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Business Communication Course Outline

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Degree Program B.A. in Management

Course Title Administrative & Business Communication
Course code MGMT 2061
Instructor Biniam G. (BSc.,BA,MA & Ph.D.Candidate)
ECTS credit points 5
Course Objectives The course enables students to:
 Understand the importance of effective communication in the real world
of Business.
 Identify problems of effective communication and its impact on the
overall organizational goal achievements.
 Introduce s t u d e n t s t o t h e b a s i c s k i l l s a n d w a y s of
i m p r o v i n g communication.
 Help students improve interpersonal communication.
 Enable students understand the significance of effective communication
in undertaking managerial functions.
 Learn techniques and skills of correct business research report writing;
learn report writing style using an approved style; and, apply the basics of
oral communication in a presentation of a project, including, proper
speech, organization, use of graphical aids, and effective non-verbal
Course Description/Course The course is designed to handle issues related to communication in the context
Contents of carrying out the managerial duties of a manager. It treats the importance,
conceptual framework, functions, conditions, process, models and elements of
communication. Moreover, it presents the nature and types of
communications in organization by placing emphasis on formal and informal
communication among members. Furthermore this course examines the
causes of communication breakdown and attempts to provide framework to
rectify this crucial problem. The course is also designed to provide theoretical
as well as practical frameworks of the media of communication.

Pre-requisites No Prerequisite
Status of the Course Core
Topics and Sub Topics Course Objectives and Competences to be Acquired

CHAPTER ONE After completing this unit, students will be able to:
COMMUNICATION: AN OVERVIEW  understand the meaning of
1.1. Meaning of Communication communication
1.2. Significance of Communication  explain the significance communication
1.3. Communication in Management  understand the role of communication
in management and Business
Delivery Method Lecture, Group Discussion & Reflection
CHAPTER TWO After completing this unit, students will be able to:
THE COMMUNICATION PROCESSES  Understand the concept of elements of
2.1. Elements of Communication communication.


2.2. The process of communication  Understand the processes and steps of

2.3. Barriers to Communication communication.
Interpersonal Communications and Teamwork  list and understand the barriers and road
blocks of effective communication
 Understand interpersonal communication
and team work
Delivery Method Lecture, Group Discussion & Reflection
CHAPTER THREE At the end of this unit, students will be able to:
COMMUNICATION PRINCIPLES  Explain the meaning of principles off business
1.1. The 7 C’s communication and communication in general.
 Understand the different principles of
Delivery Method Lecture, Group Discussion & Reflection
CHAPTER FOUR At the end of this chapter students will
4.1 Internal &external Communication  The different types of formal and
4.2 Formal flow of communication informal communications.
i. Down Ward Communication  Explain the meaning and concept of
ii. Upward Communication nonverbal communication.
iii. Horizontal Communication  Differentiate vertical, horizontal and
iv. Diagonal Communication diagonal communications
v. Informal Communication
vi. Non- verbal communication
Delivery Method Lecture, Group Discussion & Reflection
CHAPTER FIVE At the end of this unit students will be able to:
PUBLIC RELATION  understand the meaning and concepts of
5.1. The publics public relations
5.2. Media relations  explain the publics
 understand media of relations
Delivery Method Lecture, Group Discussion & Reflection
CHAPTER SIX At the end of this lesson students will
6.1 Introduction  Understand the concept of
6.2 Overview of media of communication media of communication.
6.3 Oral Communication  Understand the different types
6.3.1. Speech Oral and Written
6.3.2. Telephoning vs. face to face conversation communications.
6.3.3. Active listening  Differentiate the differences
6.3.4. Interviews between Oral and Written
6.3.5. Meetings communications.
6.4. Written Communication
6.4.1. Business letter writing
6.4.2 Memo and Report Writing


Assessment Arrangement

Continuous Assessment = 50%

Final Exam = 50%


 C.B Gubta, “Business Organization and Management “ , Sultan chand & sons, new Delhi.
 David R.Hampton, “contemporary management”, McGraw Hill Inc., New York, 1981.
 Ernest Dale. “Management. Theory and Practices.” McGraw Hill Inc. New York, 1981.
 Fred Luthans, “Introduction to Management, A Contingency Approach”, McGraw Hill Book Company
New york, 1973.
 george R.Terry and Stephen G. Franklin, “Principles of management”, All India Traveller book Sellen
New Dethi, 1991.
 Harold Kooz, Cyril o’Donnel and Heinz Weihrich, “Management”, McGraw Hill International New york,
 Henry sisik, “Management and Organization”, South Western publishing Co., Chicago, 1982.
 Peter F. Druker, “Management: Task and Responsibility”, IIaper & Row, New york, 1973.
 Peter F. Druker,” The practice of management” Haper & Brothers, New York, 1986.
 Samul C.Certo, “Principles of Modern Management”, Allyn and Bacon Inc., boston, 1986.
 Y.K bushan, “Fundametals of business Organization and Management”, Sultan chand & sons, New


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