Fish Halal Haram List
Fish Halal Haram List
Fish Halal Haram List
▪ Basa (Pangasius bocourti) Family: Pangasiidae (Shark catfishes)
▪ Tra (Pangasianodon <Pangasius> hypophthalmus)
The basa fish, Pangasius bocourti, is a type of catfish in the family Pangasiidae. Basa are
native to the Mekong River Delta in Vietnam and Chao Phraya basin in Thailand. These
fish are important food fish with an international market. They are often labeled in the
North America as basa fish or bocourti. In the UK, the species is known mainly as river
cobbler, with basa also being used on occasion. In Europe, these fish are commonly
marketed as pangassius or panga. Other related shark catfish may occasionally be falsely
labeled as basa fish, including Pangasius hypophthalmus (iridescent shark) and Pangasius
pangasius (yellowtail catfish).
These lists of kosher and non kosher fish were prepared by James W. Atz, Ph.D., Curator
and Dean Bibliographer in the Department of Ichthyology of the American Museum of
Natural History, New York, New York 10024 and Adjunct Professor of Biology,
Graduate School of Arts and Science on New York University.� They were published
by Orthodox Union in Kosher Guide (1991) and in the Orthodox Union Kosher
Consumer Directory (1991-1993).� This copy was adapted from the internet[1] where
Dr. Atz�s list is posted with permission of the Orthodox Union. This list is reprinted
here on with permission of the Orthodox Union.
ed. note: This is a list of Kosher fish - i.e. fish that have fins and scales. THIS IS NOT A
LIST OF OU KOSHER CERTIFIED FISH. Customers should be advised only to
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purchase fish from a reliable kosher fish store, or only fish with skin on that they can
personally identify. The FDA warns that species substitution is a serious problem even
from their perspective. list updated March 11, 2003
Information on the processing of fish to be kosher can be found at The Fortunes of a Fish
by Rabbi Blech.
Angler See: Goosefishes
Eels (Order Anguilliforms). Including American and European eel (Anguilia rostrata and
Anguila anguila) ; Conger eel (Conger oceanic us) . Gars (Order Semionotiformes).
Freshwater gars (Lepisosteus species).
Freshwater Cod (Family Gadidae), Burbot, lawyer, or freshwater ling (lota lota).
Monk fish (added by Rabbi Donneal Epstein in consultation with Dr. Atz)
Albacore See: Mackerels
ama or reineta which go by the Latin name lepidotus austrais or lepidotus raii)
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Ballyhoo See: Flyingfishes
Carps and minnows (Family Cyprinidae), Including: the carp, leather carp, mirror carp
(Cyprinus carpio); Crucian carp (Carassius carassius); Goldfish (Carassius auratus); tench
(Tinca tinca); Splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus); Squawfishes (Ptychocheilus
species); Scramento backfish or hardhead (Orthodon microlepidotus); Freshwater breams
(Abramis species, Blicca species); Roach (Rutilus rutilus).
Caviar (Must be from a kosher fish) See: Trouts and whitefishes (salmon), Lumpsuckers
(non kosher), Sturgeons (non kosher).
Cobia, cabio, or black bonito (Rachycentron canadum) Cod, cultus, black, blue, or ling.
See: Greenlings, Sablefish
Dolphin fishes or mahimahis (Coryphaena species) Not to be confused with the Mammal
called Dolphin or Porpoise, which is non kosher.
Drums and croakers (Family Sciaenidae), Including: Seatrouts and carvinas (Cynoscion
species); Weakfish (Cynoscion nebulosus); White seabass (Cynoscion nobillis); Croakers
(micropogon species, Bairdiella species, Odontoscion species); Silver perch (Bairdiella
chyrsura); White or King croaker (Genyonemus lineatus); Black croaker (cheilottena
saturnum); Spotfin croaker (Roncadorstearnsi); Yellowfin croaker(Umbrinaroncador);
Drums (Pogonias species, Stellifer species, Umbrina species); Red drum or channel bass
(Sciaenops ocallata); Freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens); Kingfishes or king
whitings (Menticirrhus species); California corbina (Menticirrhus undulatus); spot or
lafayette (Leiostomus xanthurus); Queenfish (Seriphus politus); Cubbyu or ribbon fish
(Equetus umbrosus).
Herrings (Family Clupeidae), Including: Atlantic and Pacific herring (Clupae harengus
subspecies); thread herrings (Opisthonema species); Shads (Alosa species); Shad or glut
herring, or blueback (Alosa aestivalis); Hickory shad (Alosa mediocris); Alewife or river
herring (Alosa pseudoharengus); Gizzard shads (Dorosoma species); Menhadens or
mossbunkers (Brevoortia species); Spanish sardines (Sardineila anchovia); European
sardine or pilchard (Sardina pilchardus); Pacific sardine or pilchard (Sardinops sagax);
Spart (Sprattus sprattus)
Jacks and Pompanos (Family Charangidae) Including: Pompanos, palometas, and permits
(Trachionotus species); Amberjacks and yellowtails (Seriola species); California
yellowtail (Seriola dorsalls); Scads and cigarfish (Decapterus species, Selar species,
Trachurus species); Jack mackerel or horse mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus); Jacks and
uluas (Caranx species, Carangoides species); Crevalles (Caranx species); Blue runner
(Caranx crysos); Rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata); Moonfishes (Vomer species);
Lookdown (Selene vomer); Leatherback or lae (Scomberoides sanctipetri); BUT NOT
INCLUDING: LEATHERJACKET (Oligoplites saurus).
Lizardfishes(Family Synodontidae)
MargateSee: Grunts
Mullets (Farnily Mugilidae) including: Mullets and amaamas (Mugil species); Uouoa
(Neomyxus chaptallii); Mountain mullets or dajaos (agonostomus species)
Pikes (Family Esocidae) including; Pike (esox lucius); Pickerels (Esox species);
Muskellunge (esox masquinongy)
Porgies and sea breams (Family Sparidae). Including: Porgies (Calamus species,
Diplodus species, Pagrus species); Scup (Stenotomus chrysops); Pinfish (Lagodon
rhomboides); Sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus)
Sea basses (Family Serranidae) including: Black sea basses (Centropristis species);
Groupers (Epinephelus species, and Mycteroperca species); Rockhind (Epinephelus
adscensionis); Speckled hind (Epinephelus drummondhayi); Red hind (Epinephelus
guttatus); Jewfish (Epinephelus itajara); Spotted cabrilla (Epinephelus analogus); Gag
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(Mycteroperca microlepis); Scamp (Mycteroperca phenax); Graysby (petrometopon
cruentatum); Mutton hamlet (Alphestes afer) Sand bass, kelp bass, and spotted bass
(Paralabrax species)
Soles (Family Soleidae), Including: Sole or true sole (solea solea); Lined sole (Achirus
lineatus); Hogchoker (Trinectes maculatus).
Trouts and whitefishes (Family Salmonidae) including: Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar);
Pacific salmons (Oncorhtnchus species); Coho or silver salmon; sockeye, blueback or red
salmon; chinook, king or spring salmon; pink or humpback salmon; chum, dog or fall
salmon, Trouts (Salmo species) Brown trout, rainbow trout or steelhead, cutthroat trout,
golden trout, Chars (Salvelinus species); Lake trout, brook rout, Arctic char (salvelinus
alpinus), Dolly Varden, Whitefishes and ciscos (coregonus species and Prosopium
species); Cisco or lake herring (Corengonus artedii); chubs (coregonus species); graylings
(thymallus Species)
Wrasses (Family Labridae) including: Hogfishes and aawas (Bodianus species); Hogfish
or capitaine (Lachnolaimus maximus); Tautog or blackfish (Tautoga onitis); California
sheephead or redfish (Pimelometopon pulchrum); Cunner, chogset, or bergall
(Tautogolabrus adspersus)