Chem F2
Chem F2
Chem F2
(i) Write your name and Admission number in the spaces provided above.
(ii) Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided.
(iii) Mathematical tables and silent electronic calculators may be used.
(iv) All working must be clearly shown where necessary.
(v) Students should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed
as indicated and that no questions are missing
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(ii) Describe an experiment that would confirm that the region labelled G is
unsuitable for heating. (2marks)
2. Indicators are some of the substances used in a chemistry laboratory during the study
of properties of acids and base.
(a) What are acid-base indicators? (1mark)
(b) Flower extracts can be used as acid – base indicators. Describe how to obtain
flower extracts for use as simple acid-base indicators. (2marks)
3. (a) Define the term rust and give its chemical name. (2marks)
5. The diagram below is a set up used to investigate the effect of heat on hydrated
copper (II) sulphate. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Name a process by which dilute extract could have been made more
concentrated. (1mark)
(b) Name a suitable piece of apparatus for adding drops of the solvent to the
center at a controlled rate? (1mark)
(b) Circle the trace element found in Peter’s diet only (1mark)
9. A mixture of magnesium powder and lead (II) oxide will react vigorously when
heated but no reaction occurs when a mixture of magnesium oxide and lead powder
are heated.
(a) Explain the observations above. (2 marks)
(b) Write a word equation for the reaction between magnesium and lead (II) oxide.
(1 mark)
(c) From (b) above, identify the;
(i) Oxidized substance. (1 mark)
(ii) Oxidizing agent. (1 mark)
(d) What name is given to such a reaction which occurs above? (1 mark)
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10. A certain indicator was added to a solution. The pH value on the scale that was used
with this indicator was read as 6.5
a) Write an equation for the reaction which takes place in chamber with magnesium
powder. (1mark)
b) Name one gas, which escapes from the chamber containing magnesium powder. Give
a reason for your answer. (2marks)
12. Ayuya accidentally contaminated iron (III) chloride with sodium chloride and iron
filings. Describe how he can separate and obtain pure samples of each substance from
the mixture. (3marks)
13. The set up below was used to investigate the reaction between dry hydrogen gas and
(c) Write a word equation for the reaction which occurred in the combustion tube.
14. Classify the following processes as either chemical or physical. (3marks)
Process Type of change
Heating of copper(II) sulphate crystals
Obtaining Kerosene from crude oil
Souring of milk
15. When magnesium was burnt in air, two solid mixtures were formed. On addition of water
to the mixture, a gas which turned moist red litmus paper to blue was evolved. Use word
equations to explain the two observations. (3marks)
16. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Which solution reacts vigorously with magnesium metal? Explain. (1 mark)
(b) Which solution is likely to be that of lemon juice? (1 mark)
(c) Which solution is likely to produce green colour with the universal indicator. (1 mark)
(b) From the methods above, identify one that is suitable for collecting Hydrogen.
Explain. (2 mark)
19. In an experiment to determine the proportion of oxygen in air, copper turnings were
packed in excess in a long combustion tube connected to two syringes of 110cm3each
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in volume. At the beginning of the experiment, syringe R contained 110cm3 of air
while syringe M was closed and empty as shown.
Air was passed over the heated copper slowly and repeatedly until there was no further
change in volume. 97.5cm3 of air remained in syringe M.
(a) State the observation made in the combustion tube. (1marks)
(b) If the volume of air in the combustion tube at the beginning of the experiment was
23.8cm3 and at the end of the experiment reduced to 10cm3, calculate the percentage
of the active part of air. (2marks)
20. State and explain the changes in mass that occur when the following are heated
separately in open crucibles. Write a word equation for each reaction.
(a) Sodium metal (2marks)
(b) Sodium nitrate (2marks)
21. The setup below was used to prepare hydrogen gas in the laboratory
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a) Complete the diagram to show how a dry sample of hydrogen gas can be collected
(2 marks)
b) Write a word equation for the reaction which occurs in the round bottomed flask
c) Name a substance which may be added into the flask to speed up the production of
the hydrogen gas (1mark)
22. You are given samples of pure and impure water in beakers that are not labelled.
Explain one simple experiment you can use to distinguish between the two. (2marks)
23. Complete the table below by indicating the observations and the type of permanent or
temporary change which occurs. (3marks)
Experiment Observations Type of Change
Heating candle wax
strongly in a test tube
copper(II)sulphate is left
exposed overnight
Iron wool is soaked in tap
water for two days.
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24. Study the set up below and answer the questions that follow.
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