Ashwini Kumar Singh v. Sadhna Singh
Ashwini Kumar Singh v. Sadhna Singh
Ashwini Kumar Singh v. Sadhna Singh
Ashwini Kumar Singh, S/o Akhilesh Singh, aged about 27 Years, R/o
Village Ranpurkala, P.O. Sukhri P.S. Gandhinagar, District Sarguja,
Sadhna Singh, W/o Ashwini Singh, aged about 27 Years, R/o Village
Chindiya, P.S. Ramnujnagar, P.O. Shrinagar, District Surajpur,
---- Respondent
filed under Section 13 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (for short, 'the Act,
been dismissed.
wife joined the company of the husband and out of their wedlock, one
marriage, the wife used to visit her maternal home frequently without
busy in peforming duties, it is not possible for him to look after his
parents and old maternal grand-mother (nani) and for this reason, the
wife would often fight with the appellant and never wanted to stay with
him and his family as she often used to go to her maternal home even
after birth of child. It was also put forth by the appellant that because
of behaviour of his wife and looking to his busy in duties, he left his
Global Public School and despite that, the wife took his child without
her maternal home, the appellant is unable to give much time to care
his old maternal grand-mother (nani). It was alleged that since the
and inconvenience. It is also alleged that wife has filed a case against
him under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (for
and further filed a case for maintenance, which act of the wife has
hurt the honour and dignity of the husband in the society. In this way,
his wife always tried to implicate him in a false case to teach him a
lesson and thus he was subjected to mental cruelty by wife and the
decree of divorce.
specifically stated that no cruelty has ever been meted out by her. It is
also specifically stated by her that after marriage, the husband took
marpeet with her husband for which she lodged a report in the Police
used to misbehave and beat her over small petty matters and thinking
parents village, at that time, she was living all alone in village
Ranpurkala. Therefore, she went to the school and took her daughter
not paying any expenses for her maintenance and of her daughter,
live with the husband and to discharge her marital duties, but it was
the husband who made impediments in her marital life and she is still
ready to lead a happy marital life with the husband. Therefore, it was
4. On the basis of the averments made by the parties, the issues were
Family Court decided all the issues in negative and dismissed the suit
5. Learned counsel for the appellant / husband would submit that the
record. He would further submit that the wife was harassing the
act of cruelty on many times and this apart, the wife also tried to
Appeal No.1339 of 2022 [@SLP (C) No.22667 of 2019] & Dr. N.G.
6. Per contra, learned counsel for the respondent / wife would submit
that the appellant / husband used to quarrel with her, his behaviour
towards her was cruel and he always created hindrances in her life
because of which she was not able to perform her marital obligations
members ousted her from the matrimonial home without any rhyme or
his Office in person and expressed her desire to live with the
was also ready to discharge her marital duties. Hence, the impugned
judgment and decree passed by the Family Court are well merited,
7. We have heard learned counsel for the parties and perused the
record carefully.
8. Admittedly, these facts are not in dispute that the marriage between
wedlock, one female child was born. The appellant / husband filed a
cruelty. In order to deal with the desertion and cruelty, PW-1 Husband
has stated that after marriage, he brought his wife to the house
situated at village Ranpurkala where she used to say that she did not
Neutral Citation
servant and then started quarreling with him and his family members.
He has further stated that after delivery of a female child, the wife
during her stay also, she had quarrels with his family members and
one fine morning, she left Ranpurkala village. Thereafter, his foster
father- Nigam Mishra persuaded her and took her back to Ranpurkala
village where she stayed for a period of 3-4 months, at that time also,
she did not take care of his family members and on being asked
about the same, she replied that she is not a servant and would not
like to stay at Ranpurkala and in turn, she asked him to stay with him
threatened him. It is also stated by him that his cousin told him that
about a week, his wife, leaving her daughter, went away to her
maternal home and did not come to his house again. Further, he has
stated that he had gone to her maternal home in December, 2014 and
has stated that after delivery of her daughter, she stayed with him for
a period of two months and on the contrary, he has further stated that
after passing of six months, she has returned to his home. He has
admitted in para 10 that he used to say to his wife to take care and to
Neutral Citation
would marry again with another girl. PW-2 Nirmala Singh, mother of
she has stated that after delivery of child, the wife remained with her
for a period of two and half months and thereafter she left for
maternal house leaving the two and half months infant. She has
further admitted that till the time the respondent was in her house,
she had offered food to her and on the contrary, she has further
stated that the respondent-wife did not give food on time and in turn
respondent-wife used to say that she is not her maid whenever this
blessed with one female child, are not in dispute. She has specifically
for divorce from her, despite there being no dispute between them.
therefore, she has been living in her maternal house for the last five
with her as per his choice, but his mother-in-law wants to get him
taunting her that she wanted a male child and not a female child. She
admitted that she was staying in Ranpurkala for a period of five years
admitted that she used to take proper care of the family members of
the husband even in his absence. She has spontaneously stated that
ousted her from the house. In para 10, she has admitted that
husband himself has made a demand of Rs.5 lakh and if his demand
is fulfilled, then he would not marry another girl and further stated that
she did not want to escalate the dispute, but wanted to live with her
her husband never ousted her. In para 15, she has stated that she
stayed in Ranpurkala for 7-8 months during the year 2017 to 2019.
She has further stated that she used to take money from husband for
educating her child, whereas her parents used to bear her expenses.
used to talk to a girl over mobile phone and for this reason, dispute
used to come to her matrimonial home even while she was staying at
her maternal home. She has also admitted that respondent-wife lived in
and has stated that due to birth of female child, the mother of husband
Neutral Citation
(PW-2) got annoyed and used to ask respondent-wife to leave her son
12. The husband sought decree of divorce on the grounds of cruelty and
Pandey v. Prem Chandra Pandey, (2002) 2 SCC 73, has observed thus
in paras 6 and 9 :
13. In Smt. Rohini Kumari Vs. Narendra Singh {AIR 1972 SC 459}, the
Supreme Court held that desertion does not imply only a separate
14. The Supreme Court, in the matter of Debananda Tamuli (supra) has
15. Considering the facts of the present case in light of the aforesaid
appellant used to refuse and never took her along with him on one
it appears that the husband got married with the respondent-wife only to
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serve his family members as maid servant. It also appears from perusal
his cousin told him that his wife forced him (cousin brother) to maintain
allegation. In fact, the allegations leveled by him are omnibus and there
cogent and reliable evidence. On the other hand, from perusal of the
him. It is also evident from her evidence that even in absence of her
husband, she never lost the opportunity in properly looking after his
the evidence of DW-2 Archana Singh and DW-3 Smt. Rinku Singh, who
have engaged in talking with another girl over mobile phone and that
ousted from her matrimonial home. It is manifest from their (DW-2 &
her to serve his family members with proper care. It also appears from
perusal of above evidence that even after dispute ensued between the
relations with husband and his family members and some times at the
quarrels with the wife and ultimately, she has been ousted from her
16. It is very natural and rightful demand of the wife from her husband to
keep her along with him. The appellant-husband herein, from the very
beginning, not accepted any such genuine request of the wife and
always used to treat her as a chattel and thought that she is bound to
live in such a place where he wants to keep her. It is a well settled that
in the matrimonial house, the wife should not be treated as hired chattel
divorce was sought for have not been proved by the appellant-husband.
17. Having gone through the judgments relied upon by learned counsel
for the appellant / husband and the principles of law laid down therein,
in the given facts and circumstances of the present case, the aforesaid
appellant / husband.
18. Being so, the finding arrived at by the learned Family Court rejecting
19. In the result, the appeal filed by the appellant-husband being without
Sd/- Sd/-
(Goutam Bhaduri) (Radhakishan Agrawal)
Judge Judge
Akhilesh / Anjani
Neutral Citation