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Sem-5 Syllabus

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Course No. Title of the Course Credits Course Pre- Requisite
EEEEC14 Microprocessor based System 4 Digital Circuits
L-T-P: 3-0-2
Design and Systems
CO1. Understanding of working principle of Microcomputer, interfacing of memory and I/Os.
CO2. To understand the technical limitations and challenges of program execution timings, size of
codes, and coordination with other peripheral devices.
CO3. Introduction of Advanced Microprocessors and their working environment under Industrial
CO4. How to select proper devices for designing any digital systems.
CO5. To prepare for next generation researcher and system designer/developer in the area of fast
changing and emerging digital processing units and to train enough to understand related
scientific and technological terminologies, and how to protect the system from undue
exploitation and misinterpretation by the service providers in this area.
Unit No. Topics
Unit 1 Introduction of microprocessors and microcontrollers, General Architectural Concepts,
memory devices, and I/Os. Introduction of X86 Family of Advanced Processors in
contrast of Intel 8085 Microprocessor.

Unit 2 Study of 8086/8088 Microprocessors: Internal Architectures, Pin signal assignments,

minimum and maximum mode operations, Addressing modes, and Timing Diagrams

Unit 3 Types of instructions and their format, Assembly language Programming, Compilation and
generating executable codes. Testing and Debugging of Codes, Concepts of Procedures
and Macros.
Unit 4 Introduction to 8087 math coprocessor and its instruction set. Peripheral Devices and Their
Interfacing: Memory and I/O interfacing, data transfer schemes, programmable peripheral
interface (8255), Display and keyboard Interface (8279), programmable interrupt controller
(8259), programmable counter/interval timer (8253/8254), Case studies of different
Unit 5 Introduction of 80386/80486 Microprocessors, the concept of Real mode, Protected Mode,
and Virtual 8086 mode, Programming Model and internal resources available.
Memory managements and IOs. Types of interrupts.
1. John E. Uffenbeck, “The 8086/8088 Family: Design, Programming, and Interfacing”, PHI
2. Barry B. Bray, “Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium,
Prentium Processor, Pentium II, III.”

Course No Title of the Course Credits Course Pre- Requisite

EEEEC15 Control Systems 4 L-T-P: 3-0-2 Signal and Systems


CO1. Understand and analyze feedback characteristics of linear continuous control systems.
CO2. Derive mathematical model of various physical systems.
CO3. Determine the response of different order systems for various standard inputs.
CO4. Frequency domain analysis of linear continuous control systems using various
standard Techniques
CO5. Design of state variable model for different systems in continuous domain.
Unit No. Topics
Unit 1 Introduction: Open loop and closed loop control systems illustrations, classification of
control systems, Revision of standard Laplace Transform table and initial and final value
theorem, Transfer function, block diagram and signal flow graph representation, Block
diagram reduction techniques, Mason’s gain formula.
Unit 2 Mathematical Models of Physical Systems: Mathematical Modelling and System
Representation of physical systems, Mechanical and Electrical systems, analogous systems,
F-V and F- I Analogy.
Feedback Characteristics of Control Systems: Effects of feedback on variation of system
parameters, system Dynamics, sensitivity and effect of disturbances.
Control System Components: Potentiometers, Synchros, Armature and field-controlled D.C
servomotor, A.C servomotor, Tachogenerator, Stepper Motor.
Unit 3 Time Domain Analysis: Standard test signals, transient response for first and second order
systems, transient specifications, Concept of Poles and Zeros , Effects of proportional (P)
Integral (I) and Derivative (D) control and PID control action on system performance,
Position, Velocity and Acceleration error coefficients and steady state error.
Unit 4 Stability: Concept of stability, conditions for stability, Routh Stability criteria, Root locus
technique, construction rules, Stability check using root locus plots.
Frequency Domain Analysis: Concept of frequency response, Frequency response plots:
polar plot, Bode plots, Nyquist stability criteria and Nyquist Plots, Stability in frequency
domain, performance specifications, correlation between time and frequency responses.
Unit-5 Introduction to state space representation for LTI systems, solution of state equation and
state transition matrix, controllability and observability, pole placement and observer
Text Books:
1. Ogata K, “Modern Control Engineering”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
2. Richard Dorf & Robert Bishop, “Modern control system”, 10th edition, Pearson Education.
3. B.C Kuo, “Automatic control systems”, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
4. I.J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering,” New Age International Publishers.

Course No. Title of the Course Credit Course Structure Pre- Requisite

EEEEC16 Power Transmission and Distribution 4 L-T-P: 3-0-2 Power Systems

CO1. To get introduced with the basics of power transmission systems
CO2. To be familiar with the distribution systems
CO3. To analyze performance of transmission systems through modeling
CO4. To know design and physical construction of overhead lines and underground cables
CO5. To be aware of phenomena of surges and travelling waves in high voltage
transmission systems
Unit No. Topics


Unit 1 Introduction to Transmission and Distribution Systems: Structure of a power system,
indoor and outdoor substations, equipment for substations, general layout, auxiliary
supply; radial, ring mains, sub-transmission, primary and secondary distribution systems;
comparison of various types of ac and dc systems; calculation of line resistance (skin and
proximity effect), inductance and capacitance of single-phase and three-phase, single
circuit and double circuit transmission lines, distribution system components.
Unit 2 Performance of Transmission Lines: Models of short, medium and long transmission lines
including A, B, C, D constants; Ferranti effect, regulation and efficiency, tuned power lines,
power flow through a transmission line, power circle diagrams, and transmission loss;
transposition of conductors, surge impedance loading, formation of corona, critical voltage,
methods of reduction – bundle conductor, effect on line performance and interference.
Unit 3 Overhead Lines and Underground Cables: Overhead line supports (towers), conductors,
insulating materials and insulators - voltage distribution over suspension insulator string,
equalizer ring, string efficiency, testing of insulators; conductor sag-tension calculations,
effects of wind and ice loading, vibration dampers.
Types of LV and HV underground cables and insulation – solid, liquid, gaseous, dielectric
stress, dielectric loss, heating of cables, grading of cables, measuring insulation resistance,
and capacitances of single-phase and three-phase cables, charging current in a cable and
rating, failure due to tree formation.
Unit 4 Surge Performance and Protection: Switching surges, origin and mechanism of lightening
strokes, direct and induced strokes, protection from surges - lightning arrestors (rod gap,
horn gap, multi-gap and expulsion type) and surge diverters, evaluation of surge
impedance, energy and power associated with a surge.
Unit-5 Travelling Waves: Theory of traveling waves, wave equation, role of characteristic
impedance of a line, incident and reflected waves, transmission and refraction of waves,
Bewley Lattice Diagram, velocity of traveling waves, behaviour of traveling waves for
different terminations - inductor, capacitor, open-end, short-end, cable while approaching
substation and over the junction of dissimilar lines, attenuation of traveling waves.
1. HadiSaddat, “Electric power systems”, Tata McGraw Hill. 2014.
2. Abhijit Chakraborty, and Sunita halder, “Power System Analysis, Operation and Control”, PHI, New
Delhi, 2011.
3. W. H. Stevension,”Elements of Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill, 1982.
4. C. L. Wadhava, “Electrical Power Systems”, New Age International, 2004.

Course No. Title of the Course Credits Course Structure Pre- Requisite

EEEEC17 Electric Drives 4 L-T-P: 3-0-2 Power Electronics

CO1. Study the basic concepts of electric drives.
CO2. Understanding of power circuit configuration of the phase-controlled rectifiers and choppers
for the speed control of DC motor drives.
CO3. Design static Scherbius and Kramer drives to implement slip power recovery schemes
CO4. Design and implement of synchronous motor drives with fixed frequency and variable frequency
CO5. Implement speed control schemes stepper motor drives.

Unit No. Topics


Unit 1 Introduction to Electrical drives Introduction, advantages of electrical drives, parts of electrical
drives, choice of electrical drives, status of dc and ac drives, dynamics of electrical drives,
fundamental torque equation, components of load torque, nature and classification of load
torques, speed-torque conventions and multi-quadrant operation, equivalent values of drive
Unit 2 DC Drives Basic Concepts: Speed torque characteristics, starting, braking and speed control
techniques of shunt/separately excited dc motor (theory only). Rectifier controlled dc drives:
Types of rectifiers- review, fully controlled rectifier fed dc drives, half controlled rectifier fed
dc drives, multi-quadrant operation of rectifier-controlled dc drives. Chopper controlled dc
drives: Types of choppers – review, chopper- controlled dc drives – motoring and braking
operation, multi-quadrant operation of chopper-controlled dc drives.
Unit 3 AC Drives Basic Concepts: Speed-Torque characteristics of induction motors. Concept of
induction motor starting. Types of starters - star delta, auto transformer, reactor, part
winding, rotor resistance. Concept of induction motor braking. Methods of braking -
regenerative, plugging, dynamic braking (theory only) Speed control techniques: Rotor
resistance control, Stator voltage control, stator frequency control, V/f control. Static
converter control of induction motors: ac voltage regulator control, voltage source inverter
control, cyclo-converter control.
Unit 4 Introduction to Special Machine Drives & Synchronous motors Drive: Construction, operation
from fixed frequency supply –starting, speed-torque characteristics, pulling in, braking of
motor various special motors such as Synchronous Motor, BLDC, Switch Reluctance Motor,
PMSM. Variable speed Drives. Self-controlled synchronous motor drive employing load
commutated inverter. brushless dc motor controllers – rotor position measurement,
commutation logic, speed controller.
Unit-5 Stepper Motor Drives: Principle of operation of stepper motor, single stack variable reluctance
motors, speed torque characteristics, control of stepper motors, unipolar and bipolar drive
circuits Selection of motor power rating: Thermal model of motor for heating and cooling,
classes of motor duty, determination of motor rating. Selection of parts, control technique for
a given drive specification.
1. G.K Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa publishing house Chennai, 2 Edition, 5th
2. Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi, Fundamentals of Electric Drives, Thomson Learning, 2002
3. Dave Polka , Motors and Drives : A Practical Technology Guide, The Instrumentation, Systems
and Automation Society, 2000.
4. N.K De and P.K. Sen, Electrical Drives, PHI, 2007.
5. M.H.Rashid, ‘Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications’, Pearson Education, 3 rd


Course No. Title of the Course Credits Course Structure Pre-Requisite
EEEEC18 Power System Analysis 4 3L-0T-2P Power Transmission and


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