Settting objectives:
Objectives may be set for the entire organization and each department or unit within the organization. They specify
what the organization wants to achieve.
Developing Premises:
Planning premises are the assumptions made about the future. Assumptions are made in the form of forecasts about
the demand for the product etc. Planning premises are base material upon which plans are to be drawn.
be the most feasible profitable and with least negative
consequences .
other managerial functions also come into the picture This
machinery .
Follow up action:
which involves seeing that activities are performed according
to plans Monitoring the plans is equally important to ensure
Planning is pervasive:
As it is required in all types of organizations, at all levels of
management and in all departments of an organization. Top
management undertakes planning for the whole organisation.
Middle management does the departmental planning. At the
lowest level, day-to-day operational planning is done by
Planning is continuous:
A plan is framed and implemented for a specific period of time
and is followed by another plan and so on.
Objectives of Planning: Setting the Course
Provides direction:
Planning provides directions by stating in advance
how work is to be done; what action should be taken
and in which direction Reduces overlapping and wasteful
Planning reduces overlapping and wasteful activities
Establishes standards for by coordinating the activities of different divisions,
departments and individuals.
Planning provides standards against which actual performance is
measured. By comparing actual performance with some standard,
managers can know if there is any deviation and take corrective Facilitates decision making:
Planning facilitates decision making by making a
choice from among the alternative courses of action
Promotes innovative ideas: Reduces the risks of uncertainty:
Planning promotes innovative ideas requiring application By deciding in advance the task to be performed, planning
of mind and foresight. It is the most challenging activity for shows the way to deal with changes and uncertainty.
the management as it guides all future actions leading to Planning cannot eliminate changes/uncertainties but can
growth and prosperity of the business. anticipate them and develop managerial responses to
The limitations of planning:
Planning leads to rigidity:
Once a well defined plan is drawn the managers may
or reduced .
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