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TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................ii
LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................1
1.1 Statement of the problem...................................................................................1
1.2. Objectives of the study......................................................................................1
1.3. Significance of the study...................................................................................1
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW.....................................................................3
2.1 Teachers’ feedback............................................................................................3
2.1.1 Definition.........................................................................................................3
2.1.2 The Importance of Feedback...........................................................................4
2.1.4 Modalities of Feedback...................................................................................5
2.1.5 Timing of Feedback.........................................................................................6
2.2 Learners’ attitudes..............................................................................................7
2.2.1 Definition.........................................................................................................7
2.2.2 Learners' desire to receives feedback..............................................................7
2.2.3 The impact of feedback on learners' writing...................................................9
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY.............................................................................12
3.1. Subjects of the study............................................................................................12
3.2. Scope of the study...........................................................................................12
3.3. Research questions..........................................................................................12
3.4. Research method.............................................................................................12
CHAPTER 4 DISCUSSION FINDINGS..................................................................14
4.1 Teachers’ feedback on students' writing..........................................................14
4.1.1 The frequency of teachers’ feedback on students' writing............................14
4.1.2 The type of feedback students typically receive on their writing..................15
4.1.4 Timing of students writing feedback.............................................................17
4.2 Attitudes towards feedback..............................................................................18
4.2.1: Students' feelings when receiving feedback.................................................18
2.2.2. The impact of feedback on learners' writing...............................................20
2.2.3 Students’ preference on receiving feedback..................................................22
5.1. Conclusions.....................................................................................................27
5.2. Recommendations..........................................................................................29
Writing, a critical skill for academic and personal success, thrives on a dynamic
interplay between students effort and effective feedback (Hattie & Timperley, 2007).In
addition to teacher instructions, providing feedback to students will be of great benefit.
For the above reasons, the researcher carries out the “a study on learners'
attitudes towards teachers' feedback on their writing by 10th grade ENGLISH
students at Tran Dai Nghia high school”
The purpose of this study is mainly to find out the EFL learners’ attitude
towards writing corrective feedback. Contributes to the theory of feeback and provides
information for developing effective teaching. Its findings promise practical benefits
for educators who can use it to teach more effectively.
2.1.1 Definition.
Formative and summative feedback are the two primary types that are pertinent
to this investigation. Formative feedback is included into the learning process at every
stage, often in the form of progress checks or draft assignments. According to the
University of South Carolina's Center for Teaching Excellence, it is meant to act as a
compass, helping students in learning how to self-regulate and improve their work in
order to meet the learning objectives. Conversely, summative feedback is usually
given at the end of a unit or following the final assignment. It evaluates the total
mastery of the learning objectives by the learner and frequently results in a grade
(Department of Education and Training Victoria).
- Grammar and mechanics: This includes things like sentences form, appropriate
punctuation use, and subject-verb agreement.
- Vocabulary: Feedback can point out words that are utilized effectively, offer
substitutes or more accurate word choices, and point out terms that are abused.
- Clarity and organization: Teachers may comment on the writing piece's general
structure, paragraph coherence, and logical flow of ideas.
Feedback is an essential tool for directing students' learning and growth in the
educational setting. When a teacher responds to a student's performance in connection
to particular learning objectives, they provide tailored information (Feedback,
Education Endowment Foundation, 2023). This data includes a wider range of
components and goes beyond simple error identification. Descriptive feedback is
effective because it gives students a clear picture of their strengths and concerns in the
specific skill or knowledge area that is being addressed (Sadler, 2010). It is also
practical, giving students concrete recommendations and methods to close the
performance gap between what they are now doing and what is expected of them.
Feedback can be given orally, in the form of explanations or written remarks, or even
by gestural cues.
The significance of feedback originates from its diverse influence on the process
of learning. It helps students become more self-aware by highlighting their strengths
and opportunities for development. Students who possess this understanding are more
equipped to take charge of their education and focus their efforts on improvement.
Furthermore, good feedback encourages students to reflect on their learning methods,
mental processes, and areas in need of development. This is known as metacognition.
Self-reflection encourages a more autonomous and critical attitude to education.
Additionally, thoughtfully crafted feedback can raise students' interest and motivation
levels. Feedback that is interpreted as helpful and practical might motivate people to
make improvements and put in more effort during the learning process. On the other
hand, vague or unfavorable feedback might engender feelings of inadequacy or
dissatisfaction, which may hinder motivation and engagement.
When it comes to writing instruction, instructor feedback is especially crucial for
fostering students' growth as writers. Teachers can use it to help students with things
like organization, clarity, word usage, grammar, mechanics, and content development.
Through the provision of precise and useful criticism, educators may enable students
to hone their writing abilities and find their own voices.
- Corrective Feedback: The goal of corrective feedback is to find and fix flaws in
student work, such as misspellings, grammar faults, or content inaccuracies (Ellis,
2008). By assisting students in identifying and fixing their errors, this kind of feedback
hopes to raise the caliber of their writing.
The timing of feedback transmission is another important component that
influences its effectiveness. Here, we look at the advantages and disadvantages of
instant and delayed feedback.
2.2.1 Definition
Learner attitudes are the feelings, beliefs, and behaviors that students have
toward their learning experiences (McLeod, S. R., 2019). These attitudes represent a
wide range of perspectives, from enthusiasm and motivation to fear and
disengagement. Learners' attitudes have a substantial impact on academic performance
and learning outcomes. Students with positive attitudes are more interested, persistent,
and willing to put forth effort in their studies (Nicol, D. J., & Topping, D. W., 2009).
In contrast, students with negative attitudes may lack motivation, suffer with self-
regulation, and be more vulnerable to academic challenges.
2.2.2 Learners' desire to receive feedback.
Effective feedback is fundamental in nurturing writing proficiency among
learners. However, students exhibit diverse preferences when it comes to receiving
feedback from their teachers. This study endeavors to categorize learners based on
their preferences for feedback modalities, timing, and content. By delineating these
preferences, educators can adeptly address the heterogeneous needs of their students,
thereby fostering amplified writing competence. Many feedbacks that students desire,
such as:
a. Modalities of Feedback
- Audio Feedback: For auditory learners, audio feedback delivered through voice
notes or recorded comments can be a valuable modality (Weaver, 2008). The ability to
listen to the feedback repeatedly can enhance comprehension and retention (Chapelle,
2006). However, the adoption of audio feedback might be hindered by time constraints
for teachers and the need for additional technological resources (Ferris, 2017).
b. Timing of Feedback
c. Content of Feedback
Feedback from English teachers can evoke a range of emotions in learners,
impacting their receptiveness and willingness to engage with the feedback. Here's a
closer look at some common emotional responses:
feedback alongside constructive criticism, and focusing on specific areas for
improvement rather than personal attacks, can help these students develop a more
positive relationship with feedback (Winn & Snyder, 2002).
Students have differing opinions about how useful feedback is for helping them
become better writers. This section examines various views, which range from
skepticism to enthusiastic endorsement:
This study focuses on EFL learners' attitudes toward feedback on their writing
for 10th grade students at Tran Dai Nghia High School.
2. What are the learner's attitudes toward the teacher's feedback on their writing?
The questionnaire was chosen as a means in this study. There are some reasons
for the researcher to decide to use it as a data collection instrument.
Questionnaires provide flexibility for participants (Rea & Parker, 2012). Students
can complete the questionnaire at their own pace and convenience, potentially leading
to a higher participation rate compared to methods requiring them to be present at a
specific time and location. This flexibility is particularly important when considering
the demands on students' schedules within the school environment.
The respondents are asked to tick the response that best corresponds to their
viewpoints on their answers. All the questions are about the perception of the students.
At the end of the stage, all copies were gathered.
The outcomes of the data gathered from questionnaires are reported in this
chapter. It aims to provide responses to the research questions posed in the preceding
section. The detailed results of the questionnaire are shown below. There are two
sections in this chapter:
Feedback from teachers is crucial for students striving to improve their writing
skills. The frequency of feedback reported by students from their English teachers is
detailed in Table 1 below, both in terms of numbers and percentages.
D. Seldom 1 2%
F. Never 0 0
The statistical data illustrates that the vast majority of students, nearly 98% of
them, receive feedback on their work from their English teachers, as depicted in Table
1. Specifically, 62% of students report receiving feedback frequently, indicating
teachers' ongoing involvement in assigning and reviewing assignments. Furthermore,
thirty percent of students report receiving feedback occasionally, underscoring the
necessity of regular evaluations to aid students in their development as writers. While
a small percentage, 6% of students consistently receive feedback from teachers,
signifying an ongoing and comprehensive review process. Finally, just 2% of students
stated they receive feedback infrequently, with none reporting never receiving
feedback. This comprehensive feedback distribution underscores how English teachers
actively foster students' writing abilities.
Number 2 22 15 6 0
Number 1 (Student)
Percentage (%) 4% 44% 30% 12% 0%
Number 0 11 8 6 25
Number 2 (Student)
Percentage (%) 0% 22% 16% 12% 50%
Number 3 22 18 7 0
Number 3 (Student)
Percentage (%) 6% 44% 36% 14% 0%
Number 1 1 2 7 39
Number 4
Intriguingly, directive feedback seems less frequent, with only 22% reporting
receiving it often. This suggests that teachers might prioritize identifying and
correcting errors, along with providing general evaluations, rather than offering
specific suggestions for improvement in every instance. This warrants further
investigation into the potential benefits or drawbacks of this approach.
The table also reveals a potential area for improvement regarding descriptive
feedback. With only a minimal percentage receiving it consistently, teachers might be
prioritizing other forms of feedback initially. This finding underscores the need for
exploring strategies to enhance the use of descriptive feedback, which can provide
students with targeted guidance on specific aspects of their writing that require
Number 1 Number 15 28 5 2 0
Number 6 18 6 19 11
Number 2 (Student)
Percentage (%) 12% 36% 12% 38% 22%
Number 0 0 0 0 50
Number 3 (Student)
Percentage (%) 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%
Table 3: The means that Teacher’s give feedback on students’ writing.
Audio recordings with feedback are the least common method, with all students
(100%) reporting never receiving feedback through this approach. This might be due
to various factors, such as time constraints, student preferences, or the nature of the
feedback being provided. Further exploration of the potential benefits and drawbacks
of audio recordings could be warranted in specific educational
Number 2 4 2 5 37
Number 1 (Student)
Percentage (%) 4% 8% 4% 10% 74%
Number 2 Number 15 22 11 4 2
The data in Table 4 reveals that most students (70%) receive feedback after some
delay, rather than immediately after completing their writing assignments. Here's a
closer look at the findings.
Number 2 8 15 19 6
Number 1 (Student)
Percentage (%) 4% 16% 30% 38% 12%
Number 4 11 22 6 7
Number 2 (Student)
Percentage (%) 8% 22% 44% 12% 14%
Number 0 3 10 18 19
Number 3 (Student)
Percentage (%) 0% 6% 20% 36% 38%
Number 0 0 19 10 21
Number 4 (Student)
Percentage (%) 0% 0% 38% 20% 42%
This table provides insights into students' diverse emotional responses towards
Anxious or Defensive, I Don't Like Receiving Feedback: A considerable portion
of students (42%) admit to feeling anxious or defensive when receiving feedback,
expressing discomfort or resistance towards critiques. Moreover, 38% sometimes
experience these emotions, highlighting the prevalence of negative responses towards
feedback among students.
Enhancing writing skills is a crucial aspect of academic success. One key factor
that can significantly impact this development is receiving feedback on written work.
The chart-explores students’ perceptions on whether feedback helps them become
better writers.
D. Disagree 10 20%
E. Strongly disagree 2 6%
As shown in the chart, there are mixed opinions among students regarding the
value of feedback. While a combined 26% of students strongly agree or agree that
feedback improves their writing, a substantial portion, 40%, remains neutral on the
issue. Additionally, 34% of students expressed some level of disagreement with the
statement, with 4% strongly disagreeing. This data suggests that while some students
clearly recognize the benefits of feedback, others may not be fully convinced of its
effectiveness. It's possible that the way feedback is delivered or the student's prior
experiences with feedback could influence their perception. By understanding these
diverse viewpoints, teachers can explore strategies to make feedback delivery more
engaging and impactful for each student. This could involve providing clear and
specific feedback alongside encouragement and opportunities for students to ask
questions and clarify any misunderstandings.
Effective feedback can be a powerful tool for improving students writing skills.
However, a student's willingness to revise based on that feedback is also crucial. The
chart explores how motivated students feel to revise their writing after receiving
feedback from their teachers.
Number 10 22 15 3 0
Number 1 (Student)
Percentage (%) 20% 44% 30% 6% 0%
Number 2 15 22 8 3
Number 2 (Student)
Percentage (%) 4% 30% 44% 16% 6%
Number 3 8 15 19 5
Nu (Student)
mber 3 Percentag 6% 16% 30% 38% 10%
e (%)
Table 8: Students' preferences for feedback delivery methods
Overall, the data suggests that while written comments remain a popular choice
among students, there is also a substantial preference for verbal feedback, both in class
settings and through audio recordings. Educators should consider incorporating a
variety of feedback modalities to accommodate diverse learning preferences and
optimize students' learning experiences.
b. Timing of Feedback
Number 18 22 6 4 0
Number 1 (Student)
Percentage (%) 36% 44% 12% 8% 0%
Number 4 8 22 14 2
Number 2 (Student)
Percentage (%) 8% 16% 44% 28% 4%
c. Content of Feedback
Feedback plays an important role in guiding students learning and progress. The
table below presents students responses indicating their preferences for feedback
Correctiv Number 10 22 15 3 0
e (Student)
feedback Percentage (%) 20% 44% 30% 6% 0%
Number 19 15 22 6 0
Percentage (%) 18% 30% 44% 12% 0%
Evaluativ Number 8 13 12 15 2
e (Student)
feedback Percentage (%) 16% 26% 24% 30% 4%
Descripti Number 8 19 17 6 0
ve (Student)
feedback Percentage (%) 16% 20% 34% 12% 0%
Finally, for descriptive feedback, the majority of students (70%) strongly agree
or agree with prioritizing descriptive feedback. This suggests a desire for detailed
comments or explanations to provide insight into their strengths and areas for
The general conclusion from the survey results is that the data highlight students'
strong preference for corrective, directive, evaluative, and descriptive feedback.
Educators should consider a balanced combination of these types of feedback to
provide comprehensive guidance and support for students learning and improvement.
In Chapter IV, the results of a study on learners' attitudes towards teachers'
feedback on their writing in a 10th grade English class in Tran Dai Nghia high school.
This chapter reviews what has been done in the study and offers some practical
5.1. Conclusions
The study's preliminary results, which showed that 98% of students reported
receiving feedback, demonstrated the proactive role that English teachers play in
helping their students. This ratio highlights how crucial it is for educators to support
students' writing development by providing helpful criticism and direction. The
manner in which teachers provide feedback to their students and the students' desire
for feedback, however, vary. Instructors should focus more on this in order to spark
students' enthusiasm for studying and help them become better writers.
The first, the types of feedback students receive show a wide range of
expectations, including corrective feedback (44%), evaluative feedback (44%), and
directive feedback (22%). While corrective and evaluative feedback is common,
directive feedback receives less emphasis, which suggests potential areas for
improvement in providing specific instruction to students. While students appreciated
corrective and evaluative feedback, they also expressed a strong desire for specific
suggestions and guidance for improvement. This suggests that teachers can enhance
their feedback practices by incorporating more instructional elements that directly
address areas of development and provide clear direction for improvement.
There are more crucial details to consider under the Means of Sending Feedback.
Written comments on assignments (56%) and verbal feedback in class or one-on-one
meetings (46%) are the two main ways that teachers give feedback. Although students'
desire to hear audio recordings (22%) indicates a possible opportunity to investigate
alternate feedback techniques to satisfy students' diverse interests, it is noteworthy that
audio recordings were rarely employed.
On the other hand, from the effects of feedback on motivation and improving
writing ability, research has shed light on the diverse emotional reactions that students
experience, thereby demonstrating the effects of feedback on motivation and improve
writing ability. While some students feel excited and motivated to improve, others
appear anxious, apathetic, or even anxious. These diverse responses highlight the
importance of fostering a supportive feedback environment that acknowledges and
addresses students' emotional needs. Teachers can create such an environment by
encouraging, celebrating progress, and providing constructive guidance in a tactful and
respectful manner. Survey results indicate that a significant proportion of students'
attitudes when receiving feedback from English teachers about students' writing. The
survey also highlights the challenge of separating students' desire to receive feedback
from how teachers deliver it, which can be devastating for students when receiving
Although the researcher's knowledge is still limited, this study was conducted with the
purpose of studying students' attitudes toward teachers' feedback on writing in 10th grade
English class at Tran Dai Nghia High School. All contributions to improving this article are
highly appreciated.
Despite the limit of the researcher’s knowledge, this study was carried out with
the hope that the purpose of studying students' attitudes toward teachers' feedback on
writing in 10th grade English class at Tran Dai Nghia High School. Any further
comments and contributions to the perfection of this paper are highly appreciated.
5.2. Recommendations
Writing is an important skill for English learners, developed through the dynamic
interaction between students’ effort and effective feedback. In addition to teacher
guidance, providing feedback to students will be of great benefit. Drawing from the
conclusions of the study on students' attitudes toward teacher feedback on their
writing, below are some recommendations to enhance the feedback process and
improve students' writing skills.
First, improve feedback practices. Teachers should try to align their feedback
methods more closely with student expectations. Although corrective and evaluative
feedback is common, there should be an emphasis on directive feedback, which
provides specific guidance and direction for improvement. Integrating instructional
elements into feedback can be beneficial. Providing clear instructions for improvement
along with corrective feedback and assessments can help students better grasp areas
that need growth.
Finally, Promote a supportive feedback environment. Teachers should foster a
supportive feedback environment that recognizes and addresses students' emotional
needs. Celebrating progress, providing constructive guidance, and encouraging
students can help create a positive atmosphere for receiving feedback.
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I am a student majoring in English Pedagogy at Tay Nguyen University. Currently, I
am doing the graduation assignment with the topic " A STUDY ON LEARNERS'
Your comments through this survey will be extremely valuable and important
information for the success of the study.
I assure you that your comments will be used for research purposes only and will be
kept completely confidential.
Thanks for your help!
a. Always
b. Often
c. Sometimes
d. Seldom
f. Never
No Statement Your opinion
1 Corrective feedback
(e.g., grammar
corrections, spelling
2 Directive feedback
(e.g., suggestions for
3 Evaluative feedback
(e.g., overall
assessment of
writing quality)
4 Descriptive feedback
(e.g., specific
comments on
strengths and areas
for improvement)
3. How do you usually receive feedback from your English teachers on your writing?
1 Written comments
on the paper or
2 Verbal feedback
during class or one-
on-one sessions
3 Audio recordings
Question 4: When do you typically receive feedback from your English teachers on
your writing?
1 Immediate
2 Delayed Feedback
Question 5. How do you feel when you receive feedback from your English teachers
on your writing?
Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never
1 Excited and
motivated to make
2 Open to feedback but
sometimes nervous
3 Indifferent, feedback
doesn't impact me
4 Anxious or
defensive, I don't
like receiving
Question 6. Do you believe that receiving feedback helps you become a better writer?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Question 7. How motivated are you to revise and improve your writing based on the
feedback you receive?
a) Very motivated
b) Motivated
c) Somewhat motivated
d) Not very motivated
e) Not motivated at all
Statement Your opinion
1 Immediate
2 Delayed
1 Written comments
on the paper or
2 Verbal feedback
during class or one-
on-one sessions
3 Audio recordings
Question 10. Which feedback content do you prefer to receive?
1 Corrective feedback
(e.g., grammar
corrections, spelling
2 Directive feedback
(e.g., suggestions for
content, organization)
3 Evaluative feedback
(e.g., overall
assessment of writing
4 Descriptive feedback
(e.g., specific
comments on
strengths and areas
for improvement)