each
Journal OfCOMPOSITE MATERIALS, Vol. 17-March 1983 135
0021-9983/83/02 0135-35 $4.50/0
@1983 Technomic Publishing Co., Inc.

application. Some major considerations in selecting the proper cure cycle for
a given composite material are:

a) the temperature inside the material must not exceed a preset maximum
value at any time during cure,
b) at the end of cure, all the excess resin is squeezed out from every ply of
the composite and the resin distribution is uniform,
c) the material is cured uniformly and completely,
d) the cured composite has the lowest possible void content, and
e) the curing process is achieved in the shortest amount of time.
At the present time, the cure cycle is generally selected empirically by cur-
ing small specimens and by evaluating the &dquo;quality&dquo; of the specimens after
cure. Such empirical methods have several drawbacks; a) an extensive ex-
perimental program is usually required to determine the proper cure cycle for
a given material, b) a cure cycle found to be satisfactory for a given material
under one set of conditions may not apply under a different set of conditions,
and c) they do not ensure that the composite was cured completely in the
shortest amount of time.
The shortcomings of empirical approaches could be overcome by use of
analytical models. Models applicable to different aspects of the curing pro-
cess have been proposed by Springer and Loos [1-3]. In this paper, first the
different models are extended and combined into a comprehensive model
which relates the cure cycle to the thermal, chemical, and physical processes
occurring in continuous fiber-reinforced composites during cure, and which
then can be used to establish the most appropriate cure cycle in any given ap-
plication. Second, the results of the model are compared to test data to verify
the validity of the model. Third, it is shown how the model can be used to
establish the cure cycle which results in a part that is cured uniformly, has a
low void content, and is cured in the shortest time.

In this section, a model is described which yields the following parameters
during cure:

a) the temperature inside the composite as a function of position and time;

b) the pressure inside the composite as a function of position and time;
c) the degree of cure of the resin as a function of position and time;
d) the resin viscosity as a function of position and time;
e) the number of compacted prepreg plies as a function of time;
f) the amount of resin in the bleeder as a function of time;
g) the thickness and the mass of the composite as a function of time;
h) the void sizes, and the pressures and temperatures inside voids as func-
tions of void locations and time; and
i) the residual stresses in each ply after cure.
A model providing the above-mentioned information is developed below in
four parts. The first part of the model, referred to as the &dquo;thermo-chemical

model,&dquo; yields the temperature, the degree of cure, and the viscosity. The
second part (&dquo;flow model&dquo;) gives the pressure, the resin flow out of the com-
posite, and the resin content of the composite and the bleeder. The third part
(&dquo;void model&dquo;) gives the void size and the temperature and pressure inside
the void. The fourth part (&dquo;stress model&dquo;) yields the residual stresses. Details
of the models are presented subsequently. First, a brief description of the
problem is given.
Problem Statement
We consider a fiber-reinforced epoxy matrix composite of initial thickness
L, constructed from unidirectional continuous fiber &dquo;prepreg&dquo; tape (Fig-
ure 1). An absorbent material (referred to as a &dquo;bleeder&dquo;) is placed on one
side (or on both sides) of the composite. The thickness of the bleeder is Lb.
The composite-bleeder system is placed on a metal tool plate ready for pro-
cessing. A sheet of nonporous teflon release cloth is placed between the com-
posite and the tool plate, and a sheet of porous teflon release cloth is placed
between the composite and the bleeder to prevent sticking. A metal plate is
placed on top of the bleeder, and an air breather is added when curing is done
in an autoclave. Restraints (called &dquo;dams&dquo;) are also mounted around the
prepreg to prevent lateral motion and to minimize resin flow parallel to the
tool plate and through the edges. Finally, a plastic sheet (&dquo;vacuum bag&dquo;) is
placed around the entire assembly when vacuum is applied during the cure.
Here, we are concerned only with the composite-bleeder system illustrated in
Figure 2, because the additional components (vacuum bag, air breather,
teflon sheets, etc.) have no direct effect on the model.
Initially (time < 0), the resin is uncured and the bleeder contains no resin.
Starting at timet = 0, the composite-bleeder system is exposed to a known
temperature To. The cure temperature To may be the same or may be dif-
ferent on the two sides of the composite-bleeder system. At some time
tp (tp > 0), a known pressure Po is applied to the system. Both the cure

Figure 1. Schematic of the prepreg lay-up.


Figure 2. Geometry of the composite-bleeder system.

temperature To and the cure pressure Po may vary with time in an arbitrary
manner. The objective is to determine the parameters listed in points a - i
In formulating the model, resin is allowed to flow in the directions both
perpendicular and parallel to the plane of the composite. Resin flow in the
plane of the composite is allowed only in the direction parallel to the fibers.
In order to emphasize the concepts and the solution methods, the properties
in the plane of the composite are taken to be constant. However, the model
and the method are general and can readily be extended to complex
geometries. It is also noted that the analysis is presented for composites made
of continuous fiber, unidirectional tape. The model can also be applied to
composites made of woven fabric.
Thermo-Chemical Model
The temperature distribution, the degree of cure of the resin, and the resin
viscosity inside the composite depend on the rate at which heat is transmitted
from the environment into the material. The temperature inside the com-
posite can be calculated using the law of conservation of energy together with
an appropriate expression for the cure kinetics. By neglecting energy transfer
by convection, the energy equation may be expressed as

where e and C are the density and specific heat of the composite, K is the
thermal conductivity in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the com-
posite, and T is the temperature. H is the rate of heat generated by chemical
reactions and is defined in the following manner.

HR is the total or ultimate heat of reaction during cure and R is the reaction
or cure rate. The degree of cure of the resin (denoted as the degree of cure, a)
is defined as

H(t) is the heat evolved from the beginning of the reaction to some in-
termediate time, t. For an uncured material a 0, and for a completely cured

material, a approaches unity. By differentiating (3) with respect to time, the

following expression is obtained.

A comparison of Eqs. (2) and (4) shows that, in this formulation, daldt is the
reaction or cure rate. If diffusion of chemical species is neglected, the degree
of cure at each point inside the material can be calculated once the cure rate is
known in the following way

In order to complete the model, the dependence of the cure rate on the
temperature and on the degree of cure must be known. This dependence may
be expressed symbolically as

The functional relationship in Eq. (6), along with the value of the heat of
reaction HR for the prepreg material under consideration, can be determined
experimentally by the procedures described in ref. [4].
The density Q, specific heat C, heat of reaction HR, and thermal conductiv-
ity K depend on the instantaneous, local resin and fiber contents of each ply.
The properties Q, C, and HR can be calculated by the rule of mixtures [5]. The
thermal conductivity of the prepreg can be calculated by the approximate for-
mula developed by Springer and Tsai [6].
Solutions to Eqs. (1) and (4)-(6) can be obtained once the initial and
boundary conditions are specified. The initial conditions require that the
temperature and degree of cure inside the composite be given before the start
of the cure (time < 0). The boundary conditions require that the temperatures
on the top and bottom surfaces of the composite be known as a function of
time during cure (time > 0). Accordingly, the initial and boundary conditions
corresponding to Eqs. (1) and (4)-(6) are

Initial conditions:

Ti is the initial temperature in the composite.

Boundary conditions:

where Tu and TL are the temperatures on the top and bottom surfaces of the
composite, respectively (Figure 3).
Solutions to Eqs. (1) and (4)-(8) yield the temperature T, the cure rate
daldt, and the degree of cure a as functions of position and time inside the
Once these parameters are known, the resin viscosity can be calculated,
provided a suitable expression relating resin viscosity to the temperature and
degree of cure is available. If the resin viscosity is assumed to be independent
of shear rate, then the relationship between viscosity, temperature, and
degree of cure can be represented in the form

The manner in which the relationship between viscosity, temperature, and

degree of cure can be established is described in ref. [4].

Resin Flow Model

At some time tp (tp b 0), pressure is applied to the composite-bleeder system
(Figure 3). As a result of this pressure, resin flows from the composite into
the bleeders. Resin flow in the direction parallel to the plane of the composite

Figure 3. Resin flow model.


can be neglected if a) both the width and the length of the composite are large
compared to the thickness L, and b) if restraints are placed around the sides
of the composite. This situation is generally encountered in practice. When
modelling the curing process of systems where the aforementioned conditions
are met, only resin flow normal to the tool plate need to be taken into ac-
count. However, under some conditions, resin flow along the fibers cannot be
prevented. This situation may occur when the length of the composite is
similar to the thickness. Under these circumstances, resin flow both normal
and parallel to the tool plate takes place simultaneously. The model must then
consider resin flow in both directions. In the model that is developed below,
resin flow both normal and parallel to the tool plate is taken into account.
Before the resin flow model is established, the behavior of the prepreg plies
during the squeezing action (cure pressure application) is examined.
The resin flow process normal to the tool plate was demonstrated by
Springer [21 to occur by the following mechanism. As pressure is applied, the
first (top) ply (ns =1, Figure 4) moves toward the second ply (ns = 2), while
resin is squeezed out from the space between the plies. The resin seeps
through the fiber bundles of the first ply. When the fibers in the first ply get
close to the fibers in the second ply, the two plies move together toward the
third ply, squeezing the resin out of the space between the second and the
third ply. This sequence of events is repeated for the subsequent plies. Thus,
the interaction of the fibers proceeds down the prepreg in a wavelike manner
(Figure 4).
Note that there are essentially two regions in the composite. In region 1, the
plies are squeezed together and contain no excess resin, while in region 2 the
plies have not moved and have the original resin content. Some compacting
of the fibers within the individual plies may also occur but, as a first approxi-
mation, this effect is neglected here.
It is noted that there is a pressure drop only across those plies through
which resin flow takes place. The pressure is constant (and equal to the ap-
plied pressure Po) across the remaining layers of prepreg.
When there is resin flow in both the normal and parallel directions, resin is
squeezed out from between every nly continuously, as long as there is excess

Figure 4. Illustration of the resin flow process normal to the tool plate.

resin between adjacent plies. In this case, the thickness between different plies
vary and change with time, as illustrated in Figure 5.
Although the resin flow in the normal and parallel directions are related, to
facilitate the calculations in the model, the two phenomena are decoupled.
Hence, separate models are described below for the resin flow in directions
normal and parallel to the tool plate.
The model developed predicts changes in the dimensions of the composite
only due to changes in the resin content. Shrinkage due to changes in the
molecular structure of the resin during cure is not considered.

Resin Flow Normal to the Tool Plate

Owing to the complex geometry, the equations describing the resin flow
through the composite normal to the tool plate (z direction) and into the
bleeder cannot be established exactly. Nevertheless, an approximate formula-
tion of the problem is feasible by treating the resin flow through both the
composite and bleeder as flow through porous media. Such an approach was
proposed by Bartlett [7] for studying resin flow through glass fabric prepreg,
and by Loos and Springer [1-3] for resin flow in continuous fiber prepregs. In
the model, inertia forces are considered to be negligible compared to viscous
forces. Then, at any instant of time, the resin velocities in the prepreg and in
the bleeder may be represented by Darcy’s law

where S is the apparent permeability, p is the viscosity, and dPldz is the

pressure gradient. The law of conservation of mass (together with Eq. 10)
gives the following expression for the rate of change of mass M in the com-

figuie 5. Simultaneous resin flow both normal and parallel to the tool plate.

where Qr is the resin density, Az is the cross sectional area perpendicular to the
z axis, he is the thickness of the compacted plies, i.e., the thickness of the
layer through which resin flow takes place (Figure 3). Pu is the pressure at the
interface between the composite and the bleeder. The subscript c refers to
conditions in the composite at position h~. Accordingly, Pc is the pressure at
h~ and is the same as the applied pressure (Pe = Po) [2].
At any instant of time, the resin flow rate through the composite is equal to
the resin flow rate into the bleeder

The temperature, and hence the viscosity, of the resin inside the bleeder is
assumed to be independent of position (but not of time). Thus, Eqs. (10) and
(12) yield

where hb is the instantaneous depth of resin in the bleeder. The subscript b

refers to conditions in the bleeder. In developing the above expressions, the
pressure drop across the porous teflon sheet between the bleeder and the com-
posite was neglected.
Noting that the mass of the fibers in the composite remains constant, Eqs.
(11)-(13) may be rearranged to yield the following expression for the rate of
change of resin mass in the composite

The parameter G (t) is defined as

M, is the mass of resin in the composite at any instant of time. The mass of
resin that leaves the composite and enters the bleeder in timet is

The instantaneous resin depth in the bleeder is related to the mass of resin
that enters the bleeder by the expression

where +b is the porosity of the bleeder and represents the volume (per unit
volume) which can be filled by resin. The thickness of the compacted plies is

where h is the thickness of one compacted prepreg ply and ns is the number
of compacted prepreg plies. The value of n, varies with time, depending on
the amount of resin that has been squeezed out of the composite.
Equations (11)-(18) are the relationships needed for calculating the resin
flow normal to the tool plate.

Resin Flow Parallel to the Tool Plate

In principle, in the plane of the composite, resin may flow along the fibers
and in the direction perpendicular to the fibers. In practice, resin flow
perpendicular to the fibers is small because of a) the resistance created by the
fibers and b) the restraints placed around the edges of the composite. If such
restraints were not provided, fiber spreading (&dquo;wash out&dquo;) would occur,
resulting in a non-uniform distribution of fibers in the composite. Therefore,
in this section, only resin flow along the fibers is considered.
It is assumed that resin flow along the fibers and parallel to the tool plate
can be characterized as viscous flow between two parallel plates separated by
a distance dn (&dquo;channel flow,&dquo; Figure 6). The distance, dn,
separating the plates is small compared to the thickness of the composite
(dn < L). The variation in resin properties across and along the channel are

Figure 6. Geometry of the resin flow model parallel to the tool plate.

taken to be constant. The pressure drop between the center of any given chan-
nel and the channel exit (PH ~- PL, Figure 6) can then be expressed as [8]

where ( VX)n is the average resin velocity in the channel, XL is the channel
length. The subscript n refers to the channel located be-
tween the n and n-I prepreg plies (i.e., beneath the fiber bundles of prepreg
ply n). The thickness of nth channel is calculated by assuming that a) there is
one channel per ply and b) all the excess resin is contained in the channel.
Accordingly, the thickness of the channel is given by the following expres-
sion :

The mass Mn and density Qn of prepreg ply n can be calculated by the rule of
mixtures [5]. Mcom and Qcom are the mass and the density of a compacted
prepreg ply, respectively. The technique used to determine M,.. is described
in the next section, along with an appropriate expression for determining
6com- For laminar flow between parallel plates, A is defined as

where p, is the viscosity of the resin in the channel. Substitution of Eq. (21)
into Eq. (20) yields the following expression for the average velocity in the

where B is a constant which must be determined experimentally. The resin

mass flow rate is

where Ax is the cross sectional area defined as the product of the channel
width Wand thickness, dn.
The law of conservation of mass, together with Eqs. (22)-(23), gives the
following expression for the rate of change of mass in the nth prepreg ply

The amount of resin leaving the nth prepreg ply in timet is

The total amount of resin flow parallel to the tool plate can be determined by
summing Eq. (25) over all plies containing excess resin

where N is the total number of prepreg plies.

The pressure at the centerline of the channel PH can be estimated from the
force balance applied along the boundaries of the channel. Assuming that the
pressure gradient in the x direction is linear, and that the centerline pressure
PH is the same in each ply, the pressure distribution of each channel may be
expressed as

where PL is the pressure at the exit of the channel and is assumed to be equal
to the pressure of the environment surrounding the composite Pb. A force
balance applied along the channel surface gives (Figure 6)

F is the applied force which can be related to the cure pressure Po as

Equations (27)-(29) yield the centerline pressure

Equations (19)-(30) are the relationships needed for calculating the resin
flow in the direction along the fibers.

Total Resin Flow

The total resin flow out of the composite in timet is the sum of the resin
flows both normal and parallel to the tool plate. The law of conservation of

mass gives the following expression for the total rate of change of mass M in
the composite

where mrz and mrx are the resin mass flow rates normal to the tool plate (z
direction) and parallel to the tool plate (x direction), respectively.
The total mass of the composite at timet is

where MT and ME are defined by Eqs. (16) and (26) and M, is the initial mass
of the composite. The composite thickness at timet is

where e is the density of the composite.

Void Model
Void nuclei may be formed either by mechanical means (e.g. air or gas bub-
ble entrapment, broken fibers) or by homogeneous or heterogeneous nuclea-
tion [9]. Once a void is established, its size may change due to three effects:
a) changes in vapor mass inside the void caused by vapor transfer through the
void-prepreg interface, b) changes in pressure inside the void due to changes
in temperature and pressure in the prepreg, and c) thermal expansion (or
shrinking) due to temperature gradients in the resin. The model described
below takes into account the first two of these effects, namely vapor transfer
and changes in temperature and pressure.
A spherical nucleus of diameter d, is assumed to be at a given location in
the prepreg. The nucleus is filled with water vapor resulting from the humid
air surrounding the prepreg during lay-up. The partial pressure of the water
vapor in the nucleus PP,,, is related to the relative humidity §a by the expres-

where Pwga is the saturation pressure of the water vapor at the ambient
temperature. From the known values of the initial partial pressure PPw; and
the initial nucleus volume, the initial mass m w; and the initial concentration
(cvw), of the water vapor in the nucleus can be determined.
During the cure, the volume of the void changes because a) water and other
types of molecules are transported across the void-prepreg interface, and

b) the pressure increases the pressure at the location of the void. For a
spherical void of diameter d, the total pressure inside the void P,, is related to
the pressure in the prepreg surrounding the’void P by the expression

o is the surface tension between the resin and the void. Pv is the total pressure
inside the void and is the sum of the partial pressures of the air and the dif-
ferent types of vapors present in the void. In the model outlined below, it is
assumed that only water-vapor is transported through the void-prepreg inter-
face. However, this assumption does not affect the formulation of the model.
If necessary, other types of vapors can readily be included in the calculations,
as described by Springer [ 1 ] .
The pressure inside the void is

PPw and PPair are the partial pressures of the water vapor and the air in the
void. The partial pressure is a known function of the temperature, mass, and
the void diameter

Thus, if the pressure in the prepreg around the void, the temperature inside
the void (taken to be the same as the temperature of the prepreg at the void
location), and the mass of vapor in the void are known, the partial pressure,
the total pressure, and the void diameter can be calculated from Eqs.
(35)-(37). The temperature and the pressure are given by the thermo-
chemical-resin-flow models. The air mass in the void is taken to be constant.
Thus, it remains to evaluate the mass of water vapor in the void as a function
of time. The change in water vapor mass may be calculated by assuming that
the vapor molecules are transported through the prepreg by Fickian diffu-
sion. Fick’s law gives

c is the water vapor concentration at a radial coordinate r, with r 0 at the


center of the void. D is the diffusivity of the water vapor through the resin in
the r direction.
Initially (t < 0) the vapor is taken to be distributed uniformly in the prepreg
at the known concentration c

At times t > 0 the vapor concentration at the void-prepreg interface must be

specified. By denoting the concentration at the prepreg surface by the
subscript m, we write

The second of the above expressions reflects the fact that the concentration
remains unchanged at a distance far from the void. The surface concentration
is related to the maximum saturation level Mm in the prepreg by the expres-

The value of Mmcan be determined experimentally for each vapor-resin

system [10].
Solutions of Eqs. (38)-(41) yield the vapor concentration as a function of
position and time c = f (r, t). The mass of vapor transported in time t through
the surface of the void is

The mass of vapor in the void at timet is

The initial mass of water vapor in the void is known, as was discussed pre-
Solutions to Eqs. (34)-(43) give the void size and the pressure inside the
void as functions of time, for a void of known location and initial size.

Stress Model
For a symmetric laminate, the residual stress in any given ply is [ 11]

Qy is the modulus as defined by Tsai and Hahn [ 11 ] . The strain ej is

where a. is the thermal expansion coefficient, Ta is the ambient temperature,

and T is the temperature in the ply at the end of the cure given by the thermo-
chemical model. The laminate curing strain is

a, is the inplane compliance of a symmetric laminate as defined by Tsai and

Solution of Eqs. (44)-(46) yield the residual stress in each ply.

Solutions to the thermo-chemical, flow, void, and stress models must be
obtained by numerical methods. A computer code (designated as &dquo;CURE&dquo;)
suitable for generating solutions was developed, and is available from the
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, The Univer-
sity of Michigan.
Solutions of the model (and the corresponding computer code) require that
the parameters listed in Tables 1 and 2 be specified. The parameters pertain-
ing to the geometry, along with the initial and boundary conditions are
specified by the user of the prepreg. The properties of the prepreg, the fiber,
the resin, and the bleeder cloth are either specified by the manufacturer or can
often be found in the published literature. Items (11) through (14) in Table 1
and item 8 in Table 2 are generally unknown. In the following, a brief de-
scription is given of the methods which can be used to determine these
The compacted prepreg ply thickness and the compacted prepreg ply resin
content can be determined by constructing a thin (4 to 16 ply) composite
panel. The panel is cured employing a cure cycle that will ensure that all the
excess resin is squeezed out of every ply in the composite (i.e., all plies are
consolidated ns = N). The total mass of the composite M is measured after
cure. The resin content of one compacted prepreg ply (M~)com is related to the
composite mass by the expression

Mf is the fiber mass of one prepreg ply, and N is the total number of plies in
the composite. The compacted prepreg ply thickness h, is

where Qcom is compacted ply density which can be derived from the rule of
mixtures [5].
The apparent permeability of the prepreg normal to the fibers S, can be
determined by curing a thin (4 to 8 ply) composite specimen for a predeter-
mined length of time. During the cure, the resin squeezed out through the

Table 1. Input Parameters Required for Solutions of the Thermo-Chemical

and Resin Flow Models.

Table 2. Input Parameters Requires in the Computer Code for Calculating

Void Sizes. (These parameters are in addition to those in Table 1.)

Table 2 (continued)

plane of the composite normal to the tool plate is collected in the bleeder
placed on the top of the composite. After the cure is terminated, the amount
of resin in the bleeder (i.e., the resin flow into the bleeder) is determined by
measuring the difference between the original bleeder weight (mass) and the
final weight (mass) of the resin-soaked bleeder. An initial value for the ap-
parent permeability is estimated, and the resin flow normal to the fibers is
calculated using the flow model. The value of the permeability is adjusted and
the calculations are repeated until the calculated and measured resin flows
The flow coefficient of the prepreg parallel to the fibers (B) can be
estimated from the following procedure. A thick composite (approximately
30-60 ply thick) is cured for a predetermined length of time. Resin squeezed
out from between the individual plies (parallel to the fibers) is collected by
bleeders placed around the edges of the composite. The resin flow through
the edges is determined by measuring the difference between the original
weight of the &dquo;edge&dquo; bleeders and the final weight of the resin-soaked
bleeders. Assuming a value for the flow coefficient, the resin flow parallel to
the fibers is calculated using the flow model. The value of the flow coefficient
is adjusted and the calculations are repeated until the measured resin flow
matches the calculated resin flow.
The surface tension at the void resin interface may be approximated by the
surface tension of water.


Experiments were performed to verify two major aspects of the model,
namely the thermo-chemical and resin flow models. The principles underlying
the stress model have generally been accepted [11,12] and, therefore, further
verification was deemed unnecessary. Experimental evidence pertaining to
the use of the void model in the selection of the cure cycle will be presented in
the next section.
In the experiments, temperature distributions and resin flow perpendicular
and parallel to the tool plate of unidirectional composites were measured.
The experiments were performed using Hercules AS/3501-6 graphite fiber-

reinforced, epoxy resin prepreg tape. The same cure temperature was used in
every test. The cure temperatures on the lower and upper surfaces of the com-
posite (as measured by thermocouples) are shown in Figure 7. The pressure
was applied at the beginning of the cure cycle and remained constant for the
duration of the cure. Tests were performed with different applied pressure
ranging from 103 kPa (15 psi) to 724 kPa (105 psi). The pressure in the
bleeder was taken to be equal to the ambient pressure of 101.35 kPa (14.7
The temperature as a function of time was measured at three locations in-
side a 64 ply composite. Results of the temperature measurements are
presented in Figure 8.

Figure 7. The temperatures measured on the surfaces of 16, 32, and 64-ply composites during

Figure 8. Temperature as a function of time at three positions inside a 64-ply composite. Com-
parisons between the data and the results computed by the model. The temperature cure cycle is
shown In Figure 15. The cure pressure and the bleeder pressure were constant at 586 kPa (85 psi)
and 101 kPa ( 14. 7 psi) respectively.

Resin flow measurements were made with different cure pressures (103 kPa
(15 psi), 345 kPa (50 psi), 586 kPa (85 psi), and 724 kPa (105 psi), different
ply thicknesses (16, 32, and 64 plies), and different initial prepreg resin con-
tents (39% and 42%). The results are shown in Figures 9-11. In these figures,
time t is plotted on the abscissa. The ordinates represent either the total mass
loss m* of the composite or the mass losses due to resin flow in the directions
normal (mT) and parallel (mh) to the tool plate in time t. The mass losses
shown in Figures 9-11 represent the mass loss with respect to the initial mass
of the composite

The temperature distribution in the composite and the resin flow were
calculated by the models using the same cure temperatures and cure-pressures
which were employed in the tests. The prepreg and bleeder properties used in
the calculations are listed in Table 3.
The results of the models are represented by solid lines in Figures 8-11. As
can be seen, the calculated and measured temperatures and the calculated and
measured resin mass losses agree well. These agreements, which exist for wide
ranges of applied cure pressures, composite thicknesses, and initial prepreg
resin contents, tend to conform the validities of the thermo-chemical and
resin flow models.

Figure 9. The mass loss, normal to the tool plate (bottom), parallel to the tool plate (center), and
the total mass loss (top) as a function of time for a 64-ply composite. Comparisons between the
data and the results computed by the model for different cure pressures. The temperature cure
cycle is shown in Figure 15. The bleeder pressure was constant at 101 kPa ( 14. 7 psi). The initial
resin content was 42%.

Figure 10. The mass loss, normal to the tool plate (bottom), parallel to the tool plate (center),
and the total mass loss (top) as a function of time. Comparisons between the data and the results
computed by the model for 16, 32, and 64-ply composites. The temperature cure cycle is shown
in Figure 15. The cure and bleeder pressures were constant at 58i6 kPa (85 psi) and 101 kPa ( 14. 7
psi) respectively. The initial resin content was 42%.

Figure 11. The mass loss, normal to the tool plate (bottom), parallel to the tool plate (center),
and the total mass loss (top) as a function of time for a 64-ply composite. Comparisons between
the data and the results computed by the model for different initial resin contents (39% and
42%). The temperature cure cycle is shown in Figure 15. The cure and bleeder pressures were
constant at 586 kPa (85 psi) and 101 kPa (14.7 psi) respectively.


The models presented in this paper can be used to establish the proper cure
cycle in given application. The cure cycle should be selected in such a way
that the following requirements are satisfied:
a) the temperature at any position inside the material does not exceed a
prescribed limit during the cure;
b) the magnitude of the cure pressure is sufficiently high so that all of the
excess resin is squeezed out from every ply of the composite before the
resin gels at any point inside the composite;
c) the pressure is applied before the viscosity of the resin, in the prepreg
ply adjacent to the bleeder, becomes low enough to flow;
d) the resin is cured uniformly and the degree of cure is above a specified
limit throughout the composite at the end of cure;
e) the cured composite has a low void content; and
f) the composite is cured in the shortest time.
The models and the corresponding computer code were used to generate
results which illustrate the effects of cure temperature and cure pressure on
the curing process for a given material. The calculations were performed for
composite made of Hercules AS/3501-6 prepreg tape, bounded by the tool
plate on one side and by the bleeder on the other side. The properties used in
the calculations are given in Table 3. In the calculations, only resin flow in the

Table 3. Properties of Hercules AS/3501-6 Prepreg and Mochburg CW 1850

Thermal Fiber Bleeder Cloth used in the calculations.

direction normal to the tool plate was considered. As was discussed pre-
viously, the dimensions of composite panels in commercial applications
generally are such that resin flow along the plane of the composite is negligi-
The calculations were performed with the cure cycles shown in Figure 12.
The cure temperature was increased at a constant heating rate To from room
temperature until the maximum cure temperature 7~. was reached. For all
calculations, it was assumed that the temperature on the upper and lower sur-
faces of the composite was equal to the applied cure temperature.
The cure pressure and the bleeder pressure used in the calculations are also
shown in Figure 12. The cure pressure was applied at the beginning of the cur-
ing process (tp 0) and remained constant for the duration of the cure. The

magnitude of the cure pressure is indicated on each figure showing the results.
The pressure in the bleeder was taken to be constant in 16.7 kPa (25&dquo; Hg
vacuum). This value is typical of the bleeder pressure in commercial com-
posite processing using vacuum bagging procedures.
Calculations were also performed with the cure cycle recommended by the
prepreg manufacturer for Hercules AS/3501-6 prepreg tape. This cycle is
shown in Figure 13.

Maximum Temperature Inside the Composite

The maximum temperature reached inside a composite constructed from a
given prepreg material depends on: a) the maximum value of the cure
temperature 7max< b) the heating rate To (i.e., the rate at which the cure tem-
perature increases), and c) the thickness of the composite L,. Obviously, the
temperature inside the composite will at some time reach the maximum cure
temperature. Therefore, the cure temperature must not exceed the maximum
temperature limit T* prescribed for the prepreg. In the present parametric
study, this limit was chosen arbitrarily to be 180 °C.
The temperature inside the composite also depends on the heating rate and

Figure 12. Illustration of the cure cycle used in the parametric study.

Figure 13. Manufacturer’s recommended cure cycle for Hercules A S13501-6 prepreg.

the thickness of the composite. At low heating rates, the temperature

distribution inside the composite tends to remain uniform, as illustrated in
Figure 14a. The results in this figure apply to a 64-ply composite with the
cure temperature of 177 °C at 2.8 °C/min. When the heating rate was in-
creased to 27.8 °C/min, the temperature distribution became nonuniform, as
shown in Figure 14b. However, at no time does the temperature at any place
inside the composite exceed the maximum allowed temperature T&dquo;. On the
other hand, when a 128-ply composite was cured using the same heating rate
(27.8 °C/min), the temperature inside the material exceeded both the bound-
ary temperature and the maximum allowed temperature limit (Figure 14c).
The temperature nonuniformity inside the material depends on the rate at

Fgure 14. Temperature distribution as a function of time for qifferent heating rates and different
thicknesses. a) 64-ply, To 2.8°C/min (left), b) 64-ply, To 27.8°C/min (center), and c)
= =

128-ply, To 22 8°C/min (right). Results obtained by the model.


which heat is transported through the composite and the rate at which heat is
generated by chemical reactions. The temperature &dquo;overshoot&dquo; shown in
Figure 14c occurs when heat is generated in the composite faster than it can be
With the use of the computer code, results such as those in Figure 14 can be
generated for a composite constructed from a given prepreg material and
cured with a specified cure cycle. From these results, the temperature
distribution inside the material can be established. This information can then
be used to determine if the temperature distribution is uniform and if the
local temperature at any point in the composite exceeds the maximum
allowed temperature at any time.

Resin Flow
The pressure applied during the cure must be sufficiently high so that the
excess resin is squeezed out of every ply of the composite before the resin in
any ply gels. The magnitude of pressure applied when curing a given material
depends on the composite thickness and, to a lesser extent, on the cure
temperature and heating rate. This is illustrated in Figure 15, where the
number of compacted plies ns is plotted as a function of time.

Figure 15. Number of compacted plies, ng as a function of time for different cure pressures and
different composite thicknesses. a) 16-ply (bottom), b) 32-ply (center), and c) 64-ply (top).
Results obtained by the model.

The curves in Figure 15 were generated by the computer code for different
composite thicknesses (16, 32, and 64 plies). Results of the calculations show
that cure pressures of 345 kPa (50 psi) and 1207 kPa (175 psi) are sufficient to
squeeze all the excess resin out of 16-ply and 32-ply composites, respectively,
before the gel point is reached. However, for a 64-ply composite, an applied
pressure of 3447 kPa (500 psi) would squeeze excess resin out of only 55 plies,
so that the 9 plies nearest to the tool plate would contain excess resin. These
results apply to composites with a bleeder on one side only. If bleeders are
placed on both sids of the composite and the same pressure is applied, excess
resin can be squeezed out of approximately twice as many plies as with the
single bleeder system.
For cure cycles employed in this parametric study, a change in the maxi-
mum cure temperature does not affect significantly the number of compacted
plies (Figure 16a). Similarly, variations in the applied heating rates
have little effect on the number of compacted plies, unless the heating rate is
so large that the resin gels before the excess resin is squeezed out of every ply.
For example, the results in Figure 16b show that at a heating rate of
27.8 °C/min, the resin gels at a time when only 30 plies are compacted in a
32-ply composite. Thus, excess resin remains in two plies.
Although the maximum cure temperature and the heating rate have little
effect on the total number of compacted plies, these two parameters do affect
the amount of time required to squeeze excess resin out of every ply in the
composite, tN. The effect of cure temperature and heating rate on the time re-
quired to squeeze excess resin out of every ply of a 32-ply composite is shown
in Figure 17. The time required to squeeze the excess resin out of every ply in

Figure 16. Number of compacted plies, ng as a function of time for a) different maximum cure
temperatures, T mBX (bottom) and b) Different heating rates, To (top). Results obtained by the

Figure 17. The time required, trv- to squeeze excess resin out of every ply of a 32-ply composite
at a) different maximum cure temperatures, T&dquo;,aX (left) and b) different heating rates,To (right).
Results obtained by the model.

the composite decreases with increasing cure temperature and increasing heat
Calculations were also performed for the cure cycle recommended by the
manufacturer for processing composites made of Hercules AS/3501-6
prepreg (Figure 13). The number of compacted plies ns as a function of time is
plotted in Figure 18. The results show that if the manufacturer’s cure cycle is
used, excess resin could be squeezed out from only a 23-ply composite before
the gel point is reached. If composites thicker than 23 plies are cured with the
manufacturer’s recommended cure cycle, then there would be resin rich plies
adjacent to the tool plate at the end of cure. There is experimental evidence
that the manufacturer’s recommended cure cycle may not be appropriate
when curing thick composites. Meade [13] presented microphotographs of a
96-ply composite, constructed from Narmco T300/5208 unidirectional

Figure 18. Number of compacted plies, ng as a function of time for a composite cured by the
cure cycle recommended by the prepreg manufacturer (Figure 21). Results obtained by the

prepreg tape, and cured with the manufacturer’s recommended cure cycle.
These microphotographs reveal the existence of uncompacted, resin-rich plies
adjacent to the tool plate.
The foregoing results illustrate a procedure which can be used to determine
if the excess resin is squeezed out of every ply in the composite before the gel
point is reached. This procedure requires that for a given cure cycle, the
number of compacted plies ns is calculated as a function of time. From a plot
of ns versus time, it can readily be seen how many plies are compacted before
the gel point is reached.
By performing the calculations for different cure pressures, the maximum
number of plies that can be compacted (/~)max versus pressure for Hercules
AS/3501-6 prepreg is given in Figure 19. Such a plot can serve as a guide in
selecting the pressure which is sufficient to squeeze the excess resin out of
every ply of a given composite.
Gel Point
As discussed previously, excess resin must be squeezed out of every ply
before the gel point of the resin is reached at any point inside the composite.
The computer code can be used to calculate the viscosity distribution inside
the composite as a function of time (Figure 20). From this information, the
maximum viscosity at any point inside the composite at any time can be deter-
mined and a plot of the maximum viscosity pmax versus time can be constructed
(Figure 21). The gel point of the resin studied here is assumed to occur when
the viscosity of the resin reaches 100 Pa.s [14,15]. Thus, by knowing the
viscosity corresponding to the gel point, the time when gel occurs can be
determined from the maximum viscosity jamax versus time curve, as shown in
Figure 21.
The above procedure was used to determine the gel point of a 32-ply com-
posite cured at 177 °C with a cure pressure of 1379 kPa (200 psi), as shown in

Figure 19. The maximum number of compacted plies, (nSl&dquo;,aX, at the end of the cure as a func-
tion of cure pressure, Po. Results obtained by the model.

Figure 2D Viscosity distribution at different times inside a 32-ply composite. Results obtained by
the model.

Figure 21. The maximum viscosity, Pma, inside a 32-ply composite as a function of time. Gel is
assumed to occur when the viscosity reaches 100 Pa.s. Results obtained by the model.

Figure 21. The intersection of the viscosity-time curve with the gel line
(denoted as a dashed line on Figure 21) indicates that the resin would begin to
gel in the composite 70 minutes after the cure temperature is first applied.
Time of Pressure Application
The cure pressure should be applied before the viscosity of the resin in the
first ply next to the bleeder becomes sufficiently low for resin flow to occur.
This is the latest time at which the pressure should be applied. This time,
referred to as the time of pressure application tp can be determined from a

plot of the number of compacted plies ns versus time, t. The intersection of

the ns versus time curve with the time axis is taken to be time of pressure ap-
plication (Figure 22).
The time of pressure application depends on the magnitude of the applied
pressure and on the heating rate, as illustrated in Figure 22. The pressure may
be applied, of course, at times which are less than tp, but should not be ap-
plied at times greater than tp. It should be emphasized that applying the cure
pressure before tp does not ensure that all the excess resin will be squeezed out
of every ply of the composite before the gel point is reached.

Degree of Cure

completion of the curing process, the resin in a composite should be

At the
cured uniformly, and the degree of cure must exceed a prescribed value a*
throughout the composite. The degree of cure will be uniform as long as the
temperature distribution inside the composite is uniform, as illustrated in
Figure 23a. Conversely, if the temperature distribution inside the composite

Rgure 22. Number of compacted plies, ng as a function of time for a) different cure pressures,
Pa (left) and b) different heating rates, To (right). The pressure should be applied before time tp.
Results obtained by the model.

Figure 23. Degree of cure distribution as a function of time. a) 64-ply composite,

to 2.8°C/min (left). b) 128 ply composite, to 27.BoC/min (right). Results obtained by the
= =


becomes nonuniform, the degree of cure can also be expected to be

nonuniform, as shown in Figure 23b. Therefore, cure cycles which result in
uniform temperature distributions also result in composites that are cured
The computer code can be used to generate results such as those shown in
Figure 23. From these results, the degree of cure as a function of position in-
side the composite can be determined. Once this information is known, it can
be determined if the composite was cured uniformly and if the degree of cure
exceeds the prescribed value of a’ throughout the composite.

Cure Time
When curing a composite, it is desirable that the curing process be com-
pleted in the shortest amount of time. The cure is considered complete when
the degree of cure reaches a specified value a’ at every point in the composite.
The time required to reach this value can be established by first plotting the
degree of cure as a function of position and time, as shown in Figure 23.
From this curve, the lowest value of the degree of cure amm in the composite at
each time is determined and a plot of the lowest value of the degree of cure as
a function of time can be constructed (Figure 24). The cure is considered com-
plete when amm reaches the specified value a’. Thus, from a plot such as that
shown in Figure 25, the time required to complete the curing process can be
The cure time tc depends greatly on the applied cure temperature and on the
heating rate, as illustrated in Figure 25. The results in these figures are based
on the assumption that cure is complete when a degree of cure of 0.9 is

Figure 24. Illustration of the mmimum value of the degree of cure, °mlfY inside the composite as
a function of time. The cure is considered complete when the degree of cure reaches a specified
value, a*, at every point in the composite.

Figure Z5 Minimum degree of cure, am&dquo;~ as a function of time for a 32-ply composite at a) dif-
ferent maximum cure temperatures, T max (left) and b) different heating rates, To (right). Results
obtained by the model.

reached at all points of the composite. For example, a 32-ply composite con-
structed from Hercules AS/3501-6 prepreg and cured using a heating rate of
2.8 °C/min and a maximum cure temperature of 177 °C, requires a cure time
of 89 minutes (Figure 25a). If the maximum cure temperature is reduced to
135 °C, the calculated cure time increases to 236 minutes.
The effect of heating rate on the cure time is illustrated in Figure 25b.
Increasing the heating rate of a 32-ply composite (maximum cure temperature
177 °C) from 2.8 °C/min to 11.1 °C/min results in a 37 minute reduction in
cure time (Figure 25b).
The computer code can be used to calculate the cure time for different
maximum cure temperatures and heating rates. A plot of cure time versus
cure temperature, and a plot of cure time versus heating rate for Hercules
AS/3501-6 prepreg is given in Figure 26. Results such as those shown in

Figure 26. Cure time, td as a function of a) maximum cure temperature, T max (left) and b)
heating rate, To (right), for a 32-ply composite. Results obtained by the model.

Figure 26 can be used to estimate the required cure time for a composite cured
with a specified temperature cure cycle.
It is interesting to note that a 32-ply composite cured with the manufac-
turers recommended cure cycle requires a cure time of 146 minutes (Figure
27). Thus, use of the 177 °C cure cycle with a heating rate of 2.8 °C/min
(Figure 25a) would result in a 57 minute (37%) savings in cure time. These
results show that significant savings in cure time might be achieved by careful
selection of the cure cycle.
Void Model
The void model requires that both the location and the initial size of the
void be known. This information is generally unavailable, because the forma-
tion of the void nuclei is a random process. Nevertheless, the model can still
be used in selecting a cure cycle which results in low void content.
It has been observed that the void content is reduced significantly when a
pressure is applied to the prepreg which is sufficiently high to collapse the
vapor bubble [16]. Thus, the vapor bubbles can be collapsed by applying a
pressure (just before the gel point is reached, t < tge~ which is equal to or
higher than the saturation pressure (corresponding to the local temperature)
inside the void. The thermo-chemical and resin flow models provide the
temperature and the gel time. The appropriate thermodynamic relationship
between the temperature and the saturation pressure yields the required
pressure. Such a relationship for water vapor is incorporated in the CURE
computer code.

The following major tasks were completed during the course of this in-

Figure 27. Minimum degree of cure, am,~y as a function of time for a 32-ply composite cured by
the manufacturer’s recommended cure cycle (Figure 21). Results obtained by the model.

1) Models are described which simulate the curing process of composites con-
structed from continuous fiber-reinforced, thermosetting resin matrix
prepreg materials. The models relate the cure cycle to the thermal,
chemical, and physical processes occurring in the composite during cure.
2) On the basis of the models, a computer code (&dquo;CURE&dquo;) was developed
which can be used to generate the following information for flat plate
composites cured by a specified cure cycle:
a) the temperature inside the composite as a function of position and
b) the degree of cure of the resin, as a function of position and time;
c) the resin viscosity, as a function of position and time;
d) the number of compacted prepreg plies as a function of time;
e) the amount of resin in the bleeder as a function of time;
f) the thickness and the mass of the composite as a function of time;
g) the void sizes and temperatures and pressures inside the voids as
functions of void location and time; and
h) the residual stress distribution inside the composite after the cure.
3) The input parameters required in the computer code for the solution of the
models were specified. The methods used to determine the parameters
generally not known were described.
4) Experiments were performed measuring the temperature distribution in
and the resin flow out of composites during cure, using test specimens con-
structed from Hercules AS/3501-6 prepreg material.
5) Calculations were performed with the computer code for the conditions
employed in the experiments. The calculated results were compared with
the experimental data and the results of the computer code showed that
the model describes adequately the temperature distribution and resin
6) A parametric study was performed to illustrate how the model and the
associated computer code can be used to determine the appropriate cure
cycle for a given application which results in a composite that is cured
uniformly, has a low void content, and is cured in the shortest amount of

This work was supported by the U.S. Air Force Systems Command,
Materials Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton Ohio, with
Dr. S. W. Tsai acting as project engineer.

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