Heat and Thermal
10 Expansion
Chapter Highlights
Heat, Temperature, Thermal expansion, Specific heat capacity, Latent heat, Calorimetry, Kinetic theory of gases,
Concept of pressure, Kinetic energy and temperature, RMS speed of gas molecules, Law of equipartition of
Specific heat
(cal g–1C–1)
m DT 1.008
and CGS unit is cal/gm°C.
Specific heat of water: S = 4200 J/kg°C = 1000 cal/kg°C =
1 kcal/kg°C = 1 cal/gm°C 0 15 35 100
Specific heat of steam = half of specific heat of Temp (°C)
water = specific heat of ice
3. Find the amount of heat released if 1 kg steam at 1 10 × 10
200°C is converted into –20°C ice. mSDq = mgh ⇒ Dq =
4 4 × 470
10.4 Chapter 10
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics m1s1T1 + m2 s2T2 + m3 s3T3
So T=
If objects A and B are separately in thermal equilibrium m1s1 + m2 s2 + m3 s3
with a third object C, then objects A and B are in thermal 7. In following equation, calculate value of H 1 kg ice at
equilibrium with each other. –20°C = H + 1 kg water at 100°C, here H means heat
required to change the state of substance.
Heat required to convert 1 kg ice at – 20°C into 1 kg
5. The temperature of equal masses of three different liq-
water at 100°C
uids A, B, and C are 10°C, 15°C, and 20°C, respec-
= 1 kg ice at – 20°C to 1 kg ice at 0°C ice at
tively. The temperature when A and B are mixed is
0°C + 1 kg water
13°C and when B and C are mixed, it is 16°C. What
at 0°C + 1 kg water at 0°C to 1 kg water at 100°C
will be the temperature when A and C are mixed?
=1× × 20 + 1 × 80 + 1 × 100 = 190 kcal.
Solution: 2
13°C 16°C So H = – 190 kcal
Negative sign indicate that 190 kcal heat is withdrawn
from 1 kg water at 100°C to convert it into 1 kg ice
m m m
S1 S2 S3 at – 20°C
10°C 15°C 20°C
8. 1 kg ice at –20°C is mixed with 1 kg steam at 200°C.
Then find equilibrium temperature and mixture
when A and B are mixed content.
mS1 × (13 – 10) = m × S2 × (15 – 13) Solution:
3S1 = 2S2 (1) Let equilibrium temperature be 100°C heat required
to convert 1 kg ice at –20°C to 1 kg water at 100°C is
when B and C are mixed equal to
S2 × 1 = S3 × 4 (2) 1
H1 = 1 × × 20 + 1 × 80 + 1 × 1 × 100 = 190 kcal
when C and A are mixed 2
Heat release by steam to convert 1 kg steam at 200°C
S1(q – 10) = S3 × (20 – q ) (3) to 1 kg water at 100°C is equal to
by using equation (1), (2), and (3) 1
H2 = 1 × × 100 + 1 × 540 = 590 kcal
we get q= °C
11 1 kg ice at – 20°C = H1 + 1 kg water at 100°C (1)
6. If three different liquid of different masses specific 1 kg steam at 200°C = H2 + 1 kg water at 100°C (2)
heats and temperature are mixed with each other, then
By adding equation (1) and (2)
what is the temperature mixture at thermal equilibrium.
1 kg ice at –20°C + 1 kg steam at 200°C = H1 + H2 +
m1, s1, T1 → specification for liquid
2 kg water at 100°C.
m2, s2, T2 → specification for liquid Here heat required to ice is less than heat supplied by
m3, s3, T3 → specification for liquid steam so mixture of equilibrium temperature is 100°C,
then steam is not completely converted into water.
Solution: So mixture has water and steam which is possible only
Total heat lost or gained by all substance is equal to at 100°C mass of steam, when converted into water is
zero equal to
DQ = 0 1
190 - 1 × × 100
2 7
m= = kg
m1s1(T – T1) + m2s2(T – T2) + m3s3 (T – T3) = 0 540 27
and Thermal Expansion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(a) Circle Circular
hole Fig. 10.3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Distance between any two point on an object increases
(b) with increase in temperature.
The same steel ruler two different temperatures. When it So, all dimension a, b, c, and d will increase
expands, the scale, the numbers, the thickness, and the 10. In Fig. 10.4, when temperature is increased then which
diameters of the circle and circular and hole are all of the following increases
increased by the same factor. (The expansion has been
exaggerated for clarity.)
Potential R1
r0 r1 r
E2 Fig. 10.4
(A) R1 (B) R2 (C) R2 – R1
Fig. 10.2
Thermal expansion arises because the well is not symmet- All of the above
rical about the equilibrium position r0. As the temperature - - - - - represents expanded boundary
rise the energy of the atom increases. The average position --------- represents original boundary
when the energy is E2 is not the same as that when the
energy is E1.
At the atomic level, thermal expansion may be understood
by considering how the potential energy of the atoms varies
with distance. The equilibrium position of an atom will be
at the minimum of the potential energy if the well is sym-
metric. At a given temperature, each atom vibrates about As the intermolecular distance between atoms
its equilibrium position and its average remains at the min- increases on heating, the inner and outer perimeter
imum point. If the shape of the well is not symmetrical the increases. Also if the atomic arrangement in radial
average position of an atom will not be at the minimum direction is observed, then we can say that it also
point. When the temperature is raised, the amplitude of the increases. Hence, all A, B, C are true.
10.6 Chapter 10
LINEAR EXPANSION Thermal Stress of a Material
When the rod is heated, its increase in length DL is If the rod is free to expand, then there will be no stress and
proportional to its original length L0 and change in temper- strain. Stress and strain is produced only when an object
ature DT , where DT is in °C or K. is restricted to expand or contract according to change in
temperature. When the temperature of the rod is decreased
L0 L = L0 + ΔL
or increased under constrained condition, compressive or
tensile stresses are developed in the rod. These stresses are
Before heating After heating
known as thermal stresses.
dL = aL0 dT ⇒ DL = a L0 D T If a DT << 1 DL Final length - Original length
Strain = = = a DT
L0 Original length
a= ,
L0 D T
where a is called the coefficient of linear expansion whose
unit is °C-1 or K-1. Original and final length should be at same temperature
L = L0 (1 + a DT )
Consider a rod of length l0 which is fixed between to rigid
where L is the length after heating the rod. end separated at a distance l0. Now if the temperature of
the rod is increased by Dq then the strain produced in the
Variation of a with Temperature rod will be:
and Distance
1. If a varies with distance, a = ax + b.
Then total expansion = ∫ (ax + b) DT dx. F F
Fig. 10.5
Using pV = nRT, the volume of 1 mole of air at STP is
(B) If piston does not move
nRT (1 mol) × (8.3 J/mol - K ) × ( 273 K )
(C) If piston is heavy and movable V= =
p 1.0 × 105 N/m 2
= 0.0224 m3.
(A) Since pressure is constant
7 The mass of 1 mole is, therefore,
\ DQ = nCP DT = 2 × × R × (400 – 300)
2 (1.29 kg/m3) × (0.0224 m3) = 0.029 kg.
= 700 R 1
(B) Since volume is constant The number of moles in 1 kg is . The molar heat
\ DW = 0 and DQ = Du (from first law) capacity at constant volume is
10.8 Chapter 10
170 cal
Cv = = 4.93 cal/mol-K.
(1/ 0.029) mol-K
Fig. 10.7
Hence, CP = g CV = 1.4 × 4.93 cal/mol-K
(A) aDq (B) aDq
or CP – CV = 0.4 × 4.93 cal/mol-K 2
(C) Zero (D) Information insufficient
= 1.97 cal/mol-K
Also, CP – CV = R = 8.3 J/mol-K Here rod is free to expand from one side; so by chang-
ing temperature, no strain will be produced in the rod.
Thus, 8.3 J = 1.97 cal.
Hence, answer is (C)
The mechanical equivalent of heat is
16. An iron ring measuring 15.00 cm in diameter is to
8.3 J be shrunk on a pulley which is 15.05 cm in diame-
= 4.2 J/cal.
1.97 cal ter. All measurements refer to the room temperature
20°C. To what minimum temperature should the ring
Average Molar Specific Heat of Metals be heated to make the job possible? Calculate the
strain developed in the ring when it comes to the room
[Dulong and Petit Law]
temperature. Coefficient of linear expansion of iron
At room temperature, average molar specific heat of all = 12 × 10–6/°C.
metals are same and is nearly equal to 3R
(6 cal. mol–1 K–1 ). The ring should be heated to increase its diameter
Temperature above which the metals have constant CV is from 15.00 cm to 15.05 cm.
called Debye temperature. Using l2 = l1 (1 + a Dq ),
l 0 - l 0 (1 + aDq ) -l 0aDq 0.05 cm
= = = = 278°C
l 0 (1 + aDq ) l 0 (1 + aDq ) 15.00 cm × 12 × 10 -6 / °C
Q a is very small so The temperature = 20°C + 278°C = 298°C.
Strain = – a D q (negative sign in the answer represents that l 2 - l1
the length of the rod is less than the The strain developed = = 3.33 × 10–3 .
6 17. A steel rod of length 1 m rests on a smooth horizontal
base. If it is heated from 0°C to 100°C, what is the
Cv longitudinal strain developed?
T In absence of external force, no strain or stress will be
created. Here rod is free to move.
Mayer’s Equation 18. A steel rod is clamped at its two ends and rests on a
fixed horizontal base. The rod is in natural length at
CP - CV = R (for ideal gases only) 20°C. Find the longitudinal strain developed in the rod
if the temperature rises to 50°C. Coefficient of linear
natural length that is compressed by the ends.
expansion of steel = 1.2 × 10–5/°C.
change in length
As we known that strain =
original length
15. In the given Fig. 10.7, a rod is free at one end and other
end is fixed. When we change the temperature of rod Dl
by Dq, then strain produced in the rod will be l0
and Thermal Expansion
\ Strain = a Dq
= 1.2 × 10–5 × (50 – 20)
= 3.6 × 10–4 20. A pendulum clock consists of an iron rod connected
Here strain is a compressive strain because final to a small, heavy bob. If it is designed to keep correct
length is smaller than initial length. time at 20°C, how fast or slow will it go in 24 hours at
40°C? Coefficient of linear expansion of iron = 1.2 ×
19. A steel wire of cross-sectional area 0.5 mm2 is held 10–6 /°C.
between two fixed supports. If the wire is just taut at
20°C, determine the tension when the temperature Solution:
falls to 0°C. Coefficient of linear expansion of steel The time difference occurred in 24 hours (86400 sec-
is 1.2 × 10–5/°C and its Young’s modulus is 2.0 × 1011 onds) is given by
N/ m2. 1
Dt = a Dq t
Solution: 2
Here final length is more than original length so that 1
strain is tensile and tensile force is given by = × 1.2 × 10–6 × 20 × 86400
F = AY a D t = 0.5 × 10–6 × 2 × 1011 × 1.2 × 10–5 × 20 = 1.04 s
= 24 N This is loss of time as q is greater than q0 . As the
temperature increases, the time period also increases.
Variation of Time Period of Thus, the clock goes slow.
Pendulum Clocks Measurement of Length
The time represented by the clock hands of a pendulum by Metallic Scale
depends on the number of oscillation performed by pendu-
lum. Every time it reaches to its extreme position, the sec- Case I: When object is expanded only
ond hand of the clock advances by one second that means
l2 = l1 {1 + a0(q2 – q1)
second hand moves by two seconds when one oscillation
in complete. l1 = actual length of object at q1°C = measure length of
L0 object at q1°C.
Let T = 2 p at temperature q0 l2 = actual length of object at q2°C = measure length of
object at q2°C.
L a0 = linear expansion coefficient of object.
and T′ = 2 p at temperature q.
g l1
L [1 + a D q ]
T′ L′ 1
= = =1+ aDq
T L L 2
Therefore, change (loss or gain) in time per unit time lapsed θ2
T ´-T 1 0 2 3
= a Dq
T 2
Case II: When only measurable instrument is expanded,
gain or loss in time in duration of t in
actual length of object will not change but measurable
1 value (MV) decreases.
Dt = a Dq t, if T is the correct time then
2 MV = l1 {1 – aS (q2 – q1)}
(a) q < q0, T ′ < T clock becomes fast and gain time aS = linear expansion coefficient of measuring instrument.
(b) q > q0, T ′ > T clock becomes slow and lose time
10.10 Chapter 10
l1 is 10°C. The measurement error will be if the scale of
the vernier caliper has been graduated at a temperature
of 20°C (a = 1.1 × 10–5°C–1. Assume that the length of
θ 1ºC the bar does not change.)
0 1 2 3 4 (A) 1.98 × 10–1 mm (B) 1.98 × 10–2 mm
(C) 1.98 × 10 mm (D) 1.98 × 10–4 mm
θ 2ºC
0 1 2 3 Solution: (B)
True measurement = scale reading [1 + a (q - q0)]
at q1 C MV = 3
= 180 × {1+ (10 – 20) × (–1.1 × 10–5)}
at q1 C MV = 2.2
measurement error = true measurement – scale reading
Case III: If both expanded simultaneously
= 180 × {1+ (10 – 20) × (–1.1 × 10–5)} – 180
MV = {1 + (a0 – as) (q2 – q1)
= 1.98 × 10–2 mm
(i) If a0 > as, then measured value is more then actual
value at q1°C
(ii) If a0 < as, then measured value is less then actual
value at q1°C When a solid is heated and its area increases, then the
thermal expansion is called superficial or areal expansion.
Consider a solid plate of area A0. When it is heated, the
θ 1ºC
change in area of the plate is directly proportional to the
l2 original area A0 and the change in temperature DT.
θ 2ºC L0
Size of object
L0 L at θ1 < θ2
θ 1ºC DL
0 1 2 3 4 5 DL Size of object
at θ2
θ 2ºC
0 1 2 3 4 dA = bA0 dT or DA = b A0 D T
at q1°C MV = 3.4 DA
b= Unit of b is °C-1 or K-1.
A0 D T
q2°C MV = 4.1 A = A0 (1 + b D T)
Measured value = calibrated value × {1 + a D q} where A is area of the plate after heating,
where a = a0 – as
a0 = coefficient of linear expansion of object material, SOLVED EXAMPLE
as = coefficient of linear expansion of scale material
22. A plane lamina has area 2 m2 at 10°C then what is its
Dq = q - qC areal at 110°C. It’s superficial expansion is 2 × 10–5/C
q = temperature at the time of measurement Solution:
qC = temperature at the time of calibration.
For scale, true measurement = scale reading [1 + a (q - q0)] A = A0 ( 1 + b D q )
If q > q0 true measurement > scale reading = 2 {1 + 2 × 105 × (110 – 10)}
q < q0 true measurement < scale reading = 2 × {1 + 2 × 10–3}
⇒ Vg gg = Vm gHg
100 × 9 × 10 -6
⇒ Vm =
1.8 × 10 -4 (i) g for liquids are in order of 10-3 .
Vm = 50 cc. (ii) Anomalous expansion of water:
As water density increases from 0°C to 4°C, so g
is negative and for 4°C to higher temperature g is
RELATION BETWEEN a, b, AND g positive. At 4°C, density is maximum. This anomalous
behaviour of water is due to presence of three types
a b
1. For isotropic solids, a : b : g = 1 : 2 : 3 or = of molecules, i.e. H2O, (H2O)2, and (H2O)3 having
g 1 2 different volume/mass at different temperatures.
Vol./mass (cm3/gm)
F ′B = V d ′L g, d1
Q d2 = = v1(1 + gL Dq )
1+ g L Dq
FB′ ⎡1 + g S D q ⎤⎦
= ⎣ ,
FB [1 + g L D q ] \ f2 =
v1 (1 + g L Dq )
v0 (1 + 3a s Dq )
if gS < gL then F ′B < FB
where Dq = q2 – q1
Buoyant force decreases or apparent weight of body
in liquid gets increased Case I: Body move downward if f2 > f1
Solution: t
Let f = fraction of volume of body submerged in liquid.
Volume of body submerged in liquid
Total volume of body
f1 = at q1°C 25°C
10.14 Chapter 10
3. Stopper of a glass bottle jammed in its neck can be
⎛ d⎞
l0 (1 + a2Dq ) = ⎜ R + ⎟ q taken out by heating the neck.
⎝ 2⎠ 4. The pendulum of a clock is made of invar (an alloy of
d zinc and copper).
1 + a 2 Dq R+
⇒ = 2
Temperature may be defined as the degree of hotness
or coldness of a body. Heat energy flows from a body at
higher temperature to that at lower temperature until their
temperatures become equal. At this stage, the bodies are
said to be in thermal equilibrium.
Measurement of Temperature
R θ
The branch of thermodynamics which deals with the meas-
urement of temperature is called thermometry. A thermom-
Higher temperature (at θ2ºC) eter is a device used to measure the temperature of a body.
The substances like liquids and gases which are used in the
On thermometer are called thermometric substances.
The Constant-Volume Gas Thermometer in a fixed volume. Fig. 10.9 shows such a constant volume
gas thermometer; it consists of a gas-filled bulb connected
The standard thermometer, against which all other ther- by a tube to a mercury monometer.
mometers are calibrated, is based on the pressure of a gas
10.16 Chapter 10
32. Calculate heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g
Gas-felled Scale
of water through 1°C?
Heat required = 1 × 10–3 × 1 × 1 = 1 × 10–3 kcal
h 33. 420 J of energy supplied to 10 g of water will raise its
temperature by
420 × 10 -3
= 10 × 10–3 × 1 × Dt = 10°C
A constant volume gas thermometer, its bulb
immersed in a liquid whose temperature T is to be 34. The ratio of the densities of the two bodies is 3 : 4 and
measured. the ratio of specific heats is 4 : 3. Find the ratio of their
thermal capacities for unit volume?
Fig. 10.9
⎛ p⎞
T = (273.16 K) ⎜ lim ⎟ r1 3 s1 4
⎝ gas→ 0 p3⎠
= , =
r2 4 s2 3
P = Pressure at the temperature being measured, P3 = pres- m×s
sure when bulb in a triple point cell. q=
q1 s r
SOLVED EXAMPLES ⇒ = 1 × 1 = 1 : 1.
q2 s2 r2
29. The readings of a thermometer at 0°C and 100°C are 35. Heat releases by 1 kg steam at 150°C if it is converted
50 cm and 75 cm of mercury column, respectively. into 1 kg water at 50°C.
Find the temperature at which its reading is 80 cm of
mercury column? Solution:
Solution: H=1× × 50 + 1 × 540 + 1 × 1 × 50
By using formula,
= 540 + 75 = 615 kcal
80 - 50 T -0
= Heat release = 615 kcal.
75 - 50 100 - 0
⇒ T = 120°C 36. 200 gm water is filled in a calorimetry of negligible
heat capacity. It is heated till its temperature increases
30. A bullet of mass 10 gm in moving with speed 400 m/s. by 20°C. Find the heat supplied to the water.
Find its kinetic energy in calories?
1 10 H = 200 × 10–3 × 1 × 20 = 4 kcal.
Dk = × × 400 × 400 = 800
2 1000 Heat supplied = 4000 cal
800 37. A bullet of mass 5 gm is moving with speed 400 m/s.
= 191.11 Cal.
4.2 strike a target and energy. Then calculate rise of tem-
perature of bullet. Assuming all the loss in kinetic
31. Calculate amount of heat required to convert 1 kg energy is converted into heat energy of bullet if its
steam from 100°C to 200°C steam specific heat is 500J/kg°C.
Solution: Solution:
1 1
Heat required = 1 × × 100 = 50 kcal Kinetic energy = × 5 × 10–3 × 400 × 400
2 2
Heat and Thermal Expansion 10.17
= 5 × 10–3 × 500 × DT 41. An isosceles triangle is formed with a thin rod of
length l1 and coefficient of linear expansion a1, as the
DT = 160°C
base and two thin rods each of length l2 and coefficient
Rise in temperature is 160°C of linear expansion a2 as the two sides. If the distance
between the apex and the midpoint of the base remain
38. 1 kg ice at –10°C is mixed with 1 kg water at 100°C. unchanged as the temperature is varied show that
Then find equilibrium temperature and mixture
content. Solution:
l2α 2
1 l2α 2
Heat given by 1 kg ice = 1 × × 10 = 5 kcal l
5K + 1 × 80 + 1 × T = 1 × (100 – T) l1α 1
85 = 100 – 2T 2
⎛l ⎞
l = ⎜ 1 ⎟ + (l 2 )
⇒ 2T = 15 ⎝ 2⎠
15 2
q= = 7.5°C, water ⎛l ⎞
l2 = ⎜ 1 ⎟ + (l 2 )
2 ⎝ 2⎠
39. 1 kg ice at –10° is mixed with 1kg water at 50°C. Then
find equilibrium temperature and mixture content. l1 2 d l1 dl
O= + 2l 2 × 2
2 dT dt
1 l1a1
Heat given by ice = 1 × × 10 = 5 kcal + 80 kcal l1 × × DT = 2l2 × l2 a2DT
= 85 kcal 2 2
Heat taken by water = 1 × 1 × 50 = 50 kcal l1 a l a2
Heat given > Heat taken so, ice will not complete =4 2 = 1 =2 .
l2 a1 l2 a1
melt. Let m g ice melt then
1 42. A concrete slab has a length of 10 m on a winter night
1× × 10 + 80 m = 50 m when the temperature is 0°C. Find the length of the
slab on a summer day when the temperature is 35°C.
80 m = 45 The coefficient of linear expansion of concrete is
⇒ m=
45 1.0 × 10–5 /°C.
⎧ ⎛ 45 ⎞ ⎫
⎪water ⎜⎝1 + ⎟⎠ kg⎪ lt = 10(1 + 1 × 10–5 × 35) 10.0035 m
⎪ 80 ⎪
Content of mixture ⎨ ⎬ and
⎪ ice ⎛ 45 ⎞ ⎪
⎜⎝ 1 - ⎟ kg 43. A steel rod is clamped at its two ends and rests on a
⎪ 80 ⎠ ⎪⎭
temperature is 0°C ⎩ fixed horizontal base. The rod is unstrained at 20°C.
Find the longitudinal strain developed in the rod if the
40. A small ring having small gap is shown in Fig. 10.10. temperature rises to 50°C. Coefficient of linear expan-
On heating what will happen to size of gap. sion of steel = 1.2 × 10–5/°C.
Dl l 0aDt
= = – 3.6 × 10–4
l l0
Solution: gM < g l
V = V0 (1 + 3a DT) = 1.14 cm3 FB′ [1 + g S Dq ]
so, = FB′ < FB
FB [1 + g l Dq ]
1.14 cm3 for both
Heat and Thermal Expansion 10.19
so, apparent weight increased 2. Molecules do not have any preferred direction of
motion; motion is completely random.
so, W2 > W1
3. These molecules travel in straight lines and in free
motion most of the time. The time of the collision
53. In Fig. 10.11, which strip brass or steel have higher
between any two molecules is very small.
coefficient of linear expansion.
4. The collision between molecules and the wall of the
Brass container is perfectly elastic. It means kinetic energy
is conserved in each collision.
Steel 5. The path travelled by a molecule between two colli-
T = T0 T > T0
sions is called free path and the mean of this distance
(a) (b)
travelled by a molecule is called mean free path.
Fig. 10.11 6. The motion of molecules is governed by Newton’s law
Solution: of motion.
Brass strip 7. The effect of gravity on the motion of molecules is
54. The upper and lower fixed points of a faulty thermom-
eter are 5°C and 105°C. If the thermometer reads Expression for the Pressure of a Gas
25°C, what is the actual temperature ?
Let us suppose that a gas is enclosed in a cubical box
Solution: having length ℓ. Let there be N identical molecules, each
25 − 5 C – 0 having mass m. Since the molecules are of same mass and
= C = 20°C perfectly elastic, their mutual collisions result in the inter-
100 100
change of velocities only. Only collisions with the walls of
55. At what temperature is the Fahrenheit scale reading the container contribute to the pressure by the gas mole-
equal to twice of Celsius ? cules. Let us focus on a molecule having velocity v1 and
Solution: components of velocity v x , v y , v z along x, y, and z-axis as
1 1 1
2 x − 32 x−0 D
= vz1 vy1
180 100 v1
Fm vx1 Z X
1x – 160 = 9x E
x = 160°C ℓ
A ℓ B
56. Temperature of a patient is 40°C. Find the temperature Fig. 10.12
on Fahrenheit scale?
v12 = v x2 + v 2y + v z2
Solution: 1 1 1
time taken 2ℓ / v x ℓ
hard spheres. They are so small that the volume of 1
molecules is negligible as compared with the volume Hence, the net force on the wall BCHE due to the
of the gas. impact of n molecules of the gas is:
10.20 Chapter 10
mv x2 mv x2 mv x2 mv x2 m
Fx = 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ ............ + n
l l l l l Distribution Curve
dN ( v )
(v )=
mN A plot of (number of molecules per unit speed
x1 + v x2 + v x2 + .............. + v x2 < v x2 > dv
2 3 n
l interval) against c is known as Maxwell’s distribution
where < v x2 > = mean square velocity in x-direction. Since curve. The total area under the curve is given by the integral
molecules do not favour any particular direction, therefore ∞ ∞
dN ( v )
< v x2 > = < v 2y > = < v z2 >. But < v2 > = < v x2 > + < v 2y > ∫ dv dv = ∫ dN (v) = N .
+ < v z2 > 0 0
< v2 > dN ( v )
⇒ < v x2 > = . The actual formula of is not in JEE syllabus.
3 dv
Figure 10.13 shows the distribution curves for two
Pressure is equal to force divided by area.
different temperatures. At any temperature, the number of
Fx M M molecules in a given speed interval dv is given by the area
P= 2
=< v 2 >. 3
< v2 > =
l 3l 3V under the curve in that interval (shaded in Fig. 10.13). This
Pressure is independent of x, y, z directions. number increases, as the speed increases, up to a maximum
Where l3 = volume of the container = V and then decreases asymptotically toward zero. Thus, max-
M = total mass of the gas, <c2 > = mean square veloc- imum numbers of the molecules have speed lying within
ity of molecules a small range centered about the speed corresponding the
1 peak (A) of the curve. This speed is called the ‘most prob-
⇒ P = r < v2 > able speed’ vp or vmp.
1 A
As PV = n RT, then total translational KE of gas = M
3 3 2 dv T1
<v >2 = PV = n RT
2 2 T2 (Higher)
Translational kinetic energy of 1 molecule = kT
(It is independent of the nature of gas.) 2
vp v vrms v
23P 3P 3RT 3kT dv
<v > = or vrms = = =
r r M mole m Fig. 10.13
Where vrms is root mean square velocity of the gas. The distribution curve is asymmetrical about its peak (the
Pressure exerted by the gas is most probable speed vp) because the lowest possible speed
is zero, whereas there is no limit to the upper speed a mol-
1 2 1 2 3 ecule can attain. Therefore, the average speed v is slightly
P= r <v2 > = × r <v2 > or P = E, E = P
3 3 2 3 2 larger than the most probable speed vp. The root-mean-
square speed, vrms, is still larger (vrms > v > vp).
Thus, total translational kinetic energy per unit
volume (it is called energy density) of the gas is numeri- Average (or Mean) Speed
cally equal to times the pressure exerted by the gas. 8 kT
2 v = = 1.59 kT / m
p m
I M P O R TA N T P O I N T S (Derivation is not in the course).
1 RMS Speed
■ vrms ∝ T and vrms ∝
Mmole 3kT kT
■ At absolute zero, the motion of all molecules of the gas vrms = < v 2 > = = 1.73 .
m m
■ At higher temperature and low pressure or at higher Most Probable Speed
temperature and low density, a real gas behaves as an The most probable speed vp or vmp is the speed possessed by
ideal gas. the maximum number of molecules and corresponds to the
Heat and Thermal Expansion 10.21
maximum (peak) of the distribution curve. Mathematically, Internal Energy
it is obtained by the condition.
The internal energy of a system is the sum of kinetic and
dN ( v )
= 0 [by substitution of formula of dN(v) potential energies of the molecule of the system. It is
dv denoted by U. Internal energy (U) of the system is the func-
(which is not in the course)]
tion of its absolute temperature (T) and its volume (V ), i.e.,
Hence, the most probable speed is
U = f (T, V ).
2kT In case of an ideal gas, intermolecular force is zero.
vp = = 1.41 . kT /m
m Hence, its potential energy is also zero. In this case, the
From the above expression, we can see that internal energy is only due to kinetic energy, which depends
on the absolute temperature of the gas, i.e., U = f (T). For an
vrms > v > vp. f
ideal gas, internal energy U = nRT.
The laws which can be deduced with the help of kinetic 2
theory of gases are as follows:
1. Boyle’s law
2. Charles’s law
57. A light container having a diatomic gas enclosed
3. Avogadro’s hypothesis
within is moving with velocity v. Mass of the gas is M
4. Graham’s law of diffusion of gases
and number of moles is n.
5. Regnault’s or Gay Lussac’s law
6. Dalton’s law of partial pressure (i) What is the kinetic energy of gas with respect to
7. Ideal gas equation or equation of state centre of mass of the system?
(ii) What is kinetic energy of gas with respect to
A graph representing the variation of pressure or variation
of temperature or variation of volume with each other is
called or indicator diagram.
1. A steel tape gives correct measurement at 20°C. A 7. The ratio of coefficients of cubical expansion and
piece of wood is being measured with the steel tape at linear expansion is
0°C. The reading is 25 cm on the tape. The real length (A) 1 : 1 (B) 3 : 1
of the given piece of wood must be (C) 2 : 1 (D) None of these
(A) 25 cm (B) Less than 25 cm
8. Minimum amount of steam of 100°C required to melt
(C) More than 25 cm (D) None of these
12 gm ice completely will be
2. Heat required to melt 1 gm of ice is 80 cal. A man (A) 1.5 gm (B) 1 gm (C) 2 gm (D) 5 gm
melts 60 gm of ice by chewing it in 1 minute. Power
supplied by the man to melt ice is 9. Three bodies A, B, and C of masses m, m, and 3 m,
respectively, are supplied heat at a constant rate. The
(A) 4800 W (B) 336 W
change in temperature q versus time t graph for A, B,
(C) 80 W (D) 0.75 W
and C are shown by I, II, and III, respectively. If their
3. The temperature of cold junction of a thermocouple is specific heat capacities are SA, SB , and SC, respectively,
–20°C and the temperature of inversion is 560°C. The then which of the following relation is correct? (Initial
neutral temperature is temperature of each body is 0°C)
(A) 270°C (B) 560°C θ
(C) 1120°C (D) 290°C
4. Two litres of water at initial temperature of 27°C is
heated by a heater of power 1 kW in a kettle. If the lid
of the kettle is open, then heat energy is lost at a con-
π /6
stant rate of 160 J/s. The time in which the temperature π /3 π /4
will rise from 27°C to 77°C is (specific heat of water t
= 4.2 kJ/kg) (A) SA > SB > SC (B) SB = SC < SA
(A) 5 min 20 s (B) 8 min 20 s (C) SA = SB = SC (D) SB = SC > SA
(C) 10 min 40 s (D) 12 min 50 s 10. A container X contains 1 mole of O2 gas (molar mass
5. Graph of specific heat at constant volume for a mono- 32) at a temperature T and pressure P. Another identi-
atomic gas is cal container Y contains 1 mole of He gas (molar mass
(A) (B) 4) at temperature 2T, then
(A) pressure in the container Y is P/8.
C CV (B) pressure in container Y is P.
(C) pressure in the container Y is 2P.
(D) pressure in container Y is P/2.
(C) (D) 11. A 2gm bullet moving with a velocity of 200 m/s is
brought to a sudden stoppage by an obstacle. The total
CV 3R/2 CV
heat produced goes to the bullet. If the specific heat of
the bullet is 0.03 cal/gm-°C, the rise in its temperature
T T will be
6. The average translational kinetic energy of 1 mole of (A) 158.0°C (B) 15.80°C
O2 molecules (molar mass = 32) at a particular tem- (C) 1.58°C (D) 0.1580°C
perature is 0.048 eV. The internal energy of 1 mole of 12. We have a jar A filled with gas characterized by param-
N2 molecules (molar mass = 28) in eV at same tem- eters P, V, and T and another jar B filled with gas with
perature is parameters 2P, V/4, and 2T, where the symbols have
(A) 0.048 (B) 0.003 their usual meanings. The ratio of the number of
(C) 0.0288 (D) 0.080 molecules of jar A to those of jar B is
10.24 Chapter 10
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 density of the liquid and S be the specific heat, the rise
(C) 2 : 1 (D) 4 : 1 in temperature of the drop would be (J = Joule’s equiv-
alent of heat)
13. If g be the ratio of specific heats of a perfect gas, the
number of degrees of freedom of a molecule of the gas s 10s
(A) (B)
is JrS r JrS r
3g - 1
(A) (g -1) (B)
2g - 1 100s 27s
(C) (D)
JrS r 10 JrS r
2 9
(C) (D) (g - 1)
g -1 2 21. A soap bubble in vacuum has a radius of 3 cm and
another soap bubble in vacuum has a radius of 4 cm.
14. The root mean square velocity of the gas molecules is If two bubbles coalesce under isothermal conditions,
300 m/s. What will be the root mean square speed of then the radius of the new bubble is
the molecules if the atomic weight is double and abso- (A) 2.3 cm (B) 4.5 cm
lute temperature is halved? (C) 5 cm (D) 7 cm
(A) 300 m/s (B) 150 m/s
(C) 600 m/s (D) 75 m/s 22. 1 kg water of specific heat 1 cal/gm °C is kept in a
container at 10°C. If 50 gm of ice at 0°C is required
15. 100 g of ice at 0°C is mixed with 100 g of water at to cool down the water from 10°C to 0°C, the water
100°C. What will be the final temperature of the equivalent of container is
mixture? (Latent of fusion for ice = 80 cal/gm and specific heat
(Latent of fusion for ice = 80 cal/gm and specific heat of water is 1 cal/gm °C)
of water is 1 cal/gm °C) 1
(A) 10°C (B) 20°C (A) 1 kg (B) 2 kg (C) 3 kg (D) kg
(C) 30°C (D) 0°C
23. The temperature of a monoatomic gas in an uniform
16. The temperature of a substance increases by 27°C. On container of length L varies linearly from T0 to TL as
the Kelvin scale, this increase is equal to shown in Fig. 10.15. If the molecular weight of the gas
(A) 300 K (B) 2.46 K is M, then the time taken by a wave pulse in traveling
(C) 27 K (D) 7 K from end A to end B is
(A) 1 K TL
(B) 1°C L
(C) 1°F
Fig. 10.15
(D) It will be the same in all the three cases
2L 3M 3(TL - T0 )
18. A constant volume gas thermometer shows pressure (A) (B)
reading of 50 cm and 90 cm of mercury at 0°C and TL + T0 5R 5 RML
100°C, respectively. When the pressure reading is 2L 3M M
60 cm of mercury, the temperature is (C) (D) L
TL - T0 5R 2 R(TL - T0 )
(A) 25°C (B) 40°C
(C) 15°C (D) 12.5°C 24. An iron tyre is to be fitted onto a wooden wheel 1.0 m
in diameter. The diameter of the tyre is 6 mm smaller
19. At what temperature will the resistance of a copper than that of wheel. The tyre should be heated so that its
wire become three times its value at 0°C (Temperature temperature increases by a minimum of (coefficient of
coefficient of resistance for copper = 4 × 10–3/°C) volumetric expansion of iron is 3.6 × 10–5/°C)
(A) 400°C (B) 450°C (A) 167°C (B) 334°C
(C) 500°C (D) 550°C (C) 500°C (D) 1000°C
20. 1000 drops of a liquid of surface tension s and radius 25. At what temperature, the Fahrenheit and the Celsius
r join together to form a big single drop. The energy scales will give numerically equal (but opposite in
released raises the temperature of the drop. If r be the sign) values?
Heat and Thermal Expansion 10.25
(A) –40 °F and 40 °C (A) 0°C (B) –32°C
(B) 11.43 °F and –11.43 °C (C) 100°C (D) –273.15°C
(C) –11.43 °F and +11.43 °C
34. At what temperature, the Fahrenheit and the Celsius
(D) + 40 °F and –40 °C
scales will give numerically equal (but opposite in
26. Two rods of length L1 and L2 are made of materials sign) values?
whose coefficients of linear expansion are a1 and a2. If (A) –40°F and 40°C
the difference between the two lengths is independent (B) 11.43°F and –11.43°C
of temperature (C) –11.43°F and +11.43°C
(A) (L1/L2) = (a1/a2) (B) (L1/L2) = (a2/a1) (D) +40°F and –40°C
(C) L12a1 = L22a 2 (D) a12 L1 = a 22 L2 35. A faulty thermometer has its fixed points body as
27. The ratio of coefficients of cubical expansion and lin- shown on Celsius scale is 55°, then its temperature
ear expansion is shown on this faulty thermometer is
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 3 : 1 (A) 50 (B) 55 (C) 60 (D) 65
(C) 2 : 1 (D) None of these 36. Two rods of length L1 and L2 are made of materials
28. On the Celsius scale, the absolute zero of temperature whose coefficients of linear expansion are a1 and a2 If
is at the difference between the two lengths is independent
of temperature
(A) 0°C (B) –32°C
(C) 100°C (D) –273.15°C (A) (L1/L2) = (a1/a2) (B) (L1/L2) = (a2/a1)
(C) L12a1 = L22a 2 (D) a12 L1 = a 22 L2
29. At what temperature, the Fahrenheit and the Celsius
scales will give numerically equal (but opposite in 37. A substance of mass m kg requires is power input of P
sign) values? watts to remain in the molten state at its melting point.
(A) –40°F and 40°C When the power is turned off, the sample completely
(B) 11.43°F and –11.43°C solidifies in time t second. What is the latent heat of
(C) –11.43°F and +11.43°C fusion of the substance?
(D) +40°F and –40°C Pm Pt m t
(A) (B) (C) (D)
30. Two liquids A and B are at 32°C and 24°C. When t m Pt Pm
mixed in equal masses, the temperature of the mixture 38. Two liquids A and B are at 32°C and 24°C. When mixed
is found to be 28°C. Their specific heats are in the ratio in equal masses, the temperature of the mixture is found
of to be 28°C. Their specific heats are in the ratio of
(A) 3 : 2 (B) 2 : 3 (A) 3 : 2 (B) 2 : 3
(C) 1 : 1 (D) 4 : 3 (C) 1 : 1 (D) 4 : 3
31. The molar specific heats of an ideal gas at constant 39. Two rods of length L1 and L2 are made of materials
pressure and volume are denoted by Cp and Cv, respec- whose coefficients of linear expansion are a1 and a2. If
Cp the difference between the two lengths is independent
tively. Further, = g and R is the gas constant for 1
Cv of temperature.
gm mole of a gas. Then Cv is equal to (A) (L1/L2) = (a1/a2) (B) (L1/L2) = (a2/a1)
R gR (C) L12 a1 = L22a 2 (D) a12 L1 = a 22 L2
(A) R (B) g R (C) (D)
g -1 g -1 40. The number of degrees of freedom for each atom of a
32. If the degree of freedom of a gas molecule is f, then the monoatomic gas is
ratio of two specific heats Cp /Cv is given by (A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 1
2 2 41. If the degrees of freedom of a gas molecule be f, then
(A) +1 (B) 1 -
f f the ratio of two specific heats Cp /Cv is given by
1 1 2 2
(C) 1 + (D) 1 – (A) +1 (B) 1 -
f f f f
1 1
33. On the Celsius scale, the absolute zero of temperature (C) 1 + (D) 1 –
is at f f
10.26 Chapter 10
42. The internal energy U is a unique function of any state (A) Buoyancy will be less in water at 0°C than that in
because change in U water at 4°C
(A) does not depend upon path. (B) Buoyancy will be more in water at 0°C than that
(B) depends upon path. in water at 4°C
(C) corresponds to an adiabatic process. (C) Buoyancy in water at 0°C will be same as that in
(D) corresponds to an isothermal process. water at 4°C
(D) Buoyancy may be more or less in water at 4°C
43. The rms speed of a gas molecule is depending on the radius of the sphere
(A) ( M /3RT ) (B) (M/3RT ) 48. As the temperature is increased, the period of pendulum,
(C) (3RT /M ) (D) (3RT/M ) (A) Increases as its effective length increases even
though its centre of mass still remains at the
44. A bimetallic strip is made of aluminium and steel
centre of the bob.
(a Al > a steel ) . On heating, the strip will
(B) Decreases as its effective length increases even
(A) remain straight. through its centre of mass still remains at the
(B) get twisted. centre of the bob.
(C) bend with aluminium on concave side. (C) Increases as its effective length increases due to
(D) bend with steel on concave side. shifting to centre of mass below the centre of the
45. A uniform metallic rod rotates about its perpendicu- bob.
lar bisector with constant angular speed. If it is heated (D) Decreases as its effective length remains same but
uniformly to raise its temperature slightly, the centre of mass shifts above the centre of the
(A) its speed of rotation increases. bob.
(B) its speed of rotation decreases. 49. Heat is associated with,
(C) its speed of rotation remains same. (A) Kinetic energy of random motion of molecules.
(D) its speed in increases because its moment of iner- (B) Kinetic energy of orderly motion of molecules.
tia increases. (C) Total kinetic energy of random and orderly motion
46. The graph between two temperature scales A and B of molecules.
is shown in Fig. 10.16 between upper fixed point and (D) Kinetic energy of random motion in some cases
lower fixed point there are 150 equal division on scale and kinetic energy of orderly motion in other.
A and 100 on scale B. The relationship for conversion 50. The radius of a metal sphere at room temperature T is
between the two scales is given by R and the coefficient of linear expansion of the metal
is a . The sphere heated a little by a temperature DT
180 so that its new temperature is T + DT . The increase in
the volume of the sphere is approximately.
Temperature (°A)
(A) 2p Ra DT (B) p R 2a DT
ΔtA = 150°
(C) 4p R3a DT / 3 (D) 4p R3a DT
60. 10 gm of ice at 0°C is mixed with 5 gm of steam at (A) The region AB represents ice and water in thermal
100°C. If latent heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal/gm and equilibrium.
latent heat of vaporization is 540 cal/gm. Then at ther- (B) At B, water starts boiling.
mal equilibrium (C) At C, all the water gets converted into steam.
(A) temperature of mixture is 0°C. (D) C to D represents water and steam in equilibrium
(B) temperature of mixture is 100°C. at boiling point.
(C) mixture contains 13.33 gm of water and 1.67 gm 63. Mark the correct options
of steam. (A) A system X is in thermal equilibrium with Y but
(D) mixture contains 5.3 gm of ice and 9.7 gm of not with Z. The system Y and Z may be in thermal
water. equilibrium with each other.
61. A bimetallic strip is formed by two identical strips, (B) A system X is in thermal equilibrium with Y but
one of copper and the other of brass. The coefficients not with Z. The system Y and Z are not in thermal
of linear expansion of the two metals are a C and a B . equilibrium with each other.
On heating, the temperature of the strip goes up by (C) A system X is neither in thermal equilibrium with
DT and the strip bends to form an arc of radius of Y nor with Z. The systems Y and Z must be in ther-
curvature R. Then R is mal equilibrium with each other.
(D) A system X is neither in thermal equilibrium with
(A) proportional to DT .
Y nor with Z. The systems Y and Z may be in ther-
(B) inversely proportional to DT . mal equilibrium with each other.
(C) proportional to a B - a C . 64. Gulab jamuns (assumed to be spherical) are to be
(D) inversely proportional to a B - a C . heated in an oven. They are available in two sizes,
one twice bigger (in radius) than the other. Pizzas
62. Refer to the plot of temperature versus time (Fig. 10.21) (assumed to be discs) are also to be heated in oven.
showing the changes in the state if ice on heating (not They are also in two sizes, one twice bigger (in radius)
to scale). Which of the following is correct? than the other. All four are put together to be heated to
oven temperature. Choose the correct option from the
E following.
(A) Both size gulab jamuns will get heated in the
C D same time.
ml1 ml1
g P1S0 g P1S0
m (C) (D)
P0 4 ml1 2ml1
71. Find the angular frequency of oscillation. If process is
isothermal. Length of gas column at equilibrium posi-
Fig. 10.22
tion is l1 and gas pressure is P1 at equilibrium position.
68. Find compression in the spring at equilibrium position P1S0 2 P1S0
(Assuming S0 P0 > mg ). (A) (B)
2 P0 S0 - mg 4 ml1 ml1
(A) Zero (B)
k P1S0 P1S0
P0 S0 - mg P0 S0 - mg (C) (D)
(C) (D) ml1 2ml1
k 2k
69. Find angular frequency for small oscillation.
kl + g P0 S0 2kl + g P0 S0
(A) (B)
2ml ml
73. Assertion: A block of ice is placed inside a closed (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
room where only walls of the room radiate heat energy.
76. Assertion: Water cannot be liquefied at a temperature
Reason: If ideal gas is compressed isobarically, then greater than 374.1ºC, no matter how large pressure is.
energy is always rejected by the gas.
Reason: The critical temperature of water is 374.1ºC.
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
Water in its gas form at a temperature lower than
74. Assertion: We cannot change the temperature of a 374.1ºC is called water vapour and above 374.1ºC is
body without giving (or taking) heat to (or from) it called water gas.
Reason: According to principal of conservation of (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
energy, total energy is conserved. 77. Assertion: At very high temperatures, molar specific
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D heat at constant volume for an monoatomic ideal gas
75. Assertion: It is convenient to define two specific heats 3
is greater than R (R is gas constant)
CP and CV in case of a gas. However, it is not generally 2
necessary to define two specific heats in case of a solid Reason: At ordinary temperature, the molecules of an
or liquid. ideal gas may have only translational and rotational
kinetic energy, and at high temperature, they may also
Reason: For a given temperature rise, the expansion of
have vibrational kinetic energy.
a solid or liquid is negligible as compared to that of a
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
Integer Type
78. A copper plate of length 1 m is riveted to two steel Area of each plate = 50 cm2
plates of same length and same cross-section area at
79. Water flows at the rate of 0.1500 kg/min through a
0°C. Calculate tension (in kilo newton) generated in
tube and is heated by a heater dissipating 25.2 W. The
copper plate when heated to 20°C.
inflow and outflow water temperatures are 15.2°C and
Ycopper = × Ysteel = 2 × 1011 N/m2 Y = Young’s 17.4°C, respectively. When the rate of flow is increased
2 to 0.2318 kg/min and the rate of heating to 37.8 W, the
inflow and outflow temperatures are unaltered. Find
acopper = 18 × 10–6 K–1 the rate of loss of heat from the tube
asteel = 11 × 10–6 K–1 a = coefficient of linear expansion
80. A wire suspended vertically from one of its ends is 82. If S is stress and Y is Young’s modulus of material of
stretched by attaching a weight of 200 N to the lower a wire, then the energy stored in the wire per unit vol-
end. The weight stretches the wire by 1 mm. The elas- ume is [2005]
tic energy stored in the wire is [2003] (A) 2S2Y (B) S2/2Y (C) 2Y/S2 (D) S / 2Y
(A) 0.2 J (B) 10 J (C) 20 J (D) 0.1 J
83. A wire elongates by l mm when a load w is hanged
81. A wire fixed at the upper end stretches by length l by from it. If the wire goes over a pulley and two weights
applying a force F. The work done in stretching is w each are hung at the two ends, then the elongation of
[2004] the wire will be (in mm) [2006]
(A) F/2l (B) Fl (C) 2Fl (D) Fl / 2 (A) l (B) 2l (C) Zero (D) 1/2
Heat and Thermal Expansion 10.31
84. Two wires are made of the same material and have (A) increase.
the same volume. However, wire 1 has cross-sectional (B) decrease.
area A and wire-2 has cross-sectional area 3 A. If the (C) remain same.
length of wire 1 increases by DX on applying force F, (D) decrease for some, whereas increase for others.
then how much force is needed to stretch wire 2 by the
90. If mass–energy equivalence is taken into account,
same amount? [2009]
when water is cooled to form ice, then the mass of
(A) F (B) 4F (C) 6F (D) 9F water should [2002]
85. A metal rod of Young’s modulus Y and coefficient of (A) increase.
thermal expansion a is held at its two ends such that its (B) remain unchanged.
length remains invariant. If its temperature is raised by (C) decrease.
t°C, then the linear stress developed in it is (D) first increase then decrease.
91. A long metallic bar is carrying heat from one end to
at Y 1
(A) (B) Y a t (C) (D) the other under steady state. The variation of tempera-
Y at Y at ture q along the length x of the bar from its hot end is
86. An aluminium sphere of 20 cm diameter is heated best described by which of the following.
from 0°C to 100°C. Its volume changes by (given [2009]
that the coefficient of linear expansion for aluminium (A) e (B) e
a Al = 23 × 10 -6 / °C) [2011]
(A) 28.9 cc (B) 2.89 cc
(C) 9.28 cc (D) 49.8 cc x x
(C) e (D) e
87. A wooden wheel of radius R is made of two semi-
circular parts (see Fig. 10.24). The two parts are held
together by a ring made of a metal strip of cross-
sectional area S and length L. L is slightly less than x x
2p R. To fit the ring on the wheel, it is heated so that 92. A solid body of constant heat capacity 1 J/ °C is being
its temperature rises by DT and it just steps over the heated by keeping it in contact with reservoirs in two
wheel. As it cools down to surrounding temperature, ways:
it presses the semi-circular parts together. If the coef-
(i) Sequentially keeping in contact with 2 reservoirs
ficient of linear expansion of the metal is a and its
such that each reservoir supplies same amount of
Young’s modulus is Y, then the force that one part of
the wheel applies on the other part is [2012]
(ii) Sequentially keeping in contact with 8 reservoirs
such that each reservoir supplies same amount of
R In both the case body is brought from initial temperature
100°C to final temperature 200°C. Entropy change of
the body in the two cases respectively is [2015]
(A) ln2, ln2 (B) ln2, 2ln2
Fig. 10.24
(C) 2ln2, 8ln2 (D) ln2, 4ln2
93. A pendulum clock loses 12 s a day if the temperature
(A) 2p SY aDT (B) SY aDT is 40°C and gains 4 s day if the temperature is 20°C.
(C) p SY aDT (D) 2SY aDT The temperature at which the clock will show correct
88. Heat given to a body which raises its temperature by time, and the co-efficient of linear expansion (a ) of
1°C is [2002] the metal of the pendulum shaft are respectively.
(A) water equivalent. (B) thermal capacity. [2016]
(C) specific heat. (D) temperature gradient. (A) 60°C; a = 1.85 × 10 / °C
89. Cooking gas containers are loaded on to a truck mov- (B) 30°C; a = 1.85 × 10 -3 / °C
ing with uniform speed. The temperature of the gas (C) 55°C; a = 1.85 × 10 -2 / °C
molecules inside the containers will [2002]
(D) 25°C; a = 1.85 × 10 -5 / °C
10.32 Chapter 10
Passage 2
68. (C) 69. (D) 70. (A) 71. (C)
Assertion-Reason Type
73. (D) 74. (D) 75. (A) 76. (A) 77. (D)
Integer Type
78. 112 KN 79. P 2 W
\ DT = = =
mSJ 4 3
( p r × 1000) rSJ 10 JrS r
The correct option is (C)
11. The correct option is (A) The correct option is (D)
10.34 Chapter 10
4S 27. The correct option is (B)
21. Pressure inside the bubble in vacuum, P = ; Volume of
4 3 r 28. The correct option is (D)
bubble, V = p r 29. If F = +q then C = – q
Under isothermal conditions, PV = PV1 1 + P2V2 F - 32 C F - 32 C q - 32 q
Now, = or = or =-
4S 4 3 4S 4 3 4S 4 2 180 100 9 5 9 5
\ × pR = × p r1 + × p r2
R 3 r1 3 r2 3 \ q = 1.43
Hence, + 11.43°F = – 11.43°C
or R 2 = r12 + r22 = 32 + 4 2 = 25 or R = 5 cm.
The correct option is (B)
The correct option is (C) 30. ms1 × 4 = ms2 × 4 ⇒ s1 : s2 = 1:1
22. ( m + 1000) × 1 × 10 = 50 × 80 The correct option is (C)
31. The correct option is (C)
( m + 1000) = 4000
32. CP – CV = R
m = 3000 gm = 3 kg \ g CV – CV = R
The correct option is (C)
23. \ CV =
g RT 5 RT g -1
v= = The correct option is (C)
M 3M
33. The correct option is (D)
5R ⎡ ⎛ TL - T0 ⎞ ⎤ 34. If F = +q then C = – q
dx = C ⋅ dt = ⎢T0 + ⎜⎝ x ⎥ dt
3M ⎣ L ⎟⎠ ⎦
F - 32 C F - 32 C q - 32 q
Now, = or = or =-
2L 3M 180 100 9 5 9 5
TL + T0 5R \ q = 1.43
Hence, + 11.43°F = – 11.43°C
dx The correct option is (B)
35. The correct option is (A)
A B 36. ∆L1 = ∆L2
⎛ L ⎞ ⎛a ⎞
T0 TL L1 a1 ∆q = L2a2∆q or ⎜ 1 ⎟ = ⎜ 2 ⎟
L ⎝L ⎠ ⎝a ⎠
2 1
⇒ F4 C > F0 C
o o
Hence, buoyancy will be less in water at 0°C than that in
water at 4°C
The correct option is (A)
As the rod is heated, it expands. No external torque is acting
on the system so angular momentum should be conserved.
L = Angular momentum = I w = constant Pendulum
⇒ I1w1 = I 2w 2
As the temperature is increased, length of the pendu-
Due to expansion of the rod, I 2 > I1
lum increases. We know that time period of pendulum
w 2 I1
⇒ = <1 T = 2p
w1 I 2 g
⇒ w 2 < w1 ⇒ T ∝ L as L, increases.
So, angular velocity (speed of rotation) decreases. So, time period (T ) also increases
The correct option is (B) The correct option is (A)
46. It is clear from the graph that lowest point for scale A is 30° 49. We know that as temperature increases, vibration of mol-
and lowest point for scale B is 0°. Highest point for the scale ecules about their mean position increases; hence, kinetic
A is 180° and for scale B is 100°. Hence, correct relation is energy associated with random motion of molecules
(+A) B The correct option is (A)
180 (+B)
C 50.
Temperature (°A)
ΔtA = 150°
– θ
Δ tB = 100° 30°
2pYA ⎛ R - r ⎞ g P1S0
w= ⎜ ⎟ w=
m ⎝ Rr ⎠ ml1
The correct option is (A)
71. PV = c
T cos dθ /2 T cos dθ /2
PdV + VdP = 0
T dθ dθ T dV dx
2 2 dP = - P = - P1
V l1
mg = v ′r L g, mg = Axr L g
rs rs′
(1) g L = 2a s for fraction inside the liquid to be same =
r L r L′
when temperature is raised by DT, mg = A′ xr L′ g (2) rs r (1 + g L DT )
= s \ r L = 3a s
From (1) and (2), Ar L = A′r L′ r L r L (1 + 3a s DT )
\ I → A , II → A, III → B, IV → D
Heat and Thermal Expansion 10.39
Assertion-Reason Type
73. The correct option is (D) 76. The correct option is (A)
74. The correct option is (D) 77. The correct option is (D)
75. The correct option is (A)
Integer Type
78. Copper expands more than steel, so increase in temperature Let P be the rate of loss of heat from the tube, and C be the
will lead to elastic compression of the copper. Let F be the specific heat capacity of water, then
force with which the copper plate is controlled. P + ∆m × C × (17.4 – 15.2) = 25.2 (1)
Fl Also, P + ∆m′ × C × (17.4 – 15.2) = 37.8 (2)
Net expansion of copper, x = la c Dq -
YC A 0.2318
where ∆m′ = = 3.8633 × 10–.3 kg/s
Fl 60
Net expansion of steel, x = la s Dq +
YS 2 A Equation (2) – Equation (1)
2(a c - a s ) ADqYsYc 2.2 × C [3.86 –2.5] × 10–3 = 12.6
On solving, F = = 112 × 103 N
Yc + 2Ys C = 4.2 × 103 J/kg –°C
= 112 kN Putting the value of C in Equation (1)
0.15 P + 23.1 = 25.2
79. ∆m = kg/s = 2.5 × 10–3 kg/s
60 P 2W