Sem-5 Syllabus
Sem-5 Syllabus
Sem-5 Syllabus
Unit 3 Types of instructions and their format, Assembly language Programming, Compilation and
generating executable codes. Testing and Debugging of Codes, Concepts of Procedures
and Macros.
Unit 4 Introduction to 8087 math coprocessor and its instruction set. Peripheral Devices and Their
Interfacing: Memory and I/O interfacing, data transfer schemes, programmable peripheral
interface (8255), Display and keyboard Interface (8279), programmable interrupt controller
(8259), programmable counter/interval timer (8253/8254), Case studies of different
Unit 5 Introduction of 80386/80486 Microprocessors, the concept of Real mode, Protected Mode,
and Virtual 8086 mode, Programming Model and internal resources available.
Memory managements and IOs. Types of interrupts.
1. John E. Uffenbeck, “The 8086/8088 Family: Design, Programming, and Interfacing”, PHI
2. Barry B. Bray, “Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium,
Prentium Processor, Pentium II, III.”
Course No. Title of the Course Credit Course Structure Pre- Requisite
Course No. Title of the Course Credits Course Structure Pre- Requisite