Lean Construction and Application - Seminar

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Submitted by

SHIJILA C K(620824418019)

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of



NAMAKKAL – 637 018


NOV/DEC - 2024


Submitted by

SHIJILA C K(620824418019)

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of



NAMAKKAL – 637 018


NOV/DEC - 2024

Certified that this seminar titled “THE REVIEW ON LEAN CONSTRUCTION AN


bonafide work of who carried out SHIJILA C K(620824418020)

the seminar work under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my
knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other project report or
dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier
occasion on this or any other candidate.



Department Of Civil Engineering, Department Of Civil Engineering,
Gnanamani College of Technology, Gnanamani College of Technology,
NH-7 A.K. Samuthiram, Pachal, NH-7 A.K. Samuthiram, Pachal,
Namakkal (Dt) - 637 018. Namakkal (Dt) - 637 018.

Submitted for the Anna University Seminar examinations held on …………………







We affirm that the Seminart Report titled “THE REVIEW ON LEAN

SHIJILA C K(620824418020),
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of master of
engineering is the original work carried out by us. It has not formed part of
any other seminar report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or
award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.

Signature of the candidate

I certify that the declaration made by the above candidate are true to the
Best of my knowledge.

Date: Name and Signature of Supervisor


We would like to express our deep sense of
heartiest thanks to our beloved Chairman
Gynanamani Educational Institutions, Namakkal, for giving an
opportunity to do and complete this Seminar Ms.MADHUVANTHINIE
ARANGANNAL, Vice Chairman, Gynanamani Educational Institutions,
Namakkal, for her encouragement during our Seminar
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our Chief
Administrative Officer Dr.P.PREMKUMAR Gynanamani Educational
Institutions, Namakkal, for providing us with indefinable support.
We would like to express our Principal, Gnanamani College of
Technology, Namakkal, for creating a beautiful atmosphere deep sense of
gratitude and profound thanks to Dr.T.K.KANNAN which inspired us to
take over this project.
I would like to thank our Academic Director Dr.B.SANJAY
GANDHI, Gnanamani College of Technology, for his encouragement to
complete the project work successfully.
We are thanks to my Seminar Coordinator
Mr.K.SOUNDHIRARAJAN. M.E., Professor & Head, Department of
Civil Engineering, and Guide Mr.K.SOUNDHIRARAJAN Department of
Civil Engineering for providing good suggestions and help me to make
this seminar a success.
We express my sincere words of thanks of my parents, friends and
all staff members of Department of Civil Engineering, Gnanamani
College of Technology, and blessing to complete the seminar successfully.



Lean construction is a new management involved in making a theory

which has the capacity to develop advanced and original changes in the
construction industry. The principle of lean construction focuses on
material and waste minimization which is contributing to sustainable
construction. Lean construction enhances the productivity. The main
objective of this paper is to draw a special attention to review on
literature. Researchers have used pertaining methods for examining
reimbursement of lean construction by analyzing and describing the
obtainable literature. This study assumes the existence for understanding
the lean
concept in desirable manner, proper implementation and sustainability
concepts that contribute to lean construction

 Lean Construction is one of the methods used to improve control over

construction projects by eliminating waste in time and materials. Lean
Construction is an adaptation from the Lean Manufacturing principles
to the construction industry.

 The purpose of this article was to review the case studies published in
2018 in the In spec database to find out where Lean is being
implemented and how.
 The article approach by setting the search criteria first and then inspect
the result to find the non-related results and eliminate it. After that, the
article was reviewed and summarized.

 The article verifies each article finding; however Lean Construction

and Building Information Modeling (BIM) are relatively new for the
construction industry and they still need more time to be adopted
widely and to be applied on a lower-cost budget. However, the
discussed cases show a promising future for these technologies.

1. Introduction


Projects are considered as effective for a specified time based on

production system which needs to designed, planned,produced and
delivered. For this type of approach cannot be managed by conventional
methods (Traditional Construction Methods i.e. critical path and earned
value method etc..,). This kind of uncertain projects can lead to cost and
time overruns. In this paper is to make an effort to understand the concept,
implementation of lean methods in construction industry. The concept of
Lean construction is adapted from Toyota production system. Lean
construction is all about reducing the cost by waste minimization and
efficient work place and engaging people in innovations. It also improves
the growth of productivity level in construction sector. It is the collection
of data to change the delivery and design processes in the construction
industry. Lean construction is the best supportive sustainability through
“reducing the waste and increasing the cost”. The construction industries
transform their forms from conventional approach to lean management
approach. It increases the quality of the work and eliminating the wastes
in the industry.

In recent years, Lean is getting more attention from the construction

industry. Lean Construction is considered a way to reduce waste in all its
forms, such as waste in materials and waste in time. And in order to
benefit from that, Pioneers in the construction industry are trying to
implement that in their projects. Even though it’s still not widely spread
among construction to use Lean, the study cases where Lean was
implemented show the significance of implementing Lean in a
construction project (Sacks et al. 2018). Researchers around the world try
to show these cases in their articles. The purpose of this article is to give a
clear idea about the domains where Lean Construction is being

2. Objective:


The main objective of this study is to identify the benefits of

implementation of lean management. The following are the
considerations to carry the lean management implementation.
Lean construction should be carried according to the customer point of
Benefits and barriers of the lean implementation should be identified.
Improvement changes of lean implementation requirements are
To minimize the waste and increase the quality of the work.

2.Need of the Study:

The construction industry is coming out with new infrastructure

development. The companies are increasing now-a-days, competitions
between them also increased and to get high profit.

To avoid that kind of problems companies introduce the new and

innovative technology, this technique is called lead management. Lean
management in the construction industry will increases the
value and minimizes the wastage's.

4.Lean Construction:


Lean construction principles on the construction industry have been

investigated by the researchers for past two decades. Lean construction is
the project management theory based on set of approaches in the
production management. Lean Production (LP) was possessed by Toyota
Production system. It was assigned to eliminate waste (Howell,
1999).Lean principles state that conversion activities add values and non-
add value are flowing activity should be on eliminated or reduced
(Koskale, 1992). Ballarad and Howell (2003) says that the lean
construction is targeted to minimize waste (i.e.) materials, money and
time and to maximize the value.

According to Senaratne and Wijesiri (2008) Lean construction is a

new concept to the construction industry. All activities in the construction
can be divided into two: tangible and flow activities which can be
produced by conversion activities. The wastes which are considerable lie
on the flow processes of construction. The elimination of waste from such
processes can become “less” (Womack and Jones, 2003). Moreover,
Salem and Zimmer (2008) stated that lean construction is the process of
eliminating waste in continuous and meeting all the requirements of
customers. Then focusing on the value stream and chasing perfection in
the execution. Lean manufacturing techniques is not only applied for the
manufacturing and also applied in all service acclimatized and other
environment. This is because each system has some levels of waste.

The lean construction will lays on the five principles which will
lead to maximum profit and reduce waste. These principles are

Specify Value: It is defined by the customer’s needs through

management of tools and simulation. These are characterized under
client’s satisfaction on delivery.

Mapping the Value Stream: Identifies the stream required to make a

product. Mapping raises the performance possibilities
during construction.

Flows: It is a basic unit of analysis in LC. It ensures the activities in

continuous flow in the stream.

Pull: It delivers the product according to the needs of the customer’s just
in time.


Perfection: Always obtain the customer’s need in the perfection and

expect continuous removal of waste in the flow process.
Lean construction can be examined through the essential elements and it
is achieved by the holistic approach. It undergoes continuous process by

Understanding the waste

Lean thinking
Lean techniques
Lean Implementation

All these elements can be explained as follows.

5. Wastes in Construction:


Lean construction is a process used to minimize waste and maximize

profit. It is operated in the flow process continuously. Wastes do not add
value to the consumed resources. It is one of the flourishing concerns in
traditional construction industry.
Wastes in the construction industry are in different ways.
According to new production theory, wastes are from the equipment,
material, labor or initial investment in large quantities. The waste in the
companies increases the loss and execution of unnecessary work, which
gives additional costs to the project (Polat and Ballat, 2004). Waste is
produced by any activities and it generates direct and indirect cost. It does
not add any value from the client’s point of view (Formoso, 1999).
Wastes are discriminated in seven types of waste: Overproduction,
Waiting, Transportation, Unbecoming process, Movement, Inventory and
Making imperfect products. Manufacturing and construction waste
involves the excess cost of quality, time overruns, far distance, rework,
lack of safety, unnecessary transportation, handling the materials &
equipment, inspection, poor decision making and management strategies
and requirements. Wastes are classified into process and operational
waste (Koskela, 2013)

Process Waste: Wastes are produced through the over production,

inventory, unbecoming process, transportation and making
imperfect products.

Operational Waste: Wastes are from unnecessary moving of equipment

and people (i.e.) movement and waiting.
The seven types of waste are discussed below:
Over production is identified by producing earlier than expected time
and producing more than required. This may lead to quality and quantity
issues. It causes misuse materials, handling the equipment and working
Waiting is identified by indolence which is mostly caused by poor
reconciliation and material flow leveling and pace of work by diacritic
equipment and groups. The products are not being processed waiting is
Transportation is done for materials and equipment when working in
the poor environment. The working environment in the site is very
important criteria, because it causes major reason for unnecessary
transportation. Work process flow cessation can significantly add cost to
the transportation.
Unbecoming process occur when the conversion activity does not add
value to the customer’s frame of reference. This


mainly created by the quality issues of work done. Tools used to identify
and to remove the waste from this process are statistical process, 5 why
and mistake proofing. This waste can be avoided by changing the
technology used for construction.
Movement is also referred as motion. It is identified with workplace
efficiency and all seen in lifting, bending, strolling, stretching and
reaching. The waste provoked by motion is entangled with the
unnecessary movements made by employees. Unproductive movements
may increase the level of accidents, injuries and their related costs. The
unproductive motion of workers can be minimized by preparing proper
layout for work area.
Inventory or stock or storage waste is identified with haphazard or
excessive inventories which expeditious material waste (i.e.) losses
Because of insufficient storage conditions at site, deterioration, robbery,
sacking. Pecuniary losses because of the initial investment being cinched
up. Inventory incurs costs, more space to store and unsympathetically
affects capital cost. The problems correlated with inventory may be due
to quality problems with the production processes.
Making imperfect products (reprobate/ unacceptable/ unnecessary
works) happens when the finished or half processed
products are not up to the quality requirements. In construction industry
this waste are commonly produced. Defects should expeditious rework or
use of poor material to the building.
The idea of waste can be significantly effort to the separate
activities which are connected with the use of resources that add no
value for the finished products. The activities in construction can be
separated by value adding and non-value adding activities (Abdul
Rahman, 2012). In addition to seven types of wastes various researchers
have presented the eighth and other waste. For exemplify, identified
several waste can be classified as: utilize individual abilities, capacities
and skills; information waste; behavioral waste and waste of good ideas.
Waste of human potential is determined with the failure using the skills of

6. Lean Thinking:


Lean is a traditional thinking of construction. It focuses on the conversion

of activities and flow and value considerations.
Lean construction is the utilization of lean thinking to the construction
and design process conceiving improved project delivery to
meet client’s need. It improves the profitability to the constructors. The
goal of lean thinking is to minimize the cost and optimizing the total
value. Within lean cost cutting has to be seen in relative importance of
eliminating non adding value activities.

The aspects of lean construction can be grouped into six essential

elements: reduction of waste, production planning and controlling process,
focus on end customer, continuous improvements, cooperative
relationships and perspective of systems.
The lean principles are

 Elimination of waste
 Specify the value stream to meet the client’s perspective.
 Identify the value in the process of delivery.
 Non value adding steps can be eliminated.
 Without interruption add the remaining value.
 Managing different steps.
 Suggesting the decision to make.
 Quick production.
 Perfection by continuous improvement.
 Projects cannot be pushed to customer.


7. Lean Techniques:
Manufacturing industry were developed the several lean techniques. They
 Last planner
 Just In Time
 3D models
 Increased visualization
 Value stream mapping
 Stopping the line
 Reverse phase scheduling
 Huddle meeting
 Kaizen
 Five S
 Fail safe quality
 Off-site manufacturing
 Target value design

Last planner is the technique of lean that has four main processes: Phase
schedule, Master schedule, Look ahead schedule and weekly plan.
Reducing plan in the variability helps to increase productivity. Inventory
of material is wasteful. Within the pull approach the just in time concept
is included, this concept is utilized in the construction wherein the
inventories are kept maximum. New inventories are ordered based on the
current demands. Improvements of the design and procurement process
are the success key in order to facilitate the construction site. They used
3D models to provide better, fit coordination, faster information about
isometric drawings of components, motivation of workers crew and
planning of construction methods through visualization.
Design, estimate and rework are the cycle is wasteful and reduce
the value customer get for their money. Cost, time and location are the
conditions stressed to meet the deliver value to customers and
implementation of Target value design constantly resulted in the delivery
of projects faster and under budget. The value development and product
components would be
in constant motion without stopping based on the lean principle make it
flow. Then it maximizing the performance at the project level revealed by
value stream mapping. Design decision adopted the lean principles for
increasing productivity, reduction in space, time, human effort, and
investment tools and improving quality and safety. The problems in this
case of prefabrication

production process can be solved by lean principles.


8.Application of LC in Indian Industry:

In India, the awareness of lean concept is very low. The implementation

of lean concept had not taken place in significant manner. Anecdotal
evidence were discussed by the experts, they suggested the following
reason for the non-adoption of lean
practices in Indian construction industry.

 Lean is mostly used in construction industry.

 Resistance for changing
 Formal planning is avoided.
 Issues related to HR
 Inadequate trained and skilled labor force.

The hurdles, training and awareness are overcomes by improving the

proper implementation of lean construction in Indian Construction

The pioneer organization for proper consultancy and training

required for implementation of lean construction technique in India are
Indian Lean Construction of Excellence (ILCE) and Indian Institute of
Technology, Madras IITM).
Lean concept is used any construction industry and we can
minimize the cost, complete the projects in required time



Construction industry trends such as BIM; Lean; Virtual

Reality (VR); Augmented Reality (AR); are being used in
new fields continuously. This makes it hard to keep up with
the new literature. To make this short, concise and up to date,
this review will only contain cases from 2018. The literature
is gathered from the Engineering Village database.
Engineering Village or In spec database is an index for the
engineering literature from ELSEVIER.

To achieve the objective of this article a search criterion was

established as shown in Table 1.

Database: Engineering Village (Inspec) by ELSEVIER

Search Lean Construction, Case study
Limitations: Journal Article, 2018
Search (( (($Lean $Construction) WN ALL) AND (1896-2019
Equation: WN YR)) AND ( (($case
$study) WN ALL) AND (1896-2019 WN YR))) + ({ja}
WN DT) AND ((2018) WN YR)
Table 1: The Article Search

The total results found were 12. These articles were skimmed
to see if they provided enough information about the case
study and the way Lean Construction was approached. This
approach resulted in the elimination of 6 articles and keeping
another 6 articles for further investigation, as shown in Table
The reason for eliminating the other articles is that the search
formula was applied to “All fields“. “All fields” search is more
comprehensive, however, the results need to be refined.

Article Title Authors
1 The role of formal and informal mechanisms in Lena Elisabeth Bygballe, Maria
implementing lean principles in construction Endresen,
projects Silje Fålun

2 Barriers faced by new-adopter of Last Planner Athena Maria Perez, Somik Ghosh
System®: a case study"

3 RFID-Aided Tracking System to Improve Work Sungkon Moon, Shouzhi Xu, Lei
Efficiency of Scaffold Supplier: Stock Hou, Changzhi Wu, Xiangyu Wang,
Management in and Vivian
Australasian Supply Chain W. Y. Tam

4 Mobile BIM implementation and lean interaction Ozan Koseoglu, Elif Tugce Nurtan-
on construction site: A case study of a complex Gunes
airport project

5 Exploring the BIM and lean synergies in the Ozan Koseoglu, Mehmet Sakin,
Istanbul Yusuf
Grand Airport construction project Arayici,

6 Using Building Information Modeling to achieve Xun Zhang, Salman Azhar, Abid
Lean principles by improving efficiency of Nadeem & Malik Khalfan
work teams

Table 2: List of the reviewed articles

Each article provides data about a certain case study where Lean was
implemented. This review will focus on different sections of these articles such as
its approach, case study details, and the method of data collection and analysis, in
addition to the implications and findings for each article. Articles 5 and 6 were
merged under one section because they are about the same construction project:
Istanbul Grand Airport.

10.Case Studies Analysis

10.1.Educational Building for Art and Design Case Study

This case study was presented by Bygballe, Endresen, and Fålun (2018). The
client for this project was the Norwegian government, presented by the key
advisor in public construction and property affairs, and the aim of this project
was to build the educational building for art and design. The purpose of the
article where this case study was documented was to inspect the effect of formal
and informal procedures on implementing Lean concepts in the construction
industry. The writers explain they choose the case study for the following

(1) The project is public which provided easier access for the project documents;

(2) The contractor ambition to use Lean in the project which ensures the
commitment to achieve this goal.

The article approach was to use the case to collect qualitative data to reach the
paper objectives. The researchers conducted 17 semi-structured interviews with
21 individuals, monitored the project meetings and seminars and casual talks
with workers and the project employees. The data collecting method consisted
of different methods as follow:

(1) Formal and informal conversations at the company building and in the project

(2) Summer internship for two months for one of the authors in the
company headquarters to be close to the implementations process;

(3) Participation in Lean related seminars;

(4) Field notes;

(5) Tendering, contractual, evaluation reports project documents.

After that, the collected data was triangulated to ensure data consistency and
study quality. The article finds that to have a successful Lean implementation
you should have both formal and informal positive involvements. Having a
proper contract is important in addition to having a common understanding and
trust between the project team. The project delivery method for this project was
designed, bid and build (DBB). According to the researcher, using such method
for delivery was important to the client to keep the innovation process active,
and to help the client keep the project monitored and controlled, in addition to
forbidding the contractors from using the traditional methods of work.
The limitations of this case could be constructed as follows:

(1) Lack of experience for the involved individuals from both parties,
clients, and contractors;

(2) As Lean was included in the general selection criteria, the client
representative had to go through an extensive learning course to be
familiar with the process.

10.2 Five-story Educational Building with a Basement Level

This case study was presented by Perez and Ghosh (2018). The client for this
project was a state university in the Southern Region of the USA. The project
aim was to build a new five- story educational building with a basement level.
The purpose of the article where this case study was documented was to assess
the Last Planner system (LPS) implementation process in a commercial project
and how the Last Planner system is taking over the traditional planning methods.
The paper approach toward the case study was to document the Last Planner
System implementation process thoroughly without any attempt to evaluate the
effectiveness of the advocated practices when implementing the Last Planner

The Last Planner system is a technique used to plan production and control it.
Results of implementation of Last Planner system successfully showed
significant improvement in the project planning, improving performance, in
addition to helping make the workflow predictably.

The paper finds that implementing the Last Planner system faces the expected
barriers when implementing this system. These barriers were already discussed
in the literature and it’s considered predictable when it happens to new the Last
Planner system adopters especially while they are transitioning from the
traditional method of planning. The researchers found from the case study that
effective implementation is idealistic. This agreement with the current literature
indicates the obstacles facing the teams implementing Last Planner system. In
addition to that, project team members are expressing their struggle with the
system scheduling method because of the nature of construction projects as they
have constraints outside of their control like waiting for Request of
Information’s (RFIs) response which takes a long time in addition to design
changes and its effect on the project schedule.

The limitations according to the article writers, Perez and Ghosh (2018), are that
the finding of this article is built on one case study which could not be
generalized, however, the article finds matches in the current literature.

10.3.Improving Work Efficiency of Scaffold Supplier by RFID-Aided
Tracking System

This case study was presented by Moon et al. (2018). This study is based on the
Lean principles, but by taking advantage of technology and information
technology. The purpose of the article where this case study was documented, is
to give an overview of the self-developed system to track scaffolding with a goal
in mind, which improves the productivity. The article approach
toward the case study was to test the tracking system and validate it by
experimenting with two streams:

In order to validate the developed system, a comparative experiment was
conducted, by observing the productivity of work with the developed system and
without it.

The developed system requires:

(1) Real-time location system (RTLS);
(2) Active/passive Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tag(s);
(3) Wireless sensors;
(4) Single Wi-Fi platform.

The system was built using standard wireless connections which ensure low cost
and easiness to connect with the existing wireless local area network (WLAN).
The time spent was measured and then later converted to productivity rates to make
the analysis. To investigate the process deeply, it was divided for subtasks as follows:

(1) Ordering;
(2) Planning;
(3) Pre-arranging;
(4) Inspection;
(5) Loading;
(6) Strapping.

These processes were investigated separately, and later, total time was
calculated for the process by using the system and without it. The system
effectiveness was validated and productive was higher by 11.02% than without
using the system.

10.4.Istanbul Grand Airport

Istanbul Grand Airport is the biggest airport in the world. The estimated
cost of the project was 10.25 Billion US dollar (Koseoglu, Sakin, and
Arayici 2018). The airport opened on October 29, 2018. The airport
expected capacity by the end of the last expansion was of 150 million per
year. Such mega-scale project gets a lot of attention by researchers and is
considered a valuable case study, due to the advanced technology
involved, and how this project will affect the construction industry around
the world. In this article, the review will focus on two case studies for this
airport, which fall in our research limitation. The first case study is on
implementing mobile BIM and its interaction with Lean inside the
construction site. The second case study explores the BIM and Lean
synergies in detail.

This first case study was presented by Koseoglu and Nurtan-Gunes (2018).
The purpose of the article where this case study was documented was to
assess the benefits of using BIM mobile applications in addition to Lean
principles inside a construction site. The article approach toward the case
study was to find the added value of using BIM to transform the field for
digital data exchange environment. The article finds that implementing
BIM mobile technologies and transform the way data is exchanged in the
construction site, not just achieve BIM goals, but also Lean goals were
also accomplished. The article opens the door for construction project
teams in the industry to use BIM outside the office environment where
limited tasks could be performed.

The article explores the way the work environment is being transformed
from a paper-based work environment to tablet-based work environment.
In addition to that, BIM models with construction details help trades
workers in the assembly process which accelerate the work- flow and
reduce the re-work possible. The data was collected from analyzing the
current literature and by analyzing the project documents, and by the
authors’ personal observations.

The second case study was presented by Koseoglu and Nurtan-Gunes

(2018). The purpose of the article where this case study was documented,
was to show how BIM and Lean integrate with a mega construction
project. The article approach toward the case study was to acknowledge

the achieved benefits and improvements in Istanbul Grand Airport as a
result of using BIM and Lean. The article finds that implementing BIM
with Lean together provided a remarkable result and played a significant
role in finishing the first phase of the project on time. In addition to that,
BIM and Lean as synergies play a significant role in improving workflow
in mega complex projects, such as Istanbul Grand Airport, where
international companies are working with local companies and the total
number of workers in construction site exceeded 35000 workers.
According to the developed evaluation framework by the researchers,
they find the following:

(3) Performance and resources management based on

BIM systems are tricky and there will be difficulties
when used in real projects;
When the project size is big, there will be problems when trying to
all the resources and performance altogether on a single platform

10.5.The Martin Army Community Hospital
This case study was presented by Zhang et al. (2018). The client for this
project was the US Army Corps of Engineers. The intention of this
project was to build The Martin Army Community Hospital in Fort
Benning, located in the Georgia State, in the Southeastern region of the
USA. The project delivery method was Design-Build and the general
contractor was Turner Construction. The total contract cost was
approximately 333 million US dollar. The project started in August 2011
and finished in July 2014. The purpose of the article where this case study
was documented, was to prove that BIM can achieve the Lean principles
by improving the productivity of construction projects. The article
approach toward the case study was to establish some metrics to measure
the BIM effect in achieving Lean principles. These metrics were:
(4) Hours of re-work;
(5) Physical conflicts;
(6) Request for information’s;
(7) Change orders;
(8) Prefabrication;
(9) Cost saving;
(10) Schedule compliance.
The article finds that using BIM in the project has the following

(1) Improve coordination among the project team;

(2) Open the door for using prefabrication in more areas of the
construction project;
(3) Ensure a higher level of safety;
(4) Reduce inventory;
(5) Avoid time-consuming activities such as re-work.

The case study authors summarize their findings as follows:

1. Using BIM and Lean practices reduced the cycle time for
RFIs where the average RFI cycle time was 2 weeks and
after using BIM and Lean was reduced to 2-3 days;

2. BIM increased the prefabrication percentage with the
following percentages (50% in the electrical part, 75%–
80% HVAC system and 40%–50% Plumbing system);

3. Using Robotic layout for locating building components is

effective and fast up the installation process four times
more than using the traditional method;

4. BIM is remarkable to reduce clashes which made the

project team confidante and saved them time and re-work;

5. BIM is remarkable to reduce waste, which means that by

using it, Lean is already being implemented;

6. Using a BIM model on site made the information

exchange process faster and facilitate the BIM
coordination process.


Based on the reviewed case studies, we noticed that Lean philosophy is still not
adopted widely and it’s limited to projects that were considered mega sized and
when investors ask for Lean to be used. However, as shown in the map in Figure
1 below, the reviewed projects are also distributed around the world, which
shows a big interest in such technology.
The cases also show the global interest in finding out more about where Lean in
construction could help and this is shown in the diversity of themes where Lean
was implemented. Themes are summarized in Figure 2.

Figure 1: Map showing the countries in yellow where the case studies where carried out

Lean Implementation Themes

Improving Last Improving

formal and Planner work
informal System efficiency

Mobile Improvi
BIM and ng
BIM and
lean efficienc
synergies y of

Figure 2: Lean Implementation Themes

This paper report findings from multiple case studies for implementing Lean
principles in the construction industry.This paper was to explore the literature
how the lean construction is implemented in different construction industries.
Lean construction system is the good for what ails you in industry as it minimizes
the waste and increases the productivity. It gives maximum benefits for the
construction industry. The literature review makes it tangible to understand the
concept of lean construction. From the review paper we summarized that planning
and control of production, improving the safety measure performance, risk level
forecasting for time and new approach developing to construction safety and
removal of waste in every stage.

Impact in the construction activities on our environment have to be

minimized by green growth and sustainable and also by proper implementation.
The application lean in construction is not only possible at operational; it should
planned at strategic level.

This paper establishes the application of lean tools and techniques by projects,
and then it will minimize the waste, enhances the performance and lead to profit.
It is expected that fundamental knowledge about lean construction provided by
this paper and practice from elimination of waste and also assist as a criterion
for continuous improvements of performance in construction

Each case study provides different aspects for approaching Lean in construction
and with every approach we reach unique and specific conclusions, although, in
the end, all these secondary conclusions belong to the original Lean principles.
About the Educational Building for Art and Design, the case study focused on
implementing Lean concepts in the formal and informal procedures in the
construction industry. The article shows the significant role mechanisms play in
the Lean implementing process. In this case, the client and the contractor team
influenced the whole process positively by implementing the formal
mechanisms from the beginning in tendering and after that, in the contracting
and later in the structural interventions. Furthermore, the stockholders paid
attention to the informal mechanisms such as lateral relationships and trust. This
affected the process of implementing Lean positively. Focusing on informal
mechanisms is a smart move, instead of depending on unplanned thriving for
these mechanisms. In this way, the mechanisms will evolve progressively in
parallel with formal mechanisms.

About the Five-story Educational Building with a Basement Level case study,
this is focused on assessing the Last Planner system implementation process in a
commercial project and how Last Planner system will take over the traditional
planning methods. The first goal for the team was to start using the LPS weekly
planning, which they face many problems using it for look- ahead planning and
root-cause analysis. And even though the project team was following the
implementation strategy, however, they did not have a clear understanding of it.
They were just following the company upper management when they ask them to
move for the next step in the strategy. This means that the adopted
implementation strategy is not effective and does not serve the purpose of
developing it. And that is because it does not consider the team level of
knowledge, which caused confusion and ambiguity for the team. Also, that made
the team less aware of everyone responsibilities. In addition to that, the
researchers noticed that the point of contact between the Last Planner system
and the trades workers were the superintendents, which is a good thing that they
can be involved in the process. However, this ignores the superintendent’s
workload. Therefore, the Last Planner system implementation process should be
led by the project manager with help from the project team. From this case study,
it is obvious that effective implementation is not easy and not reachable yet. In
order to facilitate this process, the literature and the researchers recommend
having a Lean champion.

A Lean champion has extensive knowledge and expertise about Lean and its
implementation process. They also suggest an incremental strategy for
implementing Lean. Furthermore, the Last Planner system should be
implemented with other companions’ systems to cover the sides that Last
Planner system does not cover, for example, the Last Planner system doesn’t
cover the problems that show from the project design office.
About the Improving Work Efficiency of Scaffold Supplier by RFID-Aided
Tracking System case, this focuses on a self-developed system to track
scaffolding with a goal in mind, which improves the productivity based on Lean
principles. The article aimed to eliminate the elements that reduce productivity
in the process. The system was successful in tracking each object, which
resulted in higher productivity in each task.

About the first case regarding Istanbul Grand Airport, focused on assessing
the benefits of using BIM mobile applications in addition to Lean principles
inside a construction site, this article provides a new approach because it focuses
on BIM outside of the design office to introduce a digital construction site. Using
BIM on-site improve the project management practices in addition to achieving
the Lean principles.

About the first case regarding Istanbul Grand Airport, focused on assessing the
benefits of using BIM mobile applications in addition to Lean principles inside a
construction site, this article provides a new approach because it focuses on BIM
outside of the design office to introduce a digital construction site. Using BIM
on-site improve the project management practices in addition to achieving the
Lean principles.
About the second case regarding Istanbul Grand Airport, it focuses on how BIM
and Lean integrate into a mega construction Project. Nowadays BIM is vital for
a construction site for projects in Istanbul Grand Airport. Lean Construction is
also crucial for achieving the project goals which summarize in:
(1) Reducing project costs;
(2) Eliminate waste in the project;
(3) Deliver the project on time.
BIM was used in the project for the following reasons:
(1) Intelligent design review;
(2) Documents coordination;
(3) Change control;
(4) Improve the project communication and its supply chain;
(5) Prepare Istanbul Grand Airport for facility management phase which is
essential for the project life cycle.
Istanbul Grand Airport, by merging BIM and Lean will make the future vision
for working with these technologies together clear and more understandable.
About the Martin Army Community Hospital, which focuses on how BIM
technology can achieve the Lean principles by improving the productivity of
construction projects, in this project, BIM performed as a communication
platform for the project team. The result of that was:
(1) Improve the coordination. Quality;
(2) Improve work efficiency.
In total, BIM made the project workflow faster. To sum-up, Lean Construction
and BIM are relatively new for the construction industry and they still need
more time to be adopted widely and to be applied on a lower-cost budget.
However, the discussed cases show a promising future for these technologies.

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