Warhammer Uniforms and Heraldry of The High Elves (OCR)
Warhammer Uniforms and Heraldry of The High Elves (OCR)
Warhammer Uniforms and Heraldry of The High Elves (OCR)
Intro uctlon
Welcome to the Uniforms (] Heraldry of the High Elves. Ulthuan is a vast confinent, home to many thousands of
This book forms part of a. c.ontinuing range, c�ch detailing the bloodlines a nd tnditions. Indeed. even the smallest p rincMQiIl
heraldries. uniforms. ico nograph ies and markings of one of the: is heir to customs, ri1u11 and folklore enough to fill this book
many hnt1stical armies fighting for survinl in the Wuhammcr many tiffies over. This volume is therefore not intended to be
world. Whether your hobby revolves around collecting, an all-encompassing guide, hut rather a collection of the mOSl
painting or wugaming with Citadel miniatures (or all three) imporhnt elements of High Elf heraldry. This b.ves pleD!)' of
you'll find this volume an indispensable guide to the full scope for you 10 create your own variations, should you wish to
splcndour of the High Elf soldiery . do so. Honour to the Phoenix King. and victory to his armies�
Introduction .................................................................................... 2 Unicorn Gale ....... .. . . . . . .. . ....
.... . .... .. ... ... . . .. 3
... ...... . . . ............... .... ... . .
N.8"1"he .
..... .............. . ... . ..... .. .. ..
... ... ... .. .......... . . .
.... .... ......... . ....... 18 The Pantheonic Mandala .. . ... .. ........ . .. .
... . .
.... .... ...... ... . .. .... .
... . . 62
e Ives
1k High Elves of Uhhuao Ut guardians of order. For millenni� Hard upon their heels come swift horsemen from Ellyrion and
tXy have protected the world from the threat of Chaos. halting the charioteers from Tiranoc. considered brash by the standards of the
t:id.e of darkness with spear, with bow and through their command High Elves. hut with valourous hearts all.
of magic. This has not been OI.chievcd without cost. The High Elves
� dwindling, worn away by century upon century of unrelenting Of Ulthuan's many legendary factions, the bbled Swordmasters of
W'U. and their might is now but a fuelieD of what it once was. Of Hoeth are the swiftest to lend their support to a growing warhost.
.<::l ocean-spanning empire that covered the globe. all that now DOlens of Swordmasters travel Ulthuan, performing the bidding
�ns arc the len kingdoms of Ulthuan and a handful of scattered of their Loremasters. When the rallying cry goes out, III nearby
outposts OVerseas. Yet. despite the hardship and ruin inflicted upon Swordmasters able to put aside their current burdens will do so,
as peoples. there is still glory and wonder enough in Ulthu:ln to forging themselves into a regiment for the c�mpaign's duration.
ootsrune all the other kingdoms of the world combined. Should onc of the LoremaSlers of Hoeth choose to l(:nd his
mystical might to the cause. the number of Swordmasters in the
To this day. the High Elves ue constantly at war. The Dark Elves, warnost can rise quite steeply. as such revered magt:S nrely appcu
ilic:i.r treacherous kin from the chillIand of Naggaroth, raid Ulthuan on the field of battle without an escort of the quicksilver warriors.
on Ul tlmost daily basis. These d�poilers h�te their High Elf The regal bodyguards, the White Lons of Chrace. are loath to
OXlsins to � degree incomprehensible to outsiders. The N�ggarothi leave their assignments for ought but the direst of tragedies - duty
still consider the ten kingdoms of Ulthuan to be theirs by right. and to their charge comes before all. Thus, if an Elven lord seeks the
;robe ceaselessly for any weakness in its defences. spreading terror presence of the White Lons upon the field. he is well advised to
Lad destruction in their wake. Almost as bad arc the rising realms of request the aid of the onc they protect. to gain the service of their
:he lesser nces. Those that do not appear to be deliberately wicked bodyguard. As for the Phoenix Guard, they take to the battlefield
ca: destructive are. at the very least. ignorant of their rightful place in in Asuryan's n�me whenever they are called upon to do so. Alas.
the world. and with a few thoughtless acts can undo the labours of � the Phoenix Guard arc so few compared with other forces. that
dozen generations of High Elves. Thus must the armies of Ulthuan they can rarely be present in the numbers a prince might wish for.
much upon other lands, ensuring that the careful b�lancc they have
mJrtured is not undone by the foolishness of primitives. Amongst the most prized of potential allies are the Dragon
Princes of ancient Caledor, proud warriors every onc, The
'The ten kingdoms of Ulthuan are united under the rule of the Dragon Princ(:s cannot be called upon for the mundane
Phoenix King and the Everqueen. Th(: Phoenix King is el(:cted drudgeries of sentry and patrol work: such tasks arc for the
:,- i council of his pe(:rs and given the blessing of Asuryan. the common folk. not the descendants of Caledor the Gr(:at If the
Creator, highest of th(: Elven gods. Th<: position of Ev(:rque(:n, comm�nder of an assembling host is wise. he will pique the
t:.::Jw(:v(:r. is purely hereditary. forming a line of mothers and Dragon Princes' interest with the promise of a battle worthy of
d:1ughters unbroken since the earliest days of Elven civilisition. gods. or perhaps confess that a particular foe is beyond his own
Bc-neath the twin thrones serve the countless princes of the ten humble talents. Lured by such glories. the sons of Caledor would
kingdoms. In the fleeting moments of peace. these nobles set their gladly ride to a battle on the far side of the world. ust, and most
minds to politicking. ever seeking the blessing of their monarchs secretive of all. ue the bitter Shadow Warriors of Nagarythe,
� preferment over thdr fellows. Intrigue hiS ever been a Marked forever by lives of conS1ant. bitter struggle. they shnd
cornerstone of Ulthuan, but it seldom interferes with the grim apart from High Elf society and never directly respond to a cry for
business of war, When battl(:'s trumpet sounds. rivalries vanish aid, Nevertheless, many a battle has been swung by an unlookcd
fikc: mist in the noond�y sun - despite their domestic squabbles. for volley of black-fletched arrows. Though they are shunned and
lbc princes of Ulthuan will always stand united against outsiders. distrusted by their own folk. the wardens of N�garythe know full
well where their loyalties lie.
When he marches to war. a High Elf prince c�n count upon aid
from .ul corners of the ten kingdoms, First to answer the call are Thus does a foe who petitions the wrath of the High Elves make
lk archer and spear regiments of his own domain and the nobles war not against onc land, but against ten kingdoms united under
of his court, Garbed in white - the Elven colour of death - and the Phoenix King. As the battlelines �ssemble. the banners of
cbd in shimmering silver scale. these warriors transcend the the High Elves flutter and snap in the wind. their rich folds
lIW1il1 glory of mortals to become something otherworldly and heavy with gemstones and proudly blazoned with the colours
supernatural. As word spreads and the true extent of the danger of their homelands, Shields bear the heraldry of honoured
becomes known. phabnxes of Lothern Sea Guard answer the bloodlines. of mighty gods and of Ulthuan's ancient protectors.
o.lJ with the uncomplaining dctermin�tion of true veterans. There arc few sights so glorious in all the known world, 3
� ..
Fortress A Q
4> Rock of
Tor Anroc -'I, ,. •
(The Sunken City)
...il &
o i:J o
Isle of the :"':':' The White
Cold Dnke
D"d W
�q;. Port
� 'P
� ��t-
Slnil! of
Iven Runes
The ancient runescripl of the High Elves is the most refined form of writing in the world. For thouSinds of years the High Elves hive developed
their runes and signs so they could Ix used 10 store their accumulated knowledge and Hfcgmrd their songs and history for future generations.
High Elves frequently decente: thdr shndards. weipoos .lnd armour with runes. The runes used in war often represent the: pride and might of the
High Elves. but also remind them of the noble principlcs of Elven wufne. Many High Elf standards Ht magical lAd their runes form l glowing,
swirling pattern that crciles othcrworldly visio ns 10 embolden the High Elves and twify their focs. Likewise:. shields lnd even the robes of
individual warriors or magts He frequently ldorned with rune:s, e:ithe;r magical or mund�ne. For a High Elf there is gre�t spiritual value in bearing
a rune that proclaims loyalty, or threatens death to the: enemies ofUlthUln.
Arhain Arath The eternal flame, Avalu Cadaith
Shadows, night, stealth. Fortress, courage, Mark of Asuryan, symbol Fires, fortitude, Grace, power.
secnts, perfidiousness. taciturnity. of rebirth and lordship. the Marh ofVaul. music of the stars.
Symbol of the line of hings,
the Dragons offtame.
sword that draws blood.
Strength, ferocity.
mane of hair.
chil fl�:'��
The serpent, wisdom,
hnowledge, futility,
Symbol of !ileath.
10 JA
Jt Jb �
Danai Darliath Darair Dassair Denla
Sleep, peace, lethargy. Fearlessness,Symbol of Remembrance, memory, Saying. Sight, Freedom, fulfilment,
the Mirai, corrupt harvest. the strength of stones. forbidden Imowledge. emptiness.
<Jh irB NB
Drathra Drame Dramui Eanith Eddu
Sinister, blach-hearted, The Underworld Stair, Hope, ascent, Honour, burden, Pain, longing,
unwohen heroism. descent, inevitability. the Heal)enward Stairs. contest of wills. determination.
if 1; 1f9 El
Hadri Hanor Harathoi Harvoi Histo
Ships. exploration, The Season of Ruin, Youth, boundless energy. j"fusic, son g. Plenty. dominance,
the endless ooy0ge. boldness, ingress. jealol/sy. eternity ofjoy_ the Golden Age.
Horinar IIdir IIdra IIdri Indrast
Trade. (reaty. corruption. The Chained Dragon, E:rptdiency, the Poison, tutor. the wound The heaoens awoktn,
duty, obedience. balance restored. that heeds no healing. fate fulfilled.
/j \"
Quul Quyl-Isha Qyl-Arnan Sarathai Sariour
The Tree of Life. The tears of lsho, sorrow, 60
Sym 1 of Amonar, The runc olrhe World The moon, magic, fortune,
regrowth, decay. mercy, endurance, drake of tht dups . Dragon, symboliSing eoil deeds, destruction
mourning for lost children. defiance. unyielding. wrought by nature.
Varinor Varour Verdan Volroth Yenlui
Strength,fire, Aggression, Woodland, Supremacy. royalty, Balance, harmony.
the Pride ofea/eeioT. lightning. down/aff. continuity. defence. heroic death. Chaos.
Yennla Ylvan Ylvoir Yngra Ytha
The Seed. Pride, honour, Throne of Kings, Rescue, imprisonment. WOOfS, swiftness,
promise of Isha. imperfection. guardianship. servitude. the hungry ocean.
atainc is the mightiest of the kingdoms of
UlthU11I, centred �round the Emerald Gate
and the city of lathcrn. Even in the waning days
of the Elves, Eataine is a hod rich beyond eyen
Dwarfell avuicc. Its merchants and emissaries
visit many foreign shores, and its fleets of swiff
, . .�
.... High Helm
Lothern has long been the mditioDll SC11 of the Phoenix King - Clledor the Conqueror kept coun here, and few of his successors chose: 10
break with Ihar tradition. The Lothcrn Sea Guud Ut the finest of Eatainc's warriors. Skilled in both spcu and bow, these vclcnn soldiers fight the
Phoenix King's battles both on hnd lnd at se.... Should the nmics of Ulthuan make wu in a dimnl bnd. it is invui.l.bly the ships of Lothcrn that
b�ar them hence, lnd the disciplined adnncc of the lothcrn SCi Gum:lthill will seize the beachheads.
.. Lothem Sea Masttr
-- , , .-
Lothern Skycutte1'$ wheel through the heaoens as
wiftlyas Tiranoc's more traditional chariots sweep
across the plains. It is commonplace fOl noblcs to
Tace one another into a battle, a contest of wing and
hoof. with the right to spill the first foeblood the
-- ' )
The sails and wings ofLothem
Skycutters are often decorated with
flowing waoe patterns. The precise
shope of the pattern identifies to
which ofLothern's many nab/es the
Skycutter's crew owe allegiance.
Lothem is home to the The White Lions who form the Phoenix King's
Temple of the Phoenix bodyguard do not wear the traditional colours
Kings - the only site of their homeland, but rather the colours of the
beyond the Isle of Flame current PhoenixKing - in this case, the nODal blues
which is protected by of Finubar theSeafarer.
Phoenix Guards.
, ..�
The Storm Riders
The Storm Riders are. a Sea Guard company whose reputation for ruthless boarding actions is legendary amongst
the Black Ark Corsairs of Naggaroth. Witnesses claim that the Storm Riders strike with the saoagery of the great
lWerwyrm, Amonar, whose majestic image adorns their shields. So terrible was the damage they wreaked upon the
fleet ofYalthis Doomreaoer that the Naggarothi commander has since offered a thousand slaves for their deaths.
n d�ys of yore. linnoc was the wealthiest
and gnndest of JJI the Elven kingdoms.
Alas. during the: Sundering, the realm suffered
greatly. Tidal waves drowned its fair meadows and
prosperous valleys, and only those folk who dung
to the rocks of its mounliin-fortrcsscs survived.
Though the walers eventually receded.linnoc
WiS left forever chlngcd- its beautiful cOistal
cilits had been swept away, and a goodly portion
of its citizens drowned in the deeps.Yct the
proud Elves of linnot refused to abudon their
a nccslui bnds, and instead laboured to rc:store as
much of its former glory as they could. Despite
their dforts. Tinnoc remains a bltlcrcd md
broken hod, ever in danger of slipping further
into the unforgiving seas.
• <.�
Ti -0; aar/itionolly fitlds fewer Silver Helms than
c6aiingdoms - there are IXry few nob/u within
;:h;t b:fJ rdro would not rather see bottle from
",:5:d of0 swift-mooing chariot_Indeed, for a
.....56: ofTironoc to make war as a caoolryman is
� proof that his family has foften upon
� ..
.4 Hawkey;-,-,_p
-- ,
agaryt e
ag uythc is a hud bnd of intemperate
N climes and duk deeds. It was from
here that Malekith the Accursed led his civil
wu, ;lnd this bnd too bore the brunt of Ihat
conflict. Nlg uythe was all but destroyed in
th� Sund�ring. and by far the greater part of its
lands li� drowned in the murky oceanic depths.
Thos� of its folk that remain ar� I s�crctiv� and
ruthless sorf.liffl� trusted elsewhere in Ulthulfl
for their kinship with the trailors of 1ges past.
Ironically. these Slme blood-tics drive the dour
Wolrriors of Nlguylhe 10 fight with a merciless
determination. There is not a High Elf living that
does not despise Malckith and his Dark Elves.
but thc folk of NlgUythe hue the Nagguothi
with a ferocity that hr surpasses the most fervent
warriors of other l;lnds. There can be no peace in Nagarythc. no cessation of bloody
WHo until Malekith and every onc of his twisted followers have been scoured from
at! the l;lnds of the world.
.... Shadow-walker
It has lony been a tradition for the Si/oer Htlms of Nagarythe to adopt warrior
names in place of those born from lineage and tradition. This custom dates back
to the cioil war; IJ)ith the families of Na9arythe divided, and its courts riven by
�rayal. many warriors found it necessary to be judged by their own deeds rather
than those of their families. As such. most Siloer Htlms and nob/es paint ooer
rhor familial heraldry with rooen blacks, midnight blues and blood reds, to hide
the marks of their lineage.
Only on the inland borders of Nagarythe are
thue permanent settlements o f any size, and it is
from these that the realm'sfew archer and spear
regiments are recruited. Their grim banners stand
is stark contrast to the glorious heraldry of
other kingdoms. The raoens of Morai-Heg are
common symbols - the Eloes of Nagarythe pray
to the Crone Goddess for her aid in their eternal
guest for cengeanct.
, - -
The Grey
The band ofShadow Warriors known only as The Grey take their name from the ashen cloaks that conceal them.
Descended from those who swore fealty to Malekith before his treachery was revealed, The Grey ha� slain Dark
Elves beyond counting in a blood feud spanning fioe millennia. Since the Sundering. they hooe battled ceaselessly -.
to redeem the honour of their family names, the burden of shame and obligation passing from father to son.
huce is 1 wild l�nd of dark fortSIS 1nd
rugged mourlllins. All of ils folk Ut
s!U.llcd hunters. for an Elf posscssd of spilse
woodcrafl is naught but easy prey for the
ferocious lions and the other Slvlgc beasts of
the Ch ncian hnds. Most famous of all ehrace's
warriors Ht the White Lions - veteun
woodsmen of Chute who serve as the Phoenix
King's bodyguard. It is the dream of 111 young
Chncian wHriors to onc day earn the right to
wear the lion pelt lnd serve: It their monarch's
side. 1 calling that drives them 10 prove their
nlour whenever possible. Opportunities for
such glory arc commonpbcc. for Chute is 1
hnd <llmos! permanently 11 war - if nOl18ai051
Dark Elves seeking pUSlgc 10 Ulthuln's Inner
Kingdoms. then against the betsls that dwell within its borders. Whenever the
Winds of Magic rise ,md the creatures of Chaos stir from their slumbers.
only the bravest of warriors due enter the duk heut of the Chncian hinterland. ... Guardian
White lion charioteers are the most aggressive oftheir kind.
Little content to await the unfurlment ofa threat, they seek our
and destroy the Phoeni:r King's enemies with the tenacity of their
namesake. Their banners bear the image of the lion,for it also is
eveNeadl) tofight the foe.
All 'White Lion chariots bear the mark ofRahagra. Father ofthe White Lions, somewhere on their construction. A chariot that loses this mark,
or has it defaced in battle, is thereafter consiaered an unlucky mount, fit onlyforfirclMX)d.
�. .
... Noble of Chrace with War Lion
The citizens of Chrace are superb
archers -few Chrac;ans suroioe
to adulthood without the ability
to fell a raoening beast from a
safe distance.
.... Sentinel
, , �., <
-- -
he rcalm of Cothique is a harsh piKe.
unl ovely to the eyes of most Elves. Its
towering cliffs and shale beaches are windswept
and grey. its surr ou nding se�s home to
mc gai odons. sea serpents ind other fierce
predators of the ocean trenches. Even 10 the
Elves of Cothiquc. these shores hold little
comfort, for their wanderlust is the greatest
known to any of Ulthuan's peoples. Never is an
Elf of Cothiquc happier than when "ba ud the
rolling deck of l ship. the tang of Slit iit about
his nostrils, and the cold sea breeze whirling
through his hair. So it is that the shi ps of
Cothiguc come 10 many other lands. sometimes
jo search of trade and comradeship. but just
as often in the full raiment of war. Cothiquan
warriors arc wild by the staid standards of other High Elves, and much prefer the
thrill of uiding to the mOTe conventional battles prosecuted by other realms-
l predilection that has seen them branded as pirates in some foreign lands,
It is of constant surprise to other Elves that the nob/es of Cothigue would even
consider taking their horses to serve in shipboard confil ct Yet such are the deft
reactions ofa Cothiquan Silcer Helm, and the peerless training received by his
steed, that Elf and beast can do battle on the rolling deck ofa ship just as gracefully
as other Eloen knights do on dry (and motionless) land.
The seo calls to off citizens of Cothique - not just
those who liDe upon its jagged coastline. Thus do all
the kingdom's warriors bear the ocean's colours and
its denizens as thtir heraldry.
_. ,
.. Sentinel
,- > , .�
The Scions ofMathlann
This brotherhood of Cothique claim to be the chosen of the Lord ofthe Deeps, and few dispute their right to do
so. Many times when the Scions ofMoth/ann hoot: fought in defence of their coastal kingdom, a oast sea creature
has risen f
ro m the depths to destroy thefleet of their foes. So do they offer great praise to Mathfonll (est they fall
from their fickle master's favour and one of his progeny emerge not to delioer sa/Dation, but divine punishment.
vrc:ssc is the: bnd o f mists. a shrouded
expaDse of rolling hills lOa hidden valleys.
It is .I sparsely settled rClim, with a compmtivc:
handful of towns. lnd only onc: major city-
the glorious spires of Tor Yvresse. Though
Dark Elf raiders seldom travel so far around
Ulthuan to beach their dread vessels upon
Yvrcssc's shores. the warriors of the realm
must always he on gUHd. The 50rccrOU5 mists
!h it blinkcl field and fen hm: c:ver been the
h aunt of Daemons. and both arrow and speu
must be cterully ready 10 cast them back into
the void. The:: soldiery ofYvressc is therefore
of a grimmer eiS! of mind Ihan wHriors from
other lands, for their eyes have borne witness
to much that morlal creatures were nc:ver meant
10 scc. Thus have Ihe wuriors ofYvrcssc gained a rcpulalion for holding the line
where others do 001. 1 glimmer of deeper resolve forged in b�lt1e aglinsl lhe mOSI
u nearthly of fo es.
The archers ofYoresse take to the battlefield clad in glimmering .. Noble ofYDresse
scalemaif. They wear wayshards - gems attuned (0 the locations
of hlOystones - so that they can fmd their Ivaythrough Y()resse's
billowing mists. The colour of each wayshard oaries according t o
the traditions of the region from which the archer hails.
, --
Hawks and other birds of prey are
important symbols to the Elves of
Yorcsse: to them. they are reminders that
the (are/us hunter wj{( one day himself
become the quarry.
.... Hawkeye
.... Archmage ofYoresse
- -
- -
, ,
t he Eagle Gale is onc of five great fortnsscs
that bu the mOUhf:lin passes between
the Shadowbnds of Naguythc ,nd the Inner
Kingdoms. It was built during the reign of
Calcdor the Conqueror. who was determined
that the Duk Elves would never 19ain find
Ulthuan so unprepared and vulnenble 1S they
had in the first days of his rule. As with the
other fortresses. the garrison of the Eagle Gite
is a permanent body of standing troops. dnwn
from the finest warriors across Ulthuin.
To perform such service: is one of the highest
honours to which an Elf can aspire. and should
a soldier survive his duty. he willlhercaflcr be
treated with respect by commoner ,nd noble
alikt. Abs, surviving such an assignment is a
luxury given to only a few. Between the Dark Elves of N:tgguoth :J.nd the monsters
of the Annulii, a soldier will hne to best many foes if he is to return home. .lA. Tiralloc Nfage seroing at the Eagle Gate
.lA. Lothem Sea Guard Eag/e Claw Bolt ThrolJJtT
The regiments srotioned at the gates retain the colours of their homeland - the magenta of
E11Jrion. OT the golden ye{fows ofnronoc, and so on. However, they oil bear the symbols oftheir
jonresses alongside those oftheir regiment (OT theirfamily. in the case ofElocs ofnoble birth).
Ansoldiers who haoe SCTOtJ upon onc of the gates an entitled to bear its symbols in perpetuity,
and many continue to do so eacn uftu they hoot set aside their warrior's tools.
_. ) < --
he Griffon G�IC is the: oldest of Ulthuan's
grel! mountlin fortresses. It is 11so held 10
be unlucky by those who serve within it. for il
alwlYs stems thlt foes besiege the Griffon C11.:
long before they consider curying their blldes
against its sister fortresses. Yet the Griffon
Cue's defenders forgive their fortress its odd
fortunes. for there is still honour to be cHned
upon its walls. Furthermore. there ue few more
glorious sights thln whco the first uys of sun
strike the colossll go1dcn shtucs that stand
wdch over the gate. To be prcscnI upon the WIlls
of the Griffon Gate at sunrise. it is s;!id. is to be
reminded of Ihe Golden Age of Ihe Elvcs. lod
10 know onc's hope reborn. Perhaps this is why.
despite many hundreds of sicges over thouslnds
of yeus. the Griffon Gale has never once fallen 10 its attlCkers. No mltter how
overmalChed its defenders. the golden fortress of the western mountlins has always
held true.
( c __
- .
�. ,
Unicorn ate
t he Unicorn Gate guuds the longest and
most treacherous of the mounrain passes.
As a result. it has seen less conflict than ils
sister fortresses - even the most determined
of Dark Elf attackers scc little purpose in
breaching the Unicorn Gale simply 10 fight their
way through the Hupy- and Cockilricc-hauDtcd
nvincs that lie beyond. For all this. the gurison
of the Unicorn Cate arc no less tc:sted than
those of other strongholds. for they arc undcr
(anstln! iuack by the denizens of the very pass
they gund. Thus hlVl: their uchers cuned 1
reputation for quick eyes and quicker wits. After
;1J1 walls He of little defence against winged
advcrsuics and. once a Hupy is within 1 spear's
length. the batrlc's outcome is already in doubt.
It is for Ihis fcuon Ih�llhe Unicorn Gale underwent substantial modificuion
during the reign of Bd-Korhadris, adding seven.1 dozeD oultigger towers from
which keen-eyed m:hers could scour the walls in the event of a Hupy attack.
,. ) . .-
.... Lothem Sea Guard Eagle C/awBolt Thrower
--- _ .. ...
ragon ate
he Dr�gon Gare is the lugest lnd gnndcsf
of III UlthUiO'S fortresses. When Calcdor
the Conqueror hid down the foundations for
the greal gates. he knew he would been unable
to spend much lime al court in Lothcrn. so
enshrined the: Dugon Gate as his war capital.
He ordered a greal pabet be built into the:
heart of the fortress. and that provision be set
aside for Ulthuan's highest families to like up
residence there in times of strife. The Ougon
Gate's garrison too was established on a suitably
gund sede. with near twice as ffilOy soldiers
under ums as �ny two of the other gItU gates
combined. Such an obvious display of martial
pride soon proved 1 irresistible lure 10 the Duk
Elves, and within 1 decade of the: Dragon Gafc's
compieJion. no fewer than six of Malckith's umies broke themselves upon its
w�lIs. Now. like much of Uhhuao. the Dngoo Gate is ooly spmdy occupied.
but its grim repulltion is said to bc worth ten thousand spears.
> , .-
-- ,
oenlX ate
he Phoenix Gate was well named, for
over the course of its existence it has
been reduced to rubble and rebuilt on sevenl
occasions. Yct its garrison arc little worried by
this seemingly grim record. A great many of
the Phoenix Gate's soldiers are: drawn from the
Kingdom of Eataine. and they simply assume
such woes to be part ofAsuryan's ineffable
plan. 'Should the enemy topple our walls: they
say. 'then wc shall simply build them higher
and gunder than before,' And so they have,
many times. Indeed. the towc:rs of the Phoenix
Gate now shnd so tall that their spires are lost
within the clouds that hang heavy about the
Annulij Moulltiins. This stubborn pride in the
face of disaster has become famous fhroughout
Ulthuan - despite this. few warriors from other realms seek out service upon the
Phoenix Gate. It takes a very deliberate kind of madness to seek guardianship over
a fortress whose walls seem almost predestined to fill.
. . .
-"" ') , , - -
Eataine's support ofthe Phoenix Gate ensures
that this fortress can boast the most occuratt and
efficient of all Eagle Claw bolt throwers.
_. ,
Dragons of Caledor
Dr�gons lod Elves hive heen allies for time immcmoriil. lndccd. ffilny legends fell fhlt Dnugnir. Father of Dngons. WIS .I great friend 10
Asuryln's court- i! least until the jCllousy of the SiVigC huntress Analhi Rlcrna ended his noble life. Even in the days of ,heir Wining. the Dugons
of Cilcdor remain true to their Incient lilies. Ind fight iloDgsidc them with willin8 hClr1�.
& a Dragon ages, the vibrancy
ofits scales slollJly fades: brilliant
reds become rich crimsons,
hlStrous golds are transformed
into bold ochres and celestial
azures darken to midnight blues.
_. , ( .
a e or
�lcdor is the hod ol Dngons lnd
C smouldering pride. It has ever served
lS the backbone of UlthuiD's umic:s - a bct
that the (nughly Debles of the: mountains
c�nnot forhcu from mentioning whenever an
opportunity presents itself. Though Calc:dor is
now but a shadow of its former glory. it remains
i land of fierce warriors and mutiai splendour.
;;.n d can always be counled upon 10 hear more:
Ihln its shue of the burden of wu. Indeed. the
princes of Calcdor rest uneasily in t hose rue
moments when Ulthuan is at peace:. lnd while
away such days almost lS Ic:thugically as do thcir
DngoD steeds. When wu comes 10 Uhhuan
once: more. ind the Great Horn of Calcdor
bellows through the mountains. torpidi ty falls
from the princes of Cilc:dor like I veil. Dragons ue roused. horses saddled and
the weapons of ages past retrieved from incestul vaults. Woe betide he who
encounters an army of Cilcdor on the march. for it will surely be the last battle
he ever fights.
46 .... Drakemaster
- ,
_. , , .
Just as the Dragon Prin ces bear the colours of the
Dragons, the soldiers of rhe citizen levy wear the colours
of the noble they SeToe most co mmonly a combination
> ,.�
, ,
- -
( .�
The Fireborn
As royal bodyguards ofthe ruling Prince of Caledor, the noble Imrik, the Firebom are the finest knights in a
kingdom rightly famedfor its peerless mastery of war. Their shields bear the image oflndrougnir, the legendary
Dragon that bore Aenarion to battle, an honour bestowed upon them by lmri/c himselfafter they slew the great
Bloodthirster, Gorecleooer, and led the charge that shattered the dread legion ofSkolthrak the Slaughterer.
llyrion is � bnd of open pbins and swift
horses, of wild storms that den is quickly
as they brcak. This kingdom is home to perhaps
the most hOHcmpcrcd of the High Elves. for
the Ellyrilns ue casily roused to angry words
and deeds should they feel that they. or their
rightly famd horses, have heen slighted. The:
Ellyrims ue the finest horscrnastcrs in Ulthuan.
and their unpmlldcd RClvcr Knights the
continuation of a proud tudition from the days
of Calcdor the Conqueror. Though their bnd is
protected by the ring of the Annulii Mountains
and the greil gltes of the northern passes, the
folk of Ellyrion must always he on their guud.
The Dark Elves covet the wild. bhck horses
of the EUYfian plains. and often hunch raids
merely to capture those: steeds for their own. Worse:. the: Nagguotbi CHe naught
for horses of other colours. and simply sby them out of spitt if they can. Thus are
the steppes constantly patrolled by hud-cyed EUyrians whose spears and bows are
always dose at hand.
..... Harbinger
... , )
Ellyrian ReaDers carry trailingpennant banners
that ripple gracefully in the winds of the
steppes. It is said that their horses are trained
to recognise such standards, so that they might
gather to them should their riders be slain.
_. , --
Typically, ElIy,ion nobles do notfight
os Silocr Helms until they haOt spent
many decades fighting aspart ofa
RcaouKnight band. Elfyrian Si/ou
Helms thereforefarsurpass those
ofother Tea/ms, and can indeed be
counted amongst the mostshilled and
upuitnced cavalrymen in
af[ Ulthuan.
... > ( ( --
Ellyrian banners and shields are replete with images ofswift horses, Pegasi and other creatures
ofthe open steppf!:S. Ear;h draws their inspiration from a partir:ular legend orJolktale where
great heroes ofEI�nkind and horsefolk came together to fight a common foe.
... ) (, --
The Heralds of the Wind
Despite the regiment's relative youth, the Heralds of the Wind afe famed amongst the ReaDers ofElIyrion.
Their Harbinger, Toralien, has earned them great renown for his innate ability to rcad the ebb andflow ofa
battle. Thus haoe the Heralds of the Wind eoer appearedprecisely where they were needed at the crucial moment,
sweeping aside war machines behind enemy lines or crashing home into theirflanks to wreak utmost havoc.
\·elorn is the spjrjfu�l heart of Ulrhuan.
for it is here thal the Everquccn holds
court. It is .a land of wonder and eternal summer.
where crcalures of legend still walk and miracles
occur daily. Great Eagles nest in Avdorn's sun
dippled hills, and Unicorns walk its enchanted
glides. To walk in Avelorn. il is said. is to
experience everything bciutiful thc world has to
offer. Linlc wonder is it then that some: Elves
spend a lifetime within its bounds, so entranced
by the: wonders within that they can no longer
face the reality of the outer world. Yct beneath
Avdorn's beauty lurks danger. The Evcrcourt is
riven by biller enmity and malice. as its vnious
fictions contest for the: favour ,nd affection
of their queen. Wild beasts lurk in the forests'
hidden depths, lDd Diemons prowl the foothills of the Annulii. So must the folk
of Avclorn be forever on their guud. Though their land be bounteous and fair.
there is nothing soft about the Elves of Avdorn.
. ..
There are many shrines to
/sha hidden throughout
Aoelom , and it is to these
that the citizen leoy muster
in times ofconflict. Each
banner depicts the key icons
ofthe shrinefrom which it
marches to ltJar. Common
symbols are the ltJuping eye
and bleeding heart of/sho.
I /
I H \
.... Archlllage
{ t --
The bollners ofSopherian princes often mOHt reference to Li/tath, or her symbol ofthe crescent moon.
It is lIot uncommon for the goddess to be depicted wielding two swords - 'A/ilno,' or 'Bringer of
Knowledge' and Valinor' or 'Bringer ofPower' -for these orf; the. weapons she places in the hands of
those who obsuoe her worship.
... MounredArchmage
The Pantheonic Mandala
The deities of the Elves ue divided into the C�dili. the gods of the HCivcns. ilnd the Cythmi, the gods of the Underworld. In Ulthu�n. worship is
givcn most freely to the C�daj, for the High Elves consider thilt these gods ind goddesses represent the nobler sides of their uturcs. Accordingly.
representations of the Pilnlhconic Mandab as used in Ulthuan place Asuryan as the centre of things, with an inner circle of Cadai unyed Hound
h�m. The ouler circle is reserved for those gods of which the High Elves disilpprovc:, or else court wilrily. The Dark Eh·cs lnd Wood Elves llso
rc:prcscnl lhcir deities using the Pinfheonic Milndilb, hUllhcy plilCC the gods differently within its circles.
J. Asuryon, the Creator 9. Khaine, the Bloody-Handed God 17. Estreuth, Lord of Hunger
2. Vaul. the Maker 10. Ereth Khial, the Pale Queen 18. Addaioth, Bringer ofFire
3. Isha, the Mother 1 1 . Nethu, Keeper of the Last Door 19. Eldrazor, Lord ofBlades
4. Kumous, the Hunter 12. Anath Raema, the Saroge Huntress 20. Ellinill, Lord ofDestruction
5. Hoeth, Lord ofWisdom J 3. lWorai-Heg, the Crone 2 J. HUHon, the Sunderer
6. Lileath, the Maiden 14. HeHarti, Mistress ofMagic 22. DraMra, Queen o/Vengeance
7. Loec, the Shadow Dancer 15. AthaT/i, Lady ofDesire
62 8. Mathlann. Lord ofthe Deeps 16. Ladrielle, Lady ofMists
Swordmasters of Hoeth
The Swordm�slcrs of Hocth have dcdicitcd their lives to the pursuit of mUlili pcrfcClion. They tuiD cclSclcssly with their slender grcltswords.
seeking 10 mister every numec of strike IDd countcrstrikc. A Swordmastcr's first duty is to the Tower of Hocth, lnd to the LorcmlSlcrs who
study within - accordingly. the tower features on almost every banner in some form or lnother. Nevertheless. CJch wurior is always eager to
wield his sword in the Phoenix King's service. for it is in such battles that his skill will truly be tested.
... Bladelord
Warriors ofSaphery set their
wayshards into intricately crafted
ailettes. These fizings are often
treasured heirlooms handed down
though the generations.
... Sentinel
* *
" .,
The TOlMrofHoeth is a source ofgreatpridefor all
Sapherian Eloes, and appears - in someform or another
- on many banner and shield designs.
_. ,
Phoenixes of Ulthuan
Phoenixes have dwelt upon the alabaster Fh.mespyre cugs for centuries untold. absorbing the: energy of the mlgicai winds that
gust through the rocky columns. Though they arc neither so noble nor wise as the: Dragons of Calcdor, the Flamcspyrc Phocnixc:s
willingly lend their aid in the battle for Ulthuan's sorvivd, fighting either on their own, or OlS steed for an Anointed of Asuryan.
The plumage ofFlamespyre Phoeni:res mirrors their
impetuous nature. It isran for two such birds to bear
e:ra,tly the same markings, but all share the angry reds
and vibrant yellows ofa hungryflame.
-. .
The Shrine of Asuryan
The Shrine: of the Creator is the holiest place in all of Ulthuan. It is within this great pyramid temple that cOlch new Phoenix King
is crowned - at least. should he pass unharmed through Asuryan's sacred flame. The Shrine of Asuryan is watched over by the silent
warriors of the Phoenix Guard. Only they. of 0111 morhis. have witncsstd the full wisdom of the Creator.
Famous Regiments of Ulthuan
Most of Ulthuan's regiments have a sloried history that stretches back into the mists of lime. but a few an� rdative newcomers,
having been founded in the reign of Finbur the Seafarer. Some of these newer regiments hive already earned a potent reputation
for themselves - a bet that appals ma.ny traditiomlists, but brings hope to those who perceive the darkness of the days ahead.
The site ofthe Altar ofKhaine,
and the restingplace of his
WidolJ:maker, the Blighted Isle is
wend ground to both High Elves
andDark E/�s. The battles that
rage across its shores are amor!fJSl
the most bitterly contested of
any age.
The Mistwalkers arc rangers who patrol the
valleys and hills ofYvressc, longbow and
sword ever-ready to repel the Daemons who
lurk within the magical mists.
-- ) )
Outp osts
Though the High Elves are no longer the dominant colonial power that they once were, they still maintain several br-flung outposts.
Chaos Wastelands
the Sun
.. ) ) « ( --
The spires of this port city aTe built around a
single c% ssa/ Illoystone, a rare and oafuable
remnant ofthe days when the sun never set upon
the PhO(nix King's empire.
The Citadd ofDusk is inoisibfe to all SOOt those
who serol! within its waifs. It stands guard oou
the sea routes to the Turtle Isles and beyond. The
fortress'garrison btur banners the colour ofthe
night sky.
_. , ,
By: Neil Hodgson and Mat Ward Cover Art: Dave Gallagher
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70 72
of ----
This ,ugust tome cont,ins the full and glorious heraldry of
the High Elves of Ulthuan - the defenders of the world.
_ 'These pages contain hundreds of full-colour illustrations
. livery. shield designs and heraldic banners for this. the
.. 'Doblest and grandest of all the races of the world.