Annisyah Nur Silalahi
Annisyah Nur Silalahi
Annisyah Nur Silalahi
financial inclusion
financial inclusion; economic
This research aims to examine the effects of financial inclusion in growth; Islamic banking
Islamic banking on economic development in Indonesia. The economic
growth indicator is represented by the Industry Production Index (IPI)
while the financial inclusion indicator is represented by the amount of
Third Party Funds, the amount of financing, the number of Third
Party Funds accounts, and the number of financing accounts. The
data used is time series from January 2011 to February 2020. The
Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) is used to analyze the data.
The results show that in the long run, inflation has a positive effect,
while in the short term, inflation has a positive effect on lag one and
has a negative effect on lag 2. While the financial inclusion indicator
shows that the financial inclusion of Islamic banking in Indonesia has
a positive effect on economic growth.
I. Introduction
Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world has
great potential in developing a sharia financial system. In the midst of increasing
public awareness of the importance of financial services that comply with sharia
principles, the sharia banking sector has become one of the main pillars in
encouraging broader and fairer financial inclusion. Sharia financial inclusion
aims to expand access for people, especially those who have not been reached by
formal financial services, to be able to take advantage of financial products that
are in line with Islamic values.
(Onaolapo, 2015), (Erlando et al., 2020). Previous researches used annual data of financial
inclusion and GDP as the proxy for economic growth.
The goal of this study is to examine the role of Islamic financial inclusion in
Indonesia's increased economic development. In this study, economic growth was
represented by the Industrial Production Index (IPI) variable, while the financial inclusion
variable was represented by the number of third party funds (Dana Pihak Ketiga/DPK)
accounts, the number of accounts for financing, financing and third party funds, and
macroeconomic variable represented by inflation. The method used in this study is
VAR/VECM to see the short and long term impact and the contribution of each variable to
the economic growth.
Since the 2008 recession, the term financial inclusion became a movement, primarily
based on the effect of the crisis on groups at the bottom of the pyramid (low and irregular
wages, people living in rural areas, people with disabilities, employees that do not have
legal identification papers, and disadvantaged communities) who are usually unbanked,
which is perceived to be quite high outside of developed countries. At the 2020 G20
summit, world leaders endorsed the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) G20
High Level Policy Guidance on Digital Financial Inclusion for Youth, Women and SMEs
and also welcomed the 2020 G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan, which will direct the
work of the GPFI over the next three years. (GPFI, 2020).
According to the World Bank, financial inclusion ensures that individuals and
organizations have access to valuable and accessible financial goods and services, such as
purchases, transfers, deposits, credit and insurance, that will fulfill their needs. A first step
towards greater financial inclusion is access to trading accounts. Transaction accounts are
also a gateway to other banking institutions and will guarantee that financial services are
open to individuals around the globe.
Bank Indonesia also notes that the strategy of financial inclusion is primarily a
method of deepening of financial resources targeted at the society at the bottom of the
pyramid to make use of structured financial goods and services such as secure money
saving, transfers, savings and loans and insurance. This is achieved not only by providing
the object in a fitting way, but also in tandem with different factors.
A research conducted by (Iramayasari & Adry, 2020) examines the effect of financial
inclusion from the amount of ATMs inclusions and the amount of bank branches
inclusions on financial stability and economic growth in ASEAN countries. This study
uses panel data from 2004 – 2017 consisting of 6 countries in ASEAN. The results show
that financial inclusion has a significant effect on economic growth in ASEAN, and The
amount of inclusion ATMs has a significant effect but has a negative relationship with
economic growth in ASEAN; The amount of inclusion bank branches has a significant
influence on economic growth in ASEAN.
The nexus between financial inclusion and economic growth in ASEAN was
examined by (Suidarma, 2019). The goal of this study is to examine the effect and long-
term relationship of financial inclusion on ASEAN economic growth via Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) through the instrument of the number of Automated Teller Machine
(ATM)s and commercial bank branches. The statistics used are secondary data in the
context of an annual panel of ASEAN countries for the period 2008-2015 in order to see
the post-global crisis effect that has arisen. In order to see the long-term relationship and
the GDP reaction when shocks arise in the variable financial inclusion, the approach used
is the Panel Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The findings of the estimate indicate
that financial inclusion has added significantly to the economic development of ASEAN by
the number of ATMs and the number of branches of commercial banks.
Kim (2018) examines the effect of financial inclusion on economic growth in the
Islamic Conference Organization (OIC) countries. The research was conducted on 55 OIC
countries using dynamic panel data analysis as well as VAR, IRF, and Granger Causality
Test. The results show that financial inclusion has a positive effect on economic growth.
The results of the IRF show that financial inclusion has a positive influence on future
economic growth and the results of the Granger Causality Test show that financial
inclusion and economic growth influence each other (Kim et al., 2018).
Onaolapo AR (2015) examines the effect of financial inclusion on economic
growth in Nigeria. The research was conducted for the period 1982-2012 using the
Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The results show that there is a significant influence
between financial inclusion and poverty reduction as well as a positive and significant
effect on economic growth (Onaolapo, 2015).
Research Framework
Macroeconomics Inflation
3.2 Method
(Juanda, 2009) suggests that in the terminology of the econometric model, there are
terms of the dependent variable and the independent variable. Dependent variables are
variables that are influenced by other variables, namely independent variables or determining
variables. The relationship between dependent and independent variables is as follows:
Subscript i denotes the number of observations from 1 to N for population data, or up
to n for sample data. Yi is the ith observation for the dependent variable, Xki is the ith
observation for the independent variable Xk, the coefficient β1 is the regression model
intercept, β2, ..., βn is the coefficient for each variable.
Juanda and Junaidi (2012) state that Structural or theoretical models are mainly
econometric models of the time series, namely models based on current economic theory.
To evaluate current hypotheses, estimating this model will provide numerical information
as well as results. Economic theory, however, has always not been able to establish the
relevant model parameters because the actual economic phenomena are so complicated.
Model Vector Autoregressive (VAR) can be used to overcome this in time series
data(timeseries)for the VAR model is built with an approach that minimizes the theory in
order to capture the phenomenon.
Often the relationship between variables in a dynamic system cannot be explained by
only a single static equation model, but must be with several equations that are dynamic
and influence each other. The VAR model can examine the dynamic relationship between
these variables.
A VAR model consists of m variables, each variable is represented by a linear
function with a(laglag) p of the variable itself and of the m-1 of the other variables. For
example, there are two variables x and y with the order p, so the VAR model is expressed
as follows:
βxyp is the coefficient of y in the equation x in the interval (lag) p, vty and vtx is the error
VAR models exist in many ways, one of which is the restricted VAR, also known
as the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). Restriction is provided since the
information is not stationary but co-integrated, which implies that a long-term relationship
occurs. The VECM specification limits the convergence of the long-term relationship of
endogenous variables into their co-integration relationship, but also enables short-term
dynamics to occur. Due to the gradual correction by short-term changes to the variance
from the long-term balance formula, the term Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) is
used. (Juanda and Junaidi, 2012). The VECM is expressed in the following equation:
yt = vector containing the variables analyzed in the study
µ0x =vector intercept
µ1x = regression coefficient vector
t = time trend
Πx = αx β 'where b' contains long-term cointegration equations
yt-1 = variable in-level
Γk = regression coefficient matrix
k-1 = VECM order of VAR
εt = error term
The VECM models used in this study are:
IPI : Industrial Production Index
Inflation : Inflation (%)
RekDPK : Number of Third Party Fund Account
RekPemb : Number of Financing Account
LnDPK : Third Party Funds (Billion Rupiah)
LnPemb : Financing (Billions of Rupiah)
4.3 Optimal Lag Test
The optimal lag test is used to determine how long the influence of a variable is on
other variables. In addition, optimal lag testing is used to avoid autocorrelation in the
model (Firdaus, 2011). The test results show that the optimum lag is 2.
The estimation results shows the effect of each variable on economic growth in the
short and long term. In the short term, the lags used are 1 and 2. All variables both at lag 1
and lag 2 have a significant effect on economic growth. Inflation (INFL) in lag 1 has a
negative effect on economic growth, while lag 2 has a positive effect. Inflation can have a
positive effect on economic growth when existing inflation can stimulate producers to
increase production due to increased price. Meanwhile, inflation can have a negative effect
on economic growth when rising prices will only reduce people's welfare.
Third Party Funds (LN_DPK) in lag 1 and 2 have a positive effect on economic
growth. Third Party Funds (DPK) in Islamic banking will be channeled through financing
that can stimulate development in the real sector.
Financing (LN_PEMB) at lag 1 has a positive effect and lag 2 has a negative effect
on economic growth. The amount of financing is closely related to the real sector, so that it
directly affects economic growth.
The number of DPK accounts (LN_REKDPK) has a positive effect on economic
growth both at lag 1 and 2. The number of financing accounts (LN_REKPEMB) has a
positive effect on economic growth at lag 1 and has a negative effect on economic growth
at lag 2. This shows that more people have Accounts can increase economic growth
because more people have easy access to finance so that it can trigger a development in the
real sector.
In the long run, all variables have a significant effect on economic growth. The
positive and negative coefficient values show the relationship of each variable to economic
growth. The INFL, LN_DPK, LN_PEMB, and LN_REKDPK variables have a positive
effect on economic growth, while the LN_REKPEMB variable in the long run has a
negative effect on economic growth.
The conclusions of this report are consistent with previous studies demonstrating that
financial inclusion has a positive effect on economic development. (Iramayasari & Adry,
2020), (Suidarma, 2019), (Kim et al., 2018), (Onaolapo, 2015), (Erlando et al., 2020). The
factors of financial inclusion, such as the number of ATMs, bank branches and the number
of deposits, have a positive influence on economic development, representing GDP per
capita (Kim et al., 2018). The financial inclusion variable in this study has a positive effect
on economic growth except for the variable of number of financing account
The FEVD estimation results show that the variable that most influences economic
growth is Third Party Funds. The findings of the FEVD illustrate the complex contribution
of the variables analyzed to the diversity of economic development (IPI). The diversity of
the IPI is primarily affected by the IPI itself, followed by the TPF and the amount of
accounts receivable.
V. Conclusion
The Islamic banking financial inclusion variables used in this study indicate a
significant influence on economic growth. Meanwhile, the Islamic financial inclusion
variable that has the greatest influence on economic growth is Third Party Funds. This
shows that the development of Islamic banking in Indonesia needs to be encouraged so that
it can boost Indonesia's economic growth. Islamic banking has a high concern for the
growth of the real sector which has a major influence on economic growth.
Based on the results obtained from this study, there are several suggestions that we
provide, including: The Authority should have friendly policies to speed up its
development in the country in order to further encourage the contribution of Islamic
banking to economic growth. (Rama, 2013).
Islamic financial literacy needs to be improved. This is the role of various parties,
both government and bank and non-bank financial institutions. This is because high
financial literacy can increase financial inclusion so that it will have an impact on
increasing the amount of Third Party Funds or TPF accounts, as well as other financial
inclusion variables which will ultimately have an impact on economic growth.
To see in more detail about the effect of financial inclusion, the financial inclusion
index variable issued by the World Bank can be included. In addition, it is necessary to add
several other macroeconomic variables such as population and unemployment rate. In
addition, the Impulse Response Function (IRF) analysis can be used to determine the
response of each variable to shocks.
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