GM 3.0 Mexicano
GM 3.0 Mexicano
GM 3.0 Mexicano
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Mainte-
nance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts
must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before
using force to remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs,
or if the unit needs repairs.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel
are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these
fuels and when working on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks
away from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.
NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this
Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!
Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
GM Engines Table of Contents
General ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Engine Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................... 3
Cylinder Head and Valve Mechanism Repair .................................................................................................. 3
Cylinder Head, Remove................................................................................................................................. 3
Cylinder Head, Disassemble ......................................................................................................................... 3
Clean and Inspect .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Valves and Valve Seats .................................................................................................................................. 6
Studs for Rocker Arms .................................................................................................................................. 6
Hydraulic Valve Lifters, Replace .................................................................................................................. 7
Hydraulic Valve Lifters, Clean and Inspect ................................................................................................. 7
Cylinder Head, Assemble .............................................................................................................................. 7
Cylinder Head, Install ................................................................................................................................... 7
Valve Clearance, Adjust ................................................................................................................................ 8
Rocker Arm Cover, Install............................................................................................................................. 9
Timing Gear Cover Repair ................................................................................................................................ 9
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Camshaft Repair ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Inspect ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Camshaft Bearing.......................................................................................................................................... 12
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Distributor Repair.............................................................................................................................................. 13
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Lubrication System Repair................................................................................................................................ 14
Oil Sump ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Oil Pump ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Disassemble and Repair............................................................................................................................ 14
Assemble .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Piston and Connecting Rod Assemblies Repair ............................................................................................... 15
Connecting Rod Bearings, Replace ............................................................................................................... 15
Piston and Connecting Rod Assemblies, Remove ........................................................................................ 16
Piston and Connecting Rod Assemblies, Disassemble................................................................................. 17
Piston, Clean and Inspect ............................................................................................................................. 17
Cylinder Bores, Inspect and Repair.............................................................................................................. 17
Piston Rings, Inspect ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Piston and Connecting Rod Assemblies, Assemble...................................................................................... 18
Piston and Connecting Rod Assemblies, Install .......................................................................................... 20
Crankshaft Repair ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Main Bearings, Replace................................................................................................................................. 20
Oil Seal for Rear Main Bearing, Replace (GM 4-181 and 3.0L Only) ......................................................... 21
Oil Seal for Rear Main Bearing, Replace (Engines That Have Two-Piece Oil Seal).................................. 21
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
Inspect and Repair......................................................................................................................................... 23
600 SRM 3 Description
The diodes and resistors in the electrical sys-
WARNING tem can be damaged if the following cautions
Some gaskets used in this engine can contain are not followed:
dangerous fibers. Breathing dust from these • Do not disconnect the battery when the en-
fibers is a cancer or lung disease hazard. Do gine is running. The voltage surge can dam-
not create dust! Use vacuum equipment for age the diodes and resistors.
asbestos or follow the cleaning procedure de- • Do not disconnect an electric wire before the
scribed below. engine is stopped and the switches are OFF.
• Make sure the gasket material is wet with wa- • Do not cause a short circuit by connection
ter or oil to prevent particles in the air. of the electric wires to the wrong terminals.
• Use a hand scraper to remove old gasket ma- Make sure a correct identification is made of
terial. Do not use a power tool or compressed the wire before it is connected.
air. • Make sure a battery is the correct voltage and
• Discard all asbestos material in a closed con- polarity before it is connected.
tainer while it is still wet. • Do not check for current flow by making a
spark because the electronic components can
Put a DANGEROUS FIBERS warning label on
be damaged.
the container. Discard dangerous fiber mate-
rial safely. This section has the description and the repair in-
structions for the engine. Disassembly, cleaning, as-
CAUTION sembly, specifications, and troubleshooting are in-
Disconnect the battery cables before doing any
disassembly and repair to the engine or parts
of the electrical system.
The GM engines described in this section are the and serial codes B177 and C177 [H2.00-3.00XL
four-cylinder and six-cylinder models that have the (H40-60XL)] are the same engine.
arrangement of the cylinders in a straight line.
These engines have a similar design. The number The GM 3.0L engine is a later model of the 4-181 en-
one cylinder for these engines is toward the cooling gine. It is used in the S/H2.00-3.20XM (S/H40-65XM)
fan. These engines can have either a gasoline or an lift trucks.
LPG fuel system. See Figure 1.
The GM 6-250 engine is used in some models of 3.00
The GM 4-153 engine is used in some models of 2.00 to 7.50 ton (6000 to 15,000 lb) capacity lift trucks
to 3.00 ton (4000 to 6000 lb) capacity lift trucks from from 1975 until 1988.
June 1975 until June 1990. During 1990, production
A camshaft in the engine block operates the overhead
of the GM 4-153 engine was stopped and it was re-
valves with push rods. A cast iron crankshaft gear
placed with variations of the GM 4-181 engine. The
drives a camshaft gear. The cam lobes are hardened
GM 4-181 engine is also used in some models of 2.00
and have a taper with the high side toward the rear of
to 3.00 ton (4000 to 6000 lb) capacity lift trucks begin-
the engine. The valve lifters have a rounded surface
ning in 1978. The two engines are the same design
where they contact the cam lobes. This combination
except for different displacements. The GM 4-181 en-
of surfaces causes the valve lifters to rotate during
gines installed in the lift trucks with serial code B187
engine operation. All of the engines have hydraulic
[S2.00-3.00XL (S40-60XL)] beginning in 1990 have a
valve lifters.
different camshaft than the GM 4-181 engines used
in the lift trucks with other serial codes. Each rocker arm rotates on a pivot ball stud fastened
to the cylinder head. The valve guides and valve
The GM 4-181 engines installed in the lift trucks
seats are part of the cylinder head. The exhaust
with serial codes C187 [S2.00-3.00XL (S40-60XL)]
valve seats are induction hardened.
Description 600 SRM 3
Figure 1. GM Engines
600 SRM 3 Cylinder Head and Valve Mechanism Repair
The crankshaft in the four-cylinder engines has five different design. Some oil control rings have three
main bearings. The crankshaft in the six-cylinder parts that must be assembled when the oil control
engine has seven main bearings. The rear main bear- ring is installed on the piston.
ing in all engines is the thrust bearing.
The specifications for engine repair are shown in En-
The pistons are aluminum alloy and have three pis- gine Specifications at the end of this section.
ton rings. The two compression rings each have a
4. Remove or disconnect the air filter. 1. Use a compressor tool to compress the valve
springs and remove the retainers. See Figure 2
5. Disconnect the PCV valve. and Figure 3. Release the compressor tool and
remove the spring cap, (rotators when used), oil
6. Disconnect the wires and hoses fastened to shield, and valve springs. Remove the oil seal
brackets on the rocker arm cover. and any shims from the springs.
7. Disconnect the spark plug wires. 2. Remove the valves from the cylinder head and
put them in a rack so that the valves can be in-
8. Disconnect the linkages, fuel lines, and hoses for
stalled again in their same positions in the cylin-
the fuel system.
der head.
9. Disconnect the exhaust pipe at the exhaust man-
ifold and remove the intake and exhaust mani- CLEAN AND INSPECT
folds. 1. Clean the carbon from the combustion chambers
10. If necessary, remove the alternator and bracket. and the valve ports.
11. Remove the dipstick tube for engine oil. 2. Clean the valve guides. Use a tool as shown in
the example in Figure 4.
12. Remove the rocker arm cover.
3. Clean the push rods and rocker arms.
NOTE: Keep the rocker arm assemblies and the push
rods in order so that they will be installed in the same 4. Clean the surfaces of the cylinder head where the
position. gaskets fit.
13. Remove the rocker arms and the push rods. 5. Inspect the cylinder head for cracks in the ex-
haust ports, combustion chambers, and external
Cylinder Head and Valve Mechanism Repair 600 SRM 3
600 SRM 3 Cylinder Head and Valve Mechanism Repair
6. Inspect the valves for burned or damaged areas Figure 5. Valve Guide and Valve Clearance
in the seat surfaces. Inspect for cracks and dam- Check
aged or worn valve stems.
Cylinder Head and Valve Mechanism Repair 600 SRM 3
c. The maximum clearance between the valve wrench to remove the damaged stud. See Fig-
stems and their valve guides is shown in the ure 7.
Engine Specifications.
9. Inspect the rocker arm bolts for wear and dam- 1. VALVE SEAT
0.80 mm (0.031 in.)
Figure 6. Intake and Exhaust Valve Seat
The condition and alignment of the valves to their Specifications
valve seats are important so that the engine will op-
erate correctly. Before any work is done on the valve
seats, make sure the clearance of the valve stems in
their valve guides is within specifications.
Replace a stud that has damaged threads or is loose 2. Use a reamer of the correct size for the new over-
in the cylinder head. See the Parts Manual for over- size stud. Apply SAE 90 lubricant to the new
size studs. stud during installation. Install the new stud as
shown in Figure 8.
1. Remove the old stud. Install a spacer, flat
washer, and nut to the damaged stud. Use a
600 SRM 3 Cylinder Head and Valve Mechanism Repair
Cylinder Head and Valve Mechanism Repair 600 SRM 3
4. If the hydraulic valve lifters (cam followers) were 19. Connect the battery cables at the battery.
removed, install them in their positions in the en-
gine block. Install the side cover for the hydraulic 20. When the engine can be operated, adjust the igni-
valve lifters. tion timing and carburetor as necessary. See the
Periodic Maintenance section for additional
5. Install the push rods in their positions in the en- information.
gine. Make sure each push rod fits in its socket
in its hydraulic valve lifter. VALVE CLEARANCE, ADJUST
6. Lubricate the rocker arms and rocker arm balls 1. Remove the cover for the rocker arm assembly.
with engine oil during installation. Install the
rocker arms, rocker arm balls, and rocker arm 2. Adjust the valves for each cylinder when the
nuts. Tighten the rocker arm nuts until there is piston is at top dead center on the compression
zero clearance. stroke. Use the rotor in the distributor to find
top dead center for each piston. Make an identi-
7. Install the intake manifold and exhaust mani- fication mark for each cylinder on the distributor
fold. Connect the exhaust pipe at the exhaust housing. Make the marks directly under the
manifold. connections of the spark plug wires.
8. Install the carburetor. Connect the carburetor 3. Remove the distributor cap. Turn the crankshaft
linkage, fuel line, and hoses. until the rotor is aligned over the mark for the
number one cylinder. Now adjust both valves for
9. Install the alternator and bracket. the number one cylinder. Tighten the nut for the
rocker arm while turning the push rod with your
10. Install the dipstick tube for engine oil.
fingers as shown in Figure 10. Tighten the nut
11. Connect the coolant hose to the housing for the just until the movement of the push rod stops.
thermostat. This condition is zero clearance. Now tighten the
nut one more turn.
12. Adjust the clearance of the rocker arm assem-
blies as described in Valve Clearance, Adjust.
18. Fill the cooling system with the correct coolant. Figure 10. Valve Clearance Adjustment
See the Periodic Maintenance section for your
600 SRM 3 Timing Gear Cover Repair
4. Turn the crankshaft in the normal direction of ro- 3. Install a new gasket onto the cylinder head rail.
tation until the rotor aligns over the next mark.
(For the six-cylinder engine, the valves for the 4. Apply Loctite Flange Sealant around the bolt
number five cylinder can now be adjusted. For holes of the gasket, and install the rocker arm
the four-cylinder engine, the valves for the num- cover.
ber three cylinder can now be adjusted.) Adjust
5. Tighten the rocker arm cover bolts to 6 N•m
the valves as described in Step 3.
(50 lbf in) in the sequence shown in Figure 11.
5. Follow the same procedure as described in Step 4
until all the valves are adjusted.
2. Coat the cylinder head rail with Loctite Flange Figure 11. Rocker Arm Cover Tightening
Sealant. Sequence
Timing Gear Cover Repair 600 SRM 3
600 SRM 3 Camshaft Repair
Camshaft Repair
NOTE: The engine is removed from the lift truck for Measure the amount of clearance between the thrust
this procedure. plate and the camshaft as shown in Figure 17. If
the clearance is greater than 0.203 mm (0.008 in.),
1. Remove the drive belts, fan, and pulley. replace the thrust plate.
2. Remove the timing gear cover. See the procedure
under Timing Gear Cover Repair, Remove.
Camshaft Repair 600 SRM 3
Figure 17. Thrust Plate and Camshaft Figure 18. Camshaft Bearings Replacement
Clearance Check
Make sure the force is applied to the hub of
the camshaft gear or the camshaft gear will be
damaged. Make sure the Woodruff key does not
damage the thrust plate during removal or in-
Remove Install
Special tools are required to remove and install the CAUTION
camshaft bearings. See Figure 18. Remove the front
The holes for the oil passages in the camshaft
and rear bearings last.
bearings must be aligned with the oil passages
1. Remove the plug in the bore for the camshaft at in the bore of the engine block. If the oil pas-
the rear of the engine block. sages are not aligned correctly, the loss of lu-
brication will cause a failure of the camshaft
2. Install the removal and installation tool as bearings or other parts of the engine.
shown in Figure 18. Remove the intermediate
bearings. 1. Install the front and rear camshaft bearings
first. These bearings will be guides for installa-
3. Install the head of the special tool on the end tion of the intermediate bearings. See Figure 19.
of a driver. Remove the front and rear bearings Use the special tool to install the front and rear
by pushing them toward the center of the engine camshaft bearings.
block. See Figure 19.
600 SRM 3 Distributor Repair
GM 4-153, 4-181 and 3.0L. The front camshaft 3. Install a new plug in the bore in the rear end of
bearing must be 3.0 mm (0.12 in.) below the sur- the engine block. The surface of the plug must
face of the engine block so that the oil passage to be even with the surface of the engine block or
the nozzle for the timing gears is open. not greater than 0.80 mm (0.03 in.) below the
2. Install the intermediate camshaft bearings. Use
the special tool as shown in Figure 18.
Distributor Repair
REMOVE a. Remove the No. 1 spark plug.
NOTE: This section has only removal and installa- b. Put a finger over the No. 1 spark plug hole
tion procedures for the distributor. The service pro- and slowly rotate the engine until pressure is
cedures for the ignition system are found in the fol- felt on the compression stroke.
lowing sections:
• High Energy Ignition System 2200 SRM 107 c. Align the timing mark on the crankshaft pul-
• Microprocessor Spark Timing System ley to 0 (TDC) on the engine timing indica-
(MSTS) 2200 SRM 463 tor.
If the engine has been rotated after the distrib- 6. Connect the battery negative cable.
utor was removed, the following procedure must
be used before the distributor is installed again:
Lubrication System Repair 600 SRM 3
7. Start the engine and check the engine timing. 8. Tighten the bolt for the distributor clamp. See
See the section for Periodic Maintenance for Torque Specifications.
your lift truck for procedures on Ignition Timing.
1. Clean the sealing surfaces on the oil sump and
the engine block. Remove old gasket material or
600 SRM 3 Piston and Connecting Rod Assemblies Repair
2. Make an index mark on the gears so that they of the screen assembly is parallel to the bottom sur-
can be installed again in the same position to face of the engine block.
each other. Remove the gears. Do not remove the
screen and tube assembly unless it is damaged. 1. If the relief valve was disassembled, install the
relief valve, spring, and pin. See Figure 20.
Piston and Connecting Rod Assemblies Repair 600 SRM 3
d. If the clearance is within specifications, lu- 6. Remove the caps and bearings from each connect-
bricate the bearing with engine oil and in- ing rod. Keep the caps and bearings with their
stall the bearing and bearing cap. Tighten original piston assemblies. Mark the caps so that
the nuts on the bearing cap. See Torque Spec- they will be installed again in their original posi-
ifications. tions. Do not mix the parts.
600 SRM 3 Piston and Connecting Rod Assemblies Repair
7. Push the connecting rod and piston from the PISTON, CLEAN AND INSPECT
cylinder. Temporarily install the bearing cap on
the connecting rod to keep the parts together. Inspect the pistons for wear, cracks, and damage. Re-
place a piston that is worn or damaged.
NOTE: If the cylinder bore must be repaired, the pis-
ASSEMBLIES, DISASSEMBLE ton must be changed to the correct oversize. Check
the clearance of the piston in its cylinder after the
CAUTION surface of the cylinder bore has been finished with a
The pistons are aluminum alloy and can be hone.
damaged if they are hit with a hard object. The
Check the clearance of the piston pin in the piston.
grooves for the piston rings are machined to
The normal clearance is shown in Engine Specifica-
close tolerances. Use a tool made to clean the
tions. The piston pin will normally fall from the hole
grooves of the piston rings. Do not use a wire
in the piston by its own weight. The piston pin is a
brush to clean a piston.
press fit in the connecting rod. The piston and piston
1. Remove the piston rings from the pistons. Use a pin are a matched set and must be replaced as a unit
press to remove the piston pins from the piston. if the clearances are greater than the specifications.
See Figure 24.
2. Use solvent to clean the pistons and connecting
rods. Use compressed air to dry the parts. Make Inspect the cylinder bores for wear and damage.
sure that the holes for oil passages are clean. Measure the cylinder bores in several positions as
shown in Figure 25. Measure the cylinder bore at
right angles to the centerline to find any distortion
from wear. A cylinder that is out-of-round greater
than 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) must be repaired.
Piston and Connecting Rod Assemblies Repair 600 SRM 3
600 SRM 3 Piston and Connecting Rod Assemblies Repair
Crankshaft Repair 600 SRM 3
Crankshaft Repair
MAIN BEARINGS, REPLACE of the crankshaft. See Figure 34. Turn the
crankshaft to remove the upper bearing half.
NOTE: The following procedure is for replacement of
the main bearings without removing the crankshaft c. Lubricate a new bearing half of the cor-
from the engine. rect size with engine oil. Insert the end of
the bearing without the notch between the
1. Remove the oil sump and the oil pump as de- crankshaft and the side of the engine block
scribed in the procedures under Lubrication Sys- with the notch.
tem Repair.
d. Use the pliers described in Step b to rotate
2. Remove the cap on the main bearing that needs the bearing half into position.
replacement. Remove the bearing half from the
cap. 4. The other crankshaft journals have oil holes. Use
the following procedure to replace the upper half
3. The rear main bearing does not have an oil hole. of the main bearing:
Use the following procedure to replace the upper
half of the rear main bearing: a. Put a thin rod or a bent cotter pin through
the oil hole in the crankshaft to contact the
a. Use a small drift punch and a hammer to main bearing half.
start the bearing half from the engine block.
b. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise as seen from
b. Put some tape on a pair of pliers to make the fan end of the engine. This movement
soft jaws. Use the pliers to hold the thrust will rotate the main bearing half from the
surface of the bearing to the oil control ring engine block.
600 SRM 3 Crankshaft Repair
Figure 34. Rear Main Bearing Replacement Figure 35. GM 3.0L Crankshaft, Main Bearings,
and Oil Seal
The oil seal is a one-piece unit that can be replaced TWO-PIECE OIL SEAL)
without removal of the oil sump or the crankshaft.
See Figure 35. The transmission must be discon- NOTE: The following procedure is for replacement of
nected from the engine. the oil seal for the rear main bearing without remov-
ing the crankshaft from the engine. Always replace
1. Remove the flywheel. both halves of the oil seal as a unit.
2. Use a screwdriver or small pry bar to carefully This procedure requires careful work so that the oil
remove the oil seal from the engine. seal is not damaged during installation. The seal
3. Clean the surface of the engine block area for the bead in the channel on the outside diameter of the
oil seal. oil seal must be protected during installation. An
oil seal installation tool can be made from a piece of
4. Lubricate the oil seal with engine oil and care- 0.10 mm (0.004 in.) shim stock. See Figure 36.
fully install it.
1. The oil sump and the oil pump must be removed.
5. Install the flywheel and tighten the bolts. See Remove the cap for the rear main bearing.
Torque Specifications.
2. Use a small screwdriver to remove the lower half
of the oil seal from the main bearing cap. See
Figure 37.
Crankshaft Repair 600 SRM 3
the oil seal in the engine block. Put the oil seal
between the engine block and the tip of the tool
so that the bead on the oil seal is against the tip
of the tool. Make sure the lip of the oil seal is to-
ward the fan end of the engine. See Figure 39.
Figure 37. Oil Seal Lower Half Removal 8. Carefully remove the tool. Make sure the bead is
not damaged.
3. Use a hammer and a small punch. Lightly hit
one end of the upper oil seal half to rotate it until 9. Install the lower half of the oil seal in the cap
it can be removed with a pair of pliers. See Fig- for the main bearing. Make sure the ends of the
ure 38. oil seal are even with the surfaces of the main
bearing cap.
10. Remove any engine oil from the ends of the oil
seal, both upper and lower halves. Apply a thin
coat of sealant ONLY to the ends of the oil seal.
Do not permit any sealant on the surfaces where
the main bearing cap joins the engine block. See
Figure 40.
4. Clean the area for the oil seal in the engine block
and main bearing cap.
600 SRM 3 Crankshaft Repair
11. Install the cap for the rear main bearing and surface of the bearing is round. The correct sizes
tighten the capscrews to an initial torque of are given in the Engine Specifications.
14 N•m (10 lbf ft). Use a hammer to lightly hit
the crankshaft and move it forward against the
rear main bearing. Then use the hammer to
lightly hit the crankshaft and move it backward
against the rear main bearing. This procedure
is to align the thrust surfaces on the rear main
bearing. Tighten the capscrews for the main
bearing cap. See Torque Specifications.
1. Remove the flywheel housing and the flywheel.
5. Remove the caps for the main bearings. Make 4. If the crankshaft journals must be repaired, they
sure that there are identification marks on the can be ground to a smaller (undersize) than the
caps so that they can be installed again in the original size. See the Parts Manual for available
same position. bearing sizes.
6. Carefully remove the crankshaft from the engine When the crankshaft is assembled by the manufac-
block. turer, the main bearings are specially selected to ob-
tain close tolerances. For this reason, you can find
7. Remove the oil seal for the rear main bearing. one-half of a standard size insert with one-half of a
Remove the main bearings from the crank case 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) undersize insert. This combina-
and the main bearing caps. tion will decrease the clearance 0.013 mm (0.0005 in.)
from using a full standard bearing.
When a production crankshaft cannot be fitted
1. Clean the crankshaft with solvent and dry it with with this method, the main journal is then ground
compressed air. 0.229 mm (0.009 in.) undersize. Only those main
bearing journals that cannot be fitted with stan-
2. Inspect the crankshaft for cracks or other dam-
dard, 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) or 0.051 mm (0.002 in.)
undersize main bearing will be ground. A 0.229 mm
3. Inspect the crankshaft for wear and damage. See (0.009 in.) and a 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) undersize
Figure 41. Use a micrometer to measure the jour- bearings will be selected as described to obtain close
nals for the bearings of the crankshaft. Do the tolerances.
measurement at different positions to see if the
Crankshaft Repair 600 SRM 3
A production crankshaft that has been ground will 7. If the clearance is greater than the specifications,
have the following identification: select a new undersize bearing set and install it.
• The crankshaft journal that has been ground will Measure the clearance again. If the clearance
have a 9 marked in the metal of the crankshaft next cannot meet specifications with the available un-
to the journal. A spot of light green paint is also dersize bearings, the bearing journal must be
added to the crankshaft. ground to a new undersize. If the bearing journal
• The main bearing cap is also marked with green is already at the maximum undersize, the crank-
paint. shaft must be replaced.
600 SRM 3 Flywheel and Flywheel Housing Repair
Flywheel and Flywheel Housing Repair 600 SRM 3
Remove the engine from the lift truck and separate
the engine from the transmission.
Model Dimension X
S/H2.00-3.00XL 28.4 to 28.6 mm (1.118
(S/H40-60XL) to 1.125 in.)
600 SRM 3 Cooling System Repair
3. Remove the capscrews that fasten the flywheel to b. Heat the new ring gear to 200 C (392 F) in
the crankshaft. If there are dowel pins installed, an oven and install the ring gear on the fly-
use a hammer and driver to remove the dowel wheel. Push the ring gear fully against the
pins from the flywheel and crankshaft. Rotate shoulder of the flywheel.
the crankshaft as necessary so that the dowel
pins will not hit the engine block as they are re- c. The pilot bearing in the flywheel can be re-
moved. placed. Push the old bearing from the fly-
wheel and push in a new bearing.
4. Remove the flywheel. Discard the dowel pins on
the GM 6-250. INSTALL
RING GEAR, REPLACE 1. Install a new oil seal in the adapter plate on lift
trucks that have an oil clutch. Use a sealant on
the outside of the seal during installation.
Wear eye protection for this operation to pre- 2. Apply a sealant to the flange of the adapter plate.
vent eye injury from metal chips. You will be Install the adapter plate to the engine.
using a hammer and driver to remove the ring
gear. 3. Install a new O-ring to the flywheel for lift trucks
that have an oil clutch transmission.
1. Use the following procedure to remove the ring
gear on the flywheel: 4. Install the flywheel to the crankshaft. Apply a
sealant to the capscrews that hold the flywheel
a. During removal or installation, do not heat to the crankshaft.
the ring gear greater than 230 C (446 F).
Heat the circumference of the ring gear 5. Tighten the capscrews. See Torque Specifica-
evenly and carefully remove it from the fly- tions.
wheel with a hammer and driver.
Hot parts. Wear protective clothing and gloves
to prevent burns.
Cooling System Repair 600 SRM 3
A. S2.00-3.00XL (S40-60XL)
B. S40-50F, H40-50J-60JS, H30-60H (E3), H30-60H (D3)
600 SRM 3 Engine Specifications
Engine Specifications
GM 4–153
Number of cylinders 4
Firing order 1–3–4–2
Bore and stroke 98.45 × 82.5 mm (3.876 × 3.25 in.)
Displacement 2512 cm 3 (153 in. 3 )
Compression Ratio 8.25:1
Governor speed See the Periodic Maintenance section for each
model of lift truck
GM 4–181
Number of cylinders 4
Firing order 1–3–4–2
Bore and stroke 101.6 × 91.44 mm (4.00 × 3.60 in.)
Displacement 2965 cm 3 (181 in. 3 )
Compression Ratio 8.25:1
Governor speed See the Periodic Maintenance section for each
model of lift truck
GM 3.0L
Number of cylinders 4
Firing order 1–3–4–2
Bore and stroke 101.6 × 91.44 mm (4.00 × 3.60 in.)
Displacement 2965 cm 3 (181 in. 3 )
Compression Ratio 8.25:1
Governor speed See the Periodic Maintenance section for each
model of lift truck
GM 6–260
Number of cylinders 6
Firing order 1–5–3–6–2–4
Bore and stroke 98.45 × 89.66 mm (3.88 × 3.53 in.)
Displacement 4095 cm 3 (250 in. 3 )
Compression Ratio 8.25:1
Governor speed See the Periodic Maintenance section for each
model of lift truck
Engine Specifications 600 SRM 3
Valve seat specifications See Figure 6.
Valve seat width, intake valves 0.896 to 1.897 mm (0.035 to 0.074 in.)
Valve seat width, exhaust valves 1.468 to 2.468 mm (0.058 to 0.0971 in.)
Clearance between intake valve and guide
– Production Limit 0.0254 to 0.0686 mm (0.0010 to 0.0027 in.)
– Service Limit 0.094 mm (0.0037 in.)
Clearance between exhaust valve and guide
NOTE: The valve stems for the exhaust valves have a taper of 0.0025 mm (0.001 in.)
– Production Limit (top of taper) 0.0254 to 0.0686 mm (0.0010 to 0.0027 in.)
– Service Limit 0.119 mm (0.0047 in.)
– Production Limit (bottom of taper) 0.0508 to 0.0939 mm (0.0020 to 0.0037 in.)
– Service Limit 0.145 mm (0.0057 in.)
Diameter of exhaust valve stem 8.6817 to 8.6995 mm (0.3418 to 0.3425 in.)
Diameter of intake valve stem 8.6817 to 8.6995 mm (0.3418 to 0.3425 in.)
Valve head diameter (all) 8.6817 to 8.6995 mm (0.3418 to 0.3425 in.)
Valve installed height (all) 42.926 mm (1.69 in.)
Valve spring, free length (see Figure 48) 52.8 mm (2.08 in.)
Valve spring force (installed and valve is closed) 347 to 383 N @ 43 mm (78 to 86 lbs @ 1.69 in.)
Valve spring force (installed and valve is open) 756 to 800 N @ 32 mm (170 to 180 lbs @ 1.26 in.)
600 SRM 3 Engine Specifications
Variation from front to rear of a cam lobe
– Taper with larger dimension away from No. 1 piston
Bearing journals, diameter 47.44 to 47.49 mm (1.8677 to 1.8697 in.)
Bearing journals, clearance 0.01778 to 0.09685 mm (0.0007 to 0.0038 in.)
Variation of a bearing journal in either diameter or 0.03 mm (0.001 in.)
axial direction
Axial Clearance (see Figure 17)
– Production Limit 0.020 to 0.120 mm (0.001 to 0.005 in.)
– Service Limit 0.2 mm (0.008 in.)
Engine Specifications 600 SRM 3
Piston diameter (see gauge points in Figure 27)
Clearance at top of cylinder
– Production Limit 0.0635 to 0.0838 mm (0.0025 to 0.0033 in.)
Clearance at bottom of cylinder
– Production Limit 0.043 to 0.104 mm (0.0017 to 0.0041 in.)
Clearance in cylinder (service limit for top and bottom
of cylinder) 0.76 mm (0.030 in.)
Piston ring to groove clearance for piston rings (see Figure 28)
Compression rings No. 1 and No. 2
– Production Limit 0.0381 to 0.0889 mm (0.0015 to 0.0035 in.)
– Service Limit 0.1143 mm (0.0045 in.)
Oil ring to groove clearance
Out-of-round (see Figure 25)
– Production Limit 0.254 mm (0.001 in.)
– Service Limit 0.0508 mm (0.002 in.)
Taper (see Figure 26)
– Production Limit 0.0127 mm (0.0005 in.)
– Service Limit 0.127 mm (0.005 in.)
600 SRM 3 Engine Specifications
Diameter of main bearing journal
– Production Limit 58.367 to 58.405 mm (2.2979 to 2.2994 in.)
– Grinding Limit 57.859 mm (2.278 in.)
Out-of-round of main bearing journal (maximum)
– Production Limit 0.0127 mm (0.0005 in.)
– Service Limit 0.0254 mm (0.001 in.)
Taper of main bearing journal (maximum)
– Production Limit 0.0127 mm (0.0005 in.)
– Service Limit 0.0254 mm (0.001 in.)
Clearance between journals and main bearings (except for rear main bearing of GM 6-250)
– Production Limit 0.0127 to 0.061 mm (0.0005 to 0.0024 in.)
– Service Limit 0.064 mm (0.0025 in.)
Clearance between journal and rear main bearing for GM 6-250
– Production Limit 0.0127 to 0.061 mm (0.0005 to 0.0024 in.)
– Service Limit 0.089 mm (0.0035 in.)
Available undersize main bearings (see Parts Manual)
Axial Clearance (crankshaft to thrust surface of rear main bearing)
– Production Limit 0.0508 to 0.1524 mm (0.002 to 0.006 in.)
– Service Limit 0.1524 mm (0.006 in.)
Diameter of connecting rod journals for earlier production engines
– Production Limit 50.775 to 50.800 mm (1.999 to 2.000 in.)
– Grinding Limit 50.27 mm (1.979 in.)
Diameter of connecting rod journals for later production engines
– Production Limit 58.369 to 58.420 mm (2.298 to 2.300 in.)
– Grinding Limit 57.86 mm (2.278 in.)
Out-of-round of bearing journal (maximum)
– Production Limit 0.0127 mm (0.0005 in.)
– Service Limit 0.0254 mm (0.001 in.)
Taper of bearing journal (maximum)
– Production Limit 0.0127 mm (0.0005 in.)
– Service Limit 0.0254 mm (0.001 in.)
Torque Specifications 600 SRM 3
Thermostat 82 C (180 F)
Oil pressure @ 2500 rpm 170 to 241 kPa (25 to 35 psi)
Minimum oil pressure @ idle rpm 48 kPa (7 psi)
Oil pressure switch ON 20 to 39 kPa (2.9 to 5.7 psi)
Torque Specifications
Adapter Plate for Torque Converter Housing Exhaust Manifold to Intake Manifold
3.0L 44 N•m (32 lbf ft) 61 N•m (45 lbf ft)
600 SRM 3 Troubleshooting
Rocker Cover
8 N•m (6 lbf ft)
When the ignition switch is The battery has a problem. Install a new battery.
in the START position, the
starter does not operate.
The connections at the battery are Clean and tighten the battery con-
loose, or they have corrosion. nections.
The starter system has a problem. Check and repair the starter circuit.
The engine will not start. The fuel tank is empty. Fill the fuel tank.
The piston rings are worn or have Install new piston rings.
The ignition system has a problem. Check and repair the ignition system.
The fuel system has a problem. Check and repair the fuel system.
Troubleshooting 600 SRM 3
The engine does not run The valve mechanism does not oper- Repair the valve mechanism.
smoothly. ate correctly.
There is a leak in the intake system. Install new gaskets at the intake
The engine does not have The air filter is dirty. Clean or install a new air cleaner.
enough power.
The fuel is the wrong type. Drain and fill fuel tank.
The valve mechanism does not oper- Repair parts of valve mechanism.
ate correctly.
The spark plugs are the wrong type Install new spark plugs.
or they are not installed correctly.
There is noise inside the en- The main bearings are worn or dam- Install new bearings.
gine. aged.
There is not enough oil in the engine. Fill the engine to the correct level.
600 SRM 3 Troubleshooting
There is noise inside the en- A connecting rod is bent. Repair the engine.
gine. (Cont.)
The valve mechanism does not oper- Repair the valve mechanism.
ate correctly.
There is noise in the engine The spark plugs are dirty. Install new spark plugs.
during acceleration.
The spark plugs are the wrong type. Install the correct spark plugs.
The fuel is the wrong type. Fill the tank with the correct fuel.
There is too much carbon in the com- Clean the cylinder head and pistons.
bustion chamber.
The engine gets too hot. There is not enough coolant in the Fill cooling system with coolant.
cooling system.
The belt for the water pump is worn Adjust drive belts.
or not adjusted correctly.
The cooling system has restrictions. Clean the cooling system parts.
The exhaust system has restrictions. Clean or replace the parts of the ex-
haust system.
The bearings in the engine There is not enough oil in the engine. Fill engine with correct oil.
are damaged.
The oil in the engine is the wrong Fill engine with correct oil.
Troubleshooting 600 SRM 3
The bearings in the engine The connecting rods have damage. Install new connecting rods.
are damaged. (Cont.)
The oil in the engine is dirty. Install a new oil filter and oil.