CEE 250 - Handout - 05 - Pavement-Analysis-Design
CEE 250 - Handout - 05 - Pavement-Analysis-Design
CEE 250 - Handout - 05 - Pavement-Analysis-Design
Introduction to Transportation
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Javed Bari
Module #5
Pavement Analysis & Design
(Ref. Textbook by Huang: Chapters 2, 6, 11 & 12)
Types of Pavements
Main Types:
1. Flexible Pavement
Other types:
• Semi-Rigid Pavement: partially rigid and flexible
• Composite Pavement: combination of flexible & rigid
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Structure of Flexible Pavement
• Four main layers: surface (+ binder), aggregate base,
subbase & subgrade
• Subbase course may be absent in some pavements
1. Surface course (Asphalt Surface & Asphalt
upper layer of pavement that withstand tire pressure,
resistant to abrasive forces of traffic,
provide skid-resistant driving surface,
prevent penetration of surface water
dense graded crushed stone (not round gravels) are
Typical Section of Flexible Pavement
hot-mixed with asphalt to provide strong inter-locking
a thin seal coat provides friction and water-proofing.
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Types of PCCP
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Properties of Rigid Pavement
• Based on much higher flexural Advantages of Rigid Pavement:
strength or beam strength Good durability
(modulus of elasticity) of Long service life
concrete slab. Withstand repeated flooding and subsurface water
• The slab bridges over without deterioration
minor/localized imperfection in
base and subgrade.
Disadvantages of Rigid Pavement:
• Role of base & subbase is less
May lose non-skid surface with time
important – they work more as
May fault at transverse joints
drainage layers and uniform
beds, and also resist pumping Requires frequent joint maintenance
in jointed pavements.
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Tie and Dowel Bars in PCCP JPCP (Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement)
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CRCP (Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement)
Pavement Distresses
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Longitudinal Cracks Block Cracks
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Corrugations Raveling
Corrugation Raveling
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Transverse Crack
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Faulting Transverse Joint Spalling
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Shallow Reinforcing D-Cracking
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Present Serviceability Index (PSI)
• Serviceability: Present Serviceability Rating Form
The ability of a specific section of pavement to serve
high-speed, high-volume mixed traffic in its existing
• Present Serviceability Index (PSI):
A mathematical combination of values used to
describe present serviceability by using a scale from
1 to 5 (5 being excellent condition).
• Pavement Condition Index (PCI):
A numerical index between 0 and 100.
Used to indicate the general condition of components
as well as the whole pavement structure.
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Pavement Analysis and Design performance (1993 AASHTO Pavement Design Guide)
– mostly used
4. Methods based on structural analysis of layered
systems (M-E method) – newly developed AASHTO
guide known as MEPDG (Mechanistic-Empirical
Pavement Design Guide) and its use is gradually
State-of-Practice State-of-the-Art
Empirical Mechanistic-
Actual Current
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Thermal l Cracking Rutting
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Types of Axles & Axle Sets Vehicular & Traffic Effects
Three procedures are common:
1. Fixed traffic – not used now-a-days
2. Fixed vehicle – a standard vehicle or axle load is
used in thickness design. Usually 18-kip (80-kN)
equivalent single axle load (ESAL) is used.
Commonly used in empirical pavement design
process (1993 Guide).
3. Variable traffic & vehicle – both traffic and vehicle are
considered individually. Commonly used in
mechanistic or M-E (mechanistic-empirical) design
process. This is used in the new AASHTO MEPDG.
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(in kips)
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W 18 = Predicted number of 18-kip equiv. single axle load Incorporates a degree of certainty into design process
Ensures various design alternatives will last the
ZR = Standard Normal Deviate
analysis period
SO = Combined Std Error (traffic & performance prediction)
Classification Urban Rural
∆PSI= PO - Pt
PO & Pt = Initial (Design) & Final (Terminal) Serviceability Index Interstate/Freeway 85-99.9 80-99.9
MR = Resilient Modulus (psi) Principal Arterials 80-99 75-95
Collectors 80-95 75-95
SN = Structural Number of the required pavement section Table 11.14, 50-80
Locals p 508 50-80
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3. Cumulative Equivalent Single Axle Load
2. Overall Standard Deviation (So) (ESAL)
• Takes into consideration the variability of all design • Traffic of the design (or truck) lane is usually used.
data. • Compute cumulative ESAL (W 18) during the design life
• Ranges between 0.35 and 0.5. in design lane
• A value of 0.35 is most common. ESALY = (AADT)0 (D) (L) (T) (Tf) (365) (G)(Y)
ADT0 = avg. daily traffic at the start of design period
T = % of trucks in ADT
G = growth factor
D & L = directional & lane distribution factors
Y = design year
pi = % of total repetitions for ith load group
Fi = equiv. axle load factor (EALF) for ith load group
A = average number of axles per truck
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Truck Factor
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Example 1 Given:
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Find Calculate Find Calculate
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Example 2
A 4-lane major rural highway has an two-way AADT of
10,760 during the first year of traffic, 25% trucks, 4%
annual growth rate. The directional distribution of AADT
is 50% and truck factor is 0.38. Compute the design
ESAL for a design period of 20 years.
Design ESAL = (AADT)0 (D) (L) (T) (Tf) (365) (GY)
= (10,760) (0.5)(0.9)(0.25)(0.38)(365)(29.78)
= 5,000,000
= 5 Million ESAL
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4. Effective Roadbed Resilient Modulus CBR (California Bearing Ratio)
• CBR test was developed by Caltrans (California Dept. of
• Used for SN calculation and usually obtained from:
Transportation), USA.
Lab testing (AASHTO T-292 test method), or
• It measures mechanical strength of subgrade soil.
Predicted from correlations with non-destructive
deflection measurements • It is the ratio of force per unit area required to penetrate
Predicted from empirical correlations with California a soil mass with a standard circular piston (i.e. hammer)
Bearing Ratio (CBR) and Soil Resistance Value (R): at the rate of 1.25 mm/min. to that required for the
corresponding penetration of a standard material.
• The actual ratio is multiplied by 100 to get CBR.
• Soil with CBR = 5 would be soft & muddy (like jelly)
• Soil with CBR = 80 would be excellent for subgrade.
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Design Nomograph
5. Resilient Moduli of Structural Layers
(Surface, Base & Subbase)
• Used for layer coefficients and usually obtained from:
Lab testing, or
Predicted from empirical correlations
6. Loss of Serviceability
PSI = Po - Pt W 18 = 5 x 106 ESAL
R = 90%
7. Structural Numbers S0 = 0.35
Roadbed Mr = 6,000 psi
• Use design nomograph three times to determine the Po = 4.5, Pt = 2.6
required SN above subgrade, subbase, and base Solution: SN = 5.0
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Design Nomograph (example)
Structural Layer Coefficients (a1, a2 & a3)
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Drainage Coefficients (m2 and m3) Quality of Drainage
Percent of Time Pavement Structure is Exposed Quality of Water Removed
Quality of to Moisture Levels Approaching Saturation Drainage Within
< 1% 1-5% 5-25% > 25% Excellent 2 hours
Excellent 1.40-1.35 1.35-1.30 1.30-1.20 1.20 Good 1 day
Good 1.35-1.25 1.25-1.15 1.15-1.00 1.00
Fair 1.25-1.15 1.15-1.05 1.00-0.80 0.80 Fair 1 week
Poor 1.15-1.05 1.05-0.80 0.80-0.60 0.60
Very Poor 1.05-0.95 0.95-0.75 0.75-0.40 0.40 Poor 1 month
Very Poor Water will not drain
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Given: SN = 5, a1 = 0.44, a2 = 0.13, m2 = 1, Min. D1 = 3 ″,
Min. D2 = 6 ″, Max. D2 = 25 ″
Trial-1: Use Min. D1 = 3″,
SN = a1D1 + a2m2D2 5 = 0.44x3 + 0.13x1x D2
D2 = 28.3″ > 25″ NOT OK
Trial-2: Use D1 = 4″,
SN = a1D1 + a2m2D2 5 = 0.44x4 + 0.13x1x D2
D2 = 24.9″ < 25 ″ OK
Considering other factors, you may also use D1 = 5″,
SN = a1D1 + a2m2D2 5 = 0.44x5 + 0.13x1x D2
D2 = 21.5″ < 25 ″ OK
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1. Basic Rigid Pavement
AASHTO 1993 Rigid Pavement Design Steps Design Equation (1993 AASHTO Guide)
• Select terminal serviceability
• Determine number of ESALs
• Determine the modulus of sub-grade reaction
• Consideration for swelling and frost heave
• Determine the slab thickness.
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2. Design Variables
Basic Rigid Pavement Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (k)
Design Equation (1993 Guide), cont’d • It is based on sub-base type, sub-base thickness, loss
of support and depth to rigid foundation.
• The “k” value is determined from Plate Bearing test,
which is time-consuming test, and so correlations from
subgrade properties like MR or CBR are used.
• Use, k = MR/19.4
• Use Table 77.1 if CBR value is available.
• Use composite “k” value if subbase and/or subgrade is
provided (see Tables 77.6 and 77.7).
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Plate Bearing Test
(for determining
subgrade reaction, k)
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Elastic Modulus of Concrete Modulus of Rupture (Sc):
Ec 57,000 f c
' • The final flexural strength of concrete beam.
where: f’c = Compressive strength (psi), • Equal to the moment of bending in the fracture divided
[usually 4,000 to 5,000 psi] by the area of the beam section.
Testing for Compressive Strength, fc
S c S c z ( SDs )
= estimated mean value [usually, 690 psi]
Sc 9fc , SDs = std. dev.
z = std. normal variate (probability factor)
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3. Design Nomograph
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Example (Thickness Design of Rigid Pavement):
Find out the required thickness of a jointed reinforced
concrete pavement with slabs doweled and tied. The
shoulders are made of doweled asphalt concrete. Assume
the pavement is placed in a wet location with poor
drainage. The subgrade is very week clay with CBR = 3.
Design reliability is 90%. The concrete’s 28-day
compressive strength = 4,000 lbf/in2 and modulus of
rupture = 650 lbf/in2. The traffic on the design lane is
projected to be 20x106 ESALs. A 8 in. thick cement-treated
sub-base will be used.
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